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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Sep 1877, p. 4

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SApril 111h, 1877. 1; hm echcv Juettlcably mized vilh la hauaacross.belt aud Sar.' tfldge boz. H. cold't tellexacty 1!Ic vill as wlalch. As long aS b could't ks.p off tlae orowd hb. Iwlsb-d (réom lb. deepost dosps of01hi.asr t s~t thée'crowd votal keep off hlm. Ince icnavîibe a plplng voire conld bel hor oming', .cncqwlars froulia. à4r Ililmassof, beadi, lboWsàuad " on uet'0tcadbak. 1'vè gel eiders t à kaeo yen baek." Vie traih n a hfelî vre the rogulara, whoum Uic crowd vas waiug te se., arrived iasIjt as t %, "Ir n on liae soldlor' leai foot liaS exp 6à"Ma>sder a c ruèlalng pressure, adsud mt asilas as cou tecplatlg th# expsdlsnoy cf trylng the offet cfa sh9ot i*tnthe Uc cvwd. Thés hardy,- sos bezovotera». ftlcd 0c1 tl train sud fell mbolias villa msliaryd aeîeSprocisnou."TIl e*bzi'flre dma'# seeài t. nind yens, gqd ieh,'SsBaid the s ptale- teo oe ci th,.e osýra cf rcad.- "lNe," the jet. $or rsspojd reltw, ' V .ldlb captais of tire idli t ýinordiory. "HKausse Bih,' . big4onalilr #n udadia glter, v01 ", t. gllng beard sud long ysI6ll ichL -poabs of thls ierras, came ,feia'als maoment aftervard and touolatd* "Yaesj,.slr," villa suother toncla of bis cap. "ýBihI, go cap thére sud keep lhe orowd et l.platforma." #"Yas, tir.' Kanuit BlIhltaed nop bit broehes, whippod oui a bayonol from lis-ehsh udfteatIlon bis gin villa more racket Ilion a pompauy cf naililaeould Kýans.'s Di lieâd beon usecd toroiagh wc1yi1,*'neO b.d foiightIÛ lasisont weVt l~ long that ho hsd fàotteu al the soit ways ho everkusw, if, ludeed, lie evor, knew amy. Ho didn't Bay, "'Now, gontlsemmoa off." Oh, no. Ho said, la a course, iucultured volvo, "Ocet cul ' hero, gel dat o' boe, or I'Il groassermy' tioker vithye. Do yeh1ear, aaOw ? Talao.that, tako Ihal," and dur.' iigtlies,. joualosbegan-iiwlugiug thuai bicycet arouaad In such à wild- and utterly recklées manuerthlaï;tIhe mob rap[idlymcdo wmy for him. Tiien he -turnedaround sud gave soveral depart- cu oafiera .a gavage Prod. Tien h. grebbed hie gun by th,,stock, ~broighit îî te a riglit-lilîed r hlft, and wlîeu ho hled dnishcd Ibis performance, ho slîiftidlbis quid Iote iothersaie cf lii. mnoula,' oxpeetoruicd glcefully, and had tho cetire platform ta hinasel!. SlqP1 TO AN Em<OLmsu WxreN.-A anarriago vas clebrated s few days ago in StI. Augnatina's Churoli, Slaaw sireet, T.ýiverpool, sudl, as a part cf tie prepar- aioua, Mr. WVm. fiteveuson, uph cîster. or, recaived cailera from tha bride'à iuother ta lay dowri a roll cf crinason IJIize frein lise deor of the clîurch aloug tho aiseota the place where th. impor- tant and iciterestlng procéeedipgs cf the day wsre o b abo pl ave. !ifter the céra- ranm, 1Mr, Stoeugoen rt ta pick up l4" cranaon clotîs from tie aigle wviti a viowe cf caa'îying it away. He sncoeed- CL lui geiting il bbc aà rail, whicli ho lîalrad bailudgel 118ie Icgîliof the dcc'r wlen lie was aldlf pullod U', 'y the somaon, Whoa sei'ed t i. clota zd lldl is tae bave il lu the chuicb. Trhe owrer iaturally &aeilodtilic ienc ofitli stop iage, and the answer vas ta buofec iat iintIhe otSh bving been bruaialit ute c curcli sud usod thora had beeu maideehcly aecording te his thaory, anid lîving beeu bling consaocrt. cd cccld nal ogamn- bc eoved vithout- an act cf escrilego being comaitted. -Aà oclorviastiuI "tug of war" Ilion ho- gan lîetween the réprosontativo cf,1h. CIliarvh militant sud the riglîtftal ower cf the gOodsR. Each managed Io seize thie haize a fow yards spart, unS bogain ,ptllig ilwith might sud an-tloie saien outa gel il usie, anal Mv. Steven. " ' I i 10 Ïi à d tslce th e s c re d d ifi c e . Tii.- "tng ok place Juil ebt h. door Y th, churela, and as largo cren'd cf peopTete Peon gatliereal ta witiesio novel coa.- test cf rlght agaiiet miglal. The peo. ph. elicaeocansud auîgbeil; some crled "iàaae -;" but mgaiswhils the two cm- balaénts coutlmaued ta pull wiih aIl their stroengili, untîl il boaeoevîdmut iliat c'ery soon tiare would ho ucthing but ilares adudPatchl0es b fight *aut. Mr. Stevenson, after enaplaybng bis. powers cf persuasion- sud cuber means tc, no osreofor s long lime, t leugtîlo lft i hlm clPoia unador protest, and Il vwas de.0 petite5 iashevestvy le avait fnrthor steps wliicli ho viii te.. dlent of the Mail te-day, vriing îrom the village cf Binas, l inatis province, spoilshst or>' wlllicamnes from Fort asllungton s0 le Sitting Bull bslng identical villa O. Jacobi. ls î5saatho aoi, wlîe speut ceveyon eri at St. Jolia's Colle e, lllsuitoba, 15le ening s ObuietIfo withi lis vife sud fallaîr ln * lma. Jacolîs' foiher ivas a misàion. ary to Manitoa, sud oeeof bis broti. ors is s lergyman. Ocet-"'How dId. cbbages happeni l graw in'.the aleywsy ;-tlîey crîsiuly coula net hâve baisa planteS Ibere," acuto prerILs, ne :-that'g vlierc tho go'men 'lhrow 15.1vr Havane elgar A besîth>, full-grown hornQt la ai. inoat 1h.e ouIarRumeul that ham eny m oral wolghl vitSl a boy up au apple 'You6g mou,' naid a lugubrioes mdi.- *- vîdual luna&white chjooltertle cprofane youtS ou a 'Western train the other day-, Yacang man, do yeu n kuqs that yo mie ontlhe read te h-Il', -Jut in>'b asted luok,'epled the un iate prono I beuglta alicklorC ossoo' Tvo bmou ver. rldiug la the cars onm the. Danlacr>' raillye>' ti.er moru. ing WhüoeA skod thce thor il ho SaS a pleulant place of residexuos. "Yos," wias thes rapiy'"vo have savon mica large roomm ovri a stare.." 1"ver a store 11I ehculdn't think that wonld be a quiet ip.cs."Ob, fls quiet ceugua. Thefolks dan'l sdvertise.," "Ah gII f co,"said hie friand, lu a toue cf relief. Tli'e ouI> vay te te111lb.the jit sud tho lidtue spart, viasu lb.y aremec. tiousS linlirint, lu ta recacuaber that tho j lire la invuariably reortcd te sas "1Jpdgo Pulloa-î-cn," villo the ,furlsb la ilyucalleS "014 Fullerbon." HoB -whp tsa a lave* ciâlaovu passion. la verso govetued tban Matous vas b>' lier thirly tyranto.. "My ' cltI, vhat la au emrug Man Pl" Faid a clergyman at a mhool examina. tien to thée brighîesut pupil. "6The fleS. anotger, i," Wvashlirply. À wioksd man kidled hînaseiflf i e lêqres lalvel cf a Nevada amine, sud' the Wequn gasys: "Thus lie alleged suul wusaved ovr half a nWho cf rans., portatieU,'" if oa 1H Ev/ 8R -(oct. Xigg and'So.) NWOPEN. ScPER ]DAY. beraçonlcaeal lartcss T AT70-M TARIN LB3 dePTABLES., rtud ordoei'conioll, dt i hday of Ju 10 374.) 2.Arreit cf euchiid-Ialuoa warrant......*-e..oM . 2. Servlng sunsmous or su'. Pia.. 2605 8: Mileage te serveensamnons, l. aaons, or warrant ...........O1 .Mileagevhsn srvico cannaI lac capon preef of due dlligence.... O0g 0, Muleage taklug drisouers le gaol, exclusive cf dlsbnrssmeuts nec- -esîarily expended in their COU- voyance.................... 010 Il tîsungnJustices bu sumnsary trials, or ou examnation cf pri. noerachjargeS illa crime, fer achay nscessarlly eniployed lu oeeor mors cases, viasu net en ien omes Iaiafour heurs.. 1i0O 7. Do. do. viien engagea ue than fourhoure .......à.......... 150 8. .AttouaDbg Assizqi or Sessions, etchdaY .................i 1&5 9. MIles«o traveling te attend As. m izos, sions, or before Justices (whccapublic coeeysuce enu b. talcen, diyre asbldiswu. mentibe alloved.) ....... 10 10. SurmeuiagJur for Coroners' luqnest,lncludl« alteudlng at inqueit, sail services in res- pect tbereef, if hala onudse day as Jury snmmened.......... 2001 11. Attending cach adjeunument Ihoreof, if not engagea more four houri ........... ..... 10 12. Do. do. if engaged more* thon four heuri ................. 1 50 18. Servicag sumamona or aubpoena t0 etetud bae rs Ceroner Isubject No. 10)>...................l025 14. Mileegc serviug dsea.......... 10 lI ÃŽ Exhumlug' bedy under Coroner', warrant ............ ......... 2 00 161. ils.luryiig @sea............. 2 00 17. Ser-ring diatress warrant, and re- ti.uruu danie...............i150 18. Advertlsmng under distraiss ar. resut ..............1 50 19. Traveliuag tl aae distrais, or te .u'arch for goodi te ffieke di-. trous, wheui ne goods are fuud.. 0 10 20i. Apîr.aiiemsaats, whsthev b y oee or more, 2 cents iu the dollar, oaa Ils value t fgoode 21. Catalogue sale ud commission and dellvery ofloe, Set$. .lc thes 0. on net prodecoe of goodi. 2U. Emetlngssarch warrant .... 0 23: Serr*pg potices ou couatables, z'e-l sporsonany srrs........ O 50 i1ubEilisd by.eorder, H. J. MÂCDONELL, Claei crthe Peso., c. o. 22 tOUSE ANI) LOT POlIÃŽ àÀÏi*Ã"n LATlO LET. Al ood Fiame storey-1îid-a-lali boud, 22 Mc 29, aud kitchen, bogetb or vill a N an scre of land, well plsuuted with frait tises, iltcstsd on Ilaglan-street, voit pet-i-e b ,ova of Whîlby, off Dncasstar.et. Tbori i «&aseasgood stable. Thora ih a good vol anS pcinp, sud ths fruit la of th. clasiceit *InS. PoaveselonflStbNovembar. Apply 10 MfR. BICHÂlIDSON, ou thme promiseor t las Proprieor. Wu X 81.11 Grsuwcod. THE; CANA/i/ANA/R GABI The Canadien Gao Machine lnaum auto. catie gm-maklag apparatus. Ib is desgU. ed si a means b>' vhich facteries, mille hoteo, ohurches, dwelngs, or buildinsi;o ; sny kinS, uituatcd in 1h.eacountry, or ho- yonS these acla aicoal.geasmains ofciclbea, uay ha sujiplled viha sala sud obes>' Sai liglat. Thae machines are- simple cf construc- tlou net lhabla te gaet out 61 ordet, require Do ROIîîte manage, are nmSs in a uabtin- tiel sud durabla ananer. Thsy oocnpy 1111.e §Pace, are cet cap asMAU *%pente, and are e ually adepteS for lghblng lh. largoit mill, fsctory, public buIldIng, or thme imalleçt dwslllng, areneDovowor ntrl thlng, but haro besîs laucnstant anudsuc- :aca ul uinal parts ci th. country, both arluter sud smmcifor yaaro. Thi. gZçs macle by bbc,. machines la icaly aovn a au sbured air Sas, beln :.inmou air lmprsgssled vlimhgsol;s. juins vith a reh rigmt flame, fuI>' iqual tu bait producad by ceai gme, lu conduobed thrcugh pipes sud ernamoulal lixtutes, wlth tIse same couvenlence sud miel7. ne ire la caaeil la the pegoiofimanufacture Kim buildings liglteblb tae nm aïa ila. same, ratée au thougi col gAs vas usaS. The oeil ef thia «as for lMg t, equal te one limocaand eef cal gas, varie.i roms oue douer amd Ifi>'cetts talv Sedllais, eIg about one-laftep ec eIgo&. The malerial froan wl ah, gaz is madle by unr-macine laisIonovcommerclelly s gazoline, s light, Volatile ci petrolouan. Eaitea given foi ULgltiag amd heablng buildings. Bathi, Wvater Clossîs, Pumpe, Gardon ounteins; Rulaber Rose, Gao Fhxtures, lu Bronzeand CrymîmI, etc. SCOTT & PHILLIPS, Sole Manufacturer%. Plumbars, oG.is andi Sbcans Fîtera, 158 York Street, Toronto. t.nguit 515, 1877. f8 LANDS FOR SALE 1 IN THsE Townahlp of 8omervllle, - COUNTY 0F VICTORIA. The ielloving laudo in the lewnship cf Somerville, CeunI>' of Victoria, are ofssul for sae- Theo West 1 of Loi 5,-lu the 131h cocs sien, coplsliug ci1100 scies. Pif ten acise oesea anS fonceS. A nerer-f..llinu stream crousesthe lot, on wfilch la s Mililsle, uam' cf ade0 a good romS. The proporW >' huyofàm erm £reilvay tatimneii villageo lmu ~ 140 Lot?,l h. 141h concession cýgnule4p Of 900 are. The in Iwvéillss5.m$ ha'vig cnil a lct of- valuablo codaM iaoerfallng trean of vatetns, lime lot, wvýhlh a bt one-and.a.ia ui fronta ara&vy aaioo n lb. Vitorba Rafl conuti>' e 0un around hbloa LsrJohn Goodman asdD42"i j e near Elumoant, vil show the JUST RECEIVED 85Pair VaBan a/e ee ini the Ilatesf styles. ýThe -Largestan etSl<- tien ever mn Whitby. #::7 As we imported the above, w ean offer them very, Iow. Baxter's- Mandrake Bitters Por Dysepsia, Sick Headache,, LOS' of Appetite,- IN BOTTLE8 AT 25 CENTS., GILESI LINIMENT IODIDE 1 lllay, Anguat n IM 87. 0oAMONIA. SW.B. SMITH*&o S.P RING-,GDO-DS,  LARGE AND OHOICI LOT OP ICLOThý.S'AN» TWEEDS, M-ftnbi& fer- Sprin,,- *ear, and at prices te suit tho limes." FOIR ALL CLASSES3 -WB ARE SHEWING THE- Largest and Mo8t Fashionable Stock, STYLISH GOODS IN TOWN. Ite theo Qoods and the Cheapness' of them that doos it!1 We are anxious to sell oui Stock without lReserve. Our profits won't ailow us te tbrow off 10, 12 aud Fifty per cent, -for that's ail Bosh 1 We have Goods imaported from England, lreland and ,scctiand, and the United States, besides a large snpply cf Canadian mman- ufactire'. - zI- Ifany one!s -"Ragge,' cand on the "Edge cf despair," let him be from tIbit or oountk'y; tlIey can got. clothed at LAING& STE WAIIT'S. ?rixiter's iÙk suits sanie classes;: our Goods suit every needy-persoDn. LAING & STEWART. On andi after the 2nd July, HAMILTON &Co. will offer the rernainder of their GENERAL STOCK, A'T GREM5LY REDUCED PRICES. ,No Sunimer Goods 1il fe held o-ver, but we wll offer at such prices as wili *ffeet a speedy clearance. m An MR-rt -PI:FERn 5and 77 Yonge Street, firat Door from King Street, Toronto, M"1UPAqTUEEE AND IMORTER 01? OHILDRJEN'ýS OARRIAG ES, RR1'RIGEZtATORS, FILTBRS -AND COOLERIP, Tollet Soto, Bala, Wocdnenr, -odgers' Cullery, Cornices, Hardware.Coul OUl, Stovos, Cleblw.Wringers, Lamps, M.,, ho. Blrd.Clags, ilaGret Varlety; Canarles, lu Gccd Song. 55.10 obi,;' iýMocldg Birdi, Pr rots, Tbrushs, and Brh acl a&U virietien geul by express t'o any sadres tý -The Largesl Stock cf House.Futuishbings lu 1th. City. WHOLE5ALE AND BETAIL. JA ME8 GOODFEL LO0W d Go., IMIPORTEB5; & WHOLESÂLE hý BETAIL DEÂ,LBRS IN LA M Chimneys, Burners, iers,. Stoves,- urnil 1 Jul VYL) Chi.1drenWs (fl1e] C;jOTHIES-WRINGERS, nasnr iingupiw t s£ané 6UA TRJMPH 00Ã"MitBIN ED.-MACH[NES, vitl ' lat mprevomts, la allibaou b 4* tt fisaObmb'Ino4Machine, and cano nel <ail te m tlt. quiremn0. e<ufqbaer. lu Ipoyéd Caog CiafJrnd »Our Y oun Canada Moi' àrý ât,4, iq-ýé4 tue!lmwhofly cf Iron and steeL Tljée ,a Jr l. basaàtsar otdit, n5$i.Ycun â3nadà a frontOut;bothstrong,dur- ouf, dnrability, Meghteue ratsatbilyadss:om~ee * OUR NEW ,,-"WHi4TBY HARVEBTER." As aie- tr-y hb lÉcom. 6tw erdap!-ted toaacbn.ryh n4&m.ay fcMr <atm. ere.have ebeo6mne4djIe I-teUM c0 e asrwtg1imM ùprn belfttq IaigIltPuiaId Mae l. eqfrmélï oe tb'dy,, w. bave euccceed,in i nvmtng a ma- chine villa a Wrcnght Iron Frame, i wla %e lesat possible gearing-with large, broad-faced dive c~ol-n'o enstructed that.lb. fuame aud table tilt ati he saineCtime, tb"srebT 'keepâ3g the pitma# alwy'i io i;1c ni U rakes are driven dfirectly froni the main ýbafttere being ne perceptible. .14e- draft, aud no eekbt upon . ho rqsa neke. W. are confident that vs have * muoeedid in iutentiilb. th m6stjstPeiWâs :e>rltakiàg ie in alia1,ia h@ee enpa'oduoed.. W. have 'applieâ' for lte patent, ad c Ild cur invention, for opr ovu exclusive'imanufacturemail e respeotful7 ýsugg.e te in- tending pnrcbauers, tbs.t they should se. I"i'machine kefoaro iv theiLr calots for the coming harvest. The "Wb:îby J1 wv» e igsaI"dcopoý but being'mald, prinoipally cf the boit qualiy ofitron and steel, ad.ind tsItin. tin sa dcompact Construction, il ombia.s.tbe strngthsuddurabiuîty cf the An of Ont machines are fully warated. With Ibis liaI of mnachines, vo feel çonfident that vs eau naset every te. quiremnent, and vo respeclfully solicit a tn-aI qf ou machines, belicving-tui v cau furnish a botter machine for the nio' than eau be obtained elsevhe. $Psful~àf BROWN& PATTERSON MFG. 00. Wbi$by, Ontario, F.bruary, 1877. F-ASHZOýNABLE T4AIL ORING Go whero you can get a WeIl-ftn Garment :-To the -Taioring EstablisaliMrt of UiZUN ULPs iuK L. Ub-A SUPEIOR CUTTING SHAPES THE WORK 1 A Largo Stock cf Fine Clothos; boît English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. t> Excellent Overcoatiaags and Splendid Veet Patterns. A good fit Guaranteed. GEORGE GURLEY, 51 Kiug Street, Oehawa. E. J.JQ0H N SON In announcing the continuance of the busines lately carried on by TILL & JOHNSON, as Cabinet Makers- and -Undertakers, by himseli, begs to solicit also a cou- tinuance of the liberal patronage hieretofore bestowed upon Ilie flrm. Uc[ has 110W on hand au Excellent Stock, comprising Sideboards, Centre Tablee, Whatnots, Hall Stands, Sofas, Parlor and Bqdjroom .Saits, ail of Supeioprworkmanship,,and of the 'Vely- best maiteriaàl. Picèture framing, very GhelÏap. Al orders executed with promptitude anct despatch. Special attention to the upholsteringý branch. L' handeome. weil appointed Hearse-Funerals fuily supplied. SWhitby, May 7tla. 1877. EJ. JOHN SON. NEW STATIONER'Y -AND- B O O K S T O RZE 1 AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTRBAL TEL. OEFICE, BBOCK-ST. George Ynle begs to armnounce tht lie lias ro-opened bisi Stationory and Book Store in Whit4by, wherç -stationery. of ail kinds, cf the best quality, will be kepl on baud ; ÀlsoSgbool Bocks cf cvory desciption, Copy Bookas, Mates, Pencils, uIks, ed., &o., it the lovest prices. The Daily and Weely Papers always on hand. soriptions Solicited. Sunb--1 Musical Instruments, including a fine assortment. of Vidias. Orders are takon foi Perioditalz, Magaz;Lçusmd Mige. GEQYUL. WIL LIA M -TILL'IS QrANET ÊACOT0RY AND WlVaitby, Dcc, lSth, 1870. i k-'-,FURNITURE WAREROOMS I Wicks, Chandel-, THE OLD STAND, BOKSREWITY ýng FIUiïdRock Go' where -you, cannot,,fail' to be t~~ Ware. pleaeed in Makin i9lbiodions ,of gôÃ"o4 friue Splendid Parlout, ]I!4wing iRoxnaud, -Bedrooni Sets, NcwDesgnawcl votia' c Lupeptîc.a, a i bizag loy prie... Dm.- Cil a r î a e sComices, Picture lmngu 4 .6É fi e hrMM ÀIND GENERRAL adEgaiaefrsi.~ Oe> tIl - TJ 1ii bpmoE R Tw .stock #as u au, tnun d to slaÇittjrais wela. çpe Mi?, O -0,QNOY N' CÀRRIAGE FACtO RY BRQCK- ST., VitfITRY. i~ ~EY O~ T OXI È~TE j a af A. s chioflt fýSen n Nak e, W ta B bfor 1. OZ» A fu assôrtment of CÈoice ,Qmly éQoernes, of ail ]d'nds, at equ&ily Low Prices. - MAPLE MOLASSES i1 25 E ALN 'Hoýuse and Garden Floweri'Plantis. GréenVegtbe Toc. D)ineand Toilet'$Setson hâ-iF~sd for sale ee thy Sed, o. Turnip See4s Qf.alkn ,direct from Bàeod tJabarv thi week. D3ar.Good Potatoes from; 50.te80 ceots per bush.!. At W .J ISN8 Whilb hnaTýSt»e WÀNTED.-Azi uantityl of Good BteEg'n Feathere, for which tbhgLicuat cash price willbe pa 1il W.J. GIBBON.- G0LtDS M ITCH'.S Now HALL. to hand, a full ass'ortment of ýNew whieh -having been'-well bouglit, wMil hO ffeed at, GOLD AND SILVER W-ÂTRHES h CHAINS. BRIGHIT AND COLOREDi GOLD JEWELLE RY. BLAOK ,JEWEILERY, JET AND 'VULOANITE. 1:2 Clocks of- Warrantea Quality,- Very Low Prices. Electro Silver Plate, a very large assortment, new designs, inl Cruels, Butter Cooiers, Cake;Baskets, &o., &o., relia. bloc'goodo, .and prlcýs lower-than evor.' Woiild. ccli special -attentionto a, New Laine of Good-- NICKEI4TE-a substitut. for silver.' Niekeite 1Table, Dessert, anmd Tes- Spoons,,Taýble, ana Dessert.;Forks. ýInspection lnvited. NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER SPECTACLES. Childrens' Cùxareaesi'greatvariety, two, three, and four Wheels, Aumerican and Ceaadian ie.ïs., Match 27, 1,877. Pracica th"na krèjc Sroot. For Sale. at very Reasonabl 'fiées. Several Open Buggies with child's seat, Lady's. Open Phoetons latest style and v-ery.. litCovýered *Top and Open.,BuggIes"f Super- ior Style and Finish. A Il made Whltby, July Sîla, 1876. of teb8 a ra - TOMS & NEWOT and 28 FINE ARTS BEST'S, GALLR'RY, OSHnAWAII SPLN,,DI;D-,PICTURES, Life-Lik.e-.--taken in a'moment in the Pest style. M ' ~tbas secured the services of one the best nega- tive retouchera bm bbc Unltiad Staes.I . crngfiçent that Iembsm u work équal <i nd.iporicr;)t toaùytbim1g eve éfr -a4 iiIisjri4 - - W -10ALL: AN]) BEE MXWOBK. AUare welcome to inspeot the, &ley Fie hotoà oôf: theLea'ding $tatesmn.nof the omnon» Bahr Nec&n=, Boy £W. ÉLaiSâ~d medlg cti 1's ors~eat %E8T8'GALLERY BiMCOE ;.osBW4 .-irs BEST. WIL L A M- THOMPSO N Dogeb drec attntin lins lare d =pxe tock, comprising ever>'. Leah~rValises g'-.Pid S'o ruriks 1 CHILDREN'&:AeORIÂGES, vo* »#dssn thewa'  b olS aald)net yJLi '-Y.AI~01'O' Warerc t e im, vaiothelriciumrs 1mai11 a S 'lstmim autoth mago JAS. il AO C E T Y..OIRBPIAN $29, [Mi, h&)m 'iao lino &ý,wà Le., Le.a - 'hat ofa à J!GOOD, USKPUL PIÂNOY vblhiehcombina te lbcames cf tom and, tlb1,ea01cf fish o he mi nost oelebrabe. maàoý ie, a modorabe PriS., 111be iai oy it iqsalîe to ffpply; EA4LF F~,PRICE çoers11y charged, lb. spaex àaplain. a ieakigor sale-cfft ilnstgaq- ;m o n ts, t i er s a re n o la g e 1 o m s te o r n e t i ýa v e l i ug a g e n t s * 0 p a y » ' ea aeall made of a- MdADULE -ZRa ILf5EWOOD CASE..- *4?â extra DISCOUNT OF zaeîPRCENT, vii bé aflovad Seboosanudtcon-ven*f, aa te Clergymen -for Uste cfetthear famiais. 'W.AAS 101TY 0F- TORONTO leavet foot o of 'Y t.;T1!roto, d ily alt - "- D. MILOY, OLMAHIET I CA89 FOIR aRAXN, To b. deilv.rEd aI FrPen chm a n1 'B -- PLýASTER, SALT, AND COAL FOR SALE. '- MONEY TO LOAN on ; i o ïs ataL tees à , Ilers 'Taunas> Wh, lm7. -* SIMON4 &'KÉLLEY,' IGM R5nasauhwacurrombust avans Tobace. "Thée cel"ebtd fi8. ]Li zrS i Itboir advînt&". 16 give Ihon aa Wbitby, pe'-4 lm,1~- - Y4 YE9MA1¶ GIBBON, -Genoral Commise/on M-4erchanit -anid Produe Deafer;- Agent for si eZ. suna oxmm;UcUn H- - os Pre nurthe mz* psCiuis Ahso AgnIor b. oan na ou-u .4 on, rw o ete ayable froua Two 10 Zuetu à'iid Doe -iiàle charge-Molrtgages boiagl$. - '~ffem -W. B OGRAU CABIAGE woRK5. llcthatThei's~l6beso iglua$for Conby'sPatent- Seat lora iBU 0GGIES., CUTTER$- &C. Al1 parties wlIl-ddveflto see car espo and uttersi-bsire-gving Ibheir crdn e¶u- Brougham, iy 21h, 1876. iyi4o T A1~E4T 1nqirNpTION OF TRI F:Eamily tiiitti.g mochinesI ,ol e; OffBice OGBI Grauat lu",A :ID. andsili Wlitbye Gôca &" Qun eu'1 Unv.c BU Ir. c RJAI CRI- A I Tw- na * Tidjs, f COMM 9ai5 MacON7, .JiL TLw Cira &.A her, Mathrlh 27 TWF e- rn 0 en c yq ti ni ti il lâl la si ti ci 'w Ul tc ti 01 go bi ID -Q n-iit)l]CV eL%"AILAIA

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