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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1877, p. 4

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Inamm. of $200andi pwruL'7 dont. PayableuaU Yua . Apply to- &pri 171fil1877.' a plug lu the of' the voleano un us ta make It WghsL'and theau lice 1apen tbe elon andi came Gaillog home au' Itsleil. votild l.. Ho &&id ft o nce î cas *wy oa.i uJeberg, witii' ggobutàaiur of ukate a el a aolo, 33ut be ukateti aronc Lwcame a"rous e deati whale, into the lco,. Sa be teak off isu t weu igil for o mnthuisuthat pthere-tore it, into tripu for a on th. trio tircugh Il» bain- Uni rad, tute. rea lut o tue hi wlbleand lt't aLlitercuti.: &i it bûmueti upiensidly; and tue reflectegt the ight a trougiy wesu ab1bgt autiey for fortyF sroud. and one -veieei rau ijute q ùslnldng iL wau a ligist bohme. 1lie sold tue, iceberg ta tue pan- .$15,000, ànti tue captalu upit id bock 1* home, mni made two aper doint, profit duspoiug cf IL ompanies. Pwel, ir, h. béat auy mansu1 tme acrese. Toid me tiat once [evada, a moumgLaiu -lion attack- wlth hie mouLu ftdo open. Uc enco cf munoçenougb ta grais IL tangue anti pull. Thse lion rielà pain, but liedia hie ievei Jig, and protty cocu th" Lngue ) iîve ýansi thse Lau ta eblorteu, Yetly ont tbey came, Lb. tangue taitlu n o iouf costlunoue M. debl he ble enit home obàWe& ' em Là me, but my be. ey wsrf oniy th1ree orfour cow- aa bùoiVe t<ii oviteiled ta- "go W&O a orve ngas a trutb arubor 8ad le srvel oagaunhoat during thie warwich wauvsmy smaii anti liglit, wbito thie-mortar on Lb. 'tck wau vry large and heavy, anti he ait thse irALtime hey trfio'] ta ire ta fifteen- inch 811011i, Lisemielremsiiedstafionsssry whîite tue recil was Pu greet- that iL fireiLie guiseat- four Mile. up tise trenni anti inudedilu ina troc..lie wae alier, bût nos'118,13 deudi 1rerkon bie'il lketch i." Tisere wau ic io ouit about iL ; Mr. O'Leary vas very succcssfui ns a con- utrutor of cuerfgetia werks cof fiction. lu a miliii trin tif rebsike ta iea wife, "1tiat wemt-tn are uoiresucd y tise dcovii 9" "Yer," was tiihn sa'wr, "414 Doounu atlbey irec aib. A ycuùngiladly on Jloyno avenue oasik- eda l'er youug mn Saturday eveîîing, Wh1Y lie csciied lier lits Ultra, ýauJ lie eeNOrteouuiy, reil thiï, it was a Latin quotntiôn. "Iliiie," uaid lie, "te My kuse, ani'wiieii I udd ylon to iL I bave ul.imue, plusueUltra, wlîichiî luLatin Ilr'Jouint waut anytlîing more on my ke.' Dou'L yen useo, iy lariing?", Blie saisi gis diis-Chirayo Tribunec. 11e s'as a WilTexan, juiL freoin tLie frontier, andsi sl boardei tiso tiain ut Fort 'ýVortit or ])ailae. IL Mas hie iret ride on thoe ci,"aud as the contInctor renchoci in bis iîip pocket for lis punchs, the sharp cye ofthLie Texan caigbt a gliispse of iL. poliishesd"liseudie, nud sîick as thouglisthle tvelesi a navy six ou that ensîductor-, ey :"lPut 'er up, ors'il'iloiw siaylight throusgls ynis. No man eau get Lise drop on me, "-)cllttas'(Torris.) Tisey hava dime a;iiie aisikein flcg-'lss'k int enve for depositors astinie ontL cf cvery dollar. Tise <'uitor -of tise liaiitîii Nceivbas recontiy lest41$500 wcrti of horse fOuais !)y tiiievcp, aud -uov lWewaita tsiorgîsu- ie n baud a ferret ont andi pusiis itise thlsvsîs. W'q ad'ise lis') citizenýs Dif Iltttoti.to tut Iîiîu fieibis awsu herse's. Au esitir Whuo i is blu ouvu a span of' herses dleerves tise severcet condemna- tien, îsnd osiglît ta o teiiu. Wisiie a cllection was 'boiug taken np su a coionred mueeting at Detroit, Brother Gardher saisi ta tbe congrega- tien: "Picame reniember, bredren, dat noue of uesIin taire Our richîes beyoind bsckeîntyanîtbrth1, oe arduner con- tinued .-'but IL 'pears to nse dat dis crowd lu gwine Un ry rightylisard La doit." The Wayne Connty Journal reccutiy priîted aun article "Taik about Stovps." rhiere bau been a gond dent of aik about itaves lu Rome tLiiifu, but meut of iL heu been of a confidentiel nature anti net caicuiated for public prisît. Our folks mix tiscir GLave taik up toc much witis Cstvieism. One by oue tise ross fade. tt is uns' boldiy deniedti tit mou wiso wear long huit are pceseumied of nny uMoro atent tisa tiss.whso bave IL ciipped close. l'Yen are pretty at aàIicture," thc mutteroti, 'azinig into ber uptumnei face, "lantli t would hav6 brien a great dent lceaper for me if I lind taken yaur ptotture iuutead of yoursef" Yong ie, ~ wut (o LeNevada. Wbei' e, vsn Yen taire a girl Le speliing icholo, Yoen ae Lis ride twmty-five îniiee, antisihe expedi you to keepiynur arma raund lier ail tise way. "iA genierus. accumsqltLion cf igner. suce, ' is tic mild wsy in 'whicb a Ro- cesetr japer characterizes thc suthor cf narrûost article in s couteînporney. Tls phrase le curt andi expressive, sud wil beucr repetition.. A farmer wants us to tlitIitu tho boutat a Oreia '*Ibeaîu," The bout way La causa tho kindl of bnet isat we bave About liire lu taesteft u qltyup belslntl 'em, %wien théus- rc noL csoiug, anti lot Ilyr.a uusber fiftten boat uit tiseir otestaite. aenemal Shermuan is knsawîu La bo s-c. tiesi, but intesviswers ocill teep eau- tug on liw, 0owiug to a bail hIabit lisn biau faIlni ista of askin,,, witls tliouîlist. loue genereuity, nosoi i;nsau rpnrter 81iSbas-s lecf, "Yeung suais, wiii ycu tako brandy or grauslsupperjtiice 2" "'Fatlier," sald a bey whn lsad beený kileuiti u b.face by a mule thnt lie was auuoyitug, wil i I îsver b. as good looklng asi 1wau ?"' "-No, m î son," eusworeit hie p arent. --I don t think you'Il bm. as liaudeomse as Y-ci were, - ut you'hh kuow a great dent maore."1 -The leuves are tung, lcwiy yel- lew, their hue i. houce, the ripeuiug fruit ilu u1-6 mellow,'tise umail boy ic os the fole, H. oke arounds, be vlewe the greunti, Iatintku the MO- ment sute; lie fill i lu pekts fuît and- S round, thon junsa Lb.fonce andi ucoote. "1suidoiuiy, anti witliaut a nsausent'u warmil.seayu au exobsuge,,,thse plauk brake, andt te unfortunate car- ponter felI ta tie ground." well, nos', whist would yeu ezxet cf a piaule ? Wcold y>ou expot ILtao give wimuing. "Look out, everybodyr, everbsaly ý cnn't st uand thue preeuure inucb longesi-, auss if bliis biameti earpent.r don'L gctet!ffme h eI*I g llbs hofaibusteti,? ' Wouis yen .xpîéut a commotb Lwc inch plauk ta do t lat? The tlingsaeurt. mn uurciaed rt tVai le boy,Wh wbecîeeed La le mecheulorbi goniu. acceuntu, fie !boybitd table- legu, six ins a iu, bareut nevec hoe srsuant tire lu the btheenid cf the glu.s m5ly cupply of uap k lu. hor carpet. j m,-lcba Koeh reoetl ios, Tise mîluster amAt re al.,.aaL. s aincha TE W INDSO R NOW OPEN. $2.00 PeR D4YI PFres omtiulseto anti rom al traino.. Ta, le a &pouLnm Atfirt-c M&. gay~ ~ FBIÂfL T fAHIFle 0P FEES TO 13E TAKEN J.DY CONSTABLES. <Tuxder Oneis Cosincit, datud 21tL1 day of Juiy, 1874.) 2.Armeest feh isslvidssssl iJOn a warrant-------------------.. Dû f. eevl s mmonu or 25ioes...OQ j. Mil5page ta serve smmnsisîub- 4. s nii or warranit------------...0(10 4. utage wlis service' eîseot bu i555ou lreef ef lue duligunre.-...O 0 6 . Miue tskig urisoucri te g-sel, exidssive et dirbirsees'îtis - eussariiy expuisîlesi lu tiscîr cois- veyalseo ........................ 0 6. Attensdieg Juticeoisiuuimas-y triass, or<secxarntssstiou et psi- osers ehargesi wiîh crime, for esseis day eecuaiiaiiy employeti iiu aise or smore cases, whbu net eugssgeîi more tissu four houri. . i 00 7. Do. do. whieu eeigsgsd suretisais fssus'fleurs ................... 1 50 8. Attousing Aisizes ur Sesssos, 9. Mlsage -traveling Utatenid Ast- uizem, Sesienu, or betors Jsices (wlsn publie cenve3'auce eau bsu taisu, eeiy reaisonale dieburse- montsa te be aUsawed.)-...... 10 ss.B inup Jury fur Coroners' tuqucut, isclusing attediisg ns teqisent, aanil services lu res- pect LUsreof, if lisuis on sise day as Jury sosimnotsud----------..2 00 5.Atteishle ci asjo-urss esst thereetf, if net 4isgiged more (ou to u~s ........... ..........i1 00 Dle. d) lesîgagei moechais four heîurs------------------.i1 5 13J. Servie g suommons s inbiilu.a tu atetisd "sfore Coresser loubject No. 1 0ý-------------------...02.5 14. Miie sing faie----------i.l1)10 10. hxliiisuisig body uider Cosoners 1.ws<esess.........t.......oo0 11. .-li>îi'yiîsg sainie--------------..2 0 17. <Srviig dsteues wsrsîst, <iii e- t irnussg saisie................---i50 18. Adivei'tltsing ussds'r dstress wax- rasst-----------------------.... 150 10. Travs'lling tu issakoiliseaf, ssr'te meaniftr i,'ees mteaikpe cit. tress isel, uns igoosti are fosnsd. . 0 10 20. A~sîo-stwlisctls'r L'y eue osr mure, 12 ci-sti lilihe dolar, oz) t1is. Nlise utni 'es '21. Catiegîso fsie ced cun.mssieu ausisic)ivcs-y Of guonds, 5 et>t. lu Lis n e siist roduice of gonds. 22. Exesitisgsscarchs warrant,... 1 50 28: Servissg flstjresi 0ii cliiiita5isi;, when ss îsreall i ervesi -....0-50 I'sislimius'biy Ortler, JE, FAI-L1EWLL, CieshtofthLie Pence, C. O. 22 H OUSE AMD LOT Voli SALE OHR A gooil Fssissu tozs'y-ae',2--hali balise, 22 M2Ï, sutd itchees, tugeilser with hait ais acre 0u isusi, w--i lpists>d iwiti fsuit trees., itustes ons Itagis-tree, w nest part of thse town etfWsstby, Off Dondas-îtrpet. There la ate a gou stable. Thlere is a gond weii ansi purui, sud thsefsuit if;set the ciceit kiud. Posicerbiss finit Ns'veunher. Apply f0 MR. BICIHAHDSON,ais tise pemiscu, oacte tise Propricto r, W% TATE, SI t Grenws-oed THE CA NA DIA N Ail-? OAS! Tise Canasisau Oaa Miachline la au auto. matie gsts-rsiali.lg spparatsis. St ihdentIgo. as silsel ialise )Y wlsiris ac-tsiries, mille, botelu, churnises, dwellilisi, orbuilding. ot any kiesi, iituated L is country, or hc- youd tise reaicheofesalgas is oie t eti, mev bc sis)piesi wittl 5iic lsud C-iseap gag %Itse umachines are simple af coustruc. tiânisut lis<le tu gît oui t, ferder, reqeire ne sdtI te manage, are suide lin asuhitasi' tiai lt adîurable mannes'. Tisey oceupy uitile spare, ars- set up at smali expeuus-., ansd arei equaisy adapteti for lightsng the isirgest irilil, tactory, public huildinsg, or tise umalieswt iling, îcru fia ew or smtried tlslng, but have beau iin Constasnt anti nue- ceisulul usc lu ail parts cf the country, beth wlcstcrn <d fsusue, fer yeare. The ga made hy thesue machines is usuaUyilyeovuau carSisreted, ai r gis, bliîu carummn aie inspreguated -uith gaselline.'[ baruui wiuis a dis Lîright Ilame, Iuily equat te that pruduceti by ceai gusis ecenuncteti tlîrou i ipsaniornaunentai flxtisrer, wlth àtee siasi 'ipeeotnveîîiencu sud m oafty. Ne lire iu uses intath irceus et cfxulature aun buildiugs liglitei hby t rie isuures a tise issuerates ni tisuegliscoul gsi wvai useil, Tise ctena ft lis gag.furliiL5t, equal tu anes Loseunsd teet cof coal gias, Varie Irons eue sdolar snd flfry scete Lowo dollars, bciîsg abouit aise-laithtie price.et essai gem. Tise ateriai trous w-hichrris ois ruade by Our machinse in ktiuwiroinierially as gasoline, a ligisI, vlatil, tif petroiesun. Es-tisuiatso,1 givcsu fur iittsug ansi ieating buildings..1 BaiSse, Water Cliaetg, reu ps, iardien Fousita;iishîsuer Huée5 t iselxtsreu, lu Bronze sand Crystul, etc. SCOTT & PWILLIPS, SoesManufacturer.. Plusbcese, Gais-ansi Steasu Fittere5 COUNTY 0F VICIORIA. Tis tliuwtsgiuisd nls be townuhipof Somiu-vilie, Coluuuty ei Victoria. arin ofeoresi fer sale- Tise West j ef Lot 5, S iscs o111h concee- mienosistiisg A f100 ucres. 1"ificcu acres 20lea aidteneesi - Âieve'tîqiiiutrei crosses Lthe lot, où liiel s t a s aii ,-muar Luthe ai a geas m ortt.-,T-leprtrpertyau only eto a mile frou a srailway stationn tise Victoria Rltiwaye aud 85 muesfrein tise, village cf Kînusouxuf. - Lot 7, lu tise l4tis coneussin, cnusiotlug cf1200 acres. TbQ an~id twuiflnlure, havint ni £ t%8a u1;bl ieq cever. ailing struasu of wttr ruuuns rngih 4hao,~ la Isbut cne.ssmdr'ai mzllq îaNiIlwaâvet&tieae04t4se é 'I way. M Tienouutry areunti la -et lats Meue.SenG anti» sud 1$i aer Rimut! wijlltUC une Vor Terms' o $a'$, epplyi9tg F Fine G-old Chaïna, nglish make, unuuai4hy pei "n. -KEEPERRINGSe18 Kt. RNS Charms, Stude, &C., &o.; Silver Colore&-an4 çariht f I1d Jlar Drops,- ELEÇ,TRO-PLATED GOODS, Butter )i'shes, Sugar Bowls, &c. c Ne N~RMITE-Table, Dessert andi Tea Spoons. I)inner andi Dessert~ Forks., Spectaclesv to suit ail Siglits. « JTAS mIr sr-rnT\T Ot'r 17, 1877. ~Watoiyna~r~Brocjc Street. 'j"',-' àtAs 1 we inp dan offot them vexy low.--s' lixt ý's Mâ For Deppsia, Sick 'ec IN BOTTLES 2Z6' CENTI GILI~ rISMENT IODIDZ- 9F ~9 ~Vbitb0Angut ht, 1877. S. W. B. SMITH&Co OFFICE J~U T QiFKAE~W~IBIIO WN JPATTE RSON M'.C. !las cornmenced busness ithe 'pxemi seconruna sad Byron-sts., (OPPOSITE THE POSTOFIC, whrer i.nw re - pared ta supjp1y hie Cad oustomers with BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, JE WELRY, &,c., &~C., at the lowest prices. Ilie old frieuds aad custoiÃ" r 'a- in'vfled ta give him a Cail. L.ALLI N, October 22, 1877. [tf.441 »undau-st. (oppqeite the Post Office), Whitby. - My Stock of 1-",TiO W1ýrITUr RM Is now Complete in Ev-ery Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Specialr Inducements to those STARING: HOUSEKEEPING. UNDERTAKIN-.. 'Fuli Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries in this lîne. Also, A WELL -APPOINTED HEAIRSE. Whi tby, October 1Oth, 1877 49, JREPARE FOR THE FALL AND GO TO Ti S p S' T E -.s FOR WELL-FITTINO, CHEAP, AND O'OOD BEST AMEIIICAN ItUBBEIR &OODS ON HAND. Geîîts' caif Boots and Shoüs, the fiucûst and' most durable mnade ini the country. ~ Ladies' ,;uperior goadsinii-l'ru neila, Kýid and GoaL, a speciaiity. .Wlîen durabiiity and cheapness are roquircdl, cai on OLD No. 1. Large Arrivais! Cheap for Cash 1 1 WM. BURINS. Wiîitby, Sept. 4th., 1877. 28-12LU FAIR C OMPET17YION WITHOUT PROTCtETION. -_00 MIL JOHN FERGTJSON IS NOW IN THE MAflKET WITH RIS E'AL & I~TJRJG-OO:DS;0 Which for quality and price will lie found unsurpassed. :L (30-7 Made up inteats Styles and oit Shortest Notice. A LARGE STOCK 0F' OVER-COATS AND BUFFALO) - AT BOTTOM PRICES. DUNDAS STRLEET, - ROBES, WIIITI3Y.1 NEW GOOD s i 00T-o-- m- Clothing and Geîît's Furnishing buse 19 now supplicd Nwith ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadlian Cloths of ail kinds, the Largcst and Best Stodk they ever had. (jj'Also an excellent stock -of Gents' Furnishlings, ail iieîv. A splenid ýstock -cf Rnadymado Overcoats, Cheap for Cash. McMILLAN'S BLOCK, B1IOCK STIEET, - Wll1T1Y. WM. BRYAN'S STOVEI9PUT AND TINSHOP. If yon want a stove, eaU ad, sç!o a, large, stock aii4 great.- variety, having ail ticeniodern inýroeents of thoe age. - "1 H E CROWN JEWEL" Self-feéder, with or without Oven attahoti, is tic néws'st .-.d best stove in the maerket. TO T HE P U BLIC.1 la preuentlg our Tw nty.second Annueïa alog9ue o<giqU Ipe ;Mentu to the farmers of Canada for the yeer 1877, we do uo with more than thé- ordinary degree of pride and confidence, froin the markud fevour and patronage conferred upon ns, and the uteedy andi increauing- demand froin yeer ta yeer of our now ceiebrûted Farmu Implementu. W-e SbIIcontinu, aus heretoe,, asmanfacturera; b niake a upeciaty of Agr!cuiturai Mahiney-t4he Johiton'Self rking Beaper, t e Triusb hCern. biuad, Reaper and .Mower, the- Osynga Môwer, -the YgnungCanAda bý cileri ba Our ne'w Whftby H1arveuter, cwlamng a large uliare of'à&r tiueani tèta1. Iror tbe lest Twenty.two yearuw. have given aur 1meut cerefÃŽa a ni divid. eti attention te the manufacture andi operation of the verions machines in ue,. sifting out the. liet pointu, remedy g efects, modifying andi correcting erroru5' etrengtiiening weak pointe, adapting andi proportioning.every part au aur increai- eti experience bas uuggeuted. 1 W.e inploy anly the liout mechanical ukill, and our machines pen under the moot ouWni supervision ,anïe serainy-*uvery dotail being eubjected ta theeever- eut ériù tld~-and eaoh Machine lu thorongbiy ttétd.bée l eaving ,onr:wàrku, ta prove the compietenesu of every part, and there iu no difficuity in putting them in operation by any peruan of moderato mechanicai ability. Our mechinery bau beeu seleetet andi conutructeti with a upecial referonce te the manufacture of aur own maciine-meny tboie heving been, made faie Ibis partieuler purpoue, andi Dot adapted for other work, and aur workmen are adu. cated up ta the wants andi requirements offaur manufacture-olitaining a tiior- ough knowiedge of the construction of aur miachines, and are thus enabledti t ob- tain a higlier degree cf ukili and profiçiency than where general mannfacturing lu carrieti on. We are therefore enabledte t introduce e more perfect syuteni into ail the de- partmncntu of manufacture, adding uaL only ta Lb. perfection o? the work, but' al- uo ta the rapidity of s exeaution-enti a cansequent redluctian tcf cont. This principie is regerded neceuuary iu a well regulated estalishmbuent, andl we enablud ta turu ont aur machines with eà higber degree cf perfection, and iet prices 80 iow as absolutely to defy competition. THE, JOHNSTGN 'SELF-RAKING REAPER je Dow un well knuuWn uS a Single Reaper, that a word cf cozumendatiou: wouid almoat ieem auperflious, but nasIboe are meny claiming te manufacture this machine who have adhered ta the aid original Jalinuton machine, without keep- ibg up te the improvementu ; tbat justice to ourielvea andi patrons require cf us to state that we have modifieti it in almout every esuential part, anti for utrengtli and durability, quality of cuL, iu every kind anud condition cf grain ; lightneuu of draft and case cf zunagement-the "Jobnutoui," au manufeetureti by nu--etandi pre.emiueutly aheeti of aIl other reeperu. Iu proof cf tis pouition we have oply to point ta the mauy First Prizai nwarded nu--at the. lait Pro';Ïucial triai cf Ou- tarie, aud many county trials which have taken place ail over Canada, within the lait few years. OUR TRIUMPH CQMBINED MACHINES, with late imprevemeutu, lu ail that cen ho deaired inl a Combineti Machine, aud canuot failtot meet ail the requirements 9f purcixaieru. Our Improved Cayuga ChiefJdr., and our Young Canada Mowers are batb firut-classmachines-coustituted almout wboily cf Iron anti Steel. The Osyuga Jr. bas a rear out, and the Yonng,(Canada a front Cut ; both, utrong, dur- able machines, and flot excelied by ».j'meohines in the rarket for quality of cut,, durabiity, lightness cf draft, adaptabiity, and esse cf management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER." As Lb. country bau becarne better edaptedt U machinery, andi many cf or farta- ers have become skilieti in the fuae cf machines, a growing- demuant bua pmuug np fer a IÀght, Durable, Firut-Cis Reaper. Alive to Lb. requiremeuts cf the day, we bave sunceeded inl inveuting a ma- chine itti a Wrcught Iren Frame, ivith tbe leaut pousible gearing-witb large, bretad-faced drive wheet,-aud se ccnstmncted tint the frame aud table tilt et the sanie-ime, thereby keeping Lie pitman always il he witfi the knife. The rakes are driven directiy frcm Lhe main ubaft-t4here being ne. perceptible itie draft, and ne wcigbt upon the herses necku. We are confident that we have uucceeded lu inventing Lue mout perfect Beaper, Laking iL inI aiiLarte, thet bai ever been prcducod. We bave applied for letteri patent, ànd ibai1 bold our invention, fer cur cwn excluive manufacture, andi we resectfnUly uuggeut ta iu- endiug purcliasers, that Lhey shuld oeti e hlu zuecbne before givig their ordure fer the ccrning iarvest. The "Whitby Harveuter" weiglbu, al -told. 600 pountie but lieing made principally of the lieut quaiity cf iron anti Steel, anti from itu iu- guiions iund compact conetruction, iL combines Lie itrength and dnraliility cf the iîeavier machines. Ail cf our machines are fuily warranted. N'ith Luis lust of miachins, we fcel confident tint we enu meet every r. quiremeut, anti we reîpectfully solicit a triai af aur mactinueu, lelieving tbat we can furuisis a botter machine for tie rncney tien enulie obttineti eteewbere. Rcspectfully Yours, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. 00. Whitby, Ontario, February, 1877. -FASHiONABLE TA IL OINU Go where you can get a Well-fltting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPEJiIOR CUTTING SHAPES ,THIE WORK1 A Large Stock of Fine Clotho ; best Engiieli, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. o: Excellent Overcoatings and Splendid Veut Patterns. A good fit Gnaranteed. G OG ULY 51 Ring Street, Osbawa. NEW STATJýONERY -AND- George Yule begs to anunounce that he lias ro-opened has Stattionory and Book Store in 'Whitby, where staticnery cf al hindi, of tise bout qnality, wil ho kept on hand ; aiea Scocl Bocks of overy description, Copy Bookis, Siates, Penoils, Inku, &c, &c., at tic iewest prices. P.S. Parties indeb immýedîatoly. ht4,Ooteber 22n8, will please0 R . AIIES0N-, ~Me n~1Portioudr(t, 60 eti. per gélton; Pure Grape Wine, $1.50 per gai;Belfast Ginger Ale,: Plain Soda, Seltzer, Water. .*-CLARETS IN, OASýE-fo Crue P Rierea' St."- Jnien'4MOdoc, Marg anx. ordinaire C 01er.lélui0 VIN EGAR: Englieli Malt, Frenchi White WinÏe, Crystel Piokling, &o., &e. S. C. Hlain, Spiced Bacon, 6. C. Tongues, Beef Hamn, Dried Beef, &a. FLOU R: FeUl Flour, C. Whent, G.,Flour, Ont Meai,.0Cor Meal, Split Peau' P. Bariey, &a. PM'. Em, Tongue, Chiaken, Straburg Meat, Finnuen Haddie, monter, Anohory. Oz Tai, Pertridge, Here, Clioken, 0% Cleuok, &a. GOFFEE:" Moccsaend Java, Boîted and Green. Whitby, Aiipst 7th, 1877. .21 CARRIAGES AND. BUJGGIES! ----00 0- THE LARGEST AND M1$2ST COMPLETE. STOCK 0F Capriages, Sleighs and Cu tters, M. O'DONOVAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VERY CHEAP. CALL & SEE THEM. a"a. gar'Sc [T... under tiienLThé»uinua uviug utr.em rn- niâ rOUKiSll i.4UZhelam.Foriî fttheT par. ALEL XcLABEN, On the. premiue Pickering, Jo1ul 2, 1877 tf4l1 C OMMENCIG ON MONDÂY Mey 7tli '7,adutlfnrther notice, riuwl LZÂVE PORT HOPE for idndmyj Peter- boro', L4efld, su tè mediete. pointu, etàs. . i, 1 emani. pmandi for the Gaorgiu ay2W;7n- buhene, anti intermediete Pointe 10ej. m. 'anuareau foflovu FROM Linduy; Peterboro', uidLulefielS, et 8 a. ni., 12.80 p. rm., and 6.55 p. m, sbene, andi lntermeetý oitu, et 6.55 P. zm. For fartiier pertcnUaru ue Peckat Tune Carde, to bu lid et ail StaLlone. Hl. G. TÂYLOE, A.'HUGEL Superintendent. .Preuilent. J Es H. 'SAXO a; COMEPA2 JIJrST AIRRIVED AND FOIR SALE F U RNI1T U RE. AT THE WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, A choice lot of Green and Black Teas, tlîat caunot be beat- in the. Domainion; both for quality and cheapness, price from 50 to 80 cents per pound. Coffees from 25 to 40 cents per pound. Sugars of ail kinds, tfl 8lbs. of Wihite Sugar for $1. Uood Valenoia Raisins, J-161b8 for $1L WHOLESALE & ILETAIL. Wareroonis-Albert Hall Buildings, 189 Yonge St. Have alwayu on isuti a FuilSk ofevey t'ling their line,andiope by utrie tIateion tIlLte vants ef thairnutomeru, to merit a continuence-et isepatronage hituerte ex t eudd o t ts. - lN' A full assortment of Choiôe Family Groceries, cf al 8ecNîaEntionDLui Wo 0aRmKge kinds, at equaily Low Prices. fEDL W R MAPLE MOLASSES $1 25 PER GALLON. ME scIREENS, House and Gardon Flower Plants. Green Vogetables iu their season. S:Eg FREBU TOMATOES JUST BECEIVED.' A full assortment of China, Glass and Crockery Ware, Tes. Dinner, andi Toüet Sets ou baud andi for sale cheap. Alidnds of Field and Garden Seeds, Clover and Timho- thy Seeti, &a. Tumnip Seedu cf ail kinds, direct front Scotianti, to arrive this week. Kik Gooti Petatoes frein 50 to 80 cents per bushel. Whitby China Tea Store. WANTED.-Any quantity 'of Good Butter, Eggs a.nd Feathers, for which the highest cash price wil ho paiti. W. J. GIBBON. BUGG lES For Sale at very Reasonable PricLees. Several Qpen Buggies with child's seat, Lady's Open Phoetons latest style and very liglit, Covered ýPhffttons with iRoling Seat, 'also Liglit Top and Open Buggies of Super- ior Style and Finish. AUl made Whitby, Juiy Stb, 1b76 of the best Material and Wfarranted. TOMS & NEWPORT, -Wbitby, Ontario, i ~ '- 28 FINE 'ARTS-!- BESTS GALLEIRY, OSHAWA. The Daily and Weekl ,y Papers alwa'ys on hand. Sb P E D D.]I T R soriptions soliciteti .IS L NDD1I T R S5, Musical Instruments, including a fine assortment Of Violine. Orders are Laiton for Pes-jodiestie, Magazines and Musio., - 1 IWitby, Dec. lBth, 1876. GEO YULE.1 '51,S WILLIAM, TILL'S CABINET FACTORY AND FURNITUFàE WAREROOMS 1 THE OLO STAND, BROOK STRIEET, WIlTBY, Mil a-ting bougit niy large stock of stnies for Casis I amrn determin. h G h r o a n t fi o b ed _,o su-Il rry cienp, am t arstisfied I celu please My estemeru bath in qual. G h r o cn o ,fi o b 'sty enid price.. Vomni sud isupeot Qým. -pleaàed ini malini seleetions of good furniture. - Wt utup tivaizei -rsa Bae-rouieofanysie,~it Ian Splendid Parlour, ])rawiug Boom and Bedroomd Sets, Holsifaif s.th finpcto. t fsOisig o pieàDù Galvusuized frou je the best for -vableys for roofs of builàings--it béusg NwDugswi otyc upcin Iatsihn o rcs li mars durablie, anti wili uaL expuantin break by thsetient assît the uno, iika seine on. Extension Table -a very superior article. - : l . 1n Ebwiruun ad ~-ý " Gilt Coruices, Picture Framing in every style. Sosne fine Chroma. )klnds of Tinw'are in' utooc, asu any artiete mâsde to ord'er. -t i Etaviiigs for sale. b O V Gdi-ýb. timeîbrug It ahouua. 1rnoheu; funerals fuly .uppiet, À tck of éeatcaikete. Life-Like-ta-ken in a moment i the best style. Mr.' Best lias seciu-ed the services of one, the best- nega.. liv. retouchers lu Lie Unitedi States. I feel confident thzat I oan tur u t work equiai, (if not euperiot,) to anytbing ever before matie in this couintry. ISe CALL AND SEE MY WORX._ Ail are welcome to inspect the Gallery. -Fine Photos of the Leading Statesmen of the Dioni=**on- Right Hon. Sir Johsu Matidonaiti, Hon. T. N. Gibbs, &o., aid of Rav. RaLlier McCssnn, BRey. Mr,. Lairdi, and leading citizens, forsal> et BEST8' GALLERY' SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. 9JQEI-1:t BEST. SADDLEIIY AND -HAJ3-NES,., WILLIAM THOMpSON Beg8 ta direct attention ta iL large and suerior stock, oosprieng evry. tbing ui b. th e ry anierneou Lin., ago Leather Valises and. Saratoga 'l runks 1 A LOT 0F CHILDREN'S CARRIA GES, Very lianduo.ss. anti Cisap. At tbe aid establiubmenît. -OTTOMANS, FLNCY CHAMRS, LAMBREQUINS,_ CORNICES, &eC., &o. matie antiPut do-sn n lb.th lieut utyle. JAS. H. SAMO t O Marci 8th, 1876. i T RE TRÂLRER G PIÂN0e $290.0 The Thisberg Pianie u a vent long fet- filet; af àa GOOD, -USEFUL PIANO wbich comisineathelieclemese ettoue anti tise leanty, of finish f et tic et celelrate malte, vitis e moterete pice, Ùf iL lie aultetiho, iL lupossible teSUnppiy a Gond Piuno f or about HALF THE PRICE generally chargeati, flb.aeer lt plein . lu Ubo maug or cale cf LieuseInutru- mente, tuer. are neolrg uovroomu la kèep np,ueno rund MusioHulutaýmaintain, or ne expensive .raiellingagents to pey. Tise.inutrumentusarc ali seofga- UN IORM STANDARD,, PULL ,SEVEN OCTAVE SOLID IP.ON- FRAMi, OVEBSTBRUNG BASS, CARYRD LEGS, ItOlIND FRONT CORNERS, sud DOUBLE VENBEaRD- BOSEWOOD CASES.- An extra DISCOUNT 0F £0 PER CENT. will b. alloweti Scioci -andi Conveniu, elea ta Clergymen for tiseue cf ubeir f#mllec. W. ADAMS,. - Agent, Wiitby, Pebruery, loti, 1877. 8 THO$. PAÉ C-ILOTRS CLEANZeD-A2D IF FADE» alwtliprmptly attndta.- [2l.ly To ail viaare uffring1rom, tuée errer antiintiecretienu oI youti, nerycue veek- nemu, uu.rl;' deay, Icg et suanbot, &c.,I vit uendi a reoipe tuat vill cure yon, FBZD 0F CHLAIGE. This greet resnedv vue dl.. coveretilyaidoeyl obiAeie Senti aceif.addreuetienvohove tth fie 1ev Joumnu T. IUeLie Station D, Bible EHome, Nce Yr'hCityj. y4 TRY T~HE DOMINION WVASHING MACHINE -lait'on trW ie-ce cfci ehrge, asutisehe but c eon, Br LYI G. t Witliy, Office-, ci Bfl HECTOS CA fDBroue9 Ornez- Wbitb7, se IROBT. 1 Que'e C sunilf'omi tlnivr. et Pc of tue Univ oner for tus Celtivater E augut SLl 9 ffice hdt0ru lm80te 6, p.: suid Gilbert C, ? Tbut e=tec local auseuthi £W'B new loc Ring Street,i BUILIIEB DU .0z1 7EJARD] AGET 11argetauttw -MA The Clerk- Towa Uuhl, Frideyu, .for hsourd, 9 aà.se. Merci 27thi >WIL BLACEBMI (Succeuio: Hordeeuheeing work. Clork Divis &a., Atbemiy, Ci, J 0 ALso -ýee -T I-IE . At WM.-J. GIBSÃ"N'S.

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