Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1877, p. 3

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Pixel 0»a lM Baud, te luel worth c iu anrt PAne on Mai ninghom onudasuOtt&quartir mSo ýIe, oles.on vwii sDwemtIraons 90x Oba kltcistetaed, l sald LotJis fe lau Ml be sold soubjeet ta th dres, nue helld Ly Big eh contineanuagream muanut of #W onsau Mort~aèsdy ofl e Octor, 1875, was fo naacThis1 cent.i A otselaSb» John -M.Thomp on ouuun ilided Ihalu oteresiou til Lots for sacun SlJaSutes îLe fj, nd inis (lu cethýÏtka auary; 1em8. 'srhltowlbpeld subettoalm frein 111h cet auusr, 1876,8principal aLle fIL ot Jaussny 1878. Als&Pe tags to the saiS JTames Sproul, coflatesi hallSby hlm on Pancel No. one. The Vaudor shail not Le bounid 10 prod any other Deeds han houe lu Lia Poo dion, or tursulalu sy abstract sas e B Irans, ibutract, a copy cf vhich viii Lej Sucsd et lb. sale. Tii. purcliaer te te pay 4owu atI i 1% Seposil lu lthe pLOponion of -lau dollarg aVer» husudred',dollarsof tb. parct mone» te tii. Vepdor's Solicitor, and : "éw balnelhnonue moui tbsrefïter k palS lt. Court teîLe creditcf hie ai cause vithout luteresi, anuS upen suchp meut the purohaiit shall b.cutitled to conieysnce sud possession of saiS promi lu Ail other respects tLe ternis ana Cet tions chitale wtl Lec the standing eonditi of the. Court of Chanicsry. FailLer particula&ra eau Le hal f rom M Donald &Paîquon, Toronto, anS .C. -Relier, Canuing on. GEO. I DARTNELL,' &C, ELLR -Muatel U&autwer ewui oe -appy to ueo uiI, SView ta meet the wante of au.H frin ildencomsve#itin "eerln atoe doc oosw emansd custouners. hal.tomer9, but 'Mh btu i lea uà Zu àil gallos fOr $1. 0~- Proueof 0 goodo given for the saine ffvthat rat * G .RBZwooz, Novejuber Ith, 18' XOR NW ADVE2TISMKNT 'Iatee URSUANT TO AN 0uER OFTa à.0 i court .1 chance .nZa4âiluthematfez ner'Y te of the Belate cf Itobeni Jack decessed, and ff' lua& Cause cf Jack aga thJ e iOr"£4 snlgtors cf Robent Jaok,- laiecfo ni l 8, Cas onuuy of Ontario, Who dled ln or abont ch Px 'the uiOuth cf May, 1877, are, on or baforé 14eu une(Pe2t01 darc Bovber, 1877 to e nùdjb iôxl2, of 0 teSolicitor cf the Déeen d Lasà dat, Eibe'if'ku'Jack the adminlatrat. rix of ths decaacdT;îhefr <Ilritian and oui. e nemems, Addrssses mid description, the full [chacd panticulans of their ollis, a statemeuî cf sut te Ilus Accountsanad the nature qf 1h. Secuni. Pif OLe ties [il auy] held hy Ituemi;-or lule-fault rMa, thereof tbey wiii bec rempîliy é*lnded il ai 8 froin thebouefli et te sMiSorder. Every d thse Creditor holding any Secu rit is to produce Miort- the SAnie efore me, at MyChamber staithe, Tcw4 cf WLby, -iu the Oounty of Ontario, wced- enlise 2nd. day of December, 1877 atllen ue cf o'clock in theforenoon, Lin 1. ist' p 9 pri pointeS for adjudicationu on tL. Clalun. it D-ioS this 101hI day ci November, 1877. rhichMaster. 4.8-lis two 7 SAwsrde ULYGOLOM»DAL aetrw la ý,les.A isehset ai -CeteenlaL fiý W Bond fer 1551 ra CM8 AIdeasSt. Eat« TOHNTC )duo. Ç [IIORRIS & SOPER-. mses. ----------~~ TIo. rnýîà so for .bore pay. luisz tins -C. r. *"Unqucsîlonthly the tLest sustaincc work ofh e kÃŽLin thîe World." Harper' s Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Notice Of fthe Preu. The ýrtran VSagaziiie, wLlsh long ac outffrew Ils eigitsal titisehftiis Nov Mentis lvga#nbai hnol lu theleasl abated lise lÃŽ t.twoneaithue outeet -bu! Las ajtlumauy wèyand an'kept, feirhy abreast fcheLsimes, Ihanks e thîe suterpnIse cf tLe pubuIsees aud tLe laot anS wisdom oftte editors. For whabever la LeutsuanSmont neadable lu theL.iterature cf * travel,- disoovery, euS-fiction, the average readen cf to#-day looko te Ha pue's ac- sine, jusi as expectanily as 515 îLe eader oh e quarter et e century ago; there le tLe saine admirable vanlety cf contents and tihe nome freshuessaanS suggestiveneoss lu Il éditorial departineuts nov au then.-Bof on Journal. TERMS: Posasge free. toail Susacrihers in the Unitted States. *Hpîr'à Magazine, eue year ....$ 84 IncluSes pnspayment cf U. S. postage by tise publishene. *Subsoiptions- to Henper's Magazine, Weskly, sud Bazarn, teonue adslrelsor elcie yïer, 810,- on, ivo oh Harpen's Peniodicala, to one adhàresa fcr cne yean, 87,; postage free. . An EZxtra CopyofoheihciîLe Magazine, Weekly, or Bazar viii be supplieSt gratis for aveyClub of Five Subscribera at #4 saab, palS for'by ans reitî'nuce ; er, Six Copies onu year, vlhhout extra eopy, for 820. * Back Numbers -ian Le supplieS ai any tuse.. Tise Volumes oh tLe Magazine commence vwiih tLe Numbens for Juins anS Docenuben of each yoar. Wisen.ne turne le epecified il * iii Le underatcnd-11. Lf te subscnlfuer wîshes te Legin wilL tLe corrent Number. A Complet.s$et oh Harper'a Magazine, nov conuprnlîa 1Volumes, luneal dol] binding, viii Le seul by 0eàpres,freighi ai expense oh purcisaser, for Ï2.25 peor volume, Single volumes, Ly mail, posplpa, &S. ClousL * cases, fcr bluding, 58 cents, Ly mail, posi- palS. A Conmploes Analyhloal Index btiste final Fity Volumes cf Has-per's Magazine Las Lees u bltshed, rondering avaiabis for reherence tLe veaui and varIeS weallh oh in- formation *hIeb costituios Ibis pericdical -a perfectIhlluulrâted llîerary cyclopodia. 8vo, OCloî,58; ait Caîf, 55.25. sont postage prepalp. Subscniptions rsfeived for Hsrpe's Ne espapers ae- si b tecopy this adver. tftsmîs en ithouf fthaerpresa ouder of Har- per Co Brothers. IEew York. nB"TRUNE RAILWAY MOTEL, (opposite G. T. Bl. Station,) Whitby. WU. O'NEILL -.PROPRIETOIR. Every accommodation for gueste, luclud.- log comfortabls,, airy bedrooma, Meulsat a l- ;aThue Bar fully mpplled withb est branids of Liquors, Wines Birandies, Cigare. àtc. Every nocesasry direction givun tc, trsvelers. Good Stabling, euclosedý yard, and atten- tive CoUtlrs. 8 B. G. IBEATTY. &~ ~ "j s-s I-s S.,G BEATTY & 00,, DJ4LLUVILLE, ONTARIO. Offers adYsuhtages for cbtatnng a C0OMMUERCIAL EDICA T/ON "qual0oAssy Iolotnin, Canada on tise unla i t aie. ls oerdepenînentears couduCiedby thorougisly c"0n eiuîmn, visa ebatisaie istl ey Isave learue.11db actual business expsnitouicsu, nd .tisereforeý pniciiceiîy undenutaid. T1jI PUBL ICATIONS Or rUE COLLEGE. Thé , ICanaslnn Arcunaul," "Joint stçoLckGousîey lBouok Kesspilîg," 'fleattys Guida ho.Elogant Wiiio,"etc., havea b- * talued a natonal' reputisîlsan sd are tLe prÃ"igutaohlis te. cnezo f îLe (Co1- toge, who are Saily engaged, logethon yuLh th*&irtescluerens, l li Clasa auS Lecture IliousCollgeS ansd iterdasat s. pontons, wVraise udnts.- TRis COULiSE 18 SHORT, -e&uoe lise tuacitng iàta hsrongisanS prac- til, sud ne ýpins -ane, sparos ta gins te T ach tudenti ndivdualigo as eilias ta tLe Vaionisclabs, e purdosllil teniion oh li' The Oolýege Journal, eeulalniug hall Ilifsrnsehon reti:cting. terme«, naurs os 00ur-, boardu0 sasoh e penf 5unsIp. sonttre@eOuappluslo MAdrs 8 ,- 01-DEA TTY & 00,; 71551.hI eUlewi Ont UENDSTAMP PoRl CIRCULAI PARKER BRÃ"'S WEST, MERIDENtOT, NOT IC E County cfOntarlo,l TS-HEEY gven rO WsT . )J.. usaitiseCopi cfo Generel Sessions efthîe Peace anS tise Connty Court, lu and fontfise COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, wiil be lsld lu tise COURT IIOUSE, iu The Town of Whitby, -ON- Tuesday, Decomber, llth, 1877, AT TILL 110111t oF TWr.VIu o'cLOCu, Neoz,4 0h1visich 111 Jstitics ofethtie Fonce <uron eus, Cossetusles, aii odion, concerne(f, vil sike notice and govrnu thseuselves accordingly. NJ/LSON G. RE YNOLDS, Slscsiff'e Office, Sheriu! Co. Ontrio. Wisitisy, Nov. 701i, 1877. -47 Eneloosic u cents extra te propay postage. CENTENNIAL AWARD FOR CANAIAN Aie &Porter,~ AnZBA PENAADDT rIflI-1,n AM- ~FiUJUHItIl 1 PUB-LiCe OHOLTEACHERB' NBn -TIose apefraddb eodCasCertificates, ,ielpisia veeotaken tron CuIl ,i a,rsdthulioe- IlOr il, tocî viiLb e LI l b. .WOWN cf WITBY, tieretosu reîy upon gettiug lrtcaaAe susecn aud Porter froin MONDA Y, 17th of DEcE#MBER, BRE WERS AND BOTrLEIIS,- no thte Co. napelo not lataniban Ith* TORONTO. thI ejstoà,.,.,n,. o rueu 6ma 'OLtV EIL vs.W ÀE IDUSUA" t the Deree mn4 Flz L rd lrSale, made ifa"hua a md boumsg date rumpeohvely the Tweni ~ondda4g;of September1 AMD, 1070, & L Mkjd, f Ma, À.,1877 the 'WMI b. uold, Nvth the approbation ë1'Q, Da 3n0 ubre, Masteroft At Whlbby by Ithead astr, ;Town of Whitby, AT T=z Rouna o1, TWO.Q'CLOOK P.M9., the iollowing lands -asdpromises, luin. =arelbeing hue SeutLhait et lot nuniber tTceuty in th îe halLConcession et Ontario andS conlnlng On,. Hndred cres The land ls a rieL dark loins, about lgeive Acres clf dcb is olar aud liesremainder tUminueedwithCdr There is a good stoneFsrni Bose wiiu 'wocden outhuildiugs, aISoa agood orchard cf ivo or three acres. The feue., are il lu good order., The land vill Le sold subjeot to a mort- gage of $2M00,payable et ths expiraîlan of four years froni thse lirai cf November 1877, particulara cf vhich vill Le produced ou lhirdayocfsale. The said poperiy is abce subjecitsi a Lease wviih vi expire on lst JauuArY 188, at a reniai cf #M0 per annunu, payable OunlistOctober il uah year. The Vendons shah not Le Lound te pro. ducs any other titis Seeda thau thoe inl their possession, or furuish auy ahstract Bave a regisinan's abstract, copy of which wiii Le produced ai thse sale., The purchaser is to pay dowu ai the Sale a deposit in ths prepontion cf Ten Dollars for evsry undred Dollars et the purchase menoy te tL. Vendorts Solicitor sud ths balance vithin oee monih theresiter, te Lec paiS into Court te ecredil cfiLheabove cause, vithoul iniereet, and upon sueh pay. Meut the pUrchasen shal L e entitied to bis couveyâte sud to thse necipi of1 ILerente --This will anable us, with the, euh in. hâr io iuy-iinrman"miseedireeIifrom thie mau&fatümerj EL# thereby Sa-viug -our -Custorz the rniddleman's or One , iiitto p oressExtén8ive- Sà1e., ý ilProres, wü cnviceevery eue that ~ "IT PAYS-", TO ,BUYý "FOR CAH1 st Iu &ilecher respecta ths terina sud con- ditions cf sale-yMl Le the standing, condi- tions oh the Couni et Chancery. Funther partionlars cn eauhad frein George Young Smith, Wiiitby. DateS 7tL November, 1877. GRO. H. DARTNBELL, G. YOUNG BMITHI, 'asterÃŽt Whitby. LIMPORTANT NOTICE. II'e bey te eallt/ce atten. 1ts f the inî/aldf ants cf Whit by, ()shauwa, Lindsay and viciutihy, to Our Carpets whde/s ùst h/s Seasou cisc cf tihe impcrtanst fea fuies f cuir hans8e. Osur present Stock amounts to ccir $4,000, and comprises Bioissela Tapesîry and Kidder-ministe,- (arpets, Moulu, gs, Mats, Englishfloor silloths, dec. Perscss reqyui-. illY carpets anwsun fing tc Tiletity-fivi dollars and up-. n ardlsevil 8ace imore t/ian theirfare and harost/he largest stock in Canada ta choose frcm. Note the addres PETLEY £0 DINVEEN, Golden Grifln, 128 te 182 Kiny-st. East, (Opposgite West 3arket Square,) Toronto. Nov. 101h, 1877. BM-47 I SIDER Q. Geston Piao@, Newovou Enclose 10 cents extra te prepay postage. J DECI<ER & O'LEAEY, Butcher, - -Duffin8' Oreek, B EGTO NTIPYTHE PUBLIC tisaI ansaex, dc., of the Lest qualily, anA at. Pitstesuit tise bLues. A cal is soicit- DECKER &O'LEgARy, Butebenas. IouffUs' Creek, Nov. 6, 77. hy-40 House to Let. A COMPORTABLE, TW6STOBY £Deling,ranie, contaiuus eight nocuna -ýgooll kitchen; quarter acre cf land. Hanse veil finiehed. Corner cf Mary sud Ashe otreets. Apply t- $1,$,oR $2.50 Inreotsd lu the Drawlug ohftise cO0mM 0ON WE AL THI Prize Distribution Company (U rAdc f Legilature 01f Ry., ton thse henfith e Ciy Schools cf Frankfort,) vhic ta lce lu the Ciy 01LOUIS- VILN. uPnbli ibry 1Hallon IDec Sil 17 , ma seu Cash al orsa part oh -950 ,000, $20e,00,0, 10,00 MIlS. DANFORD, $5,000, $8,000, $2,000, Iorauvo2(f the O,681 Prize.,, auountlng ho $ te ' 000- Fanmers' & Dreyer. Bank, Louisville,_ Ny., Depository. PlaWingPoshtively Deccmber 31dY or MoneyRlunded. Andundertbe sane Management thLt Vo alIy ands atl.fao. torily cooducted the SECOND Drawlng cf the Kentucky Cash Distribution CJo. Wluole Tickets, R~00 alyca, 85.00; Quartera, #2.60. F r tcete, addregs G.W. IJiRRtO W & Ce., Genersi ManaRger, Courier - Journal Building, Lousii " y"' TOS.HRATES & Co., Genoral Âg9en s,0817 Broalway. N. Y. t'aI NDf ORACRUA.. :000: AlOverdue Aceounts ýto"the firn HAMILTON &00,muet be pa d to' the, above, at oï AilAccunt runmg at present, to'becomedue enYd present year. Highe8t Market Price- fgoP Produc SAVE YOLTR MONEY And invest« it ini a new and well assorted stock of GROCERIES, &o., AT DOMINION WARJ3JOOMS Where you can get New and perfect goods, CHEAPEIR than at any other bouse iu the, cou'nty. Milinery, Dress, Mantie, and Tailoring, tb order. LOWES &POWELL ALAKAPUR HOUSE w. J. HIOKIE & O0 Are shôwing'a splendid- assortment o Furs, consisting of Ladies' South Sea Seal Sets. Ladies' Ricli Dark Mink Sets. Ladies' Alaska Dark Mink Sets. Ladies',Caps from $1 50 -to $10 00. Gents and Boys Fur and Cloth Caps. 1in Grieat Yariety and Price. 93- Bufi . $00 rado Robes, Cheap. W- J. HIOKIE & Co., MoMillan's Black, Brook-st., Wiitb1 We are desirous of disposing of $500 worth of Stoves before bhe l5th of next monîli, manufac- bured by J. B. Armstrong and the Oshawa Stove Co., which for cooking or heating we guaoantee satisfaction. COMMON SENSE. In justice to ourseles, we beg respectfully to inti- mate to those whose accounts are sometime over, due that we are in need of the money. In order to buy to the best advantage ve have to pay cash for our goode, and, te make a long story short, we want these accounts settled before the lot day of December, and trust to the good eenee of our cus- tomere bt save us further trouble. Those who have settled will please accept our thanks. Yours faibhfully, HATOH & BRO. Importers of Englieli and American Hardware. [Nho se Whollu selling er - - E. F.ROSTe OddJ1 les there a Chealp Ç Dy<*os tore inu Whtby? Yes 1 O)n Odd ?ellows' iai. le therea One PrieStore, in town ? Ye .F-ROSTý,O~dd 1 The tradeeman Who Belli on Credit ie really combining two bus' lender ainanuerciant. PEd'wrd Feut eannot afford on hi.- BmaU Basf. of Prýfi out accunts, duumng people te ssdlsn leitrs fmone'tiaî we books. Bo we do not give oredt, and.eam afford, an sud d BllCk a ay hou. portant item cf profit viti us i. the, Discount Ailowed by creditore, by pa.iug Ca equai to 20 par cent, per annumn. lunaoma enses tie discount' saved ru aour only i by giving oredit, tiey have ta renew their, notes, and -have ta pay tafn tereatfor t] L FROST, d0numadation. 1(3 OM Poilows' Hall, Whiîbv. I THE GOLDEN LION! 1 Ice ha I* A O,w r NEW CASH GROCERy. Forupwards of niie years manager for R. & J. Campbell,.begs to aunounce te the public* that ho lias opened ont in.the store laitely occupied by L.& J.ý Stone, in the Ontario Block, wihan ENTIRE NEW STOCK 0F FAMILY GR9CEi.S Cousisting lu part Of Choice New Season ýGreen and Black Teas aI pÈces whiei defy competition. A good Paànil Tes 8e 1ev au 80 cents per lb. Ail gradee et Sugar aI bottomprjceg NovEuigias, (Jurrante, and other ,Fruit.,ý VERY 'OHEÂP. Aeuh camied Sblmen, Lobstena, Oyaters,asud Sardines. lMixd 'Pickles, Spice,, k. .PZnno Haddies, boneles Codfiei, Wlitefiai and Trout. PaiJu,.BrooomgBzssejj W4AHBOARDS, f&o. A FINE: At§OBTMENT Ovr ASp7 !I91s SOT MEA SILY A NR tLesn limes, bulil eau be miae inutbrs mouhbsbyanm ou cf ouutzy,wbote lllngtowork steadil»t et L.emplc»uuat Ibat wehurnan. $W6 par week lu yonr o own ». ,Yen nee Le away ù=en home over negt. Yon eau give ycur whoie timne te th. work, or oniy our pre moments. W. ave ,auto wo ire suakinover #20 per cday. fwho en- g a g e s t - 'w g a g a t o n c e ea u money fa ut.A 0lb resaime money cannel bu made go "yasudyanraplsytasny otber busines, Tenus maS$5 M t Fn. 1 Address aI once H.HALLETT & 00, fl-hi Ponlhaud.Maina. NEW YORK SINGER 8 awI1N a mAAcEs. -00-.- [F Y UWAW TTO BUY SE- ITM.CÂSs ATTACHMEP<TS, NESDLE8, THREÈAD, &c., FIBRING TACKLE, RODe, ETC., L. FAIRBANKS, 3ewing Machine Emporium, MROCK-ST., -WHITBY. REORGEdB-ITT ON MRR/AGE t~ WAGON kfIANUPACTMIBofetb.Doublé sud Xi. Sinei Turnip Dri. Iaprovemnsn on claylon'. ATENTED CHURN8. agf on, Buggies, Bleigs, cousatstly on ir Dote on the gLortoinotice. jU GEO. BP.TTON, rck Street,- - --- ---W tby. October 2, 187. 1y -a .RASER &. CLARK LE ATNDa PORTER ~;ju. .Lsruurs Lau nbecamUe R. WAKER &SONS- JJAVIYNG deoided te devote, theit attention more -excl- Bvely ta the ETA1T Brandi Of -heir Extensive -Business, ndý wantug 10 do a80 mcl busines etail 1. they hve done Wholesale and Botafi together, they have made the PR!CES BIGHT al Ibrougili te STORE, and are now 8ELLINGý THE WHOLESLE STOCK WITH BETAIL. ryGoods, sil~ t, M1ln~i Mantes, Carpets, Rouge Funiishings, and other G ,di Retail at Wholesale Prices, being a reduotion of Ten to Twenty per Cent off Rogular Priceg, as' 81fr instance_ Matelasse Drma Goode-Betai l Pic, i2d.-.-.o1Iling at !oc. Satin Fignyeu...4aiI, 2OC.-seiing for 15e. FreOh11 Cashmerer-al shades--Betail, GO.'-BOEilg for 41c. OTHIER GOODS EQUALLY OHEÂP.-THESE ARE NET CASH ]PRICES BY PIECE OR YABD. (Hydralie Eleator te t"eshow Boomu.) j Tornto Nv. 2th 177.4-WALKRER & -SONS, Toro to, Nov 12 h, 877 TOR O N TO and L O N D O N ; 75 & 77 YONGE-ST., TORONTO. 50 Large Size Box ý'Sto ves CLEARING OUT AT HIALF-PRIÇE. A fresh lot of Canaries and Parrots just received. WLS AD PRER, MILLICHAMPS BUILINS op 31 & 33 Adeloide St t E t FARM FOR SALE. OT Id, TE CON. IXBIDG; 125 Juares=Ostycerd elfenod, sud à g oo d sta te o ut lvat Bon e c ia m; pil bnne _ sabls "* a W. P. P. &L.BY,5iMd e.0re» .4Toronto 8& Otwawa RiPt. PGe My terme ; cbeap faim .AI'PIl- I. W. O~RAB» OLVENT ACTOP 0F1870# AND ÂENDING ÂTS. tise Mafterof JOHN LITT'LE, An islwsé.n IE CREIOR BB ENOTFM D S mW stthe Law Offic.of G. yun ,[%@iu the Town of Whtby, onuTaus. h &dY of NOvmbe; instnta 'dock in tb.formacn, iorthe upe for lb. ordrlng fîhe ua.garly a d ai W b tb y i isl S U d aW o f N o« . 11 . lu)Asin . Goal, Goafl, Gol i AT PORT WHITBY. uudssgudusrteshave necaved yagoo lrahJinm d anS erne The Let IL. =nerlun niani -h.E dais.ei' EH a lui lu, Ilaving effeetedl a settlement with theý Insurance Companies, 'are now offering, their ,entire STOK 0F, DRY GOODS, at p'ces that willastonisli- theýii eus- tomers. Corneand see' tieir #::P Black Lustres at 10 cents per yard, And their Ail Wool Merinos, at 25 cents per yard. oc, Remember the place, HOPRINS' MJSIC HAL, Brook' Street, Whitby. southerpralto h ie l ini.e emty. "oIt le lifly lina(lCM. ML) more or l.eu ucth nrtheru insu of heaTownssbip, btvmBrook and Tboraij.4e &adtu »Manie e bly etabllehea s à Puie bigl- w ftheb.To;wnabip of Thorah. < Mttsladdesoibed Une bsth. entr. cf h iL ad io-a, and guet the said roui bu of the fulwidub oMtx .af NDOTICE -Ecp La hereby given tuvt the. above By-law yl Le taLn to conaidenation, by IL. COUTNCIL 0F THORAR, witb a view tte sfinal pasâlug Ibereof, aI a meeting of heLsend Coundeil, to -Le boiS TOWN HALL, BEA VER TON, -ON- sRarday, the 1âîk day of lJeo-mberl A. ID., 1877. GEORGE SMITH rrovnship Clerk Ih TmE TOWNSII 0F SCQTT. -Ths iÛascnir 0ofaoosile bis valuable farsu of 100 ACRES, situaI. on ILs ean Lait et Lot ho. il, 8n5 cmocf the. Township cf Scott. About 74 acrS cleared,cnu whicb. us erocted good an&i eunveemt beiiingz. Franie dwel anuse yuL t fte on nda. 1fan, au-mer ileben andwogdsbeS attsseh- ed, two langs barne 86x59 anS SaftoxPOith consrtlsalhes, a large oesar&.dbeain apples cherres *and S bot20 aniS ow W acres *et Clavson WhW om. Tm !o neven.fallng spnlng ohfvaSer cn the proes.Ti ae tion Iogoo, being *usin one mleanSea quarter f nom BanStand, one of tise ftrsest setions oh Scott. . Tto1hes ndmae kuovu ýy apply- leiter addred te S eusStand, &tt.' - D&NIEL DIOR. :Nov. 101h, 1877. 4lsi47- M A à OR-*MILLS. - 'T'. P. W HITE Ras reassuud contrl of tho Major Mill ansd EIGroinSTIaPRI - deliverad&alie MiuWhitoal. le vi maks urv effort tId give nuiire galisaeie ttoe Wshoniy tahele v in ii il their GPRI8TIN2ceG. F011AND FIKED cf îLe -Beat Quality, sud ahi Beasnabis Pnics, vilisiso e kepI eoustantlyon hbad . s>d4 for sale., Wbitevsiu, Oct. 10, 1877. 42 bouse, 8ig,ÃŽcd Carniage Painter, IDETUBNS'bis aincere Ibauk]g te tb. -Lb Cilioens oh- Wbithy sud sieniy f,fo îLe patronage LetoeS on Lim dnnlng tb. puat sud va ould beg te inite tisai Le Las tsn fate parln.nsipMn, Merlin, (a Practical Painter fno=New"YonI4. The sre nev preperba todo HOUSE, SIGNsu Ã"A à PAINTING, Graining, Varnlsblg, Polisbing, 8t4lninf, Rslsonilng, Peperlng, &o., with neatuen and dispatcli, At saàtcory Priom. - SPECIAL ATTENTION T Cou NTRY ORDERS 1 SW2OP-Two daorauonlh Lig Tn nery,Booste, Wbitby. * WELLS & MARTIN. Nov. diii 1877. IY-4B Sept. 26,1J For the next six weeks, we î-7jl seil Double- Reede wit ie stops', Doùble Celeste Reeda -with sixstops, Triple Celeste ý'Reedfs with six stops, and other styles, ail elegaubly finished, iu solid WaInub Cases, wvitli sadwithouit Caings, at very LO) W FRQBSW nibera in the 13 .postage ldruss fr on. a Psulnslieals. ici a M 1 plumo'm, . m i2th len. gy-ff -'l 40-ti DRY GOODS) STOVESO qp4> 500. LAING STEWARTI

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