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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1877, p. 3

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De. in uarffltiv uIPr.u 01 - -Pxove demouelralions ; but 1te.ad4 la81&Wkl England Indiatto a ptiaeltiflythi>1capt 'the polloë of 1»04on. lfl-.ugUiAtIl £ yu util u thofr otan ocaonL 1Tbey 8tomm bave weeonlly pre.eoaled aà,= -etboa 5 lhé. OhcCommisalouer. ali0g9 lln.Peint lic o le .arbitrary ehaalrM e h nulo vWbleh eompole ail th. mesans- et, 'ht tgi f re e uS wlizo ibotheiy t 60auane, and pryi»ng.bian, m tahlb e w mairieS os&lablem onoeae tr Ji b C;%oic the alinost dm117 Semiolion of house.Donor, crp yi h ily rendueod it imposai- m2 JO Lat'à Ob" toacomdain.__ it hi tChas I, oh Sa ,B.EeUiû o. wThomtpmc ern, A Oumouti WÀwa.- Tumday w AD -N I gentlimen beîonging le Hamilton, AbMuNi a meobaaal and the other a Sroggfsî, NO à se awagen apbn a rather novel que..OI tion. A. bote ý . tbat-Ihere vil!nover,~lE OE! bo aother- O.t*nnl l olbratlon u onI. R MAEW theogw olhe4 ofthîe Uno -thjt ore an- sLip of Whltby, lin muent vil!h.monanchi A. aCce t. tire areb&Yo lh. wageri and th.oe y-i--e statemno t S*1. positedolinone cf oui banku,-to lbe given bitte of $be siS Bc 1h. heir. or auline. cf the betting pan. undslgn th îe 1 ties. Il vil!ainount 1te0aa man'for-. ahvo tm tune lunnîieyeaîs. nd adÃŽlici1 ;ai The Brlî.h rnfl. tn for Croednooor on or les-voe nolanS on thb. 101h of Anguat. -fIBS AIrYOj T he mreotin lafront cfeanploynltof.eté 0P7mc ies là a un Fnanfec oare ao ob.trneted villa maen iskng vork thai bulanose nitedth am$n lately petilionedthe 'c hier police t h III0 h tg kfep a patiageocr. osa teb" EXTaEiva Fins 4T HULL.-EAYIy s odgtbt laei Monday mou-ing a 'ire broke outI o fw at Hull, opposite Otav-a, baeweenoicestg thrfe scre. of gront andt- detroylng tin propea-ly 10 the valueiofnotice00. lu- cendiaraee arc belloedti 1havo hein & stwib ai work. - A7 prison strelceet bis band hrongla the gratnic f the jail door lu Liberty, Me., recntl, ad mrrid ayoung lady011 the stope cf the building. Ho bad ?een Impfsoeda yarfor obaning money undr flooprtenees. The bride ne- tanneS le ber homa andthîe groom to bis oeil.? LI' Noties, of Dirias, Mar,-hages, and Deailie ohaeq.ed 50 cents sea. DEATHS. I3YRNE.-At Wbiiby, on Suturday, Jnly 28th, 1877, aller a lingea-lng ilines Of anme monthe, Mr. James Byrno, eon of tho laie Ber. J. T. Ilyrne, aged 41 yeîns d u oiht tuptios.- Thoe decousoi wus a very wortby elien, and vusWel! respecteS l'y al vlao knew hlm. Tho fanerai tolcplae on' Monday lait, ta the Union banial groun, secompanioti by a largo con. conus otmonrning fblonds and relatives. Tlhé deelembvs a wldov and i v. .yonng obldren te mouin tla.fr ud OEOXIcLZ Oprze, Anguet lot, 1877. Litto produce moving. Ver wii flnetuationa in prices, of grain. Flour, parbrl .......... 7 50 0 08 00 Fafl Wbeâ ............ 1 40061 0 spdzag WhOut.81 0.. l40Oa 1 50 »hrl*yo ............. 406000086 P#aiu................00 76 est&.............. toc00 .on...8e....... 5 @70 ]Tay................ 12 a #15 Potatoea.............. 80 @ 85 Egg........à... ....120O15 Eutier ... ...6e0 0018 CWa.# .......... .... s50 4400 Wool ................28e 0 800. 13.01, hinti quarter....6 06 008 7 00 Beel, fore qnwaer.... 5 (J0 4@60 oheeokins .............075 1 00 Rideo........ sa...... Pork, par adt......... S 00 046 25 Leobi .............. # Calvu ...............et a15 OnIonuS................. el S& Tuguipu............ ..150 eue"...............140ec le EppOU e C.'on.-Gratefui and Cem. ibrl.ag. ##BY e thorOuigh knovl.dge of tLe ntural iavu -whioh goveru the opérations o1 digestion andi nutrition, and D8v a careful auplication cf the' Ob proportions o( ve.l-ol.oti cooM M Epp8 hai prolpdoui breakfast tablïoa vitua tiellcaoly -tiaroreti leversge, vbieh may B5Y0 ius niny heavy doctotos' bils." h luY loy-tLe jndielons nuse cf snobarticles nf duet tuat a constitution niaLb. 1 utiualy huilt np unlil sron2g anou h ruo t ovury ton- S.ncy te disesse. -Hundredi cf subîle mai, die, are Idoating &aondSus reatiy te utteck vhorever Ihore in a pk poing. W. niîy escape many a fatal m0iby keeping Our- selves Wall ObrinieS viblopure bIneS anti a propenly nourlalaod frime.1"-CioU s,ves G'azette, Solticoly iu Packts, laboUdt- "1James Epvs & cCo., ilemoeopathlo Ceu-1 lits, 48, Jreatiueodle Street, andi 170, Plce'adully London. For the Old and Yountg. Lot Wood's Improveti Hair etriv inunlike any Other, anti bas no eqaal; The Improreti hesnew rogosablo lonic propor. t ie; reaieres e»Y,- iluteea 108.1r, O. c0l1rei reutores fideS Sdryarah andi f ail -1ghaïr; routôoressea, gises vigor te theuti; reniher a r9 eatrl o ruxtionu;-,reniovea Irritation, Itohiiog anl uoay drynes.. No artel.e-roduesueh wondorful obicts. Try 1l, oeil for Wnod'a InorovodH air Roottoralivu, anti do»'t ho Arm . ACOOsK &Co., ClIcago, sole PAg.n t heUnited tibateti anti Canada,- tc-LYMAN, CL.ARRK 0. 85 g Montreal. INE J'RTSMNS LI'EPt7 MAU WHIITBY, POIRT p~ STRATI 1710E. PrItM av la do MU. ut the expiçatlon oi vhUCie th admlnlslratr y reoil itiba usue, cf th si ee 0 d d amoaau parties intitiedth Iarto bag run tocthe. daim. of vhieh '1h, ai al toi sas ten bave nc, -0 à i admnltrator lviii not h. abablRe le ssta e SutiorAnypart th, to, y perMon of vhooo daim hOUah have hICnotice st the lime. of sncb i Thie notice ta giron unte h.Stau Victoria, chupter 29, section 27. , Datedset Wbltby this 2&àh junl,'à PARE WELL -& -UTLEDGZ, tin-82 6olititors for isaiS Atinlnsîratbr. F OR s '1 7 Four very in. i4owoundlanti]Papa. Ap- 80 TE CBONICLE OFFICE. PHOSF OZ ON E THE TONIC.* CEETIFICATE. We have uied PsOBîaîô,z ln suilablo cuaseyUL hmoïai-i tvunteg, anti were so pleesedti ythChuresulle thet ve nov pro- &ielntil consaently, having perfect confi- SeceInia action. As a tone tiuring con- valiutiencewvIo nof Xioclhlng to equel lb, andi feel il atinty to rocommend ti Ciuse le Oui conofr-.r-g and the publie guneranly. » .EVANS, MEnCE k& 00., >Iannfactnring C hemuta Montreel. EOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 01R L. TO LET. AgoiFrame tktoreyind.àalf hao 22MN2 andi kitchen, togoîhur wilh hall an acre 0< land, vell planteS wgibh fruit tueo., iualeti on Baglen.stroet, voit part cf the tovu of Whltby, cg Dunottieetrpet. C"hore i. alzo a geod stable, T ro ia gootivell atm, a nd Ihofruit la sof bbe choicot kInti.mé P' esmion llrut Noveinbur. Apply . th. RpiCHAED theo bocp remises crico 1h rpitor. W M. TATt. 81-If -Greenwooti. lte lb. le.,B 'INIiTBY, PORT PEURE & LINDSA TIME TABLE -No. 19, Taking effoct on Wodednsdy, Aug. jet, l81 TORONTO TIME. Tue 5 0001W OIE. ne. 2imAI. ko. 4 xpnze :ffiSAY RIW id at8 sre id n -- - . ~ .av4g in.a.u, ou uasNe10 1I, tltler~rciefo ~~ ~the Direetor of the road, tua r*glt to trid a Bo ~ wsp pers-' Magazines'- "ancly r ~ Mai~bGoods, Novelties, &-c., on ig0 regular trains of the road. ~L~Z~Our aetwl always: be' found on h~d a4igwt jrthose Unlies,. nlfo.whomacg ani nl~.Sat hma ui, tck intoe sdfo ul oodsmay at .any time b. purech ased. U77 Orérsfor -ay speciaL ti p -nôot on 1hand with the 'vs:- agent, i itiocéllaneous Books, Sohool Books,, Office and- Fancy -Stationery, Wall Ppes ro"' &airwael, Beri Wools, &ô. '"SfLbscription-to Newgpapers auidý'Magazinüesg, or for any otheé'god in oUnie intrnstedl to himi will receive prompt and carefil attention. ixg. A j£ýý, NO' 'EXTRA CHARGE FOR-'GOODS . D ON-T ETRAN. I a b»ý HyForks, 1ks B77. Toronto vis G.T.R. 8.80 a.ni. 4.87 p.ni. Wbibby ýun. G.T.E. 8.45 t' 8.25 d tby 8--.55 ~680 id ~1îokI .15 " 6,47 i ,yrtlo-------9.2 d 7.00 e8nmmib -9-I. . .88 ' 7.10 Manehester-....9.45 7.17 ' Prine Albert. 559.66 7.25 tPort'penry-,.10.10 tt 7.85 ISeagrave -1... 0.85 " 7.58 t Sonyae-------..10.48 8.05 ' fMauilIa-1 ... 0.57 ' 8.17 tMaripnia -1....1.18 " 8,85 ~Ope .............11.82 ' 8.48 tLindsay .... arrvu. 11.45 ' 9.00) y s o. 1axitzoi. NO. I8oi0 0 EPAoÂT. DEPAIRT. tfLindeay -6.....00 a.m. 2.15 p mi. tMaripc .82 3 " 2.40 ~Mau'lla------0 0 " 8.00 Souya-------. 6.8 " 8.14" I . 8 ':::e-7 00 ' 8.22 t Poot Perry-....722 &6 85t rince Alberot...7.27 " 4.0)4 Manchester_'...-.855 id 4.12i "uooit -7..... .42 t' 4.20 t Myrle----------..7.50 4.80 t ~~,B8: roki -. 5 " 4.48 Whlby------820 " 5.08 WhtbyJn.GTR.825 51 Oronî,vi -:. 51 arrive -1y 0.22 " 727 " 'Flag stations-Tan stop on signal ouly. tTolograpli stations. CONNECTIONS: WITnMWI Jil lt'TIlT< wifj. t*rand Trnnk Railway for ail pointsE ait anS Woot. PORT PERlE Y witlo iba for Uxl'ridge. ScAo'Ayi-Fer Saintfelol anti Wick. * MAritLLA-For Sunderlandi anti Cannln5ton. Mmursis-For Oakwood,, Little Buoitaiu, Vlonîla anti Port IHoorer. LIBÃŽISAY-WiIL Victoria R&Ualy1, fur Feneion F1&ils Kininoul Minden, 1ai Iburton, tL. 1 reu Grant Ï!rritory, and" bbc EnglisîzLaund Company'uproperty, vibl iMilaud Roilway for Wooillo Beavorton, Oilhia, Wanl'esbene, Geor.' glib By-wbicli #Cnonctsaet Orillia vilJo the Northeran Railvay for Gravea. burat, Braccbrldgg, andthîe Pion Grant Territor-wiblo rancof's Steamer for - Sturgeon Peint.Rote!, a Slightfal Suam- mer Bosot, andi Bobcaygeon. , -This le the ouly-diruct Route froun points1 ou tLe VctorauRallay anci Liudsuy ýo Toronto andth îe West.* PlorongloTickets omay le hAitl Grand Trunk Ticket Offce, iUnion Station, Te- L aun propaned taotay Ourrent Friceu for aIl JAMES HOLDEN, kidui of Grain de vorea tmy îea le- ManafflngDirecto;. ,vatr, cma'sBeWlby, July 27th 87. 781 SALT, PLASTER, HOUSE FOR SALE. - Hanticome two-.itorey, MansArd-roof brick WATERLIME, &o., doîtLage on Byron-street, WOUla a in avery respect, as new l in 1uil he * FORBSALE 1 . prjeCor. Mr. -. V. Hamn. X. I. MOLELLAN. , r. Har' iii health, on accouint of whleh ne à jadvised b s6?cnd Ione lime ini C,ali. ÃŽivozpoo1 Market, J y2th,,1877,.,82forda, inducea o in b nieke Ibis cHer of sale. -For portioular,, apply imomodately ta W1DOW LADY, wthont-mlylt r 1;RAM auadou eq au b. acoommodated ibJnly 24, 1877. J.V.EU Wih.Boraet MS.DANFORD'S. ~ T0 81 NOICElo hoerb givetloat a coy of Wl1t b, Aug lot, 1877. l thebwayor plian sd Book 1leof er.1 once cf the Extension of th. Rallwai cf the J NISTWANTM'D1Whit-by, Port Pori;,anti Lintis a eway Company, from oart Porry 10 Lindsay sitati In the counîle. of Ontario &nu i o 1.0 wanted ot o.ethodist Taber- Viotoiâ reepeotively; han.hein deposlted nidl Wbitby. Appications latter wlith -bthe riovlndl % Secretary, andtihîe ua mam6jemeti iby te.un enulnond Clarke c o e ie.of the oont4ea of on. -J pp 10 o 7instant. brio an" Victoria respectivolS., antiwith if nr, touonialviR b. requir. the .aiacompay.0 hdlo- vert uamed galuar, nnoce.- Da"t.thie mi 'o Jl1W7. i ~ox*r etDSONr er O of eBéar freo of sa SU . taOulupsou& ;OEijJ. Rosso, -n , Ugutliat, 17lm.-O 1 Scythes, &c., &c. HARDWARE. Parties building are requested to cal and see our Large Sto-Uk of Door Looke, Butts, Hinges, &c. The best quality of Cut Nails, &c. PAINTS AND OILS, DIRECT FROM ENGLAND. We have recè*ived direct from England, English Paints, Boiled Oil, Genuine English WhiWte Lead, &c., Glass, Putty, Vai-nishes, &c., cheap K Buy your MN~achine 011 from HATCH &BRO., Importers of Engliesh and Anierican Hardware, Brook-St., Whitby. On and after the 2nd July, HAMILTON &Co. will offer the remainder of iheir GENERAL -STOCK, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. No Summer Goods will be held over, but we* will offe r at such prices as WilI effeot a speedy clearancp. NTEW ADVERTiEmmiTo. 11VERPOO, LOÃ"N-DONDERRy, - î OLASGOW,1 ALLA NLI NE OF ROYAL MAIL STEAM/AJPS. Every Saturday from Quebec on arrivai ci th, train leavipg Toronto Mt 6.57 e. nm. cvery Friday. 93 Rates elways as loy aisl'y eny othor IrI-clama Unos. Poruvian 1.......... Angnst 11h. S..matean-------Augusi 251h. ciritàin ..n.......... ptember lit. Steeageutenersareforwarded 1teLon- MdxLnet xi anie Ieaiu1 nba nu obtain ticket. et low rates. For ticket. andi fanther informationapply 2âËx. an& Tel. Oace~ lallly, luly 8th, 1I76. .2 y¶AE PORSALE 1 The oubicer *offere bNofana for aie tuabeS4j mile. nort t fOslawa, onmtn di w lit NEWADVERTISEMENTS. T RATH M NENTION OpTEE Ver1' simple-A£Ocum u se thoni. ODALL fliD BIB TEEmù 1USE 1 Mý For SOU, OHEAP itFairbanks' Emporinni, Brook Street, WbitbÃŽ7. 80 L. FAMEANKs. MR W.GRAN'S SPECIFIO MEDICiNE. Mr. Best lias secured the services of mne the best nega- tire retouchera in the United States. I feel confident that I can turn out work equal, (if not supenlor,) to anythiug erer before mande in Ibis country. 9r CALL AND SEE MY WORK. «ýj All are welcome to inspeet the Gallery. Fine Photos of the Leading Statesmen of the Domini - Iliglit Hon. Sir John Maedonald, Hon. T. N. Gibbs, &c., and of Rss'. Bather MoCan, , ev. Mn. Laird, and loading citizens, for sale ut LY, -.J. S. ROBERTSON,, Southi Ontario Book, Sgtationory and No*elty 'Store, Brook St,a ' f ro ti 0" e'ilaDBey, Wba& ahaeP, at itrte A.p1 tg, t Foe iL etclr o eklTU» Cents, lo e h 4ht4 I.1toe . E. G. TAYLOR, A UE NE.W ADVERISEMEN1'S.* WORTH KNOWIN.G FOIR ALL CLA88 SHEIN TR -WrEâ AR an MstHEWJinG THe-,S -0F- Its the Goods and the Cheapness of them that does it!1 Wo qxe anxious to seil our Stock without Resér've. Our profits wson't allow us to throw off 10, à a tnd Flfty ýper cent, for that's ail ]3osh 1 We have Goode -iinported from Engla4d,. 1relaný4,, and, Seotland, and the United States, lîeaidcs a large supply of Canadis, man- ufacure.~ I anyônce"Raged," ant on the "Edge of -deapai," lot him ho frono town or coutry, they eau g et olotheda a LAING& STE WÂRT5. Go- Printer's ink suits some classes ; oui- Goocla smit every needy personi..- BEST'S GALLERY, OSHIAWA LAING & STEWART.1 SPLENDID P-IC'TUREs-,IJAME8 GOODFELLOW0 W Um JOIINT BElST. is A F D-OMINIOy 'WAREROOMJISé Just Re Ceived a Fresh supply of Choice Milllinery, Parasols, Sumamer. Dress Goods, Linen SuItings, Grenadines. plete i every department. ioe-,linen andLustre CQata[, uRINGLEe MrchantfTalloring and Cgents' Furnishn lue MoMI LLAN'S BROOK STREET, '- BLOCK TS Bhiflgflouse, 0K, WHITBY. T Our -Grocery is supplied wîth Choice Sugars, TeaswTbaccs, and Chleap Fruits. 97- MlHinery, Dressxnakîng, and 1MTalorayng t Ord7. an 77, IIJIt, - 75 nd 7 YngeBtretfI/8t Door (rom KIhg, Street, Torontto, "OHAIL'DR ENI S AR RAE, R F GERATi RS, FILTER1SAGE T ' R MIX-En AkNJ OILS, . IA -A TI LASIS, (OPPOSITE' THE POST OFFICE.) 0OOTS 4N SH'OES I NEW GOGOONSTANTLy< -ARRIVINO. BE ST AIION ~ U~~AND. Gent.' Cati! Boots and,,Shoes, .Uic finest and -Most, durable -mad e -in the country. Sà Ladies' supenior goodag in prunellir, Nid and ot ( pcilt. Wheu duabilityan4cepneu are rèqdirei, Cali on Old No. 1, CheaP for Cs- h. ]BURNS, Brook street, hty .Wblby, Mfay 20tb, 1877. 2-2, In announcing theý continuânùce of the1 by himself, begs to solicit also a con- tinuanee of the- liberal -patronage heretofore hestowed Upon, t-he firm. R1elias. now 'on hand an lExcellent Stock , compîrising Sideboards, Centre Tables- Whatnots, Hall Stands, Sofas,, Parlor and JBedroom Suits, .-ail of Superior workmanship, and of the very best màterial.7 Picture framing very cheap. AU_ orders exeeuted with promptitude and despatoli.- Special attention to the upholstering branci. iW. A handsome well appointed Hearse-Funerals fully supplied. wi E. J. JOHNSON. hitby, May TUa, 1877. Whltby, Put,7. 201h, lE quired- &pplalet COA L!, CO AL!! -The undersignetibai bought ant i la ow receiving a large quan2tity, suveral crnJ of freah oined coea) ai of t.he test'qnahity, and is prepareS b manke op"calcontruots yuLh paries wbo mayvisL 10 pnrchaac thoir neéxt winler stok - JOHN BLOW. Whitloy, 2Vth Juzie, 1877. 27 FOR SALE', IN BROOK That beentiful anti vel knovn 70 Acreso Bouth hall of Lot No. 8, in, the 11h Couï o f îLe Townbip of-Brock. Duton 111e suIbal cf No. S there la about 20 acres of iloantiful burdycoti bush, nover enffleaS; anai on No. 7 about 2 acres c ofoti codai ; Chenal.aa -ahe, &cu , a «s ardt. MTU Li.ron l'eautolully situateti, aSmolelo onder- - Iand, astation on the T& N.R. B wheîe theo1" a apondlnmarket, bell aaie trami Vrcomanton, convenlânt ta schools anti churceus. Thî fumn in, Ch. highest elute of enitivetioni anti vo» vete-ed. PThe situation la beautil asdadmireS l'y i pasera by. TITE IDISPUTABLE. For-terros andi pertcuhlspply 10 tloe. proprietor, on the premis-es. -MIHAEL REENAN. June ". 157- Y f-27 RINGER MACHItNES. 000- SEWING MACHINE, ATT'ACEMENTS, NEEDLES, THREAD, &c., FISHING TACKLE, RODS, ETC,, L.- FAI RBAN KS, -AT iras- Sewing Machine Emporium, BROK-B T,l-- wiry STEAMER 011-Y « Oto S E E D S : ' B u t, T oonto .' Flowers (a choice collection), flulks, Gladiol us, Oz"li, Tuberos, Veget .may lth, 1877. able Soeti in Bulk, Turuilp, Canot,.anti Mangle Seedi, Lawn Gras _____ SedConvolvulus Seode, Futmuaton S.a Go., IMPOBTERS & WZUOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Chimneys, Burn-ers,'Wicks, Chandel- Siers, Stovels, I3urnling Flid, Rock Oil, TrToie. Wr Chlrnvooe vae 1CLdTreSRn'Es, ADriGEsR COTHE-WJNGRND GEINRAL I 81 OnSe 8,tod.fJJR ngTORNTO. 81 Ion ge-8t., two doors [rom King, TORONTO. I ( ANNED Jeflise, Currants, Peaches, Apples,' Strawberries, Raspber- =<O> Piuc Apples, &c., &zo.--16 venots per Pot. G.0 0 D2 Gorn.........D5Cs. ai *1 r MarmahPicle, ints odJndee, ,i' ý BuI. EnlshPclfes, 125cents. Pr.nGo ,d7Japants,2 cns Agents for Carlin g'sAIe,$1.25 per Dozen, Molson's S PER CENT OFF FOR CASH ON ALL GOODS ~ _ IIUTC R. H. JAMESON. hitby, May lOth, 1877. [BU wM SPRING GOODS A LAGE ND-HOIOE LOT CLO TUS A1 10. lulyiOtla,1877, WHITE, COAL OIL SWe have received a Car Load of Prime White 011, only 30 cents Imperial Gallon, or 4 gall ons" $1, cash. -00 IRYEST TOOLS CHIEAP. ky 210t, 1877. 12m-.22 1 1 0 " CITY 011 Faililly Rmtting maclimes 1 'hitby, ]gay, X 9âh, 1877. ,LOWES POWELL E. JoýHNSO'N N'E E. J. JOH'NSON. ýj-)OMINIOIV'-WABER 0 OjI/S-.' Linen $uiting,,S, r-enadines. GO 0 -P S 119 !ggm ck- 'il 1 1 - 1 1 -- 1 - 1 1 1 1 l -i 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 1 ýl 1 Il La 1 -00 -WE A.UE Cabinet Makers mid Uiltdertakei»,sl ïhitby, May 7tli, 1877. L-i-fe--Like-taken in- a moment in the best style. 's 1 - !> Carriages.1

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