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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Sep 1877, p. 2

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'à'. . Fo vu. C. , (D.bMeNi. Èepols & shos-Jno. Sanirs., - Uinen Le luxu@Iwn nammiui âirait Batirol New Stock-£. Frost. "liyand petit t.e simuns e l ofeOurt 1111h à flter MlleyE rg. With lb. excepion orfthe -.dataien S WialPapr-J. S. Bobertaon. ltata a msof #lu9W4vslodgui la nurg, -all the tst ofthe paragraphailun*è AUCTION SALES.. -sud knowlsmgljy ami wlfly prhiLd Saleof titra. parmils cf landl, 6h. ig asch. 'Tbe cWotiwauggnet a pxoery mt ie hl. ob lQv, On à Mtr Mr. Drapea'sldeth, Ur. Drapétr moguis,Oct. lot., 187, t aI eys dlogbfxginnoefxpaIc botel, (ownof Wh.tby, antIvoo'lcok,&alnbe 'auw fo St0 P. m.--L. Falnisko uMcllcnter, lb.eamount. Uafcrtanalely for Ur. Sale of farna stcék lmplenwuto*, Uo, Ulinis, lb.deosasei, M.,Dr ae, mgm'Ray, sigu. mail: Mx. a.the maie.,Of'Mthe.1notes 101h, 1877-L dorser. Previons' b h]i. S.atoUr. Sale et fanai stock,Ilmentet, Draper land retlud one of lbe note.s o bcnmehold fürtaiture, &. tepopryendorsieilby i41M snd mai. by lMx. of Ur. Wm.. Dtty. on lot No. 82,in the Hlggino. Sbortiy afl i lth th. 7tiJ±cou. Whltby,.on Tosesiy, Oot. 2Sud, ogier *vc note s aguxi, a-sudb.hex«. 1877-Le. P'airbanko, Auctioneer. ecuator. dhp" i Ibir llsbility, on lbe Sale cf Ootsw'ald Shoap, Short-hoen on d tsMr. Hggins appeilred as CaIlle, BerkhireHRose, &o., aiI ero gre akerSn1h e mo h oe Wood Farta," tbm propem.y' cf Mesura. cmaeolbfaef1hno a- Birli aud Jobaston, on Tomsday, audIis, uotvithslandlng the proof Oct, 26h, 1877-L. ?*Irbanko,'! Auc. giron by the production ofef .do«n. danseur. . 'iment.' baiatteah va. Ur. Draper'# Sale of Short -hrmo, worklug stock, course cf 4sigalaloaig vban b. vas Aud lmuplemnsnts, th. praportv of Wmiln eti t v lgns asea Mile, 4ai "Atha Faim.', AIBO aïineio U.xgsina nt b.mnetmad place a fine solec- about vhlch ther vus ne' disput-to0 ticn (rom te ljiThlet' Ha,]lrd," thé. gir. nots endormuiby hlm for lb pro o t fU. b Millox, on WmS. amaunt, rnsklng Ur. 1Hlglnstlb. mak »esýay, Oct. 17th, 1877-John, B. Page,e-nShalbboycl. impa Sale e of xiOr-hOo, G rade, cattle note, fox #m'8 wu va s ir M. Draper' Imrucu, bsep, Iiplemento, 4c., lb;, haaivil*lng-ibunithstan ahl ou se pvoperly c1 Mr. Joue p hCassady, on lot wvea oeil&0teUr. Drape in Ur. 5, in tb.élit con. of Rch, an Monday, Hl1ggias's bo4a.. Oct.Stlo, 11377-L. Fairbanks, Auie. Net a centIu vas Mvb Bi. E ________________________gins f hrlscwn eoditom'ala, and thera nover bas boeenfor ail the publié pro- . c!1~zt~ ~Jt.jru ic{~ ectasasted by is peu fox a quarter i - The cliarge vas fur malter, (nil cf ONL.Y s 3o PalR ANNUM figuressud etablsîlco, vnitten by Mr.1 - -. . . . . . Lawdox,guoratary of îLeO. C. R. Co.,1 Whi(by, Thimrsday, S p t. 27, 1877. at lh. instance cf Mr. Draper, anS - pulalsed lu theo Ohroaaicleunader a ' The Wnr, special bargain. The. ariaut cf the1 - accoant forthis sort cf wcrk did net a Oporalluun asti o4111g-on arcuaad coa e 6 100 altogothex, insteail ofç I'lovna. The Turkî'a sd fRuâsians are 61000),as lylugly stated la the. Rafor. f boiug re.lnforced. Tlîorie hâve beeoner The total amount of Mr. Drap. m grel lsse uthelo hdo,' ~utno lec. eras sceount for tiaree yeort adverti*ing o hîvo engagement. *I>cvnaa htifbeesu->,ndprinting, iuciaing the Wbitby *i r-vtua1Ied. Tihe invesîinaut cf the ilanrbor C-. u.CnrlBivy laecog teacetuimporant a rtp.Thew Chesttr* Draper (& Co. sud Chestan t * î<yiu ismae motn at Di.àpdrrn *péra soi cant aud ail, vas a flussb1aus havie bosa ro-infercec inluAni&. $820.17.- Thér5evat ps aid no court,9 -The Provincial Exhibition.. $125. Tlif' ttm'd tes wve r f48M0 teanS 0i00-wf11, 'ir*paId, ab t &liy olght Lonadon lo cxewded witla visitora t e have beau by bu'> I ptys rapraen.a tliti Provincial Lexljîubtlun, whiolsopen-fl tatives, and would havi heen' by lahlm. à cal ut lluîilay Thoa l a ga oi ef ad ho lived,-woitýd! letWe' Mr.y iilwy l il classe,40. l In te slaort.hiorns Higgius's dlaim egaluatthe e. l a "B tîîediaa uaatieabo faiiueiT'malhoulo 1e aven #200, iastelad cf "ciliift R hit anlmuale mlowni are very superior. $1000," apurpoemly snd wilally ai si, -R, C. Churcli Appolntmeuts. geratod by the editox cf Ilos Reforme. 9 - Thao oditox ot the lpe.îrmr came bi Itzve..VF.vnu rnMcCÀNlia., been forward as avoiuutsry vitues inluhlB calluiai te Toronto, te as3arniethe dalles cs. 1 aeavuica. egaimîst Mr. o rtf etsor of St. Miclisl'H ani Clianoal. Hliggins, an a malter cr wlich beho culdi J 1arof thie dioccoeo, the o psition formerly possibly kncw notliing. Hs gaI hlm- me hulul îY lis 1lhl iS1IJi1) J amaI, solf snbpoeuaed lu ardarto do ibis. Ha of Whilp 0044ratuiaaing lihe roerend sworc ttIit WuetcthéLe ustom for gmntlelznan ie up remotioni, the uewspmpr proprietore te charge for the ui Ortl'lic POPUlatinu aOf Whitby aud matter publislied, althongh h vwu T. Onliawta, amoungot whoau lie has 50 never proprietor or publiahcxcof a nava. 0 tutmilyau ntiringly ninsterei us pipar binsoif, sud bail ouly loda vo pimiiharinet dning tlas leioyeara, year' fexporienos, s apaiS vnitex by l wilil laeru with maaohî regrot of th e- e heweek on theie faeorner, te go by. Bi unuval otf lFatîer McCaau. The7 liai saddlis owu pubiishera a"d proprietars Bc gui l up u hlmaI atramefried vôld provo diametrically lhe contraxy i auditinmselir naiveli as thecir offirtual Ho put bis opinion undar cati againit Li l guide, sud lie lîud gaineS lthe respect t. JOioycfcipbisesaS1 - ailvaler cfprteeuate s oliuscfpropiet0o'If papmns like Mx. Camp. ~ >te ptîtepiebelougimig lu lis cvii dock. bell and MDA. Muidyr sud against wbst Ji] IL aaeitcoaa1delcila godwcnc dr.wo couli bringiborward as.-îhe testimony in inglis iunibeaacy ufthte parish. Ho of tbe uunmions pl'èicf tfl ounutry. H1 hl)oi t a PrOsbyterY anal echoal house And lime insiguificant obpbdt obu-da-fslcxl atI s>slian suoccureil s ncm banal îo.alay ilhe aiy perron cunneilri vih di L' reunudi, et an expeuse cf about tano n ovpprIilcal .f 0Bi ihlosani dollars, aud leavas the pooiple gi newmahoe htuce giaita eclee90 bz * lter, witi a a melt cf %carcely a Ihous- paî-ary. 1ev ln g vii Mearuo. uke uni ollas l psy lu hity, tcani Lanke parmit *their friends te be annelalias boon (loue,iluthaexarction cf insulteS anS Iheix ovu gocil nain@ tetut ai nev solîlol lieuse and itilaadditions sufer by baving *seuseddiescm, sud we teansd furnlslolng Ite clanrola sdthic characteriosi sà person connectei with b.l presout alebt ta oniy au insiguificlanl ioîoffice 2 O uma of somte si ty cdi dollars. '- ld.-»---- Fatîîcr bMInts., af*Uxbridge, le, va Toi. ILLUOI!RÂTuD COUXTY ATLAS is mmmadu, la bo FsthoieîMcCunn's <out. I la15à5 ironif grait excellenceleh Auec0000or. sud gel up lu splendid style.ab * TI. papl ef~lalby ud Ohav - à-~ mccorpanied loy a inidra substantial token cf theix regard la leoyd. Fataei The. sentiment ilaut & a t e aars ga aicCan flex Mass nt botm places ou moe Ilasuto-day, Prcysiîed umont Sainiaay noît, irhlcla-mjhl is iisslutmet o 1aI "ieéarning solieSmomen fer Stinday anugot tuera, living," couli hardîy baye been tie re- 411 ' VI. 11AIIR eaa zBssue(.iN, cf Dntlln'os ul it math iahiaiorY Oetiha Icarnei Cxeek b, m c 1a0luarbn», appoint. vommu Of the Paul. Veruica Gara. cilTru.'We have nual-beau la. bara,-mout lbanneS sud mise, mas a. loing anids','tei as the historie Duco. formoasevhc bis stacsson la ta ho ; She. mas 'ei noble birlb, anS tror a buat hava heiutni eIasnamu aof Roi. chuS diepisyediaa surpasig aptitudo Viatimar flacamaiut mouîioaaeî, fan stady. AI teu yemra of ageaine vas wiing Lapu in d Uresk sonnets. Cf lio, T. N. Ouas - vaus ou tho fain a mrions Lomporament, bier taîtes ied gruamuaia aunig thie luel lue ciys cf- hea- lathe tudY ai sacreS Uitenturs, the xhiitin ad rcoied bart "" sh beameone oftlim masSlearu. tIc~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~e oxabîo u aciebm4 SIeolagias inlaItsly, and mas givea greetingu (nom hus humerons friendu the. titi, af dbooor. 5h a chose toàt-ber amS euppptsu. limasaud GUlîbert ai Corxegio, ohief cf thut illustrions hOuse, anS mas max- Faia îINTuc . WAaRIUxOuNaePATSNT ieS tua hlm ha 1508, mhsn in han Ivea. OFi'ruw.-The=e t oiIm o rtlla Patent ty.foarth yeur. At tbe eud cf tva Office, Waul lugtou, cansghat ire ou 501h yyaesra lae vas the nicher ci Iv onnca. She was hcaa!orly laveS by berbumàbani, mast. T'±oloua la i*ncalculable sud vo- sud, s hiebaiS xmankably boiutitul ponteSl nl huirmrls of theu-guda, cf eyes, shea umiiesed ita houe shinlng dollars. ' orbe sama ai lier moat exqnislle son- 1 - ý - -nets, This huabad, 4m eHeileda, Cit eîî L iuWT u AT LaaeaOA.- ied heu yomaaler narniage, mandVon. Single (axes suit apooil trains by Vi. onica, slthouigh ulili Young, enseensted P. P. & L. Railmay. [Ses aidvI. herseif tb eternal widcamrbcci. Darng thie xemandeuflcxcier lifo uhe bai-boar PAL!, STOUx. Mr. I. S. liobertoon, apaxtnuiute irupadiniiiblack, wu a a booeeleradvrtieiiin the coým ubognt by thé hlm"ist cf hons, ad boabello, malvaliso luothe colin , vore alauys sgars ai ieop miaoaod. the opcnlng et 1,500 rals of Engllsi Heiross u &1a ber huabaad's fortan., and Amorlean'- ail paper. The, langoe mhe supriuîoudei thsodacation of han trmii doue hon. la, maIl pipera diug sans, ane cf wirloese laelalgh iitary- the paItuasaa heurs ample îetimny rauk, wmule Ibe cliox beosmo a caril- ta thesvalue of bis stock, snd taastil ami.' 8h. continuaS ber cua stadias lie sa as lu ber yauuh, culivaliumg bsn furîborn isal the, requfromoutu of1bis late cf peatry anSdlteratuno. Peron. onuiowruho la. s bea obligoe laikeally îel uwsu uat beautifttl, but she bai thle sheve addition la ibis alepartameut in couversation s rare charma liai ne llanaooepensuni p o ee oald resist even hm Iao icoursm'ng of lois truie. c1ueopr "l rP f lenueui thivigo. A collection oi han oriy.hîclders wim l fia dvatgeau. etîr.sudnapoepMs mas pubhied st Se doal mIL ithe aivorli#er1 Brescia lu l759.-Fr-em APPl.fon, IbPuL4T4zex CÂvi,bpw u Lig r-l Lentiou i. diocteo tô 'the aivrniserasut Cnt hii Ot--ht May Bave Yoamr 11à.. of suie (')f fanlultuxo blougite Mr.- - Joha Humn Penny lu othcn coîtnains. Thenua la nu peran iliig bat vhsl Tii. catalogue eubceu 8612,00 morh utlrs more or boe. with Lnng Disealm; cf vsiùable furnitare. Thé. beantiful' Coughf, Colise,orafn Ceaumplida, yel resldeuce antd grounds cf Mr. poxxy %ae ommenoudlle naihex Iba psy 75 AmISO, Il milib. senu, cfored tonrsle. cents forax sballe of meublase that w ouli cure 'thon. Dr. A, Boacbee's 'Va Oun $YsTmu.-,Meari.J.(sD. emaSyrup bau. lsIeîy beau latxo. MoNab cf Caremeal, havo given 'SuceS laniiscountry <ramaGenmuny, notice cf adoptlng lthe culésy4s'anadlits voondaouu cures a.t-onslmip «Véry1 from-1 lUhOetober.(See adrt.] This -. eue tb4t $y t. IftFou IbouIbI vitl - rnet4pl..4vm ave dem.a large bue. mpy (npriai, il tis ont sa46a.'g. î »Mh4<1W5IcV UlPW» n Uiieflnr yoqr Zirmigwat. B.- W. a .aaý u- boom'n»iraiterdaon unum.erffu and maie a goed appear*n.Mm BirreiMad obsalom, aiMd M.lames pile shovei some. <oi broci a e ad ooita, Mr. B. Deveil a âne lwé- pear filly ; Me... Dow, Hall, P7db., <iI, Murphy,Meocldla, pairbankasai Hami11" gbyllab -ingle horse, in bar- nflS m iOfgSdub.88 entérei. 0f 6he, 18 sadule hors..thoseOf Dr. Warren, S. C. Wilson B. s. Wilon, T1.,.e OZUnB. S.Wilson ami Brown(s Pal.ý terson: Vire th. mail noll.eble.- Mesurs. Broya h PFaltoesoa, BeLasuon morn g~o4oc>ingméa ipaire.. Who Agriealtuéalheome Maode a gocil MUSÉS. Biriel sand Johuston, 'brood mare andi oel; lac. ()kg, atailin; Wilso ndichleason, 8-76Mr cld durly; Bains D*cthrm,, brooi mame; J. W. CoIrke, ani T. O. MoÂvoy, 2-ye.r old satires; >John Dryden b. mo nsd v.YOUa ohlly, aMd h. 0. cf. '77 r-W. Smith a partlU01arly <ccod 2.ysar cld 0.ly 3.(J ozx .your Cidli lly; 0G.. Elknbottom sud W. Ruai.! Io and ýooeyr entirus; j«.' Corbté 2.7r old ý .Oatir. ; 8. Dawes, b. Ms. and 8.yr lily; lui Cuawfesh 8.yr old flly. , iu'izmay driafts the Burnis Exci.. N. Burton, Wilson &s Bleharin, lames Mii., W. Ci. Dow, W. Smnith, John Tbonspso, . e FoPa, lanasCorbet, Th. Jeffey Be'oe., Bieb' a hos, la. Pile, Jas. 1. Davidson and Oco. David.à Bon, 0haM. Weslseasla B. B. Morgan, <vexe weil t him<ot. Dundc&, .a fine two-yr..old, anM Peamok, a 18 m onths colt, sir, anS dam boUm import. ai, ehown by Mr. JPA,, 1. Daviduon, wer. nest but rathor suSali for 6h. ahow mig. Darling 2Sud, mmd ber fily, tho mare th. vinner cf 82 " aIprime, adtbough nov eleven peara ouiilooka as, SAY as eiver. 1 la thorough.bred Durbamis therut as anoticeable falling off. James 1. Day. idic bail sixfins Young ones-B bull caive. and ৠboiter oalves-faUil"osrs and brother. b thome mo suocesefnut 2]e ycar. They axe frous importeS ecows,* and got by Crown Prinée of Alliai- tan., 20a' For unlforrnity of type- Ji ber. are. Jour reda and tva roan-- ulrlot il sedom "eOn. They teck 21 A** es ofer Ibo boat gel of on@ bul, 'f M one cf th. ealves th. sveep. Ji ias eïfi Oberbout bulofany age or ýre. Jaoe Dryden bail a fine lot Zc )f calvas sut beitera andsomcbad rme$ Moffatt.'The halls of B. Glb. in aud Ino. Grahamoe vee mach a.la uxred, Mr. W. G. D>ow baiaà good pair >r steeru. B Mr. W. G. Dow hsd a bord cf 18 val-. %ble grades. The leffrey Bras. and V.0. MeA.voy wore the other prncoipal 0f shoep tbere vexe 85 Leiceioters, inialiy oet1he Jeffrey Pro.., anSdO0 - =sîlke ;- 25- Ootswoulus,,moaiy frorn irrel &s Yohnston's fléck,. and 19 3îuthdowas, a. H. spencer. beingsne2n tual 6h. principal exhibitor. James Ca2bU pei(abetbba):George [diel, H.M. Spencer and Bfrrel (& hn.uton vexe lb. principal eub&itor 001 athe. lmpxcvad bed delssof usine. Fa ko. Grahams, Iy. Thompson aS le. e, i omail improveil breeds ;-aad c alarge swing cf amy kind, P. SmithS Leury Thompion, and Geo. Lidieli. Mr. Thomas cof Brooklin bâasupen.' ýi dlsplsy cf poultry, and W. H. ýrva soma fine Bralimas, Cochin., iff andPartridgeL l.uInpoalti. Fa bore vexe 101 eunres. In grain snd Boît, 118. a Mar produe vasbelow 6h. noua mx t snequence cf tb. untavox- la ble veaiber for aaituxing. Thexe ore only Sf suIies in $11-15 of houe J Bing foxr theSObe fresh butter prize. 00, The mnes ln thir i-s.. nambered 1 M, sud th. display -ou lb. wboie w, Sui iuiS ua7botter than at prrnvionuaixs. 1 mnot th. reaperstheewone the 1 Whitby Harvoter" and tbe -John- son an," Ithe. former nov machine boing c mach udmirea, froua the cuudy c MeusraBravan(s Patterson, âsu2%rous the. camne warieahopu, '"Cayag" sud "Ycung canais" maire,, OaLaniy hors. rab. sud Parisaouilg box. Ths "6chamion" vs. thora in mil ils g1xy frcm une Hall Wr-"Ryoi,7 Ibal a fumer mouhi xequfr"-as Mn. Hylai tie agent ia charge cf it sai- mth its fine vreughl irna rame, steel ibafts, Lui rakes marnanteS t îrew cffs a igi oa8Ibo i. Alme Ciam pIon mavex. af lb. sause matiatal.Týhe greal recommaendations of the "Cham- pions"' are tbeir dunability sud siai. pliclty of sdjrrslnent, vbichoa he iou& iaànwMenl ba s 11111eboy rom air. George Bobson representei lieh Tcronto R.apex (s aicur Co.,ad uboed the vorking of the Wbily s machin. loa aiants g c. The Klrhy bw-mhooed woyen, and KLrby, lXo 0, irere aIme on lie ground. The Perfacions cf the "ComübineS- Scadex, tfram tie Masuon morks, Cosh rWaa, more fointeS cul b y W. Coul. 'thard. Itwvinlmcv in drfila orbroai. outet at il-tie change ram' coe the atier oa b. umad.e asu instant by toaehalag s roi. Great simpllclty sud darability ar e l bdin g ohanactexis. tics. The Gallcvay Bske,tfrous the esusne establishament, miti Arnutruug'm patent taper Icothi,'inslug aformity, moud unifoxmi jcfenhngaIl lbs may to theseintean sil y opratel, is à vory supeorlaimplaent. Thé'omra pany sli aven -2«00 bctI Yeu, anSdare manufaoîuning S600 for next ""aon. T.boy are the oniy &manusel!eite use the "taper toba nth aIe Dominion. Maurs Dickey (s Kennedy exhibitedS Ilineus dumping rab.. Its rn rscocuseniallou i. a new spiral clatei, in the ceaire lauteai cf mheals, Ther. ase cnly 17 bIo it u ie whaoe machine icihua ssimple andl positive aotion. Their Bachuaye Sedr il mevtram aa pock la Ive or three bushels, thlek cr tIbm s mylbo deaired vîthouleChag. SThamn» MoOstn bai a turaip &j bcumu, muchai ied. The IWliang CO. bail theruaialfin. dis- plavoforks, sYtbo, (e 4ix. M. 0O.Luuorsii nanS meus.. Tomu (4s .,lirt bai oheua grand toplat oa f es , aud cuîlen-tbe foma T a î - elatter 12 rai- clos on exbib(Ieâ Tir, ~!.7<c Ioî f fruit! -lie@ *#À s vmuid pumi-hemtAn IFuaS h ,oz- nalâl i sm'.2dlve ... 'L -j 1b, itéàia fiil-ver, *bu * as .lgJ , .Cha.u 1 ' Ordlue. Graham. ecum eiai. Ne ht bai s 4~1ayiJ,4 Scv Plg -1. iàa Rly mlons, ami se bai me. Wm. Brym. Z261lGraham, Sri Chas Weillùe. Mr. Faixhuan. ibiblllcuMicf "mevla . Large SaseJii. Jas. Lai ani kntiug meehin.u onqnts *t- Unelpria Glsw.iL tialve sadmi bteasi iemed poipxus Boar-m Peter Smith. ami~ ~ ~ g ewonilnas S u Mr. , Sav-'lot Peter Smith. seiaio e tepe vhleh Boar Plg '77-ht I. P. Saler, DnPe;5~Ç si oligiQuu.e Geo. LiSieli, Srd Chas. Riley. Thé total bnumbor of entriés samaI. 5evPfg u77-lml eo., Lidile, leo 2488--eg&last266 lutI y.ar. H.ary Tiorapson.- PRIZE LIST. rum 'fs 'Juge-. W.,Mtbvj. Biood-Mlane *vllhfosl-isICharlos B ara,dk-lst nSe ud Lynde. ITvo«-yri EtlxellurW 111 &bii5igbIt-io-t sud Soi R. 11Tvc.y r c0141hMy-lot M'hugbM'n .Thousu.. One.yr opc CleS-iisa Tril. biais, buf-lut àku2il uSX. Oair-id lm t .IniSSThoma. T. . axr. -Coobins, prtmlgê-let aH. M. 1 FllIyoflw7-loChum. Lysi.. mas, SaS W. H. Browa.' SaddI4 orCoobini, white-lot sud SaH. SaUl orBoso dlng, Mar.Thomas. Sweelapple, CouitharS anS, Hopkins Doxklngs, white-lot ami Sud H. -Stalion-let Jonathan Porter,, Sou Thomas. meo. Whitson. DcrklnÉs, oolexd-lat J. M. Thon Maâre with fou-lui Binrai Jop a. u Chas. Alexander., sIen, 2ud C. W. Mattloava, 8rd T. G. Gama, ,#uk rai-lhtaui SaSIR Resale.Thousas. Thre.yr cli Enlire-ist J. Wbltscn, «oGma, duekvlng-lot' mnSSa SaS J. soker. M. Thomas. Thr.e.* ld i Py-ht C. W. Mal. Hamburg lever spaagwe-lst Ti thva SS ha.Coakveil, Drd B. Gib. Cochrane, SaS FréS. Hstoh.' Son. Hamburgi, golden spangled-1ait Two-yr cîS Entlr-lalt Wm. McOor. M. Thomia. snlak, Sud J. LUBarker. Hamburgs, blak-lsl aad Sad Tvo.yr cld Ffliy-lst Wm. Casa, M. Camspbell. SaS rn.BlokliBiSLewi Grs.. Hamburga, golden peneil1lod q1t Oae.yr ti l ot 1. Wm. Canant, M. Thou. SaSd Jas. Wright. Polande, golden apangled-let1 Oaa.yi' oh Filly-lol Lewis Gras,, d H. X~. Thcmas. 2ai Alex. MoLarau,.Bnd DavïS Browna. Pelauda, ailvar epanglei-lsl sand Hers Colt '77-laI Birnell(s John. H. M. Thomas. atcu.2nclWm. Coflant, Bn laco. Wilson. Plymouth Bocks-loan sd Sa Puis Carniage Horues-lel Ira B. M. Camnpbell., Caxpenter. Sail Danial Forayth, ari H1oui.us-luî H. M. Thoras, Geo. Gimbiett. W. H. Browue. .FillY '71-I B. H. launeson, Snd Biaol< Spsuuh-lsî H. M. Thom Win. 13. lendena. 1Sud Thon. Bic. Single Horse lu haraesa-let loba Leghorns, vlaite-lot sud SuS H. Juthberl, Sud S. K. Brown, arS Simca Thomas. k ell. Gama Bantams, black.rei-Ms el Hrsa-lai Mason Mf'g Oc,p W. Porter, Sud W. M. Camapbell. lui A. C. Brown, 8di John Wright. Gm alis xv.e-s Agri&u4al riHoraea-udgea, James ama Oampel, d . ounre.is Bcug, George Harrison sud Henry M.iamenllabnd 0hîBanolo MarideIcW"SalIa-lt John 0k..htSud W. M. Campbull. Marevlth foa-is Joh Wrihl, Tuxkeys, oored-lst Saral. Daws lad John Dxylaa, &rd Jomhe lpburn. Sud Uco. Liddiell. Threè.yr *Id Entire-isi W. Caurtie. Gooe, Tculouse-ist sud Sud W. Thxee-year nid F111Y-lott lo. ega, Campbsll. nid Wilson (s Bichardson, 8Bn M. Go..., brcvu.china--lsl T. S, Heu Crawfoxta. & aSou. Twc.yr cli Entho-lai la.. Pila,Saud Geese, comnion-let T. T. Colora 'ohn Jocn Ormisten, Smrd Ezra ])ke. Sud Chus.Lynd. rc-yr aid Miiy-lot Wm. Smaith, Duaka,'Aylesbury-lot T. T. Coa udî3jno. Harris, RraWin. Pile, ir. man, Sud H. M. Thoras..! Horne. Cclt '77-laI lac. Hlarras, Sud Dncka, Bouen-lat sund Sud T. chu Hfepburn, Bnd John Drydan. oleman. pair Hlorsaa il eae--4a1 Birrel s Csuury binas-lot J. W. Cienke, 2S lobustcn, Sud Wmn. Bt7, 9l Wilson Frank Powell. Fiily '77-loi Clos. Lynde, Sud Wm. ColleSon o ien-ltT .R Elron, jrl., rd Burns Bnosr o.GAI.N IES Oue-Yer cld Entire-isI Luban u1<A»SEO uxk, Sud Jamem Keteea. Judges, Henry BicItîs, B. C. Steal Oue.yr cld FilJy-let Oco. Doidgo, J. Hortci. ai Niolas Burton, 8Bn Ino. Hoxcan. Fait Whaat--lst Thos. Manianso D?ýauqht Hràte-Judgs, Go Soi a ES. Corneli, Soi Laban Burk. Dariso, agmH e -ldgK. Gdeoge Spxing Whest (Fi(e)-lit S. Davu aruon jamsBag, . uiit nSd Samunel Netherton, jr., Dri Thora - Stalion-lel Bihon Grahiam, Sud Mendareen. 'no. Favcett. las. . Davihcu, (Any othax varieiy)- Mare wlth foai-lutJr -Dàdolt W.Tyo, Sud T. J. Holliaw md aud Dri Bîrreill(s Johusten. O8rd Thos. Mandeoon. Three.yr cli Entire-lut Wm. Oka. Bariey, iv.wo-oed-lst Saral. Netl Threo.yr ohd Filly-lat Wm. Smiith. orlon, jr.. Sud Wra. Tborapscn, 81 Twc.yr cld Entirs-latlJas. I. David. James Pie. an, SuS E. B. Morgan. Srd D. S. Mc., Banc7y, uixrcwei-bsl Seail. Dawen ins.Sud Thomas Manderscu, Sud Willia Tvo.yr cli Filly-lut jasmua nnie. Thcmpsoun. Oac.yr old Entira-isi W. G. Dow, Peso, black.syed-lsî lames Sioe. id James L. Daviduan, Bri Wilson (s 2,d J. Bruela.. Bn S. K. Bravai. Uohardsca. Peaus, sraall-lst Tbas. Mandersoo One.yx aid Filiy-leI J. C. Pc%. Sud J. Bruels. Horse Colt '77-lat Alex. LeaSing. Osis, blm<k-lot Thomas Mauderso &m, SuS Jeffrey Brou., Dri D. S. Me. Sud BSaI. lNatiioxtc, 8ra15. K. Broui 'aria.. Oats, vwhite- lot Thomas Manderc Filiy '77-lot lau. I. Daridson, Sud luS S. Neiherton, jr., Bdx El. Val. - Sd Me Birreli &sIohuston. Corn, 8.roved, 50 oars utring-lS 1 Paix Dxaaghs Horses-lîmes (sIWm. T. Coleman, Sud Ira B. Carpenter. soie. Corn, SS.xcved, 50 eau siriag-a CATTLE. T. T. Coleman, Sud B. D. Fcley. Dtmin-udges, Wm. Armstrong, One bushal Tinootby SeeS-lsl H. Bl @erge Gaay and Bichard M. Bulbon, Spencer, Sud Jerry Lmck. »BaU.t-lst John Mai1!. One bushai Fiai uaed-lat Wm. ple Tbxe.-yr cli Bull-loI Jas. Mafiat. jr., Sud J. Brnis. rvo.yr oli Bull-lut H. Dodlilte, One bushel Beaus-lut S. Neiberlar id B. Gibson, Dri John Grahiaus. jn. Soi Joseph Webster. Y~earling Bail-lut John Harnis. Tira busbela Bye, upring-lI-Georg Bull CHItan unS Jasa. I. DaviS- Liddeall. Sud loba Go. n, 8rd Jao. Dryden. Two bushels Bye. fil-lst B. S wo givaag zallk or in cauf-bat, Sud Wilson, Sud loba Thora. id 8rd Jose ph Meffatt. Barrel cf Fleur, tal vieil-ut las L'brea-yr cli Oov-lst John Drydlen. Hartop, 2ud J. B. Biokeil. L'vo-yr cli Houer-lot les. Maffait. Barrei cf Fleur, epning irbeat-lel E Y-earfimg Heifer-isi Jeu. Moffati. J. Green, SaS J. B. Biokeli. Meifer Cali-lut, Sua sud lin James lu the matter cf Spring Wheai, ym Davidson. - Udges fait ratier utsa.iesa ou tha El. 1crcmlrane-otT. . aban ýeiceser-laudgeu-T. H. Hall, R. »rts ageuO»t T. _ &oma. Tardk Thomnas luidgss-Gerga Laing, M. Thvuite, ?axa. n. lod udAbr . egsn mulutrdInha.WEld Su Butte~ Fr, so. E lgg pi baln Sd Cas. e oh lfoake Ball Ms.er, rh, . H.Hm2nRr.' prie- hasnhiug fram-luobaEla Wud~ airs. Jrry MkSudhia. AIe:. 4 rBn we-u Jeffey ras. roc, 'd WaiJ.del, nss o aSet,4 Le Evea-lul Home-madBrou., Sud airs. I. Brada BuisluI ohn l. rize-let airs. D. Lick, SaS Mxi, H. vaO Shesnlong B-g Jh l rava, ird airs. Jerry Lick, 4th aira. Su Jife Bou, r AbetH. H. Spencer. wo Ewo Lamba-lut John EltarS,- atrCbe-.vsHimBow' 1Albert Tamhlyn, Dri O. Westiake. Su i lary Lick. lm Labmb-lel Jchnu loJ n Packed B UlIr-lut Mn.. Jerry lIci, 1BxS Jaffrey Bras. Eloal udSd airs. D. lck, bird air s. .pile. oiezWol"-.dges, T. H. Hall, obeL. ~ IWIILI7N5 [not, Wm Theruuike aud Thoasu lages, Michael Beid, Charles Fyle âara. .ansd John Weatheriîh. smi-lui nduniSd Birreill(s John. -Resper, an y kini-lal Brownand Li. Pallersen, Sud Green Brou. (s Co., Sdx ;besrhlag Rus-lat aSdSud Birreil Hall M't'g Co. Joinsban. Mcming Machins-lut Toronto Mcw. ste Lamb-lot, Sud anS Bn Birrail eor(s Bespex Ce., 5a4 Harris, Dan(o., obuton. - u8ri Hall Mtfgo, vWo Zves-lauadt u B llad Wagon (S.bcgrij loaui>-lot Eciani 1151011. f Baucy. vo SearIu - I~(s Wa«c < .snplg, marke)la - - , affiage-r.lit, Sud -anud LM. Hi io.u.a Port-lluAX S. Whltiug . . Hall R&Soeù aMaâFnÜ -lr . Whltioug Is~f.Ce. *M.' Hait ASeneaSteel- Hc-lal A.8 Whitiag Man'lfg4Ce.ý [ho., Haot Sea Seyos-lalA. S8. Whll.ý: ing Ma-fgC. ai.' Heirse 52ai viIhcaikge-but sud Sud Thcu. Bice. B i. Herse> Sices vItheni C- anlke-lut Ths 2isSd R, Runey. - uso, PumpMabr.' Work-lif Hanry Thampuon. JI' sL.Dneu, J. D. Hoit anal HGo. UOcopar. Bei Zmîacan $ppls-lit Luther lacei. HallSS na ii. MeG1 & soan. Eaxly Harraul-lat Ueo. Lesie (s H E. sou, 20o n.MOOGIl& Son. EmnrIYStrawary-lit Ueo. Leslie & W. son. Sapa cf Wlu.--lmi lac. Sînader. H i. Sweot Boughs-let lac-adill, Sud :9iwin Dehart. snd Fail Pipins-lot lac Mai1], Sud Ina. Strader. 2ud Holand Pi pina-lot - lue. Stradel, Sud Ino.' MadiL. W. PimaWl-is Luther Hall. SMaiSon'. Blush-ist Ino. MoGil ( adSou, Sud Gea-. Leslie & Sou. 1 St. Lawrence-let T. T. Coleman, ta. Sd Edwin Dehart. Tweaiy Once--bot GIao. MoUilli. M. vra3', Sud J.1J. Fothexgill. Golden Bassets--lot lue. MoGili ( F.-Son, Sai Juo. Mai11. Balims .. î lac. Strader, Sud lac. ýw. aicOili & Son. Gaumil Golden-loi Oea. Leulie ( anS Son, Sud lac. Madili. Kiug Tomkinu Couuy-lat T. T. rus, Coleman, Sud Gec. McGillivray. Nonîhern Spy-lot 060. Leslie ( M. sou, Sud James Eiwaria. Peck's Plemasts-bl A. W. Fare- Dry well, Sud Jerry Lick. Rihode bIsaid - Gnoaing-lst lac. an, Strudor, Sud Ino. Eivanîls. Seek no Futher--lot lue. Oke, Sud 'l.Geo. Leslie & son. Spitaeubcng-lsî Edwin Doharl, T. Sud Joha Strader. Sao-lsî Ina. Mdili, Sud JIn. nid Oka. Suaar-lst T. T. Coleaun, Sud Oea. au. Leslie & Sou. Talmau Svet-lsl John Mail, Sud T. T. Colemanu. le WGagnerlotIna. McGill (s Son, SaS Go eleàSou. ), Yeilem BBolelcwer-lel T. T. Cale- uman, SaS J.J. FoîlierglU. e, Bsrtlett Pears-lat T. T. Caleman. la Cpp's Favorite-lut T. T. Caleman. Benne Claigen-lst Ina. Madiîl, SuS-Luthor Hall. Belle Lucrative-lot lue. MeGill ( -y, Son, SuS Ina. Madîll. à.,Fiemisla Beaties-lefr R. J. Macakie, SuS2n D. Lick. niSeekel-lul T. T. Celeman, SuS D. i DLick. S Duchesu i'Agouiera- ot- sIChas. ,M Westleke, 2Sud John MoGilI (s Son. Wiuter Nellis - lst Oea. McGiulivray, ,y QuS T. T. aoIemau. Vieux of Wakefeli-buî T. T. Cole- mau, Sud Ino. MuoGilI & Sou. Baiera Grapea-lBl Luther Hall, SaS J ýn Ino. ailîl (&Son. n. Coaonid-lot Ina. MeGilI (s Son, Sud 1 n, Luther Hall. SFnank Powell. LulrHaSS st Cees Goldsn drop Pluras-li B. H. I Jumason, Sud Luther Hall. Dranes Purpîs-lot T. T. Coleman, & Sud A. W. Farewell. Ganeral Haui-lst Ina. MuGil(s SSon, 2ad I. J; Felloorgill. -b] r, Impéril Gage-lat lue. aicUli & eLcmrbd- lat Thoo. Guy, ud B. H. ,olaueson. St MoaiLa'reghlin -luI B. H. lamescu. Magnum Bonura-lot J. I. Fotlier. Sa <iii, SaS T. T. Coleman. Crab Appies, large- -laI Frank Pcw- aI eilaiD.ples, ma - lut Thos. Guy, "W U d airs. Lewis Ceryell. S Beatioplay cf ail kinia distinct from Mut ail other aunres -laI Ina. MoGiII & Sou, Sud <bec. Leslie &s Son. Pi Toratoos -lot Ina. Strader, Sud W. 'sW. Wood. la y Fig Toraalo-let Ino. Straien, Sud T. T. Colema.ha Waten Melon-lot Thon. Lawier, Sud a Jocn Debart. 2 Mnsk Mebon Green Fleoha- lot W.,' H. Orvie, Sud LuthernHalbul II'lsk Melon Scarlel Fleoh -lot John Stnaier, Sud I. J. Foiborgill. Sa Citron -lsotaire. Mary busd11, Sud Ino. Sîraiex. - hoi 1 8 Hesa CauDlfower-îoî T. T. Cale. ana, Sud John Straier. Celry-lui Eduward IoTavish, Sud J Ina, Sînadex. 0 White Oies-lst T. T. Coleman, sic, 2u5 Ina. Sîraden, -C Yollow Onos-lol lac. Stnsien, Sud lui 43%T. Cabêman, ýSm! Bècd Onions-lul Ina. Struder, SuS C T. T. Ooherma. iraU - Pioieiiag Onin-lst Ueo. Valentino, C Sud W. W. Waoal - ts Patate Onicai -loI T. T. Calbman, Sud Go. Michael.r HEop -lat luo. Mdi, Sud Goo. Mi. 'V Gihiiia~r.ton; Ohbokry-lut 00o. Valealine, Sud M T. T. Colamrauu. -Bie Oso. ~ ~ ~ ý 'VlninSd .W ôode Par CatMupulOt Mn.. Jaseph -Webtqr, Pi Sad Miss Pdlly,9itm. and .Ma1pi, Mdimis,.e4 , &ele, ;' AM LuIB S wuse U d i - 5 .r E 5r& M IL Mr.<o iyaisi id Mro.' le. Woolou Blaàukets,-.Faclexy. made; lut M ana uEmpire -Wielen M%'l.i1 UOrsé Blankel. ; lot airs, Jery Lido. Covexlel, Hésvy ; lot Mis. J. Brea.- leso 2ud Mrs..Cbs.,Lynde.. - ' overletLiit; lot Mr. bs. Me. Clellan,Sudais. Chas. Lyni. .,$hapboni'e plad;* labt M x.. W m . 1,Omiii, Sud aire. J.«Brenhea. -oo>u Blokingi ; lot mass F. M.' Waoleu Bocks; 1.1t.WlÇxs. Chas. Lynde, fini Mrt s. & MUelll., 2WoolsJ Ieole1.laira-Wn.Sah Plain -Wcolin--Tain. singleo ha Wcohsn Mill. Plain Woaîeu Yarn double twisteai laI Mrs. Jerry -Llck, Sa& Empixe Waoi-j ou Mil. Wooleu Bug; lot mise Sophia Shoîts, Sud Mnr. lobaWright. BuBg; luitair$. Mclntoeb, SaS Miss ana Wilson. - udgm; .,Thom. Lamer and IMl. Taylor ChilS's Drmu Waolon - le1 Tily Suei, S 2a Mro. John Hoigoaon. Cblis Dresao,'aialun-lt Miss Me. Veai u aSi Xs. -Wm. A4Uelh.ý Gantleinaui'a plainauI b aud mi -lst Miss Lisais Brava. *GeatleuÂn'o plain shirt machine maie-lsI Miss MoVeau. Piece mark quilt-lal Missý Mary Hopper. Sud Mxi. Bivari Carnell. Log Cabin qulit-lat 'Miss McVean, Sud a. J. Brouies. Taft qilt-lat airs Thos. Coakueil. Kaiit -beS cover-isI airs. Poter Penny, Sud airs. MoIntosh. Crotchet Werk Conunorpana-lal miss Mate Campbell. SiliO quilt lot Misa McVeu -Sd Miss Lune é,Brava. Fsncy Kuitîing-lei MieMoVeu, Sud Mios Lizai. Bxown. Ladies'Dreso--lol Miss Prouifoal. BsIcollection cf ladies' uuderaoth- ing, band maie-lit Miss Jane Seat '- .Ladies' udercothing machine maS. -laI Misa Mary Bandie, SaS Mis Aunie Newiauo. - -Fancy Knitting-lsl Misn McVeau, Sud airs. Wm. Sqaeoh. Crochet Woxk, ceiton-lel Miss Strickîsud, Sud Mies McVeau. Crochet Woxk, wcclea-lot Miss Me. Veau, Sud Miss Striokîmni. Tatîug-lst Miss MoVean, plique Work-ist Misa MoVean, Sud Erabraidery iu Muelin-let Miss. c Veaua,Sud Miss M. Stniekbiud. Eaubriery in Lace-lt Miss M.- Stricklau, Sud Mrs. Wao. Squeich. Embreideny ou Siik-lst air. L. Smilla. Sud Mies M. Strieldani. Erabroidpry on WorsIei - lst Miss Mati Campbell, Sud Miss MoVean. Erabreidery ou Cotton-lot Miss C Veau, Sud Miss Sinickhaui. IaiseS BernuWcei Waxk -lot Misae McVean, Sud Miss Mati Csampbell. Fiat Berlin Wcol Work - lot MasseB. Theapson, Sud ias Crovle. Fiat Berlin Woei Wenk fer Fraraiu -bot airs. W. P. Wiiiccck, SaS Mis &foVeeu.E Guipure mcxk-lst Miss M. Strick- landl, Sud Misse MoVoan.J 'Gormun raisei vcrk-lst Misa Mati Camspbell, Sud MisIan. Scott. C .Chenille wonk fine -l ot Miss M e- V'eau, Sud Miss Lizzie Braow.' Chenille vork, camasI iseLiz- il. Bravai, SuSais, J. L. Smith. C Oruamenal needle vork-lst Mrs. J. L. Smith, Sud Miss MoVea. Specimen cf Brsidig-lot airs J. L. Suniih, Sud Miss Stxicklaud. m Specemia cf quilting-laI und Sud Mrals. O. cCean. us BoaS vQrk fdat-loi Mise Liazia Bromn, Sud airs. J. L. Smith. BosS mark raised-lal MisPoily Smithi.- Lacé vork--let Misen Sticklsni.= Peint Lace-laI Miss MeVean, Sud laus Mati Campbail. Speciraca lace vork banatan -lit t(ies MoVean, Sd Mise M. Stricklan. W Waxkei siippes-let Miss lahaston, 1In >S Miss Stnickland.- Sofa pilcloI Miss Lizzle Broya, idô Misa rah Devenill. Toilot soi-lai MisFrnuk A. Wab. 4er, Sud Misa Jone Sot. Cotton TiSdr2.lst Miss Franke A. lebaier, Sud Miss M. Stnickia Wvooeu Tiy-lsi MisaCrowle, udS p diss Gun. Bai Ottom an-leI Miss Coneme, SuS Miss Pet ullIy Smilla.pe Wax Fruit ; lut Jane Scot1, Sud airs. 0&1 Ceuallifau 'sInà* ,bat ; lut and Sud dn 'e. Wra- Pite jr. dise l'ére's mxealh ; lot airs. James vbe mai Sud airs. K. Dchaug. esca Hair leualry ; lstmisati Cara'p. oeiyi 1, SaiS Mn.. Hegg. pror WtÎrk basket; lsItlira, J. L. Draili, '*Jal I Miss Iajzie Brown. lts, Canriasffghs ; bat mis moVeau, Piaa 'naiges; Dr Bagait sudl J. E. Hcit. 011 Painting, euy suijeci, profe.- eusI; lui Miss- Striakiani. >11 Panfing, landucape, amateur; F i r..ý Jon.PoFA ar 011 Painting, 'auanimal, amateur; lot e J. L. Smaitho, Sud Miss StricklsUd. Lai Pal Painting,, &Dy oubjeol, amateur;, w Dr. Bagurt, SuS airs. Johu Post. la Vste colon, handicapa; '1 ot Mie wbil Waten ceox, la'dop J.K nu Watex' colon, sny amubjecit;;ljitMisa i n , H c d g s e n , S a a l M r s l a c . -P o a l . T tIe anto; lit manS Li Miss lias rquburso culil en i , drwu, fPgoe'mt, soiEmt. eahrlot anS Sud Khw BrZdle leathen; lot aSd Sud King -Sculpture, -in uarbe ; lot J. (sB. Wclfeiden.- Hanoy iu ceaib k. lut lac. Bater Sud las. Slcoey. Bes Wax; lu, ara, B. Vail, SaS Mn.. J. Webster. Srainai bouney; lulacin. Baxter, Sud las. Webiler. M îPe ogar; lI . Liok, Sud Cha. Brai, acue-mSes;,lt air.;J., Breales, Sud M.]EL Doolitt.: Tinamtb'm work; lot Hatai Brou, Seving machin.; lat amSud d Sin- gir Seui-ng3Machine Diuplay.,ai stores; 'lut JH. Peilar, Soi Wm. _Brys.' FlMoral design; lutinMIsGWlekil, Soi -Mre. I. L. 8.11h. Bouqust f lover, table;*lut . Z Lavior, Sud Misarash M.tchail. ' B aquet of lo wreri, b an S ; t1 . R . H lamescu, Si Ms M lrclai Geranlaumia W. W. WccS. Dahlia;Ue.Lse -Su VIck'î floral pneraium for bust exhi. ij io n ot fl c er ; l uiot . e . M o- S. . Bnewu'flcrlprlr batI bouquet flver. table ; lot B. H. Ismeoen, SouS M ies Addis aieGillim ay.«1 - - , Aineican corn là' taik ; Hihy e- comrended, H. . spencer. Stump and rock extraclo -, HIgiy eoraaeded, Masoa Mng. Co.. Drill arows;-,Baammeued, Wr. Watexbe.- SOne hors. plough; Carnae, W. Porter. - Inrdovend slave sopipe ; Highycei Cimeahar'a Exclsido ClieaWriuger; COcamenia, Domainion Wasbr C. ,Spocaiarme Huss-- ofaSi Kitting Maciue-HIigby oomnS- md, Levi Fairbanks. ComineS eeder&Slill - Hghly ,arameudd, Masson Méfg'. C. Pdla'u ful aver-oommonded, G. IL Peiar. Prucnug ehoax- Highy cermenic, r. L. O'eouner. Etpecimea f fruit preserved ithout suga-Comeaei ars. eo. me- Gillivray. Patalcstarc-Coenued, Miss Deloart. Plt brlin od voxrk on Cardboari -Beccusmendoi Miss Carnie Stephaus. Fancy soîcieigs; Highly recommandeS, <[ns. Peter Penyo Single UeS coverl; Beccmmenied, Mra. Ina. Cole. Autuain Wreatb, ms:vcrk; HlgbIy îormsuidel, Mx. G. B. Duadas. Moisi of BrlSe's Cake; Higbly scenmended, W. P. Wiiccock. i Foot sool; Commnde, Miss Jane Scott., Woxked Moile-Highly recommeni.1 xl, MissE. Parker. Moltoaighly receumededMisa musa Devenlill. Case f taffai Birdi; Cammeudea, F.«. Fothergill. Pain cf Dackving Bantama; Highiy 3omaiended, Fred Halci. Paix f pyle Bstamo ; Commeded, roi Hutch. Collection ofývver Harburg chika; iommenia, Frd Hatc. Pair cf Goldea Seehnigbt Banlau; immenSeS, F. S. Henry(sSau. Pair of WiSd Geese ; Haghly COra endoS W. M. Campbell. BlckSpalhCiai ;igily Cous. t ~'Ncalzc cf Raidies, Mc2arges, mal Deatls cloargro eai e ace. à BIRTES i - ?hitby, on Thuxday 13h Sept., the le of Mr. John -a Iwer of a son. WHITBY MARKETS. CEOimoLe 01710E, Sept. 2Gth, 1877. tur, pe b........ 67 00 0 7 W Ll Wh eat........... # goai#26 ring Wheât .......61 15011le ea .......... 650 70 mo, black.eyýd ..... 800O90 "s..... ......8000 sec = . ... ... .. ... .. 75 -, ...... ...6. 1561 ýpies ............400 @ 50e ates .........8-8 eos......... 121o tte r ... .......... 2 oei .......... 65o0@ 84 00 001................ 28o @S-80. of, hind quarter.... 6 0 7007 et, fore quarter....6 5 00 65 50 epskins .à .......... 0 50@,060 de ..............à00 0 #6 2 rk, per cwt .........6600 6 mbs..............#9 Ivs............ .... t 65 long ........ ..... ...l1 00 rnips............... 50 ese ......... 12le @ 4c. Eppars Cocon.--Graefui sand Cous rtig.-" By à thoxouh knov1edks the natural laws whic goveru.th m ation s cf d ig estio n sa dn iu tr t o 1 b v a c r e f i a p l ie t i n c f f 1 h . f l n . i provied eur breakfast tâb es ta a oa(eIy fiAvored beverage, wlacb mr , us umany heavy doctoral biOls." 1Il i th. judiolous use of such ariles of diet ba eonstitution my< be5 éd=Usflbout util strcng enough e z. e ve ý0 ry t«. ,OY t0 dise. . undredu ai ouble mals. are fieating axound us ready t attack rever therefi a weak pit. W. mly apemIany a fatalashait ,yse g eur. s well fortifieS ithprebleod sd a perly nouriothed fr e -O p Z S e4 gott. SolS o nly t P acket, ls e ed . caShiy London. i 1 0 EW ADVETISEàmNT. MRS. ->DUFFe SHIONABLE DRE87MAKEh, I L B E R T - B T. - W H I 2'B y . les who wish b consul ttheb.fumhons, FUI «Il on Mrn. Dt; -aI Mus. Pdleso 1Street leacSing eiot te the Collage. M 4by, Sept. 25th, 1877. iIn40 Farm to Rent. [E FRM ater oonuhed bv mi. . At su. SLBabte commencet .m. Sharp._ TzaaoS Bsx.-So anSdmnier, Cashi avelita amoual 12 menthol oradit vini b. en by paties furolsilg axranai Joint cli -mru .Sme r ly cfisle.if net pal vbn due. -< Pickeng, Sept. 06h, 1M7. td4. C RED.IT SALIR OYP Pue-bred Short-horme, Grade Caftle, ifforse, i UoP,lifons The. bdnbe,,liaî racaivodilnsiatioms MR. JO)SEPHI CASSADY, To sel by PabUcAation,wftltarmve «'ait hspenuss, Lot No. Si in the. lut -oan. Tovnship cf BEACH, on MONDAY, OOTOBEB BIb, 1877, CATTLE.-SOPuibxeiShoxl.HomaCovs, lucItt rt Pice Of Aibslstane Wa, '16m; 1 Sot-oaRelier, 1 puar aId, gat by Crama, PrhIcoe ai Athahstan- Sd;- 2 Bai Cuase, rincera oethe firai adnîS 'o prises at lie North itïado Coun2r SBhe, price of Ahaet1 îBul~tlstn lut," B jeans cli; dama, inporte,-; ir,, Creva Prince f Alialiaé o Su, a fimu prise vne, lcm lmstock. L Pedigeesvibogim Mnfun atoaie. Tliey âareeoc fraulin. s Gra. Cava wlaulit a Aelultan s; 1 CunadiaiCav, - incalf te Athoesan lst ; 1 Reier, 1 pu a 15; 2 Hiton Clvas, vln., a f-lut ma Sud prises ai Narth On- IadoaFaLShmow - 1bSeer, 2 yea cld; S «a ~ 1 ofi~ Caffle exhibited. by the prapnistar st, te Nati Oarlo Ccminty Sho6w, on tbe 19tb Sept. lOve ebtauemi firsi odS four second paires. Psnilou tharefor ln a mnI of goi cattie shouuai nmals. Ibis niuty. BHEEP.--S Pre-bZIvoli Emes 2 SEsLambs; 1 Ram Lamb.- PIGS.--6 Pure-breS BerkshiresDoms; 9 Young Dom mai Boar PWg. H ORS.-î Mare 6 sai la - 2Maris; 2 Hors - 1- Brook M are uVFos;i Dnivig Mar, Ie, yarsoId-, 1Puny, years oh,' IMPLEMENT8.-SB Lumhier Wagon.; 2 Iran Plama; 2S Oshaa Pbavs, No 4; Outanle Plom, (Wulksr'u maie);- Port Pep Gang Plav;Su sietofIran Harremu; 1 RoUer; i Turnip Souffier; 2 Bets ot T-a Haines.; 2 Sets aio Single Harnas; 11 Siaglo Buggy; 1 Cuiter»- 1 lageCutlng, Bex; 5 Dosen Bugu ;Àem o iltiva- tor;l1, 1ng ill; Béaer mai Môv- Fok;Rà.EpeiS. kfatcrs" et Tra p; A Qaanutr of GoHS-dRy, sudivani- eus.alier artles too nuiencustl e mi1, tien. Asrn y leas ofi h. farus sà thed l ailaM munet ai 12 o'Oleok, accu. Tiu»a or Ssr.a,.411 sud under. Cash i a lis ' oane mie- 14= J. R. Fsavell,0. the soh OdeUr i 1.- --10 eh ve approvai Note, vih 8 Spar coul. luteiW& 'ALSO, FOR SAME, aMY Resdence adiPiesun . ronds, 1 -TOWN 0F TWI2BY. do- Apply 10 . i.AM PERET. iO1EDPI1T SALE OF THOOIT'GH3-BRED AND HIGH-GRADE CA TTL E s'miu, raes, INiLExauve, ho ho MIR.- ANGU S- MoKAY- 0f l " "Crahaelug renteS bis farrn i soUbyPublic Aucliant iemrosi. doue, Lot No-.-O lathé' 2a- con. rioken TUBISDÂY, 1>OCTOBER 101h, 1877, -the fellowiag propasy, vis.: HRBEfS.-i Bay Mara.5sroSb importa"Cuar", .1%éalto Tm. -!!BoIS Buccluécl; b Guy mam, i2 yar cli, in foal -te lmp. "BolS Buoceuch" ; 1 Span BroSd Maras, 9yazs'ohd,-in foal te "Colln Cam ;hil=& os.iearsni-i HormmB yeoso éi a Byies'yeuolUd, by "lMostroqmwz .. iBAY )Ia 4 pers oh,01 04Mr "Mastocari lEors. 12 yeuolCd; 1 s ageS-l5gCltby .. Tme OL'D e1; i H sevy ,Draft S Pl by"- "out ofaia"eJi CATTL.-1î Thonougb.brai Durhams Bull, 2Sea. -ubl rmp. 'Rayai 3)$ 1 Thonakbbred bm Bull 051f byTm "X ) I broub.bafid DnazCe,. -Pdgesrgtered sma turnished Sa o ame;4 0ev. ia cal ta hi bemgh-brai -Bull; 2Cov, L-oa> tb Thorea5h-brai Bual; 1 Hlgh-gauiia Boiter-d a a,.l calf la Thoraugjb.breiBul; 4g0ral 'HeHelforsun oaarminlSU lu cuit terougibriBul; Sae,1an SHEup.m-i PrabreS Iou vo Sm , trous teth late L. Elg Toubs, OxmordaimEngsi 12 Purebred Cotswold, isud Spo2 ci bred te ImpartedS Rai; 91 We1 1s Ot. volS Ev.., brai ta Impora a; ae bred Catavoli Ram Z.sambs, giblsoi oS Ram-' IlWail.bred CoIl dLsm gaI b f l pantes Rm; ieba os wl weLiab, gIb lnra Ram nl Well.bred CaolBeo Lmmu, gel by .PIGS-l Pure-brai Bekoiçea S-. o I Office of PUIRC BOOK5Erj, TW FALI Tii This' CEMONIaJLE 1 to buy -o r n( This nery, ev-ery in every del Boardel O)NE OR TW %-racconamid ledpag i apIes, For partuclais, -C Whib, sel£ wu 'Our Dra Whltby, PL. Pi O LIb OCT'R. 2ndj RETURN 0 ONE i;

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