- "r tJ~o! dfs iueslhua iivrllments bd mtta auila. - - Bùpfinees8 Directory1 O YT AR 10DÀ W19 W 1IT BB B AN -1 TXM8DOW" - .~Ol~IONBANK. W W I T J 3 Y A G 14 I 1 0 RE. .Hall go st, twczuahla oi % o> a Ys, EQUINS, ii hs béatstyle. I. SAMO h Co RG PIANO a viant long. tlt--, JL PIAN~O mniseé otloue anal ie mort celebrateal rseibe 10 sllpplT aabout rPRICE aviwr Io plan a o .aifliais. lustra- ge shovroome ta isD ta naslntala, ff &pgent 0psy. e ail mail of i B. - *~ J {~ PER CENT. Jd Couvenats, ale. ci tuer ales. W. ADAMS, Mby. 877. rORONTO -ut., Toronto, diii>' ai 9iia :80 A. au., anS Dnirect connections Clevland, Rochester, rnatlou s 8Fonal-st. D. MILLOY, - Agent. 20 MlET!1 R G:RAIN, fivenAlta a n's Bay. .T ANb aCOAL SALE. F0 LOAN ou Rates a4 lutinaIt.. 11L MeCLELLAS. tf-S KELLEY,. NUF4QTORY, id froua lest Havaina Scéeb-ated I"S. IL" ýrs anal Dealers viU Élegs te givo thon aa ce Dealer, lo ComiciacaiU ie Canpails. nUANCE- LOW 1 ocuox ai CAt)aIs! ira-sv. Monei loaa- yablî inai ivo te anisi to sulit pale.o anud no comittlssloiI nglt. actas il both of010es, whoeî lterst lep&1. n oC als to of$1apuards,çadoa Wbitby, Sept, 151h, 1876.,8 FAREWELL & RUTLDDGE, B ARRISTERS, tTTORNETB, SOLI. chaors, Notarlos Public, sud OCovy. office, finît dont souti of the- Royal Hotel, Whltby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, EB. J. E AEBL .L . Coty Crama Attonay. dg J&MES NEIT1IK GORDON, il)solcitor ln Cht.aounyConvovance, Notary publie, &o. Ofice--Ovin Mn. Ail disMsore, Brock Street, Whitby, Ont. CIAAlLZ# C. KELLE19, A TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLTeroITOR ChancenyCouvsymeoikr Canig ton, Brode, OC. , 'cCulg ARIRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN B Chaincer>', Ccuvyancor, h.,hO. BIna- coe Street, Omhawil, Go YOUJNG NXITH, LL. B.,' B ABRISTER, ATTORtNEY.AT.LÂW, olcirltunîn (bauceaandl IiolvenM iJlock, Brook treet Whitby, Ontario. A. G. MO»IILLAN, (Lat. Graaawaod & à CeMillan.) ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLIC. Bitor, Notay Public, Con" e r. 0f. ieB inuiret, SouthOfl ai Ofie Whltby, Ontaio,.Ofie ROBINbON< & MJLENT, (LATE DIYoo,&N&Roieo. BAERISTERS.ÂT-LAW, ATTORE - e e, So1Icito#, Conveyancers, &c. Omffce--.Provbnclal Assurance Buildings, Court Street, Toronto. J.G. ROBINao,,M>. à .. HZB3T A. E. K'NT. a . J. GUKN, M. D., URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, B~yron Street, Whitby. Dr. W. J. BJURNS. Orcs-Nezt donc to Cuacaîcta Office. * e Residence, aet Mr. Lews Ilunuk'. -BYRON FIELD, M. B5. P HYSICIAN, SURGEON, d'a., Duffins' Wm. McDRIEN, .D., N.l,s., CUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., thIe iyu B. O. H. L., Oshavai, Ontanlo. DR.BJOGART, Plysîciain, Surgeoni, Accoucher, &o., &a, WbItb>', Sept, 8011, 1874. 40 IROBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Graduatu (yul honore) ai the Unlverslty ai Qum,$'s olle0, Canada; Phlaleiplia Tui. of Mei icne as Surgir>'; Ami2cain uaiv. ai Poneanisl; Ealictlc Culege ai Penneylvanba asdLicentiti cf Meofia>' cillhé Univ. of Edlnbarg, Scotair. Cor- oner for the Couay of Ontario. Office- Augail 2411, 1875. lyreas W.XADAM'S, MI *-TTI 1s . [) 00MB OVER R. H. JAME8ON'S XliGraceryStore, Duadas-it., Whl8by. Oiffice leurs froua aa..ta 12 ni., anal tram ý.80 ta 6, p. mn. Reslahnc-Cor. of Byron sud Gilberta at-mets, C, N. VASe L. De S. IBETgInsaneS ailn Il e laetprinciples oflte art, ds chus p s le cliamut, andauasgoodase tle boul. TWch fllediaitulGold anal Silvor. ?reeth extracteal aithout pain, by proalucing local, saaitcheela. Denta Raoms-la Cou- an'. nev block, over Atldnsou's Di-ug Store, Ring elIi-et, Ous-wa. 8n TIIUlIAM IJEVEUILL, I3UIDER AND CONTILA.TOR, DUNDAB Sr., WIrUTU. 18' Al ordors proniptly eceouteil JOHN RODINBON'5 'AXE D11ESSING ANID SH[AVING BubJ Slon, Ilrock St., Whitby. JOFIN WOLPENDEN, A GENT FOR THE- CELEBRATED etlcottish Granite. At Marble Works oCenattuan Woleuden,DundaeSt,, Wbitby. LU&ERMERCHANT, CAUPENTEII Luand 'Jneiler, Green Street, Whltby. A Large quantity oi aU kinds of lamber con- âtantly oit Jiand. JA4IES ~W. JEALL, T OWNSHIP CLERE (East Whitby), COMMISSIONEfl COURT 0F QUENS BBbiCL, CONVIiYANCING AND GENER. AL INSU:4ANCE AGENT. The Clork wil b. iu hi. offeinlathe Town Hall, Columbueg, on Mouidaysanad lcridays, for Towuxhip bualaaeeso. Office houri, 9 a. Zn. tu 5 P. an. March 27th, 187 7. 14 IILI tiltCOOPER, DLACKSMI Ti, - - DIfOUGHAM, (Successor tu Thomnas Middaiugh,> MR. OR legs toi theiustru lodeon, a 41eo01 1. ri, Iaéh Boards. 190,000 test oaiOù, Xaple for Aies, it qualty, Baeswood, 15,0ffl I.SquareTimbir, AUl of whlch VM Ibe solSieap uforcsh'. HeoIFuid à ls o 80 58that 8he Ori ,;?ilira deln-alrsfwIaicorL, 40o~,00na daysla twe ekfor ««Yr Doc. 16, 1878, Projitl GOOD NEWS FOR TEE LADIES. A NEW RVEVELÂ&TIâ IN T] SCIENCE 0F DBESS-MÂM CORNWALL'S OSELp-kITTING WAIST * SIIULDER CHAB Dresses fitted trôna aeasuremeni ai vilbout chiangeiofa i titol. For sale, vlth trie instructions, at M1ISSI MCINTYRE'&, DRLEea-XÀÂKNG Rbous, vmruv. Agents vantaIl. Libural laducezuints the traale. WIitIaj, Auig. 18, 1874. G. YOUNG SMITF ISSUER 0F MARRýAGE LICENSE, WÉITBY, ONTABIO. MONEY TO LENE an Para anal Toun Plopent>', at LOW 1RATES ai Intereal.' For laithar particalars Apply ta- JOHN FARQUHARSON, Whitt Anguet 151h, 1878. K ING DROTHERS, WÈiTBY, ONTARIO, Importars, Dealers anal Manufacturra of i Kindi aof LEA THER AND' FINDIN06 Cash pahd for Hides, flanc. anal Leailler. Leatîmi- stretched. t4 [G.1 IT. Lone.. s. 0to t. s, fi 34 pli t.EîBELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SH1ORT NOTICE. Maiy, 1872. 2 m ONEY TO LEND I A large quantity1 of aney ta len Alat low intereat, prlvaielunds. For sale, several Town lots, two Prame Houges, and a large Brick Houge. For terme, apply 80 G. YOUNG SMITHE. Whitby, Pib. Oth, 1874. 7 L IST OF THIE DIVISION COURTS 07 TUE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TEE TZAR 1877. P, 'lm 12 1nj8J 5 8 12127 Ubrldgr. I 11l 10122i2fi 6 g121 Ca&ngt' 7 il1 27 7 10 f20 12aatuI i 128 Il 1 Atherly...1 181 29 I 1121 1 GEO. H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge. Whitby, Dec. 27th, 1870. 1 C HOICE A-PPLE TREES,i A13J0U T 'Y5,000, -AT TE- HOME NURSERY, Fi-rn tua ta tant years ai sge,iembiaciag au. thea lest Vaieties. SETH 0C. WILSON, Lot No. S, 2a5 Cnn. Pickering, an Kiigetain Itaad, 05t Offici, WIiiby. N EW iUTCHER SE -1 T71e sab,,crihor legs hasv4-to notil>' the haatcs cf the Town ai Wlaitby anal viciulty, tînt hle a-panidal BUTCHER'SHOP luCrocsby's Store, Dunl%.l,ýp«t ua' Htlcara veb. e SI ap naaslt on baud ai gond assortuinnt ai »EEF, LAMB,VEAL, MUTTON,&c. A calisoîhiled. Whitby, Sept. lot, 1h77. 871 Taffsis.; 10per Day. ist*blla uce. asies. .42 ABEBICAN Ne L, RA Y 8 mugi535,505.) WÉ!'2'BY, ,.ONTABIo:. 'nom e>eovaw d Efnse THOS. -MASON, POPIEMTOIR. luperior uceoMod"o. Table, mupl withbW leu n sem. Gnteqcs ilai,;butbranUdsilaucr E ocmy stbesMd sheil. 40f. AIWIUBSTATION, ,wM. O'NEL PROPRIETOB. PartIs akltherbil a dleavughru wM Uha,=hrnwdl ta=encamsof tef i TmE QuRENl'S 'oTE, unoOK-53eTam WEITBT, PAYLOZ h McOA"I, PEOraITORS. The undipged issel to nni ilsir trimaIs asd thepublic lIai the>'have lakin tls abovo vsfllInowu label, vhibb hey bave uewly 181.5 np and rinovatid, nmiput Mti bb.1fomur forule ccom= =a tio cigacel. The Bar, wvh iIo é and. somesitheiiCanl>'.inaell supplied ulit the fnesi brandi otuines, Uiquors, and ci- gars. Anap e enclose shmed roýom asdgood etabling, bx stalle, &o. Detached nooms for commercial iravieri. J. P. TAYLOR, PHiLiF McCA"X. late ai Toronto. ROYAL HOTEL, v n Ta' a JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORa. The largeal ani mail commacliaus hotel in the lava :las large sample ronas fan commercial Iravellers. Table vill suppliaI "181 le basi asessn. Bestbrandsiaqnars anS cigars. EncloseS yard anal shedroona attentive hleara. Chargea ta, suit tIi N. B.-Livery attah eil.27 RMSTRONG BOUSE, (LATZ ALBaatr, WHRITBY, ONTARIO. E» ARMSTRONG - PROPRIETOEL WVHIT3Y BOUSE. DUNDAS-ST.,- WHITBY. <vair OnP OST OFIIOZ.) FOBRPH A. BAIVDEL, PROPBETO., Thais booe las buon necenl> buhlt, la5' erace anA roomy, anal flial np lainfirmI-clas ;tie. Bail W laes Lîquors andil Cgan4s el Lager Bien. &oad stabling an=l-un. 4osed ya rd; attentive cetlins. - OMMERCIAL HOTELý, CAacWRuIGnT, os-. l.MES0 DE WAET - PROP'RIETOE. loed accommodation 11-19 MR@. WAJLKEYaS rEMPERANCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STREET, WEITDY. Gaod accomnaoaatint reasonable tiras. Boarderî 280 pan veel. 4 m ONE Y TO LEND. e> ta LesigneS la& an&otofi t- îytolenuaepon Fmp r ow Pffrtaî uaausally Lau Ratis cf Intiest. Louas oa be repaiS l in sta suit bar- Sevural Improved VFas m "WLIS Lande fai-sali cbesp. Invistinints ="aS.nlu nihcpal Debua. turu, Banka, and aibîr madketaalle stocks, Far iurtlsr partianlans appi>' l JAMES EHOLDEN, Oicia igaiui, Erokun, ho. BpnllBtb, 1872. 1 M fYTO LOAN. The National Investment Cern- pany of Canada. .(LIMITED.) ,ed Money on Real Estate. Purcîasa Existing Mortgages.. Bozwrou irsvl lad tle Camipanyr's terme . modefa4e, vth speclil acilties fan paylag on ilair Sans. W.H. EILLINGS, Agent, Solicitor, &c., Wlltby. 03,000 Of Privant Faida on lancE Ie Iaaveat in Mcrtgage Paria Be7;irity. 44 DEALER aN Diarnondes and Precious Stone, Manufacturer ai MASONIC, ODDFELLOWS', KNIGHTS' a! PYTHIAS, AND L Soelety Regalla, JeweIIs, &W, &C. 14, KIN-ST WEST, . . . TORONTO. Ma> 22n5, 1877. 22-Iy LUMBER ! LUMBER 1 C. 5 LUMBER MEBROHANT, W H 1IT B Y, iais o anad a large suppi>' ai ailkiails ai Bai-n Lamber Boards, asdaIl necesiuy Bluilding Laafaer. Peaclng, Savu Tuber, anS 1,Scantling, s large quaintil>' ounalm. Large arders ton Long Bil Stufi, fileS froua Milse aI short no"ic. Docrs, Saubis anal Blindea alwaivs on Agaat, W-lm, 0n0ts m it,thuaanon sro ofa rie snS e ilibthst veneon ane ti S And*hal Scslle8laiuk c is mot CGMPANY . Wa-i the iUkod smth sh rai and baekuand ibrougla the air bru'mI- e ofais mot Baesdbelanttul imce1k sud white, seekis liver u -flat- othli 0suSuusc& of hie nett I& dCZ. k Wba 1 lier julk Prisses hic baud anS burlu lis face Dopoat villa Deminfo=Govwue t aaet w eo ismereucn-throbi mlnk maS 000. ExpimcAe nt bosollcW, tlaa dernei eh. nain nover Icu, Pire lue/es4 nt eu et Aaequate É 0. NOURSE Whtby. Apil 1711, 1877. Aul t Lombard St. and Cbarlag Cross, Lov E5TABLz5Ez1* ix 1782. GILLESPIE, lMOFFAT & C Agents fer Canada. R. W. TYREZ, AManager, Mont AGZNCY ESTABLISERD IN CA DA in II. Uh ite abilit ail tle Soallers,and lange Rea Fands. Méduraitu rates cf prenmua C. NOURSE Agent, Win Whitby, Âpri 1711, 1877. T[MP3RIAL LOAN AND INVE .L MENT COMPANY. CAPIITAL, $600.000. Hia fi 1e., lauperfialBulaliga, Tooi - PRESIDENT : BANKERi HON. ALE%. CAMPBELL. ROYAL AMIADIAN OA 5cLaCanaa:--G. D'Arc> Boniton. MONET TO LOANoen Improvaal Fan ail Lau RaIes afi lterîst. Apply l- C. NOURSE, ARraiser, E. H. KERTLAED, Manager, ýTara: GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGHT. &pa-il 1811, 1877. INSURANCE COMPAN (visai Ai"»LEFE) OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL,- - $10 000,00 nAiLx=nà s: mEICAL ADVUICE: MOLSONS BANK O. A.-BAYNE8, EBQ., N isaiS Office for Canada:- 191 h- 198 James Street, BMantreal. FORBES & MUDGE, Chiai Agai E. R. LAWDER, agent, Wlthy. August Otl, 875. 1>' NO0 RTE ERITISE h MIECANTII FIRE IN8URANCE -COMPAN> Baiue, and al eable, clargesimoleratu, pnanm sattiemeul ai dlaims. - GEO. TULE,, Agent. WbitbY, Jane 2, 875. NEW MUSIC' HALL MUSIC FtIiNýISHRiD WHN-DESILEI Seaulug Capacît>', One Tbonamal. GEO. HOPRINI Whltby, Oct.. 22, 1877. 1>'. DOM)IN FLOUE h FRED STORU CHARLES PENNYLEGION Eeà g. O noili>' li fiindi anA cuitera lIai heiIs nov pruparîd ta auppi>' Ficur sudf FeeS of the flet QulaUqI ai theiilavesl living prices. Flour. Corna, Clop-Food, Bran, shortsOsi mal, Omkel Pais, s, Pc-,ý tatous, ho., ai WbalesanduSILtmii. Cheagr f/att i/ccO/aîef ifer Cash AI lie Doaialnon Plant and PFoal Stare rosbY's Block, 'East doar Dundas Strmea Wbitb>'. mby&Pn'CHAS. PENNYLEGION WtlAnl2411, 1870.V FOISALE CHEAP 1 A Brick Cottage near Business CeaIre ir tle Toua ai Whitby. Par prila and tin= appl>' to- ME. WM. THOMPSoax, Sadalua Whlll>', Pal>. 20th, 1876. 9 WALZ'S LAGER1 IWav gvDhea a>'for yLaer ir indiavoan ta suppl>' an article uhielhvil aive satisfaction ta ilase uho paitreaila, Best iJHN WALZ, - Toi-auto. and Freshest CiAGEr i R! %WILj ALWAYS BE POUND AT THE WHITBY HOU8E. J. A. BÂADELL hima" sole AgonI for Wilz's Liger Ben for the Canat>' ai i±oriee soecng andall k inds of ceneral hand. - A FIM AUTICLE OF PURE OIDER. work. 17.32 Whitby, May 7th, 18?*. ly-20 _________________ E. O'DELL, SOEADDELM RUNTON'SREUMÂTIC ABORB. .0 ATHERLY, (CUSTONS DLPARTMENT. 'l'rO IEI'- B Clerk Division Court, Tp. Clerk, Ottawa, Jane 4th, 1877. _ 700 doz. SOM si.ncte April last. Coansaonr u 3 I.,LAna Aen& HOR1ZED DISCOUNT O N At Liverpool akt e Store andT LA. Americain inn13.cB.,until Auentr&o.# Dwellng, well fittecl up and wlth ivry Theely cure al pains fromEheuinatiamo &0., Ablaerly, C(iuty Octario, tice.7 parcu nt. suni urhr no- acesîeary accommodation. tvl ueal.piafo huaimo AtharlY E-,t, -2ild, l172. 86tie7prcn. J. JOHNSON, Apply to- other inliamatoryr Swellln% ln 12 Bourg. J. H.McCLLLAN The Digestlie luid bas neyer failed 1P > V EH AT..E, 2t-tf Commssîloer of Customsnas irch 28th, 1877, *î- i ztmIt.ins CLMRCL:EDNDPÂDD LMAXIKET î1STAGE RETWEEN b~?avebau't edfon f.inei %.ainerougi tieluvem, &'c., leaeoud -.R ~WHITBY & OSHAWA. Dypepsa, d wa ueain fe,ay>, dycd amy colurar. AUl ordera leit wlth W P. TWICE A DAY 1 Aa.vic for partlcùlar cases brae. AdaIris NVillaock, Cosîac ioner, Wlitby, or sent by pWpra anyCretPiî o U Lave saaatS8a aaa ,p n .. Y. Branton, oaoOnt.- ail, wll be promptly acccnded to. [21-1 1Lam oprdt yCretPiefr V LaeOs wat8.0,man 1,.l, ____________y____ de uOfGrain dOeî ivered SIt MYSteana Rie- Leaves Whitby .8 10.80, a. nm., and -4.80, HEB ST J.W@ AN aor rnhmns1ay . Faire 25 centse uh way..T OSHAWA, SALT, PLASTE R, Wlllcsflat &Hthé hotalo, and stpat HORSE MED"I N ES. resldînces (wben ordere are left stanof Veterinary Surgeon. WATERLIME, &o Ie oe .)c nct, ih saa4 af4setlso h.bsHr.Mi. Win beat Arrutogs ou htb,îîyFOR SALE -.1 Md Port P q.&wv, -and Wiith Bro lnskposan1 nsdafra TUeSdy, from le ta 44 olock, P. nM. J. .MLELN armilaWth.moxon. 17taes Aprl12 U,? 1877.ak~Wly ae11 'obaçoa~, TAheï h. mutnt lte varda - 0f aul tle bInA- ".WordisIcllasulearacalteamarmnant yoD au, Nov hée -,hk ell go toaslep I In uemlIhe Ssdov cie" Over bis uyus, lu ai soit ucilpe, Ovîr lis brow udaltor bi lis, DO. Ouita bis ! ii± nzuer lit,, Soflyiing, dwhou e gs. t idon. Doua h. gom sialn ovigoeil [Bùng araif- vraireiaino ag fa Ii Seiola is huileS lun sucît reposel1. Naci Brevster's Secret. La-A- CHAPTER I. by ai srlvi "iEAD, POU A DUCAT, DY-1AD." (From Harper's Magasine) itb>'. A ses fsomethine horrible wh 38T. antique dliug-room, yul lIte sona Iold-fashioned osk taille anS ils i rafiereal chemiunairoc!. The same hi ion brooSeS over the pensons assenai in-tlie recu: over the aelelrated I 'uta. Galen, a. renowneal sperator ailt tiouer cf aniversal napulu, nespiated 1 ANthîe rIch, loveS 1>' th. pon-a lare solenan geântleman, wiul a iigh-colli id olt-fashionad cost, a prodigions st me, uhule craival faieleneal hehinal vitl ocanait luoke, a grand formai prali elonal face, viLb massive feaiiriî, ce Oat. descent lock@, sud oui gray eye bibi a . pair cf octa&cual golS-ranimed ope The doctar ualtail lis own firisidi 17 about on near th. middle of thi var - side of bis ovu oak dlaing taille, vi a large eilivr Ira>' ucîl farnà ihed wl cnals bolîe anal glaises cf variai shapes at ilolft bonad. Hosait Lai 7y al the allier memburi of the group a. cept one. Thîe bonron Incoded oci these alec : aven bis elSîst son, a floni red-ubiskoed Syaung man, itualyl surger>' anS humainunatomy at Guy 0.Hospital in London, bat now ait boit for hie vacation ; over hie pupil. No Breveter, ai thonougi-bred,; suarti St:. brlgbt-e>'oS, anal mustaich.d young ger t.teman ; and ovin the doctor's trial ing dainghters. iii. The fair realer viii excuse an artù placiug lte Men, for the sake o! natu F-8 ail grouping, befone the ladies. - Of th latter, Maria; île ilalet, vas gcod-bcoi LE edg, lut nai baindeome ; etfaira, spectaa] gE uS, < caterature, lier bust mollef napneseatative iu the bousebold,, b p precise faiher's chie! dispenser lu th surir>; vortli a alozea beanîles ai; îpî =a dnSe'e- daY, yen il not for 8he abur panity lumain wbiaIaaoses hlm ta i value the bloom cn a roi; 28 nhaek more thain service, aaldn.il the chia acre ta trusîvorîhnese 4nd languising cyes mare than adti' r manail vonîl. The second daugite v as a brunette, tll, supenb, sud as moal beautiful ; qaiteo iu f6rn, ii grace anal clegance cf figure sud mien D. in thc dinainutivc symnacîr> cf li: lande and felt. But the celestial nosi anS the mobile tboagl fan froua pet!.c rS. mouîl anal chu belieS tl. promise o Mglorions lazel îyes sunmounteal vil -chialnt eyelrous o! rare liant>',i E.w 1e, aoad, anaoilh foreluad, anali deep, sîspel>' head, Madonaa-braialea Tiais gazullu.cyud nymphia llusînstui s pleiuly >(tbcugb anki>') lu ber au intddmainnen th. seuse cf sau ,, hcl brooaled ovin tii roona. A cer. t, ain intensit>' cf refleolian sud exquis. fIc senslbiit>' cf nervi manifested st- aihmaulves bolla iu the luainoneS epth cf ber dsnk eycs anS lu the trenaulaq mobilil> cf lien muth ad chia, uhièo, thoug faly nshape, vire penfenl in r, But Ihere vas yul a sixîli penson,a 't, third sud youagest daugliter, presat a laxona blonde cf elgitema sumacio a.end suventeen uluters (la le precis 18anal prosala). SI. mit ou ai fcotsloe -buiveca ber failler'&. - igîl kuce and theefire, ubiol leaped unS IlazeS sa fluug ite ihovens o! sparks upwarS, ne. ugandiescf uhethîr main vene boa-n t, Sjo>' or sorrov, ta case or appreben- r. The doater vas, sail bas bien vnit. tua, inubated b>' tiaiprivaling goam -For some as jet obscure tesson, iliai shadov Becmed ta affuct liai relation c: thîe faaaaly la ibeir loveS anS. hononeal pupil. Il vas impossible ta look ail athe mana ulîboutl lvlag or bating hlm, If bis lips vere open, anS bis large, ;e deap, gray' eycs glinmmriag ail yoa, ha vais certain to via your affection vitb. cul an effort. If bis Monihvent sel, anal a niaI unvonted sur upoa il, anal bis eyes ouI>' luinkllug under these dis. p roportionatel>' long dairk aro6zla Ives n fspirit, a>' frieaS," lie continîcl, li tventy-one dogrmes above proot ; and thue 4delicions aprng vaiten, s'you. Iknoa, cames direct frou Beeclivoa."1 1 '#Oh, dean papa, ve khou lIaI," te- plieS Mats iytheartremulonaobSsr- vant eyes euS montia. "Direct from'~oio lb. alder &14ehi andmI. 1 - vlhoti nyo neuWabu emos or; rntei r vhog wl U I n cao the las sien tb. iour. ii uRadenunithe force cf îb inscrlpticf p Hon aveS Analersii laI 1't:eeniSut~su ana h lveri e- I liftdbu-ime s S ô t rrib0 fleoni migferst-sigs e d lblb.n a affor reiner i ortMige deis-goae,(orn tarise hm hank of Smenti-gonals (lu piy th. girl. villi ber sttongc m n rplace, robuelcmmnsamfit Ist be no. LoveS as shu vÃŽasfor th.finsi time by 5 main of grcat,.,euergy, of bril-.d liant and versatile genlus (for Brew. cn ster kaiew mach, could do isn>' things- 0 sud aid nctbiiu I), ehe could notavoid ai loving him anSalmost hidorflg hlm tl in retara, bat liveallaein a nS rembl. u ing of some indelinable :but alwsys su- And dnring Ibese tvo yeà rs oflbis so- a ounader ber lathèr'@ roof, sino. fair a Anaelid arrlved At years cf lovel. ic neom (1 mean somithing for uhicli w. bhave no wordo, but- My, _air readet vil villi hi moagli jBCI ..aîuLuVOIVed, je; an inprnîfie t 'maincd tbat Brewsere hiSdone a grie,- Ioua vncng invol'v=ngmoepruaà a On .ue aalover laI stecséond impai sen liaS fileS Ilsef, lmplying lIai lao vas bath 'Impeaiteut-fon thait ofeuca anS aingi>' at the obloqu> ' attaieheçl te bi n ouacconnaId et . Noitlier >Dr. Galen a ia-hs faily liSsufeëred thela affoilion ton Noil ta bu dhaulnishc& by Ibis SlsUte ; but poor AlfoiSd dun.ý vlting3rgivenhils aýntsgouist th. cous de grae .b>'Selnigt 9I ebae"la yotang sl-Jack" (so he vas plçaeal ta Sesaguale Lieutenant I4ceI Breveter, MX. R. O. S., *etc.) nao malice: "foIr h., fouglil ike a lion, adbah aisslhe gaive. Sncbhvas AIford'asiummary cf a stand up figtl binl lad bien vaubun- lyprovokealb>' Breveter sit a fannaurs' oraiua j or public ahaner, lunaa saall Hainpeh.ire market-taun, anS baiS taikin place belveen the ivo mon iu the stalle-yard cf tIn "Wyxadham Aras," the chic! botel ofte lb~aa. AnS nou Ibis boacat, simple main va, da laSfouiSl nbis owu bcd, mur- SeraS appairent>lu incoIaà blôocI,b>' the baud o! some maligasat implacable enemy. 3r thesuall of Do yoî Iban ha But] thie paa aunA, vas-Ire1>' .sle ig v- W OiiIl7So lotes $110 70 1 îlalie £&1 non frOua is4grà a rialosii iDeva Mote hrey8ais' îesdeïoianCadhaj ie h"rpalrs oLdon au a mai «i al tudeat, walked 8he. bospità lo thé, kbecoma *member of ithe Royal colle - f Sugoue. eW'a Lcenitiate Lu Mi !«de, w inlubis twtiynt7-eyâar,soMpî bngag et the iimme imailisapprent abr'sip tthe8. oMUla7,dooltor.' Thon benevolont janal inthe West havi- ir? died, and left lier. rich eidear nephe, Toua Brewsle,*28,000, aud lberp r' YOUP Ora epbew 20<10. NocIiubbaude li4m., sudbeauly,, froua 8h. sam' afer ive ear e pei e noe, lie laS îetuzned 4laulna>'Soms suan- aud tehie old bieu4jc a dbtgyjo f Cruit bis physical energies aud reia hO ie acqualnasce with .medicia. am surger>'. The doclor witli simple. olg fashioned plmrp, nelveil bis fornu pupil .with cpm ams. Thougl ia o' ufeztl affuout to dispense, witb scoad pyeîùluuaof, 200, inu a -cm wliere 18 could be welli orded, h. la aiteS tapon Brewster living undqirlh roof, bief ing bis boise la Iheir cxcà lent stab e, andl lan,&U respecte acting a "lon!g heh. boe weîe bis bome. fI ai.] dcccl oui <oaS physician was dispos., in a9l1osaus to, givo more than he ta In this after-dinaer session the gint lomen'wiere net only tippling,. bue coi Gumnig 8h. fragraul' weed. No: wîre the 1édies Perceptibly wiakinq but Purouing their kaittiag sud theî slenaul>' puffed.at s noble uaeirsohaur pape, s preseut froua the Duke cf' Bel aihmont, Earl cf Beeobwvood sud Fris: the Hamapton, npon wbom bholie twici ýbre ittccessfully performeS the trying Opel înw ation calleS lithocomy. -IeS fond4 soi io. trainoal and blinked conoieatioaalj led over a linge Trichinopoly' oheroot, a Dr. which one or more were readil>' suppli the id ta bina, wheuever a, native inapetz .ac ost>'tenapteal hlm- teaiacept the lavori b'by thc swsrthy young main, who bleiî g.: the fumes ofbis own in long jracefui tiff who though really a.'native of Devon, au looked aldbore blinscîf 11k. a trai OnM ýa-blood cf Spanisb, Moorieb, Arabian, in Pboenieian, or Âssyrian oniglu. SueI wca phenomînon le flot freaentlY ta, bu sein, thez ethuologiste te I as, on the et ses-board of Englaind adlIrelanal. Im The reader =&y s clbecomo ae- Pt.quainteiast once ulîli Breustens secret, 11h bearing iu mind that te Galetas were ?us altouly ignorant cf 18, but baiS no ans. ing picion that their gùest baSl aught -te e-conceal. Thc yoaug mains trouble wui ver a tuin brother, supposeal by all the ngwhich bis 1f. had bien sbroudid. This y l unfortunate yonth was like bis brothît ne la maul>' beaiuly aind physicail vl1¶&ot clbut bopelessl>' insane. Thean moiner îl te late Mr. Breveter. second vile, 3n' liaS devoted ber widowcd yeans andl Senergies ta %bis pitiful son, anal on lier Seath-bid lad dictaised a message te Noal lnaplorin g hlm ta -retuna- ta Eu- ir- rape aind waitoh over bis brother. SObeying ait once ber wisîx anal bis owu k-naclnatiou, ho baSl returned unS plaie. cl d Ibis grievogs legacy %kt ai select pri- rsvaite lunaitiaas y lamna athe 11881. country' ter towu called Wyndhaniý up amoug the ho tweezy »South Dowas. ,Gradailly tlIaI pob yonth had,died o c f lthi mumor>' aB birtfi, aud uho, if thiy thoaglit of biha si âtail, supposeS bina ta have alied in inin(m'noy. Notbing la more injurions ta e, faicily cf social distinction thain a ve geiffeal impression tht the blood le ir taluteS yuliuaiiuity. Noels balf- s-brother, Who wu Douw the heaidof the .famil>', ginerousi>' set apart £500 a i, year for thcenpport cf ibis afflioted n- ' laive.But olwus pnetty sure that or lie woula have witbdrawn every shill- se iug cf 18, once for a&l, if 8h. luuatlo' ofexitence baS boee proclaiimed, andl ehwould aima have thought snob a revula tion a most cruel breach cf confidence on bis own part. Nov, tac, bis own dearest intenesl was involved la main- 3d taining Ibis mystery ; for Dr. Galen, nu mach ast lie loveal Noel, wonlal nertaill> Fehesitato le let bis faivourif e daiughler r« manynta a,<aml>'wliosi blocS vas s aitel.Yet Ibisuderband dealiug ed vas paluful la lbe extreme la Brewster, ,h who aigain sud aiin resolved tbal lie l oal l have Englaiud for a second sud lust lime, sud votaS escaipe fxona Ibis [n pracice cf ai Supllcity ait once foroigu te bis habit sud caliotu te hie nature. a But uliy did fait buzona Annie illot tupon iEs nlas au exoruoiating ro tvn wiih bîn rppretly digits, wbîn he - ojstfeby bjcedo i pnp1...s-c. vu not, Bol -Yes, q-, ouI>' seven frisaS. 1 a>Thna baok hithail lunksinlu 701 alitera' mina aeruor'a. 1ic Tht. uws ing ui is.e one geathial fnL Iiabiala Gales 'slIai preaichud has î-t_1-. --.", b£%Y b ut, lurùug lovard lmm, graseSlhie a utetroeed hanS. "iIlite name a! fabnd" beall "i ain 811. nigît, s0 e m l a v C ole ru i. Y e n ku'au ern4I tIana n coard tta luch athist r "Ie tellyen. Noci, lueveed - i HODr>',,Viti a solad la bis itost ver>' alikeaibsuppiied sob; "sud, 8s eilp -Zua'GoS lina>' ,heur o! nieS, I vill stand b>' Yeu, ovin itllieshasuld b. a ïmatter cf life suadesuall.".ý Bnewster vrnnglIde hanS vitilia <rip 11k. avise. "NoWir ildoua agala,"',hi Saial, "sud sp.ak cat. YeunvIl nman >me if Yeau o't go atIt la a business- t So paonHeunr>' recovoned bis chair, sud bniefi>' rocs lîulaliag lih. suepicaon» circunslances h. oebcloroogna ha apparentl>' bein admiuaalued lya>'a adelpt, anSdltai victina, vlo vas a large, pouerfal man, kiliad l is eleuUp wila- ouI a stroggl., bu venî ou te ay hat poore-Alford'a invalial sbâter, lad - arLy 711ea of trigît (wviel,,cf cours,-h. cail ed l a composite Gruohan vend meia- ing scameihing e) h.)uia thbmody vas fond, but liadSaccu reloovened bersel!, anal Sworu lefore 'tbm cononer's jury, au the morning o!flthaI ver>'de>', tisi se h. sein Neel Brewster ridiug faui-acl>' sua>'froua îe premies ouns white hboni atdaybrcsk an lia.-nauru- ing cf the naurden. Then Hearv vaaiS f Breveter ta Sm>' this evialence. BCt liaremajued silent, anS hie face vai acnaiuly cou- vulseS vitaFilant borneor. Bo paon Heury' noluctant>' îaroeeadeS- -A toag Soubt haS prevauld .fur soime lime ubelbîr Ibo -ceircaer'i jury ta-aulal not tturn a verdict of - vila natrdir againat Notîl Brewster an the cireumaltanîlal> eviclance, supporteSb>' Miss Alfortla assertion, ulach vas balla, positive anal pa-cisa.U hIa ey doeu an, tlhe norà ùmjý%'ollhavu liad no op- lion-but t e flai is wartant fan Bruv- stengi appraîetasion. But Dr.. Galcia liaS soiemul>' uvredal l $nuvtcr, to Ise kuüovîclgui, as. ut Lulivortlli in- Doretshire, ou île a-aorailng;la ques- lion; lIai aherse, Wlajeb vas certain- ly s white ou., vap se cenia iul 'l is i (le, Soclors oua stable, calai>'eating bie cale, ai the ,heur cf-lb. mander ; sud thal MisAlford, vho > -aS long boin bis patent, vas luinasnahà nrvouz condition thai she might have laa aivia h a l lu s ti o n p r aiu oin g u a n e r n exaiaîly the same impression as-lb.ea.- tuai , igîl o! a> Man on ,haietibsek vwomiShave doue. Ticshooktim. ju,> ruS tbe' coroner too, sui lb. former te- tarnedal sveralict'cf aaWilfl unnare agailuatsomepinscu or persona un- cn'oun." Illtaus ecame the dîty of île poies ta diseaver île munderer, anS Henry added ihat wviile liai>' von lalking ou. cflIheu e vas Soubtmesa traicaea> ouemiat of Btavsain'e for th. lit tarie -Séayar, and amollir mountlag guard ail the Soor of lb. hotel (Te le ccefinaaecf.) ,Wedded, DivorceS sund Twice Weddeal < Agaia. A gentleman ralato e a Nuova report- er a siagular matrimonlal case, ruuutnog tîronga lvet'-fvm yeîssin.the pait laist>' cf, Bruneitstowu, ýJefferon - Cocut>. A genleman in lIatlavai niarried a lady oflia.emuenelgibon- baod about 25 jeans aga. Alter R-ring togeihir font on ive jeans tre>'sepanal. se on account of lInmiblty Cf tempe-, andl th. buabanl necelved a di- vrce. Two. yearS' altén the divorce blii parisagalu marrieS. The. bus- band, zbovevet as in the camotathe final nsrsgu, diS ual gel ou pleuant>' wiua lIaesecond vlfi, sud lue - years lalun le appliud1fo a divorce, snd 18 se grantel. -Tva or thmu yean latin taiynaaimnedsagaiu, anS aifter à -tew yuars venu agaca divaraid. The fret 'cIfofibu nucli Sivonumd Man livoS w, a ,erlsecond huataiidvçry irappil>' iil Aive or six -years ago u bea- h. bckiesi anS iud.Net .long '&fier. carda ahi romarieS talier fiel bue. "l1a hoi agoa alcoi?" mked ou.e gentleman of anathet. of an aesauii. sr Brewster baS rîlurneal, only on f ce ver>' afternoon uben v. havi sein bi W- is% social intercouica vila tiiGales )n frou a a iait ta bis, brotruinDevu ]Y shire aud ta a nolleman (bisgr Of uncle) on lbe coaaý cf DorseteIV L.Or naîher hi bail alloueS lie Galens I'suppose that ho baSl come itraight fire 'r Dorset, bsving resU>' spent tle lutsi a- and nigîl cI W'udham, vlan. bisu ai farlusati brother vas plaed, as id bicli baippinei toa djein the paiia vf hlal Alfond's fanai vassilunteal. TI 1- firsi pernho lau auon amiviug st t] 18 doclar's bouse vas Annie, vbo glial cut cf tle Siniug-room as la. apeuri t] ifrnt-dcor. "Have jon heard 2" ehe askeS, vil ieextnsorlinar>' preaccupsîboni, as aemeaiS lathe-lover ubo lad not su( lie bfor a mnth. "No. ifeart 1 1 dan'i vaut f10/ac aa>'thiug. I sec," ho. ansueral devon lng ber wita bis fierai oyas. Thon sei 0iugj boy aigilated ah.e vas, lie lnial a cala biuseif, asuiquireal, etiffi: oI "Huard vhat 2" n Susaciug ler-sofi vhil, baud au, 1frona bie, analaoviriug lber eyîs vit ir bath of bier oua, she ansuaned, "Ma roAlford 1t" ýr Nov vi have no vish tai begluii il >resader into thesamo msaipprehenîs Iunder ubich Ilis suiet lunocnt gi rlahoroad. Breveter Icucu notlingc 0Mn. Alfard's Sealla, asdwas allen>' la capable cf the cruel mander. Hi va paineal anal grieveal ail tis recepticu. "'Poor Alfor 1" buosuel, conlenap ucasl>', anal lth u uamistaçalu ua riaalliug tla n in ua moment bis rui clatie ttack upon the fainer, sud Ih ponderciaunskillful va>' in uhilsiLt yeorman biSd fougît sud fallu.,Ani before lb. vonde baS passaS bis lips th saeur vas falloveS b>' s dark mow ubîca apoill bis obole aspect,s he ra trenteS ta liai surgir>', lesvlug Annie ii >îte hall ulîl covîred aez. Ti. <cat resaler muet cudeavar ta appreniate i aunoyanne nuder vbicb hoe us Isbo lng, anS th. habituai violence cf hi tumpon. Anale, loviug bina, yul un denstaudlug neiller, isteataid siudale *g anS snspeatlag lia c f a criai &simoo horrible for au 10 duel upea. TIen-Dr. Galo n sdHuenry arniveil Dinnur vas servuti, anal aftenuards Ilý famil>' Part>' drew arand the Are s uusl. But a ghcel vas beiind tlb airas (ta spesk figarativil>'); anal if v are ta biiare aillabat is certiflea inu lb prisent day, a literal glcost, vit ar obligiag teudencv' ta rap, or ta uttes Soubiful grainmar ifaileS apoa tc spail. ,ma>'hava hen arking anSe île table, bu bobualel boots and ia shabb>' wbite bat. CHAPTER il. * PRESIATURE nOB. Bo 11111e diS Breveter aippreciate tbe geutle loving services vliici Mantha as AunieslIsa hein niudering ta bût during tboefainil>' gathuring for disnne anS dosent, ilat,-as accu as lb. 11111. coterie *as dIssolveS, le Ircaght bis linge cigar-case, filleS il ih Ibose daor mous Trichinopoly' clercots, doua miet the aurgen>', sudfading Henry' Ibm. sioe labanicus>' "Puttlng ap" Medicine for the patiente, sud fea-ring an intrusion ou thu part cf Maria, suBaistil>', "Nov, Bal, looka slarp 1 Wbat laiiC? Ob, I se; no enS cf plil. 'Tbrow phynie ta 1th. dogs; l'Ii nocf it.' Bal 'il lenal yca a baud, for aIl l ta. Hene Meanuhile, looklng at lb, aider-bolk lu vîbol Dr. Galonealadao bis entries bitoe.makiag bld enIry ta th. diuing- 'Bra Eîeter lign hastil>' teedig alcnd-.tae Sog-Latiai prescriptions one ailer anather, cracking a malicions joIe apn ver>' one as.hb rniS, and"lieutting th?0eM up"0alsict as quicl' ashu renad thea 0&f Ou. iolof medicin. after ainoiber vas eviftlY filil, labileSl, anS crked 1> bauc sedeft fAugure, aideS b>' the active mind ubinl vas alvaSy resci> fon action uben vanteS, sud sometimes vhen il iaS leotter have te- Posed, Uioaghdrous>' enougli ubenIlie, contemplative fit vas tapon him. The vIole evening enSet va soon ezecute. "dNov, Bol, conte &long,"'licsSM-- 'i',m fora a.rie!ofbilliaidoe aglascf brandy' sud vater, sud an ancliov>'- tost aI 'The Mitre.' No glanles =ile sa>'mare cf jour domestin slikck for me to-nigal, tîsal >'oa, A11 vfaoly nacunîable gulp and lattîr n id msticletoh placeat thal mniaent, -anScaiused HSeur>'Galen ta cela..guil>' aud misiberli 1 > 1 1 - 1 1 Il Il ras golg ta b ïkutohbave hi au>"svoua Le the li ns' on- Ãzt nea. a iu- Sn la le, cd 1h ut Ir- ae- ta ay Nael Brewster bu-ï neyer spolinaa th vord o! lave om evan of maifesl aid- fa-. anraionto-Annie Galon until thie very aubis relta nfroua Iadia se h acstilI been, onas sbe vas durlng liii previons fareull ir visit ta Cadîna-*>,, a Sa>' ecbolan ai thîe Of prncuipal mcool in the- cil>'.-Latin bo- n. iî- a hbby' of the mistnesi, upon ubidli as abcws stanl>' mppanled b>' Dr. Galon, 'lBrewster liad giadly, sud ait nstinl et- para Soîneslia geulleneis, devote adn> o! oflis uveuluge te iustracting the yoang 0- 'lady inthe muclîments o! lIait lauguage, îe anail ta ailiagban pregrese in lh. slnd>' ai* ýFncniah, a! ubich langaeuifaa laconsanamait. master. Thase innocent e0 purnaits hla drava lb. SarI ejes 9o! the ci instructor vary close ta tIi papil'a bIne crbs. - TIe onyx aba, ais ansâ, proveSl nIasort for the sapphine, anS theeix. le dragoon's heurt vas stoien ly1hi nx- 19 penienceal akirmishmr. ~.But Iiaugl Breweter hld vithidrava frs fianhîe ara>'yul h.a couple cf thons- 1. anS pounadim lis buankers ' baudsIsa r.prisent airanasances diS atot varraint ae n an af lis lneeding snd habits in Scoutempîaiting aset>' matrimon>', or "sutIdin SetI" as-le witty younig men o! lais acqusiuiaaca ave nt i6tala lil. Nom vas be the nau toalsilev s Le fresh, innaocentegil, the Saugbtcr cf bis' M geeru hast, ta commit herself aveu 'e iu ber secretl bira-téliahm, nlceshl ýebail prnivlcas>'raolvidl ta rcdeim ber' n self-respect froua lIat embargo 1>' mak. i- ig hem lais vif.And lie"niaSder ail- a eady have lIait ihm b55}ractisud a ý. deeIt (thec. nncealment oa a fanil>' a affliclion) upan the goad dSonar, uliol ho hneu il Imîcoved hlm as eamain"cf .honar ta coufos before atlumpling ta comapronaise Annie or accuelier afre- tions. With tîla much explanatlon il vil 0 be evideul lIaI vbuBreter ba ne- a, plieS ta Aune's grave questioin, 2 vIeller b.oliaS heaid of Mi. Alford, r Witha ga>', "Ne; I doaDot vaultat a beu; I si,", bookiag tapon- ber aI thc a sanai ime vIihunaliguied admiration, -h h liSbeau giving us>' ta s moment- M am ussint o! passion. Yol lie baiS 1seau repenteS cf Ibis, sud cf hie aften- r 3pîtuasce tavard 1cr, aud thongl t lat 1 thc>' uba kucu Ibitai-uts go veil yen being unjuat anSdukind taliim b>' Iheir ceusirsial anal nuierve duriag the fama> aî ur, a ud ' y m a king inam . e c i t bo! Ileir "Somecioebl ilooka"du 6 lIai Osi a geing aiftrua-rd. Hie neserved sud defisu buhavbor tiç the dluner table liaSheen causeS ait i -st b>' anger ultia hinaseli for lais un- guardud mainnur ta Aune en bis ai-; rival, afteivard b>'ai pecaliair sud par- tiall>' unaccouaile » constrailut vbicl hi nouiS dounlthe part cf evenjIaS>' ta- vanS himicli, sud viaici, ta gai> the leasitof il, le tbouglt ai oburlieh anS y inîaipitablé e replion cf a gaicit ubo, ubhatever bis faititi might be, alusys trusteS 1h. dcbor's famul>'- illi aiffen. tlIon and ris p ct. Be "suc otinait taleo annoyel sud, iritateî1- ai the ns mankaible interet ubicla Anuie bailS mnanifesteSlunMn..Alford.vhem hi sup-, poseS b le homenîl>' sonacuhat aliiug g again. "As Ilacie balkiag celodi.bo.- ta pure aîweys arc," ho,, brtiaaally malùu- l toed ta himeuif, au Ibong & apyilan-C wcre net parI>'lab- aufo is; pa- w i el rotract indisposition. *l ail eu>'joinca li g&in.* The>' ar levueS à a, anS - sileS faxi ata- t b b*Igîl oon-liliiitel su' ad asilhe>' turneS froua the door, ea tira figurea u umungud from -the arhWai' itLmai,ý sud folloicd ilium dcisl>' ultnoise. tr lugs feotilîpi. h hBefore tb bld aieal dmâAnYyanes, Hjear>,' saSai i a treaulous yoice, 11I u suppose jon have not beurS about pon lh "1Coafonnl Avord t,,alaiekuaD fines'il 'sIen, load enonglih a chuâiaitet8het lava craie. Evîr>' one but NoiX Brev- di sten lied hourd cf 1he l-aS>fed.'. Wbst ai lbe. uaaaenionable ta eare palite O le l "E tibis naauaaaerinug'about Altord ?", cou- ce tmueS Breveter, lefon eu>'liaW lad va tinae ta interposu. "Yen aie81ail bap- lag upoabi.IyafaOoI t t<'Z ha-s < figrains. cf anus vien I malle upishyinlut monta." ÂllilauMi saiS lu s loua, haut>', d î aleataabl u i..a sa"i, ffîicboatel>'. -,But vbà t eain1 do fatr>'au2 Honor brigliLsm M -" O-C"Ptsuspect an>' tlaug urgeS Anlnciramgaiily. N Iowi',hetweeù ion, ii>'couSi readeh in i âie,7p oiHeu>' iCactualI auspînt lthemain Whom lie loveS cof hav. lig muralenud Ibeir bonectfniead -Joh. Allord. in s-pafulhnV'h ci S fei Raj nathan cIta-crI>'au air cf indigaalicî "~I Suspect an>' tbiug? Of course not.1 "Wall,thon," replied Ana e, forgci tiug ber scholaistie Eiaglisb-."veall, t en you stick close t'Ohlm a ilmhevcning.. Thoen she clutched ber brother viii féline digits anS sororail nonflaléei -"Dou't let hlm ont a! jour igît fora moment ta-nlît," Se.adleal, -Be prudent sud vise, dear brother-inus Don'i le Premaitane Bob or Robert thb Unrpaidy thievenlng. AnS mmj6*ou came tacar roca direotl>' jon coma home.", Iu accordan villa Ibis Objurgation Ileur> Galon diii adhçcre pretî>' closily theb main uhona.lac loveal but sus pîcteal, until cea'taiin rezenuivo tales oe the ciL>' interveneal, sanal lifthimna n alternative but. ta carry out bigsster's Second rîqaet, anS te grant ber air interviewvetaitadiglil. The.consulta. lion, as it lappeucal, ultinaoteckba place i wla wbve ma>' al bhe profès. sional apainlmento, andl vas nt dxaea yulh sanpnleiag tumulte, ubicli >1a1lbe naimnated la their eidercf occurrence. C HAPTER Ii. ai toi 1. b. i j. LM ý-à ý&xkv w!% P. WAR 1=