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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Nov 1877, p. 3

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K~"'pe~iaZ ten ôte--va 4. ~ f ">Vm'Sole Ag nt i F. COUTTS & SONS We are- deairoue of Ci s,~ -.Stoves befoxe> the- lâth oi tured by: J. RI.'Arlistiong 55 C., wioh'-for! ecdol4ngo: r * Importers of EgiH a Osaa, nglih a I'leg ta ea u ceate -importait ieatitrce uf ur hou:c. Our peent Siocn -amaulmts(t0oc $40,00,and-. * and .Kiddermtinister Uai7iets, hi 1écltie,-fc. 'Persane reqiu&. l( Q ,at mu dipe!s ainountinq .-ta o ~ Tuenlty.five'Jallare and i tp. theirfare and have the largest ftack iit cOqnda ta clioasy Q f] JELE Y&DINEN, j5(JNov,.l1t(h, 1877. 8mc-47 THE PAEGUNJ CL Q et 1'~ ~ Q i~I i c s- s- Q *1 Pc ~< k om =71-1 M7 ÙO"dd4blw g&diW, 0PMng of $500 worth off-' M L )f Dne mon manufao 1 -AC ieaigwe guarante MÇE'W S ~-f~ ~ÀL OILh,~erns Imp!eriaI gallon, ýv~dçid' AWTOH aBRO.. TOMT CAS Lnd Americaz iHardware.-bs*iInbe maycao,'et -E7 ES O [JUMBER AND STONE. *BALED TENDERS WILL BE BE. ceîved b>'tise nnderslge up o ec for'he livry d th llôowmug quan- titie of unibr an atoelivered attse rovFn Hall, namel': _80,000 font t ansd IZ ; 2O0 faet 01inchisCeda anlgs 102ztln;aise20 corda Stone8cutlg >r hreakluig. Wlmtlby Nov. 20, 1877. - -,,- -,JOHNt FBRGlU4s,-- - 8-2iul Cisirman tlreets. àmou*f gdl*"peints. foulwll warrantaC for 8v. yens tagotiser wths.agl-pla 13DNOSTAMP FOR CtflC1LAR Abert Cisnln-wistcis wll ea, on ou ilJ or y .O.D.o PARKER BRÃ"'s :2 :epras I - ýw.P., leS5&ClO.,- W EST M E R ID E I4 &T , i i g af t t 1IN 0CiHÀNC E RY. - oo -Ne SALE OF-1?LÀ!4ING AND H SHINOLEÉFAC>TOIR*Y, - T -AND,-,MlCHINERY. si Sp 10UL va.-HARDEN. 4 fURSUÀ4T îte seDece sud filial Lorder fer sale mad. lu Ibis cans,,sud > eainedýe roapectively tise Tiirteentisda>e ' o! Marcs, AD. 1877,' oC tise Nintis de>' o! Novembor A.D 1877, tier. wili be sold Esqujire<aster o 04 Court aitishe ToTu of W 8l - S 'T 2ara, Luctioncear .lUe m'O JLi h VILLAGE of CANNINTN lu -- iwuiirk, ptise-Cnu, ~. Mopdaïi the l01h day of Oecer ne * - - AT TWO 0'CLOOK, P. y.". tise ioltowing:vnlunble propari>' lu tise Vil-.* imilm lageofo!Canningion: NtgislU1iri p PAiscxyOrs. VillageoLots Nunsiera Nlaine A. . c z làhm and, Ton froncin g an Saint John anC Munro 'u týrîM si,nou 5buMar.ld.sPen, Md a streeta, lu thse Village o! Caneingtou, as u M tw uîr $,s«IMie tU conins"hall an acre cf land more or les%, ViOn ElgsdÂ.dus, la VIsc Iatffl=ber-N1uç 1qas Om'ottd'on il ïfraie lusas.AO4U PlaniatjMili nnd Siingle Factýor>', 26i40. @hUwipo, e d qA oe andahall stor>' bigla, wiis n frarne M ' 503"q addition attached 14XB2 ana- anC, a bau -. rIDE £ CO. il hton PlaceeMwvc atory Iigis, witlm 41-ts roof * &iiq na tone Enclose 10 conta extra ta prepa>' pestag Eoglne*houso a e9ked talmbilu uilti-________ ao, 1h22, onse ind a hall star>' iighil 'wlacis are sitaci e is ollowiug raluable o1-b o et -machiner>' and fxtores: 0ne Tibularueto L t Iloiler, 30> horse-power; ons Rogne, Abel's A COMFORTÂBLE, TwO-STOmE Planer; -ane ShitigleBa sd Edgor wilis -geed kitchen; quarter acre of! land. Botôn two Saws; ana 8ll-ilcis l p$io 0 ;a en ltfinisised. Corner o!f igvand Asb Drag Saw v ipJu #i-el f pyt972, ou Mt Machins; 0 s ~m~5~cs pl Baud 5îcw vîti 6s wô aa aait It48tf -. On lime prenalae 26 foot long; ton Fnileysansd -about $200 ___ ____ ________ Worthmeo! Iùlting Tise store luacincz er'i - in first-elass condition anC noarly new. ss PAISOEL Two. Lot Number Five rnigGE 'on Monroe, 1( aiît, alAI' aStreeta, in Ceu- É>1 , O .5 nnn; sud c ousis o!nquarter oaian> acre a! tond, mare or les, ,oa which la Invcstod in lise Deawing of tise' erecteil a Frarne Dwt'lling Hanse, 2Ox24, one C 0 M M O- N W E A L T H story tigh, with a kitchen attaciseçi, 10x12j rz i eue tory higis. Said Lot is; !enced and bisi eDitribut/on Company - s~alw~llupon l. -(Usader Artof Legsatde o yr tlb. ràelonevilil be sold. ubjeet te tise Ol- benlefit of tise City Schoolsaf rnotJ iowing Mortgages, ane helId by Rtchaid which taises place in the City 00 LOUIS. Edwards, whicih cantates an agreement ta VILLE, Ky'., lu Public Libramy Hllon rolease upen paymeul o! $80 on <'so- Is ! b. Dec. 8sut, 1877, mn>' encore la Cash ail sanit Lots.* A Morigage hll by James o ato Sproul, paît due for $800, wvusiniereta i rsprto per cent irous 121[à o! Ootober, 1875, sud lihe $àOOOO, $20,0009 .4lOPOOO; ions o! $12450 for insurance. Tisis Uort- gglapaît tduo.- $500$300$20, brdeo iacildhmere i A blnce 4due or ani'o! tise 6,681 Prizes, amountiug brigeonwhih ter iga blace lueof te * 00O. Farmers' & Drovers' about 635, wilimtwo yeaar' juteras it a9 Opar - Bank, Louis-vile, Ky., Dopositoq-. cent.1 A MQren e haI by John H. Timasupon D w Po vlDem r31 ,on an un>ZvlCd haïlatereeton tiaid1 1 v ,awDgrilelDem r31t Lats for seeuffug$8837.50, and iniorèsi et 6 or Moneyleiondled. AnC underthesame par cent froe i U o! May', 1875, impoas wiloi Management tiasa 0 a d all tlSfac- tise am ci $72 is, been psid th irsta two toril>' conductedth ie SEICOND Drawtng instalments, are p as eandC#87.60 faIls of tise Keoxtuci> Casis Distribution (3. due on tise Il o! Januar>', 1878. -Whole Tickets, #1000; Haires, 0500;ý Parcel twa viilho gealsubjeci ho s Mort- Quartera, $2.w0. For tickets, 111re05 gage helC hy one John Holomea, a! Canniug- G. W. BAR<ROW & Ca., Gênerai ton, for $100, withis nlorest nt S per cent Managers,- Courier - Journal Building, fesî 11 It, - Jannar>', 1876, inip y Louisville Ky. or THOS. HAYES & Co., ahiblelbofJaet, yM18rt.Goueral i I, 697 RralWay. N. 'Y. ge t h ie snld James Sproul, collatersi t ho io, SENIP OR A CIROULAR. g gwodby bIi on Pasailo. ee Tis e Vnaor shall notibebountibtapproduce - - anotbcr Deeda lisan lisais tn hlm pessas. sBo1 rn,. rukmnarhsave negis- lTH PlEXAMINAtION o dAàML&B duced at tise-sale.- Tise purch isaq.ryt a 'dàOn ai tise is-PUBLIC SOHOOL TEACHERS1 a deposititeeproaron alten dollars for -'y.anrddollars o4 lb. purcimael mouey iôte iVendor'e Solltor, and the -8eod- ertîflcates, balance wîisbin one oaMontis ibareafier'ta b. Iodj ult haorditai lb.aboya willbe Ëisn utisa 2rOWN of WBITBY Wna udeiitoolnerest,ýi'aa p o say. esncu - ment the purchaser shall b. entledto tais- eonvayaue sud possesion o aia i pemiesMOB>TDA Y, IltIto DErCEMBER, in %Il'>haaiem to the ý,' smoilsi eondl.j i .I tinco4iak oclidilo ai tise Court of <Jisacer>'. Iii'iidisjmnlsabln Ibat csunilatéaiola Fartiser b.uaa iî»h4irouz MVie.cuoifktbeco. Iz-peq1or 4lilter lian thea ,Don&,1#d rn #ea oft!paad C. C, lotKo vem ber o! tiseir intention ta reu thaguelvea for examlnnîion. D AR'TNE LL, JASJLcMOB j bol. la. hna :000'. One visittOour Extensive- SaJe; n rres, will convince eyer 9ne.t.ab, w wT - R a E~m thé.aufcurr "~t AYS"TO euY"O CAH ' ýAl ,-Overdue Aceounits to ,t e firrnof1 HA.MILTONI&-Ci), must be paid t - aovi at cý Ail Aceounts running at presen t oec me due end Mýo Hhe8t -Market Pr/ce forProdtice SAVE YOIJR Adinàvest it in a new and ,wellassoted- stoeko DR-Y GOD S, Where, youcan get New and perectgoos, HE~PER than at any other hOuse in the county. - - MiUn~ey,~Iress, 9~ionngy te order.' Wrn1~1Q,~ ¶'~X~ f LOW-ES, & POWELL ALASKA FUR 130UE Aýre showfng -a ýp1eiIdid assoit"rnetof Furs, consisting of LAdiW SotliSo& SeaISet Ladies', Rich.Dark Mink.SOts. Ladies' A1ask&,Dark- Mink Sets. Lýadies' Caps from. $1 50O to $10, 00. Gents- and Boys Fur and Cloth Ca, in Great Yariety and Price. - Buffalo Robes, Cheap. .HALL, ,Who, ba - for the. best houise e a with? * E.. FROST, Odd It ore a'Ceap Caésh DGo*ods St -ro lu W.hitby?2 Yes!1 O tQwnI j ~ y' E. PROST, -Odd Wéilows'HaflWbtb-. esman5l who seils on eredit is really combinaing twoô buoinesse s,fthat ô-money- e ýl 0 tut pe éh"siù h 11W iet o ioiè? aï tb&wa-l ipg tlm nacong books. So We 4o not giveo redit, sud can afford, ana do, Sealimep as any hOue 0 iOnoo.'vryu- pora*io~po4 v~hijt la~lm X)ee~t Â1dwedby qrocUtî'G, by paying Caslhi 1%rtly aisi- discount oqual te 20 per cent.per annuin. l one esthe iscoi o e tuyprofit.Reaerfubeae b~i11m~»d~t,5tIa mve t? reuewv their notes, and have to pay tail interest for thc accommodation. af~~Frr~ 5,,) ý* FILOST, Odd Feiws H lWhtb [4/ ~ aone o! 8teaàý e the e , çny heiw tisan. 866 par week iu you ï owb t'w. ,Fou- uea be wa from borne over nigisi. You can give yu wiole lima te lima ork, or only ycur qpur moments. We have agenta who ara maldng aver ,00per ca>. Ail wiso an- gaga at wiso éngagst Once itdmrnake mo. Ufi.'A tepesent. ëMa doney cannot be maCe se emu nal'sd rapidly et ni u ether business. T d nltFroce1 0 , 1aie., N EW OBIr SOINER -000-- T YOU WANT. TO I3UY SJWN, -, -NE TACKLE, RODS, ETC., -CALL ON- L. FAIRBANKS, -AI Ri- Sewing kaèhine ýE mporium, BROCK-8 T., - WHITBY. FRASER &CLARK, ALES AND PORTER, WALZI8 LAGER'BÊER, &c." . *LLCMXIS BUILDIN~GS, 231 V3e Adâmiadé UUeet -ÃŽEait, TOBONTO, ONTABIO. Gonoral Bossions af the Peoe and tise Conty Court, iu sud for tise. COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, wil be held iu thse COURT HSOUSE, in -ON- TuYeday, December llth, 1877, AT TUE 1101OP0FTWELVE o'cLoci, NOON, of whicis al Justices of lime Pence Coroniers, Castblas,.d oiasanaad itm notice sud gavern tisemselves necordiogi>'. V~EL50N G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff's office, 'Sirlif G. Ontaia. Whitby, Nov. 7tim, 1877. -47 DECKER & O'LEABRT, Butchers, - .Du7n~Oreek, DG TOI NOTIPY THE PUBLIC tisai BanssgeM, &,q.,,ai the, beat quaRt>, auJ at Pricea ta sut tha Urnes. Aocalla solicit- ed. Dnfins Creel4 Nov. , 77. lIY-46' W. J. HIOKIE & Cà,- McV4ilan's B1QOk ý oJietWlitby. NE QSH GROGERYS, Fôr~uptrs,,o-f nÉiu ye»irs 7manager for . J. Cpmphel begs toanno unce to the_ puiliQ iliat lie h'a opnei ot i tfe tore ltely :Idc ýupî'd ,,bye L& J Stone, in, the Ontari o Block, with an ENIR ~E SOC F %'MILY'ý GROCEIES, Dossig Il.. part. Of Choice _New 8eagon Gr~een and BIa4 Teà 'I afZLB 4ca > ~ eycmetto.AgooPailTe I s80 conta per lb. s * di à ce'. k-Z Currants, and other -FruitsVBi JEF rs èndSlin Lobtere, ytr, n lrite.Mzd ikeàSji~ ê Haddies, boneleus Oodfsh, Wlitefish and TrouIt. Pu WA~HOÂEs, &à ÂFINE ÂA8ORTME Enclosse tneimts extra la prepay postage. CENTENNIAL, ÂWARD FOR cAÂflIN -Ales & Po rte r., SPBIZE RAS BEBN AWABDED TO n» y the Itenational Jodgea for WILLIAM McKITTICK, HIAS' OPENE D A, GENERAL STORE AT GREENWoOD, Has-bought a Splendid Stock IN ALL LINE S, for cash, and wii seil at i Will pay HEighest Cash Price for -Procuice. ,- GasRNWOOD, November l9th, 1877. OMS-48 OUR. NEW STORE! Goods of Ail Kinds, Cheap and Good. MWICHAEL GLEE SON (late with.F. Meen), Greenwood, ivhere ho will be happy to'sceail friands. The stock ia selected wvitli a view toeineet the wants of ail. Home tradle je our epecial aim, and we ludefy oonipetitioù in every lino of the business. Cheap Goods and gdodý Goodi will demand cnstoinors. Nothing wànted by old or new eus- tomera, but aal h furnishedun short notice. A.speialtyin OOAI# OIL, 5 gallçns for $1. t> Pi-oduce of al kinds 'will bc paidl for in CASÉ, or ýgoods given for the saine nt thot rate. GamiwooD, November Ifth, 1877. Ga4 THEGOLDE~N LION!I R.AVN WALKERd & -Soe hratetonSr ecu JZJA-svING ecied'toheVBTI rnhoftheir attentiuionoesexcln- -'-'- irely o th n me iBliiEAIL Br an i hir ExteilnsieBusiness, and -wstil g 2tdo mh baesa eta sthe hIE ayhar donc hougaale 'gRetand aetirteae made the FRIC TES IOHTail ThOhC -~ ~ ~ WT MAIL. adaenw SL!GTH RL-SAESOK Dry Goods, Silks, Velvets, Millinery, Mantles, Carpets, flouse Furnishings, and, other Goods Bétail at WhÃ"iesale Y4ýces, being a reduction of Ten to Twenty per Cent off Rogular Prices, as for instance- Matelasse Drosa Goods-Rotail Price, 25c.-selling et 16c. French Oashmeres-all1 shades-Retai, 60.-..-eling for 41-e. OTH:ER GOOëDS EQUALLY CHEAP.-THIESE ARE NET CASH PuLCES BY PIECE OR YABD. (Hydrauli Eletor to he show Booms.) « t- ' -R. WALIKER,&, OS Toronto, Nov. 12th, 1877. TOBONTO and LONDON. 75& 7 N-ST.' 50 Large Size Box Stoves CLEARING OUT AT HALE-PRICE. ---A- fresh lot of, Canaries and Parrots jst received,. ORGSNS ELO ~$T7. 7I I R For -the next six weeks we, wiii. se« Double Reeds with fi ve stops, ]J)ouble Celeste Reeds wri six stps,, Triplâ Celeste » Reeda 1with six stoPs, and otb styles, al~elgantly :finished, in solid Walnîît Cases, wil and witbout Car'vings, at very - -Lower thaù< e-ver before offer.ed- JU sr - E, Connly o! ON'TARIO. THORÂH, 2 Loi theS roL&uon Lot 5, fmn the lot Uoncesaofo the slaid Townsip as survayed lby Peter Burnet, Esqunire, i.Sx and of wbich the jfdllowing are tha e & otes, ibat fa ta 187 : Comnmencing -nt. apoint on ltha nontheris lirnit of lthe nllowsnce fer rond bedween lthe 1irst aud Second Conceesiono, distance ensterly Ave chaL, s and twenty-three links (5c. 28L.) frorn, the ewobern linit o ea!laflow- socs for rosid between lotis 5and 6. Tiience -sontheri', pra.lel to theaide lin, eventy- two chaina and fi!ty links (72c..501.) more or tais to thse nortimern lunot o! the Townabip, between Blrook; and Tharais-he and thse same in herehvistâblished as a Public hmgh- way o!flthe Ti;-înshp oL-Tiorais. Thot that ssid damcrlbed line be tha centre ci the saidrond, and that- the snid road bo o! the fulwidth -of aixty-six font. GEORGE IB. PROCTOR, NOÃ"TICE Ree Io horebyfgiron thsai the aboe By-law will bo tnkeninto-consideration by tlhe COUrNCIL 0F THORAÂH, with n view ta thee Anal pnssing thoreof, nt~ a. meeting of Lihe saiCCouncil, to b. held TOWN HALL, BEAVERTON, 1 -ON- Saturday, the 151b day of lJec mber,' A. D., 1877. GEORGE SMITH, - - ITawnsip Clferk. Nov. Brd, 1877. 4!n-47 IN TuE TOWNSHIIP 'OF SCOTT. Vli etiacriher allers for sale bi&s minable fama - - 100 ACRlES, situats an-ibeeat hail ai Lot No. 11, ard lfpnof atie Townshmip o! Scott., About 7'4 acres clearafi, ou wimicm as grcs oid anC cauvenient huildiogi. -Prama dwslng bouse- vilhSatone founirs- lion, nnimar isitahen sud vwo.,Isbsd attacis- ed,iwo large bars 8x69,ndC 80x7 ila cam!ortable itables, a large orciard bearlg pples cercs anddr ms. AIse&boutl2ü wlmasi soin. Tiere s &WsaRa eier.ailg ipring o! water oas tisapromises. Thesao- ioniagood, hein--itisin one mile sud a quarter from Saniforl, oue i o!he'ma unt sections o! Sctt. Terrus ay ana sdmade knewun b>'- appi>'. ing ta -tise au bcriber, on lise promises, or-b latter add1ressed ho, S&ndiarét>P.O, Scott. liov, lOtis, 1877. * tlu47 MAJO0R MILLS-. T. P. WHITE Bas rcumod conirol of tise Major MiUsanad 'ýiS proparesi ta psy THE HBIGHEST PRICE -1 delivered aitha oMminWitevale. Hevil make evory effort ho gire enlire satit3faction to tisosa visama>'patronize the Mill vilS thsir GEISTINJ-. FLOU AND> FEED o! tisa Beit QualitY, aud at Rensauable Pnices, -vili altoÃ" be, kepi constantl>' on baud sud for saln.- "Wýhtevasle, Oct. 10, 1877. 42 -*mPIANOSn * Awsnls& ONLY OOLD NEAL at S if Fair, VIenne. ,htAta isa Icoeuwa Lewest pria. In CsAsla. W Bad b, Hg a!PIMIe. anC Orsanei. à4eWAdea set8. est, ,05@5 SNORRIS & SOPER. House, 814, & Carrnage Painter, 1) ETUBXSis sunera lth" -ta the Is ihzno!Wibiihntjor(a Pr"< are nov SPEOIAL ATTENTION T( SHOP-Two doors ni uer>', 1Bradi-street, 'l 'W Nov. 615 1877. Farmstio Street, Whltby. Cut- th Nov., 1877. &i LINDsAY TABLE. NOV.Iîla,'77, .1 3- .18" 1.58 tue ~1 sbIl. hard .-i- i 's V > ý to indlice the pat'r ousto gum Li.. v rost. 1 , rw -Lm to Cuistomers. Call and see hi Nov. l2th 1877. 1 1 4 -, - ". ', , Z, Oy-47 & -S 0 N Plý 1 MONEY W A

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