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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1877, p. 3

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John.Freei eN#jol thAeIO l.au dCOUEIy, to ba Commissiouers par eooiemrim l3 sud for lb. saiS Dm.asîoN IN TUE Iaok 'TRuaP.- The. Oyda ion- vorkexe' lok-out coom- wqeg" ozSatstu yý,Thoro'i # greéît deprossion in-the Forest of DeCX ion district, the foreenuhasving rë.- oaived"hiàiot4.ttb,9 û&~c~OtýQptfve per cen.' foin or termlnrrt6-41 sin'Raialppers, !Le GaZUïàois 'ud Le ReppécZ, lusist thal the Minitry will rosigu on the 511th prox., and aosert Ihat aunOetlhVOr labolng MOadO at prasent tef«Oi ia tiapOrary <3binet,-*ith Gea. Barthaut, nov Minieter of. War, gs Presidant cf Iba Coohoil, sud tha Dasie Decazes as Mislter of 1"oseign Affaire. Tii; MlnIstr 4r hoivver,. 1111dony Ihal iebint.eplalaêd,, * h properly salfi f0 have beon drinkiug likea e Ssi ien ha, Suds thast heolas taken enough to moka hie heac si va WET AN'Da.-An Irish ýboy'baving drivan * gentleman -a long astage ride duriug torreÏnts of riin, tha gentleman civlly sald to hlm, -"Paddy, are yen fnot varyval?"'Arah I Or'le.eAbou$ bain' varyval ; .bnl, Plaua yar hononi. I'm Tory dry." DATa 0i BfLlGIOUEs gzv;cz ar Do. - nzzw XÂTOOes-Il liramaîkable Ihal *veyday 09t4q Irk is by different A IG 13016011 0v'Giw's.-Tere bas beau OAoMblbilQflini Sau.Franolset a anin0o uli odi6f grapei from tht Froat vine of Sants Burbara, àacuttl&'g froai vloliwas- sent tb tha Centounial. T4e vine Ioa elîlocu yeosa d, and pro. doces annuuy from 10,000 be 12,000 pounde of grapes. ThIe special clisler, azlîibil-od in, San Francsco, woighod 125 pounde; ivaseiix feet'in circnumfir- euce, and Ilîrs fot long. Probably tlie le the biggeet--hnnch ci grapea on record. IMPOiITANI' TO ANaLESs.-Tbe foibiw. -ing pewa'w flhery regolaîjons ail pub. lishoed lu the GaZelef t: No pereon shafl 8811 or, catch, kfli, boy, oeil, or bave lu possession any spaokled tront (saimo font<saUi.) batvean the 151h day cf Septémber sud the. lat day of May, m1 thie Province of OatarWo, DisesTacus Pin.ix PoMArNaxD, K. B.-Portland, oua cf -lb. snbu'bo cf St. John, N. B., vas vlilatd on Matuirday mornlng-by 'a dlsasrous ira, an posed. ho bava beau lise woîk cf incanJisarles, lywhlch 280 bomsas ere destroyo4 sud- '2800 pao pleodeprived o! Ihei- homies, , Thewhce. cof the block ho. twean Malq, Acadia. Csl, and Port- land otreets0ru destroyed, and msny buildings on adjacont sahi-co. FS fer bly one lifelIoknown 10 have becu lest, bol several casusîties ocessrec. Activeaueo inluwhich the st. John Pire Relief Cosunibteo le co.operatiug,ý bave beon hakan for the relief of 1h. sufforeg. TzaiWLELE ATTLE DiSsIAosElu IRUBBIA. -A zualigneul diseage Io îaging among Iba 'cilla in southoru Rusiea, and ai. ro yhndeiof hliusands of animale hav scalI Ilbed âte its ravages. OPPOSITION TO HoN. Met. LAuinms.- The nomination loi 1h. Drurumond sud Arthibawsa laction vas Leld ab Artis' baskavil. on 'Saturdl. Hon. Mr. Laurier la oppcsdbyMrf. Bourbou. Ur<xÉszSTAT4Ï WJilA',T Citop.-Tlsq United Sttoheat'crop Ibis year le said! ýo' boe1rqet cver, produced in the coünnuy. ' 1 Tiai CoxacaA.&-Aeii icchoIera bie madie ils appeaance est Yokohama ov. IngtopoigiOCtgo properly enfers. quar. autina regulahlous._ MILITAIT SCUOOzLa. - Tha miitaryý shosi ah ifax anti Fuaodericton wii ha oPened Ou thse firist cf Novembar sud the Rân cf Decomber.reapoctively. PRsYeuLE ~îCRANBERnY 3,JIA5NG.-i 7Tvo ranberryraisera near Bellu, Wie., vili sealize nasrly a quarter o a 4 million dol1sr4 Qu Ibis ear's cîop. ]3xazaxs PuaacATow.-'Lepubli. catlon o! "Tie Socialis' Record sud Ontario Werkmaa" bas been resumoti, EýLIENFAsosît's BUiRNFI) OUT.-Â destructive ire iu Fredericton, (N.B.) bas left levon familles bomeless. 1L,oz VINtiAGE iei FflANcs.-Tho vintago In Franco Ibis year ileoxpeclod ho b h llageal known for a oentury. ~"NlLoa o l3rllaMaro-ages, andb DeaUea cleaged 50 cents ,eceh. BIB TH 8. LFiAVENS.-At Duffina' Creek, on SAtuiclaY, Oct. 201h 1877, lise wifé of D. Leavenot sEq., of a sou. - *MARRIED. K£LY-WHITE.-Aî the rosi- doeuce of thse brides',nacîher, on the l7th iuol., by.- Rev. R. Charnhser, , no. S. Relly, 1q. ise Jnnie white. WHITBY MARERTJ'. ,CUIeSOICLs. Oprer, Oct. 24tb, 1877 Flous, peu rIi....... 07 00 @ 0)7 DO FiAIt'Ieat ............1 12 à :VI 85 - prlng Wieat--------...$ 1 00 @ 31 O8 liarley ..........110 48 @ 90 58 Peasa................. 5@ 54 8 l'est, blacik.yeS .... 86 87 03o - ... .... ........ 4C cori................. 5 kaY................154 Apples.................0C 5 Sc petalcesi..........80 (à 85 egs......... ..2 c Buttai................ 18e0@e 20 Woodl................ 850 4400 Wool .... ............ 25e @ç 280. Bcdf, hbili tlaihter,.--. ",50ude Z7 00 Beet, foie quartes-..... 5 ) 1 15 0 Sheepskino .............. 0 (10 (0 1)117ri Ma ,ln ....................5 00 @5405 50 Pus-k, pr ewt .......... 0 w01) &10 26 - Lassîbsi.....................- Cluas............... et@$ Tu-i,................ 5o CI e............... j- (41. . Carroie................... lac @5 200 - 'Chiekens,.perpals-,...li 15 @-40o Dueke per pi ............ . <@ 5Or -Tus-beys, per hb....... lc Applea, par iuglsel ..... *80e00 1 00 Black Bye. Pes. $t.5 1 00011 O -Clover Sed ............7 60 *8 00 Iteportoid and correcteS -teekly, by T. Il. Wteaeoct. 241h, 1877. ]Red Wae...... 0@1.08 !pelg~...........00 @1.08 ~osrer~fI<fail~$6, paitut"7 W06 s- b- Mdlcmt are %$Iug ?ud i I ta e îùaW leieaofm64 < -esçmeaieaisealshe.t by l eepn 0 saWea wélPurrtlftèd saha pra)perly aourlshed frame."ý-CieU aSeik 8014 Onl uftaoketg, eae8jaa r"laeffl Ç. H mepayc PlcadliyA D nM TISËà1-'T. 1. Iu conséquenceo f lb, ion si, a"veae cbysustalned by flue, *0 viiiraqidra ail Ooutstanding cleluosvher lanotes or book accon .Ld as'-,Pue ýà >osalble. Wawo h«edKri Aty oui cnsloMar (havlng eccuats nnietld) ths et a ii take Il nasà laeor, thalr calllng an" settllug them up auan arly day. W alorequesl those vhc urcbsse f80dsat our otorè on credlt), on tVààdà keeP memorandumscf tha quentlty 30 pur. chese4, as, t4e blotter or. otnoý okfor thet de y vas burul anS .wa have nu ollaÈble W&Y 0 ofndlngout the exact quan Uscid Considération tbé 'cîrcumatancas .-undar they vii not bhlnk ne unreaeonabie lu eaUl. lemeut 01 au m*aturod dlaims. Office, et proseut; front part cf tisaI occ.ý 1ed byMr. Ormufsten, Solicitor, &e.,d&., neMo lla"sblock, partly opposàite h OntaioeBank. THOS. LAWLER B&0 Whitby, Oct. 201h, 1877. Miss Wilson bas opaned her 'Dfi'-MA-KINO -ýROOA.S, over Mr. Hl.iklc'astore, Brock atîset, Oct. 20th, 1877. 44. YyWlliTBY, 28rd9Odtober, 1877. Thls is le express aiy appreciation of the proiuptness and fairnes vth which I have heen leall by "The Rand-in Rend Montreal Pire Insurauce Comipany," through their Adjuster, Mr. John T. Moore, lu th. malter ùt damages s ausîineaby reason o! <thelire on the nîigbb of the lth inat., and I take pleasnro lu expî-caeung aiy entiroestiacas -44" ' J., SAUIiDERS. MORTGAGE -SALE *TNDER, sud by virtue, o! Power cf Sala I)coeaained lu a certain Mortgege, dat. tte .251h day cf Augiset, 1871. and wblch wiilb. pruduceà ab lh. lime of sale;- there wiilb. sold by Public Auiction, ett AY'S JIOTEL, in the TOWN of WHITBY, on SATURiDAY,- OCT. 27, "77, %.AT tjjýEXIIN'CLOCK,A., Ail thal certain pirreel1 of Land, coainencing on the Soîtbsrn limit of Lot 20, in 111e First Concessgion of' Whltby, and knnown as follows, viz : Four acres, more or lees, belng part of the Soulberly part of said Lot 26, andi heing the landsaonth of the G. T. Itiiiway, and nov occupied by John Bliow, Esq., as tenant. T4e.UM 5 -Casïh; or an approvedeudors. cd eiï,oab 8 or 6 montha, with luterest at eiglsfper cent per annumn. For furîher partllulare and conditions, Dated Sol. for th. Mortgagees. OcI. 151h, 1677. . F ARM FOR SALE, B4ING Lot No. 8, 151h Cou. West Wii. lameg; 100 Acres, more or lIssu; haIt aille trein the flourielnng Town oi Parbisill; about W0 Acres cleared and lu a good state of culîlvatlon; balance veil tieubereli viti' harlivood.- Brick houe.. Large new trame hemn and stable, wltb plenty of bard and oit wates-, About tour acres oftan orchiard wlîli choice fruit trees. SOU, Clay loam. Possession eau b.eraagd 10suit pur. chaser. For partleulars addres- J.W. POWELL Pas-bih; or F. W. MOWLL, lrooklil. Oclobor 18, '77. .44 1.0Il 1 riî9N9 'NEW 31USIO HALL, MUsic F URNISHED WREN DÉE5IRED. Seating Cspaclay, Ona Thougsnd. GEO. HOPN5. Whilby, Oct. 22, 1877. JY.44 Important toalal Frceoit lzens. Get a Home, Stay at Home, Improve -your Home, and' When the Time Cornes Vote Like a Freed Man. For sale or ta lot, Pas-k Lots No'. 29 80 81, 82,1-U sud 84 Wailaoe, Farewed aend Keller's plans. h acres. Well walered. Fais- state o! cullivation. Nevwpum asd iard water veil. Fruit tises. WIithin ten usissula walk'ofthle post office, towu ai Whitby Possei;sion vathin ono monti. 8everal vsry eligible bouses lu rant snd sxome te seli, ut pîicea verying trom 8400 to $-21!00. Iu ail cases on terme, as t'O lime cf paysncnt, to suit purchasers T ireanc-acre lots, on Henry s-ceet fur ciale. On. une-acre lot, on H"nryatreel lu ho crnppcd on siares for scison of! 1178. Seme siccent Is-leimioi I"may ipplyll. Moncy- to loin an ah classes ut security- buI il nuut; he.REcuesRIT. Ji. RAMER GRENWOOD: 2r zII7.Attorney enS Solicilor, VOTERS' LIST, 1877, MUNIUIPÂLITY 0F TE *Town- of' Whitby, COUNTY 0F ONTA-RIO. N!OTICE leiserby givcu tisaI 1 havc "a saiccSoceîivssed to tise persons mestlu'ned hi lue secondl section ofthle Vcîsra',Liist Act cf11877, lbe copies required hy tie sissecellis to e lsno treusmnited as- Sdellver'èd tif the lisI maS. (nrsuart 10 esid Acti u il persona apsîeacsng by bise lest' revised Atieessaient Biu «lise said Muni. cipalitly,-îa liaentîrled te vota in liae e4d MUsac!ality ah Elecîlins fer Members ci tiss LeliativnAsumbiy, and et cie Muni. Cîi l iuu, nd hie saiS lifit va. iret pacteS uls nt my office, an. Whlî6y. en tie 241hi day cf Octaher, 1877, and remails liera fuoi însuîctian. Electore are calîcO U.Pou ta cxaniînc teisa Esl it anS il &Dy omi ssiaus or aches- erres-e are tounuS horeim, to tae imnseiît psocceings to havelthe salderros corrcte ~ THOS. HUSTONI - ' Clevk of tis id Menicspality. PaleS Wbllby, Oct. 241'h, 1877. lin-41 INDIGESTI.ON. - Obronlo Indigestion tie kideyrs sud ladds-, -,produ4fui dtty lu lie -e urina, v h, ou belng urgent nea alia ePhastozone. Oaa ortire os-s dozan doses cf Piostozone may liot cura Ibeaik f tbf tiypevarenla belel a , of ý0 Po= #9#044 d 4jS 74#4 5'1 SI lasbig heu paymaazs, suthey, aru li- L' fKG ~STEWART, T1heOfcen.and imembersof the Whltb Mm irarig4 beg ttlank Mess ieLsngd ýStewArt, dry gooda marchants, for*acau loi $25, Stoi thairsarvces et tisalaIedia ýJJOHN STÂNTON Utb,,ýc. 2th, 187.ChaEnie. Caàrdof. Thanftks. T RE .tNDERSIGNED begs te rtura E bis slcer thanksotoe id ras au4 noikbors vho so lindiy usetd in mObstaugihermnan cl c u to Md sud rri. tui. et the late disastionslfre. Whitb# Ã"0îobarg4ti, 1877~. LL. 44.1 CARD 0F THANKS., 'RE UNDEB5IGNED daes te lhank Mie ino naU&,fllow ýcitisena for tha efficIent assistance rendersd hiiin ise, re- inoval et his gooda durln& the labo disse- trous ire. JOHN SAUNDEES. Whlltby, Oct. 21h, 1877. 44. CA RD 0F. THA NKe. He eet UNERINE esr t aturae T senceretisenlcs e oefiands eu felov llieusvhrenere auhefiin HAMILTON &dCo0. Whilby, Oct. 24, 1877. 4 CARD 0F THANKS. O THE mauy kind Meinds viç so eisly T ssistad in ieaiovlng aiy geods durlug lb. late lise 1 nov hag te, relus-n ay sincaeî sud heaieit thanks, anS vould tsi. Ibis opporlunlty cf intorulag my numerousceus. toaioia liai I shall &gain ha lu a position to seasy aiy business about tha end cf th. weekin lu e ewWrezaiises nazI door te Mr. Joiuston'e jevelry store.' THOS. G. WHIITPMIED. oct. 24ti, 1877.4. -GEORGE BRITTON, PilACTICAL CARIif/AGE & WAGON MANUFACTURER et lb. Double sd' Single TuImDr povmeut PATENTED CHURfNS., 'Wagons, Buggies, Sigis, ccnetantiy cOn hanS. Le Doue an tis shorteat notice. Mg GEO. BRITTON,. Brook Street, - W'---Wthy. October 22, 1877. 1Y."4 AUCTION SALE -0F- CA R/f/A CES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS and CUTTERS, -ON- SATURDAY, 27th OCT'R, M. O'DONOV4N~Sv Carniage Facoloy, Brook eh., Whithy, 1 2-hors. Carrieze, viti Top. 1 Boling-seat Albert Phîeton, witi Top. 1 Park PFiston viti Top. 1 Eoillug-seat kimîon, open. 1 Yachtl]Buggy, vîti Top. 1 C Sps-lng Pony Piston. 5 Open Pistons, 8 eprings and smail seata. 8 Open Yacht Buggies. 8 Fane y ound-hack Buggies. 8BStauLoeBgges. i Small Rolliug-seât Buggies. i Auci Rollg-seat Carniages. 1 Handspa eDog-carl Siaigi. 'à Turuover-set Culte-s. 6 Patent Fs-ont Cutters. i8 Double Sligie, scond-hand. 8 single Cutters, d" 4 i Exteneion Top Carniage, i Rockaway. roliling-seac, i Mse Seat Cusiage Top, d 2 PIssIons, vithIl d 1 Second-band Reaise, vltb poe anS sost, plumes, curtains, d&c. TERM8 -12 aioulbs ciedit ; intereal cbîrged trom day cf sais if not paili vhen L. FAIRBANKS, WI(iiby, Oct. 10, '77. Auine-. G4reat- Piano Sale I Tie underaigned bas isceived Instructions -from Mr. CHARLES GORTZIG, lia Meu(etura %i el by Public Auction SIX ALU'BLEPIAN4OS, on Tue8day, November 6th, '77, on the pWiaiises, eoposite 1he Post effica, TEEMS c-12ai enlie, onapprovad notes, vith interest eh aigit par cent. Thi. Pianos as-e ail 7-octava, cf tha vary boas matalansd finish1 anS vith &Hith. lâlset liproveaicuts. lihselunvat et e gciistrument vil idin l Iis th.boi !,.iseneyt. Gsiarantac tor Ste yaaro. Tha instruments vil ba n vievtoi tha lnsp,4ciou et visiters fer tour 4sys prevloxis te lie day cf sole. L Oct. 171h, 1877. utner Clooks, Clocks, Clocks, A-LARGE ASSOIVTMBNT et tioe il.Beautitul anS Correct TimeXKsroi s xhibited et -lie lut Souli Ontaio air, wiU i a adreS fer sale fer baby Manufao- tus-ens'prices, as lue viola aiust ha soiS refuseS, et,- ibe Peint Aud Papar-isaging estbbllhmeul of W. H.' HANNAM, ,Dundas-s., Wbllby, (opposiete offOc), Oct. 171h. 1877. (8n4 fOUSES FORB ALE -i BcuRoccash on Byron streel, mu FarGond o l ho B'lST Qir Dresses-.M rN4êVÏ io ïën aof t ý,flling Our reseswhîh ar ~l atordwith. the -pQpular taste, and- Bel more fèaOUiY-.tibi n' y Previôüs Ptriase of Dresses. Th "e1 lageassortmenlt of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets,ý rivaling the large d Inasl MontreRi.. Ou ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -'n BlnetsoOea Goô, that the price: sefls them, they don't reur eraising and blowigover ; le aeOe-Fifth Ohoaper than for the, bpsaine size, weight andaItyls er Notwi*thst;anding the somew*,aat Mild -weath er fo r the lm of year, Winoeys are .being disposed off, rapidily-ihe cause for thàt efleet is their excee.d- ingly good value.- ODD FELLOWB' HALL, WHITBY, CIIOEDITS.ALEOF I ORGANS.1 'LAING & STEWART The subscriber ban heen instructeli by the Dlrecbors of the MUDGE d& YAEWOOD MANUPACTUEING COPANT te ssii by - PublicAuctionf aI the Organ Factory, Town of Whitby, -ON- . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 1877 34 OIRGANS, vîth one, oas audl-a-blf Ivwo, tv..ad.a- haf,.thraa, sud tour 8 o o f BoadS, vlth one to e svan e, 4ai " sd "11ev" Fin"shW&zaurUÂssz8nau aiSrst-cisss ma- larl a d vrLusisip. 12 MELODEON-ORGANS, ln Ecsovood Casas, FJov Finish. 1 PIANO-FORTE, sud 7 I3ECOND-HAND MELODEONS. Purchaseis ca, if required, bave Oigas sud Mlodacn.Orgassbonoid ddelfvaied eit aliber Bsilvay station st Wih'tfor $2 each, os- Piano-toile for #4. Instruments on exhibition daily et Organ Fcryinthe Tovuot Witby andi for sale, BELOW CO5T, up to day ai Antion. Sale ho cama nce ah 2 o'clock p.m. sharp TEBM5 0F SALE :-Cash or Ivaive moulu' credil on aproval i Note, bearlng eighl par coul. interest peranu. The Whihy, Port Ferry &c Lindsay Bail. =aY vin issue Tickets te parties attaudlug salrtca Lindsay, Port Perry, and aiu stations ncrth. te Whltby sud returu, et Wbiby, L. FAIRBNKS, Octobar l6th, 1877. diu-de .Steer -Strayed. nAME on lot No. 11, >dth con. Pickering a C_ one year old ser- red color, white lli On lan, snd star on 1orehend. WiU b. soln duecourse of lawlo defry charges ascaie yowner sud epne ad unlsaclame Bj .END SeepOd Oct 151h. (81n.48) Greenwood S 7716 1N0T BEÂMY ERNED IN these limas, but il oa ho made in tbree mouths by an y on. of $7 7 ither sez, in sy a~ rt of the Country, whois.wlig to work steadiy et the employaient Ihat va turnion. #66 per woak la your owa lova., Ton need b. away from homâe over nlght. You eau give your whole time to lb. vork, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are meking over $90 par day.- AU who en- gage et wo engage aI once ca mako money fest. At the preseaI lime money cannol ho made so eaily end repdlyet any other business. Termes andad j5Oflee1 Addreso at once H. HALLETT &c CO., 41-ly Portland, Mainle. To the Farmers. The Subacriber viii achange FINE SMALL PEAS, et Draper's Elevator, for Good Blackè Eye Peair, Selives-ed et same place and aiiow tventy cents per busiel differeuce. ROBERT H. LAWDER. Whitby, 171h Oct., 1877. -NEW YORK SINGER S.PE W I N G MACHINES. -000-- PYOU WANT TO BUY A FIRST-CLU5S 8EWINU MACHINE, ATTACHMENTS, NEEDLES, THRRAD, 4 c., FISHINO TACIC, RODS, ETC., I-OALL ON-. Sewing Machine Emnporium, 1BROCK-S T,,l MAJOR MIL'LS. T. P. WRTITE Eus rasuaied control of the Major MiUsand < ls.Ppàmparab<pay THE HIGHES P PRICE I Fol a mmQvAIiTIY ma t tver mf a t iv nlf' wtsfo te thosavi o stetrolah. MIII iti theGair BsTIG M *'M a-:-àm a 2g ARE NOW IN H OPKINS' H-ALL, SELLINO- OFF TUE STOCK SA VED at thé., late F/RF, AGreat Sacrifice! to make room for new goods. October 22nd, 1877. LAING & STEWART," Hopkina Music Hall, Whitby. OUT 0F IRE FIRE I lias commenced business in the premises, corner Dundas and Byron-sts., (OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE,) wliere is nov pue- pareti te supply hie old cuatounorsvih - BOOKS, 8TATIONERY, FANCY S00DB, JEWELRY, dec., doc., at tho loweet pi-iceti. Hie old fisade sud customersa tre. invitcd -ho gi-vo him a cail. L- . M iL- L. 151-4 [îf.44] Dundas-at. opposite lia Post Office),WUliy. October 22, 1877. Valuable Property, MNTE TOWN 0F WHITBY,' in the County of Ontario. THSEBE WILL DE5 SOLD ON Tzesday,-3Oth October, 1877, et 1 o'clock in lb. afernoon et th. ROTAI ROTEL, in the Tovu fet lby, by virtue et Pover a f Sale centaineS lu e certain Mortgage 'shich illiUb. produced et lh. Baie, tia folovîgpopry under Mort- gage tramnJ. eRM RRY. Tovn Lots tram Number Slxty-three te Number Beventy-tou-, both inclusive on tie vernI aide cf Brook Street, lu the TFOZn of Whtby, in lb. selS Counly of Ontaio, accordiaz te e planffied lu tih. egialry Office ai he Counly cf Ontario, mee y John Suier, P.L.S., efthe EBut hait cf Lot Tvenly-se-veu, lu lie Second Concession cf tha Tevuship of Whitby. Also, Lots Oua Rundied anS Seveuly-tour te One Hundred anS Saveuty.nlnep boti inclusive, sud Lots Tvo HEuads-ed and Tvo te Tvo Hundreli aid Seven, boti inclusive, on lie veut sida of Brook Street, lu lia saiS Town ot Whb- by, accoidlugte saili Plan. O ipoet le erected ae-g e anS haudmome bvo-sterey modes-nbrick Residenca viti al uaceasary outhuildinga and otier impravemeuls.- TERMS :-Oue-tanbh *cf lie purciaee monsy te b. paiS devu ou lie day cf sale. For balance, terme is ii be mad. kuova et lie sala. Fer furtier perticulars epply te - JON4ES BROTHERS Solicitors, Masonie HZl, Tarante. Or te JOHN B. FAREWELL\ yq Touante, Aug. 27, 1877. 42. CAUTION. in athue nty Of s rio, onorOaere the. "Myrtie Navy Tobacco" 6tJDry ofiNovember Next, FRUIT TREES,. FLOWERINO, and othar Slsrubsansd in greel variety aI lb. Colemen' Garden, Kenit Street, Wittby. A LTRATONSabou tobeha de in the £73Laboe grden rederit neceesauy t upg a large quenti c f (he Vines of the choiceel kinde, fs-cm 8 te 12. yeers giovtb; a number ot-Pluai Trees, tram 4 te 5 years, embs-acing Golden Gage, Egg, Peaci, sud hhree 'varieties cf Bine .Plum; Cheri', &o., &cc. Alec, 8,000 choie Double andi Single Tulip and Crocus Buibs, qýnd e quentity of Perenial asud -Trienial Ployer Plentsansd Bushes cf the fineat description. The viola viii b. offered for maie sallie Garden toi about lire. weeks, aI veiy loy pue.Beat maection viiib. baS by ceil- Witby, l7th Oclober, 1877. 8in.42 TICKETS I TICKET8;I1 Tickets fer MEfflANICS' INSTITUTE LIBRABY toi the yeaî endiug Nov. lst 1878, are nov toi sale et lie Libres-y, et the usuel pruce 1.00. Tva Huudred Dollars vorti of uaw books are ho bha ddad le lhe Llbracy Ibis fl -Wbllbv, Oct.- 151h, 1877. 43 A dministrator's Notice, THE CREDITORS of HUTTON STARE, Tlate cf tie Town cf- Whitby eoaian, wh id on or about lie 81etdeay oî Au'çusl A.D., 1877, and a&l others ara hereby notilSed te sand lu theirc daimis ageinastthe Baae of Âhie asud HUTTON STARR, viti vouchers annexaS, te Mau. R. STASE, lie Admilistretrix; cite BD. OOOezsro e Solicitor, et lie T~OWN of WHITBY, llS STAMPED - T & 83.2 IN GILT LETTERS. £"None other ls GCollIie. , Hamilton, Sept. 29, 18". 8M-.42 Farm to Rent. c! cultivallan. For teirme, &c., epply te IOSHUA BICHABDSON, Wbllby P. 0. Whitbv, Oct. lti, 187. 42. - Wanted, Af PIokravalin ia Tcvu Cp :~~ire wM bIhopaiS. Nouoe char ap pply te- G. iR, PEBLAR, ci4, '77. <81n.48) Oia -To The Ladi' et lhe ezpiration et1visicli lma lb. laid Adminislretrix vill proceed to distribsite lent soIcf the ald Esitalte amoagm he trix shal liehn hava notice. AnS lia selS Adminletratrixil ual beha able for the u e e e ds tr b t d , i a ai -h e ro o t , suy Poreaof visa aims sho ebsll not havahad otice allie limaetf mch disthi- hullon. AnS ail poisons indobtad tute h sl Etateair2fatedbopsheasea te Adiclhietatix or the aderslgned. This notice isgven under thie 51a1ute29 Victoria, hepler 28, Section 27. Baleet aWi,îhy Ibis SuS Oct, 1877. h. ORMISTON, 41-4in 5o1'r. for saiS Adulistratriz. R.WM. GRAY'8 SEIF MEDIC'INE. SThsj Gweaî Raem e d vlllprompt ly s andi càuDi -,cure sny > ud fSTN h 's rsumed lis business a t the old stad (Chequered.Storeý),-Brock-ot., WhiMtby, wherr lie isi ow enabled to gie god value to ail customers,- oldc and BOOTS' AN D, 1SHOES, iS replete for' Fail and, Winter wear, amd he i'sdete'rmined to seli off at the lowest profi C all and «see his Stock, and Prices. JOHN SAUJNDERS.ý P..Parties indebted to me, will please ealland settie immcdiately. JS. Whitby,ý October 22nd, 1877. GOL DSMIT H'S HA LL In ann ouneing the arrivai1 of l is- Fali Stock, the undersigned would caUl attention pttrticularly to the LOW PRICES at which FIR-ST-CLASS GOODS are- 110W being offered. WAIRRA NTED GOLD WA TCHES, from $35, - Fine Gold Chains, English make,'unusually pretty patterns. SIGNET RINGS, GEM RINGS, KEEPER RINGS, 18 Kt. WEDDINtG RINGS. Charrms, Studs, &o., &c. ; Silver Watehes and Chains, Colored and Bright Gold Setts, Brooches, Ear Drops, Lookets, &o. A largely increased stock of ELECIRO-PLATED GOODS, Cruets, Piekie Frames, Cake Baskets, Mugs, Nqapkin Ringrs, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, &o., &o, NICKELITE-Table3 Dessert an *d Tea Spoons. Dinner and Dessert Forks. Spectacles to suit ail Siglits. dtr1,1877. Praetical Watchmak-er, Brock Street. My Stock of Is now Complete in Every Line. Supoxintendent. Pre F OR SALE. Tie But hsifof Lot No. 1, in ;t] Concessioni of Uxbridge 100acres. 7, clearod; the balance bardvood, cei pine ; welv atered - framo bsrn;1lo trame stables, -wltbfog bous. Apply te tha propielor- oewo Pjrat-clas]Brick Houses to Rent- see oiseach ; -veU inihed; good ceilar, and I nece5sary convemienoe. 3pl t . B. POWELL. W htby, Sept. iGI, 18 77. 39 Farmn to Rent. T I AR aéloccuiedby Mr.N. cultivation.-Good HoumAnsd buildings, larT Orchard, &c. Eligibly aituated, im- Meately outoide thîe limita <>1 lb. Corpora- tion. Àpply b- F. ZE.GIB3BS, Sept. 28,1877. (U140) Oehawa, Ont. F IRST-OM~SSFARM Forea terni of years .. Being Lot No. 6, iu the 1 eI coocf Each--20sares, being 1h. estate of tia lato Alez. flrovne-2 miles Nhrtb-veat ut Ash burn. For particulars apply ta A. H.L]irow,vvû Asîshuru, or- ONTARIO FARMERS' M4utual Insurance Co'y, .HEBAf OFFICE, flIIOCK-ST., WËITBY. TRpIS COMPANY insures Farra Build- JLings, Country Churches, School Houss, and thêir Coutents, at rates as L(OW as thoso of any weli-establislied Comany in Canada. JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAI D, il . 3 ICKELL, JOHN WILL1S, ]?rosident. Vice-Presideut. C. NC>URSE, S--z1Lr.rA:in. IRatteof Insurance so lo&that 25ents W. I BtUWL'I, - E. J JOHSONEX STUMP AND STONEpR Very Special. Inducements to those STAIRTING HOUSEKEEPING. UNDERTAKINO.- Fuil Stock of Caskets, (Joffins, andal the necessaries lu this line. Also, A WELL-APPOJN'TED HEAJ.SE. Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42- HUJGHES- .BROTHEJRS, DRY 000DB 'IMPORTERS, TORONTO. We show the Largest, Choicest, and' Cheapest Stôék...in -Ontario. Our Departmenta are Complets, and repleuiahed by tri-weekly shipmaents, In Staples, Eancy Dress Goods, Silks, Manties, (ail the newest styles,) Hosiery, Corsets, Laces, Haberdash- Z' Our Woolen' Tailoring Departinent uneqiualled, Specialty. Terins Liberal;- FAIR C OMPETITION WITHOUT PROT-CETION, MR., JOHN FERGJJSON S18 NOW IN THE MABKET WITH RIS FALL ,& WImyer (3n -COLS, Which for quality andi prico wMl be fotuxti unaurpassed. -- P--O Cla QM 032 -i -Tf*TG-C: il and. Merchant. HUGHES BROTHEýS. Maduin tke ALLIN iJ- DOTW BEG o nformthe fa 'iu aiunty that tbey are prepare > toenter mb con- tracts for the reineval ni atones snd stuips. The Stone Exctreetor vas highbly recoin- meude& aIt to elaten OuntyF ansd is capable of aeking lRa 1udl adeasily up to fifteen tons. Chiargs moderale. Âpply to-T. ALIN- or te Lae 3ew, 0Oe_ wa, W . DOW N et. 1, 1877. (41-la) Oshawa P. . VHITBT, PORT PERRY &LINDSAY BAILWAY. TIÏE TABLE No. 19, Taking eflecton Monýday, .Aug. 27tb, 1877. TORO.NTO TIME. JTBANeS COINOzRE Ne. 2 MAIL. mo. 4 nxmess. DEPÀBT: DnIlRT. Toroneto, via G.T.R. *7.00Omo .4.87 pm Whitby Jun. G.T.R. 8.451 6.25 tWhitby.... .8.56' 6.80" ffloolm 9.15 6.47 b~'rte ...9.28 7.00 *umit. ..9.8 7.1u mienchêster ...9.45 7.17U Prince Albert... 9 1à5 .7.25' Port Ferry.....10.10 .7285 ISeagrave,..1..8... e 7M5 Sonya.. .........10.43" 8.- tManilia. .~.....10.57 8.17 tmariposa .....11.18 8.35 S11.......... L2 8.48 ...d~e. .arrve. 11.45 90 TRAINS COING O SUTE. R.lXRa.NO. SXÂIL. DEPAUT. DXgPAXT. ...........5.45 a.m . 2.20 pir. ,OPE.s............. 5.54 2.80 tMfarlposa . ... « 29145 S8nla...... ,23 8.05 5onya ...... ......35 3 .18 iseagrave. 8.41 .. 6.41 8.25 f Part Perry.'.:.7.058 4.00W PriWc ert 708 " 4.07 Mancheser.....7.15 ' 4.18 *Suinmit.... 7.21 " 4.263 iMvrtle .........7 ..0 " 4.36 J',Whiltby.....::: ...7.5 r,' .10 si WhilbyJuu. G.T.B. 8.00 51 o1routo,«via G. T. Bl. arrive.......... 9.52 " 707 *ltagetatlonas-Trinsstop on signal oniy. jTulegrapl, stations, CONNECTIONS: W!IITiJY JUMCTION with Grand -Truak Eailvay for AUl ontBAstend -Szàciuvl Vale: LIND& Feu, ihurt tic wili Bla ýest Styles and' on. Slortest Notice. LRE STOCK 0F Of I 5C5AI f% MsP%5'!I!!4 Whltby october 2QZnd, 1877. A T THE' C Boolt8 Sh oes 'ickering. 2M-40 Écpt. 216t, September 10-Lh, 1877. ILM]WIS «& n IL I 1*..T .9 October 22, 1877. Au OTION SALE OP VER YI 1 Toronto, October 4th, 1877. tha.n E-vel NEW' ADVP,,RrisEm-RN.T'Sý,ý' wHire Y.

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