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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1877, p. 4

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Ia smom c01 i cenit.P ÀrPly te- ApriI l7tix, 1877. 10# Ieaa theO gguis os te a diopàe.d ttraz on thé, lest, 1g out the,:vegetables: inlthe saer. ut thoel;g back and istoo.ntpofothean, and own gRI., rHouer thon, 'or tea gentleman Who wu Mr Oide of thédCl la4y andl 7a do tizat. [t,' wrong.11 101 YeU mesis elt-vat'o mid the. gentleman addreseae ligaîuast belug spokon ta lix 'oldn't lsayc taken thoe 1lady tirned- toward the' And Iaoked st hussi very y, vixile the other aaîewered gravity : - mb,,sir? 1 took no eggs." aw yoMPx," oid HeoUer. - Mmîe the attention of the n gers in Sthe car vai directed énsation. toc inuclà, ir, svhon Ieay 1 aid Héllor, ýaxd wth tixat if Pagilrxg before thé aid looked affrlghtenod and andi stcod -hefore the géntie. "Whal do ion èMay te thiat2" ,said 1leUler, taking from Jhe man's evercoal pookt tw egsu andaig tlernte moe "ani h ti pctu,,bsc "Lord, 0Lord, whxawouda hu lb ?" . mald bbc cI ilady. ol 'toxh 'l'lie genteman frein whotio peekets thé e gge had -boes baken rose from, lis seit fnnd eboad op posito e taHoler eay. 111 .Jots'S ulsdesaod this ;psrbajts we eau fled caine mre.' 19NaO lexbti cau," saisi Houler,' ut. tn ble hiehabitinlu aside racket sud talc nqeut threc egge, tva noe frein hie llia ud & couple freux lus trowaere. This aeeluîied corne mrinutesT, as Heiler prucs'tled vpry flolibprately suddîlowly, te thé avideaxl surprise sud indignation * of bue allierocecuipanutsoff thc car. "And bore look hère," consxuixxtllcer, talc- * ilig a box cf qjlce frein tha man's Iinil Piket,t it itolinu i te car," eaid The cor isas isbepplsi ani théeaian whîcîs ail thits lî,d been jlayoil waiteil ul()firtiatr g'i<V5iCJ)UvtLo, -sud baiteti thttugli hetar e, l'aut as hie legs wauid carIry lîlsî. t11 Tua , li ly confnoirîctl licreif lu litane 1>Mr.. Hleseanicaid ehe 71tiveýr wooilil liu a ospsctd-iî e wO sitolit s uiteî-ltioktixg gCleniîau, te. Mr U(Ilitîr's fîlsîtîlwhiepercîl te eetuîcbody VsM it hrt, hxevsr, anud prtty seau cvcî'iiaîlicy In tae nue vas iaugiing, bhe -ouild adybeliîç teoîiy Dana100xo m. 111xalinsil1in igucrance that this wae oas (if Mr, Ilelirsjolies !Iy.snd.bybhPocacrs renxched Cami. bnitîgo, sud Mr. Hu1iler and fis friénîl gaif, Ail As tay wme walking slong tielixti esit lie tiiotglît lie had natte- ail theit Mr.. houer lisd a pin lu hie - "Su 1 itave," isai Mr. bolier, and lie felt for tua lin, but ne pin watt there. "Coold 1 have pot il lu îny poîket 2" anpoilli sas-hesl In bis vtst. ,"illalioe i' lié tîxelitiixsd, "whtirc's lits xnoney ?" siis s u irvottoiy souglt tirough ail hie iiiekets. ', old, iuy Jcve V' M 1r. ltller vus minus i arato ècearf- * pinl, $28 li iffisuad a Fcid ixatoi-box. 110ls l dfur once eruck the wrng ùmari, vite, whiile Houler bai bcah going biraughi - Ihlm, had hîsen cîîii4y geihtg *- tsoagh Houler. Strange te Bay, whýIen bfin.Iballer goit Led te Bostou, lié insu. -tined the incident te nqbgdy, sud cen- * jelurd strict scu-ecy an ie 'friand-t. Al cf wlich 13lsown tliit it akes two ta u ýy a joie, sx tut ier r netit.es î Maix iotruded loto uI ihiuau'c * sbanty bbc atler day., ,Wjtat d-, yen wanS 2" cliccdl'at. "Netliing," vas tIlj viài or'. roply. "Ycu'Ilfihnd lb lu tée Jîg vixrethe -whibkey vas." "Do yen binI 3-oui'fathae la going Saeinove ont oseau ;'2 luirci tise asvaer of a reulci iboutse ft'he eau off hie tenant. "Reciion so'l" %aasthe opîîy, iw'e beW;un osig windaw freeses for TWO mou mat an thn-pisses off bhe 11ailros libHal, ët Lisîcain, Nebraska; * JOaCCRiais that Nebraska vai ail a gnond oustry, or shouli he ; "il it lacIsO," Osai hé, "la geai eaeiety ansi IvAtor',"11Mygautilard i' Bay. trio utcilie-, "tua h lftl lt-i lacIs." "MlY eau, would >yen suppese Ible Leicl'rayern thi Leu ngravcdilu a @1)- cîua. nlonger tiata hei saren of us uticIfil cent 2" "4Vell, yas, futiseýr, lb' a esit Is as. bIg lix evLnybady'e eyes as lb il; Iliyoars, I biink lIsère wouii beuana dilliully inluxptling il on about faue tit'tie." "SMuumo, is your master asf!,00(1far- 1iner 2" 1,011, yee, mussés (o.ate faircer-ha makmIWO ta c-oui e aab Y$ar.""'how le blut, Sambo?" "1Wla j'O 'x-113 ail it hàx n udé fali, ani iiakes Muoncy otnce ; sien ium d10epsvin 11 itu sell d eo oef do cabtle dtîléfor vautOti c iuuy, sud asmus îneey Aux hl1lità tuiit nîli itavf;etca douear sud ax itaîf lu aNuv *Yor-k flrun tbusilo- evit "buuw tuapptîeinr vel l ieity." '1110u u-celpb t huht btî nîctîi-iol11--a turu ai tliwas shlort, impilo, sudaefti- iy uudei-atoutil: I "Alwayt I Lemîjiytisr nase Cuicusx, alimi iOU't sue'i iaore lian ans fiageraa tino,"UC.1 A gaed 11111e bey wliuo WIa kicketi ly a mule di i net eay lietioglty vends or go bouxâ c ryiulg te bis mouler-. lie juI bled «St ulae wiEhiU !Oefeet cf a beehive, baaiokdIiiit round te it soi ]éSet Iéiekik. I, ciased lietiuy b lia milale vawed te uhiÇld lber frein -the wlnd, sud fran> tise ven'. colu eboruxe. 8î e se hiem bsaatoae eys an me, and vitîx lier 11511e lipse A4 thie, "An'aubrelîs %%-ill do aswell.1lu When a Youg lady houa a baud-. reblef for a nix- bacixoer, ejhe pob. l' tews 01tis$Sbe May regpp. A thakor nained Toidipeblielîe a mperimuco papée, and hae nci a con. ixPorae for calling hlm Todid-y. Whst luathc différence bélvernua jhti d a uii 2110 Iotu lblard ta gct upj, usîu t othér fehard ta «et clown. ÀA UinS Word spoktes bo 'a liuxebnd îgo farther than' a br'ounstick on a tâtOi," mAYaS vOuW3a3 off oîpelîenuce. )la minasîare ikes a i hanes;; yen et exercise thean if yau viel te lkeep Min, iiWoi'king ônder. L 'renoh vit Pays thatI I itla nt'y b ghat Mon aye ta pmitoend taO iev eirytilg a voman gays, out epect lelier ; aud neyer i-o ixheve UtiïlË âoa »y, ont af respect ta ta t ron for' litellslet* lxlu ofb amlly. yable Ifall-yearI7. ' ,- GEIO. S. HALLEN, Soicito &o., 17 Vey pecial 1 * STARTIN4G . M6 UN DE]1 TH'E WI'NDSOR. (Cor. King and York.xs), NOW OPEN. S2aoo PER DAY. preo omnibus to and train ail trains. Ta- bic an& appointment iret-cla.. 5OIULLEY &c IINNIGAN 5-IyPropretors. T ARItIP O'FEMES TO DL, TAKEN DIY CONSTADLES. (Unaler Order fit Cocusil, dnted 24th day ai îuiy, 1874.) 2. Atet cf it i liviîlual tipon an -warrntt.........-.......... si\50 2. Ssrviuig samaicais or ssp-ia.Oý 3. b1ileage ta serve surnisucus, snb- jtroua or warrant.......... ...0 10 4.Mlesge whiéu service catînot te upt n profi cf dire diligesn.... 0 10 5. i luit,"takitil drisonna t, gail, exclissivu ciii i8storseeu n icc- essarily cxpeîidcd in cheii'con- veyinnu .....................0 10 6. Attenidilig Justices cii iutncnaiy triis, an is sxatninatiis i f 1mtns. soiitura s-liîngesdwitii crie,for rusch day ussesusariiy eiipioeci init atîs o re cises, wisets sua û1etggen usons tisaitfour lheure.. 10< 7. lDO. o. wviu eupnged isons titan four ieurs ................... 1 8.Attoidiig;AsgentorunStnsniolis, î,îlîda........ .... ..,.....1 5 9. )Miloge tnîvciig tbaittetnd As. 'izeeSuions, anriaf,îne Jusicesa pusi bîîilin cntveytiie eau tbc lîinocily reiisoiiiblit disitirsi'- tîse.nts ta bu aliocé-d.) . '.....10 10. Siitiisioiilu1 Jury ion Curant-ns' I iîqiiet, Insiiit(ilsig attttî(lluîg laS itietitget, sndil iiisevis,-, in res- -i)et-c'tb-eci, il litsel utssaxisie day 't JtêY-y eîniîîîî,îeîl ..........2 o0 1.Attc-iitg sîî1, niih aîjeus'nîuouî tliereî,f, if 1505ot iîgtîgdor e lutin heuirs.. .................1 00 12. lo.t. tiif cliîgîîged ate tls.îî lf n i our, ..........-»-.......... 5a 1.Servjiig suisuissuoa sbï>nIi't atu atetlpl befîsne Coienuis(sol'jet- N o. 10) ........................ 14. Milesnesurviiigsaime----------..l. 1-. Exiiiuîg Ibodyly ftîdr Ceneisrs warant ............. ......... 2 00 11i'l. i-Iis3'itug s<isu--..-----------il Oc0 17. Serviiig isitresW'rrnt, asino. t.tIIiiig stînus................ 1 50 18. .ldvert1iii, ii,,> ntiietrest'n .I tt.. .. . . .. . .. . . .. 1 5 i0. Tin,;vt'iiiîte i ak i'iikuitisi, or ta souanit, ngotis L tetsIt(lis. rut "s, %vissu io gomis etri fil -.. 010 2.Apprîtontîs'-îîîtl, wliûtit,'r ie ci tmonre, 2 nit s iii tj( ise 1onr, oi t thé. vai,-Afgea e 21. CRtîul"'iîiî'hilosti.el n'rnisî,itln tutu l dlivuî- (if couds, , rt, nil tise 9 , nni rltîis-e f gîult. 22. Exsî'iiiiîg entrelts irrnt-....150 23,. Su'.ifi'g tiîitiucs 011Cscntai witstit-rsci ........-ei -a 50 I'i is oed by otder, J. EI. FARIEWEiLL, Cii-ritocfthec Petnce, C. 0, t22 H{OUSE AND LT 'FRSALE 0OR A gged ii'îa strêyiii--iafisos, 22si>3 sii litliii i~g terwilhh iaif ais &cru cf land, -il itaui-ti w us fruit tmess, sltuatetin li'oi-,u 1i'st pilai-t cr tise towtio cf'iVlilt3-, t Diinas-stî-,-eb. Tuera le aise a goeid itattin. 'ilena is a gocd weIJ a pm aitui th'fiuit h cffbise hOiocest kn.Pospéwiîti t ii-t Noviben. Apply te Mii. RICIIAIIDSItZt,', ML îlspnsMISee, Or to thea Praprietrur. VW. TATE. 8l.Sf Geeéuwcod. THE CANADIAN AIR OAS! Tise Cai,ia(Uu ýts Maci lue éin ube-o matie gMsIUukis uî,Ipp',nttis. tinl£jetn- ed a Itilllýlt 'iiinih faulet)ps, mIle, hoteis, niîurel,'to, or. lui-,uebuill dinge of any kitti, stituismti iju titi nsCuuct-y, an Se- Y01u1ud ti1"'C rIi t nO C i-tà.' au ntîs c; f nîtiesp, Iuy lie suiiiteîl etil a tif- anau lîcp gis lighît; Th'isus tf'uhineo r ehnpjuiofcf eutnc- thon utot mtimdotgut crutSif ci-dan, equirO ne okii te nîrtago, lire ntllusila silbGtsiu- ial mcid duurabls e îstin. 'l'iîy tccpy iittiu cuire, sus sot up et seim 11expeese, andiarcîstuoîly adîxîte,î for liplsiug tise isrgest rush, factory, pite builsling, or the sinaeiik- lwelling, ire no n- ne orunied thiug, bott Ili-vu luesa lun ocnstanst esîl -uic- cesfi lse lis al parts afi tis country, botis wsuter andtl sunmti, fon yemnuî. STise 11 maide liy <liss a uubines ie tuelY llwix as carnnnairn'gas, Seing cotmeo ir atrlnup-egiatud witlu gutoolisus. t bunne vus a ielu t.ightfliane, faîciy oquai tn dot pr litend li yceai gas, bs cnuteed tiiraagiu pipes cui onianetal ixtures, wtlt tisesanuse oivtîsinncu tand earciy. Ne fl. 1.iss 11idi tht' îsocetcwülmarîcitnro, aust bcilfiit i litsu l'y it aroî-isui-d ut rte oaniu3,itiios'i5eiîg5 ccci pus vas ueed. The oot cf titis gats fcte iglt, sîloal ttu ane tlltiisttulcfut ,of couti tvarie fecia cO dIollar i- toi ity cents tce eau dollars,, Seing abuto 'uu-lîaif tmuî- pins et seal gas. Tua i ittreli fntuts htrl- gaAI;itruaie Lty Or ncteeluîe o wn comnu-rrially as gasclsue, a light, volatile cf pctr'ileat. Lestireate,gi-ncfosr ightiif cc îieting buildings, liablis, NWatt- r uis tPimuXt, Gaueri Foestiu; >uibber lieue, Gi'tbihins,,in SCOTT & PDlLLIPS, Sois Mantufacturra Plombera;, Coii uul Ottu MFitterý, 158 York Sint-et, Torntb. Augu 801i, 5>i7.I-t LANDS FOR' SALE 1 IN tTIIEs c T»ownship of Soniervi/lo, COIJNTY 0p VICTOUIA. Thto faioîtiug laids. Ilii t'e t'iwuetp Of Semens-lIe, Cousity if Viterià,al ~ce ffsreId forn sais0- Thto Weoit l(i ,flis tui telO 1t,Coures- sîttlit,utuftju,, c lOt> ies Vftenniacres oeared astuil fît,d. a, t VC asllttreauti erastest ti- ici, aU Mvitielu ix a tiibi ite, ucar bise gchieai a g-est1 niss. Thes pnoperty us anIy 'ofas'i'lesfrOuti nia Y stîtien on thé o-VitrieRail wsy, sud 3 ileir fuxthé village of Rinaxount . Lat 7, lu tise.lith cancosloru, onà.itl cfD 2'l 'ares. Tuhe utile ceil iblunboretl, havlng On it A lus cf vauiaile cedan.A never-fsiliiugg stn O f satcran -stheaub tise lot, vhxînix i.liii b ut '-ia isal i o fron a wa rai-saticîs(tIl theSiete icul,1Eail- -psy. Tise countey i,,uue(ti,u ttled. Mccii-o.. ihn ruoedsiiu sed Dîtîtiel fllvér, sean Elnneitt, ,01wil lutî te propaety. For Tennis cf Sale, mapluy t- JAS, WALKEB, Moray P. 0. Ontario, oenta Atg ISii, 1877.- -000--- RTAKINQI. Ful Stock of Caskets, CopIfis, 'and, al the nuecessaries in this Jue'.Alo A WEL L-APPOINTED ÉERE Whitby, October lOth, 1877. FOR -SALE!-11 100 Tons Bar Iron and Steel,' 100 Boxes CaRaada Plate, 150 Boxes Tin Plate, 400 Kegs of Cut' Nails. 300 Boxes Horse Nails and Sboes. Orders from tho Trade Solicited. j-3 Car Loads Coal OR' for Sale Woles le.-Lowest figures. WHITE COAL 01L.-4 Imperial 1Gallons, $1, cash ; or SO0*centts single gallon. Uý The Lardest Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware in the County. STOVES.-Best Cooking- and -Heat- ing ; Choice Patterns at HATCH& PRJJI5REFOR THE FALLI MD] GO TO FOR- WELL-FITTrING,.CHBAP. AND GOOD BE ST AMERMIAN IITJBE GOODS ON HAND. -G0ctýj' Caif lUootý îad Shoos, thf. linost aind ost durable made ini the conntry. 9ý.eLadiee,' iuperîor goods in Prîinella, Kid antd Gout, aspeciality. When durability anid chcapnc'ss arc roquire'd, cail on OLD No. 1. Large Arrivais 1 Cheap for Cash 1 WM. BURNS. Wlaitbye; Sept. 4tIî, 1877. 28-12Me PAIR C OMPETITION WITHOUT PROTCETION. mi11. JOHN- FERGITSON I !EOW IN 112 ~MAPKlýT WTTI uIS :FAEI~L &TITI G-00ID8, Whiech for quality îund price w il be fomid unsurmasseil, Muflev'p in, t/te Latû.st Sl! gls andi on, Shortlest Notice. A LARGE STOCK 0P OVER-COATS AND BUFFALO.ROBES, AT BOTTOM PRICBS. DUNDAS STRIEET, WHîITBY. 5 and 77 Vonge Street, fir8t Doop fromn King Street, Torontoý IIANU1rACTUIIEILAND> IM1ORTBR OF -CH H1 L D-R E NS CA R R IA G E S, REFIGCERATORS, PILTERS AND COOLERS, Toilct Suls, l3sths, WoodIcnwaro, ItodRers' Cuitlry, Covnicop, Hardware, Coal OHt~oveq, Clothes-Wr-ii,,er, Lamupa, &tn., &c. LBird-cageo, ini Great Vurietý'; Canaies, in Good Scing, V.50 cadi Mockizig Birds, Par. rots, Tlirutsliee, sudc Bird, aofail varietiez sent by express to auy a4dress. g:y-', The Largest Stock of Houes Fur-uishiugo lu the City. - NVI1OLESALE ANI) RETAIL. NEW- GOODS Clothing and Gent's Furnislig Hbuse Is nom, supplied wvith ail the newest styles- of Englishi, Scotchi, anid Canadian Ciothes of ail kiuds, the 1--arx-ou and Best Stock they ever had. Oi -Aiso an excellent stock of Gents' Furnlishings, al neiv. A splenidid stock of Bcady-made Ovcrcoats, Cheap for Cash. MûMILLAN'S 13LOCK, BBOCK STREET, WIIITBY. WM. BRYAN'S STOVE DEPOT ANO TINSHIOPI1 ---000--- If you want a stov-e, cair and see a large stock anid great varioty, lhaviug a ei nodlerninxj's-ovcmoeits soff bbc age. "TH E CROWN j ENEL" Self-.feeder, with or vithout Oven attached, li the uuwast îiitdboit et-ove hi tise iuftket. W RHaving liotîght mny large stock s4l stoveus for Cash, 1Iamoideterrain.- si ta sel very ch-sp, aud ana satisfuod f cati u'uuo isc y C-uitouucrs buila lun quel- iby sud pelce. Couic ant i lspéet ltera. We put up Glvisnizcd Iron Ena c-troughls of auy sizo, w*ith Iran Galvanizad Imon is the besi. for villeys for roofs off hoildiugs-it heing nierp duorablle, sud wiiloutt expsntl rsnd i-rtu l'yuithe-ai amiui ite sus), like zinc. Stove Pipes snd Elbcw--rotuud and square-mn gréat quaubities. Ail -kials cof Tîuiwaristo licks, aid atiy article w.'-do te order. sa» If you liaan tis- endine r b h doué, brinq lb alon iai]ch ave it doua. - We take ins exeliange Old Etow-s or Cut Iron, Cotton or Linoen Rags, Old Cepper ai-d Bra4se, Hanse Humi, Daller aixi EttcWo1 1 P4' r paôney. (Jawe a.Giifa6. 1 At thé 014 ý5ttud, 0thUe conel, ï; can offer them very 10w. I3axter's Mandrab- FôrDyspepea)'Siok ,He- IN BOTTLESý AT ý265 GILES' -LIN4IMENT IOMDE Whitby, Auguat l5tâ, -1877. s~ w~ a. ~MI BRO WN A PA TTERSONJWt'4.off WEITBY:E3'Z, Or~TTÂa1Io. - .000. TO0 T HE P U-BLIC1.. Iu preseutingar TvWenty.second Annual 'Vatia À et gitùlurImbpie- imente bt th faruors of Canada for the. year 1877, vo do se , thi more, than the' ordinary >gree, of pride; and oonfidleuce, *om thé aaearked, favnr and patronage ouferred upon us, 'and 'thé uteàdy and lnoreaindeacd'frMd nypar ta ypar cf aur nov oelebnxtcd Farm Implements. *e ehaill continue as Isretofor., se nfctr~teýmakeaÉpecià1ty.of- Agicultural Machlnery-thé iJolinston*-Sélf-rakcxg Ré6P ,l u fmmph Comù bined Reaper and Mover, thé Cayuga Mover, the. Yong Canada Mover, aud For the lst Tventy-two yèare **àe-have #Ivêù our malst oareful, sud undivid. ed attention ta the manufacture and operation of the. Varions Machines lununu, sifting ont the beet pointe, remnedying defecb.5 ýmodi*ipg aScretn roe ebrengtlxaning veak points, adapting end prgjrbliig every part-au our increas. cd experienco bas uuggemted. Weocmploy oniy tii bout mechanical oeuh, sud oui m'aohinee'paeî under the Mosetcsrefu[upervsion sud îerubiny-every detaii'being mubjocted ta tiié lever- et rtcim ndeaelx machine in tixoraughly testeS before enving oui vax-ko, to pove5h. onilétneseof 0v7, part, sud thore 8no0 dlfficulty lin puttlug tlîem in operation 4y any porion ofmderato meolianicai ability. Our nxachiuery h as beau seiected sud eoenatrioted vitx a epecial référence bo the manufacture-of oui ovn machines-uany tooa having been macle for tues particular purpace, sad net adapteS -for ailier vareand oui vox.kmen a titdn catid ap ta the vaute and requxeemenfsaof aur mannfacture-o6btaining alher- ongli knowiedge off thie construction of our machince, sud are thng enablod teo h- tain a ixigiier degrea of chili sud pîofloeecy than vixere gênerai muufacturluig je earried on. We are therefore snabied to iubx'oducs a mars Rerfect mystein into ail the de- partruente of manufacture, addiug not only te the. perfection of thé vork, but al- ea ta the rapidity offite exécution-sud a cansequsut réduction of eaeb.' 1This piniple is regarded neceseary lu a voil reguiabedstablishmont, sua vs èunablerte tam ont aur machines with a higlier degee off perfection, sud at prices so loyse abeolubely ta defy compétition. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER le now se weil kuawn as a Single Reaper, thst a verS cf commendation wouid aimoiet Bse superfluous, but s there Are many claimlng ta manufacture this machine whe have adhered ta tlxcold original Jalxnston machine, withaut keep- ing Up ta thé improvemeuts ; tbat juetice tQ ourselves and patrons require off us to s'tube tisat we have modifiéd it lu aimait every essential part, sud for otrength and durabilhty, quality ot eut, lu évery kiud andeaundition off grain ; iightnése of draft anS sas of mnagement-the "Johueton," au mauufactured by ne-taudû pre-emneutly ahead cf ail other réspere. lIn proof cf Suie poeiion vé have oulv to point ta the many Firet Prizee awarded. ne-at tue Ist Provincial trial of Cii- bar, aud many county triais which have taken place ail over Canada, vithin thé last few yéai's. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, witi late 'inxpTveuxente, le ail that eaube déslred lu a Combined Machine, aîxd cannot fal ta igeeS ail the requireens of purchasére.1 Our Improvýd Cayuga Chief Jr., and Our Young Canadla Mow'ers are bath first-cl.as machines- eonetitnted alaicet wholly off Iran and Steel. Tt Cayaga Jr. bas a ,rear eut, aud the Young Canada a front Cnt ; bath otrong, dur- able machines, and not excelied by .any machines un the. markeet for qnsliby of eut, dnrability, lighbuesc cof draft, adsptability, sud ease of management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER." As the country has become better adapted to machiuory, andi many of our faran. ers hxave become skilled in thé use cf maS'hines, a grcwing demand has spruxg' up for a Light, Durable, Firet-Clss Reaper. Alivo te the requirensente cf thé day, we have eacceeded in iuventing a ma- chins with a Wrought Iran Frame, witb thé lèst passible gearinag-wli large, bras faced drive wheei,-snd se constructedl that thée frame sud table tilt at thé saine tiras, thercby kéeping thxe pitmuxa always il hué iti the kuife. The rakée are drivea directly freux thé main shaft-there heing ne perceptible side draft, auti ne weight tîpon the horses necke. We are confident that we ]ave succecdcd ln invenbiag théernoet perfect Rospér, tsking lb in ail its parti, that has ever besax îroduced. We have sppiied for lebters patent, and "lhah hiS ur invention, for our own exclusive manufacture, sud ve respectfuliy enggeet ta lin- tending purcîxasere, tîxat they shoald se this machine before glving théir oedée fer bbecooming Isarvest. Thé "Whitby Harveeter" weiglo, Ai lad, 600 pounds, but being made prineipilly cf thé beet quality cf iran sud steel, sud froan ils lu. geciona und compact construction, it combines thé strength sud Surabllity et the heavier machinées. All cf oc ahinisbes are fally warranted. with thie 11.5 cf machines, we fuel confident that vo eau meet every ré. quiremesit. and w. respecbfuiiy souicit -a triai ai aur machines, belisviug thât vé eau fliruieh a LeSter machiné for bhs monéy Shan eau bé cbtained eisewicre. BIIOWN & PATTERSON MF'G. 00. Wlitby, Ontario, February, 1877. MASIiONABLEooTA IL ORINU Go where you can get a Wel-ftting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishmet of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPEIIIOR CUTTING SHAPES THE WOILIC1 A Largo Stock of Fine Cloths ; best Engliali, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. r:- Excellent Overcoatings and Splendidl Vest Patterns. A good fit Guaranteed.GEREGBLY 51 King Stre6t, Oshawa. NEW S TATJONERy -AND- BOOK ~TO AT THE EXPRESS8 AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, BROCK-ST., George Yuie begs te aunnounce that ie lias ro-opened Lis Stationcry sud IBook Store in Wlîitby, wlmere 'btptionery aof ail kinds, of thehet quality, will ba kepb on hand; also Sahool Books of every description, Copy ]3oolss, Sîstes, Eecils, Inks, &o., &c., ah, the lovési, pnucas. oe eq O and Examine. - A4Ste W. AO' HICXIE '& COô,J Owbe, 187. BockBrook-st., Whitby., FU) Cl1aet on dît.'.b<) 50Per.gai.;, M01ollsW& yAMe aad Porter o draft, 60 ots.'per gallon; Pure e eiE, ýS1.5,0 per ga; Belfast Ginger Buildiu Ale, Plain So.da, Se1tzer Water. a:v CLARETS 71N 'CASE - OrMe m is 1freremý 8t. tphen,- M doc, Margaux. - s Ordinaire Claret, Enlili VINEG A R: -nue Malt, French, Whitse Wine, Crystal Piekling, ., NC &,Ç. ýHams, 8Spiced Bacon,, S.. C. Tongues, Beef Hanm, Dried Beef, &o. _.FLOU R: IE Fallflourt (. Whéat, G. Flour, Oat Meal,' Corn Meal, Split Peau, P. Bairley, &-. O s OU P: Oz Tail, Partridge, Hare, Chioken, Ox Cheek, Me. O O F'F E E: Mocaa and Java, Bonsted and green. Whiitby, August 7th, 1877. 21 CAIRJUAGES. AND BUJGGIES! THE LÂRGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0F Carniages, Sleig hs and Cutters, M. O'DONOVAN'S- CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. JIJST ARIRIVED AND FOIR SALE AT THE WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, A choice lot of Green and Black Teas, that cannot- be beat in'the Dominion, both for quality and cheapness, price froni 50 to 80 cents per pound. Coffees fromn 25 to 40 cents per pound. Su.gars of ail kinds, t&'"8lbs. of White Sugar for $1. Good Valencia Raisins, 4J-16bs for- $1. S:- A fuil assortment of Choice Faiiy Grocerios, of al kinda, at equaily Low Prices.1 MAPLE MOLASSES $1 25& PER GALLON. -House and Garden Flower Plants. Green Vegetables i their senson. 1ý FRESH TOMÂ-TOES JUST RECEIVD. A full assortment of China, Glass aud Orockery Ware, Tea. Dinner, and Toilet Sets on hand and for sale cheap. AU E knds of Field and Garden Seeds, Clover and Tiniýo- -thy Seed, &c. Turnip Seeds of ail kinds, direct froin Scotnd,, to arrive thiis week. 1-'e Good Potatoes'from 50 ta 80 cents per bushel. At WM. J. 'GIBSON'S. Whitby China Tea Store. WANTED.-Anyr quantity of Good Butter, ýEggs and- Feathers, for which the highest cash price will -be paid. W. J. GIBBON. For Sale- at very Reasonable ]PriceE.ý Se-veral Open Buggies y ith child's seat, Lady's Open 'Phoetons latest style and VerY liglit, Covered - -Phoetons with Rolling Seat, also Light Top and Open Buggies of Super- ior Style and Finish. Ailmad~ f the best Materialan Warranted. Whitby. Jaly Oth, 1878. 28 SFI1N E TOMS & NEWPORT, - whitby, Ontaria.28 ARTS BE-ST'S GALLERY, OSHAWA The Daily and WeekiY Papers always on hand. Sub-j Life-Like-taken in a moment- in the best style. Mr. Best, has secured the services oï one the best nega- tire rotonchiersin the United States. I feel confident that I can tuin ont worl eoquai, (if not tuperior,) to anything ever before made i n this country. 12e, CALL AND' SEE' MY WOBK. _ AilI are welcome to inspect -the Gallery. Fino Photos of the Leading Statesmen of the Dominion-.. LUght Hon. Sir John Macdonald, Hon. T. N. Gibbs , 1&c., sud cf Bey. 4ather McCa=mn;Rev. Mr. Laird, sud leading citizen-SI for sale ah IBESTS' GALLE? RY SilMCOE-ST., OÊRAWA.- Musical Instruments, including a fine assortmeyît of Violins. Ordera are taken for Periodicals. Magazines and Mueic. 1 Whitby, Dec. 18th, 1876. GEO YULE.1 WILLIAM TILL'8 CABINET/ FACTORY AND, FURNITURE WAREROOMS I THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBIY, Go wlîere you cannot fail tg be: plcased ili unahing seloction4 of good furnitu.re. l1endid Parlour, Urawing Room aud Bedroôom Sets, New Designs; well worthy of inspection. at astoniehing lowý prices. Diu ing.rooni Extension Tables-a very superior article. Gilt Comnices, Picture Framing i every style. Saine fine Chromo sud Engravings for sale. -UT*D I I 1.TA . X : IN-, Ilit. branches ; fumerais fully suppla, A stockaI ehegmxt eeee nosiaways on hand, trimined ta suit- Customers, sud s veil appointeS tly hiWueadinesa YYJiL. LLi.i~ [Aix SÀDDLERy AND UARI4FJS WILLIAM>THOMPSON1 i3ege te direct attention ta his lur e a su tperior stock, eomprsn eey - thing in the Saiseld sud.Harnees L ins, aesica gévr CHILDREN'8" CAIRIAGR, Vxyhândiec,- nsd ClxsAp At ieol'estbiô]on 8ga 89 Yonge st. ittentlon pald to tUsmaigoft I E w L B Wý )TTO.MÂNS FýNÇY CHAIRS, LAMBNIEIIN mise mand put dovu lulie béa'bet ty1ès,* JAS'.iH. SAMO.& Co. T RE THÂLBERG-la PIANO . $290.00. The Thalbèrs Pi=ansli a at long feoiS- GOOD, USEFUL PIANQ5 whieh eombined-bie cleamnese oftonbana,.ni the béant y of finish etftths monS ceisbnatéd. akae, vith a moderato price. If Ib b. aaksd iov lb le possible to eupply,, a GeS Piano for about HALF THE PRICE*:: generally ehsrged, the anser le plain: In lie meklng or sslieu oe insbru- - mente,tbère are ne larg eovroome te. keep up, no grand Musie Mxita anti, orne expènsovotravellInggents tepay. -Thèse inetrunxsnte areal m&UsS ofa' 'UZIFOBRM STANDARD PULL SEVEN OCTÂ4E SOLID ÏIROli PEÂMî OVBBSTIUNG BASS,' SERPENTINE MOULD'GS, sud DOUBLE VENEED BIO EWOOD -CASE S. An extr-a DISCOUNT 0F xc PER CENT. viii héafloved Sehools sud Convents, aise tu Clergymen for -the use cf their fàmilies. W. ADAMS, ; khiby. Whitby, February, 18bh, 1877. 8 -CITY 0F -TORONTO" Leavea foot oftYonge-t, TSxoto, daily at- 7 a. m., reaches Niegau-at 9:80 a. =ansd Leviebon atS10 a. mn. Direct conneetione- for bis Fslls Buffaie, ClieèandP-oeheuter, Nov York, eonton, &é. Ticetesud &Il information st8 i t-ot 1East, man7. LIvERFOOL, MARRET 1 CASH FOR G RAIN,' D. zJLLt; To n ho eivdat' FPATren SAT,_ANDs BC---j FoRa SAME. MONEY TO LOAN' On Resi Estt, aS Lev Rates.aI Interet.. e. H. MCCLELLÂX. January ti, 1877. bf-e SIMON &KELLEY, CIGAR MANUFAOTORY, Cigare.Htel-keepérs sud Desiere viii fini xbte their aivantage te give then a_ trial. Whltby, Feb. 7li, 1877. _. ly-7 General Commission Merohant and Produce Dealet. Agent for Ixu'zauandi CeXXXXzCUÂaUN- ION Pirn Insaneco Casiee. BATES 0f INStYBANCE LOW I AIea Agent for lis Lamait and CeitSnMIs LOAu Ai» AGENCT COaxs-àe. monoy bsn- eS ou rostabé, payable frem Tva ta Twélvo yésreaninsu ustos uit parties. 9917 Interetlo sun nocommission charge. Mertgages bougbb. O ffice At, W .- I S N (Jiina rea Store, Dundau St., Whitby. Withy, Itacx lti, 1876. 1la S. WEBB Ressebniiinfmui e afatrneali Conboy's Patent Seat for BUGGIES, CUTTERS &c. AU parties viii do woîl te see our Baggies sud Outters, heferegivlug théir ordes «s.- Breuýgham, jnly leth, 1876. - yr6O Fauiy 1Hnitting Machines!1 Vary sihmple-ÂA chld ou usé the=. ,I CLL AND ER TEEMfIN USE MrFoBaie CEAFet Fairbuako Bickftreet, Wbithy.- 'Court St -J.G. Ra13 l S UG ------ --- --- 'cu -Wbethy, se Queen's ci * Univ. of Pei -o vfheUuiv. an:er for th£ * Loldwater S Oflice heo= sud Giibert! C, à asCheaas *t] boift. 4eeth -~ Teeth extract ioaaianusethi an't nes' bloc K.ing Strest, BUILDE1i Dr tîr Il oit AIR, DR] IISaloon, A GENT Fi 1.Scottisis of Jenatsuu Wt GEOIR large4att stanbiy o an snCOMMISSION, CONVE1.1N Tise CILtrh vs Town Hall, Ce Fridays, far_- hours, > i. lu. te -Msrch 27cis,i WILL Hanrse shocing j wor. A T Clerk Divisi -&o., Atherly, CO Âtherlv 5tpt, w eJ. ]HI Veterina Wiii be at Armin Tuaeday, from i -Aprfi125, lWi Pr.ices-Bottom. $RO. 1 1 . VEIRY CHEAP. CALL & SEE TREM. 1 Whitby, July 5th, 1876. LT 0 il le ;zaratoga 'l runks i ý 1 1 ' 1 1

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