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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1877, p. 4

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sSa of $200 uPi awavds, at 7 p& cent. Psybl àfyeanly - Apy GUO. S. HALLEN, Salleltor &o. April l7tls, 1877. 17~a.V r ST4] asagoon a se. -- whio, 115 tothe sons. $?y *ltbldg hun ! ccxi, a5 sappy userIn tiret elobein a worhdi ta both thsaîr lanâslsip ýanoitsy. ; for tisey mat on op fire.'D,1se, andth ie ghé learned brother," Basia t. th. vlnulow, "turn, ng thse aost surprise or ant ix1h tbt i rssia a upon tv o ievisat1 ýorbe vinoisgaze Irons rmi at tise wndow?" judoe (Bdshei'as ns -sueh a naîsurai manner rb th Ilad siaiofghoet t dome My noble andilha Ink of tisas, joues fatu le fiait udge., Jbkes, Hotinge," a 01eps. mighé É mur sutider.e1, Anti but for ed * inaltishe wlndow Id almoot bellae .tisa gh ver. dof$ug onn r eosnlng te, enare Drmt tiseir habitation. WJ thi ilgisI, >UtIve miew surae. aile tise le t . isa Mt 'Ab "V'eaousuet th iselret jusigs, vith il nibtlions slsîu-"1ais 1 soea o eully twa or titros sutintianal year bave seivenl e o. I cm ot diaceru ltaI debaet oliia mullion mnder fle uppenlgisis. BÙut aeinoîly, I almoeh tiink I deteol e danjearoùm gisans lu thiase wild cyes. In fshort, sitn pyolretums, Pomeroy, an(]ocame-over bhe quicky/' Cra.sI 1camue tleis1rgsnnts 1a brge-siseuo f glass, flying-aIimotnd aise satn ORsseha plungetienrome tise boortil. 41ug wiliî prealpilate spooti. Anti a tise ste moment Ilsefrat jutiga peaier ltsé bell nI bis igilisnti. Au avfol faec appoamei aI lise liraS. ena windtow. 111 i ilfP" whispeneti a voice cisarg' oti vils anguleis. "Sa80Itl seenise, oy .cecoutrie yonngz friand. Pmay he ie sni, or pou vwili agi- tata tis e naves of My learnet braiser. -Ho yoen til i Did ti s?" * "%VlisaI 1 iiqeetitaIagouimeti vnice. "WiîaàtI A jotige Icîl thse priqouer bo eouvic hiu self' of anumdom 1" Thsen tise voies rose tu'a itomit, gratingilaugli, "Ha 1 Hm I1 Fisjustiiia 1I dId it i1i TIisentlite lpamitirsu vassialieti vils pea1fle o! ijîter. The pipse of jsîlîcs va isesil poileti alréody. Sholmntly afler bmalfasti nu -hie next - soning the ehieriff wailed upon tise 4sîdgss lf hise mbîozoncd coach dtlawn h7 fourcapamisaneti eteis. Tise oear- mzon and tlisejavoliu.men oaracoleui timourditi, anilIthe trmsmpeteme bmow sortio lery romarisalle bisets. A uum- eî'-oueemrowd o! Uitile boyasanudgicle îireov near, aniltiii p vocifeoios dîers os tise jutiges neceetdtrilte carrnage As the pîtîcoselout wetîded i s low, lignil'srd wity towari tise eatledmai, whemoIln esze raeporsly isaîlger. alesi byahs sot f worslîip, tise shesifi toi lnitejuages isr'»nterssting toryof or port. P ortise rosI: At alat iIosîr sutise Irevietse-eveuîug s Innallioiesoapeti -froint rvais estalsbishmsent at Wynd- liais, matis his wsy ta tise ily ou foot, auti deliveceti -Iimoel! ta he police, elissging Iinsesif eitis a murder for whioiistise cagistcatea hati Already tomuitleti au innontul man. At firaI hie stocy %vas diaselievot. *BtIls.h towo.clerk hsaspeued, during Ibis elloquy, ta cali at tise speinlsnslent's ofiles witis two otisen gentlemen, lisa corne with evimence h.,o dentandtIis arrest ta b. mide. Thein evirience was uni conclusive, bût the young oman vas insane enougis tu supplemeul fortisent, "la.peculiokrity titipan noties a'bout tise victim'a forejseitd eah lu.s quetgnhlme?" so ekei.Alfour Who hati been presecu, meutionedti Iat tise assasein had appame ntly' ont off a tit o liait or p ecubiar forelock front tise murdereti man's bruw. '"ntihere lu is," lhs pon Innatlo ne plied, pmatiucicg lise lîentical lock, âwass serecoguizeti by ail. lsiesati stisved il for hie owu conviction. TiIsuni1 cammilti I Nnsel Bravat ftc, antistIl cîitig topies Blutilhen, ini Gae) rni iy fur Is i t liefore Dr alliansce, hp anti Brevetq bu m nustrc caiefsshy lif andti isaach, fied Ibat ssa lite famsiiy bl formsation of bnîitivas s insulemnatIbo, àvortaseket-l va tbînk itl h -cosiseioln visak terril broodat inluN p9-hou Msnt,I Sa lth tili tuai balistt, Duritsige.a- e3tudunt bIne thication oui Youjsais tise A littie ha; tise then tiay kieket a ibot tail. Âs n lsltnt futitony *vs a penny pape -. aalng ietd canes,lvs Pm ...hittk tisop os for thse twans It l a af. &M nlyalwisod - --poelry. He sise msiuruet I'Nov Ila TH E WlINDSO0 (Car. Kinsg sud York.oss> NOWýOPEN. 12 on PEU.-D. Fres omnibus te antiirons afltrain-., bis andI sppolntmen-irtclans. SOULLBY 5e INNIGAN 5.lyProprletoi R. IAY. Ta. 'ns, T BF PFEUS TO BE TAKEN B COSTABLES. (UdrOdria Couucil, daea 21it day 2. Anneet-ol saludividual upoun warrsnt.................... $1 bu 2. Servlngeummous or susoei...O25 8: MileRge te serve ssuusimons, euh. psns or warrant.... ........O. 10 4. MýIleege wissneervice ccuu et be u pon Proot nf due drllilgee.... oIlu1 . I cageltaklng drionuers te gani, exclusive ni diehurseseents nec. essanly expeudef inlutbel.r0con- kt y 0.. ............... ....0 10 <I.Alteîud ,g Juelicefi on sommas-y taist o ir exsînnatlon ni pli. eone'scisargeti wilh crime, for escisa y ecemsariiy employeti in onue onore cosesa, visonest enigagen more titan four houri.., 10 7. Dfo. d16. vissa engaged more tissu four isous..................1 5o 8. Attostdiug Assises or Ses sionus, euch daty-.................. 1 50 9. Milpage traveling te attend As,- sizes, Sealone, or befome Juitices (wissn public couve y sucse au ha raken, onny rnisosiable titeburses mente to be allowed.)......O0 1( 10. sumnniug Jury fur Coroners' luiquest, iuîluuiug attending aI iisîneet, tanti al services in'ris- puct theneot, itfscîti on saine day ae Jury ieunsmeed ...........) 0 1.Atteuding eoris adjessrurneiit thoeol, ifnItengagîtimore four lueurs ....................10 12. Do. dit, if engrgcd sue-tlan -four houri .................1 5( 1l. Servinsg sommons oonubpiula to atelusîl Ieinre Coroner (sibjeit No. 10)1...................() 2 1-i Mleage servtug same..........0 10 i5:. Exlsîsming hodly under Coronerst warrant ............ ...... ... 2 (0 l16. Re.brryiug came .............. 2 00 17. Serviîsg distrese wvarrnt, sud ne- t.urin Haout............ i8. -Aivertleing isSan itres war- rant ....................... 1 50 19. Travelling t oultek- disîreso, or te sns Ih on gonds te maire dis. treon, wloou no gonds are funti.. () 1( 20. Aî.jîaisernente, whther bycl or icone, 2 cents inthliedolr oithlie Veglue ni goosîs 21. Catîsmogue sale surd commission sud deiiery ni gooa, ô ts. in tise $-on nel produre of goode. 22.' Exeîutiugsssnrch warrant.... 1 50 23. Serving notices ou couestabies, wîuen ýeûaly served.O 1..0 Publunhed by order, >86 FuilStoc ofCasket 'q Coffisand ail the neoesRa.ries linu-this lune. Alo A WELL-APPOINTED HIEAIRSE. Whitby, October lOth, ý1877., A LEfd»A«1- 4 -q L2 #:2 3 Car Loads Coal Oil .for Sale Woles, le.-Lowest figures..1 WHITE COAL OIL.----4 Imperial Gallons, $1, cash ; or 30 cents single gallon.1 - J.The Largest Stock-ofe Shelf and .Heavy Hardware in the County. STOVES.-Best Cooking and fieat-1 ing ; Choice Patterns at.1 HATCH &BR FOR WELL-FITTINQ,- CHEAP, AND GOOD -000- BERT AMEIRICATN RUBBER GOODS ON HAND' Gents' Cal! Boots anti Shocs, tlise inest ansd isost durable mode in tl country. r:.ý' Ladies' supenior gonds in Fnunella, xiti and ti a specialiiîp When turability anti cieopuesa are mqiireti, osllon OLD No. 1. Large Arrivais! Cheap for Cash! WM. BURNS. Whiby, Sept. 4tiî, 1877. 23-121 o I. ho int i. I r'. FAIR COMPETITION WITHOUT PROTCETIOI' MR. JOIIN FEIRGIJSON IS NOW IN TRE ?IÂRKET WITH lITS FA.LL & Wl FEI~ G-OODS J. E. FAREWELL, Clint niflise Pesos, O. O. 22 c 1,0 . Ik.0C3 H OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OU TO LET. A goôd Frarne torey;aiid.a-half bouse, 22 m 28 and litrhcn, together wvith bal an acre dI land, well planted witli fruit tree, situatedl on Raglan-street, wet part oi the towu of Wljitby, off Diiudasestrfset. There lo alea a gond stable. Thêre ie a gpoil welI and ptinp, and the fruit ien o the cheicest kind. Possession lIrNt Novermber. Apply te MR. RICHARD SON, on the penes or to the Proprietor. WM. TÂiT . s.tf Greenweood. THE (>AAIAVflIAAI AiD> înOil Whicli for quaflit'v fand price -will be foiiiun uuirpass*edl. t RTING HOIISEX.EEP] AT BOTTOM LIINDAS STrlEE^T, PRICE-S3. WIIITBYý ean offer them very 1, <eaxter~s For .Dyi3pepsia, Sio IN Bol GILES' LINIMJ Whitby, Auguat 15th, 1877. 55 &Qe ENT IODIDB 0F -AMMONIA. S"W.' B. SMITH &'Oo. S4 OFFICE» OF, THE BROWN dPTESNM'.Ci WIIIrrB-Y-, ON~PA~RIO -.000.--- In presenting oun Twenty.aeeoad Annual Cataogue of 44çncaltralInampte. monts la lise farmere of Canada for tise pai 1877, vs"do. 80 vils more tisa tise ordiusmy degree' o! priti ansd confidence, froua tise usiketi favosir anti patronsage conferreti upoîs Il, antithe eteatiy oanti à deapgtimantýi ýouLye« tapa'c our now celebrateti Paru> Implexuete. ý- i ,1rý ,; W. shall continue as heretafove, as manufacturera, te mais. a speilty of Agieultunal Maohinery-tise Johastan Seif-naidng Reapee, tise Triumph Con>. bineti Rear anti Mowar, tise Cayuga Moyen, tisa Young Canada Mowar, anti oun new Whlby Harveeter, olaimusag a large ahane,,o our lime sud attention. For tise Itet Twenty.tva yeara va have given aur most cevol nti undiviti. eti attention ta tise manufacture andtioenation of tise varions machines in use, aifing ont lise boat pointa, remetiying defeotq, moàiufying anti oorrecting eena, strengtheaing weak pointa, sdaptlng 'anti pnoporlloning evary part as our increas- eti expenienne a@ as uggesteti. W. employ only tise best mechanical shil, anti our machines paso under thsa moot oceful isnpsrvmeion anti acntiny-evenydetiil.being aubjactedt'th ie sevar- est critientm-anti eaoh machine la thononghly teseld befone leasing ans, wonioe, te prova tisa coroplatenes a!every part, andti teisneo n tifficully lu putting theot in opemation by any persan o!fenoderato mechanical ability. Our nsaobinery issbu enselecteti anti constrnoteti vilsa aspacial refèencie ta tise manufacture o! aur cova mschine-ntsny tlacis having beau maods for iluis panlionlar purpose, .and nol adaptent for othon worlc, anti aur vorismen ivn adn. cated np ta thea vante anti seqns±ementsoontarmsnufsclure-obtaùsing a. thon. ougia knowicdge of tise construction of our machines, suid are thuse nablid est ob.-ý tain a higisen degnee of ekill anti proficieucy thian visera general mianufacturing We are therefome enabledti ctrotisce aMMrsperfect syOtfnM into a h ie de- i uarîmnente of manufacture, adding not only to-tisa Perfection of tise vonk, but al- an o lise raidity o! ils exeouion-anti a conosequent nedtiton of cnet. Thie prsuciple la negartietinecesary in a vel regulateti estaishiment,,-anti va essobledte taInu ot our machinas vith a higisen degres o! perfection, anti at pnices se loy s aisaolely la defp censpetition. THE OHNTONSEL F-RAKING REAPER machine visa have adisered*tthe lad original Johuaton-matchine, vithout icaap- iug up ta tise inapmvemanta ; tisaI justice ta ounselves anti patrona requins o! ne; ho slaIe tisaI we hava modifisti il in almoet every eseential part, andi for streaglli anti turabiity, quality osf ont, i eveny hinti sud condition o! grain ; Jigîtueis o! draht antieuse of managament-ire "Jahuaton," sa mauufactnreti by ne-stands pe.emiuently aiseati o! ail othen neapers. In proof o! tis position va have oniy te point ta tise màsny Final Pnizesaswartr-d us-at tise laut Provincial triai of On. tario, anti many -couuîy trials wisichî hava taken place al aven Canada, yithiu the Iasu ew yeame. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, vils laIe improvamonîs, ie sîl tisaIcanuise desire inw s Combinati Machine, anti Our Improved Cayuga Chief Jr, and aur Young Canada Mowerq are bath firat-class machines- cansîiîutet almoal vholly of! mon anti Steel. Tisa Ospuga Jr. has a near cut, andthie Young Canada s front Cul ; bothsetrong, dur. ablhe machine., anti not excelied by aup machines iiiliste marit for quality o! cut, dumabiliîy, ligituesa o! draft, adaptability, anti ease of management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER." As tise country lias becorne boîter adapledti t machinas-y,. anti many ofof a int. ens have becorne siilleti in lise use of machines, a gsning tiemanti bs prng up for a Liglul, Durable, Finel-Clas Besper.f Alive ta tise requirmeneteo! tise day, vs have a fceeded lu inventing a nia. chine wilb o Wrongisî mon Fraxue, vils tise least pisaible gearing-viîis lange, broad- foced i ve wehel,-and so construaleti tisaIth, frame anti table tilt aI the carne lime, lbemeby kespiag lise pilman alvaye i4 lin. - vils lise knife. Tise nakes ane driven direcîhp froua tise main saft-txena ieing no perceptible aide draft, anti no veigial upon lise hanses necki. We are -confident tisaI vs have succecded lu inveuting tise moat perlent Beapen, taking il in aIl ils parle, tisaI lias sver been produceti. We have appliati for leluens paIent, anti ishalti ad ur invention, for aur ovn exclusive manufactura, anti vo respectfuiiy suggeaî 10 in- Iending purohasera, tisaI thep should osee liis machine before giviosg tisein ortiers for tise coorng iarvest. The 'Whitby Hinvester" veiglma, al bld, 600 pauntis, bul being-rnate principally o!flise iest qualitp o! iran anti steel, anti fs-on>ils in- -genions unad compact construction, il combines tiese treuglis andi dus-ubiiilpo! tise beavier maohines. Ail of our machines are fnllp vnrnanted. Withis i hI o! machinas, vs feel confident tisaI vs eau meel avany ne. quirensent. anti va reepeatfnlip aalicit a trial ni aur mueisines, believing tisaI vd con furniala o botter miachsine for tisemney tissu eau be obtainetiseviswere. Respectfully Yonrrf, Litby, Ontario, February, 1877. 'I Go7 S1 ONABLE yo a e e-iTAIL OGRIeNU -n etrînnalo youq man was /1 l/1III 1V/Y1A1IN UAI O I 5 and 77 Yon4eL Street, /irst Door [rom King Street, Toronto, Tailoring Establishment of fr life ta a s rson-aeylum. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF ' " " (OAei [er grneod torribly over bis-o:--.. G O E e.ty. 11l feele tIsaI lie wae ini some GHL R NECRR A E ,U Ei OR GCUTIGU SHE STHA W. K blaino for telhso n toex. Thte Canladian VLas - Muirliiie ieauau eta. 0H1LDRENYS (A IA iSPRO UTN HP S TE W R 1lu hs tua siorli tener. edas -aseakn b -hich ats isin . ERGRTRFLES ADCOE Mm Nsi(mmci uned masc as-iknaîs latrate il leRFIEAO ,FLESAN OLRA Lasrge Stock of Fine ClQIhs ; best English, Scotch and Canadian a rNoel (fole rmere ero iotele, cliurclîe4, ew ë l s r builditngs of Saileo, BalIs, Woûdenwaro, Rodirere' Cutley, Cosasines, Hardware, Coal Tweeds. 0::)- Excellent Overcoatings and Splendid Vest Patterns. A sushm i tteeleee ny kind, stuateil lu the country, or be. 011, Stovcs, ClotbbsWriugerts, Lampa, &o &. good fit Gisorasîteed. lie error.* yond tbe reach ni coal.gîse mains ni citles, .GOG ULV eGalienscouseutefl ta thema-y bc suIpplieti wsit a saîr sud clieap gis Bird-Cages3, iu Orcot Variety; Canuaries, ilu0GondSoiug, ta.iO each ;Mdciclig i l, Par. GSORGEt, Oahaws. uebl alte orery . rots, Tiscushes, snd Dilrde ni ail varitirs Fett y exprese to auy addrese. tiKn ors -except Nocîtogtlion îlotmaablenes ge oir of ordrr, sreuir e.oLârgest Stock of Houss Furniebings in thse City. _ .KngSre, saa susly h hooei .lookied nskilu manage, are md nid ua san.= - WLIOLESALE AND RETAIL.N I W S JA T IO N E R Y Io tiseir faiîy Irois, mrot UJal anti durable ruonuer. Tlîey occnpyN E W S T A T 10 N E B Y sud dolaret i isiel salis. lle space, erp set up at smaiU expensea ______________ taluit of iusauity bxistedj in sud irce ¶ujaly adapteti for lifliug the lana, sud tîsat theo nef'ctive 'orgeat 1111U, iactery, îpublic building, or tise WilanBeser'malleet dilliug, are n new or untried -AND-C i~ ~ r an Wiliam reweer'stlilng, but hive bren lu constant aud suc-Ne.7~ P'Ji orely" attributable ho tise ceseful use lu ail parts ofthlie coîsntry, both I G awcrs of concept'jeu hing ilnter sud summer, for years. BO TR ' witii Iwiue. Ne'e Theesses»yinmade by lianes machinesa le 0 KS T hialy piobable that if hie 1811Y'nw as carbureted ar gag, boin .A0iEEPRS N OTEA E.QFC es aId gentleman Iîad been Ïrgh fam, uly qua A TEaXPES LD MNTE' TLs flC, ROCK-.T hur niernsthougiste, te tisaI produced d .coal gan, in co uductefi51IT0 r- H le risappreliensions, ledtI Irougis pIpesand arnamuetai fixtures, roe mind dlnrnog is s un-rithî ltesaune couvenience sud salety. 0 I lio wouid have regsrddafre i. ssed lunthe preres u mauuiltre lothnug a d Gent's Furishing ilouse os as deficient o! iutelic. tise saute rates as tbh ogags was nsedl. I 1Wsplied witn al tenws tlso nls, ereYl est unuc thatli lasreopne Lnieppîneta cssstig e i riioadfeti ggco l aistou, Sctc, nd- is Stationery and ]Book Store ini Whitby, where stalionery of ail Iinds, ispdpene ta ntutie Tcie ost cf Ibis gif origll, acqfna le , ndCanadiau Cloths of ail kinds , the of tihe best quality, willbc hept on hand ; also Sohool Books of evevy ca tafaus. oedollar sud îty cents teîwo dls Lret and Best Stock they ever hadï description, (Jopy Books, Siates, Peneils, Inks, &c., &c., at the lowest belgaotoehLfterc t ceai gag. p~s The niateriai front h eh ga ua made yaneclntsoko à exauilsation -a wediieal Our machinls e knitis<tw made asAlso a xeln tc fGenîts' Fîîrnishings, al Saiei"Wiîen dace mor. gasolîne, a5 iglhl, volaile of pîtroeru. niv A slenodidl stock of Rcadly-miado Overcoate, Clieap for Cash. The IDaiIy and Weekly Papiers always on hand.. Sub- sue 2" lc ropliti, "~VEn timales giveilsfor ligliitiig aisi blcatiugMnLq' RO erpiseSlcîd louestinu9anti roweed , uildings. M ILNSBLOCK; ROKSTREE Tl WHITJ3Y. citosSlied flaîli, Watcr Closetsi, î'Iimps, Garden Musical Instruments, including a fine assortment of y waiittoijie ~ FountainB; flubber -Hs,Ga k'xter:el ___________________i____________ hYwntt i fth:tr cyn rne-n rsaec Violine. Orders ave taken for Periodicals, Magazines; and Musie. e thât hati s epler n iii a -Solo Manufactusrere. W M .' B Y A 'SGEO YULE. Plomnbers, tise sud Steamn Fittere, Whitby, Dec. l8th, 1876. 5 aun, ta whasn anme Wonder. 158 York Streel,. Torouto.tn rTI QU DA J TT1 te la on tise- authos'lty of 4ugî tis, 1877. ti-83ST VE QL /I A J IIY III .i± L e .&. or, deoline ta hobelieveit, -- - -------- I7AND, 71/I. SH, . A fstmsted al ho a sw ino LANOS -L L laS." -1WIty eboalt n A NDS FOR SALE 1 I eheap paperp," holiras 11;s'uc ---000--- an ae auo her ?II "De. Townshlp o oeril CABINET FACTORY AND ho ready answer, 'II da' f o want a stove, call and'see alag stock and great 0f Somerve o'eakeheIfrnyouOlargeOFFURN ITURE WAREROOMS 1 n. afodt1 pa it nu O Y0 VICTORIA. variety, having al the imodern s iusprovrnet.î 3o! the age. ý.ast.ton a a Ninthi sliýe&The ololeing lands ntise townsusîp T E CROVVN J EWEL" Seif-feeder, witli or THILn ~Ts1 UT~ ;ndt as<ei itifii ilkc Srvio Cgalat-itrl reofeewithont Ovon attached, la tho ncwcîît anti bost stove in tIse iliarlidt. masl,e, (if-arv; ttan er hesale- t 't , n he 13îîtîsconnes.- & ainbultMY lrestock of stovcio for Oasis, I anmdeterinin. t- ... L I ,il, 1 81011~sIe, cOnigting nt 100Acrmes. Fifteen acres esi ta aelu very cbeoèp, aud amn satiefieti I cous pléýs i-ue î tom)rabothso in qusal.n otfa t b -ire hi udmn-ta crosses tse lot, unoihj W0tna t n rc.Cm n nietten ae n making selections of good funiture. the n1(e dan0o1, A"cae sud rondet. î resety li an ti p a Cornudie nepE atogoft tisens. pleased in <i ruanos bat hasteaci cf Ihis.only ). iaà mile irons a railwsrstation on ptu *înszdIasEv'toîgî o uysz,îihIot Splendid Parlour, Drawing Boom and Bedroom Sets, - 'v - this' cInda Rsilway, anud 8 oi ro h Vlluahg 1 nesson, canai t'- GlvanigenlI mon le îhe Ist-fror valcys foi' goofs cof buildings.i esgNew Designs weil wothy «of inspection. at astonishing low prices. Dine te niastioate ap ues of ci 200 acret. The ladtile weil tinth:2ey more durable, ant iyl' cot expanti sndi break by the beat sud tihe son, lise zinc. omEtninTbc-avr ueiratce m ieknfesu frk By.harleg on Ita lot ni iraluable cedar. A Stove Pie n Ê b'- oudnsqrei great unies Ail Gilt Comnices, Piclure Framing in every style. Soine fine ChromoF anngs traditnf s a nd e557 r-nilistg stmesm of watcrrmagtirouli'ipen&n Ellowe-oun squreor qsale.es stranln.~ radtios ate tie¶, wiilabut nne.aod.a.ial mJa i2de of Tînware ,c stock, a ansy article ruade 15 order. tit'Egaîg o ae MY Youlie, MY Bnae 'f Iroin a railwey station on tise VictorialsBai.loIno-ae~l~ snin ab asa rr taogadha~~n.« 1 o! lloy W5. en~~~1g11 Wt.k~iuOld Stovesor Cast Ironiýot on1:4nen RageNrs~. AG il, c aup brls veuIf ta l'ut Ninuaunt, wfll ebew lise pnaperty, o Raprn4 ~ "eEir, Botter anti Eggu, Waol -e. alisbace;fseaefiy upid tko lgn akt ou roàsied o' r oi.' Fo'r TermeaifSale, apply te- dtai aa. OlIStaund, on thse e lsbaes ,, nieral to ysuit ietouiAersaud ofell aont sec -ils, WALRER, o- - s lways, on hand, tne osiOuomr;aaaw pona 0 bp dolpg IjudIs, or MorayP. . o ol a, rq t: ~~rAdies iNa4ts 1tbg re ppqr M1.X , L - 4tho44# ?90j 0 77. J.HIC minIlu' Qetober, 1877. I B 3. R. H0 IV. FORON -Ot gar sale or ta (laret ondf. $1.50 per gai.; Molson's Ale' and t'&rtbr on draft, -60 'ets . per gallo n,; ,Pure unrtuaTi Grape Wixie, $1.50 par- gai Belfast Gklnger Ale, Plain Seoda, etzrWa.ter. OLARETS, IN' CASE-:oreiguy Crai &File Prenes' st. Julien, 'Motic, Zrgu. KEr Ordinaire Ciaret, VIN EGAR: Bangus Mal, French Wisite Win,, Crysta Pickling, &oc., &oc. Garria gos; Sleigh8 and Guttet, M. O'DO0NO0V AN'S_ CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITB' VERY CIHEA?. CALL & SEE THEM. JJST A1IRIVED AND FOR- SAIL WHITB CHIAT TE SO A choice lot of Green and Black Teas, that cannot he bg in thie Dominion, botli for quality and cheapness, pr from 50 to 80 cents par pound. Cusofs from 5 to[40 cens.r ouhiend rfr 1 ugsof alniakindg s o, :F-White Sgrfor$1 A uIassortmeiit of Choice Family Groceries,-ofE MAPLE MOLASSES $1 25 PER GALLOI House and Garden Flower Plants. Green Vegetabi in their seaeo n. tIe FRESH TOMATOES JUST RECEIYED. .A.fuil assortment of China, Glass and* Crookery War Te&. Dinner, and Toilet Sets on hand and for sale cheap. Ail kinds of Field and Garden Seede, Olover ana Tim, thy Seed, &o.__Trn* Seeds of ail kinds, direct from Scotland, to arri At WM. J. GIBSON'S. Wbitby China Tes Stor, WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Butter, Eggs, au Foathers, for which the higlicat cash price will be paid W. J. GIBBON. F 1~ For Sale at very Reasonable Priceç' Several Open Buggies with child's seat, Lady's Opeý Phoetons latest style and very liglt, Covered Phobto n9with iRoling Seat, also Liglit Top and.Open Buggies of Suprer- tory. 21 E «at im al N~. les -o- ive re. tid n Me Thi n the best Material and Warranted4. W' [Il made of bitby, JuIy Stir, 1876. 2 FIN TONS & NEWPORT, -Whitby, Ontario. ARTS BEST'S -GALLERY, OSHAWA. S.PLENDID. PICTUCFtES, mr. Best bas secured the services of one the best nega- tive retouchera in the United States. I feei confident that I can turn ont work equal, (if not superior,) to anything ever before made in this country. . a» ALL AND SEE MY WOIRIÇ.-a Ail are welcome to inspect the Gallery. Fine Photos of the Leading Statesmen of the Dominion-. Right Hon. Sir John Macdonald, Hou. T. N. Gibbs, &o., and of BOy. Bather McCann, Bey. Mr. Laird, and 'Ieading citizens, for sale at BEST8' GALLERY BIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. 9-OeoaN- BmsT. SADDLERy AND. IIJNE SS. WILLIAM THOMPSON Begs to direct attention b islag anti spenior stock, vonapvising every. Ihirsg in tise=cleyanti Hanesa Lns, alto Leather Valises, and Saratoga 'I runks 1 À LOT 0F CHILDREN'S CARRI4 GES,. Véry itanti.la dQibeap,AM thse nid esablisbsmnî. - WIW,&UM TEOMPsoNT :prlr7*,C87,- hut ib7 03MYONING ON MONDAY, May 7th Man natis ar unotice, tsluwil LEÂVE PORT HIOPE for idndsay, Peter. bora'. Laield, and il$ermedate points, aUJOa. Mn., 10 a. M, sud 4M5 p.i.and tanise Ge.ngà 1Bay, Wan- 10 a.n ndiner e points, at Trainsà a'rve u asnlave PROU Lindsay, Peterboro', andI Lekeflelia, atiSa. ns.,12.80pm, andI 6.65 p. m., ana fron tse Genrgsan Bay, Waubau- aisene, -ana interniediate pointe, at For furtser partlonlrs aeePaeket Time ,Car, tobe ha at &U Statin. - Hff. G. TAYLOR, A. HUGEL, Superntenant. Preeldent. B RUTONSJRBUATIOABSOEB. 700 -dôz. sold since April last. The Uhenusaio Aboorn1olsiflpari- tively curs aU paine from Rheurnatiem or otiser inflssnatory Swellu in12 Enursn. The Digestive FlotIsaeneyer lailed. ta cure Dyspepela; relief in el su na iew Hlonre. Tise muo obstinaIs cases'os Dys- per ed n wee -A Lady w2ite-- Pains. I bisl Branobitis, Cata", nI Dyspepala, sud ws oured in a few: daye by ite use." - SOU Iby Drugge. Pic'e ôSOcle. Acxice ior particular ca«sea e. Addness, W. Y. Brumiez, London, Ont. - 4 JAMES H. SAMO & COMPANY, 1FU RN ITU R E. WHO1LESALE & RETAIL. Warerooms-Albert -Hall1 Buildings, 18 9 Yonge S t. Hasve alwassOn bandI a-Pull Stock oievey thin tsein line, and hope by strict attention o tie 'wants nf tlseir cuetonse, ta menit a continnanceni tise patronage isitsayto ex tended latistemà. -Special attention paia ta tise Tmaking of NREDLEWORK PIRE SOREENS, OTTOMAN&S, FANCY CHAIRS, Lade anaI put awn in lise beeft style. lA.H AMO-& Co earcs 8th, 187,6. I [HTHALBERCV PIANQ $290.000 se Thalserg piano fillesa wsnt long, icît- that oais which coinbined the clearnesa-nf tone iad the beauty of finish of thee =est celebrateci miaie, With a moderate price. If il becaaked how i s possible ta anpply a Gond Piano-for about HALF THE PRICE generally charged, thse angwer'is plain-: In thse mekig or sabe ni these intru- m ent i, th ere a e n o l r nw m? o aa -ta keep Up, no qradmusec = aito maintain, orna expenarve travellingagente ta y. These instruments are all made of a- PNIPOBM STANDARD, FULL SEVEN OCTAV SOLID MRON FRÂMý, OVESTRUNG BAS' CARVED LEGS ROUND PROI4TORNEES SERPENTIE OULD'Gg. and DO1JBLB VBNEEEiD BOSBWOOD CASES. An extra DISCOUNT 0F 10 PER CENT. will be allowed Seh cela and Convents, alan te Clergymen for thse nie ci their famil es. - W. ADAMS2 - wVe by. Whtby, ebrary, 1811,, 18,7. 8,e THJO. PEATE,ý CILOTHES8 CLoEAND AZiD IF FA.DED %_w0brought tetiseir natural coînur- Featiser,Kid Glove, %., leaned antI dyed evoalouz. AU ordera leitwith W.p. Willca:cir Cofectioner, Wibyo sent by ail, -a'il te promptly atZeded ta. -[21.ly Fo' SALE CHEAP 1 A Brick Cottage near Buaias Centre ln thse Town ni Whitby. Far price andI termen apply td- Mil. WU. THOMPSON, Saddier. Witby, Feby. Lt, me;. 9 CommN-iBsonMrhn and Produce'Dca/or. Agent for IunmUar.andI Consexacux._U,1 sas Pire Inauvance Colapianiea. RATË<S 0F INSURANCE LOW- 1 ASDAgent for teiLs L ansd ÇCAADI*x LO M, AM ) AGEN OCT o wPse. lone;l Isau. e&I on reol istate, payable from -0 ta- Tw lve yera, and i ingaz ta suit f - M, rglitaist low- and no i...Zý2 chrgd urgagea bnugbt.c W. J.eIBBON whitb, c Mi v Co B A HEtîc T0 os'ý c A *wisitby ýUniv.n0 IJniv. oi Penassyl cuer for Colta t>mce hc 1.30 ta 6, and GiR au cheap Teeth ei &n'a new Klng Sti TI BIL Sd GWÂU SeAI o! Jenaths -G] large quai titantly on COMMISE *CONTRE] AL 1 Thse Clui *Town UHalý Fridsys, f hours, 9Sa. Mardi mé w BLA&ýS -4sncce Herse shot * wnrk. Clerk Di Veteri -Wilibe ut .A Tuesday. fi April 2, f LNDERTAKsING. 100 Tons Bar Iroil and Steel, 100 Boxes Canada Plate., 150 Boxes Tin Plate, 400 Kegs of Cut Nails. 300 Boxes Horse Nails and Shoes. Orders from thfe Trade Soicited. t-iePiices-Botto: -PREPARE FOR THE FALL AND GO TO MIade itp in thie Latest iStyles and on Shortest Notice. A LARIGE STOCK OF OVER-COATS AND BUFFALO ROBES, 7ASHIONABLE --:000;- -- Lifé-Like-taken in a ibment in the best style. U, E TAILORING 1 1 1 i 1 1 DM 1 1 1 1 -l- 1 1 ' l' 1 l' 1 1 1 Flur -FLOU R: PAU Clur. Wheat, G. Plour, OsI Meal, Corn Meal, Split Peau, P. l3arley, Pt'd. Ham>, Tangue, Chioken, Staesbnrg Ment, Flunan Haddie, Bloater, Anel SO0U'P: Oz Tail, Partriclge, Hare, Chicken, Ox Ckeeh, &o. CO 0FF EEý:, Mocea and Java, Rossted and Green. Whlitby, Augnet 7th, 1877. CARIRIAGES AND BUGGIES 1 1 L -. 1 1 1 1 Gen 1 1 1 Il . , 1 uuu »rive & BR( AT THE

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