Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1877, p. 2

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taW. m snbid an "lbibsan honorable ho». omioers. Mr. Win. "WeRfoýspea soi oursiit lvouIdratilearejoloe tisan l&esan in St. Cathaines wu eld oed Gol4 ofblervlt.. But vitil a inllgnity in. Oapfaln, Mr. Edvard WaUdetef teul*ed bY One<allure, till oribbler 'sud-D)r. Preel 'Sec-TL.aqr A' Dcv hziw uile4 h bl nqI t atfaeklng ti iiftewS appola eto W-siton 0.ouai l of atisa aciooL.-In the fao. resldentacoothtie village aund vicinity ios, &c.- of'roj.ed a&klodgiSouts ol To- asicfor aubsoriptiona. lunas n Pv. user. Wou~ ". SBofo$ai sWld Qhrry,. tl Iitttng-wiu took-T. Lgavlc Groceio.-T. 1 Y-advo per cent ,Wiuey,-Aie ugar for Oui do '-T, Lawier. lion et Partuesi * ACa. - i-Ontaria Lad ardvoad tîmbl 1. Piokering, ou s6 property oai issuks, Auation arsi.R. J&e Holiâay <cadi el:-Jsu, Jehui sI ocial poefp ?MMT - 0. Witeld.. Ioviilry.-Tayloi cilitatu & Harrow lftby Brauecis Dii belov usuai priei 0sud Potr- sliar, Tes, Coiff 'slp-Tiros. La- li sCollege. SALES. et, aI lAtt No. i Wsdneday De Wm. Edwarda;. lear. er t.hoquibbles on yards sud sysieffinïîPireComipany. f[CJaitJ- -exrssBadà.uiaiR '~aIGo, ocisud snobsa one vas sDot à, pupl Of drcin fil Wbfb Hlh lchol-oig ausThe Higis Scheoel and the Exauluafion go Wsstliês c so0ea sof(srsto lavent Unarte oerve bit Fraude. net tud 90i ulfor th.eI vnt.Id pkmd. h iO iM l'a10go iJearearfiw onj hrath~ âme. zt>'," thot miga*dollue to argue Tour reaiders cannaitlu£ la lson 'aly>g lo the question vitl-a snobaalevalont t too hse hoM"aui a uimpartial bave bov4sss outla iha.sam aieIrag 9 Stio feNothin gs a8 the niter corsetabu y thoeAeuNICLU lun- , jevaiz, 4b*a iLoigges ton.*-fevenco ta ith. oxanination frondia sud, mDaino uohoWuabea "inrigluesuad #ff have bm »nEý huthlto f u.siolvol ~f1 e Whiffby Higi s 8oool. Whle lier. f iste uilet et* ro fatots l.fyhbn n>ilnglou iianvno aftempto ýoaveup the rou, Th uahp~ vrpng.dong on file pait aiaAl aur 1the * ciater oathe1 tii scbaojvuwury Urzned bi ni Dis. teacliers wouldimoum nta glVo ,ilmuny tdoe ai 1Participation lain t . h o o ligible for - lie pIonsure. We promio f hlm 11*11lu is u l 7 ÂdIUluovr U.paine ho va' bc dissanp d. Xno'e mil ideniug the unpleasant pailtan ita ROYAL' ONNA Houez.-Lssfnig charmta.of the édite, oai t hlo/rmur- h e own bletrayed, fila oniprit'wu, Mi_ H. o.'Pnllupan'a wefl-Isown Lai la towel kuova ln bath Whhîby sud, ien@d6rly dealit v itil.,Redore',if 'r a a m Sensatian OompanY, ozSen.edi Osava te saucem laees <knovnébtilatfie _evidence belngtaken four nl-gt' enmsement. st the-, oy" as Suh ËrJ"ÏdOf before file commission wonla, bave lai- OeaHneudrfvual Thelusfrn ilip .T uànw Wvia-plicatedl a Witbylgb Siche slerapce. heniil vsW et be u su bbe tc-'Uoispgrrow'%re. The, thre (3anoNiOLmt(I quota no , - alviilfadlg ila rbcUe lnspersalltY ai oumnlim las no pro. issue aOfihe Bib af Nos'ember,) Iuae b. * à8_ VerygSodaudience. Tr e foliaviug lanuage: fraTheemane ivUsa"per teetion for- snob as ho. Incoapablea of fva r i aa iti.gif luaoaysdstrln eauanr.a' i or.'uuenaaniugtis dule ais jurnl- ooljteachers ? If houai' je to bo erman lend aiofanaÀà !l,> vti fr. 'fer laupbis noa l fil.theface of aIl found anyvilereoans would oxpoot if tl W. hiafon pautta. Mr. 3oe RarrM *msukiud. Dy cammon causent ho la a cxiei ln somotlin1 1kG perfection se ehiàiqjheié,, aud Miss Len blel dlsgvsce la tils'Profession, anuIfiseaent amongaf tobers and audente-in.trsin. Biveri a. Maigue,-Uî sud gibgl. WhMli ing wyt a vev ta become fosoheo. tbbotlug, as credtsbly mnsfalned, tls Yahoo vilanitf i ImpassliblO e reý The profession tahicil iboy bslong la intiernat affaciig ta Use porformme am.With sno ud an atagoûlef ib is bath saient aud ihonorablo, fhe pool. *as groaflyheight.ned byt fi mro. impossible te have snyfhing fa do. flans filey dli or. exp oct ta .iil are ex. duotion 0c7-aPrpriate Mfualonar" ea *DO~<y hl db r aohissy, ~ ceedingly responeiblo: aud if megtl figures. Mr .Wlao auhnlur .Vh cratue'#st is ir y wr gi .01 reasauably bc supposed ilat irothy ducod ta fil. audience in bis great char. .Te. raur' t l dryvr onîri srinis froni doing anytiuing acter lm"erosions. He vu irrées. Gonneurnn's HAL aî as aplendid wvilas vuld, if ibraugili ta llghf, bring fibly cmicai.lu is depersanationa ofià es, anpply ai balidsy.gooda, iuoludlng var- filsgrâce an tlreir profession or farfei. caunfr lecturer a nfm u therespect due aud pea i fsunombers "Western Couirt." In ithe court mouea rauià odafdhenlugoldasud cliver cases, ir, file public. Tey know erisctly ils reproenoued ils. judge, ithe prisoner, airains, signet rings, lockais., broociles, wonlti tjIe noces" luthera te tvat separate witnesaeu, and pnlanueru earringeansd Jevelry ai alkinda. Nev af soumd education . te impose certain- counsel luawoby 'mcii ,exhhbited bis styaifin eecva.laedvarW o 'tests for admission ito Use professioan, vauderfnl povera la thie béat sdvantage. styes ineelctr-plie ar ofbeand bbey knov tisai itla permetusflng a go Ion g sil. vas on the stage one beat make, deaka, work-boxes, inir- groom <mmd an tire eomunnry a. veIl peal ai langilter fofloved anatier, witi 2-0 stands, &c. &0. sa an file fellow feachers for i te= ta scarcoly auj interruption. l"Little Jus ce. -------gsi certificatea of qualification vitrant the. collier lad," as repreetd in à -Heavy Taxes. ilaving earnod thosu." serles ofi dv. eautifulîabhiax, vasa a taxs ae idee vey iIgi, sird TIes. are tile sentimntus, permit nme attractive sud vauderful festure in bile - TirtxsaeidedVr ih egasy vithont fiatery ai aniluneat programme. Tise singo f Miss Lous if thasèe laidan by fila Goverumeni ligh iiided Iazalist. And 1tiini, hivers metwitil deserved faveur, and > ere file anly anes ve had t]Lpy, vo ur -ebuh nt courdo vhen ai- . Hi~ lr' uolcmclf miglîf more esly disôharge tirem; loquy attacheta s Whifby Higli kepitirhe audience inas continui itter. Scirool feacluer sud a pirsonal fiend, Altofehthe le'Landau Sensation" la but we bave mauy atilers, suddranch as I undersîand, you bave acted np ta a plieug suad vanderful entortain. -~mare grieous ta somneofa s. Poriapa t hem. In tire.cirrumutances, I amn meut, sud vil voîl ýrepày a 'visfiftat tire mont frequeni sud by fartire mont "t a 1lo1ata accourra fforfile followung fthe Royal. Ne osafris vila infra- *erousaxprjugg a crvoie au.editorni ulait veek'e izune aifbeducedin file programme eauhlevening. - ies o ainerofaplu te simple "Tire C H<l5oNilabu scked down ed Company appoasa oicn'Hl ditue. f fo intanc go'da~rs estirely. Nat a word la aad,tlla bu Salurday oveuiug. boit. ffor intanedood e wl ai irpyt chree naines y--"Tii TrueFoi PA»T o tax@i tebogh fr raepurposes, boy keenly :rawoeek aeou tire Whi l R ai vle asbeu-e txes luth h-uy flou nofuotheinie pr' ecation ai "ol lHanor Rail" nover 'fore lai af Febrnas-y. r h thonai posrh e sa e auyauonira pupils'in file Scheeol. Thle reaan li, with al purohaee ?-Lo .nyailwto eo true. Here are oine is visilos to test thig matter, commence "naies: au îlsurutce o ie by making a purobasso tram ns--for ao abtSonrerville, -Jack- ~ Nlsta ir u a-iga casil sud . ar suretira îîlyvii , ansd Davis. Net ane aifilhes. vas ansd Deatke clarged 50 cenig oach. sgb n dee fil r tai vo wi- 4veron se day a pupil ai tire Wiiby &gre tha we ave apene ud awsy l"Higir Sciroal, yet al appear ou fhe rolBI T . wbeta tili"eay tas g "as pupils oai htiriinstitution vWha haveRIRTHS là hejhaay txes" "talion honora affile University 1Ifh, as HIGGINS.-At file. Grange, Wlritby, - HAMILTON &HABROWEB. "tire CERONIOLEsanggesto, th.eIBoard ai ou île lOtir'Dluitfie vif. aiW. H. -1 ------"Trustees exsmine iuta tire case af Mn. Higgius, Editor af file Cnaxrens, of a Whltflold'. lycerine 'Crearu. "Davidien letoi tiles ga overliaulile danglitor. - "virhole "lhouer rail" sud ses iiav =&Dy GARDINER.-Atb Wiiiy, on file Au elogauf préparation for iinprovingusi"nneiselai unesfly- eutiilcd te. The maming af Use 12th Dec., 1877,file. a tIre Complexion, sud- rendoriug the :"attempi aifilhe Osissor cr i ake w"fèoaf Mr. Jsanes Gardiner, cf alson. i Skiui ioft and air. Gentlemen afler' "Davidsen thre Oeapegoaftauon wicdta MA. B R IE D. Shvlg IaSufe fon tremmrtn hoap ail tIr.oso<f tire institution la MoAE -ALAE O Wed- 4 -v hosfe rotes a "11very mean." neuday, bile 5iunît., aItbile reaidence e- affects ai s'oap, wlll fiud instant reliref la Thea statomenfe and insinuations aifaoffile bride', fafiler, Wihy, by tb. I file use of' -tis crean. -file vrltor must ire cousiderod by aiU Bey. B. Chamuberu, Mr. Alex. Rroad- - Warrantcd ta costain nofiig in. candid readers as unust as fley aro foot McLaren, ai Pickering, ta Msggls i juionsvilaeve. Prprr ai ire nutrue. I eau Boe notlslng in 'rhaflias Lumadon, second daugilter af Lieut.. i MuiCs L HALL, Wilhtby. s th tuauapired ta varrant biler. TiecCol James Wallace, 84til Raft. A.. M. r MEDICAL HAL, Whitby.vritcr inuit bave mae tfiom; frein B]NIOE._tOhw sorme uuvorfily motive,'mil ho v ould on the N.5.GBVE. A y the B.WSB ONrTErrn.-In aur report ai tire coun- tain conceal. 1 observe tirat hFiv n fe, tiD. a., "bylth ey. H. B. cil meeting liait week, vo omitted Mr. idicatar ulsa takes up file subjeot, but OenD.aD.e, L.iutednantsecol. ilia Wicks naine frein the mirabons prosent.umakairis charges in a airer rnannev, ydarrren Liaeutnanter il-la vitilout the pbrioual insinuations oa iesWre aflnGrvs ltnl. VEIPERS iilil e héld in tire Catiialio villge cen/rers. o f Wmn. F.* Cas, Eq., Vice-Presideuf Chinai,- heure, next. Suuday ai iisif-past mai glad te perceive this nov-ibo ai ile.Sandar...... tirree. zeal in tire cause ai education An file Osirawa press. If if la iloneat, I vould WEI2'BY MARKETB. Whit- ed'e PuimonlcSyu asic tle orfice fa look at homeo. Would -y- -hhoy cond6seendto enliglton f loir resd- Cumxzeurrivca, Dec. lâtil,1877. sreliablo ' Prépsration ionï Cougirs, ens on tirs iollowing tapies? Haow Pleur, per bri ......... #6 00 006 0 Colds, Sors, Tiroats, diseases ai tire mauy aifilhose wio passed llrp latin. peu Wieat......5 5Q B Luugs. Preparod at bbceMEDICAL tfemmdiate examinatien at Oshawa pigW HALL, Whuîby. om nisa fa eel2Wre filere Sprlag W......t.......80 5 @$o1W any feachers aofilhe village tailoolshanBaey--------------......a e ce filai numirer, sud ifsa how came îisy..........-ye........ 5 o (1 nuAT DI LA.We regret ta fthro? Hav many a fie Oshrawsea , lc-yd9 learu fIai on F'nlday evoulug lasi a nev -sciroo vrpsed o ayI a s................s8@ 87 lieuse bilorgisig te Mr. L. Edwardi ai il sont fa Toronte University, or ludeed Cern................ 70 0 75o Manilla, caugbt fire ram a lamp, and teanay or ahl Universijîlea? Hov do, Egy-------------.....0160816 wa::fotâIjy solipumed. TIre bouée vas tiroy accounu for it tlrat for years pupils Apples.------4 ........ 0c0O6WC fao îleshinae if ual ieiug theKHhoh Potatoca ............. . 5 O do unocuped.atthetibe itmotboig g Mh-Solool ? Hov nrsny Sbre* Egga............ «....1170 ta (0 qulte fiuished. t are now ,isi attendauce ? Did auy Butter------------....î18o 22oc oAD nse ver hear oais Wlitby bey golug fa Wood-------------- ... $8 a @s$4o0 - D.Oshrawa for hus eduetion 2 Tise, aî-------- t 0 Mr. Editor, are important questions Behn ure 70 parties wanting a ateve vouid find it file warking ont oai ini uigif do file Buhu ure -5 50 te thiriradvantaoto-ca-l atWm gentlemen aifilhe Osilawa pràoesud Beet, fora quarter., ...$ 86 00 a S5 5 ONLY $i je PER ANNUM. WIiby, Thursday, De.2-.3, 1877 The Majorait>.. - Mr. Holden, vo are lunoch pleased L ire &ble o biu'orm the rsapayaeuOaitir tawn, lai acooptoil tire roqulaiicu fo fhe Mayoralty. 'lus eleciion, tIre.i 11111e doubi, vin ire unapposad, as il, feeling ai tire tavir appears te le a] tnu-nuonimaôus-in Is favor. Wi antiilpte tire boaf rosulta ta île lfur af Whtby frosu Mr. Hol<lîs n'suur ilsec ai tle Ciuief Miaglstmacy. Oood Signa ai Busincas. ,flir evli lilled dvrflaing caînamni ai lie Cuaesuor.s are aboutirhe blet indication ta e vo eauld point o1 fhe revival i fîsiess la fIls seofigu of country. -Oui' ramdams viii d it t hiri ntoree ta resd file un- unemueand ýdeabl itIr the mon via- advertlse. it rua>.bo tabou tor ganfed tiraI'tbigewIo do liaI avail fhesseivei oftire coininus ai tle local novupaper lave pon Stock., an notiling vortiry oai aenueug'ta alIment public attentilon. Tise limoies me aaldedly- -iraproving sud people esunot fail tO gei flue voroairinmono>. irea flre lu s0 nuiraI COmpetidin. HihG o50OOL.PaIsss AUD Dp. Ho1n- oir' LsOTvUcU.-We irave mueS pisea. u1re in dravlng attention teta fcst tl'nt fhe-prIzes wonij b> fie pupila of tire Hîigi olo1 ai lire- exauinaîlon lait midsuuier, wyul hou-distrlbuted an Frida>. Evoiuguoxt, ai Hopins' Hall. Thi. Depiîty Ministon ai Educaflen, Dr. lloaglusq, las kinadi>. ouseuto de d. livea- au addreis iîaur Eduacaflon ai 'fhi CeounWai' ÀA a1rg.liai le ire ruade te cover expmnoes, ml va aire 'sure tfi viii notet aasdlu inte va>.of aur yon-ng people lavin; a f<nilhans. TIe namo of Dr. Uaodgins-aud île-higir pogltian ho lilds lu aur Educatieumî systesu, ouglir ai itBOif, tao rowd tire uall, as anytilg hoe nia>.have f t>.4upon sai hau lu. ffesting topic, cannai fai ta excite alteutiou. - Compliment ta, Mn. PilIp. & *ell duiorved complimenf vas id car townumau Mn. J. ]R. Piip, b>. s offcens auda saohora cf thé Wiuby eliqdlet Sunda>. Semai fiseotiler 011,109. À A atilrinq ai iîveen Outry'gyO sud filin>. ak lis iohnse clqvupé b>. va>.oaioeue of tIrets gre. lamuplseparlleo, peeiubs ii tu'>. CeMPllmeuiary a'idneis sud s tadio owell fumnisiued 'vltilug desk a mark of frlein respect sud estgees, in recognition ai hic long services sàbb-aê1r ScSool Supernnfndent. Phllp Irla lthe o 0for nea'l>. îst.r oau. A$t liaitmq e ii u "in 4Ieudssne ddirai- t uluer, liafit ; 'te Mten4a nDov> uas wu #0 -SOU. Mr. PhIlps bhidaa UeOeU simd bîgil eiaracor As asalt. i Well decerve, vO repeat, slie o.a'csâilaf lirna i hue adrosu. 1>. muacle 'ousider. orir fbk. -ifrlodial bock. ROBio ES Ceua y u sig b-Thomas Hy. jendenuiug iForemsb.) lleport0d "d corrOeatt veekcly, by T. P. F Noal Th soWilliam K WBukeou 80e Taylor & Ranard'a stock af i l Jhn amil ron, Peter MoDermot, White Whaat-.1. 10a.. Il 25 William&Oat- Da'vid Pnridy, Bed Winfer------1.00 0 1:1o0 'or Wsro before yen Make Christmas P. McCintock,- Ricilard Nethorton, Syrue-----------......1.0L 8 - urcisee. If is lhb b n oulufou. jWm. Tilosupsen, Wm. Woctt jr., Flur Por bArrel, family $6, pastry 5 NYLI5Egpjj55 James Dale, Win. Yang, Shorts pon ton-......$ 14 Q $20 FnvÉ= auey John Mackenuzie, Jtihn Luke, Bran A........:ý 1 Ioodc nitue Médical iHall, James COrde, Jouafian Porter. Trawl- ----1 1 if1. THIOS. G.-WHVITFIED. .Hie bunor briofiy sddretaad file grnd Cpsaoio.Grîrî.,~C~ A.P=L PO4L A'# aud MsrÎot !à about assis on bhé Silemif'calendar bafore af the 'uitr afrooZ -, liii thecourt. The cilarges vere ail lan. opsratiàosa of, o udrunlln be ostblishd ai Oluawa ---y-a c'uîrnau ffonce, vtthfieady ariapplicatIon lb, de ue Uue Wirurrram.îsTo ~~ ~ aiune ai vilici sud tire evidqelee, ro rporties of wvoseeed caca, gvi r ourfrlet., - -- t351qlotaplace' tire partie. an trial, tirhe ube T Ilu Mr. Krr, O ore.h-- urons Wha bsd uevved before r Thom a wu ~e a a obar-ge aif or. I IL 5f a. la ik re o- 40 le 36 à- JOEDON POST, Iloq. of WbItby. - -in D. BELDAIL AUoIIoeUr pajiqWlliam ri k orth =sesmy h r"iio.N ANDBEW BOTES. Âdley, Dec. lot, 1977., MU-SIC- HALL, t9aturday, ,December l5tlt, LONDON SENSATION. A Mora, an d lefti.aROtrtaamet, ma fflauo-mj *,gcituismnou a nov in- M Imnocuaful Ht.r o;wa 1de ai PMmto B . g rOf.c gcience la se Ro#al tnlveralOf iLoridon, Whlo hm reoeve0dM Ironit>aPblic sd Pri 0 6l ighest comm e ats L So ~mjm e I TMEL T Na , ad canot Lafita lateet, msdatonlsh aulwbo witueu s fmnost arvelous Artiaflo Traits. fiormations, Etheuel Groundings, Astia BEvolutioni tUnearthly fetauItth p rov ok ng kE e te s d M i t s TEE DfIIUNUTIVS Proounced thse smsllesf e in luthe WaUdarr. l the Sensation. WWSlTOZi, tise Wor1d's Great Face ana Fun- rinrl bit New sud Original Bide. aplittig IIlmlsu d Oddities. of g e b er &U m ay viait v ith in- For latberprticu aroee Postera, Admîslors - -a5, 35 an1d 5o Ce ONTAIO ADIE' CLLE MR. TORRINGTON. DIRECT GIVI TiIEIR IN TECOLLEGE MUSIC HALL, Monday Evening, Dee. 1 ai Sal-put 7 a'clock. Admission 26 cents. TOWN 0FWHITBY. for fils)Centre Wardsuandgo myaeli ,(if lected) ta onety and frghulyprori evr> dt vifS anye singi>. ta tire est *GRO. GILCHBIST. Witfb>, Dec. lîti, 1877. DISSOLUTION of IPARTNERSIP.' DUBLIO NOTICE 18 HEEBY GIvRE JL, tisaithe Fir= oaiT. Lavler & Ca. Sas boon sllaolved Ijeffux of time. AMldebfs due tire lafi m ireta ire paidi ta thea undarslgned, visa viiiaise psysll demandsa agaluathfia smu. THOS. LAWLEB. Whitby, Dec. Ilt, 1877. Parti ndebftd to4S 1sf. drus are tus peetinlly requented ta eSi sud settie their aiccounfi ai oncen ail&Umaftinlu oneo- lion vifS theolad Lusinias nust te prompily 'ound up. THOS. LAWLEE.- ,Des. 'enta. OR, I&W 7th, PhOSewFOZie onE, Bran work andi mental exctezent are now the raie and we mnuet reg. Poàto-their demanda or die. To supply this bl derand Phoalozone *a tbefoe the publi. It is Braie Food, çerve Tonj il l inn@, and acta eapeoi y on the nervea and through the blood ;and if vo kep thse two neer- .lrin alvayua ting portion s of ur hoame s in a Iealthy tate, wo fortiy the whole body Againt an armL'of diseas. Lut, thogh not f let iportance ta any, it.l a plansant medicine, agreeable ta tue tut., and acceptable to the moat delicate stmc.Saltiby aIlDr tadpe eo ini 1:d48 t. eau Baptise atreet, h(ntrea. Oicera elected for 1878-Br. Hugi ufovbzsy, Master; Bro. 'Babert Cmrumor, )verser; Bro. John Blue, Lectnrar ro. John loos, Stewar. Bru. Eesr i o n , A i s i s t n i S t e i - r s . J b eones, Chspin lira JosaýSzoues, bry, Bro. NlRsa e-falagisr, Gaikeper; Biater T. Joues, Cere; -Siater Cramer, Pomoas; lister - J. Joues, Flora; Siater la ahr, Lady Assistant Steward. Ta af megug-rsi tThuraday lu ever>. MniS Maister sd Secrefary's address. INSALE P. 0. il-un ouf. HEIFERS STRAYED. "AME ounfie prenises af the ubariber, lot 24-, 8t5 concessoý cf Pckeing, ro yearling houfers. Thi ovuer is me. raslted ta prove proper>., pa>s xpne dateksetem svayethre ia>. vh iiil e id in duoecoure oiay. CHrABLES GAEBUTT, 1-Sm Claremant. OUNDo au& Xening, D>eom id lire Preabyterian Churci, a Lady&. N O T IC E. SOCIAL WILL BE -GIVEAT h tR esideuce ai Mr.-TIIu ru - mar, u bbai f treUnon Sunda>. iool on Tuesd a v Deailm. ont h R ÉdSapMr-utodnt NWW 4 D ~ R 4 ,Ilaving corne out of the Fire safely I haive been enabled ta re-in- T~ vest the total amount of my insurance and a large amount ofothe ofapialluth tlrelyneW and « FRESH STOCK -0F- SGROCERIES, LIQUORS,-de. WhiCashang beell snteured i. l ash onotadataous erme, 25 Per Oent. ul ly ryPl To cash and prompt Paying Buyors at Wholeeale, and Retail. 1 deem it unnecessary toen- umIerate the items in detail of My large and extensive stock ; any attempt te do 80o c Owould 1111 a dozen . chronicle8, Suf- fiee to say that it is completo minal limes and that eustomers wiil find g urn me pre nisesevery article -i Heads af Families making L- purchases of, c SHoliday -Crocerie's .m E-Hs SWill save -Mouey and secure O) a good article by calling. z EVERYTHING IN - mm-rf Ln n %Fvgv n. DIYIDEBND No. 9. MeR 10 ERRENTGIVEN MT& * D l v l u d o f f o u' nd fo n -il l e '#io 'eenpof Me*tSp. e F.auzR UIT.107MUD àondon Layer Raisins. Loose Muscatel ~ Valeni-Dost Moren brand New, orrants, j 'ehLemons-and Oranj -TEAS, A fresh lot of thosie superi Blaek and T- èen Tes thathavegiven go muoh satisfaction ta: housekepers., .COFFE<ES, &ce Mociha aud Java Coffees. Cadbury's Cocoas. Chocolat-es and f.ue conse tions. Sfor rior as e- BISCUITS.' Soda and AbernethyBiseult Best quality. <1 SUGARS mast ta hand, Fine Englis cruahed, 10 lbks. for one dollar. CANNED FRUITS ( lates, &c., &C., OMy Liquors, as heretofore, O are of the best brands and will be fôund Agnfosuasse & purtt Aloeaps.Q Ales, Best quality, 80 cents. per gallon byne the t, Keg., icus, o bs Caned Fruits Pickles, Boatsafnbd quity. ofysteIds, Hddis, loat nd Trout, &e., lu Barrels and haif- Barrels. .z a Iamn making Suigars a specialty, and. 13 lbs. of* Brown Sugar- for ,$1.00, 20 lbs. of Valentiai Raisins for $,0 20 lbs. Of urrants i T. LAWLER. )ysters, Lobsters& Sardines Dried and Barrel F1511. AND AL INDS OF ~st amly Goceries Farrn Produce, RIEN IN .EXCHÂ1çGe. TA Bi :Get S] Eggse Apples,& «Vate t your s4ppIjls ealy ac [MON layer PRaisins, e. and $1.75 per b4 Burncli's Essene ofLsemon Gr-ourd -RAce. Blanched and Biffer Ainrands. Iaing Sugar &colored frogting engama. Pure Oream, of Tarlar. Finest Nev Pige, LemnrsOranges - sudS. GrapelL NEW NUTS., Walnul, Almonde, Filberlsk DraziL, -0: 0-- jaru, sald M" bulk ai 16 cents per lb. Genin sd. TEAS. Blck aud (Green, poil,. 50 cota. Yapsu, ehoce, - - 8 Extrs Chaise Molning Cougan (beaf Pare JaaandMO"ha Wilson'. Tnrkoy Coife.. 111. flue. -0:0-- Mmnet 04 Bye, (25 u.p.) #1.50 per GeI hnrperial ueasue.- 011 BRye A&Water (Imp. neamur) '11.25. Old Cavaadi " " 1.80. WbiheWheab " --2.25. Brandies, un, Gin on drauglt. -4 Boteil-Houuesy1argenslles, &à,. Ginger VWlu. sud Symp. Cremaat, Boueasd Basket, Groin sesl Champagne. Aonifor Molson's hudia Pal ee sMd -Prter; maltoAent for Carllng'c Aie su.-Porter, ('arranted sapurea Eue"aIrAUe.) jaunoson'i Irishl Wblkey5 directi Arn porffle, 1.00 ., tl. vI e esure. Pmr Scotch Wblskey; Obus Grant. Froni Gleulevit distrct,0 0.0 vin l s m es e - per gaou 7 I ., I. CbitIoda Arravriote, &C, Ts *assortmoi iofraoll Bacon, S S An PINEST PASTBY FLUR 5.FurRukyliîflour, Graham ParC.Whoa stursulýà; alts e"-e Oatmied l lui..Farina sudHoninky. ORRIS~ CA.SE, $,0 AU Pam eLigue,.masdgoàe. SiottleaOid Wblày, 2hahileu rndy, -0:0apgej " uu PeeePn. Applea, CuQiruls Poma A&prico., straviVe.. BRIT18D: GOOD.-Pv.s"a Gin- ger, Bla of CuranaBumua, eilovy, 'Clnlîney, MusilonaKetchup, 'Wsluî do. Beal IndienSa>. POTTEiD GOODS....Tonguu, RHm, PISN~Halbm.Of 1Trout awd Wbit. fié; hall aud viols bumli Beriu, Saadi@%.,Ojatem "in Dec. lui> 3- WHI &. fuil asf ,eries nas good VERV A large y' fo-r Bai Choice- Good -1 ù MEDJ Cou, Id before aurseif. -At - WANT pples, Pela ice -vii be 7e 1 00à 1 other MaJe A La] lug Stoves. GREAI REand as wil ýdCi tkeu i Lias i eau afford to saU 1 Wh-ich having been secured M. 1 Utter, tý Odtry, IS 1 : ý 1 1 1 1 E-1 m ýe FR-1 .1 MI ie- 1- il- 1 1 1 --l 1 1 1 ýl 1 : 1 1 1 ---4 ý 8 --Op- BISCUITS.

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