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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1877, p. 4

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Appiy te'-- - Scikilerkc., 1 17ts, 181l. STAWXÂI4(.* hUSEKEEPING. - ýUNDEaTAKIN'G. tiil -Stock of Casketsp, Coffins, and al the neceesaries in this Uine. Ma.o, damwu hmoff kortE< thbodiyto, et eigh o 20foeu, but SI ti li ' ânti akoetou remaineSbod ea5ât Thbw.efthe .front rue vwoie forceS eut a a a d b m e lu ld e et t ii e e n e o u s structurOe andU$hr iay tue ekglton et à ua etug, 'At ~102m itarww peints and'fifittose Oint knivei. The eranlum Inioated la, , fr hav.ee- elea ef au lodian. l wtSW hv beau impossible for It.euman la ilbve bc isie thesnIl. nal without having been mwilowod bila, and 1h18 bhecîy le subeattldby théefitblt the boue&i of tlt ight aide ot tie skeilou wve brokon and mashi, iapparoully by torce. The munster, therofoe, muet have been carnivero.ie, whlehle a>also proyoll by thi e t, whtch exhibîl , uarked oharacterlatle of aSfiesh.eallng bouet. À large molar and tva incluis, talin from 1t10 upper Jaw, vwero exhil biteS lte unsnet1he office yeseedayo tle lergoet oee elgblng aigut pouna, anS m.psaitiicghgt by fourinlces lu aize. Thii rc wolage malais anS ýtw hlunlt tuiks.on oacis ideofat tO.jaw ; the teeil a btween tige'moli ansd the- luoks are Incisea, weighing trom Iwa le six, pounde and crresponding prouge la oacI baoth. la front af tLe tusât th. eali tare uimilar ta Iliose ot mail cauYri5animaleil sape. Confession sa Eonre of Happlucus. Oue b.ai awatesneltuiw abasket, andt h. ailier e bigplatie ofcoru-beef on hci-arin, as ihej mot r~tlacentral Marîket anS chiatted fer e moulint On. Ilied evideutly been înarried Lut a tew tOtys;, as tii. aller qnerld: l'Wall, hew (do yau ike yolîr second huebanud ?21 "Oh, he's fair- veay fair ; but yen sec I don't uudcirstaud Iim .very Well yot," was tige repy "No trouble, Il lape."t 'l'Oh, ne, bhough ýfOr e wcek I feared lIera wauld Le.IlIe went areund loek- lng ied sud clowc hîsartell, sigleS eveiy- live minutes, aud wonldzin'1 answcr tilt 1 lied siien several limaes. I realiy gel atarmed." "lAnt ilhat iras the ialter-coie, hoart dseasaoer ligue ?2 111 centdn't mche out, lis I bld yen, bli he. Itualy axpiaid th ui hald iklether wife iu Canada, anîd feercid .1w '-îigit orn hue.Tlere thoyacriînau wau îvorryinîý about il fer eym sud - daysanad I wss liiniciugI li vusmad or going'crazy. Il nags agreit relief to lotit of ns wtcen lie tait! me the ranI focts, and- now wo salir chAnge aur name le Thoemas, iv nicretub h.lieuse faiag 1h. aitey, aud live as happîy as bes"D Fri frec Press. ,iitfar Povery-curicd Bdhicu. Tt;e othn daegreccryznan ai Val- h'ogave a large part', let wlîiclî 1h. - dugliter of the carnafge painiter Who lived naîet dcc crnedî a deacidod sen- sation. -l1 Wfas noît _- n rrýi mare liandseuhely attirel than tie alliai *laidies present, but tliai wlau îele gyrat- - <d in the '(lance cfduatliî' îell e aI. servad hW diapiay thce uiy pair ai stlk socekings ilu* hie rocn. Sile lefI the hIouso for a ficw moments naithue cxpir- * allon of lIe dance, anti in the naît waltt exhibited a pair af ligll Ltne ffitoces. Anheuogr laler liai cruilied ex- asfleraled tempýle friende bâladhoe duppletueiited bIl furîlier, hase of doii- einte chocolt.e laiÃŽe. And, 5oclt weut on nutl liber wiserable rivalesdeberwnud ta foiiaw lier lhe noxt tnie elle disag- peared. Tlecy tracad lier tlalier fat - tr's paint salip lu lIa back yard, whare aie vas disiocvered, brushIni u aud, sud abont ornamentiug ber nathor extremni- lies willî efil t riatia ceat cf ligît saîmn. The. exnttng spics rusheS Laek wilht the -dsînagiug ney-o, but it lywstbo a tle. -Tih.mon wvesail to, tigilt -la undereanîld, thc munie had ipoue bouge anS th. lighîts were bcbng pilé utu. TIns itlelu litait ranSauS dupllelty triunmph, whtie honest atm- pliitytaks arauîîd vitt a danon ils t'tUlf aud e halai lislicl. A GeoS Sell. Laut week two Chape, wvhox we Fhahi oel ,Biti îand Joo, *went aut baek af lthe pelintmi aulory tt sy titir lmoi fishing. BillPOOOOO$ qôd Poersot ventrllo- Thyçot o cl f houri ln fihi- I ng, oanS-baS golucha, wlien jo. haut- cd tu àaIlargo-sizcdceod,, andti viîeulie caine up along lde,inîagin bis surprise, A Sc tchwuan, lia aiher day, wenl aver ta lb. drem.lopasdudekeil fer- oepnuyworth ot whiskoy. "Wbore's pur baitle, my gaod woman ?1" inquir. cil e hast. "O0ch, man, I obiy live Ovr the W&7, sud 1I1I jusl tako il lu myaneouth.' SnaaRT.-"Wliat daou getl?" sîkop a wtt.of er hnoband, on Iearetuin from a e utin5 exeurn of 01mveral daye' duretion. III gaIhach," be-son- tentiously replieS., flÂNs àao» Srom..-I siîould. lava ta ob-jection tg my wlfe's relgulng,"l omidS uffoctlonats hnsband, "if it sypre uot the tAct <uat when s6e1'î'ign.u sho Arow.-A libgy writeî i mon 1k, ta - pick lIa s." Il lae oraîiy.vcîy Lues o baIse theni upart. ted- tla hierc are two handtlpd diserdere ta ians Lieuse le ialié* g J laid up wilb lthe besin n le ucon- 1 SPIzIs-He wu ksiol. 4d est'ing, "My procous M*s îo m ua yaptcunfa THE WIN DS OR. (cor. Ring aSYari.sbe) NOW OPEN. $szce PER DAY. Plue omnibus boaud trou al trains. Ta- bic anS appontment Itre-elase. SCULLEY-& PINNIGAN 15-7 Proprieteis. OPIPF0 FERES TO BE TAIN T BT 1YFCONSTABLES. t50hda (Under Order ilunicAa-t] y af July, 1874.) 2. Arrest o a aa uividual upen c 2.warrant-------------------....$1 50 2Serving sunimens or ubpoea... 0 25 8. Miheage ta serve îummaus, sub- F u rwrrant------------.O_ 010 s- reg lesrvice canneI be - u u py rc oaidue dillgeee.... O010 I. thegu alçngdrisoners ta gani, IllIe c! f4sburseibent ue-. esarly e#pluded. lu Ibeir con- vaysae------------O10 6. AtenuDng Jn;ý sitrîOn eaithiniar trials , or on exar.'4uEt!tou etpri- sônersehaged vwith cerimet fer uai day uecassarily einployed.. lu eue or more cases, vlîCb net~ - augagen iera than four hem--cý. 1'ne 7 . Do.. o. when cngaged mare tbi.dl'. four heurs------------------...I150 8. Altoîîdiug Assizes or Sesions, cd day-------------------...1 50 91 Mle&ge traveling le attend As- sizes, Sesiotie, or Latore Jiisticee twhunpublia aonveyauce canbe talcun, enly reasanable disbursu. meute te hbe aloiwad.) - t)..... 010 10. Siimeoning Jury for Corenars' luoqtit, ntoueing atteudiug at loquet, anS al services lu roc- lict tbereoi, iheif ou saute day an Jury umnmoned----------..2 ne Il. Alittlittlg cach ttujournnient îlico'a, if not engageS mare four lhoursi-.-.................i100 12. Do. do. If angaged nitre than feur houri------------------....1 50 13. Servlng intrnons or subpoeua te atetud butor. Coroner (enlisaI No.l10)--------------------..O. 025 14. Mileage servlug sainie----------..O10 l5. Exhuteing body 1tider Coroner'. war'rautb............ . ........ 2 ne 16. Ite-burylt.g sainie-------- 17. t3rviîig di strctes rrnanse tuirninfi sanie--------------..1 -15 18. Atlvertlttig under distresi w ..... rWn..-----------------i50 11.T"'li~te m»ke itregs, or te sAaen .argondsn i q,ýake dis- trNs,,Whouen îo gceo.'a %p ýgid..--0 10 20, Al)îtraileemelîtc, vhetî 'D'y n or more, 2 centesl ien obi ou the. value Dolgootis ?.Ctlog saBle cuti commission andtl1elivery of gonds, 5 etc. lu -. thie #, ant-net proSue o'.ateads. 22. Exeautingsealwarraus,.Ib':,.. 1 60 23: Servistg notices ou ceustablec, whnpsnly served .. o... se5 .5 inedby arder, J. F. FAREWELL, *Clark coftee Pence, C. O. 22 fOUSE AND LOT F011 SALE onU --H TO LILÈT. A goond Fr-noe itorcy-arda-a-lia;i* hanse, 22m'28 and kit-hut, togetber wlvth halu' au acre Ï au ed, welil planted witI fruit Irees, situatefion aghvn.-str-et, west parI et thie tawu et Wltby, off Ditînîias-street. There la aise a good stable. There tn a gccd wva» euS pump. eti 11helt-uit is of îhe aheiceet kind. Past'as,'on iroI Nevember. Appiy ta MIL WRCHARDISON, au the premises, ar ta the Proprlcor. WM. TATE. 31-tf Graenwood. TH4E CA NA DIA N AIR O -A8 I Thc Canadiln Gisa Machine làan au ato- matic gas'makiug apparatus. It le desigu cd as saimenus 1,3' hiî'ht lmaaries milis hotels, cherches, dwaliiugs;, or buildinge ai eny kinti, etueteti ln the country, airJ.- yoîîd the raid aci celgas mains of cites, îuey bu suplii vithi asalte sud cheap saï ligËt. Thezec machineare simpluetfcoustruc- tien ult able te gei eut of aider, require ne okll te manage, are made in a substan- liaI and durilhe manar. Thcy occupy ltte epîce, are ici np at imail expense, anS are equally adaptea for irigthlb largeaI iii, actory, publiacbull ing, or bhe smutliesl dweiling, are ne nev ai unbrled lhing, but lhava Leen lu constant sud nua- coleul use lu ail parts af the country, baIl vinter ud iseimer, fur >car, The gas made by these mmahines la ucnally kuavu as carbureted air gis, bin? c.mmmau air impregnated witb gaiohino. * t berna wilh a ricI brigît faine, fdlly equal te tIat preduced by ceaI gas, Io conducted truhpies anS ornemental Oxtures, wihtesanie ooren',enc, and safety. No lie l;useS ltu ilw proeuoefemanufacture, mnm buildings lgîlatd by It ara insured et île temae rates as bbeugh coat gis vas use. The caîl et this gas fer lUght, equal te abs bbeusauf fot of'eal gis, vaie. tram on. daller aeuS ihfy coent tva wdollar, being about ane-half thte prise et ceai gas. The inaterllfrom whvîli.gis ls madoehiy oui machinte in knewîi ceîmercieally as gaeollne, a ligîl, volatile of petrolenin. Entizuales given for itgbing anS beatlng buildings. Ilabhs, Water Clasets, 1'ump,, GaîSs Pountains;. Rubler Hoe, Ga i Ftures lu Brouze snd Crystaf, etc. SCOT & PHILLIPS;o sale leanufaoturera. Tbe folowlug landeis u thc tewnship a! Somoiie, Counly of Victoria, arc aoS toi eale_ The M'estbj f Lot 6, lu hIs 1811-cones-. sien on msioslitg ai1me nocs. Fitteon mace chimieS and (cacaS. À nevcr-failug streïai Orosam ho tl, oauwiehaI l lise, near lb. sidaot a geo ad nSThi. proparty is Ony af a mile tram à a eiwaq tation oh the Victoria ilwa yanud 8 Mites tram the. *'Ills*Oft Eluiount. I La U 7,1lite iStI concession-,couultlng o! 2W0 acres. Tba lanS lui well tlmbenîfi bavlng on Il a lot of vatuiebhe céa.A neor-faing etreaun of vatenrmustbog rIM ÃŽ nailway station on the VJàted aiell- 3UMi. John 0U hoa t dD rhi Torme o! Sale. iaSkh, ba.wc A -WELL-AIPOINTED ]lEAIRSE. Wh'iky, October 2Lth,17.4 'ORSAE 100 Tons -Bar Iron and Steel, 100 Boxes Canada -Plate, 150, Boxes" Tin Plate, 400 Kegs bof Cut, Nails. 800 Boxes Ilorse Nails and Sboes-. Orders fronm the Trs.de Solicited. 12r Prices-Bottom. S3, Car Loads Goal Oil for Sale ;Woeile.-Lowoettfiguret3.* WREITE COAL OIL.-4 Imperial Ga~ns $1,cash ; or 80 cents single*gallon. I ZETý The Liargest Stock of Sheif and, Heavy hTrdWaze in -the County. STOVES.-J3est Cooking and Heat- ing ; Choic, ?atternsat'* HATOH &BRO. FRBEFARE* FOR THE FALL ! ALND GO TO ORWELL-FPITTINO, CHEAÉ. AND GoOD B.E9S-AýERICAN RUBBER GOODS ON HAND. Gent., (J g aM 3~e a-dShees, the finest and mest durable nmade in the country. Ke» Laié superior gouda ini Prunella, Ria and Goat, &speciiîy. When durabilifj'tbd heapnser ara rbquired, calon OLDNo. 1. Large ArrivIle 1, Cheap for Cash I WM*. BUIRNS. Whitby, Sept. 4tb, 1877. 28-12m FAIR CÇQMPETITION WITHQLJf P'ROTCgTI0N. --o0 MIR. JOHN FERGTTSON is NOW IX TE MARKET WITH HIS 'FkLL& WNTEIMR, GOOIDS3 WhIioh.f~ ,ntusity ana price wiIl be found- unsurpassed. Made up in t7te Latest Styles and 7on 7îorIest Notice. A LARGZ STOCK OFOVER-zCOATS AND BUFFALO ROBES, AT BOTTON. PRICES. DUNDAS 3T, WHUIT.BT.1 ô and 77 Yonge, Street, tirst Door [romi King Street, Toronto, XAN;UFACTURER AND IMPORTÉP .7, C H I LDR EN'8 CAR RrAiGES, R!!FRIGERATORS, FILTERS AND COOLER&S. Toilot Sots, Baîlie, Woodenware, Bodgerî%' Cutlcry, Comnices, Hardware, Ceai 011, Stovoi, ClaIies-Wringers, Lamps, &, S». BirSl-Cagei, in Great Varlty; Canaries, iu Goo SoSng.,3$3M eeh, Mocking Bird., Par. rots, Thrnehes, anSdl3ird a aiei eeuot by express tea a.y address. jý' The Largest Stock ot Hanse Furniabluga in lie City. .4_gr WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. NEW -GO ODS Clothing and Gent's Furnishing House Is now supplied with all the newest~ styles o! English, Scotch, and Canadlian Cloths of ail kinds, the Largeet and Best Stock they ever had.- (jxy Also an excellent stock cf Gents' Furnishingosal u',. - A splendid stock of Ready-made Overcoats, Cheap for Cash. MeMILLAN'S ]LOCE, BROCS STREET, - WHITBY. WM. BFRYAN'S 8TOVE -DEPOT ANO T1NSHORI Iyou want a store, cail and see a large stock and great Jait, baving all the moderninapravements ot the ege. «THEÇ CROWN J EWEL" Seîf-feeder, With or witiarit Oven etttschcd, is tic uewes;t and lest store in lie markt. lixer's .Mân4 re For Dyspepas, Sick Headaohlee,;Log.o,! f Apptte, &c.' GILE S', LINIMENT IODIDE 0F,. AMMONIA. S. W.;B. SMITH,&0Oo.- WhiMtby, Auguet Utb, 1877., OFFICE OF THE BBOWNAdPATTEI-QC~ o, TO TýHE' PU13LIC.-ý0, lu presentlugioui Twenîy.sicond Annualn roaIelogue of e.grluural Impie. mente the Lroiof Causa&a for 1h. yeaî 1877, 'e dô sd *ith Imore than the oîdiuary.degrae. etpride and confidence, from lbhe maîked favour asdpatronage confeived upon us, and 1h. astehdy andi luroasing doinand from: year ta yee of ouinow oelebratod Parai Implements. We shll !continues heretafora-,s manufacturers, ta malte a speially ot Agritultural Maeiney-the 3obnston ~Tziuaiph Cern-' bined Reaper and Mower, Ihe Ca'uga Mowr, ti ou aaaMwr n our new Whitby Harvester, clalmlng a large caers* ofour time and- attention. l'or the last Twenty-two yoars we havegivon OUi mopt carofu! enà undivii.ý eit attention ta the Manufacture anS operatian'etfthèvarions machinelus, sitiug out the best pointe, remodyingdiefeots, modifying and oorrecting errais, strenglhening weak points, adaptlng and proportion'iug overy part'asouia ineres- ed experience bas suggested. Waemploy only tho besd mechanical skill, and our mafihines pae under,1h. Most careful supervision aud scrtiny-every dotai! beiug subjetétd te, thé'seveï- est eriticim-and each machine la thoîoughly tested before leaving our works, ta prove tihe completenese )f every part, and there la noa iftànliy in putîing them lu aperation by any persan of moderato mechanical ability. Our me hiuery bsbeea eIeete4 and eoàsîrncbed with aapecial qr.giee ta the manufacture of aur awn maohinea-many ibols bàving'been madefaribtis partiiuler purpose, and ual adapted for allier work, and our workmen are edu- cateid up la tb. wants and requirements of our manutaturo--obtaing a liai- ough knowledgeoef the construction of aur machines, and are tle enabled ta ob- tain a higlier doe. eeof akiil and pîaficiency than wheîe general msnufacturing te carried an.- We are thorefare enabled ta introduce a more perfect syatom imb ail the de- partments of manufacture, adding ual anly ta the perfection ofthîe work, but ai- s0 ta the rapidily oft us execuin-and a consequent reduction of eosl. Thus rinciple la regarded uecessary lu o well regulated establishment; ana w. enabie1d t ru ont aur machines 'wiîh a bigler degree of perfection, and aI prices so lew as absoiuîely le dety campetition. - THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER' is.now so well known as a Single Beaper, Ibal a word of comenendation would aimait seema superfinous, but as there are many claiming ta manufacture Ihig machine wbo bave adbeîed te lb. aid ariginal Jobusten mnchine, wiuîo'ut keep- ing np ta the irprvemeute ; tbat justice ta ourselves and patrons requiré of us ta istate thal webave modified il in aimait every essential part, and for etreuglli and durability, quality uf cut, in every kind and condition of grain ; lightneis of draft sud case of managgrent-the *,Jobnaoui," as manufscîured by usý-standt; pre-cuiinenîiy abead af al ether reapers. Iu prefot Iis position WC have oniy te peint te the mnany First Prizes sawarded us-at the last Provincial triai of On- tarie, and nmauy caunty trials whicb have akluu pince ail over Canada, iitbin tle lait few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBI1NED.MACHINES, with laie impravements, te ail thal can bc dcsfred in a Combined Machine, and canuet failtot meet all the requirementi of purchaiere. Our Improved Oayuga Ohief Jr., and ow' Young Canada Mowers are bothý firot-class machines -constituted aimost whaliy of iron and Steel The Cayuga Jr. ha. a rear ent, and tbe Young Canada a front Ct ; bath strong, dur- able machines, and net excelleS by any machines in tle market for qnabity of cut, dnrahility, lightncss of draft, adabtability, and case of management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER."j As the eonutry bat; beceme better adapteS ta macbinery, and many of oui farm ers bave beceme skili.ed in the use et machiues, a grcwiug demand bas îprung up fer in Liglit, Durable. First.C1ass iteaper. 1 Alive ta the requirements of the day, we have succeeded iu iuventing a ma- chine witb a Wrought Iran Frame, witb the least paisible gearing-with large, broad.faced drive ivheel,-and îo canstructed that the trame and table tilt at lhe mame lime, lbereby keeping the pitman always in line with the knife. The rakes ara driven diîeatty from the.main7shaft-tbere being no perceptible aide draft, and c0 weigbtt upan tbe baiss neoka. We are confident that we have sncceeded lu invcutiDg tle Mest perfect Reaper, teking il lu ail ils parte, that bas; evar leeu praduced. We lave applied for lettern patent, and shall boid aur inventien, fer oui awn exclusive manufacture, and we respectfully suggeat la lu- Iending purchasere, that Ihey should sec Ibis machine leoai givig their aidera fer the comiug harveit. The "Whitby Haivester" wigbî, al laiod, 600 ponudi, but beiug maSe principally of the best quality <4 iran andS ale, sud roin ils lu- Renions taud compact conotruction, il combines tue strengîli and durabiity cf lis heavier imachines. A,1l afour machines are fuliy warranted. With Ibis list- af machines, wo tedl confident thal we can meet eveiy re. quirement, ani we reipectfully solicit a triai af aur machines, believing tIaI we eau furnish a better machine fer the maney tban eau be obtained elsewbere. Rcspectfuily Taure, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. C0. Witly, Ontario, Febrnary, 1877. -FASHIONABLE TA ,dIL ORING I Go wvhere you can get a Weil-fitting Garineut :-Td the Taioring Establishment cf GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPEIIIOR CUTTING SHAPES TEE W&tK1 A Large Stock of Flue Cltis ; baît English, Scotch à.aiClanan Tweeds. 0> Excellent Overcoatingsanau Splendid Vest Patterns. A geedl fit Guaranteed. GEORGE GURLEY, 51 Ring Street, Oshsawa. BOO K -STO0RE AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OIiFICE, BROCS-ST. George Yule begs to annnounce that hoe las ro-openued bis Statienery aud Beook Stere inu Whitby, wiore slationery Of al hinds, ef the best quality, will le kept on band; aiea Sciîeol Beokas et eveî-y description, Copy Bocks, Sietes, Pendüs, Inks, &C., &c., nt lie iowest *Puices. - oenevneapi4 JPQ.IxamnIe, W .-IOKIS IL-O~ -JMSH SAXO %Oçtobou, 1877.- McMiIaàn'o B1ackl, 1ïock4.'WhiYtby. . iF URNi1 R. H. JI4E S,>ON. WHOLESALI Claàr.et on dft. $1.50 per gal Molson's, Aie and 'Porter on draft, 60 ots. per gall'n ;' Pure GrapÉe Winé, $1.50 per'g,.;Belfst Giger ' Biiaiugg 1, a Aie, Plain Soda, Selltzér Wate'r., Have Iyonap OLARETS ,,IN CASE Crus. à is ris St. JaonM.SoMargaux. sa" OrdinaieClmnet', Englsb Malt, French WhitdWiue, Crystal Ptcling, k&o., &o. 8C.Haims, Splced Bacon, S. C. Tonuea, Beef Ham, Dricd Beet, &e. F LOU>R: Frait I'our, C. Wiistal,<. Plor, 0at Me al, Coi Meal, Split Pees, P. ]Barley, k.. Pça'. nain, Tangue, Cbioke,Straoburg Meat, Finnan HvASis, Blaibar, Aucory. SO0U P oz rai, Parlridg, H:aro. Ciken, Oz Cheek. &o. COFFEE:- * Mocce anS Javab, Ro'ased and Green. Whiitby,,Aigut7th, -1877.1 211 CAR RIAGES AND 'BUGGIES! 000 THE LÂBGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0F' Caringes, 8leig hs and Cutters, M.O'DONOVAN'S. CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY., VERY CHEAP. CALL & SEE THEM. JJJST AIRRIVED AND FOR SALE AT THE WtHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, A choice lot of Green and Black Teas, that cannot be beat in ýtheDominion, botli for quahity and cheapness, pri'ce from 50 to 80 cents per pound. Coffees from 25 to 40 cents per pound. Sugars of ail kinds, [W 8lbs. of White Sugar for $1, ()ood Val encia Raisins, *Czl- 6lbs for $1. 1:2 A full assortmentVof Choice Family Groceries, cf al kinds, at equally Low Prices. MAPLE MOLASSES. $1 2 5 PER GALLON. House and Garden Flower Plants. Green Vegetables in their sceon. la FRESH TOMÂTOES JUST 1iECEIVD. A fuil assortmeit cf China, Glass and Crockery Ware, Tea. Dinner, and Tollet. Sets on hand and for sale cheap. Ail kinds cf Field and Garden Seedii, Clover and Timo- thy Sced, &c. Turnip Seedg of ail kinds, direct trom Setand, tb arrive this week. - 8a Good Patate from 50 to 80 cents per bushel. At WM. J. GIBSON'S. Whitby China Tea Store. WANTEDý.-Any quantity cf Good Butter, Eggs ana Feathers, for whi-ch the h igliet cash price wMI be paid. W. J. GIBBON. -BU G-G lES For 'Sale at very Reasonable IPrices. Several Open Buggies' With child'à sèat, Lady's Open -I'hotons lateat style and - very liglit, Covered Plinetons with Roling Seat, aise Liglit Top and Open Buggies of Super- ior Style anti Finish. Al'made Wiitby, juli4ýh, 1878. FIUNE' of- the best' Material and -Wariranted.1 TOMS ..kNEWPORT, Wbitby, Outaria.e ,ARTS BEST'S GALLERY., OSHAWA. *The Daily and Weekly Papers always dn hkd.. Sub- SPTA14flrNP(1TTr'c Musical Instruments, including a fine assortment cfL Violine. Orders are taken fer Peniodicais, Magazines andl Music. Whitby, Dec. 18th, 1876. GEO YULE.1 WILLIAM. TILL-S- CABINET FAOTOýRY AND FU .RNITURE WAREROOM'S THE OLO STAND, BROOK STREET,'WHI-TB-Y. oduehi.Tfaviug bougit my large stock of stoves for Cash, 1 eam detemmin- Go where you ceainqt.fi to b a e»lvoiy chenp, uarn msatiafiod I eu pleans.niy custoererubotia in quah.pesdi ainieec-oso odfriue ily asdprie.. Cern.anS tospect them. pesdi aigslcin fLo..triue - We put up Gàlvanizei Iren Eavo-trougis et aîty sUce, witi Iran -Slni alur rwî omanifero es Houlau-.New Desigus wdl wortiy et inspecian. ai'asntoniahlug lWWpices. Dii- -- Glvaizcdlio ia ic est er alles tn a-ofset bildngs illig ing-roam Extension Tables-a vcry suproratcei M«0 dlurable, anS wiV neual xpanti and break ly the heet and tle uun, iko zinc. igi«vg pipis maal Eo'w-round andJ square--ixtgreat quantitieo. - 11CmcsPeuAuaig uqeye~l. oofn hoa hdnd4~uara u seeli abS ay aricl maS laaiSa.~ nalEngritviiigs for sale. -*uam±h; lobe donc, bIRglesX -1-- 1 jes fu6rlafihÀmaple, teok of éegant -c4skets< ~timJte-it Utýrs u - éia Life-Like-ta<en in a moment ini the best style. Mr. Beet has. secured the services cf one the best nega-. tive retouchera ip tic Unitedl Stats. I Ledl confident liat I cen tunli ont, xverkequal,-(i not cupenior,) te euything ever before nmade ln:t4isconnt.ry. 22 CALL A&ND BEE MY 'WORKý. _ Ail are welcome to inspeet -the' ralery F ine-pho tos oô tho-Leading Statesmen cof the ýDo minion- -RiÉht'Hon. >Sir John Macdonald, Hon'. T. N. Gibbs, &o., and of Re". Rtatier McCann, Rev.-Mir. Laird, endieadlug cilizens, for sale aM BESTS' GALLERY BIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. SADDLEIRY AND JIARNEss WILLî A M -T HOPN Doge ta drectattentu,,ion a M-lage anSlueror stock, oomprising every.. 1 4lether Valises and ý'Saratoga -U'iPunks 1 A LOT OF~ CH1.REN>S 4RÂz speewalattention Paud ta 2Sl# N F, E D L 2 w PIRE SICREENS, OTTOMÂNS, FÂNCY-CHÂIRS, LAMBREQUINS, CORNICE SI &o., &0,.. maso and put 1down in th. e lest nle. JAS. H. SAXO'& Co msrch Sth, 1l876.il T RE THALBERýG PlAN0ý The Thsiberg Piano ifilse a went long fat-. thatofta GOOD, JISEFUL PIANO *wblh combined the clearneue af toue and. the, beauty o!finish of -the most celebratd&, ,nle lha modrate pim - . If it b. aaàkedh1mw Ila .possible ta supply- a GooSl Piano for about HALF. THE..*PRICE generaly chsrged, the answer in plain; In lb. maklng or sae.of these initrn- mente, thereare no larg'.showroms ta ]eeep p, fl gren M ianlius té mnintaln, oer ne erïensive travelling agentË to par. These Instrumaents sxe sU made cof a- UNWOBMSTANDARD PULL BEVEN OCTA'C'E, SOLID I 120-FRAiSE, OVERSTRUNG'BAS, CARVMID .LEGS ROUND FROnT'CORNERS BERPENiTINE MOULIDG, and DOUBLE VEREERffD BOBEWOOD CASES. Anextra DiISCOUNT OF zo PER CENT. wil b4 ailowed Schbosud Couvents, s&ho tà Clergymien fer the use of thear families. W. ADAMS, Aget Whitby, Febrary, 131h, 1877. 8 CIT-Y 0F, TORONTO Leaves fqt of Yonge-st., Toronto, disily at * a. m., reaches Niagara eat.9M0 a. m, snd LewisWt 0 aO. m. Direct connectionls for theFslis, Buftal, Cloeeiad,Rochester, NeW.York, Boston,&co TicketesuanS allin!rmtlon aiSaFront-st. -Eût, Toronto.- Agent. May 14th, 1877. 20 L VERPO là MAET i CASH1 FOR GRAIN, Tc To e eliverdaI - Frenehmian'sBay. PLASTER,' SALT,< AND COAL FOB SALE MONEY TO" LOAN On Real EmIate, et Loy Rates of Interest. f J. iH., MieCLELLA. Jauuery M1,187. * tf-B - SI MON &KELLEY,l CIGAR MA2WUFÂCTOBY, ~GA:RS miufctnrecl frorabost Havana '~Tobace The celabratlIl"S. RL", Cigaui. Eo el-kaepera anS Dealersain îWudi ta their adatags ta gir. theut a Whitby, Feb. 7th, 1877. hy-7 Y OMMN GIBSON.-, Generi Comnislon Merchant end Produce DÙealer. Agent for lxnscun anS' Comua Ui M- .î onc Ftrelusur ,ance Companies.. BATEs 0OF INSURANCE L0W I MilÃ"oAgent for lié Lo udo C AnSxi-muel* Loài mb AorzxeCaspuv. Mcney bu ed cW ieah estats, ýpayable from Tva te Tweîve years; and in Bume ta sait paflai L- Iùtýareit'loy anS ne cammisicit1 chage. -Motgaesbought- china ree store, Dundas Et,Wiby Wbilby, MarcI lSth, 1876., BR010UGRI! CARBIAGE WOBR5. S. W-EB.B ROI tetflly informs bis patrons and lb.e Pui ithnS he bas purehasathcelaBigh 1r - Plkertng, ta Manufacture *Conb Y's Patent Seat for- BIUGGIES, CUTTERS &c- B=gham? Jlhy 1811, 1876& ly-G T EGREAT INVENTION 0F aTUE .Fa AiY Kiti acins ose I Court Sire, - Ti Byo - 1neie Wuii. Bsc f.»M's cH Phyici fen ofrad uI. vi C CoUierS Mai!t4t, l o 6. ni.a ld Galert locl c.ryqhe Rig tre, N. loc'al natei IJILMDR t.,L Saon,1 AGET P andhaueWo Large qucntity a *atntly ou banS. -JAZZI COMMISSIONI CONWEYAN( AL INSUJ The CI.rk vSl Town Hall, Cul Fridays, LaorTt heurs, 9 a.-In. te Merci 2711,11E BLACF.8M1 (Suoceasor 1 Hrme -shoeing1 E. -O0M *A T isataner L herly, col any s8tpt. etg

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