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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1877, p. 1

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W H 1 TE B U O ý FiAIEWELL à RUT E»DZ T) EIUTEU, TTOlIMYB, SOLI. Bocitera, Notarieo public, sud ouvey. Office, l6rt fleor aonuta ofthe noyal Rote], Witby. County Ovown Attoruey. . 4 JAnMg- KBITII GggDON, dleon'à otore, BrupeStreetiyWhtby, (Out. A TTOB1TÀiýk,-oLîorPOniN 1-- ba cr~cvoyaucer,"c Osuuu. ARRITEZAT LW, OLTITOR'TE U. &c tet s~a cao, o., .Siu- AT"BN]TER, AT.LAW, Chsncerand Inboivency, Notary Public k &a&.OfceMMfa Blocki, IBrock irot W»hutby, Ontro. A. 6-. MOELLANi (Late Greenwood &MMls. BARRISTER, ATTOR3NEy, OI Bitor, Notary Public, Conveysucei.. Gf. fice-Byron Street, South: Pl 1'ot Office, Whitby, Ontilo. ROUJINSfON&zcENTq 3.G. tlINoniesX-M.A, HZRBasr A. E. KXNr. CADMEI(Oy & APPELIJE, B BUciorslnChanceyNe 4:Tonto tI HECTO CAMERON QO. <' ly8) R.PELE THJOMAS IUUJTON, TLIN ~CLERK AND TRIZASURER< a. J. GINX, MDi. 'URGEON TO Tlm COUNTY GAOL, S~ DyrozïStilet, Whltby. - Dr. WV. J. BUJRNS. Oyri'cr-Next door ho CanoicîLÈOff W I esidanca, et Mn. Lavis Houck's. BIYRtON FIELD, M. B. p HYSJIIN, bUEGEON, d&c., Duff Wm, IRIEN, fSLD., M.R.Ces Ç ARBD. - DIt. IBOGART, Physician, Surgeon,' Accoucher, duo., Wbiby, Sept. 80th, 1874. ,face. B., L Mal 40 R OeT. RAMdSAY, M. B., L. M. EDIN. Griuaha (witi houons) cf the Univansihi- cf Queen's Celle e, Canada; Piladelpbla Ueniv, cf Mediine sud Surgery; Arncan Unir, cf Penusylvania ; Eciecîl o Clloee0c Pensylvania ad Licentiato cf Micnofiay cf the Unir. of Edinburs-, Scotiand. Cor- oner fte ut iOnturKil.Oice- cdwater St., Orfill. Auguct 24ti, 1875. - yr-85 -W. ADAMSy R OMS3VR . .TIMSTNI 1.80 te , P. n. Esclilence-Cor. c1 Byron sud Gilblert stneels. C, N. VARS, L- D,- 8. 4 -EEH lusarteil on ailthie Trbaîcat pincipîqe cf tbo art, As 0cbeas tchie claeso ansd as gois the bout, Tee lb filleul tbGold sud Sfilvo. Teai xtrotd iItent pain, by producing local sastkhosi6, >DetslBoom:.Iu Cw au s nov block, eu-ar Atkiniou's Drus- Store, THOMAS DEVERILL, BUILDER AND CQNTRAOTOJ DUNDAS ST., WHITDT. tâ Ail ordere proniptly ezeouted JOHN RODINSONtS JI AIR DIRESSING, AND 81HAVINi Saloon, Brook St., Whltby. JOEIN WOLFENqDENo AGN'FOR THE CELEiBUATMI AGzOSottish Granite. A# Marbie WorI oJenatbtan Woltenden,Dundug t., Wbltbj GEORGE COR1DIACK, L UXB3ER MEUCIIANT, CARPENTE] . and buet, Green Street, Whitby.à large quantity caUidclknd.e of luiuber cou dtantly on band. JAMES W. T3EALL, T OWNSHIp cLEIK (Ecset whltby) COMMISSIONER COURT 0F QUEBN'I I3ENCH, CONVEYANOING AND OENE AL' INSU3ANCE AGENT. The ClCkrk will bc' ie lue office iu the Tow,,it ,'Columbus, 0o1 Mondaseand ]IridayM, for Towuneip »usiness. Office louro, 1) a. in. te 5 P. in. March 2711, 1877. 14 WILLIAIIzCOOPEIt, IÈACKSMI T:I, - - BROUGHAM, Succeesor to Thomas Mlddaugh,) -oo soe hoclng sud tii inds- cf general work. - .2 A TH ER LY, Cl1erk Division Court, Tp. Clerk, Commisloner in B. R., Land Agent, &c., &cAtheriy, Oouty Ontarue. Atherly Stept. 2ud, 1872. 88 OSHAWA, Veterinary ,Surgeon,- WilI be st Arrn1strong's hotel, Whuîby, every Tueîaday. frein 1 to 4 oceloci,, p. m. April 25, 1877. le STORE AND PWELLING At Liloerpoci Market, a Noe store aud Dweç ai~ 'e 4with I'ovr1 nec$& ola.c 0 in 1871. t.1 G D 'a T- 'I & 1- S Ï.bini 9Ž FOR AL,uajyrJ'. Tacg GLEN IWO* )JMILLS M.0000 ta]fn PusLnmbýr, WtOU baçn Inch Jicardao 2 x 4 setqqu >f 9nh Plani, I,00L.Squm T*mbf , Hewui ieoOuy thot hi ,ah ChO'PeildOUe Bdày&u ýlu oowek, for eery De. 't, 1878. Po GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIE ANEW IUIWESLÂTION IN SCIENCE ,QY ;DBESSMMU~ CORNWALLIsS ELp.klTMG WAIST à SHOULDER CHA Dyipen. U. i od masree sîthout change cf s stltch. For saie, tl rea instructions, At 31SS McINT YRE, »~~i5-,XA~ncG~ ucceas, WBITSY. Agns Litd bors lInducen Vhitby, Aug. l187dp, G. YOUNc SMITI - ISSUER 0F M'ARRL4GE LIC E R, I ps. ING. kRT. 'H r. -22 . WHITBY, ONTARIO. KING BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, =portera, Dealers sud Manufacturars ci Klnds cf EA THER A 'ND FINDINj Caeb pâa for Ridem, Bamkt. sud Lsthe LUaaher ctrelchad. iBELTING MADE TO OlilmE -SHORT NOTICE;' iFy, 1872. 1ONET TO LEND i Alarge qunty cf mcney te land ai.1 tereet, private lu ndi. Fo aie, several Tovn lots, ttc Fra uses, sud a large Brick Houa,,.j rmc, apply bo G. YOUNG SMITH. 'ihby, Fai. Oth, 1874. ]MON & KELLEI CIGAR MANUFACTOBY, t si INCORPORATEDz8. ABOUTS,*101784 502, nouas.) ,i atm ~' lc C IGARS mAnufactureS ,Irmn est)Hsvam Tobacceo. Tiecocleinahed "4S. IL Cigare. Hotel.keepere sud Dealers vu fiud it ho theIn adreuhage to gir., thuan trial. WUmtby, Fal. 7l, 1877. I L IST OF THE DIVSION COURTS COUNTY DO' ONTARLOI FOR TH ,TRAR 1877 Wiitby.. 2 1i18il îi il 1 1iii Brous-ham a5 12., 2 4 8 .21 potlPenrI f6 69121, ô S812 2 Uxlirid go. 611012i2 286jô19181 Cau'tn 7) 11 7 7111 0 ' Atheri__ i 18 29i 12 i 18 E.HDARTNELL, Junior Judgu, Wbitby, Dec. il7tb, 1876. Cx 10 1 cRB APPLE TREESY A 9O0U T 75,0"0, -AT TEX- HOME NURSERY,l thie hoast Varlehies. 8ETH C. WILSON, LoI No. 8, 2ud CouÏ. Pic gou- on Elugilon BoaS, est Offica, willny, NE' i The einieabi B Iu Crc Rsy's A cal tic., 71 1 arn pro EW IIUTCHER SHOP 1 e sbecriber bie leave te notily the itants of the Townu cf Whitby sud viciuity. that ho haî cpened s 'osby's Store, Duudas.St., (opposite sHotel,) ithere hie will kzep coustantiy ou baud a good ssucrtment cf F, LAMBVEAL, MUTTON,&c. MRl le iulicited. A. PRII--GLB, Jr. by, Sept. lot, 1877. 87 CÙelous DEPÂRTMENT. Ottawta,luse 4#h, 197.7, rHORLIZED DISCOUNT ON American invoicem untll further no- per cent. Commissioner cf Oustcin. ERPOOL MARIKIT 1 )eparod to psy Outrent Prices for ail 0 QrsifaLd eliqI ~ ySeinE. SALT, PLASTEIR, FOR SALE t ;r . H.mOELN LlvefcilXaketJulSci, ié'v oïl WHZITBT OTAi O 1PROCK-OTEEET, WBITBT, TAYLOR I& l(OANN, PROPnIETORS. Thle =i~ner4çw-, dere te iufcrm thelr friends sd Ih l'*At haby have laken te sv~.o0,whlch they into th. bi8t cf erdakfor thesc mdo tien cf gesto. 'Pie r, t h iilathe hua. scM'i b h ouY, InWus lupplied wlth the fietbrand, c*knsliquorsa sd ci. gar. ~leencoaê~ledroom sud good cbll o hii,' Detsched rooma fer Coz uelgtrayfr.' J. P. TAYLÃ"3," PHLjIP MCCANN. R OYAL HOTEL, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. Thea rgect sudnmit emmnodlona bolel inuth. towcj u; barge simple - room# for ccercl itavelfars. Table vAl auplied viti hte b.at luseason. flestbtandcu quonu scigate. Enoimedyard asedrcorn attentive icitbere... Charges 10 mSiit tie tlimes. N. B.-Livary atlachad. 27 WiN'ITBY IHOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITB3Y. (WEST 0o1-POST OFFICE.) JOSEPH Ai- B.NDEL, PROPBrIETOR. tri bn onse asbeau recently butît, Ja g. yudom suad fitad up in firat.clasa styl. BailW!ne&, Liquore and Cigae f rushLas-ar Boer. 'Good -shablug lau ciceei yard; attentiveoéshier. ' 4G G--RN TBUNK RAILWAY HOTEL, (pppositeG.T..R. Stalloul Whltby. WU. O'NEILL --PnopIIipOB. Rvorr accommodation for guesl., inlud- lng comfortabl,Airy bednôoms, Mgeals aiAhU ' dThe Bar fullBIiy elid titi b.dt badcfLquors, WinesBraudios, Cigarg. &uc. :Every nscesary treciion giron ho GéoodSaln- sd yard, sud atten- tire oetlars. -48 C (OMMERCIAL HOTEL, OARTWRIGHT, ONT. 40-tf COL D.~ VUMPANY s' w ito engage mu -~ ~~ ~~ -' " ohebusiness, r enly yoxir s- ar Ton noed net b. aitay froin nome 0v F1l'jYf~J~ nlil. To- owudo lb ac *eli as otieri,.n --p"stlni1diréciiosaitItetmsctrte E gant sdepema Ottre Iyua profitable iozk Son..Us your addreas once.' It Conti nthlng'cIi'lI rms Noeeil 1bo es û t P Deposit viih DouqWn Giu eVent o#W Addrsol"TWPOLSJORf 000. Expenleuccd Ag&enàti IhrwsbouI the 45PrtsMan Rire Biskeica na & i$ C. 7OUS~ coaI, Gal Gal I WitbArli7hS7 -'~ NEW 00OAL .YARD Co. 'AT TÃœRoo WIHTBY. io e lu>' stictaattentio te busines Whlty, pni l7h, 4977 i s argeï t-rad Weigt TMEI OAN ANE D N VEST- 1a0.11 Tie schone ads" a kap IL E COANY. COntmdais.,, hreed b-thue undenulgad CA PI TA. 800.00. JplisW c t f fr sdfonCshtathp Head Office, Imperisi Buildings, Torouti PIIESIDENT: SÂNKESs: NON. ALII. CAMIPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANI eorzo -G. D'Amcy Boulton. MONET TO LOAN on Improved Farm et Luit Rate cf intereat. Apply ho- C. NOURSE, Appraie, O OR TO - E.H. YEeETLAND, Manager, Toroutc - 'GOOD MORT GAGES BOÛGBT Apnil 151h, 877. ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Co0 HEAD OppîCgZ, BROCK.Sr., WHITBI T 8 COMPANT imeure. Parm Bufil , -299yge Country Churece, SIlice Rstoeofan the -eContents i es as an3 AIES DRWAURT - PROPRIETOR. aslc.cfay Flletbise'ma lu Canada. Godaccormodation f1 ow t-" JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. ne COMMERCIAL HOTEL aud STABLES, j. BDBICKCELL' ; 301110 WLL1s, or 1.. -51 and 56 Jarvie-street, Toronto. Preuîdenit. Vice-Presideut. JOHN MclluE, - - - 1'ZOPBIErTOR. C. NOURSE, SacurriETu-. (StUCCEzesea TcJO4N KELLY,) Estes of Inaunance se bu thal 25 Ceai he it'ilZ A.eeoî-e 00-for fwelve Menthe!1 7 The best 81.00 aDv ousa u inte Cil>', 0H7 il c.la, 87 - twe blecks froni the ortberaDeô .andcie li4177 ho îlÏ,e Market.i-ho Rouas ababen uaviy pFltted cuh, and erery-tblns- Pritiaa. hy7 sH A KES PEARBE XHOTEL,Q Cor. King &Yok.s., Toronto, Ont. INSURANCE COMPANY J.'ý:O'GRADY, .PROPRIBTOR. (7uit AND LIPS) Tzscues, #1.50 Pzis DAT. OF~ 0 LIVERPOOL & LONDON..- na M. MWVONNELL, - - .PROPRmronB. MOLSONS BANK 0. A. BAYNES, ESQ, 9.l, fe ftestaBES ACOMOATly1i-;;Rend Office for Canada: 191 198 -8t; - -_____ _____________________James Street, Moutreai. - Mas. WALKEY'd P ORBES & MUDGE, Ciief AgiL TEMPEi4NC HO SE, .ug H. LAWDER, Agent, Wilby ' TE PR4 O O SAgtOui, 875. iy-88 DUNDAS-STREET, WMITBT. ------ Doacommodtiîon ahreasouabie torms. NRHBT-S uMRAT. vcres 25 prwek. 4 OTE BRCHSN,148-, sud i, FIRE INSU RAN E COMPANY.I cFo t ret Sala, sud reliabîs, charges moderato, prompt DETiROI T, Ml CET G Ai. ettiement cf dlaims. T. ENNDY (lietf lu,, lossin Hae Toomid e Pr.p Hector , GRO. YULE, Agent. 7 SAM PLE BOOMS ATTACHE». Witby, lune 2, 875. 28 eo Nov. 12tb, 1877. (iy-47 -_________ VTIRGINTA i-ORACCO AGEN CT V.Toronto-itreet, Toronto aly-4i xSSrD wrýas MUSIC FURNTSHEDWHEN'DESIRED. I4EALTrH REsTroREO Sesios Capacici-, One Thousand. Remedy Free for the cpeedycuetafcinaronsGRO. HOPKTNS. debiliti-, premature decay, 'lest minbood Wlt auil dsotdci produced excelse. Maileâ f - y, Och. 22, 187'. ]Y" teou"Y addreis. ADtrieoz duCe., 86 Nassau - Street, N. Y. (6mf47WA LZS LAGER 1, ~J1ONEY TO LRND. T ave giren the aeney formry Ler n l MON Whitby le J. A.BANDRLL sud 'I sbalc 'Pie uudcrsigued bad au y arnotcf Mou- e?desvou~r le smemly an articleio vi.h i cy te Lend upon Parm on Tovu Property, at s-iramafeiuh baih aruz unnnnally Loy Estes cf Intanest. hlm.I WLZ Loane eau ba repaid in suma- te suit bon. TorNoWAL . notera. -- -rue Several Imnprove( larms and Will Lande T 71 E ifor sale cheap. - * -- ý-h Tn 'ctmats'rnade minMtmlci"ai Deben- Best and Freh t tunad, Bank, andSchien tnett eStocka. Porfunuther parliculari appiy te L.1A. (- E E, - JAMES ITOLDEN,C> fl - Officiai Assignes, Broker, duo. VII LWAYS BT FOUND AT. Bpril Oti, 1872. 15 THE WHITBY HOUSE:' OjîM c i zc J. A. BANDELL le aise solo Agent for DEALER IN' Waiz'î Las-en Dean for the Oounty t Ontario. Dîamonds and Preclous Stones.A IE A MARTICLE OF PURE CIDE;. Manufacturer cf - MASONIC, ODDFELLOWS', flOMMN FLOÉ &FEED STORÈ.' KNIGHTS' èI PYTHIAS, CHARLES PENNYLEGION - AND IL- ! Boga ho uoiify is friands sud euslomere - Society iRegalia, Jewells, &C., &C. liat ho la nov prepared ho supl 14, RING-ST WRST,-- TORONTO. Fleur sud Fa of lie Beat Quality, 4 Mai- 22nd, 1877. - 2iy j attrloitivnpie. Floun,Cocra, Cbcp.Faed, Bran, Shorts, Ost. ~~LUMBE 14BE 1 neai, racked Whesl, Peas, Osa,-Po L UMBER Isbs, duc., -aI Wholesaheaàsd Retini. ' ca JO H NS ON, Clteuper f/caf the,Chteapeal for- Cashe. e At the Dominion Fleur sud Fead Store, LUM ER ERC ANT rosby's iBlock Tact door, Dundas Street WH I T 13 Y , y whitby. .-;, , j ; jý, ý -ý .11- 1e i CýHAS..PENNTLEGION..j Haa on hand a large suppli- cf tai kn«O6f WibArlýt,17.1 Darn Lumbar, Boards, sud ail u.cesa.y WibArl2t,17.1 Building Lumr. Fauns- , Savu Timbesr and - ýthii:,a brequ1 i--uun. ;ROO MRK' Large onde a ion Long DIItuf, fille, i- fom Milla at cant notice.OAHj'1 GR N b d. - - ' !;-e- ý - Whitby, Msy 7th. 1877. ly-20 Farm ~ - Frenchman's Bay.~t PLASTER, SALT. AND COAL Raty Lo ,tseîco,Haisdhihiia-:FORa SAM.5 Pi niedital oitd t. i.4 Sept. 20,1ion. (Û40> on Rail Esute, £1 Lot Rates$ o. PIL4CTICAL ~CAIIIIAGE c&WA GON M. 1~ANUFACTURER cf the, Double and SALfingleaTurn&pDnil. Improvemeut 1 7ounClylosa - PATENTED CHURNS, Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs, eozutantly on baud. R &E- Doue ou the shorteet notice. -ffl -Bok GEO. BRITTON, jýBokStreet, .- - Wbltby. >1 Octobet 22, 1877. h-~ yFAIRM F01R SALE,ý L OT 4,7THCON. UXBRID'4E; 125 Ilacresuuostly cl,,ared, tell feuced, sud L. lu s good state cf cultivation. Soil dlay loani ; good lionse, harns, stables, trat and root house,; 2 telle, 2 cisterus ; appia orchard. Pour miles Item Manchester cIa- ion W. P. P. & L. R'y, sud one froni pro. posed Toronto &' Ottava R.R. Prico, 65,000. Easy tereus; ce ca O. ARD 47-tf) Uties P. O. FA RM FOR'SALE, DR3NG Lot No. 8, 151h Cou. West Wiii. - Jlm ; 100 Acres, more crilssa; hallsà -mile fro Othie ficurlsbing TPovn cf Parkilli; & bout 60 Acres cleaeod sud lu s good staho of aultiration ; balance *eli timb.rcd vili' bardvood. Brick bouse. Large neit frame barn sud stable, titi plauty cf bard sud colt tater. About four ocrai cflan ercherd titi aboie. fruit Imeesa. Sol, cday losm. Possession can bu ratgd le duit pur- ciaier. For perticulmsaadres- J, W. POWELL Parbhili;- or P. W. ý'OWELU, Breki. Octobor 18, '77. -4p A Brick Collage near Business Centre lu thue Tutu cf Wbtby. For pruce sud terni *pplF to- imnt. Wl!. THOMPSOO, Sadlaèr. Whlhby, P.eby. 201h, 1878 . 9 T'AGE BETWERN WHITBV & OSHAWA.i TWICE A DAY 1 Leavea Oehawa aI 8,80 a, n., sud 1, pý ..c Louves Wiitby at 10.X, s. ni., sud 4.80, Pane 25 cents esci vay. WiHl cal ah ah Ihoe botels, sud ah prlvate nesideuces (vian cnders saeloft at any cf the hohees.) Connecta titi Oshawa sud Boumanvillaestas-e , aimetit thie Witby sud Port Pory advav, sud titi B rougi- a m a i a t w i y . T H O S . H O P P E R . Whilby, MarchIg2h, 1875 1-tf THOS. PEATE,- (ILOTHE S CLEAIIRD ANDD TP FAbD "..J. -brous-ht le Ihair natunal colur.- Fealiens, Kld Gloros, duc., eened anad dysd an y adent. Alordaroe 111twitiW. P.b Wileock, Confactionen, Wlmtbycor saut by di s11, uil be promptly attendcd to. (2l.ly lu bi -ARNOLD & FAREWELL. Port Whilby, Nov. 6, 1877. tf-40 WASHING MACHINE lait on triai Inca of charge, sud u isotts and eheapet Wacbiug Machine lu th. mar. kel. Re-tai prie, 65.00. Vinst Prise alliae late CenI sund Pickering Fali Shows. P. IL HARVET, Agent. ALSO AGENTPFORCHESBEWS CLOTHES WRINýOER,-' His-hby commended ait lb. lateCcutty Faim. 'Clotbes-hernscs, Clohhec-naaka, Poldins- ub. banihes, sud aIl hInde of iauudryCipie- mente, kept on baud sud aI prices te cuit 4ie rImas. PRANK M. HLARVET. 44-ma) Centre Street, Wbitby. CENTENNIAL AWÂRD FOIR CÂNADILNX AIe's.& POr[ter'. - A PRIZBHAS BEE!9 AWARDIED TO n yteItenational Judscfor -IIIST-CLASS ALES ANùl ?1)RIER N.B -Tie caniples; farvaded te Pila. alpbs vsne taken from mrm jar' tek 'ustoners sud 1h.ýpubli .ealyue Iaerýe rely upon goltins-fi*oq 91kepstbpi.sa, snd te. the -igh'e 0'-hr 'sbapeiy -bdoti an Sd, *cWfier -srwère bld. tdon ittNk of throetciornered f41 v righ w hite browt seud fhlhéw the désd,, colapassion. ,.were olaed loOudiy bobina ber; ber t ée et ethe ci.Asbewkd Wre., lb.-liture vas 1eot annüiiIerist. 9 lem a emiacewoPeit ýf iew, lii concrni econu an loi etede s, 1 ,g mi1lays baas l861io sufer. lsara t rge anss it, cf le wltk hlm ttegrae. 'The b-ulloe d u i sud neie r gW o éàcul, but rm ake u a 4 'Cemftabie'bÏg sud bed for ilseif, sud bas a peÏÎPatl'hOmo for-,pauy a yer. Il may be thal lui hatlie-long aiec th. rosy god tock aim for anothér lt. gel, or bit titis oeeil spertîve-jeat, fer sb;e vas, ithen quite s Yong voman, re.ited, bigb.nosed, sud supérior. ;tTlîiàlaet the wornt cf ail. '8h. lîsd maatefed every tliing in the village scboel, and il vas th. geneal belief thatwvile ah.vas away fora~twelve. monti or tio, Elizabeth bad iearned more Ibsu vas whclesome for oee Young voman, te kuiow; aud vlan, urober totur, elle actusily tock tie place cf lber college-bred cousin Matthew Gorse, as book.keepet and cashier lu be' r fatber's. store, sud was petched npon the iîigh choc!,il'h s peu bebiud ber dAlieste est, bi si uIe ad fnmbliug among bille aud papers lu the vorm-eaiten drawer, the villagers ehcok their beade'and boped neobaunimigbî comas of ail l is ividoni thal Deacon Ttuepeuny bad bought for tbat 1"boigb. ty-tcgby da'er ' bs'n." But Obadiah looked over at tb. rickety throne cf bis daugbter, snd net for the firet time lu bis lhf. tbauked God tliat sev as net a son. lu an- cîbar part cf lb.estore leunged idly hie uephew, youug Mstlhew Gorse ; sud se the har ferrety eyez cf the old'mau feu upon Ji o omely besd, they teck an expression cf qcerh asud digusl that told very plalulnlu iniot estimaticn lie vas beld by bi frebsuded tuncle. "A clerk, indeed 1"' gresned Obadiab, itho, rememberefi hie owu bittersp pre uic ebi in'th aî Iin - ftrape__ a 1, il b. gss 'a- lht,J yavnin' sud louugin'-tbroughthe dY, stiokin' up an impudent noie at bisbel. il tars, aud findin' fanit witb hie bread sud butter-a clerk, indeed 1" Obadiai waî about sick cf il. I"If lie couldn't lîclp out witb the nesokerel sud le, sud Was toc ailyto pick eut lbe rottenl apples, vhy, le migbt go le Ibunder" t wouid concluile Obadiali, wbo, alhcugb a deacon, vas driven to the verge of ' prfauiy by Ibis reprobate uapbew cf "And aho makin' bend oetabu c' Ibeni 'ere aiccounte c' bia'n," it vas toc muai, for Obadlsh. "Thora vas a soeait oue somiehre. Squire Brou. n son badu't paÏd thal bull, ur Lawyer Bates nutier ; Ieastways if tbey bsd, il y vas ail! miled up seebhoit. Ra dldu't vaut te lie rsh, but if b. fond eut sny thwg vwroug-" AudJto he led 'w man's greedy eyee vould fasten ibeni- 0 oeives;upen io. daughtàer'a face. 'She SI itas bis auélgor, bis bope, "1Wlst villi the tiamai fashiion. c' reckouin. nova- f dajs," tbe eid iedger va. a sealefi bock 11 toh m. tthew wold pushie ilOve: O1 te iei uncle, mil. ccutempteul, sudn Icunge away, .secUre, ostheolod Mau kuewt, Ibt the contents vere 11k. a Y' Chines. puzzle lu bis hande. -But nov ti he ceuid look away front Ibot sceruful face sud mocking smule, sud gaze upon P the calin, serions eue cf bis daugbter. ci Il might net b. lovely t soute feiku,' but te iim lb vas the one face in lie rn Ber keen gray ayes, ber high noie, 10 lirshr-set month, were more allur- t) ig in 'Ihe oye' cf ber father thon ony bc seft-climpied bovelinees. 'Phere vas Il tbat lu Elizabelth'e face tbat* lent coin- c' fort te li. frolted seul, sud a clear qiver about lb e girl's nestrils broughl a, back bis dog Beos ho hlm, sud cfteu h e feIl te caiiing ber by that usme, se tlb.th ouby venture te a cass b. kuait boitg co Rive. r Whou ycung Mattbew caughl to this si raI titi., for, be-sd-' alvaye - bated lbte th grim. eue cf Elizabeth, lb. cld mou grinned malicionsly. hosi P "Bes il le, Yong man," hed q 'esure's yon're boru, sud Besvas lb f besb pointer tbe wvend oer soit. If ion ve been at Oziy aspers, sbe'bI noueCO you ont, mark my worde for lb." 1 cc And Matthew voulfi turn pon bis' n 11e01 su-Aikc-t11n.lyasy piita keener--sauce cf iuff.rug, but w o thb l lb necSody for expiation, ouz iol mmouul.d at limes te sAgonylner, yeanlg. ýHe resolved eunibl te id-Ibi. das et, 111oet witi .R ÃŽ g e-up' sud set by tie vindoi. r lb.fien lim b. ou 09 isoo qpu ,aflb 1 aefu my PUi oY, if j On'VO a $Park ban akf-ouanitply, e Je Iuul t o. .O stoof i te atifi sud ioorea l dOwu-ohim. Evelin h t secondm tof agonyh.*ouglil -bar ac vtee ',rotsud prondeit u lu eVeSd. -]H310 frmlila crIme, il seemo& hlebmrhtoi feet lIi h. spesvaoverpoit- ar -"pssfr God'a ake, eeolCon- lier cie es : Eelr>y mee,aI nce, voWalthe1 yen 2, Oh, spaak 1#' "No," i e aâld; "I vii l otboiresyho But as i. gel Opon is fiel, sud teck e- e u e l o n g9 b r e t i co f r e li e -s ud ca ng lil gn the baud bsugl*gallier aide, aeodreit OO1 i s v a y , s u dd b a i i li b a c k f r em h lm . a v e zi "O yoc, cf course," said Matîhéit, net, liiterly. I kueit viat yen maenu: pid yon'l sbieid me froni disgrâce. - You're the gol s littie more pride cf familyhan caui Unce Obadiali. He'l bhueble me off tà e t jol vithont a quaim-; but ycn-yo'1l bigb. savo ensd bote me as onhy a prend entes voman con. Aud, Bass, uce lare ; I sud] dhn't bear ho huaort yen ; ycn absU bat,1 bava yonn viii. Bae, Bae, ihat do une yen vaut me te de? Speak tha Word. vay Go sud Ibreit myseif lu youder pond, dame sud vipe il ail ont forevar ? Oh, I the uvear te yen VUI do il Ibis moment, lu Bu the twlukliug cf an ey., sud yen shalhe I lok on sud-ses 1" dihi HR realiy meaut.ithat ha uaid. HO thair. vac cvoetng witbhite veakueis sud DOl», agitation cf those long heure cf vaka- ithoe fuincs,aud lier. vas semnetbîng lutlb,-minu face cf bis cuniu Ibal stung bin e-o Hi maduese. Juil thenlie vcuid ratier, sorte have died than remained in tee world ha i vlth bar. Rie made s pnge foritard, wit but ber baud nov gtasped b feoee meaz littie moment. tePl "No," ah. said, dropping bis baud M sud clasping bha n t. "I viii net oi have it ce." ler houe impliad Ibat ah.emutl had evan Ibougît cf Ibis vay cf wipiug out 0o eut dishonor, but rejected it. The next thehb vorde told viy. ",Bese I caomt "- bean te bava yen dia," e. îid; sud Mn lteo big' leassrobled eut cf lier eyes bis 00 upon bar cbasped boudu. mobti "Oh," cried Mattiait, ritb s grosu dm cf ugcny, "vby didut I kuci thtire vaut vas scb a voman in he wvend 2 Nov "Ã"b "111e netotfoc bale,"said Elizabeth, cou, gmavely. "Aud--" the iz "*Whist 2" inernnptedà Matiat. sedtte "Oh, Base, don'î 'driva me mad. Dou'bncla, unaie me lira le deepise mysaif. Teillme, tuat c oiild yen ever fcrgive me?2 Cccii berne, you n utan, tvcnty years, if I veut uneige bhrougi soe sont cf terrible expiation vîcel, et ycur bidding-aculd yen bavathe tom o1 womonly beart te endlume me lu tha tanin, orne vend vith 'cu 2" .crastu A (ligbt ruelle n the bushas ab bar lu tei Bide startled Bess. SI. hcoked, sud 6q saw oulythe gracaini isunol cf a i"thati Guinas-ban ; but lb qnia.kaned the erny larves cf Mis 'ruapeuuy. aide "Listen le ne," she said. "Yen3cY needn' ronvi!d ail ltaI I bMd yen. De yen heug. ea= o yen oay 2"' -- lie de "tYes, yes," ha replied;. "leislethea vieIlvàutm-to do jusI as yjeu iil, asgood Ged la myjndge, Bess. I'd loi-e the yeung trenglh nov aven te 1011 My uncle." do the "INo, ne," §ciesaudvifte oa Sudaer, ven'vs ir sie kev bar faîbar al; "but yen jhapa met PSYhe money backIo hlm, vlt:b- age Dut big kueviug -lb vas Reue. Yen littieL mut taka lire. lhucusaud dollars cf Mati mine thai are lying in ha bonk-yas,0 it aîîîi aes, yemuet ; Yeu sad yon'd de aIlI $*r. eat Ibldycu. "Htq "O(h, Becs," hoa gned, "te take dish yont men.y-yoer littIe meney 1iI te b.d en't, Bess." tes' l'Yeu iii, Maîtheit; yen, vili bot. s cbip 'w Ibis Mon'ey cf me'. sud psy me bis got aslh urne interdit fen il ('bInthlb bnk ai- cool, cite. lb muet bl ie jildravu 1-day- nov 2" lis mcming-se that I cou maire lie 0"Go oko rigit. Il is dreodfni bo have "go ou himvrng. Tliera, nov; lb la ail "We; )vr prect $bd put ber bond upon bis head vitb Ycu 0co usBd uveat gactuma cf faoeli, snd as 'II te e lai t hi besamed ho Mattb.w Ibat l,h ,he bush.,, Panted, andverlbermtender,"MY 9g ,rocicus face iad.baéu, tliaI-ofaàdomon Yeu m' -maiued-s cynical, s1l, eeting foc., cillei face cfdmous i sund purpose, Yen soY he face cf bis unclae Obadiab. "It'i Mattbîit remaincd for' s moment caîlli >trifled, iitifeor sud disgnct; buttheb. d t ace vouisied, aud-lt a& seemefi like a I'di ie ream cf hiedisthbied -fanoy.It vas1dik ipossibie ; lb cenid net bca 0f lank b ourie mot. At breakfast tiare Bal bic got bar icle Obadiai, vith-i i nkled face linsinM mtouched liy atnohion cf auy kund. 11101i le ste vith bis besd bout mas uel te 7_l, ml tbi esd, 9'eery narre l sbrodyhe ---- vL aiesio peu, vnie Dom,,ite i51, oe rie, bybut appar.nly itlouýýliboé fo ves abveail, a onufa foiPoîor un. - possibi 1Evo différent it vas i Theé,bd a A- Ïusau. in theback ofte bilding of musty bsddn lu,-sud mzildeit, sud downum te lb.' Heégol an lia - strcng coonglememtion cf ebllw frii AtM. BROO~ ý,fiao4W5UsW amiai itbe là wdit.. muni laIes aboula serti&n hie m to-preseul t 7 n rORIA. tovnship or are odsered 3Ih coudes. Icoanucrec lin;. slreana ~00 WOIIKS. - Seat &C*. THE am-il M- 1 - IMO wkif UlimzuMm a-vs A quais mua«n iling iÉ healigir, .hoohciîei it derlWb. rési, i beil thîe eft. Manys pais. er, dot Tanlel vuss ud-ss Toledsspremso pied, afflated lions, sudekmne -eutïsEs! Nw,' uer2,I sud speke of;i4 sflehwaih, 0se coutlnoerudffl ",stau e-$jloc ' l s v ii , i, t ic i g s u d d is to r ti ug b e a t s yo u ld e s t h lm u p mr l. v s ;' l R !y t i ug fip o d a m n sa t br y .v d cn c s o v it l l ,h g l .r l e n cy n i. a- e * o e met lhe semd. T'he moey' wasshuel gloïe >y ornoirt,s»d di '»M o0varlo:bina nitta question, 'gaot nde Enuet aul. 1Oho , Ià .ai aaty cou ne4i . cu l thb. lir e, ýlie n- glat I v au hem n. t A gasfuive dollr ne do ubt u ubs mi màd test doi de Hep V m vas cmii c vist spécula -ticu Ilet nerod.li edlto le fiisl-forus, .m dot alrap hnoi!d yuu ions u s biout sem.d 11ik. s p .ceg ebary, tee,- forI rin inte; t he mode a neremimk,' nir. dey vouldbaehur us up, -peal», atîbsu pul lb. mouey lu Ilsde o.ÃŽ;oickbuî l ii ail hlanto -us mfrt ithere alreadyI&y bisîlitia tras- nov, for day vas sins cUet ccse M or ofblue nubliu, asud ven u isBoear te fanubtrn c; oI v,:'m te tîa todbmlnred, bigl-noaed glat I vas hais lo-uinoi - sel wbsllug ofly sheven, fr And den;' Mn. Ensachr, Ilit ïh.aid met tins l n a. -dot JouaI rail cast fàt e .-'bheli ut bh lia croely gens'a Ibind> cf PhIJy.Nov' I neyer could uundàrit"- sîF Wthou heou abis uncle 'O0ba. dot; put it ala&Rblai to nY Mluîno*; toming ap lice Ameet vite onc - f b. rail nept tal" - luto lb. ihaecl rOld tovusmen by tb. name of palbysil, but aLuis aump ou bis son-a Aouuging, ubiftlest zfolloit a sd rodeacbire., 1 luie3 iad lateiy becu appounted aspolie. lat I ysl un ete-nigut i under Iha ev luit. - "Âdncv,;Mr.BEscher, Iffyn vili Je uncle Obadial vîc given te con. aisI s exp 'sinIve mespasagsof mg vili ail clasaes cf people, sud Solpture, I Éisil be, ohi, se'- -hppy I ralked by the cuds of .Ibis fehîcitvayhabina o-uight1One of-dam -la 1îte same ufng aud siy do. ver. il sas, ds vicked shal14ee cait lu, cor thal ho bore viti lbe squire of ho a bake dolt urne mit lime sud brins. 'sncb. chou. sl . Oh. Mn. 'Beeiier iltthau, viti àa cihl saintsation, ali 1 p. câât - mb dot luk., if I amn Id ave pacsad 'quic2Y ou, cougnst- niared or ilusit chsepy or nrear ng bimaf tbalOadïh l as veIll cuug le. cforlabli? I hope. of lia vay for a lime, buI b. fait yen viii say I shah b.eout clusbl by, s sund ofbis uneeonu1 ' àamm. gocd vay off,aud 1 lilpe-goeglait I le'll valk toeteIer," cnid lies aid veel bers Lte-nighl i, ,De cde' pashage w"Coin.,",b. con"ue,,leasing le det vicI ala,]pheasd arc dey vbo mmpanien and besuivg lisavily ou bey, doe commsndm-enlae ott hey, Iev' are, "vle'll go doun bylime may.Iave a niglil te'de tisae cfIlfe, sud vbere people wou'î b, lieteniu' I eute4in " -herooù" b. galithoCiatiy. avWord itllycu." Oli,.t.li me 1shahigels lule de city. aiai vas net vent te ceusult bis sud net close py or near-lo, sinsit imv lu anylbing, sud Matthav's near' enougli l e cval I bave lau, ag. vas g elsru vln tbey reacbed sud I chall b. se gisI I rail -hans te. nill. Hieayes luctluclirely aveid- olgil" ie slcicuc tvîukeug cnes cf -bis su ad ha dhok bief ftse fron -ItARSaIr»OutTEE 51'OT-Tha Olean inutel cf bis skiuuny baud. A diraRcordi relates lia felioving : "'l'Il >r begau tb penetrate hein.The nmam angirl lu tha reom tt ill cf tb. valet fsullung frein tic bava me, uaid s haif tipsyyîuug.feilo*. 4,l. the imt b ebamie a pliu- 'l'Il taire yon,' said n freci, el . St ycd f 'dread le bis imsginaion. Ilb yonng girlcf 17. Andilu s baif heur- ad hlm somebeit cf asdrovn ing lie twc ver am-nie -udbing con- ure holdlug-up.'uta dripping atm. gratsed by tbir nfnienUfis.'ia ac- ier sud supplication lnalby'ocen trred ouly a fav - iteeki ago taka it Keltici," beganbIsanucOie, l ite ucar vicinlty Of Preukluvulle., yomh boreamoable *;-YOu've en Th. -Occasionu -u v as s contry rfeuil cul proIy quiekýon withd:doue, -lic panhiaipss a fai- yO u r b re d la b u te re d . Y e n eor'&s-s o n aM d à r & 'M W u h le , n e l i 't bock as If yon vers golug *to b.et rcfit*hom sdever axcbanged s word Fer 6oma vice reason cr cher titi h.h chir until lie abïoaRue evili leat bave ies gentc lsrc on -ccursd. 'Ple youuug foilibadW beenu arh, snd yen sem te lie a pretty drnking sud- theouget lieo vonbd a&y belpc'hsn. Toeun l uck, oseusllng, "smant." sud a"ln"skthe ma.If yen behave niglit, l'11 girls wvIliida cdity. Théeginl, bey-. cfligyýyqu; if. yen don'. vrla sr iIbvsago t no on ut yourselfto blume. 1 feli," sud being moveid by lImaip sinit uned 10b b.on îlecther side o' tlb. viclcbwii net lai. a dans Ifdealli ? thi morW wbn y= badtht ccznes" tok bin ataIlà iwnI Thqy tal wih Elubh."arenowlivingviii lbh. yng fsllv's Ibteit dld net aven sîart. Rie kuait parent., sud are atudyingssciu other'. iow, bulbe ho nddered, sud said. ehimacter-sI blair ble.i4" s, 1 saityen." mm-yen clid ?" ceutunucd Oha- FEULS o: PoLi'OAN-K.ury (For. "ýYen se, I gel up eenly-'Brsly hla eue cO f h saunts of Utah, aud suad oarly te tise,' yon limait, bis virsu nummar exacy bal! a dousm. My motte; sud' Elizabeth cbls 'Until roeutly hob.ikpt them lus de ol. bIlock, slu't à2sheaSes véty goeddaste f ihipliin. ly oneesa lng bond, bas Elizabeth, sud 6a cf-sàcernselicnal qutenenabhd*yiug calaulatin' brdn, liala'- ihs,flagellation for sggrsvat.,d dame., agtalul'lb.diguly cf the. bousahld. oui1" said àMat*«e, ficrsoby,; TMiscorperel ,punlalimeul hau'Uàbuy i Wbal dc ycunit lime 2", beau iuficled upon t-el. v i v el," dmaitioed obedus, *"I n-igii uaily. ,Mn. 'Oerbam's- 'lrmai'aiipt et etéyeon sde a lef yem n mc; punlmbng the women olhSohirahy.wa nffssed y bie*themonay.,,- ,mode a few it da ando, su uuteddis- mok val vu ine," l= Mt. asltrcusy for bim. They bail disobeF- EcuefimacluAblaâeeto ,passion. cd soes f bsedrsd lurinaccle raud-falberblid noc lic oleave hoanposedlliaî i.hould uiak6 hein ye ncliar'e .ahane. 1-von'l b. p=_ii Mont, A- s 1ileemalie., ]U yitnmeibe carefulithul tried iltitith a iorsemhip. 0 '-he, hait dozeül ud oum , sud, 9iui smy voy, seid Oliadiali, "te Iheneseivoes a hI. tecm ons,*cabl Cg by Ieir mgîl name. Any for val lhey isd borne in DIsopeu.-' ittair as ia l't bebougin' tl e Fs as bmulad, ccrstcbc d dbîttou Sa thif-oldl Ie.p bock r lier. I sseereiy lIaI fanaà bine bis nscoe.y e om say aIup yi2der on -lit vas deubtfuh. s u aid frlsnd, Dobsen. H. 's spM»n'.sou didn'Ittu ont se vel, ndcuffàin ubis pockst, sud aill&0be expected ; l client, lhc greit up îttIi ielga in lhIs lips e' to b. vlit le commcnby termed os l. H. linabd muai te do l'bardau." Bo Spilkins tebdhiaitif. snd 11k ýne mere'u rigît haiai u rlgig p-Ia br .-eler be nsady waeube'sceile&. Per- d'd lya raisthat d hosvfi. v fely vauth, - sd, ag'ln, I t.Nov se han . lgive ycu A SCOTCH TzAws.-The Trée Bai&- i'yonog insu z ycqn. lie ur'tels ibisfor a truc steny :-."A àere monsy liaI ycu've s-dl 'lu Scotch tramp vlaihd Dundai »'eseaa cJksl-tlsat Ilisfichusnd -dci- wbo-h4dmbellMtcd ood foi oety-4IWi- Elizàbcll's-mnd ,yo e esar off bcumc-.-dnting shaeh lime bhd bee. gel svsy te-lithedevil if 71 usmlmlyugodsarn~~ t dont'lot nme..or hae ofyen e.et 14i*st. Andrevws Society of bdI me non mine. >Hsrk ys, yong i$Yvlidb'bOsagaOf basin- Ovet *1,8 'll be.à,shortaft ifye do;. f , ca ,crpIas, on- àaud. -Ha-rnerici ou up,* l'Il huiéycn devra; l'iltipI leosupposedllthi fl,Ãœ00-weula tfùtheesýend th' l wvon 50011 sel ont tg #10,000 nusi e 'hemite figers ' yuubn ave, 1 afbiiov trempe gel ont a psemh aigbty fis. lat.ly; t lb.- sn'i warant tt@ id i mus &ai, ly ,i ,i

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