Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1877, p. 2

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W ,.-aan £Koce. T amas Holden, tisan Oo. 4wo tioe.--Fac Weil na le ioadl n aspecii a m ne..Ëewut ok 1ou alo s ir u polira Win th igpronl.-.E. Front. ton f btbY-08anda indeW£ýib an aWand.,taébu 1equ OrtaihsWaued-Y. Gibson, 8.e'y. 1. alecmpuishmeut of this - ' J 1 he, statue, WMê the - «M on saterprise. Many t lut ialriF.c pnylvia sba uln n n 'ters Tfthé h' O i Ji h,., uasud in @Om o po ticia o&I4i~ H~I]FIO.i.av.a i d ptbers]l'ave droppea out aam in aiforce, saint Vuvus , .&uu.., cQrtfiOtéýý1, ndertaldng, which muet bave cosl cf Pernsylvanla nisiters look tW be in Barly nW d..-j. Me dia j'lm marxy au auxious thonghî, crown. a cii ciais. tý-At Pilluton arn engirre Alun ino-Uco. ide.W1111 SueO"«-. Wbitby b"ýu j and otb*r railroad propcrly waa dé- ÂlUint4 aa- reon0,edpcu Esowrt troyed, ana lbhemb.pment of eGbiy. citizen. Lrat neinduige trope that thePenny ralaaeeil.> homày leIn prd ml n At sorartonwork ihmsaghaien tiroir fuins.. tirh ril fbi u rour d, toug mucir dIstrai amoflg g.a eas xpanlure ofbid lo w a he l.poor; thc minersaitWilkesbarre, silU ýlook J hsr fcl ée nniiteg2,OOIav rch frna u uax a uabof re 01ato ohrawaVy Oaren.M 01twcnty-live per ceat. in their wage. ONL-Y Si jo pESR A1NU M=irogruMUmUUe1agl < b lese 1eooos 510. aoun1~r of Otarlojothe ontiamrikc, buk-<orwbat, tlrey liem. WhîyTurdyAgt , 87;< tt. cunnctud salves badly lac,. on. aIl tira orti ern lissa work l baaaben anmad, How£ oau.mmn, WAI O&Xv=y M au matgu. cf fe£&,. bve e AUîer Twenîy-five y4gas Nm1n...nô*Sanraybaveioaa atibutinl slUd ThuIS,55 ay utwas a day of wbiei aillc i rintr layaa>a8rFrueHck nteOag Wilb rirneto felprend. it cf Wilson à Dàvie fer aur honr'odrive SrQuecaHicsionteýrag wg'lleaael.lie acaowpilsbment of lire axonnd thre ciy. The maenet rilnrn. ,QrQwniaîagenterprise of raiîvay Coon. »Kcnqnirlss wero iaje aud it W&. A long letier on lirao rahirgqueaticrr eaunicatlon betwesrr tirs county towa dimaOered lirai bhobncimaie oàfWU hby Bir Prncis fliaks4 bas beasa made3 ot Outarlo maud tire p-cal orthern lire horse and buggy ma itirat a voara ule a b*1i lc aaypr coutry ritera polugel srugle f aeoPanied hire. Tihé pair ¶erc fol- tion tif bis lutter, bow Catholios have a qulavter cf naeulnry. Tire -railway, ioW640leCebOrWgLy the livery zain aiways lookail upon Orangemen an lhirih thre opelng cf whicir waa' eelebroited butthllo asil tr.c f tIbat*M îm. oppressera, and tiren writes cf thre iatrc- ri ontint daY, la net mreai a lino b.e. Tire proprietoroftlheliveetîhenook the dnotioa cf Oranaismm toCanada. Ia twon WuIL>y d Lndny, but$,cu,. tèfri:trc chu teUg OfIT LWhitby, lkfia commenting on lirejutlai 1011la Mon. zrotei tth a, trpoint wfth tevie. descriptionucf tire rig with OhiafCýon. Ic, re s srb torta rond, gives a eontinaôns direct stable ]ryan. Tire Chief worked tiCaarlian Orangemea n l n I rent tiirt mies arIai-bae b l.-np ho age, cllsovcring irai a rig more timid cfeebramihg thc aasiver. B mannt-to ibu extanâdcoI b alib4rton, answering tire description of' th. iWYuàrY> Iu Moalreal 4h=ane UicshmOrange- p tweaiy-tWeo miles tarther ou, nazi yersar alpae hog ti lcmca le Dublin, Cork, Limerick, or J. stIl bilpseiih.« h1 lcWaierfor-d. i wouid anasily savisa -s'a Utthnac]tely e srotlir baek 1te gonag Westlai lrfunuby aftcrnoou, and ail Protestants, but cspalUy tira Pro- il tir a Mttrwan tirrugir a new tcrritory information rsosfred froin Liverpool ioulant elergy of Moatreal, viremuti 'wltira veaiti t a-cf ros ces lu minerais, Mlarkiet informed Ibit tiraitirhe rlg hed 'axereisa a lag ilelu ver tirir snd lire products et tire iId s'na thre gone on for Toronto. M1r. Bryau bnOà]ôlerl4nâthe f1: e.io c foroît,40, Van qud abndsut & 10Orangelogrbralionsinfoamaionircai. D4 a ised ternd Ilevri aa nuatnt r ceralalbsnrrrinbTct>am t ât ra iese-can cnly bu observ. lc tnyn il esirurtioe. Tire projoci of andi witin an heur tihe boeia.thlef *assa e ucesfuly wilh tbe aid cf straugere W aratIWAY friro WbitbY to e 'er-ian a capture. ObIef Constable Bryale from OnteAie cibles. Comrnnsne A. 41,Yhadbeé agtatl lng b&retheý dllevlig ora lrgeamost d aaOCristian clrarity aboulat taeb those i Irmybncibea aRiatec log b fore h heerve ~ar Mg a nunwOhpre-ho arc aunions tb observa 1h. daty to1 oirgaumgation ot Ontarie as aà soparate frte lvr anrl lih h o -tle raplaces iaePosatsra e couty Fom ir lme of tira coule. workcd ar tire case, andi cansed the l' ic h majorlly, as ona cf Iheir number G,1 ment of tir, (Jearr i ettitn, bànd tiree rrentof the unief. went 10 Toronto. I regret vary mnch Ti location cf tire cotty teioWn, a rairoad te ild thai au opinion prevails amcng Ri tu tire ' irnie itaibeau tire oeeprorni. ]IXCURSrION-..I1TBY To LND R oman Cathliicalirai thre protestant an laet -t"slô heoroth raepaer Attention je direceteui te tire aulvertle. colergy are lustncoeo in tiroir eopposition cti ela rIrseirat'pu tne i rer caEr, ment of firaI excursion cf tire Wiitby tsaecessinagî attuer u h eel R. 'Ileuesu 0ni ubli ealgs inuamor te ra ne iprecsaes, anti IaItey Mc rial cîygeverring tir ec Pire Bri a at Odafellowe, Baud te cenvInvi à lo nt tire casa, but I mustIRH ofuruucie çunilet ura-f hLidsay ts, , Og n tire civie confées tirat I doubi whether they have Mi in at" 0 oliaytil@ ùy (lltBdeveir exerteil uheir ifuneagainsi TM gtilr te,,li. rips nortirug Therared e (Tlrumsday1.,50.thern ln the anme zeal tirai bbey bave M. grera.urrta.pje o!a rulay irrugr Tre rie l ve-yiow *isofor a ingle disp1'àyef intire canse.cf Temparance Cu tire centre Of t3cotinuy te Lake euron ticket, and $2.25 for a double ticket, andi curer reforma. I voulci implore Jo will rejctodby he cuntyCuticilanrd tirEe tickets Will be gond for ten -ihem te r8flecl thatno bcdY cf straugers PU, Wil8rac aga,,,by ta Oouice ubecilF37,da so amn o it oteadto.intreduecci hore, irowever numerous, J iritle8ô4, aOt ge, leee m aber, 8t5 a' y oPatient of flfty etsay dien- viii keep tie-Catholes dwu byonil hi aiiypris0erigt tyoe.tire briefperiod ci tireir siay in Mon. JoE btalQootirerIpaaa i reth ua by-law stckTickets cen re lied froin w. J. Gibson, treal, viraren tireir proenence viii in. lai trrku aleueir urr d t a t ofnn h e I ouda s ecret ry of th o f~ire em pany, U im e t irel ait blood t ia i w il ave been a i wNa ern'yWJ jpr d tvt c ieaony reateti. Furtirermore, lei il fnot be lin Mar Wro ppreilire tar.seeiag, 13UAO<UNo AtaArN-ÃŽ-hc eaiteî efthtie forgtetitirai aithugir on Monday, tire Dr. 41friti u alwat inou of tirat day, bave Port Perry Observer- Wirho eî e ltir, thre Orange processilon was pro- 091 lfvu tereget hoî coraeandte o Oly n 'ected UasWeil 8n il wu possibl ha tram lived è ete e gr t ourfs nd ta Lis 8elcie t wh cu blow ingl '-after any 's nob procession ould th, be fore W l ,ecuolede iregrat rmeflr liilr"jîcoieg akyhiglir" soin. sampien ot nigiri peor Ellicit. vas siot, and ingir ay 111 jti,, f ti wi erar iac c y ti o re w ieatî shewn ilu 6-Y n Beach farier, ave been killeil jus a s n H ackett vas. Lin pollv t piayth oloin: If tire tirreats tirai have beau made, I Vie oto Eclcf tir-a W er tiandfaVeuie Nlo it Of w Otr tieMUSaweg trust ai e momenit ol exiteerent, ire con cf ire~tiitiur. Aterthi. nultir --WI] sineof ur utard cultiva. carrieci ont, va aal ava in Montreal, Kat cellaprur of '57 anrd.53,811irunJ h tors cf Wuiuiry townshrip with their as lormerîy in Irelanti, a 121h of Jni Dul 1)lîenlo of Lilie n tiruPs, tire inrger wirrtolledîy farmied I ancia4 tirir grain fror tire lai of Jannary etr iicfA pJ () ho- 4Cirlidne(anral nul l I gonyto i oigir Offive orDeceurber. Iarnpersuadedinlimycwn Mai racu 1.I ree ir euetiret theY vould ammd tirai uothiug short cf tira abandon. Gra ren frin luihy e Prt 'orry,~ ~requlire Ve fit. andi drurnt elc l ete ieceeraine ieOag o tiItnnr alt ap athii tire bovur maire a note cf tire ibeve ?'-,cllctan mntivt erayli eare n teOrnge.o Orf Wliitl)Y nbly carne forrvard, ani led Tliir, we suppose iro cousiler8 itirer a vraywl Ser ec.A titi n-ny wtlr a(bOf) t 5,00 rnivery fiuo, very saeîiîaly ai- very Witty. John-St. Scirool Eraminatians. tori ai biequonrtî of o tock. Ind ividun. WhDre citierOernerulesi, uirougir, il 5 ie iaumr xaiatoOIe Lt rriciizn c WribysubscrubOul liber. liard te snec. %Vwonicid&eù-e, boy- oîTsheet dsairoler eaiions foray e" r mor -re tire peeple Of Beach mund over, totinfornm in th.ttie -mrad i Stiry Prize were avaonrirdei D088 P'ort t'erry ircirnuj lirui. 1,110 foi-nir cnlîivatons "of lire - wrcci"edi tarn.asJonw sn grie turus t 80Ouuwitir #10,0') cd Ilande --in Wlitby, Mruage b gels:_ - iisoe.P, oof P ouu ir t rt ge , n i t earr n c , c u e i r u y co sidera b y si F or m - B etsy I Hortop , H arriet B ob i irr lonn emî f Por t Pari-)0 .y p ut do vu m ore grain to th c acre lime tiose Crib i, Jane Hlolson, A nnie Saunder, eut tirirracda or*1,00 eci. 'Witir Wocdnful fanruirs cf Ileacli. Tire Undi George IHepper. Donald Carneron, John Pa&m lite luerrrIreelsof.tire Toronto &tt,îîî cl ep to'tirai le' 1 utrculitvators ,GeorgCre s ..Clark, Alfredl Soutibeli,Cu vil he ne hie alil he GergeSmnith,. Fred. Lawrence, Thoamas wooe Yipnutg oi ir un anlrracitirhe, rtirdyfia"ia aiysi tJacksonu, Mary Gordon, Mary Jackson, MuE QO it cher cuîtn,, of ti a ePrire par acre unatainable in tire Alice Golding, Arnelia Alun. J. 1 trItnlur>cf tire coriaty, riortil, at, anidrnuuicipality fertirer nortir. -W yn e or-dU sb.Lzi U wuf -o iennti icar;qate ermeanusdesire ta disparage- th impori son, Lnzzin Hopkirrs, Lucy Blow, Saint. Othe] 'iietucrriîuîrnannrtTiot-pson, Dedly W0hne.Wli ne euif ecrn runc inte a tant tOwn9leiipOf Beachr or ilsiexceileni owTiona PrzEmHoievilire eirrnad il .eir t jlr. S1Airei .fr.ea. w irpy vsir ta protest Rosa Bukaid, Martha Warfolk, Fanne ~Lini J.luridd . 1 PnyhinSilîîn gainat tire strangeancduncalieti fer Hopper, Estoila yerez. rout - ~ ~ ~ W (Jrsr-De .hri S . l3my lt oa negue elye iyee otme. 8rcl Poe-n.-Jessie Morcombe, Auntie coaol 1UI*l i M, iaj urrA iouW, al xtoA , nry in daw ing invidious cornipar-iseins. Weodheuse, Sarahr Smith, Henrictia er Gibson, .Arrew orsth meur baSalita ay ire aim bet tre h casses vas causes by asphyxia or WHITeT, WrnrNczEBDvEv'G., comme rarifertIneUts -carrinny. Iî vas ati bis afftien. Tire cause cf tire accident JULY 251h, 1877. matie,: eriis tirai Jeara HIold-ci cerne tate l i attribtrueci tacarreîfless autire part A apecii meeting af tire Board vas Lanci front, au] withr11;e, c%ýçtrtuer-j .î,r. ftiere nm ati sever inspecter. h-Mm. iseveng. Tirea ere pressetsireti,r - - Mn, tîstrrr. -Mr.Ormstcu, (in tire chair), Dr. ya prj Austn, ilicrie & Fito, tek iai'Tucker, Dm. Onun, Iudge Dartndll, Ofthe trad . Tliaroremit wrrs the Tria NORTI-WST....roM tire Oeil. Messrs. Poveil, Camnpbell, Perry and "lTo ih sieaiy cormrpietioli alti cqunipareut awe Reforener va sec tirai a gentleman Ring. Minutes cf 1ai meeting vere WlUbf et tirale no te PottPeri-y. itattere cof Ilint Piace, ivio lira% ataiy raturneti rend anti appraveni. -Rai-re soon "ejtramg ti romte Nerthn West, sperkd cf il in - COUNTY MODEL SCaroaL. I2 seurrnoicider tire new rTcgie. lwnntrns4e ast Mn. Ormaton siatedt tît soeaOf the cil and Thre linoi' v, ra ficed frour iaiet ; tire in. lwegtri.H cy iera arc no teacirs bail irandsd ini tirir certificabes cordia vcived l train ira- cics ofbardtlmes tire..Wienipeg as requeaiet. Mm. Brown, ofDuds teer pe uiroctor-rr elitherlire describes ns tire tstatplace ire ever Street Scirci, vas tnrdrgoing au cxam cf yenr pciiy crrnirrasaonîs rehiri on- sav, Ira is irigiriy pleaseti with lire matou aI preseut. for a firot-ciass Pro. Wc ha' cernpassd them,andthe tiraWlitle tf iniletira*presentosaffcf leacinrh. vr tire locomotivesemiyirada iacountry eand Sanguine ofits popctsetfca..fi~saceeir freigintcaritraine cane rusriing aaeug. TeE WlIuTBY CnurorcT CLU.-Thea ers enupîcycti u tire Board voniti au- succeun htoefrteete nsionsver forthq Model Scirool. Tire Gev- tire ver fortir exeuionta Lindsay Osirawaà Rofa"r-ee-iu rcpcrting a crickr. ememneni andthie Couuby each matie a and ve Beau foloveti, cand eter fùtilta efforts et matcih eivee Wiitby anti Oshawa, yearly grnyf*0 eliaMdlrsi in otrer directions tnur, ta tire Lied.samys Censxderîng the faîne uof t-he chool. gatO 10teteM Irltts se-y extension M. HIljeu barri hie Wiitby club -aIHaI bysua Th OF meTHnE CaOL. dayofro uAris-.Ire vonkecibard as is hi.8denî gai pracri. TeBoardideelinec tea rtier n-pic- trust th vMont, tire campaigu vas an apili anti---bure cf tira saroal in tire Ceuniy Ail, novlie Revrs nsbutAs bua, puc an PIE BIGAE RCE.Th.astiey considèedtireexpensa imôtlti eqnally made. hi Sacessul.hOS( copanybasbeenracng te a ofax grenier tran tire banoits me- le tireft peseernc mti hm neeeta asi aman iasbe12aeugtie en-cived. have asi n' ls vai covd $uitegrty ced Sound ginecomparues. Tira band angine heal FINACE. liraI ti jtigtunt ullouroul tire confidence 1e t h e ieboss, iraitire Steamer vas beieul. Mr.*Powell,'chiriman of tira Finance viii aiff mcnuilipaitie. -asksd for ----------.--as- ommibie, epresentedthieir report, me- adnua voIl as Of thc capitaliste he benacti. PaEsulrTarIsAN SU' r>iY SerreaL PIcxIc. cemmeudiug paymenl cf tire accounte tbe geni And o ha Dot1,.rpoltdiris brick. -Tire Presirytrririn Suda&ypSeirool ireic cf Wm. Tii , for chraira, #ô.80; Globe naction Aiml ra ia irI liapioîtet tros vratirir annual pienie ai Cerbets peint Pining Comnpany, advertisiug, 88.86; With tl trutedbim Ineloy artculr1ae lst hueda. Te pcnj W Tirner &auSmitlh, advemtisiug, 02.85. plesail theuotain lgeand @pa rmisî.rri eest Tiuadry.Tie pcna as velI Report adepteti. niatieur le nudertek-lsgicu ct rs pomis- anei, sdjing rm lira appea-. -rePRicvzNS. Lindsay scs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~&d mteb iabecaetotan.cnthie exuberance etfapi-l-s Mr. Campbell cemurunicaite lir te 4Sfn5g Wi4hby, vinaigrave 0a fauiLhobonc, ciiplayed ti i , tire cilrn e d BOodtirisoeawbievairing in tire citizen@, 0f $20,000, (anaklag îta pttl contnibu th9irea l e nXneI. j dsehools enait reonecessary; ibis, ire l'ion h8,0>ias mseccrcji erend supposeti. vould ha left ta tieCommit- of 16nile t Ln'ta- eeonScirool, Propcrty te allandtol. Ln cf~~~~ 46n-iot inla bringing 1BNUs To INTPRMUAarrrar lt rrUprS.- He as cirtcamo f le Committeao 02I Mr. J bacir in tire ad idaatural cZaunai the Whîîhy 9givaslinuceBostl parpils at Sciroci Prepemty, bai viîbheIbaceusent M.J Initie cf formnert dys teatire front., the int-ermediate crarninaiin a boucs cf tire dinar morrners cf t-be Commit- Cornpcu AndLinole an th peplenorh O 05eft, nt 6t a etteaby omeof 009insîruactd tnai tire atition -bie- Mayor1 hrav senveui the:ntitiepelenriro twmeareetn, ssai tb arac he two rôoms.-spoecorrofiry Mr. Baia t V rîrortoesmln mý. an eticiapcsî Onr elciranl;es. Robinson aI h utméin-etaken iretb "omectien te cii peints, Uairr aucr-weu amgi as a for liaahe îre ie bava a XUDOCVInIGe hait aeld- dcek e lsienaloinfl a paraîns cf ba 00 toY 8vogiron, meeting Iai v<ebk iracau 1-lir. bap pcba-T esnira c veel ne tec Tire bas hsen no on-ar- neaaiing, n pnciteb acocrta ti letre liai. -sc forl he sttetilai rapar-b vreal on et attemapi t ae et veiliras been -hon. cfeacocr n lcueta g ote tae htrp v eso erbl, triglfrwnîce -bovn cuo. ne6dpci aiHeary-strast Scoel, andi tba orsble - StrfghtfOwsrtl nd aboe. theventilationoftire samasciroci Lidsy boar4, anrd tnhe ig si îiaen.ir OrTMO ar Itirnx AssocuTo.The le a bat ctat,to &Ilicf viicithl. Coin egucaP reiPuiPat up ysuccessive speaker. oeypisfrtire approa -rille il~ nSoboci PropertO &Ate u teM. >dn and bis Coparser, viiamnent f-*go, U a o daln vlcprompt allen0 -g have loin llylg nde i f irs aOfW-b # Mt . - E Atbqq'gIh exCtensioen Uqrthli bas sot gop in thee directiorn orinlaliy'Con- At bbc St. John, ai pesan ll 4lv-aerea 1'~'Y ~e Close. Jlr» emurrii, W. W. op J. D, Marrick, Thoram Ooritoscn D, rraîl W. SmithB. ILR Peinas, Bobart Barber, ef Siruetoville - Tiromas bfcCrskear, Mr. 3ilaekett Bobiwn 001. Ar-thora, A. Sa ]v,~EB& îuchi ir Thomas iMcGa, .MoiiDavidi Walker, A.Nainu, I.:HRde, B. B. Jrô*tlrsl, lCapl. Beagough, W. JTAw, robe Keilir, Reri Spe8 att, W. Mulock, E. B. OsIer, Tirc. Watmoley, Robert Barbear, MAo. Pitie, Jams, Parkas, N. F.Dan- -Cooper, (}.T.&L;-John MoaKeovn, N. L. Hamilton. St. <latira. luegs. At Wiby, breakfast vas serveti l ire staition for tira Tom-oric gueste. Amnpi Ihose vire afiervards golon board vere Mr. lames Helter, N. W. wuvi, M.PPq., uige Daxtucli ; . J. Ross, Secrtarcf li4e Whitby, Port 'arr- &Lisa-Baiiway; D. Ormiston, y. V. Ham,Ea-Sevcnscu,Ccol. Wallaýce; Win. Laing, Oouti rrlreasirg tW. iH. Llggls, Oaaouncurx 1. 11liatoBh.IH bâmiiit- IG . Sitir, )wyorî leomau 3iboon, Wardéa C. O.t B. W. Thomner, vaieta; M. O'Dceovan, J. H3. Long; re Blov, Dapni>-.Beevàeh"Ca.King, re Fer-gusc, GccrgeHopkim, Johnr Natoon, N. Bay, B- W# a, . C. t3reo, L G.' MoMillan, lames Pringie, C. rirnston, Major Harper, George Yul., B.Tylor, W. H. Hanunan J. Wol- oden, W. Wceko Thomas Dov.Dr. uane-, Dr. Esuvooti, Cira. Hopking, lrema< linaica. Town Clark, losiua icirartoonWilliam Tirompoon, ail otrers:ofetWiitiy. - Ameeg tb. thrg pi-asaniw6rc!--TrcmasPatton, .P.P.; .1oshua Wright, Ileave; Aaron ras, Josepir Biglav, T. C. Foreman, sr-y Chrarles, John Noit, Chnarles larsir, DJ. 1 dame, P. A. Hurc, Wm. cncuue, Win. ýB. MaGav, Dr. Jouas, [ Cm-ris, William 'Cochirane, George arn.., M. Giileopie, Reeve cf Brocok, 110 Hall Thompson, anti cIrers, et ort Perry; M. lloyd, cf Bobasygeon ; B. Bickedi,.Reeva cf Wbitby tevu- ip; A. W. Evems, Beeve cf Beach - a. Gond, of Uiritiga r E. major,1 se Graam, a! Stngug; John Dryden, s. Dryden, anti H. Biakeil, cf Brook- 2;T. P. Whritec, Reeve cf Pickering; r. McGill, J. Fovke, G. Muson, of sava; J. H. XtcOlellau, cf French.r- an's BsY; D. Haliiday, Depuyreeve lavDytonshrip;lutigoeDean, Linti- ,y .W. Poale, 2t. D;, !4ayor et rdsay; W. L. Russell, Warden of ctons ; Depcly-Beevss, Messrs. Dca. n ad Walters ; Coumeilors, Meessrsa tciuen, Matie, Diamant, drovtien, ifous, Ingie, Hopkins, andi Winters; t P. Devlin, Connty Attorney; Tiros. et t-chah.i Coent-y Treaserer; William L -e, Cierk Corinîy Cor; C. D. Barr, t; E. Flood ati rder; Jas. Watson, IlcAlpine, D. h. Malelyre, B. Spier, ti mes Rasa, Managieg Direclor Via- Ol ia Railvay; Adam Hadopatir, Wm. f Deeoneli, Jas. Hamilton, Johnie.c- un, E. A. Bovea, Beeve, Mari- gi 3; J. J). Naylar, Beeve Feneoe; o IValker, Beeva Ops; lames Brycus, i >aly Beeve Opa; Thomns Stoecu. kReeve cf Emily; GeorgeBcr, TI Boircaygcon; George Beati, Beeme r ceaygeau ; James Diekson, Beeve cei 2elen Falls; W. H. Green, Pension fc se; ýSamaci Bennen, Manilla; h. F. c0 mirniga and George Brovn, Oakr.ira >k; D. Miller, C. Bveeney, William et Buney, RobI. Raison, Win. Sadier, m L.Wiiteside, A. Macaulay, Luire gr Eiarke Vindicat or Oshrawa, anti tb' On t-Ie arrivai a WritryAt mi thrrongh passenger trainta m Lnay vas madie ip cf lire To. et bcama, anti four n-y amy rmsome gr ires belonging te tire Wiritby, Port vi ry, anti Lindisay nailvey, entier cf rg cf Conilucior damnel K. MaCav. r ait 9.80 lire train, dravu by lire an.?0 "James Micii,, gaily tiecomateti, rr aviir lamas Dean as driver, left tir a v [ou, tire enu beiug signalizet by a i te of logosiisplaiceti onnlire raak. 'csr niong li lt reju lire1 aticus wve th arla sco ad viiieve green o e hais, ana ti tManilaan arcir vas Pal i-n acroso tire irack. It vas sur- ru nieti witir sieaves eofvirent, anti a cxi ruer bore tire inscription. "*Wel- to 0te Manile. Goat* Save tire lia: e." Or tIre station bannera, vare ci lyed beaning lire verts "Sccss" Ti "Enterprise,', Tire Maulia and t on tire platfom, anti playet sen-- mna oeleetieni wviile tire train vaited t ii, 4aiion.b1 rosI tire scie tapie ofcnversation Zl )g tire npvardtrinp vas tire mageifi. pro] country treng i e~lb.theroat net ýo On mil aides are to e e sen teurc hiri r-ollirg lands, sabotantici dele In .hrbueat -es,-anti0tarins I nmi iiilsceptiair. We esmnesllyeu ffat tis noir lie cf Railvcy, Wiro1 spprly. inaugnrAitai, May prove ont ta Fprofitableelo itff promotera anti Jcy t tvria and mnicrpadiuies vbicir Mu aistet inl ils construction, anti Presii le cuduitional facilitieswvii iilof idu ord fer Publie traffla nruay prove vond Mgeaus In tire igliesitiegrea te eoce ar-ai aud loal interesîs etftirafev y c f the Contry lb traversas, once irese setiments yon vl ire Vicoa let accept car sincere congrai.pan àanti irlevarin velcome tle in ,y vbicir vanov tender yoa. nar in neci ce beraif oatie Coneilant ik.i "-THOS. W. POOLE, canlil "PMayor. Inter isay, Jnly 81, 1877." to Ibm Yamas Austin, Presideni cf tire circici Dy, neplieti briefly, tieeking tire frein for tire flattering atitresa. Ha basine ras orne ofet iapiasues etfiris tlrey b ce proeaul on tlir ady vh Mr. Suaspicions te Lindsay cndtht tire lI along tireline cf railway. Ha tireIl tirait ire, cempletion cf tire ex- tiron venir! addti argely te bthe popu, livin and rcapenily oft lie-ltovaioftheb.1 Fanti voolti beneoît lenaoamatialenud, 'cr1 Ferry, Wiritby andl Toron- ont &Ui censid - - -c~asofg, tM e ÃŽCMa=V-o we of i Tira hal wuvas aultly deprmted the viaibor by lt. auenrrnr ions. Thii nii thltrif latogether uopcne halelpe con- vay s aery favorable ImjarÏa ica thei îvisinter hf ie importaneo e t e ev Of Wbithy Tie table vas laid viin everytig thait ôoulil ho daireci, vines and ra- fresimeetalot aU hkindi irel'ng .npplied adt libiim Acroestire stage urng le lare aamtieris theaWordo--&'Welocmne Lindsay toiWbifby ;""asRciwcys the Hsgirvays oiePraopsnity :'I"'TbhLib- endc Bailvy Pciray cf the Ontario Govarnni.nt 4!"Bueceasté -tire Wbit. hy. Porl Pcr . lntis aEil. vay., Thagirnse a Munlalpaliles W"ihbavaéaldectheb, Btmo"n .# 10OuhmBafivay <Contractues, 1Meus. GlbosO cuti xouY "fTie Ire» . Horse t-,#The Irea Mines cf Snovdon andtihie preduce of tire fieldi ced lthe tfoet-ay threy naoy- cr fail te snppiy hfim vllb pr-onenter."1 ",Agniaulture aMd Commence cuti R.aflwayi te aid their intercounseacnt devnelopmcnt."1 "lTre Ccnntics cf Outario- andi Vie- tciia-mfay tb. Ir-ca Bancis vbicirnov nuits théIreuver ire san-ereti." Il Saces le the Pois-aniay- Ail10201 Hcourleils succcstrilpremeter. -George Laidlaw,-IMay lb. Ottava River §oon bc reit, openisg lire vildanes e ocivilatian.- Tire Wbitby Odfdilov's Baud dis- cour-set ovasi musia frein lb. galler - turing tinner-tra playiug ireing hign- iy praied. Tre chnair vusocerupla y Mr. James Austin, anthUi vice-chairs by Mesurs. James Helden, las. Micirie, W.mu.r loch, anti A. T. Fulton. Atter t-ie elotir bacibeen ramai-r, Mm. J. J. Rosa, Secretary cf Uic Cern- pany, r-cati letems cf regret from, lb. folowing :-Lieu.-Gn-amnor Maction- aid, Hon. O. Movai, Hcn. A. 13. Ha-. dy, Hon. F. Smnitir, ncn. Win. MeMas- tem, antiHnd T N. Gubbs, Jetige Han- rison, W. H. Gibbrs, M.P., Heetor Cern- mron, M.F'., Dancan MoRa., M.P.P., 0. J. Brytiges, L. h. Sargeani, F. Brongirten, Gea. -Laitilav, A. Hugol, W. P. Howlard, anti h. G. Warts. Tire Cirairman then gave t-ie usuel loyal anti patriotia tocets, etter viricir ire Vice-Ciaiman, Mr. Hoiden, gave ira" IlVolunteers cf eCanaas." Bespon- ses ver. muatie iy Lieut.-Coi. Arlirura, Lieut.-Cel; Wcllasm anti Lient-Col. )eacorr. Mm. ouen gave as tireDoeit toat] th moIre, "Tire libemal railwmy poliy 0e- of le Ontarie o 0ve m nut," ant I Dia b aoing se reterra e tirte presseuce of Ion. Mr. Wood an tire piatfari ne r tii tiret as ail parties verc favourahie Il lirte apaning ap oathb.bacir counriry, acre cociti iranouparty divisionoauthlIr uealicir cf grculiug aiS le nailvayo. Phey irallthaiday loft Fenelcu Pales ýn ire afierucon, and md rrivetilat ci liitiy et six o'clock, c feel ren-er ire- me perforineti in tira bistnry of tire rnry. He iropeuthai it vonici rat oc Icmlog iretoie tire Victoria nailvay pan- in rateS le Haliburton, Iheece le lire la &attavao, ant in a- fev years to tire ,Tes norlirounntry. Ai that Urne 9r bey iould bireaile te reaci tire Pacifie itir tira saine faciiy as tlrey cocitheUi of fliueDow. He atircaltie a tii * acre libenai raiivay poliay on lire pari ftire Geverument. He decply ne- reat lie absence cf Mm. G. Laidlav, mi ric vas tire Caeatiian Railvey kinganti ne fvbom lbe icaît say ne man bail tene vi are for lire cpaniug up of lireir brrr ex eeltry Iran ie. He gave lire toast, aIu respectivceto parîy, -- Tire libercl rail- ne ay policy cf lire Ontario Gaverumen." lian. S. C. Wood, an nisieg, uas Tr.-Or dveti viii appiause. He saidtata o re memark cf iis ai friand, tire pro- P iser of tiretlent, tint il vas nol a an' i ny eue vas c rrect. It va s ou lte cri li ne tirat large en-sof money bat Leen cal :ened on ce aiiways, andti t iifeu aoré tire Ict cf bthe existing Administra- . )n te bring dovu tie renters-le-Cour.ît la lirte e nsefor sucir erpeudituras. beo ie pelicy oethlie Gevenent vas netbe rhui nits moe c etint intereot 1 girl accrue on it, iute toisrursa h 00G trally on publie impron-emeuls, tiare- -I ,ireueflltirg ail parties. Re thougiri arr st ins occasion vas a MostliIti an&Il per ona la meel anti shako harits, Car touiy cver lins put, bel for tireft.e-rena e, nc tiraitth in uirbelveee Feue- On iPals, Lindsoay, Wirithy, aud Tcron. on: rat beau compleleti. -Ha nofermeet I ras ne lenglt tirte local affairis cf th. Bar tintiez et Ontario anti Victoria, show. bill lirctlieir intercala veme Iienlical Il t fa rie opeeing up tire country la Uic $22 ik f lkàen asl" eceneul Spal-(Ir -. Paxton, M.P.P congratulatetia tirathe îdent anti Direct-ors au tire saceess pools e ne-rse. IHa retenredti te c ern ohnein publie opinion fr *rnirrg t-horailvayvihfe tire m lme i 'ars, anti relabeti bis early expert- Je] lu premcting nailway malter le r-cati Ortscoonnly. H. cancluded n-b iclo ag a irigirtrihute le MessrsGiboon Ti [men, tire contraclera, forer b. inl rn viain lb.7 bcd cnmnled ont tiroir ln C. cigit r- ames Mieie gave "Tins Mer- til le, liumberinq, anti Agnieulinnal A 1 rota," In dorng se, ireo referneti larme ae general deprassion inn business bu g b, cnt reerarkedtjitijudglg inte lire faces cf those ergeged in vour1 aiss viro vere sealeul ar-oued Ibepi Il psi acre lhir troubles iigbîiiS. way s r M. Boyd, cf Bchcsygeoe, sait iip its îe bcd probahly ircen lengez. ie bugs' umber business le tire regien Tira gir vio tiers -ilvsy r-an ian vitb t I Ai present i .aterittedt liai palets umnering intcresi vas ander a pE- ýbut ha tiroagirt it ld w vrk compi I rignt, 4 g ave c short sketc08Oa )troubles of tire Inaner business the 1a W-dive pcars ego;- poiated ont veeate mate, uad eeriâleti A>E à ebtil tirybasi bew irarbousr àSt BIc a@.,~ iû*0m tbaam-the -plu5t L for mut lms r. Rot- le Vie, ver, tcr, Ion, ov- ait u saet Une e. itparune or- as. nsi s DIieon hwovn gifeah u e T ire c elb ralo n , ta bo q , W b o g vcitieehred t bs.eoflthe plea estofthe kiesi ml 40&inome pra bat aer atandat. Couty Counil.. SPECIAL SSSION. Wiriiy, -Wodnaaty, lt Augni, 18-r Tie Coneil mt, on lahemin ofthbe Wamdcn, lunspicial siie i Il ate- Iveoollock to-day-Uic Wu en n l thie hr,-Mr. JohnOSer, t felloowng-,membo nswiereti tiroir, aimai 4Meuirs. zAmey# Piol Rlc., Prue, Camer-es, Cirsia, C r-¶'Grun, ' Hlday,fOcM LSdk, MoDermott, msaei, NeF M oiirer-l , owbiay. Parker, Prou Wir1e5 Wlt, m Wigtpeuf Airen-Mear- ams n t ndBc land. Tire Wardon, cri tcking ai sont, ai ire iad calle the council legeiner acoord4uos vitr theresltops i the Juerssesicu. fr tie r-cc dohefgr6 atleaàboua ef-8 000 loe eToronito & Ã"lIavc Bailïro anti for other -busirneso. As Uicy vi Saar, their laies , cieri, H. KaccienW asl semore, anti aroniti 1e neaassany ta appoint a pairs te tire vacant effice. Au thore vers rumbar cf important maltera te cou befans tic concil ie reacaumendetiI appoSntmeei et County - ClerI as t] firaI busiaca. H. iad receieti pp nations frean tire tcllavieg gentlemen. ras. A. Camirbela J. (1. eliey, A.i MroMilicu, B. T. Hamnisan, lu. Lait rohn Suer. Tire Wardee 6i80 rend retiin afr-cm Nrs. lMaccioneli, Ssii that tire long servmicesoufeherhhair of28 yearsuseClcr-kbe taken lelo ce sideratb y liee cupil. , On motion cf M r. Grahiam, secondi by Mr. Mcvbray, Messra. Wrigl hite, MoRme, Fenhy, ana tire mo-e i-ar. cppcleteti a special cominiticee rroin lb eapplications vana referre ao report Ibrea. Communicationu -frein tiraPcl enr-y irigir scieci Iinalees nslingfor pon-tien cf lie municipal tend, olaiin n iran-e been noiecîcilosni modal schoc, TIre Warde estateil ire ail raceive [on. Mx. Mcvcl's opinion on lie s- ;al queinrs sahnitteci te hmi s t :ounticnies. On motion of Mr. Grahami, liaer-ui tqunlrnotmice vas suspceded durta re sessice. Tire Warticu left the chair ta-fortiteei miutas. Ceuneil r-soumet, the varden le tr Mr. Wrighrt repontet froa tire spei 'milte, reccmmeuting lis appoint set cf Jhnre ier, as demI. a by vk vwan lrmctlately irlrtod e n aseti makiag tic appointient, and ring tie aarydah #8w0. An attampt vas mate Su commutte4 ft-be whiralcteredue-tr a ilemy ti 200. Il vas votati dovir 7 te 18. A GaRÂT Mar.-Trc Baigian (Io-sm eni iras ordored lis construction et r vw geegnapiel mmp of Relginin. Il ill reqeir-, samenteca yeams, anti ai peandilure ot 8282,100. Th ir fri1nl ulimee et tira map vii b. ,xribitec Bxl yar attre Paris Exposition. ASrrcîv Omra r-To TAaz an ase Mcrcm Macunix.-Tre miners cf nsaylvenla, Michigan anti Wiscnsn asaidtle bo or-ganhzing a nov secret der caliet tno InaHo" toletale n Place cf tire MOlly Magnrns. The thbinmethie membes to ohepail dors at lic perl et lite,t-a doen thlie tecesft et Order, never te raveal Ssecrets, ant o succour bret-er main- -s- LAltutT Or PanSNu Wuc STeLur 822,- 0 Pinoue G. T. B1., Omczc, MeNTUALa. LTve pnmmie dtieectimas in Baltimore nastet a mari vio hbauncisemer- rrolera' offices inquiring tire pris eto ,ada mouey, anti viose actions gon. Uy er- e a usicions character. beiug searcincti#2,894 vema toueS his p osn, 82,890 etfvirici vere lu sh 010 bilsecf the Consolidatet rir cf Canada, Montreal, cuti ane $4. c f tire Bail of Comeimrce, Toronto. an Ibongirl Ibis maney Sp art et lhe ,000 stoes froi tira office cf tire eti Tnir Ran-iic---le o- rsa. fil n t&LFBunSNCBBnt Pmczcsr»vanea.- n s Tire ceai réegons threaten bo ire tire ms lireatra cf lavieuesa sd biodairet th long aftor tire r-air-ccd stIe ulin coma ire te an cnt. In al lirhaI secticu et Penn- ai- sylvania tiare ia a bati apirit-in tira air, i- ant i otons pr-acaedings bave clr.cdy G. lue place ai many points. gCleopairc's Needie, monu b go te Erg- a landl, vas oigiualiy ercateci ci Baal, ile Lng Syniandti ediacte othé beweraiip cf rit the 55cm. Thoa city wàe attervaxti -e- stylet Helipoie by tirs Greeka, anti lo l i t o uI el ebrate il. fori s luinà as R ani' sti bec. Tire none1itir, vii trtirer, vus ni, brougirt te Egypi bythe Romand le tire to eigu et Tibein. ItiSa f ret granite, somatimes calelitiTiebaio atone, anti vaz givnu laEngard iy Mohammed r-I Ailvien Pasina et Egypi. Tire ar-e ual l ssu than elevçn Egyptien obelis a lenBRneviicireerougiri frein SEgypi by successive Romnan Emparons as meencrialecf their rmpe r- MAN NKILED an-TUE CArrSATanBura-- te TON.-OU Mcnday mcrnnutm, Wm.' Melnteoir, labourer, vas rue on-en by le lire Midant Railvay cars vulc lyleg g an lbe tnacin lu c caie cf intoxication. fa vas Ieriy mutilateti, anti livet n1 oly. about t*o ibonzs atter bceg fount. Au uuest vas ireltia vircu Uiejury c0 braugint in c merdicI af Il Accidentai deatir viile untier lire influence of liquor," anti axoueratieg tira railvcy alcempany cf al ilame. CoicrsneMAncnTBaz-Tia Manitoba gnu orpo promise le noacir aveu a .irgber anerage linan that etfllut yecr, whe viiiwas very salisfcctcry; but Se seme localities lire pelalao rap itasligbi, eoving le reccet ircavy mins. O INe TueurR vz r.-O f a l tira singular méthodes uf gsining a iivsiirocd wvinai arc follevet le Paris, tiIt of tin oday- - inder ta tin o et gisy. Tireauthor- Sities et Parls psy tee frances for evcry It carpse. liaIis disoavere teraSine, iand brougit te lin, Mo rgue. As lhe - agea cf the poor flpber-mavirephy ion Uic river are extremcly mml i n vill rcatiuiy bc scu ttirIsncb an atidi- r ian toe spatty arminga lfact t bc ,f tespisei. A r-egmiar traffic iras been 1 crganieia helveocatire up-aIr-saurandti tevn-atraam. boalmen. It May euily b. imiginet vih vit car. lbese men vatir thea river for- seme indication et lb. prasance cf tire mor-tal rom"nofe seme poor suicide vira, if goot toi nc- 1Iting,- vircaliving,taflyerlte <maris uer, liai ire a eati. Tieos body-finters form à cvaluable sbjunct ted lhé police force, cnt instances ban-a heu keovn cf ocri ldivicinai bringing s! le tve or tlre ioties le c single day. a' Waucmu us BrouT 2-Eliier tire lap. a a nesa do sverytlning bacirvarda, loti, fi irantet anti upeite dovu, or vo do. A ei traveliar le lapen ites:'II se a mari L ais.eeHpulls lh. plain leant < .m I noe te lbicsmitlr ct *ork. dt ho pulls tire beliovo vili bis toet, virilew ire us hmmeng vil i iisbande. He hi ha san-eral irons in tiralira, sud keapa oi bis tunner-pet bcllleg vilir lie vaste TI flaura. Tire cocper bondsoiris tub vitir ti iris tees. Al of Ilici ail devu vier tE lbey vork. Ho, strange 1iis te tira inipor-tant diffèrence b.tweem e Eut- cio eau anti an Asiatio. One site davn la ta bis venr, sune tebrstands up ti to it. Why til ici vte do thneocon- ar inariwisa e tirte lapanese f Tire Japae. mn ese say It vs waxe r-eneet. Tirey tia cal oui peauranaiip 'crcb-vnillug,' bs-.p cause Uieysamy, 'il g es iracirvar-t.' In lie apanese a be ve fmd le ly irse's ficel wiere wvooek tamorbis TI ireati. lapanese mreva scnev tire otier ire vcy. Tireir lodks tirmol to tire left,i ur a le tr trg r. A Caucasian, le in. te jure irsho uy kfls hm j s laparese pi killu iioflespile bis foc. Wiiaita] r-ac ta rigirt P" vi A TzzrvWaiNG.n- Tetaire sha.id- ter freen a imntiarairoven untier cIres tic je tq invite great r-talcot beieg strucir un Ibmning. Tiris basbeeu peblisired e oOf otten tairaIiS vanterfui tbatvery 13' perses viro can rend tous net tairatirs warning, Buiti e-ay sumrmer v rne aduilioil instances tirai1the danger r-eo. Ume irràftr théy li <nl alotir [i edilion mi Ours Daller par cepy, lb. the cip l f w "io am arin hiry for-vercitire vork t au y attrea in JUnitedi Statas or cariada, by mail, âge prepaiti. eo aigle cf tliret. Jcn, N. R., ibeieg inquirec i ulab7 i&jury. run Bright ses Su tiq rs -ca il. strikes on tis continent lieileatir. efthe tariff sysisan. ars in a pedtler:in Shreffieldi, Bng.1 vWho irasbeau oinseirmntratiend years on tlira cant i tapeddirg Re limes on ougar sud hrccm - tNtEW USaEs oit zs-uOre0 r, living on tle 12lbcooesdieu,1 ait a pet gcr-enmaî thal evincesI eost prisovor-ly ambition le de- uiliniteti enmhina cf poirto bugo. tieully andecisienl;r ven tat amcng the petato bills, ahocting1 U ltile beand ced picking off tire 1 vilir ceesummire unil. 'man vhc Puts on a spming cosu ' thbMn meut cltotiou ta tirs bouse M' TuRIEN-unueleàalargo axtent ins aineS ot Iu Oshawa. ' uwàA'a CiveOLIDAYviii he on t tire 01A ugnsb. 1 l tevboyo' lempraco lot5, ias t fo r z n .d i to mI- Hoy. Gsrown Wàsn Hi-,ý Eoetunf Billsirmriialy, lu -eai Mon of ef taArffber-etoor. leIeOn16r te1 tectien cf labourin Amur-loi ro-t cda tscinblov, aid tlit nrotling coulti&amen a ehange. Titi NEcue Or muezDoBaRls»n_ Tiie Dobrauia pemnsula istahl. nr- novait sathe baes1tlislino. of r-diay baivea Kàj ai U&Chi-avoan ot ben mr'Mkn irmty iles long. Tire Emper-ol'najanvas th. firsicin- mander viro -n-svlbthidfanmislity of thiéscco 0asIm. lEbuilîlvova&ilS froinatheDaYnmbe tetire oes, iMdUis railvai'nowfovs lite lireo!flie an- -coeftoiietions, runing slong a valkyvldek Wtaconorsabny belv le ,igh vatsr lai-ai cf Uic Danuie. Prom - the Danube tlb.,avampi ulmeteir feiy ena-Uniri cf lie vaY sm-aa lb. peutir onf she liaI Ibe lins cf Jiuedclulsrac vhicir com bedendati by esrlivokg -KuOtentije coopicla abluff vili rarre sitiso frouting on tire Black Sas, aur! tire four-tirtefeutati by car-invc.ks, Je 1828 tire Busoisusmearohedti Ireugir tis >n-llcy vilicul euaeutemS- sn- opposition, and rmet thakir iet un lie harÏbour. -Keut-budja va« tireurmae the iras.et fsupplia. Wiib lb. Tufhisir oesi inn commandi et tire BlacoBcm, the Bussians are nev cempeliedtol drag lieir auples lie-.virole - Joelrof ire pemesula. -Eegineena ban-e favouroti lie prajeci of construetiug, c abip ecaa heOm Cirernavodt te bsec, by viricir vessls can an-oidthle passage a! lie - noliern bond cf lie, Daubie. Tirs r-ilvay iras dons sometiing forRas.. Zagbr- asti direc. ti of:O mu =a Barbabve béec* repniset. ÉEqGLAIaS ATTITUD. Tire tapr-lert-.fitroopo froua Ports. m o u t , f or à Ma t a, ev o îc ci m u c ir e ,t li n slas. AÀciiifor l brae cre enie v u7 va sapo ade t -yt héby edp arlns A Ber-â l dosaeir ay:-In counse. quence cf tire despateir 0f BriUtis oopa tb]t Mlarar-eaOmpcig» bas her 0Oueed uy iEam0g*0. Raola mp.s SMe o-eilYdeeIM ,i$bt niaed 11 figirgEsl ne osen tirai thea - roops have becs iulpead vitir Esaglisr nio viile a aMMs mt e nof and s ntgolar a Mn.. Gladstone,;einirr>g fiorile, cbar-icterizes Uiche info ent cf tire Madfiterianea garrisons as a prfect erxample -fthirartof diqutinigat a ss o y s o en c B i e vilo n t co f rr i ug the. emiet cvantagc on tir hier. A ir m i h ie m a s s a c r a o e t B u l gS a - s u s y Basbi-Bazenus in reporte t i eni Za, gi-.Noi a seul vonid bave esapet butefr the arrivai et thc Trur-ih rgu- Ion. The Basir-Bazenke, Cir-casias, andA lr-re9blmsreat acl vwagos iin te PLxNT- or Womn-Tic St. John's Telegraplrsoay lit allinough acumli cnrycof mawsou,labourera, anai ether ver-imen bave ar-ivet in liratity, tire àa ample amplcymant; for- al, anti CiNeADmnaxCOMBUnssiaN Tr-cFa.nacsn.- A epuatin frein Qubeile topro- ce te Ottava te endeavour le obiain frem tbh GomeeirmenItirhe appoletinent fa àCanaian Coamisicar, wvie ai proceedt leFr ance iti tirsvie v f pro - nnning an extension tu Canatian-ur-ilî M eO R E OT-Nue nuM ONRoranan-T ien s bal ~bèen more ioing as Montreal. OUt Pr-iday nigiria corowd of revuies aI- ackec tie ouse, ssiitira W ellingtonr brimg,,o! au important itvss le tie Elioti soeauïg cae. -Pistois sud abne sv e o f ely use u, ut riedam age wtiouaé beyod tic bnekig oftheir Aus IaroouronunanTiumixOr-r Tan TaacuL-An Iater.oionicltrain ras Off ire Irack on Sainrdy'nigirinean Rat. lav Coma, asti vas pmepllaied devin e miankuent te lb.e beach. The seomotive aidsveralof lati vaisr wrake. The engler.sd fireman a n e t i e a s e i m e s b y j t r r n p i n g tfe l . agis. no cone vwu ble t, ut seveal essupn are epotette .du rt. Dwm mit* i:adbmftom.j -.6 %0ay 940 alan-ca. Tire aoil cf St. Jobn s k uru yr fertile, prodncing prleplly sugar'ia i or." Tirvermgria-fnt Im- it. John tIraI ven i hve snsver.d Pîîz.-An uriccupiail sbanly le Biandans, brick yard, Osivwa vAg burneil Satan-day nigirl Jaly 2ist. Il vas sal cetire by a gang viro matie thc sircuty treir beat quartera for tirinking bouts. BruNvav,.-A horse, drimen- by Mr. Tires. Kimby, Oshrava, teck frugiri, rau . Brusa TG T-I a uun.usrre.- Thnougir lie Or-ilia Pacleet wvs md lirai le soare parts cf Narti r Onil, beansar-e se trombicacina that<armerm arc net only obilgedti lsoeure Uhimn aireep asigil, but aile traIn calme.- TiMuamr MovzreRNev tanov dolag geet venr i# Oshava antdlievuae mille. » TEuaDeanqs Agir, ias irees urisci In lb. UnibC6à*Coulecf Norinumber. lug 4 stpD*bm bya largeuWaisjrty,. dei fro Cil of vr &i 4,8s vet nW wM be gien t An n" uhs abroulai aoslga the . tlrof"lsunortu- nais Mari le eal treatmet oÏrsr-i. m- saos, Hea atsmmpy- bminsaf antidir 2- frimndaltir ank,asud i i obesr 8-ucl r- ly hopet iai tris-vers3ion of tir s slry gu U ni ito vMy le Ensilaornaya nufor-iuate Terbis r isoner may bave l. e suferin u repr-isc-LorioreTiaeg 1 Feer Mysclf as Goot as New. tu WelPiirlie, V,- I, an. 11, 1871. -u Sian i-Foi savelq or eight year- t p a h ave beauen u rhieallir, a for Uic past yar cm mor-e ver-y feeble. > y ireallir cceiiued te deeline , anti I -1 M y f e u r a n ti sîne n g l r- - va s t e a t a a y , euntil 1I vn unable latewrk- or 'eveugo tnp ahains vitrout greal eranoticu. I 3sufferet <nom frsnuent stdtiistresoiug 9altacksof palpiatinaof the beart, rny foocd disiressa me, canoing acity sud rain in the alcinacr; asud I suferad <Mmextreme nervess, constipation anti tebility of tie syatem; geuerclly, my bloo oi rig lbin anti pcor anti slng. gish ia circulation, anti I wvas fo r- rs snffsrinq ailtlie tortures c"0aconfirmat dyspepîre. About si montra aine I cencludet I vaulti try a boitie cf Pzute- n-rani Supr-anti receivet Bo much bene- fit frein ilt ti I purinased i mmcbottles 1 more, andi ave * continucti the use* f 1 bc Syrnp nil quile r-sceutly. Il bas irestoret my irealtir te snob an erteul tiraI I feel neyseif n gocti as uev. My digesion is good anti My véit iras lecroeaseinutire put four eoMo frour oe ured iandti tenty tle u rn. tiret andti irrlyigirt pone ; my sirenglb iras returnei, anti my ganeral inealth a in hs vonderfnly 1 rinluee, anti I a» tily aay I ove il aillte lire use et ycur Penn-muux -aur. I earr- csily. recmmena aIl eniierera froin iys- pep"in d tebility to give il si trial, ircpiug il iii temreras menai gcil a it hirs me- Peurs mery truly, Mins. S. B. Barnun. Selti by deaiers gee-eraliy. MOR- MMrones ro 1E tA B zEasiz Rr Muznzmt.-Mmcum is again excit- eti, murc arrcals for aid mûrters irrvieg ireau marie. Tirs lateol is tirai etanc Burton, conneclor te. the presiding bis. bnp, ar Brigiram Yonng, urâloss Uic "pdrophet" ia a distiaantidrigirer-cfice. lis crime is lire murtan, la 1862, et Morois, a second proprsl, vire opposeti Yong. -Tis arrest comas pretLy near i lire pr-osent Mormon leaders, anti itSais prcbable lirai lbey vili ne longer ire de- J IndeS by tire scape-gac t idea, as ileci case of Bishop Lac, tiers mcy b. ci-r tempts ai trouble. Il iras beau distinct- ly auroueet tir ura ilI be no cern- promise witr any Mormon leader, hevever iigir, aven Brigiram Youngr imacif. Ail againel vbom aufloienu i en-idarce caruire proouire -mnill ire pro- coetie againsl- Tire Nev YertHerald iras beau tiuîigeetly vorkleg np tire mater, cutiif il o n ie tr st s"i, viici a is a littic dcabtfni, ibere la aufficient evideuce la convict Young. Ouiy le case cf proceetinga agalest hium le au outirrear feareti, but tire preseel admin- istration ia net eue liirely to abninirr froin sncb a tety for <car cf the Cons. queuces. Wcclthy Mormons bave bienau nro irug large tracta of lasdtinl corthera Mexico et late, andti tres sà cin cf Mormon selilements a&U the way seuuir fr-cm Utah letirte border. là Anclber Mormon iregira Sa tirerefor. mci improbab le, anti ray net be a dis-.t tant event. TuRiruLrr.-Tcmcnrant vomen fa liv. le différent parts cflrebonseh Neitner is aloatvlonpemsru -o enter tirs territery cf thbetoler. In aTunkisn bouse tire meen 'ativmen pi do net tale tireir mecli tegetr, do uci cI oiii erunti c table,-n anti abrdl7 b. h -aid bo feeti dccently. It is qoûte Pos. ti sibe far men anti voinavw cdo sel pl knov tire use elcaforl te b. n-ery dean tir &bout iliair focd, but the use of aforr pi an c great sic p tlaant lecelinsan in.ATurholdiing a consîieérable cm M thce e t ate vill tare s au d. tr ril o101fubo9il rice frein tire common al isir, anti atter iraviug oqucezei aillirhe Pc caler ouitiry vonm ing elu iniris i banti, viii put t tic lump Su e cmouth ki Dfa guest ane mark et peculiar fîvor. rerc iSa oenliueaeabout Tuilsat feir mecis vbiair is prebably dus te T le tact liaI men anti voursa-do net m- aire lbeir meals legeber. Tire qbjeai ho if ire meal is slcly te ei.stinail nc aines, nauaily viiiroui dCI o, tire ag fishes r-eady fer -en-ory cue's ilugers, sel at lire absence oetc scoreocf emal con- Iri nn1ienes vlich everY Bure eau table i urses, coultacnly ibe tolenalttby ' w vii raain iiesnaui -ing n!t cf ron- a section et Central Pacifie Bairca,- and are saidto prove very satisfactony. A seilten dnangirl of hoct air ta re- portet te ane pausedtrougi a collan ield anti peaci r ccir-in Western 'e a a ev tiys age, sclorcning ani =lin emcmy grecen liig teuciet for- aspace of 140 yards vide and 400 yards log. An association taprojeedal t ltaa, It ta tocret t a second pared, of amine s taetlling conie-Inta &N INCIDENT OP-TB£nuePIMEsNT -Was :nuE EASr--TreCosasbiave ires» ilty geencrliy keown as. a rude anti rage soldiery, but they-have îoltisoen aidereti atepta in aunuirg on- airat. -. 1h sceins, inevever, tiiat hy ar-e mg lutored t Stirilies. A stamy la ato a Cessacr,virose jatiet-orse,- spessiri- tiroagh Golaîn, tirppati crantry lifeleassan ltre rcad. Thre rrtunaÏe rider toit se bail about il - ho emen vept, àrti ho leformathein couacing multitude tiraIire vas dons te-rush te tireifi eto- baille, ire vas nov uruiorsei ai the Most Bresliug parldotcf tnsvan. ,Tire 2patice cr-ovd pcssed areauti tire andi preaentiy a suri sefficiently ;te pay tire frel lueallurant an a Bw hnorso vas ipreseuteu te tire Coa- Il Ho vepingly departeti, esir blersinga an iries .eftelra. As multitutie ganet on thre striiken an-, 1.a viristo vu iremrti anti the burge, atar is lelaerent, rasiet Iroigi tire e!, kuocini amer semae f tirae uh- cers toe ic repurcbasiug uidi quicirlymrejoinet iris nmcer. Kentucky-mon Sa reportaS te bo raling daily - a leaur w aggor e* iinvention, wviebvaigis, about 8,- rounds,, ruis at lie rcieof.fflea te b'eumes air hy t! eu, anti cab buersa th autooa.b sl Afor. cvIerbbeyar i symr large sack. lire r bout son Opein oW il "s altue in lu i!ga ain150- Zeiaadt limc frm #vQ to pllwn. tndeam SALT, P: Ff Liierpeol Mark A wTDow Witby, Au;.» L 0 BANST Onsaniot vaul uais Witby. atm h.P 1 1 1 A 1 --- Sutareo sAoczuaars.-nsî av e go. te )rasa vie learu thait Miss Lobr, a mouc li the o. T. N. Gibbs,vasuitr-ovn croma buggy ant i rleg brokeur Mcvo ho lueâ. Tire hersa bel frigir t a tla cf bricks ou Uic r-ailvay, tiiel sea ne bridge anti rau avay, vrlb lb. aboya fiurranlt-Rforr. Moarr CcUNsER-zri - lz.s.-Soeur onurlrfeit 810 bis ofthIe Bank cf Bri- ai NarthrÀmerioc, Ottava brancr, re in circulation. -Tireenction ta ,cr, espelahy tire green tiuliega le ho body cf the ibi, wvici aninucr a- mn Uiaa in lb. geneine.- A NuEv AeRIMTerUatnPErSr- nAàmrs.-There igtauanunfenime'ate fan- ier.l New Barlie, Peiraylmnia, vire as been invadeti hy a diasetfvermin ot msually noticot in e ctreatises of griculturalpeate, fis ba-n iasis e lectet nu c reutenvous by tirieves anti ,=te antiô on ee rgit receetly 117 tom rers et tire rmellirg fraternity1ý re siralteredti tre. Tireso men are terrer te -Uic neigirborboot, saut arc >numereus cuti tesperate that tire lu- 6 autnenities axe abiea-t6i de but li111e ir-astrale Uisir ciepretations WHOLESAL.E naUnnAr-n O Cos-aREene enr.z ir Liezjuàra-A mectiug of col-' ci 'pensons Wss irata fW amtiys cga Cirarlestcn la preurota emi ,graion te Iris. Tire speakers, prinoipally col-- td, sci] liaI liera vas no apportu- Ly fer Uic coicreti race impremieg its *Won in -tira Southn, andti l ii aid leng continue ýte be an inerion e. Il vas pro leth iai a jount stock rpauy airocît e formoi, iir a cep-- cl f $800,000i fortire puraise of 0 Y 1 lêo=- marrie Uic aur A-Ce meai ire cot oiirer os meut ' lie vaJ -- positet' tireireir lies. I t une le Tira] Ieav-e'F Thosî ermn la te keep lasi Mc tirreez propert A MA prison ai Tecently, bir stapa untien fa and- eZDa --YRII July 28t] of semeà -- of -the yearea anm - Tire a, vira ke ounMant- course et r Tire decer .7young ci -irereavein Littia inactnatior Fleur, per Pal Wirea Spning wi - Peau-... Octa...* Ray.. Potatoes - Butter .... Wooit.. Beef, inti - Beef, fore q -Sicepaluins, ides,..: PonI, per c-r Calmes .. Onieuna.. Turuipa.. - 'Chesea. ~Carots... Erp]P's C tortarrg, 1 of lie natu aperatiecs. t ani b- a 0 - ropertiso as pron-idui telcabeir- IL geve us man bybire jutii tiret a couaCi Ulp uritil sIre. - ticy ta tien d ies are 1uat vireener-the escape maiy sein-es veil il properîy rucu Gazette. -St <jimes Epp- inta, 48, Tb Pieditiily Lt Wun- r-an Sr-rrm uAn TAua - VAN- Bn Te-In an letermieW ai Saratoga, 'Vanerblt sait liho n-ve nev viral ire coniti do le tire vay 'et conemy until bhar-, limas langhi= l O.nre engme nav toce lptewrk oetwv. Tire pr- seul freigibrate *woult iran- been lugrcudaItirhres yeann ego. Biness baî talien cff froeiagirly-traius er day- la, lbirty. If bis emnpioyes suiferct turing depression tiray ovonhiranl tire neet prosperiiy. -Vanderbil'% jutigurent ru tire arrangement et Uic Central stnice anthir maulines-of hie course excite entiasrat Saratoga. Cmucanaos DIar-Uazarcos.-Trrail- reai employeein le iiago inteut te orgeuine te put tovu Uic Communiste. Most efthie meulenthc Illinois Central car airops-reportcd fer ty yeabarday. -Tire freigirt depamimeut of the- Mii- gar Central viii ire reaty-tar verk as; aurn as the ssfety efthlie Company's property us assurei. Fasserger trains are r-unniug ou the Quney,-Lalc Shoro,. anti Michrigan- Sauhrn. Business in rry irraneir buassu eresmnth Ue- hicago,Bck Island cnd Pacifie. mirere ias een a nasumptice of- huai- rasa on tire Chricago and tihl-estîern, but tire Ciricago,.Alton, cud tiS. Louis 1

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