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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Sep 1877, p. 3

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npen their trial. Cano Vw- Fra ~Action o ru MoUreï &- Joues for pis., ÈÃ"o4ro ào~~e4e eo'*j r àfîý 4 magy 'of the uitrboiaig *pgaged-at ment. Vtidrawn. }B. . Campbell, for plI.,; O* ,'u .t~~ Hignpw rayer; ryTie *on la thia case was brcught fort he aincnnt- cf an acocunt fcr'lvertitlng ln thé. WHITDTCB NOI Pàtb lèM ceunI ceuaited cf itema luthe way cf editerialu, reporta,ý'N.4,idolobuneeîon witb the. Ontario central Bafilay Po jeet. , Uî'thhlWhitby k4 r. eh defibe was liai bengreadjupi matter, and zitjblabd idvorisements, tiare was, ne liabilit .Hon. JM. O. Ca k oa~u'tuiýWâreweU kà Rut. ledge, fer ptf.;- Mr. Retbune,. Q. o., and Mr. G. Y. Smith,, (or defence. 'Verdict f def *nd' rt. #Geore i 2'Wie,-The ,Irbqon«à4 , wo jabouriU ng mlf~ellcwS1, were placed -upon lreliti'kalI forthe' theft oof % quantity cf wearlng ýappaàrel biiuu te Donald McKInn~of RaILa. Ver. Theéanie -prisones were arraxgn.d fer the. Iarceny cf a quantityof clothûug freni George jrÃ"cdst 1< (cey plenaga gullty. Snecdb 6~mouths in the Cenrai Prison1 en both charges. Bllack v#. Moýttked.-Tbis was an seleR toino godanagreement ,c surhiii' u htetpropty i lu Oshaiwa.' na ,gweptresrve .r, Tire 14ecv8aÃœrko cf MCFlloo. bill aguaiinh a eut glcosop, fogb.t rdrof is BleIon er*-ofPit pl T nopis cneru wfz0ý arr led aiplja4çd.nos. gtillty. 'Ti C rowthotbAng r.ak ii proceed as Ibis con tRi te cale wu poxtponed 1111 the ua ais b prisoners hava mada appl"ga tien e S adilted te al Qu(rnz ta. Forsfetu.-The, riseer wsoaarralqued upon a chargeo 0 iugd stoleil *heep freni eue Bfittbi, in Ï. bridge; but tii, aviden. *waan« ofI sufficieut huporlase tô *itat contle. tien. The jur.y accordlngly ratttrbÊa a verdict cf net gnuIhty, andti bft >rieer was icagd4 Court epexzed at ia. oceock. E vn a. Vowsikler.-Action o! replovlu--Wfthdrawn by plaintiff on papuasul o! ostu. W. M. VCianeforý ple. P.A. Burd for doit. ASSAULT. Tho omean V8. W. B. Robinson.- True bill for saggravatodasouut. Bnuch warrant issned for errentbdf delkndant. The constable reportedl taI Robinson hasl gene te StoufvI11e, sud lb was hall. naated tuai luseould Le arreated snd balledil if uces9ysbefors the. couuly sndet0ppc~ ~ ecul e *Thea Que.» VO. NuitMKino. The Grand Jur1 returued #a trua bill for mUeenýasa lt, viti which offenc the priscuer, anà old man, wao chaygod as Lsving cenmittedl on Ilis ,raid. daugliler, Maïrgaret IRacheol Moiinuen. The praso4er waa arraigned s"d plesd net- pulty. Hia viluesses not belug pisent, lie was houait over tii the Bau.- siens. Hou. M. Cameron sppqgàro fer, -Ibo dofence. i.*4 COiIPLIMEIIT5 BETWZ%; IMI E oWA< C 5OWlt COU14s1L. Mr. 1Ûvé Ãœ, 'rwn nua, snt cd tuaI lièe waa, no further business te b.e brougit heforethie court. Hilordsbipcougraîuîated tlai e. Pd conut, sud trntad thie laierions auti.. couu"elfor the erowu bg4 gene, Ilîrcugi woldnot m.a'nellul ire 'iti lie preservtîci cfis constitution. Mfr. Irvlng thauked hie Lordship, and wouW 7b. îcady bcomn 14 t4 ,y again nea useet patpiot£rm and duly. Thie Chic! Jutice-Te osacriie.your- And both gentlemen smqed, sud ithe loilerers &bout thie court grîuned itbhe solf-satlsAed- aundueli-sacrifteing pies..- TTe Court intluaated litatI tlie petit jurera 'iit conisider liemselves dis- ceagç4 fromt fariior sttocsan", sud recomsxended tto W inYW .Ooun Treseurer. TRio. Gr, adJM tt fervarde came inhe court sud ma" tRie fcllewmug pre. Tie Grand Jurera for lie Ceuuly o! Otiturio, allihe P&IUAsiza for th. yoar 1877, beg to present._: - That tîîoy have dlapoied o! ail maei tere whioh have been laid before hini by the, (r6wn officer., TRie Grand Jury 'acre delayndat ahtie opeulna o e! i sss by the non- attcudanco.of wituiestss fin lite borlli. arn part of the. count:', sud lu vie'a ef the grçst diatmne. vWit if lu oesaary for iumcmi and l nomsa letraveL lu reachlug lie Asizs,,lie Grand jury respetfoîly preseett Ilat if the déy fùr opeuing the Ansisea ve fi:ed fervTe.- day laateaid e! Mouday, *a great uaving of ccnntl fens, sud-te privahe mdli dualaiaving business ho iransacl atthie Assises, would, be effocted, Ma maup juansd wllnesus'bave te leava h:0.0omeenFrida orSaturday befoe.heis Monday on whil the Anises open, lu erder-to reaci th. Towu o! Whifby -ine TeGrand Jurera vi«ited lthe Gaci snd founlite #ame in geeod or4pr Prisenora matie ne complainte.- , The GrsM Irore gret te Bind tRial a lunablo limas béeau coluned jn the Gal atine.'Lie Duc thili o! arhit, sud submilî t'bat lia atteino f thepropaî. auhthorlîlsu pofuld .baiedfrectsd t:e i Allof *vei a freopechfll)y submit.bt,; (Signod,) J0l 4 4 GET Perezoar. aralid Jury Pr.e<n, WlitbF1} ' skptcr4ber oh187 - "Il,. Oaly a Ccugi"t hast bronghal mazay ta uutimely graves. 'Wliatla p Coeigb 2 Tiielunge or brou.. chiai1-lubss bave basea attaksd hy cod;-, nature oscundicui aluirm.beil,ha. inig ahere h .dsueHIA. Wisdcua - WiLDCaxa*yr ;" iLtés cnredr1 urizag thes lesot iai! o! a,-centery, lbontau>hs upon tiiousiapaÏ o persasMAIlàW l 'oui ceagi, l#bera àadangarifor, thé co is1 yodt"Vin. nfWura ie Tvo Prcsoreour, jaamd, Gm oo.:a cew sud JoRin Kavngae, vse1cap, luredccir the Màkèt aquars, Toiinto, last Thursday. BE-c. DEAN GRASSET, wAe ÃŽOheomed home, by 4 large ànd enîhuisiasgtie gath. eiiug aet.IJannis' ,Bciree House, %fo.- routo, ou Tiuruaayav'eniug lait. FrUM AFT.LrNDsàr.-The, reeldence, 'aiLhit Iaoutbuldiugs, o! Hou. S. C. Wood, at, Ldsay, wastotai doalfoy- eo ejô ktTu &eniÈbj* A srta part of tia fumuilure vais saved. Los about,08060. MrDonalds farte, near Prince Albert, was vill i Uoeons s sroyed, by ire ou' Saturtlay, 81f luit.' Tii. contents la0 0 *,ihso!viat, M00 buihef oof basîe, acres 'orosîes, aquanllty of lisp sud some pagreulturgl implemonts, vais tRia propa-ty cf thie- tenant, Mr. Engllýh.4',ia~pr1$ar4~ol murauca dn"lièi.crep." Pznosda-r.J. r ..Watbiss, Of cf P ort Petry,' hat 'rehured, fromhais Irip ho lie eld , Cou nlrym- hukiug noue tie verse aflerilu voyageo. 1 PORTPmaaris nov tslkli g o! bavÏ2ng a park." - contents, the pmep)erly cf 5Mr. Jeremiai Dunti. Ict 7, bIh con., e? Uzbiidgo, waeý Tu*edy 1th inet., eîroyed by fre. Bex.&NVIa.naCexMA.Ncs O! the "dif- fereul limeso!4y11 i.*-gdei sud ssiks for notneling mgli A InO.Uru» SBZ'N8ATrîOi.-Ab 'Man. obouter, lime iuhabhiauîa vere lirevu il)to a state qf greal e;piloment on 8at. ur.jay Aihuth l, hhrong ibih, unounca. moitie that Rinnn"rMains had bae rliscover d-, our, lie -Npqqpqn Creak. -nfi!a~ lnvtîgdon, ,r Ibwevïr, te vas disecvamsd .itheiaromains, wree Ia f iio. - fa a favorite p ot a! althe youtbi o! 11u4v b2~è FOistwntusis' of hioq Wednesday , Oct. 17, 1877. lir. JOHN-, PAGe,ef SonnetfN. Y. wil eu t he Splendid AilLJA ]àEIR D 0f Short-hm Cattie, tRieproperty ef \VIlÏamMiller, Jr. Azo! bm h. three Centennisi FIret- Prisea. ie Abcse .working Stock sn4Z-ujlentsja a a lla HOU M it h. '4eameng thd Hors4i re 4fle Dt "10,19 s azrad teffoula, Yearling""File, endYearling colts.; ene very good drlvIng herse, &c. At the. Mme Mme and p lace Winl bc .old a fi ne selection from the THISTLE. HA' HEI)1 The prcpert cf1 John M.ier, Esq, 51 Houa, "auct Il' yeng BUSl; aise, 20 jo t owold Rans, and 20 éÏve, froni tao The !Sale wllf ho la Mon'the ÂA1ý PABX, beginning with the .Implements, &., st 10 c'clock,a. m.' Sherthern Sale at i eellck ;lunoh at neon. TEBS.-ý12ninthg, crédi t on Apprered Notai ; intereat t a r cent., or 4 pet cent. a t6a Csslt; &U ndir.10,0Cub. -,: WM. IMLEa, j., JOHN lISILER, il Broughami. Septeniter 19, 1877. 4d.89 JÉH. LONG, INSPECTOR OF 'GRAIN FORI TUE Coûn1ty-r 0f Ontaýrlo, United 0Oountýs of North-, umberland àaxfd Durhatm. ooü à NÉok 1îo *0 tent- 1 ah anction, Ah T7huredacj, Oct'r 25the 1877 Messrs. Bi.rell & Jbhnstone NW'QupýOOD, ONT., vil seilhy public &uction, vlthouh resere: 15 InaPerted Cotawold, 2 ye ansd i yejir 24 Extra Good Rams Lamba, fr-om, Iniported Prize Ranis and Eves. SGmporwsd liredlng Eves, iaugng fInm 2 te 4 yem c a., 20 Pare Bred YearlgE'aes, aiseobredl frena Imperhed Zvos>nd Rans. do. PurerrsiEve Ltaxbs4eget af Inipert. -e8 "8fr Roteit,," cult 6f Inported E'aes. 20 Pure-brsd Berkshire Bomansd Soya. 160 Pure-hred Dark Bramahil u Partridge Bcsidos the above, thoro vili be sid by thie same firiat the sanie placo éndtimsa& Herd -of Short-horn aind H'igli Grade Cattie, and some * Good Clyde Marcs.' 8ERSOF SALE :-Elevaunantis credityl» hobe given Sp parties fprnul sppsed Joint Notes. A dlsem* f,1 par cent. per sunuin off for cash. ýli t'Greenvecd Farin w'ithin 8 miles cf DOuffins' reek Biat$on cs tise Grand -ram vhlch place tes=u nconvay, par. ies, treecof charge, thé ejenl beters sud Grscuwoe&Fam,sept. eOh, Alon p ~E UDG kYARWOOD MANU. T FCTUINGCOMPANyIiT LmUe). Notice in hsreby given lit us peclu eeralKMê#nedj'jgs rhlei i -Onti IÊrtao S ool- Book j r MR.R - NVJTSTS~E ATTFiNTTIoN0F CÀ TE4ÇE1 , ]?JENS A4RENT, & G XRDANS to lis VEËIýi< AR1Gi' andîCo P ÙE T E STOCK O REfl. - COLEE 'OXT BÃ"Ontaes Pencils, Drawing Paper, oP3ps *Po k £aè -WtleQiô' ateal." , Agent flor Mara Wler & Co., thle p oflRfrsk- lý &Ç moL leillans 'ArttJ~0ic kad,~ ~ jcrHm1 jW AAnalerl dicountaoota Éér. ra Fotts Euclid, The'Canada lool ournal, and ojher leading edu #orh' -, * * -*. J.$PRQERTSON, Augnat 28rd, 1877. -, ]31'IO C TREET, WHITBY. ~ti orel gleeblon. '!Smo. lail Iîrceonaî weuIiInperlWUnifiN a., a ç1anadlan Ovaruenta, andIatg 2Xackenzie dean. Ià of perMost mif. loned0taprvately endeaveurte lace nue,",rsingtand ip 4ri~osil on a scund ba", financl Y, tie *Prmer i nu ietam t i~spct eau face the. country with a Il tie dis. ýadvantag9es *euumerated above, and 1bne atî5ibysrprLeonefo alc be wllllbpW yipedO the ý hgu e A 'ô 0 anuolatien tnos The u Qy.eQtr- , L.orl b , «à Langto, sau1Dt torthesaen tese li.s, aq4ql~aauqme.r llleà Weipe thalc t oh r, 1 Zàbat li. Pleçtion &bon ;,be delayed natf ~tarlil, 878, lu erder Lias men sud WmV>nnatholl.g8May. b., uîA-. fred. Thé Premier surf -Mr. Huutlngdou ltfer publiojaaklng. Agaîn Mr. Joli, ïnfioruiarly acratary te Mr. 'UutrD cb, -d*w a Bret clais clerkn luhle Iuland Revenue Dapart- ment, lbas beeu euddenly santtc Ârgen. teund, Whre lie formerly resided obargadl witp -a 4rpOlbleaniespio l, the.in, terest, I i.ai, f political 'Matièe o f importunes' b the Govarnuient. Hoe received full directions, froni Mr. Huot. ungdon sud will b.e absent about -tbree wees, cf course upon offiia business direotîy ccnnected wýth Iii. Inland liRe, venue Departnient. Mfr. Cauchonu lu in ~ubosettling his privatesaffairand arranglug fer a Caindidate _Po take hie place for Quebea Centre., The, Départ. monts are ail boiug "mn" by doputy beads and o haos appaura t reigu ;ironuhcu ti entire beid;ngs. Lt lu Dow anply a stroggle on the partcfý Xilniters to retain power h. $Pite of ýPcpUIAr faaling and lbthewithda'awal cf our symnaPathb'.. WhotherUiey will DO ohccesâfiln tieir eftotheti.future alone muât deoide. »4in Humee, vue vas iudlcted, for lie murder aiaq. *uflusaI chiipa-the. 25th ,May 1877,ph i cl of aiv" chappear-ý ed4 anmt le gaomiga ast the 1$I.et vas irt.d' > Bari, Wdn uay hlast. henrtrqin lua vsîdiOt cf."Net GnIl~ heli. ,!ïfmen 0vasi, firsi, ia ier., nouc- ednce nier medi- c al poç-dhow *Ibacidws ,allve Whém'nt l lf atria Ren. £@Id Bay; s, ud, sc 'l that the pi soRra igb . qp'eai! *boaigaLe lime-froua perpoetual iasantcssdy ber menot delivery. Fine ATBnoGso<- agn houas »aithitel.entire c6nt eeong. *n te MY. Huir Anderson, vas barn. ad utBobcaygeoa,, lust Wedaaosday aflernoon. Loos00; Is 3uranc. Mrs. Anderson vas badly burns4. OsHÂvA bas two thousazd throelun- dkr fýeet O~ tr1joqIs lv s Lut, vek 1tey ?urehased a'ihousand est', paylug 01.10 gohd per foot', aI " menuhe. Laic BAU.-Bovoesuvffie beut Maihain, at base bil. Score l le 2-. lac, eae>Ï cig Flo;,pr rl#700 08 Pa W a...... 0120@,05 Bir 41be . 15 0 0 1 20 Petatosi.......... 5@ Egs ........... 12 15 Butter ...... .....20e0>@e2 .......... ..040 .....280080 Beef, hinfi qnarter....6 50 0 87 0 Basf, fore quarter....5o0 0 @$6560 ýsheepukfir...........I0O -o6 Ridves...............84002 Pnokp...w.. ........ el 25 2 Osivea.............. ..066 O -lina..........i.. 1P257o Carrots .................Io @20o Lemanda nov ide b lise t!olk7 sd fa r!âe UInfomation apply ~bltyJuy18b,186 unTeoffice e , n, ope ' InÀAi thela nur '87 %àW ji li ~y~BW1p4Mg.<qg; AJO'IN 'D OW îiarad60,.n> ~M, ~ ..t4E Q EXpps'9rs a.Grsru nd Con,. toritg.-" B), a thorough knowledfle cf thea natural ISWn whic pern tire opeératlons of 4dition a"d nutrition,' aufi bv a çbreful asplicat1on cf tire fine save:ni nanylieavy doctoral blls." It 7 by the Judilous s f8tsuch'articles o! diet mhat a constitutIon ma b- fradUal ybuil up trntl Stronn Cnou h 0 egSt 'e etn. dénc o te ie. tm drdsfubtie mala- diSae floatlng r und US>irehdy te attaok virerever thoralu a ùp it. W. May e MW44 m==yâa fiatal shafdt bkepng, our. selves well tftfled vwitir pu»ebofandi a properly nourlahed frarno."-C" S Brie Ga4dtte. Sold ouIy' In Packets, labefled,- "James Epp&Coc., Heomcoopathe Ohem- iats, i8, Tlareadneedle Str@et, anýd 170, Plocadilly lendon. 11NEW ADVERTIEMENTS. 0 T 1 O 3 Ia heieby givon thistra Court viii e hela pursuant ho the Votera' Liat Adc f 1878, by Hià Houer tie Judgaetflie'Ceunhy Court TOWNSHIP HRALL, BROOKLIN, c ts 2nd DyofOcoe,187 et 110 o'clock, .m., -ho heur and dlemine - ira seerd M'om p1aintl ef erransd omissions lu the Voea'Lst af tire Munlc>pailty ef the Toewnship of Whitby, for .1877, -All persans havlns business ah the Court are reqirefi 40 attend àaI lbe "idUie sud Dated Brookhin, Sept. 151h, 1877. R. T. HFFARRION, n0td unr cf ssid Municipality. A DIT A LAsGzEIEÂLE âas capturcduer RTHORNS SHORT-HORN CATTLE, A2ND Thiursday. I-os- 1-3ERKSHi-RE HOGS SALE (?>'8 loe! Twn »fW ity Molvzdaye,-October lit- 1877, tie followlng valuable Real Estato: PÂRELL-Tatexcellent fain .known as 11% 1 hi,"c ntainluf-MI09 acte,ail 6adr b i b ttite el cul vatlon 'sîtuated, li mailes l-foni tirs 1To'an et WLitby opu W11101 are erectpd a large Brick DweIîln boulge, barns, cattle stables, &c.,-Go4 orchard, well watered- by a uever-feiling creek; inol Érch dlay loani. -Gienduul vldely Incwd ad -eu$e ftihe s stock sud grainilarmainlu th&prevlnee.This Valu- ïpax'ety seUl bc sold, suer "an Sor' dlvldeX>tocuit purchasers. PASCEL IL-ýontaloing 25M acre, ABM. clamai lande; bslng coinpesed, 0et4h. South i lf heSothicf Lot No. 88, the South hlofLtN.84, sud the South hall af Lot No. 8r, lu the 7th Concession, Town- Drooklin, on whioh are'a d'aelling hanse, sanidh mi ustables,,<Stone, fcund. atlon nètherear«ô, o ires of god li-Thsproprtyialotsodu lo cue ait purehasers. PARnEra J-50 acres-hbein lie East cfleWsti. ofLot 10,7 Cou. ~owushlp of Scot; 25 acres -cmltlvat4; -- remainder in buh; laan; living streani ai water. SALE AT TWO O*CLOCK P.M. TEiRMS :-Teu per cent au day et sale; enaugi (wihh the ton per cent) te make oe thfrd fheprchsue money lu 80 day. thereal er ; bloe ho suit purehaser, ah Sevan per cent per annuni. For furhher particulars apply ho W. G. 7)0W, Whlthy; J. B. DOW, 82 Church.St., Torontoa; or ta tire Auctioneer. Whltby, Sept. Bri8, 1877. 87 H OUSE FOR EAL. *Handsoame t'aatomey,Mausard-roof brick Cottage on Byrou.street, weli appointed in every res eet asnov lu possession eI tire praprlètar.i. J. Y. Ham. 31r.HRam's ill hella, en account et which holssdvised to a penia.saue limein Caai,- tamis, induces hlm ho nma ir bs effor et sle. 'For parlieulars apply immedlately te Witby, July 24, 1877.- .5.1AM "A~ M -011B ALB.r': The subacriber oeders bis faim for mals, slbnated 2& mites north cfouhâwa, trentain. lng 5% uares. For ter=i, &, apply te JOHN CO OPER, juy M 177 es t FAUM! TO LÉTI1 200 acreî slluste bebveenGrnwa sud Broueta x)'veV L éd pted for a.stock fari, havengphenty o!'tewirAt ail tues;- sultabie builing. Passeosion ist O)ctober. Rout rescuable. Sept. 4tb, 1877. (87) Whithy. *p 0 'R T I MORTEOD- HEP Pnom Llnday, Peterbfro',ý andi Lakelield, lm G. TA~LBQ~  GL BOOT AN 0HESB,- Stbe,"Broé Steet, aiidl as just receîved -a large stook oI Boo ts dShoes, suitable for FAIL WEAiR: which lie will- ,*CSELL GHEAP FOR CASH, At a very small margin on Cost" C Woyrk done t'O Order 1.1 first-class style. A 8tylish Boot _and. a ,Goô'd Fit JOHN SAUNDERS. t> AiU over.due accounts not paid by First* of Otaber neit, wxvll be charged ton per cent. iff N. B. Parties need not ask for credit as. ijj will fot be grven. J., S. Whitby, Septembr1n h 87 WE HAVE, IT1 Armstronïg'seJustly Celebratêd Stoves, "IRON D1IJRE," "ARMSTRONG," "ROYAL," &c.5 Which for Heàting and B.aking favorites, having stood the test for years. are We are negotiating for a first-class Self-feeding Base1 Bur'mer', .with Oven and Plate Warmer behind, said to be the latest. and best- ever inade-'in, the United States,-to ba hera about the, lig ofC tober * *C~- Price8 to 8uit the TiMes. Ct CROQUET.A few Sets at -Cost! BABY CABS! Some left 'wewill seil at Cost. CU-TLoEoIR- Rodgers' Table and PocrkEt Gutlery, O ~Cnal Oil WholesalIe'- Retail, Imperial Gallons $1.00, Cash, of -Superior- Quality. STOVE-,DEPOT AND ýTI.NSHOP. fyou want a stove, eau atid'see a large stock an*-grpat varioty, having aul tie modem ianprovemeuîc o! 1th.eg "1H E-, CROWN J EWE-L,"Seif-feeder,.,'vith or without Oven attftched,'îs Iho uewest aud bZ. stovo linthe, market. Rsigbouglit nylargo stock of stovea for. Cash, I am acternihi. hd o s ùIl very claeap, nd a mn eeti.fied i ca u p1leasâ ruy cuetom ere o h i u î- ity s ud .p ric e . C o re a 1uýd in p e t l e m . ~ ** h u l u l We pub Up Gitr1vfiàed runî Eae-roughsý of any -size, with Iron Galvauized Lmon is the best for î'alleys -for roofà of buildings-il1 being more duraible, and will not oxpauui and break by #e eat sud-lie sun, hiko zinc. Stove Pipes alla Lilbows-roiind ulid square-ïn groal quantilies. AIL kindi.of Tinware lu stock, sud any article M ade to order. Iý> If yeiq have env tnending te bca doue, bring it nloug snd lhave il done. Wo Va.ké in e'ehnge OUI 'Ëtoveà,.r .CastIeIra, Cotton or Linen RPags, Old Copper sud Brasa, Horse HJair, Butter and Eggs, Wool Piokings, or xnoney. Gcomo snd trade. ' At the Old StaLud, ou the corner, uenrly opposite Hep- k Wite'e NemewustoHl.187 WM. BRYAN. Whilby, September 121h, 1877. ORGANS .ORGANS -!l Gyreat reduction in price for. Cash, IITBY OIIGÂN FACTORY FOR THE NEXT F0OUR WEEIf W-E WILL 0FFER OURi 3-Stop Organ for $180, usualiy sold at - $125. 4-Stop Organ for $110, usuafly sold at- $140. 6-Stop Organ for $120 (with carvungs.) uî3ualt1y sold at $200r- Ail in Solid Walnut pannelled cases, -elegantly-flnisledJ JI-Meloden-Orgaiis, in Rosewoo'd Ca~sswTHE sameE mugie, at same prCOes. DOMIIO WAREROOMS., 000- We have Pleasure :iù.'advising, Customers and-the Publib, 0- the ýax'rrivai of a It ,will be, complete in ùa .féw daYS i ail -the deparments. .We invite, an iiïspection before pur-- chasing. ' Our gods are firstclass, and will bo' soId; Plated Cruits,1 HATCH Im»erters o! Enlsan mrcn9rlwé,] 17.SEIPTEMBER, 177. BRO.,by Begl to announce to -the people _of Whithy and su.rrounding country> the arrivai Of their FALL STOCK 0OF 'DRY QpODS ConIl Cositing Of- Dress Goods in, auf4 -Ne6weot shadeài,'r Mailes and Shawls-a large vfriety; Faqtory Cotton, Whi1 e-Co#011t Furnishings; the 1arge stDA Cheaýp. LOWES & - POWELL. Whitby, September 4th, 1877. 8-T O-RT EJ dooi STOVES, - " 's HALL' STOVES3, Thisr is the only direct Route froet points ouL the Victoria Rafiway and Idardsy te Toronto and: the West.; ThrouglaTïckets may 1>0 had ab Grand TruuikTicket Office, t'nien' Staton, To- montc a. lgage chookefi through. * *JAMES IIOLDEN,- MansglngDirector. Whitby, Au-. îSrd, 1877. 8 Ontario Ladies'College, ZAL2ENDA-R fer £5777 1.4 Terro, Saptembe.'ftth taelTovember 154h. 2'à*" Novciuher 14th te Febmuary 6th. Uld ".1ebruary Bth ho April i8th. 4th "AprillO9tIotO Jime 2-thr. Our new beidingo, for tire, accomýmoda- tieini of lty sddilîonal pupils, erc ujider contract tolibe rea.dy for the seconid terni, We shail, therefore, lzolsterPil uider of applicati 'nuntl WC are fuil. 1H0NORs FOR COMPRTMTON. Thre Paterson Geld Modal; two Modal. by nie Excllemcy the Gevernor Generel ; the Chriatina Teslcey' Scholarship ; several prime ai $10:each, etc. Fufl paxticulars lin regard te couuie cf ird.hnrp11îvaicel ezemrt:ises,builcdin;gs, = x e s e etc., w ll b . fou d in the ew 'acdr. juet issuefi, d which %vil hc forwrled on application. Le'? Visiitera, byGraind Trunk, receive a 7-rrrrrrticket ah oN-îzuniu PÂR.Bl J..E. SAITDERSON. Whitby Ai*g. 22P 1877. ini-9S B RUTONS REUMTICABSOEB-; 700 d oz. sola aubce April last. Thre UIeuîatie. Absorbent aill pouf- tively cure al peina tram Itheumsatian or allier infiamatooy Swelliugo, lu 12 Honte. -Th1e Dige.stive Pluid has caver fsiled te cure Dys"papsie ; relief fa fait iluefow Hloure Theuceet obstinat6 cases os Dys- pepele cured in a weh. A.Lady 'arites .9 bave bteu 'a-ced from life-lin Pair.s. I hall flronchtis, C.a=r.19 flyepelobia, aud was cured lu a few dsys by it. use," Sold by Druggisc. Price liOcts. Advice for particular'cases tro. Addzesg W. Y. Binton, Landou, Ont. CO)RBETTIS POINT!1 T lI UNER3G.IiD bersto anunce - tirethDsos.leased'the airovo favorite , public rmort for a terni of yeer, -and thast ie 'aIl be.pfepnrýd tri accommodatte PIC'-MU CPARTIES and allÉother.i demitouir of uîing the greund H inl future. NEC±SSARY REQUISITES! wvIll be kepl on haeud; et' moderate charges. Ail applications for entrance, &C.,-must in future-bc nmdo ht RICHAIRD 5NOW,, "Scpt. 5, 1877. (37) Wýhitby. FOR. SALE! Cdrrrs 'aIl e recel-ced until thre For the purchase of 80 Sars af Pid.up ýStock cf ie Brown and -F atterson -auatulgCompany, -J. K. GORDON, Whihby, 1 Bartister, &c. Septemlbear StIr, 1877.,lin 87 NEW YORK SINGIER S E W IN l ý ý 1C1 _ES. A. FIRST-CLÂSS SEWIN(f MACHINE, ATTACHMENTS, NEECLES, THR EAD, &c., FISINIG TAÇKLÙE, RODS, ETC., - -ALr01f_ LF FA1R B ANKS, -AT HIS--- Sewing Machine Emporium, BROCK-ST., HITBY. WALZ'S LAGER Ibave givon the ageucy for niy Loger in *WhLihby ho J. A. BANDELL, aid I shall eî~deavour ho supply au article viricir vii satislaction te Ihose virepatronise- JOHN W.ALR,ý Best TEE ~;e5, & o-rý Whitbyi eep4mbex ýý&h, f977'i' 1 .. --A 'l oùr ,-wm. BRYAN WM. BRYAN. il LOWES .ý,00 , WEL L HICKIE . ý 1

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