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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1877, p. 2

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USé. - The eomne"dstàylèius lu Vam nd3oI10Solth;Ilimmachine in apokea c1 by ail hanS 0. ffieltural Soiet h ave trieS it or winssed bte Ps rý imprscmM ýe sW&r Y n.anc. l u the isarveat fielS mauaI bo vcry a'o-.t amhe ~ cal, Metitg-Torouto a Ntpiuulcg gratf$ng ltIath wsufacturos-s. . Ever. ~géb..j&i t -'16aZ'Bttley.. . mhaCe-whoee wb avé hear t-S il woanod tsi pénitentsuid pretenole4 teahosu lfferlng t'eBat rk B ittro-SW .ml h~ terme sof pralse by ous- frmer freds. front spltting of blood. ne vas isted L- Sevant Weuotd-Mrs. G. IB. Robinson. NWé baS plao au cpportunily inl coin. by BOT. Mr, Coe, sudaais by Pora Apprentieeu Wanod-4. Barrot. .pany vus - Hou. William MeDoîsgall, charitable adilé, who brouglit lits, j. Cev tr&y.d.-4no BlIG*.. C.>B., andsoacmé ethér good judgés, of iésa, k.- taklng a deep intérest li SAnua PI-SnisOtal Atrieu. inlg thé Hai-véstaîr aI vrk in a SaIS théeubk anS delicate pénitent. Whoun t-ra S~ol o cieapt0y. o ro nth ie fauta cf Mr-. Gars-et the gao'surgeoa visielShlm, 9 efdÉ*8,r Notie-Jmh Poersioff he -oeodinbePick'ering, .d les. of appétite snd prpduced pooket ---Whitîy Phiaruaay-0. W. B. Smith. veek bLoe-e Iaa , 1è womked te, * bandkorehlefs-usturateil vbtisblooS Wlutas' BaIsa"- cliain, nelîlier unevénes o hgnn wicbcafcelt « hoW UP 'A ,uto eu alof Famrero. . ]Bi. i te cgt f lb.egromSwbÈla i ffect t iho tsrW s fic ~Whttby Hsrvster-Brovu & Pattson.noi'r natnl h égSc iair xlais i és.$sth a fet 1B00ts And Shoos Chep.-Wn. Dés-ns. 1itiférîlg b is e sllgbiest -wU hlte"aicdvIlinsr ilu-thé stomacls. Reé -. ,eellence ci. #hé work. -Liglit. vas os-eredS, owa 511, béef tes, eggs, - MCTION SALES i1 aass, anSdlgbluéue cf draugis 'andS-pudding, &a., lS&%4et anything ana A vél printail, attractive bibi i yletspliab- l'y cf Construction aàe tisae véiYthbg that WculaJo. iltii.h tract attention, sud wl bl kely t drg oathe eamedlns cpé-flcw' stema. , lu acS, alret unbaar. is OeuecaL THE WUITBY HARVESTER,"dule bsPo ninls'so O t h Cilice la jusl thé placéeut which ta get Ie ps-cdulngà this mnach-ine, lieus. ceeety buildings, uSer theiosltl aucb billa pnintéci, AnS if yen vaust BonadPotterlosi ha-éxéélésa care cf Mi'. Marin, hé lived like a, an pmueerw rsn t lptthémolves; theyappea - Iffhale ft fighting bock, linS thé nveetea t alen ae advertisemont ien-lie paper. 19 nothing undons in ussling it thé euoe tiens as théeisost proyerfel conola. pays te advertise in Tus CHRONICLE, perfect hnrvesting miachitne tisai c5u5.c lions hétowéd upon. Clergyman, for à maches ail classes cf rendors. No hl ipuovéd. As Mu.'Povera aiS lu ladies, Seetor, geoles-, and al vere de. paper printed luntise coeicy apps-aea ocur presénce :-'iGcod as yoicr Jolie. coived by thé hypocritical rogné,, vii babf tho large circulation cf Tù,stonan eMs-. Brown, I youlS nettlabo appeasvao cenly aeting a frnqoeutly CmiorraLrtva of then as a présent andS hé oi.f actodl old part by cenlaig geob.bidms, - pollied te giva up yens- "Harvestér. fieu oiééesdseus n ~ ~Tht: vas honeat and caisdid téstiony. prickiug hie genus vill a pin la pro. It',howéver, euby thé testimnioy OffdSe thé bléédiug fs-cm the luge d -quaiutane ithi the usd1 cf bots nia- expiring, hé vas l et osinSales-day, a O1XLY Si je P£11 ANNUM, chinecs, anS wlso, untilthé introductionocceiuhvniténealmébu -- - - -~~~~*' ~f tho.4,Hareste," tisnght éverylhlssgiselaefythipoor epns Whitby, Thitrsda'i Augt. 16, 1877. '> cf tIse "Jehusten."-taedKngtn, vsr hé npsairS le bai a - -- Beiug un untniedl machiner Méiser. vile anS famgly, oad hbthé de * Thé -,Pickering Crime. Brown and Pattérson only intenSeSd sd ebérg' a s lb.oé-eee Détalle cf thé horrible outragéecoi a tureittg.Out eue huuduéd for thé prissent Secte, centribatédl. hnstead cf huying mas-rieS venman-the incISer cf fiv e ason. Ie fart, athongis thoy fully a ticket lé i.notou, Goff hugist oe 1111e hiluenreeltig l ho Sétisbouieved they hod Il& god thlng,they Ohvsd iI tehbuc fté fs-ia thé bi-ninlviolence te whbcb aele ily vimbei te give t4ocony ivmachine a t lak' v"asusbjocted, wilbhé fu-unud buthé trial, anS aftrwards hbé guidéS hy tise tincc tylegivé npuuasy rI Blahk evîdendeagiven beforé thacooneur,« aIi-eault. The reselts bauexceeded thoîr w as o. Ou Sin dsy usck eringh thé lequosi hélS ce tisa -hdy, nu SaIns- ecal sanguine éxpéciotians. The as ingeovf eeod Mis Blcanbdroon, -day. Langtag aioe usin._]iléquateiy "Ha&rvetou - haît séarcély béan trildhvn led iscrdsioohr doeuncing te eeonnsty of Ibis crnté, wben tt SemneSbecamce se gréaI tisaIeogagt n peusonal ps-cperty, eogn tcMr whih a& israed hetowshp f '"" Coldne befileà ad he uplyBryce, n hoarder. fHé vas nnbb- Piîckeilg. Thé peor vicîbi alênloe getlul readinéas soon bécane éxhaustéd,dan eue t Whb.Il witit lier flvé young chiLdien-shé ileocf with an accumulation cf os-Sers for * an rts-e teWty. H vas, placeS lu bis olîl quai-tsi-s, a weakly, habit of bedy-aemingly moe.This u te cse roi thé first boi diS net receive thé olS kindly at- frein thé waet of proeor nonishinent, mént thé WamrovBlÂn1véSTERo en' W- tiens, ced baSl te de wtheut thé béef aocoitlieg te flitctestitusny ef-thsé Soc, aS thé flS. -AnS alhéugh tise ful aCos&.O odyle'a ttui-u-the liue;bztînbla aay et vork ta force cf itands aI the feundmty veré put b lte c ops &o. OnonJdy héoras sîîplply tli' with fod, anS it lm lînovit on and kept aI waimk tay sudnS egit, for néll anSd a iSleaIvo yéams in thé thiue liée vll £591rture at nigît-bsr thé e onaziudér cf the season, Ihéy veré Poieti ;CHégoés te Kingston à nés ittl S ttIsé itîdniglît heur unable te supply lthe Seitaul, eSthanenfteda -uet -élue becoinesosénsébesm i le tbisS of arge tainisr cf tisé ai-Srs (over 800 ili euS as bis amiable emaracter wibl ac- two brutal ruvmerso.,, vse o es vor!ting itict,> received hu1S te romain unfiliéd. conspaey Ilus, vétrust jt nicy aerve as thoi l1oridlustluiassly îvil on lher Now tflit lte WVIuîraHAoViSTaERa an. thmaevserau pucer î l~uelaavos lieu' ontele,39, nakîed, lias hIsét aple trW s ud giveis sud tmii ebni vstr n A[ja por cent& 1coinlet au geera satsfatio luallkiiîdly disposcSasrgeonîs againal heieg1 s1ue siuceoubg lethois- hutulily asdts wonkiughparit, tIse manufacturera takien ie by oneofethIe ineét ors-sut in.1 dieo front thé ffcleft Ii>violénc, Itave Seterininud te îargély encreast o pors ht.vrabrSnpie létuviesg lier ci-ying ilofent. usnS naiden lté 'nenther cf nachies stlebhéterieS ----------. 0l liusbhtînul 01) nets cf piîy anu con- out et thîir wos-lis fer hé néit séason. Crickct. jiiiutrtttun 1ldufrte thé .Orî-te bd AhieaSy they havé given ltaeis- ci-ers h hib os Ii okhv leobnu taibeccuee cf tisé I-gio faté of for thé oece-osas-y portions of the stock ho e filrte cricket ing Toi--av liteý Sc1n iCaaSel,îe iOssanatI uaéials-euoùgb toeémbrace tIse enteounthé civia holidayi tfey gave aî aveu the ptunibtcut cf tisé gibbov hé maunfacture of two Ihuusand machines. gooei acceent cf thanselvés, anS veulti1 guflciont lot- thé ntiéri't'nts guibîy tOf -Thbsylai-e mède arrangements for Souhtleîsly havé von thé match liaS titeh a cri-bno- coîuméncilig', opérations -on tItis spéciablte relu pérmitted cf ils béing ployéS cerne pése tré soisslcted, Mv1se, baech of work immtediately, and trust Ot nMnate lydCre wttni-etalc], ettemteinl epon otiser oc-hy tliis eean--by "tacing lime by théeot. n Mhehbogda hyoyéSoneCarIé- camîiios te foi-ce an eutronce nI nigist forelock"-to hé in a positioe te filîl l 0-whh ongoanbîdiveam eaacf te hLu iiieiswltiré tluey kl<uî e onait-s ardère withi whicbi théy ntay hé favorédstorangets an alTans th a t t )in( bein (if aioun nd nprtectd. n tMO he 6t4Ul2gBeaOU.wns-decided n duav, Ibère la ne doubt lioil ail tltuteé mitlnight prowîérs hé Thé naine cf Maerss. lBrow-n & Pat. bttala9lbéepae etéeS maids aeoxtmnple of. If ual the acturt tsso bsIstsetofr ae es lodS have términatedl in faor -cf il: guslty partioci, tueuir ai-iest anS éxamits- sînod Sdesurencdiy Iiglis ietise estimation Vihitby. Thé spectateroon thé grounda alti Msay 113cSRate thoieéovcry ofîhesé e o fuîmitmiug cîiunity, sas nufac- wbli lleté tsmeebVéS hI-k ahi-oreS itîs timers af rcapérs and unevers. Tisé on Thusnday vone but fev. On Mon. écu~~~~~~~~ ittutudn oe u is alns ov WtîtrBY UisvéEMTEdd iosanaîhor day théré vas n nucli langer ttir--ut, f ovî 1 uiet unor uve utthe arkoBao'eu&ÈÊs- tf laSie gracissg thé grouete. or thé uiglît. lui-dSaof a fuathér thock lit-cd fether ini thu-eis' ctp. 'ro thé witR'f-p-eéoce u the occasion. togelhitr ; and thiose night-bimds cf éviî production cf titis j.étfect ituplésuént WI S OOT.t] eoiân, tun tise Picuiirtg ronde ,ltîot they liave give iniîmbauxion tisauglit. viur'v. ciîNe luthp ttovié té fuilcospsuono c Illa is oueoué c Ihei loig xpei- This match vas ployéS cen thé civic b- hlti iitliuthe fodt-in.A oin ns o I at i tIssou- lmelbnfthcr lgeSpé ot holiday. For Whilby, OsIer anS Laing G fuull efoéui g tcécijutieus le grn of thethetséexact tsi-îtuctiieits of tise agrsicul- i hébwinllalnitsye ]et 'tî te éuiî btîtirtricetin itétei-nit.s o ibio Prvine. ils ~ in lise City imen eut for 64 ruae. Thé -F oluqste lnd t lite ur surrest in the pés lf tt fit, ofProusinc.Thostél ; bowling eof Osîci vas particubarly offéc- l ttskeei htforéor. iahiillpe, théemie- j 'ver3- ligliti, andtfln bht draft ; it ivé ni- ei ikt u2 avers for 27 rnes. Laing's hblng, truta, Let titis he ol eii<wi)ui wiîîs siiiiticity ilseif lu construction, alla thitaeghvosy geod, vas net up leit vigorl, ne-w, n tueilsitonillhavé beau at caenot, vitheet uiliful intoet, hé casbly u ilshsanad t h atfr ,imutl, anti bel tise vis-y iest dueeetve puit ottof géti, tinS nslitas béeualréady uulbg ladr.AMhébtfr~ hé vi ebotuphîtycid lfoi- lt etcasîou. sînlt itswr l vken of lunlte Whitby, Ge. Ray sered a quickly ai )cné of thé vos-st enimés éver committeul ,' theé township vithin tliséfi-t cilitéhe' C thé 1ev. 15uakin ln Toronto, Tho voting on thé Duenkii. Act le Toronto, inp teTu)edylitoru ltcti inil osiutjoiity of 80)5 aguilist tIéVie ea. orm. SULtinît OF AUtOLD MAN.-An eld mtan, About sevnts-y-flvo yeuamW of anle$ tîîllraons Norvillé, conitited sii Cole ]net Wtiilntodîty oving, IPy lang. illg lîuigeîf lu lîio heireens. 'Te (le Céosed, hlbénbée lftin lu hétowu, by lé sPUn hwlî vUt te lte tatca, semé Iînonths tige. Thé man liatl made or- icegecucets for thé kicepitg of thé fath. etr withl Mrs. W'Ilkéy, of te IlTenîîer. ane1t lto oreio. Wiî1î titiq Qt0 0o.1 lutnsuili e8atislieil..enîî apphiiud te thé e ws, aoltMi[te i. oi t tto his soù in thé Sttil. Thé matter wate brought htfore thé conîicti(vide report of Couin- cil lmeetintçlein 1RcONIUT Oc1fl tlt l) und thé relief comuiîtîce iustructed te fumnish liti with a tiôkut and provi- mlons for lus jelnny. Wheu théali imam was inforued "of thio, 1hé siS hé waa13 Ut 4Ui40 rcauiy yét, as Isé bail tieéboard StijlItu eut 11), ilreoedy paid fe)r bYeyBson. Ha110was'ota llié usîglt ha~ve thé ticket tu go at any time héo Applled for il. Thé relief consmit. tee, boani- octhiug more cf Mli until thé tu Oof hie suicidé. Dr. Carson, holS a ceroer's inquest, ut Ray's litol, on Thurémlay mnniug, but aun évidence, lhrowlng auy liglit upin thé case, fnrther thon thnt the old man biait béeu avéry ilespouding stotée t ninS wae ofened. Thé jut:y alter a * short délibération, braugbii a verdict thot hé biaS collimited Suicide by bang. iug, wbills offciiug under temperary * aberration of -ho mind. CouIr' Y &OItICULLTURAL SoOiVET. ni * SOUru ONTrÂRîO.-The pre liait, wiliie bas béa intdSInpointed lu n pb. lot forms îlts yeam, anrso itributod1 doiuetélimé ago, wiit aIse lae-found in éthier columush, Thé aum cf the long * lont olnol te o over $2,000. Thé for 101<08à place on luth, 201h, and 2lst .Ê Septembor, sud thée fficers and dînée- a tors are uolug thoir boat oxetions te * lake thé fotheomng exhibiton a sEî PiATAL BUILDING MOMUENT. bou'n mon, naineS Josephi onS EXtr illwerme killled me4 t. o~3r nto asTls rsdy. .waqarzo é Pîenty of amusements in thé way cf excursions, picuies, &o.r wére affcnded oui- citizéns for eujoying the civie beli. day on Thuraday ittt-thé onîy- point of difficulty boîng whieh te echoose. The morning broke fair cuti gave every Prospect of a fine day. Thèse appéar- "ctep wero Det, howéver, borne eut, for during thé aftcnuoon, a couple of more thaood inary heavy showers. of ran full. In thé événiug the sky cleared. PîttEýEllNo L-XCUaaîeI;. -A w-i-y large crowd, nutueriug hé- twééîî two andti hree ltuîîdroq, left 0o thé 1ircrnn's éouraion to Lindsay over the uew rail 'read. Thé partyI proved a véry plétint oe, ail eujey- ing théir trip éxcéedingly. well. Th o wenthrr vas bëautiful ail day, net a drop of rmin falling. Net aunacidlent or naishcp oocurred te usar thé' day's pleairc. A numbér of thé excursion- iota, stopped over anud wcut on te ]3ebeayg-con, tii'ere to camp on thé ihores of thé botck lakés. Finennially, tue, the excursion was a big' succesa. Fr'inm véry oeehavé e h oard, thé new part of thé railwvay spokcn of in terras of praise. Thé gallanit Commodore Crandeli, we bîtould net omrit tu state, roîturned thé nmoi of thé tiré bîigadé thé fare paid by thém (for thé tripi on bistfino 'boat, thé Vnilrbili, te Sturgon Point. Thé excursion te Niagarai on the Noraernapu, by thé Wbitby Y. M. C. A., took quito a fuubér of aur citizens. Thé wcather was beantilul ail ou board enjnying itménocly the vleasant sal, and. thé oéeing af ail thé siglits at thé gréat . ils. Aftér payiug ail expeuscîs, thé Ass;ociation néttéd neanly #65- Numubers of sînil pienie -parties poa. ca pleasaut day et corbétî'4 peint. Thé rain, hîowlever, wilicb came on about thé middlac of thé aftaruoou, ProveS rather a Il dompter"I fou a whibé. THE Cl-ICiL-er ATOu. Thée crickut Match bélwoee Wlîltby and Torouto,, îm[ayéd et t-ha Market Xronndshliee, was left unfnitshed, on aeecunt Of théenain. Thé Toronto bean wére disposeS cf thé fi-st inningo for. 66 rue; Whlby scoreS 4e witls ;hrée wié.kete o dwo, bee the raie séming on prevented ferthor Play. A insUl number cf spoatatos were on thé grods. ~ g seasoit. Sono éxceedingby good cricket Soicsg Sheve hi' leth olubs. Carleton wan thé toss anS sent Wbitby te bal, o scaring 77 rueheforo tise lest vicotét fel; oftifIis, Brougis scorét 20 bi' sesdy and careful play, S. Roy naSe 28 it very geod stylé, and J. B. Laing gaI 17 (net ouI> Ibrougis devit-fi rigist geot crickéling. Oas-béton folew- éd at tsebat, 10 tisé bowling ci Matis.- son anS Laing, vise go eltuatle ne. t cessai-y tee viokets for 68. Got scores M vas-e mode for Carleton hi' Liddell, ~Ilt Mason, 15, anS Thjornian, 17. Lue- cuedu i as nov l inluthé dmri1laséSd, aiter vhlich Wiîhy again haudledthlie tisé villov ehbéc-tivehi',- renning up a fatsiioasscoeéof 118. (of Ibis Laing inadé 40 lu fine style, -sendîuag 'thé bail over tise foncé tisnéé limes. tS.n liai' mate 81 ; T. Eppleît, 14 ; Dr. Buerns 9, hi' goot eutdotiréfel playhsg.e Cas-lotion ihén bois lise bat thé secondl time, ont' securét -il s-nsfor cigisie' vicitls, vitén biné vao caliet, Doublé figures vére seourét hi' Oscar e 15, Tempeat 10. As vill hé séan hi' s tise appendeS score, Carleton vantéS a Dornes, witi euh' tva vielceta te go w dove, vhee lima vas colleS-loaving T do Whiley tise virtuel mnquérors ilu Ibse~ Webl contesiteS match. lut Zuntugo. W lY ad Inlngs. Bréughi, blil Campbll..t.20 bld Caiepbe.ta Dr. Boirns, muoitut .. et. Edward, bld Ltddle .. S,nRay, e TempostbPtm'n..28 et Témapest, b CampbelL.Jsl J. 13. Laing. net eut,....17 P:tuau, b Epplsit, rot n....... e. 00Oscar, bld Tempést ... il4 G. Ray, e Oscar, b Mussait.. e. o andI b Tém- tlathésén, bld Care bec .. net ont. 4. téarratt, e Oscar, b i'tussea.. e c Litdile, bld Témpest.0 oeorcraft, bld Meseen. C.. t Moisson, b Orgén, bld Musson-......1etcar, bld Dlby....... 1 Jaffray. e Temupat b Mues'In. i o Bébaa-te, b Teulpest ... . 3 Extras ............... 5Etrs. net uti.. rni eut .. c& b Math. 1- IMtbae..e TotalIbtthins,. . .du CARLETON. Liddell. c Epplett b Ling ... Il Clanmbell bfl atson .... 2 Tempet, bld Matheec... - 7 Mussn b Ling ....... 15si M(WTitdM oo.. Stttlng, bld Laing ......5 Oscar, *u1 nit ...........i roi] eut.... 5 Tiieritéi, bld Matseson, .... 17 ecA- b Mathé. DlqgbybldtMatbeson ... 2 b Ma esn0 ituat, not eut .... notent... 1éteait, -nitout...... : 1dtd Cet bat' 13y05.................. 1 Log tayes..i. FouScuRY Pic-Nita. -Tb» anual IPie- nie of thé employées of thé Wbitby FouudrYy% fltake lpbace 'j« ' ,Pont to.ay, Tnrh ) ~e i manner, tlàuisae WM u afor4 an oppor. tueiy fsualsng advatitageouis purdis. nées- cf selsect lots. Purticulara néit week. Uî-au.-Mýr. Fairbinks upéét hie. buggy while turning arojs nl front et ,,là réidence, lust Wédnesday tiftér, Reon. H ad lits fancII la-.sithse lussggy wth hlm, abôutto takeAsMi tét théIMughlli Church pbe.4c WhI4thé upsét Ibok plucé. AU wéro "spiléed" ont, thony'4ortnntily none reeaived more thon a ile, hshaking. Rua 4f.-.te~9f oises heloeg. lng té Mi-. Jo. Nowpoiýt, rau away, np Dnelas streat lest Fi'iday afternoon. Iàttlé damage. Uxoeér zCîvie - HOLIDAy will hé on Augusi 27th. A RcUecxea Dinner cf thé former pupis of thé 'Uxbridgé Hligb Séliol was held ai Uxbnidgé village lest Mou. Monday. PaeoATzOîoa iTîE IMPEEXIAL PAR.- LIMNT.-Thé prorogation cf thé Ina. pénial Pauhiéaént teck placé on Tués- day, by royal commission. "4%e Great London Show. Tihis, vwhbch le ps-aiseSt as th, béat show travelling exlsîbits nah lava an Fridey Augusl 241h. Thé Boston Daily Globe spokieg cf it Baya. Tae show vas lorgéli' attendeS yes- lérday bols at thé aflémnoce anS even- ing:perfonnanae.s. Thé public ta 'syon thé managers cf a cirons apeoinli' coter eau readili' diséimminaté béploecu a good anS poo- "&lsow,anSdvisén a circua canes te Ibis cici'andt perfos-meoery- thieg conlainéd in the programme, thon th pbiaIonce patrouize ancin exhibition. This la exacîli' vhat thé Gi-ont London Cirons lias doue sime eaming ltiste cîti', aut Seriag ils short stay overi' one vise truly vanta lo-sée a goed airs-ansd ménagerie aVîil thiséselves cf thé présent admnirable apportuuit.y. Last avoning tisa audi- sucé vwitch assembleS vos grénér tisait tée letoutconît secommodate,tintdniany hadtIhéir money nefundeol an posîpon. utS their visita te aucîothr lime. This oflereece, bainig a echool holiday, is sur-e te have a largo atténdance cf tisé ubtié folkat. THE f3OreurOF'THEt GREAi' Fi iToBs. Joisa, N. B. t By Georgo Stewart jr., cf SI. John t Tos-enta ; Behford Brotherns, îîublishors. Tis estar'cf lise gréaI Fixé in ,Bt. John on Juné 20Lh, by Ms-, .-Ercýrge Stewart. jr., bas heen _pjblfaiiéd b hilse Bèlfords wiO.bssuséfael pramptitudof. The vork wz-#iteen, illustr-atinen- gri-eoS,W eOLps-IniedanS bonS iaiSe f! jouý e eks. Tise wcrk, nelviis- ling, la splendidly got np, os s-égards type, papes- aud binding. Ms-. Stewart wiéld a alivéli' pan, saiS bis listory is full of intés-ost. TisE FoRNs-coTLY rvIZEVxEW.-élfas-Cl B-oIsons' réprnuiof thséJuli' nenher of tis standardl sériaI bias beaun nacéived rom thé publighens. The contents on- )race un article fs-en thé abIe pan cf -aolwie Smithîs ntithéd "Tise DéCent cf se Libéral .Party," in Englanl ; Brit- bh intemosts lu thé preseut Crisis," hi' -mile dé Loivelosi'.; Thé Etsies of ré- îgion ;" by Prof. CliffonS, F. R. S& t IT12 Duc dé Bi-gi,*' hi' Frank H. iii ; "At lise Royal Acadéni'," hi'11 1. Statha ; I"Virgil in Engliah lii- néatens," by G. Osborne Morgan, Q.O., 1.P. ; thé conclusion cf I"Evolution ,ad Positiviot," hi'J. H. Bridgés ; 'The ludion Civil service," hi' thé Rt. cen. Lyon Playfeir, M. P. ; "A Nov )olitiial anganizAulice," Iii J. Cliambér- lei, M. P. ; "Homne net Foreign Aff- ire," &o., &». 1 )readful Shipvreck anS Losa cf LiCe. Thé steomabip Bten va. leal au thé a lbh cf Juhi' a spoinut knowu as Lacs<d bils. Thé boas cf life is nepos-tod as n )naiderable. ive esteamers vête. senth résider assistance anet rscué seese ofO eo ourvivena fi-on tIhérocks but voe abbé te do seovoing te lise bat allier. Théesus-vivons on thé rocks ving bta xporune anS vontaf Cocod, P wew Llsemsélveo mb lishe ses b end teir osbseuy. OuI' Ibréee vré saved. A lette- t6-it-'tisasteaaship Linma, ys --Th-a detaiba c thsé Bien-e isauter l vémy meagné. Ont cf a cmew of 67' at telS, and pacegézrs, tises-arate pro- cli' savot 68. Thème coubl cet have nlèfs than fi-cm 90 ta 100 -Iu -s. As tise vsis tIsé interrue el te loisaof hifa t tert4fron - esti- a latd etashut 100 persata.,/ n England anS R spd< tih hi .RL BEACONSIE LD's EX. b'é P LAMN IONS. hi In tisé flo o f Lars-, euTharadai' tb lit, Esn) Bocacoaisllld, s-cférrlng ta n ôEa$es-n question, sait-'Vhee lie a rel anS destructive var con- lot j e bl ajootys Goveri-ument, an- 81 nc t bsisculil adopl. a, pticy cf ab ect nénîraliti' on tisé condition tsaI un itisis intenetal shuld mnetlhé impenibl. WC .Rueae as netumnot aansee t-, eb ch I tiin I an onîhorizet in die- bu ibing as eonciliates-y ont friendth'leli ,tmmnuucatien n uwiiciwèdefiued et vo consiterédt te h oui- inboeats. sel te Goeommment bas ne reasen la vii hIt tIsaI Russia wihl luoounabli oh- Peu, ve thé conditions wviîcis era theueli jed cf tisaI correspoudeece, but ils ateves- hèiug thé case, maintenance on bese conditions s tisé polici' cf thé nel siish Gtivérneu." thé eXi Thé Cattie Dissuse in Enghcnd. oCti thé EXTsîREB EPRECAUs-ceas. ni.p hée Amemican Consul at London s-e- ahi te -h un ouw t'hi al bal boi ma igi me t et -ni hf. -lii tri Scc vhi Phi( [ou en dt T us-t coo art Lus nd Bpt Mu Ls lut mca lut ci Me Lb' rcm liai ait Mle ou wl ef Bi Pc fno lai no ce] far fou th( dis Au gel éd cir( are Viti inv the sysi app ocurrence! my noigb-oj-- el-S-me. o WeSIiesSay, Aug. l1I,?boas Ben. ltit )I cbet, anS roques mm t n i 3 t déposition Oluhs 99i as; ho diS net :et liés-te recovef [Tri iséosition sed decéaseul vas b6- -ail vas le -ur t folowiug éeo<ct;-J 'OuThursday nh 'hJul th8i, I ves evolénoiltv tu t, by seme pensons tri'. t g tiraiýtIho window, by RscttingAe ia tisrough a- pané iu tise Yoî tdow. Tlie glass vwas cet. 1 sawvhi '0 mon standing oulside thé vintov.bi htdescniption cf thé non je amitiéS Si-e %eçar cf fi-istraîing tisé ends af jus- thé t.) Oua mon saut te thé oblier "S1he Pre , two eldren béfomé hé a sb mar uti d, sic Wsil4 hé able tn stand Ivo mon deal w.' I -pagup te the baS sud Réai -d te prés-cul then hy holding thé chai3 nodcv n de ivilli My'Ivo honda;itn 'tiser hanS vis thon pinceS ove- my nomý sth. I trieS lé soreans b ut eonbd nés- t. I Colt somelbsiog bike a boIt-lé in Proc man's banSe pressing ogainst my oral dlih. I imiuédiately hoccauéusen -lf ,e sed renaed se, for about tva thére rs. On s-acoeéiug I fnud mysélf to a.en.mry bick iu thé bcd. I vos unis e naked, i' ai-ns werée ps-oaSomt it n m iy legs veos- spread spart;n pers% i' final. énctlothes hvsi-raised-up as-eueS my tien rnece, tva piliowva vocpîscédol dni oer thé amahi cf my bock, and mys e id vas Iower thosu thé rosI cf my el ly; severai Suret matches vos-e ig on lie bail, I vas chilled anS ;van' scné abeut ny bavais anS vate ponts. I b.d hbennculi-egéd by Th Sta non, aie ses-e botb - mon bail mow 'Ce' me by the vay 1 à1t I greaw ereS n y self ep sud trieS f6ogo.I 'S« Mo Ab' out dayhighit 1 caJe4u-My hav e *sov aud lId-hlm togietfup'aûd Ru vounda 5th1e eud, os- lisevagins a the moputb cf lb. voah, *vhÏlbrs linfiam at64cuend th4 oniid#qin medicsl hlstory: f the 'Cee aSthe péarauc1ésoup ré,tsos, ho bai né Si that destis reouted rom tho bruts Soult that baS ýýb& ocumittéd en vomasu. Drs. Ferrier, reéaled.-I bavé aftes-néon ssisteSl Dr. BasîvocilaI post mos-tomamiinalion; bave ais hiseévidience sud fssly cesrobes-aie bi# etteménta. The eqeet vas adjournedtla Sm doy, 1515. -- The War News. TERRIBLE ATROCITIES. Détails cf terrible outrages sud i sacres fi11 up lise bulk eofthéeroenti Piedsrick ',éos!éEn s h- tfore visés, aîter gtise body, lhe evidene :w»ls gtveti belov lu a condensa orcd W aen r . Fawu ouity Attorney, vatched, f thiteefor lis. rowa. ,Thom"saBonsnetbaiomg voru selS s- I axe- the huabao f théeSocesod, Ellesu Bonnet. Wé havé beau mers-led teu yésam havé a faniby cf fiio ohild- ren . I bav é be on v' o rklng a va y rom hlome nearly .11' summer, anS came bueo on Saturday nighto. Was vo-k- iug for Mr. Basse, cf Goodycod, on, July 251h; réternad homeone-the fol- bovinÇ Saturday aighit; fond MY ife vés-y sU bu boit. She cinplainad cf pamin u er body; soeételSme, tva men corné te lier bédreena viudov on the ThuwýsdâY aigit about niidoighît. Obe eécribedi thé mou, and thé cboîhos lbey voZe. One saiS, "PerbaeaBen- naît la aI lione." Thée thér assered "No, hl a vokissg for Bosse to-day."1 Thé big mns .Ipt bis hand throegh thé wlssdow, vhore1a pane cf glas va eut ;"»e rose up ià* SeS, anS attempted te hlà0"-4cwn tie vinou, (the b.d stood eloib-40théevlsudov) vhen au- oths- hanS 1%&put ovés- ber moutb, and a dr-op cf onpethusg appearéd tb go- up ber Dose é. iii> iiately hé- came insensible, aud 'romaineS 5s0 for about Ive oni-as. On 'pvnlbe s hé faoud ehé baS beau oùtr y thé Ivo men ; Ohé vas sure thé -vo mn liaS eutraged lherby thé vay a .feit. Biedenhdthé pcsition l iswiciije found haeobef; saeéalbustn matches voire laying ce tise baS, asudtebocco juice huil beu spot ou the SeS, elothes, I caîll Dr. For-las-il thé neit day, Bandayte seber; lhe attendsd thés- until hérSoul hich teck placé yes- la-aynorniug, Augeat lotisfit Iven- ty nîes past savon. I diS net béer cf thé outrage antil afior I came banc ou Sales-day niglit. Thé deceas- éd tels nie thon. My vife anS I lived tolerably happy together; noees baS any @aers quarrols beiveen us. My vife baS beén rathor poos-ly ail stner, but vas abbé te attend ta lier house-hold Sulies. I rénainéd aI home alIer lise outrage unil ber Spah. on tIsé Ssndny nigisl previoùs te tise out- rage, I vas awakénod hy a rap attse viiov. I gel up anS askéd vhat tlîey vantéS ; lhey made ne repby. I openéd thé Soor sud savoe mniamn- ning away, nS another dnfving a4way in a gig ; théy %vent wést ; I foledé, but coulilnot catch thon. On the Bal- us-loy nighîit aC'ter thé outrage I vas again avakenéd by semée pésan.s-ap. ping at tsa dcci'. Igel up aueWi'ied te open the Soor, but conîduot. Il vas held fast hy soeépérson oulsidé hold-c ing the Suer J&Udb. I looked through th 6window-nànd env vo mnoun riviug awRy -,in a buggy. -Théy issid Ivo --6r"ses. Thé first might vas a brigisIe moonlight niglul. I Could Seo thé mnn f quité plsinly. They corresond vils thé description given by' -thé Secéased cf the mec vhc cetraged lier. I fbavé suspicion who bhey ans. No yeeeg men vere in thé habit cf visitiug ati myt lieuse. Luther Bennettl oem, saiS :-I amnr cheveu yenrs cf age, an lise sou cf tisé déceséS. Bemembér the niglît etf Jely 201h. I elept in tIse réon' d*ji. ieg niy mothiersa ; diS net Iscar ny noise turng _-thé uighl. Naî emulor t My noîhér collaS nue about Saybs-ak sud saiS-Tva mite bailbroken mbt tîsé bouse, snt had erly t, killedl ber." TelS me te got up anS tee if I canîdt ts-nk tisen. I uoticéel e thse I-ack cf a buggy goiug nos-lb; ose-d met oay iftishere 'vere ue or tve hanses sîtacîsédt t ts buggy. I truied lient as Car as Ms-. Fnllcr's bush. I diS net P go nny fucrher. Mothér gel csp an tIsé i F0riday sud coolieSlise nealt- she tl complaieed cf faeling iii, and retrirnét é to het ogain. 1.- Catherine Fable-, swern, stid-I ti save kisownitthedecéaséd about X yécr of and a blf, I bive qeile close by. I ré- bi memeebs-thé uigist cf JuIy 2611e;il, vas t t vémy wvenm nigbt, enS I ha1 ocnasioa ýJ te gét ouI of bed puS raise my wiudcv. 5i béharnon noise cf any kind epîside. o, Next day (Fs-lSay) I remarked it vas 61 treuigé I oit stot sec tise décesseS r around lIse bouse as nunil, On Satur- 1, ay se fsenltlier hittlé girl te request FE re te go sud sea ber, I dit se; feueS al o-r til in tci. Sheo ompbainéd cf pain Il s-n er lrivoels anS le ber is.; siS " Iwo mïes bail broken ie lier bouse tisé iglîl ps-vions anS violileS ber porson. 1 Vhatt asé tlS ni I Pcarcély like te ré- ht pal béforé mess. I examineS ber pes-- kgi cen anS founil mars-lsof violence on bier rat..parts. .I_1aIse examaineS -the kbout âlted ise, thé thie ,t thé icarS Cor- Thé Tanks; say thé Resans fired ce whlte flag néisi'Kars ou Jnlylli, ec party mesîrneg te succer thé weund. d. Osmaan Effénisii as badly woteud- d. Tise Govennor cf Tirnova says thé Wssiass uméSd a mosqné wlîerejin the 2habtanis of Tiîamsikéni baS takén ra- ige; aud they wére burued olive. Seleirman Paisha, soya sevéensinaméS isseulmans, inliclitauts of Son Kon- s,, whe su:rrenléued te thé Russians, ri-e massacred witlhaxes bythé Belgar- asand tbréeeniereby Cessacks. ibéfel- qrieg stateméets cocae fremn Turkiaht créés at I3atak:t-100 bouses wére muéSd, sud 200 men sud 800 wven rishéed. At Balovana 250 bliées ere bernéS, anS 700 nien anS 1,200 'mec poînisisd. At CabasI3onngo9'100 :usés ver. huméSd, anS 200 men and )0 wan pentéhied. At Kestambai 5 bouses wére hurued, and 8001 men id 600 woen périshéed. At Chens bouses wére Sestmoy'ed, anS 120 men b 200 women kiléS. At Tundja 100 )ses vere destreyed, .and 250 men i 400 womon pes-ishéd. Thé honses née set on fire ie thé villages aban- Ied by théelichabitouts héforé thé cmy's arrivaI. AtrFranichEHouri 40, arak iS, OSolay 180, Amdbonk 80, eroucli 100, Ko 70, Ohadjél 200, ta 880 bouses. Bélvéén 40 %id 50 iîéd villages, eseh céetainieg a mie. cm of 100 lieuses, are aise mention. ,whese Muasulu inhabitauts baS rreudoerd te thé Russiono. Thé Rus- as and Boilgarlans massacrea eveny iabitant éxept -Ilirée vonen sud 'o men ci tho village cf Yeni mi. Reasians look as pnisanors te eandropol thé vife sud childien cf esof Bey, Cainiacan cf Cheureekolj brothier Mébemet Bey and his cl. 3, anS thé the femnabe servants cf )Caiacan cf Chonnoulcal. The sonors, aftér having suered évery age, are on thé way te Tiflis. A catc frnaOoumta etates that Mn. StéEnglioh Consul at RouaI- k, and 'h. de Troy, thé Frenchi mil. ry attaché, visiteSt twenty one unded réfugéees, ceesioting cf ten we- n ni éleven hildran, ten cf tho bat, at thé breast. At thé Daibian rinces thé Ruasiaus odoaptéel a gen- anS unifnrm systén te try te seize néelesa villages after destrnyin.- ni with cannon ; tîten te massacré u-çaéS inhahitents, anS carry off wo- n for thé pus-peaof ontmngscsg thés- cons wheu théy are net kilhéd at t.Thé Russians ths-eaîén the Ohmis- villages with thé santé fate if they net surrendér or if their buliabitants LATEST WAR NEWS. se gatheuieg of Bussiau re-infoîcé. ta- and préparations fo anôlhior tid advanie chili go con. relien Roma IreprteS té - on 4aia4oasleilîneé Tie Mr. 1a4.momW, r utiat cf Kv. Jetz th gaine téwsq* TEE GuAnDisIl Kaccin» DcviiP"i -ýLiteratere bs reeently recoived a sévere lov u -Uxbridge village from vich 'il le not ik ly 'to rec ver. Goulus Sdos ual sîai'.command sec- ceo, anS thé nssfrue f Yor oc- tenporaty the Uxbsidge «murdin, proves Iis I-t. On thé 213d mt., whilé tie loute v,-ere bceriig ss t wu ky os overeat feboding tmé mghy diaster, seS. evarycué as a swpai'aaiting téo scértain vIsaI le 2 u e bo v voas ab u l ta escend cence' ppasenili' comed village, thon Il vas tiaI thé-yrmdoniâcf tisé lay ru >sheS into ur u= dsîsud Il nckeSl ovu"I the Uxbridge Gsacidiaeu and lant fr thé princli' sexe of Sévntsn Dlars il This mighty infliction le eighty mit- lgatedbi' tis actsoltht tha forunate pareaser as Mr. A. D. Week, viea v é b i k n c vn l i t e r a i - y a h i i l i g v q s p u b l i é asurance tisaI ner beI. éitorial managemnet thé Guaerdmn swlll le f- ure cntiua ta holS thé sma higis place (1) iletb-Tanks f Candian Jour- na ltaI il bas eld ln the ps. B E L ra aî' a M ecersiai' M A G A Z IN E .- Thé Agust nunhes- f Iis erial bas amngst is varieS anS interstig cn. ent, tisa flloing :-"Au Aveture lu Japan," illstrated ; A Bonnet hi' C0hU as. S t era o; "N ieolas M in ur m" is contiu)ed, Wusta; Dey asu Plasure, by Rv. Jolhe Sciscte, D. D. :,Captue-eof Fort Dtroit, A. D. 182," b' . E. Jalewa, M. D. ; "Thé ]auble Evént ;" "Te Nigit," by Darz Dne ; "«An Oriental Pocabots.l "Wbt'ho cool e," hi'Jas. Paye; "Tise Gréai St. Bernai-S lospiceé' Crrent Lités-tuie, Msie, &c. IBlford Brothers, puhbsîsers, 'l'os-auto. . EscAm' a roceGAc..-EtWau-S ES. varda, tisé lattai-y sviudler, coufinea bu Brampton ga, iaté bis escapefson Srace on aurday eveing. Ha mnufactured a rope fren2twoIess f is e. Hé tisn boutisée poker s lrav it oevr tisé higli wali l m. et up anS jumped dove ce thé utie anS isappered. Hé la about six eet igi, souS' complexion anS viskes- as iglit nustoche. Thé shériff éffers i Gali Oreste )Way s A LossEs ai' THE 8TRIKE-It ise 8 mated that twentyfive millions of dg lare will nt cver the destruction property, theé bas of wages, and ti stoppage of business consequent upi the grat railway strike. At 1itsbu alone osses to the extent of eiglt m. lions have been Sigured up, ana the are othera yet to ho considered. Qv two h4dred thonsand men, wbc wages ae~, fully 81.25 per day, Pi ticipated in the strike, thus dprivii themaelves and their famailes of a qua ter million dollars daily, or one and half million dollars per week. Beasid, thia they wiillLave to bear thcir sha: o« thé tai whieh will be levid to-nma, good thé lossea by the destruction, property. 8e, that, altograther, takit thé Mnost favorable view of the oaes, t great strike cau hardly hoe onsidered éncess, even froni a bard-cash itan( The following is told of», grave-dlj ger in a cathedral town iu thé Northo England: One day, wlile 11gatherin in " thé romains of an aged parishianei he observod some women weéping b the grave sid. Turning arund b ;hrply demanded of thoem, What ar ye erying for? If ye dinna briug 'er et 80, when wad ye brin.- 'érni 2 COK'S MILL AT MIDLAND BuRNx».- tlidbaud,. Aug. 18.-H-.1H.Cook's Iang saw-mill hero-was burued te thé gron yestérday morning. Los, $100,000 àmount of insurauce not known. I b~s oulY Witb difficulty that théhInn or in thé yard was saved ; and Chéw, neit-null adjoiniug M. Conk's Mill ras Saved by thé citizous. The burn ing of thée mills tbrows about 250 mei out of employment. RAXLWAY P9inéREé.-Tbe King Bton ned Pembroke Riîilway la witi in a short distancé of thé Misigis ippi River. The Victoria Extensiat 'on is being puohéd, nortb of Kinnounit nue hundred miles of thé Lake St Yohn Raîlway is now open. Tnz DANGzias cirua imàtom- Wlién Iovély weman istoeps to frolio And fééd on fruit that la net ripé, What charma ean soothé thé mélen-cholie What art abaté thé frightfnl gripé 2 Ml 10n désiréte restere calorie, Aud thus avert a sad isaster, Givé iorty drops of lparégorie *An4 then-appy a ucustard picoter, si si Q. Mama. COURT 0FPIdEVISION. Thé second sittiog cf thé Court of Rovielon held on thé 27th elte. ; the reévé inluthé chair. Thé foilawieg business was iman8oactel - Wmn. Millin assessea as tenant for Ej Si cf lot 14 lu thé 110h con., 501 acnés ; Mn. J>ames MeGoveru assesséd as owner for balancé cf lot ; Mi-. Pat- rick Duffy aaaeead as heesébolder ou 11E ,lti, con; 12, at $100, te hé déeuted fnom Michael Dnffy's osséas- nýMtz; John Sp cr1 aaused ,fer N* bot 10 lu con. il, at $800 Lewis Bar- thoîomew assésed for part cf lot 26 in 101h con., 1 acre and bouse, at 0800. Couneil un erdinary bunsiness ; thé reeve lu thé chair. An aWard of feuce 'riéwen lu thé mater cf Arthur Denuéhly and etîsers, was filed., The read cammissionera fandéd lu thoir reports. èitr. Aléx. MeKinnon, assessor, handéd lu a letter prtying thé CoUndil tei increasé is salary te 6100, aMount fixeS hy by- Iaw héing $80 ; the cncil wvould net alter thé -anceent. On motion cf Mr. Léary, séconîled by Mr. Seager, $25 was gi-auteS on bhne atweuIlota 1à anS 16, in Sth con., aed 880 on the town line of Mar&and Cardén, 12tli cou., te méet a itinsilar grant freni Carden. On motion ef Mr. Seager, secondéS by Mn. Loary, 826 was accoptod le full if arrears cf taxes on W. port Ni bat 29 i lu li con., 400 acres, for 1874-5-6, and thé clérk ordércd tu céncel thé samé. Chiques wero ganted te Mmre. Baté- eau, an indigent, 05 ; Aléx. Mein- non, services as assesson, f$80; J. King, work on lot cou., lot 5, 375 ; #8; P. MeOtéan, work on i th con., lt 12, 822.10 ; Thos. Warren, services- aseemwisioeer, 810; D. . MocDo. Ild, for work on &tdonekïrouiS, 102.- On moticu.-oifMi'. Mephee, seïondéd bZ Mr.-Tisonapgon, Mr. Wsn. Booslton vas1 appointêd feu. vl.wer ln thse ploe ci M. Whlînej :sige. ~Connaél adjowno tlust Satérdq a] sti. lol. of the )on rg ùl. ie er 'r. mg ar- la les ire BABEt-BAZOUK ATnsCoîs-ES. A Constantinople dispoaish te lie Times hi' vai ef Syra, ssys u-Your correspondent et Ka'eheear vnites ap- pallie g aceounts continue te coaeiluof .tise misas-y cf thé fugitives <rom thé dis- tricts dévostatét hi' thé Bashil-Bazonka anS Belges-lana. Tiseusoua c;f vcmèe sud children os-e hosemess anS penish- ing for vaut cf shélte-, médical atton- Sance, sud fced. immdiate holp ce thé has-gest possiblée colo moat sas-oh' neéted. Thé Pasha le comndlihre propeseatate tstribueé' thé fugitives about Constantinopl, Adrionopîs, snd Philippopalis, bet ne arrangements have héénnaié te rooeivé lthem. Thoussuts cf people os-s homébese. Thé erope are -etting anthe greund anS ne sert cf provision bas béeumode far thé vinton. As au éviténcé cf thé more enhigilonéd poicy of thé Porta levaris foeiguoma thé senvice. of Oel- anal Baker bas beau sécuréS hi' Gén- éral Mehemel Ahi and ho kas gene ta the front vils tirée alliés- English offi- cans, Thé Times' As-moulue correspondent vrites t-Tsé stenies cf Rusiau aire- citios in Armeninasaeuhlerly untrué. Tisé Russisus have tiorougiaul bélinvet velI. TiseTai-kish règoloreaise hc- haveI el ; but thé isreagulars are gulLy cf strocitics pool hehief, despité- tisé IauSabla o:fferte cf Mukhtar Pasisa te réatrain tison. A dèspaclri fs-onGabrovasays itIls repo tebre tisatishe Tur-ks berneS a sepialaI Eski Zsghre visieh contalu.0 id 800 sick. Tisé Newa' (Aug. 14) Bulchsmest coi-- réspondeul telagrapis -IIbavéevs-it- ton tise folioving as I recaived it, sud i-on tho terrible necouets thé fugitives; continealli' hring oer thé Balkians I étir il rnst ho teo Inné. On Juli' 81, thé day cf thé Russian evacealien of Eski Saglira, thé Turks ci-des-anll Christiaso, mon, vonen, anS childrén, -o hé shot as tiéy lof1 Ibeir bougés. IThose wvite mmiced viliin vére hemut ilivé. Théis-dem vas glven te hurm lave anS Séotrey evéni pes-tiale cf Chi-iétion propèi-ty in the placé. btini' leotiug Tunkis moi-chants toek tartin luthéaffair. One Sespelciséd n large nambor cf Leashi-Lazeeks aIll et- lié Tehirpan district, ibis district la one of thé richeat le liaI part of Ter- :éi'. Il centainea over' large pr-opor. tion tcf Cliristians. Ove- tirti' cbe'ch- as, fiCly acheols sud collèges vene ahi us-ut Thé destructioueéxteuded tea sfe villages of Legisdan, Mahébsi, Rani, Mahaiesi sud nani' chéra, in ahI about i uxti', contaiscing 150 te 200 Canulies I ciScarcely fifty persona éscapod 1 iialo. Thé Bulgarién fugitives at GuiS 1 tova sud Bélvi ostimat dthat 12,000 lea 5,0100, -Christias e vée masacreS in dm1i Soglera sud Toii-an district eoue. T hosoldieso one posteS aloug se rocS Cfren Eski Sagisra te Kazaehik « vIts ondcra la shsoot overyhody pasaieg. The Tues' correspondent eaIuLai- reet givés parlionlars of théeski Ség- ma massacra sinlar te ,Ihosa télé- ;rapied byi thé Newa' correiponjdénî. ' réo1SenliroCoWlt--: D i-rc de ...................4 e '2 S-yr oLSeaire Colt-.....4 8 *2 2-yr oliMy. F11-----4 8 1-ys- aIS ontiré oI - 4 8 2 oreClof1877.-i.....-.4 8 2 Fil' of 1877-----------.......4 e 2 Single Herse te bei-n.. . 6 4 2 SaSSle 1Heé...............60 4 2 claug 3-Agricult'rl Horses. Stallion---------------860 84 82 BrocS Mas-e " ih <clSi ber idei..o....--...........4 8 2 8-yr ol outire Colt...... 4.& 2 8-jr'od Filly----------......4 8 2- 2-yr odT nliro1Col-......4ý 8 2 2-ys-oldFily - ...........--- 8 2 1-yr diT entire Colt-,.....4 8 2 1-yrcold Filly----------... 4 8 2 Hloraé Colt cf 1877-..::::-&4.8S-2 Fllofl1177------------.....4 8 2 'Par Agricultural Hrsés luin ase----------1.......l 6 4 lass 4.ý-Draught Horeou Stsficu-......e.........86 $4 i2 BrocS Mas-e vils <cal by bei-aide--------------......4 .3 2 8-yr elS entiré Colt-.....4 8 2 8-yr ebSFiUly-----------.....4 8 2 2 - y r d T - n f e o t 4 8 2 '2-yr diaOTFilrCly-----------..4 8 2 1-ys- oIT éntine Colt-.......4 8 2 1 -y u cl F i Y - - - - - - - - - --.. ... 4 8 2 HoeéColt cf 1877- .....4 8 2 Filly of 1877;..---..--......-4 4 2 Paisr Draoighî Heorses-....10 ,.C,41 CATTLE. -Clae 5,-Iuriamei. TEROROUOH-RaED. B l l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.. . . . . . .8 6 8 4 8 2 8-yr obd Bull------------.....4 - a 2 2-ys- oIt Bull.'-----------....4 3 2 Yearling Bell-----------.....4 8 2 Bull Calf ..-.................-4 8 2 C o , giving m ilices- lu ca f. 4 8 2 8-yr aIS Ccv------------.....4 8 2 2-yr oIT Ccv------------.....4 8 2 2-yr oldHéifer .-. -4 S 2 Yearling Hélfer .............4 8 2 Heifér Caîf-------------......4 8 2 Lest bearS, te incluSe bell anS S femnales---------....10 BesI fi vé Calves gel of one BesI Bull cf ani' ngé-. ...10 Béat pi Stéérs, amsy ago on r eed-------------- ......4 2 Clase 6.-Ayrghire. Bull-----------------.......83 82 2-yr olS Bullh.............---8 2 Yearlng Bull-----------.....8 2 i Bull Caf---------------.....8 2 1Cev, giving mille or lu asIC 8 2 2-yn cId eléfer----------8... a 2 Yearling Heifer----------....8 2 Héifos- Cal------......II----8 2 9 Clas7.-Grade. 0ev, givicg rmulk on le caîf 84 88 82 8-yr od Cov------------.....4 8 2- 2-yr cîS Heifér---------.... 4-4 8 2 y e a lin iZ H e if é n - - - - - - - - --....4 8 2 Hobfés- Caîf-------------.. ***4 8 2 Lest Isérd cf 5 Fémahes-..6 4 O Fat Ox or Bleer .............4 8 2 Bas-t' Bose-------......82 61 C, one busisél Potatees, PeuhS Bbcea -........ ....- 2 14_60e Que hushel Peotées, Gar. Oelussab Pofâloas, an' 21 cuber variéti'.....-.....2 1 rioc ElghI Boots Turul Ps - 8 2 1.00 -Bghistgoemaugobd W- > el, longra ..-----....---.2 10 Eighî rectsa ngolS Wnrl- £el, long yéllov-.......2 1 O Elght reots MaeclS, Yéb- hou'globe...- ...2'1 50c EighI racle C&=as-ris ong s-oS-----------------.......2 1 5Oc Eight reéla Cas-rata, villa.. 2 1 Soc ,E ig bt rts taC onot , orang é 2 1 M ec Ceass 17.-]Dairy Produce. BesI 20OIbo. Butter, W. Hl. HlgÉgine' ps-Se, buIlas- Iaking prize té boee Bos OPert ..........-.810 #4 te 82 net les. thau 15,,155., -N. W. Brown, Chéée takuscg prize te h'eeomo bis îropost'---------....10 ý4 8-2 -But FactoeyChéosé, ual .leu than 80ba .. 4 8 2 O BasI poékéd Butter, net lesa thon 40o.....s-..4 8, 2 o Claie l8-Parm Implemente. - Beser, sou ind ........86 84 82 Moving Machiné--------....6 4 2 Tbréshing Machine-.....6 4 2- Waggon, (tvo liore tean). 6- 4 -0 Wagon, (bye herse spring Market).,-..-..............6 4 O- 2-herse Cars-logé...--------..8 2 1 1-hersé Buggy---------....-4 8 2 1 1-herse Buggy vlib tep....8 2 1 1-iorae Piseten..,.-ý.....8 2 1 1 hebrsé Plisuten vith top... 8 2 1 2-herse Sîsigli--------..... ---8 2 1 1-horsé Sheigl...............8 2 1 Iran Pbough------------.....8 2 1 Pleugh, ' alliotes-kind ....S 2 1 Donblemnould.hoard l lugh 8 2 1 Turnip Drill .................8 2 1 Bot cf Harrové, veed -S 2 1- Set cf Harrcvs, frets-.....8 2 .1 2-bas-se Cultivator-.......8 2 2-liesse Bolier-----------..... .8 2 1 Gang Plougli..-. ...... 2 1 ivator ccnbinéd-.....8 2 Slrav Cutter <cor horse - power---------8 2 Cern Shlé------2 1 1-hanse Cultivaoa........2 1 Bts-av Cette, vos-bhy hanS-....-.. '2 1 Hersé Raké--------8 2 Pes Harvestér------2 1 Faneiug MI-------8 2 1 OiSon Mill sud Prss..-2 1 E Cheese Prés..-...-------2 1 Washing Machiné-....... 2-1 Turnip Bicer------------... .2 1 c Chus-n-.......-. 2 1I Groie Crussen----------8 I -C HsIlf Sozen Hsy Fonks .-..2 1i Hlaîf Sozon Manuré Forlis. 2 1 0 Hlalf Sezen Steel Hees- ...2 ÏI Hoiaf dozén Scythes-.....2 1 0 Farmù Gale-------------.......1.50 1 Spéelmén herse shees with canika .............---.-----..50 Specimen hersé shss ith- cul caeiks--------.5. Spécimen cf Pump snobe- s vo-k----------------........2- 1 0 Beet collection cf -Malle. ah**----------4 0O- [Herse Shes nisi e h fi)éd o-polised.1'f Claee l9.-Hôrtculturaî Departmont. 12 ReS Astracani.............-750 O 12 Earby Harvost--------....75e &Ou 12 Early Sînavberry-....75e 50e AUTUMiS oa FALL AP'LEs. 12 Full PupPins ...........75 12 Relland Pippins.......75o 12 Primate .. ............... 75o 12 Maiden's Blush.. ... 7 o 12 St. Lawrencé ............ 75o 12 Twenty Ounce..........5o WINTEE APPLEO. 12 Golden Russét..........5o 12 Bahlwins ............ ... 750 12 Ben. Davis.......5o 12 Grimes GoQen.....75o 12 Ring of Tenikin's eeu'ty 75e 12 Northern Spy...........5e 12 Peek's Pleasant...... 5a 12 Rhode ialand Greeniag. 76c 12 Seék ne Fuither..... 5o 12 Spitzénburgb.......... 5c- 12 Snow.................... 75o 12 Swarr ................ .. 5o 12 Talman Swaet ..........5o- 12 Wagner...... ......5e 12 Yeleow Belf.o..r.7 5o 12 Bartietta ............... 50. 12 Clapp's Favorite......7 5e 12 Beurre Clairgean ..7.. 5o 12 Belle Lucrative...7.. 5o 13 Fbcmish Béauty ..7.. 5o 12 Seekel...............7*** 50 12 Duchesse d'Angouleuse.. 75o 12 Wintér Nélia ...........5o 12 Yicar ef Wahéfiald....7 5o GnAP--newiN ttopleif AI 2 Bunehes Saleni......5o 2 Bunehes Concord......7 5a 2 Bunches Deleware ....7 5 i}EOWN UNDERe GLASS. 2 J3uuceesBlack i Hamburg 75e 2 Bunebes Wlte Frontig. nan....................5c PLUMS. 12 Caé'a Golden Drop -7... 5ec 12 Duane'a Perple........5o 12 Générai Hand .........5 o 12 Impérial Gage .......... 75e .2 Lambar-d............... 5e .2 MeLaughlin ............ 5c' 12 Magnum Bonne....s.7 5 12 Crab -Apples, large....7 5e 12 Crab Applés, oiaill......70 3ésit-display ef Fruit of ail kinda,. distinct fhem ail other entries............5 63- 12 Tomatoes............... 5 o Fig Ternate.............. 5 o 12 Beets, Beéta.......... 75o Vatér Melen..... ........ 5 c f nsk Melait, green floak ... 75c, guak Me-Ion, scarlet fieah.. 75o litron............5 o hébado CauIfower.... - 5 o h eada Cabbagé, -sunier. 75o Jheado Cabbage, vwinter...- 75o beads Reil Cabbage...7.:5o 1Squafihés ...... a....75 o Pumpies................ 5 i 1 table Carrela.............5 o 1 table Tnrnips ...........5 o ipeaieo0f Dried Fruit... 1 'aned Fruit.............. i ý#éo c f Finit preserv. sr ..... .,Iùca V5rs -.,&75e 500 500 boc 500r ,500 50e tiOc 50e 500 10' JO: 10, -Paiù l Paut Cav Cov Par, pais 'Paix .5 bas tvi ,Woc ilag Cli Gent Gni Pa Logà Fanca Lest un lm Unst mai Fancy Os-obéI Cretcl -Tattin Applig i SREEP. a 1 1 ti cc i le Claes 8 --Loicenter. a ROI.......................86 Si 82 d-. Sboarling Rani............ 6 4 2 Ram Lamb ................ 8 2 1 Two Ewesi,................8 2 1 ýg. Two Shearling Ewes....3 2-1 Of Two Ewe Lambo .;......... 8 2 1 r, Rn Class 9.-CotsWold. 'y.Rm......................... 86 84 $2 he Shearling Ram......... **"6 4 2 ,ré Ram Lamb ................ 8 2 1 im Two Ewés ................. 8 2 1 Two Shearltng wés ......3 2 1 Peu Of Cotswold shéep : 1 ram, 2 ewés, having go ad lambi, in 1877; 2 id Searling ewes, 2 Ewe Iambe, 1 Ram lamb....10 0O 0- CIE1.-tîouthdown. sRam....................._.$4 $2 Shearling Rgm ............ 4 2 o RM- Lamb ............... 2 ,n Two'Ewes ................ 2- Two Shearllng F4,we ......8 2 Two Ewe Lamba .......... 8 .2 ,n CIE 11-IinproVed Berk- shire. Béar ....................... 8 8 2 Si Sow........................ 8 2 1 Boar Pig of 1877...........a 2 1 Bow Pig of 1877............ 8 2 1 ClIE12.-Other emali breeds. Boar............. 88 82 81 Sow ..............8 2 1 loar Pig of 1877 .......... 2 1 Sow Pig of1877 ........... .8 2 1 ClIE1.-Large Swine, any, Cther kind. J3oar.......................3 $2 Si S0W........................ 8 2 1 ,f Boar Pigofl187-7......... 8 2 >1 Sow Pigeof 1877........ 3 2 1 7Fat hog .............. 8 2 0 1[Exact ag"e of Pigs; of 1877 r to be stated on .Etry Tickt ClIE14.-Pou1try. Pair of ]3rabmau, dark..-.. S1 600 Brahmas, bight.....1 50e Coobins. bui.... 1 500 "Cochins, partridgo 1 500 idCochins, white....1 5OC Donkinge, white .....1 500 Dorkings, eolored ..1 t60 Games, black-res ...1 SOCe Gos, dnekwinga . 1 50e Hamburgo, silvor spangled ........... 1 Soc Pair of Hambungo, golden1 paugled .i ..........1 500 1 Pair of Hamburg,, blak . 1 500e Id Hambnrgo, golden1 pen .ïe d ............ 1 50e I ' Pair of Polando, golden i apangled............ 50e il Pair of Pelaude, oliver Ji * pangled ........... 50e li Pair of Plymouth Bocks ...1 ô50e3 HoIal .... ...1 50e 49Black Spanish.1 ::* 50e do Vhite Leghorna;. 1 500 r Blackr d-G amne ]antams .......... 1 500 Pair of Brown-réd G ari Battané...... 1 50e0P Pair of S ivéer Soeorigt PM Paix of Ba .ta ........... 1 50e Cý PÙofTurkéys, eolored ..1 500 8 Turkeys, whiteé.... 1.1 soc 8 Géeeo, Toulootse .....1 500e'3 "Gesé, Roder.... 1 Poo 8 Geese, white China. 1 500 2- Geepe, hrown China 1 50e 2 Océsé, common .....1 50e01H Dueko, Ayleabury .. 1 50e 1U Ducka, Rougu.. -1 650 Si Canai-y Bird..... : _ 500 ci -Collection of Pigeons ..v.... . 500 S' AQRICIJLTtTRÂL PRODUC- j Ohe bs . là Qranu and Seedi. Two bushols F*afl ,Wheat... 0 84 #2 01 é aaWba& 1 1 1 :Fiat B O fram O Germa: Guiper 0 Chénlu 0 Chenill O Méxica O ~Spécinsi 0-- 0 Spotite O -hoitl 0 - WcÎrkéSd 0 SuifaFil. Te1't si - CotIî a 1 -Cam t3i Otteniese 0- - wax Fs-t Wax FL. Wax SLi ~Papes-FI P eathe- Zepliyï Fanci' Be c- Wall Bas e Grecien -1 eLantp È, li'uncy Ta BReocîe W Coie Wos 3 Fas-nérs - Hali- Jevu Mas Oil Pointus ais, Lent 011 Paintiî, olp, Anii aIs, ani Oil Pelin Leudeca] 1ol Painîin Animals. Ou Paintin ani' sui Véiele sa Peeil,figeu- Crayen'draý Crayon ilrt Colos-éd Ors Colaret Os- Peas-l Paint Or*narcréntal Mepping-- Collection o anS Phot( Photegrepho Claies l aix Mee'a seved. Paeir oés péRgeS pasir Men'a i Pair Meu's c Lest -Assorti and Sboéei Set of Osrrit0 B et el SingTe Saide ...d... Pair Heavi' E t Travelling Ti Sole Leaâher. Uppor Leatho Upper-Leathe Uppér Leathf lirees Léat Britié Léathé Çlass 24, Os-gais.... Pianso.... Cabinet Work, Sctrure ini 1lIseHonéyi Becs' Wax .. lOlls Maplssut Twe' loaves cf Collection of Oc home mode.. ji Cellectien oh Cc ' J Lettas-PreosPi 1 1

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