Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Nov 1877, p. 1

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W. AUi A flV]9B'rT . 624"omtaut =MeV'OL. , Ba*84ile8 D;Ir'otorymNIOAl~N BUT, rU RE. & RETAIL. dbert Hall- Yonge St.j e bWy strict atten 04i itomeimtomerlt& oaag e btherto 'ex o tire =&king of WO0R K il lu tire beat style. S. H. SÂMO & CO 3ERG PIAN 0 la s& -mml l u onit-, ciofa TUL PIANO cleamneuea tlle uni f thbos cicelebrateal te prie., La peilIle osupplp no fli about -E PRICE te animer la plain t Il maie ai a- za PER CENT. si sud Conuvene, alsat use afi heur fscllls. W. ADAS th, 1877,- ED AND IF FADE» Ir naluricobemi.- l e . leaned acna Wiltby, or sont bp 'e,'- dt. 21l OUqTAISLO BANK"~ THýOMAS DOW, Onoie Arei door south ai the Bayal. JAMS KITIK GOR»z GÏARLEI C. KEILLnat LYMAI N atolh, L L.B, IDBAEtOTEIT LAW, SO)LCrro]anq -~AEEISTEE, ATTOBSBy.-AT Lw, NaPubllU o 00. o. OffieMi(hiii IJlook, -rooktreet Whlibyioutarip. A- G. IIOMLLLAN# (Lai. Greeuwood &h MclUan.) B ABrST»# ATTORBY»SOLIO: Whtby, Outarlr ~P1u a ,asi ffce,01 ROBINION & ET AERISTTERSAT.LAW ATTOREq. B e~, Solcîori,3ioveyancr tc Court Street, Tornta. . J.G. RoniNiox, 1x. A. HnasmapA.R RJeT CAMEROyÇ & APPELDE, HECTOR CAMERON, .0. ly.45) R. 8- APPELS£, * TI00OCAS BURÙTONq, ELRE ÂND TREASUEIR, TOWNOLby. Osce-Towu Hall. Houri, front 9 ta 1 o'olock. R. J- GUIN, M. D., 5URGBÃ"N TO THE COUNTY. GAOL,I Byo treet, Whiby. Dr. W. J. BURNe. BEOldan, Ai M. Lais ouck'. BYRON FKELD tDE. 1B. p-RYSOtAN, bURGEON, ho., Dufini' * - ('UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., the u, oyeB. O. H. L., Osiawa, Ontarilo. CADit. DGART, Piryuican, Surgeon, Accoucher-, ho., ho. Whltb7, sept. SMt, 1874. 4 -ROBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Grauai. (mur houons) ai tire Unversity of Suoesueole gil o, Canada; Philadelpbia Ulr.,of iM e<lud - Surfery; Americun Unir. ai Pennsylvanie; Ecîcetie Coilege ai Pennsylvaniea anSdtucentiab at i Mlradcy of tire UnIr. ai Ediuburg, Scoiland. Cas-- oaci- for ths Coauny of Ontaiol. Offce- Coldirater St., Osillaé. August 241h, 1875. lyr.85 1W. ADAMS, 1) OM1OVTER R HJAsON'S Office houruirain9s.m. ta 12 m sunS front 1.80 ta 6, P. . emidsne-C.r aiByron and Glbert sireels. Cg N. VARS, L. D- S. rOS eiithechoape, ad asgpoil u the Teebir extradteS 'aitiaut ain, bypîpodurciug l- can.ueutbcsia. Dent ai oomi-in 0ev. ausnem blok,ovi- Atklnson's Dring Store, King Str-eet, Osirimu, 8 TUe»IAriDEVERILL# BUILDER AND OONTRÂCTc3J DUNDAS St., WElITBY. IWAU orderu proenptly exeouted R, H TAIE REXSSING AND BSHÂVING JLLSaloon, Brook St., Whltiry. JOlI!! WOLFENDEN, A GENT FOR TIE OBLEBRATED Soaltisi ran-site. Ai Mis-ble Worki cf Jeuthan Wcifenden,Dundas St.,WMtlby. GEORGE CORMACK, L UMBER MERCEIANT, CARPENTER anaijoiner, Green Street, Wirlliy. A large quatlty 0aIlaU irais ci lumbor cou- startly onuirund. JAMES W. BEALL, TON IPCLEER <(Eait Wilby>, COMMISSIONER COURT 0F QUEBN'S RINCE, CONVEyANCING AN.D GENER- AL, INSURlANCE AGENT. The Clark mlire l ir is affinlutire Town ?iafi, Columbrus, an Maudapu unS Ytiday. -forTownship buines. )ffice irours, g a. M.t laP.8.. Mmcli 27tu, 1877. 14 WILlilAiIaCOOPER, BLAOCSMITH, - IIOUGHAM, (Successor to Thomas Miudaugh,) Horne ahoeipg and ail kinde of geniral ,work. y452 A AT HE2R LY, Clark Division Court, Tp. Clark, Coamleelouer lu B. R., Land Agent, h&o., &e., Alhenly, 0Cetny Cari-o. Atherly Sept. Sud, 1872. 80 w uJ. HINMAN, OSH A WA, *Veterinary Surgeon, WiUl be ai Arxntrong's hotel, Whitby, every Taeoday, trai 1ta 4 acocp. m April U, 18i77. 1 STORE AND DWELLING TO L. ET Ir At Liverpool Market, a New Store and D eu1u., weli lited np sud wlîh ry nccsary ccotmdatiojn., "r 'i., Mit. GitOZ~ Wbll1~y, luly lUth, 1874. GLEN MAJOR MILT M00OWUfia FneLu Pt»eUe I-nob canda, -roct ula, KaPle ftr axIla lo e 15,000 fl.-qum>eMTr Aulebof whvOI ibiebmmaPbfor 0* jar irum " Fta gayp tua 'ei "ýU, li d'o nsAr#l GOOD N13WS FOR TEE LADIRI  NEW PLVE&âTION JIN SCIENCE 0P DBE8S.M COIRNWÀLL'8 EFJTT( WAIST à SHOULDER Clu Dresse& fttted from mesurement à wlllaan change, of a ititoh. For sale, with free instructions, Kt MISS MOINT YRE" Ae4winied. Libers! inducemmnt wVhtb, Aug. le, 1874. G. YOUNG SMITI ISSUER 0F M1A1RIAGE LICENSE I h: WHITBY, ONTARIO. KIGBROTHERS, WHITEY, ONTARIO, ipai-icri, Desu d nSManufaturraoa Kindi aof LEATHER AND FINDIN6 Ossir palSi- Horidai, Bai-aand Leather Letbem straehod. lârBELTINQ MADE ITO ORDR SHORT NOTICE. MAY, 1872. m ONEP TO LRND I inlare qutitfr o tpba huil ai Foi sU, seveimb Town lais,tli r i- Rouies, anS a large Br-ickaHanse.I ternts,apply ta G. YOUNG SUITE. Whliby, Feb. oii, 1874.. SIMON & KELLED CIGAR MANUFACTORY, la - 8a-and'-li'elà~ --'--i -INCORPOR&TED 183-, 7eda n~ WedneseJay 48 - 12 1eîDcr,s,,at 9-a.m. 1 ATE. X]UmoW OTHL, X 8* A S , fiJ0- p r'94- coammeuadng Mondap, D eeor the 171h <tAn mm.. mas..> naumeeffeetudi naube le iramnt Zf.B.. 1llddents lving É h. linofa WKZTBY, onOiediigsIeo udwlMd thefl th F-oit yPar P *y BaIsua ',i y r e o v a ia e ut s .o c t o aua ird w biq n l k t ih l a . g h u , â a S p o t i n hi o i e s . « d é .. f o i g 1 l u l i i e d c a - T ipp l c et s - a emplSUreomi. WUb ,April 111h, 1877. 1 vr uiipml~ rai-*sul a-. liteproumqe ciuto rsuis le QETAIZO OTEL - Ndepisinge e thte eveni»g WRIE?,0NT~EI. -G, HELROÉrNSONB.A. TH8,KA OPBOPMQ, Tn HB.e Suerorsec Olalo. Tabla, 's' Lpý.I ' o T I CE' out be- ea.Genuin. e Cimm ut bsaU ilhsdroasn. "'th Q E N' ~I U AN ce tily mo baes-. T ' nRRX S 1 OTELI, M P N I a r u e m a u c a j~ (LAIEcav...uLor book aceaunlq>clcasi on as poib.. (L'n VumzuL, We*Oue"OrQBayto car Aslomes-s 1iavn ot~iatteitatrawl M e asavaà ber0allngsudsolig EEOE-SSEE, WITE, ~them upuâtanery'day. TAYLOR h McOANN, PROPEIETORS. W. iea roquait thos irWhopurobasedM The undersigneci sat ou- aliobrm Iheli 90OUarstoreoic rditon Monda>- Imbiotht t lsttue 101h lust., ( on îthe are) taý friandsan ue u ia t bayqbava taken koop mamorandami'cf th 1 1t s pr tue aboya wail mcm hotu, mblah thney ca<da lrabble a u g pr.o ii bave novly itesa n a l raed, and put DpolmIi-oina aemiei$5 eb~dmp as hu lt rni aU& a aenrelbi or, la.tue besi ai oMrerfor the accommoda. Deost vthAois i ovaae a . ai iludluow uitirsd eavequantity solS tiof eta. oniù ià t TBoEr,wOidcheII. - E1puenced gents a0ngen ~~ iaot tellh hn gothép!ýf lM aarli i BkOlut aoneeoli tue Coub' mi u ppla smiawicotadeatto-ir els-cinswýtandiUdai tbe duo" brandoe ai ines lquors, mil ci. Firs Bisles writion ai Adeýuaie Rates. uhich, lb. abarae al la, mode sud tui gara l. lOnOlasedbeM<roau an" good C. Nx«RSE thop vin ualthn iiiurssnb 1ueU sisbllug, bo afl1 o#&. Doisobed roonts A-n, UB lt lg ntue s e t4tne fo Imin &La.st for comme" rcavoUai. 7. Aen - jibinomtaal mAttur latini.&t"o wltbp, Api-il111h, 17ýý .- 'fie ipaeî r n e, i bt c J. P. TAYLOR, F-ILt? COCANX. plohy Ms-îàn. O-isla, SJlcof thst., hi, laie aiToi-auo. pRN=x PIRE INSURANCE c 0. l 'elIa'bloek, parlly appWst~tir OteBank., 7R OYAL OTEL, Lombard S. and Charlg Cros, Londcn. ua HO .L L R W ia I 1 TAnss u n 1 7 2 .W i b y . Q t . th , 1 8 7 7 , t JAS- PRING L, P OP IBTO . G LL SP E, M fl. j.0. l Greatebhance to makemonoyV Tir ls-ea aS ai ommdluebaciAgensfor Canada.' - <j L U, e a ub Yriplo , n tire tovn i bas large aumpie ooma for B. W. TYRE, uio m te ti-gaepi sde tammerelal iraveiles. Table iwsi supplieS aaeMniel sLsnt mipbiapntafralu si wihhbesilu eucon. Bcstbrsndattquo-s A DÂlulSTABLISED I AA ol.,Ayoe L .ý n"Ou if mdc oo aardand sirodroont; A i 8U.VUnllntid IabliHty af agent. Tiremosl eh gant vorski atrIgir =nltl iôter.carg-es ta suit th al te8tockboldoro, sud le Roerve fr-e. la subeciters. fThe priarai elaow1vtirat Nie. E.-LireryMadchto. r7tes o rSR n. almeat eveurîbody trtbscribee. One agnt f X. B.-Lvery atVchehi27uC. IZIî;rb:2rtsmong aveu- $180 l itaùtreck.A bI Agent, hty1yagn reports talelng ovûr dtJO tub. TyP HOUSE. Whltby, April l7ii, 1877. 17 seonbea-s lu ton darys. AU mira engage naltew WE" mrayfat ou eau f evate Sai pui-ime f DUJNDAS-ST., WHITBY. LA ADINVRST-a.tir.busness, or only yu poursnne. MN OMPANY. Pu etnabie awy frein homeovterW (mmî i PITenti. nigirl., ou eau do il as wonlas att irr.Pull n (WXSTOF POT OFFCE.)pariintaii, directionssud loi-ms fi-e. ElV 'OBEPE . D BNDEL, PBOPIBgRc. CAPITAL, 8600,000. agantan sd experasive OubSfi-es- .If onwian t profitable irik senal ne pour add-ess ati Tuso hanse iras baen rrenbhuilt in HeaS Office, Impai-lalBuildings, Toronto. ance. Il Coul. uotig taebs-y tire 'business. gr aand ocmNo one vira engagea s ains te ant oùpsy. vug nSrou, and fblted up la firat-cUlas - Aciliese "ITHE PEOPLE'S JOURaNAL," i 4y - Denti Wles, tLiquais andtO ; l'5E5uDîtNT BANExES: 45 orlnM ainm. - si ilae Lyard; Beelr, Godai seen. NON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. la sccua rG DAayBulo. ONTARIO BANK. L 1 ADTUN.ALAYHTL MONET TO LOAN on Impmovcd Fus-ms, DIDND O.4. î (opposite G. T. R. Station,) Wiily. nt Loir Rates afinluireel. Apply t- IIEDN,4. t VU. -O'EILL --PROPBIETOB. C OUS, gi, Ont. OTICE le hereby gtven tirta iDvidenS a] Taient;G Noi POUR PR C ENT. upera thele, capital stock oai inrstitution iras tus day Evet-y accommodation ion gaesti, lnclud- . . I MRuTLAND, Manager, Trno beau detiai-ef for tire en-eut peur, siilaStt g cainfartabla, sisy bedroonts, Me t Ula a GO)OD'ÏiORTGAGES BOUGHT. the same wl aabl t tireBank aud lie Oun-a. Bi racepnayabltero ___- Tier fll vn ilirboit April i1tà, 1877. 17-rcnsa nl ia a rands of Ligtuer», Wnesnrjnies, Cigare.- Saturday, the Flrst of 1-'cceMber neXt. ka e. veryneces"an-y lionven ta ONTARIO FARMERS' Tho Trausier Beooa ii hocloseS tram a GooS Stabliug, enclased yard, anS allen- ilinclce j usoir ie. Si oorebt aa oe alers. -48 Insv et-Set-. t ls INb. LGT. wlork tetr lon Ac Frc Vili ON J.. Cigart. Helel-keapepartsundDealors Win it t hels- tvanbagçe ta give tientaa Wbllbp, Feir. M1, 1877. - lp.7 LIST 0F TEE DIVSION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TEM E RE 1877. Brugama 2 48J Por e- Dia elm9121, 'i 58127 cann ej7 i272 Beuvrt'n 12 1281 il 1 Athrly -- 11l8 2591 112 1 159 GEO. B. DARTNELL, Junior Judge. Whltby, Duc. 271ir, 1878. 1 c H 0 10aE A P PL E T R E E S, ABO1U T 115,000, OME NURSERY., abwo ta four y«» ofai&go, embraolng afl SBTE C. WILSON, ;o. 8, 2nd Con. Pickering, an Elagiton 3oad, oit Olne, Whitby.. H Prora the bg Lot Nl B The inhab B L In Or BER' A ci Whitb 3W BtTTCHER R OP 1 a subsoriber begi beave ta uabify the liants ai bhe Taira ai Whitby and viciuity, that ho bas opened a J-TOHER SHOP rosby's Store, Dundai-SI., (opposite H otel,) where he wil keep couitantly on hiad a goad aisortruent of W, LAMB,VEAL, MUTTON,&c. by, Sept. lot, 1877. 87 Cuarauts DEPARTNENiT. Ottavei, lune 41h, 1877. A UTROBIZED DISCOUNT ON Amerlcasu luvoces until furtbor ne.1 lIce, 7 par cent.1 1 J. JOHNSON, j SI-ti Conmlasloer oaiutante, L IVERIPOOL MABEET i tant prepas-eS ta psy Carrni-ouas for aul kinduodi Grain Sllvered. stmy Steain Eh valar, Frencmmau y. SALT, PLA.STER, WATERLIME, &c.1 - FOR SALE f1 *T ýk"-qwU"o'o E.9#94uniE lmN CARTvWRIHT, ONT. oca accmmeablontfI '<OMMEROAL HOTEL saSSTABLES, .j 54 suni 50 Jailsset, Teronia. HN M£cBB, . . . PROPRIE'O.R. Isuceusson Ta sJouxe zinux, i-ie boa iacDBy Nouas ln tire City, erary bis Mai-het. Tic Rousas ba e etd OntandS erY.ihing Prt-lm. y.ýT HAKESPEARE HOTIEL, >Cr.LNg & York-atm., Torono, ont ALO'GR4DY, - PROPRIETOR. r»118, 81.50 t'mnDAT. (lp.47) )OST -OFFICE SALOON, ToaaNreo. H BIO J. MOONNELL, ---PROPBIE2'CB. E RT ACCOMMODATIONff Ma$* WALKEY'rs TEMPERANCiE HO USE, DUNDAS.STREET, WHITBY. Geai accommodation ai rossanabla iersim. oas-dem. 02.50 per week. 45 OTEL ERICHOfiN, 148 sud 150, Randoi1pirCCaner ai Fart Si-aet, T. KNNEY, lai oftheRougie Hoaee C. C. »CALES,- VIR -GINIA TOBACCO AGENCY V oronto.atreet, Toroentao (by.7 HEALTrH RESTO6RÈoD Remedy Fs-ca for tire ipcody cure cifusi-vausi Scbililyprcmature Secsv, boit maniroaf lmduaelrdeie produealexeesi. Mailenf ta any yaddrees. Itovrosox h Ca., 686Naseau Strcet, N. y. nt7 M CNET TO LEND. The unuet-sigued iras an y amount ai Mon- ey to LenS uponraFsm or Tam Piopcrty, ut unuaually Loir Rates ai tutereet. Loamseauaie repaiSln ustelasuit bar- Several Improvad Fai-mi anS WfIl Lands for sala cieap. Invoitmcnts maSs lu Municipal Deban. tures, Bank, and otir-mcrketalabla Stocks. For fustirer paiticulars apply te * JAMES HOLDEN, OlffciaI Assignie, Emoker, t&c. Bpril %là, 1872. as IBlD OFFICE, BEOCK-Ss-., WHITEBY. RIHS COMPANY insurci Fat-m BuUSd- Ling., Country Churehes, Seh.a! tonus, sud iheir Contents, ut rates ai Loir sthose ci lany mci.cstaihed Campsny lu Canada. 3 . B. EICKELL, JOHN WILL1S, I Pi-sideni. Vlce-Presienl. I C. NbURSE, SZBEuxr±sc. vciU iluue-s0100 fer iucisre mont, f Wihby, Oct. lot, 1877. -il INSURANCE COMPANY (pmtElAND Lis-) CAPITAL. $10 0001000, MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYNE8, E8Q., M.D. EaS 0Offc for canada: 191 & 198 St. Joues Street, Mantreal. FORBES & MUDGE, Chief Agents. B. H. L&.WDER, Agent, Whitby. Anguit Oth, 875, ly.88 rRE INSURANCE COMPANYI1 t. sud reHbisre, chargeu maierate, prompt Fl. Saie setemntaiarsluaGRO. PULE, Agent. Wirllby, Juste 2, 876. 28 NEW MUSIC HALL, Music PURNISKiD'WHEN DESIED. Seating Capacity, Oua Tirensaud. GRO. IHOPKINS. Whith7, Oct. 22, 1877. y4 1 have given the agencý for my Lager ln W'hiby t, 3 A. LLand i shail ev deavour ta supply an article which will V ve" satisfaction ta thace irbo patronize Best an JOHRN WALZ, Tos,auta. T UE1 id F-resheszb ! WI LLWAYS BU FOUND AT THE WHITBY HOME. Ox -,ir BAt RIV'ISHER ONTÀRIO ]31eh eneral M'su7euli&agen-. Torornto, -tsOtirr 87 45 Coa/, Goal, Goal I NEW COAÃŽL YARD caIEuns:ived r?.m shave recelved &= f s -ireS aaSd sereened CetanStSlve Cou, pet- tar. 'Ma Sl" Tire ircaitire Americsu mai-ket afeord s, mmdi tieyoffer for Casir, aIlire LOWdST LIVIG PRICES. Tuke titis OPPOrbunaîy aigetting St-at-ariasC ab ieuring pour oag i liMr. J7. H. LON, Wiritby,.ai-E. M. ARNOLD, Part Whitby, ut the o11ffco e a ebte Cirester Draper; ut Oshaira, ai-Sers mai be loft ut tire stare tif Mesore. MICRIE STBNNETT. Orfiers lat vih liraabeve naieS parties mili-e- ccive prompt attention. W.iLrpéby strict attention ta husinesu ta uil a large ti-sdc. Welghb, 2,OW<.tao atona. N.B. The schaoner "Magdala" le kepb aanstatyciritoi-aibytire enSet-igned for tactSeî'vcry ai irosh euS canstant sup- ARNOLD &, FARE WELL. Part Wlitby, Nar. O, 1877. ti.46 F'iACTICAL CA R/NAGE & WA GON M ANF,(EUIil o teDouble sud PATENTED CHURfN8. REPAIRINO 9-Donc au tirestiritest notice. .M GEO. BRITTON, Brock Stet, t. ... Wltitiy. OCaber 22, 1877. ly-44 FARM FOR SAE. L CT 14, 7TH CON. UXBRIDGE; 125 Jadi-as mostiy citai-ad, mai foenceS, sud Lua sgood Blute of ctrotivabera. SaliClay losus; aoed honte, barras, stables, stiav anS aont hanse ; 2 melle, 2 clisr; apple at-chai-S. Pour miles froin Manchester sas. tion W. P. P. h L. R'y, ani eue front pri-. eosea Teronta & Otawa R.it -ec, 05,OaO. Bytoi-ms ; cireup fui-m.Apa1y J. W. ORCHABD 47.ti) Utiaa . Twva FIua-ealass Brick Hanses ta Rani- sevenra -cm e auci; wmo i aisitd; good DEALEn IN J. A. BANDBLL la aiseasieAgent for Whitby, SeB. POWELL.77 Wai'i Lager Beer for the county ai01t 3t,187 9 Diamonds and Preolous Stones, Ontaria. FR O A E MAOIManufacturer of A FINE ARTICLE OF PURE CIDBR. EI o No. 8, lOth Con. Wet Wil. AOIC D DFE2L L0WS 1, 1 - 1-LBiams ; 100Acresmore or1leu ;hall a KNIGHTS' of PYTHIAS1 DOIMION FLOUR & PERD STORE. mle from the flourshingown oParkhim. AN»ALLCHARLES PENNYLEGION ai ouhtivation; balance wcfl timbered with Socley Realla Tiihaxdwood. Brick hanse. Large new frame Soclty Iegala, lW8iis, &o., &o. Eegs ta noliy bis iendo and customers baru and stable, with plenty of bard'and 14, KING.5T WEST, . . . TORONTO. that ho le naw prepared ta supply soit water. About four acres of an orchard Floi. ad Fed o th Bet . wzth chaice fruit trees. SoU, ciay loam. May 22d, 1877. 22g goran ea fte etQuaity, Possession eau be arranged ta suit pur- L U BE I U BE R I~ , at the lowet livin# prices. chaser. For particulars ddres- 8hrsJa . W. POEL Parhil or Ç JOH N SON, p tabac c.,atWhes ets ati, ý4. Octobor 18,1'77.-4 LUMBR M RCHNT h.oeri the flua Ostifor Cagh. FOR SALE CHEA? WHITBYAt the Dominion Fleur sud Feed Stars, A Brick Ct ae near Busines etel W H I T B Y ,roiby'i IBlock, 'But door, Dunds Street, teTw i tb.Prpie aCotrei Bas on band a large supply aifaal kindi ai WMthuheTw o Výtby. FoWmiead em Barn Lumber Boards, and &U ncs u CHAS.-PENNYLEGION. pply ta- M.W.THMSN Buidig umer Fncng Swn Tiauber, Whltby, April.241h, 1878.-i and 'Bcantling, a large quntityo ad.18adlr Lam~e arders tor Long 3111 Stuiffl ed 1VROLMlKTWhîtby, Feby. 2Oth, 18.6. g rom Mlle ai short notice. T _________MARKET__1 DoSales and Blindi alaYi on CASH-LSAGE BRTWEEN Whity, May Ith. 1877. lyO AIIFO:R GRAIN, Tobhodeliveredast WHITBV &OSHAWA. Agets aned. Frech a.ns By.LeaesTWICE A DAY i Agent W an ed. renC rnan s B ay, LavesOhwa at 8.10-a, r., sud 1, .. M 4 AGENTS WANTED lu the Townihips Leaves Whbtby a 1.8,a..,a AI ai Pickering, Uxbridge, Pofrt Ferry PLASTER, BAL?. AND COAL p. Zn. leoBrook, Scot, Thorah Rima m banhwa~ W! b.oila.bM~O FOR SALE.paemcns«ha W6INMCRNB etadcheape tzW eau t he nuacine an the world. Xeta11 pries, 65 001 M ONEY TO LOAN the-ho od inducements, ta imari Agents, or the 'ownîhipaUOutîs for sae. For termi end Onte"&,,Bitais, Si iioW - abs erthansae UUIYro vas treak unS lid. ht oliiebleetstiarst e uSEeelaady -Geralimut spokItenot sa wrd.incions ci-catire be-ara blinil, viraratier- 812~'r"~ 'lnrgilas u as teyýladlooed a a iow >baud an lisieharl. Sire -M'as lislenng Hmar ai' ie d nl setoyiSlce isvco iiSyto eiaaia atucu ratier titan matcîriug; ire taon,tbo, me r , o a s b ird , lie ia S no tic e ir es- h l e vo m un oa i' m o a i sir eo r y m a d c o u t t h on e i gu re ai' H u b e r t H a i . q i e ly ia tisc l a it f interct ; nov ira coult scarce. as told ? Ho as nonepipe ; ho ua-In, ' a u is a pa. -au-Coo. -.1 Drgive th libsk xpression f li-.ist-sen goad acting reore, but noir. ',"Yo aias h , Ltru lau p ailbouSlteag ýr nce, br alm ost sulen ima len - ing like t uas. H a acceptaS ber invita. talac ir tvuld have fuisird pan but. for nuS ccupied .he u i - a r e r b a c i i p ~ ~ t i o n . S i e ma s a p u - a l e n i t t a ie s a v e d , t i rs , " s a i i e , h o l d i n g p a w a î c î a Sd . H e m h b s i a aturn e S ath è bastil w y - a l s on t a be bea sne . W iy as e iro cha in , on w mic i ma tB fas îce t a ri. ans d fi ding-he msa i e mo u l d r i d e l aý b e ud q u a r e r e a n S b e i - e? W i a t id s ie ta n t ? W i y a n " A s i l a a s , t e a li a k ' af t h I ir î a sn g m e a n & o f ý s u b s i a f ire te -esonr oiIis changé lu polit otahlm? mnaepn neelb2'a-5 .~intie potion of i socts Of lie g ie t a rm p, Iis bi -. H e va s cu rio m ly in ta m sted . 110 ttik in g y nu as it d i S lu tie mai t. or , i b i n n u t g u i a r c e P i oun t ai e n c ir M m e n t, t io u g t ao f le P r in c e ss N a d e g e f L a b av e a S s o n ie b a il s a b r e -c u s a b o u t ai' p oc k e t b i mn fil aL ady G eraidne clu c irod nt Ii m a ry a ra i rur. O nce, i raler presé»-ce, y o , ao but w e i rabn ~t ie m anager a cfi e t a g g r e d , a n d i f e ul l i rath e f l o o r . i e h a n S e l l o n L a d y  m i n e ' a r i n g , i - a u S a udnd a"tli n m i aiseS ber tenferlp enugi, an, sd tiramotta tring im-"Hauoor's ate i01d1 eeboe t ie o talingtera tting-ýbs am tion f im patien ea Slave." W ae e H an r't Slave ?2 H o '- 'g aimten ed andi bout ; tie loge aSpn lc ou t h i a S o u a s a w e a k s ud a i n , li a s a u t - l eo k a ti m I r a i e a u t i f u l f a c e a i't i e p i - u . o ad o ut c e a r l p s t il , "H o n o r 's S l av e - " t i u m p i s t a c q u i d M a d a m e L o u is e s ud lai t irh e c s . S ie s o -m e S tr a n ti' o m m e fi T ir e t- e f ia il in t c i p as i tio n b o î ve Se la h a a r G e o r q c F r a u l ui e. vs . s i k e d m an lach ite g re ern o ne u life, lb b a at mv oS i s p u rp op e, sn d a iter p ar o d run C ou r e it irbisv la lireéa Dliehomet a ber usiun oes. Sie ookoflfir bo;ea.ingai -is et, sud tira mre ad lu rply ta tl ig P r ss a o f ic r m io , lik o h lm - s ud le s a iea n ii u , b u t th o im p re ssio n d a g e mo s -r e u lts ai' c arc u a n-io n m re po u r b u in ait 2 " j vas m 9fiug ickly towa-fihelita sas rapuisud fieeting sIigfituig. pasei, lRass mas-, debilef ta lire far -1have a soi tnla a i o f b r i l l i a u t d i ap l a y . ' T h e T a i t s i - r e s a t i a a 'f th e c h e e k - i r an o p . m a a uy y pe u r s p a l u t f i fi - t u n i r i 8 on m i- a i. y a a r a i n C eu t r l a inedfrem ihm ta tirhe ibtin- aiaaîîec.'l'ie (1705 turnc-,I froti ,Yostibuglilikoaa lion,", scaitlitili- -oms anS plying j e S v i s i t o ai - he t r u s s i a n P r i a . g a e e n t a g i pr t a i rel e o k e . l a -t I î n i t W ll i i r c a t a u , a n d n rt y A r n ar i c a n u r e v o l v e r i r e a u g o n n t ei un a i : Nafege, amos all ver Europe a sud-leu amil, a ord of' tremail, ntil alad wr.exprieaccý diS mie souro got], te cuae N er beaty, ber paver sd ber greal vauireal., Waa bier instinct inormed My rienis got ta >the g-ura jut a, a~n. I have re & b , f o r b r . i g a m b i i ng , l i e r l v - a f - hb y s a u r a s u b t i l e fl i S rt a b eo m b l e r p a n e l l , s d Ih o r e a s e it h c l a d i e s s a f e c h a t , b ru k e r , a sn d b e r it laé a l in tr ig u e s . e8 h. 5 r e a Uly a s ?Ila n ti s o u n d - L s 4 p G e a l i e n o u e ît h e a n d a s e o n," w m m l apehioîiis#,.thre- But ta go baek la hie Drst avaning nai riri-eLfr lier piochons cousin, the PP~nrpOSedly RJ'su Mr'L 1 1 --- 1 1 1--- 1 - 1 i 1: The-k,- ll 1 sud cU the, r8 le ~~idoubt if tl ater 'The elufle wîiluwhiolu the princeus ste$ a I h e n l u , h ô I l j c a h a , 1 r w a r a o t t h a s t o f ( da n g e r i1. g r e ,t e d B o g s t l u b b c e vnnu ts a bleutu r e u, u = 11 ,1 o t a n h o p e '5 8 0 w a t h d t h e r e v i w g o g i r l i a h a s h l a i e a ltv e u s e l f si io ý.h0 r c M n f r a u hour , and th on turn d h im horse's the m or uiia , l t a v e p r a > o e p e a t i 7ar int-e';XsMd dhoniowtuld.,He vas ,a 11111e- dis. daugerous. Sire Wna nowbthe wiîîy, in- aida reversi o8larand.viy ôtol , appolnte fo~r he bad hapefilte ses thc souciante, Yet liospitable bostons, s liRrusc -. 1 The ps ' eegre all«ni rouie, Unions wian r earer. Hor very differoub froon lier marufuga self an la able. 1 ' TIt atl4o4uafueo al, detlin Viiting the camp at sncb ià gaslighî. fronsulgtTh-azeteiorltn .Ambôutîip, hip ho oment truclhhlm.-She Must h" thbie rouge-et -noir tables were set-out. self;', and, AtsnS hlpbil thlxi iin 1 seriÉgio,, f Sraogs ajean ai Arc. He The 'prince royal sud lthe Paince nnd ha.l-in For alt;p thought hoeehbuJdlikeose Ibat fair Charles vere, plsying, ýsevera1 af the hid slwaya dlp pu, ombrs> ra06& i-'ace vrchove d ed brave a heart.. highor oflicors aud tihe dames â8d'honneur liLut lite s Y¶~4i * .Wora o abattbe-fieid iras slways ire already at work, but the princese nume. - Laoi va ethe-eff tm fri h ilutbI, beau an augal. "tJust tafur as men are lrew Rosse ta lier awn i ttle graup. fustinot of a AnS cai the vit sueep Inu- removed frotn woen la the periapeobiva '1I recail t-o ouen aoid fa-ucuS,' aid sit by hm k, ATi4h becoig $0 the latter,,, sapa s seorafil aibe, sjaharpôiuted te Hubert Halibur- hers agaius * .Th bar~ g~u~ misogynli. As if an ansirr te,' lmbist. - a ~ s lie likefi. And ho, falksho 1, thaugh.lt Ie go, outipaken bhought, an officer raode The Amoericau trac playing and vin- fougiri for n ,,That -na orowajy rosm; rit baard hlm, bringing Comessage uing, Stanoape Rossa began la wiu citildisr ma: Wc vltnêoé u.. -mit, . f-r eou uo hw~aeivt-hcaviby. Genersi Hugo played anft fond care. Ar e ta home i ion tan iporta n nuet a soldier- lot. Tire princessi bout, as becarne n She buSa by breakfast i luhe ganers!'s tent, ta lier wilp itostesu. - -fife oyi Hjonore slave. '. sercue highness tire Princecs Nudoue. "To-marraw aiglît you vill give rue cor lu ho Whoen Bosso enterel, hoa% eaw vêraI Mr evenge,," said Hugo, o sse. uountaina r (Fri-me .pplýfn's Zouc-iaaij ladies bslkiug to the deiighted offleere. 6"An t amorrow niglit OUvilb accom- bthe sensee ai leHad iees fo-r but alle, tbe toi!, sien- pauy une te theoatmpofPnôeCrail,," grealter mail (Cotine4'd~er, paulirful figure, mii Oaathegolileu u,.tid-tire p-inen, as aire laid a aoft unaking lie "At lb. endl o1 va or throofiys, how- hair fallrag ta the waist-hsir virich -palliaunEosse!aa slroug baud. One day 1 aver, 'Stanhope Rosse vould, have ho observeS vas arlfulp cauctrinc u "A wiun omr burton lafl apokon-ta ýbitume! f fhe aiok -fgirl vithIrl golden net, etaitailbwam kept lu 1Jti daM tas begnied-" clone ; but,ý mlore "respect. rOoaioually ehm baS place,&sud, viil. Sbowgils luxurian. Duriag tli a alapamicir folloved, tre vacirful th feilotlb.speech, ltemanuers, af ce, t itlintorforo itr ie Amazona. Bosse naw, in te fascinaîtor of Europe, ]nid hbl bal avmn h. -playet on-tire lnrp l11asu costume.nual nue woian, but a -dozen-women. whuch brieanei s prebbp, oId-fasioued manuer, wh h o hemigiri-have ireen a girl aof tveuty, Sire bail* Cleoîauir.a'etai - ari' f i ite "Grdii mao Bossa tink of a pidture cf hie Bo pure, innocent, sud lovely more her variety» Always yauug, aclways beau- uI'-,dc unother 'taken lu ber girluood. Some. face sud attitude. lbiras tire perfec- titul ralways pcwerfup Vire picres I baye beauXý tintes, fromthtie wsy Madunt Lonise tion of blond sud tender ireauty. Mier ha.' iota ta besioge a man'à heart on barml irteroal v!atcired ber,'hbtllougbt ae. zught'bire largo, gi-y oyos laoked airnocl greue lthe weîuke'-t- ide, aud îvlierever tire 1 have breau a 11111eo:ut of ber mnd; but tienn uer thoir clark laires, sud ber alarit weak spot a, liere ber instinct seul Itlst fa kil vuld caegleas of learnlng, clear brava gave ber beauby immenee distinc. ircr, Sire mae IBose ttulk boiter han yen abespie i "Ilzeone, original viewo, viai tion, Pis dosa flia contradihioa awape aofliaeiuLa eordoue bcrfüre ; she ligirten- a fbol, anytr seemefi dmorelio genluslira n'inanity. blond bair andi dai-ker bauche. It la s es edhill iaa,\lil wrsoehsaneti i yauuag girl is alwaye a nryqtery, aveu, if Venus ihadlcarne back agalu, aubier tiresame. ;, hia eiu mre s.6ba itouea ~~~~~~~~~~~o ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sl me-afde ne ihbrtarfnsta te lrit.su m' tdn ex. o have d;e f6eromusaTliserbedscloeber ii aro ne cinile mrotf arlai- .aboutatire citig and artusig ; sire presented i m. Tire girl ge berallb , ud er ccaolblintbr lont- viaiteu rerOfuSvorfaouute es, to aIlcaoris oai' niaturies. Fronatheira aued -lier bursIs, mas launtintes a niysecry. Rosse iei' moutr us as freeuh as a echerry, bexcanai' quthe, font lint fennbe ui wnio flriel frsic solvod lb ail viii tva ride : firsi, tira nuS thre ]upuopened aver en ai-ch aofist abmin, tie ra ie$rslieabbe gu erln, sai Wrf "mamaàn," tabismaule ubterance earîp baeth. Nb wontlei-" toiult a llanthe vpiess fe aace l. Fi er long, ai- 'or ail mpnbeirp; sscondly, "Italua,,," uCase,"tiat lire Prince,, Nafaie hie tr voe s ai tire ixe linea curntntalu whiich te tire strsigrtforwari Englisir- admiration aof Europe." Site sVo-0,isl - h riabamucr;ailibat-yMr.Tirrii ta lan rl wi ytb r. ukuateir uf tghiug a bakiug viti Hugo, wtai t l, aigs- thEy saur a m n' s bood ; but 'na tallu.fin-i yaung Itaingrwt ir nOw seeiug Basse epproncîr, inrtatauly pro- far sweer tiau ail l itinrt voice oi tireaif duty. 0Ho. Étory-vbai migit sire ualir e?2 Mm. sentef i hm. AÀflaive pleasure lu lier si-r n it add, a thrilling cairruceata tire lMer irusbaud Curry hadti ld enougir cf ber slory ta face, an nuepokon compliment ta hiâ ewciiazlsg rain of te wararlie arcîr ; If l'au faîl iu coôunt for much, but ual for ali-that beauly la lier grayisi-green, brilliaut it undet-lic.iiand iutenifies tihe monaotone secret; riftOh ha muâtaindout clhlmself. Rosse's epesa un cantineutal offauirrg oai'r-aiflthe aunumer iliai, And V aL3 brig (ie every y impie trutirful .sud rather unsuspact. baud la ha siakon-aU imPr8etibeautifuîil tacdaauctir-beaubtyl ltii- agsa 1irth îg, guilolce nature seaôn %von Madame Rose imtueiatelp, pet tabat Most "A brignter cunraad twirkbes lu the gms Thesae mword Louise. 8h.-aubeS hlm tla mend la Lady slrnck hlm vas a lîauuliug bikeuccu. A Ioulier sappirire dits accross tre ara." deuly irritten lemaldine, sud té take be.r to malk iaSire loakefi like sotuebanly. Who ira, f. braîni. tre gardon. il? Caulfilb ie-? Yes, lb an Lacly Thedi±neuUiî aof renceine Berlin Ha taak Irl " L e t b e r a k e p o u r a ru r , p o a r c h ild ; G a r a ld in e 1I- - s u n d t - e c c - H g r m s i e t y n be i. vorp il. Sire faluts avap at tre blatte kraew veo tire reptrtati '0ot f stictsn d-i o iereae-iuo p isl guîy atiu ast paina;balte cure ai' lier, us if sire tire Princees Nuadege ; lie kew lthat he peorla, c.uetan iatl t ee , o riMe.ase 'ci-e just begluuing ta vwalk." vas tire greateet gaminer, tire matdis- promRsei ilube chnlbr taue a i epe- i cuain n 'Andl s0 - Staniropo, ebaîvart man, tipuleS voaen in Europe.lie kuaw whom ae tam mtriuu-forlira enpe-ula iscl hsu aunal iiself acting tus nurse ta au un.- tie madno rigiitateIbis bahkaof tweb, u-al a"LiadcyusAercn Ge ini ra inovu invalifi, BxcepbViral iris curi- leaitllp, lnsupottod girllioad. liwIreevrymer a ti e cv-l aesLalu The gl Gar dtp iras strouglp oxcutei, ire mouldai aked, club ibis iraner cf mirluigiî "" 'h' eeudtilaie rt a Iearrabl lave rabad tbielfe of oenforefileioure gamiug-tables khep birorblook aof straw. Bole Geabruie- rlrck iris iread i mien lier- e -ert cd fabiguiug manaboay. lH aablae!.be-i-pfretirucas mici tatier par -tiaprtje tonpieusel I adlg-brrý ar ends mer o var p lb yb7a viil s day ta tie P ius- tia i chr ia ? 2 Y et no , C lara V ielle P~d a"6" seem imp ossble. Stanliopeoie , i end r iau camp, irbere lthe bigirer afficemo Ver,, lnu irhlealîlry, Englisi Irtes csi loruegbeet laie uation firis th- e ta ,aehlm ail the:attention tiey could even iuhle-eau-îy taons or Imeuties' pon lpie a'thu-nfgtienor ie (Caun- mae licir al tMo.Oir floe oesareusly pouug snd imu-a priees,, lietîtug at, ire m i-bcdun- hem t wom-te hadl hau asueciallp cent tien diS unis famous distua-ber of in watiybtwm? Itnotlic naano-tC ommeradibyConntBermEtoff, thon men'u peace. rlit i as at tirret? Sine itday aftireau h hns Irussian emssador ta Landau, vas Tie abtenceo ai' nearî ai- a saul, or sua-vio, L'ittilieGr aildifnu -arot adae TreCheau it netao il map ha mare convanieat vîmtever philosophera ceal aur iminr-s. ~,(,iad li ûuïe fatrbl i-sby ledame ie n i e aUl Ge IalHugo, aspociaipyas tint tub essence, tire proeece of good iteablîn Lure i oc-amtrtmbyardel Eg eenl rant uaisname. This min @truck pleraty aifioi-teiack exorcise sud mou.- "ae ' ~utrk"slabiburton .mauid Chinesemae mu se beiag a modal ai'f a bluff solalier oy (tuaI purcirser o ai'rti, nmang <ùiei awno, in te ib ad fireai A irnm eil rt ývrplhing about Geneal Hugo vas atirer things), ail conspire tpkep deina rc'îr n ',t aileni nstiai-m Alex Vianeti acaugaîlur aud varlika. Evea tira maman ypauag. Tien bliere ara im- cnait nîlit aigfle id snteward. Aferibudein 1 I presion- af hie ae mas regulatet bp mai-tai vain, exempt fi-ont fatig'ua, Att-'uaî, tiat hartisd roafilut mtl fia-c I1 e, tlap ai' ti r im. H a a te lunilînes, decay. Te piaets vas oaeraai' oLtBle arel.Te L(r ga i- na tio n ai' t h e m ilita i-y i dl e s - M a r s t e n . B as s e s ot n e s ri i te m a i b r e a k fa s t , M r n ta L 1 3 b G b e i . T r e T a a is i a i aPrussiaa shako, sud vutrieheu-barbeantiful bands, vitî nt 'ti as ia pra cualy te l but ha tal aud tahirba Genoral Hugo a ilSpromisea l int heir flbai-taile sud piak fluger-tips. nalcada t praind attire gat cona ofudeis.e tisse' sbouid ho Lorvardet aItirhe Tire seemeS ta ire nocirim kuow nti u sintorng,tint ire«g-ent anirîge ai's a i - ot i s a e m o m e n t f o r t i e a d i e s u n - t a r o s i , y a u cn g w am a uli a ad w i î c î r l i e >a t e g au l s a m u tgi l r g o p e n . l i c e n t ar i- l - W a t v o erhis charge la Berlin; kul tiraImo- beoa,amitéed. Sie mae gay aud epirit. sViliial, 1cr- titis mas ai. ei o engatirai tnt fidnot meentotaarrivé. Goveru- cd, sud lmugieS saftip sud mucl- ItwLatg a îoiul erbl aera sa tuttran. elt tie iahiou,; mivle pok Eni¶tr s i ilmar Itr mtiir:au ah, wel-tuaierl efficient Ialan speakaf crra len taig hldth rabrad ;-prvate poesudrBhsifppefi rnt înter otIyeea'nn. ia.go baad atten rudmiret iis A barge nun iaandaesassaulted carriages, cou. tougue, addbaiîiomtatpetysr~ant ic« leswmeflun. bv lt e alon, thul terrible confusion o! car. mauth natng but puratt pearls.anI As bhiersa entercil thue avenue, hGinel Caulpib Cc ag, reignefi. Evea tire vicoioesalearest dismonnis. It Ppkased bt eae'd aud slried aIaome abject lying pet romain, iu a rusmian coniti ual command safelp nl Prinesa Naclege ta meatître every maai Iefore hlm. Roasse man off hls back in Acirk vai ji à moment. The grisât habile of viracamne near ier by tire ussailin g amoetsd4aadcn-ult2cae oe4tr-S rbaclî iraS beau faught; tira mnaundfbai-osueleofaiar feminine instinct, a oilyssudveo h eil.cpurdrcn net ire trasported; al mue conubsion;@ie new weîî tatinlu iis camp oai' lrn aoil" u "îtea' Ienigu rmurdrcu ladis met ail Whra o ia- lgiiingmennahrirg culdho a basi haig battie-fiela. fis groom, an bta long sd ci xnef ta La Bello Gabrielle milir tis unexpeeted, sud tirriiling, ait gi-lin gl edel a eil, btod. a i l u -- 'nt- hiover 7 alllgence, StanhoapeoRosc vue ualinnocence. The doublo entendre wmani ai - a i hs l od. Pss--ldLugi Aa llovla ep ceived miii mucir favor Ladp Gem. do far a Parisien salon; the teandal IaH' tianra in r so .a sRss vtawil ombane dino bore tieneirs of delsy but sadly. aud goasip of Bladen-Baden buldei sud oitie-vatera, " eauid Battete houe. fw sim- rerae eadacireesuad boni-efollovede ach blossomed iunlthe irovilp.ioatnd Kurlaishsrvant l ibe i g o ta itahLanis." erfdpa ie oeil dlbe l ie agala sire mas asick usai ; bultîaere, lunlire presance of se irats, asU wrd otens. F Ldit a, rai- ari. S 'flue Id. -bearalefi ai-ari-ts, site vas simpîy csat-us, il mae i-enefui-niuade fdinDr. Sirani But Stanirope Roesa LouaS that musia maman-moman îsi'oîîass a mning lin lùeuion-sdenry evitnTce a a aiala tiadluforp ban ea a iraîmntsd a medicine. Eepediallp June, voman refinecl, gontîo, pure, ex n-uro, wau isudvinedsgt.re mn ark-mm- eta-aIbaru-dep cl aire bike humtoi. ung ta bar iris old quisite, the opposite aof maie. Aund nat omti grdn vin ar, nisdescnt trsoftmbundelu p glisir ballade, eh.e mitirrendp esi- a ealdiem miro loohed saIiratirIdaviw tlý avil ite g reitwiuedul the i'bTe mrerau, v an lmpmovlsing an socompanainenl. tirai cramalea lent, but moudaveatc ee syn o uiendof useti. Vaîf ite Ti hie alu lie vuse anc day tuuing bhem mrp, viliing la die for ber-ay, nSmauy Oai' slct-y cfitrpu u'gised fbaçi dfrcry. cin L ncakea amuse bei-self vitr its wtuf tirorb- tieun aid 1 Pui-, nadfithfl Lug istred fil frbttwa cf Lout sB-is impefetiou-wicir adfi- ta But, like al gietahistire ar- ii rppynn itee.ilel vsgIoI ânitely ta ite pathroa, Whoutire E'pton lmes matie s mistake. Ta-day asire Rosele »n ablgvti 1ad nt arsre 1 a r g c o f a m ilita i- p hn d uti n s t m a ne o n e. S ie bn n a i lu n u b a p e tin o m e Bu sia n p rin c as ,I e x p re ss o ff ic e . hmnt-uap ers veryrol ai tire doar abut'bomind gaverncse, BtauibjRoa. nd- o1 tire gal.en >head, I daugcs-ouslpiaean hht. n, deà r'Lady, GaràiaDi4#, nai be 80 kirif, go-aE et; 1misés-sbly untue"*op9nm i -bame iutearnats whch sent ta pi-led; pouar gon. iliug me; icpi-acIilue, Bay me, Bay Ibal IIsut a orAveu iing but ibis lovoby forbear- agalic kinduess. I ougirt baio u] n " .* 1r It up front ier lovsut, and honda on igs abuldhr. enS, kindost friand,_ kinilem aie, .saftly, aud asaluo spoke rhair fell about lini like at moment, gate ta hfim 7amnirag rNtow, caution 1 loe- intviiboa breacu ar tiestiny ila a igu anc. irbas, bac iosen fer lber. Llove milirlber, gua-ti our ae Lasla inlave vila yen ou0g, r;-Rosae), pi-con se came ta liasse as if sud. i lalttasof lire on bMs 3- iauds front bis ironiSder aa ber ait dam beside gdtire bont ring fran a siamad lt-la her-be- fd savef il e f. Ildino,i-caf tirai," saiS ie.- asieS Seeply ait rend- lb," saids te, anS re full o!fboni-s.. "But I to ynmean-pon do-not ýunie ci n weel.) irions Faàts. etrain* hoi- Suais s»c)tls nibi thirn verp profltably. ýifrrdieurs ugo, lie a paper frous linon anS us froin cetton. star aajn-by -Jroi'ssar 1762, appoaraf, asaira Sa. ne bnrning up, a moli an Sd ai' ylow aOUI la Aunet urus lits ana- bituminons aQrged wiii a largeaper. Ilcr dis n ualgi-ovin igir tIta grain isaeLl l L Wieu au Engisnamn, lie inena=,wAeai. cirer of' moeorie atones en pickei up on a larià uni-y, Penn., unS otheri* abuniauce liera. is i-iran by. tirs storun brook, Conu., bar, sud ly, bInaI menas-aed uina lx in cii-enti'ereu'e, said lGu ponda. imore ttan a peur caca, pince ai' broom blanale, lin ir- turacirnuhl a 3,iren il mmi toutlat cat "satililie. aMactenzieayaa: "laonce id Ibm printoed repart af s or, sud buis littie book )art oî.tic banned, skia o! ah-lihard beau bangof." ron safe in- uée at Clu. cy for six peareon lb.e Eie witi 820,0O«in il. by tuIvng-baU proca, its oId pus-penan y of thre Soi-bonne, Parie, * certifieS by an lancient tien unu ian skia, cop oftheiroBibie, mnich possessad, mus yritten aVtance iras accus-re inu urinal o-0ug hie lifa la ig of theacfomemanaof tire 'loapeaae conviet, vira at Poissy, mufound fiai-anan, lu banding in ai-ding ta tire lir, "Pas, -lia Fronca "utajorita," or mo-S "ma-gai-is.e1'1 cassation bablà tint les a a fatal abjection, anti tilI. Theajns, fro aa Ipassion, more nains-a )r a mnan vira hâd an- 09 cf 80 long -asus .Pense, aextennatng si-cun- rine iras bacu luifroubla name i8 Maibpasse, îlteS in the rs-suft.hfeb a faugrt ocmou la ib te rolutio-u tli a ao maà 1 1 1 'IOM=]RcUL IZOTEL, j - -- i a

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