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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Nov 1877, p. 4

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Thé pwrean Âg,*Uurtallut rep ie ds $sge.vrut inct o îlW rtoa efledos lim evu ici obamter du ta b. ruinons. Tho c t.emporary journal, à colosreocadenl glving Instructiosaou thb. enivaller aoriy, advises te "low the s"ad l Jatb.dabout thlb. f MA rl TI la th* oterotyped -ugi ra1 pfetlyproper thslre, but the ttm atm(Linaglthé grovlug "maon probably ton degreo lowcr lia v* us, but dishp l ong bers, the clAnnees& more tlian uteal t ene bal! f it croI? woul rn t47oedý cepecly lly soma varilets.'Thoe ole iuoncssit vte ver, tludo tli hroeaveu n lai moo1 Nertlserly StAtOes c/lJi. Unia for car teniperature ln bigla ough grow te ylanle of suf1ýCOntu rire befui tepatg saison In Jaly, if owusJ tbo open grounul, 5fl7 Ume befor El tret cf May. We prefor te sev cals bythe fust or iddle cf A prit, if tl gannlessfflleltly dry, but lur ou@0, niduder neoclrcunstances, ix whoere other than lu the open fiel Oas cf the groetmo ideranees te ha ticultural progrese lan tbe Unitedt State fi th. iset, Ibat, sas yet tb. great majoi 117*01 garders are t ruai Europe.; the c' ons.hors brlmfol, cf Important.e$vit the kuovlodge tbeythl they pouse, su tt akes. y«e m 1*convince tise Ahtthe expérience acqulrcd there1 'net onlynmeiles, but actuaUly dicastrou lnaits mreenits vison applieet boe. Nol vlthtaesdlnq Ibis, we see, again au ao.la, cr magazines quotiag, withot qualmeation froan fori~ gricultui and hborflcultairal papiers, article describlasg. nethods cf culture, tii must Mlslead th. - unitisted readou 'The cultivatos. ln governed liuibigsecd îgrcwing, tranmplanting, sud otiser gai don operlations, by particulai. dateso eaos; buat if bis prisetice lias be« liaite th e limat, cf Englausi, vi] fto cludy, moist almosphere, sud lei 2suumer temperature, unleeshleasen 10bleneolgh ba adaph hinseif tath, changea conditions vbich hllnds hers ho wlJ mako meuy miserable faillrs. . 1 Could name instances by the ozcx wliore 'blundbeshave beon made, i slavlhly follcwlng BauguaIs raies in ci, Atue3rican climuate, biunaers thatl bi brongisl scores of failures wlaen tley at tesnpted gsrdouiug bare, vush no otlî, iaawlodgo or instruction han derive( -froui their Lengili training. lu fact 1 nover. knew au'instance wîfere si F5nglisb, Iria, -or Scotcbmau, who bb gau business aiblisr a; a- nurserymai turrkut gardener, or florisl, imméodiate. ]y ci bis.arri#aI hi this country, thal cvrnModle a suoccas f ifhailer pursuit 'Phaeo na y.Le couacwho have succeed cd, but I k uow cf noaue, willa1I bas kaaewu oof many who Ihave icBoL-guu aný fitilod. Terrible Double Murdonin England. Ou Saturdsuy a double murdes' would ip peatr Co have basas coratuittetl as 1Wyimundliam, a in -ket towa vithina few caîllaus of Norwîclî,ud bat a alias distance frasau the icone cf thc Sainti field liait nirers coususibtes by- bis uotarîouil RUsil h, o eaccuseid id a workirîg Illacks{siith rnameci 1Henry Murcl,. llit. victime wcsrc s foliow *workLuan nawucal eury lliJewetl, and tisair eciffloyer, Thtosias M ayes, s vat. ariuary asîrgasasîs, i osa wssvl i ku aud lighly rcipL'ced. Marets was fl titi, moraing saut a short distanua ifta -bise casasîtny bu0chue a Isonsie, snd lbti batinviîd lho bul suore drink blasaswai goosi far>bus, aiougilia0 as Isrfecbli sober wbIa esssn lususeuiabcIy- after le cosswitted bbhe crime. About- asoon lie )"isd rcurccl, sud avas antbisa forge *withs Iideweil vhso *As blewiug tisa L1asttvsviiloa Iaarcb vas abt the fire, Suassne wrauglissg arose belween tisa susun), sud 8soasttling whicb .lidewell sid se' aunoyes] Marais tiat lhe turnes] rund, sud, witls bis fst, knucheul lim dasws. A servant, girl nasssad Sarali Auns i[OlY, lsesrnugt,ý,fisenoise, iooked eut cf a wiudow of ise lsoise opposite tise fangel sud liard Merclis say, $i aMay as Weil finish yau; 1 can euly ha issn."leiîssiezed n 'bar cf imon aiatts~fet six juchas lonsg sud blree.quna'ter incissqsîuare sud witb Ilstuk iiclWelt sevenal isesuvy blaws about tlse'hoad as ho lay ou thse ground. Thoa girl, seeing tis savagea tbak on s profltrate mn, rau dowu siains sud is. forueul lier insster etofwliat she isad sasu ;' sud Mn. Mayes, vise wam up. flsaas.IiablboueN. 3,,ust Le a fice place. Doutie bave beauinse nus. eras sin* tise sebtoent ISsu visole isards of catte ansa flocke e!fsceop hava bc caaswacpb cif Ly tisn, tis asate cf thisaga blsug s80cisaosrsgiong tisaIabout fonty Young mon cf tisat viaiity bave Leecîna disgustcd aud goase veet. Tise cbaracter cf tisa place lias, Isevever, bcsen rodedessicosmelisat by John (olesal, Wiso racoutly applical te the locSl sutîsoniias cf Northum.berlandi Couuty for hie igiseenth bear bounty biis sassoas Tise UuiotbA docale ssys bao trappoal sixteen aud abat Ivo. One Cacucs. weiahad 600 Pounde ; bbhebisera WsvSoaiu 1Oa'LaSAsRE Pasos.--Siiver $Pooanearcoe usoal e erape kottles. (Joffeas, tusa, Popper anal spiocasara loft to etnd oen on ls e tisoir strengtb. Putabocs inbbceilar-grawsurd tise qrotesare Dotal noved until _bhc Pc. ýý-istoos becoine vartisiese. firoomseare neyer hng Up sud are saon sailcal. Nice haudical kuives are Ibravua jute hat vater. -flcThe ur à isiteal inia vasteful manuer, sud thse brasal peu le loft vibli bbc daugh stiaking te it. Clothe& are loft Ou tise lisose t rip bu pioces in the vinal. Tubs sud Lanrels are loft la 1he sun te dry anal fait apaaj. Drical fruits are net tekeas ente cf in seaucu, and become vorusy. Rage, string sud piper are thrawu labto the fire. Pork spolia for vaul cf sait, snd bif'becange e b bse vant a lie scaidisug. Bits cf moet,, vegetables, sas] colal Pudding are lbîowa 'away, viien thoy uight be varmeca, seiae dn serveal as gocal as nov. Acorrespondent wvribes tram Japan: BJiar la mina, Aiatice live as ne otîser 'races ca p, sud upon feoal that vasulal flot ostasna a urapeau Jacase dasg.1 Frglas hadgLors nluetrious as boom, tby snercf every laber smasrket w(31,i bley enter, aad cuide every Civ-1 iliieet artfia abis ôown brade. Âny1 oue.wvis secis s Japanése carponter at 'werrk, vils hie tocs for s vise, and i i tjalgbo Anal tmaaeh for s bessel, has 13asa thse teahe WCl1used,1 jandi gees equal Io urepean tnrnd'bot. Theyc 'vsll, infact, beome formidable rivalet of CH ' kinso f 'Western manufactures. 'Tise Japaupoe are alvsys ready te lealsi,'and t o caîlosverytbiug thal theh West does, anad Ibis they do vilhlgJase food, loisuairli lobnt 4li t tofqt tauan oiineavorkmtu." 'lf Av 'rzàsrzC CABaa o.-A Billn hamtsb..n ltreductet lu tihe 1Heum cf o ba, v o os t %MWéàâýs .821 ON PIBST-cLAB la oui" of'0200 a*vut Appil b- April 17gb, 1877. 17~ TH-E WINDSOR. (cr. Ring sud Ycrk.sts.> NOW OPEN. $2.00 PER DAY. Preo cmnibus ltss tandbm anitrains. Ta- ble sud appintinent f[t-ost.s. SCULLEY & FINNIGAN 5.ly Prepricrsn. T AIEF OFP PEES TO BU TAXEN T 1Y CONSTBLES. dtc 41 e (Undar Ortler in Cannel ait d2h" cJaly, 1874.) - 2. Ârrest o astcciindividus! upon a * warrant .. . ......... 150 2. Sanving snlincscss or snbpceu.... 0 25 ï 8. Mileege ta serve summeus, sub- Pua or warrns.............. 0i0 4.Mloage vison service canasat bc upoa pneus! of dnc diligence.... O010 r. belcage tskiag disaners ta gai, exclusive oft iebcsecenta nec- essariiy expoudafi in cisein cou- veayuce.............. .....0 10 * .Attessdiug Justices os aeummali trials, an an examinabion et pi- Lsonore cisarged witls crime, fer esais day ueceeeaily ensphayed lu ans or mare -c.eee, hou net engagen marcebisa four heurs.. 100 7. Do. -doi. wisou eugaged marc tsais tour hesa.....................1 50 S. Attandiug Assizes onr.Sessionss, each day.....................1 50 . Milcage traveling to attend As. ies, Seulons,, nibefane Jubtices (wheu public couvey suce ea be tekoas,01111Y reasonauule dishurse. snuts-tbaellowecl.) ........ 10 î10. Siinssaulisg Jury tfor Cosons' Icsqusetincluc ing sttaudisgat iîcqcesb, accd a15 services in nos;- ecet tIsé-caf, if hehd ais sama day as Jury ssanmsosad ........... 2 (JO 11. Attiouding esichas djossnnineut thereas!, if not anga.-ed more four hous .................... 1 oo 12. Doe. do. if engagoal more tisan four heures..................... 0 13. Serviug sammans or anbpcpua te atetuci befare LCorouer subject No. 10) ......................J 25 14. Miloage iig sae...........0 10 1Ehnming Ladyacider Carouers warranct............ ......... 2 0 16. Re-bcaryigsalue ............... 2 0O 17. Soiring distrais warrant, sud ne. t icuiug saime................ 1 50 18. Advertluiug Unador distress wer- i-sut........ -*........l.......1 50 10. Travelling ta uake distrais, on ta sai-ciafors goods ta melue dis. troua, when no, goodg ai-e find.. O10 21. Appraisements, wlaathsor b y oe or marc, 2 cents un the dallar, uthe'vane of geods 21. Caalague sale end comumission aud douives-y af goads, &i aIs. in tisîen, unet prodasce of goade. 22. Executingoearcis warrant.... i 60 23: Serviag natices on cantablo,, wlaeu perioually uervedl. t....050 Published by ai-don, J. E. FAREWELL, Clark eithUe Pace,C. O. H1OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO LET. A goofi Frause stai-ey-and.--alf base, 221 x 28. sud lalîchesa, togther with heuf an acre cf laindl, vo» plaed viii irait troos, situatoal an Raglan-stroet, veut paritaiftthe teva af Wlitby, t.45 Dudas-utret. Tisaee ln almca gaod stable. Theisaol S'goed wll axia pamp, sud tise frinià aoa!the isisiceat inal. Possession ii-t Novambor. Applyta MRs. RICHARDSON, ona tisa pri-mses, an ta tise Propnietes-. WM. TATE. 81 t! Greenvecal. THE CANADIAN AIR OAS! Tise Cainadhsas Gas Machine la an auto. matie gas-making apparaina. lb le dealgu. cd us a ameains b7y viich a tete-s, mili., isotels,, ehunaises,sslweliigo, asr-buildings of any kiud, ituatea Su tihe cauntry, an ho- youd tac neacia a! coal.gas mains cf cities, msy ba supplical ritis a safe sud eiseap gag ligial. Tisase suichisaesiempli of censtrue. liais, ual liale ta got ont et aider, reqnire nos kili tasmnacge, ai-e muade luainasu- tIai anal durable masues-. Tissy cccapy itho space, ai-o set up ai email oxpense, anal aine a0nully aidapteal for lihtssg lise 'agn l atrp bu bilding, onrlise thilg, b iave been lu canutant sud ana- ceseful use las ai» parte of tisa aountry, botls win ter anal ummei-, fan ycars, Tise g as mucde icy Iese machines in usually kuavu as cai-buneteal air gaie, belug comman air impreguatcal wih gasalise. Il barnne itis s zich bnigis fis-me, !ully equas le tst predaceal by coaa gais, le cenucted- truýpies an us nmetai fStures, wihàeccmeaaonveuieaco aud safety. Ne i-e isneai luntise praceas of manufacture, s-un bcuildings ligistea by it arei-elaunedsta tse saea tes as Ihongisceai! gas vais useal. The ceai a! iigais for iglia, oqual ta eue tisousanal tct a! ceai gais,vries froin ans daller sud fdtty tantsltva wdallai-s, bcing about oui-hail tisa price of ceai gaie. Tise mateiai tram vaici a guinSumade by oui- macibne lu kuovis aammencîally aie gasalila eliglit, volatS», af pelroienm. Esîluascigivan for igbtlug anal ieatiuig buildinugs. hiaths,, Waten Cloacte, Pain s, Garden Fountains; Ribher Hose, Gasgiitai-es, lu Bronze and Crystail, etc. . SCOTT & PHILLIPS, Sole Maufactburera. PlIi5isiCi-5 Gaie anal Slcam Pillons, 158 York Strcet, Tenanto. Augnit 81h, 1877. 118 LANDS FOR SALE 1 IN THE Townshlp of SomnervIleé, (JOUNTY 0F VICTORIA. Tise folaswiug lainds in bisa tovnsip cf SoeoilUe, Cousnty et victoria, are offereal fan sue- Tise West i1cf Lot 5, in tiLe iith cancols- micas, censlsbing cfr100 acres. Flfteea acres alearean sd touaed. A neverfcsiiuq stream tise aidl e agna oa aa. Thse preperty le eniy 1 cfla mile troa crnilwcsy station cn lise Victoria Baiway, anal 8 miles immtlie Villags cf Kinmnnt. Lot 7, lu tise litscencesion, eoulsmtfng ct M0O acres. Tiselandl la volil imbe e lsAVIDngOnult elot et raluable codai,. A saveitaUlngst-sain et rater iuir= onulsm tise ici, visicisla Lui ene.andaiIf5 Stock, theé tmdei1ne-è the LOW PRICES ai WARRANTED -0, Fine Go0ld Ohains, Ens SIGNET RINGS, «~ Charms,Std,&. Colored and Briglit u.oa betais, Drooues, .5w .1 A, Iwgely inorea.ed stO f , ELECTRO-PL-ATED GOOD$, Cruels, Piekle Frames, Cake Basketg, Mugs, *Xspkin Rings,ý Butter Dishes,, Sugar Bowls, #c. ôc NICKLITETablei Dessert and Téâ-1ý3JI. Dinner and Dessert Forks. Spectacles to suit &l Sg*tsi. Oct'r 17,2 877.PrcilWtlsu&r rkSre. OUT 0 TIiE~ FIRE I Has, comumenoed business lu the 'lpreniises, corner Dundas and Byron-ste., (OPPOSI T E POST OPPCE',) vheo is nov pro. paréa f0 supply his eld eutornorswith. BOOK8, BTATIONERY, FANCY ()00D8, JEWELRY, ito., <da., nt the lowest prics. Hi. cld fiends and cuitomorsaru Inviled b giv. hini a caR. L. ALLIN, October 22,1877. [tf44] »undas.st. (opposite the PoslOUe.), Whllby. My Stock of Is 110W Complete in Every LUne. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special Inducements to those STAIITINO HOUSEKEEPING. U N DERT A K IN.G. Fuil Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries in this lime. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED- HEARSE. Whitby, October 10th, 1877. 42 PREPARE FOR THE FALL ANiD 0O TO 87CYRTIZO1*ŽFTS8 FOR WELL-FITTING, CHEAP, AND 000» - 000--- BEST AME1IICAN RUEBER GOODS ON HAND. Gents' Cali Bcootsad Shoes, tise finest anal moat durable made su the countsry. 1:'Ê Ladiese' superiar gaods lu Prunelia Kid sud Goal, a peciatsy. Wisen dnîaibility anal cheapues are requiroal, ciii on OLD No. 1. Large Arrivals 1 Cheap for Cash I WM. BU-UNS. Wbitby. Sept. 4tb, 1877. FAIR COMPETITION WITHOUT PROTCETION. MJL 'JOHRN FERG1JSON 15 NOW INi THE MARRET WITH HIS Wisicis for quslity sud price will be found unsurpasecal. Made up in tie Late8t Styles and on Sh es~t Notice. A. LARGE STOCK 0F OVER-COATS AND BUFFALO AT BOTTOM PIRICES. DUNDAII STRE-ET, ROBESY WHMITBY.1 NE-W GOODS1 - I -:;ù:E T G-2»JEJ'-s Clothing and Gent's Furnishing House Es now supplied with ail the newest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadian Clothe of ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock they ever had. Ç~j'Also an excellent stock. of Gente' Furisihinge, al new. A splendid stock of Boady-made Overcoats, (Jheap for Cash. McMILLAN'S BLOCK, ]3ROCK STREET, . WHITBY. WM. BRYAN'*S STOVE DEPOT AND. TINSH0'. Iyou- want a stove, osl sud siee a large stock and great raicylving ail lie niadeéruimprÃ"àvements cf tise age. -TIE C11RMWN JEWEL" Seif-feedor, with or THE OLD 6TAND, BROOK 8TIiEET, WHITBYD vithout Gisen attacised,à stise nevest sud beat star. in tlb. markeL IWM Having beugst rny large sdock cf stoves for Cash, I arn determin- o w ee yu can tfi o b set ta selI rery cheap. anud am n ied et sasplese my customer bot&i tl uai- yu an o M to it7 anal pie. Came anS inspect them. pleased in making selections of good furniture.' WVe put up Galvanized Iran' Bave-Ircuglis cf sa uae, vils Iron Splenl did P4rlour, Drawing Room sund Bedroom- Sets, Holfafets. Nv)ag.. wofl venlby cf inspeel.n, £1astcsishng evPresD- Gatlrsuitcdliron isthe best for ralcys for roofs of building-il be ing e- o xesinTbe-arr spon rarticle.u more durable, anal vii l oexpmrsl ana break by lise ieat aud lise sas, lezinc. 401.*oy -eir cO 81c. ipe aal lbws-otdîle quac-J a roî.laniîs. A'tConuics, Piclure Framnin lueary style. Borne fuseChrcooa kinda of Tinvaaâi lu stcek, sudSauy artiule masitoetr , <, ngaigafrsale. ~Iiollnreadu<t ~ rlsgf a:b M4 - 1 ' mT . X:I1 T G-, 85Pair 'Vases, and Si.ie es inthe-latest style. 'he tion ever in itudby. ieI~ w]i=hpoitd I he bv w cam offer $hem very low. I3axter'sMadkéBier IN BOTTI4Z9S AT,2& ENS qmIjst' LINMXFNT IOPDD F»M OFFICE 0F THE BROWN d PA TTÈR8ON MJg o. WEaT'X -, TO T H E P UB LIC;. "edlnay dg oe f pieascu.ue rml. favcu&nIaiTrs conferred upon us, sud l theadysdincreaslug damanet foni yoarloa ourncv-ceibrated IFaim Imple ',s lie shaliecutiue as4isaretofore, as mufacturea, tbnmal»a a spelay4 Agdonues a blaar-tha jlSbton self rakinug Respsr, Ith*Trixmp&fi blned IW nl i-,ts ljg out.Y~s E "vatsemlu, aargi shàï;a etour lina. alle ».P "liai, femty.le" yesrs voba=rve giOucr Met .arfùl ami4 ufdivii ta atten t o the . b uh u e tue a n d e erto u of th @ varo na es iase lu n » bohgeu isebt points, remedying dofeetoï, modlfylng aud ccrrecting erros etsatsslg.k pits dplng aal roportlcnaevery part as our lucres W. em only 4h* boit meelîuile lliand ouimachipas paeunder th meut mcarefail lperv m lscd rutiay-.very -dat aitblg peb tthéb. er est ertium-aud sab ibine lu lborongbly tetad befors lenvîasg c on o epoetise completenesaof .V.ypart, eMd t Ièr e odifficty lu pullis thn uopeuutiln up my posef moderate oeosilcal abilhty. Ourms--"«7y basben aulloeetd doonotrü.ed vlth * ope" al ne toe amaabufats.d Our evu m-eblnesýay toells bariasgbesa mm tu i particurpurpmb, sud net .aptod fer etlser vek, uet our wvenhmaie cata up ho thé vantesud requiremeute cf car manfaturs-oblaining a tise ough kuovledge cf tbe construction cf car machines, sud are thua enableet teo tain à bigiser degreeof e sili sud profici.n mcytisuvere.general manufuacrin in errid on. W. ar esrefore enabliletae inîroduce a more perfect aytem fie ail the ai parbuients of manufacture, adding not cnly to lb. perfection cf lb. vork, buta se là tb. rapidity cf lis execution-ana s onsequont reduction cf cost. This pnmcipie le regardeet eeusry in a vel regulaledet lablishment, su vs euabled te tomrasout oui macis@ with a higier degré. cf periecion,andl pnlees go levas abslntely 1. defy cmpetilion. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER le ncv ma veil huevu as. a Single BLaper, that a vend af comanesdationu o aimaitstnmsupanfineus, but as there ara may claiming tb manafacqtis machine vbo bave adsersedt luths. olet criginal Jobuston machine, villiont k..p ing up to lbe improvemotu ; that justics ta curselvsudetpatrons reqairs cfu le atate Ibat va hava modiied it l in "it éery esseaslsal part, and for alrougt aud durability, lqualitY Of cul, lu overy kinal andlcondition cf grain ; iigblnoa draft and eaao managemeal-the "-JohastenIl a u nfctured. by na-tan, pr*O4lliaently abeal*of al other reapers. Inu proof esc.ltlo vobava ci, ta, point to thea my liraitPrites avardeet u-sI lb.helut Provicdlai triai cf Os tarte, sed msuy ceuty tialswbichhbar, taken pis.. an ovarCnda i tue let fewa au. a cndwh OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, vith lata improvements, le ait thal eau b. demired in a Cembineet Machine, ai Our Improved Cajugo Chief dr., and our Young Ã"anada Moweiâ are both firt-dlamaehine-oonstituted almost vhofly ofIrron madStoel. rl Uayaga Jr. bau a rear cut, sud tbé Young Canada a front eut ; both strong, dur ablmachines, and ualsxcelled by any machines in the market for quality e eut, dnrbility, lightneqs of draft, adaptability, and eàse of managemnent. OURI NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER." As th.e ountrj' ha become botter adapted go machmnery, and many of ourlurn ers bave booine akilled in the use cf machines, a growing demand has aprung Up for a Light4 Durable, Fiust-Class Beaper. Ahve to tbm requirements of the day, vs havi aueoeeded in inveuting m chine with a Wrought Iron Frame, withe 1 Iuet pssible gearing-wilb large, broad-faced drive vheel,-and so constructeil that tii frame and table tilt aIthe lame lime, thereby keeping the pitinan always iu lino vilh the, knife. The rakes are drivec direotly from 1the main shaft-thae belug né pereeptibls side draft, aud no weight upon the herses noke. We aie confident that wvahbae enccoeeded in inventing 1he most perfect Beaper, taklng il u in al s parts, "ti las ever beau produoed. W. bave appli.d for letters patent, and s=alhou Our invention, for our ovu exclusive manufacture,and ve repelfuU a ugget t' tazding purehaers, that teysbhoul nee gsa *ig eir order for the . o mn aret.1%7 $fh u Wb b Eauver" w-sighs, atg.600 poundeu but belngade prmocipally cf the bout qumlity of iron nid steel, and roi itsmn. 9 nious I.nd compact conetruction, il combines tb. strenth s ud dursbility of thb 'î machines. An ocf car machines are fully war-ranled. With"Ibi of tcfine*n, iaweste.onfident that v u inmeel every re. quirement, aud wv. rssp.tfuU l citàtrial of our machines, believing liai we, eau furnish a better machine or the money than eau be obtained elseviie. Respeuuly Yourng BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. CO. Whitby, Outario, February, 1877. -FASHJONABLE TA IL ORING i1 Go where you can get a Well-itting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPE-RIOIR CUTTING SHAPES THZ WOBR1 A Large Stock cf Fine Clotho ; best English, Scotch and (Janadian Tweeds, :> Excellent Overceatings and Splendid Vest Patterns. A p oil i t G a r a n e ed .G E O R G E G U B L E Y , 51 Ring Street, Oshawa. NEW STATIONEIRy -AND- AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTBEAL TEL. OEFICE, BROOK-ST. George Yule bege b amnnounce thst ho lias re-opened hie Stationcry sud Book Store iu Wisitby, visere istaticuery cf ail kinds, cf tis. beat qnality, viii be kept on hand ; aise Selsoci Boche cf evory description, Copy Bocks, Sates, Pencils, lIts, *Le., Le., at tse loest prices. The Daily and Weekly Papers always ou hand. Sub- soriptions Soicited. Musical Instruments, iucluding a fine -assortment of Viôlins. Ordere are faken fer Peniodicas, Magazines sud Music. WisiIby Dec. 18Ih, 1870. WILLIAM FURNITURE WAREROOMS Il GEO YULE.1 El~ TILL 'S a z fûnarals tuEr supplleet, A stock cf elegmul castels. o suit Customers, au&a veR appointeet de. <he ci Of M. wm sg -'-...OOOCOINIG ON MOZIDAT, ayli TUE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0FP LEÂVE. PORT HEOPE forLldPlr Cariages, Sleigh8 and Cutter8, d<ntmma y? ','A &m,2 .m, m MP PRand =aie, Peorboro', ndLiiiea M. O' DON 0V AN' Soe, 5itrmiaeWre For ini&«ptierprcularu me PeclalThm ýp CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. Crstbbdlalilos HM G.TALR A. HUGEL oh VERY CHEAP. CALL & SEE THEM. nudt. reiu. da- JLJST ARRIVED AND FQIR SALE FU RNITU-RE. Éld AT THE WHEOLESAiE & RETA1L. rWHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, I-A choice lot of Green and Black Teas, that cainnot be beat Wrros.letHl of in the Dominion, both for quality aud choapness, prico Buildings, 189 Yongo st. from 50 to 80 cents per pound. -H .ave àùvays on bma Fsultolck of e0". Coffees from 25 tb40 cents per poind. - tthesisoauflerutneslmi: Sugars of ail kinds, Ksw 8lS. of White Sugar for $1. contiuuiauc f h»tàbr~o Liiiseohrto ax 'Good Valencia Raisn8, 1' 61b8 for $1, e, Speaw attention pale t luthe snlg cf le 1:2 A full assortmeiit of Choice Family Groceries, of ail N.IL W R t kinds, at equally Low Prices. re %t MAPLE MOLASSES $1 25 PER GALLON. ME lmESCENà, Houso aud Gardon Flower Plants. Green Vegetables OTTOUANS, a h «~tsi esn 0Iý PBE8H TOMAtTOES JUST RECEIVED. A full assortment of -China, Glass maid Crookory Waro, -CAIS, .-,Tes. Dinner, sud Teilet Sets on Jsasud anal for sale cisesp. LMRQIS Ai inds of Field fndý Gardon, Seeds, Olover and Ti.mo- BQ2S 1 thy Becd . Turnip Bee4s cf ail idsdaeirect frrm Scoollaud, tc arriveCONCSLLe luiis vei. tarGcod Pawme. front 50 f0 80 cents pen busseL. At WM. J. GIBSON'S. ,r Whltby China Tes Store. WANTED.-Auy quantity of Good Butter, Eggs adn l dpldJAS.-lu . beUl syla Peatheru, far wisich the hisigst cash pria. vill bc palet. MASaH.SAO OM, W. J. GIBBON.'MihS>lc.'I T ETALERG PIANO B uGGIE S$290.00. For Sale at very Reasonable Prices.ThTiabrPin le:vilogWt 1Several Open Buggies with child's seat, .Lady's Open- 1 htoa Phoetdns lateat style and -very light, Covered GOOD, USEFUL PIA NO Phetons ivithRolling Seat, also Light thebae& of l h osntc ton.-- Top aud Open Buggies of Super- make, vlth 1 mcderÃŽte p celaise * ior Style and Finish. If it e kho w n o us alla lu pply AU made of the be8t Material and HALF THE, PRICE7 generehy ciargee',tle anever la plain Warranted. I h rd fteéiom -Mtus, Usera re -no are howrooms le TOMS L NEW]PORT, k.ep up, n pne usio lst ausa Wisliy. Jay ~. 576.Wbslby, Outani.. a-oepnaetaveliaetz te y. N % î bý _ J ly th 18 6 .28 T hese inst m m e a u i m ade cf a - UNIPORM STANDARD, PULL SEVEN OCTAVEr SOLID IMonl PEa , OVEIRSTRtNG BMRS," CAKRVERD LEGS SEEIPENTINE MOULD'G~ eud DOUBLE VIEM"K~ __:09 EOBEWOQ-D CABBa. BEST'S GALLERY, OSHAWA- ! DISCOUNT 1O10 PER CENT. il oved &Sbools anS Cnvsssg, isa - :cco;----..-...te Clergymen for lise use cf theuiism W. ADANS,ý. SPLENDLIDPICTURES, tPî1iî7 Life-Like-taken in a moment iu the best, style. THOS. PEATE, Mr. Best lhas secured the services of one the best noga- flLOTEES CLzANED AND IF1?IjDED tive retouchers iu the Unilcd Statcs. I <ccl confident lia I Ieau tInn ot ont t'ru ho hinnalural colour.- vork equal, (if not superior,) to anythiig ever befure made in Ibis country.,Faies I Gîovea, &o,, cicaned ud 129 CALL AND SEE MY WORK. , CnftaerWbbyosntb C e pnmply -atedat.j1l Ail are welcome to inspect the Gallery., A CAR».ý Fine Photos of the Leading Statesmen of the Dominion- To U-alhlon eàuieiing frem th. erron Rigist Heu. 8fr John Mscdcuald, Hlon. T. N. Gibbs, Le., and cf Be, us, early decay, Ioùci? ..&VbI Baliser McCaun, Rer. Mr. Laird, and leading citizons, for Sale aI Win meua s-recpe la i1uoeF.l b si ,an om mes b PS. Parties ndebtedtiê,~ie, i0~0~nBdiat4#. WLIIby, October 22nd, 1877. a-ON SAu"DEs. ini plase 0ca11 and settle IN J. ., WNom Claret on dfte $1.50 per gai.;3M0 sou's M6 àmd Portr o r af t, <,sper alln Pr (3zape Wine, $1.50 per gal. ; B'efat Gingerr Aie, Plain,,Soda, e erW1r CQLA RETS I:N CASE VI1N EG AR: EngghxMai, Preuch Wblto Wiae, Cryslsi Pikiing, ,A. ,S. 0. HSame, Spiced Baco, S. C. Tongues, Bcd Hans, Duiet Bcd, &0, F LOU R: F&Ui Fler,9, Wbal, G. Pleur, 0 oaKei. Cern Meal, 8plit peau, P. Barly oy,. W4e. EaTn ,Chichen, Strasburg Meal, Flnau Hadale, Bloter, Anehery Olx Te lPartriage, Huecbleken, ox Cheek, &.. vr r -r -: ý Mmesasud Java, Rasied sud aOn. CARRAGESAND' BUGGIES!, OR1. .zcum or ev , , 4d uhe rab 5 UU- Tou eruen;àunsfliay imds ols- car or ar ls ïe fo our pâaPklêtvnka?" Ie tcmgon hW iànr oM7 e, tAddrem, ada. Ur 5ctbyuU DsaI#M Wb7# and a I s krs nÇauda. 10E 5 94= OB TO RENT. For saleor t lu emeGou efflove onbalning 2w oçlams; 96aore«,nutiv Sllen, belng lot No. 5luilis.e abt Ã"W.oc p i e k . r i n g , i t i s 1 . 0 h um - h o u - u . v Imrm, alids, O&e., with uis-eunalep nudertbem. 1iel llusrmru jenwh tbe fine. ort rar - On the premisés Pckerlssg, uly Si, 8171f4 WE .AL IN& Thc Clrk sm Town' l, l;C *Fnialsys, fer 1 heure, 9 s. m. t Msreb27111,1 WILIE Rpsie esoeing E- É. 091 AT Clark Divis! ke., Atborly, Col Attherly flapi J J H il ol*q-rm.&Z;tlo. J. E"-A JAI Cu ton, Broc G. Y Notsy Pi (Lai Wblitby, C coi" SIrE CA] IIER CII 'T from 9 tel1 HY II Wm. JneJ C~ Wbilby, sep Graduate Mv qipiv. etfMX& yn of ]?ethni. aner for the Ce5dwater SI Âaagual24%h w ]DU Office honrJi 1-30 te6, -. ana Gi5b)ert si Teetiaextrate anis .nov bleck Ring Street, 0 BUILDEË 1 - 1 211 K FACTORY AND 1 Il ýCABINET

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