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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1877, p. 3

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B. OR PROOTOP, NOTICE v. fherebgiveath, it e abovs Dy.la&W i . bet4kn ito onsideratien by the C0UXCIL 0F TH0RAR, wth a 'view te the fluai pasng tharsai, et à meting of, the aid ýConcil, to lie.hela 1 n the - TOWN,< HALL, BEA VERTON, Saturdsy, (Ilie 151h daty of. Dee:niber,' GEnORGE SMITH, Nov. Brd,7, ITownship Clark. 1877. . 4!n-47 HEALTrH- RESTO RED, Ilmedy-Fzr -for th. pqgjy e o! naon debihtprematuredeaay tout und any ademr. D&,,ow ~Co., b6i Nasea Nret . Y. (mu47 ýFAR1NfFOIL SALTI In from 1nbsl H y, sanseiram ;awa B.li. Pre, # p, T WNSHIP 0'F SCOTT. 3. W r AD Thé sabsarib-rfertas fer raie his valuairle Uttea Lk. o. Zrruiofai 100A(1itES. *ituste oit the ast hai!ai Lat Na. il, Srd-carr. af thre Township ~~o., Scatt. About 74 acres cleared u which & APPEJ.BE,- teerectad good sud coaveuint huitlitugr Attorusys.at-Law, a Fra LOs wlI",hne~vtasan on 'hana.ry, No, 4 Toronrto tona5 muer kitchen sud woodrhled, attaah. Tornto.j sd, Cwo large haras, 86x619 sud 80x70 wiih 0Y-48) B; B. APPLIt, ceufrtabir stables,-alagecchard.baarlng appeschamersudpluus.Alsa &bout 20 rsll w~sd6arsof Clawsoa SCAL~Uwhsat sawn. There I ir aýa nrvsr.irriliag tA 000 AGENOT ring ai waier on the p remises. The loas î Torante <lyi j I iL g od, brlag withia ona Mile and a quarter frrim Srsdufrd, onre ci the lig OTEL and STABLX8, seutiaur et Scott. is-itreet, Toronto., 1Termer easy, and made kuown by 59ply. ing tai thesrubscrher, ou the premaiser, or by - . PIIO.Z5IBTO J etter sddrerad ta Santiford P.O., Scott. ru JraarKELY.)DANIEL DICK. th O' NOV, 101h, 1677 fin 47 thins.alars. 177) Paýrme tof 'Dâxes. rk.t., Toronto, Ot. SALOON, Touoiqto.. - - T)UDLIO NOTICE ls lrcr&l>y giveur ibet FRiOPBIBTOR. .Lurderand by-viter i Dy.Iaw Na.274 CCOMODATON TEI TOWN of WHITBY, & CLKBK "Paya t oi ail or rrny pairt cf the tawr whl hroMay ire iade to the Coi- ]au or t'.ectar, wihout arîy addition tiierato; uta dy -tîie on or )PORTER, ( Before theie st day etDec'-ý., 1877." SLAGER BEER, &c. )HAMPS BUILDINGS, 33 Auirtiaude Sirtet Erst, ýONTO, ONTARIO. 7.- (ly.47 IINION BANK. OL MARKET A.QENCY. ret allawed an Depoito,W IR. D. GAMBLE, Agent. ,NT ACT 0F 1875, AMENDING ACTS. ter of JOHN LITTLB, !DITOIIS AR NOTIIRD Ce t thes Law Offce ai G. Young ie Town ai Wiitby, an TirursF. h day ef Narember lutantf at tire feoen, for roi rýe m ,tChe disposai 1 et irs rlscug o! tirs astats gruerally. ltby hia 11h dry aofhN, v1877. ROBERT MILLER, dsinue., lITANT- NO770E. P)j alu rîlIlstallen. thlie >ilieii(e,îî Of t, Ohaliu;, l.idtsay . ciieftp, tu'our Carjrýets 5 th~. M &'«oit o i f i/h apit featitres of oaur Our premientrSork 'te ever r$4,000, and ta8 Lbrisse?. Tatpesry lderrmnisîer (Jaipets, va, ilots, Euiefor 8, de. t>eraors requir. ~jtsa'nOini)ùg ta ii sure more rhILlr eamid have theni idige8t .0 L Callaclcî (o choose Note the address 13.Kir; a8 rat, ite IV4t Malrket t, 1877. 811-47- A lIARD. ru atlhrng tram tire arrors a"0 Youth, rierauo wrak. ay, logesoai auiroed, &c. I me tirt willhhure yeu ,FRitE ý Till great remedy %was dia- reas ii eaCuh Amerlos. sree envola e tatIrs xg,r Le, atioit.D, Bible lBouse I 18 Iletpyte t tire os4er sud the ri lu ud for tirs F -ONTAIRIO, COIfIiT IOUSE, lu of Whitby, Ibe lth, 167T1 aftie Peser. Coroners. lerrur Uvt.c Thaton ail or axry part o! the raid taxes reanlrrg urcpaxd, from raid diate up toanad uri the first day et January, 1878, tir re olhahllbe chargeci a per ceutage at ire per certuin, per month. Tirai ou the lat day of Jraunry, 1878, tIre rarnalrrflrg oaa-hiai the said taxes shahl liccorne due anrd payable, and an all or any part of raid taxes tiien raruaiuing nu ialid tram sud sitar raid date, there sha ha' hsrged an additioala par cerrtage of tive 1 ar centuru, par mrnrth, untul tha whole of thuaaataxes sud percentagersud avary part tlrerei hbe ulW patd arrdsatisfied. That the collecter fe au thorized te strictly *iiarce the pravisions of saila y.iaw. < Provlded slwocys, that aothing tfrrein contalard shaU affect or diminiali the right ofi the Collecter, at any lima, to collect hy distress under sud by virtue of tha statts ia that half. THOMAS HUSTON. Treasiurer, Town of Whitby. Whîtby, 6th Nov., 1 877. 2-11 WHITBY, PORT PEIIRY & LINDSAT ,WH AILWAY. TIME -TABLE No. 21, Takiug affect on WVsdnesday, Nov. 141h, '77. TORONTO TIME. TRAINS GO0NG NRTH. NO. 2 MAIL. No. 4Faxpitrso. DUEPANT. - DEPA11T. Toranto, via G.T.R. 7 02 arn. 4.87 p.m. Whitby Juri. G.T.R. 10.05 " .45 ,j1Whitby.... 1.10 6.62 tBokUa......10.80 7.08 Syto,. . .10.4 ' 7.20 Sumit. ..10.54 " 7.29 Manrchester ....... " 7.85 Prince Albert ..1112 " 7A 8 rt Parry.....11.25 " 7.b31 sagrave. ..1.47 8.131" Mrria~ .21158 8.10 Irry.. ........ 1.18 8.319 .pi.......12.48 91MU TILANrO ONa sertca No.rlirssT ..........7.101cur ....i.7.20 lsri otisa ... 71 i-Mrlan .......... 7.83 -lunys ...... ..... 8.05 eruégrave. ý.....8.12 art Ferry......8.40 ince Aibrt . ..47 ,,aeirartar. 8 1867 ..........t. .04 yrtle ............ 9.14 U llakliu . ..9.27 Writ:y...........42 Wiitby Jnn. G.T.R. 9.50 L'rrotovaa0. T. 1. ý&an-iv ......11.)7 .lthag ttlioos...Tratns stop on0 NO. 8 MAIL. 8.40 4.16 4.26 4.65 5.13 5.20 6.82 15.47 0.05 6.15 1107 signal orriy. - iTelagiaphn tatiarre. CONNECTIÏONS: WHITII1Y JUNCTION witir Grand T.ruuk lïilmiey for« cil points Easit ad Wst. Ne.l1Fxpress rîaes closee cou- nechlon witl-G. 'r. R. Express WVet. PORT I'ERIiY with staga loc Epnuam, Utica snd Uxirringe. SzàeAÂvný..1n'r Sa.intfleiri randi Wicli. 'rÀtAirtA-Far Suuderianrl andI Canuntom. Ltsr'sA-For ulakiwod-, Litile .liritcili, Valenti&ansaSPort Hoover. lNLSAY-With Victoria RailhWsyr for Fanam A IMl, XKirîrourt, i ien,IlIai- iburteu, lime 1-cee Grantr Territory, anrd theaBiluglirl r inn rlîrrîrys ppruri y, wlth Miflsîrd hRilwnîy hfri- Moville, Beevartiu, t)illtea, Wsnriraalrene, Geor- gleur itny-wia} comet act hOciia witir tIre NortîirraRaihWrry furc Gravaîr. humrt, 1rccalrriilga sandritie rde rE iat lanrds o! Muikoka Tis le 1Cr ouly iirect.Route rtrm points ou tire Victoria }tsilway antI Lindsaey ta Tecnînto ii ira h eret. Thrîruglî Tickets ara isiradl by aIlagents el W. Il. Il, k 1 L' 'l, for Toronto, ari hy agents-o! G. T. il, Toroito, foîr clistations on W. P. 1'. & L Ily. Tiirougir-Tickets to aud icora tlir a Est euro giiseedetwaan Lindsay, Mu iposa, anti BAileville, 1'ceraatt, Kiiatnr r5villc, botrerrl andI Quairco, at sema rates as ia lPart Raps. Na rans- fer charges. ]laggitge (tirrtked thîceeghu. JAMES EI)LDEN, Whîtlr, Nv. tb~77Msnaging Directtir. Wliil)yNovýgtllA7 .8 111. iLl. WE VJLLSI, Houîé, Sign, c arniage Painter, 1) TURNtI his riarria tirake Ptire) 11C ilizans (it WV1itLy md viinitv, forr , .1t year sud wnurld hrg ta liirlate ht chas talcenijuta prtrîaralrip, Mr. Martin, PratialPrirîertrm Nw ac).They ae no0w Prepaend te doie HOUSRe. SIGN sud CAREiIAGI4 PAINTING, GraLulng, Varaýnishilce, P1ahihlg, Stainlng, Pusl gP priag &c., wth iatness snd dispatch, ai atrtrrcitory.priccs. ,SPEOIAL ATTENTION TO COVNTRY ORDEU 1 * ESLP-Twe dooasnurth ci Kiugeo Tani. ýfBrockstreet, Whiiby. WE~LS & MARTIN. Ladies' ]ie Ladies,' AlawkdD 14ges ad %od* u ad ..Ã"]dp inGre.atyaê ~ Bûffao be's, -Ch.eap. -W., J.1HCLE Go. MeoLsllsns ,Blook,, Broôk st.$Whtby. $500. ~UOV.ES.~ $50Q. We are desirous 'of disýposing, of 1500 ýworth of Stoves before the 16th 'of niext month ' ùanu.fac- tured by J.IR. Armstrong and the -OsQh4,ra Stove Co., which for cookiùg or heatin ' we guarantee satisfaction . - COMMON 8]ýSNSE. I justice to ourseles,' we beg- respecttfuly to inti- mate to those whose aecoiints ýare sometime over due tliat we are-in-nee4 o f the >money,. lu - order to buy to the bestadvantage we have to pay cash- for our goode, and, to-main 1 * lçxg story short, we wvaut these accou.uts 'séttled befôre, the lst cday of Deomber, - and -trust t0 the good seýse of our eus- tomers to save us1 fifrthÈer 'trouble. Those who have settled will, please accept our. thauks. Yours .faithfully, HATCH & BRO. Imaporters of, Englih and American Hardware. NEW CASH GROOPERY For upwards 6'f fine years manager fo IR. & J. Campbell, begr, to announ ce to the public that1 lias opened out in the store lately oooupied by L.-& Stone, in the Ontario Block, with an ENTIRE NEW STOCK 0F FAMILY GROCERIE11 Consisting in part of Choice New Season Green aia lIack Teas at prices whlich dofy competition. A good Farnily Tea as Io as 30 cents per lb. Ail gradesr o? Suprr at bottoni prices. New Raisin Currants, and other Fruits, VERi C(HEAP. Fretih canned Salmoc Lobsters, Qysters, and Sardines. Mixed Pickles, Spice, &o. Finne Iladdies, boaeless Codfit;h, Whitefisih and Trou.t. Pails, Brooxns, Brushe WASHI3OA1tDS, &a. A FINE ASSOMTMENT 0F SNov. Illir, 1877. T.3» UNUSUALLY CHEBAP.. ,F SIMON FRASER. ONTÀRIO BILOCK, BROCKST., WHITB) IN CHANCERY. OtVER vst. WAKEM. P URSUANT- tu the Decrea sud Final lac erSale, madin lathia canse, sud baaring date raspectively tire Twenty scand day o! Septeirar, A.D., 1876, muid tire Fuifhday of May-A.D., 1877, tire wil ire raid, witir tiraapprobation et George Henry Drrtueil, Esrquire, Master oi hie Court, at Witby, by Cira said Master, at RA'S IIOTEL, iu h. Town of Whitby, AT TUEE MUR111ortTWO O'CLOCI< 0.3., othe ?lth day of Navember, AB0,1877)% tira iolawiaig lands ad prendraes, in oua parcel, heingrire Srutir Bail et lu; numbor £.wrrrty Eiglit ini therurtlii Coacession et tire Towripcf WNNhiCby, intire Coîînt ai Ontarioansd contaiuriug One Hundred scires. The anisaIl a ricli dace loaru, airant Eirhty Five A-rers ci w-iichir lecleard anàte tire rainder timharcd nitir Cedar. Tirea l a gond tone Ferai Heure with waorlea outiruildinga, aira a good orcherri of lwo or tirrea acier. Tira lancer arealal in goad ordar. Thre lad wilibu soltI aubject tea a mort- gaga ai Z20210, payableaet tire axpiralin of tour yesara friraitira firrt of November 1877, particuiarao! weicrwill ha prodrieoan tire day oetsasie, Tira aid praparty jr aiea ruirjearte a Lasse icir wiil expire on let Januîary 1882, et e rearal et $400 par auna, payable on let October la each yer. Tire Vendors shall net ha bud ta pro- doce aay atirer tilla deede tran tirara in tieir peeeerasiom, or lurmiiray abstract acre e n-gielrar'e abstract, copy af whiiclm ivili ire produced et lira sala. Tire purelîrmear ih Ca psy down aItVire saie a deoe n thetr prop~ortioin ai Tan Dollars for evary iuur-d Lasrofrthtie purciae monay ta tira Vaudoi's Solicitor, andth ie balance with eimoua manlir liereaiter, taeire laid inlo Courrt Iro tire aredit of tira abord cause, ilirout intareat, andI upan mach pay-, menrltirae purcîmeer salira antitief ta hïie cenîvayarîe andteCath. recipt nofCire rente rnird Profite. - lual ahi uîen respects thre tarrais antI cou. diliaris O! sala will ha tire standing CaOndi- lions o t tireCourt ai Chaucery. Furtirer -pactiarîlars ea ho e d tramý Gecorge Young Sinitir, Whitby. Dated 7tlî Novamber, 1877. , GEO. Il. DARTNIILL, G. YOU1AG SMITE, Master cI Wiritiy. Veruore Solitittr. 8in-46- Coal, Coal, Codl/ NEW COAL YARD AT PORIT WHITBY. TU iE u,,ndarsguad otie aie-rareceived irestant aud Strîve Coal, par rcirr. "~Mag- daia." Tiebraist tira Arnerira markeet attarde , wii they oflar far Crrmh, at tire LOÏPST LIVING PRICES. Take Chia epporteuity uni gaîtiuîg fitr-asa Caal, by lenving yeur orduers witi r M. J.H. LONqg Whity, or E. M. ARINOLD, Port Wbithy, et tiré offieuof lina late Charter Draper; a-t Oshrawa ordera may re-latni tire sîcClie o Mesors,.ÏACKIE, *, STENNETT. Orders lait -ritir tire slavonauneniparties wilh îc- ceive prompt attentian. Wae poly strict attention ta ibusiness ta buildup a large tcaite. Weigirt, 2,000 Ira. ta Iitn ton. N.13. Tirae ciroar 1'Magdalais a ept eioustently cliart-run hy the îîrrdersigued fer tla tIelivery fcri merh arîd coarrlat sap. irlieî. AGENTS -WANTE] EVERYWHERE foi, Samethlng [ntliely NEW# No anergetic ana eed ire withoi profitable and respectable empîcymer For particuhara rend stamp ta T. & R. WHITE, 46- MOKTREKi DECILEiI& -O'LEAIR", Butchers, - - Duffins' Oreei B EG TO NOTIFV THE PUBLIC ti they willirsave cauptsutly on han, îliet, ýLamb, Muttora, Vrai, Poelr- srrerrrgre, &c-, aifirha st quality, ai at.priccs ta suit tire timer. Acriis salle: ed. DEOKER & O'LEARV, Butcher Dadau' Crack, Nov 5, 77. îy.4 House ta Let. A COfOTABE WSTR -glod kitairen; quarter acre ai landI. Hon 1wall iishati. Corner o! Mary anti AsI streeta. Apply ta- MRS. DANFORD, 48-hi -On Cire promise * Invetad la tire Drswiag ai the Priza Distribution Company (Under Act ai Legiehalura ai Ky., tor tira banafit co hie City Seioa of tFrankfoart,) wiricir takes place in Cira clty oi LOUIS- IVILLE, Ky., iu Pubiio Liirrary Hall on iDec. Blet, 1877, nuay rocursaàir ash riral *or a part of I$60)0001, $'20,0OO,$10,OO0, r or an7; a the 6,681 Prizes, amauntiug ta $a 0.OCO. ]?arrners' & Droversr 1 laink, Louisville, Ky., Depasitory. DrawingPositively December 3LA~, or ManeyRtefunded. And underthe sae Mariagernelit ha se ahi y sud satiise. torily coaducted the SECOND Drswing o! the Kentucky Cash Distribution 09. Whole Tickets, $10.00; Hivas, 15.00; Quarters. 62.00 Far tickets, sadires (4. W. BARROW & Co., Geuerai Mdanagers, Courir- Journal Building, LoniviUe, Ry.,orTHOS. HAYES &Ce., Generai Agents, 607 Drealway. N. Y te» 5RND FOR AÀ CIltRULAlt.ffl TEXAMINATION ai CANDIDATES PUBLIC BCHQOL TEACHE 86' Secon d-Class Cert/flcateî, will ira heltI in tira TOWN oi WHITBY, cammaucîng MONDA '; 17Nhof DC'BR AT 1.80, P. M. IC ir indispeasairîs tht candidates siroad natiiiytire Ca. Inspactar aoC Isar tiran lime lotir Novamurer o! tireir intentian ta present tiremeelves lac exemination. - JAS. MaBRIEN, MyrtIe. I. P.. S., Ca. Ont, Oct. 28rd, 1877. .45 Port Wiritiry, Nor. 6, 1877. - 14 g nsV a td - - - AGENTS WANTED la tire Townshrips StTlUAYED- Prom Lac No. 5, tir Con. fAo i Pickering, Uxbridge, Port Perry, piçleariag, 2 Yerling Steel-s.nerîy ildacir, llrock, Scott, TirahRaiimas anti tire Brmrieur sud cubeur. They are ced Mmcm. Goni Ag-nttset al ttieDOMINION isitirwiiteIta pn4; w1rî wo lits lu leC ar esc:WASEING MACHINE. Bistmud abeape t anme iii thee md md tire other in ier sida machline ha ite orld. Retteil*piics, 0800 aoi esc Any persoirgivirig îlutnruutiunIî a Goûdd lucemeutt,, Carmait Ageuts. or thre iili le&at t irir iecoverY wllire îewarded. Towusip Eigaifor ual.. Foitermqaasd --WM. SipLER' Zmnsle P.O.particulars, acdre. 4or,~FAN M HARVEY,,*o~s &J~OWELL. i Jiou OA~~LOW OST. E r th next-'six weeks we will seli Double Reeds.with five stops; -Pouble Celeste Beede with six stops, Triple )Celesfe cRBeedà with six stops, snd other stylesj, all elegantly f4Inshedl Joid Waliu t Ce, 0 I an d witho uýt C i4 ù t v r LOW ~RIES I -Lower than, ever before offered- New"O5rgaû'ts fr om $75 an>> d upwards. SecQnd-hband, Meiodeons, at $25, ý$40, and $50 each. Cali and- examine Our instruments at the Organ Factory, Whitby, and -compare prices, before buying elsewhere. Whitby, Nov. l4th, 1877. THE MUDGE & YARWOOD M'FG.,CO. TH-IE ..GOLDEN LION lie J. id tan es, lY. D mt. k, lat id, .4 Le Dry G-oods, Silks, Velvets, Milinery, Mantles, Carpets, flouse Fu.ruishings, and other Goods 'Retail at- Wholesale Prices, being a reduction of Ten to Twenty per Ceut off Rogular Prices, -as for instance- Matelasse Dress Goods-Retail Price, 25c.-selling at 16c. Satin Pigures-Retail, 2c.-selli.ng for 15c. French Cashmeres-ail shades-Retail, 00e.-selling for 41c. OTER GOODS EQUALLY CHEAP.-THESE ARE NET CASH PRICES BY PIECE- OR YARD. (Hydrauia Elavator to tire Show Booms.) R. WALKER & SONS, Toronto, Nov. 12th, 1877. TOlCONTO, sud LONDON. n El 1:;?., -- l I :p ME:R, 75& 77- YONGE-ST., TORONTO. -000 50 Large Size Box Stovesl CLEARI NG OUT AT HALF-PRICE. A fresh lot of Canaries and Parrots just received. LAING & STEWART Having effeceted a settiement with the Insurance Companies, are now offe4npg -their entire STOCK 0F DRY GOODS, at prices that will astonish their ç>us- tomers. Corne and see their i-Black Lustres at 10 cents per yard, And th eii' Ail Wôool Mrinos, at 25 cents per yard. gi Remember the place, HIOPKINS' 4VUSIC HALL, Brook Street, Whitby. AT THE O'LD STAND1 - 000 Boots & 8h oesChýeaper than Ever I JO0H'N S'AJIND ERBS lias resumed lis business at the old stand (Chedluered Store), Brook-st.,- Whitby, where he if; 110W enabled to give good value to al -custonhers, old and new. His stock of BOOTS 'AND SHOES, is replete for Eall and Winter wearr and he is determl;ed -to seil off at the lowest profit. Call-and-S'ee lis Stock and Prices. ---i JOHN SAI QPD FELLOWS' HALWIB Who sBelle the cheapest mi Whitby ? - ALW IBY Who has the beet aesorted stock in town ? Who has the most varied stock iu towu,? Wokeepe a fine class of goods ? - idue he Who keeps the inediuin price do. ?: Wlio les slliug, ext&a,'cleap to idé h patronage of NwC t $i-i~~ seeking for thebeet 1houet ea ih E,. FROST, Odd Fellows' Hall, Whitby. Io there a Cheap Cash Dry Goode Store. lu Whitby? Yesl1 One. .,Vhere?-E." Frost. Odd Fellows' Hall. Io there a Que Price Store lu town'? Yes. Where? E.FROST, Odd Feillows' -Hall, Whitby. The tradesman who selse on credit is really c ombining two businesses, *tcfoey lender ana merehant. Edawara F.rost cannot afford on hie r5mralt Basis of Profi ' 'ewsin io arn ont accounts, dunning people to pay, ana losing the interest of inôuey that worl4 be- Iying dead lji account books. S o *e do not give eredit, tand can aford, tond do Sel. Che(e as ony house ii Ontaro Co,, A very nnm- portant item of profit with us is the Discount Allowed by ereditors,-by paying CGaal in"Thirty D adiscount eàual to 20 par cent. per aruni.n.l some cases the'discount saved: is our only profit. Retailersfi; because by' givingo-redit, they have to renew their notes, tand have to paV tal interest4or tha accommodation,. E. FRO8T, OddrFelows' Hall, WhiLby.ý 777 8 hOT IASILY EABNED 1IN tiatime, but lIercoiracrmade $ inu tirra y Sayha oon.0e $7 7ethar rex, lu auy partof tha country, wiraiwilingto work steadily ea heia mploymeut Chat we inruiru, $66 par week iluibntawCni. Yen nerd ira say hem home ovar uight. Yen cru give your wholr tiras tatira work, or ouly yanr spare maments. Wa have agents wha arr msking ovar 620 par day. Ail wha an- gaga et who engage at anarce n male -muey fart. At tire preseut time maney caurratire ruade soe rsily sud repidly at any airer business. Termesud 85 Outf t Froo 1 Addres at once H. HALLETT & CO., 41-yPortlnd, Maine.J BROOK-ST., MAJOR ILLS T. P. WHITIE HR rernaird cantrol of tira Major Mille sud is praparedti tapay THE HIGHEST PRICE! FOR ANT QUANTITY Wil M Ar, driivereda sttire Mill lu Whitavahe. Ha will arake overr effort te give entire satisfaction te has wio msy patranlze tire Mill with tirair GRI8TING. FLOUR AND FEED oh tire Beet Qaiity, sud ah Rearanabia Pricas, wiii alise ire kapt caustatly on irauf anaI fer raie. Whiteale, Oct. 10, 1877. 4 GEORGE BRITTON, PIÂCTIcÂLý VAIIiIA GE c&WA GON m ANUFACTURER ai tire Double antI Single Turu* Drill. Iprvm nt --WHI TBY Wa usr, Buggies, Siaigirs, courtsntly au Le»' Doueaon tire siortrat rnotice. _%m GRO. BRITTON, Brade Street,-------------Writby. Octaber 22, 1877. ly-44 F OR SALE,.- Tire Est irai!of!Lot No. 1, linCire Otir Concession o! Uxbridga, 100 acres. 70 acres leard; tirserbace hartiweod, cedar sud pie ; werl waterad * trame barn ; log barn; tramaerttables, witirfog hanse. Apply Ca tire proprlstar- WM. HARBEON. Kinsale P. O., Pickrering. Sept. 2lst, 1877. -2-4 T 0 RENT 1 Twe Firat-cîms Brick Haonses te Rent- Beven roamse acir; weli, fluirired; goad ceUl4 ni, a il ue.earycanvanience. - A ply to J. B3. POWELL. Wlrltiy Sept. Otr, 1877, 893 FARM. FOR SALE, BDEIN LtaN. 8, iStir Con. West Wil. about 60 Acres cherurd and in a god stahe ai aultiratian ; balance irail timirid wiCh hsrdwaod. Brick hanse. -Largeneswfrae barn sud stablie, wlth pieuty ai hsrd sud saft water, Airant foaraciersaioaarahard witir ohelce fruit Cres. 8q11, day loam. Possession oaira arrangod -ta sait pur. cirer. Far par-ticulaim addres- JWPOWELL Peakili or F. W. 'POWELL , Breolhin. Octabor 18, '77. - 4 TRY THEB DOMINION -l on trial iree ah chargesaud le he boat sud Càrepet Wa#sbiug Xcuei h m lest. Rtt pie, #5.0D. Firt t rlze at tire lt<lntanIPiakeringXal Shows. F. M. HARBY, Agent. l"~ aGENT POR COMHEER'Q -JAME SHEA Hlas miiel pleasure inù announcing to his, customers and the publiei geucral, that ho has pur- chased the stock and business of Messrs. Griflin & Gargan. Having secured the stock atathe xate of< 50 Cts. IN THE ]YOLLARE, We are prepared to give our old fiends and customefs the benefit of the sane. Just to hanid, and daily arriving, tions of a large cash puýûhase (to 1111 up) of por- t"Newv and Faishiontable Fait1 Goodis, so as to make every department com- plete and attractive. 0.re88 Gooc8in laGreat Abundance, New Cashmeres, New Lustres,- New Winceys, New Fla nnels, New Linens and Toweliugs, New Hlosiery, New Gloves, New ]Ribbons, New Timming,-s, New Sliawls, New Clouds, And a large assortment of Fancy Goods New Cloths .aiid Tweeds, New Hlats and Caps, A LAIRGE ASSýIRTMEMT 0F -Men's Overçoats and Pea Jackets, JUST ARRIVED; ALSO A GENERAL - Supply of Pants, Vests and Coats. WE ARE NOW OPJ4NING U2 ?A rMamrnoth Stock of Boots and Shoes, which we are marking at a spa1I advauce ou cost. Also0 some special bargains in NEW TEAS, and a general stock of GROCERIES. Cail aud examine, as this bs a grand opportunity for cash buying customers.. JWýThe old stand, King st. West. Oshawa, Oct. Sîe6t, 1877. cLAMES SIIEA. OUI 0F THE FIRE -1 lias commenced business in the premises, corner Dundas tond Byron-sts.,.(OPPOSITE THlE POST OFFICFI,) wliiere'is now pre- ptored to suipply lus old customers withi I i.E. GIBBS5 at the lowcst prices. - HMs old frionde tond cnistomers are iîwvitéd to give Sept. 26,18è77. (tf:40) Osirava, Ont. 'Tj1HE mB EXA MI The next Exautia wfiu Titesday , a 1111e Êd 1217 D The INTERMEi :armancoing Moud t .-1 a'cvlar, p. a ai lns c tbe whitby, Part'uy& As .Uc eairous et sattéudin5 the WbÃŽtby 'Elgh Schaol, MrrY 110W abtsm Besson Tiakets atr greatly redncedl ratvs. an appliaieni te thre hliuager, Jaq. Holden, Esq., Whitbitudn- for Ch. proecutian ai Cheir sudios maiter schoal raitil thre departure ai1Cthe evening train. - OO. Hà. ROBI.NSON B.A., 45.6iu HUadMaster. Sheep Strayed. SiTIIAYED on thb.premises oi the ruli- sariber,lat 2 & , Sur oo.oflaker.ng, ra time in Julây, teh .Tire owner c-An have thre sae by proving propertyý PeYing axpenses, sud trkiug them awsl. JNO. RD WIN SELDON, Oct. 27, "77. -(Sin.45) Kinse1oP.o. Ini ceriequcace- ai the lors e have ire-- cemtly austained by fiae, w-tIrequira ail our outstandiug clainme,whether ln notes or booke accauntsp aid as soon as passible. Wewauld tharefara say teaour cinstirmerN (hviug accounits unsrttled) traC wr -vil] trUie it as a favar, Chair- calling â-a nouetling tliam np at an esrly ay. Wa aIea raquent thara who purcheseal geode at oui store (on crndit), on Meaday last tira 101h imet., (tira day ot the tir) tu keap memorandums cifCJie quantity so pur- cluased, as Cira blotter-of cauntar-booke- fer thet d ay was barritanad we have ne reliable rv !ftfmaing Ont-tire exact quentity raId. Wo trust tiret our patrons will tale lute ceusideration tire cirumatancar uxaler wiricir ba abova appel lemaode andtI hat Chiy Winl net Chiale us unresonable lu cr11- irrg an tirna at Chia Clie for irumediate sea. ilmet of allmatured dama. Ofica, et prenant; frant parte!ci hat accu- pied by Mr. Ormiston, Solicitor, -&c-, &Ic., in- Mclillmr'a black, partly apposite tire Ontario IBank. THOS. LÂWLER &CO. Wiritby, Oct. 201h, 1877. I) Greatcirancetoaralrmaaay G L wanaed a arsar inmevery 'Caita C r t 8subseriptians fnrtha l ,recbeapast au bot ]Justad 1 amy puicatinlutr warld. Any Onau iibecome asuscceantul agent. Thea marC rlegapt works e! art givon frêa ta ubEecribers. Tha priceilesolewtirat aimait avr.rybady subscribes - Oua agent reparte meleung ovar 8160 lu one wee. A lady agent -reparte Cakiag -over .400 smb- acribersi enlu andya. Ail Who engage make moaay fast. Yan con davote-ail your turne th the businera, fgr anly yonr, spare ime. Yan nerd not ibe away tram ihome ovar nigirt. Vonuoade it as vwonas athera. Ful prrticulers, tdirections-a a tfra.Rie- geut ana expansive Outà r ir. iyu want poablewak end us yursdrsai once. It cens nothing te Cry tha business. No one Who ages fils temkeMat py Partlazd, Min,ý STO NE BROS., T)EG te inform their cuafamera thiat the JJlutbar.uainesa Iately carrird on by tireni ou Brook Street, irasbren rxemovid te fthair New.' Shap, CrW uext REay'shatel, an iJuidas Street. STNE BlOS., Buitchers. lWhritb)y, Oct. 29t1r, 1877.Sn4 ONTARIO BANK. DIVIEI<ND) NO. 41. NOTICE lihrrygive Chatsà DiviMenti INiofFOUR PR tCENZ . pan Ch. capital stock eftChie institution hem tha day been declarcd for the curraut yar, sud Chat tira raine wil be payableaat the Bank asnd its Blranchresoan d mter Saturday, tIhe Firs t of Pecember next. Tira Transiar Bokls wMilbcacloaca frein the 1111h ta tira lOtI November, bath days iaclurive. ý Bylycder - ONARIOaB.ri.a, GeneralMSrager. Terarito.f 201h Octohiar, 1877. .45 Farmi to Rent. TmEE FAUM Intely cagupird by Mr. N. iB , Ldt 26, 8rd cen., Wbitiry. Cou- tains 111 acres-16O ecareil, snd under cultivatian.-Good Housan er d iruligs, large Orchard, ka. -Rligibly situmted, ira- m a eaul. L. ALLIN, October 22, 1877. [tf.44] Dundsest.* (opposite the Poest Office), Whitby. G OJJD S MIT H'S HA L L- In announcing the arrivai of lis Fal Stock, the uudersigued would cail attention particularly to the LOW FRICES at which FIRST-CLA$S. GOODS are- 110W being offereéd. WA1%'ANTED GOLD WA TOHES, frorn $35, Flue (bold Ohaisà, Engliali make, unusually pretty patterns. SIGNET RINGS, GEM ýRINGS, KEEPER RINGS, 18 Kt. WEDDING RINGS. Charme, Studs, &c., &c.;, Silver ýWatches and -Chains, Colored and Brightt Gold:Sette, Broophes, Ear Drops, Lockets, &c. A largely lncreasQ4 stock of INDIGESTION. Chronie indigerlicon almost imvsribly affects the siner d jIlade, - urine, whieb, a-rbeing analy edJin d taobe oda wrth oalte aiflio. Indi',idua.Iaina this uuhappy condition-stand in great sud urgent nedofithe Phsfaoua. One ortwav ar a dazen dases ai Phéooone may noiicire them;- but if they persevere in t4dngit a favor4ble r«euU-is icreviia-ble. SoId by a&U ~Druggits, sud piepared in the Laboatory of tha Plropriators, Nes. 41 and 43 St. Jean' Baptiste streat, Mantreal. .4 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERlRY, f LhASGOW, "ELECTRO-PLATE Cruete,, Piekie Framee, Cake Baskets,_ 1>5. Parties ludebte R. WALKE1I & SONS IAVING deeided to devoie their' attention more exclu- LLsivelýc to the RETAIL Brtonch"of their Extensive Business, tond wantiug to do as mucli business Retail ar thiey have doue Wholesale and Retail together, they have made the PRICOS RIGHIT ail througli the STORE, and are now SELLING THE WHOLESAIE STOCK NEW YORK MACHINES. PYOU WANT TO BUV A FIRST-CLASS SEWING MACHINE, ATTACHMENTS, NEEDLES, THREAD, &c., FISHINO TACICLE, RODS, ETC., -cALL ON- L. FAIRBAN KS, -AT ]MIS- Sewing Machine Emnporium, 1 MIM 1 m a I... MAJOR M-ILLS.1 li ii-I ilq- 1 - l ý and ý 1

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