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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1877, p. 4

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niii ofu x$Mca ai cent. Payablg Apply - Apiii17th, 1877 botwioenl.nballaites boen 'ewd4 their titi upontLie: ttaljon, which wa8 soffl coe- Ptoi reent or the fort. Tic <4 until 9 ah niglit, wheu ttbc 'al Occuplil aili e positions' Cltj'. formerly helil by the 'h 1luseau treep'fouglit 2a ver. eniande - by oa- enper. Thcy bcloug ho hhe rs auit '4onsietul cf lwo di-;> efantry sud. eue division cf Lh. looseare uaw repertcd Il mare iome ai At firet -Yesterclay tb. Turklsh oh. 'leg 6,0<30,mun, lncludiug un unduror comenmand of slinansd Alîsncd Fasha, are >hafve aurà'ecndred, togthier monQlitorse ud 40 cannons, Ceusseke e-ofBaron Krudoa- 1o Lave . roeobeil Lom Pail- ,ni oa4Widcin. The ied ufrtétrasbofore sur- and' Consunccd i. heprincipal f lb. town ilusteil upon lthe bat Niliepolie now prenants i lied appearàne t on ever. boel% abause on lire aîfer tbc bUt tic fire 'was extinguielced C seldiere. A nuluber of aine[, lun tihe owa, being by sUrprise. 'To-day seme ire passmng a Tunldeli bouse, f thein wss lilled by a saho dow. nilemi-ades Imueý Ad mi Uap lboune, and dis- bye Turlis feund hier.. magaztines vae. lown up ilacis di ring lihe combat ci' - -At 1wo Iis a fteruîàoou the long lin. cf Tikiisi pnioners bogan thofiiile own flie maicl icadiug from tii. cilsiel te lihe rivi% CGot te the bank tlccy eciat' tiil ipen tic. cana, andl cooly avaiteil rapea ticcn te cettîmaiu i itte cf tlie Dâube. Tlîey cre ail reguicare, tlice icisici ]icczoiks sud Circascini a bs iig giano ay coin. hhpne cgo. Atîmeci 1ma lltîsisrhcu I'ch]!Lc, lice coiiaiders 01,thetistriii i-nriope;, are scuong ltce paisocari. Nul ccccny iulicabitautâ rit- in iilit NikajcuiH. Thue Turksit 1sall l li açuîiedul o bu ubjeti (if coin îltidhic-encu Lu e t ltiia calcul <'8,as, d i iuwere pucritilealte wLUerli bumul icn a scaccia cacrt uoficner, as thoîcigli inabie. ta conipreliend thc ' ecicao Wbiclihaid tronglt lice iiued the arbiciîvi'iof thi-ir fite, A iltti,,liîg cuaicitn-ry upon TurTll acergy 'cvas vit4ible in Ltce, shape of ail iiîiu aoisce POO' of iel-madc gaibis, Mwlicbllcad bovo-e n bccc.flIlud, lu proiecal ti1a) gurcuscv' ,No i-ceont Ithcaîclîl bt diétregîhn tLe rigc andI bleaim.tooi- - ing lheigluce coulh lascavil tymlîere. Tholue clidwerc emii burrfied wivcn1 rcçacltd them lfild of Lîittle, Lut lb. clu- l»[y Clftridcgos lyiîmgý,' crcmcud inc I.uy d.-ciraacti-cî tolilul ïLccîn mon hall fuîghit auuul <liedl in lice îiccnly iitruggle foc tih, pieselor, ef the licigifs cf Nikepelie. P3 1 ceceudeil <lic iilil oward lice Dan- cîb e, I came ilie a train ai coucicry e i-; t euneYing .weiiilod T-urlis, wlicîe luaj' ilee b(liedhien l sevu te by ltce lihe Iluilvaiemi rnrpaunalic.Tousaîals0c rince nriid bayolin ia accoutcrementcs %varco 1iieu nil adeug tîcQ uail cii riiithea t vamîl of 3 a tf 1(s eîuiclui l lcaicîc i'vciteil * ' itî~rrciovcîluciiohe i cnruc'ilauf lacs. taýlais. I uotired ticat Lice Nwuudeci 1.,clricai vo i sluoiacrur hici pique and c' c- pacuaii on t llicir cîcrc fcrlccm.mcte coui- paiolc ca l'yiaactd oic lihe baiîk cf <lue ilucaîcîibe. IThe WL010 Seclin 'vas eIalt(clcuiug in tlhe cît-ezuca. '17li air ni hocpalîmes lci<ftinu tho faces of thiepriicuiere, lice aioidring c cUiii, ut lt.eImiidiiugc buî'eid cy liceTriks bc- fonr tbcî- curceicler, lice %wii-u'cliedbuts cl it acc.duig, and theLI(c b ieklillitiles wIVI tùUig ii the sin, cîcaule cielictrc lo i i ituîttialve au) ti l e auclulftcî o eu celvii. Tue !sidena change cf lice for- linesîiuir wcm cbrouglît licnc o ieu illostIivi-lWy aIS 1Fsod ou tlice lit batci of tlIe Daccube tiim coning, suneonail- 'cd by lîwa'cci-(lso fcmuirious Itsccinacians, ga îc il lime place wbiclcliedallue thcei' terrer for nionh's, saîndlwliic uaw lcy linuijlese Iefor, tbiem. TJheî'e ici ior. lruthb han poei'y in Ibii is eki llippecfin fulice Hlacîcdcc- Il Now lice towviu aniibs viVe 'sud- doccl& feel hlicir licarte aveu wihls lender- affection fur' a decci, Jern couin wîcu " lices ont lictlice countr-y ici nc big fartia liman dmcc iiepe cul lcumdred cowca, ifty Iherses, tiio thousaud echiekens fi-y iicg iz,, andi an orehard as big as s lmiw- suit, sud who lit just clying tcu snlthe lnwîîn asaRs1dhie wife'and-lhi ci dii <'cci sud thici 'hre loge, sud is piiccig c. icalaime of their ecgicet, ccc ta in lUpiY ton hilit thbiy go cccl aid live on Iin mi% wiceks. And Dnelièimtllcao wliccn htilil-ei, eccsiti cocuesiciîiilccajoincg itio Mie City tl e sc tie, Christas aigiute llany vii cclitaiil til im icld.fis )licvc'l wii(c Ho dbrumailiiccl hicey woc'l necovea- from ~il mcmLititilis ticua for lie eil otil-îc 'l'O h1wt' à g400<1 îcmuicrigid lciii îîa.ainacu, utii m t vyuccIaw-ulumoi'eomctri, liîou pjula lm itlu tiî,Itmcci latientiy wait thu ie iceyodi .w tOuîcibeltivtliy foc- lie ilmuacler Yerai u-ilpueitinu wues lu ycîcî' -. ioke Whea; yotc toeoi YUC gat lu clamai; hote if l eic pnîirstieu short. franc evety blocec viie tlice girl lu tbic oatlue- - Iiii. yeu vaiuby c-mdcacmors lu 6écêprees s. tiller; thiece, oic luloved, Ac itile hliige, lit >enoughi, yes, acore tian cacugli, lic ruat. eyenwislii hat yoil lca 1 lid wlcetic-am*11111. chlud u Ien lun<ied - itli taiiplaîsha-f-tariî laicmcb lin îî TAaWLË814EHWNtS m Vicr111,MINîS lits. rmlut. - Ths cIrit ila>emnylc-anJia cula- -ia.roglon Âh Iunal. mutcithMcarud. t1 in litct thint coepto dettilcation' existe aMnegtbcO amrikers rinl chiliren arc dylng furcarvnt cf brer., lItheLinerai uic- oteninneailtu hoid ouh fuir better vages8. lu the 16ic auig uachcayikilt 1-eglouit la prePORed tho eîhaiîish macci- U 'Ors' lncdc unioni, sùd if Ibis solommlu Carrled cula gcenrl elnike may bc lnk. cd tor. Lawlbosneiecxista le the NWy. cuclng district, s numIcer cf stnikece hcvlog wneclced a eai train lu the Le- liigli Valey Uilirnafl kiUing a-brcikns'. ', Boy, eaisi a goieuac.i b111flhost- ler of 'un hoel on alilglitiug freinilis pliccton, <'axi-iale thuit -qnadruped froiui the velelàlo, stabalato hlm, donaîc Iicciau adeajoate snppiy of utitiosi s4imuutr, and Icia lice litera of marc- iulg shiahaain illuininaîc-îîe orientai Iluvionie i bf'a 1,d1f-lce apeciary 00oncpeuacaîioic foi. hiune Iicitio hLos- p1talîtY. 'Plihe boy raila'm t the Icoses "ud' bld hiî iiiahtcar hacta IuhDatcinam Ywltntccl hèsoechuin. vry, reryloac wbc'n an atteal. :lYO;min nu fil ssked ah s havu 1i c f a churcli wlatahlcliharo ýwen:-"Idcer." But it's jsteas en~ ho'trias te Buck nphis ice ' du .dYou knoÃŽrwhy 1 e n the 9 'Y'30fur 2" askeid Chiarbis'~ fou4r year.odaid No m ,dean, Is4ARe lhime grandnss,îe ing îeceto catclu d nemember e ayingog f théprecions 'lttie therp q ino atbilug iUAsih Of 460. TYH E WINDSOR. (Cer. King aud yol-ls) NOW OPEN~. S2.00 PER DAY. 1'ree Omnibus te aedl from Mil trains. Ta-ý ble sud appoinhmcith flt-clase. SCULLEY & PINNIGAN O-ly Prepnietors. T AIHIFF OF EflS TO U BETAKIE1N BT CONSTABILES. lùalea'Ordorin Cuciui, dalel 2ithhday et July, l81'l.) 2. Arrcst 01ci cla ivclcucl upon a wcarranth-------------------... i se 2. Soc-viicg succincns or snbpccna.... 0 25 i. MilLagce to berve rcicumucai, b- canaca un warrat------------..O0le 4. isileaigewhen, service cacarinôt Le n1011ii rO of etdace dllignce.... 0 10 5, Mili-age lakicig drisînlere le gaol, extecînsivee dsurirrints nec- i-sciriiy expenciedluici hein <ccc- vc-yaîlucs--------------c -...O010 6i. Attendicg Juucîkesci suce ucn7 trials, or oun oxaccuintion cf pin- accus-es chirgeul %vil Ji calme, for cil day nescessaeily enupîcycc ia caca or more e ese, vienet ecligiec iare tlîacc fou-r heure.- 1 00) 7. Dio. (Io. svhcaou igegtd more hase fohurm ...s- ...............--I150 8. Atiociimg Aflsizais or Sessions, ;0 ai dy---------------1 50 .imai.seions. ci- bifor. Justice. îwlicn pubhlica onve Ruce can lie tîtkeii, auay reatsecmale dieburs- acit ctai <n a clowi'a.)-......010 10. l'.cncmolinlm 'Jury IciorLCorones' lîmîjiesl, t,,,clcîg alhi'ndiig i imqui'ît, aud ait oca1-vîcce nre- reet llccren! ith'ld aon saineday ccci Jury ,acinfînacîi----------.... il-. AtteccdIcg eci tdjîiurcuannt lîcercof, ilfîlot oagiiged Mncre foure coes------------------...1 001 12. Do. do. il flgg'd lire <hant fuer laios------------------....i150 13>. S-oring micinicao etIco',na te e ittctiiî tatfoc-c Coea-ur (saIïj(eel 1-i. Mhl.of,-p-gr c, si-----------...... 15. 1'lacuuiiag t.- e(tund'tr Curccur'.i 1li. Cî'-tî'mryiacg c11101Wi...............2 00 17. scrviog diicýemi sarrîmitL, mmd ce. 18. A<l'.ertting ctine litress crie- rait- - - - - --............. 10 19). T raviliccgt liLktie dislue6f, nets m4paiciafoca-goa<sin ai dcis- Irci;, wcc'tir) negosala n flianî. 0 o 1 20., Appliaiceinencc, sc'b"llîar tV lihall or ncre, 2 cents incthie dollar, on the sotine f i-c-ils 21. CataouegîtIo lcfccclcoarision uncd dalvery f Moncl e 5 cln r - Ihe #, Oc iÈI c rcîduîre cf cmod8. 221 Exeu-utrugFicarci arraniti..... 10 23. Servicg notaicecccicnelailess whca pereeaally aerved-....0 l'ut li ei la y Ortler, Il. .J. MAUDO.NLL, Clerlu c thicPeace, C. O. 22 w IHIT13Y, PORI' PE RY & LINDSAY ltA.ILWAY. TIME TABlLE No., Taule1m s-tTci-t a n(a-slc, Aug. t, 1877. rORO'NTO TiIE. ci' vccr aicART. Torento vii G.TTil. 5 0 i-lia- 4>t7 pm WVhltla ,Ju. UTit. E-O -l .25 - tWhitb...... .. 85cd 6.80 .c.....c..-t.c. 6.47 - .yr .......... 8 700 Munehasclr ...945 c. 7.17 Prnac Ala)erh..t ora 1 725 fiVot . 10. 10 cdl- 7.86 c tsf eigmve-....10.9,-, 758 'senym ........... 10.4A - 8.05 tManillac ...10,5i7 - 8.17 - 0 11mluos- 111 8c4cj d MLidsciy. . .arriv-e. 1.45 9.00~ TRAn1CuIm OaINOAOTaI. Mcaaniposa-- .1.1 'Seciya . ... .... < jSOagrR.v.::....-7.00 c 1Prt rr-- 7.22 - >Htlnm"Aît -..... . . .........- 7.60 f Bronkla .... .ü: Whlclcy------ --.20 - oonatovi G. T. Pn. arrive-.....10.22 No. 3 MAIL. aieaAu?. 2.15 p in. 2.25 < 240 8.00 1.22 4.12 4.200- 4430 727 - 'l'iag satieus-Tiaima Etop niii igdOuilny. ITcuorapc i t'toeeî. Cý)NNECTI0NS:. wîziirîî't JU;flVI'ON wiitaGrand Trukk iiilcmy for aIl Poits act iinsd 'West. rORT-PER il y itic eloa e foc bridge. BEAoîmAçri-For Sitli nlWtm XANit.u,-14'ee d3unlcîland ad Canîuiuîglon. MAmcot-low, Oalc'cond<, Little Dritain, Valeatia and PortIEco-cer. LiWqDcIAY--Witlu Victoria iicilsray, for Peaceiucn FIi, Kiiemourcl, Mical.e, Hal- ihnirtou, <lue lrce G rant '2s(-rriîci-y, sud lIce Liciglili Laîcai Compmmaa'srcprty, with mialianî1 i m loi lu' Wacvlle, Bc.umerlii, Oiili Wit'lbé!chtcce, Geor gta11 iuc Liucy-vlt coacaet Orillila 'ssith tlie Nnrth-u-iui Pilwacy fî)r Gra'-tai heraca irî'clr nsd the IFrce)Grant riririv'-meînra Crani',, .nStssituer for S<cirncuau Pinmt lc-b, ya deiitlifmSuie- nier WIorfuand ,0011ah-iimic. Tils ilte l îly directi Roule freie pOints sen 1h. Victoria Itals-uy and Lindissy le Terntana udthe Ws. Thruah cTicket, may b. isci ut Grand Trnnk Ticket Officee, Uanion Sîtien, Te- JAMUIS HOLIIEN, Maagfug Director. Wlby, Jaiy 271h, 1877. 3 F OR SALE c - DR- FOOTE'6, RE SIDENGE, <'OE ST ld ,fcture, tnJ* if any -unee -ccsiaggeu ' uic(ma teécfd lc, bixi, be fi-am $ewn or country, ihq Seaugel Clolhod Q~-Printer s ink saIts some classes our, evcvry neayperson, LAING & STIE On and after the 2nd July, HAMILTON& Co. wil offer, the re mainder of their -GENERAL STOCK, AT GILEATLY REDUCED PRrCES. No Summer Goods ivill be held over, but we will offer aI, suoli prices'as will effeet a speedy clearance'. BO0Cf'>S AND SHORSI NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING.1 BEST MERICAN IRUBBEIR GOODS- ON HAND.. Occts' <Jcc.f Boots mûd Shoe, lhe flîes t and înest durable made in thc ccuntry. l t' Ladies' culienior goods iPruaiella, iîd asd Goal, (ca speciality.) Wliccn drabiliiy andi cheapeess are reqciirccl, cal au Old No. 1, Cheap for Cash. BURNS, Brook street, Whitby, May 201h, 1877. Whitby.1 28-12M JA MES GOODFEL LO0W C o,, IhLPOBTEIIS & WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERIS IN LAM PS , Chimnleys, Buirners, Wicks, Chandel- iers, Stoves, Burning Fluid, Rock Oul, Wooden Wai'e.: Children's CLOTIIES-WINGE.RS, AND Carri ages, GENEItAL 11013E FJJRNJSHJNGS. 81 Yon go-St., two doors (fro.m King, TORON TO# S U T S Ç PRI-NGLE'eS H A Mercliant Tai/or/n g and Gents' Furnishing flouse, R McMILLAN'S BLOCK, R FBROCK STREET, - - WITBY.T S O0 K S FIN ARTS BEST'S GALLERY, OSHAWA S-PLENDID P ICTU R ES, JMfe-Like-taken iu a moment in the best style. Mr. l3est hies seclured tie services of one the best nega- tivo retouchera ini the United States. I feed confident liat I eau turn cul woric cquai, (if not superoe,) te snything cicr'before nmade i hi ueccuntry. r-- CALL AND SEE 11Y WORK. _ AU are welcomne to inspeet the Gallery. Fine Photos of the Leadiug Statesmen of the Dominioni-- Right Hon. Sir John Macdonald, Hon. T. N. Gibbsi &o., aud cf Ror. Rallier McCann, Rev. Mr. Laird, and îcading citizens, for sàle at BESTS' GALLERY SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. 10iIVS BE3mST. DOMI NI-ON WAREROOMSg. _000 Just :Received a Presh supply qf Choice* Mililinery, Parasols, Summer ,Dress Goods, WW are therefore, enabled t6 lEtroidcecia mrce Po parîmeube 'ofimanfa"c-jirp, Saddlng netely to tue pu se o te tb aiiditycf ils exectionadà consequeut S This pineipti is rcgardd necssa$ý in a veil r w. enabled te tuirà cut aur mainew s, kth ahighp, prices se laa cbsoltely te defy cem]peotitlo le oWs n w e l i,,known. S ingle W4&er, Ibat s *, '$ id4of wouId, aimaitseem sp~rif ut As ê ~tholo t air àMy osmýtdK af~tr u machine who have 'adhrdte th~e è1d4igàiJoutnmach4i,wthue- iug up fte inlmprevaejwule;,that juiiîeteourumlvglnd 'patrons require of 'us te etate that w. have modified *t t 4alnoetevery eseential part,anzd for strength and durablity, ' nalty of -c4 Iz vry a ond Mufgri;1ghtï~eâsof 2aag mn-the ' ' :nh aiuacùe~ Y ùue-ëetândà pr-eminèn11j &bend of aSU othet zréopéra. lI proof of thie poçîtipa we have .only te pioiut te the many Pirot Prizes awardcd ne-a--t th6eIsetlProvincia trial of On-i tare. and nsny connt~y trials wblcli have taken place al ever Canada, withln the set few ycars. OUR- TRIUMPH OOMBINED 'MAGHLNES with late improvemebti, là ail that ean b. e bsred M- & ombin Mehinhsud cannot (ail te mee$ ail the r.qnlrezente of purchasere. Our 1Improved Cayuga- Ch/sf Jr., and our Young Canada MowerBg are both, firat-clase machnee-constituted alincet wholly cf Iren and Steel The Caiga Jr. bua arear cnt, aàthe, Young Caàada aàfont Ct;,botii strong, dur- ablemachines, asud net excellait by Aziy machins i the xnaket'for, quality cf etit, durabiity, lightness cf draft, adaptaàbwlty, andcee f management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVE8ÊTER."y As the country lia become botter adapted te machinery, and many cf aur faim- ers have become skilled in the nseccf machines, a grcwiug. dcmand -bas eprung up for a Light, Durable, Firat-Clase eesper. Ailve te the requiremente cf the day, wc bave succeeded ini inventing a ma- chine with a Wrought Iran Frame, with the least possible gearlngL'..with large, broad-faced drive wheel ,-nnd se constrnctcd that thc frame and table tilt at the same -time, thercby kaeping the pitman always in lin. with the knife. The rakes arc driven directly frem the main shaft--here bcing ne perceptible aide draft, and ne wcigbt upen the herses neake. We are confident that we have succccded i nventing 'the môst perfect Reaper, taking it in aRiis parts, tbat has evereeun prodcocd. Wc have apphied fer Jettera patent, aud sia hold cor invention, for our ewn exclusive manufacture, and we rcspectfnlly suggest te in- tending purcinsers, that they should sec 'his machine before givwgli their orders fer the ceming harvest. The "Wb.itby Harvester" weighue, al bld, 600 pounds, but bcing madle. principaily cf the boat quaiity cf iron and steel, and (rom its lu- genious andd compact couetruction, il combines the. etrengt.h and durabilily cf tic heavier machines. MIllof oui machines are fally wturanted. With this lisI of machines, we feel confident liat we eau mccl .very re- quirement, and wc respectfully solicit a trial cf ouï machines, beileving that we can furuieli a better machine fur the money than eau b. obtaiued elscwhcre. Respcctfully Yours, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G.. 00. Whitby, Ontario, Febmuary, 1877. -P-ASHIONABLE 5TA IL ORIN GI Go where you can get a Weil-fitting Garment :-Td the Tailoriug Establishmnent of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA.. SUPERIOR CUTTING SHAPES THE WOIIK1 A Large Stock of Fine Cloths ; best Englieli, Scotch and Canaclian Tweeds. r: Excellent Overcoatings and Splendid Vcst Patterns. A goodl fit CGuarautecd. Sbut ai- of Ohoice Fimily Grocenies, of al -es. .:& S-$125 'RER GALLON.., [owe, Plents. ,Gr'eent Yegetables TOMÂTQES JUST RHCEIVED.-" 'Mnéa< Glasad Croekery Ware, tl hatn'aid- for saal. heap. Gaiden Seeds,- Clover and Timo- )f aihid0 , djectfrom $eolland, 10 arrive sfrigom5te8 cents pet blashbl. GEOR URJ~~- E,. J. JOÃ"'HN SO0N In annioullcing the continuance of the Sbusines lately carried on by TILL & JHIN SON, as Cabinet Maker8 and Uûdertaký rs< by himself, begs toý-,olicit also a cou- tinuartce of the liberal patronagexhleretofore'bestowed pon the flrm. lie has now on hand. an E lient Stock, coxnprising Sideboards, Ceutre\%,['able hatnots, Hall Stands, Sofas, Parlor and Bedr 'ulîs, ail of Superior workinanship, and of the very b Inaterial. Picture framing very ep.. Al orders executed with promptitudetai deRpatc\ Special attention to the ûipholstering brac .0IW Aandsome well appointod IHearse-Funeralsjul ly supplied. Wbitby, May 7tli, 1877. J O N O :20 NEW STA.TION ER y -AND- IBOO0K S TO AT TH-E EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. O C P-ROCK-ST. C*eorge YuIe begs to anunnounce that ho lias re-opened hie Stationery &Azf Book Store in Whitby, where stationery c f ail kinds, cf the. best qualty, will h.e kept on hand ; alec Sehool Bocks cf cvery description, Copy Books, Siates, Pencils Inkke, lco., at the Iewest prices. The Daily and Weekly Papers idwa.ys on hand. Su],- seriptions Solicitcd. Musical Instruments, iucluding a fine assortment of OC7tSELL CHE.AP FORB CASHü0J Violins.' Orders are tuken for Periodicala, Magazines sud music. 1. 1 VWilby, Dec. 131hi, 1876, GEO VULE.1 WILLIAM TILL'S. CABINET FAC0TORY AND FURNITURE WAREROQMS1 THlE OLO STAND, BROC10K àSTRE E T, WHI 1TB Y, JLinen Suitings, Grenadines.d Go where you cannot, fai1 ï o- be pleased in making selections fg fnire Our' Stock of Summ er Go-ods is com- Splendid Parlour, Drawing ýÉôom 'an& Bedroom sets, peein every departmeuî. Ce- Linen sud Lustre Goals, incw Dm enis io lethy-f nseclc.'ttinsiglw rea pletevss Meus' and Boys' Straw Hats, &o~. nromEtnicTals-.vrspriuiile WThiteVesîsGilt Corni es, Pieture Framing i verysye Some fiue 'Chromo O r Gr!ocery iïs supplied with Choice sd7ug vxie orsae allsbanches; fueras i -yspplpà -Astck f At a very smatl margin on cost. Work tione-to orderin first-ciass style. ÀStylish Boot and a Good Fit- G U&IRÂ31T,. EnM m: JOHN SAUNDERS. g2e N. B. Parties need not ask for credit, as it ivili not be gi»n-J. S. Lyqitbi, Marxci 6h, 1877, - SADDLB.RYANýD-HARNE-SS. "WILLIAM THOMPSON Begs 'te direct attention to bis large sud suiperier stôck, cempriaiug crery- hibogilu the Saddlery sud Hanu en, aleo Leather Valis es and 'Saratoga k OT OP- U-HILDRÈ-N'S CA BRI - m Ve aude.ne and Chtap. At thc, ciaPàl selt N WILLIAM lrun.ksI diment. TROUPSON, FU RNIT W.HOLESALE & TAIL. Buildings, 18 9,.Y"geS Have always on band &,Full Stock ofeyvery. ta Uic weiitsof theircnstemers ta merit,% continciance cofIthe patronage ikterto ex 'tende to tem î Special attenhion paid t't) h1a.ýzgeo -NEEDLBW'ORK OTTOMMBNO FÂNCY CHAIRS, LAMBREQUINS, CORNICES,&cc. nmde and"'pictdawn, lu tbe 'boit style. JAS. H. 84f0 & Co ]Ï r c i 8 1 7 6 . i T RE TALBERG PLAN0 $290M0. The Thalb.r Piano fuls a wsut long fel- -thatofaà GOOD; IJSEFUL PIANO wluich comhined tue cearnese oftcue sud thc bcaihyof finis hue mael celcbralcd mûe, -with &a moerate Prce. 1 ho b sskcd how. it la possible le enpply aà Good Pianoer aient HALF THE PRICE' geerslly chargedthei sacer là plein : iu th.e Malang or sale cf th",se mr- mente, tuierc sicxeneo.-laic'shoWrooms te keep up, ne çrand Music Hale o mrosaiel, orne expensivo travelhlAkagents hoé'psy. These Izetiients are eh meS. ci a- UNIPOUX STANDARD. -PULL SEVEN OCTA&VE SOLIE,'THON -'FRAMIE, OVEBSTRUNEF- BASS, ROUNDEF196ST CORNERS, SERPENTINE MOULD'GS, sud DOUBLE VENEBED ROSEWOOD CASES.. Au extra DISCOUNT 0F,.î» .PER CENT. ccili be alioee Sciocie sud Couvents, alec- te Clereymen forth, use cf tielafeailies, -W. ADAMS, - hitby. Whllhy, Fehnnary, 180h, 1877. CITY> 0F-TORONTO, Learea foot ci Yongc:jt., Torontçý, deat- 7ewi elen a Om it ecne10 n for tic FallsBuffalo# Clevelsud,Rchiester,, Nec ok, Bston,'&ë ' - -'ésFot». BuTicketo.i nemlin&SFota. 1 ail4, ercuto L VERPOOL MAI1RET 1 CASH PFOIR GBIN, To bo delivered aI Frenchman,'s, Bay.. PLASTER,, SALT, ÂND COAL. FOR SALE. MONEY TO LO'AN Ou Real Estate, ah Lcýs Ratés cfi nterce.. Jauuary th, 1877. I-8- SIMON & KELLEY,I CIGAR MANUFACTORyl,_ C IGARS manufacture iromabest Havens, ~.Tobsac. Tii. celebrateil 118. K." Cigare-. Holel-lcecpers aud Dealers ccii .u i te teir' adreulage te giv. tuein a trial. Wlaticy, Pcb. 7tb, 1877. ly-'f D. MLOY, 20-nh EOMAN GIBBON, (3eneral Commission Merchant and Produce Dealer, Agent fer lzPuL asad OimzcrAcw us- 'ON Fire Ineurance Cempaiiies. RATE S_ 0FINSURANCE LOW 1 Aiea Agent fer the Loicox sd ana iADIÂS LOAN A» DAUEicy Coi-Ar. 'Meney ien- cd -on real ehtete payable from'Twe le Twclvc ycars, snd lu anme to snîh'partica. 93rIntercat low suneQnoomxson chargeai Mcrtffles bought. - W. J. GIBSON, China teasStore, Duxida St., Whithy.-' WMtlby, Mereh isti. 1876. 12 S.W.E BIB Beapetfuly'infarmglhie Patrons sud Uic PulclihaIh s pnrchaeed thicEgit fer Pickering, te Manufacture Coriboy's, Patent Seat for B UG GIjESB, CUT'TERS &C. Ail parties yu-l do well te sec cur Buggles s*md CUters, before giving thiir erders ce.e Braugham, Jnly 13th, 1876. lyr-3O A FBW DU&RABLE OUSES FB Town and Park. Lots F .I S'AeLE- JARSi loryPal CHA ton, Brook coe Street5 ).Aucuy, ont (LATe -eunI Streetd TUa Dr. Wm. i=jSm Whit7,y,Set ROBT. BA3 Graduate (witi Qamss Ã"e Uifiv. cof Medie unir. of Pene 'cf1h1Uir'c ceilor the.-C) Coldwatf*r St., a Âugust 241h, 18 W. L-30taeS, p.'m. aud Girt stre 911 clcsp astheC beet. T.ti SU -Te'Uc extracted - local anziahcsie. su'a ncw block, a King Street, Oei I3UILDER, - * ois C adJoîneri T OWNSFLG GOISIORG] L BEISME sudeiner, w lare qnatity18cf T SuoesHIPt1 1 E.'ISIE The ClDavik cl 'toncn Hall, Cin1 &oher, om.t TO ' Ibsweek. ~'Tinware of in Stock, or made to order. GOLDSMJTH'S 115 Of m I~Go( AtWM. J.- GIBSON'S. Wiby China Tes Store; WANTED .-Any qua:ntityôf Ooo-Qqd -Butt.er, Eggs -anid Festhere,'for whiéh tho highest cash pric" e wl opaid. pades and, Shovels,. Garden Rakes, eGarden floes, - Forks, &c., Cut Nails, Paints and O9-1,'Pain4t -and VarnihBrushes,&c every description1 Now to liand, a- fulli assortment of New Goods, which havin'g' been weil bouglit, will be offered at. VERY LOW PRICES. GOLD AND SILVER, WATCHES & CRAINS. BRIGHIT AND COLORED GOLD JEWELLERY. BLACK JEWELLERY, JET AND VULCA1'ITE. gie" Clocks of Warranted Quality, Very Low Prices. Eleotro Silver Plate,. a ver large assortment, new deésigns, in Cruets, Butter Codlera Cake Baskets, &c" &a., relia- bic goode, sud prices iower han ever. Would *calI spedial attention to a New Line of Gooa- NICKELITE-a substitute for silver. Niekelite Table, Dessert, and Tes Spoons, Table and Dessert Fprks. Inspection invited. NEAR SIGH.-T AND OTHER SPECTACLES. Oidrens' Carrnages ini great variety, two, three, and four Wheels, American and Canadian makes. Match 27, 1877. Practical Watchinaler, &r.ek Street. BU GG I ES For. Sale at very Reasonable Prices. Beyeral Open Buggies with child's seat, Lady's Open Phoetons latest style and, very liglit, -otered -Phoetons with Rolling Seat, aise Liglit Top and Open Buggies of Super- ior Style and Fïnish. AU > made Whihby, Jaly ôth, 1870. of the be8àt Miaterial and Jf'ranted..1 TOMS & NEWPORT, Whltby, Outarlo.2 BOOTS AND SHOES. J0HLN' S AIJNDUE BS. lias ýjuý,stfreceived a larg)e stoc5k of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Spring Wear, whioh he will GIROSS & MACNACHTAN.- Wbitby,. April 17th 1877.ý 17 ý U4y 2IFit, 1877. 12M-221 IIA-L-L.1

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