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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1877, p. 2

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ltfy V#meoiwatlcu ai ý-Wwtlb>' P. p & L. RoUéce, & cnly Ae-lituïsl Paps for sale.- Spé.lsl Goeoral Meeting-TIse Mtsdgé kt Yas-wooei Mssf'g Go.' AmciCou Salé.,orcfOtsweid Sheép, Bersire Pige, Sisertmhos-u sud Us-ado Catil-Brs-.hlà& qhaaton. j SpouilsiExéansn Trlo-îg, 20 aud.21 2 -Jus. ficidersMa. Dis-. esadj Mode CleChlg-W. J. HIekie Uroccenes-W. J.:Hiekie, & Oc.' Us-est Réduct in luPrces o! Organe -Tise Nuage àYarwood Maai'g Sto-rei sud tinvsne-Wua. Xryun. Euvetsougiing-Wmn. Dryau. nage sud &. lu éxcag-Wn.,l Soe-ais& Bs-o, Outlés-y end plat edWase-ssh Bs-c. Ncw .00oda-Plingles OiotimhugStore. Thé Oounsty. Agrcultural Ex Chia yes- eau aéareeiy fan cf sUeCea. t wll emstally:is- fassil of tise Prasident ansd ofnicép, o eumsesfîsl cas h.' Agrieultus-al Seil bae yet isad. They are sparlng- trouble sud havé goeste coonsidérai, expeus. lu hoir efforts te soeur-e auss reit. - Tiséy havé arasnîg0 idbii! excursion trains at eheap fanes dusrl -thé cotlumian i ! h fis-to wliiei, snuseh wlder pttbliéty bisa- stsu la 'besu givon, -' A MsWvposstry shéd In bé seldecite thé allier buildngs omit exhibition Ugrenade;- a iura-eiyi Pi eured for registes-iug admissions -a0 eey passiblemuaus takeCe lues-es thé numbar cf entries aud aSeos& date thé mombéns Exhibitori ilu il Drill Sbed wili aIse adea u m proveu atate cf tisinga thore, as tIse door wi hc eprcad wifh tan-bas-k tb keép dcil the dnst sud othes- aneans takon for th AUCTION SALES. County Ontario Rifle Association. * Sale cf valuable Farm c ontalnln 100 acres, beiug lot No. 5, la tIhé StIs LIST 0F Os-FlERES. cousof Pickériug, on Tssssday, thé lSth cf Ïept. 1877-the troperty cf thé lats At s meeting cf thé Oounty cf On- Gao. Day-L. Fairbanks, Auctioneer. tarie Rifle . Association, haldaet thé Sale of importedl drassght StaUlious, Qucen's hotel, Whftby, bu Friday aset, lasra stock, &0., ou lot No. 10, Brokén tise 7th inat., tihe foilowing oflacers Front Pickering, on Tlsuraday, Sept. were clected for thé ensuiug year:- l8tls, 1877-L. Fairbanks Anetioneer. PÂsOS-a.Hde, sq; . Sale of Farrn, farto, &., ou Friday, W. .Drown, Esq., M. P. P.è Sept. 14th 1877-ou lot No. 24, in uehé PuRrosm.-Colouél Wallace. 2ud cou. Pickeiug-tL-t. Fairbanks, - Vîcic-PaxsscsvaT. - Major O'Dono- Auetioneer. van; Captain Farewell. salé cf three éareuhof landi,-thé ExEcuxîvic Omcsa.-Judge Dart- preperty of thé e John Dow, on u111. Mcudsy, Oct. -lat., 1877, nt Rayav OiTTflDTEAIER.JOP. hootown o'%Vbàitby, at tw., c'eloek,Tal. p. z.-L. Poirbaeks, Auctioneer. bU(E0 s.Bagant. RANGE OrnaEs.- Major White; Sale of houséheld furuiture, hay, Pc- Lieut. Rutiedgé. tatoei, wocd, &o, on lot 14, Wlu thé ih STnTI8TICAL OrncE-Lt-Coi. Mo- cou, cf Pickering on Tueedtsy, Sep. Millau. 25th, 1877, at bue 'cioek, P. m., thé COUNesz.-N,p. ttfacNaiMstaU, Whit. propssty cf Mr. -John Thionpaot- by; Lieut. Diavideon,-Baverton; James Dgby, jr., Antionser. datain John Smnith, Oshawa; Sr Salé cf vainebia tiniber, situatcd ou géant -Duun, Whitby; J- B. Bickeli, lot $o. 12, in tho th, cou, cf îîeachI ou- Bronkli; Yeoman Gibson,' Vity Ssturday, Sept 22ud, 1877,-at ý Sergeaut-Mafjor Chishoim, Brookil; o'clock,-p. m.-L. Faishamiks, Auction. C1atanaHerseér, Canoingtcn; A. - 0 M onnPickering; BarthoiornewÀ PIaule, UibridIge. AUCTION SALESi The Association 00W numbers sornie A wll ritcd atrativ bi wi a- ixty menibers sud arrasngements are tActael nto, andracivbillé iikly ta inriprogresi for a large matceh tus fs-Il, !trct ttotio, nd ill-balikly ta t take place- over thé Association attmact purchascra. jTînt CHRONICLERaeonJirsFaIith ouf cilice is jusî tise place et wilsibto gét Ranieyn Briade-arn te tuisof~ su'chimmese prnd, rasi t if ye put was cdown iast Tuesday te inspeet thé an~imieûs crwd i-eontto mit, p t Rge, which was passed as in evemy un ailvertisemeut lu thse papes-. It payslu sivrtis inTis CIIONILEway Paie, soitable aund substantiel. fur it reaches ail laseés cfreades-s; Nu District News. paper-priuâted hin thé cuisnty appraaiçhos- hiaîf thé large circuilation'.of Tînt DEbFrRUCTIV'E Fcss:-A baran beiong- CUtîoNWî~Eisg toe1Mr. Jones, mcsted by Mr. Jno. * ~ - - - -____-- Torrauce, Lot 28, Con. C., Soarboro', /~ L Y was destroyéd on Sains-dAy, Sept. lst,à by fire. Mn. Jones was insuréd snd- bis loss wil bc ligbt. Mr. Tors-csuc -----i- 1t sfilargeé qusnttity cf hay, grain, 8aB ONLY USje PER ANNUM. purc-bsrcd' Durham bull.- 8 Berkeshirep ýWlîltbY, Tliursday, Sep't. 1-31877. P""'* tarin' ittplémeuts, &0., valued at i abouiset $3000 and haïi no insurauce.P Crowds Ceming Ifrel1bsuc u rols EAST WslsTUY taxés tifis ysam for la ni5 nee rci tI qaitor i lhatmunicipsl sud ccunty purposes' areé0 11mo ws conis a tué grtre8thâCon ly 1) miiie ou the dollar.a servative démnonstratins, ta ha lsitd ai JBuisos<Aeni'n A TRAMPs.-The lbouse p Whbitby, oni Mouday nasct. Our tcwns- If DMr. Vokes, who résides on thé Jep. fa peoplie are nsakiug, ail noesr-y pré- son farmn, about tire miles -north o! Z parations tu givo gisaIs aod visitors a Oshatwa 'was éntéred on thé sfte-naocn hocooning reception. Thé manage- of Tuesday, thé 4th hast. Thé wlîclé fa rueniti0f thé Wbitby, Pcst perry and of tise fsmily with thé exception cf ce 1iîsdse R Ililwssy, wili comusendabie Mss. Vokes woe absent fînin thé bl hiborrility, hsîvo issad notices L[Soe ilsonad tisé usais -assauited hier, t rsuvti ooosneiog a spécial éxctsrïiioo knecking lber seuseless ou the focs-. th train fs'otss lisdsay EaI thé redlscéd rates 1lIo thesu ps'ocoded te asascithe W of fers tisémin mcssticnej]. Iltur olbose, tuniog oves- tie contents cf wl tickcets, le antd frotta Liudssy-good ta bureaun dmswerti, &o., but, bécocsing B réttia on Tteésiy-at unc dollc-eind alammeti, dccam.pod without aoy booty.Fr 'ab p ropomtionatliy low ates frous inter- GOMa'Li)IsnTrAsuv SUPPEE AT POR inetljato stationrs. Mm. Iloiden lias PlustnYt.-On Tssesday éveuiug, tise 4tis l ikéwioc antlsorized speciai excursio Sbpt, blésera Gibson & Dhxon the con- trains froîn Liudsany and intemuseditate tractera for tise extension cf tise rsiiway frî stationsus lrg essais of thé titres days te Linuleay, amsi thoir paymnaster, Mý. cf' tihé Cttîsy Agicullismal Exhtibitions J. W. bloAhian, *Vre éntetaiuéd byor -gmtntitsg rotus-us.tickets et a singi théeibusines mou of Focrt Pers- at alu farce frotin ait statiens, sud caryiog compliîmîntary aupper nt thé, Walkér (n fmight on--tbo ratura frac. Thé pub. blotie. Addmss eçeme preà0nuu ld'y niE la, sud tIsa pcoleicof Whitlty in an thse réeve of théesvilage, Mm. 3oshua Le especiai mnnér, wili appreciate thie Wright, ta the gentleman ssamed aud M9 lilierality on tise part cf Mr-. Helden appropriaté replies eturnafi. A véry ne and tisé Raiiway Companoy. Tise piéneaut eveuing was psssed. Hc Grand Trunle ilaiiway antiiomities lhavé FIRE IN CAITWIIIOT.-At Williams- Sel *aira authomîzeel thé Issse ef mtumu b rg, sanaial village in thé township r tickets, At ail stations betweon King. cf Cartwright, a cas-ding miii was de- l8( ston.sud Toroenta, hoth far tisé pciitical sts-oyedi by fise, on Friasy thé 8lst cf w. Iiie-nie andl thé fais-, ai roduceel ratés. Auguat. -Loos ncarly 414000. At These clisap facilities for travelling --- ---~W& eouent fai eu aswshi the cnowd cf viitor 'i STEAU CAlt8.-HIamiiîo s aabcut te 'In' ta Whitby ndxt week. The niew cars ru isamn stncet-etirs ta Dundas. A Bn car oit thé WbitbliUna ntI are n0 very compauy lias been formmed and la now Zci eoMfortabiy consîmUcled aud fitted Up su oegotiation for tlie purobgea of qUi hat tisa a rQai pleasure lu iteaif to "sulent eteaess n1inss." The distance édi travel l into, 15 fivé nis-a mile gréater than freinWh Whitby te O§hawa. tt iiootsr te Canadians. Wl - -STOVEB, TýINWARE, d&C.!Atténtien i5 vis( A Gable defitcîs annatucés tCat tise direcet bMn. Win. Bsyan's ativertise- iast * Qieen bas confermodth ielisonos- of 'ment in cthcs- coiunn. Icuiilit-Iîotl upen lien. Cîief Jistice ~te RihadsaitIé iaré1éCorta.Ca- Mr-P.TYOS LRsfofaln r cf bo ha, lo WU a d se ho- - é, of thé grqwth sud pmsprty o f LAROEi. - Two Euglisb labos-es-s tire Wlstby-a-dcspéoiaIly 00, Whouit la namési Joseph Carpentcs- and George A to b. borné lu mind hat thé rates cf Smniths wéne sent down-for trialifroin Ra. and pontage _four years ago wes-é more ma by James Mcaerson. Esq. J. P. sud Liac tissu Ilfty par cent save thons e! tise lodged lu gaei iast Tuésday niglit hy soIt présent day. CohstahléJohin N. Macodouid. won Aou Ateser SBvORNEiuss TS SIX MONTUS Cnt hia Ot--lt May Save Yeur Life. capt li s ECENrTRAL Pu5lisf-ltAbert Os-.--the- bojippo who conoldemed hilmslf suais aThésis as opergou living but Wh5C pnut s"ducedly éleves- feilow,'" lu getuiug ,auffsra more on legs with Luog Diseaaq, gét, four dollarsa frein seConssy Troaaury Co0ugias, Cola s-ArConusiamption, yét eus ou s fiseafidait;As e raw wl-nornm e uid dis raîser tinu psy 7 ehu nes, lias ýcorné Cogrief. The County cents foran sbotIllof nietlolos that ves; Attorney s-su lufin 'iown,_1ie was con. would cure hrua. Dm. A. Besehéee's puti 'vletod cf wliful pcrjumy on. yeaterdisy, Ces-min Synup bas lately l5éeu intrQ. OlI - sd ~geDaruei asscuuee hu t dueed lu hia country frum Gérnany, Tii six monCha lu Che Centr-ai Prisca. And sud ita woudmeua curés* astoniahe« every fs-o people generally aey 11toculy got bis one hat ls-y 1. If yeu doubt wbat ws deffrte.say lu ps-lut, cnt hia out sud takes it te T ycur Dnnggist, B. W. B. Smith & Cj0, Du, MUzssas.-, TtLro5& LIUARDhavéà a sdgaI s samplé bettie for 10 Cents Pm hÜsi tmwoted stock cf slevé- ware ou sud ry, Or a régulas- aise for 75 culta.Us bond» Noes.t, 'béat, sud ehespeit 5 PRSEIIT O- TE!m NsXcONS. and Mormonsncf Ijtaishave 'aiuri Tia~&sx~z csu u Kndy bfos. c<?d Jéb TlorSenoéP"pé sali "1patéat s-ght"-vih ie uln anjises1hé l"uas-es clsaU, Chic unuvary. Tisé followiug pus-lth of a cms, tnied before tise Oculty oe IoJuudge -ai Haltea, 's h e u oeefcfA opéat *a aéughî sud bs-eugls* yjutic sud may, vs trust, serve as b Thsé Qeunva. 'Zfmsssersus.-TI prsiue-, Ueo. A. Zlmaménissas, aise the 220d ofluly lut w u as-saigui >prêteuse, uducetion. James ebisem a farguer- of EBquésiu-teo aigu aPnc»isss-ynotésfr $210 acis, o1 4urythé Casé vas s- o uonthé ý251 itant I iltený, - ha8Hou un-Jdi Beeft offfelsln * J. P. MscMi lais, cf Gupelph, condue éd thé case for thé Oneèwi as priva prossento, sud the éHn. m'. 0. came: on, Q. O., sppeared for lbe deféncé. James Gibbons, as-., thé proisesulo teulifiéed that about 5 o'eloek, p. mn., o tise 9th o! July at, tise ps-isouer vil bis servant as-sived aI bis (thé ps-osées tos) bouse aI "Esqnésing. Peresivir Chat the prisoners wss-é pcddls<, i sent ouI hie sou, a Young Minu tvenîy-two yeara o! age, te mIes-an Cbeî Chat hé vantea notbing nt ail frolc tisci, Thé prisone-, howevér, ps-i vailsed upon thé Young minu bhecous an agent *fer- "Thé Dominion Movicu Machine Kuife Usindes-s," mépreseutiu that no Maurent vas requimed inuesdeI te b. au agent and Chat a fortune coolg speédily hé reaisee by sélhing 111 grinder aI 83 andI-rnmittlug $2 le l& propnistera, tiug olang $1 fer osé) grindes-. Il waealase agrese tisa grmnders l'nt disposed o!fisy a ces-tai lime were to'he returns'd te thé prison or* ?rhélatter, iscuéve-, ou fndine tIsaI tise sen bad ne pmapes-ty, indueu tise fethen te béco aneecous-ty for th( sou, aud aise drév up sav-itig auppas éd by Istbe dàpts te coutain tise sais agreemnent sud prs-ens-éd t ha alguatu e! thé fat ber thpmeto. Tis ritiug, Isover, stipuilatet hat Cweuty dossi grindera bafi bésu délivered, whicb, at 82 esel, smcnutéd in value to 80. Whsle thé sounea sugagea, in hslping 'àh? prisoues-'a servant ta unload saia grindérs, thé prisouer intimated - t Gibbons, sr., that two roeipta woulc hé s-eqnirsd, ov0 for thé cempany sud one for hisscf.Ms-. Gibbouc wiiigly aceeddasd siguedl two eaarpedi papes vithesît s-eedin)g tisons, thé pnisouer as- soring bis vichim thal recelpts vers ai- ways séaled or sîsémpeti. Il le scareply necessary te sata thé papers Wés-< ual rocéip tabut ps-cmissory notes, Thé prisonèr thon tank his departue, but reîturnsd uaxt day wihh J. Hl. Pope, an hasos-anée agent cf Georgetovu, sud obtainéfi tisécont o! Gihbous, om,, tisaI ha shsculd sssign thé ao-cialled s-e- ceipts ta Ms-. Pape, sud alsa obtaiusd lu tise présence of Popie an ackneviedg. meut frem in UibPpahathis siguatune O! thé so-calldMoéipts vas gonulué. A fév elsys aftérwarda, bogiuniug ;ta suseli s rat, tise Gibbons, fatses-a sud son, procééded te Geor-getown, sud ou aeeing Pape vers informed tisaItisé ps-eteuded receipla-vére lu moslity tvo prornissory notés fer 0240 esh. Tiaey suarediately preceedeel ta GuelphasuéI ps-ce-d thse prafeBsioa services ai Mrs. J. P. MacMillan, I3arrislem. Thé fomeaaid trial vas atteudeel by large ninere o! péo.ple, soins of vici sames frein long distances baving thein- slves basu ohled ilat diffemént imes by the priauner. Thé cousel fer thé praaecnhiau cIéarly provede lsaboyé factoansd obtaiued thé conviction cf Zimmrnan, who vas seuténcéd te oue year lu thé Gants-ai Prison, Tisscase sg 01,Peially was-thy cf bsing studied by as-mu-mcs sud othora, wvbeéoccupations, as-s-lt on at a distancé frein large business éonteq, expose thesusta thé umes of designiug chas-pers. Let Iséin parîienia-ly bew.ire as Ca signing sels- usines tu any wmiting vîsstsoover Vhoés-er tbiey engage in Gperations wisio rnay hé atteudeti by any pecuni- s-y riali, il vonîsiho voli for tlaérntl esk for sotînel légal adu-icé. Osman Pasha n Isishusan. Osman Paella is saisi telie an Ir-ishs- tanamési Eduvard Peticée Bibis, 'aom thé -Couuty Ces-k. IHé vas eau- 3aet in France, vises-slié sîtendesi a uiitaryczademuy, anal snbsequenthy shtemét thé Papal rrmy. Ho turnsd in in tIsa mna in s Fs-sncb régi- sont, anti vas reuardésivitlI thé egion e! Honuns andtihIe Tus-kisi [edal. At Chie Malakoff ha came creas one of tIse îSIh Royal Irish item lhé rédognisésia an olsi frienul. Io vent lu Spain ailes- tse fali c! shbastapol,, snd traveiletilunAlgers-lain ie Frenchsecrvice, wlses-élhé became woficienî lu Ayabie anti TuIias. In 860 hie jeinerTi te Turs-ih ai'my, sudi ea soom a ftes-Wsids made a paella. I tise cpening ci thre Sues canal lhé as préOfint as Osman Pasan sd vas ailés bysesvsral French officeosaRasthé 5IILE o! Crimenéa ys. In 1870 lhé osé Ce Fs-sucé anti as a Major ouf s tuas-e rogirnent diRphayedf basoio salilies, hsing sightéen imes vouni.- dduriîsg thé dampaiga. fis vis avun ta a Gémman divigion vits ,ich Isis ces-ps vas oflén ougageai as th Des-il fs-ent Dublin." Aller thé ar 'hé retnmned ta tise Tureisî ses-- se, sud vas son as laIe as April t in as- around Constantinople, ses-s las vas leokési upoo as oeeoc ae abis of lIse Portelé'a gènes-ais. ,.ISatsOàiss-SERsMiONcS AND BIBLE BR-AD. suas. Toronto ; Belford Brotes. lIe revis-allIs services o! tise Rés-. r. Rainsford ah SI. James' osîhedlrai s-ea beau atten&sd by sunob ovérflaviug >gregationa, sud are s0 mucis a maC- 'o! s-ligios mies-est, Ibal s collection 'hs sermons vas sus-e toeh. as il lia.i su, eagkérhy saught fias. Thé preaent iah volume centsinse a hile cf tIse dis. guishosi preaher anti s goas photo. aphed ports-ait. GAIiîlAuLDION1ENGLASÇD's DEiexisc.- aribaldi isevrritten s lette-ru inlis strangiy couderns tise prepoeéilfan-. catian o! Ramle. fieResya Chat Eng- icI, second te ne poves- lu milita-y :a political importance, sud Chié fis-at ver on tise ses, malnîtaine lier Davy [th maternat aolieitude, vithout tak- Cîsh Crouble te farlify bier cesals, ici uoultlbhélabos-lest. Bhould any ranger ettempt l a s-as erés, lié nIld finti et es-amy peint bls-rs-alun- s-s, round wvbn ou nitsaily ltse su- , population. A WRECKED Sir.-Capl. Wilkins id tisé cs-wowf tise harkle'BrithlI su," isavse c-ris-cu t Gaspe lu thé booule-"Annie Landie.' Théeaip But asisore on théeeat point cf htieosti, Cwa miles front thé ligisl- ase, aI 11p.m.. on tho 25thanl, TIse utaîn let go su ancisor tlebis off 'vessél, but coulal net mccoef. fie L anale-anches- ont, bol conula ual ýoff as thé bide vas fallieg. Hé ps-e. 'éd twomo mas en fs-eustbisélight. ase sud Ses-e ovés-boa-si igbt Ions ballast, but but coulai nat gel thée sel1 fleat, sud coulatirocnée s LMpa. Thé achoane-"AniiéLans-ie"i oréti assistance, visich *a's accepteti. le s-gging vas navfi. TIse harle sitleh Lieu," Ca t. Wilkins, saileti )M Newcsle, Jniy BO. L'ER FRNoPISI WAU Ais»TInt tcuas! opr HsEs.-Tho final Setule- nI o! tise accnut a! thé Franco- ,nésian, var o! 1870 andl 1871 for tisé roud -Ikicy o!flesse ;shovwslissI the ing î = 1uo'w aet-- tr tled in ouiuàdaon tha1st cfýagu4 admade tbem the foUo oeh, thé Busalan by Mrfléapsié-, cieé cf h. FEPrLuW-Osrzxs Ors' vn DosuiccOX Mrl-P.LLow 8UsIEMOréoKIR MU"Y-s I bavée cma liés-cte-day in tihénaine Cd héel Queéu cf Enaisd tabld.yon Weil- ut eûms toisadhsu soei. WIth Chia vel- ée& corne til na uesI shat I shoulti couplé é.thé béat wlsbés'ofthe Impérial Gaera- semeut ila Euglazid os-o, e .ts Domnlicn sai, Goveruneut .1 O&Iaa, for yu r s-c Wall asr.tisai bots bave rgré s-e yous- eosiag bore witis unmutigateid ly satisaction. Yen havé loft, yeânsou ë4 lanel lu obédience to a ceuseleuthss- a es-opis, nsvirii yen bhave baba thé ;,à fis-t te cross tise- Atantie nuder thé go pressure cf aahiiar exigséey; luIndo- Mug 8seuenmuilI havé made gréaI sacni. t. féces, broken vilS niasy tendes- associa- Ie Lousansudovesreuvu 16te setticd pus-- ar poses ofyO'oijni eaes c rred lies; utt s-y afyorhavlug I, rnanfuliy =faee h.utncértaintie.su d un ie ef se distant asu émigration saIler th tissu aubuit yens- religions convictions u- in regard Ceta lé uulawfclness of vas-- îgfae, ps-oves yen te lie Wal Wssrthy cf téaor respect, confidence, sud sateens. o! You hsve-comé te a land ises-e yen in wilu fidthé people villa vlorn yen. as-s ai ta associais, eugaged ha a gréaatruq- e- glé, sud contsncliug with faces uvioinit e requises tIsais- est énergies taeénceunt- ig en Dut thèse foos ans-e ut yens- feihew- ig men, nos- wil Yeu hé called upon in tise s- atruggle tae taîn your isanîs witb tis- dmin blood-a eaek which is se abhor- enet ta your religions feelings. TIse le war tO le hîwo invite you as s-sémite às sud commadela a wàas waged againat t the brute forcés o! nature ; but those ,1 forces will wélcornê eur-domnination, su ad rswsrd eui attacle by plaeiug their g Isessurés aI Our disposa]. Il is a vas- a o! ambition-for we iulend bta nnex se tes-mitas-y after tesritesy-but noIsher -blssîng villages non devastated flelde w iil mark oe us-s-ales track ; eus-bat- stalions viii mareh ses-ose thé illiritable plains wisich suCsaloIs béfon s ns au- chsinus stéals atlswart thé ocesan; thé t s-lliug prairie vil bleswsoîn uour vyake, ansd corn sud peace aud pléuty' «Mi 9spriug vheéwé bavé rof. But netl d only as-s wé oursélves engagea luthèse C) heneficeut occupatieus ; ycu viii fsud à thast thé ouly other uatiouality withs I wboml we eau oves- corna inta contact ar uielwitlissimilas- peacusahie spursuis Théy, lie ourselves, are on- gaRedl lu advaucing tisé standards cf civiizaîjon w.selwards, net se rivais, but asa allies; sud, a cemnuity of ln- es-srets, objeots sud aspirations lieu ai- *ready hegon Cta coent beîween thé people of thé United States andl aur- *eye sévs lat is destisaéd, I trust, ho *ps-ové an indissoluible affection. if. tliscu, yen have coins buther ta scklofor pesos-pence at least vs casa promise yen, But il is net mereiy ta Ithenma- tés-li hessinga of our lair t hat 1 bid youuwelcams. Wé désirs t ho arivtî yon, on équal terme, ans- coostitulionai libetses, eus- isuicipal privileges, and 1our douestio freedora ;vs invite yenu Lte 55s1st os in cboosing thé imembera e! our Paiiamsnt, hanaîiapirig aur iswo t oand in mouldiug our ftsturiae deltinies. Thés-s is ne niglat or fonction which usec oereisuu as fs-e citizéna lu whiéh vs do nt désiré yenî te participate, andl with tilla civil freedoin we equaliy giadiy offor yen sîbsainte religlious liberty. Thé ferais cf worsliip à,'eu -bau-e brouglat vill yen, you wili hc abié 'tu pacliau in tIse moat oorsstmioted manner, aud va cois- fideutly trust that those hlessing wlsich bave waitefi upon youm virluais exér- tiens in yens :Russiai» homes wil con- tinos ta attendi yen hère, for %vo hscar Ihat youen a ssaer-mindéel and Qed-P féasing eomrnuniîy, and as suach yen as-s doubly uelcomo amn.-unu. It in with tise gratosî $aas-e I have page- éd Ibrougît your vilages, &aod witnessda yens- coiufostehlé homnesteatis, bas-ns and bys-es, whiohl avé aisen liCe magie upon Ibis fertile plain, for they prove indisputably tlisa yon are expert su agriculture, aud elméady possese a higil standard of doînestiecotumforl. Iu thé naine, then, cf Canadue sud hemrapeople, in tias sasma of Qneen Victoria andl ber B empire, I gain stretohs eut to yau thé ci baud ai trot-benhoead dgood i lIow- ship, fer yen are as wvelcome te eus-et affectiene as yen are to aru lands, ans- ti libesties and frcedoi. llb.thesyesofst our law thé least aumoog, you is thé ae equai o! thé biighsst Magnats incaur À haud, andelts proudeat of- eus- cilizens rr may weli hé centent Ce isail yen as lais llow-countryinao. Yen wil finiCen- th adae sL hnefic.ieut sudi Iviug motise,. CLERlCA.L SUANDAL-OU Saturtlay st, 11ev. John Corbeît, I'ultbeuist suinister atationéd aI Piville, in Stan- stad,wa a amnsteti on au information laid by Mrs-,fHeusy Elliotjk af thé sarne placé, on s chargé cf abusing Elliotuis littie girl, about eigbi years old. Mm. Cosbett hall baarded at ElliotL's bouse siucé hllad came to Dixvill sbut Juiy, 1876, dowu ta Janu aIst, sud liad also beardoti thora iu April nnd May st with his wife. An f ovestiga. tien was halad mb thé charge Wedssea- idny aftmmnooun, h tISacisool hanse, at iYixvillé, befoîc a fctIibénci cf imagie- ltéts-six iu ail. Alter thé évidence cf DSella El IiotI hasi been Iseard, as Wall as ftisof aiacs- othe-, ta whom she had tolH hem stcry, tissu magistrales hounsilMs-. Corbptt oves- te talc sa trial bs4ore tise Cautistof Quens usecl. et Ibhs temin lsegsssuing tise lst Oclobe- next. Thé prisoner was ars-ested by Eigh Constable Loamis, aud iodged in gpol. lio is about sixly. nine ycara aid. Rie is mnmmieui, sud bias sa siiiy seuewbere lu Ontario hy a firet mas-nage. Public opinion sets t-ongly agalost the prisoner in Dix- ville, wbas-e airnoat svery one le con- viucsd cf lais guit. On thé other baud, those intioaatoiy sseqnais-atadwitb hico give hlm an excellent chas-acts-. He claimas tIsat thé charge le trumuped up by thé gis-Fs muethes-, uvianhad iehé ys) becarne enrageda ftainst hum on se- ceuIocf bis mefusing ber soeé éurais privileges. Tsss RzaàN Poîoisn«.-lfrs. Regan sud ber sou, wbo are ao&sed o! pcf- scniug thé Mu Regan et Lîscan, ans held ou a cha-geocf wilful mu-dem, the analysis cf the stomacîs cf tIse decearsd haviug mrefulte laintise deteotion of tracea of strychnine. EVýry one, et timé, fetus the nscèse- ity cf SOM 3 réstarativo cf the Vital pawàrs, dopres.'cd ý)y mental or badl1y sxhaustion. Tu s;u.,h conditions, let every Due, instead o! flving ta thé ticbo0liC Or MéiCal stimuýlants, Wliieh ruinat be foflwed by depression e'pxail le tb2ir exciterueut, reinvigorato bis le. rauged Fystemi by thé natural tonie <do- ménts cf tho PLuuEz.AN SYaUP. Scld by iii dmuggists. EXCAV4I~rONS AT NlN<vjs.-The Sul- tan bias issuri a firéman te Mr. Lay. ard, Jiritiosirépréséntativê st Constan.j tiuople, autho i excavations at riev u .; , LkPriuce Via-e"(os-ce'utaI Lôftcia su 1as-oc-selP1evus, TII' rémeval cf thé tmain army'a issadqsarterala takéa sa p-sgmug élISe- s elascé uspos Plév- na os- a réCréaI fs-eu'tisé 'Jan"raposi- tIon, istcih Ule UOwVeray s-leusny jée. psrdizéd by Eyonb Puasvitsyat laslova, Thés-c b baisau Mus-ile- engagment -ut Bualchul, vwics va etlltgoiug ou aI hast accounts; &suds movément las-spos-ted us-Wsdsa, in exocatang vhich thé Tu-rsserér- pn in lmauattmpt oms Ohupés-cisni, four miues belov Kalafai. Ruinons e! méditation b'y lise Powers are once more afleat, tiss lalest state- ment la thua counection baing limaI thé Ges-man sud Austrian Chancellera, Bis- mark sud Andrasay, vin i meet ai Sais- burg ou Wedssesday or Tsuaduy c-ext, fer thé p us-pusea! cnsides-iug the ques- tien. Lard Derby, lioveve-, dees -nef héliave Chat thé marnent for inuterven- lieu bas nrs-iu'd. A Vieus Talegrani raya:,lus p ils cf tise Rusian subsinies Ses-vis is lésa able Cc, maintain a standing army Chan aise vas lg8t, yegn. Tisesefore thé ac- tive stops ixmpe',diug 'Ihis vee as-e nee4dée te igee-orate tise militis vitli Cisc reguhars, 'and Chai mugts e!fClie is' ahloved, for tcusperliuig. 'iHa-t I'aha s-epréeuts thse nov fos-tificatiena 'of * Sabastapel strong énough, oven-vitisout thé addition cf terpedoesilethé bas-ber tle detroy thé fluéetfléél afleat which weuld ventés-s to alCtade thesu. ANOTHER GREAT BATTL5 OF PLEs-iA- AGAISSeIs THEE AX<D5 OF-TE RUSSIANa.1 A Paodin déapatei staates Chat a Russian offielal bulletin Baya lIaI ani Thursday evéuinglise Rasianas p.I ps-osced Pleva, sud, vos-king ail 4 nigisî unébses-véd, érected batteries on I lIse iseights surnonndiug tiséTus-kisIt I fortifications. Ou Fniday the Riege bat- 1 teriés opeued a cannouadé visich con- I tinuéedaai day. Tise Russian lesesarase e aligît. The as-tilles-y engagement cen- tinutd ailSaIns-day, lu the.ss-siuing tIse Russian loft eccupied tise heiglaîs c soulh cf the tovu vith a hese cf 500.1 TIse village cf Usehilsa aisu ccupied t thé centre anI1 riglat appreses with. i in 1,200 cr 1,400 yars-dofetthé Turkisis for-tifications. Thé lous. are aligisî. i Théi canuoeusl hsted ai cf Sstnrday, s incrs-ésiug lu violence on Suuday. % Thé feloiovng despateh has béen s-e- t ceived, datefi Sisteva, Suinday night :- s This inoruiug thé attack on alI aides cf h PIes-ns commenced and ceuliuued c thiaugisont thé day.v By six o'ciock in 1 the evnn thé tevu cf Pies-na vas lu a tise b=na 'f tisé Rusasan sd thé s Turks vere in fll retréat lu gréaI dis. f erdér. Thé lassés araeoomous, but t détails lav-s oct yét boen recéived. U Genereil Kaufinanu, o!fKhisau famé, 1 bas gene-ta the Danube tu réorganisé t tiesa uesa commriessa-iat. s A cors-ospoudent gissthe Bussian t forcésshèles-e Plévus se follows :-Thée as-e 80,000 infant-y, inciodiug 28,000 t: Roumanias. Thé cavas-y ounahbe t 10,000. iocluding '1,000 Ronnianiana. b Vitls the additiouý cf dIse- arma o! thé c sos-vice Chers is s comput, wellequip. b poil as-mo f about 100,000 men, wits b 250 guos, iucludiug eage amhiihéry. fl Thé grer-p art of thea amy bas thé a sdvantaga cf lhaving airoady been un- E déer fis-e. Soins indication of s tus-niog ce amovetuént wva suggéstefl vban Prince 7 Iléretiu'sky took Loftcha, but tise aug- n gestion wss deceptive. Thé course of tI thé attack prumiece ta hé almost idenli- g cal vith tisat pssrsnsd pméviosisly. si VUsiTmiEsRUiEOPSAs COMP.LICATIONS. Qý It is repas-ted lu diplomatie circlea ut f Belgrade tia% thé Gemman Conaul-Gen. P us-ai conférers -sy eflén ith Prince s- ilanu. It ia assérhéd Chat Uermany 8( eutimély appreves af Sers-ian participa- tion, sud is pmsîsamed ta guarute e li- siatse o l ise veno fdeléat. Itsly 9g sèe ta, hé gaiug vith Gsrrny.W Austrie Bill kesps tisé position o! strict w reserve. p A Ramée despalebsays : _.It is deuisulp bhat It2ly vaulsi approve cf Servie's nlmy inta thé wsr. Thé Italian Gos--el ruinent continues te conut Ses-via lesu e prudént. __fr, Nsw York Time8' cable says it is te ruonréd that a shrsîggle s laimpeuding e ivclving flie largest portion cf western hatrope. Il ie beliéveel a secs-et trenty as- Ruits hetee a ly sud Gemmany. It ce tg stated that Italy le makiug immense in mreparatioas fer us-as-. i LATEST. au 0The lalesI relisbahvi csstate tîbî sle linesians vére siowiy but simdc acimefing PIes-na, ansi Ibat thé érlillér3 )ombarlmemal stilI coutinueul, Chasagii asi ot suoéedéti' id dislodging tIs urs-C is-otu auy of their positions. Th tproselsi ofvinlen, vhicis ins a iard hume for tbe ins-adérs, la foreashad s-éd by Ihe a ppenasce aiflise fis-s ýnwstamin cf thý eaeson in Chas' Bal. mns anti sud ai pes-ceptibîs' colder esîhés fus-tier narti. The Ruessisuui mss-es-es-,arc by namiana ahacleening hes prpareliona for thsée cntinuation If lie apaîgo, as rsitsforceménta are snring southîvard fs-om Baarebi id 50,000 Isoopa are taboubtolaentér rs'ia. Garshahakcff, Cao, bas by su. sipatboo declined l al offers ai ruedits. VERY LATEST. There is a report frozn Visn of Lhe total mout of the Turkish uruiy et Plovna and the c'tpture of Osman Pasha, there il; Mn intelligence of freeli movelments ab tha iiulgaran seait of war. Home Rule in Ireiand. THE OLD "OURSE" 0F DIVIDED COUNCILE -LETTEI I FOM DR. 1WTT. The lettcr of Dr. Butt, iu wbich bce e"Plains to bii cozsttu@ute the differ. ence batwecn lhimseflf and the Obstrue. tioniste in thc Hanse Of Gommons, and which shows that bis séparation froux thoae gentlema3n is eoMplete, conelndes as fOllcws --"I Value above ail earthly things and regard tise affection of my countryiueu. I have leamned to feel nmrn pride in a seat in Parliament, and te set sains value on political in- fluence and power. But, were the choice put ttas, 1 wculd forfeit thern ail forever rather than betray rny duty to Mny country hy sanotioning for one hour a resort ta an unonstittinnal course of conduct which I know in my heart could bring ta the cause of that coutrynotinqbut disaRter aud dis ha cf th a'i liti ID a lc-tter whioh appeasef in the Dnb- fin papers, Tha O'Doauogbuo, M. P., repudiatos the obetructives antd the quasi-nationual Irish psrty, andsys, ,To give éven thoasligh est conntenalice ta. attaurditiesiu teudced, it soeme, for patriatisto le a desgration I coulai not cndure, sud 1 foel t1jt tunight jùst ns weil be called upuu to pi-ave my fidei. ity to Ireland by joining Messrs. O'Doisueil, I3ig t, 'Cunor Power, aud Par-nell in' thé horupipe upon thé floor cf thé Housti cf Gommons." Hél stlds, 'II vcted for thé Coorcien Bill solely and eirnpiy to stop namaiesmi. 1105èrs frein uuniug -baokwards sud forwards batweun Ameries snd Ire. à under- thé pretence that they organizing fieseteansd aries, snd th cUrb tlsat lyiug 'Motion cf al ly ry s8 The Late Cardinal Antonelil. 1- As-elbishap Lyueha ai Tarante lias; It sudreaseel thé ialloving lettes- Ce a To I. rente papes- an lié subjeol ai thé action rc brouglit agetuet tise mèprseotaliv-es of s, thse laCe disîlugniahieti cardinel. It [g voulsi h aès veiho hear thées-smarks ou !f Hlie Grace in mind vien s-éading lthe ýe nnumbesiesa prejudicedti téigraphic des- a patoIsés lu rcerencé Cc thé triai. s- Sir,-You viil, in yens- lové o!fIs-uli, t. inid permit usé taeuuorrccI Iva aate- 6- ments arnug tdiesadue by Ils vs-Iés- in your journial cfthuis day, ou the Astenei l limaut's Case." leI. TIse los Cardinal noves- ans-édast thé e dignity of s ps-bt ; hé rémaineti until a deetis onlIy a deacon. 2nd. TIses-o v erses-y vfév priess employesi by thé 8 l'ope bunIis lenspnral Gocromenét. Au tisé ccclssiaaiics 60 employesi vero net ps-ets ; rnany cnly receivéf tise tonsure aussi uines- esdesansd vere n01 obligeai byflcusvwo! ciiaatiîy. sThose ecciesiastlca vos- e asné ta sigli- ly hsy mou, includlug dhaplalus o! ps-i. sous, presidénîs of hospitals, supesin. tendants o! publié institutions, ete., sud tise salas-les 'o! thèe'eolesiasties uses-snt ual as.o muctshas veré paiti liseeiay min, Tis edisposes ofai ses-y 1 idepreati sud vrang impresion. 3The militas-y. posl-effice, cuatucuabhouas, anti ail aunob dparîmouls vos-o almost exdlusis-ely in thé bandae!oftise bey Fs-a misny avisperaoal knoviéfigé, thés-e is no bohtes- body o! piiets than thase of tise éity e! Reine. Your pru. dont readera vil suspend thir jasige. ment Ciltbey béas-tethé aséssiie o! thé laIs Cardinel's case. MalsEij. usucé bas mac-y enonica. WIso bls net lis calémuistore ? The récent case o! Adeline Palti sud her iusband, tIse Marquis dé Camas, ps-s- aoula very ,eIiffss-énl aspects as il la rep- resenled by lise plaintiff ansi dofoufid ansi so alovilS ahI eolles- casés. Ps-e-j jnfiesansd talse s-ports easîy evayi thé minda, espeeially cf ail thasé visat as-e prédisposodt bbelles-e auyîhing de- s-ogatos-y te tisé Caîhalie Gins-ch sud ils digualaries Thée s-y o! thé alîsig- éd dinghies- a! tise Caruihnaslappears s-osy lumsîly coucocteti. ThéesIslesèl aducaicual éxpéees c f tise girl,1 amuaoamtiug te oe os-bemillion frencs, in s ceunIs-y visase éducatien js so cleap, viii e b a le-y tas- cn the ce-d- uliiy a! au honsat Itahfan jurysuan. JOHN JOb LYNCI!, Arebiiisp. Scrnamec BULL. - TIîé,sépor-t liat B$ittiug' Bull lastill in Cs'adian ter-i c tos-y la sonfis-mesi. Ou he t4h, ult. lis vas fosty niles frein- WoodMountaîsi E sud expreseed bhai ilioc- e!ofiemaiçla., Tis if l. heat hai beemithe'eiumdrd" varlety (oft sp-lugd vbésî) tes-mauy ycars vas agcédupon, sud -regret vas éxprésséti tia il as nn ucasay le consider vlact t iIlvosld suave- suy longés-, Heu. TN.,,Glbbs, IL P., vassslod lei givé thé opinion cf thé milanes on Ché subjéet. Hé ld W tsser vaa ne doobl ameng tisem -o!tise (set Chat, thé quel- ity et vbeat oreinlu Iis sectionhad grealtly fa1leg cff lu reosai yesass Once thefr Aip-varsnade fs-on flf&irisét, aud ot- thé hiaesdkuoiu '.o is"a Ploigis," steod ait'the 4,aid cf Cana- diais. edun, sud li si6 aen sud Néwi YorI5ýýuanindéd a ik ighe- pric tissu an ya fl ohm -tha'Ce àsi. LUis. Ths' haler -lookiel for ivo tisinga l 1ufin-- strengts sud'- colour. lu Eseteru Can-> aa, s.trenglis wâ oilfly sogas-dsd; wisi tn.lieUnsîtel States people s-e- requis-éd, in addition, '.fleur-Chat vould maké a' good, visite biscuit. Nov,' lsowvé, spriug visaIt frorutisa Nost-ls western BStes béat aure in boîh epudi- Clous, Chat kuewn as "bard Minnese- ta," (4aieps-iug vieat), being quoel. ton cents perebuahel bette-tissu any othe- variély. The différence te tiseýý baisa as noe aal maltés-; whsiIe in somé cases s bas--d o! flour-196. Lb.-vauld mire 280 Ibo. oi dough, in aIse-s il voulf maie only 240 hba. Thmis - iard Minnesota vheat loolefita eu- fermes - e éittIe'bol- ter Ilansu creeninga, usseethelésgil i béats ours in tise qualitieis requi-ad by cstomoers. OQue rémrnskahie fsit:Ms-. Gihbs mniationed tIsaIvisite wvisa g-own lu tisé souChes-n pertion cf thé countr-y Iad taltlUe goed qualitibe, issaI in Ils nos-thés-n portion stiIlls-e- tained Ihein, sud ps-odueed machfloyer na tise hakers vauted. Ms-. W. M. Gibs, M. P., ruadleseins ulss-ealiug slaterns. Héses-s-érrd ta action takien hy Choir Bs-anitlIong ega, s-heu théy -isasi amnésithé farinera liaIt thé vbést gs-ewi <bore vas dcl- îsios-aling, and tisaI scrushing iausl se doe ; thsey Isasiaise braugi semée s-éstcmn viseat iu for aeed as an experi- ment. Hé suid i il igbt appees- Imrauge ta lime farinera thal thés-e sheulsi hé sucli a dernaud fer s sts-eng lour. Thé lest flou- vas kuovu as thé "Patient Purefles-," muade frau theo niddlings lisat udisî ta bécecnsidsee hog !éed, Tisey hafi given a ba-sel cf thia purified, sud ma bar-el o! os-dines-y apriiig ta bakena te test il. They founsi Isat thé formie- baC Ivo andi s half pails of vatus-more tae:mis- inoadougli than disi thé latter. Thé baker couisi, therefore <ifford ta pay $2 mo-o for s bas-sel cf thé "Pos-iflési" Chan for thé tIses- sud masu money by il. Bit I bat nol only thé asiveotage of sîréngth nut ai celoals assd atmé"bard" vimoat eu- vanisimaké s botter !auuking les! aa véli as more boavés CotIste ba-s-l. [se Ihengiî tisIaselwlaeaî shuld lue ýhiged mtich oflenés- than it vas. 'ia vas shînvu by an instancoefs-cm ost-i-véa Minnesota. At eue placte acere 1h uvas Chosîgi t e ho teecold te s-v vIent. Il vas fosanul that wheo ïicd vaa pmocus-ed frein s soulsemo la- ,alily il gs-ew snd ruturesi vell, ibut seat théevissaI thus grovu vould ual ýroduce anathér crap, andi tisélas-mes 'es-s ebligesilésdli year la bs-ing saine ted frein a distancé. The imuproe- sent of thé vhéat vas a malter cf néuy ta the las-mes-s. If Ihsy gs-w a mcd flor.prodocing whseat boy èr couli comin aplonly sud thémis-ais-y vouhd keplthe priées aI théeisigisesi )int. Tiéy sav 1mw tui alas aFort ?es-sy. Il vas veil lenown thîst thé )rices tises-e ere as high as aI Tas-ente, ucause tIewh îat aithé norli vas in ici répute Chat buye-s frein Cie south, rom Montrs-se, sud Tes-auto camé Chéré apureisasa. As thé luterest ha thé aubject va. 'ideuthy gréaI ameng thoae prent, il as Ches'é vas moes-ote hé said tIsai nIld ho said Chat day, au sdjourmuméut us mande ta Fs-islay nos-t, tisé- l4ts isI. Tic inquiry iuay bo auggssled s mhés- lishe question ns te seed vheat r, idl seesi land bas ual au iiles-est for tl ionr conties basidea Onlarie, - ansi c rethe- il mighfnet hé usofulhy imede ci premineut one ta thé approaobinq th -Tise vcting aad ti,~ oh a Pae% as lié teld -bis hasers, tIses-s la Dué of that-cbsuqfubséss liiéhelip.> ped fi !lI eLter coaîing milana duplicity sud~ ~ ~ é Pflhe*ss e nciplé. The ~rlu- lqvlsch uideiasd- cent-oued i 1,F.,Maudouaild s Bis- Gees-gé Oas-lier durlng tsei-long, "alliane, as-e tépnsep es wliéh guie anti coitrol thé Oousàs-valive'Parly te-day. .Nos- ase mé of its cppouents* tako pleaseris in, aliagaeIles.ay'ian monte in tise rai 'o!flise Oppoïîioe., M.,-MasOn oOuIfi veil aay,'"ITses-s l '16unçjealouaylu timaCÇouservalivé Pa.ry;'* "iisisalmbené akenitet lunChéls- ps-ha- "ciples,- sud;'lu lir sékuoviéugment "ciO üne isader-i- Johnu Mscdouid.' This mema-leombodiés a tact vh il s a gréat Is-ibuté le Bi- Jchn A. Maclonm aid's pers as ai"altsmma ., -Nol in Outanusonouy is hée thé acknowledged. leader- cf Cho Cenes-ativé Par-ty. 7Ho la Che leader cf tisa Froc-chGonsearva- livs-es as erpietély asl hé la les&der o! usé Cane-s-stivuea cf Ontario. Wiaile, as- a malter -o! PartIy nimanagent, large asas-s oasoosariiy cntraited, lis tiiü- ais itricLýtslamon liCe M. a9s4hie-laumblosît Conesvative in-tise Quiebe. manke,- lace 'np te 'Bir John ýMscdecsald as Chois-leader.---' ; Qulie mmturatly :M. 3Massan passési tm'fsm ti iy o po sitio Ihe iseaogensous. acha-sae- cof thé Grit- Ronge Partly. Tlsey aso'aie h'é1ypig glody osa ait limpos-Isulpubglsqosetions. Whilé thse Grils ara Fs-se Traderslise, Roug-es are Protectianista. 'Whuié Ms-. Mackenzie at lés I ls-us ho Britlish connexion, soeéo! iacoilsuigusand 'elsées, sud many o!ia supportes, as-e sonéxatioulet. M. Fob-e, naisesi la thé, ,Sonate# nol long ago deelarod, ths-angh tIse colurnasoo hie papér, Chat Si- John Macdcnald should have gone to aWsh- luglen nol b ohelp le negotiats thé Washmington Treuly but for tIsa auné- atien o! Canada te the Unitedi Btates. Ms-. Huntipgton'a hostility to British cunection la a usatter o!fsreord, andi M. Laflammn is bis pa-Cne-in guilîy tisoughtu as la separallen ais lie laalsa, bis pas-lobs-iluthé Gos-es-rnent andtin jobs. The "cohésivé power- e! pLun- "der" keeps thé jas-ring élsuseuts 10- géthér. If M. Matsson hasi dans no niase tIssu calil* thèse fadeo te mid bis vieiltat Essor voulfi be ample repaymcuî Ca hlm' for thé labeur o! iei jouruey andi thé tino speut uin aleing 1h. We lape ho ýay ihé pérauaded ha spoae again Ontàrio1, 'lie glionos meeting aI Ain- herstburg ougist te ho an incentiva 10 in te s-smaha vitsus s litto visile. Fate o! the Excursion Party--Captured hy thé Indians. MAHINO TIIE SION Oir 7119tCROSS SAVslÀ Lis-E. Tribun-'s spécial frotu Fort Elia, MouCana, guseea grapie détails o!fLise Indien stîseon outhé excursion pas-tis iihemIa bricfly repus-ted. 1h statés that White Birsi gave thé captu-eti men aud wotoso shélter, and pleadéti witb is ceinsasies for théir livs-c. Mltien thé Indien Gonueil, by s voté o!fIls-ès te Ivo, decidési 10 release tIsei, Wlimo Bird excihédly urged t li t timmediale sud baety fliglat, susihiuséhi ceuductési Iheru a mile froi thé hostile camp. One o aieasexcorsionisîs vas aloI, but his lité vaa spared b3 bis captons on paymént o! $160. Anohés excursion- ast, wbeu lad cul ta ho ahot, remembs--] ing that Nez Pcrces vers Cathiolice, 1 crosséel himasîf as ho knelî ta hé sli, i au4 tise Indiane iminédiatély roioased Muansca AND Teisis Wasciccaoh ns- ramps.-Columbi51a, Pa, hiepî. 10.- Vigilauta are urganiziug.againal itramps silo are uinèsus andi tmoobisoeos. At Grsybbila Woods,- near Lancaster, reêcully, neas-ly one hàundred nules-u raidet fier-' siellinga. The feas-- nos uusucoeibfuly bs-led ta drivé thoin 6 Off. Policemen sud citizéns fs-cm Lan- i sIbte- vent te siti thé farne-s. Thet trampa opseti fdire vih pîstols. The8 toie chagesi Ihén. Thé trempas-re- c s- tvs , vig fis-s vouudéd. A la-- 0 més- nusieti Plowéms vas fataily lhurt. c 'urthe- along lie Iiensylaua rail- Il road' tramps hoarderi s treigît train r asel ',thniatened te Cake possession e!f' th traia, Détectives fs-m Coluihis bastonedti thie scènie, ansi caplurul F BigIsI oîîlava, wviso sbiequeutly broCa p goal. Millon Gramwat epremioenî t, itizen Of Duunssn, vas ru-ibeu and t ihasi hy two tr-amps as lie left a train. k1 Mas-ysvslle, s-écently, Is-ampe wreck- s Bd a treiglat train betwveu Meloston s éad Frazem's Station, ansi altemplef.oi ta fi À STaItNGE TRAL.-One of the moet reioarkahle trials of the day was begun in Auccua. Italv, Aug. 14. It is a trial for murder im which the assassins were hireci. The victini was Maria Pancari Of Vittoria, in the province of Syracuse, aud the deed wns perpet-ated ini 1871. The Courts of Cassation of Palermo and Rorne hava twice sustain- cd a verdict in favor of the accused, wha, in each instance, weré released froni prison. Their rearrest anil new trial have corne to paso throûgh au ex. traordinary proceasscf Italian law. Two hundrefi wituesses figure in tues case, theé rçter nuniber of whoin have been cbtained at lavieli expense by the relatives of -the murderefi man, who bave golle to auilolgitirnate liomits to open a new trial. Still, the rnystery cf the murder seerna imnetrabloi sa iitricati aud obscure are the cinés whiob, it is afleged, Pancari's relatives have gaiued. The crme ia imputed to three Wealthiy aud influentiai imn- Sig. G. B. Mazsa ana AntonioansuSal- vatore Jacona, brothers. Théy areý said ta have pisuned théeasassination, and paid Goivanni Piazzére and Salva- tore Lo . Monaco ta perpetraté it. Twelve iawyers, with nurnerous asieit- ants, are engagea on the triai. DREADI'UL FIATE 0F A Boy,-A feW days :siuce un-accident foule place at lieres, O., the like cf which, purîrape, las nover occurréd. Soule wcrl.-men were raising a Iock cf saone ont of a qnarry by meaus cf a daiieik, sud hadl gotten thé stone iu position ta be drop ped, aud let go the power, wlien a boy named Datte Sabin, about twelve yeare of age, got, caupibt in the rope6spool anai was disgged into the ccii l baf fore. moet. TIs tonep, twg, tous lu weight, mia4 iju4Ï strtd, al ohn ol preveut tl4e'ealamity. ýThe spoul whir- lef thirteeru-time9, wrappiu1 g ,tho rop- w eaa tne *ou te boy'à b2v rrsigevery bosue exc.tin, Due ieg ro1 tskase downi. The welgbt of th.utouewas apon .aech cl, and cf l iI 55 i ro ai th ei go cl At tà of as Cc] s-ed cl reai Ion ste a I t'I Il aI Nud ape as- sel lira ed' not theé iud tral lous," sud in %uo.thr minu atp e i i s - b o u s se , v h i e o o u iO n mg ifonutû tee ais ote. i saluh suppose yn linle 7oiihavé,lan alas-p Iis tlme,t' andaI-t once ti là, e tauee'ny bagg'te thé MoisIs 'Houé-se 5ý-méùssl l - asthé' Moxi2- House. i repetea- ny olsevtL aýbout payii2g sharp, ani akc& inaý liîaeariaasisuthen tale. ni vaise, tie, iotel ea, vinéb I1 is1acu? tea aI Ré aselasdrink, and I I do' took oe wlhis. musC have linn 'dîiggd, as rénembés- utiing furhar tissu hai st dovu ou s har, 'ttii I foundl à sef laid p ifus yard lu thé hspital 'Cape Tovu.i" 1tIssudiscovesed ht bail ne moimysud lthat my valia s1 ~c s u v s sg o nu e, - H o w I g e lt e ý6 C a 'Townuila sprfect saystey ýte me. wiaa tlod by those vWho vre akhg es o! me Chabthlie- sptala , cf tis vesi whisis brouglil me >aa-fr gis Maei vishbedti teansdi muthés-e, bit-thé a etisaniies vould et ol alow hlm te 'do" aet-rwa s 'v d and I ba dl no insan e' support. Anothies- capt-îastissu effés te tales charge!fne and brougta me Cape Tous-. Il appeens tisaI Ia-s-j, tié ha Decembe-, 1876, but dui s beomé consicieus until Febs-nsry i lOti, 1877, when I fet as thoug i n l just ewakénod out Ocf alogsleep, sa asked vises-eI as.' - cuDot bele thein vbsu Ibéy told me i vae inha] Town, sd they thougt for- some in "ht 1 had net réce-sersBd,. my sensE Theytld né Ihat1 h»d apolen qui s-atiuualiy before tisat, 1ut if i bail 'lad timon no necahiéebion cf il. I i n e ide s o! ime, nutaI t sa*s a dated 1877, sud vIson I- aked it People as-hat ilt caut they .aga tiought I diel net- kovviaI I w alkig about. Of couràe I iad1 rnuy, sud tise peuoplevIce teck ci ci me vers vey lemd sud- vonlelis béas- 0o!n'y psýyl sg Cloin. A s seon as vas able te gel aboÙt I ps-cueu-d eo plymnt as e bou-Cespas- luthé Go es-niaent tres, andl ly tisiameaneî taiaaéd fonds Ce cary. me te LouduO Stsange tu sy, on ceiing e my sens t Cape Townu I foni- tsaI ny vpl, vast iIs m, and that my lothes le nel ben disurbed, the clohea I vs: evidénty having beau pro'vised fr x by soem kind sagess. I do n ksov anyting about thé voaei.vhit caried mea ta Cape Tcn ; thé vho joruey seérna liké a-long shep te m I liadtearud ufficiet noney Je Po iny passage la Eugland, sud sailsd, thé 27tis cf JuIy lasI, hisdhag gond-e te theso vIse hadl trested me se kiudl O! course thés-s vre rany vio bougt me an irupoato-, sud if I base beeunli ta thels- tender mrcies il is s qustio if I shald ha hisre ow. I asrivod Eogland, ftr s voyagé cf almost co steot illuess, on thé 2411 cf Angus ad reciving funde there vIicIshh ben forvrded by ny frieuda e mei nme, ailed. again frein Liverpool au tb SOtIs cf Angsast, rèaching Quebec Saturday. Aithough se a matés- course I havéesu rucla sisse I lis be-e ee-asyens- ega, 1 have net profi d by may ratel, as tie ualard lai vas a dlarle bleole e me, sd th iseéard trip GoaofialmsalcontinuE sickues. I dIo net know yt if ai. stepa vili hé tsaken Cc discov-or vi druggd me in Motrea. Tie Fishery Commission. Ais IMPORTANT s-OINT DECIDED AOAINSI CANADA. The Fiseéy Commission, il je under utecel, gavé a décision préviaus te ad enournent vhicb CaMPlételY dslr1 lie idea that Che Washington Tréai put an ed ta thé disputea relative j thé Nos-lbArerioso Fisheries. If thl report je cors-elt, sud il séerna taIo reil1 fssud, Che oouusel Acting fer tI JUnitedi States asked lIe comrnissier oe ule tiaI ltascommission do nu soussider il 'iithin th-ni- province t( awerd compensation or lake ioacan sidénation Chi a svauttigea leAines-icil ilerin in British waters of tra shippiog ces-ges or huying hait, iesun supplies. Two daya vere speutove, lhe argument cf tIse qusation, usa-h aUl tise counsél cf bath aides taeine srI. Thé' cenusel for Us-est Bs-lait take a slrong graunel againaltithe propo. ilions. A larqs portion of the Britli casé vas dsvated, te peintiug eut thb advanlagès te thé Amin-au fishes-n of boiug lis a position te purchase bait and supplies, a claitu fer a large con. énsLsalion heing ionded thés-son. The Ame-ban counsel conteudéd tisaIthb Washington tsealy gave no such 'ris-ligea hothu-lir fisisérmén, sud -lIs présout commission sisould not tae hem_ iota . cothri.. Thé. des- ne DEAR Sis sés.' ýAhino mete auggest s feue ite ides, vblh may hée 'Ofimportance ta 1 1 tisé-people- of, eus- county, Ihrongh thée isel échumus o! yens-rvaluabié pupes-. - ýpsr hava bati 'rs-at cunsity-te kuc 1if tise eus- localtas-nes-s as-e gain g le allai, thée »in eppos-Luulty te slip fs-arntheis- graap a! s-as maine<tis' county tisesmarleétsa it neovos-s for tise inps-os-déstole visich Our are Dominion, oas*011U a th. Nos-hers- nat States as E nglanfi- require?2 Il la es 1 Inué a fév bavé doué tbisés-pas-Iiflbly - ns- sud vo», butChéy. as-e, se .1eW tliaItwo- os-- or th ree sqtouato-u came lute tis mis- couuîy sud bongista h ie mifdle grade mu. o!fusep(Chatlarlisose wes-th fs-cmtan ses ta Ivelve d6ass) Chiàa se fer allie Ibis-- lse fali, antiIf sps eculator vlise ! Itb buy adi up s ear-go o! caIlle b saip te Engiausi ms-s for béof (tisaI - laprs-ie animais) lbey ne ôflainot do it. ov, InmuetaMy, th not s a sa st iatu o! affaira, -ad tise secos- ich "~tisébettes-," for thé following ressens: olo let, Becanse lt la geing Ce Psy 21 i ne. Boauase eus- Iasti ,requis-esmos-esest: lay liatIsl, il requis-es te ýbé eédeati dowsn - on mese,-snd iesidea it vilhobeIete le for lie extra m ss-ur e vhich il voulId h3Y. hen ge ; Bs-, Bcause thé . Wstefu hlI Statea vil aupply eus- evu marleets un- efî lues saiséskrt-f s"c!tChat viL iou psy. bis I arn afrait I vouu occmpy yens- Dun- valushife space tee mucis ase I b es- e t, plain 11he lensfite derivéti undes tise ati fis-st bbad, ansi hàw they as-o dés-fed. - uet Suffice ilte a ay' that as liock e sci hé bringa $00 visn ealugterd, pays be. ors tes- Iban oee vicis bringa -#80, if you of havé Cc psy.'8200 for'& bull te bring sf1 aboeut tisaI reanît, if you lias-o only fis-e il- covs to, bresti fs-m. Tise sama way np vitIs shoep. Buppose you baud a fiock - lie O! Ivénty sts-eng éves;-,nov if yen Paifi lai $50 fer a geesi hucle, sud obtasi [ my twsnlyfis-e lamba, tisaI vould bie two hao dollars extra upen ths praduce. Cou-. ridés- thozeIamtuCabe common, they voulti onlbuha os-lis2.50 per, besi,-os- thé haif-breti lanaba stand you 04.50. I ceu* assuré you tisose lasuba vouifi 'T reedily soit for 8Bper baad,-ar a p rafit oves-the osigiisal vay, o! 88.50 pariseafi, or s profits o! 887.50 ovés- thée ogluaia. s- 2d, That ur landi requis-s morse-est is jaself-évidenî Inuth. Wé bave, cnly Ys looks aI hose. faria vhih are csop-- tY pesi fs-cm yéar Ce yar, vitiseutsu y s-e- ha turnos- remninesation, éxcépt thhas- ye wn cash uhicis tle faeréspute loto bu tIse banle. To use thé common es-ps-es- tée aion, tlaey-are -uttes-hy 1playeti out." nse Nov, vo ail knewtbsî grain, roots, &c. sut lake a- ceatain iegredionî ont e! thse to seil, sud il stands te neasoi vo- annaI 5abats-sot those diffoèrent ingrefiéutafast- In ès- Iban nature lié lesettaw. BuCtvé a- may isolp nture by différent mnurea, la sisf'aeich b hébeat là freinthe bas-n-yard. et ans it illiinet have any streuglis unlésa yi thé graha la fefi upow tlie farm.- gl 8s-dt Tisis statenént msy seoin ob- ~ in scns-e te soe, nésisrtielesa iti la Inn.- 5-We lias- ou ol go dovu te Mspstreal t o ses tise Texan ana ti etis-estes-n 'f le outIlsin thisemrlee, selliisg fer lcves- b4r- nps-becs Ibaultisal ait vhiche cama posly ilsaise Our Canadian elcons. - -Thiis Is-adé la as yet only "a a Bsigu ie plant dépoashe inoens conty, sud ve - o ugit te také, spedy mesus ta s-ot il la ct-es-en if cuirGos-crament vii lt éasslel us. I voniti like te siveil upon t hia longer, but- thankig *yen for thée i pace viici Ihavé Z-fôwccupié-, slI ai, etc., . a RASON. 1, Sept. 8Ch, 1877.- Y Thé Home Rule démonstration aI -Monagisaun nAugusî 415 vas ucb se - uccessol s il migial have been if thé - vatses-bl' beon mors favorable. - T iese ver s pr ciably ton thoussnd pet- -sons prsent. Ie. Isaac Newton ad- ds-éssed lIse ssserbly, sudinu tiewcorse of c!is stidress denounceed tiséBritishs coustiutin-as oppressive, 'sd ishiieil o Ce a hed b wbole World vas a seÈub- i lic. Tise policeré e-h iaraseleszed t asî s- selss bady, vi e o s-e e rbbing thé people cf Is-elani.. The Venerahie Mts-bopiatsuo! thé West, Most Bey. Dr. Mefiahe, isu visiteel thé Desueries o! Ballins-che. j 1Clifdou, snd Ils Ceunemara diatricts a! ;Tuaru, admiuialos-ing tise Ba s-ernlof t Confis-nation tb 2,000 peranscus.antid travelling niese tissu 200 miles. IlB vas truiy efiifying Ce viLuoss thé fs-e- queut orowds Chai gatiserefi freminnany a iounta h, v llêy andi ugg d ,il-sids o! Conneùtàaâa b greet hér beoveel Arcbi9ihscpj isee ba ud lasA eIs s 5 0 eflen rasse t te elp -thoin. A ficuco RsrpoaazsL-A Lahore papes- gis-eu1esome aceount o! a Hinfio rformés, sald C ehétaI reenl shai timI, and a aet cf golel stud thé' pre. s-ly o!Thomae Dmuty, suaniployes f lie hotel. IHo aflos-ars-dadieposod fthé articles for tsme dollassasd- fifty enata lauiotal keepe-, sud on the Iloat'ing norning leit for Clé soulla hy e ses-su o'clck train. Ab Bs-adford ebis-éd a bore sud buggy fos- au our'a drivé, and drovo l Ans-os-a, sers hé sold. theus for $60, but ouly réGiveel $5 cf tisé nny. Word vas egraphled te Bradford,-sud hbe vas nestad sud coinnitted Ce stand hais ia. Chie! onstable Ragesahaving îsned f hiea ra -sest. bad halo beforé ie M a y as- Ih i a in c - in g o n lise fis-t las-go, ta vîics hé pleaded giity, id vis agin consmitel fer trisl. Tu PuimTER's MISCELLÂNY.-Tbis Igazine vihI ha eady for délives-y lu muI two veeka. AsftIe sibacriptieu let sud sacnsts-s lissaI tin thé fine tisé 201h Joue, stbsucnibsrs wbose 'tu ai aubacripio amiladnat es-pis-ad meteùd lu Ibei- see, sddmesos, aoul a id, and date a! nuhsesiplibn soma as possible. Those 'vimose tés-m ied vitfi tisé June number, ahroild se ne lime luns-éuavmng, otherwise seriderable diffiielty wiilhé experiene. lu securisg lune knuiners. 'Ihô pér viii ouhy bho seul tote IbeawIsos somiptionsareampaid in .a1lvance. ibcrâptloasasd' uds-estisénienls s-o atnA CY, solicîtéd. Address', Hugs "'s'y Editor sud Ps-cpriéten Psinter'. scdela-îy, St. John, N. B. The fou- boxes tisaI s-nIétisevo-id .letsy su us annon;-andj thean aste isavhag aris-éd, the andacions h~gel' clean off.-Tho rsultofef Is igiî as 1,200 e! lie senimy leihed sud voundeti and Ibre upas captrsrefi, sudtisé safty us! tisé Emperer. Tisé î5th lost, ent o! ,480 Mn eqgaged, 17 mon sit 19 hans kff~i, oui offices- iayonsted iirougisthse bâdy, 12 'nicûandi 19 liesses vousds. 01th îeght offices-i 'lent Ont vas vonndo& ansi fis-o basi herses vosudés 'unies-tiein. Fort 11e osploil ailtise eigzhl officqýns, aznoug visei ver sBis- Eos-IWI eo, oesd fror tise Em- psragl iùmodal anti mtfter7narda vos-e =creaLe i ihts cf ltas Osdes. o es-arî Thérss. Tise vorda "V llieiî.en- Couache" are borne ihs palsmts o! Ibiregimant. bas Issu séntence t t lismelmostb's imnscmcursud àaineoT woSU Lodge o! thé rie! of palulmont, -eau te liseh annoulsoel. tse Quobec isioncra. "Critnin 1s Persapa lin se liltitl t4 countr-y- es munity fs-c sncb cr«ime caiuing, bur s-eu, vs lno could be eas- ishica a! Dul 'ha tise igist ments o!fti cillhe Damil acceptauce e a Ueue-WJ ta tli,, Pro cof-proclamsat -Theé Dubi ailleat i AbIysrsssun ; 1 i 7it a -bl 7 1 TOI te 'sua onc eime Topi ile, dayO yéez ntm nou aftm thétt erae he' - mnt b anov aO coc daiti [landeý The g seéndis as-o cs dail, ti Thér - héneze fui diséi l'ie ig gorésen Miaeonl menebai oftise SI risen-Do Dit.t, t à

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