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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Dec 1877, p. 3

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Wu P' WILLO. Grocery, ]3akery and Cdnfec F'ULINE 87OF Teas, CoffeeS~is as r Dates, ýC=med Fish, Fruit and- Meats. A' Large Stock of Conf( Bread atuifs Cakes, Buna , TartlettgJ,&P. Bread- and Groceries*del axy partà of the ,Town, with rmpe aid Suppers, Bair-sWed4ÃŽ, at Sixorteet Notioe. Wlitb.v, Dec. 10th, 1977._ GO0L D SMIÃŽ,T1HLL The Old -Es-tablished and ]Be1iab1e Store. À REPUTATION 0F 2o yEARtS IN -WHITBy Holiday Gifts, in Profusion a ai Prices.. GOLD WATOHES, SILVEIe WATCIIES, GOLD CHMINS, SILVEIICMAINS. Bright Gold Sets of Jewellery, Colored' Gold Sets, Gem and signet Rigso,' 18 kt., Wedding Riugs, Lockets, Charnms, &o., -&o. ELEOTR0OI'LATED WARE.-Cruet Frames, Pickle - Frarnes, Cake Baskets, Mugs Napkin Rings, Spoonis, Forks,&&, of the bestMakers and Warranted Quality. blocks in vai{ous Styles. N. B.-Jao. 3obnston wauld beg ta cali attention ta the fet that aHil those goods are much Ioyver than before ; in sanie unes luia than tdha ordinary Whole. sale prie.. JAT.S. %-TI1 TO]rvcj-T SDao. l111h, 1877. Preotical Watchniakar, Brook-st. J U S T A RR[V A L A TT-HE WHITBY.C.HI-NA TEA S'TORE, A funl assortment of ùi in -ds«fmA £ nÇ n- 1 Jqge ,weeu sà a01«àO 'Tw. Aile Ma]dng, kery. 1877. D]BC13 1877. & 87 Opposite Invites every reader of the C 1RaoNICLE Ï0toinspeot bis vrylaré 8TOCK 0F HOLIDA YG0O P PRE-EMINENTLY The Largest, the Choicest theé< Best- Selected, and Clieapest Stoc«k in Ontario County. Se R 0 BýStoré, Choice Gitt Books, Booke, Hymu Books J""D'uL ' ewcRoce1l'mil Grîý -Po i'cÇo 111wAIDE. ceî'ies. . ias-Ware, Crockery and Family Christ- ech mas goods, ail of'whlioh yfll be seld at theSudy Sh l VERY LOWEST PRICES FOR CAS H. and very low discount to Sol A large assortment of Choice Candies purchased express- ly for Santa Clause. Choice Mized Cadies 20cts per Lb.* Good Bonl Butter l6cts per lb, T O Y S 20 MEDIUM SIZ E LAMP CHIMNEYS FORt p0. Corne one Corne ail both young and old before purchasing elsewhere and examine our Stock Berlin Wools, yourself. Rememberthe place Fleecy. At WM. J. GIBSON'S. Wjshit*by China Tea Store. WANTED.-Any quantity oJ Good Poultry Dressed,' --o. Apples, Potat s, Beans, Butter, Eggs, for which the highest Market price wiRi h paid, either lu. Cash or ici Exchcange for Goods. Ever-u one should sg W.ýýJ GIBSN. -Patterns.- No such valu( ýVER y CHE AFP. Mottoes, from one Treble Plated Si1l?é 4 Cruets, Butter C r ors u Coolers, Cake Baskets, Cardjkeivers, Spoons, Forks, tns ador oet Mugs, &o., &c. tgahAb ns We have Decided to offer the above AugapAlms at a good Discount. as we are anxious to dispose of the M~ark Ti Whole durinR the HEflidsu-rc x0ocd Opportunity for those Wishing te make Presents for Xmlas. Inspectïon In-vited. GAMES8 ' .Rodgers table, Pocket;" Cutlery and other Makers. The Citadelle,ý Par] PiTsOXTEMa A Large Stock of HEeating and Cook- ing Stoves. White Ceal i Ou ly 25e, Cash per Imperial ILe ANYTHING Fi * AT ams-from 50e to $5 L ibraries...Special uoolfi. AN IMMENSE STOCK. Wools, Fingering Yarns. iee our "1 00 Slipper cent each and up- [ver, Gold and plain 4es of every,,descriptioni. ýwain's Scrap iBook. rlor Croquet., Parlor Bagatelle, aid, Authors' Cards, Cock Robin, Euchre, Bezique. JX 8.. R~C Listis Free. - - W HITBY, ON DEÂTH T c~ÂTO S IE.F ROS %,T ot6 NÉ R ESC0-u E ITHE' VERy >BE eers,~'P ID The Choicest Butter ê teucet telbiiao P o u n d l o t o r m r , o s i t p i t e f u e ~ I Quottio' fom he "O~ini of Ciom merce," Nov.' "h,1877: " ar '&o ké e g L.ar.u aiy . 1 Carbaek ~"~ 2."Part store and part ])airy pack ed. 'We have heard 'of families paying s.üh anc rc 22 : nd .2 3 pn ts per, lb . for B u er-t b r- w ek# tbig 't -'D.t be i o se d.ô f B a , i s a d r u' g , o n c 1 e a k t n d i ~ u i~ ~ t o e t È f u t m r a c o b n o k ' p T h e B u i c so mucli above the'real'value. utmr ' k1pteatë E. FIROST*-sellâ ev'erytbixig' in the ktr'a h 1 s ~ e L p i e OPPOSITION THE LIFE Q0 Tfr DDFLOW'HL --d IPORT"ÀNT NOTICzl- e beyto, cal the ttei- FE WATEIR AN SMOKRE (io n o f th e i a ta lt8 of Whitby, Oshawa, 'LindsayS LE 0 and viiity, to 01fr 4ý E O CARPET DEvP.RTMEN!I' 7 h ic k i t is S a s n o n e o f th e D 1 I 4 u u u D 1 ~ C O important features of our ho use. Our present Stock-A - amifnf 8 ta aver$40,OOO, aid - T coapù8Bi8eiýTapestry and Kidderîinister arpes, L ALJIN M eA~ Y " M a ttin g s, M a ts, E -n g li i ft a arpetsb y w h a r n w r-gt h ir n t r e s k i o i l d ao t i t , & c . P e r s o m n a * rI nui r - o feý a r ing carpemts amuntiiq tao diÜÏaed Oad10h nd Dîy God a a tre endu r le , i le S eek.o Twent,flve dollars and up. b i àrfc s-i ese 'Varda itill save i moé e tluby thl follow ing quotati n o p iceti: thderfare and Ihave the Largeat 100 Prs. Of Good Blankets $2 00, usUal price, $3 00. stock in Canada to citoose 100Prs, 3 00de " 002de f r i ,. N o te th e a d d r e s sp r s . s ctùj ob'4 2 5 ,f"5 6 2 0 . PE TLE Y - DEE N, set ~- Wite,4 5 0, " 6700. Golden Gri.ffn, w ie ,0,7.0 128 to 132 Kin-st. Eas, DÊïsgS GO DB.-fllý'Ltutres from o. a yard, upwards; ail Wool rencil (01)osit Wet Maket Mernoas, in 9 difterent shades, a 25Z.; Dress Material, 150. usnal price, 25c. (Oposie estMaret Dress Material, 20e. ugual price, 85o- Grey Flannels at 82c. worth 50. Cotten S quare,) T oront . T w eeds foea rs i i g 5 . l s a _ _ -'Li&lur.-f e s.Cuasan,, L .0»per-oard.- 9ýk Clothing aud Miliner>' Departosenms croaed. .4si Ve have eugageci a staff cf obligissg clerks ta waib on Our customere doring tuaà sale, wlsichi isnote gocng on 1 No troublae to show gooda 1 AIl aro invited, ail are welcomle 1ou týeREMEMBER THE STAND, H9OPRINS' MUSIC HALL. HA MIL TON& THIEPARKER CUN. SEMa STAMP FOR CIRcULAs PARKER BRÃ"-es WEST MERIDEN,cT,. Niue ROM A NE EDLE TO AN ANCUOR. _ t.OBERT-SON, e - -- -- ý -OL &&ST ad y G1REAT CH3IRISTMAS SALE 1 BROCK STREET,- WHITBY, ONT. FOR TUE NEXT TWO WEEKS. THE MEDICAL HALL, W.J. HIOKIE & 00-e BROOK STREET, WHITBY Will offer great bargains in Ladies Silk JUST received fromi New York, Montreal, and To- Tes, Hanclkerciefs, ufs and Collars, Hosiery and ronto, new and complete selection of Gloves. In Dress Goods we will mark down at suchCHAII'TILT hT/~. prices as will effect a speedy clearance. OIiUOS, CHEM tICASfTI LE ATIL Foir Geutlemîeù, we have'the Best PERFUMER Y, de, Assorted Stock in Town Suitable for their wants. A ulStock of Ready-made Clothing. Aise, a Fî-eslî S upply of ahl the Popular Patent Medi- New Raisins, Currants, Lemon, Or.Oes ange and Citron Peels, Sugars and Teats. Fariners Pro- tf5"pecia1 attention givan te 2'kyaician.9 Prescriptions. duce Taken in exhange. -I McMllan-s Block, Brot-k-st, Whitby' . COUTTS & SONS 'ACÊTIC ACID 'CURE. XMA$U 1877n' T.GWIXFED s :00:- N0. COMBINATION 1 EX. SCHOONER'MA GDALA, -P E T ER ýS M I'T H-5 50OBarrels AMERICAN COAL OIL, ias, *much. Pleasure i annoLincing 40 OTS- PER IMPERIAL G4LLoN. that heý has new in Stock a Complete Assortment of all kcindsg of Family Groceries euitable for the Holidays or any time, ineludiug the following, viz. B!1 t New Valestia Raisin., A Ohoice lot of Motto Cupi and Saucer$,IL "Lsy'e " forXmnae CANADIAN WHITE OIL " B a s e t s c y f o r X n sas . Bodn Fana'Candi. for Xrns. 25 OTS. PER IMPERIAL GCALLON. "Crown Jellies, Marmalade, " OurratI Pickles, Salmuon, Lubesters,E Lwien Peel4 Sardinest, White Fish,LA S oid A ormn tD.- 5(Iranige Fujel, Saslmon Tront, L M S- ag so:tet-Pie Citron Peel, - Fianan Hnddics sud optera raceived w...Le AIl Kinsis of I es. daely. front 25ots. upwards. Porcelain and Paper Shades.. tais, ail Rinda.Ppei nbcosCme '32ct o &l ins.Bruîihas, Kaives, &C, Bronze .urack ets;do2, 8, andi 4 Light À FULL ASSORTMENT IN E VERY UNE. hneiesyrnz n nhe al1ap,~ galie you seen the. New. Illuininator. No Chimney re- sasI tuired. 1 Light equal ta 8 of theo ad kind, once tried always u8ed. Soie NEW àTYLE AND VERY CEAF 1,oit 0gent 10r Whu'tbY-. CrockerY and 'Glassware lu great variety, cheap. CJah Pid for 4ipleo, Potatoes, Butter, Egg8 and Poultry. Seo oux Stock, W b>, ec ha,-PETER -SMITH, si: Wi. -e smMà O)ddlellowa' Buildngo. WbIêby, Deo.. is,877 At -the earnest solicitation of znany of Our Frienida, and bolievin! oreleata it illbe grat OOn te the public generally, we havePTeCddAHt h -Tis will enable ,us, with the cash in hand, to buy, lu M81'aSe lasedrect-fiom the'manuifactu.rer,' b hrIy Saving our u it mers the middlernan's One' visit to ouùr Éxtensive Sale, - n rereewil onvne v onetha nw OR'CS AlI Overdue Accounts- to the firm of ,HAMILTON,& CO4'lmust be paid to the above, lut once. Alounts running at piosent, to become dlue end of - Highest Market Pr/ce for Produce, ALAS At TURHOUSE. 1W. je HIOKIE & 00Ot Are F wiga Splendid assortment -of $1, $5, oR $2.50 Investedii il e Drawlng aifbile C O M M ON W.£ A L T H Prize Distribution Company (UdrAct ai Logisiature aifK>'., for th. oen f thitisyClb'Scisools ai Frankfart,) whicil tases place lanbthe ait>' ai LOUIS- VILLE, R>'., lu Public Librar>' Hail on Dec. 81sb, 1877, nia>' secure in ash a& -.r,&part ai .$50YOOO, $20,OOO, $sio0ooe; 0,000, $8,000, $,000,' Bans Loauville, E>'., Depositor>'.. ,DtawingPosilvely December 31.i4, or Moneyflefuudled. Andondertsmne Management Usat oa ad aise-ýc tari>' conducted the lON01D Drawls of Use Kentucky> Cash Distribution 004 Wisola Tickets, #10.00; Halvas, §.00; Qaru, 02.60, . Fer tickets, a4dreu l. W. BARROW'& Ce., Oanoîal Mansagers, Coarler - Journal Building, LoivleK>',*orTHO5. RAYES &CO., FARM FQR'SALE. male, Use north W-foileaN=e Use 0f5 n-eae- do teS.aies. k t ,, rT. Le sn ud intrstter "eon l ortee W R I3& o i Laile d- oert one ah . UIi.oneJh dreda ànd fifty-seven dollar.(,4,6. MEETINGS 1 And wlicraas tise aüount of bia ei< dobt aiOf e ow0 hp oai Pckre gs four thuasd olaad t *raca9 UBIO MEETINGS, FOR TE * part otthepricipl? or *ntrest thero ee~rt'" e l n arrears. i' .e aela th ai800tea eo i ~'And whereas, for payingbthe debentoràe10"Ofan Û,000ill be al asfofow proposed te ilsissueSd erthis b>'- . -s M chéa sfolos ,an iteratthoreon an equal, THURSDAY, December lth, an a pécial rata af iorty-aeven han. Cani bell'sSoho drdtlp asof oneililin thedollarwifl i hol-Hanse, Bww req aie ab levied in each year during Lino. te continuance of said fly-law ini ad- ditiontaeal ther rates. FRIDAY; Decemaber I4th,-- Be it therciore snactod b>' the Municipal Bouge, (Gr*ahaxn'S Hotel.) CeOncil aofbthe Corporationaof the Taown. ~T R A D ship af Pickering, and it le hereby e. S URD , Dcemb.er-lSth,- acted. Dunbartôn.* 1. - That it Shan, and May>'bc lawfol for the said Corporation ai tise Townàhp MONDAY, Deonibe5 l7th,- ai Pickcering ta aid and assiat the saiS Kinsale. Piokerini Harbour Company @(iuiteS), thos: 6loa be te extent af twenty TUESDAY, DecenÀber lSth,- thuaddollars. - Caeot 9. That forbthe purpo-o efaoresaicl the Caeot Ileeve ai1bila Municipality oaf bie-Town- WE DNFdDÂY, Decesiber lUth, ship ai Pickceringsgmhl cause deben. Oa al8h )f bures ai the Corporation af the Town., Oago e,8h"ùoncession. n hip ai lPickering ta ha maSo te the, TIRD Y ecubr2t, atmoottaiftwenty thonsand dollars, U SAY Dceie 2fi each Sobenture ta be for cia les. a suos .I3rOUglUUm. than one hundred dollars, which said FRIDAY, December 21 si,- debenturos SURil e sealed with themeal ofthe Car.POraion, and, signed by the Dufi Cr'emek. Reeveocithe saiS Municipalit>', or b>' At hailf-paSt.seVen o'clock each e-rening.- eochi persan as may bo qqcbiorizeab>'y thsesaiS Cauncil tea'sigtie gare, andJ. LMcCLELLAN. shah ibs contrde'rsidy tIse Tresarer Dececuber 4thi,18î,. ai CilssaiS muîcipehty, sud ilal o- isibit ontbsa ace tiereof the authortyO0THEELECTORS 0F TE nuder which .the>' ware issueS. Cy-T 8. TisaiSd déntnres shah hbear date TOWNSEPo HT Y oubile day hereinatter appointeS for ____eý WTBY the Coming inoaforce af Chis By-law, GOaTLEx. sdsahopayable on tise dates here- _-ikbi ieasa na-s cnaftr nei menboned thatsgay; ig Yeo that I do not intend offaring snyself V8S44.00, on bbc e st doy af Dececuher, 1878. for municipal honora for thse year 1878. 867664,on iseBle da ni scobcr 189. .1Iaiea embraca thir, opportunity ai tender- D 856-64 01,the lst ay c Decmber 187. s>' m isearby thanles ta nyi>'nmerous »813.07, an tis lit day -of DJeceneber, 1880. trieuSe for tiseir ganerous support durlng 8647.91, on thea Blet day ai Decetnber, 1881. tie past sx, easad if - at somo future ,Qi'.l, ou tise Blt de>' ai Decce , ticae-yoo aisil for n'srietfiro- -8728.00, ounbile Blet day ai December, 18W8. stRinces Permiat) they will ha atyonr disposai. I resciain, Gants, $771.68, ousehetiseBt day ai December, 18m4. Yours rsetu 8817-98, an the Blet day af Decembor, 18M. . IlCLL1,'AT, 8067.051 ounbile Blet day ai Decemuber, 1880 . Dopat>' eeve. 8919.08, an tise Blet day af Decensier, 1887. Broo__________4(h,____ 8974-22, on bisa Blet day ai Decexnher,1888 81084,8, on tho 81 fi day ai Decemnber, 1889, T0 TH E LECTOItS 0F TIE 31094.64, on tise Blt Sa>- ai Decenber, 1890. ~ A AIII #1160-82, on the Blet day af December, 1891. TOWNYFV-WHtTii 1Y. 8129998, on bheaISlet day ai December, 1892. 81808.74, ounbile Blet day-ai Docaniber ie18W.G4ENTLEXEN: 0188107, on the ulet day af December, 189i. At the reques.-of a niuu- 81461-88, ou tile Iet day af December, 1895. ber of the influentlal ratecpayers of tila 8516,on tise 8lst day af December, 1896 tawn, 1 have beau induced tu offer iny- Icon nOU 1any Township nia> by.-liasfor ln] i oe oa * eOrorted CO: mo norespetemn 11asbour Wlthiný or near sach mu pait>'. And whereas, the Becu-rit>' for a Ïo& twenty thoussd dollars May' ampi Provided for b>' the isuu cf debeùt Oftthe eud0pan', sAnd Proteoea the ý!alo f the Companesp &fIazeient thastu.eC'oài the TZ fh~o Piêkerlbg iffioult sjmýiw 11aSCoI pan>'b> ai loin tb thiD axt»ent of twenty ti manddoas». A&nd 'whereas, It Winl r eqoxtho u seventee ndrd adfrtf lar ta be rageadannuuyiyS rate on*ts'isole rateabl, Propsrt tha suionf ty fortise payment ol ladSSUo weînty thousaüd dol L jb .-j'y ï.aasuâteL Ir electefli1 will endecivour ta serve yauL ns faitisfully in ti le future as ici bie past, anS tilat amy hast attention wih hoe given ta bthe honest, discilarge Of -the I have_'the houoýr ta ho, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, CAMD. DO AGAIN OFFER MYSEL>' FO.R Depat>' Rae-e, for To yo Wft for ysar 1878 ; and demire to reburutn = for bise liberal support given Mie lat >ear, anS hope siter ana yeares éeprience at-the COon,>'Conecil, ta ha soosawiab bLettet ,aeS(f -niected again), ta look sitar bile- intere-et ai tile To*n in -future than hore- fore, B RspectinIl>', 49 * JOHN 13LOW. AP1LIC-ATION TO-l&RI3ET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, bisatap- Élication mil acnmade ta tise parlianient of Ont»Arc, et ite usit Session, b>' Use Whitby, Port Perry & Lindsay BailWs3rConsMpus' for an Att reritricblng bise power aifbila Cacmpany' ta create Mortgsge debtg ou an>' ionIser extension; Ca rabi>' bisepresent issue ai Bonds, anS for fincis ather amcnd. mnente as nia>' haconsidered advisàhle. Taronta, 28til Nove-oser, 187,7. WILLIAM MULOCyK 50 Solicitar for Apphicistions. DyB> readieg ssed practeilg NoW thse lnotimabletracls con. N 09tain n te best .., .,.A. AnS suridebouturcs asil ho maSo payable atie lranci or ey oait il oDo- minion Bkiausl-tisfe lme af Whitby. 4. Tisa saiS DabeutureBs siali hear inter. eset ansuSsitetise rats af ixaipar cent. par aunons fronstishe daîte biereof anS ashiatarest ohal hoa asle>'eariy on bIsa thirb>'-frubdal' ai eceosher, inci si anS ever>' >eur Cogtier swiis'tise de. tentures bilan naturing at tise saiS hirancis or Agene> af tisa saiS Bank, anS scti Debentsies shahl have -attachaS thereto coupons fer tise paymninofaitise iscberest thereon. 5. For thse -pOe. Oai p ay Ing tise dabt isrhcebd in ansnual inatalsueube as tie> na>' maturanSUeitr tisereon as horstaiao rovleo, an eqoa annuel speclal rataeai lerb-.seven hon drtdth parsof!a mil sedlahaill ici addiion-taeaIl obier rls a ee cd, lavieS sud collecte la "ehisear u- oau ail .-erateable propert ýyz iisn is saiS Tewnmlp ai Plckerlg urin gbis taon af twenbyye>aarroni daSa>' r- i a t iùtaS fortiseo>Ã"minïg into foc >UIY' -law. - Q. That lisneSl&el' s6I iteisadata iesar- ifnalter appohated for bile coning ino force aud effécot o!sa By-law, it chah anS na>' halâwMIeifor tise eeveai tus Munlaipalt>', enS ha isniere est-tt ad-ta hisnover taebisaPresi 0ai ha'l RaiS tise Plekerlscg Harbar epen>', (limiteS)tbilDehentoree ai liCarora- tien, aubilorized ta ho issueS onder tii By-law ta tise amoont ai twen 1ty bisons- dollarsand payacble as tea soont anS Ispacirecsivingfrot te Teosuer o this Municipality a asrtificate thab thare isas beau dapasitad -witiltis eid Treas- urer b>' or on beilalaifbile saja bile Picklering Harbor COapn>(limited)-De.- beatures ai tis aid Coaye atise ful anunt ai tweuty-:fcve tilousand dollars, bearing tise corparabe ecel ai bile saiS Coospany', anS baing tiseful asaont ai bonde anS debentîcras whieis aille at bila brancior Agency orthe Dlominion Bank, Wiitby, in twcaty-ive equal annmal lastalsuente of ana thons.. sud dollars ecti, andS mial h adse ayableaulse thrtieîc day ai Noveos. r~ irn acsaxd every year lu tise yârg aigistecu issndrad andSmeveuty cigist'ta tise year nineteen isundreid anS two in. Plusive, that biseadebecittres-ai the saiS Company ta tise exteut ai twenby-flra tilousand dollars osaburiug hetween bthe thirtiebis day ai November. 1878, sud tirbietis Sa>' aiNovembar, 190, Sal have latoreat coupons attachaS pay'able yearly on bile saiS tilirtietis Sa>' ofNo- vember, lu easI year, for tis sa oa #744, endSmill ho nmade payable as ta principal aud iuterest, nt tise Branci or genc of he Dmin n , l Wib.Thsathbie mid te Pie kan Harbor Camipas»- tllmited), sah mai sucisotherarrssngenentas to the coupons afi ltereet on their dehentures -Wiici fte tiaMunissipsi Couneil oai tise a Township ai Pickening, oMa>'apeau. more advisable tisontise netilod abova prescribed. Thbbthe Samisumsonsa twenty-Slve tbona-dollars ai Use Se- -boutures aifbise Raid tisaPickering. Bar- bor C-impan>' (limiteS,> bogatier with an>' rrear, of intereat Usorean, shaîil foansirst ra n ntise praperties,: balle and revenes a tie mU Company', anS. sso seauas bthe f ai- assit ai tweut>' Usoosand dollars anS-slabnerest W thereoci-sisal have basa palS b>' Uthe saisi Campan>', l imahaetise Sut>' a tise Treasroraibie saiS Towmslsp ta rellaqulsi ta tis alS Compan>' Usa five lateseMabuxin Sebeurcs, and cou- Thsis By.Iaw shall coma (ita force anS taie effect on Use tentisda8ai1 January, oae Ihoamand elit bisandràed ~ anaA .sn-M.'r... Ladies' South Sea. Seal Sets. Lt~7âies ih Dark Mink ýSets. Laies' Alaska Dark Mink Sets. +1 J p 55 t n N h Il t; '1 ýTO LOAN, $1000 te On Irnproved Fa,'în ilPo0 - Adiseasuox C. Wititby, 511b hl haSw TOWN W. P. WILLÇocK lnos & Brazil..- 18 IL ents- 8 0 cents. 80" IoIIRou (belut i lb. tissa. 'r Gsi. *1~10~ 1.80. 2,28, 1. fa, &O. ffi Glen Grat. -: about I bo, se, Te&, nocal,. Ian, S. S. e, - 1iUM, Gin. s' a And Bibles, 111- Prayeri 1 GAMES 1 1 GAMES 1 1 i SYSTEM. -P lz 0 e I rr. now iiIT-I-PiýYS 5y, H--AR,-R 0 W E R

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