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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1877, p. 2

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VCrd cf Thaak-J. J. & B. W. Wol(eu.- Card cft Tbsians-Jno. Saunders Card of I*sks-Thos. Lawier dh de. CArd of Tfauuu-Lcwte là1lia. Cuti of Tlssuks-Hamiltca& Co.. Hopkis aMuste HaU-O-eo. Hepktus. CasTiage sud Waggoù Maker-Geerge DregomakfugBooms-MIse oWilson. Parai for Sae-F. W. PoweIl. Indigeston- Oni t flth Plames:-J. S. Bobertiosn. Galdamithe' Hall-Jas. Johuston. Médieali-Thos. G. Wltfield.- aceli Stock-Laing & Sto*art. Wittar'à Ilalfasm-- Out of tise Fic-Lewis Allin. Pull Stocks lu Statieuery sud Faucy Good-J. S. Bobeison. Sacrifie. cf damaged Gods-J. B. Aoblin. 000a Valu-Jue. Saunders. Replet. Stoàk cf Boots sund Bshes. for, Psu sand Wluter-Juo. Saruslera à 17:eNew Stock Couiisg-Laiug & Nottce-Tisos. Lawler & Co. -Patented ciurs-e. Britton. Gel a hloe-J. ffamsr Crecnwmsd. Flood Cizeu-J. Hamer Grecnweod. Voters' Lisi-Towu cf Whitby. Betlîment of sccousits roquirogl-Tlion. La*ler &-Ce. Propatylu tewu for sale-J. flamer Uý'reoeuwoocd. Paymeuis roqustd-Laing 4; Stewart. Mertgage, Sale-WV. H. Billiluge, Sulr. and OCutter@,st athe 0Carrnage Factory>-of M. O'Donovau,'ou Saturday, Oct. 27th, 1877, At one o'clock, p. in. L. 'Fair. banks, AuotiOeer. Sale, by virte, of ?.ortgage, of valu. alàle iowu lots, ln the *towu cf Whitby, oiý Tuesday Otober 80eh, 1877, at the . Geat sale of six Pianos. At 1the piano Factory cf Èr Charlet Gartzig, ou Tticsday, Nov. 01, 1877, at two o'clock,, p.u.-L. Fairbanks, Auctionoe. Great male cf Now Organa, &c., at the, (.hgan Uutory of the MnIlgo & Yar. îvood Mlf'g Co., on Tuosday, Nov. 18tlx, 1877, ut two o'clacli, p. n.-L. Fair- banks, Aucio&er. Parui stock, imnph>iustet, &o., on lot No., i(lie rti01cons. Fiokorissg, 1the îî)rîîîNty of Mr. Jatups McQuoid, on Fr1 Llay Nov.t9t.11, 1877-h. Fairbanks, Auctionerr. ONLY Si jo -PER ANNUM. Wlîltby, Ttiursday, Oct. -25, 4877.ý NOTICE. VIUb & position to apeak ont on tht. au6jeeî froas their Placestlatthe Hous of Commeng, where pôrbésý Mr. Huutiagto n sd Mr. M"ksnule monuot afferd te dîcregard thuir remon- strtuces, as they have hltherto dons thcs.e ftise people of WhiLby andi of titi whole section cf country. USttllrsg Dewt.. Our merchanté and kbuulusasMoen wlio suffored su severely frein, the lote diro arc, wu Are pleased te And, cettllg actively dcwa tu bua4ses agia Wsth Msocf tissai thii 0.srauccin. paidte have Made a more or lmes aUis. faotoryr sulement. Thoe, nlmard haýve net lest heari and are agita te. opeulng. IHopkls'fnlmUhal bsptim an invaluable refuge ta one. Tiser, go imentloudl. lait week, are loied Me..Laing h Stewart, sud NMeue Hamnilton & Co. sud Meurs. Thomas Lawler & Coe,theirsnanyfieadsaadeua- tomera Wlllbe Pleaed te hear,-wilmhort. ly opqej business iu the north cerner store under thse hall. Althougi tJis irai May net get the creilit e1 selllug goode muaIs iower tissu tieir neigisiors, one thiug le certain, that peuple could generally gel suchAga they wauted, any day, or auy heur, at Lawler'as tore. Mr« Lawlor wasi; bIs tbcbe&round on j!uesday, aud hi$ many fiendi will bu gratifiefi te learu lu mahis sproveil heailths. Mr. Josis Ricisardson lam alrOady let tise contraci for rebuildiug the Hamiltosi blooli, aud Br. Thomais Devernlit. nov buzy wlth a force cf workmen eatheUic ckwork. Mr. Bob"rton'a booki sud statlouery hock, ire thinit legreatan stiraniage, Istaninrenly iu lxs .roonay nov pne- mises. mr. mlle t. in s gooti spot, opposite tise Peetoffice, an Denuastet ansd ailtliongi. Sis isantsosue veili aangeti clans vii Se mismeti, lie viiideubtleee ho abe te cnpply lie vanine-a!fcuio.a mers vîtîs as imucissatisfaction as Soe- Mr'. John Saundere viiiht ounAai hie old place-tise Chacumer stonu-vnici t. beieg nepaired sud rofittes] up, anti visere hoe luseou baud a lanme stock a! bootesud shsi, reSSers, &o. As wil h seau by tiese neeraI carde et tise susfreria,et'uring tisants, eux toepeople reuderad vuluabie assist- ance unsving propenty. 0f tise man. uer ln wiich tiseefflerssund man cf bise Fis-e Brigade wirkesi wc caunol add sufilcieut voruls et praise. Ins the face cf mauiy imspedimuenta tisy oyvried iaroiealiy, sud witistise assistance of bise Oshsava firacuen, ebayedth Ie vide- epusaal dvaitation thneateusd Sy tIse cooniisgratiou. Thuir cenutecona- isiensis 114m te Setter recognition ai tise luanssof tise Town Cunucil, as do thsir services tathue Ineurauco cous. panios, tise Dominion Bank, anti aChers liusri'nihs-s su- otites-s, Ltvisg fre ovu'ralle sucoiits ah tus 8-olie il î>)5c ille tUise H11111o t once. Mtoi soy îuusy lue tseutin iii tsred letfiun or hy Mo iey onulor. - Unnastiafctory Mail Arangcmcentc. Tha uusaisslisttsury qirangetueuis for filie ti-san isalo e ethl oIuoghissa aousity, nspc-laIly lehvocu post clices ilîsanuith ie counny tumu, have Ion g toba subject of publie complai: are tonîvardoil hy tiss Nipissing & Nsirbiieni lailwavsu, gonug rnoindl by Terceits, asil ails for tisa uoti-eaei ar enaut'Il tise vay, via Pt ilope, by thre Milland. 'Ihlsilway. As ais instance aftIe rouclabout- way lus .vliici bie* -1intile are uespatcîuod lot lis taico Groen- inIt i lcli. A lelhîr tram Wuitby; or even train Port Penny, (vibii fise miles of GreetaukY; bas ta bu sent suroms te Uxbridgui, arontil 1y tise Nip. ississg tea Wick sud liseuse ho ils dusti- nation. Lettoesion Uxismisge, if net mailes] beooe seven o'cloek le tise-aveu- iag, reussie in Toronto POOLtoiice anti Are net dispaeieul unlil nsxt day. Tise sasise vilis Cusnlgon. Tise Eastern maji], zriviug aftor ftise uepartirse cf bthe Wluilby Port. Penny & Lindsay înenning train, romains ovin Ai Wlitby t nutil usxt day. Antise o go. l iste olsi stage sisys mehlas]regniér daiiy uuails vilS ail thsespeints, te sud frcm thé eosînly towu. Nom, wvibi al aur nailvay fisilities, flse postai arrauge- moents are encli as ta isadta lduetentiasi of laye.by tise vsy ustead o! greatin siepatoli. Tise malter luts e heonbre- ltore reprosenledt lu bise tal anthori- îlies; but, lite tise WhitSy Post offic- - wer tie autcfproparaeumrmodstiou WaiesmisewunteaSbc ecossry and conîsi bca lca saiiy aitainel-fon sema roseau a11 complainte andtiroprosentratios f roin tii etiosi cf counitry haro beau un&- lailiug. Osu il ho tilst. ten poltical toaassns-li sordar ba punisis Whstby sud flise Ontanios for ocnsling Opposition meoiu-s te Panliauceet - thesrome selnstraures zent te licusarstu'r are go0sifidsiinfuliy disregarules? Va shoulul bus lealîstale lieve il. Yct ilise tisar.- aunsltanecs isivhtbare vo te tiin tlulie face on l uuchiisegleat. Otleu sectiense ot counstry te tIsa cash andsi ua is îeare mcli semvodu, anseuls Vtusouf railvay runeing te tlisedufférent bosessudvillages havà postai Cars, andi lu mauy cases mal7lo bvico a deay. Tis hseitten & Lalse EnaieCo. gela - $8,551 fort 8513 sîiles et pontai service; lise-Si. Lawrence & Ottawa, 61l1,727, for 5-I miles; tuue ].rookville & Ottawa, *11,000 for 57J imiles; lise MidilanA gels $1s,000; tise Nipissing $7000; tlis e u hans], for 25 miles, $1,184 Usi il isave *pont effice Curs. But lise WViitby 'Part Perry A Liedday IRailway, wvîlîs40 -miles a! rosai, gel, (visaIdolaOur roaeusr tiinit9) a beggariy $000 for postailsn- vicel- andi ne post oficse car ai tisai su tise people of tishe ouniy et Ou- harlo egmeu athetied vilith.iss caie o! tiinge? I. i easeonable or juet tisaI tise peapleetfIbis eaitisy anti pope. loues casuiy sisoulai bc placoulaI et0 greata& dtssdvaIiiage ? Tise Wiitby Fort Ferry & ýÂdoay -llilvay js cee p!ibise veny htàaicoucëtructosi linos 155.11e Province anti mates-fadter ime tisus is Marie ounent of flise hnis namod. Tismosgli Il tise postai arnnangelssente cf, tIse ceunfy coulA luc greatiy fucliated, anti le tact, vs blie0ve, dieoel, if îisq rigi course veru tgken. 'Nby net mate Il arailabi., as lu aubin ceciane lin hei uiéves cOf tise publie? Tise people a! lie Couaty o! Ontario uit tor ngtistg annosonable. Tliey wanitin Vîuy iu tisis, tb hem Important maur, su a tble pliaqono a par viti humi uoigbors whoobtalus, unougisfor bute potal tacilitles lbey dao"!, We :I-K! o Iu wbatlo n eoeesay#14d te. Pris.fon tihe Provincial Plaugiîing Match. Ameôgitte pizes at tiséProvincial Piengbing Match, be hake phace an 14n. Wade's farm, aboe$ia mile eoat et Port Hlops, are theo folFoiug, Finalt Prizo-fjsasapion Ecapen, pre. seubod by le. V. Clan, Eeqs- Oshava, -vaine, $150. Tisird Prizo-Slet-toahe Balte, pre- sentati by Mesars. Brown A Pabtereon, WViitiy,-vgslue, $85. Aiea for first Prize, te - seca-lus pioulimsen,-couabiued Grain Drûli sud hlroad.cash Sucrier, preecetuti by tie Mlason Manntaatning Go., Ohaa- valne, %90. Tise Yaung Lady Svcpt Over the Tise young lady sirepi ovin tise Falle o! Niagara laet veektlurns out te Se Miss Soliofioid, ot Waodeteck, tiangiten et Mn Fraucis Scofield ai that place. PRISueieuas uN WsK5TIsY ào.-Lasi Satueday tiers vere as muy s sixteon prisouers cofnlSnlutise Wiiby gaol. Five mare for trial aud lursu undor sentence.'- Tho former mre, Merder, tvo; Arson,_ one ; Polonius assult, cnee;Lareeuy et mcney, oue. Unulr entence.-One, catîs steal-z ing, feur ycare lu Provincial Peuiten- tiary; one, caIlle étualing, four menuthse iu Central Prison; oue for biîing, tva tuonlise; ans, felonieus essauli, six menthe lu Cetral Prison: oui, Iisree menthe for sisaep steàling ; tsvo, iarouy cf cisîtiss, tour menthe eaois ane, vagrnscy, six mootias; one, vagrnisy, lîveety dtyb,; ansi Imo, insane. Iu tiS conecbion vs bave bsen asited by Burke sud MoPhoreen, nov iuiaitiusg trial osatise capital cisarge, le centradicitishe statemeut tisaicnee laS te bce viippuri ans] m tiseseneh ie Centrali prisons ou accouet oe t iceborali- nation, ansi te stato, ou tise autisority et thes turnuey, Mnr. Lawia, liat Sots are vohi blisaveti aud neoumplaint againel thien visile in confiinement. M. O'DoeovAgii AUCTION SALE c! casiages, buggies aniI leigise, on Bat- urday next, vsl comuersu itesIal! la tose ln vaut cf enclisrequinemnents. TiaD DuRINuaseBY-uiv, as lb le salleS, tfor tiss acquistion o! tise proporly oet bhs laie Sir Allan MaNais, as a public park for Hlamilton, vas tiefeatati iy thé ralepayens ou Moudlay ast. Attention us direceite thIe announce- meut c! Mn. George Britton lu ailier columnue. Ho is s good prachicai vont- insu, turneut a good carniage, vsggon, on sisigis; sud issimproveti bnrnip dilil sud pahentoi obuiru bave balsen prizes vîseraeun axilsited. Qotdemnithu' Huit. Rlestis>-e yonng and old, tae hesul, AnS al hosacisains antivalchses necti, GO sud bu y ut GOîassumrES' L.. Sales are f air anti profite saiîl. Jeweîny, usai. nov andi nico, Broeclies andi rings, ah overy pria; Go sud look, examine, se. ; JeaNSTONus, i lal, givos guaantis. -A SÀvMILs. BUassis.-PlilIi'S »Wi maiii, situahti betveeu Wiiby and Braskiîj, a litihe off tIse centre ncad, vas eariY on Fniulay mcreiug bnrueS te tIse gmousus. Nanao! tise naahiiuery miss savosi ansi ounsierabie damage te thie race wail doue by tiselire. Lus suppeseilue cabout $500. No insur- suce. Causse ci tisé fine untuomu, Sut supposeti te hoctise vont'ot'an inasu- dhary. Puas uiN KuzecAsnzsus.-Tlib evu piinliug Office vas Sua-non dovu lest irsei. Thée dames eapnea tletise sd. traction oe!thientire blpoir, ïadl" lme estlsusted tIo 1, ,-- sou. or mier how.ver the shtit et ent. l'orlise sa o f the MWa a e lw * al li btg, tise neverend epeaker van seti i hic ok toa ith Ue temptiag cap, aidSy Aebrlety aud ateady laýdaat .prove te lhiu aebors t iIrithsmen and misS h tissveécapable ef taking a reepectable position ta the âommsUn. nity. On th. goodremalte aud stivan- tages ot Temperauce ta leading tb vealtisanti position, Pallier MoEne dwaIi ai leuti-oiliug instan.ies ofthlie groat seoceoseini lite bista ateudedti hoso vise madetir vay te vealtis anti fortune ansd the firet positions in 1tise landi hy becoming ttal abetaluers. Ai thc conclusion lho appeshod ta Ihese, aut espeaiaiiy te tise Youngminuof tise cosigregatian prement. ho comne up te tise Allai sud taithie piedlge, andlviii tise revseund!gentlsmau hlmselttieirhiead foquuusTotal Abatinence Soiety. Aboust ffty-p"iaipaily Youug men-neepon. d8.4teseappeil sud teait the plefige is toW aUbelinere for'twelve moulue. The aigu vasulrly slfyiug, andi s mcci palifylug ane--one vhicioa- not faâlte Se productivo oethUe hast re- sen t"O future ta thonse otok tise solesesi edgeuden suci goad infue. TishetMmeeting for organization Làs tis he eleneofofficere takes place in tise Spe q6shool houge. uon rdiy ovening. McrnODSeensCaUSR HAT BROOKLYN ON Fznu.-O.u Tlsursilay evening hast, ah hlai pst six 'oclefirp vas iscovered unden tise fioorng oet tis Methisut Cisurcîs, ai Brooklil. On the alarin Se. ing given quit. an excihemeni oépreadl over tihe village, sud a Sea-vy pail.Sni- gade was iusmaedlstely formneS. Tise fluer cf tIse cisurals vas ternu p, so tisat tise fine miglisibe rnciieti, viien t il as aomplotely pet cutinl a chant time. Thé ire caught fron tie furuso. Tise loss is estinaated ah about $150 ; to- Chas. Wlieler, canetakon of lise oburais, vas, vîsile -fgliling lise filea, overceme by bise emoke, anul canristi frein tis ebcstrcinl a state o!: inseusi- bility. Fer s consitierable time il iras thougisi liscoulti nat reca!er, Sut, tismugis care, Se vas bnougbi round. Pain.PLAY.-AItishe trotting acs, aI Oshawa, Tuectiy, 101h lest., Mn. Johnu Cuihbenl ef Dnffine' Creeoit.1 its mare fer came tins in the shesdaItishe tract. On bis retau ho feunti len frtreiig et lise montS aud evinciug signa et dis. ties; indeeti se badly isat e"ebesu "joaiteyed," linSh ovrel snes, biat se ceuiti not Sa induces] te ssow r speeti. Wiseu Mm. Culihent crme hoeme ho mev flinatlise mare's mentisvas batk anti lier iseaitis muaisimpaireS. Mr. O'Lewa', V. S..,liaving bec callosi saiti tisaïber montsh fad every appear- sues o! hiving Seen iserut ils nitsrate os! silv-er. 'Itla t. te Sehopedti tisIhie Party guilty of suais foui play, and 90 metissieus au injury sus>'yet ho Siacor- oeot us-cieceive lais merited punieS- ment. Cen ration will lhé pîsasoti te kuov tisai Mn. J. B. Bobertasm, boohseleir, is sparing ne pans le rentier hie stock since tl ie neascomaplote in erery res- pect sbefere Use disastrone orent ; antiaal kueir, tisaI lie 1ud tison proabis 1>' tise fineel seack e! Souks, etationery, mcii paper sud tsay goode even brougisi inte tise tain. Ho is te See fauntinattise tiauble store lu Wilkinson'e Block., He viii nernaun there for aboub tire veeke oubil tise citistand le put lu chape &ain. Iu tis e néulime, ie t. eortiug ap lu every tiopartmeut, soa ta hsSt.caornntmay nehy upon hisving tisein ever>' vani suppleil. Damsgud geadeS le vili ssiiait rona25 te 03 per cent blov eoel. 1 Sm JOiN A. ?sAcésas.es mIl Se pris. eut te Seirer su atdn» ail lie annuel ecnraiofbiseCaiedeman Society, Moubtreal, on Hallawo'en. Taylor & Bauard's fZ11 stock et eecitio-pîitted jsîry is uow comploe. Do net fail te caîl. Mzssueb..Lovace & PovEs.s* are sill offernug bargains .frein tisir nevhy as- sorteti stock, ah Dominion Warercoms. Ma. Lzvus ALsLs IN i ho glaSndte Seo hic olti frieude anti customere ai bis ssow place o! business, opposite Post office, Dundas straet, onu bie corncr o! Byron sîreel.' UNIVESIuYrrBcnsAasrn.-Ii is unulen- stoadt biaItle office o! Tornto Univer- -sity bursaresip vili ho iscontinusal, antià -a ving cf $2,000 a yest theneby effeoissi. -MR. J. HainEs GRInsNWoeODlise an important aucnnenemeet tb ail 'Free citizens" iu obier column, vSicb vilI Sie fonaunth entidng. Cnt liais Oct--i May Save Yaun Lite. Tiacre is ne persan living Set viat enfers mure an Saàs ils Long Disease, Conglie, Celtis, or- Cenuaipticu, ysî tmre vouiti dis naUsen iSsu psy 75 cents taos a btlUe etmedicins Usat vouiti cure then. Dr. A. Roechee's Osrmasu Syrup hae lateuy Sesu line-o duceti lutht. country frosu oenmany, and ti ilwoudrous- cures astenisises every one liai lry il. If yen Acubi whist me ssy lu print, cul tht. cnt sud taIse il bu pour Drnggiat, B. W. B. limihis&Co., sud gel a samplo Satîhe for 10 cuits anti try, or a regeler dca flor 75 cents. TIAsan viras TIIE IBLACK FIET INDuAss.-By tise treaiy villa the Bleat fei, tise Indiasacodie about 200,000 square miles oattise ineset tand]u is e Causdiau Norti-s.fe te tIse Deminien. Eachisbaud le calibeil su ssparate rusPer- vetice, esois Chie!f gels $25 lu. ras, a cata u anil ier -melal. Thée auuai piyment t e oahisGetla f25; ho oais eas nd an $15 ; 'andt laotiesunsof tise tribu e. the ~sêQuebe, aiti iuch f 5liigia1ia, on May 1815, 1792, Thée cermeony of Baptisai wa prformeti ou the day of hieshirtis. The. Po inl, therefcre, over 85 yesrs of a&P. îelm gven te bisa six n'mes, aiter ltheMasner of 'tie Itallan noblllty -for tise Pope t. c f noble brtS -bis pireste Seing.CeunI Giroismo Maulai. Fezretti sud CountesOatherenue -SQ1.- lagzi. ,fRss namnes areGOvanaif Marls, Oisnbstista, P!stre, 'Peiegn *i, Isi- dore nd suo we"as ommeurly called Giovanni Mastai. Tihe 'se$er traces wib a bolti peu'tise cincumetanees eof yctnng Mastai'slufe, hie charantjen sud appearano e ntiat yonthfnl lime vison 4e vas cf a romnantia turn,flil cf cuthus- iai, affecteid red nscitties, sînokei ciarsd bsala Aocided uesuc7ani for 1h my. Thc portrait si udeed se Weil drawn lhat lhe >living 1-image cf thc hure seenis picturod on tiseunuilus- trateul page. Iu a stery as iut'sresting as any novel,, sud issiusg tise gneat mon c f hietoriesi trutis, vs are sisovu hew bise handeerus, carions Mastai, dis. canding in-inas hie foulies, affectations, red ucitties sud remautia notion,vwith a mnd Oonutaining lutIle Gresit snd Latin sud a amal amanttcf bock ldsrnlug geuerally, thougi poesessing extrarodiuary fsrtility ef resonrcese, ros rapidiy te brilliani sud powerful positions lu tise service efthtIe C(urais, until aitise ageai 54, ou tise lotis June, 1846, lu tise possession of tise felnesof bie pover lhe Secasme, te hic ovu ever- vheluing amizémeut, by a curious coincîdence o! _political circaumtance, tise Vicar cf Gco iarii. Tise excit- ing scoeueslu tise conclave et cardinale un tise said lotis cf'June, have mrely iad thoir panaleildiuin istey. Mastas (tison BisSop cf Imola) vas by chance one efthtie Scrutators ; andi part et hic dut7 vas te annnce th4e votes record- eti for éacis Claimaut ts tise augusi Chair. Hie excitesuent, lis tears, lis elles incapacity ho opeak, hi, fluai sel f- coutrel sud announnemeut ut tise vote visicis proclaimed hlmn Pope, are al bold vils au eloqueuce tisat vs have a rigih te look for fromn Mr. Trellope.* He ai once sest about iuaugurlting aul kinils cf liberal rcfoniu-a ê'No er cf failures sud suecessoe-'aîd liera we have muccl welcoma liglîr cast ou tise polies of Europe nt tise lime sud up tu tise preseni date. Tisis portion cf lise verk k l valuable-liretIsliliseeet degree, sud solves many cf tisecanigmas cf Enropean affairs. We are regales] aigu ail tisrougi tise bock vitis piquant de tale of tise Hciy macs cisaracter and] siaiiy lite, andtheir chianges rmm ime to his. Hi. mode cf nsceiviisg privahu pensons, lis daily vaut, hie aviany, lie reading oetuhe neepapemensuteven cf hie dinsser ans faithful [y doucibes], ner do tisey tcrm tise least inheresting por. tion efthtie Lite cf Pio Noue. Tiss tise veigistier affaire cf (Jhurais andi State frein 1846 until ho-dlay with ail thein- lueurand geuerailly unkuovu Ihistories are laid bars, afforuinR mauy tascluat. ing pages. 4Tise incidentesluis is wonderfully active life hasve bien traceS isy a cou- scienticus hand, sud aithogis tise ver- dict of tise neader may ho iiased by iss convictione, he will, no doubl, deelare tise iifficnît task of vniting s dispuis. siucale listery cf lise Pope weil dous. Suffering at 85 years of age vitis eciatica, sud isavissg te restrain iimçnif trom us aifestiug any symptomsof tise excrniciating pains ho suifs-rp, cosntinsu. ing lcenfui, gay even, full cf 11111e jesta lu addressng Ilise isnuinerabla plgrime., pniests, hisisope anSd deputaîlons, aud herches tisai cal upon lm, il scorns possible tisai tise ope may live for some years lu ceuse. But vîssu the f ules (if bis lime arrives, undoubtedly bue viilhacdnly canouizas], sud ini tie final, vords cf lMr. Troilope, "Mauy Saints have les deserved Casionizaliou tissu Pinselise Ninths." I111e impossible te do justice tesucis an iotemeutmng and valuaisie vork lu a vay lithe , but it oe bo saisi y necoomesied te al classes et readens sascertain le afford muais exact information aud ententain- ment. Anothier "Bad Nest." To th e Edilor oflthe Whiiby Ghroniu-le. Yen have mcll namesi bie rookeris baci th ie corner cf Brook and Dun- Sas sineets te mmci tise laIe disastrous ire extendeti se spesdily as as "bsd neal." Were il net for thuse, mosi centaini>', inn gallant fie men vonul bave beesu aSIe ta confins tise ceeflaga- ien te tle building in visichis il aigi- estes]. But, Mn. Editon, mithstisaI evoistion Sefore tise people cf Whithy, andI vitistise admonition given tisen all by tise late fire, tisey ebihi permit as bad, indeeti a verse "nest," litehy ho ignite asepsoed rmin nt sny moment, lu bise heart o! tise ove. Beiins lie promisies cf Messrs. Ferguson, Jamenon, Gibson, BSitis, &o., tiser. if; a ceet et od moodsu rocteries tisaI tis etilg off et a malach mouli sel in s biazs tisat coulA nos 1e easi]y stoppeul. Adles] te tisis bisera is alirsys a lange quntity e! coah où1stored intise saeplace, some- imes nasmayer onduSfifty bar- rels, tisai, if reoatie by fine, tise uistrea- tien cf vainable pnoerty menîs] Se ic- ithese. 1 ank, yoîs, air, vsher or tomenatiorits s heuls] net interfère in suai. a Enatter snd ate due precansice for tisa ruteclusîn et proet-ly ? Let su, ilurougis Ycur Valuabie GeUsotîCLE raisestise nousetf varnnnt aI al events. Yours trnly, RATE PAYERI. Whiîisy, Oct, 2Itis, '77. IsSURtANCE Losasusas ue TIFPeutTL.4Nb (N. B.) Fituus-Thse tolloi iegt a cor- rect anti fulist ocInhsurance Iôsses by tIse fine lu Portlaund : Provincial, $5,- 100 ; Lancashiire, $8.000 ; Nonthemu, 06,600 Nortis Britishs & Mercantile, 06,900; Quees, 816,W20 ; Gilizesus, 07,650; Royal Canadicu, $000; Cana- da Fine & Marine, $7,050 ' Ena, $8,- 900; Hartford, 08,200 ; Impenial, &6,- 900; Britisis Amenloan, $500 ; Fsrmn- ersh Isohuted Blet, $900; Western, $200 ; Natio nal, $500 ; Gunutisu, 04,- 000 ; Central. $2,600. Wau Newa. TicenRsslaus are maling active pre. psrabious te !ellow up thsir reuent Êue- cess. Tisey are building rsiimsys lu Bulganis te tacilitahe tise moving of troops. A levy o! alltisé Ces'uacks flot noir onnative sernvice bse eeu noreti froni SI. Petersbung, anti Gzarevitchis i Ipîshiing fonvard on Rasgrad, leavfng a Corps te opeaae sgUist Rualcisut. CaNueAsu HeaIOsan S 11AD.-A isay Caiseiainmare teot Me] is fetprize at lias Birkenhîeadl show l ise "Iluctere' r-hase.tiSe lijent a locon of the lett E tiu,'Iiýi hc tio. suieti ts-eus v-lt- kiwist sprizc-wiiics-re. ci-us luIlui1-111 ds', Cuissalian isr4-estu-rse, for i tf u-nu i. itsy tllitg in the uîsy cf Iiorse-fls upous %Ytiicli Englishisuer. pnbhi u-îdu is tiseir isuntars. Tisa Pasis ex]ixsuuioN-Tbe psin. cipai buildings fer tisa Paris Exhsibitions have tusen comjleîes, aeuthlie icnpim anraugeinenie aasmuenceui. TliseLri isis buiinigs an "W pciaiiy for- tse aboOifle b. came t. -m bela&sas ar aaee for tianl -1mw saab; buti the lnuilgeuse lstozliig liq A Dominion c oushabtlamy is epoken of, tise rumeur ccming trous Quebse, wIcro ilt. ssaili enquinies have besu maSo as te ths vortiug etftisa Provin- cial Police. Suais a police terce couls] net hate auy direct lpant in usainbaliuiug ondor, exeept lu tiese ame vay ase s mîlitia dle noir, by tise requisilien et tise local autherities. Ils final duty wouis] probably 14e lu conneciuvl tise protection cf Dominien properhy, tise suforcesusat ut excise aud custome lava agaisist illicit disiiig, ishijo isas largely morose,] itiia e syar or tva, auseuugglisg, muids lias Ïboun Sorti- visat exteuîsive, ans] patrel Snty on tise navigable waters outishe Dominion. Tise constitustion penlisape, voulsi jnstity its direct use by the Dominuion Geveru- meuh if maila vere dslayes, as; thaey vers dunlng lise Grand Triant sInise, andi Dominion Premiers cousiS prove tIssu-fniossdsisip for prohibition by di- reating .tha iuapure time elienid be eus. ployes] lu entorcicg tise Dankin Actinj tisose municipalities inmuis it isad been à-dopted. SuaIs s force, availale lu bise saine way as tise militia for tise aid of theso lcal anihoriieulu maintain- ing erder, vouls] Se of great adrautage. Ih mofisiSbe muais mono efficient anA deirable for sucis irn as vas needeti in Moutreal ounlIse Tireiftio! Jnly lit titan the militia. Butons ireuhd ho mencî tise better ivoapous ho bogin vilb ou a mois, tisefirearms and] bayenets Seing nescniedti honauy visetise oliser I isd proves] lueffeetual. Suais a force veuil have more tissutIse Dominion -authority ataciig t local railirau,fer liasse Satisiions, allisougis un4er tis direct control o! tise Dominion 1atbont- lies, are lu asoseelocal ergissluzîC4es. Tho ccustabnilary vonid Se !efà e5vee aIl ove, tlîe Dominion, it ventA Se in constant raining. anti thons voulti Sa nolocal prejudice iu connection ith iti, sud eatising skie te tisaI feeling et vaut cflisenour for al prophet lu hi@ cire couîntry, usure ie iras Seing met vuh s ansuordinany minluevery.day lite. If a Pnitabhe forase au Se estab- lisiso ti, Isnt toc, great expendtturs. it is esy te Sesoisov il eau be matie ot vsry greab esefuhsese le msuy ways. ------469 -> TPsSrSSLE COx.aîunvEXPLaOSIONuNEAR GLASoew.-A terrible ex.plosion lias oecnnred ina a coiliery ah Hligis Blautyru, near Glasgow, by vhsicîs mauy lives are suppose t t have been ls. Ai tise lime cf cisc accident 28 3mon van, lu tise mine, ans i t is feares tisaI noue cf bliese vers nesceoi xcepitishose in tise immeiliaia visiclty cf tise siaft na hbie lime cf bise explosion. Exploring par- lies vise have boeu devis report forty corpssut the bottof ethtie sisaft, anA taint knoekussg mas lueurs] iii an adja- acsit part efthbie mine. Owiug to the poitoious ga5, the sncaeîîning panty colili cot prosecutu tieironacs, aud vers compelihele meleure. Tisey mades a second t.xpeuitioe, hiowver, sud reaclied au poinb uibiuin 150 fatisouis o! Lie iprisouod menbt tvs en ti biey meulA beunuabla te reaci blies in ime te rosons thin alive. ROLLAND A MfDLousCOUNTia.-Tise United tihale i ieb8er te Hoilanti re- ports tbisai Ilionslias been neoliant (ail- unre tIsaee or tour ysars, ans]tisa papur mansy ofthbie batiks is eqnal la golti. Ne l'allure et a fins ineurnce coîupany on necard, sud tise companie realize 16 per cent yeaniy, alîhongis tha rate cf iuerauce la ouly 1 per cenl. First- clarserallroai travetla is la ceci per m i"" , t ra dls py goos] dividende. Pilft-177sug officens are scanceiy ever hsoard cf ans] severeiy panisetl anS foreven diegraced vwise exposeS ; ne tros pass- es are granted t? acybody. Dishouesly or faiiure le beeei enspublie ds- hiouer. Four millions et people Hive viuisin au ares et 21000 square miles, and] appear prospenous anti ceulseted. Ahi livu, wisisiu tîsir income anti are indusebiound euhlappy. A WVaRNlsc TO llUNTIeuSu.-AI Parry Sounds, a tam sdeyse ago, Mr. MeMurnicis, Ibe Ggvernnsnnt egeuî'sesoc, sudtise- bîatclu'g uSon, hoth Aboutl nint-teen) years et age-, 's'eue ontil licoticg. Coin- iuguspn equns-Ithr-y vers sliving it Illa t tu-s. d inuiivissg tise cistei nt1)itig ' ii 1 linoppsite cisîe et tls lr.,firs-ti1 sut tise eqîirno at tise ntornaiit the butali.suscon camie arcîsed tise tnt-e, vho rrtei-ivesl tise shot lilth brnts, fusriti g iii tirousgistIse huart. t-ejuaupesi. isi,tuied lie vassisot, anS îtrusppett pdu. TimisSTURDY îABDnUCTION CASa.-At the Gu&Ihish etise u-t.uruly, lise Grand Jury noturneul tio bille agafuaet tise muac Sînud, hie ulsugiter, ansi tue a! Ihuir a-1oOciales, for bise abdhuction 'o! --Cur, Tise trial will aite place te e c I hai the oaeess .sud.,blrbd thtie proseetion eau be soeureudisy esectsg tise partianof afs raide gevemament ta SsotntaPaniaiaînt. Sittiug Bull Snubu thse Commission. A UeraI4 Fort Walh liupeI lreports tie arrivai et the Sitting Bnil Commtis. Sien, sud ite abrupt and, dt.daiafe. dis& uisaby Sitting Buon. The Hords4 re. port, eoveniag .ever, seven celnus1, r e. ceunis the painul and veary mirai, of tise Comnission, whie for twe dsys vas ithut berfreli ater,, hem cordial recsptieu antise" border by Col- onel McLeod sudis Canadian secort ou Oct. 1614, -sud a Swift ivo daya' marci subsequently ,te reaisPort Walas. The Comision were receiv. ed witi dus bououresud general ho.. pihality. On tise next aftesnou a à cou- ference took place itise largesi room iu tise pout. Gen. Torry's addresvas read sentence by sentence by Tèrry sud trauslsted by au interpreter. Terry said tise Preaident «wisfied a blasting posacs, anA tisiait thie people oethtIe mUnited Biateshahlive lu harmony, premising full pardon if 1the Sioux woeid reternsud refrain from heetili. is. Terny referred te tise kinat reat- ment received by ailier Indiaus wio liel surrsudoed, sud ad thst Sitting Bull'@ was ýie only baudcf ail tisai vere a va ayeaa ago liai lied net eurreudesed. Thse Presîdent wuuld net ceusent tu have tise Sioux roturu anso. ed, but iuvitedl lieai tu tise isuudary te give np thier arme sud go te tise agen. aies. At tht. point tise Heratt, do- spacîs abnnpiiy breaks off. llie repent includes ivo lettere freai Major Webbs, of tise Canadiau police, sent te his offi. ciel chef visile the Commission vas advaecing. The lbitera detail Major Walhhs enuleaveure te induce Bitting Bull te meet Torty's Commission. At Pisi ho straugLy objected. saying tise Amonicans had lied bteisem seo oten bisat they could not believe tisem, but flusslly lisey coneeid te meet 'tIse Comumisusion ut Font Walsh. Duning tise interview tise Sioux repensA tise euerny appronciig, sud caused groat consternation. The eneusy preved te be Nez Perces eeeapiug inte Canada, embracissg about 50 mou, 40 wousen, a large uuisisier cf ciildren, sud 800 isorseg. Many cf tise mec, vemen and chlldren were wouuded. Tise Sioux told Walsis tiey wouid net be luduas,] te retnru 10tiseiron c ountry by auy cITer by tihe Ansericane. Tisey kîsew tise Ameriius weuld talk sveet word. and mutke large promises, but they hadl been deceived tee etten. There vas ne bloodalsed lu tise country cf "tise whie metier,' sud coderliser proec- tien they ised to remnaixi. A Dominion Cocctabuiary. A Deadhy Duel. A Batianti lsmcuiabhe sffnsy hbveen ime old l etizene et oun ceeely occurred aI tise ranchs cf DaviS Evans, about six miles tram Hornitos, an Monda>' lues, vîteS resuluesinletise deatis of Mn. Erans, causeti bp a gun shol wounj, inflicled by Moses B. Northroup. TIse seimasit>' exisling belvenlise parties mas au aId fend, causîti by tise buruing a! Evasa' barn soins 7 onr$ ysars age, viia Evans cisangei open Nortbnup, sud evor since tise occurrence a dosAi>' iseiiy issd exiateci bolveen Evas ans] Nortisrop. Osa riday o! hast veoit John Northsrnp, Srother o! Muses, lu aenpaey mitis a man by t14e namne o! Homard, veut over te Evaus' rancie te puralsaso fruit. Aller gelting ilpuy vas afféeot, wirniiEvans nefnspd le tati, attise same lime statiug th t iha Aid not vaut tise Nontlirupi bo'gome about lis ranche, as Musses liaS &isred- hie barn savon or cighb yeare lago. Tis conversation vas qulitkl> ocuu-- ilicatesi te Moses V. Noniisrup, viso, on- tise tollosving lMonda>', armes] iiseif- willu a double barcieti sisogun sud oia-ehooîer, snd le Comspany vilS une Pollens, vent te Evans' lianse. E vans, ah tbe time, vas a short distance off antting voeuX Nortisrosp seul vend te Evans tisaI lie wmsarmea i] la a saio- gen sud pisel sud te meet hM ouo aqual berme. Evans aaon app.ared uits a siolgan, anti asisotiNorthrop if lise distance cf gi-ounti eboulti Se mes- ureti. Northrop nepliait binî lue Sid net cars, Evtans tise saket, :Are pou necl y ' N orthrop replie ti 1"eady," vSeneipoq-tbiy Sots firati almoci rom- nllaneously, E vans' fine esidti te e a ittie tihefret. Northrup% sIsal rovei fatal io Evans, ans Ssii p austral ng 4,the rUghf lople into the bs-smn. 1Evans tit to Gn pon hic face anti vas lu- sensibletblul <bath came tle hie relief, shunt six leurs aiteruaruls, Nortsmn escapeti nuet tramEvant'; fine. , vi eS tel lu inront sud as-oued Northrp- A SCANDas SETTs.E.-The Montrani BSe,- sape: "The marriege ct a taul>' sud gentleman b'loegiug te lis City, *hsenanses more, aunspianoun, in tise papers cfthue countsy sais]tIsetUnites] States aven s ycar siuee. srcneinforan- ail, vers marrieS on 1"isay lastilu' Boséton, tise lady hsvisigpeuiounsly ul,- lainles] divorce iu tise w. et.- This je seppoacdti o roter le the uotoriaius Brydges- Mackenaziae candal, irhicis areateti so muais excitesueul at tise lime il occus-red, TIhe Penuvlati Byrup Ie an iran, tenie, prepaneti expreosiy te auppiy Use Blous s- tsi emrs àele. meuh. Beiug free froaialcolisclu*4su>' tor=, ils eelergizing affectelanare t iI-I iomed by conrespouding re actieus, but are permanent, infuingsireugtis, yigor anti neirlits lut. al parts et tis e yîs, andi -bulDng upe su, =Dnpoastituoi. It isýa etjst ubsitute foi vine py 8bâsa g xw aoul"t Wos.Vs.-Wriling tram thsa Wàke- fis]d Mountains, uuden date cf C0t.15tiîl, Mn. Veneursys : Wolves jare it prçsmut abunulusut on tise rock>' his sati mountainsof Tempîlonand Wako- fiSl. Soeatîuunt> shesp havébeu killed vithia.te pasl feu <laye in tise neighborisoeti aour quartera. lu Pont. landi township anal aloug the Priesi's Croit bardly a night passes vilieut île Sowi etle voit Seing iseard, sud home aise bise eleep have receuil>' Seen tilledIn barge nunabera. Mn. Pelissier, o! Wakefield, informeause tisaI Ivo iars age an army cf valves came damas aieng tise rals y cf lise creet junt ne- tpedt te, sud deetroed everyuising lu tîsefr tract ; coins 200 abeep tslh victime,- te these blooutisrsiy cre.sluniss lu Part- .land. atone mithin aamoparativeiy 1ev tisys. lu lise Gare o! Tempiehon tise animais are jusel nov panticulari>' abusa- sîsut,ses] tiselecalit>' lebanel>' fiteen miles fira lise Rai Templeten misant on tise Ottava River. Il le dlean>' seen-viénce tss crmatures ceuse, A long rangsetfbarmen mondtaine sIrotais fr-en Portland i ortisiarni betvosu tise Galicn uanti Lievres, ans] juin invils tish gea u'iîxploreul auiSunetetled- areas ot country towirst he sources sot hisse iv-ors. Tiere t. net s <bar to bu' Keen in Ibis neigisborsonst prai ps-sou. Tise wolvas came Acun Ibis esson as eaniy as tise meontis cf Jîîiy, sud com-. mepnces] tisir vont cf destruction. " ,iousEBBARIsKis-Ou tise 26tis uit., denDie hoabaunca o! tis a fil>' ou au excursieis te Toronto, tise eisIence o! Mm. Charles Sproul, 14t15 con. o! Brook, vas brokpu n b, seanausce in h !oattb a! maney ansi valushîe. Ponte.- uateiy Mn. SpraWi eftno money lu tise tuu; bel- a j u sinIlongiug te li'.lslrqt Maeu vas found an4ti kien, "leOecblauhkets., A pion vihbe . IMOWD tg have been -aaout hse pnst$ea- p p if tl 81 if in the Township of T;eami, ona-Maiai- tenusn, being farmepu er*ar, egh- boars. The. eldeï,àÀinefr va>aSt4,% âm a ootable St Owens go (É eues ls new' setilemealsi, the feu. wyen béd, andadisV ire csstantly at eaimiy tspeeinls triyeui Saitle, tros- etc oi. On one occasion yonng rryan thrsshed yen ngAmer, a proeeed- ing ýwhlehmade tuatters werse. O& lii.day of the mîlrder the Amers' h-oeutrayedittue ýBryâas'- vIssa fûld. Laban Amer fouud ticca liere, saale and yôuagBryaýu'hbad ci wcrds on t iée sibjects. Laisarettiuei home *a~ toM h-ie father liai th. Bryas ,woula net give thé animale up, as uhqy iatended te hold thei nuil th<y gui copnation fer tise damnage they boit doeih tandiugcrcp.1 Old Amer rose sud dressed. sud he anti Labsu set out fok Bryiu's about -el*ê~n o'clock ai nigi, bis lather. carryijug the.baten lie used when an Owen Sona cosistàblq. sud th4e son s revolver. They chslleug. ed tbe Bryàne, via viére lu i ed, to: ooma ont, sud ire proczieediug te lesd tise horsesr off,' vien thse eider Zrysi came up sud ordered tiem te ,desai. A figitthonsuenued, the'lv.. cîti men leadiug off andth ie yqnng .m. si joining iu. Tis-e eIerý Brysu wicode8 a club vitis terrible effeot, and lic 'and his son' voesgattlng tise better ef iheir op- pou ente whsen o1d Amer onied ont ta Labin te shoot, wilsh'be didtihe bullet entcriug young Bryan's nok, morlally' wonndiag hlm. Old Bryankept up lise fight, however, sud vas givng, hia as. esilante more lthan thèy,*cotd laite, vison Laban again fired, sisooting the old man througi tise windpipe. The Amers thon lefit the seene sud wsni ta s tavera, telling lie peuple -thoera hey isad hit a big fight witts lthe Brysus. Soon afier this the neiglibiours gbthered aud fouud the Bryansweltering on the. fluor of tiseir houes, avi.ng crawled lu froni the groeswaard where thoelbattis nsged. These facis vere -prstty clearly estabiishsd by thse videuce uf Benjamin Boyer, posimaster cf Tekumeis, Hugis Gallagiser, Axsdrew Porteor, jr., sud cthers, wie testified abse te admissions macle by thse Amers. Dr. W. S. Fran. cis, Goverumeut medicai offlcsr ansong thse Indiansai Mauitowsuing, 'Wvho ai. tended tIse vounded mien aud subse- qusntly made a poat rnu'rtemt, aid bisai iu addition te bise buellot woud l inii windpiPe, old Bryan received ne les than nine sevsre wounds, three on th4e ised beiug fatal. Tisehouu BJryau, beiug put hurs de crnbyt early lu thse fray, was xnet su badly isacked. For tise defence witnesses were cali- e to teprove tisat aId Brysu l4ad pro- viosssly ilirsateneti te ili tise.Amers ou account of au isupreper intimacy whiols lie had suspected beiweu yenng Amer aud young Bryae's wife. Iu tise case cf tise marder cf cIA Brysu, tise jury acquitted tise youger Amer and fetusd sa verdict cf man- aiaugister agaiusi 1the eider. Tisey woe tiscu out ou trial fer tise murder cf tise yennger Bryau and bh vesfenud guiity cf tise capital effDnes. Dr. Fran.- cis gave a sltaiod description cf tise wouuds on tise eider Bryan, as foliowna: -A builet wound lu thse neck near thse wiudpipe; a wouud about ive luches long, out te thse boue, over tise riglit brow; another wound of tise sanie iengtis ou the top cf tise head cnt te tise boue ; another ou the back cf Lise iead cf tise saine aise andl length cut, te tise boue; tise marks ef two blows crcesing escî other on th4e loft sîsouldor, tisey vere cuutuaed wounds as if witis a stickt or chier isînut veapon auctiser mark ou tise baek ; a contused w.oud lu the regicu cf 1the loft kidney ; enotiser Slow acreus the loft wrist, ou tise back part cf il, biso boue cf tise irst lisîger on tise right bsand vas broken. Tise eldes 1rmnerue a aisefriglistllly masigios su t14e struggle. Ou M.. Hamiton moviug for 1the sen. tence cf 1the Court, Mr. Cameron objeot. ed, taking tise gronud tisai Judge Mc. Ores, befng s District Judge, was not cerupetent, accordiug te cap. 11, sec. 2, Consul. Stat. U. C., te try tise case, as tise oniy tlsree classes cf pensons mnu- tiened there as being competent te tny suai cases isy commission we Judges of tise Superior Courts, Queesus Coun- sel, and Judos cf Couniy Courts. Judge MeOres ounsidered tise question suli- ciently grave te induce hlm te uene.', sentence, poudfingtise setulement cf tise point by tiss Court of Quieeu's Bonci next terni. ing h- mentaestandi tueur graund. Orgudnovr gin aîho rallietitise troe lo vere pcuring ouI of-the brnh ut it was oftnouse; it vu nOt llip avi ine te ste. us.e idiocf ýioctcry. E:z men, animateti by hie" sisuiplo, luruetid heldti isir'ovu for :è feir iuuïtes,* be IsAires' 0 beavy for aayhleaisubeing te dtay gel!ý live. Tisy coulA net Sean ýil. They teli on thiîn tnoe aànti utraites I Sui to -ffy, but met au inch ho ld e d, anti aihast 14e stood for more tissu a minute absolntely abus, csave ton lie d ipliedi lu eape arcnonuti m. -hI coultiouly out ns vay amitithe statu ai ballistevioh ver ranng round ilimtiiok as haft; oneai4laut fnn t il vay le ihsinoble Seult, antih. feul deai. As -tàie Turits vepi aven Use parapet asud tisieti put the spot wvSes ie lay, the colonel simulai by tise sey's' extraerdinany1 courage anti devolien, Saeordens liai Se sboula, lie decently ilnIeS. utle oeninglbe nepontodto 4the Commnrnuter-in.Ciief Ibaitishe body vas ihal et a girl. I giv. tis meet as- taueding decaration oethtie colouel up- en tise -anllînily o et eue th ie Englisis êfficersion biseSendar' setaff, visa telle me tint lie vas actnally pnsaeni vien it vas matie.hit seeme simostinluoeti- ibis,; bat, Irueer taise, ne braver Seart ovrib oat ihan nov sîsepe lu tiieitle grave on tile snnasy stops of Kacelyevo. - A Remartabie Woman. We bai boss ont ho Use gravsyamd ta bnry Mrs. Pigeon, anti vers nidsng hiscie in tise-carniage vils tise Sereaved videver. Wbile lue soppeti lis eyes villihiisantidkenalsief, lie iti dus about lier. -In eue respect I nover sairlhon equal. Sho vas a manager, I've kuoved tisat voman lisat'e hying out lheisns utise t ten o laitean olti pair ef mny tnonsere satiout tisei up ton bis boys. Sise'e mate s splendid suit ton Sus th ftissai oui o! tismon ad pants, gsI ont etuff euougis ion a ceat ton tise baby, anti a cap for Johny, aud bave came over ton nug.carpet, Sesides making lianskenchiefs ont oft!hie p octets anti a busie for hergolf ont ofthlie aiher lin- sue. "Give lber auy aId garment anti lb vas sF; goýd as a golti mine. Wlay, ehe'A tait. s voru ont suaitand mate a braunsuw overcoat cul of lb. I do) Se- liive. Sise 14ad a hurn for bIsait int] of ecoomny. Thero'e on.eto my sisirte tiat I boegbt in 1847, etili gaing about lsaking itseuf useful as vinder certaine anti panhaiehbes anti plouhy cf other tîsings, "iOnhy last July aur gridiron gave ont, andsi ie tcok it apart, anti in Ivu lueurs il vis rigged op on tIse side et bise hous as a splendid ligbtniug-rod, al exoîph vlial dis bai naAs suto a Pokor 61ud an ice.piet. Ingenione?2 Wliy, se kept our tamiiy in buttons sud wistlee out cf tise har banus se -savoti, antise made fftison prnceiy ciiken cuops ont etflier olti haop stinis, sud e pig peou t cf ier useti ep corset boues. "814e nover vastesi a solihary tising. Let a cai <lie arounti er bouse, sud lise flot tising yae kuev Mary Jaue'd have s muif, anti a selta!fers, anti I'd bogin bu find mince pies ou tise dinnen table. Sbe'd stuif a featiser bedtiih tise featisers sise'd got oùof oi ns itIle bib of a roceter, asu is'A even utilise tise reacseoattse kitoiesseo's they'ti mun tise churn-hitt a machine ashe in- venieti for tise purpuse., I've seen lier coot potata parie gs e us yeu'd hhinit tisey vers cana-bacit tis aitnsd aise l adt a vay of tiuctoring op sisaviege soe the pig'd est 'azn anti grow fat ou 'esu. I du believe bisaI vamasa ceulti a uili a four'etery liotel if ycu'ti a given lien s pin board ; or a stearn-beat ont o! s vasis bolier; andtihlusvery lutI Uing aesesali te me vas le, bury lier in bise gaèden, eu's cs'd Se neeful <lova Seow thn, heipiug toeshove nopbise cias. bages. Fli neyer ne ier lite agasu." I Aon'h Sebieve hA vil, sitier. The Governar General's Tour. Tlr LONiDON 4"unES" OseN R u nuu -'vxe' UTTEuSANCES. Tise Tune, bas editonlale on Earl Dssllerin's8 speeches in Manitoba. hi saye Lord Deffern i t. recosmapoli- tan, andt ioronghly undersisuda one ô! tise mosl comprebensive canamuiles Ihat. philoeophy ever imagineS, or cissuas even tisrew tegeîisr-a cana- munity vauting scarc eiy aey elemeul tista sune harted, scunti-minedt Englishman migist desine. Tise Tes. lauderesuad Mennonits are happily1 floîr1Hie OeA aLis-T.-Wheu Abra. bain Lincln irs a -pour lavyar ho founul iiael! anc coiti la>' 54 avilage some disattace, trom Sprngfiel, anti mitis ne meane ot conveyaiscc. Sasieg a gentleman driviug alang tise Spring- fielhA moed lu a carriagi-, horau up te bin suri puily sais]: "Sir, yull ye have bisé gooduece te tate i4y overcosi te tome fer me ?ý' "Witi plisguro," assuredth ie gentleman ; "bul hem miii you ge& Il again 2" "Oh, ver>' ece;il>'." sudiMn. Lincoln, "ai; I intsesi to romain iii it 1" I"Jnmp in;" said bise aeetîsemitu; sud tise Fiuture Presidont liea spleasani ride. PsuasSMsENTrHAYES SOUTHER x PoaCor. -A set et résoluations sndonsing tise Pnosidmut's Soutisenu polio>' viii >proSi. abi>' ho iutrodniaed lu tiseRouse -of RopreseulatirsW & a Denacral.- Baàmu.c uiu Brtx CUR. -A'Tex. s vcmssvie vas bSt$en Spa ratie. suait. vU ouesd by &àsu e4lpua îtalu01 nIlt#r4? ippnssue ves te have bueu iecrad itn a body ;fru iinte dismectiug ' scioël. Tiseanaresven sGaieties lu Uhe- Unitet States, andithat Sosides D. Leino feruace ah Wshlington, Pei., User. ans ivo crematories building - oeena; BrocitipuanA anses.t Chicago. The rnlsssociety hSa s uiltria-euryanti ens o! t'hémtrpoitncemeeieîha. offsred-il ground-for -tise ereottôn- et a' crematorium, but tse ides seima nsr- ýpugnaut t te secclesiactical suthor- ARu, TEÂcius ENTITLiD TO B9AL- àuxMS É oR VkcÂrîOx.-The folleving circularI ha. Son isued Sy lise Depari-' ment ut Education la regsrd ta ihis iprtib and mecSdebateti question: 1 have tise honor te state tint lie law aplces1t. tise-case t. se foilove "ýEvery Master or Tascher, et a Public or HigisSahool or Coulegiato Inelitate, miali be ,entillesi to e e palhis saluiry for the auhiesd holdayescemuing ýduring :Us. poniad Of his engsgement vilS lie ,Trustees, santibaiefor lise vacali os vhich follow immediately on the expiration eft te - shool herm vchoSebas serveul, or the toma ot hie .agreement viihm uai Truc. tees.". If, tierefons, tie perieti for vhiah thé, Teacisor vac engaged vas completeiait t"tis. exsiraion 0etutie School Term,' hle vaffjustly entilet t paymoni for tise iolidays or vacation immodistoly folloviug sai totem. Iff isovever, the, agreemuent bacs till fur- tiser lime tb mn, sud vas liroiten sy tise Teaciser vibhdravieg freinths Soiool Seferethe Urnie meutieuctd-in tisi agreemient, on faillng ta gel -a Gem- tificate, vie iciight have expireti, 1h vonîti Se ophional vilS tise Trustees bo ailow for bis holidays or vacation. Il muet, 14owver, Se bons in mid tisI this viev applies ouly te cases vie, by lise non-compîsance ofthtie Teaciser to continue hie profescional. duties dr- ing thée terna cf bis agreement, thse lu- teneets of tiese chool have Sien lu- juriously affecteS. le aIllother cases tise Teacher vould ho enlitieti to ho paid for tise holiday. er vacations, sud a liSerai sud equitable iutenpmitahiou aboeuldaise given te tise lav andtihie agreement ou bath aides. {Sigued), J. 0GUO. HODGINS. Dep. Minister et Esicaion. Ouaîesrnzx.-Ilu memomiat exhibi- tiens bisere are hndmede of email ar- ticles, curions tin tiemeelves vici are ovenlooke u is te cravti of objects. To sncb tisings lu tise Caxton exhibi- tien, juse lidlui Loundon, are wcrtsy cf mention. One o! tbose vas tise "le. -gebype" on vicie word ast mn one puece ot mâtal. h vas tisongisia inn- dreti yeara ago usaI lime Se saveti if the more tnuququis useti vorde, suais as 'and.,' 'te,' 'a, 'jei,' &c., sbola Se tIs cash. Tise Times nevepapun af tht. date brisA tise expînimînt sud aban- <oued il. Tise otSen relia is curions as sheviug early processus cf issukiug. early lu ils Sistomy thse Bank of Eug- landi, visons depueiter placed ascum nal Ssnk gave liai &note for lie arnunt. Whoun bie noteisolden visiei fer mcu.y io drev visaI Se needeul,and tse eum Amavu vas endorseti on bise note. Ths tise note serveul a triple pnrpose cf circulation, banli accon aud cieqise. Tise'logotype' lias given ývay te 1thelargo storeolypo, represeut. luz lise viole page. AnS tise note vili lise account current ou tise Sais vosild isardhy serve-lin these <laye, vien millions change bande by ýciequec viishônt tîsepayons sud meceivene ee muais as seeing tisernoney tisey- are supposet teahale. Tise grester anri- ousity liseah alli oveven, .Sov tise modes etur generatien paso avay lu- to entire olilivion vush gesierations euc- ceedlng, and "memeriaicollections" are uecessary 10 teacis us boy aur pre- decessors managed tiugo.- Waauxsax.z SLKUOETER OF FRISONe- EUts ON A RussiÂN RÂILvÂY--A ter- rible Baiivay accident occurreti ou s Russian nailvay lu tise valley o! lie Dan. Beven cars contsining nsaniy 'four hundrei Abociaian prm'oeme on their vay taBiSon., vers oompleily deetroyed, anti nul a csungle min ofthtie Ahoaaiaus survived. Tliey vers, as usual, chisinst tether. OUNTE13FEITNoTIu.-Tho Halifax Clsronic(e vanne ils readers 'Manet counterfeit $5 notes ofthtie Bankt cf Nordli Amerios, vhioli arc voil calce- lateti te deceive. Tise eoes are datoti Quéec, 22ud Novenaier, 1871. No. 44,490 sud signeti by C. P. Smiths, Man. ager, sud H. M. Pnice- acconlaut. Tis paeri. very infonior, lie priuliug RzTaUMx» :ionla Ti=Wrrrs -Al the Canadian Pacilie Ilailva>' parties on tiisaide oftiseRock>' Mountains have nelurueti ton lie visiter. -M&NITOBA WHYSLT rO% lEUROEu.- Tise firet exportation et vheat frasu Manitoba ta Europe vas madc tuis meoit, s car oaA being cenaignet tac GlasgowBlin. - - ATSAGvos AcSuevGUELPR _~Nisis. s'ai.zs.-Wrta isasust inuthe cuunty o! Lincoln, Ont., have been' nnveti au bie ppiteeof lie, Guelph Heu-ald ani Mera-ury, 1at tise inetance ut Su Davis, cf Niagara, fer alleged]isel. The dam. ages in each casoars laid aI #10j000. PovaTo Ro.-Many of!thiefarinera lu tise vicinity o! Thamestord, Ont.,are cemplsîuing ef tise otata mol. AI- liaugis bie crep lias Siben virylage, great cars vii have .to Se taken-to.pre- veut lise. disease tramding sorions damatge. Es.Os'sssEME .-Jaciob Roch, a Gernina in tise emplby>'o! Mn. B. Mas-lin, cf Cinten, Ont., seizosi lis, occasion o! tise Clinton Faim ho siopé mitis MieRosiel,- a Young lady o! 17 neslding vibis Mn. - Martin. UNAU Usscrua. OXn.-AII 'babies bora in tise Oneida Community aire at once tatou tram ISoir motiens sud giron ta soins athe wmaante nurse anti theo bhiss are changeS anounti so Ihai ne motsen ovin -réars, on evon kuove, hon oun child. The ebjeot ile te destroy all family- feeling, aud io ksep avwomau froml1oving hon owu ild bot- ton tissu an>' body> elae's cîsildren. Ï71E COLONIEcS ANs»DFEEEcixe OF GRAIsvBaunaca ombrace abent one' tisirtio! tise surface et thé globe sud nearl>' one-ionrth its population, euis- prising -lhirty-nine adlminstrative div- risions, of wiricis tires are ln Europe eleven, in Anica, bsn n eAtnca, sevoii lun Asiaanti sovea in Ocesicf~ - TuuulPeskA1asD THSE Nxv szse- The Pope reouutly salA ho a frienul, irli ýis a; newspaper. edibor: "Navetpapese arc t illing me SsiI>'. I wish yen meulA teih tissa iast 1Ihlie atise is fatal -cf a,11uiseeses, sight> tour yeaser anti four imouthe, Sut tiséInini' t. uat yet ont." Tise Krishna Bhsol Igltiusme vas proliabiy tbe funsi tnniallnetftise kins] lW British Indis, lias conpietel>' disappemnid, s nOt tnu -trace Ã"o: st ca nov lSe discovereti. Il mas0ontise Gui! et, Nartahin, lun tisaProvince -Of Brilisis Burmai. AnPsRuscsTo m OLxos.Bs0orQUE- signs y taoresth nheuei ss. WSeu aI tb. cl0os the -meeting lise voman vaiketi avay, sise bad a psr"eo, a fan anti a bymn-isook !lusnebandl, sud th. other vas employet inlugathengu anti ili up lise frontiseaili etr her ekirts Ssglî'engls te enablo Son te etep, visile tise limniof her mlingg- é vas determineti by lier- cuailmetpin. bacit and etiitod bout-Sosie. Andi avay cie veut a sanecWsd voman. 4'G GANaTrc iBLnsisxeTEx-As LAND- Tnnz.s.-A gigantia evintile haB, becu, brougiât ta lighin lu KanesCity by lte anreet of J. R., Hem, Etivarti L. Ste- vous sud Geango W. Miller on-àa nequi. sill on froai Govemnor Huisbard, Texas,' en a cisrge et fenfàging landti ttles anti iseung deeds for lange traots in Tex%&. Au imlmene a mýout eflandi Sac iesu oouveyed undor mauy aliuze#. About a year ago tise. attention of Gaverne HuSSar-d 'vas calle te th ie m"tter, anti an lookinx itta us mourons svindls vas detected, involving boUs Tex an d uhe Unitedtatis. »The iutsusitiec ai ,Washiugtou-ivere luforieti, antis% oe- agent sen ul cu Ilire. He ebtained s aine vhicis ha. Seen cosely folloveti, recnltiug in liese imultaneensresmt cf sixly persaneata- diffées i pe O f ie contry. 'No lis- tIssu ihirlean:euil isausesvero hiui th le' put yesr ta desirey evidencsagainsi ils iindens. Tise, prsona vs ero Isite'n leTexas ta- day. J-, One cf the langeai Sankiug house-lu Austin, Texas, ivo Ohicago' bankers, tva real octale tdssions, and oISons lu Sb. Louis,- Indianupolie, Cinciasati, Clevelandi, antiý Piteburg are te hi or have been arresteti. It laiBeeys lIsera vas a veli-organizetisycteoietfomgury lu fuîl pratice lu, Western couuty for sigisi or nine yoars. The sameoragan. ization vhichinl nov- forcsng TexaK- scrip on, tliemarlcet bas been pîrpetrat- ing soins terrible forgerse. Tise mes cf vcrkiug st. li1é;Tisy lave agents in escu distriet vill atatorneje in cities. An oltivornan or man o! vealth faise sicit sud tise<lacions give him or heu up as litely la dis. Thse persan having been assuret t dis, anatihUe gang bav- iug oxaminedtheta records cf tIse pmep. erly beiouging b Usthe ometi penson, Use Seire ara sou ghi for "anti daily ex- amusd. Tie eua:are pea«il due tonna. -Esaimembeo et lIergange ippears Sefore s justice, anatihUe dying mau's pnoperly i. tiuly, deedeul avay isefore hie deatia, hic name le' forgeal cuati haïtOfhic vite, anti tieseame pisceti ou record. BINULR CSEOîHoAax>uu.-For a nnmber o! ysfans <thsrs nceide inlutise vestenparIto! Brook sadstitute viA- ov, tovards viss support tise muni- cipal conncit bas been givlng .cadfie lir or tiares. dollars pin montis far sevenal years bacit Thsis voman <ied v eoit b sore lasiLanti ou th ise he effects saie left Seing lookeiL aven thevas -fount in s box tise sun o! eighly-ivo dallars. This enna, wv undenstaud, lias beau h"dndti ito he tovnship troaserer.-ý TarisNisir RotexsH14USExfer Use WSitby sud-Viecia Rellvaye, il Lind- say visicis Sas been in course ofooneimno- tien forcorne -ime, is expectedti le h cempleteti next vesit, al lie brick-vomit Seing navfiniahed. Tie- building i. 110Ox 64, ot good tieeigni anti very etrnglycauctrucleti. n:xaai OF vTH£CUAN eIsisunesr-liT Xxs.z.is.-The Presideul eoft he Cuban Chambersesanthle insurgent Secretary of War vers killed during s receut engagement vitWSpaniei inope. Ducits ptr pr. Turkeys; per Apsples, per b tBilaIk Eye Ps f i lover Seii, W1IITed a be prol tlikesa - - takeusE drivea duming Vary wi Seinvi natione Tuesdi by, he Egyptel A Bi Sias Ses, a ma=~ -great V. -Thse vin lAnces i 7pannAs, exhl-ite 125 pou. mas, ea this is i record. 115b, for, Use ïPro, John, N. te lave' 1 by whicl M-iuad2,8( homeiL tveen M landl stS Psua1dings Pnly ans- bos, Set àctive-m Pire Bol bave bee ,-A maIl he citle re ady bum have suce * iacaeit a Lin e l antirdin maeits sciocla aI Pheroi-ira *Tvo cran wis., will. catien of Ontario W vbas lu I vitaetie antDicath LEAVE Saturidsy, B. Leaven KELLY; douce of Is mis., bv ] Kelly, .eq WB CIMON: PassosEscu13YirFs.ovscs. -Anuie L. Bnehuiey, et Macon, Ga., vas arrngiug a heantifnl fierailtdesign as a tnibute ta ho laid u1aou tise iusitceutsiiga do- perte] trionS, Inu eeciing =aes ram theo plant eupisnebia, tiesetaem prmasina iug liseam as breken, vison a drap et ilesaap iras apaitensti inte ionr eye. Iu- flamation immeiliately folioved, muih extendeti domu hiemchiot, ant iuer bauds, wmih ipeti uay ltas toars trous Son sys, vene aima aimilarhy affocted. Tise auplunobia or lace planh t. keoun th oaniste as one e!f1the hsnbaaenue plants, Pud t. di.tinguisbed ,by tise senlu anti ofieua powertulpaa- bues prapînt>' et its mitky jmicé,tiu ils leavesa as-smuaisadmires], andtihUe plant sa popular ans mthoiS ond. It seulîti e handsul vil tise greateet came. PorciNor Yousse NAs'oLEousr- Young Louis Napoiecu is practical>' a prisoner. Europe lsa s rée contry ta alrneet suy oIson tissulSe. He in Sacit iu Englandl,îuieeho intende te mate a noues] of visita in Yorkshaire anti War- wickshsire befoe Christas, unlesaa cail te St. !atss-r'e Ibroce aboulA inter- fore. Louis Aid not expeet ho be isacit in Englanti go acoe, bel ii le ei tât thae Bolgisu Goveoment, uueas>' at bie stsy ai Namur, peIiteiy anti uuofficialhy envilîs] hlm bSta teChisîtisunci anti vieinity. WA Waisvxg A iANaie»S"as.-A van betuesu <ijiina and Sian t. lous- ig uptbie tormes country hgvng me - viveti a daim ta tise cvereigut>' muish han Soin dormant -ton huent>'yeans. SUave ai VOLUNTES AGAD<5T Mies- Taisaa.-Tho Mantreal voluub ers mie vae cailed ouI for spocial dut>' on tise occasiun o! Hsacketta fumerai have on- tereti ections agalusi the cdty fon.tise recovey o! heii py. expenimeul cf sisippiug meaite oFrancs i. Seing-td thleu, efiret- esargo havhsag left Now Yorkt pestertia>.

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