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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1877, p. 2

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9.ýPdl r. Boce.ty of Whltby sma!RAZ iT.P.'VW,,bok plice. attb. oshav s ~ p on Ttiesday. 4#n spite Dl UPPlf8"etaro atl.' etier thora.w&sa very lai"44 ~f. o vdance sud the oxlsbition on am. vb.é ROM pu»d roUSaleo hot Horus The-spacial prisas esa out s jupg -J#,Bal.edy m e-à. dlsplay of tlieanimals..Thar. wer AU49w Olo f Frm.Stok-Ju, hhlrty anes ef single herses _-ulam.r - iner. 1T 1eo-T qsebss,. 4 lgbteafor Mr'. Blsoklm màtpmbfijaiuo-ý - i. , pocial pise of #10- ln whtcb mftl*i Bo ooo-n.LovoU. s. wopre obuI4eièra OIVà1ù Sp¶iufléstruttes and oupp n-Dr- ub. laiteLWfaS 1o ol Fai 1877-W. HiieI & Co. FerrIlh. 820 ps4s. for a _;et*1fs41bïr Yuruitur-E. J. Johnson. Mr. Wo. Taylrtor~ 1a ~wo n iaee -Complet# Stock cf Dry Gooul-Lalng a *nl$ies. Bal *wo, bo ovnetsndp iotwsl.the. prie, vhleh a o s ,fn pain te Bajt-Joalablchsrdson. orvnb'sp Pctal Notice- ý par ef baya trlven by Mr. lanmi. morga Jno 3 Faewel. The. omiad ormo wre proùowe.d Stregt or he ebiitaed- te b. sa-fila a ollectIon au veOr vs Higietprice.fer Wh.t-T. P. Whlt.. gîthmdt! ogehhen vîdthe .oounny. Besdad Cl.OelotiluW. J. Bloe e 'hè, show et youncg hlin th. ev Spalal Induoamauita te thom starti»«saai classes vas alec excellent. Heuakeepng-E,. 1. Joinon. Piret smongst tle-.,implements via Dre GOC48 and! Mllury-LalOUg& tiOh, n, ii ieuv m Watcios sund Jàwelr-las. Joisuaon. prevellnuis, frein lthe joseph Rai Boots and Bieea'-Wuj Bure>. Wp'rka. Mr. James Porreat IWas e' Petuvisu Sknp...ÃŽ àilig Il tas Ivo eit near. Âe Cure bf Dapsps- mn"sait! bomosy, -ive tried ttht.. Card l! Thaki- Io Yeuan d 1 vould not gi" it for -' AtCTION BALEmS. al tismachines made." There v'se Sale cf faro Soc, mpe ns,&0,tvo besutlfufly ftluislsea; machin.. th rpo ,o r. u 'Ry iî u . t! on xMa.Dlckip1& K.ennedy erin O'Tueslay, Cet. 1l111,.1877-L. brooad at ades aud Bokeyecm' FeakoAuoioner.binecDrIII sud soeder vlttch stirsci.d Sale ef ctsveld sheep) Bhorl.hern mocli atlontion, Tboe, vas no gmesi 0.111., Borkàelirf ogi, &ic.,"Gr Iltir'l t properly'ntcf on-dlailalY n hemfoirai al. L, ie. T. L. 13lel n oisuten, -on TurdSm tith asut he Misses §Miolsnlad -vere Oc,2tj'187-L. Fairbanks, Aoc. amnougst tlé.prlselpal, exhibters of * ieuses', ladies' vert. For, tise taliou pris. Bale ef Bhort.lsorus, vorkitugstock, cffered byllr. Counul the ntries vare kud lmplem%,uýtjêîe cpr f Wm. Iir. Parler's RB#kmais 1e>t!milr. Wltuls' Mjller, jr., at 'Ath& Fiinà." Aise st P e&'hen -lh. latter vlnung. &s#Fm n'lcafn aé- aor tle. tion from tise "Tisle Ha' Heord," tise .suestian prize lb. entitos ve r.mises PtOPetti f M1r. John Miller, on Wâd. Hodgseu And Mise Willlias. The. firts AuOtlOt, 1, is8l77-Jolin 11- Page, valls waril0d lie lattersut! thse 2nd te Auciéne- l Mlss Hodgou. Prisa 1.Hot sade gala cf fat-m stock, iuspemeuts, ka., p, yul be glveu nexi vomi. on lot No. 82, Broken front, Pickeneg, ---- en atuday Oc. lStJs, 1877, th. Richard Bod.-L. SîT::Elt P!loeÂmres. -Mr.v sa, ni lande, fat-n stock, luiplenieuls, office, iu Whitby, sont!. us tise folloviug 01 &P.;Ou Monday .2ud oct, 1877, at loi veatiser prsubebifiies for tise noi 24 0 numsiir 20, lu the 7tla Concession, heurs. e t' u t Wlof îiîl>ty,thie prpj2 tyof Fur lie lever lake regieus. Felliug t e e t fe! ilute RUel. M ati ew- aoulrsuhry ecscl iss on. Jas. B. Mathuswion, administra. brroe otel acgelwno 1cr ;-L. Feirbue ucine. aud cloody wi.ih rabn, folio wed by risiug Sialo of farmn stock, rnileois, &a. barometer vii hbda#sk suth-weeterly te lii, îropriy Of IL. M.Thomsas, on uorui-weaîerly vinde. vitîs learlng aud Sturday; 201h Oct. 1877, nt loi No. 22, celdot- weather. -Cautiinary slorm -in tisa 7tlî Concesslon, townuslîip cf elgualg were orderet! op lsat unlit ai 7 J Whlîy-L. anak Acino. P. nm., at Pore Stanley, Pot-kDover, Sale, by virtus of Morigaga, o! valu- Port Coboro.. For thse lewer lake la able lÃ"wu Ilota, lu thie lowu of Wiitby,re on 'tnes;day Octaber 801h, 1877, et tis, raions et 0 a. m. tus msrnlng. TI 2RlOYAl fiotel, Whitlsy. 0 Bulletins are reccivesi dally by th. ai Porilpoucdl crodil sale, of pure lred Dôminionlnofox hBuperintendeut ehoi brn, Mudgr-ade esetl,, lorses, o! tIhe Meteorclogical Survey, Toronto. ellîeep, oqs, ferm implecuents &o., at T. lot vo. 6nI LI e Isi cous. cf Beach, ou FICne- ry1Eril; GENIOnAL GZeaAPRY thl Tlîntsdsy, October 111h, til. property vîth umaps ed Illustrations,being Pr cf M1r. joseph caessdy. li. Fairbanks, iiitreductoryteLevel's Easy Les. be Auctionoer. .sons lin ral Geogreaph." Mon. Sale cf futr E;toekc, -impleinents, t-cal :JoiuLOVELL. is1s)uls uutîr ce ltN.1, Tbs handseme and imewefely gel up u58 ati coiieeirlcuof Ea6t ývhiuly, 'on vork le desiguedto, le aires-ntroduction - Tllut-elfy, Oct. iStit, tise prupcnty cf to lise "Easy Lesseni.' lé bas beeu nl MrWîu flnsîcu. L. airbanks, preparesi te meet tise vanta cf young chlilreis visebave recoivesi tleir pt-e- ~ji4li~J,1~ tiir'nt ~ 01 ! gograpisy. It exaeîîy muccl. tise la, V¶~'fsIf41'4,.Wang t les intende ta l supply. ONLY Se 30 PER At4!UM Tes-onte cnd! Ottawa Raltway Whllby, 'I'ursday; Ot. Mr-rSeatt, MP.P. le un Ottava on - mattesecouiectet! vils thé Tarante Disslutin Pobabesent! OtteaaIlsilway. Ha States tisai DissoltionProbabe, lie Tes-ente City couucil vili eubesiiia 'ehle bonitsoal Gaeli udt-sgils by-lew ps-obsbiy on Mondsy nucîl far friande ho b. reuîîlv ferraraci an enset--$8100,000, und! a epeciala=ceing c1 tise 9goncy asoe fi iiolotiou aldgutieral clec. Ottawva City Couneil wil ikely bc CARi. Lioni. Ms. LafIaiino, it lspîcor, su a cd for tlu-mors-wav ttet-oon te aubrait siaecois int Latchine, rc.ferrhug te tie tise by-law btIste ratepayors of Ottawa. su'bjeci, lseloîl lises-a woult!bc o edis. fsvi .suuMETEasmt soîlion, but lth eus1,theeconhsary Fan. lic Dhcuo!as-laER PriEsIe! iib liaîuout wauld net bo, dissolveS uatil tansisfeva o Sundayat.flen lb. tise laulutontiluMus-clu, 1879, an asi shawGopelntse revsnt!entlenrote thuit Ilore would bo tuto seeesiouu iu tise listGol e rvrn enlmnr n1uaeitiaie. Tise Uaett eils Iil e e! fappoiiknîct from the Arci. ulatemntoî-iso orowîliusg cf sixsesstis '.i1101p, and! proecîsed auery eloquient of-Prliiacsnt m fite yars--ousn. ou nn utisA COUs-se O!fviicisho de- ingeandassets hat t i merly u crvet!ly oulogazedt!hie voriscf Bred. forward us e blinsl. This ttment o!fairMCu. thie Minîister, argues eus- Voislneel con- DeTsîRUCToNOF TUE CANADA COFfIE hcmponas-y, wiii unonuibedly lest! FÂcs-au. - Tise Gamade Coffin Co'î. people ho believa ltisan auearly dissolu- fsclory i Tes-ente vas but-net! tovn tion lias bien nesolvesi upon, sud tisut on Suuday morming. Loue lu lumber, vitiiatise niaI fov vweeke vo viii cefflus, maciiery, &o., estimatet! at llnobabfybLueis e nidat o! a genes-ut 020,006, eue haîf cf vvisiohle, caverot! lecliait Tise Globe isît been urging by inursstce. ils fs-euds te select theur candtiates ai U-rtrsfo h tise carlil possible moment, eilvie-not Ms-. ÀCNACIITErle-sfeiNi ~msaly ive a3'sr uda al!Onisi-fis-m fc! Osces& Muenacisian vlth ftsullygivli ýô'r ud hal i ed vh1ieh Le bas been canneoledth ie puti t-mue. o!flte lime.' Ve advige, eue- tireyesa-. evotes-y mucis regretthie frjsst i esy for smsy emes-genuy. joue o! O imal on etea If noe lectien coeurs te erganisahicu-sui ayug e.lra wil Stil tave been wes-k wiseîy douc. snd se goad a buinccrnau le Whitby.c Andus if IL dois coeur, i il vlipt-eteut tise AT'meui'j'rt-E PNuieRueSALEc..-Urs. Govotumcmst frosu rncpesing lise saisprisa Perry's sale of valuabis fua-niture, &ce., to! 1874, IL mey mot be necesskasy, lunt&c., viii commeénce o ou osiy 151h noti oasesi; hi intuLbe vise, t io 55h01 t., "ratu or esiatas." Catalogus-et esuditiales, bail o!thie imsportanice Uf tise article. te bu saisi. andsi eiwing thos-ougis Qsguieaiicn ltes-e eau ba ne plan, and tomme o! sie, ci.ff e obtaiu- doubt. ce t atIis offaoevery article offoet Tii. golling quit o!f Mr. Ciiuon, Ms-. wyl posiiively bc uola- vithut seservre Ilak's rst»er atubigunais position lu t Cabinet, atnd cilias sigundsut! ons Megsuuo W. J. Hrcxrt & Co., have O! Mîisterial trepidaîbon asdoedto tIse juel s-coieeSetatnother imiportation o! fut e! a 'Prlament o! iity or !oty dry goosis, makiog Ils-oit-_ steak fali andI taluteil umuabvre, ail go le couVante usîin complele -lu oves-y lino. Tih. goodi teolie efthlitan au arîy <eues-ai lecîbon hasve asi been mss-ted -aI loir figures, lu ou tîao calsis. offesingN gocît bat-gaine ho purcissers. o 11usd thois- sdvea-isdaenî. f Cabinet Chsanges. Scy Ctra' AJtuzeD 19is0 expoctet! euonemaunauî euBoges-I hies efi ipeaimeus e! vines A il becui t!ethuoly mail. saI thieMs-. tlis office lu full bseatseg viit unev fruit. T Canliton l9 e ho Sooesi Ms-. Morris ai lu or ovn, anal several cther gardonsa] Lleulenanl-Oovenos- is!Manitoba. lu tîsia neigisiot-Ioot! va viluosutliedi Mr. Laurier wili teîo 1Mr. Gaucios o alee pisenomeus. ' place in tise Cabinet.4 -e-----I A bs. lu Hopkins' uev Music Hal DesuetreD'ANuAD Aneesc.T last Tuest!ay eveuing. A large aluen. wnIti fe iSQee oeiunva. dance, goot! iusic-Calverly'esstring f catît! by the aiceeptiauce by lon. Ms-. ]3andtcth-aei evenine pas agrçably ci Laurier efthlie portifolio ofo Miister of sud plsaoathb te Ileose "iripplug tise B Inisuil Revenue, itas bien isaneti. igtfubie, Nominatstion en SOt; peling 271i inai. It in sai theinov Miciter yl inoeel ivillh opposition. Tise conslilucuoy has always biliserte oa011pfor tise ouge Party. - - lfcItsEsr.-AI Lludsîy uses- vs bassarlut w eet dtirisg lise fais-, Oua eÈthtie altrtsctiÃ"eu slte , vstiug on s -dvsaing <ove>, te be-presentêdt! lathe oadilate isaving loisehet nimber of etoteg' The content vas belycen Sir John A. Macdlonald! aaW UHu. Mr. lise. tenzie. 'The prise vis carniet!off by lie fronis!aof Sir'Jobn, ltevote ilan. Sit Jeliso..............20 Mr'. Mackenzie... . 922. Mmj$uy fer air1v 3cm .844. Ton isy unSs "Miaraisn rî" q0 queue.et sopunu iitations e! ce.ibrabi iobicoo>eau plut cf ges isdaeSarticle l insmpeaT'. & B, aTax ASE NOT SET St-ICupo.- No iuetlng o! tise tovu connoil vms lisoît! ast Tuout!aYy ereing, te strite tlis.laut rate for the preseut year, ms vas intimalt! there veule! bo lu Tus ClauosNCzofe! ast week. A specil ineeliamg vii, w, undet-sotbc isît! tihis ('flurssay) oveuhug. - "Sisul np -y-et- bars os- you'll catch colt!" vas visai au urcisin ou Dundus Street "aniseS imk, o t"h la.oI! enlie. mal] vio vas deliu-erung a lains-e te -klm. PEasausas..-Bt-J. FLhes- Staffent! o! Lindsay vus lu Whitby on Wet!ueu- day. H.e lectoret! in Cobourg lise ps-c- t-os oniu, Temperauce. A Fiais broire eut in tise dvying ions, et lb. Uppes- Canada Furnilmira Faclory ai 'Bovmaarilîa On Monday Sep. loi. Tisa has la atimat-et!lut #2,M0,isrt ton 81,20. 'Ph, engin e! lb. kuova. i I ur the tint presa frb i n ue so.ysss'old intire in h.sry -raugbtthlb fufor bis ccelbralet Darling Sut!, Ant! ber* c'ait, luthie AgrlculinrlClaie, for mare sat foal ; lb.gtrifor ba inlflDur. bai, and *h. oni, seond Mabrit PrtU for bé.. cie. liad foa.cpoelpened in eousequ nuetf the. upropfiles mlii.e01thl. elser, la nov at!verlfs t te boplace on lie IBis insi. The sable isan -extensive euei, as ylbe eeea lay lb. list, oith ie, stock presents semua atmlrbl. speci- mens, listubouit! recommeut! theinte .the, oarful breeder. We are anthorizet! t te 10lii ihee viiibc ne pesîpene. ment on secanutI et eati.r,.u iaou the, veatien bold agate>prove untav. orable, lie propevty viii b. soit! undes' -SprlnglesTsieusot!dSupporters. Dr. Hlobtiti bu coming *gin, mut! cau b. conetute! sfollove: Wiiby, Rayai Hotai, Oct. 18emut! 19, Oshiaacommercial ROUI cti. 20, 21 and 22. - Dr. Helchki>s tIsenteuo e unscl. cal, rtalandit!econemical.- lis ci- jeet hI mmadiale relie! aut!etuda eus-e. Il la boaud open scieulîflo prie>. ciples Mdsut!ealy t!emenetnied le lie comprehenulen aeer t eligent peur- son thai, a trou vilisot tny steel sprngs or hart! subotance, bavlug heal- at! ingIalM d i! umb lneasWeil as vacoeesl, aithe adrmucet! ages r. spectively frein 62 te 92 yesrs, snut sud viii standth i etntagsiush aIl oprnug trues. Dr. rthil's post. stflce asidresa n leion Orlsens Ce., N. GBEAT BAaoeRGU zar WATCHU sie ravaLerYAT GOLomswrniHALL.-Nr. rames Johusten Las made large adsii. tins te liSsiocki 10e fait sundbas nov su isant! some splendid vahahci sund vals-y aI very lernpliug ps-bas. Messtro. Hiekie & Co. it!verlia. lie [rgent stock o! ciotlting l ite eaisnhy. rhair stock o! dry goodis is complote lu Il dopartmeuîs. Grocerlea ciseîp. "09a MIui,-WHsrsv.mLE.-Mr. P. White lise sanethie contrai o! se Major M'illis, Wiale. Bigiesi ?rice for wvieat, dalivorot! ai thse mnu )eil qushiy fleur ai remsonà'blo pricea.' WBÂT -TaHEVZsdicear eslsli te mecalavmg iribo" lu Oshawi a atei dghts bideous, -peranbulating lie i trene mut! mkiug uinsarily noises. 1 MUat'ay Msz'»Ee aare big belt! ai Mdar Dm1e. Nesnly a iundret! bave bokn lic pledgc.h Tusi BIIATION lu business ii, samys t ha Vindicto,-, reichet! Oshawa. Tat Osit-AwA CoUENCIL deaidet!aah hem e ut rnaeting ho purcisae a lovu clotk. SEABONAOLE Geous minlg & r teart's, ernbracing leiîting linos bu Idepartments. PPucetaNoFALL FiAnt te-day and te-.i srrev (Wednesday une! Tlirsdey). th e voauther sO tut- lias beau ineuspi- fi Dus. Overcoats aud UmnbVullas in demas CARDINAL MANNING hb».Doon cali, te Rorne. PLOUGHING MATCi.-TIio W ty East Wiiitby plonghiug match Ji been Lixedt t aie place on the farin Mr. Jas. Boss, nortia of the. corperatic cf Oshaawa, on Wednesday, tise 241 instant. Cut thie Out--lt May Save Your Lif There ta ne persan living but i suffers moe or lees with Lung Dises.8 Ceuglie, Colds, or Ceusumption, Y, some veuit! die ratier tiau pay1 cents fer a botîla of Medicielueh, woult! cor. hera. Dr. A. Bosciies German Syrup bas lately been linr duc.d lu liais country frein Germanj and! its voudrons cures astonishes ever eue tliat try it. If yen doubt what W' say ln print, cut titis ont and take il t your Droggist, S. W. B. Snitîl&Cc and! gsi a sample boutle for 10 cent andi try, or a regular size for 75 centi ' Our Dra wing Room, f1 mi ilu Se ahooner Wrecked on Lake Huron. vt-o MIN DSOWNED. Iihneardiuo, Oct. S.-Th. iciseone. Nttoie Wcnvr, o! Gleveland!, W. H 1teymolds, master, viti seren mes ani oue puesefger, lbeed! ilt-ou crn uton Hanse, Lake Superiot, fer Deurc tf, veut devin thele gale about fifI: mifos veut e! tub port beiveen fouù aud Ave o'élock yaslort!ny ereune Th. possengor, naeed Igirci, of Bid ile, anti eue o!flatrhe, asmet! Enmrj ItoberUcof et . Calbarins, Ont., von lnovned. 'The ciptae> and lthe resi e he crev arnivet! bere Ile yii awli boa st 12 noon te day. ExTuàRADT-oue vers BswGuz.-Tbi Cancadas Gazette pubhisles s despatl from Esrl Camrnsvon, auunclcng lb' onclusicu c7'au extradition ireatuywitl Belginni. vici eame laite force on iUN 271b et Asugut,anti giving a lie1 a eixtalle offencea s uder las previs euns.- Ps-om Boaveil M. inney. M. D., 01 Idanat-IiU, N. Y. III do ual besilatte es liaI ist h PEIRUVIAN SBRUi s-r auaims ho coufi denuce equal or OUpe*ier te lieu.e!fauî Modiciue liaI bai crven corne te My mevliedge. I bave nme t i vlsgrat succesu for Dyspepil ansi Epilepey." Selti,by tiehris generilly. Tais -CAsrz.arou Ta.ior..-Johî )ope Millory, wvie vassaIt! te les couueoted-in the deatisofe! MissWat!î st Gasîleten, hus delbveret! himuself uj eo lie Siirlff, ut! lsnow 1in.5guoh. HAUrxa's MAsAZimu ýFoOTOBFlti. 1877.-HTe-'e Magazine for Octobut coutaini ose hundret! ans i v. beauti. ful iiluitaties, mut! lu a rory aIls-se tie Numbe-. si c 't hi Bm 3010K AT HÂsasvma.--The Cousisivative picoloa atHagersville wv11 be bel qn Monkday, the 151h i. ta. ed goet! cietiez 2 0,1l We reeeived sgo'oral comm-unicationi 139 respecting Cresby's antecedents, tc ýo whicli ;e refused ta give adisJsion i: Mi tIi... oolnmns fromnae, desiro flot ta givi painxa toioliers, and iet the adventurej fe. take his chance with thoe who verc nt poseci upen. Orcoby's uoacadfoi 3e, letter (isa a matter of difference betweeu ret "ýCoeksVqrrow" and ourselves) rolievee 76 us frein tii.delicacy ofanyauch soruples at iu futurs. We bave somewbittof a 's history cf bis exploits, and they are net a. the youthSul escapades of au ootravelec y, yeung maas. "Check" and impudouce y have so far dons rnuoh for Croisiy. ve With these, andtii. white hat, and to dyed whuskers, bc may yet aoecerplisia .$much, pewh-ips get what he le on the ts look ont for, an h,'ires-or at least a a. widew lionsfortable cirouxnstances. -Let hlm go on and prosper uutil wu euer froin hlm again in print. "Ris greta obtevernents cannot fail Ta cast sait con won's tafi." Good Use for a Dime. W. advise alil or readers to forward their address and 10 conts te Orange er Judd Co., 245 Broadway, New York, E.who make A apecial offer te sent! for dthis isurns2half prie.sanud postage) the > number for Qotober lot, of the 4morican Ty 4gricufturiaf. This splondid nunber, rbesides over 50 engravio, contains a Sgreat amunut of useful. practical. reli. 7, able, seasonable information,noct euly for th. Farin and Garden, but for thé. R ouaehold, Childrea inoludedi. Most *w ilet fri li bints anid suggestions vorth tonor twenty -limes its cost .. l3eeter mlii, te scnd #1.60 and receive te tii.paper, pcst.paid, from nDow te the h end ocf 1878-that in al cf volume 87, te withhei rest o!fliis year Frc. (Two b copies for $1.50 esch). cilw e.s oan on. gel sa nioch really valoable, <paying informnation fer se littio, mon.y --net I8 cents a veek, a sum easily sav- et! or prot!uced extra, vhih the. pap>,r willhbe ura te heip ene te de. -luji >f Journal is preparet! by practical men and Wvomen, Who kne*w hat they talk antiwrite about frein actual experieuce 0 ad large observation, and they cau *andi de qrcatly aid otiiezs to profitable plning and werlaiug. Mauy single riais sud suggestions escli abuudantly ýrepay a year* unei.The fearlees ex. posures cf quackery and huieuboga lu cvery mbmler, are invaluable, ind bave sav.d its readers and thle country a millions cf dollras. The. departmnrt e for the. Household and Chljdren are p Pleasing ant! instructive. Every nom. pber o! tii. paper le beautifully illustrat- cil. In short, lth.e.Amrican 4gi.icid. turi sul foe!goodt! lnge, for every man, womian, amidcisild, in City village, and country. Take or advice and :end 61.60, for 14 mentus, or at least ecnd a Ditne for the. half-price speci men uow offeied, and oee, it fer your: eselves. Muic DyvTUESrmIaxrs-Ella malen. '.a0lfOrwa tla ha coi au ne in re er re )r s B Boy lne 2na Broi pr McG Jack To 211d: To Joel pin. Gr Co DAIRY PRODUGE. Tub Buttesr 60 lb. ; ilSs Mrs. Pas- Sut! Mise B. Hioltby, Si-t!Mns..b. Glsasgh 1Bettes- Bol; 09-lot Ms-s. Jeel Show, Miss A. Houckit s-t Mrs. J. Stone. DOMESTIG MANUFACTURES. Woten Blankos ; 4-s-st Ms-s. Wmn. les-s, Sud Ms-s. A. ieaie-t. Gaveslt; 4-lit MiesiM. Campbiell, Miss A. J. Gaip1,n Fisunel; S-ltuMs-e. Win. Soes-sr, Mies B. A. Christie. Ra Bg; &lotMs. b. Gallovay, Waolou Secte; 6-lit Miii E. b. Gi- Sut!Ms-s. Wmn. Soles. Mi; 3S-lit Ms-s. b. Shav,.2ut Mise A. Chrsistie. LADIES' DEPAIITMENT. Gent'§ Shirt-; lut Ms-s. b. Shav; Mmi. Wm. tiquelci. 2n " Wn.S l IMieR.b.Gins Mautie et Cap"-; lot Ms-a. A. bamies Sut! Mass Mate Campbell. Giit!'O Dt-s" - .lot MseWm Sul 2nt! Ms. Wm. Mcâii. -Oqo Hlan st ltcing-o; lit W. Oquslhi; Miss M. Lelcises. Ficlce Wcrk Quîlt-S; lit amut!dbutd Hacct e.Wcsk-7 - lesbUnMs-s S ug Suit! Mrs. Wn.Squel'c. -Dog Netting;-B - lst Mn. Wru.Sqneloi; e Mss. S. Dougs. Kntting-S8; lit Ms. Wm. Squelch MisseB. X£Chisteie. Enbcles-y an Muasi-B- lo itu.. w Bquelcis; Sud Miss M. GempeelL. Sit Embs-oideas--4; lit Miss M.,Gmt- bel; Sud Ms-s, G. Baves. Batiag-68; loI Ms. T. Grehams, 2 Myre. J. Shawv. Bornit>Wool Wos-k Baiset!-4 ; lot LM M. Gampell; But!Ms-s. J. MeKittick Botlin Weal Wos-k FLat-Od; lit Ms-s, Douglas;Sut! Ms-s. E. J. CGi-lette Germaon Baiset! Watk-ht; lot Ms., B. Hamu; Sut!Mas Happer. Ttii-8-ltMiss M. Iheok; t Needie Wok-4 ; laI Mti M. Campbc Buth s-s.k-gg lot s-fss. J. Hoît; 2S Ms-s. A. baiteron. Hair Flowea--; lot Mises M. Cesmpbe: ut! Ms-s. MeoLtrick- %Vaàx Flovers--S; loi Miss M. Gamnpbl Suit Ka-.Sllogg. Wax Fruit-S; lut Ms-s. ÃŽWn. BqnelcI Sut! Misa HpE r Zephyt F sMssS;lt1re..A.ljami son; Sut! mies m.Campbsell. Piper Ployars-i-S; lot Misa Hop par. Botlin W031Ployars--; lit 'Mis s 1 Gampbel-, BushMasHop r. Panay Baskrt-4; it:i Hopper,;21 Mise E. jbCGisie. ihlt! Hod-hst Mia E. b. Chite. ràt! Giod-8; lut Miss Mcaoggm P. aicysten. a Most-l t'A. sHe. - sUofl 004 ha aWrd#m, pût i nte 1, Croby's mouh, I..,. unhouchadthi. ceriain tact, sbouý vblehlb.rorFn eb no dispute, t1i.t e>twlthitani>g SU Crosby'& myrtllloo fh e oeuuctm sud! notes, Mr. Hjggiuns ever gel psy.- mnentof Ms'. Drspar's persnal seconut - ia OhéCnssuessenuo iefor i11 'tb. vert doueýèlu ooueoto> viilb. Ou-n tarie Central railvay anti Wlttby bar-boue As itis malter latmliibafore ,the courts, ve absîsin,, as v e aid. viset! by couase le'O, fkommaklug il >subjeet oet farliier nevepaper daum ýsien aI poesent, cor shoUlit il auI have rocelvet! any prominence la lbie. coltina more than'any ordînary case bofore jridge aund jury, voe.w. net toeet lado se la self defence frein the outrageons mae>t u vitii e vers persoubuIy aeaailed sud mierepres.uled, in and ontof court. Aiato Crosby, h. muai elsim a momasat' attenion. 'Crosby - musl be lutrotuc.d *hot 'i. ri".dro 'e1 the Cgaeasroas*. Crosby arome lite a Meteor a!mu upo lbhewoîld cf Whitby iim.olltioly apon Mr. Draea dteatb. Andt'lhe question Of questions vas, "Who la' Crosby r' It vas toidtt! ho . almafrein lhe uelgh. bonbeet!oetNiagara, wviier u atin. mental experlences vote net altetses tois hiklug aund viire liibusiness csrer-e>otistang all "lthe aya that airs dark ansuticitethat are vain" put iu praice In uit chassie locahity for turulug an henest penny-vas net aucceestuL.People stoppe t looi t Crosby a he aaggeret! along the. striais, (Crosby valks viti a svagger) h. vo-e, as Le mtliidoe, a vite hat, sud ho emirketl througls his dyed vbiekore, (Crosby slyes te biU) viii a m hecherous oye and! liai li ter. vas. ne mlsakig. Crosby dresset as h. speke, "lond"-a vhiish vest sud tIie visite hat, alrea!y uaenlioued, beiug a coupienous pari of his alunre. A brosdc mounuing baud envelopedt!hle wvite hmal bove lthe rlm-for Crosby vas, il vas gircu outs vidover. sut! a videver C Dot once, but momie sait! doubly aud trebly made. Be tust as il May, Crosby's sotreve asSa vdover appearet! te sit very lightly under hie wite bal. But visile ho vas doing "'hi prettiesi" te malie lie ladies look upea hlm as ah fiue fisllov, viii a spice o! tie gay de. G oaiver, ha ouly sucoeodet! lu cxposiug h. ballereit rom amd thidiiefraut!. iThe nalursl coarsenesof the anim al T 'ould net; be coveret! up. Tihet!yet! whlakcrs ant itle bat emphatieally lbanpdet!scisaracier. .WelI, Crosby bappeite t ligit upea 'heasaut pasiarage iu Wbluby. TaroghiL soe ocouit petticoai.infiuence, a man lest Mr1. Draper venht! net empioy te u [eau calh Èipg.stye becemes lthe cou- ' iequeutial "manager o!flise Draper sitatc. -',Il la not always eay tahigbat apou a rensuneraîlve bert iitihaU aquire neither education o abuuity- 'om hopeleasaut toemend anjey. eul, s Crosby has doue. Crosby, inHi word got into dlorer ; ant i ke tise l.-cout!itioned nag that retcives lthe M'i cealment oLthe thorougi. bred--Crosby TI sels Lie cals, kicks up île heels, . ad de' vill net cenduci isinseif viii propt-ety. Vhai a cedicil Chester Draper would b mvte at!de t t e wil v had ho but ' 'o Semeuilien o! a bumpii lite Crosby s 'miug te tise mauagemelofhis estat, nd sporting is vatlaissd oltainundsudn son nol enficleut te quell. - Tisnur. qtsaitity geais have since tien sustainet! s BO. aferage oh; coud reverse, but bauds o! them an- Oit. aivi stili sealleredt!hrougout lise country. tht. local But! Servis Beems te bave finaliy decidet! eqtial tq5 fisw upan van, mn arrngement having heonu whole," effectet! witi Russia,; but ne active î - ei;tl lais; useasunes furtiser han ltme marcing e! f tiriy Co 2 troope the fs-entier viii be undes-talen an ai!until tise iddlce! Novenubes-. Tise Hon tut! Port., lu tise me&ntime, bai demaudet! Temn., Oc an explausîlon. ecl Cas-pût rm. Tise Grecit Minleler e!f Foraign af. knacbct! fais-s has informedt!hie Brtihi Minister Seud ittii mp. O! Atlsens liaI Greace regards tie lser tiruat 2nd throateniug language e! hi. Perte as self. Cas etfBcent grout! for eomplellug hen beau heaz4 lis miliîzry PreParaîueus With AUe possible kihi ils fi desptch- -------world. W.ceistly hile Graée lte Arciishep effies- e!f lie pt-c 2aatet!' ai a reception at Lortell Abbey, "is. prirl ou vicioccasion Miss Hawkins oe ùscr.esc, al; Brantford, lunligion, Sistor Marty tht-a. yesi Patricia, reccived Ilse black veil. Tho .inyfive gý ut aflloviug Young ladies aise madle Iheir dt!rnk as Sprofession as noviclatee, viz., Misa express c Massey cf New York, lu religion, Sleter Ing, boat! t1 lstary Ida; Miss Kelegier o! Guelphs, packages, an religion, Sistnt- Mary Dominica. ga o b;Tbese vas a las-ge numiber of peo'ple ,ye&, total Spreseut; frieide o! tic Young iat!ieis, seuuding1 sud chers, isesidoswî4verai o! thistes-oves- tises't tientcles-gy vie vituess th le cere- M. mouy viii nuci intsrcst. Waler Of àd M.F Davyes- Gray, M. P. for Lim- Begiéitrarc ericl<, bas been reopireting thie tem*. QUgiyo rt; au Catioli. Cburch. 1M. Grâut, Ainotiou le sumit is)DBoin c osee pae mdoethoé eopei oWelfingLou-,-eag ] 9ig. UIn camreS lu i. heCoqe>ty Coneunli. Solr te! Dn.Hsiaay.his vptstcu o.. ~IrteO il 1 UB - amEDlinleeln So-OEO TE.Gday. -Civmant!, a. i. 6.-ut riday a ma's tnrat - ' ehie addsgteon-' the "g5 bil auàot!-tugbtct- ton ult es( 4,an smoîusli si -nlien cu- l 1,r sut!.a afires It! hlm- a t rdper sisyta aie oia bonti r a u! &nily ant! gel ontsi e iona] wtt ITToN ne Peeurrel.-Tso Pot-. ist 'ta n liS ame up tise %wrkiug sit iibitoy lu inPotlan! :- dri 'ste boftie 5 net euhy ou tie ga but isubeeu for tise past W t-s. Maine peoplo eau also ju gailonse! har! aideër and get o slers-d. The appea-ance c!ovaut rIts in- our streets every menu- cl et! vihmysteriusloc>kdug as goc0 er aneshow tîaaîdrink f, )ne li es-oe pepula-." AuJ - sisainers at- perpehnaily vis .tise oudt! rumpet o! ps-aise uat luccssfni vaking o! tisa Bifi.Tui IARorCAL3TON.-M. W. ve ýOthava his been appoinie! hue e! Ca-rleissu. cf s Co]Lzei.-Tac er. oeore ' M. , of Ealifax, N. S., isem 113 mu Plerneipal eL Queeu'a Col- aeao, in rçacaut-of lteeov Dr 4wisO bs-ui-cepe! eaiU t a eve -- 2i5iorcrp, caisses Ian ti 1 ti CI se efi Ul re tri tri reg wi W m i ;y imaginag thonib-ictly asrI >psea lying elill unu iedt! ier - t ncipally Raisiaus-numiseredt! astO ilt itousaut!. -esdfui by t!sylight i aspect da! that vasi geigotha vas st mo-e svful onder lie higisfth!liaP nsi, a large number e!flie d.ad iodles el nidwc vbiisvopicke our vay hyiug tket! lu ves-y conceivable position, Il it distorellimbs, 'yul> bl&Q sudnt!fe body faces ountise grin, viii cexaeed C s sud giat-ing eyes, sud sonsef e!lns 0c itsg boIt uprigisi. hmr deat! jaws àI îppiug, andtimhein sîliffenet! fingers Il nm'ly poiasting. Tse-e vei places oerê tise.vicrims îay lu even linos,' f I-to ropeat mnssiic'-sevathes A grain lie,,in lit coraî-field. Tiser. s-e othars where tise gront! as' cered wilia ongle sepas-sto carcasses. i if a cs-owd'e! spectabera ait ome cu- l- beor show liad eualdenly been aitt-net ad vise-e aci man etoud. Every. are vase -videscaetoftisedeailly N tut-c e!tise mui4ktoly fit-o viicitise s- irks bilt!fat! vil tise ahmost perfect E eapon visicih bs beeu put bute thein ne ujis for biais wsr.. Along the incline CmI] i large biD, t-igist across botlî Ihanks * vide valley, sut! fa- avay ff- s- anothe- ri", deat! Bussiaus smgsln. y p ibv ot! tise g r e utt ,ýià-is ci I cr 9 - o f qnlîtIug Fiena. Mcci lie aan. e r i s -lm tn g s ilg h i ýV m s ït e b . it n a e t! -h o lhe nos-tis eastoru side, aud aise en other points vier. thé B ueelae loi etals JinrIethein brave but iunmlor- iai. mit sut! ýfile reekloaiy &gains& Jnc veàry muzalas cof lic Ottamian ries, B -Tvo yeir ot! Satdie or Carriage "Là. rieT . Coalb. On 0 lt!Drsugat iu-ls aon, 2nt! B. Fergua lt-l One year eIt! Gan. Pur. lily-lai sot, sut! Wm, Punr". 000=01d Bititlo orn nlcie ILMe t!najoeiavw Ou. st- Olt! Sadle or Carnag lot L. ,a ltWV. C. Isard. SpigDagtColt-liD., Gr. Bpring Draugîjl y-laI D. & P Sprnc GeL. Pur. Colt-lit Wn.lP Spring Goa. Pur. FlllY-hsI Moore, Sud D. Chistie. Dewey nd D. &P. Chistie Sprmg Sstdle orosCrl Fily- Drangist Broec areu-lut D. Gnei D. &r P. Christie. , General Purpos. Broati Mare-ia s!leeor CUîlgeBIcOt! Me -. MoGOtiSutJb.Dat lad v E- - l ot . 0 . 1 Bau!dé ae;-lot A., Broyas.' Opmn e1 DraugisI eàna-h X.1. tut! . Coste. Spa" 01 GmnrlFraoeHoua sou & Raart!son, l( m a--s Spau ciCrlage Herses--lut J. CITTLE. Aget! Bs!l-lot A. Thomyet Tvo ycar clii Bailt cita OGral Oaa yesr oli Buült B. Dobsa= Bail cal 187-lutst!aut! . cam Gev, is colt or evIdeec-lit L. -B lut! 30s. csssa!. Tirse year oit! Gov-ht Jeu. Caus Twe year oit! Helfer-lut B. Dotsc .. Ceaies. Yeas-lisg Heifer-lit les. Csaat!y, HelirGal-lsi T. Comtes, fSudB. aon. lie-t of Caille, 1 Bail îsud 4 Ciiie Agat! Bal-het J. Helliy. Oow iii taIt-ut ant St!J. GiasaM Tva yeas- oielfotr-l at! mat! issdy. One yar oit! Helfer-lst T. Goalsi -Helten Cîli-iti le. Casat!y 2 Costes. SHEEP. Bsns Lauuli-is P. Etiot. Tvo Eves-isi F. Billot. GOTSWOLD. Aget!BM-ht G. Pisce, ut!. ugn. Sbaarlilg Esin-sit A. Theutpsou, Iraham. Ram Lamb-lot sud Bat! A. Tient Two Eves-lit B. Blow, But! B. Z Tva ShearUung Bves-lstlebu Har Tva Ev. Lamb-lit C. Pasce., 2j rhompiene. SWINE. smzxarz. Boa- Fig 1877-lui sut! Sut! D. F.1 le. surroLS. Aget! Boas-lit C. Mas-si, But!L. Boar Fig t877-lst J. Gr-aham, 2r 'illiains. Bov Pig 1877-J Itolpi. Breedîng tiov-Cst Jas'. Gailovsy,2 5ev Fig 1877-lsf A. Williams. GRAMN AND BOOTS. Tva bus. Fait Whct--lst J. Maudi Tva bue. Spieg Wbet-16;1 lovia n Bt!J. Balps. Special ps-ze-Eltora!a Weat-j muie-son. Two bus. Ba-loy twe rowe!; 10-1,o somson, But! S. Néthe-lon. Tve bus. Ba-loy, six towed-isl J. s-sou, sut! tm. Fatiai. rwo bas. Peas; 8--ist J. Mant!ero Del Shaw. Tve bus. Oats, visite; 8-lit J. M s Su0d S. Netherten. 1"obus. Os, black-let Wm. mi id Wn. Far-lish. B f Potatoeu ;SB-let Wm. Be, Trs-aps; 19-lai J. Balpi, Sud J.i Carreta; 9-18t J. Grahain SudJ. 3eois; B-lot B . J. Corsou, 2Su Dynton. Maugetds, 6-lst S. Notierion, 21 ýliat lolr-hot McKitrick & Osan HORTICULTURE. Apple%-Russett ; 14-lsI Ira Bt-own, Wm. Pa-N rhrs Sby "G-lai B. Fr Apptes-Gs-eenugs ; 7-19t Win. Far d Ira hireva. .ppls ua other vsniety ; 25-lat vrn, ButiJ.Not. s-bApplos ; &-lut N. Hlouek, Sud1 cas-s; 5-lai T. G- Formas, 2Slt! 1*111. 1 Elgitîca motion illevilla. Wimt Bt-,na-ltot!dSat!W. ]EL Brown@.. Hlao & msniurx 7ïw-, hýW. àcGml; gà ulav T. Im. BEr~n. ~ St Coela hia Fwlslâtan ff W.U'Marc 6A. Boa.Brewue. uotl ar-Bo ny aityllatiu!W H ' 3. Bry. B Oe1,ltC. Rtsecoke. y.sr Doti'olI-lS )mS a-4; latiMre. J. mlth ; wt! haIti , as . NeIoth«ton. ntM s.-.Gallovay-pose 111'..MusNeltaongieepeolalprlse of SI for "gltît W~, Sud PsIîVi 10, &0.cpî >, 1mb Shrt-rt! B.arShaewl Peaches-4; lut MUs. Wmi. Slm >ssntsh, Mt-s. Xool Sbav. ' the Pl Pmsm Baberles-; laotMun. Wm. qellars; SudOn ouhil Mis. 30.1 Shaw. t i Stmwabrle-lui Mn.. C. Bliarrard. 000,0) -lit 'G. Blackt Currauls-b;,lst Mis. Wn. Sehl ars; le Sud Mn.. Hegg. ist Wm A*pe lly9 liMs EC brsl~ Cous' È0_19. * 1ot w. lavChisie qs, sud Cumul 3'elly-5 let Ms-s Weu.Psrioh, speci aI ~ at Lu! eý~5 r great BDM ize.s, gIV.R by ,J. V.-To eue Iý lit Wm. 0 ?ceRani oliml p 19. 30Mc ôîùor illy 1w k;pl-. Greg îm Smed h N. iaai. l .Uw 0 ne Gn. Pimrpcm,*dDraugbîTeams-N. lun Bâtae, 1ThionaniB. Luit. suté ! u. maslue-pesaby, Beali Ol aud Bain, ne n h1e~lcltue-W M.leum, . O Kollt. ince haut uyMs.laretMse Blgelow. ,M.roadi, 2na E MB. fatrssaniPo0u try -Wil it D sut-e s $quel& Asd it uie7. on n uSay. ycsnl3 lurati Rxtsz~.~OnWed.etaylut', the Neyas mat-nage et Mr. G.F. Thouepsen; 0012 di, v lut!7-n e! P. Tisompson Esq.ofe!Ollava, antd vemuI on,Su Victoria£E., eldei Zsglter of tle Hon: 000 tnt! T. T. N. Gisbob o place in tise Meuhe..- urelj diii Cisercis. !TheO eremeuy via pet- rat-eli t. ýDob. tormet! b y tb.Ber. D.BesoPi.o! oe Feilai ideLI et lise General Confereuce, essist- greàll ed by Rev. J. B. Clarke. Tise Deetor oui oj vere bis Univrsity govu. - Re ba lyearlj pertormei! lieosame cpremony for'tise 000).1 k%. falier aun other e1thtie bride thirly. s5 pert .sph four yeora befor,,visen Preoie! £55,0X en Victoria Collage. Tise . brit!eemal'hs iug us as at ere fdv. la uumber-Mise Fairbanks -m in %ad T- Mins Thompe;on, sieis.r e!fithe bride- heur il groom, Miss Minuit Gibbs, Mise Leai' fiat!aa Gibbs, sut! Mine Fiera Lbb. Mr. B. Skead, sou et Seuator Skesd, aund Mr. bp C. Moore, et Ottawa, anut! Mr. PF W. aif Gibbs, vere groomemen. Mr. To;riug- per y> ton; e!flte Metepolitan, Toronte, pre- Petr'm r. Gra,,uided t! iheo osan, sund neuderet! erd Meudelsoisu's W ding Mincis The, Ferhb 2ud J. ehurci vasthronget! uia Iliait nover Pet m beau befono, saine eslimîîing lisenm- so. ber presout ai two llîoueaud perieus. Capita ebe. After the. ceremony, lietohsppypair Fer ys lut! A. and! lte gau eîstpait-et!teEesmere -Fer Isu Hall. Aller dinnet, tbey lefI by lie Fer dla evening train for tlse West. Mrs. Per hc Tlsompson. cars-les vus hber lie earuest Fer ni Chef.- M'lobes of a largo circle o!fnieut!. fer lier future isippines lis h ew ev t.I Chris- ionsliip tisai began under snob hippy CFaP y:s auspices.- Vindicator. e-y -Be4r- heMackcnzie.Brydges Scandai. Per- ha - Fer m 'u! IVsOCEs PJ30CEBDIOIN CHICAGO. Sut! L. About a y.ar ago tie upper tension Capital cf Mostreal vas shocked le lest-n ltaI Pet- yc a Young civil eeigineer, Brydgcs isy Fer it-fl Dame, e sou of G. J. Brydges, Goveru- Per de, lesson, meut Bailvay' Inspecler, hat! slopcd per hoý [et B. vush Mrs Mackenzie, wite of a promni. Pet-mi -lst J~. mntismet-chant, mut! niece cf Sir HughInluôrdi * Ailan, a wealtiy steamnsiip evuer. liet, th stwm. Tisey took with lisen lier littie daugis. 026,00 ter about fir, on six years of age. Tic iveen Min- ruuaway pair vere tracet! te New York, cu! oSdandt! leucete Phiadeiphi&. Iu the forions ,Bt!latter City tisey vere overhauled by tise 42 coul suder- frieusis of Mrs. Mackenizie. Il vas e! lie arserlet! hy bols tisai ihcy iveeoguilt- lhe ns cGl, leue e! crime, ocher tien Its. elepmo t tisaS0 aaBrydges elaimedt! tisaiise as mlui!penuils mmioly by a platouha affection for tIse ulative Jack- lady. and! she en lier part etated tsai lise uni her homo bail become se distasteful te yearse a HeP- ber tisaisise couit! ne longer reside lunîlîiug. a! Ri, it.Tisrougi iisi intervention o!f fiends ijeliard Mrs. Mackenzie relut-nedt! l Montreal, tisree-e: 2nd J. whcre bier hoîbausi cousenle t t a sep- richesti sation. Afier iavung been a nine antu i mide- timys' vonder lu lie society of Mou- lcat!s or Irea lie scandait!died eut. Il vas yes- à, Sut! terday revis-et! is a measure Ounliais City. Son. lima dnrlug the early suin- t-suit. mer Mrs. Maokenzie camie le Chien- ' Lousi s - i î a n d t m a d e hi e r h o m e a lt o i s t a i e d m fie Ilote]. On lise- Qut! etJUO ese wiere., it Ira filet! a bil for a divorce agaiusl lier iheit- tri huibausi, William G. Mackenzie. Thse borrowi Wns. papers veres suppreeset!. Yesterday Antw!erl Wn. tise soit vas dismissed nlu Jdge mest bel( Tii. oi! lve. ay. av# eo«IeFd-0' l ssoey. s 6" W40ssl u.lauWleen a Preceetis Of 6 pnerecet.pernmurn- s aliir. capial,volacodn je fermeretate, amonte 1, CO (#80,000,00), acecerdieg te le utter t'ô£8.000,000-(40,00>. aderiog nov liatinlu Eglan! uco if plmpgnjtu ecxiti, aut! tiles c a l i1 re g ard tl e r u e s ta le, th ée W oI o! h alwaym remas uîi tand, itlhiels t-euwabiy te suppoe- lb. plijsain et ie ýMarquis, iieybaad betorebaud*tiïll sv i~nv'rima b is estalor as-o Ofnsse. fçat!u, ottmups at niough Oet he 'o0it! vrl! O!fBtn-. antil ber ,lmeey bn..-Let ns ousrlcesFci toayte nird bleuet! nie ~hci orlyeareage 'vote tore<ha nesilee vldenesses,; b hseu-owvet raverso! iy rail- bp ave bacome tb. beuntifulI res- sot frit vulîs o!the A.Uglo- Sx- %de. About tirse yesa£go lb. ly,incoute O e! eatoi joies, ei Idi, froweeinsslIvelmines iu'Norm-1 vas estimatod t # 5,000,000, vhics id 7b. ,oqulvaienite oa capital of 00,QOOist 5per ent lpetrannuin. ]y luis la sa lerlntut a nost , gatieneti, cipeoIily lu tise eeUis le natis lite;; iiilkilias nov beeni y eunpaset, J. if. Mactay drave fi silsiten min'es lun evudaa ýy lucome e! £2,750,000 (018,750,- visicis vout! be lunlis.interest aI entpt auuin ou s capitale!f 00,00 (#27à,000,000).lunlgur- lov tise income of-thse feur gouile- nemet! abov per ments, day, and 'minute, lu ,reund smniev %boni lise foiiovlug remue W l.........-..-.....880,00,000 -QO, ret-------------.....4,000,0060 00 sentis-------------.... 800,000 (0 l5 .................. 10,000 lour.---------450 00 ilule7 50 JONES. el ...............0100,000,000 60 ,ar .... ..........,000,000 on euht............... 400,000 100 57 ...... ............ 1,000 600 sutr .............o 600 aiuate ....-... .10 00) a........ ... ......200,000,000 600 sar ......... ...... 10,000,000 0 eonlie......... ......80000 0 ay.................. 25,000 0 Our................. ,000 00 #nUte....... ......... 20 00 MACEAX, al.. .... ......... 0275,000,000 PO as.-----.----.....--18,75,000 00 llah ..... ....... looo,oo 0 aY-----------------.... 45,000 0() Our ................. 1,500 001 mlule....... ......... 25 00 e- to at!d a poetble ta thih e E-apct-or cf Rusasi ii liis 10 daily vout! fiad itls place bo- Senalor Joncesuad Ba-on Rath- J. W. Mackay, liovevet, visose i liucreases $25 every minute and ts lu et-ery second, j is e iehesl riais onde- lie Suas,wvici sounss ot-e masvelons vien vo lears 0 y.srs ago las vas lu Ineiand, a sss boy, iventy yenssaga, a spee- DuSiesman, itravelling tirougs lited States o! Amerios, aud 16 ago e banici-upt, devait! of evet-y- Be liais au il rnay, Mr. Maetay dly 45 years cf age, ovuca- of .ighis o! tise Gr-eat loisauza, thie ai elvcr mine tisai ove- vus ruai as knows jas exacily vsy ise )n in lie battle a! hifo. A Fate tai Anw-p Iou letton: "Tse Jeve at-e ie- tibi *uton-. 'Viey are every- t t1b Rtuesians canet feet! iops vitsout liens. Tise Tnt-ks 1o! thein o loa bue tliara-ies. ç rp, as al tie os-ht!kov, bhaî t! a ipleudi! fete lu houer cif 3. Tise 'beoatomîs anîl illouni- 1ceel $800,000. Moqt cf thltC eame to Lonîdon ; fer tise saile 1 e tg u g . e J e v ovI e l u a l a b o v e ü e t . i asingle gas star ou-os-tise door nt a .1-st-cet t-adeirnan, hae, by diuî aund mone". censhiluiet! -hjiel! ès-st-ve at-tist cf aIl Eu-op.a viseo becanie kuevu teaittise e subiies ai lie pesce i-ejoicirLg 9 àe fali o! Lucknow. vratli P, tie allier day, vlts flags, sund, 4 made 1h e blase e! lampa, 9g.as- isparencies, an! erystal gleries - artiran bat! icen etinstet! l' Bauhl-Bazouk, 1'hllo liseTurltiai reguhansmauet i redenits, sud eutreinchmeuts bend Thse, Buiane,. pparntly, ,moea Up s viols .divisien for titis part of! thes effort , t!r.ueIe 1 n&pltly o. iefrn anti fiant e! Lise outlylng redoubla They5 vene met, as.lmet-etofere, by e lie avy s>heiit a'-freiDenbtter-ies, aud a vei-sostaine! slorm etfrideftsbleti fre'm lie Fils ; aud!, altieugis s omo e1 Oimau's trocpi o' ngagot! ý' we-o uo' greveusly Latiet,0l eatiaek upoz tise fs-eut of tise IreuchesvWiae again -ani &gain repulee t! hs til maughter, tise Tnt-ta cisecs.lngiotaly ase lieeven ing sloviy feil..Bsasit!eeiy tis Basi- fiedt su puie, earing lie importnl - 'I ntlisey he d la i set & iu di -e ft hi Uliosans w opournlo-afer themain enormusu oions, ruqobe!upeai sund bute lie rçoubtuighen tip, vluchthe Turts, bal! surpriset!, ver. iable ho deny te hem, suit cesqueatly reliret! or 11l, fightis.g-haudt! o baud, the euemy evsrmiug lu snd exlent!iug -lii temporsry adraniage aflenvard to tise possession o! Ivo other redoubus,wvici voeeacizet! and i lUet! wiib bis nmen., As niglit fell tier. prevale! ne<ýcn siderab le asurtsanong the, tevuspeople cf Plevus, since eur- lewvas now sp- pateully lu sit-eug occupation ef sisil nol tire huodre! yards distant from ils entelsi-ta. Ail nigisi loug a deeuilory etrnggie vent on-ise oaea ide te main tain ansi lie etier let!lslodga ; bu darbueisqlimitet lie.efforts. Weil- uesday sserning divue!, mut!fonth e Tnrkiei commandern gbonmy anti- hurm, but rahfnily deterneeil envier tise comproniet!peintsetofîle dufence. Os-dera vers given hy Osman te Emin andi Tbaiir Pashas o teatact tise lest hillock vils tventy battalieus. Tise figlet begsu viti tise fis-st asînteake oi ligit la lie sky, lise Bussiasis reosallug ail lie mo-e tesperately because durng lise niglit tisey bat! managedt! le 1me .up rougi rampants oif emnli lu re#erse e font- captureti positiou. Tise Tut-k., neveriielese, gt-at!aihy recorared Hlie al ter, lice o! 1h. entrenciment., 1111 at mit!day uiseyv ere veill odged near lise top o! lie eence, tise Enausisus sîhill hsolding ut. voodet! shoulds- andi aise ils ., eouble on tise tOges, lu vilci spots lie heat!qusnte- camp and other ueigisbeung oalleries fierehy, fired on ihem in viia precision eostlug tien ler- rible sacrifices. . ' Ai Iwee'ciock tiseOttoman soldiene bat! gel se fer as tiseset-nb, aund fresit lt-caps woro bisaig seul round te heip tiens by atsdkiug tise Busiaus lutse t-cur. Tii. Muscovites, alec largehy r.- inforceed, once anti agmin. drove bact tram the disputet! redoubletsahit turdy autagouisîs, visa, heovever, oun05db occasion, teti-et! oulytl e tins-nwitis fresi ciseers, lilI tiey atoot!fit-m ai last under coer -of tise voosi. At ltre.- U'clock tise fercous combalt-ceache! ils oulminaiing point, for sioutly as lhe Ilussiaus tiet ho oIt isir couquest, Lhey ver. t aI si u-led oui bloot!ily beyeud rem part audJ menai, seing thep utmost liai courage petrnîtted, but utîerly unable te resisl lhis ndomitabie resoive cf bise Osmanlis. About thie lime aiso tva fs-es battaloas of aur sida came u rl est-cf lthe voot!, aud viscu ,tise bugîce soundet! dean above tise tisunder oi baIletisa h notes of the Tus-kiss charge, tisai uever-te.befonget ten ct-y et "Allai i Allai 1" eciceti again &long ail our Hue, eund Osmau's mesn sweepiug forvard at the hepe! thei- apeo-J, ilirut dolva the billtthe Slas tinongs o! tise liugos-iug Bussia resistauce. Tise soidieri o! thse Czar, [in s wild sauve qcui peuct, nov fiung sway tuir ans sund scampore4,!ovn the incliue, heaviug their guns suad everylhing bslonging. tetien l tise ballery. Tii. Turks,lu tise punnli, its-eve the glacis o! lie redouble vilS flying -Bnssisus, and ti L eemedt! ta thase whso escapet! veto savet! ohlefiy ay tise suergetie fine, oponet from tise Rusdsu bteies. Osmani mou captitet! boe.sixlcan- iose-iuclndisg tva vili badieeuën previously bot-as volt as immense qusulilies oe! maillarmsand simuniion. * esîtesate the Muscovite.lors- lu hle iecont! engagement on WetdeUy at nt ieast fit-e thonesu!. I assure yen tat tise long iit asu-itise veliey iyiug ocneath i presautet! set t-hisexisis a pic- ire oflisuinipassions eut! iuman unguisli per!ectiy lidescribable for the iry sud tise lorrordisplayed. No peu mn tell-lesst o! ail viie tise nerves cf ai eye-wituess a-e stllsiaken viii lise couiement sud passions oe- sncb a s.elacle-vissl il courcys te tise mimd s ses lthefair t- hspt-esd andl Iiddeu T aH E ru asî L oco Meerruva FO s, îa a C As - ADIAil PuCIvC.--Tie arrivai of the fint locomotive for thi. Canadien Psàflo Bailvay canse! sensatien ah Mu-luni- peg5~estesday. A cboeent! six plat. tes-nscas asrived t! atle sane-ime. Tie trce employet! ou the n a-in lins cf ti. s-est! le b.incirese!fanrlise vinter mentlis. DEseeuATr i 1cOurix-eOae.-Tie resat oe !Ïieeleciens lu Ohio iludeses s large Dernocrshic.gain, vhicli le eisti- mat! sil hgisas 80;000.- Eisiop.lishe Dernocratie candidate for- Gorno-,, i ssoid ta be retunet! by a maority f 25,000. A pecullas- feture o!ftii elec- tien. hhis year ih hi. unexpecte! slrengh visici bhaibeau dsrelope! by thse vo-- ig na'etiket.- BaîRNOaFeetTE tGOeRaSceaGENERL. -Ti" Goveruor-Geueral sut! Lady Dufferiu siaye! ah Kingston et-e- F- day nigi, isitetheMiiiary Cobege ou Salut-day, sut! reache! Ottawaoun Sautday vening, vien iiey vere met by lise Premier suthe other -momes o! tise Goverureut vis eee in> tevu. FEESEBAN Ss'seD.-The. Syno! e! tise PresbtenianGins-ch 'o! the Maritime Provinces, siliug aItGChar- lottetovn, adjoterne! en Satmrday, te neet Piclea ucît aîl. Il issanenneei tisaI. $90,000 o! tie #100,0W0 requi-e! fos-lIe"eulovmeul ef lie Halifax niseebogical- Hall-bai beau.-sabonibed. DEFEAT oe TE3 E Z fsuceImn.uui. --Gen. - Miles, deleatet! lie Nez Perces au the 801h uit. ou Sute Creek, csp. turing s quaslily oe! me stoc. Tise Iniana lest serenleén tille!, iuoint!ing :iooking-Glàs, JosepÊh's brother, sut! linie otsen ýcîiefis; snd lise 3roQp vwenty-hhnee tilet.- MEXxCàÀX Tioeu.s.-Tia ,-rerart- ot troubles inBET Pasoe cosuty, Taxas, is 'nfi-aet! by s despatacis trou Nov Miexico, vbiah fus-tiser tates>a itaih ifexicami'claim tise connty jas Mexicau es-s-cos-y. G.çEmâAN DirP:euL-rvia HNioAsA- gss.-A Q&nson cervelte hu becs Drt!redt! teNicaragua ln consequence of le diffiauty viii the Goversament Df tisab countr-y>isingcuot o!flthe receut untragae ou German reaidents. Tsse Iiîraatàs5FAmeNea-Later nspor-ta e-m le mIai famine districts state fiat.hee vas » cansiderablo najufhi )nth lia hnst., viic vwiii bar, tise' ifeet o!fsving, lu ail preiaubiJity tse ti e-ps in Beisar, tise Funjai, Rai- ýotaus, asuthie Nerti!vWesl Provimia- Heca PatRs c'S -rc-Reos-ting to te.enaresons pt-icps vhih caille haro letule lu tise United Stales ad in Janada, s London ag-icultms-al jour-nal bseerves tint Englisi breeders mue, ie Engisi manufacture-s, look té heom laumrela. AuAPACHEJ3UýTCHEIt.-A gentleman rOe1 Lever Nov Mexico ssys tse p(acSes isi veet sttacke! s sethisl- eut 0t1inhites, kille' 25 men sut! itOie Suinber cf lior,î-u.General Hatc]), a comsand o! the treop, propses te miisi Ilumenevereiy. Nz* BILLe IN TUF ACKE TT CASE. ie bille isave beeu sent te » tise Hou- sfal Gamalabosy l ie Hacketi sut! HlidI saoeîiug agseu a-tishe lteii iport 1aI nigiltiste jus-y er. sétilI dis- ussing hew WalrXOe vvo aseu. -Two barges se vrecke!osar Leàimingon. Os,e>utY, fEssex, dring- lie gai, on 1,ieatY- iRt.i -'s'm P ueo k. aate mli0. ada a .of Cu. J. Spenceraend oins-s, praying à ôton si opee>lng oetliseBrooktroad, in k lbth rean o! the4th asudthle.front f Ille 1. ô!oiowing accoon ts ere reret! rte bc pai . B. W. Threr, prissing, 7.10; George Holma, repailng bridge' s ýB onr J .B c el Blci' aoeo,7ih con., $4; B. T .ilarrisou, bas. y eài 01';-Jos. Keuspt, repolriuÏ oa!e, $8.00; il. T. Harrisoa n lu acoimt o! On> motion oftMr. Holliday, sommeil bY!«r2ýBuains, il vaos resolvet! i"a -Mn.Wr telHalb nU breby sp. pebtot cmmlsbnerlereplrreat! on srade iab enlt 8me 29, Bila i cioncessien. -Coûnil iýjournoà 1111 lie iet Mou daýùy lunNovmber; - MorgsuaicMarriages; Futen oethle fifttecu pins of thli royal liuses etEurope vb omade mot- gaaie marriagea b log e lhe eig- iu liuses o! Austrisa sut! Grmsy, lanufour cases, hir ives eto -actresse. 'WiseEnglisis liv deas not ecogiso inch mrriages ou ite .part a! memberi of!-1h. royal !asiy. Tis tie cîildrea e!flie Qeeu'e impe, lie Dote c! usse, by his fint ifs dit! net veu ey tli nit ef an ri. nay Duko!a eldren, bat te Queeu onote,&!.tie Dnie'e, second vie Duobese o! Invrone.' Thisvwu a 6800p;, lute- htuma for *htci -le Dae auet! te lie Prince V o ret aiug prcesince -te hm. The Dutetf Cambridge, tie -Queen'a ini ,cousin, marriet!nay years ago au actres, MiesFmebrther, ho reudes lu a oue lu Mayfais, 'itiu esy eaci eoft heesidece e! is Royal Hýgiîses. Tey ave ever- ai ciudren, wviesbainhi.une etfFlz Georg, f wvison eet-r Iveare ffioru lule army. SiTesr u lu es O nuex or or U . . SeIEmuS A"IBPoLmcux.-Siting Bull, lu an interview ili Major Walsh, 1of lb, Munteti Police, gave is opinion f -tie Uniet! States soldirs, aut! politicins. He ays le Anarea cavalry are very gond, but lishe army agents-biy bat! heomes sut! pockt whviol la loft over o! tie money. -,:Tie Anesi. au infntr1 are very goodtote, but dit! le man liv. vie coult! tap p ils mu Indin pony ý' Ho says ho îéuppoes tie Commisioniers taI re jteming te se. hm me fson hildlphiaý-preacis preàcis soltier-ant latheby ill ty sd get hm- acrsse ie lices by seeohi- tland stnlet11Howard,wvia l Is fsrn Piladlph*I, mite bleu -P but e Mela hopes-be tuovi tee mci for Pilaelpi. 'If tlia-Comissienrk autte shoaeiam ley eau do se, but e vwiii nt go faî oul f bia-way te. ses tia. He ilinki le Auericau, sol- diers, Piiladephiaus or pemeipreaeL, soldier, agents, coannlssoïi nsd eveybdy tealig iitisehéIndisu, are' nt fit le deml itviiihem; ome kuov too -'nucis aut!are rogues, wvile ters deù n'r mevenougianti ase M O oIS. H cý, d o s ut va ut le d eal i s fils ud roguesutnviii teefors e.- -main viese he is until he thinke le eau better imel!. B e lies lip -Qneen'e nen, sut!dviilnett-y ta figisi tism or mae trouble for..hem. Hle likes ten because lie7 do ual say oeu 1 1 Yeu st-a columnts i Ile succe fadas-y p: Llrver Ceen Habituai nies aI lias Sbin', Cah ~ask ycuita B -lheof-d cents snd t ceu ià. Tas -Goneva;, by an eaut F orte. bon Meutita Btasianles Asia vas lt SADBATB fourleentis- Sccol aise bec openet! Ottava ou quarter end ]Fair- dem vitlf su'fficie ~T sGrau anc cenni Tue nueul Monts-cal le Labourer vtertshbave te 90o pet di -Tse Assiot Trunt Railas tu te a dol amon. -The odito saysg: "Sha ne, eues: do N.' Y. Hra Greenlaus catg-in s cou 5i xmenthe 1h Tise sufeet Wfvfe'. cml and -Deths c SUMMEti loI No. 11, lu ber.e o supenli lie ceh! selves. I teel t hercel -thsey ai AS lie nem Bsrroq atiesuhw buzxloî - ismliai - hoîdal pisce v vhich 1 tacteti frein lb A insu belug ci Thvit 'Oni Dis", ter4nus ý lie hors' ion-esi theiad final hem e t leJ. thelett 1 tie barsi bave sec s- mile Eeen- te ealing fr liaI bat! Patrick 1 gcred L3~ -aunfant afler ltse thie. bril aud Othe] lie Cars- oves-, was schooner viten off carniet!v juman nez YT. jTie lpg lie ns Ctm4d ren, W. IL 1 Camptehl, poinlod-b, mlee ti;y

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