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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1877, p. 3

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"gjM I oZmno u - sthe faotiy of home in Tmpsson. 1a i e o i3 g f5,U go a izi t h è wrfting a vory .ntertéanng booki, mad wokn in t atob Iaitosy &ÃŽutatm IlEcUth ILye" Io one of ber béat tories, fsomnbar brothot. 'wvu"UM 4 sftbaotivo. 'i-Walolma, SiB. John. Standard Bank*of Canada. I 2ý7 4 , aoipU* iiv "Tihe style il, se Banal, mVfl jsIint -f efr11 ir:t=# Md * .bu P 0d pnr.,i with the reut of' hep Thé.snnai Meeting 0othe .sharo. ; wka-thiLbook-Ia cbîraoterlz.d by a boldors of tbis bank was hol4a ed. w Triaï in-- UWAU Whltby, July 4th, 1877. to # throug zout "-Toron . 4 ' uly 1" th-. u O M OÏ, B týOd P t1 W Z soleW It~ y .im W. D LL5Chnc Acaniance, caros a theafoo. epr aZi" j"î el'1 oana."tnllouawth "One drsthér"daumIttodtn. Sunmor," and '." Bbe."0dmeeting towu onigna -B ola70, thlda b the bankLAF houa.c sjrrOe~sOzs " Tn e.w rl tln a tW M I am D . HoW ella *-à @ dsycfl4y , iW , Y 8 i , 7 na m terp i îce s o f i tera ry w erl< T o ro n to , o n M E E T I N G . . F A 1 . " S « shp.réemlig heproduots cl: tics. ahrsioMg te fc ubmto6 i the SPECIÂL MEIG ouriclng artificcra Whio addýOor 0VtwVO of thebusiness01th cf rthé T IUESIMAIT T BOUO A tiiouoand par cout. btoii.value cf the eandiàg 80th Zuno, 1877, and teho. .r a st. t eBjnsssion, tePaSI. raw naterlal by thbeir Iacmparable oes t 03MOigte rvlnt b iec h a n fà b0 i & o oku irpo What tbby are cozumrolaldurosbnii. ý Irchth.ai.s t -asrlptlaan,heosaargot. Moi acl. dobm.d î tho ill beSIEOIAL tM4EETtNfl tes Mad émotion$s are la oxqulsite bar. , îwam fonnd noce ,021 ai.mouheaobr c i IméCuc mon>' witb h others andi uiteé1 t f l. nui dVîd f Onhbeocith» b.it Cunlc iftc .uy an& Surcre o i.d nsclvenj &0 duc duýe tic. euteofte 5@ i ab ccoua COURT HOUBE, WHITBY, F 5 CE NTiS8 uC* 9tho igla fldc f bins tyle . nake use of ltheamnn~ #0oç - thercubu blndsdwlthLiaobseva. ouzt lat ya tupont ginet Kb. bahotughur andne, týbuis observa- apacl-10entngai e.' DNEB',DAY, Ise AUG US ', 1877, tien, fanoy Irnagatt-in, buste, and icotiable ;obust ait ta4 tim9 0101a041o' P.eci, ..'r-, l1" s e , th at it acernit6 e scap e from iz n lo s a.' c i a i , ,1 ~ m n~I I ~ T ) \ \ r 'in ligbt, domuri, ava lementflashes .Tiihe> arti, . 7o Ln ratlier han la tallberate efforts Ibo b. ilaîtnatto OV1 , the easod1 Ibrny. Ho bas revivil lu»mrne d. be thaeeucf le oafi a profité, "LD SEWZNG IAElE ras l.olst it 0f AtidianuGoldsmith ea ne bnerýdec. , ater ayhd aIn sd Irving. Nobody e rne'wt twdvln a a o tig 10 six épu d.m ade good as new J H .( a 1 a d I sp e et wreta but e uni. *o ,1G5.75 amntIi. -ret fpofsitxsudr lauhtein éaIn Ybmi. holve1en.,ad carry forvar theus Ouet atB RSonable Prices. obta Lave excke lletIn4 thle power 1080acceunt, wlth vhich tiiey e~pect XR.lm. IOHNs, j,78U1 ncll fo unseoal, aoby a tmagie lit hoe. 10 abe10 beg[n s- a Bmrvea ii b nara.h'8M secraItiterier ipringi of merrimet1 e-at Mbne Bm ext yaar. thi re ehrep auri duoaS onLntis e;7he whilclzgeurally sole thae seul vithetnt The Directoire have coztnu@, $efr iugka< p ons, ou i dxandi iimt. Uy. Soe tlwy croatec by au>' exterler bursts cf f e L bank, Ménagecenlatsun!L AEAiS laugtor Db."Voatin Lle,""Ill eeting bhave atWsAaîorlgy cleseiltwo OmSainirand ti Uing ac mpeurluzuJune 27the 1877. ~ Jeuruey," "Sublnrban' Skoehie moesof the bBi'sagzzKe, iz, hlby Blentitîrd "Ticir Wedtilng Jo:Wn3ma &ks Ë=01vzW IB D ey ," , ' AC an ce A q u a in ta n c , " a n d jil O m aa w6 iJIc h h ey W h itb y , j u ly 8 th , 677, 0IB O R . T , W I B "AFrgn uiot rft d nuh1 kathe proseceeof thisde»onsî' umorou. The. vancu a ocfloes rn the bauk N E W AÀ D V E R f' I S E M E, N T S5 N E W A. 1 ~"ISEMENT ilemout, penotratlug bhie pleturesque hv encr i npccat __________________________________ dascriptions cf sosnery, as vo» as re. hfe ni1 beu cooru n$tder and Eliel ISE - NTS olud Perceptions f character anti ploae. Board Lave'à ns r ; a n d th e log narratives o cidentsepbs e asr dte akhv zcare HK O I G !F I L L S E sud elaborate, clelberate lzoplicit>',. Istherhstisactio W RHn. GF R -1 A8 E marksd net cul bir felicities of diction, THOS. N. GIBBS-- bat by tie continuaI overight of an-ex. Peiet sctbng taste, Iudeed tie $tory>RoisSTANDARD 3NC70 that ien, au ediler ef The MiantD BNKOF CANADA, MonihYZ, ho ncuredthi ro f a ro. B8TS JUNE, 1877. v . i E UA L~~E A E S E I G T E jected contributor, the latter ivas cou. PW H IT E ANn LOîîTeAOCOU>rNG. t scled b>' th. rsmarlc cf Hovcllo,, lia I aace of Profit andi Loos se- ltafrequsntly rejacteti Lis. cvn contri. count carrieti forvarti freinar e netstiaf Lis austtre editor-ial udg Juca, 187, altr deducting -0r,- man P. W.P. le, (n(ho t texpertses, bteraut, & .19g~ Cnturg of elet.t rqn i. 'e have receiveda Car Load of Prime S Y I H G O S I O N Hoele .)-RoirWzes autg o o4,Wh7S Y ISR G O S N T W H ea- l W )2 LaEr Ad4lng f 4f Dividenti No. 9, pali Sud Jan-. 8 cblan"OAcua Buuuuer,'aet."eln'aj n o. u7,8, ..payable 503 o hteOl, Sud0cet' m e 0 witan"One qubnne," ad ëet nlto Diied No.........1payablehie u, oly80cetsI perial ItS the GoodS and the Oheapnes8 Of thein that does it! 1 Bflll," Clt, e1; floardis, 75o. JuRy, 1877 ....... ........ .15, M 50 it orcent. on -W e are anXiouS to el Our Stock without Reserve.ý Our decrbig n eatiullanguige cana. coaeu n I..-.r ... 801il difianucouery froni Ni& Q 0eBe. alance 0,iaifrvri 1.56 76 laa novQe, '1alno14glon i cs.Bushrm rlad an "The star>' bu veli toft Weihavetiauîa imported fomEngland, ad Ou tie va>' ara, delicae and aly 841,9W6 87 Sctad n h United States, bosides a large suppiy o Candan b oketoheti, and the, plan oith tlo Ir>' bu GÈERÀI-STATILMENXT. foue fayoe' Rgo, n nb C "Egecfdap anr- rlaver anti piquant,"-se, JOhn Watoh.Iufcurta f n Oes BggdL n o hezdg f epar. *#a.Notes cf taie bankin bucircula. ESEATS >"MNr. Hovrll nowa ole do dscribe tion ........ ........... 0287,211 00 [R E T T O S C [A . iIhmh ri on rcuI>,le'eugleohda AN wbAtîhoaoses, en that lie combines gen. Depoalîs bearing intorest0... 885 25 2. OT - WAinte's .kSissm lses;orGoS 3i (3e.. Priter' inksuit sone clsses Good cia amusement wvilavaluable infor. De at e eai nee 187,7M5 14 <.a>'For , , *, nceuycprthe.,;&o., &ce lnatie."l-mo,1i Forest ~Exammnres duea terbanik. H"mK, Xks ~"'& very LÀING & sonH In 0ania,ý ............. 8,989,61 st .Hwd<3 --One Siliamoa,-, Besivafo nterest due te L IN.S E AR . a c t ued es, 13~oards, oni drpl:o,îo,......5,811 07 _____________________________ Cao eAcqraladtinÏ u5 y,1TotaIl labilitbes to th. publie.. 769.642 07 ffAc ', A qu mcepan "Hel nls Cap..u% ........r0 ,7 00 W DMgtLun amed ......... 20858 HE A 1RD W A IlE. IN EA R S yo l'Thuis aoi>' Io dolighlfuily vrittcn.".... Dlvdand No. 8, payable Sud bUOtt aound Time. ,8.. -refit....ant.loa.uo 5,2950F N E A R T Sor Eat Whjtby Ceuncil. ceunIieti oCara 6 arties building are requested to cail :0w 01,292,989 c8 and SeeoOur Large Stock of Door Lcs Butts, Hinges,GIT..r--w Connoil Chambers, Columb~us, &c. he bes qualty ofTut a rr, &c Morclm e O' a nzVe bero al Spece .............. 89,«2091 & hL o a prosut. lèý- n tie chair. Minutes Ntso anti choques on other 0 - o atmeeting raid anti approvea , dur banks........... 88,825 55 Cc=mnicatiôn. were recalysti frein lalauces due freux otie r Torontoleue uîsitloating lths 3batiks luIncanada .........27,2547 P IND PITU R E W eool om tilmnita lalaure due frein forelgu SPLEN DID PICTUNDBE1,J, W. Scboioid, foni ~Lî munbeiaîiî aents .................1797 56 PAIN TS AND OIL LfLke.aenlamo ntnthbstty. -.hati been aditeflias a patient ; from Aguets lmneialîy available.. 174,579 49 ieLk-aninam e Blier P. L. 8, bc requireai le urvy te 0ooratbns........... 88,800 Oc DIRECT FROM ENGLAND.t lots a ltIhe rd cou;1frinalr.Bost ae (oliar than batik 1..e ul eur. esrve n hebs oa cniteo, Notes,9andNTbihaeerecevd diectfrm ngan, e eouchera in the United States. I feci confident tual I eau huru Oct ~olnted te examine fmb roati difflecîty anti currant ............1,0s8,510 W aer15 ddrctfo nlad okequal, (if net superier,) te muylbing ever bLoe.made ini Ibis country. Olween bts 4 sud 5 13, F.e recommend?' Notes anti bilis overdue Egls anBoedO, Genuine EgihWhite ~ CL N E YWR.__C lng iltthéLecorporation Rive Mý. Droweourd..............4,682 50 ng2rsh aintADoied QMy Englis sein inlieu cf yul lhe présent traveli. ldereti goodj ..........56LaM&.,Gas uty an4e7 ocep i ec ed raond lakea front hlm, aImo -el e Oflaae s au nafuruture.... 18,500W Ocre ____t nset h G ]ery bi c the r em mjining hall are, D'ant la i 129 , 8 68 t B u y o r M a c h in e 0 1 1 fo0i e P o o i t e L a in t t s e ft e D m n o - the present travoliet ruait romain au il iePoo fteLain ttge fteDm XIO 1 1 r O X t e e e v , h ai m h of3 - L . B R D I R ig h t H O U.ti. fr J o h n bM c d e n m d , lI o n . T . N . G ib b u a., a n i f H e v . tcornmittee, appôinted tao xamine Alr on osrvto sh %ie. HATCH & B RO, - Her NCiann, ae-v. iMr. umirA , au a a'gc.nso.sau-a tro aclia u s lot d anti 1 aing tit, Ateie bs v atiobe dolti anAti Perils cf luexperlence. John Sl2kdo act as Scrutinesr. Jbut jvda rshsppycfEg TIi. Serulineoni presenîcaitheLeli- will offer at such prices as will effeot a speedy Choice Millfinery, ParslAe DANT AnyetwjWLE JOlynNEtING STAXDAUD BArNK, clearance. S lie rs od PRIOU CHICAGO Te MBssÂCEuszmrs. Toronto, li Jol>', 1877.y1 ABoston gentleman, vite leit Chic- J. L. flucIEm, E5Q.,__________________________________ ---m ine Drss GOOds, ugo on lias Salurda>' mOring train, Caîir:;9,G en dns talla hiefolowiug ourlons anti interamî. s îL-e h ne sige crutin.-_NEW_______________________NEWL inen S itim er G renai nes.jl lng slry:"Shortlv aller ltie train ces, poinWe, ute nternol MetNEW Y R IB~TS E _D IEEENT86 Our Stock of Summe ooaiscm itinteti a Yengiladynameti Emma sofrh, uppeîcti aI ticGhnle tng LIVER POOL, LONDONDERRY, IM GRAT n NTON O>' TM Lebuxan, vie vas travelling te hornkf hiCsanaoda, a cf tiotda d LAGOREAT e n ve de~artmet M Linen- and Lustre Cas homte -iu Tompîcten, Mass., atîrmcti herehy déclare lte folboving gaten *- ss Mns and SBowA. BakcfCnts oî Iis m oGASOW wIitesteBos' Ys' trwHatS, ,.Col-5P ctiste able attention b' i en stranga dm1>' ci d D i r s fer li e c u ing A L L L 1 N a il f ip i i be b ov io r. N e yer ai a g Jeu nn ay o ti y e a r - -'i g M c h n s 1 O r G r c r i d w i t - h ï ,#oe brnac einessti coma HON. T. N. GIBBS, M. P., OA RYL AINL EASIPNEnnttn ahie. lèixoy b ut rsoilghe esi y nVer>' Simple-A cui c a use hem. gugars, Teas, Tobaccos, and Cheap Fruits. W ib saribI>', hioi drev the attention of W. F. COWAN, EsQ., EeySaudyfroma Quebec WAL N SR EM l y two Young mou lero,vWho vebuniteer. A. T. TODD, Esq., . *L ANDillinerINySE idhI ovc, nicaircomn. W. P. ALItEN, EsQ., on arrivai oet le train leaving Toronto MFer Ual Tailmakn a fifg différent roules lie>' ump»icalat G. D. MORTON, EsQ., M. D. r ahtes8a. l ear>s' Frics>', erEmoi Boo retEEAP i tnban Taforing te Order. 'nattera It sncb s togrea lItIbefone B . .JAMIESON, ESQ., ~ aa lasa 0 tb'a> hrEpruBokSreWib' reclIIh u Malie sensitive girl a FIIEDERICK WYLD,. ESQ. firs4lcis Ulnes. *80 L. FÀIRBAIIXS. an cut fihtn(i v as inlu vitent -Monavian.C" ...........J.ly Sethi, sh olanvrrahTain-JNO. STARK, .................----An uaut dlii. DR. Wu. GRAY'8 SPEOIFIO LIEDJINE. sudi loft tie train. Tic min wvie ly-claototi Board, lhe Hon. T. N. Gibbîsu ad London ssane s~~Tse ra advioe Lad not bacc laken lien cnaii p. a elcit rudusd Partieasvlilug le senti for Iecnrends ue th te ntéladym praience of ry. W. FP. Cevan, Exeq., VioFresidrut, Fortios and turlaer Inomiaticu apply ' ynaurs5 nd 77 Yongeý te fâD ,to ionbe, wvibItiuducoti hon b>'aunuanimous vote.7tea-treet, cm8t0D1r (rom Kln7g Street, Toronto, C L îLrtuntote train. SIteva labour. J. L- BRODIE, eWYCME ________________________ ad &p.Exp. anti Tal.Office «7 mmAND UÃ"ÉT-- eh Pearedoti teb emporanily insane. As _______________-W lty &deki utCahe.W ou eos e-0H1.LD R Lit s 1 ABDI RzR 1AON tbe train meyed 0àl cf Rochester, vili. - ilb>, ul ' 51, 876AT0Rui>'ani os-as rsuh E nduoe4ns et a vend uho rnontulon th plîfonn Notioc, cof Binihe, Marniageo, _______________ xum;lor evrn e Ia rmi sd urRER acte~ PTR "'IdlJcwped itf. The traits a ss"sîon. < Daite ch -' W onteea . . FA FORSAEt wSm "u li b uueiý u TOle wodvarc, ed, ad mis vase vetuken by te rail B HT Ho sicactiuoiers rhb mvfousaleo F15,#gm acaeo roat offcialusotndInduceci te neluru. . lng 2j am. e trti, te., oappbn 01idedb5 ier sulbacqneut a0tions, tie BLAIB.-Ou hie1 hiOt UI.,lb. vie :H COE heMle o valci Ler. Acf J. B. Blar, Esq., aooun anti JHNCOPE tird cia gentlemn, b o n lite mat. Revenue 'D meleuntaUt c, f a «i.~ ais explaineovoluntooroetti laoetî Lodo, -- - I.I .O OILS, E;' ED -A T->:4 -I S COALI -GOALPI! (OPPOSIT T POST OFFICE.) IOOeMn large q yoPl nd . n .BOOyp 4ND S OJOHN BLOW.2 NEW GOOD8 OONSTAN4TLYe AfRIVNGO. YFARM OF BEST AMERICAN RUBBER GOODS ON RAND. 170 0CI?,Emis C*ents' OaiffBoots und Shees, lhe fincst sud Mostldurable mate-in tie FOR SALE, IN BROOK, ceunr>'. I9w Ladies' stiperior goodu in Prunelia itbatflat a nw- ce Ria and Goal, (a speclui >. flia Bo beui bandeh Ilh flo 7 Ai es Whcutnru lllh ant che pusî are rcqurea, ce» n. ýà&th bal f fLot No. 8, in thie VIR ocu. cf whendurailit andcheaneésare oquiea' 811 n- wnmbip ef Brook. Onu tae sautai hail Old No 1,oC cf'. Sthersla&bout 2M acres cf beauhiful OdN.1,Ceap for Os h. uiarîvooti bushi, neyer runati.; anti on No. 7-aboutS acres 'et gooti cedar; laiera is a BURNS, B3rock street, WThitbIY. we 'u"' a VbltbY, MAY' 26tb, 1877,. l2z beauhlfelly stitti, 8 mles freinSunder- taiero ls a agooti market, hua a nidefreux Vroeniantoýncvenfent te sohocis anti chuce.- ~~farn oin utaieiguiet ulate cf coltivatien, andi va» vaterei. Taie E. J, JO.H N S ON - situtin iea ia~ il For terngsanti pariculax applyte taie .1 announcung the continuance of the prupflateronN. buèiues lately caruied on by TILL & -JOHN SON, as Juie 22,1877. -2 "'abiniet Makers., and Undertkr, *NWYH ?y himiselfi begs to- solicit also a, con- SNE nluance cf the $bera patronage heretoSINbGERwd po te &i M .s E w i N a Hle has now -on hand, an Excellent 1AHIS tock, comprising Sideboards, Centro* Tables, Whatnots,MAHNS [ail Stands, Sofas, Parler and, Bedroom ýaitS, all of uperior workmanship, and cf the 'very best material, O ATT U Picture fraining very -cheap. Ail A1MTOCIS dors oxecuted with promptitude and despatch. 'SpecialSE 1Z *MA HN bention te the upholstering brandi. gir A handsome SWN M CIE ill appointed Hearso-Funorals fully s-upplied. ATTACHMENTS, NEEDLES, THREAD, &c., PI5HING- tity, ay71b 157.E. J. iJOHfNS4QNr. -ACKLE, RODS, ETC., 20 -oRY in, 1e7. - L.- FAIRBANKS, 4ME8 GOOD-FELLO-W C o, Sowing M achre Emporiumn, - A mu-BR STAM CITY 0F TORONTO Leavea foot ceTYonge-mt., Toronto, dm117 at 7 a. mi., roeches Nlagan at 9:80 a. me anti Levlston at -10i. m. Direct connections for thie Pill, Bufflo, Cleveland,, Rechester, New York, Bostao, &c. Tickets anti aili iformation aIS8 Pront-st. But, Toronte. fi. MILLOY, Ma>' 141h, 1877. gorset N WBUýtOHE B SHOP luhabitantos-o i the , I>' h ie n vicintyi hat e peneti a -ni71HE - S'HO0P CROSSBY'STORE, Dundau-St,, * oa.rrz in Y's RoTman) ,Whero aie viiikeep Constanl> On a a - BEE, gotiaifortment o LAME,_ VEAL, MTJTTON, A eaUla îs olicllei. 4c9X&. * - A. PRINGLE, Jr. WtYby' May' 151h, 1877. 2 F OR $ALBI - DR. FOOTE'S RESIDENCE, "FOREST PAIRK.", ForcmaIo 4 acres cf LanA. Orcharti- îiitains Apple, Pear, and Plum Trees, lu ted beug. Ge Qo tîi de Buildings. TERMS LIBRAL Brookblu, 4th tily>, 1877.h-B 0-T I C E himuc'ys, ]3urners, Wicks, Chandel- iers, Stoves, -Burinig Fluid, ]Rock Ou, Wooden Ware. hilclren's -Carriàçes CLOTHES-WRINGERS _'AND',GENE.RAL OUS5E FURNISHIN 1GS. Yonge-St, two doon~ from K/n g, -TORONTO. l10t, 1877. 12m-22 A NN ED GOO 0D S )matoes....12 1 cents. Cern.............1 cents. herrios..-,5 cents., Co've Oysters ...15Ã"ents. ise, Currants, Poaches, Apples,--Strawber-ries Rapber- ries, Fine Apples, &c., &c-1 cnts peu Pot. -Uarma.lade, Dundee, - ï Bulke lish Pickles, 15J cents. A Good Japan Tea, 25 cents. Co:ffeo, -25 cents. prunes, 7 cents. Iti fou Carlin g1'sAle, $1.25 per Dozon. Molson's Aie' c 9)0 cets perDozen. Dimmond Whuskey, a fine Brand. Goea Malt and Hyo, $1.50e per Gallon. 's (a choice oleotion), Blas, Giadfiolus, Oxbi, Tuberoses, Vogct. Rble Seaulun Buik, Tnrnip, Carrt, anti Mange oeda, Lavia Grass '0 Beetis, Convoil'vulus Sedi;asînnahicu Beo. 'R CENT OFF FOR CASH ON A-LI; GOO D'S 'R. I. 'J AJI! S'ON P Y, Maî1t' lt,1877.' 21 Jl ALARGIE .A"D -OHOIOE , LOT d1 - 0OTR AýND TWEED-S JUST TO IIAND, AT v a-58 -

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