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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1877, p. 4

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Put l go wn. < ptMr snu ,wsrd, $o 14. fer snd 21, sud rstantes ad - ameuutlug ApHIi,7th, 1877. vers, iu the sud othprs , swarding thi earpor- n ogid côu- at aýco»kt cf On motio ofU ear. Ssgr, -aeonded -- by Mr. Thompson, M{r. Wm Beultion vae intruted ta expend 015 in msk- log a diteh an thé 6thi éon. at Lots 20 sud 21, sud a lequé wuigracted ;iù favorsof the <sur cf 'th. fevce vl.wéro for #à, inlu40ordane. witu the. -award illed wiLlhthe clerk. Ou imotion ecf Mr. Leay céue b .Mil. -Thoupsou, thefiglew g ehques weré grzuted ; To, Donald o.c Donald, work on 2ed-on, lot 7, 80; Tlmothy lyenuvarie cix tubcou., lot 8, $10; li. F. sinc.lair, municipal blauJi; $1.25; F, W. Armstrong, sur- véy on 7tlx sud 7îli concesslious, lots 20 aud 21, 612.; J. Coriigen, Asltiug 62SsrvyO 25 ; George Clark, asi lu; St ikvey, 125 ; Michael MeTs;. gart, asistiug at survey, 62.25 ; BMici 4el MoTaggsrt, board, tlodneted, <rom f urveyor's aecolnt, $2 ;Donald Camup- Î.bell, addI euil, 010, to bé -sspuded by Clark r; Donald Glu, tork ou Sth cou., lot 7, e815. John FIIusx.ryires-rk ou Illh'c on., lot 20, $52.18. On mnotion cf1Ms-. Songer,. so1ed by Mr. Lcary, Bi-. James Rhitchié, - pathmaster, was authoilod ta- cens " lto diteh on side litce between lots lO snd15, cou. 1, aaud'ie altow'tlié par- ties dolii; suùone onit yesr's tatuts labourthéeev a ntutthé path. master 'Sp $bat effort. Oni motioù cf Mr. 'bôimpsoli, second. éd by Mr. Seagér, the, reova wae anth. cri-ldeiedhostruet CF. F, Brocs, commis- Biuner, tO lot oue huudred sud forty rods cf çitelng sud.lartug on thé th cu. lins, camméuciug au. tbé West aide of lot 1l, lu accprdsuéé with a9pard cPféfexcé viewcrs blsd wish the clet* inthsst llal On inetion ft Mr. Seagèr, secoudsd *by Ms-. IOBy, . eual Adjourusd ta Saturday, ta$1Aday of Septenibér, *A labes-log cun t lt tO a Itioliuonsl ,Jreet druggigîth tLo olrt'day, and otsked hillmfer ain cmetic. 'iv nj gglct g7.ve Iiini an lnoffliqnive.lookiL'ie powdèr, And nid hhim te taire aus isself,4?0'~nld lie outoi eta quarter-. 'ris c ntýor wen Il 'le, nd n about forty lin'tes théeîettxap> 'lifoi)Ikw lite Ltsudrr - store aud Askoj ~ph larinaciét te olnilf, aud éec hër ls-ubaid. rfi ipliarngtils woeit And ioiudtise ,fla.'rnîb ji, beàte clown, bsxt evây .i'. ggclan l1îîdccorne. 'llxy" nd 1ftxgger- "yon intllét urely si"étuînaet jr,"q.fI lrot1 ï, gaqmf'dho ivr-rtais d iten . i oe jtct wht O a nohlir q' inc-- V ile lxl-',scl'àI took CI4NADIAN AI? 048 fi çscilian (114Sirtue fcir 1A aulcuisSe- c ss-lscg'u-aliing pit-:s. It I s I.sgaL-. 4s <u îcisi ha 'ls', fastorie,-s', cls,, htil. livi'Ssu-ý0 d 1ml ', or1'Slcg of kcryidi, nt"lj e iautry, or l'e-i yoiic'ttiv 's (il ut '-nsu l3iaiil ofc tieii, lotty bu ssjsiplie--l m'c calafsütd c-h-csp gi 1lighLt Thomice ccu-Sies'are sIA -12ctcouitricc. Pe oli icisi letirit ont of s'r, reiss.rm ,iill ~SSIta o ljaogeari.() fssle i 's Liai uni l crale licscsesr. '1'lco cue.1y luto ie -ss, ae rccst 111 lit itta Iyl x'ciic - cusl loess111111 sloA tl for lightSli ticsj llis-gcoit ici, tatory, public- Ssilin4, or the- nrssrlleïét dsvellifig, Iia is- sicsw cir nutriei tlsiiig, ist IIýtyoe ct~i ini caistant laidclstue- - t', ot n lail îscrts i s so1 tr1'0 otis wiliter andsuiirécces, for yeU-r-. Tii, aILuat' Iy tltfitfd -asclsiiisscs le IL -c6fl lrmPrtqiated aith giacoUno. Ih bitrfi vita a ichwigl faima, t lly equas, i)te tisI)îro'liuoed loY coai gâo, la cosducted tic3Mugl, plimm esisi ornassental fixtus-es, wiit Ite miolocisjV"nIcece andI saîcty. No -flru Ilm saii lixt1v1cé théicas145Ofltactnrss 911,11buiildings ligliteci by il art, lscn.urcd- iistuos saies cI, tislio ruaigus rie ouqsss. -" s vot cf thin g fa,- liglic, eqical tn non sctlicciilrsccct Sfect ù oit] sc,cl a riefr"ont -'it icuolicîs- ccxdifnty centsal)t 15'- iolls cr, Iics'licg iout este-hlif tise pri-ie et osi gos. TW Thi nteriai from whIhigasla malle hy o ur machbiné Je , n c oncetsap-cially as *gasn'inc, a liglct, volatila cf pstrolenem. Etihtimates given lfor igltiug aud heatlngs Bath., Waller CluinIt,, Pap., Gai-ana Fossaltas; tujbber ar ias ixtures, ta lisou nzesd Crystal, tc. SCOTT & PIIILLIPS, sols Manfacturer@. Pltiselerd, GOaanil Strain IPittéré, - 158 Yock Stret, Toronto. A',gust Sii, 1877, fa LANDS FOR SALE 1 IN Tili Township of 'Somarville, COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Thé foUo-%wtng lancia li thé hawnaisip cf susoarviîno, Vuunty e1 Victoria, are olinred focricale- Tisé Wta acsfLot 5, is tisé 131h r-onces- Blin, censifttcg ef 10055 se-, Fitteén acres vinas-cul îand f0ucead. ÀAnîvtr-fiixnî trèamn tmass thoot, oncisbwhl- is a mnilsite, nea- thse sideo f a gous] road. Tisa preprty ile cicly 4 of a mile fsras, am.saiiway station on t01ssVictoria itailt way,ansd ilmiles, freitihe village i ssr ssit Let 7, i:e luit II cnseicisocltcii(É et 2)0 ses-.llscc140111cl SaWeil tîrsnis,-nî }savioit an l'ILstof vslcal lc,,e'ar. A nes cr-falliiicg ctrsom o! ofwater rcînit ticsoui * tine lot, as-Ichi Sat'ut to-iisl,-c lsn fs-cm a railwxty ottie cuo tisé Victloria Jtail- way. "h1, coclstry aronîi la setilesi. Mssers. Jcchiit solmaa andsi DsnliSiil ver, is0IiR Kîsssx(,Unnl, wl I cw tise priperty. For Tecsidmio!1sale, appiy ta- Jà%iS. WALTCElI, Medray P. 0. QOtario, or te - Meuîr. IIATOI &- 11110., WilctIsy. Aug 22ni, 1877. .5 WALZ'S LJAGERÎ Shasve glveithe a fe1c forMy Logr in ondoavoar ta .upply a itcl lîhwtU ?Y s&tisfactIon te, thosé sWho patronize JOHN WAI, - Tos-onto. il IE Biest 'and Freshest 'tu LWA&Y' BE POUND AT - THE WHITBY ilUSE. 3', A. BAI*DELL lueR180o sole Agont foc Wai~Lager Béer for thé Couaîy 01 A AFINE ARTICLE 01, r«UlE_ CIllERI. U miFOR SA5LI." 14l". liO -cet i hye sr Feilsr rsn1. l'or particxlari appîyte -' - JAMES LAWIIrE Whlthly, Auguat 7th, 18t,7.' t-8 flOUÎR AND LOT l'rôns i 'A s rm TsrLET..S- THE WINDSOR. -(Cr. ilngasud-YorkÏts) NOW OPEN. S2.ca PER DAY. Frés omnibus te sud from Ual trains. Ta- bis sud appointmsnt fas-t-eians. SCULýET & FMNIGAN rf.~IFF P F FES TO BE TAKEN I lir CONSTAJBES. ('Untler Order in'Csxnncil, ilshei 24th day et July, 1874.)' 2. Ai-rail ci cadi, individài al pan a wairrant..................... $1 50 2. ,Sorviîcg suminons or enbpoeua.... o 25 Dr. ilengo to serve sunuînons, sub. d)cpxa or warrant ..............0 10 .Miisuage niieui service cannaiotbc 11110.U pcof cf dle dilligence.... 0 10 6. Mlil-1cagetaliugdriîonors te gassl, nscuoive odisbnriqments nec- p9acily ezponcllu intieir con- A ystncn......................0 10 3. Attondlng'Justidecxx s1nRMMR17' trial., or on exsannaton cf pi- sonorsehargéd wctlx ecrime, for ciels day neesarîly employed in aise or more caura, whsunont engagea more than four heurs., L do 'ao. sc. whesi eugaged mors thin 7,,. -hor................... 1 5 "sAssises or sessions, &jUu......................15 tac df&.. -g ta attend As 9. lyiloagd ,"eforé Justices (y.-;é'x public ebi'iW'.qy "éllburse- ts4ccuonllf 1ýrestouii j ...010 2 ,,'Set8 tu becilwd) 't-soigJury * for Cotô,±cé%. 1nj"s ns-lnug attenditsg s$ j"qilcîs, axIirail Uervices lu i-c., pxc e cce, cr t i n cmc day .Asigeets-y nmc.*neil-----------..2(do I.Vtasln cch 'adjilimrenjt siscr.-oI, if cols ragitij;a.i sac furs'Ilurna................,.. 100 Do. da. iL c igsl J2re thôUi fcscsr iotilc...........-----------150 i.j Servlix s ,s'sntin:sor nFipu'sxa te No. 10)... ......... .....)2-5 t. ii-i .ncsi-ug 5fialU(...........0 10' 5.i bcis bcody uixdrr Ccsroa'r's G. 1Iebrys c.i'............. .2 l.siic................. ..150 's5ic:11ccr tr,ýtrr-Fz wî,- F i. ' c--cIi pg c LIsks s c rc-, -ta -'Or geede t'ari Vinkc dim.- tren, '-':a ès' oogsocle nxisAun. - O10 !o. Apîcacaii'atîi'whetisr 1q' one nr eor 2 s'C"Kt 5,sI he sdollar-, on toe 'CLUecIf gQOl * ' 1. ataloguenOusluosud essnerr anxdde] (iir sof gods, É, ehsha tisé e, on aet pro dIca o! goodp. - 2. Excctissganaceh warrant,... d 3:SI-rvingntcso coste, whenrsig ll ss0e. . 50 ihýè y orier, Il. .J. MACIIONELL, Clerk a thje Ponce, C. 0. 22 17 21 22. W~ ITUY, PORTPlIRRY & LINDSAY ILAILWAY. TIME TABLE No. 19, Takiug effet-t ou Wednenday, Aug. lot, 1877. TORONTO TIME, .nsrn-. AZaT. Toronto, vian0. . 650 ans. WhttbyluJnnG'.TtR . 845 t wit'Y . .......85 tfrobuln ....... C1 Myrtîs............. 9.281 Snunit- ..... 08 Manciestesr-....)A5 Prince AIbert,....955 ~Port Pvrry. .. 0.11) Sost0rave ...1085 'sanya ....- . 04 $Manitia..-..1057 .aioa.....11.18 TRINS rus esseSOUTE. fl25 0.47 7,00 7.10 7.17 7.25 7.850 7,58 8.05 817 8,48 90o S..Ivxi xea . s3. iMAIL. 50 ATT EPAIiT. tLintsoay.......0-(0 arn. 2. 15 p m., 0 Ope ............ ;SOt) Il 2.25 fi tnariposa .... t." 2.40 I f %ltcîlla ....... ... .40 ' 8.00 f Sonya ...... ..... 6.535 " 8.14 iSeagrave-.....7.00 8.22 IS PrtI'nrcy. ...7.22 8.55" Prinece Aiert -'7.27 < 4.04 Manshotr..' 7.35 4.12 Surmcait ..... 7I 4.20 leyrtle ............ 7r0 4.00 tllrookUn..... 80-5 443 Jr 1hti........... .20 5.03 WhtyJunn'G.T.R 825 < 5'1i0 orontv,vîs. . T . arrive.....10.22 727 OF4*s stations-Trains stno n e aiitl only. tielegraph stations. -CONNECTIONS : wzus'rU-t .ýUXÇTJOW with Grand Triani Raiway for a&l points East and *wüst. PORT 5'EIIR"wittýsetars'e foc Uxbridge. SAscclAsuvl:-Ps'r SsistfillTl ansi Vck. MAsî.s.t--l'ar sun-ui caad Catinngtou. Mcixisra'se-i'er OiaosLittle 13 tsin, Valeatisea ll Port Ho'vcr. LNiýitS .----ith Vistria itirsifor l'cn4-lot, Pull,,, Kinonal, Misclesi, Hal. l5surtsin, tIse Fs-s- Gralit Territes-y, ain& tht IIscgish Lancd Cu'ssp-sscy'e . VI-eerty, 'aith Mîflas'sclirxll-a3'foac' Unville, IBoa-crtan, Orillie, Waanriessn, Geor- gisssî JSxuy-wiich 5'ainecrcs at orillia witIst1-9- Nrtlscrn Itillwrty for Gi-aven. h unsst,1 BrcsceSri(Igc, ani tise Vs-en rnt Terrilcry-wili Crandeli Steit-uér for Stargeon Paint No.tei, a clightf ci Suin- suer liesort, candllelccaygeon. Tiis tfhec niy sdir-ct ianute fi-cm points on tise Victoria Railoray ansd Lind2ay to Toi-anto Rissi thé West. Throngh Tickets mccy hé hacl at Grand Ti-uuL Tis-icet office, Union Station, To- JAMIiS IIOLDEN, Iga4ing reto. Whitby, Jniy 27tb, 15477. c. ' 1 FOR $ALBI DR?- FOOTE'S RESIDENCE "FORIEST PARK'. Pas-m a to 4 ac-res of Laim, Orchrd-,. 4tb, 1877. WIIITBY PUHARMACy JUST RECEJEVED 85 Pirvases and Toi/et , int àîe lateestls.The, Largest sud Lest Seleo-' - tion e-ver in Whitby. ' Aweimiported te.above, we' eau offer tliem very loi>. 13axter's Mandrake, For Dyspepsial Siek Headache, Loss of Appetite, mc. >IN' BOTTLES AT 25 CENTS. GILES' LINIM~IENT IODIDE'- WitbY, Augusi lBth, 1977.. O'AMMONIÂ. S~W. B. SMITH a Co@ SPRIG GOOD e' A LARGE AN~D CHOIOR LOT OP OLOTIIES AND T'W-EEDS, JUST TO IRAND, AT Y. mi'ERGTYSO C) Suituble for Spring Wear, and at prices to suit thé times. AJ.so, the Largee;t and best seIectiPn of Hats to be found in Town. SDon't <ail to see tliem before purchnciu- c.lFewliere. Whitby, March 24th, 1877. FOR ALL CLASSES -WE L ARE SIE WING THE- Larg.9tand 3Mot Fa8hionable -0F- STYLISI{ (;C)DS Stoc k IN TOWN. [.ts theG-Goods- -,nd the Cheapness Of thein that does it!1 We are auxions te seil our Stock witliout Reserve. Our profits won't n1how us ta throw off 10, 12 and Fifty per cent, fbrthat'8 ail L3oslh We bave, Goods imaported from Eng1axn4. lreland artud Scotlauld, anct tlo United States,- beei.ler, a large supply of Canainau mari- ufaeture. I:ý" If nny one's "Raggedl," (mid on the "Edge of dospair," let him bc froin town or country, thecy eam get elothed at LAINO A $TE WA1T'S. Cri-= Printer's ink suits some classe ; Our Goods suit emory necdy iorson. LAING et STEWART. On and after the 2nd JuIy', HAMILTON& Co-. wil offer the remainder of their GENERAL STOCK, AT GýEATLY REDUCED PRICES. No Summer Goods wiil be heldl over, but we -will offer at suoli prices as will offect &a speedy clearance. s U I T S O PRJING L ES H ',Marchant Taloéring and Gents' Furnishing Hious, R - MoMILLAN'S BLOCK, R F BROCIX STREET, - - WHITBY. T s O C.* K- S JA MES GOODFELLOW J Go,, IMPORTERS & WUOLESALE & BETAIL DE~ALERS JN LA MPS Chimueys,,Burners, Wickis, Chandel- iers, Stoves, Burning Flid, Rock - Oul, Woodeni Ware. 1Chilid reri 's Carriages, CLOTEt1RS-WRINGF1-.S, AND: GENERAL t, te, -ZA eore sui -THE aimait ism i masbuns uWho,1 profofhi 1pMtion-wellavaonily 6,~d ~ éou i~1~ bve 4u pace u aar Cnad, vithin 'OtJ~TRUMP OOBIND MCHI NES,. uanai<lt o isaau *0heré frme t~f Mroa.rs -Our fmpOW Ved Cayugoýhief Jr.," n u org aaaMwr are luthÀfri-clasi me:e-oejue lo4ihl~QIolad8~ h 0ajga Jr. bau arear eut, sud lhb Yan# Çiaadý.À frin tCut,; ho4thsitrornedur- bl"emýachinu, aud net, sxb.éud by n ahuéJnji aklfr4aiy eut,hr*4bilily, ll4htaue»é fd*sll, ada&pbllty, sud base-of manhgemméni. OLRNEW 5'HTY AVSER." As the, country ha. beomebçtterapiea ta mebin.anlmsny of our farza. ors avebeemé klIIed- ltut er alotMaehinea agrowig emand bas aprung up for a Lfght, DurabI, ia, Plruî laBoaper. Miv eIerqire menfthe, tihe day, w. bave anceeded l invent a ma- chine wlth, a Wroughtlron Frame,,wltb th'e liaitpossible gearing-wlth large, broad.6eced drivewhMé,-and so constinetid.that he <ramne sud'table tlt at the- îame tim., thereby keeping thé piýmaftý always iu lino, with. the' -kriffe. The rakes are driven directly firom the mïdla ehaft,-_tere belugné peeptible ide draft, -and no welght upon the has4s ieo,èki. , We are mofidoi ýtheaW'wa bave- succeeded in inventing thé moet pe#lce Beaper, iùlng t Il liite perte, ihae- bai ever bien produced. We bave appled for Jettera patent, and shah hol- d our invention, for Our own exclusive manufacture, snd wero-rcetfülly iouggcui t inu- téuding purch»sers, that tbêy ihopld see, tht. machine be(o% vr gtheir .orders for the eoming harvest. Thé "Whitby Harvester" weighai i 1l&I,00ous but beiug made principally cf the béat quality of trou sna steel, and ram its ln- gênions snd compact eouetructlon, -iL combines thé 'streenud, dursbiliiy, of thé heaviér machines. Ail of aur machine. are fully warranted. With this list of machines, we <sel confident that we eau meet every re. quiremént, and werSpeetfully solicit a trial of aur machine, beliéving ýthat wé enu fnrnish a bett r machine for thé monay than eau be obtain'ed elsewhére. Respectfully Yonrs, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. 00. Whitby, Ontario, February, 1877. -FASLUONABLE dtA IL ORINU Go wliere YOu Can get a Weil-fittingý Garnient :-To the Tailoring Eiitablishmaent of1 GEORGE 5UPEIOR CUTtING SHAPES i?7HE7 WORK j A Large Stock of Fino Cloths ; best Englieli, Scotch aud canadie.n Tweeds. C> Excellent Overenatings sud Splendid Vest Patterus. A good fit Guareanteed. GEORGE GURLEY, 51 . King Street, Oshawa. E. J. JOHNSON Iii anno-uneing the continuance of the busines iLately carried on by TILL & JOHN SMN, as Cabinet Makers and Undertakers, by himself, begs to solicit also a con-. tinuance of the hUberal patronage heret ofère -bestowed upon 'the firm. Hielias no-w on hand afi Excellent Stock, coniprising ,Sideboards, Centre»:Tables, Whatnots, Hall Stands, Sofas, Parlor, and: Bedrooim Suits, ail of Superior workmanship, and of the very best inaterial. Picture fraiming yery cheap. Al orders exeeuted with promptitude and despatoh. Special attention to the upholstering branch. A handsome wéll appointed HEearse?-Funerals fully suýpplied. Wlhitby, May 7th, 1877. ~EW BO E. J. JOHNSON. 20 T AT IýON E BY -AND- 0 K S TOR E AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTBEAL TEL. OEPICE, BBOCK-ST. George Yule bege to annpouncavthat lie has re-openjed his Stationery and Book Store in Whitby, where statiouéry of ai kindé,. of thé iet quality, will be kept on haud; alsa Sohool Books of cyéry- description, Copy Books, SMates, Pencis, Inks, &o., &o., at thc lawést pricés. GG. )ST dML1ESOK0 and cutter&i ~hs ~If BROCK-STW{BY GALL & SEE LTHE M. J1JST. ARRIVED AND -l -O R :SALE, AT ~H WHTB Y C HINA EASO.E P dhoicè loo'fOf Gre nd Blaok'Teas, ha onntbleat iii the Dominion, hoýth for quality-ad hanesspr'c* f1' om 50, ti, 80.,oents-.per pound. 'Vfesfrom l 25 to 40ienità Per Pound. Sugates-of. al kinds, Sb.of'Whie $Ugarfo$1 i~A feük i ssrte nt of Choice Fa -mily,,G;ooeries, of ill kmnds, at equaily tow Pri ces.- MAPLE MOLASSES $1 25 PER GALLON.- 'Rùs ad Gardep Flowei Plaànts Greeën"Vegetableàa iu thefrseason. tàr4FBESH TOM,A.TOES JUfT ýEl>FVEËD... A fuln assortment of China, -Glass and, Crookery Ware, Tes. ]Iinr, and Toilet Sots on hand ana for s&le-cheitpý. 'ýAlLkinds of Field and Gerden *Seeds, Clo'ver and Tino-ý thy Seed, &o. Turuip Seeds of aU Linde, direct from-, Scotlaudi t arrive, tis week. îý3 Good Potaioes fron\ lio to 80 cents p er buahel"*» At WM. J. GIBSON'S. Whitby 0" nTes Store-.- WANTED.-Any quantity, of Good B-utter, Eggs . nd Feathers, for which the highest cash price will be psid. W. J. GIBSON. QGOLDS MITIHe's hIA LL Now to hand, a fulli assortmeut-of-,N.ew Goods, whioh having been welI bouglit, *wvill be offèredl at -VEÎtY LOW PRICES. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES & CHAINS. BRIGHT AND COLOBED GOLD JEWELLERY. BLACK JEWELLERY, JET AND VULCANITE. Ia Cloeks of Warra.nted, Quality, Very Low, Puces. Eleétro Silver Plate, a very large assortment, new designs, lu Cruets, Butter Coolers, Cake, Baskets, &o., &c., relia- blé goods, and prices lower thau, ever. Would call special attention to a New Line of Goodis- NIOKELITE-a substitute for iler. Niakeite Table, Dessert, and Tes Spooius, Table and Dessert Forks. Inspection invited.. -NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER SPECTACLES., Childrens' Caxriages in great vaniety, two, tliree, and four Wheels, AuLerican aud Canadian maltes. Mardi 2, 17., Practical'Watchnxaitr, Brooki Street., Fôr "Sale -at very Reasonable Prices Several Open Buggies with child's seat, Lady's -Open Phoetons latest style and very liglit, .Covered Phmctons lwitli Rolling Seat, also Light Top and! Open Buggies of Super- ior Style and Finish. - Ail made of Whitby, July 5th, 1876. FINE the best Matèerial W'arranted. and -TOMS & NEWPORT, Whitby, Ontario. 28 ARTýS BEST'S GALLERY, OSHASWA ~ The Daily and Weekly Papers always on hand. Sub serptins oloitd 'b.sPLEN.DIID Musical Instruments, including a fine a8soitment of Violine. Orders arc takon for Foeiiodicals, Msagaziles sud Mueo. GEO Whiitby, Dec. 131h, 1876. WILLIAM YU LE.1 51 T1L.L'S CABINET FACTORY AND FU RNiTURE: WAREROOMS I THlE OLD STAND,,BIiOCK S.TJ4rET,).1#WîTY. pleased in making selections of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Drawing IRoom -and Bedroom -Sets, New Designé wéllçwotthy of luspection. at- astouishing low, prices. -Dn. iug-room ExtensionTeJles-a véry supee~or. article. GlComices, Picturë Frsrning in evcry tyle. Some, 4ij4é Chromog sudl Eugraviugs.for sale. aui t. branches j fnnraln'f yaullsupli À " of lpuk Uyj]roon 4 ., ,- îneýýimd *aveU sppjnt muon. PICTURES, *Life-Like-taken in a moment in the best style. Mr, -Best lias secured the services of one tlie best nega-! tive retouchera lu the Unitcd States. I feel confident that I ean turu out work equal, (if net superior,) te anytlxing ever béforé muade luthi country. ia CALL )ND:SEE' ýMY WOIRK. ' Ail aie welcorne to inspee't'the'Gailery. -Fine Photos of the Leading Statesmen of the Dominion- ,R*ght !ton. 'Sir'-John Macdonald-, flou . ~N ib, ,'u fBy Ratier MeCaun, BRey. Mr. Laird, sund léading citizéns, for salé st- BESTS' GALiLERY SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. SADDLIERY AND HIA'NS W LLIA&M TO M P S ON Begs to direct ixttttition ta bis-,large' a su 'erior stock, camiprm*gevery-b thiug Iu thée Wdleryàta Hariésé Lin., altc Leather <Val ,i ses'antd Saratoga. r nks. A, LOT -0F CHILDBEN,"' SCARRIAGFS, Vérylxfdaen p4Çbsaý. 4$$he old eit&b1i"besxt. 'e -I 8peçÙdIatteutIou1,sl o the malugnof 'NEDL WD ý FIBE- SCREENS. OTTOMANS, FANCY CH41B8, isde and put do*n inlthe begttstyl.i J AS. H. 5AMO &Co Xmrb 8u, 1976 i TI TIIALBEUG PIÂN0 $29O0O.00 The Thsiberg Piano ffui avant long fuit- * that ofa- UODtSEFUL HPIANO which cembliéd the -claarnem of tons anc! the 1but of Di* of lthe most celebrate,! i bleaaàked how if la ouil té upply HALF'--THE. PR1C£E genrsy cbsrgedthe asmeriiplain: menti, thore are 'na lame Éiowroom-_a or Î êi-oie tlvëingagents té Î*Y. Ixew.mtremient are s&Umde of a- UNI.FOBKSTANDARD PULL SEVEN OCTÂêEi SOU> RON PEâUiL, O VEESt T RÉU N G BA S" CAUPE» LEGS BOUND FÎ1T OOBNBE8O7 .SBBPEITINE MOULD'G5 sud üaDOUBIZ VENZEElD An exctra DISCOUNT 0F la PER- CENT.. mil be sllowed Scbodolansd convent., asue. hto Clargymen florfihe nie of -thet im o-ilis.. W.ADAMS, Whftby, Fsbrusry, 3Btb, 317M. -STtE AUER CIT>Y lOFLTORONTO Leavés Seat cf Tonge-si., Toronto, da&My st 7amrsh agara Kt 9.80a, Keltn h'O. m.- Dirsét connections for thé Faui, Buffuui, Cheveland,-R«eheto, Nsw Yorkooxc. Tlektm sd allnismaion ah 8 Front-st. May litlx, 1877. 'Ae20 LI PO(OL MAIlT i CASH FOR,,GRAIN, TobO deiveîredaà PLASTER', SALT, AND -COAL) 19 -70ORSAME. MONEY "T10 LOAN ou Rosi RitaLest Low Rateetf Interest. J. . M mcCLELN. SION& KELLEY*' cidN UACTOBY,À C IARS maufatrsd-from boitHarans Tobacco. Thé celebratcd " S. KL" ther dvstsm e p-vshem a triaL -Whltby, Feb. 7th, 1877. * ly-7- YOMAN GIBBON, G7eneral Commission Marchant Agent for I àîiM d C oxuizBcré.'Un- ]toluPire Inuîenrancompanle. m RATES 0F INtAÊCjZ 1.W -il Ame Agent for tise Le"ian, sDàxu.ux éd o e *é' estati paéyable <roàm T t T veie yéars andin Summ ho suit partie. fflr-Imteret low eud ne o nsmisien chagéd Motga.bougbt. W. J. GIBBON, * China Pe Store, Dunda. Bt., Whitby. Wbltby, Mutch >,150, 16 BHOUEAM JABRAGEWORKS. S. W E BB PePcfyinfoxm ins iPatron~sud the. -lbi hé lha hupur-ebaùd tIi. Rigbt fer - : Pickering, to Mimufexture (jonboy's Patent Seat for BU-G G IES8, CUTTERS &c. Al partie.svl do weiit~uo & 3w - 5 and Clutters, beors giving thuiirod nÈrongaÇzny utii, Mm7. *lyr- THGIEÂ&T INVENTION OFTEE Family Kmittffg Mac~hnes 1 M'LARGESAN» MO 10,:9 cr'r agesSleig M. 0'D 0; - CAIÊIÂGE- FACTORY ne' VER Y-,CRBAP. %.P w 16 Bitters L Wuitby, I sUG P sicBsd Wm. nc CA R-D Physicien, wbiLby, sej IRoBT. B Graduate (w Quenlin.0 nltv,-of Pol of tve.f Pis csldweters Auguet 21th, 'Ira.heur.j and Ghlbertsa Tseetisextas loenal Suthe BUJLDER ul l-Aul ord, Jin GEON tatyon as GURLEY, Go wher'e you OSMAWA. cannot fail to be 1

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