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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1877, p. 2

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bln..-Prank nien Sale- ~.~gso40ia 0o14 sud Tewelry-Gol i ~MPV OaaAa GclSmi~ali ~s¶~usbn,'a~ 10e-J ç4Stewm ~S~TI*b6 ~ew PasI*oable Fali Gocds-Jmm G~~sM.roaaa~ Olctbtng-Jaa. Siies. Masnnaobb. Stock Boots md Bbc.. - Jum.Shem. Ps~h Tsma mal Gnocerlas-Jas. 8h. * AUCTION SALES. Sale cf hersas, bannoas, vaggon carte, Le., lie pnoperty cf Mn. Lie * Al.amn4er, at lais ecal mmd vocd yar WhIUt~', op Ssîurdmy, Nov. 8nd 187 mlt~e e'elcek, p. sn.-L. FaIrlamaul 4etlenur. fi~ls pf B.wlpg Machines, Railla Maelilnes, Le,, mi Ma-. Alexandars sos ~mm4 voodypesi, ea Saturdumuy, Nov. & 1S~Y, s~4 slavon o'.tcolr, a. nt,-L. FmI - bmnis., .4.uehlcnaer. Orsal asie cf six Pianos, St lias-Plan - Pm~lar7 cf Mn, ObanI.~ Gortsig, o Taes4ap', Nov. Cula, 1877, mt bye o~uiocI p. m~éL. Fairbanks, Anetioneer. Qtwmt mml, cf Mmv ongmna, Le., alli Orsm lmolcry cf lis IlusigeL Yas vec4 Mfg Oc., on Tuesdsy, Nov. l8tb 2817, il bye o'cloek, p. m.-L. Fair batiks, Anellciasar. Panan uicela, Implernents, ste., on b No. 10, lu hie Sti con. Plckanlag,îhî propmrly of. Mn. James McQuold, ci Fnlday Nov. Oth, 1577.-L. Fmlnbaaks Auclionser. itb~ Qtljrunicle. ONLY Sa je PER ANNUM. Whltby, Thursday, Nov. 1, 1877. NOTICE. Subsonibers anS ethoî-s, having everdue accouauhe ah Ibis office vii pleae~ sethlo hie sanie ut once. 14- .4 b blusm<*ish gratiiode. H. fUi ~ ~le oMeueredllsbL~ *mlwaysl'osand unluapeachable. Havi et. hiieroiWrn.MeG~llEsq.,M.j~ ex M. P P.,ofOsiava, anS cf Col. Joli ~ MoGil, cf Rami Wlalthy. A Cauzr Mur ON s'Hm RAMPAGE..- - Yest'erday znornlag lie meaubars cf If Wmlter MeGregors fmanily vere alaru edhymnuproarlu 1h. bain. Anus fertunal. tramp, vbo appeini b ha, - gene cnazy manageS be gsi tub lb ~ baru durlag lIte nigil. lu lb. mors ~, ing ha eomoe.ne.d teartng devu mai 7, mmashing averyttalng i. eculd lay hi ~ handi upon. Theanale momies. et lb' alarmeS fmnslly on gelng' b lie ban ~¶ feund lb. wreleied man lai a veefu ~ p'light. H. vas amieS wl$ii tue oxeep r. tien cf part cfa pair cf paaubi, anS cu' anS bleeding fronu voundi Infliebed or O birnisif by nuls lu t.aring avay bis e' trame verk cibla a, building. Oblat con stable Brysu vas mont fer sud succeed. ~ eS mfber morne dlDlcully la srreatiag Ibm maS mmm, vhc vas cemunibled ho goal bylie Mayor. Ha k s snaalislzsd - man cf tale compleilo., about 82 yeans cf age sud gives lais nanas as James Indue. lb canuot ba aseentained mcm liii incoiereal statements viens .lia cama frorn. He taîki aboul Pilier Dcwd, ~nS eai.drlvlng anS umys lia vif. bas traiteS hidi badly. Mm. JAMEu SisaA, Osinava, bas ne- purcliased lie stock sud business from ILeuirs. GrIllin h Gangan, anS bavlug * securod hie same ai 50. cents ou lic Saur h giving elS friands sud cumlam- eni lie benefit of bis gccd bargain. His ahock juat le baud is veny cemplete lu eveny Sepaniment muS comprises nov anS fuiliionable <ail gQoSs lu great ubundance. Tue pnicea are temptiugly loy. Moncy anmiy be scul lu Registered Wmurar Bien Somieoa Ex~iamw~raca<î letton or by Moncy order. -TIi, nexi oxirnlnaliomas ion admisaîca - une in~aounced ta is 1.15 an ilti uns Douai cf Mn. Laurier, Minuter et 12h I~acernbsn ;-hie Inlarmeduita, o: InimoS Revenue. îoceud-clamm on Meudsy~2 Decembeî 11h. Scauoa licheha on Wiullby, P. P Ccutnary W vers genonal erpecla- fi Liudasy tiailwuy b- studante mcm i liane, Mn. Lmnrien, lie nev MlnliIsn cf disîmnes Allenhion la SIreotaS la lis InlanS Revsnne, liai boan Sefeatad, - lîy lime Oppoîllion canclISmIe, Bonniemu, udvrtlsemaut lu chier colurnus. lu Pmumanond, anS Anîhabaika. Tut Tan Doacriexome WÂuaruca MAciaxicE.-. polhlug teok place ou Smtnrday. TImo TIais lu ailmittad ho is lIt. ciampeut ansi rate utood: Baunbeanu majonlty lu bemt vasilug machina la Ibe mariset, Artiutanasku, 147; LuurIesm!e\ msjarlty The Exo*lsior Clolies Wningen for sale, lu Dmammend, tutu; mnajcriîj for îiia byhim~e gouenal ugaul, Mn. Hurvay, Coamorvahlva candidate, 29. M>-Lau. vus higumîy cammeaded ut lia laIe u'kar md a majoniîy aI 1h, lait election ccnaty tain md lsjnsh lie hbing fan cI 2118. fie veul bacS villi ai lie la. bausekeepens. fluence maS prauligo cf s Minuter cf lie Crovu; pcrsoaially, ius vas v~ Suai er Ms. Panar'a VALUABLE likeS, nuS quila popuhan, even arnongil Laasuav ernbnacing, ilalonical, unS political opponeuhi liii clanracter ulcod biogmupilcal vomie., vomies cf fiction, unimpeaciable se apubîlo nisu, saS lb. Inavel, ho., on FniSsy eveuing, Ner. ccumhlîtueucy iiad ison liaiS for eibaaî ~ lvonly yesrs hy il. punty. Witi ai Ma. O'Darcarauc's ANNUÂL Sua. on hiuli ho luis luron, no vonder bis defeat CÂaaaÀoEm, Currana, fie., vîlci came vii unbookad fan. Tie blov nuit off ou Sahurday lait, vas eue cille moa~owliaî mtaggor lie Govennrnenî. It moat auccaîstul yat helS. le h. aurait pncet cf IlimI remation vilci Mn. Muqkeuzie nuS bis ergan. Geon RUNNINCS.-A ycung mun lave affecteS ta Sishelleve, sud a moît narned Wm. Siamnoak, eue day sIgnifleanI aigu ai lie grcvîug unpop. lamI veek rau fre» Dufflue' CreaS le tuait1' cf hue admInistration. Wiitiy in 88 minutes. Tbe rua vas raide onu voger cf ($10) te» Scîluna, 'l'h. "Blg Puai" Came. h. couid nal naiS. lIta distance lu 40 vaaaurmeme roua-e (5UILTY. mînutea. Tii. liai cia, ef lie Quesu ~. Wilk. GUN ACOIDENT.-A. iti; Wslken, ai union vas lucand ai tic Oobourg assises Maucbeshen, viile euh sicotlng, Tues- lau vase. Tua liesuuiug eccuplasi ~ day 28md -cf Oct., mceidenially drcpped day anS Smlurdmy, Tho jury brenglil blagua, anS Il gaing off, lie entira la a verdiel et "gnilty" ou botb ccunl~ charge vsm lodgsd ha bis log. vîhi a reoamrneaidaîion le meney. New gocds lu gaiS jevclry, valcisa, Siahsunce daferrad unhil next henni. oiainm, broociai, leekete maS shudi- very fine beuvy plates goodi aI John- Tii. Baçk<rmr4 Mail Arrangements. shon'., Goldmnuilbm' Hall. Ail van- Tiis iackyard mail inraugomenti be- ranted. Iveen lima feoul sud ti. nontiiena part Tii. ebespesî goals la Wbilby mclii, ci tus cenuhy bava, v. imelisys, imen la silven, jevslny anS gelS. breugit le lii, nohloe cf Ibe Paît Office UesmrSbue Becs. bulcien carl Dapsrttnenh by Mn. Helden. Tbrougb npseb wihls beiaag driveai eut cf lb. lxi. inhervenhlon, liane la reusen b hope liai aomuljuing yul lie doue b egmed Royal yard last Tueîday. Danage ~ sligbt. - Ils. preseul, unashiifactony cenditicu af hhiage anS givo lime people cf Ils Tua Exuxmxraoxc BUIL»aa-e At Fax». count7 lb. nasSeS uaaornsnedation for ERICETON Dsiraoyg»......Tic Exhibition vicici tiacy bave ien iuelsiug. Mn. Building ah Fnednioietcu N. B. vas de. foISon h lu n pemîhien ho pîsce lits atroyed by fiee on Tuaedny niglit. Tii. fachi iuh.lligeutly bafana ti. Peut Office fra braie. eut in tua ticket office. aullionlîlea, anS va are salisSeS ia vil louve aaohbiag undone upea bis pmnl bo IMPASTIAL Caaraorimc 1-Tie editar cf meenre vhat la ml clapIe jushlca le Ibis lie Observes- eriticlies tii. '5Hlatorlcal mecilcu cf ceunI-y. Ws elialI anxîoumîy Skalch cf lis Oouuly cf Onhanlo'~aS. avait lii. remnîl o! lus commuaicaîlon vensely, beesuas bis malien taLleS b whtla hie goverumeal, speoîaîîy notice a tanaany, a store, anS a lsrei'n 1» Prince Aibenti Tisie hui- la tii. counootion ut rnay b. aima portant sabjeols vone daubllems left for mo~itiancd tuaI TMn. Hoîden lias about lie axencise cf lie iliponior talent. cf coneluded negetiatiças fer lie cf a reguuhar mîsamboal il Part omlllug lb. eSilor ci tii. Obaea-xer lu lie puif. wiutjy, ing line. ranulng direct belvo.» IbIs place sud Ra-nuaaùa-c.-Tue Meiscu. Welfsn. Recieihsr-lc comumena, vili lia dsn ara lomlng na tan, lu ne-building cponing cf navîgahioma nexi îpniag. Tue upon bIle olS mita. Mn. Dercniil lias people of Wbllby ove - ranci le Mc. lIme contnial fer putting lip uiey PCO. Holdeu'a entai-prise anS cnergy, anS lu mimes for lite marbia faetcny anS dysi- sqew-ing lis addihianal saS rtny Soir. ing. ubîs nuamas ai communication lie la Me. Rieur addlng #ttothcr b tusîr obîlgationa. Saou~u nev building S gclng up fat' unden hie handi csf lis i RÀia~aiasuass tE OOTOnisa.....4fr J. B. iarne coutruclor. Powell, De. Bogant sud Misi Lyndo Tii.. iran. buildings ovuad by Mn. I bars irougil s 1» apaclinanu cf 'econd Hamillen, an~hie Ciequen store, cvi. îropnampberruemgrovaim himeiegar5s~5 eS by ~.fr. Tii, Juive besa repaireS anS Plie fruit laites iveet anS freuli ~* sre agmin la cecupation. whcn lu propor acamon. Tue van Tie mocrehed fronts cf bic buildin3u, cvaalbcr cf lie presaul Ilsi bas, a, ve en hlm. veal miSe of Brook utreet, are la- uavà ecticod lirovghi car sxcluangem, lug nenovatad, md leoS nons lie vonmo manieS traquent freaisa cf fils eliarsobens nov mcm tIi. fine ca-sisal Iharoagi vilci a oUiar fruits as viii as naspbonnies. Ibey Ososped. T~ Touua Ass~naiuyca Secixmrme ~ ~ Nroar~i la hlm. llhle oie ir. Jop rua Ev~suceaaasr.....A, lb liandeenie naw lVaelsly Piper pliblîmbaS la iraI »~eating et lis aocleîy belS lu lie ~ Toncaîa...l.tn. W. B. Ma~do~gw~î1 ai lapants SOieol.bease, WluIîby, ou lait pubîluberansi luropnm,îor.-41 l~ aa'oa.~ucli. At 'a'14y evealng, tua felIovlag effleers ticai a~d o4wo frgly. ~tai4i~î réad. ti 'e~-e #heted :-~y4, Pallier MeEnle., lag aiflîbOt'.' ~ i s' i-esldeat, J. J. Murplay, lai Vice- Oaq~ja mn -Âuevzoa-.....Âîbs~ttoî la s'os(4~ Jolis <Jetas, SaS Viea.Prssi. dirppîed la 'lIta, lan~ionhajut Àua9gpçe. ~ lit, ~Vrank H~gglns~ Sedresaiy, J. H. hh1e8tofmaleM0,~, Le., by molle» te snq~ a~aursr, db lI1s eelabliuhmng~b et lb. MnSg. k ~ ~u ~A~ul~-.-Tb. ~1'-' ~a~* Tmnyced Movetobar~ '~ _ c. i. i and h. who. ruas ma~ md. It bas ni~ eue1ie~iebefore the'mar~iag. - been bis rnisfortune ~.nbapu, ratiier 1(1 do noiknowtiie parties; if lain than lii. fault, Ihathe ould hava fait. ~oqusintsd ~witii lie parties twouiilnot ~ enheîrto lb. port folloof the rucat do ibis; Iili4mo~ wîthbo$kp~rtles;jf ~ oorrupt poiltician of liaI :era cf poilu. I thougiit tii. Iadywas. under any fear i., cal corruption wblch bronght lb., lier I would bsve~ protected ber; I dîd flot n name of Canada mb dligrace; md tii. notice anytbing wrong with Miss Carr's sinof the.parent la vlsited upon bis tbroat:Iaskedtbemarethoseafl;be. ciuldren. T~e Minister cf tb* Inland ing told y.., I said I inuit get morne Revenue, contaminated by eoataet witii porion eue b corne in; aller tii. cors- - the perion of Mr. Cauchon, "srnells to mony wam over I mat down and wrot. I.. heaven ;" .and ail lb, youth and lii. tii. marriage certificat.; I afterwerds nocence of Mr. Laurier oould not mû. bauded ber lie certificate; uh~ maid Il îweet lai tii. noitrils of Drummonfi notiiing but imiled; I only use a ring md Artiabamba in tiie marriage ceremony wben lie 'G ~:-45----. parties wish il; I do notrequfre parties * A WAENuco.-Wilhiam Rebinson ~ b aiment audibly b lb. qu.itiouidnring 1- Charlei Newberry were brouglit before the ceremony; aller filling up lii. ~ tii. Ilayor and Yeoman Gubion, Esq, oeîediile I charge the parties solernnly liaI if altier ci hem know any reaion ' Wardea of lb. Oounty, on Monday lait wiiy th.y uiould not be married, to de. i -tii. former charg.d viii lreipasiing cure il there and tien; (tii. formula of on tii, groundi of tii. Ladies' College hi. cerornony vas given); lii. only as- i seul iii. latter wiîia yeîîiue on ~. meut rei~uirodia a pcd; lana uzider lb, street Irnpremeîon hhat I recelved ibis asse~t; * aube young ladies' ef tii. coilege vere if anyobj.ction iadbeen raised I woùld t reburning frorn churci on Sunday not have proceeded viii lb. ceremony k evenlng. Tiiy were fln.d $10 each by any muni; vian Sturdy called lu I and coite, manourling to$4.G0additional tue inorning I told hlm b. would have * escb. Their vorubipi erpreisefi hbeir ho corne to tii. mange early la tii. miter. noon, as tbe followingday vas Sabbatb. * delornijoation to punisi vihli tii. se. Oroms-exarnind by Mr. Peterion-I I veresi rigorof tii. law any ilinilar -.~. ai» certain Miii Carr dld not speak iii duel lu future. 1h la to b. bod u~ tbeceramony; lier. migbt bave beau ~' ared mark on ber neok and I not see * Ibis viii serve, as a varniug to tii. it; sic loolsed mornewbat pale; tiiere vould.be youug gallauts viiose numan- vii no audible laughing on ber part; neriy conduet bas been bitiserlo morne- my muter vas present; I tbuiik my vhat of a meures cf annoyancê and coin- sister's fao. vas dlr.oted lowardi the plaint. Tii. neit offender vilhbe certain parhy part cf tii. lime; I tbink Ibere vas no conversation between ube par- la get gaol lociginga for & vIrile, vitiiont tics afîer 1h. cerernony; lier. were no the option of a flue Tii. College terme of endearment, as I knov of, b.- autiiorities have acled very comrnend- tween ah. pîrtisi that I wai avare ai; ably lu bringing 1h. conduet of tisse Cb.îe! Kelly callefi ou nie b mmii. en- quirles about lie marriage; ne fee wam young scampi under tii. notice of the paifi at tii, lime; Sturdy afterwards tovai autiiorities. Tii, viiole people of called and gave rne a $5 bih. tbe town feel the disgrace cf snob do- To a Juror-I saw Miii Carr in ings auJ vil cordially Unit. in prevent- Court yesterday; I.did~not notice aliY ing tbeir repetition. Let tii. "b'hoyî" ~'om bat la vas viien I uv ber. take varuing. To ~fr. Cameron-I hbink the mmii. ou Miss Carr vag caused by my stating Moou~v STOLEN-PORT PEEaY.-On I vould retain tue licenia, and tut lii. Friday tii. l9th Oct., lb. office of 1fr. certificat. vas bers, I also eaid I boped Gec Currie, vii entered duriug ~. mie wonld prove a good wife, or morne- thing of tiatkind. absence aud $184 stolen therefroni. A To Mr. Peterson-Tbe ernile vas a min narned O'Neil was arreiled, and faint eue. hliongli on beiug eearchedno mouay Several cher vitnessem followed, vas found in bis posseision, on being ciiefiy to îbow tie nature of lie inti- brougit before Juo. NotI, Eîq., J ~ imting belveen Sturdy auJ Miii Carr prier ho tii. abductlon, auJ tut in tie evidence was îuclî tbat the Justice t]îeir moverneuts about Harnilten Mima I commitled liim for trial. On Tncsday, Carr did not appear 10 b. an unvilling Z c 28rd. October, two 11111. boys, playing parhy. t arcund tii. station at Port Perry found Miss Carr'm itatemeut i. tut aie as- lie money wbicli liai been relurned 10 sautefi to tIi. marriage tlîrougb fear î, Mr. Ourrie. and lu order ho make her escape. Site sud iii. lîoped to bc aile la do so on Whltby sud Eut Whiîby Ploughlng tue iourney to tii. minimter'm. -Yet Match. wlieu lii, epportunily premented itieli ~lîe plouglîing match of the eh. is durni; ube makas no coniplaint, » Wbîtby offera no objecticu, auJ adi la a min- ~ anS Enet Wbltby Plougbing Associa- uer to lead tii, clergyman la believe i tien belS on lie fan» cf Mr. Bois, ~U that everytbiug is correct. Wbule a norhlieru part cf Oslîawa, on Wednem- n day 24hi luit., wîs a general nohbiug can palliaI. lie enortnity cf T Tie attendance vas large, succama. Sturdy's crime, tii. acti cf Miss Carr fe betveen four and 5v. numberrng are lu rnany respects, anS more especi. n ixundrefi, tIi. ~ ally lu tue matter of the rnaaniage tries nurnerous md lie compelitien cereniouy, fairly bewilderiug. keen. TIi. pnize winnerî vere :- SENTENCEFETITION5 IF FAVOR 0F ol MEN-FIBST CLÂSS.-lih, Bobert LOUISA STURDY. Pardon; 2nd, John Tweedie; Brd W. - Leask; 4tb, Alexauder MoNeil; ~ On Monday, lia. prisoners, Frederick ~ W. Robinion. ' anS Louisa Sturdy, vere brougit bafore ci SECOND CLÂSS.-lst, T. 'M. Luke - hie court for sentence, W 2nd, Robent Angus; tirS, W Ricliar& Tii. painful silence into wbicb ~, ci mou-; 4h, O. Raîcliffe; dlii, W. Bryne. Court vas hbrovu by tii. entry cf lb. iii Dors-Faner CL&iî.-leî, W. J. ~az- connoteS eues vas broken by Mn. Mac. slwood; 2nd, John Leigli; tirS w donald, ou behaif cf the pnisouers, ne- Richandion; 4th Sarnuel Stohes; ~ pautîng lie objectibus tut hie learued at W. G MoCulloci. fniend Mn. Canieron baS naised. SECOND CLÀSs.-lsl C. WanJ; 2nd Hlm Lordsbip replieS tut lic baS fa George Stoke.; tirS T. N. Rosi; 4tî cousidened thern fuUy, and liaS even L. R. Lube; dlii Alex Stewart; 6h consuhed viti cher auhliorities re. John LLnSe; 7th George Fieldi ;Sti Specting lliem, anS could net se. tut &lezîn r L.e; titi W. Thompien hiiiiybeld geod. If b. env reascu ho EZTEÂ CLAîs.-lat W Beihi; 2n5 changa Ibis decîsion before lie conclu gr ta Edvard Bryan; 8r5 John Stokes; 4ti sien cf hi, tarm, counsel would be ne- be John DamaIt. lified Gàro PLow CLÂsS.-1ih W. James . His Lordslîip lien asked Frederick ~ lad R. Sylversuer 8r5 Kuspp, Dullon ,~ Sturdy yul i. baS lu sîy wiy hie m~ D:are sentence of hie Court should net be ~ mi Judges.-Alsx. Rose, Aihhur Darnett, prououuced uppn iim ci Pboi. Wilson, Jaio McKanzio, Jno. Fredeiick Sturdy-My Lord, I admit nil ~llis, Jne. Comtes, Stewart Oraiarn tut I arn guilhy or lie îiniple abduohion ici Elicliard Harper, Ralpi Mowbray. ' but Seuy liai I vas guilly of 1h. grass cIe Afler the match had beemv decided acceisonles alleged to iave laken p lace, cf Hlm Londmhip tien addressed tua [muer vas partaken cf at lie Quecus' pniiener. md îaid ho .nlirely couourr- îotel Oshava, foliowsd by lis regular oS lu tii. verdict reudered by hie jury. » esociahion meeting for Ihe election cf lu lie pnmsener'i case hi. unît lie 1mw alleva as punisimeut cf hie effane. le ificens &c. 1fr. 3. Hcwdeu lie score- fourleen yeans lu the Provincial Peni- 001 ary read bic fiuancial statament, show- tenîiany. fie said ha env ne niltigat. ici îg a balance cf $11467 aI lie credil iug circumetance te plead lu bis case. cr0 f lb, Asicclatien. H. laid ampla epporhuuity te neficet of aflen gctting Miss Carn laite lue cmi. tht Tii. officens for 1878 wer. tien eleot- md dunlng iii. jouraiey ho Hamiton. livi d sud are: It was a Scuberately planned abîluotion au( Premident-Jolin Drydon. cf lie youug venin, sud had been ili< Secrelary-Join Hcvdeu. carneS ont in lie meut cruel, heantîses, Iii Treasurer-Johu Srnihh. anS brutal mmuner. Notvilislauding leri, Direclans-J. [C. Fox, Join Resu, laer enîrouties for mercy, mie îvss car- ren ne. Strokes, Danlel Holiday, jr., RobI. rieS ho Harnulton ou tut wretciîed tir eung, John Burus. niglit; sud mîthougi i. did flot wieh tii. te humai hie viotiau's feelings be nausi a Cl SELL!NG Can~p.-Mesers. Laing & refer ho lier-to hie deliberate violation ?4I~ iiaving affecteS a matisfaclury of hon pereon, witi a viev cf compeli- irnr lavarl lrig ber te go tlarengi a marniage cer- vii 'hîlemeut ,viti lie Insunînca cern- ernouy as a menue te cover lie pninci- Pro suies are nov seuling gcods choap. pal portion of hie crime. Tbis was tl~e hliê fret case ef hile nature vbiahi bas e.- 00W Ms. ALEXANDEE'î AUcTION sale, on curred lu Ontmnie, sud lis feltit b b, on slurday. November 8rJ~ viiere bai- bis Suty te society. te moralihy, anS ~, toh uni may be expeeleS. lia h gong lie public b punieii hlm, as veli as an hive eranipleho chien. 11h extreniely de- cf Lt cf lie oeil business. piorable te 80e a permon liks hie pris. exea oner lu bis sharneful position, aud ~uS Sua. or Pruires-Mr. Gortzlg's alîbougli counsel baS unged uncontrol. ieiil 'rIant aucticu sale cf pianos on Nov. aile passicu and affection as a motive anS uer 6h. for hi. crime, lie liaS liaS, ~ h.. saiS, stan impie opporluuity ho deuil befone the POPI QUEIIRO Csrcrag.-Nornlnatiou on crime vas complets. "Tii, sentence of mai; lnrday. bbc Court uherefone lu tut yen b. cou. flueS for len yaans lu lia Provincial iii iJ Tar Fisosr's, Oddfellovi' Hall, wbere Penilentiary." iuyers are iitisflcd vili tho pnicas. Tha prlsoner saiS b. liaS nol been Si guilly ai hi. grues Ibinga chargeS unit Gouzo roi Rîcapaocrnv.-A Mli vas againil bim by Miss Cîrr, sud liaI b, suIs, noduc.d lu tii. Wambington House baS biS ne eppertuuity le bave vit- viii Gubmen, of Louisiana, for iii. ip. neises ho prove bu correot lu ils vba mIment cfa commissien b ascentai» ilatemenhi. ilioe * terme ou viieli a lroaty of com- Hie Lordship maiS liai Miss Carr's as a arce mlgih lie arranged wili Canada. evideuce was given lu a nianuer viioli betti lefI ne doubt as le lier trulifaînees, naiS iii i Bock Noticc. il lad beeu corrobonalad ah every mi. off a portant point. Levi sxsa'a Pnonicrcxzî ci lie Yntnre Upu Louisa Shurdy thicu beiug addresud vayc sud Dovus lu Pniesi. Whil saiS "I Si Mies Carn vas Mils. Mouey la Plg-Irau, Hoga, Coru net wiiliug anS Provisions. By Suinuel Benuer, ou." that the mamniaga elieulil go m2 Oblo Panner. Publashifi by Bel- Hie Londahip, lu ieuheuoiug lier te Yc ~ Bras, Torenho. For sale liy ~* ~* Ivo yeans lu hie Provincial Penihen. celui Rohrr~cu, Wbihby. tiary, saiS lie could corne te ne other Drue !blsllltIe "ook bai been laId on oui conclusion hiiau that sic kuew of lier Dye1 le. W. ~ il W b. a vsny peculian fallicr's iutantloiî, nltbough lien crime you I ratier înco2ipniliansible von, vas net eo cuogmous as liii. Suie vas colin ~qfng vihhul, an& pesuibly initrue- ne deuil la n measurs coutrdlled b~' liltie ~bcii~b cquc cf ~~ -prediotieus hlm; but ha could net fenget lut Miii facho; Mdresaed ~ ±~.. *~' bave pais. Cann baS appealed ho li.r, a vomi», for Pz.ov îvay. Me. Bsiinfg>1,é<aa,.îito fore- m.ncy, anS lieu, Instaîd cf proteculug Livea ~ 'a good hon, ai vas a veman's duty, us laid, sncb Wîii,~ ~ ~ ho say lb. leist.of il, acteS lu a higbly Hail *8 ~*~ii5 ~ ~~'- ~1u- imprepen inannen. Ha alludeS ho ha Hear àW'rtSe ~îto'sayx roi e Y Si me pi Si p Pc i0 Bs su ni 'y 'o, hi ni 3E ¶1 id 'e 'I '1. id mmmcm nsnroy. anis su. unueus fluences sx.rcised as ibove asti yeur I~rdabip znsy be as lente paasslng mentenee unon lb. saiS L lihurdyas yearLordiiip insycon il lp yonr Siscreticnposaiblebbe. - (SigneS by 812 pensons. Te Hie Lardul&ip Hon. Ma-. JI Mos-a-lion: Your nudoreigned petltlenens d aIse ho reprssenî b your Lcrdabip lb, pnimeusn, Loulma Sturdy, la hi Seul euS cf Prsdanick Shurdy, uni 'nince lb, dsatlî cf ber molier cire 'lie cher chîdrauu, serne cf vien veny yeung, lis yeuugsst bsing e Ivo years elS: sud liaI il bas neeesiary for berthe iS!, sncb yt eut culS lu lie coupty goal wttî maiS il bai been viii han unhil ber (SigneS) THOS. ELLIS, - W. G. TAYLOI Winnipog Items. <Ps-ona ihe Fs-us Ps-as..) l5he International bas miSe boa la-ip te Winnipeg hum seison, anS b. luiS up ut Gnmnd Fcrks, Tii. c boute of tii. lina vil continus ou noute bu Jsek Froil gels toc muci Ilium. Some cf lie nesidenhs on lie lins uveen Sunnyside anS Spriugfiold joyed a lively bear mut Wedneî Afler a prolongeS nunning figit, B vag irouglit devn by a siol i Hector Sulhienlaul, cf kilelouan. hein via one of lie langeaI seen lu loenlily, anS vould kick tie beau aboul 450 Iba. Tue puy cf lis N. W. M. P. uni-i stables is nov only lllty cents per lie fraI year cf tieir enlisîmeni, meveuty-flve cenhm per day eacb cf Ivo follovingyeans cf hem eugagem tIi. higier rate ieing continueS te a wio ne-enhît. Tie Snuft cf neon broxagît up by Col. MoLeeS Iast spa sne uubject te hie nov rates. - Aniong lie passeugena of lie In îahionml Tueuday vas Mn. Wm. Ben: h. vsi-knovn usedîman cf Tarai lin. Rounle'i apeclal eijact lu visii blaniloba lu te secune a largo truc anS on vilci te estailiîb a meed fa: er tic purposa of iup1ilylng hie nand nov apninging up mn tie east inre kindu cf vbeah anS othen grain îonhlîenn grevth. Hs lefI Wedneas n a leur tineugi lis veulenn pan' lié Province, cu us retunu mcm vi e viii tîke a look allie couulny b. enat anS nortb cf Ils cily. Cardinal Manniug ou Tempenînce. Cardinal Manning says: "I do net taink il eneugla le lny te cieck drunken- osa unlees ve try te cbeck intaniper- uce. Tieae two hhingi are distinct nS uced distinct trealmeut. Tien. la great Seal cf intempenînce vhiab aven betnays ilseif lu dmunkenuesi. 'e hie upper classes vcnldly necpecl, an cf siaisme, anS cher motivas keep îeu anS vomen vithin lie unes la- md wiici llîey veuld b. deteoted. ut lhey vreck hhiernielvea anS tliein mmes iy au excessive use cf vine sud .lier ehimulînie. Haîf hie misory ef mnse nnisiug freni baS lempen, iloli, îuandexiiig, melfisineas, debt, negleci * dnhy. le causeS by indulgence lu lue anS tii. lîke. The aune anS beal ire lu lu bning up cilîdren in simple suIs, anS te gumnd hem igainat îc- aining hie liking fer intexicahing uinka. Wlieu a liking for lb. haste is quired lie hemptation is ah once in isleuce. Common sense, as veli as iti, sayî: Train Up children not ho îev tIi. haste, saiS tlaey vilI net be rnpted. I urge liii on parents vie»- er I oaa, anS I bave before me many îppy liornea lu vhici cufidren have ovu up vithout se muci iii hiviiig sImd uuylhing but vater. Tbey vii lie sober fathers muS motiers cf hie xt genenation. If li. fuhiieni sud muera of ho-day baS been se trameS, i siould net nov bave befere ns me suy nninppy horneî anS onheash lidren. I amy hile empecially cf hie 551. classes. Tien. lu ne need cf ding tint îeif-indnlgenoe lu drink uSe h. conscience anS aIl lie pavera spiritual lue. i in. forth, ut la enlia aider h iatice [caine liai me el- I iii S Ion a ara ubout beau îung- i ian trial. 1. lait vin lien hie i for ibe- en- rom Tue hie i at mou- diy axaS lie euh, nen nits ring 1er- nie, île. ing t cf rm, de- for s cf hîy h cf ici 'r. Wistis Baisai cf Wild Cherry. lIte standard nemedy for lie cure ai ~giu, caldi. lufinenia, hroucbilia, truoneus, astima, vheoping cengi, 'Up, son. hireal, dipitienis, diffioally broatillif, quiuuy, pihiaisic, pain in i miSe muS imnemul, mphtîiaig ef blocS, ir cemplaint, bleediug et lia lange, I aIl dlseaiei cf lie Ilinout, luaige, I client, tucludiimg even ocnsnniphieau. iearns hardly lieceusnry la dilale ut gtb upen tua rirtues ai liii fmronité îedy ion aIl Slseames ci lie lunga, mut amiS ciemi. Il vas intmodnced ta public iy Dr. Wimtar aieunly a liaIt aulumy cince, anS iy tbe voudenful em vhich 1h penfonned, gaineS an nediaho an enviable reputalien, cli ho lis day 1h lias fxully sushuieed. an hie guli cf tIi. St. Lavrence ho sberes cf hie Piclflo, anS lu rnauy tutnIai aimonS. hem, are fev villages mIels vihlient"liring tsathxnoniaIs" h. rapidhly anS cerhiinty cf lIs cura. effeohu. Tii. propnielons, nindful hein rompanuibîily ta lia. afflictad, meise hie nîmomi cure imu hie selechion cornpeunding cf lb. ~-aniouu IngreS. s cf vici hi. BuasÂme is composeS; lia sicie ans assurod liaI lia bi~i dard cf excellence ci viloit ils îlunily le baseS, vilI mlvmys be nînined. i cmli anS $1 a ictîle. ~olS iy tmugglahs. sunur- GENTEEL Paeruaais.-A nev relIs case cavera a multitude et Apaperoollar neyer gees ho lie i. Alvaye pul cff Iii te~morrow h ycn cannaI puy te-day. lu a ver ai rîlu én olS liaI loeSs as goed new eue. Hait i pur cf gloveî îa se Ihan noue ut ai. Il is a sierl ut lias ne renîvîl. Nover lears irai cula 1111 yen got ~ gaiS ans. il beol-beels anS a liglil heurt aI. t go hogethen. Sensible Advice. 'n are 'isised eneny day himougi hie nue ci iaowupapene anS by your rgisl ho us, soniethiug for your ispaiz anS Liner Cemplaint iliat inow uoliiug aboul yen gel dis- aged epending money vihi bal auccesa. Nov te give yen mlii. ry preof liaI GuaarCe Avouer ian vil cure yen ciDyspepses anS Coniplalut witlu ail ile effecti, as soun utemacli, SioS Headache, huai (Jestinenima, palpihahicu cf lie t, Heant-bumu, Witp.bmasb, Faîl.. ah lie pilof lb. Siornici, YeIlcv .Çoaiod longue, Indigestion avian- ot4beiiead, bav"splnihi fie., vo ~tàgo la your drngglmu 8. W. uns iii. .Ewclprccîsy ~LTO5Uy vis serîniai- îleS iy our neighiori sud not iy us, il la igaluit both lia lnterest and lie dig. uity cf hieDomlnion b seela Recipro- city as if il vsrs a favour vs ateod lu need cf, ticugi vesheuld b. ready at any bime b enteï'tain any reascuable prepomihion lu tut direction." "Tut - comrnerelal confidence eau nover la fuily realared anti lt k saIlleS as a cartainty vilci ail may count upon, liatOaiaad. ha. d.libeialniy id. optaS a National Poicy cf Protection b borne production sud manufacture, ai lii, p~rrnmnanl policy cf lie Domin. ion; hbsu tua once settiefi lii. dtails cf suci a polioy neefi promeut no great or insuperubla dioeeultiei; md tl~al Ibis Asioclaticu offens b auy Goverumenh, siucsreiy deuireus cf canrylug ont ibis poicy, ils lait advice anS support-" Tut tus meeting caunot toc strongly condemu lie fatal vint cf pclîcy lirougla vbici eue direct IraS., anS env direct sugir IriSa, have bohb beon anuibihated, infllehing upon Cauadà loi- menas lois anS injuny, vilci by' vise legislation migit easuly bave been pre- venteS. "Tut il h deiii~aile ho Sevelop lu Canada hie production anS manufac- ture cf mon, vilci is a main elament of national md commercial strénghi, lie mmv maienial for viiicb bas beau bounhifully bestoved by Nature upc» hum ccuulry, tii. only lack being tuaI cfa vise commercial poicy, for viaici ve are cursehe. b blame." "Tint tus meeting recomaneudi tiie eshabligirneut of i Demlnicu Bureau cf Manufuotunes anS Commence, vlhh tii. viev ci iecnaning, arncng chier tilugi, fui anS neliable shatistios relating le lie Finie." Tut tus meeting necommend tut lie support of Ibis Ammocialien b, griven euly te hies, candidates for lie Heuse tif Cornînone vho yul support hie poli- cy lalîl devn in lie uiove resoinhions. -mes- Duffins' Crcek. cuiTER SUPPEiI vira SATISFACTOBY EX. TRAS. 'i os- îLe C/sronicle.J Saturdmy avoniug lumt, ah 1fr. John Cnhiîbemt's bolel, Daffina' Crecie, Mn. J. L. Spink, cf Ilie Spink Mils, gave mn oyster supper 1cm Mn. Jamss Hunîbut unS liS enplcyes sud a numben ef chien guesîs aq an scknovledgmeat cf us ilgi appraciatian ci lie maunen la viîicb Mn. Hurîhul ha lulfilleS iii large couInaI for mil race, emiank- ment, fie., required fer canveyiug lie vatenu ai lie eau bruncli cf Duffini' Creek for nssrly a mii, hilI s boaS cf 85 feut la roaclied ah 1h, mb, vhioli coiidualm lie vuher te tia SpInS Mîllu. The apread vus an excelieul on. mheving te gi-euh advunlugs hie ouengy unS haste cf icît anS bosteem. Aller tii, muppen baS been Siseusiad vihli guste lie con p au y rspainad le lie as. sambly roorn vier, lie suîlifacteny ex. Irai vore unfolded hy B. Bunhiuug Esq., J. P., beiug calleS te hie chair, vie openad lie proc.edingm by a .bappy unS elegmut mddresa lu vici lis axtolleS ho many ninlnea 1er vlaici Mn. Spink unS Mn finrîbut bave been noIeS mince uhey liecana. residauls cf hi. place, anS au i e urgeS ti..h ail vie knav theni veuld b, remdy ho admit lis allegahieus. Tue meeting ludonsed lb. sentiments viti muci enlbusuuam. fie lieu ne- ferreS ably te lie l.leasure ai ¶mnoviag cf hie iiammouy vilci oxisled behveea han as employer anS employed ville lu hie vomiS me muai Siiaord was abreaS smong home thus relateS. Mn. Spimk being eueS erpreseud a mesh gioving eulegy upon Mn. Hurl- int'm rare aiilily as a centractor, stat. uag liaI la ail lie cemplicated caîcu- Ilions naquisite lu pnojechiag anS curry. iug eut lb. varie., b e liaS maSs poili. en miutaka non blunden, md mlii mare vas il W iii etedis liaI ha liaS nol only cumrhed eut hem agreemonl ho lie les- ter, but visse. an agreexuent cauld- net b. vendeS me as W fuliy ecuvay au un- mixeS idea Mn. Hurîbut lad fulfied lie ipinit cf lie caulmici b lie mli uo penfacmly Ibat hie vnitingi baS net bossu once refermeS ho. Mr. Hunîhut cu coming forvmrd pra- menteS Mn. SpinS vihi a gelS valci verli a bundred dollars ai a hoken cf île peuuonal esteen anS mime luis ailla- fuchien vihi lie remît cf their co-opet aticu. Ha Ilien rend mu addness fui cf oncernixarnu en Mn. Spink'm mmcii tuaI, promptitude lu meeling>mauetmey engugernente AnS lie gonllemanly nnbmuily vhii cuniad bis muceamasi b I be crovued villa hie Imesh vishes cf houa vbo beicîd hie prospenity, viii, aunden hie direction lhey laiened ho pro- ixice il. - .1cm SImien, Esq., P. L. S., Wluihby, saiS liaI he baS issu acquainted viii If n. Hunibut fan s aumben ci yeanm maS i md faund un su ibis conînucter sua ~ meneal, uprigil sud agneau., unS tint r il ail timea vien hhey liaS cci», lu j santuai hein associations baS been te s uhm (lin. Suer) Jmigluly ualimfaciory. ~ Tie late employees et Mn. Hurîbut n bea presenled ilrn vxtim a liearly rcte f if lianies for ils coudmact as n master, ~ vlahiug bi» lange suacema fan lb. ~ uhune. Savomal cf lie local nusu miSe or- 'elleul apeeoies anS afler bsmrîy ratas i if lianke ta bout anS hostesa sud Il bairman, one cf lie moat pleasant d mueehingm ve enen albeudeS closeS. ~ Cern.] p hi DIpLeNAs i-o CANADIAN Emuxtaxrema.- lue hundred nid foniy CanaSun cx- iiihonsah tîs Sydiloy Exhibitons bure li 1< eceired Siplornas. Il Tua Pa~eu MunDaa-OeaoeurÂnbeN 51 ta SaNTaNcî.-AlIec Riodes, ane cf tha ai ~uricleS Penge mundeneni, 4s te be vs hedoned, anS lie sentence ai dealit aI asseS ou bbc allier pnisonens viii b. au ummuhod b irnpniuenmoaî Ion 11f.. - CANADIAN Buuiua-v-Tie Osmaudimu smley tnadohsli~ely la naceivoagnuat O: upulse Sineci mxtain. Sereral cangoos bave la.» ni nI la Livorpool by vay ai Nov Yonk, ~ md lb. vuy 1h bas Mon reecived lias nc embed quit. a Semund ion Canada snley la bond aI the latter parI. il ai Bu-mata Pamuuieaicr...,Tue Britiui h mnliameut la furlliar pronagued ho lite W Ili ai Decomber. a Lois» Cuir- Jui'raca.-AlfneS-Henry atm usaiger iasbeenappcinledLor5J~5. tb~ me at lia EngilsbCquai cf Appaîlu, iii ce Sic Richard Psnl - ne- hi ilj Amuipilait, liii Sameratoos» re ma- lIÂweze.-AI lia Assizea la Toncubo yestendsy John Wihîamc via icaud gullty cf lie mur- dem et bis vite ai Weehcn ~ou lie ulgit of hi. SimI cf Sapieaaben,ànd seutanced c e c la r' e o p p ci b' il B a, ai Di ba Pi lu r' iii 'i ~anguî unanicima amie. -Tlmoamsansus' on cf bits iroviaisiat Lagielmînre maiing lItes. peopis are ted daIly' heme, anS lie defaau~sait la A. liqudn emie a oea»- yol it k impomaltulebo rasels ail cf tue petani vibùms spinal Limmeif i,'id<a-~ utarving eues. Ws teeS tro» 800 b nia-es, the conviction cibalued nuden 400 persans la Oui Y anS every day. tuoni, ag~not lu accordance viii ucuaid ~1any~pLbb.se are cufidran, unsileho lav, sud ubould tharetone lue quaabad. -vont. Parente have turneS off tiele Il viii lue latereating b see boy mîny eblîdren-ho cane for lienselves. Hus- ceuvlcticus Ibis judgernsnh, holding bauds (mmeng lis paon) mmmcci mvii- gcbd,-vill upset, anS vhalien lb. Pre- aile turneS avay -tiir vives, muS vincial Legmalalura vili carry ont lie maliens ara brylng b seli anS giye recogameudsiion cf hie Obief Justice- avay lItir~ebilSren~- Almoit eve*y. by acusideming lb. axpediaaiey cf ne- day clalldran are broughl bers for ni la tinlng ou tic statut. bock a provision Iakc.. On. vornan carne vitIt a chuS viich hbey bave - ne payer le make, about four days olS, anS saiS lui If we ~eîy,~loi cc~pe~g defeudanta diS net tube hi. ebilS mii, veuld kil it. la ilquor cases b ceaivlci tiiornuelves. We bcok mother muS culS muS cameS TIte iaitenblcna~ot lie Legisîaiisre lu for tueap as lait vs cauld, Mml bi. pamsing4be Ad vero caminendable unotiien flually killeS lie chuS by ne- saiemigi, muS iisre can la ne doubh liai fuslug togira il milk, aliiongi mie liaS lb. operaiiou ot lie Ad bas baS mmml- ~leaabyeflî lu ber beau. Si, liaS ulary effeet. di bas slways beon a ulmoit luamue-viti lie ticugit mcml Siffleuit malter ho fix upon lias cf mupponbing ha chuS lu mach a tirne cifeudar lis cemmimilca cf su offence as liii. A few dsys mgo a littIe girl, againsl lie liquon liv, as evenyhiing about Sycans saiS vai fanaS lying on Sepeuded upc» hie lestimony cf lii, oui verandai. Wsmakd herviere she punson vIte baugut lie liquor, anS vIto came frcrn, umnS sic nid ban motier lins became mcnaity s pssrficqus ca-ian- brcugiil her lu migit oY tie bouse, nuS jais, mltnou4i 'net amenable ho lie liv. bld hec b corne ions sud mia veuld Iii la liongil tut by makiug ihe uellen finS a malien; muS mie bas. TuS et lIts liquon a viînems as voit as Ihe ahavi Itow Ina people are suffening, for buyur, hua Sifilculty ceuld b. gel aven a mahher pinte vil i iem euS auly as a au, indeeS, 1h bas b..» le a greal ex- lait ecuent. Many pensons hava corne tcuî. At hie same' tlmc in vus net bens vili hem sîS'il.iu..a, ansI aiseS ni supposeS huai mny prinoiple cf liv vas te keep hem fer a fav veoki, ville lain«~vloliled. or tuaI hic Provincial hbey vent 10 ho relief vorka, anS il iî legli hure liaS anregated la itselt any encôuruglug ho ase boy lio peeple inuit poven b vbicii il vas not enIlileS by us nov * * W. finS bis Ad viiicb gar. Il lIs couihiluhlon. about 500 p.nicus in oun yard areny -Talega-am. mcnnlug. W. select lie nucul needy, anS sel lie» eue aide, for liera une Lateut War IiUevs. many vlio Inyle impese on us, anS vbo have momna of inppent. W. bol 1h lu aunounced lut thê Brillai Arn- no. about Ivo bumieli a day, maS give bamiador at 5h. Pehenmburg lias meoeivei vili bread ho lii. aesdy cnes. Tie defuifo instructions fro» Lord Denhy Goverarneail autianlhies gir. ne 100 ho couler vihi Prince Gortiebakoif on native lauvus ai masS a day. Tiiese lie subjeat cf medilation. w, cnt lala hinsa piecea oaci, anS gin. Tue Raîsiaus bis-e nov cempleleîy esci ebilS a pisce, viieli serrer as i inveutad Kars, Gonerîl Torgukasmetias pIste au viielu te put lie rIe.. Tics eccupied Rayazid, anS au importmnh baves anc abaul as large in diameter TunkisIt pouihian il Toilaobo, neai- as a dinlian-plihe, aud a utIle tiiokar. Ples-na, bas been captureS by lie Many obilfinen anc ao vasteS away enerny. - - vili bungon tint liey are actnally liv- Datais ai hie affainu ah Ccrny Dc- ing ékolotonu. Mauy vene se fan gone mu anS Toliscie mmdc il certain liaI vien tiey came ihat tiey vill nover tiey are more han more nalda ou Tnmk- recovsr. A few Sayi ago I fonud lin.. ish commanicaticus'; tut, lu fiel, hbay permenm villa an heur ia Sifferonl ara p art cf lie nev Rusalan morerneni parti cf lie fielS noir by alI speecblesa, iuvolving au entine ebauge cf front, anS neaely gene viii utarvaticu. Tiiere vliicb la still fartisn devolaped iy h, la n detaciment cf palice wbose Snly transfon cf lie Roumaniana te Bagot. il is ho pick up lie SuaS bodmeî liai are Tellaclie vas aumrouded ou Ihe 281i by fonud abaul lie utreoti. Fmom îereu- eue csrslry anS hvo iufsniry bnigadea bsn te tveuty.fl va are rapartad aI hie sud nno brigade cf Caseachi. Il via police. office as pioked rip eneny day. bombardeS Ivo icuni ira» ses-eatty-two rima doos fol incluSe tic largo nnm- guas visa il surnendseod. TJ~erd vii bene via dia daiîy la lic peer-bonas no assanit. sud icapilais. W e are ccinhornplating A Bucliaraîl Saipaici maya hie Rus- uuildlug a iiouse for orpians. Many misai are feniifyng biain pasihions ai sne nov on car iandî, anS va hure ne Dubuik anS Toliacis. Tlmey ara tirea- ,lsoe but m-cana-lige ce herse uiied ho le»,d viti a cernbiu.S attiek by Ou- mas p hbenJ lu. - min anS Ciankot Puai. Yoatend iy a Mussulman cai». b mu A Parodia Seipaleli usys hie Tunkisi - o b. baplized. Allen enquieiug bis loum aI tii. capture cf hi. pomihion noar notives, Ifound il vmm only bocause Dabaik on Octaber lie 24Li was 4,000 i me liongil v. vonîd take better cane kiliod boudes vouaded anS prlaoneni. i f lairn if lie vua in lie Churci. Tii. Tu, Rusaimaui only stermed lie positien i malines bava dllen accuseS ua cf buying allie Iliied altomph. Tuey misent tial enverti. But nev vo could goh~muny Tunlis Ivice liaresi hem unden a Su- I lienmundm of lie» fer a fev pic., muS I stmuctive fine vihi a vitite flugi cep, lie famino vii iave lie offeel cf -ê.-.- toppiug liat acoumuhion. * * * Tnugedy in tihefferd. have spoken ci lii. famina as il iî anS - h ai besu for lie put fev nantis. À YOUNG erRL'5 oanua-n~a acTuanu ~ 1ev ho peospecîs are mer. favorable. - muroma. tain bau tullen, muS ha faiing copicusly - i rnsuy parts et India, anS if Ils con- Tii. felleving fada megardlug some C nues for a fov vooki lie cneps viii bo miiackllig eneuls lu lie counly oa Sief- ~ uvu, sud va may liop. tac gead han- ferS, lu hi, Rastemu Tovushipu, are O es&s~ Tis psapls' lu Ibis region mev given ,-u young venin narned Mary n crepu a yaar: lu lie meuh et June MoAdama, Sanghter cf a local podlmr ~ îoy îow yul are caîlaS Ilie smni il Wamî Sbeeferd, ageS about 22 years <J raina, muS lu Octeber Ilie athen cropi vus asduoed by a yeuug ian numed C -vieut, barley, anS otier grain pocu. Joba Harnis. lu orden b uvdid lie ~ un ta lIte ceuntny. Tiome lamt ripe» Siegmace cf exposure, lie untenhunate A a Januatj, anS if y, hure good raina girl vent ta Wahenloo ta haro au ubar. n ir lie nexI faw vooki manIai hlieaa tien penformed, and it le sieged mie h raina ans muanteS lie famine vili lie shepped for some lithIe lime il' lb, Il ary muci relievod. Bal lie famine bouse cf s medicîl min lu liaI rhiage. 8~ as 5111.5 lie buliceka, se liaI liera One day lasI vook sie starlod fron lie PI me rsry fev ho liii lb. grenuS viii, latter place for Senti Slukeîy, but, md canmuquently muai bas grain yul bofero beaving, il is alleged liaS a pcv. - * nuiseS hie yemn Ibm usual. Tue enfui doue udniiuiuhensd te hem. IL k mine bas been me extensive tint grain muppemef hie dmng affecteS lier lec ci III b. muci bigier han I îm, yoans, I faim. usus for upoedily, fer iii. vas unable ho proceod ne any fumhlien hlm St. 4A.un's, nine miles iii -* ~ - mcm Wmlenloo. Sie put up ut s pub. M A C&ua 0F ALLEGED BLÂCKMAJLINO. lic hanse, aud, Sunlng lie niglit, ville ai .Ti. foiowing appears as a dempulci enlfreîy sien., gave binti le a chuS, ut u» Toneuto lu lie Loadaapa-ee Ps-es. vilci vas dimcovered deaS lai ber mat- mi Frmdmy: A girl named Sanahi Walker, cliel. NexI momning a ccnonen'a lu- b3 ihli a malehel lu hem banS, apparently quesl vas helS, anS a verdict ai infant- Si uving juit coma cff a train laul nigit, ciSc ronderod, anS the unforlunste girl lia et a premiasait Froul-utreet merchaut vas committed te Sveeteburg jai for Ini b, vas lecking up liii vîrebonie, trial. Meunhima, Mmi. MoAdans, mo- 55 S asieS ilm lunocently lie way b lien cf Mary, vas se overviielmed eh izu-streel. Appemnlng a lmSy anS ai viti grief wien thome paluful nevela- vi lai Semoancur, lie genîlernua effened lieus came te ligit liat mie vas liban vi uccom~uuuy hem, lia sînsel lying on eeniously III, anS on Saluedîy 1maI, la a qv i moud cane. Arnlring allia houa., moment cf Seeporahion, polaoued ber. iii a girl pulleS mcrno leltens cul ai lier self vitii a lplion vhlci it 5 supposeS do okel, anS, eaying sho could nol nomS ber Saugiter liaS been uuing te pro- tIi a addmesseu, aukod lie merclimul b SUce un abertion, anS Si.d vihbia an La p mb lie lieue. anS moud tic» for heur aiter Iaking lie polucu. AncIen Su r. Tus lue diS, unS lie girl SIeur- iuqnest vas lielS, anS a vordici cf vi a~oS lior bain anS clctiem anS bogan Soahi iy ber ovu huadi vas nendcred. lii rloking. Sha irougil serenîl char ----i-m-.-----.-.. Se le anS a min te lier, axiS iiey sur- Sale cf valuable short-bora heifer--Re.- vs indeS tue merciaul; sud allen seiz- lin theoitened if ho diS uoh write pOfliuiiuItiea ai caIlle iranîport. ~ an' lieque for a lange arnouni anS give Sienb~ooke, Octotm.n 27.-Me. - Cccli- lis ian ulI ti~ moaey lu bu peekets biey riais nid giv. hlm inte custedy. He ~. lias moiS mualîmer ai bis Duciesu OS lioveren, anS aller a mii - ebont-iomu ieifsns, 10 mentis olS, for -~ inoceoded la bncmking ont mtmag- $12,000, b Col. Canuca cf Burliaglen. hie nialctng bu opsa lias A goosi utery is holS ia oennechicn wilb lus ut door md Oucape. Mn. Cocinane'a lait uiipmenî cf stock lis >ALACE STOCK CÂRs.-Ii peopl, cftea te England. The valuabîs cargo vas Ms 15 palatal stables fer tbir hanses »- lu dliar~e cf Beittia, île well-knovu tii ircaltls, beat hem vil steurnand mteek min, anS vlien tîxe resiol vas adi orale lien vith inlalS ~ nenning ceast cf EngluaS, s valu- mii rfr, îviiy unmy net drovers sîmo use ~ mteen, verti 12,000, Ioek elcis. vi ice cane prcvldad fcrcaîtle Inanspar. hie, tearing liaI lii. muimal's uick- for on? We observe tut "McPbeneou'i uusm migil cause lb. vliole icI b b. lie mes Steck Cars" han. licou placeS quamantinod, aikad hlia captain te he isei 'n lie Irnuk railvans tram St. Louim mîloved te iirov hie beasi ovenbeard. liii r' The capluin nefussd pouhtinely ho take auj ~ew Yomk, saS huaI hhey eaurey ~u, nssponaiîiuty cf ibraving es-en mci Au in froigil viti fenly pan cent loua 'cukaga on tins jsinmney lima lia ~* vulûuble ~aimal~ Beathie valcied mi mary on.. Thé caIlle taire lie aS- nia eppcesunahy, unS vie» hie~ cuphain lie tage et ligit, sin alid confortable vas Soya il Sinner, hé itnuck lb, miok'- ho I la, anS fhey ara mbundantly vatemed eleer vihha liammen, mliii kIlleS il, anS vbs fod ou hie cane. viii Ibo assistance cf bim nen, 1mev ixtea hbs curcase once befons ilic esplain csp [zmcONrTî flousai, ~< Na-aR~îKA-- came bacS. Beattia'm promance cf mmd der ut. I bave anten a Sinner coaked iy muraS Mn. Cecinana about $40,000 en viii mu, as vai as exanained shrav inn- hi i veuture- - - cent su lu lis bensea cf Bieiop Pelene D~ ~"~ iii scores ofbisllock. Tiiere lias heen muais OUTRAGI.-NWa 5 brougit ~ 'neozingin us bouse (45x26 Sunio~ irci» Souhi Monaglia» lista 1ev Says eni Ive yenrb since il vus ~ y.î a~n5~G 9. yOuug lady namesl Lydua ut a muly vintan fuel bas been elnsv, Hutchinuon, Iiviaig near Ries LiSe, mcci bis fumnace, Ihe irca of vilci coul vas geing lionie amorces lie falde aller cous i boulaS onîn tire. lianes a day. SanS fro» a neigbhîen'i, vien nia vii uni il Nobrumba Ç~as vaited nov varmi aeeuultad iy merna vil luin vie vas lu a î~î icumunS. Musoovites. Ruseimin inn- stale ai nudily, anS attempled te cola- gai s, I nohîce, anc uînesdy set np lu mmi an entnage on ber persan, but ube mccx liausea cf Yankees, via ase tut if ~nimvêS*heo ~lron~ fer lie inuimu Seuil. day n fuel mliii be bencefonli ~ *suimtaucc, but hie n Svelliaige colS, lie finit ~ vilain Si.l net ,scamp, nutil shu laid rown.-Ckicsmgo Tlsases nearly billon off eue cf iii fingens. gnur imp Ami ENGLISH Vauraca BcanÂsumgau.- lie xar~r Raioua.-..A Unitasi Slales A. Setatchmentaf artîlleny, ville r.- dem nue cattor arriveS il Si&ka o» hie cenîîy pnuetiming urnomig lia. Sinupsile Buti lnmt.,jusu in. lime ho ressue lb. Mlii, mie calculeS îu. range sud hhreum Ccir i frûm lb. ianda ci iii. Indians, Ibinteon omunon bus laie lie rlllige cf ada u~.re ieldiag mdruuken~gi,, anS Minhema, bye mile. avmy. On. buIS. ina» LSha'mllllkallhood have *pnnd up lng waskaieoked te pape. muS uit. vo- vii nre~ieedlaam 1w maa.b,.,4n,. Si... -~ cernes mo curicui punI cf lIte basineis. Altiiengi iii, aaay vas employed in Mev York~ lu ens cf lIte mcml public effleeset lie cily, vili navspiper reporters luit vIte are faally coguazaul et aIl lie lacis' net s vordbne appeared lus cltypîpo dlneciily, as b via tue suietd. a1 Mugira Falli va., muS wbere mii. vas lait srnployed. TItane us s itrong im. pression amoag bbs openabonu bure tut morne creokeil vonk drevo lis ycung Canaclian girl le suicide, anS as au 'laifluentiai' naine migit la meniieneS la connechion vibi il, lie malter k ho be iiuubd up." Terrible Fatal Accident. Hainilten, Ocbobor 26.-Tua mcm- ing William Higinieliain, ougineer cf the Toronto anS Buffalo express frem Ibis eity nortii, uS ocemaien la go - dovu b lie Weuîvorli utreot siSing for au fron traIn wbicb vas gcing ho pull np hlm. meuntmin befer, liklng bis ovu train cuIt. Tbsne vus morne cars mtanding ou bIl, main lin. junctien cli- pesite tue freigbt abed, sud Higluboti- arn rau bis engins 5ev» te pull tuem ont. Tvo cf lb. cars yens standing vithina aient distance cf oaci cîben. One vas a baggage car, vltu an olS- tisiiened couplrng, anS lb. clier vii a pmîuenger coacb viii a Milen coupliag, lu onder ac meke liii coupilng a thable unis la useS, anS lie bnalsesummn, lames' Roue, vas net ails b mû. il aiea. Higinioblianu laid bis fireman boveuld - cou1ul, 1h, unS leok lie links off lie engino anS vent bîck ho do mo. Tic cars vere lieu about ten fesh ipart, anS on lie curve and grade: Tue an- gineer ilced an bIt, inaide cf ho curve anS Rois cu bic cutild,. The letton balS lie pin, anS Hlginbotbam guIdeS île liais. Tie firemia bicked lie en- glue hou fan; tue coupling vas nade, but Higiuiohiiirn vas caugil belveon 1h. plahferm ibeul lb. mISSi. ni. Tie fireman Lad bioked hie angine lu. ilanlly, jumped dcv» anS caugil Higluiolbarn auJ supporteS un about sigil atepa, vlienhiie paon tsllow gave ono appalling siniek muS lai iackvard ta lie earti-SeaS. Lent, - Parn.'s ELlEST SON. - Mn. William Palme, Lord Pelre'a aidait son, anS a 1mnlesl, bas causeS sema ibm la Catiiolie uocieby b1' certaIn remarie on tii. pressul condition cf Cahioie lierai educalion vilci ha bas jaît mmd. pub- lic. Mn. Petre aima ai ma]siag great cliauges, mc great Ibat lie "unco guiS" among Cuhioilai are alarmeS. He ch. jectu ho lie "qualat format isceticisrn," b lie "innecunce et m.ro ignorance," - he hi. constant maS lianamsing display la youli cf lie "veaknomu luierited iy oniginulilu ;" sud, lu a vend, ho ail lie paiufully ucrupulous purities cf Cahiielie colleges. If 1fr. PoIre eutlivei hlm fation is vii ho lie finît Calieie pniesh enlilleS ho a seat la lie Honie cf [îordi. Tua Houa Rima Mevrauar.-A ré- ~uru jruah prepared slippliss Informahion silo bIte extanl ci lb. Home Rule novemeul, frem vlaici lb appeans liai sîhiongli lie movemont bas been more han ses-eu years la progneis, liere are inly seven Home Rule organuzations n lie viole cf Ireland bosidas lie 1cm. Ilula Leagne, ~nd liaI tva ai liose are uch fui cenneollon vlti lis entrai orgauizitions. Tiiere ai. as- - eciahioni - mu Beltasi, Loudoudomny, fllmailock, ansi lb. Klng'e anS Queezi's lonulies, lu (~reat Bnitain tuere ans 82 asmociahiona, uumhening over 15,- 00 nusmiers. Tite Hame Bale Leigua umber morne 1,500 memberu, simd s ijici langer number cf lasociates. - Ina Hcrns Rue association exista la aniSa, vise. lie Home Bale Leagne umicnu croc 100 nusmiers. lu lie natnullan coboulea about lie marne umbn cf premineni Irlala cillions ara ilso joinod lis movemout. Mono ian liaIt lie maniera cf lis League ne clergymen, landeS propnielona, an rofessional me». Mn. Gn.eosreua'i Vasîr vo IRELÂN». -Mn. Gladstono's receptica lu Inelind citaI bave appeared ho liii» a navel îe. On arrivlug aI Kingmtovn lie vas T cagnised by £ nevmvondor, vite nid a stnoug voies, "Wolcorne la Ireland, r. Gludutene," anS ublu imlntullan vas îkucvledged by lie naising cf lie bat id lb. repty, "1 hbank ycu." Tua gît bon. goulleman vas isceompanied r Mns. anS Miss Gladatone, 'anS Me. eucer Lytteltcna reporter cfa Dai- i nevîpaper; wie baS a note cf lu. mduoîion le hi», untered luto couver- lieu viti lie visWar, anS Mn. GlaS. mue ululeS ho iii» ual bo mesut bis mli le heu penfectly pnivabo cao. He shed, lic saiS, le see lie Inisi pec~le cietly, anS vould 11k. le gcbKuilarney S uee cher places if il coulS be se ne. His viail vould exhend over ree veeka, unS ho baS vrille» b Mm. sw, lie Attornuy.Gnonal ion Irelaud - ring bis gevenaimeul, explaining ut hie intention vas. AI peesent lie muglit b. oculd net intenter. vitiont ing miaclulef la Irisi affales5 me~y 'ne ti, divisions exlaling lu lie îulry. Tua vas bis bis finît visit, S be Sealmed ho learn aIt ie coulS cf i peeple. t~ MAGISTRATE KIDNAPPE» ix Iioeuxrs. inconuls have been roceived fro» i Labnaden ceasl cf lie isizure by Ilium ai a ma~istrute. Il appomni ut Mn. Peancti O'Bnleu, District ugistnahé aI Clmicouhumi, despalcied - e mli by hie Local Govemumenl le ninistar justice îiercuwpped on hie melon ah a port fisse Seven Imlaudi, ere ia laieS anS seulenced an Indian mcm? miademeanour or chier. Ai vas leaving lie hemponaniiy ci-gin. I court lie vas seizosi by alîcut rly cf ho savagos, viio bound bîrn i dragged hlm cff mb tii. vooda. unI a veala sitar bila oceunronêe a îilenany paseing by lie spot heurS cf affair, anS communjoated lie tacts lIns. OBnien iy letter le Obicoutimi, ire lb. novu ensileS greai excite- - il, mauy tbinklug liaI Mm. O'Bnien'i hure buS lasu taieved iy bis mur- lu hie memnhlmo hie disînmoted i is laking eveny sîep pcssible la ah- 'min bis viorembeuts sud neceven libenty. ' A. M. 's-A member cf li. Msm~ OrSon lelognijulieS te a cempanion distance lu a mmall tevu, "Muke n for ton Royal Arci Muions- îlug te day." Wbeu hie companioui red, hiey found iliat upon hadbeou I fer tiair accommodstion. lie tmie- n at us deuhinatioh-reîdiug, "Maie n ion ten R. A. hi. 'm-coming te- RAlOCE FOR CANADIÂN DAIETMEN.-A ail exhibition cf dainy producîs anS lernante us ho la bel~ am Ciiicigo, ou iSti, l9rh anS 20mb Deemniben, - un- the auspices tif lie U- S. National j tep, (Jbeeue anS Egg Association. ipetition william inviteS ire» <Jeu- - -- zinguai meifulen * - unS lbr isssleep yen. L "I am'vî aumingi efoonnis 2 yens liii engageS. vho le e: 1mev-ni benne I Tu. mIn audhiez Naran toliovlng young mî Nover prapon i 1» mixes sortions s umnlmue, c vould iii vihi ma-ai veman's mina lii 'membens le avory cf humain - veman's ruIneS mi manaifacti pesteS v anS lapa judgrneaî circulatin; pont. A anS hie s vemans vingi cf cinciulaleî, - cmuabea lii Toni- met anS as yoi uinlaraimie tareS by. I be.dstieiI uyeu tie mx - Ja-eaiiroi vbo, ficin elevated hi: lien, vas a berluin oit lire Inuimali accouni-kes vihli lieus Ingenuiiy c allagelur i suspenSeS e aide cf ils ç vilci b. S neceipte, vii bis voncieni '.1' - Muoppaia merning lia Ollet Mcm. 85 iugtrcm bis leut fit of c -medismtely Sa supposeS ho Tneadàay Iii maniçet viii pinently la ~ Joan-niai- Snocauasu -cf ratine limai: un lie rillugi iaigbi, 5ornoi ual lime foi ah preseul nu idenceofuf sisting cf au lu yeans, ani Tie boy is ci hie girl tut succecated la hi-y laite the beat flue aid' lie penscu ci hbey inadegi ITWÀSTO perleS cf a la hacieleS a eh lie impresuli machine cern lana». Siie iplierlcal tnig once anS sali basting ou aj bine amI W * iSu, but vli droeeem fer i r, immen, i île meint rrrN». 13 YcirkH hable Bih boon ne ionS appi Nobody wbdn he Tornys z eh ban ottreubi a c I la c

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