s, ~5a te 1 Blect 1'rtviteLlbrary st Odd on FrUy sveunsg, Nov, îè '0tto ýio mplememahe, tise $y of, U:1,ary Frussels, ulot & éMconpeuion et Witby, on May , ov. 11,, 1877-L. Pair. !è0 #faem stock, impleuseulsi, o.f prpery of Mr. Ira Siurrardý, oi o- 20,in theO8th cou., Pickorlug, bursisY, Nov. 241h, 1S77-Tcomas bar, Auotloaeer. eat sale of New Organe, (&o., at hie a Paotory 0cf hq Mudge (s Ysr. .mrg c., cos Tu.sclay, Nov. laill, et twe o'clocli, p. ,-L, Fair. un stock, Implients, Ms., on ict 0, lu thée 8h cou, Pickering, the rty of Mr. Jamces moQuci,- on Y Nov, Utlh, 1877.-L. Pslrbauks, EY 8, 3o PER ANNUMW. y, hsda, ov.8,1877. NOTICE. B ubucriberti anid otbcrs, havin@ overdse acounts cnl Ibis cffice wil picaso sttilte saunea alonce. Meney may be sent in Regiseterisc leIter or by Masscy order. Tise Badl Postai Arranigemnt$el, Hors le what tbichoPort Perry Observei misa Baya op tbe suljecl: *Thne mail mailler passing tram Men. cisester ho Greeniank, a distance ai' five miles, 14uet iraI go tc Uxbriiîge nine moles, romain tîsexe aven niglut tarit a ils joursey lanbis. moruiag, ticsvel ben or a douse ismles ho W4011 and tiere ro- Diain tilîlsame ans cal r. fer ilansi Oaiks it soutit to*Gieuank, five miles mone. -Ticus aeamplishlug a jcnrney ai'f urî3 miles lakiusg twc dà a. b cosplebe if sud paesfug Ilîrongih thesdifférenf branches of bice maih service whiie tics villages are ouly dv. miles cApart. Mauy imnilar instonces migil he polubsl OnI cf te liceasmofssl neglecl oxiilîsil wards tins aaunby, lun a- aarding Ils, peopleocf Norths sud Souths Ontario pastel feeities. non. Mr. Laurier gclng to Quebec Centre. Mr. Ticoboudenan, momber for Quobea' patwo are tlid hec rasigeseil ta open the coustilunucy frtan is lon. Mr. Laurier. Aunalive cauvase le noxr gaiug on lu tavcsr cf ice Minleter af Irsilsusti evenu,, la wlom o roquisi- lieu le la becîireoented ta stand for tice division.' Mr. Ticebaudesu wos roîunu ed iy acclamation fer Quebs aEst lu Dcatis of Hou. Chiai' justice Draper. Hon. William H Draper, CliefJtsice of tb. Court ci' Appeal cii et lis ns- ideuco lu Toronto, on Pniday, 2ad insl. ri or ovra yean lie h:l beeu prosluated bec' uacsamo ime pmel ezpeold trous datyhou day. Tisa laIe Chiot Justice wase bora lu Surrey, Engiaul, cn tics Ilti Moaiu, 1801. Ho sînivad îid Can- ada lu 1820, amI eommned 1he slndy iaw in 182à in -Port Hope. Ho wss çalle tuhoec-bar la Juta., 1828, aflez lie movodtuhoToronto. He wass ,leotdtth e c.cl Legisialive Asisembly -cf Upper' Canada immnediato ly allerbtise Unicu ai' 18-il , siîing suc- cestively fan the Couaîy cf Russell sud- lise tewn of London. Ho was s mens- ber of the Logisimîlve Colaucii lfrom 101h Apnil, 1842 tau1101h Jane, 1845' but résignes!in là sluicol bocly et Lord Moealfaesroqsaosti abs! scas egain tieste to eLewer lieuse. U.Draper was s member ofthle tietOcersimoat afler lb. Union cf lice Provinces cf-Upper sud& Lower Canada. fle vAs cue cf lice 1r,, Miaisles's wihi whm ~ordMelcalfe, iu desanoo of ethlie constitution, aetemptel' to carry ou thec Gcvernmnt, and dsid for s pa. ioti of tins moutice. Ire ai'lerwands coadueboil lice gorerumaul wilb s vary ssapo usnujcitiy sud relired te duoe -Beach un 1847. lu Jnly 18118-lis wos appclutoCilei'jusicofUpprCansda auai sonso years Ister bocause Presidsul 01 et i.Court cf Appeas. - uebece Lelîsive Ccneilors. 'Mn. John Hu4ara, M. P P. fer Quebea We, UrM. Gatet, M. P. tar Niaooe, anti Mr. Baucher de Lubien, sillton of lice currisr nde st. &yaci4nhe, have limon aPpoiný o tholse vacanceos in tise Quobe cLogislativo Couneil for lice divisionscf îtaaona, Keunebs, e suad Blotisepaauh repeeblveîy. Tisho sIe iu - h UPe lie -ppsRouso for lices. thce. ii- visions wOen vasalsi 'y lthe deohis cf Mon. Mosers. Sharpice, Biacsard, sud PresorsDe Berri, The Sppoinîmouts necoisllate.. nw eletians for ,Njooil (liouà W cf Camrasns), sudq<ueioa1Wl (Local Legli#Utur). ceWs -'ro rcnto & Ottawa Rsîlway.( Pesiva ]y'."w C.tsaîa.-Tb, Penlîs gsmo'P y.îaw grantêl2uabanne of #7ô,, - M - 00 thlb Tgrojsho & iOltgw&, Ralway, If on&snoted l'yway ef tIVillage, lias boeencar-iletibye-ailaroesnajorlty. Al)ap-vzu Osis.W. ndarelanti (6 ~few frleùils are luteretiug-th OM$o ro-ýtblsd Un, Lowis Ali 1q 40 ldp4e f4uonsL Biug rh: $5 apiel ec ie fensly-by "Ouisteuoý,,the lot on wbicb bis laIe, . wre at«d couil' e seesred -bis fâmlîy, sud 4,e, ,i&teploifed htu learu uhsaItherA ità igtprosg disposition emongot'.bis frWendJ4d eiglbors tuho soméuhlug tu ellev* t Witnfertune l'y whslcb he b4bun pvertak.n,- ly psyî 'ce fà It theêst âM nmembyersp. Printra we arc bounsd to say-and w. mak, thes. à ement unrewerredly- fow a pr.tty long «peiengee-are ameagilt Ib. rnosi trustworclay or empoyes. ln "a experlence of a q1zà ter 0f a century 'w, have cmet wlth but ono6 ollary in. sotauco of a bresola or trust, wbhr.Ilhe Contents* ef conIdeutiaI prlnting 'was divlgci Amu~t 90I ea là ie, it veisiusrp4ing if iberùe a@not ta bc found upon ooasn ou. ubiaek shs:That there are sa fow i.dredit. tabieslice to tb.>iconor sud respecta. iblity o e ow.crt. »Ut what are wes te gay of tho giity sobool teachers. As -tholflolèé Wall pute thé. Ca"- l'If houer le ho b. fonud. anywhere one woulcl naturalIy expoct it L e eu~t iu something like perfection amongat toeohers andi etudentsintraining wîtio a vie'.'40t becomning teaohers. The. Profession to which tii.y béiong is bouli saient aud honorable ; ehfe positions tbey fliior expeetta aliiarce oedingly réepouible; ând il might yeasonby e 'udP iledtlat' ticy would shriu b am?1fný uythbng ýwich would, if 1brought té llgti. brlug diagrace on thglr p rofession or forfit thce respect due aud paid ta ils membereby thé. publie. Tisey know perfecly Wall that jt la uecessary in tic. Interest cf soênieducation ta Impose çertain test. for admission mbt to'profession, sud licey know tliI il l p e rp îu t lag à g ro s. fr a nd ,o n t ic. co ns. munity ais well se on hoir fellow. toachsrs fo r thora te, get posqessiop cf cricao f quffoatfon withont lisv- ing fsirîy earned them., Thetests ap. plieci are ntfseodffficuit se'toêput it bo- yond lthe power of any porson cf ordi- naa bi-itie hoobtain the highest ord f certlficate if ho bas the neces- sary persverance; but aveu if thoy were, tust would bo'ne exlonuation of the offence cf thoîr, Who endeavour ta steal fnté the. profession bytboft, insteadl cf turning tfrom it ta somà o cher mode cf living botter suited b ta teir intelece. tuai aud nmoral calibre. Tiiere niay b. times wlîo troug temptstion lias ta be reaisted, sud doubtiese saine af lbe de-i lioquents, with whose namles thri ublia arc now lamilier wcreonouy in- Suced to listen ta the voice cfthie charmer after a gond deal cf solicitation and B3pecieas argument. if so, lbeyi have learned anew the aid, aid lesson,j licol the way of transgressora is bard, and that it i. botter ta rau the risk cf beiug "pinokedi" at an exaninatian thon t ruau the risk of detection aud exposuro by resarting ho friand. The man who dependa an money' frauda. lcutly oxpeuded ineteRd af biains and honest work ta gel him ihrougli is a wretched specimencf humanity, morally as well as iutelleciually, and il will liet long hefore the public will forgzet the disgust aud disappoiutmeut which tihe unraveliig cf Ibis web cf deceit aud dishonar ha. cansedl. Tlie teacisers, who have aftcr ail the houer sud res- Cpetlablity cf theùr calliug in thfir awu keping, are ual likeiy seau ta condone saab a grass offence ogainet prafessional prepriety aud caminon decency, and if Ihose Who have shewu thomacîves so1 uuwerthy cf respoct aud confidence areC ostrocisefi by lihe publie opinion cf tiîeir profession, they will have no ean-aute blame enycue but tleseocves." L Ungraciaus Fault-Finding. C AI lic. Town Conucil, ou Menday eveniug, whauï o vote of tlianke vas -moveil ho tise Pire-Comnpany for bioir services ou bIse occasion ai tics laie dis- astrons fine, Mn. Fergason audeteai tic. Ungu-ecicu ask ofei 'ndingftuaIt witi tise ses-vice. He produccd nDO tacts ; gave ne instances ef bail manage- meuh, non did hoishow ina oy way isow lice service would bc helter parformed. Il i. very easy lua fnd feul, ana tIlion are gentlomoen-consttutional tgs-m- blr-taull.fiud.ns by nature-wico are neyer aI a a se is Ibis respect, sud wbo have soldons ou approviug word ta ray of aesyhing isawever meritesions, on iudeed of muytling so.vever desonving. Wo are ofraid Mn. Perguson ,ai'f tîso ciase. Il la pleasiag to lus-n tram1fr. Feorg-dsaus ill-nstsuned reinarks tau iie tealimouy ai' gentlamen of thle councii, lissving experienco lu matIens cf fine arganizalions, wbo spoke lu tb. most sppreciativi mou-uer of lice services ol lb. Pire Company. Oui lewnspoople wiII, we are suie, he muoi4 more dis- posed ho give credenc o tatlisir words oi oppreval, arronled oas lheyare by lice pensocail oxperitace cf thicseakers, tissu la lb. grunshliug cifs ais nWhso neyer acteil as s fireman lu suy way, who spolze wlticeul expeienceon kncw.- ledge, sud in a wore ipirit ai' auit.fiud. iag. Tbat lIse linemei penfermeil licou duly iutellig-ently sud uel-did al Ibat men aould do under lIs cirauimsaaces -anai did unl apure thiemeelves, is, ws tei sctisuied, bbc general senlinsout et oui touvuepeoule. - And w. are aise persuauled tlicour votnter firemeni -Iscueven tbey may fuel tics uaosenveti elur olbcampled tao Chcatlupea thons, will i no wsy ho ditcouinegedl, non wili tisey permnit tiscir efflaiouscy ho entier by lise dîsparagemen'y of sncb gentleman as Town Councullor Forgusan. > 1JsLFs"sli MAcuAssst ot iNovguticii -lu Ibis numbey' 1r. James Payne's iuterestiug novl-,Wiaat ha colHan" -le conaindel. Tise sou..s of papers, "'Up lbe Thams" se'i cutinusi. "Btoly," a now story by Eduvard Eg.à gloston, "Theo iloosier Scicoîmaser," le counnenc ad uipremisao te hcoanc aof great luberoot. "Pish sud Pislisr- moi"; "FionsLanouo aAntwrp" ;( "A Demies Lite" ; *'Evnusina tluelb Library"; "Curîel Libonatune." lun. cludiug a very comsplmntanry neview et Mr. Daviu'e icaai-"Tho Ilisanu lu Canada," are aoaget bise iutaresîing cntýnWs For sao by J. S. Iloicîlsan,t WATCU STdLsî.-ChsonIes C. Gooda biaai lu watcil atolen, whibe puiliug Iurulps OnUs issus eixnAudiey, union lice toilowlug cirouinstanoed. Stripping cff bs119Cool hi> wavar,lise lotIthce walcih wrepPOp snlu isc gallssant. Abouit su hans- afiorwanhss, on goinghoe 500 Wh-Mt lime ft wos, tice waîcb wa Mies.- ing. JI0obailpreviolsiy tdbn ont tbe walcis in preseneofe a loy Ilivi g ou lice Place, oui as Ibe bas isnth sss a bne.icolasuepalteletfIiaving locansp. cd witîc tbe time.pice-a 012 lsuntiug caseilver ualis. J. S. Robertson olveutises his rensaval te bis Olii sIald, appoaiteOs-oase & Oranger'. ihardwarce éone. Siage lise fine lise stoe han been p'ut iluasae .of thorouglo repais- wii sasoasai addlîlonsi lmprovem.uîs in lise sIapeof aîa-geul eenberow, 5i5<iviug, su D ow nesd Attractive s$hop t-ont. me-. B. apolu WÃluis k sveix csc cf nsaw gaocdo, whol- vku give hirai a botter ~iit Iilaflbefore tbher* vented a krost doss- he ise onstioTia tton with thelr tralle polcy wbllisaî ibeen bubbling up mli oeer the contlry, and would bave s'etaissed, iu tlir rhu a great many Reformeras'.wboihave lei bebause cf their détssrmined stand ouc tbis- question. But lit is toc laie foi thens le reqede n0w. They cisusot g< back if thoy would. When il wa firsil rcscncurd Iltholise Governosent conS lewplated granting as mal seodieniùm ni protection by increaelng, tic, tariff,- Mr. Miackcenzio allowea 'himselt hto bc fri4icten»d mb refusing il by lhe Mari- time 'ruembors wilhin and wlhhoul fthc Cabinet hhreatenisg te, go over te lie euemy If he increased'tIhe cusboms dubios. At liaI lhne ho had a power. fui majority and1could have lie id hie own even withant lb. support et lie Maritime m.embers. Tic. case is dii'. forent icw, andi ho dare nol réverse tic policy lie was thon frightened loto adcpting @von if bi. wlshed ho. à firsl numbor h4u reecheil Ibis office; il presen1s s very neat appearance-al tical co'sld b. adsnired in the typogra phie art.-Tho ýpapt 1r i.s acontinuation cof t,#e Briiul& AmericaieuoPres&yjterian, -pub. iied by Mr. C. 'Blacikett Robinson, and i. a most deaiticd improvement np. on thé cid formc f publication, as weli au- lu the naine. Our oli fSriend andi cceefrare Jias our isest wisbes for tice suiccesa of his enterprise. A QUIET HÂALcOW'EN.-SIOWly is lice old ingIons of- celebratiug Hallowe'en dying cul. Les btan ever hava the many ways of coiebration been cerried eut tli year. E yen lhee "irrepressihie boy" had olmuost forgotten fa "1peg dacrs " "steai eabbages"&o., sudl but few complaints have bien made cf hie miscicievions exploit&; Almoet allo. golber forgottea have become tise alI, înaay aid ways cf seeiiu laette futire on Ibis "niglit cf witcis", sncb as pulling tIse koil stocks, la sec what kind cf s mate for lIde ane woul gel. Tryiag bise- iuck with lthe dirty oeil dlean water in lb. sauce-s, ealing an apple at the lookiug glass, hnrning tise nuls la se. if yonir sweetheartlai con- sialt sud rise; daclcing for appies, or lrying ta gel sixpenco up wilh the teebis from a tub cf water, or perbiapes napp- ing at an appîs ou cross-sticks hung fromýa ceiling, witlî a iighted caudie on lice olicer side sud getbing lthe cadife oftencrlicou bth. apple. Al disse olid sustames are faset dyiug cutal u1 lsloe belcng ta pust age especiaily in thue inaterial mstler-ef-fact "Canada cf ours" "GREENr" OLo AGEa.-AI lice very large sud respectabiy atcnded feucral of lise late George MeGili, 1h. poli- bearers wcere-Joliu Hyland, 82; Ticos. Henury, 81 ; Joleit B. Warren, 89; John Watson, 71 ; George McGiiiivray aud Alexander Pringle, wiîoee respective ages alec approecitlb. eveuhiee. Mr. Pringls,'s faler, now 91, sud who, like tho doccasod Mr. McGili, bas seen tice :oarbb goueration graw ap arouud bien, was attse funenusi. CisSAsiCOAL.-Abteubian la direeteti hoelice announcesunl ai'fbMessrs. Arultl &Farewell un oticen colcunse, unden tues icenî. Tise fins, koep lice selhooner Magdala in constant carter oud are alwoys supplied wilh tise set cf ail kinis ai' ceaai t lauveslcashiprices. Ordera pnomptly allendai te. w L' Catalogues ionrbic. sale of valu - sble booe-al Oidfellows Hall on Frikiay oveusing, casi b. obtainel ntahuis atfile, lthe auclianer, and lIse book slori-slu ovn. Tise boulks, witibut few exceptions, are lu perfect as-lt:, u cou bo seat ohbIe ishall to-uuornow. A LiaLRAL OFrsu.-Tirougc ou ar- rangement avilb tiche Nero Harper Brothers, w. are accahîsi ho cinbhie CLNCssEsz-uswihbll ihen Harper's diag- azine, Has-per'e Weeicly, o arvnn-er'o Bazcaa-, 12 menthe for $4.50. Tic, offer la exteudei l l al ur oniscrihen beli od sud naw. Cows KstLED BYMv ru;. CÂus.-Thiree cows on lice Wiiby Port-Pcry&Lini. say Bailway Co'e tracl; rucar Pes-t-Purry avero rua mia h y tisastrain aud killed. A H&iD ia r.-Ncar ncu lasI Su".- nrday, a poor dog was te 0e seen ce Brocir streol, just lu front et S. W. BD. Snsith's drug atone, lu ite deali licraeï. GiRAND TRUNE IIorcL.-Atlenîieu le calisil ta the card ai' Mr. Wm. O'Neil, in aliser calaimus. Parties ;vaiting for tise braies on cbapp-ug over nigist will fini oery accommodation ah Ilsis cons- fartablelisotel. ÂurccSALE orOF ORÂs.-The nue. tion sale of orgaun tlice faelos-y of lb, Mudge & Yarwaod Ca. au tisa illîl. wiil afford anu uusualîy gooti apportuuuity ci' procurng s cheau instrumnent. DEATE cIFSENATOOS Maamou.-Toe ilcalli et Sonstar Morton ci' Indiana, wicaic ad boen for same lime expocloîl bock placu ou Thareday lest. flossBUasso 'AT HAaataw.-An ohd franseieouse kuowu as tbic "oh A1isly hanse" aI Harinouy, was burnos! ta lice grousil on Mondoy 201h ulte. -Tise buMling wae awncd iy Mr. A. Scott asud accupiai hy Mn. R. Armsur. Tire lices w.w i;remli. SNAsasTiiisr.-T4u i.euse co f Ms- Clevonburg, Ontario GfLîrac, Otisawuo, was entendotinig telb.lceuie o aitIe family. A silver avathan ass sfw- email articles won Isioso. TieANuGyeivseDA.-.Tiiursday, 22ud, !net., bas ien set spart os s d03 et ganorai bbskissgvi.-sg inahilibthe'Pro- s'iuces ai' lie Dominion., TnEE Purs PaiotsLusEL SUT.- In the cue ai' J. A. Mefiauilin vs. the Loudan Fres Pr-esa, s verdict wiaas-e. lunneli for tIb etsleutu. A. 13 ,sO4er i eaaies 0(.ceOu tsw$~f9, Mntralon Tîusiy *4, fer lrawin ectIgi A. -Axande $4, er ra llroginete freatiZts., Ibcwe's, te Jerome SciaIt 01.60, cliiw- ing icose te Mr@.11bowo's lire, JTno. Bioiv and A cane ~egoisfor eirawitig SOshawa engfin. te thei. iMefire. The' rcommittee furîher recommesicl tie erea- 1iti o ur,'of ito amep, eue -ah licoero f Dad&8 ndent treet., one M th. corner cf Dundaa andl Greesxi- esreets, ce a et cernr of Dunclas and Gardon elreels e' nd one at the cr- ner of ýContre anud antd Keitii street., Coancîll in omi3initie. of the. Whole.1 Mr. Fergusoùnfii th, chair. Mr. Ilannasm infoe'med ti. council ha was getting Lice, American cil, whicic was btter than'îlice Canadien. at, 22 cils. a gallon. lu, referenbte tthe lampa,' ho would ssty that ticcy bail bei~aalced fer a esumber oft lies, -we have lots cf egasti il uow andl ho thonght luhis the. test time te put them up. Mr. L~ong opposed tic. puthsn- up cf more lampe. Ho conidereil tiose placed aos thc cubsiirîs cfflice tawu cf -no benefit aI ail sud wanted al te lampe the bown conid afford pliaeti on the more thickly populated part cf lthe 3town. Mr. Wiks efavored lthe uph n esofi thee lampe. .Mr. Ormistan :advocated licte placiing cf a !amp eue streelt urîher west in- stead cf nt tieco crner cf Roentslxeet. S Mr. Madmillan ihought Roent streel lthe place. Mr. Blow rallied lhe légal gentlemen ou ticoir cail for ligiot sud hcped bhey would have senfiaient. Mr. Gibson tianglit the. lampe nec. essary, if tho town finances wcuid aid- mit cf if. Tic. Mayor considereil Ihat in view cf tlice pebitians sont inta thoecuncul tice lampe should be granted. Mr. Long thoughcltite town bil enengli lampe sud did mot ws4lt Sny Thea repart was adopleti withant apendmeul aud the commithee arase, reported the repor as sncb and il was adopted by' th. counciL. RELIEF. Mr. Ormistan brougict iu the report- cf the cammuite aunrelief recanimend- iug the payment cf the accaunts cf Dr. Carson 04, S. W. B. Smitb $8.07, Math- or & Yates $2.12. Report ada1,ted. BY.LAW FR COLLECTION OF TAXES. Mr. Bllow scconded by Mr. A. G. blcMillan moveil tisaItIte concil go int commilbe. cf tic. ivicoan tIse by. iow providing for tice botter collAction cf taxes ia the towa of Whitby. Car- Mfr. Gibsan in the chair. Mr. Me. Milian read lhe by-law, wii requirea tici payint cf taxes by installiments viz., eue haif an thelseJt cf December, whicli if then net paid, fivc per cent per monith wili b. charged sud thce etier haîf cf the let cf Jasnusary au whicb if il l et alpi"' five par cent per meutlh will aiea ho charged. The by.iaw wae rend a tllird time andl passed, notices cf ite enactmnl ordlered te ho published. Si&W BY-LAW. Mtr. lannîin secouded by Mr. Mrl- MilIeu cuovefi tbat the concil instabrcc tihe Cisairman aof the commlitte on Streete aund Improvements ta briug iu a Iby-lav te provide fer lihe botter clcaning ai enow tfram sidewalke. Mr. Fergneon cbjccted ta tis mtode' af ordlering a mewber ta briug iu a by. Iaw. He caueidered il lthe privilege of ea-ery member ta briug in a by.law or ual as lie saw g.t. Mr. Hannain, Mr. Oraiieton sud 1.r. 1low thouglît a by-law- cf the kinîl wee a îîeceesry eue, sud bicot il was quit. wi llciL the province cf tise conticîl te order il. Iadced, they tlisugit bM1. Fergneon aheafld feel cblig..d te-have suds kind kind merubers jeg hie mem- cry. TIie resaîntion was carried. DESTssOYu5O PsSOPEsiTY. Ms-. Fargason saggesleil huaI lise Maoen cfen a newon t'er tise diseoves-y à aul convictions cf suy Party or parties guiity cf deelrayiusg tawn lsrapert-y. tl proseut, noersiling on anylluingese conul b. put up in osîy part ci'tise tawn, ivitîseut iba ieiug pulle oîldwu-, riglît awacy. Let a reward sufficient te maini -ilau LuLcement 10 hsiag lise gsiilty parties. lajustice be efiered. The Mfayas salI lse wQuld Imaie aoe aof it. VOTE OFi T5.&IC5 TO THE FIIIEMEN. Mr. Ormnietou secondaI by Ms-. Blow meve lbicot o vote oai' lisbc e tndes-- el lsy tise cauncil ta the Whiîiîy Fire Company for tlio cengy lice7 dispîsyel is psttiug eut tice laIe tis- sud bise o aapy cf tics n-solution 0e icandel la lise Chiai' Engiaser. - Mn. Fergugosa did net tiink tlic au-. cil sicouli paso oaci a resoîtton. Tiie Fire Company uvas ual pnoperly mou- agcd a onu i hI ualelievo in gîvicg people, arouit tlicoy diII ual oserve. Mr. Blow considerol il a bail miatIes- for a perrnotemîtk.ou asserstionsi uci as Ms-. Frie:-oishîtia uaI. Ho iuew peoiple uvio liad abool onthue aidewaii suai waaeluecl titis rea nulgrîsmiiel obint tise way tise firemen hial uokel. Tîseî e poplae paine abolist wiacnbsy kuew iv ctng abouît, ani witluoaul iny e nreuowiatever, nisern iaving bu- i ue a oFire Comupany oud very sal4lem aveu ucsieing aI a lis-e. lHe lusî saiae experionce lu liras, anul is opinion wos, os wase licofi'evsry ex. priencefl mou, lat hiotheengins andl lie Pirs Companry cousil ssol-nnder licis-- cumistaisc:s, isave bal lhios efforts bel. Mfr. Hanntttn thougicb if uve as- pcbedisaiontota bnd tbeice;elves togethel-ae lice fireunen liai louai-for lb. prrobeabion aoas propcey, lice way ta encourage thiacc aenot talIsuel up uni excuse ta tlunow euul wator a ons. HIe uas ane ai' t1 fîret - uAtl*hue ire. The fis-e br oie cut s su(de-iy bisaI lice moen is i b tas-e liai harcly lime le get out sud tls o île builudingt wa lu flames su five inutess, oui tise fis-e, fusi as il was wîLiîs o muac cobuastible mottes-, eprcanl in P.11idireabions. Suinsa of ticeso grumiiere asied wlsy 11>1 ual thce Fine Company play tram Lowes&& Powell'. uvehi. The svol wald uol hsave lasheti more t-lin 20 minutes, whiilisehéWilson weil, lIse cule ceen- gin. 1-wae s-t - would lalst uesly -4wo lsotiso ansd liUi; sav's any liSu -whicis migîst ho-lÃ"ôstinlu uving. Il was un- iltul aisd"isug; etlluumsny for parties la ebausd cis hule inIwalk anil dspanage tise effoirteaas o -lOs-cuisis, uvîsen 'varkùicg, ual for liseir awis noa, bal fan bis, bon- i-fil of the towu. Tices- were no aI- vanulages nos- didi lbpsy ta bic s firergan. lBat ticrcsoesuvr a--nor icas'Iever yet- 4811 aà lire COMspaiuy formeal in tise inwsu vtitunF 010oq9; aubes iil Ms-. Wick hosîfieglt lise kîsew se.mn- Ilin2 asiscini-w, ha wcnk ot ofis-. andu annsiîles-'edlthaI tise wor ni ssiy the fir.-mess wças fon ths begt, end thbues. uviicis cou-I libe loue. Il n-es pon eu cîsuroupîmenita ofinI fouit wlthurmen like Lisa firesuen, wlso wonie-i fou- iupsic ing isutIshe gond of tise, lewIs, os&Ms-. i'es-giseUis liai <lonf. le aIea paiil ont tise advtalute lise d>siwa ise iin busil in Iîavisug sun eugine wîîloi woliî- tisrow 500 su6îl01onea wator peà rminte ,uIi. e, t Ussêm gkpau. .ý-' there. Mfr. Wieks poîssbqd cut the great loua 6oemiosied by .assý engiue having lc move. Woeoitsset ferhe neo.usity.of baigo 1c.lseeg te i.hem- ilton blook wculd bave een eavedl. Tice vole cf Ilsasike1atheunpssod. VcsOTEOFTITKÂ oO SRWA 00. Mfr. Macimillan secendeil by Mfr. Hannain moved tthîti.serdneiihask of the corancil, be pre.ented te O"hwâ Pire Cemlpany fer their efficient servi-- rces aItishe lât. fore, sud thht a copy ci Ibis -rosolution, b. fcrwarded to their Cicief Engineer. Councul sdjous'u.<L Pickering Agricuitural Society. CONCLUSION 0F PRIZE ýLIST- The follcwiles'.thei.conclusion ci the prize lisI cf lh. Pickeriug Agricul. tarai Society, *iiici, onuscaunt cf the judges book icaving been mislaid by the gentlemen, havipg il in charge1 did, sol appear carlior. GfAIS. Twc busicels Feu Wis.al-lst James Duglierty, 2nd Wm. Cochrane, fird Thas. Manderson. Two busicels Spring Whot--lsl Samuel Netherten, 2nd Wm. Taylor. Twà ô husheias ix-rowed Bmrley-lcl Jas. Dougicerly, 2nd David E. Pugii, 8rdl Nighswaniler Bras. Twa bnshels lwe.rewed Barley-lst Thos. Mandersosi, 2nd SamueliNelier. ton, Brd John Scott. Two buesels smail Peas-isIt Chas. Pilkey, 2nd J. ]3rel, 8rd Tics. Man. derson. Twc busicels black.ayeti Peas-let Thos. Mandersoci,-2ud Ww. Cochrane, Brd J. Bruel. Twa busiceis Whcite Osîs-lot S. Nebiserton, 2nd Tics. Mandorson, 8rd Nigbswander Bras. Twa bushels Black Oaîs-lat S. Netcerban, 2ud Ticos. Manderson, Srd Jas. Dougiserby. Two hushels Bye-lItB. S. Wilson, 2ud W. & E. Lidge. 251h.. Pot sud 25 Pearl Barley-lst T. P. Wite. Barrel Fieur-lel T. P. White, 2nd S. J. Green. Ten bushels Oabe (Mfr. N. W. Brow'sa Prize)-lsb Tisas. Madersan, 2nd Tisos. Chinu, Srd Nighswauder Bros. ERROReS INPIZP LIST PUBLTCeIED. Blaod FilIy 2 yeas old-lsl Haglil Mnuroe. Mfr. W. Fleming chtsincd let aud 2ud iu Geula' White Sh'irt, mahine imode, sud cnly reccîveil credit for leI. Mre. Thomas G; Reazin oh- taiiied lrt lu a Cane Braket. - OAIBY PEODUCE AND RSSCELLANFOUS. Tan lbe.'Rail Butter-let Mîss S. Stable, 2nd Mrs. E. Joinston, Srd Mne. J. Stracisan. TwenLy lice.RBal Butter-isI Mr@. John Wilson, 2ud 1fr.. S. Stable, 8rd Mrs. A. El le. TweuLy lbp. Fadtory-ade Cheese- lob Mfr. H. Brown. Ton Ibe. Straineil Honey-lsI Mrs. lase Palmer, 2nd Mre. John Wilson, 8rd Johu Baier. Teu lbs* Honey in Comh-lal James Bew, 2ud Jolua Baxber, 8rd C. Nigice. wander. Sifle of Sale Leablier-lal A. Patter. son. Side cf Uppor Leather-IsI A. Pal- tersan. Side cf Haruesa Leather-lal A. Pal- Si-le af Cali Skia-jet A. Patterson. Sîde aof Red Lining 5kmn-Iet A. Pst- tenSon. Pair Meu's Coarne Bcts--lst Daiy & Shaw,. 1iad Wm. B3odel]. Pair Mon'o Flue Bocta-let Daly Shaw, 2ad R1. Underhili, Srd William l3adell. Sel Testa Hornese-let sud diplomo.à Jas. Dighy & Sois. Assortient cf Sioemoukers' Worlc- lsl Dicly & Shaw. i Set bingle Haruest;-iI Jas. Digby &Scu, 2nd D. Morris. Pair Teans Colane-isI Jes. Digby S lon. EXTRA. Two Buches Shingies-lst 1Mr. Ne- Gregor, Greenwaed. Twc Bunalies Diamond Sisinglea- let Mr. MeGregor. Whitby OacI. jThce numnben ai' prleosusrs cammittoti ta Witby gaci tram fis-st Jsuuaîy tee the firel OSflice prescrit mentis stand se i'allowe Total Commwilted...... 140 Seutsisced.............. 89 Acquit-led .............. 9 Lunaties ...............0 Awailiug Trial-......3 Seuls-nod ole .Paiteniry- 18 ho lise Centi-al J'risa- 7 la l.the'ermary- 2 TiaE 11ErUsoN RIFLE M,4.TCiibetweon lise Wiiit-hy sud Oshawva Rifle Teas was fired ou Tuosday ls, ovr -tise Osicaua range, aid neaulîsdinl a viabory fan lice Wlsitby toaus y 45 points. In lise proviaus mataIs the Wicibby tissu wera deféaleti by aise peint ouly. Tic. foliowiasg are tise scrss WHITBY. Mlajor Whitela... ....58 Henry Woltens ....84 Tobn Taylor........25 Jas. Sullivan........54 Roeret Young-.....49 Johsn Tweeîiie.......57 -Owven Martin .....44 Toali...... 75 OSHAWA. CApbsiu Palcengll ..58 Major McMurtry.....30 - Eueiga Dickie. .-.....88 A. P.' Calmesou-.. ...28 - Oeaie ............52 John Bell.............. 9 T. W. Gibbs ......88 - Jas. Mackie ............ 47 Toali............0 LAmISssrAN» nesT.-A beaubiful Crufel Stand warrauled Triple Plate witis Cub Glosai hbtles fer -.$4.00 et Taylor& Have yeun ual Isiel P. Taylor'. ceia. bnitted âpedtrlaces? Taylor & Barnaîti icave a fà l1 stock ou baud. Wstcices, clookesund jewolry et low. -eet pricas ol Gc>llsnsiti& Hall. Mr. J.clineten bas a Rplenuil u ew stock. - PrS Sssew.-Tlse final1 sncw cf tise winte aI Whivhy n Sainrdsy Isat. NEw TîsAnE.uuiE ic TSATY.-Tiss new traIe maok lreaîy O tweu Great Brit. ,las asd',t-ho UriteiiSiailes proviam le lat1 - Lins rlaflng a trIe cs J "queiy osita hile ne Iowe geulle feU ho Misseuriis es] have not seon St. Lawrence. saer, W11616 swansps or u quluedwîtL equal tot I tiens. lu Omahsa 1 knsew a youug miii tram -London sud I tiougict1 wcuid Slay over for à a ls yci weýto e i hlm, but,111110 did I1tiicr expeet os kind sud cordiâl a receptienas lice one I roceivedtfim trm ny custrysuen hI tise oveniug r called eallie U. P. works, whero myfrieni e aolerk, sud hli in imediately repognizeil me, -alhhougls il was sonse ype"rsince ,5sveletsud hi at once gave me a Csad it Mîe Faîllî te lice metrepolis of- tise great wesl, tLister ocula ho evcniug he brougictsau escicrt cf Irishi- citizeus ho lice hotel wisere I was slsying sud lisey bolk nselt sud baggsge teatic. Donovasi Hanse, wiseïe I recoiveil courtesies anc attentions tbatafirly embsrrassedl me. Althouigh I was auxicus le gel away1 hail ta romain sud delivor lwo address- es-on. ou "'Irelanil," tise cher on d"T.mpersnce"-both of whieh were wsIl roceivel. At lesigli, bsking leave of hhose kinti sud genisl trienils, I tool passage, tar iorhy-five cdollars, lu tice emigrant train for Ils. distant city ol St. Francis, on tbe Pacifia CoasI "1WE5tTWARD, ne0 1" "Wesîward, ho 1" was uow lise ides, sud te sec as muais as possible and make myseif loleraily comfartably ws tise dnty I isad ta bond myseif ho ; a dnty indeot I ihadt ual muai difflcuity lu perforusiug, for I was aireody protty ivellaquainîed wibh il. Ini e cous- parslively shortl bIter as li necesEari- iy muat be. IeaunaI even sîtenspl 1< ,ive you s disanptiou cf lice regions throucch wici I pass.d. ibut I may -generalize by eaysngz, liey 'à re f rnly wouderful. W-eEit iransOmsaha for lhree, oan liîoc hundreil sud fiît7miles, tice lino traverses a preîty geail country, but et Cicyeune, four indreil sud cdd miles tram Omaisa, Ihere le uat a foot cf tillage, or-land thbicoua b. tiiled ; neithi libere tram Ciceyünne imb Utah or Irorn here la Reno, in -tise valley that divides lie Humboldt moauain trameic e Blirrs Noadas an tram Bino te Sacramento aI lice west- ern basre of'tho Sierras, sud one Iunud- redl miles tram San-Franaisco. But if bliere i. ual tillage land, thon are millions ai' acros cf prarie sud menu.- tain pastures aver wliiai until recont- ly tise buffalo sud lice antelope roau- ed aI will, sud wicose banes are new isleaciig on tise plains, wblah clesriy indicate thst bey will accu be nunsier- ed smong lice exîinct animaisai'tise wcrld. This immense regien willinl lise near future ho lice beef-rearing division efthlie Asesican continent. And, gecgrsphicalîy speakiug, Quebeci i. lis. port fan the portion oethlie brade likeiy ta flow tb Europe. Prans Cheoyenne lihe raad rapidly oscenils la Shcerman, tlbiigisesl altitude resceil by tli ne, hut by noineanselice bigi. est point cf lis. Roacy Mountains, b.- cause of course lice engineers selecheil tice iowosl andi mast accessible roule they calti gel. lu tiss elevoltei regions, either of tise Bolcy Mounhains, Humboldt, or Siensa Nevada ragions, bise air is Sei rarufiod sud dry ticat ion wiîi scarcehy rusI, neither wiii dcgs do- mesti fawls or cota livo, théc air ual be. ing sufficienîîy hunsid fer their lunge. SALT LAKE vALLEY-IiOROIS.. Pirom Shuerman lice desceut is graduai ta Sait Lake valiey, lb. lin. passing throiugic ravines, valsys, canyons, sud over plains and monulains bbe nature sud formation of wbicis caulil only h. dascnbeil by s Miller, a Logan, au Agazzi, cirlice mon wbo bave made Geohogy s lie-long stndy, passiug thse Ealso cen yon w. aImai lihe Webser River wbiabl drains lbe western sida cf blut manulsins andl disciargée ipte Sait Lake. Ruuning dawn ils valley, wisicis gradusiiy wideue as il aspproacic- os Utahi vsloey, cf whiahtic 111 ind ai' su indentation or inlel, lhe plain cf Utahlitsilsaf eing toaiol appearoince lice beil of on in]qnd son, sud gresat Sait Lake only s relteofai'wict ai soin. perinil ai' he carhis'a iistîsry wae au immense body cf wà tl«. Prom wicsî I saw sud knew aof MormonlIsi 1salalI Dot beceme a couvert le its teachling, aveu Ihougis tiey mail. me Eider O'Lcary, for I look on lice wiclai ffà ir as the morsI gigaulie organizeil tranil ai tice age, fundeil ou hlus mt cf men and th. wakuesesud seetimentlily cf women. Ths il not the placo to dwell at auy lengtîu on bIese ubjeat, yeî 1 mcsy jus at y ltawomasi's naturni sud attnubutas are 10 love sud'bus iovei. Iu Moîmaudons, iowever, 3he le look. ed upon as a boy croature a somothissg tic. Lord lias seunte. gratitymns bestial dcsircs. Tîsiugîslise Valley te Ogilen, wisene blere ila sbraisai lin. 10 bise ý1ft to Sait Laie City, a distance cf ;o oquai rie ber, lsrgei, 1wili leu ai elong il ,j y rivera Ie, net sBeu -Aftes- amanatorsaus flay sud a oigisî travelling we sanie ta î&e flumbolîl nivcr wich seemed tb rire uoweie asdelnsds lu ai -lako cali.d tise Sini ai' tIsa Hisisihif, becausatises-e issue oullet-Jue water bainig carrieti off hy absor-ption. -as lise zone ai' bOis rives- sud lake tlisaisp are. vosb liers-deof colt-la ,d'on tice aparso yeollow<tza-e wichî svidentîy le vi ry nubil'iue, becaise îhsey as-e all iu capitl iih-, tîsos biset fuis timo Is> tin'- ane Fent la lice riet beinja slmp. Iy drawa off tacin the horde. Tihé Villiagn îui ic DUte lInssud tise MinlngI fawus in tise mouatains ar.elicePlacis whseme liii.beef-s eu l, lice dhalane beug iotas- leweni'inaît psy teslIlp lise r caleteoîe 00m I psng tise Siflif cflie -HEnLubldt, we rattlel eou t"roRgbAeUu %lciae&%A'eIinaclrse. On Salurday, tise 281i of Sept., I left San-Franoisco an lie. steamer Dak.ota a6 lise Pacifie Mail Stestnship lin.-- for 'Victoria, ini Vaunusnver's Islanud. TIse view-fronsLbe docik oftse,- hst, golosg dcwes the hanbeur, was rly grand- SanPé u.Fnian sd Cork beinÃŽ, Leé wc finest sarbours 1 over isaw. lIs cons- pany witic nes, pseaing the hseadiancis caledlishe Ool'len Gale, was tie Ocean. ic, tornsorly, cf Ibe wite Star lisse, but tiow cicartereil for, the China sud Je- psun trafle by th. Cenbral Pacifia Rait- wsy. San-Francisco le a place almetit on hie verge of lhree contliaoutR -Aher. ies, A>ilesud Europe, counteing the ,levé, Lise medIeval, and tho adestfornss ai' civiizahiou. Tho ttip an the. Dackota was a -plessant eue, as;tise weallsr was iaveîy, thc cea hsing as 4montb.ai;*&l6be ; lu factI Idcon'&thticsi laie Pacifia i. auytIîicg asmuer marougIs asI the Atlantic. Whstrmns he ivoy. ssge stliI scer, lb. captsin, -affcers snd stewairils iere le their paFat-agers at- tention itloîfndt&he table sud tirrnge. mientgexcellent. Andt bie. lile mat'. ters ssaxIe tis2in, gen@îAIiy speicing, -4_ aui «Iaunhe50 comnsunisy com- prIses al lue Edgllsh stpeaking Ipecpleo, with a liberal msixture' cf deies sudl Cilese-the latte.r being pretty snum- srous. There are tes places cf wor- ship,,namely ; a Cathoie, an Episccpa- liât, a Presbyterias,aBsformed Melba. dist, a-Baptiet, sSynagogue, s Weeloy. sm], s Joas Honse, a Spiritualistio, sud a Cougregaîionalist cisurches. That le se iy, if the Spiritnilite' hall sud tice Jose Houso eau be called'cicuraies. There aresa groat nssny Inianis kuock.: th rud ie town, but lie7 aIl seern *ell cand,' frens wbab I enu see or- biens, like lice chers iszy and fend cf wbiskey. I liaitthe. honor of icaving a letter otlintroduction ho Mr. Raison, cf tiseCanada Pacifie Bailway, who Sp. peersleé be a man of culture sud abilily, sud tewism I arn grostly indebteil fer a deal cof luformatien ando kindueus. Be round the tewn wiioc l a very . fou. r, cue, lhavlng sons. geod bnilisgs, par- la ticularly tic. 81mb. Ouse? Sacramento bt boing thece eapitlI5f Calflérnis. -At > ticree o'alocik we iefl by boat On lthe 't Sacramsento river, audthbit iigihi hlait 'à a leep in a.. beil,.ticsfirst fer nîne' nights.xacissg tise journey trous Oms- hal o San.Pranoiso, by., otaigrant train n ten day.,1lie crdiuary expreos dcing il sui four sud a hail sud five.- But I- was Splessed witJlcthes trip, becauso -I bati Sample lime b sludy lie coiutry. -At altce different stations -b oys or women came au lb. train ho selnsilk, soup, .pls bread, &e- whici m*ate living ziuci ies ar tissu purchaelng ineals Ltah ice iiotes.And as I ans s coue-diy ,agc.cay sort ai' a telow, theierae.sud easy lite ou lie toaseontinenlal emi-, grant train suiteil me adnsirably, espe- ciaily as il wss a question of dollars sud cSAN FRACISCO-"THE CENTRAL 5'ACIFIC" 5 -am5 1i0NEY STOLEN. ý I AI San Francisco I was feirly >- bewili!ored, by hotel runners, but aI lest 1 managed to go 10 ane wihheb.high. -Soundling umofi'tise "Central Pacifo," a wlsere, during tise-nigist, my rcom was 'a entered tbrough a window, by some a clever rogne, wica ebale lice whote ofiny k money, leaving me witb cnily a few a cents. In lice nornind" wl'on I went f te tise praprielar. h. wanted ta know if I was drnnk when I went bo beil, jnst as liongh a drunken man was logai prey, sud bail no rigil ho protection. tellcu Ihat I wus protty well ens. barrassedin u act, I ilid nol knaw what a o do, and Iam scrrylaosay I amns ua yet well cul cf lice piakie. However, please Gcd, I suppose I wil la sonse * ay ecrambie tironghitI. Andl iere,' ]eit me.thà nk the. Britishs consul, Mr. Booker, here, aithangh net muai lest 8by me, ise liait a goafi wvrd la amy, aud wae kind sud courteons. After s day or bwo knccking aboheucis."iY, I mol -an aid aciquaintauce tram Londau cf whom I borrewed a trle oel ensile me te carry aut my prcjeal cf. visitiug Brities Commia. San-Fraucoisa twanderfal ciIy mode up cf msny nationalities. Tic. Irlis predominat- ing. Englisis e cgenerai lanunge, bat on lthe streete due may icear Span- iii, Dnbch, German, Norwegian, French '-and Chinee. At present I wonid ual ailvise a man ta coae o California, becaute tisinge seem ns ua fmnddlo, aud tbore are in Ban-Fraude.- co a largo number cf mon ont cf wcrk. WO5iK AND WAGES. '2icere leisno doabt hta itherlo thse Amnerican Paceifie Coasta was an Eldo- ado wlsre money canlil be lieal amast for tic. picking up. but ncw il i. central- ising mare mb bishe lands cf a few people, sud conseqnently il is legslu circulation. Besides, lice gald fields are gebbing rucul, sud, cf coursi, bey were lIse principal source cf mnuy nsakii2g. Tii. rate ai' wsgee for me'. chlas lu is e 0117 lB trous Iwa-and-a haiftho tiireand.a-halt. dollars. /_- TsEC5SINEBE QUESTION iihe &,Il importatît one cf thse Palific Coast, sud one tIsaI tb. Uuited States mu6t iinmediatly deal witli, or else ticere will bo a lively rssmpus. Iu Sau-Fraociscc there are multitudes cf tise celestials brcngihlisere by Ciuese canspanies organizeil for Ihat purpose. Tisose Ciinamen are gsadaally filing every position, frcmmnsding baby sud wesîaink lie family linen t larcerinl tise banke. On lise streets ticey appear dlean, but lu tiseir homes, lu the Cisin- ose quarter cf tie city, lice7 are filîh ilseif. Fartunally in San-Francisco thero are net mauy Chines. womeu, ioecause they are aIl mare or lecs im- moral, sud Iheir presence tend te ilow- or lice moral -status cf a commnunity. Iu labpriaus avocatians a Ciuamani cauld l tperforai a whiteman's work, icut as tbey aie handy. industriaus,i subusissive, sud patient, sud.cnly aek1 for susail wagee, they are iunxuany, firme empleyed lu prefèeoce le witeie labeur. lu. dnsestie wcrk tiser. arej bicatsande cf thom nsegsged, bothin lu -lIsatels sud private familles, but if I kept a loie I don't tiink I wauld cors. about a eleek celestisi kuoclcing about1 lu nsy family. I have been Ibrougi ai couple cf their hanses in Ibhe Csinese. - quarter, aud I was alnsost snffccaled1 withthlismelai' opium sud the stink erioiug tram ie lnsabea heiug packed lu tise sleeing places as llsicas os ar.t dines inaoze. Chines. immigratiani la not aof a cheracter to enrici a nation, heasise every dollar tlsey can sarapet iogQbîser is sent la lice Fiawcry Land ;à ,ae obir bases are disentered and pack.- a inua largeCases andl shippoed acres. Tise Faisan' Waiehoueing Co'e oie- vaoets Belleville, tooi fine "on Balur- dlay morniug fions a sponi trous s tug, sud wvas cansplelely destroyed, wiIh neerly aIl ite coutante, wloicis conaisteti et 88,000 busicele ai' grain. 0f lise graiu 28.400 ineshels belougeil te Kelelsun Grahans, ineuneti for $10,000 in tb. National; 2,100 -busceis was cwneti by H. Carby, jr., insuned i'ulhy in lis. Bayai; and 1,2,000 icushols storei by formera,, ieurel. -'The. builing waa valueil aI 6,000,sami ieloss inl coveroil by a poiay in bic. Livéi1pool andl London aud Globe ton 312,000 on tise wisolo piomises. Tise total las ia 026,000 1o 080,000. RichardlDowsberry, tise ongincon, ie believeil te have been isuruein luheb.building, ho icaving been lu inlso second as-y whau lise fi:e broie cul. Tic.:steameor Kincondine, wbiais loy attse elevalar agraun wili a cargo of rye, wesavel wih greal difficuity. Tic. ruina as-e stili snsculdening, tlihuih lwc aleorn fine agnsbave been play- ing aunlice fis-e for to our nn. 9 p. m.-Tbe fore braie ont &ain la lice ruine cf lie Fermera' ,ievaloilis afternaon, coasumig flie iowon poil cf the building icetore Il wos oxîluguisisel. Belevile, Nv. 4-Tce ody of Dejwsbrry, engineer of lise Fermais, clevator, was founîlthis nsoroiug lu lie ruina. )Thse decease! was fcrt.y-lbreà i'eans of age, anti baves a wife sud, family. '- STARPÉ» Es-VsOcES~.-Regulatiaus regarding lie issuescf aupoci ouvelop. es hy ti post Offico Deparîmenl are publisbed u ise OffIci a eatte tb-loy; unvolopos are now reacly, sud will be iseei te pastmster. at hbie clîowlug rates peu 100 :-Ose cent, 61.10; thie, ceut, Na. 1, 08-80 ;-1crO, cent Na 2, $8.25. Poslmastens anti stamp vendons are raqaureil la seill atabovo Toatea per siundreil, antia ses number as neanthe srcpcrtionsle value as Possible. The folawing caution ho poslmoster is pub. ishd :=-"Il oppoars teb. ccssy ccaution pcsînssere liaI - ti.y-are sot aulianssedti teuse postage, sLmýw8 rDotChor stamps enouseeilhess for' to thulicha, elhsu-for krusîtano. cn thein ows afairs'au for sale in atcor places. Tisa -Postmaster.Gipneral re- voe to finI b'hà t< s-reeuaniIieos f ibis cheater havre baisa place, an! trust. isat tis notice et-fb. proprieîy cf sucs irselices ivili be suffiasout te pie-vent beoir recunrene." -LIUceuic PROSEOUTOltl S8reEEnà -A usîut-bana, ocaureî.ail Chahewcrli Couuty of Grey, sft?,r alasing of biagin., trates' ourtaI wisicls o number cf isnyjctloiss inliqu'or preseautious bil -siken place. Tii, Couuîy Atorney, uLceuse luspeclonanil s whinkey- leeo. ive wOs-e sel upon by about ftyroups in!i itoned and boslon, lise lnspecoîo îing loisillrevolver iîsîo tlb. owd, but 'illiaut effeal. Finally Itwofficiais rund proîs-otion lu a train sud worî asuà vs'y-d tram lise Icwn, foiloweti by Isowsvra cf stoes, sous. et uhilcbroise Ie car Windows.- -M. MA- i ta ai fil w SI -Luun 01US«g UC -155weare mucu coustorted i th lice assurance wleh yon gave us lu yeur farewenll ermon liaI you wonld remember us there. Psrling wilh ycu now, -w. wil, louaIt- ing inithe Grae.o Goti, look for au evoniesling ne-union.'bef th ie Ticrôno- lu Heevou. Farewell andi fsroweil. Bigneti ounboisai'of-lb. cwngegation,' Jase Ma. TRoKU as Ma. Jcnas CAMxz. Asasus McKAx. Tùoxes McQuây. Pickering, Oct. 201h, 1877.- Revd. 1Mr. Rce repiil lu suihtable terme, expressing bis regret fcr:laving, sud obligations te bis ,labteo cigega,. The War, RUSasax sucoszoz ernityzE. In Asis the. Ruseians athacieti Mukh. bar Paeicas position, sud alter ten houri' f2gictiug slcug thso viole line drave in th. Tuiai centre sudcSm. &eled MukhItar once more ho retreat. Teprospcect Ot sving Erzercumnep. pearn te b. butsa poar one. Tic.Bus& ien foce reaonlly libereleti aI Ardahsn is sai, te bave enheredth Ue Western Bupicrales vailey, anti if Ibis b. lise case, they will have eûtnt ho communi- calions betWeeu Batoums sudErzeroum,~ anti will eninger thie botween the latter place sud Treobizoni.- If lisey succed inu'cntting Usis ,lin., Use evana- tien Of Erzeroum will be au unevolil- ahi. necessity.- Iu Bulgarie, lthe Turks have bee-n lofealein luau engagment lu 1he viain- ilY cf Biens, sud tho outlaci for Osman Peelia la daïlyisecomlug more usipias. ieissg. Tic. recent Ruesiasi succeeet Dunik bas deprived tise Turks ci hseir cnly moans of egress ou theo soubb anti *est cf ilevna, anti even eculd a reliev.- ing srmy 1ho speredti o go te their assist- anco, lb would have -lu figil ils wrAy incis by incish o lie-il, se clcsely lia lise investinont been carres! ouh. Servie's altitude, a eil o be no long. orsa malter cf solicibudo, 'the tnimmiug, policy of Prince Milsu anti bis ativisers baving disigusted Russiaadcomplete- ruinodth ie position. cf lie Princip ality withsTurke7 andi*lie Greai-pcwers. Tise occupation et Erzeroum by lie Buseisus is. lie labost report. A couspirscy sgainsî lice Sultan bas been discovereil at Constantinople. 7rom Lewis Johnashcc, M. D., of' Hor- ton,? N. S. "MY convictions 6f tb. valu. cf thse PREUVIAN SYRUP MO esnob, bsaI wene I agalu in gênerai pîmotice I sbculairely on il as more officacicuis lu mmaudi. cases-Usaisany cf -Us.eagent. us- ualiy resorleti t. I sshl couseqntly- avait myseicof any flttiusg eporunity- Ici'recormond il oto nal nia "il be - giail lolearn, liaI it la moeoantimone canssng te baie lie place il usenits lu the iiealing art."- Bolti by deslir gesoially. A Curicus Ebeopement. An eiapemenl la rponheil troua lie Townsip of* Rin. g. EhFerrai, a iiet man, wouking for WalterTravis, fsrmor, obopeti wilh bi, employer'. wit On Weduesday znorning. Thi couple teck wîtb tbous-200 ici money sud a- qusntity cf ailtiug. Tv-itracked lisoleAuroro e, hei.sawPemFarar, Whe 1usd purccaecila ticket, for Torcn- te. ,Thisali-useti huabani, .determneti act'te icone sight'of hie xman$ srocurod a ticket for, lie same place. _Tise afair wa teld-by. Ttavis lb.e Conduo of tse traini, Who repoatedti ille M. Han- nsn, Traffia Supernmendent cf bise Nasaisera - Roilway, Who Juappene t o ho Ca, board. Ticimlte- sent âs lol- guano te'pdce bOâdqusrter, anti ou lie i aicf tic, tinhoisen, Ferrai was-à nresee, cisargeai with stesliilg bis emlyr'. mouey anti- cclbiag. Ou Len= rOugsb befon lice Paice Magis- trale, lie was remlndeti until the-ôth Tise gsilly wtt. came le Tconho OU tse mixeil train preceeiling liaI on wici iser liushaus! auulber lover braveilos!, 50 as to avoiti suspincion. >SBis beievei to b. stilI ici bie city, but cannaI l'o fnd. -Dica' Y AT TEC E-N X. mION'Ã"P TzlatRffoRY.-Newii frons Cape Town claIes lical li Briihi liopeý bae burltlie kraalcf tise inasrgent Galoka -hiet, wibhoul amy les. - ýupon hsir silo;.anatibst lie Goveruor ci' Capo Colauy has depesedthe ise bjansd annexed ie ielonitouy. ANOeMEEs AucmioEEassio.-The Eagliec arche eîxpinag vose Pendais le te unilertaka naliar expadillon noxh Spring,* ad ai sr aîb etupt tl eai bise poi' by way -of tlis pitizhergen, inistea cof br lie Smiico'e cn', rente will b. IerEMO. ,o2-er Gaux.-At a rocent me Ietin <g cf IL, îeucblà Acadomy ci' Sciienees,,M. Dupleesis callod allenioa- toUshe infection utf grain tbnesugi -tse- mgency of flools lu woten courses. A case was'noled ot a field cf rye vbiîh bocanse paiaiiy iufectei -wihs mut, owissg ta a riverbaving cvorfiowcd ils banis sud aovcnd l'a feld- furhînup sîremn, -wbich wus aIready ýinfecîred. Thce gooti -listi 11eu en enane of cons- muussioaling lice dises.. or fougue. - Cà sRt IN BAKiNGc.-Tbo baiersansd- Paslry cooke cf Paris havas been fe«bid- don tob 0c lis lhieuovene weood wich lias been painleti or impiegu 1atod i hllU - 'suy is-tutljie sait. as il la beliaveil liaI tise as-doles cf lad Sf15 le tdredt deoeesicus - Lirongi lie agonay cf ltse TEP. BAsaxo cp TiuDr.-Tce bal- suas cf tracie betweeu ice United Statea sund Englaul, fs-ansbois g 887.- risicli wu msees!ai 'o C1ergj To a stranger il la pleault indees!, aven faihunate te inn againsl a man luse lis; beeau.e it crates s gooti im- pression ; bouides e courteous disposi- tion suad a geublemanly demneanour leaves on tic. stranger's mimd a favor- able memary ai' lie place os wel as cof lice mnscsesslug lisose bigh qulties.. Il le mrs then probable tisab I esali, vieil lh. main landl sud go up tise'val- loy cf lb. Piszer, perbepe as fer as lice Carîboo Golti Pields. But, I regret te, eey, my San-Prancisce misiap bas very muai relardoti -my movemnseul, indeed I causider myeelf an extraoidi- nary tellow te plow lirough il .1 ail. I ans afralidyan will nct have patience enougi ta rea& Ibis letter but as I sus eertain yon are auxiaus fcr* informa- lion, Wica à botter ahi. b give il thon on. ticel has seen sud expeniencodth ie mater ice underbekes te *rite upou. lu ils proper puace, I torgot te ssy that lice wages for usecisanias la Victoria are fions Ilree la tour dollars, par day, sud for labourera, twc or lwo-snd-sait;. sud bicot tierç le ne suobillng s Want, alisaougis,tram lime la lime, like ail otiser places, liens are mon oul cf wark. Accept my higiest regards. Yeurs, (&a. -PETER O*LEABY. Latcat Wsi News. Cul ticis Ont--ht May Save Youî Lii',. Thon. is no penson living baut wial suifer. more or lese wilis Lung Dises.., Çoughs, Colle. ar Cansumption, yol some would die raTher blisu psy 75 cou.nts a btl. ai' medicino tiat wculd cure tiens. Dr. A. Bosch,.', G.rnssu Synup bcas latsly been inbradnaed lu tis ccuntry trous Geimany, sud ils wondrcus cures ashonisb eveiy one tisI bny il. If yen. dauht what we gay iu puinI, cul bhie cul anti tae.ilte oyour Dnssggist, S. W. B. Smsith & Ce., anti get a sampi o ctie tonrl0O'ents -anti 157, or a regulai sise for 75 cent. Belleville Elevatar - sud Contents - Burueil. ENGI0EEB 17RNËD E»TO DEATS. Tise cou au1 presen minues e Sflirmeil. « - -donr ce -Gibbons, i reail belw con.Tics grantel. cording le Ea:q., P. cases- wei Joseph L land, 33.31! Short, 83, C-. Fox, si of Edwsrd for fnrthi thlere- v Overseer oai 32 10 reine ruuning ac st-con., uoow Dix-ci Oh. mati ed by* Ms ticat tbie ,Tulge Bus- Court t bi crise nsr cause lb. C od Ilsereto. Mr. Mac Mobhonill, -SMer lice os ho Cempeus roasonable loiasudtics horney li 01. Mr. Ilt Mr. Smith, be pail,, vi roads, $10.! el Sclsofid rTadil-cistras ]ief te B. Di Luis, pritI: & Larce SI rasýIl 35.50 ; Petrc, worii -Fowie, cela retuil ofai(d relieftto i relief te mnd relief ho li reati centra- digent, OS; buryingindi On motia Mr. McicHon nunttise fors eutl ecsol lu Eugiand, fi sgtead aof bau saluai, Ãœeau Os ta bis kepf la lie sulent ho peuiii eibissn by do tescican ori Par lice seat reciCv&twa - AOTRIER ' Anoticr shio enlise 9tic n Peru. Euii las. £70,000ii May by Ibe on tLe Peauî - Ssac& as sic ocf eu o'dlicci-Sus alcuug lice i to - aMontre-s Yani anil là l 'Not and tDeutia :1