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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1877, p. 2

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-0g. - %MLrU&U era "sudo* 1rýàýfrLme niSoeJ b M 1fn r. O~lh.~ Wb an vis-y too o., o r 1-obL 1machiploea tic, Jeun itauai uis bu been rtained ib. oSj b V r wo,-Moalnew pofb1mtsor, au assltoai ta' as ~t~4PA1~O4Good-M. Ghinsn. 5l~7 '0v &eo! 184 ood-Hamll. Meeting of the Finne ,ot@mhue.of -Wn. MoKttnilk~, ouy unL S ~The Wardeu suatoone dm hemsbers J>,' oo 1 " of the Pinano. (lommittée.to mee* ai ýj go. OaaBoyafor cas h tbe coust bouse on 'rusada>' foàr ÃŽje pqrpoe of adillgâa4 ol. llp )i*II~~*~4plntmtrsos-theta1 of. l againt thée omlty. It yul brecoll.ctied tat, s sýp@enial casebi ongws-o ailms colle@-S. G. Beatty' beeun sg -d pon 8tb. isbuiiUqdfor - &C. the opinin # _e Oonrs upa tIý s oale, whlob for- Yeas.baabeetbomoub. * Openlatg lot Dec. Thou. Lavles-. Jeet of dlecusdou before the. Coýluêy Card of1Jianki-Thou, Lawls-. ceuneil. judgmint va. reades-et la Ser-vant~ Wated-Phllp Taylor. fsvos- of thé. plalntlff-thf lii r. spécia1 lotce- outing ýte ,648-opoisn .Noticea (Ianeer>' Bttngs-- hadbeau mmdo ' y lb. ýoouncil for>psy. - ment; tlb. eerlff u prealag, sud Â~WTION $ALRS. li.rere l. e tlou of 9.Wrrdn Wal.of fama stock, liaphem#nlu htelasobedienie to tIs ounuma tr ,teýppeidM.ira rs=~, on tendedat th.emonny CIerle offew .os o. 0, te ih 0«u. Plckeriag, Tuida', 1fr. T. P. *blteý reeve of on, ordor4oy, l<iv. 941h, 17-Ii .Plies-lug, cbafrmsn -of the finance Poloer, Aellouse-, sle of Pas-m stock, 106 lentia , o ounnitee, Mr s-.,yues Graham, reeve the rpsopery o!fIfs-.'as. 19. Somervlll., of ltugog; Ms-. Joshua Wulght,s-eeve loitN4. 11, las the Ã"ih, oouoson, -of of Port Persy, suddl". varden. Mr. Plikrlng, on Frida>' Noveubies- 50th-Yoman Gibsea. Commuuistioss 1877. Thou Poecer, >0ns- es m.to s- .É.Bole Oslo of Coda. sud tlp,uber the ProPer os-. ree e o!Wbro; uM . . B ou,i t>' of!Ur. Toas 1llaIardon, 1ot No. 8, evofhbyanM.0 ,4 ih lut cocesson off Plaessing, on Wsdneis. reeve o! Scoîl, the other niembers oi day Nov., 951 1877,Lo.FlsbAukus, suc. the comitt., exproielng their regret tiones. s* i being unable 80 attend. The chair. sale 6f stock of dry goodo dc. ho. thé, va& laken by the. wardeu, Who explalu. propert>' of 91h. Estate of J. D. Fol.,e dattepsto !ts li.1r Insolvenuit aIrmstrong's Hotel, ilu tueds;thepiioofhelam Mr towu of Whitby, ou BaIns-day Nov. 28th, W. H. Billngi, solicitor, who had boeen 1877. Jaoior W , assignes. ousoulted b>' the.vas-den, alo gave hiem - -- ----vieve to the ooumittee- On motion cf1 Mrlfs. Wright, s deputation, cousistiug cf (9k onttl* 1he Was-den, 1he Chais-ian o! the financetbo ln::ce sud his ho:: Jdg ONLY Si jo PER ANNUM. Burubsi, vos-e appoiuted to vait uponr Whltby, Tliursday, Nov. 22, 1877. mako explanations sud have hile vioe a ______OU the subjeet. The Educatloual Enlquis-y. SALE OF- CEAR AND OTHER -TîUaBi. The. examination cf wîtues owas-Attention- le dlseced btoiihean- onoluded onu lourlay. Thee enquis-y nouncemeut o! tiale, on properi> of Ms. vas uijurnei 1 Wedesdy fo hes--Joalarna Richardison, lot No. 8, lis-st con. ingasrguuon t o b oisa r o e reso!Pickering, ou Wednemday 28h st. Onagm ne rn esuî thé pa ti i.le-oesime o lutorestel.On euti asoeestainoci, Te anrslug scsrcltyoftmefr tint pestiis ging up for exauinstion feueiug pus-poses, sud the couvenlent hadaccs. 0 ti. xamnaton apossituation cf the. lots now offes-ef are iu- b"dglît tlîem shd haum liei-n lu ehei -ducomouta for thos. reqniringfenciug5 -possesi omn u d tng i nuchofis-timbor net to bu. fonnul avrs>'day, lu and cilionorsble means ,cbtaiued ces-- fl locality.IL tîicates ci qualification - as teachers. S.vrcSrACT-ReY ETTLEMENT os-INsus. We arc vcry muai pained 10, finul, ANcE.-A card iu otlses columus f-m toco, tisat qvideuce inculpates a teseher Ms-. Lswles- o hole Phoenix Iusuraç in tise Whitby Higi Sohool-se estim- Company, reminds us of saying a wor able .gentleman, pessonal>', visoun we aus b th. creditable -libes-alit>' of thei. have hi lsesto hel i ia muai respVect. dealiugs of tisa& Company' vith insus-es-s. bi Tise !llowiug lithie evideuce disclose r alrscr pasfrisl.f -in tlils connectioi: Ted us-. al e w'crdilyprefrseif. Ib Hss-s:y W tnly f the Townil o!Ms-. Chasles Nons-se, their agent ut 2 Ptckes-iuj-.Cosnty sud'Provinece of Onta.M.Noss 1s o 'roqi-I am a teaciser 00cr Duffias Whitby. M. uoebdtnpolicies bj <Is-elu; 1 wsotc for a second ciao, certîiftin iu ie siferonut companiez' affected by cate autihe examinnatlon ln Jely, 1877 -,;I tle at. fire u l h prisitr *ws-te at Whtby; I receireu copiesof . t-,suhetiepate itr uxaninaten pps-un tise secon to! jul' estod have obtaineci honorable sud sast- in Toonto, heI Aaro Pattes-son eu v igtîemus flses. by appoiutment ; Ms. Davidacu made the leautos->'teensofl«s@ appointaient, vits Ms. Patteso-sou1Ifirt u cqeaunta l tis Mr. Davison lus Whit- WIVsns AEi- 016 tsebest magasina gy ttonded lise Wiitby Iligli ScheoolTi an a nupil whie ho w as teacises-tiare ; 1 publisised fos- cludren. Eves-y number ssw hfn-in Whitby a few days beforo tise is filled vis-h intcresting sud pleesing gis-t ol Jul>' Wus yens-5 and tisen as-sangedll vis-h alun to cornuea hors-nto on th. 2nd et reading malter for ohildren. -T'he msg- fo Jniy tu moee Pattesson,; I vas taking les. azine la besutifuy lilustrateul, In thsei sono fs-anMs-. Daviisous; vison vo me tMs- Pattes-son h. hidtishe papes-s vilshlm; vo November nunuber smong the iles-est- of weut ta a prIva. rou; Ms. Davison veut iusg stories are "Pchly Peppes'shioken N ivYitis use sud-vas prsont viss Ms-. Patter-Pe""hliMsinAsoc, oo son gave use tishes-sn; Iseved Ms-. e,ý-CldMraAba, So-n Divises lihe papes-s[nas-itisuetie- and i- mon'o Seat,," Theis's an Owl in tsat Of gebra -bh orkiparsith !les. papessta-foru me novers sowe os- sent os- cemuniul. u, '#Beliaving," Acontinualion Sc nt wy uy part efthtie examina, lu vere f "The A uventusers o! Mil-. o tien Iestey oany persan but Ms. Daylson ae Prc: au, Te a tH Mr. , rîs-ie, Puble Sciheel Inspectes lue Prs-m Puf"ors aya Ontas-o,: dlots-ibuled the, papes-s in theoousthe. Deacous," Daeo Liciget aud thei. V lu wllch I vs-oIe at tise oxainstion u in verPet 'Wittiy;, heg.ve eut lise Botauy sud Pisys. Siv en"' luvoes., loIôgy on Mouday lu uistake , it sisould liave been giron ou theso fllowlng Friday; TEE Bis-au Psucrs-ox BàaGs.-Tie soi I retussned tise B]isansd Pissoy Pap. reio !aRfe ac u h.seo- ess onMouday beoe-elesvlng ts e rn a;I1 kto ' aRfeRnesu h eO.n de net know cf auy edies dishonest or ganization cf the . a dCeuni>' of Ou- fraedulet practicsncouznectlon. witis tisets-oRfesoctonasbeefeei. late examînatien. aiRilAsoitoba euefee.?1 'Ms. Davidsoi's posiion as s teaches-Tii. range ha. been leaaod for s tes-m o! tit qetoslat muet ebtrude tiemmelves eu'o!teplusas-e lu s looseae d sud , OU pes-uiug lie evideuice.' Nos- do unsafe cenditilon, Uontlemsn O! tiseEH tise ovil effeets of Ms. Davideon's cor- Conucil, Sec te tuso beforo au accident-nom duot ful1l Ipousliluslf alone, Tii. tahes place sud claies are maiosgslnsl Si 8011001o wiitwiihlie je couuected Itie corporation for damages.. mi] sunifes,b>' it,sud supiocoio i.esslupon â84a Sîna < nsEuWO,-1 lis ites-ly f lsotrteahea.W. Tii. announcemeuts o! Ms-. Wm. Me. tic do0 net luellere Iat tise school 'saliii Kittsick sud Mr. Etiard Gleeson lnu of . Mr. Datus-is ls-susgsmslon othes- oînumns, vwiîcîsattention la cf Ms. Davdecu. TisaIla h i îecteci, show tisI business is stis-s-lg Fs onotigi, Tii. tauntvili i hin lutihe j euod u ta is.a h moe tisc hoies- laI isee efoui. mU tGe#Qpusi nds il.ee reth tain lu taiuted tie conduits must beit. impure. Ibo. sohool muai b. pur-ged MEUS. HAMILTON & HAsovasU areai8 aud s-ehsbllltedl ifs goo004.ai ane sd nov seiiing goocis ab prices dosesringn lis~~~~ dots417iib.ncser for the lie attention of pus-chamers. tise>' sup. of1 Irusitces. pes-bapa, te extend 'hotu on- pi>'the. besî rofli- ldosiudeed p quis-les con beooul the cossdnet psy to soli for osmb. The. man>' fs-ends I o!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ = ci i-tasln atr ia us u uste2susocf tise bld fis-m ofHam. cil * o-&fýn av> balubb'opeubrougil be. ilton & Co., viii b. pliased le leas-nof la% for.lthe notice o! 8h. public. lu doing lie resumption o! business wi renew. bs- Ibis va are onfidhousi ieywvil bave tise -es-Iels-esprime aud activit> b>' tb, e i boit assistance of lthe sil master, vho fis-m. th e îo o tands, vasun ne risk lu aaying, Ne il ut thé head cf i. profession, sans Po" N o oo<L, BoAxDsu Ta--w et #an# reproche Tus-nglinthora Dot b lng aquérorune fs-, "NuAisztmnUyGob so TUEZ" la tiha Wednesdsy evening. Tise members 1 titi. of aàfine lnams-nsmental pýiece o!f presont vos-e, Ms-. Ormielon, Cisaisman Da msusic, vs-ion b>'Ms-. T. P. Rydei sud o! 1h. Board, sud Meusrs. Campbell, obh ieuurad b>' Meusr1. Buokliasg h Soise, Far-ewell, Per-y Powell and Dr. Onun. vot os r nd s. , S derfiat o r o Naw Broux Faux Dnas.-Ms-. T. Ont ~ 'e su silboer . aentforG. Whltfi.ld hâsB bis new ds-ug store- hoc WIIIly. _____________ (Doit to GeldsmlhsMallW,>nov tRios. Nol - tsèoXer s-s-auMazru PonAs. NSougly fitwd up. Ererylhlng nie.sudna , 1-Th Ibo 4i&almail rmeni o! btise nov.,Nov gools ,fsos- ýoiNe Yos-k Mof 44ýuofi 1ý Uadîlmo Province le' - ontmlst, aMdTor-onto. - *b~u4~iers meu.yu wll ~oa~ " mss u bs- he 1T&ss sspi&ÃŽul~ -* -J. B. Ufh BaPas-el,» u, ûtedg n . Fowlee ce., warrë.-.;yuIL a dian; A. o: eian' i. Mnaukeloisr d oid bse Par& e as .tWaurMi.. D ovdei; kP»$a% b., X?,tdKnîjcon Tes.~ usay ii in cnte in vithb. los.,,ouia. Tirse. hes-mit reing tip e-ln. ma es-ls tPe vin sud hTOaE-sn supprterssud heitratoa ni alli arthe opLe ynchl wtasle s-.dvlIn St. P., slred fs-o Mona Tues-ay dhe>, 8aislsge, lu h. Globefortht pus-poe. Thegpollig ak.paouo Aorsebinh yli vas gieolobrhed aI good vors-kmo! thi. Asobiislop. Subse. queut>'as uebe- cf gentlemen as-ris-oIl ai the Palace bringing vitsheni mau elegaut cas-nage sudi splendId loam o! herses whi tise>' proented léàhis Us-a. wlhh an appropriahe cddroms. Coeus TDur-se 'sum-.-Tise Duffius Cs-eek Bs-as Band vili gir, s coer-t on TÈurad*y 29h-Ner., in lise Sabool Houre at Dffius Cs-eek. Tise>' s'il b. aasisted b>' local tlent sud also tue Odd!ellows' Bsass Baud of Wbitby. Thse programme, wce undes-stand, viii bc a fis-et clama oeeasd fulydoesring a nil bouse. TaANiKs-lscîGnDày.-To.day, Tbunks. giving Day, sîl places e! business wilI be elosed. ]post office vilil'be opoued 'roi 8 te l0 o'clock, a. in Gutoccsis ANiP Caocs-is-s &o., at 25 pes-cent bellow - ost-a imusîl steck by Ms-. Rlut. Sickott, Brocklin. MEETING Or TE tONTsARIe Asexsncy. -Tse Local Legiolasus-. yul meet tihe fIraI veek lu Janca->' Taz Poas-exN's-zy.-(Blfo-d Bics.,i lcs-onto.)-Tho Octobe - number o!fs is magazine, reprintecilb>' Beifos-de. so ours tgbiÇl It çcntains-"'Nv Be- fri B!l, "b>' Robes-t'Love;- lWalter âagehot," b' H . tthle editer f tieBectato -ninter-etin£ pape- n s ver>'able mau;' Il. RLuau's ewel ole," b>'etisu Isr o! Super. satural Religion";"Tise Liquidation, f 1878-8V," b>'obes-t rsiffn; "bic Ichool o! Gi once, b>'Walter- H. 'ahhes-; Conversations vils M. Thi. ars,' "Tii. Moral sudý Social'Aspecte o! lesîti," b>' J. Bridges ;liche nais-e. a viev o! home sud foreigu affaira, notes, eta. Il is s clovr-numbe-. BsLroaD'a MON-sTIILY.-We have fes- tme lime Lad before us tise Nevember iumbor o! tige popula- periodical.'- 1h eeps Up un excellent standard o! inter- ut, s-miel>' sud sbiiit>. Thse exceesi. mgl 1 iterestlng illustratod papes- on- tl.d "Up lis.Thames," la continue&i 'Bex>," a newov try b>' Esard Eggle- euoe, la commeucesi, sud p somises veil Iu addition to tiiese ve have Ilsé blloving :-Tse Hereine o! Ver- ses-es ;" "Fis sund Fises-men ;"1 fsom eonden te Antwes-p ;" "Tise Bcottish ýte of Destin>' ;"'Nipigon Lak -11 'A Daimaie'o Lifo ; "Tise Faîl ;" 1EvI. iiuns un tiseuira->',""Wbst ho ComI 3er' la oucluded. Tise editonlal de- urtienîs as-e veil mauines.ille a àgood in tIi oniuscaibe. Tes-i. &.00 o Yers; singlo numbere 80c. oach. cilferd Bros., Publislsers, Tor-onte. Sensible Asivice. Yon are askod eory day iLs-ougi lise olinos o! nevuaper. sud b>' you- )ruggist. te use somethiug for ycns- )y.pepsia sud Livres Coiplaint tiat su k9nev nothing about you gei dis. ousagodsi pending mono>' vithilbut le oucoess: Nov 10 gis-e yen salis. abs->' prOOf lit st aE'S AuGuIs- u.owsts vill.cure you o! Dyi;pepaca sud vos- Complalul With ait- 18. effeots, och as senu stoisci, Siek Headacie, labitusi Costiveusspalpitation o! 1he leart, Heant-buru,WaIes--bs-ais, Fubl- a at he iitlIo! lhe Stomaci, Yeoo clun, cotiedatongue, indigestion swim- iing o! th.hoad, iov spirite &o., v@ o4 you te, go te yous- 4ruggisn B. W. 1,elitbh& Co-, sud gelaà Sanspîd Bo&. c f Usuuue's AunuU PEv 7oansfor 10 M11% sud ts-y il, os- & negulas- aie for 75 uts. Two dossvil-relies-e yen. rom W. Ri Cuialscu, M. D., of Newus Bedfo-d. "I bave emplO>'ed tie Pssuvaax 'nRUs Oucoinfuil>' incases -cf dyspop. a, chroule suas-s-oss, nos-vous dibliI>, ous-sgia, .s-ysipelats, boils and dnesse (i thmkiu; &Ime, ehios-usis, beuces-uhea, ro. as uteri, 'aud in femsie cou- teI gene-ail>'. As su alternative ni, 'themyru p ougilte ob. ued b>' lrgymon, editors, cashirfens, dea, kwyes-, and <fiesaWho -uis@ tiu anaU More tissu hhois- Muscles; as roil as operatires, printer, tMilons, boomakers, - sesmt-emms. -aundaill ose, vhose occtonconflues thena Sll-venilaed sud o es,aed roome, 1 arehlse te, suffos- mos-e os- bon =u nervona deobilil>'." Bfol b>'desi- Hs*uvs- PAssGs-Los op r Lz.- is'lug ber Lcs-y Passage bise stas àis 2'/ames Icot lér boas-s, compasses, ens-tes-s, oklsigbts, nug i ic@k-iouises, id ber second sund third- officesean1 ne o! lise os-ev. SB ise iI l allikeli 00-1 Rie r.palreda St. John~s, Ndd,.- s- pasieassers bain5 transferrasi te s-b, ru - ot - 1 . - - 1 aui.dyo.w.%1~s-oeimfoirthé, tovu oif-Whitby,.- of Ds-idaaannt ,i as-reoté, Io lb ummie of'lbpfue' noir manuios hêein eàoeeilb> Ms-. G. Y. Smith, Ifayos- o the. levu. Ti. 'paolous -building -ià builuly ngi»44$Q. Entonce hasl, tei feel~ ~ ~ ~~~r l wdi'ThIm asebeauti, he-,Ukb&"dig-*IUebe prvided vi-i #llhn gàà thee with hot wAier, sund have biaand, col< wate-inluah roocun. Under lie build. ing is s' large basemeut. *The.oui. buildings v»WeW$ undes-lsaf, be9 -full lu kesplng vith: tie promis«'.'Fs-on lie ontide, tia édifice prements a- baud. smnd iiuposing appoas-auce aud '1 sa greai oredit ho ils ps-ps-ietoes 00 baste. Tise brick vos-k bus bien dons by Ms-. Devresili sud th, cas-pente-vo-i b>' Ms-. Noble. Hforussu' MVusue Hax,le fine build. log .rected b>' aur. enterps-islug levns- man Ms-. Geo. Hopkins, bas, in ps-e viens isanes o! tise Onsois-cLE, bee- ful>' deecribeul. Sufiie ho a>, that it lu completeiy fiuished, the. shores bonnali being fnl>' flthod Up. Tise enes-golic pepslto- o! tise..buildings bas ex. pendeit on them, dus-lugthi. past semo- s sue in tii. uoighborboed o! tvenh> tiousaud dollars. Mut. R. RICHARSONzeba. ou a beauti- fui s-isiug cite in tise veste-n part cf lthe tovu, es-ectod saissndsome brick resi- dence, fs-cutlug on Dnnds Sstreet. The house bas a fronliug o! 45'f..t sud ps-e. sent. vuitoisau lmposlug appesas-sce fs-cm thé Street. Inside tihe heuse is issndsomely finishadl, The hall, ion foot square, Is laid vith oak, was-nnt and oier>'. On tis. rugit o!thie hall is tise pas-bs-, 24z16, sud en the leaitlie Sitting s-oom. 18xlG. There are Ivo vings te tise building, 24x16, sud 24% 1 7. respeotivel>'. Tii. outbnildinga are goed sud fullinlukeeping vltu thi.s.- ideuce. CosI, $4000. Ms-. Devenul, th bs-lckvos-k and Mr. T, W. Robinson, tise carpenter vos-k. Mas. JAs. HoLDEN, th. manages-o! the Whitby, Port Pesr>' & LindasayRBal- vs>', bas had extensivo additions sud mmp ovents, madie at his résidence, DnaSstreet, just South o! thé Rail- vs>' Station. To. the main building Mr-. Holdon ha. ha laddod Ivo Wings, 85x18, sud 82x18. respectivel>'.,Tise bouse ha. aise becu fus-nisbed vith, tie nece8ar>' appliancos for beating viti hot air sud aise fos- hot sud oold vae- bas-s. Nuxmes-ous improreuneuts in tise ont buildingmsuad greundaras- noticoable. The nev addition gis-es tise buildiing muaic roi>' cmpletuesas veil as adding b ils external sppesr. suce. Ms-. Devenu ldees the. bsickvork aund Mr-. Cos-naok tise cas-peuiering. -Du. BoaAs-s h bisyeas- extAnsivel>' impreved bis ps-omises ou Dundap stroot. -Iu fact h.e bas bus-lt a new rosi- douce on theo aile o!fItheolul-eue. -The îev building, wviielis afiote esGeci- an style o! arcisetees-us-,, la ver>' band- semé strutchure o!fvwhite brick. Tise main building le 4h4%4; main viug, 14 foot. A love- tilt>' elt in height adds greal->'bthe appeas-ance -uo! the buuidîiusg A anime- kitoisen, veod- Osou. e., ho., isave sîso been put up. T'he. cnet is about $500.. Mr-. Ueo. loutbssell buris-vos-k, Ms-. Matievo6n and Ms-. Hoggacluus-penler.vork. Ma.Sus- BRE1 BYNeLDS residence, on thé -coesos-o Byron and Coiberue Itreets, lins undergone somaeoxtonsive iuprovemonts. A brick addition Ivo etories, size 42x28, bas been sdded. Tie fs-ont hau also been mci sîltereul, thongi the. adding of a porhico sud tise buu*diug o! bu>' windows, great>' ip-v ing tii. appeas-ance cf lthe building. Bi-aimted cost $2000. Mesosrs. Dunki>' &- Westlake, masous Ms-. Noble oas-peu. Ti' OLD Mst-nOîss- CHUuso, on thie carnes- cf Centre sud Mss-s' treets, purcisasesib>' Rer. J. B. Clarke, bas beau cons-ested int a hanulsome deuile dvelling bouse, vils bas' Windows, &a., &c. Tise nos-tii building is 45x28, snd the seti building 45x82. Ceiiing devu stairs 18 feet, up stairs 12 fuel. Brick kilciena le eacii bouse, 20x12, bave beon built, ibud thie proes as-ound extenoirels' improees. Tise estimalesi cent is $2700. Tise masen- es-y is lisevos-k o! Measrs. Usul h Don- no, thie cas-poules-y o! Ms-. Wma. Rob. sou, tb. painting Ms-. Wells. Tas oas-s SUsmAY SuoRoao!Oftise Mtiodist Chus-ch, ovuesi by Bred, J. S. Clar-ke has been made iDto a noat douisle ions.; sise o! oaci, 28z60 ; kitahéns ablaciesi te eaoh, 14x20. CosI o! lb. two $1800. Ms-. Wioks 1usd tise cents-sot for thie plustering ; Ms-. Wm. Bobson tise earpentos-ing ansi Ms-. ",VilI tic painting. Ma. Ws91TLAREsx-is esecing a subis-an. lias- rseieuce on lise cornes- ot Byron sud John sreets. Tise building ià o! brick sud Las a frontage o! 40 foot, andi runniug 50 feet deep. A kitehesi, 27x 17, lsatatachesi. Gothie vins-levansd gables. A nice genteeliorasieuce. Coatmbeulý-$2000. Mossn.' Dunkiey' Westie]se msous ; Ms-. Webster, cas-- pente-; Ms-. W. H'Hannatu, painbes-. Un. J. K. Uosuesc hashadt huit a combestable rougi oasaIresideuce, al. utuost opposite theigis soel. The sise is 82z24, vils wing 18 beel square. CosI about $1200. Ms-. Dors-il, Masn ; Mr. Win. Webster- cas-pen- MIL J. B. POvstaa, an Enoli4 areet, Lw a su a fine t.wo-sto.rey deubl. brick' building built. ise, 26:50o aci, vitis back hho,* 12%14. ttscieci. Tise tvo cent about 82000. Ms. J. S. Bâs.auNTYusx -han nearîs' finisiecia Ivo-sos-es frame beuse, on Cohborue streel. Sis-.. 40x22, ving, 14x28, aise wing,. 22x17. Wiii b. vorth vison fiuisied $2000. Ma. Wsc. BASs-xe, bas hasi esected on Gisbes-t otset, Ivo rougis cast Ion>' snd a isi! hanses. 55. o! eechu 80x255. Worth $1100 osai. 'Tises.buildings havo a uic., ansd ceufos-tble rnppeusn. auco. Un,. LNlu, on Bys-on street, is lias-. irng es-octs-d a fine two-ustor>' bniiýliugz t'iok ronceseuS. ise 26&80, vis-lua wibx 20x28, Urfs. J. a. I3albentyno, isuildos-.'Wii acsst $2500. ma -MI~ . K. oSueox 'bas.es-eete,î os- ht in et uI'MIDen> w-zouhaepee #OntbnsAsuu' s- 'Pife baseuel torelç 4eslgid for 5fuel fns-na o. a. fis-st soe'f the Il propos-m, BuB,vitipemaen plalôrmn ddld&d lu>' s-ellu pari- Slions luto gsix clama rozo. Wen 8h. hallailesrure*l fer puiblic occasions IL tltaid paitIiàfols up àud-' s-ol wày 808e lihe pcemosm thae evori - cSes, Ibs=fr <lng suaudltuee' s-oom capable, oi seallng 50 p'ersous LI vith>s-om, on Ibe'Platfbohùû ýor-lI roos ýor u ud th. eMo .usmsubr ID the~ tbrd to-ey, il'ihrè i *o. Au lu lie main building 1h. oeil! - lge are aIl hilgh, *thse soomm o! conreul. on euzize, sund vith good -arragement. for ventilàtion. 1be voo47vos-k ia &U a o «ý the.snile Arm b oui -front luse psciouu0 versIIda it lungls -fIront fer vintis-; thse roof! vill hear>' i balcon>', foruslng s deligblful promen- a&d. and oonuulctlvi Ilî Uscond Kstore'. Âccesdpgto onirset th. buildings ver. tdle ave beau flnlshed su .-ai>'fe- ocup&tien in Octoeor. -But lisouglsthb bs-e. os-k la fluh ansd the roof o;,the cgee letion o! tie - os-is likel>' boccu ' ehé Inter sund eollege viii beopeciali>' veli sdapiod te Ite pus-poses mid afferd msuy adraut. ages ovrzs- esinstitutions o!thie kinci MR. CHRISFos-suusJoHNsTeN, bas Made ian>' improvoments and additions te his dv.llingon M sud Pin. streeta. iA tvo.ates-ey trame lilcien has issu aduleu, sizo 20x40, vhieh vibli cher im- D provements-toruico, vesandai, &.- amount ho #12P0. Ms-. StephenUs-rose, builder. Ms-.%W. W. Caldwvell, painter. Mg. JNe. Nsws-oaT i. hariug lesected ln tise North Was-d a venes-ed brick 'resideuce.' Bize,, 20x50. Cost about $#1000. Ms-. Dunkle>' , bsickvos-k, Ms-. Noble, cas-pentes-. Mns. Wuc. Bs'raur- bas ereched on Pino streot s rougi csst dveliig. siore>'-and-&-a-isi. Size, 84z22. Cost asbout $100.0. Mr. ShopienUs-rose. buildes-. Ma. LASSER s-stnrey-snd.a.half fsaie dvelîing on Broeck stret iu the. Nortii Was-d. Size, 22x20; kitcon, 18115. Ccst about $1000. Mu. Tusos. ATKiNsoN i is aring fittcdl up in the South Wsrd, on Br-ook streét a fraie resisionce, stoseyand.s.lialf. Bise 20x22. Ms-. Huggts-u cas-pe ntes-. Cost about $1000. MIL Cto. DEveecsa.bs.put np ou Hiekorysls-eet-, s rougi cash residence, vos-Il $700. Size4, 2z80 ; kitoluen 12% 12. M. Use. Jouoes bas 1usd imps-oved iei residence, ou Brook street, in tiset Cents-e Was-d. Tic- buis-ding beiugrsised( aste.>, wlipi vith other inSprovemeuts cent $700. S'uie o! bouse, 88%20. Ms-. T. W. Bebinson, cas-pontes-. Mit. Tuas. Pus-uxasu, a the boy, a stos-e>-nda.ialf fs-ane iouse, 22z82. Cest $600. Ms-. If: Huggus-d, cas-pen- tes-. Ms. B. WOLFENDEN,, ha. s-inContret streit, isad es-eted a fsarn. dvellung bouse, vos-tii0600. Sizc, 20180. Cas-- penter vos-kb>' We. Bas-nos. MR. GO. HcPxnuus. ou Brook street, a sesîl frai. houae, 20z94, vus a ki chien 14 feet square. Goal about $600. Wî. Bannes, eus-pentes-. MR. PLAETT is hsving ereoted at t Starrs',bili a dvelling, 18%24, And ia kitaien, l2x24. Wosth $850. J. 8. Bailentyne, buiidos-. TEwc RiNK Houssud siuk haver undengone sî-proremeuts te lie anueunt. cf 8250. T. Wv. Bobinsan, carpens-or. a MR. B. HE. JuEzsoN bas istd buili at bis resideuce s cousesrater>', 25xl2 ; an ice beuse, 20%82, capable o! contas- 0 ing fs-cm 250 te 800 loadesoalla, o! 8000 1 pouncis oaci, vitisotises-improvoiculs,n $500. Ms-. Stepien Urosfe, buldes-. MsR. PITT bs s ad a brick addition made te Lis cottage on Centr-e streot, t 16x21. Dunkie>' & Wostiake, musons. Mn. ALXx. Jus--strY, an addition teb is residence, near Lynle'. cs-eek, putp up. ise, 26x15, vos-tii $800. Ms-.y Wsu, Webster, carpenter. tg M.ai vuscans-bha. built au Coîbo-ne f airent a sough aset cottage. ise. 18z 24 ; vos-Ils$250. Ms-. Webster-, buiid. MiR. UEO. Ho-iUs-sssisuereatesi, s. cross freu tise Whitby, P. P. h L. R'>'. station, a nov varehense, vos-h $200. Ms-. Deveril, builder. MRs. WUs. WATSON, fraine houai,, One asos'y, 18:26. Br-adfor-d BseuIt, buis-des-, vos-th$280. MIs-. JN-s. CoNNEitut, fraie honse, oe stos-ey, 18x24. Bradford Brenanît, bniider,vas-tii $280. Mat. TEASDALE Ducissoi, fs-smeo ase, one stere>', 16x24, viii kitchen, 12:113- Bs-adfos-d Breuauilî, builder, Worth- MR. W. W. CeALvstu.LlJsMe paint sisop, 20:80. Wor-th 0o.' T. W.* Bobinson, buildos-.faeshp 2x4 MnR. WU. RoBseo rm io,2:4 Weorthi$200. Mn. W. Hl. BîaazaSO, imps-ovements on7 ilsfine brick 'seiiD.nce, fos-merîs' thie Presbytes-ian manse, te vaine O! $250. Wm. Bas-ne, o caieuier. MR. D. OnUsTsose, outbnilidings, mu- f sovoient., ho., $278. 'Mr. J. B. Bal- cuntyne, cas-pentes-. MRs. J. S. BALLSNTYNEst fraie shop, 212x20, vorth $100. Mas. Uso. MoUs-aanraxy, imps-or. meute ut Inves-lyn te tise amonut o! $280. Ms-. T. W. Robinson, cas-pentes-. Ma. Us-o. As-uns, addition, 14 bout squar., Werths $100. Ms-. Wîn. Barnnes, carpenior.- Ma. J. B. Pus-as outbnildingg, &o., vos-h $150. Mit. JýoisiE iLuxzstasfs-smo housse ou Encîtlai s-oct, one-and-a-iaif steries iigi, 184 DunkIes' h Weatlake, plast. es-s. Coet4800. Ma. VosEts- Lust, fsaie shop, on Dundaisets-cet. Sis-e, 2Qx14. Cost *-M.AbDs-teos, îMpsoveuete aud onlbnildiugs lu tîueextenî o! $150. Improvemcnts on tlseis- ps-omises hure -boon maleb>'MsrucJ K. Gardon, C. Vaunsen, R. ifug anul, S. Faslls- snd S. Yerks, Ueo. B.E. ls-uri others hto varions sinsil ausousuts, fusil pastien. lauisuo!wliois wo have nsueobsssneul. A Has-orisg papes- lufret-sus tluo,- "w-heu us uouisesazan sud Seuls' as-eirail- sug upâun le s-oeest he lady>' iensi walk -indisisd- o!tiie g-ntlemanl." W4. làl net diseus liepraohticabiiby e. prutaolibili of : tide é but. su' .Japsssus waamifll, of iis O9th BIegi. ment vas lhe dms-i leent&.e qdoiubt Mt oes-en oeolàck aetipt.4isivOo- vas o# aioisont qf liilia sd i clioe i ed bees pies-bed. 'l eo sus-rndesrd osr>r intise.moruino, sud, lieu the ýuIA'ei, ià'Jisiost r imnwutan-. eoumly wil he'tU of 1b.5b Bedoul lb4 0 J 0 a~l and Fort g a z eP i a. v, ier. ' u ' as- , lug ",L - 1 Mop~bstud po rps as fisas isosp use ý or ot Ra. adagis. Taohrfrsmutie ahubboru s-oidiusee. êshil eighi o'olock, vian aSU tise gers-sowhich ceulil em- cape fled toqwsrs Es-zereum. These vere oorraen ;b>'-draponsasnd os-, sckesud brouglit bsek. Tovu Council * Council Ciamb.s-s, Town Hall, Whis-by, Monda>' Eveusng, Nov. lDih, 1877. - egular meeting o! tise council Ibis .vezuing. Membors reïent, Ris Wos-- aip Mayor G. Y. Sith,. (lu tb. chais-), BeereUisen Deput>'Resre Blow. Counfillors, Des-es-I, Fes-gusn, Han- nam, Long, MoMilsu suad Wick. Minutes o! laut meeting s-ed andi sp- OMMUNICATIONS, rurTs-esia, &o. Prom Tisos. Lavier askiug a rehaho. mont o! laxes ounsceunt o! lie serere boss suff.red b>' liiitirongsthlsolts calamitons fis-e. F-onu B. T. Harrison, Brook-m, noli- fying tise counoil o! bis appoîntmenb as. valuater for the Union S5chool, Sectien by he council of the. township of Fs-cm J. Halîsi, Chais-mati o!th, Exemption Commihtee of Tos-onto, on- clesing a petit-eu te .Logisiature cf lié Province o! Ontario, usking for fus-lier ameudments in tise sol selatiug te exemptiens, sudakiug liaI il b, signei b>'the Mayor sud the corpora- tion seal attached thueto, sud ho ps-e- seuted at he o e session o! tiselegis. laturo. Fs-oui Tns. Caudon, asking tiat h. s-os- paysnent for vos-k se hasi doue on John ts-el ameuting te $12. Fs-cm C. Vaudusen, askiug a rebat. eon taxes orerpaisi. Fs-oui A. Duif, BrookIlu, ciaimiug 875 damages for injuries recei-esi b> bis hsorse, vile in tise tevu o! Whitby, Ilirougs lie fault>' Blute o! Ithe oad. 'Eposing aise, tlsc accenul o! C. H. Sweeîapple, amcun-ing s-o $8 for atten- dance ho the hors. From Napaue, s circula- asking if lie lewwisvseseparated from tisé Ceun>', if so, furs information as ho thé benefits desvi rfsoui sepas-stion. Froun Harrisonu, Oser h Most; asleing payment o! an saoont oonls-ached un Ms-. Dorsill prceseuhed su account cf Ueo. Cormack, for lumber am-ouuting te $14 supplicd tise town for theocom- pletion o!the si<lewaik ah Hlopkiue' H&Il. Tise secont vas es-dered te héc paid sud oisasged le Centre -Ward ap- propriations for noxt year. su-s-asEs s-os1878. Ms-. Fe-gusoin, seconded b>'Ms-. Deverillmoresi hhatthe chairman cf tise commitle. on streeta snd improre. monts be' iusts-ucted te adrerlise for tenders for supplies for the use b! streeta o! lie hovu for nei year. Tise supplies s-equired aus-e mber, coda- sud stone. .Ms-. Fes-guson suppo-teul his motion, slshing liaI if Ithe stone vas procureu& nov it mighh be broken b>' parties ap- piyiug te tise hovu fer aid vise are cut o! vo-k. B>' recois-ing tendes nov, w. couid geh offers for th. nupply o! coda- muais cheape- tissu bu>iug pin. seant- lingm, sud the cedar is muoh botter; tisé same vitsthe humber.. Ms-. Leng uiiougist the motion oua un lihe rit direction. Ho endcs-sed wriaI Ms-. Féu'guson badl saisi in regard -o, isaviug tho atone broken b>' parties ap- plying -te hiehevu nfer aid."Hie slss yess-'s experionce lu lb. relief commi- tee Ïhoveci hie il vouldsi ave the tovis froi a lot o! iumbugging. Tisé coda- and lme- coulsi be lendereci for ubeape- athstslime cf lise yese. DISPOsiN O s TONtîîis, COMMIUNICA- TS-see, &C. Ms-. Hanuai, eeccndod b>' Mr. DeveriIl moved hsat tise pohitien o! Tios. Candon be roferresi te s com- milIce te consist o! Messrs. Blow, Devrilsudithe movrs. Carriesi. On motuionof 1fr. Uibson thi.petihions cf Ms-. Thot. LavIes- and Ms-. C. Van. dusen vos-e refesrm othle Finance Coimilte.; that o! A. Duif hoelis. Bîreets ansi Improvemeut Comunittee. Ms-. Uibsen, secondesi b>'Ms-. Fesgu. son mos-dtsitat the. clos-k be instructesi te comunnicale vibi Messr-s. Harrison, Osler aud Mte obohain partieulars of their aceounî. Carriesi. -EXEPTIONS. Mr-. MoMilajn secouadsib>'Ms-. J. H. Long, mores uhat tis, corporation do heas-til>' approvo cofthie aboliisldig o! exemplions, ensi de autierize tIse May.- or sud aIes-k te sigu the potitien belon. the coneil =àd sttaeh tise corporation seul tidreho. Ms-. McMilisn, speaking lu favor of the motieu, msiho tiougit lue exprocd thé feelings o! tisé iasger pas-lieu cf tIe communits' lu îering ton tise signiug o! tise petstien. Il vas uinjuet tIsat propos-t>' belonigiug te woulti>' cors-esa- lieu,,wvi e vss-omuais bettes- abs-e te pas' tissu a vorkiuguau-ssould be ex- empt fs-om taxation, Iun Vhitbs'tises-o as-o large exeptions, as indéasi lu v- es-y tovu sud ait>' -luCanada. Il vasl notbing mos-e than igltishat the veal- th> corporations sud Congregaticus sisould coutribute their bais- quota 1teh s-icpal treaeurs'. Ms-. Gibsen, IMs. Long, Ms-. Blow aund Ms-. Fos-gusson soke ahlu bn as-os-o! exemption, thsir ouI>' diffée-eo seem- ing le b. tise manâas- u isuels .tise pots-ien-seulsi be ps-Eo-nstsi. Tise m otion vas canniesi. Ms-. Blow inîs-dcuuesi a by.lav us-. poluting Jue. Blues- valnatos- fer Union Schoal pus-poses. By-lav rend ths-ee tises sud pusses-. TRADse BM'asN-vas E utaNDsAN»DsTUEi UNITaussuSs-ÂsE.-'l'lse 0"o18111 at.-Bs-I. sot, repas-lu il Ai >e-ois nmrnnnfacbnu-ess 'rVirnir nî eibinês- udl#-end enitabie reps-. s-r conutries ike [relsagi, ises' migit li -lu@ne lesfe.- tise leunusfoi- lhem -s--~ ~ ~ d n"5--ai"l poa lireduie on Ici litiemýim 1Po ouloouIrishs linens &uaAéros.ao. o g u t cl Q u e b e , p a u a d thé eamlnsulou for D. L. B., sud -Mettru, John D. Stewart, of Perth, mad H. F. Br-ay, of Winni~peg, ýe h prellmlusry examina iou.'Iu. b Uix<îrzi> STAÀTEUa lufolmEOnu.- The following auAtlousl article of agreemeni betwoeu the Post Office De- pas-Iment of the Doinion sud: that of lie .unlted Statem'is pnblfmhed " 1To faiiii the lboobange oà mono>' orders between th. United 8St.aand, Mruenzniie d ait th. exchange offioée in the United States ana addresse4l 80 rplyoesilq Canada shall b. ramazioible nthe ails betwein the two countrios fnef =j4ige.Tue article s 80tk. efet edlately, ad amis» have esquat doriftîlon with 8th. postal arrange. ment now lu force bctweeii 8h. United States aud the Dominion of Canada. Â zsnAl< IMPooria.-The Lind- sy Posé dives partienlars of the. aurest of sn 70 yssrs old in that lown for vagrancy, on whose persora, ou belng, searolied voe two bags which wore found le contain in the oeetwenty sov- ereigna sud in 8h. other hhirty.seveu dollars sud teu cents in silver. Xe had sjso in bis posession a, quit clJim deed of a farm inu Snowdon, a memo- randuan of a Nian he had ont at ines-est anounuing t80$85.66, other papes-s, sud a large-bowie kuife. t5i Notide, of Birtha, Mýarîiagea, and Deaillucharggd 50 cents each. BIBTHS. MITCHELL.-At Greenwood ouhthe 16th ie., the vif. of Mr-. John MthlGreenwood Mille, of a daughtes-. GLEESON.-&î 'Greonwood on th. 4th met,, the wif. ot Mt-. Michael Gîceson, of a sou. D E ATH1S . RUSSELL.-At Toronto, of con. sumption, Lucian Àlair Russell, aged 28 yeau asnd 6 monthe. *EpFpsacocon.-Gs-aleful snd Cous. leruség.-"By a lises-uqgh knowiedg et the naIns-ai lavo visich goreru tise opes-stions o! digestion sudnutrition, sud 5v a cas-eful application of tise fisne propos-les ef ve5l-sis-cted cocos, Ms-. Epps ima s-s-ided nus- bs-eifast tables scith a delicaWey fiavr-ebvorage, visich -usas' save smais>' isav'>'doctes-s' biUs." Il is b>' thc jadicions use c! snch articles of diet tisat a constitution usa>' bépraduaily ilt su- antâ sotrong enoxsish o esst e-ver> hon- dency to disesse. Hunds-eds o!suisîie mala- "a..m eflating arounsi ns ready 'te attac5s vàAueves- tises-eis avweakpoint. W. uMay escapme ian y aatl-siafh Ib>'keeping eus-- slves vel forfufied i vtispure bloti and a proeos-I'unsahcd ts-ae."ý-Civil Service Gâs-soU. Sold yins uPsckets, labelles,- "Jsmes Epp eHoîoopatiecClueu- àeta, 48, qphbreduseuéle Street, ansi 1701, I'aoadisy London. WHITBY MARIE-T8. CRsouseLE Or-sc; Nov. 21s1, 1877. Fions-, per bs-i.......... $6 00 @ $6 50 Yali Wisa..............-51 15 s-120 sps-ing Wiseat--------$.. 1 O05g81 09 Bas-iy.................. 0 68@ 80 6 POUs----------------.. 5 @ 0 Peas, biack.eyed-....80 @00> Osîs................. 40@ Ou Cas-n---------------.... 65 7<e Hay>......--.---......... M $M Appes--------------...400 @ ccc Pelatees-------------...1 5 @ 4 Eggs---------------....17e te0 Butter-------------...18e 0 220 Wood--------------.... 450 $5 0 Wool-------------....28c. @ 8o* Boot, 51usd quartero....$ 6 50 @#70 Oe!, fore quartes-...... 680 @ $8560 Siseepskcins------------$.. 0 65 # 0 75 Rides---------------.... 5 60@ 6 00 Pas-k, per evt---------$.. 4 75 @ $5 25 Laite...............83 Culi..................--$ @ 8 onien,--------------....900 te<0 s-ri1m ..............-.100 Cheese-------------.. l ecil18@ Casreots .................1e @0 Ciikens, pasis-.....80 @ 60e Dncks pes- p----------..80a @ 6o Geese---------------....040 @0o6 Tus-ko>',pers-...l ...10o Cie-ver Seed, .............$ 7 50$es0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. INSOLYENT ACT 0F 1875 ,&ND AMENDING-ACTS. ln f ho matter of JOS9. D. FOLE*y, AnIs olvent. B' vrstus o! tise power veeted in me, as Aasiguee, aud b>' resolution o! tise credutors, I vils- sel b>'public auctsen, AT ARMISTRONG'S HKOTEL, M 5TE vOW vF WsFTB, ON Saircs-dy, NVovember, the 24th, 1877. ATaON£ o'CLCXectP. SM. 'ris balance o! tise aboe Insel-rent's Stock, consistieg cf Dry Goodu, Hardware, Tin. vr1Teas, Jevells->, c&o., &C, 1 Bleesi Set o! ors1e, 1 tg% n n ov; 1 Set ofsouble Hama,1.e fS-nl lr nms, ansises-oral oises- amail arliçies. Teiuus or SAx.st -AU oBuso! $10 sud unde- casis, o-ver tisat ausount, tisree ments-s cendit y11l be giron, b>' parties fnrniahing natis!acs-ory seciuu'ty, auss ElgisI per coul. interst sded. JOHN Bs-CE, - Whltb>', For. 201h, 1877. Assignee.1 E UNDERSIGNED IS PREPAREsD, T te treat ssith G range-s ansd ases, for JUST IMPORTEDI AND V E R vCHEAP!- JOHN BLOW. Wiîb', 1Ncr. 21, 1877. 48 F O SALE 25 PEII eNT BIiLOWV t cool, % mial ste -)t Grocenies, <ireeker>, Glass-va-eJeveis1',Burnts scon, te. i li iiege o! efs-e 1de sirei.' IOBIIIII WICKETT. -Esnaklu, Ontslo Ca. Nos. 19,1877. 48-lin CARI) 0F THEANKS. Tise uisdernigned isogs ho reIns-s hi, oie. L'es-e lianka te thse Phoenix Inss-unua (on- psu>'o tas ielaiut suad libPes-a ieh. usent~~~~~ cfi.di l e- ibe-alisy chas-- aicts-las-locf s-li Phoenix Iàsus-ace Cous. p"an suwsé annot failto b e aspsr-e. a5d I. ' tsepblc. THOS. ALR RooȔe to Rent, e r 4 I. c « p c E j a ui e-D p k I'< r 0< 'su E0i u M e I N M M M w o M M M N o IL -N r', c) p fr~ o i r-i o- es-i H o C12 - ~c~. a, ra r~. H o k N h -4 i Aux Le, As-s- I. Bg i5i7ajouei JAMES HOLE, WIùtby, Nqov. 9, 1877. Xsntn Director. CB D 1 T 9A LE CEDAR &TIMBER!1 The. subsorberlisa receivred instructions -mit. IO8HIJ& RIOHARSON, Tyo u..ll Public Anton on te resmsu le No.8, lut Con.PIERU(,c WEDNESD..Y, 28th INO Y, 1877,. A=qatity of Ceds; Ach, ana Tamarso InAr-oeor thereabouto, t, suit pur clisser.,saue . ame-now lies ou the pro mine. Sale st 1 o'clock p.m., oommenclng abthle South-west corner. soui; he purches ?be o "o*e Movethetimbr bforefntApril, 187. <L. FÂA BKNS, . Nov. 19,1877. <1n4s) Auctioneer. W ANTED-A GOD SERVANT GIEL or Wldow. Minst b. a good hou... keeper sa n uderstandarm =work liorough. ly; pool wagon vill b. givon ; muet have gond referenco. Adarms or apply to "«A Reposi-or>fo! asiion, Pleasure, 4nd Instruction." Harper's Bazar,' IL L U S TRATE D. Notices ofluaeprss. Tise Basas- l i es-psu c!oflie !amionable vos-lu, sud lie oxpoun der o!fbist vonid's iavs.; sud il in thueautho-its' lu &Il matIesn o! manness.'etiquete, coistume, ud scial- Tise Bazas- conmonda Il e eoves-> moiteso! the houshod-lus e hiolren b>' sirei sud p-pr ietur.s, t. ho ssoung ladies b>' ils-fasison-platoa lu endieu vas-lot>', lethe ps-c-idetntatso-eu liu> t patIters-unfàr lie children's -clotiies, topater familias b>' ils lastefl design£ for emi- broidened - sllppors sud luxtUrous drosslng. &Ovus. -But tlise sding-matleofo!the Basarinuiforunly o! grent excellenco. The. p ap e s-h alu s a re ii id e p oDp u a ri s' fo r th. fireside cnjnymenh iteffors-d, sud bas be om e su stabli hed au lirits V ilitli ladies of Amelca.. Y. eniug pog. TERMS- Postage Ps-ea ho ail Subscribers lu the United Stats. H a s-p ss-s B a sa s, o euey e ns- .. . # 1 .00 h8W cludes paymenh o! U. S. postage b>' lis.publisisors. Su sciptions 80 Haopss-'sMg,u Weeliyï sud Baser, te oeae scr onono yeas-, $10; os-. bye of-1aperm Penidcsu, te ou0 address for onoes'osr, $7»0;potg free. ,tg Au Extra Copy of ethes- h. Magagin, Woaklj, or Basas- vi» b. sus--bd gratis for y er'Club cf Five Subscersa 4 ah s-aid for b>' One renlibance; or, Six Copies na >eas, itot extra cps' for $2. Back Numbens cau b. sus-slied At ans' ti. Tise-'Volumes cf lie Baser- Commence vithlie >'e-Wben uno lime la mauionol,- il vil lie udeut-s ttoo hIle subsciter iales te commence itis hhe NuMbes- nexî sites-tise roceipt cf bis os-des.-. Tise AMnUnA Volumes o! garpsW-s Baza-, luneat clathisbnding, vilb. seul byezo- Qoesnt exe..? n'011drru o 7.ea A comsploie Be!,cm4 s lgTanVlm, sept -ounoceint o! c ae M aI h pes- voL,fs-oiglU t - m ot tle $5 Clos- Cases for eachi volume, suitablo for bindiug, vil- b. sent b>' mail, possipais, on recels-t o! S1 saclu. Indexes le euch volume seul gratis on recel pt o! slsip. p;S=n1l ios' recoived for Harps' N euegp ap as- aa e m oi t e cap y t!li s ad ies-- !ist'meuî tu t thv' flu Oesps-asns-dos- cf Hares-«é Brothess. Addrees. -A PRBRBOTERS, NovwTes-k. #"A Complet. Pics-os-al Miss-os-y o!tise Tiîea."..."Tho beas-, ciseapess-, sud -2ous-suÇcceful FaMil>' Pape- lu lie Union.", Harper's Weekly, I Lt~USTRATE D. .Ntics ,thus Pse#s.) Tise Waoiclg a is.blesissud ios>ooe-. hulilustsated e odical pulh ed mIbis counr>', Ils editcnîà nleaesoliolari>' sud con2vincing, ansi carry muahiegisl. 115 i lu tration a o ! u s-se uh eve ulu are fu is-aM d fresls, sud are IPreparesi - b>' ans besI de- s6ek eZuù&j Cous-tes-Tosurusi, Hc-,pessWookl nsouls b. in eves-yauuily throv ugtuthieiLd, asa pus-es-, mos-e fi- hes-eg, higher-toued,- beher illuitratefi pas-es- Ianos- pusbuishes lu tsi.s->'or thear couuntr',»COmwtecillBulletinBouton, Tise Weekejisiul'lltsaeps-- ! i d a y t l i n l u i s o s s on t i n i c h a s- a t e s - t e tics in, recagulsed as a national papes-.-' TERM5S Postage !s-ee to ml Subacribers ln tise - Unit-ed S-as-es, Elaere OOI. eeyea-..$4 00 j cinslv ý ri It f . S. s- aob> tie pus-sle.s 'Ubsc-sptsens te Hapes-'# Xc-ia 'n - -Weekl, ditBasas, 10 ee ads- or uio n >a-, 11.8; or, tvo o! HEarpes. pae&A. cals, tuonee asidrema for one s-Ms-' $7.00: postage h»e. is- tra Ceps'o! elliior lie Zufuiassee Wse/4-,os- Basas-wil b.sus-s-ied gratis for ovrss'club of Fl-v. SubactrnI $4.WO e6eis, s-aid tfs-b>' one nemit.tauco; os-, Si% Copies cne-cas-, vis-bout exutra top>', fon Beek Numbero ca e s-rn. iah su Tii.Volumee! jhe Wsekycls- cimeu výis-h tise year. , unoéLimei laie 1nts it vIl b. suderstoùstisIthe, spbuds- vishes te 'cusueecé vwis-i lisNumbes' ne sites- he recelpt o1la asdos-. - -Tise AnrnusîVelumen o!Harunr'sWselcl able 1: gagoteo that hi aplY oS] sien, or adeposi menes' balance psid int, -cause v ment lth ion'oyaI Furth, Selles-, E C. C. NE 'Tunque yenl ontgs-ev i faini>' ah k entes-pris, bort aud travel, cl reades - e t-int, just s quarte Balme BAIE Balme fs-e .t1urual. Postage Harper' b>'tise pul BSlbacril Weisl>' & >'osr, $10 te eue ad, Weeiuly, ou * or> Clut peisi for b. onea yeas-, s Bac N ThseVol, Svihhe 1o w ill se t viises tlo ý A Comin nov comp es-pense ci Single 'coIn palul. A Coipli Fifts'Vols been, publi refèeons-e L formatin I ps-esaid. fisemeuut w per-& Bs-et, Asidreau. I M. O'NJ Eves-y sc Iug coifos-I boiu- branide of Li clu. Ésos-> travellors. Gooul Stah tire ostles. BEU oNT- Ofer vÀ

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