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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1877, p. 1

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STBE~1T, TEA CHERS' ?tlfrates, 'N of WHIITBY,, rfl«Ji'MIER, lot later than tise latien te praucul MeBRIEN, -45 )00. r ,LAS rWacde, ah 7 per bsba.N 17 ALE - rville,1 rORIA, towaaelp of are oftired n 011- Ion WQRKS. ?atrons an& 1h. Led thie Rigifor tent Seat- dec. 1- r-8O ON. 0F 111E Tobacco", milne, JO 10 MEDICINE, TO lIENT. Grove Patin, under eublv- 4th Con. of houm., nov foundatione stresin run- further par. rAREN, the promises 8 labooniacm aie vit/a saut bePinv ung.D te WHITBY BBANCO, TRPMA8.>3DOW, BRRýSTEBS,, ATTORNEYS, SOLI. Hlotel, Wltby. County Crown Attorney. 4 J'ABIENK99TUK GORDON, BABBISTER & ATTO1UiEY.AT.LAW, disou' store, Brdck Street, Whltby, ont. A TTOlmT.ÀT-LÀW" SOLICITOR Di LYAN ENGLIUII, LL.B, ARIUSTEBÀR ÂLW, OOLICIoR nI B Chauoaiz Copve7anoer1 &c.f &c. SIm. G.UGo I»UTI, LL. B., S ARRISTER, ATirORNEY. AT. LAW, LtsolIlt<,r lu Chancee and Iuso0lvency, Notary Public&0&0 dc.fimce-MoMillln's Bllock, Brook ?ltreoh Whitby, Outarlo. (LateGsa bod e Millan.) ,'BâMMB-IT~1,,ÀTTORXFjY, SOLIC. ltrxo liConveyancer. 0f. Whltby, OnhrloPOfice ROe~ BINSON & KENT,. (LATz DuoGAis & RoueNsoN.) T)ARRIISTERS.ÂÀT-LAW, ATTOUXN Be78YSolelhtoro, Convoyancers &o. Offie-,i'rovlnclal Assiuranucê Buildings, Court Street, Toronto.- CAJ09QZ A* HECTOR CAMERON, Q.. 1Y-M) R.8S.APPÈLBE. THOMAN hUSTON, froru O q'plock. UU 13ô 1.i UNN# Ine Dot URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, S.fByron Street, Whitby. Dr. W. J. I3URNS. I ' *TI'S1' j., Pc SINGIII4 fIR. GI GLEN MÀýJOR )MLLS 1 80,000 feet piups Lumnber, weu .aqm.ùe Inch Boards. 2 z Seutlig, 2inch Plank, p euoinÈ Bosrdo,; 100,000 feet of Osk, maple for arlesi 1lquliuiy, Basewood,_ 1-, 16,000 f t. Square Timbe, Ailo ai ch wlll be nomd dbeap for oaa/. Hewouldsalsobe teay ibat the Gris Ml in Iruanung,sn ndolg dcsolausswork. Choppdn dOne 0Odays lu the week, for iery Den. 161h, 187U. loti GOOD N EWS FOR TIR LA&DIEB. -A NEW ]IUiVLITION "IN H SCIENCE 0F' DRESS-MAXING. COENWALL,sSELFkITTING WAIST deSH-OULDER CHART. Dresses fudfronimamumeut atone wltbouh change of a stltci. F'or oa1e, wti ire Iutrutons, ah DIieS*XIk:& O Roxe, WHIITRY. > -r ,ostiwustwq. Llrsl induemst 'ail, inol msant o telsi1 ad ewoî'n 10 10 élsted wben, hi md.,,n th Lb. srj., Xusue, h» 4)51511î Obisnogan; Mafhw. H detcmhid 'outer I ber in flve years-iu tien; hay, e ho fifleasud then 4ook theho bei -consOciene b olié ithere 1naair al r. I. ý .1ed th wss thicty.sieveu yseî-e 0)4 1 mounti màrnnir Olýae alk iuad.l,.,ir i 877 iýlvY ri QUEEN'S HOTEL, TAYOR e oCLNPROMMITORS. The undersigned dsaure te Iniorlà their friendusudn lh b cni liaithey have haken ths above wonll ownuhotei0 vilolu they have uswly ftted up sud ceuovaâd, ana put Iute the bhet ni order forthie accommoda- lion of gueshs. The Bar,wlalohls the hanS- somoît lu tic Couïnhy, Ilevai suppllod viii lie finet brands of aines liquors, "d ci- gars. Ample encloueS uhW »CoM asdgood stabllng,, box ota&io, hoetached rooss for commeorcial traveblers, rJ .TAYLDR, PHILIP MOCAIM. laie oi Toronto. R.OYAL HOTEL, WEITBY, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. The largeet suninet commidioua hohal lu lis, towu;. han largs sample rooms for commercial travellers. Table well supplieS vIlihiýe beetlu esason. Boshhrandeliquors sud cigare. EncloseS yard sud. hsdropni; attentive iostles. Charges te euWh lb humes. N. B.-Livery attacheS. 27 VW7HTBY HOUSE. DUNDÂS-ST., WHITBY. G. YOUNG SIv(WESTHO POSPH:ST ;O;FnCET6 ISSUER 0F MARRIÀGE LICE NSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. Oprîso-Next Soor to CURaonnccLE OffiOce. BOTES LWRensldeno, aMM. Lewis Eoc '. KIN OHES T RYRONFIELD9 M.D9. Wna. JIcHRIEN, M.D., M.R.C,S., t 18~ HOSPITAL LONDON, ENO., he e R. . B. L, Oshiawa, Ontario. À ARD.- ýmin ugen ccuhe,&., dcc. * Whlhby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, Grecery Store, ,Dumdas-at., Whltby. * ~Jm hoursf rom a pM ho 12 nm., sud froni ho m .r.R~Ie-o. of Byron Ci. VARS. L. .Dlm h. TE411eýertod on ail the ý aetpriesoiples of the art, as 06 sbe sthe chespeit, sud as goudas the boi tehh 1911dWlth Gold and iver. Tâuth exrceid withhouhpain, by produelng local aýnietheàla. Dental Booms--m Cow. men. new block, over Atklnison's Drug Store, RX4s Street, Osbswa. 85 ]3UIDER AND CONTRACTOR, DUNDAS 5., WHITBY. $WAll orduespcoiptly executed JOHN ROIBINSON98 friAIR DRESSINQ AND SHAVING LXSaloon, Brock1t., WhIdtby. JOHN IVOLFENVEN, 4ÏENT F01R TUE CELEBRATED I ooutlsah Granite. At Marbîs, Works a nauWofeuden Duudas st., Whihby. * *'EORGE ..ORIIACK, * L MRRHANT, ARPE NTER l QI &Uviaknds of lum ber con- ;AU ~iW. DE AL]L, T W sPCDRR (REt Whitby), C0MMIS8IO ý5TCO.T0F QUEEZN'S CO yVY4NCÎIXV 4ù1i GENER. * ALÎNSC111ýt7IAG35ZT. ý-CeS.r1 wl u-~i h, office lu the ouuuon Yondaye ad bs,<a. in. ho SP. M. * WILLIAlYiCOOPER, SLAOKrsâITH,:- - BROUGHAM, - --(SLeosoe ô ho omas Middangls,) *na botu oal kinde of gensi venr, * - - T- .O'DELL, AýTH E R LY, rai '.12 -. Ce~k 01Vial Court,; Tp. Clork, Cariinsoii, 'lui B. B., Lanud Agent, &c., dcaý,4theulyeCoantby Ontario. A.h rlv,-Su.ndiS7;. 88 J. lrIZË AN, Ve terinary Surgeon, Wil'6, "t Arnatcong'ki botel, Whihby, every *Toeay, froiu 1 te 4 ocelocin, p. ni.- Aprl 25, J 877. 18 01RE AND DWItLLING iLiverpiolImanret, a Nev Store sud wallng, veli bIteS up sud viii cvec Sssary aoconunundstive. tc hae, - ,- .Dufflre' Oreek, Il* t'¶w TMII PUI3ýzC thet fh' il' %és'côrnatîun ho labS, risu.eulhetmea.eY'1 ol ca- DEBCXER de O'LBAI*Y, 'Butoiners 77aev ,i. - l17-M WHITBY, ONTAÉIOI Importera, Dasbers-and Manulachnr'era a01aOl LEA THE!? AND FINDINOS, Cash palS for IhiSse, Barri, anS Lealier. Leather stretched. 9 BIILTXNI.* MADE TO ORDEII ON SHORT NOTI'CE. Mrày, 1872. 22 jM1ONEY TO LEND I A large quanhitï of maney ho lestS ah loy luhecest, privais funds. ,For sale, severai Towin los, tvoae Hanses, anS s large Brick Hous. -For terme, appiy ho G. TOUJNO SMITH. Wiitby, leb. h, 1874. 7 SIMON & KEL LEY, CIGAB, MANUJ7ACTORY, C IGARS manufactureS frmnbecl Havaus -)Tnhucc. The celebrated "S8. K." Cigare. Entel-keeperfs anS Dealers vil fiud Ilta , hem avantago ho give thiem a trial. Whitby, TeIs. 7th, 1877. ly-7 L IST 0F TUE DIVSION COURTS cirT=3 COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TUE YEAB 1877." Wbtb.j2 1 1 1 1118 111 1 1 Pot _ry 5 6 t9121'25 ôSI81227 V b rpde . 1101221961 r-9 132 Canui'gt'n 71 1 281 711). 111 Atlserly... I1 1291 I 12 118 GEO. H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge. Whitby. Dec. 27tb, 1810.1 CH 0 1CRB APPLE TREES, ABOUT 75,000, -AT TEE- HOME NURSERY, L rom iwo ho four ycars of age, smbraeing ail the béat Varietis. SETII C. WILSON, LA rio. 3, 2nd Cou. Pickering, on Kingston Itoad, ost Office, Wiltby. N EW BUTCHER SHOP 1 2 Tise ubecrhlser bega louve ho uotify the luirbitants of the Town of Wiitby sud viclnlty, that is has opeued a BUTCHER SHOP Iu Crcsby'g Store, Dundan-Sî,, (opposite Raye Moitel> vitre ho YClI eep cotntaully OU hanS a geod assonhment ai BEEF, LAMBVEAL, MUTTON,dec. A catlis leciie. A. PILIZTGLE, Jr. wiritby, Sept. list, 18~77.- 87 CUSi'OU.s DJPA1îTMENT. OttaWa, Jcxes4h, 1877. A UTHOR11ZED DISCOUDNT ON Ameriesu invoices untiil uchber uns- tics, 7 per cent. J.OHSN This house has been reeent ly huit, je large aud! roomy, aud fitted up in Ais-clas style. Best Wiues, Liquors ana CIgars ; iresh Lager Bser. Gond stabling ani eu. clotedl yard; attentive ostlers. de G ADTBUNE RAILWAY HOT%LT, (opposite G. T. R. Station,) Whitby. WM. O'NEILL . PROPRIETOR. Every accommodation for guestiiiInclud. ing conifortable, a-ybedroome, Magel ait o V.Lý; The Bar fuly suppiled wth beet brands of Liquors, Winss, Brandies. Cigare. dcc. Every uecessary direction given te travellers. Good Stabling, euclosed yard, sud atten- tive ostlers. .48 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, CARTWRIGHT, ONT. JAMES DEWÂRT - PROPRIETOU. Good accommodation tfà1 c OMMERClAL HOTEL and STABLES,. 54 and 58 Jarviis-street, Toronto. JrOHN ,VmrR4E, . - . PBOPRIBTOB. (ISUCCESSOR Te JOHN KErLLY,) The test A1.00 a Day sonse iuthe Ci%, osslyi, tvo blocîs fronthe Northeru De a, udOos to the Market. Tih, Housesbas be newly Fitted out, and every-thlng FPrsolas. (1Y-47 S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, C or. King & York-sts., Toronto, Osit. J. A. O'GRADY, - PRO.PRIETOR. Tzams, 01.50 CE DA.tylY.47) POST OFFICE SALOON, TORONrTO, M. McCONELL,-..PBOF RIE 2OB.~ 92B THSE BEST ACCOMMODATION for Gueste. (ly47) TEMPERANCE HOLTSE, DUNDAS.STREET, WHITBY. Gond accommodain at reasonable terme. floarders $2.50 per week. 4 C. C. SCALES, VI GINIA TOBACCO AGENCY Torouto-street, Toronto (ly.47¶ HEALTH RESTORED Remedy Free for the speedy cure et nervous, debilh, prsmature decay, losti manbood aud aI disorders produced excess. Mailed to auy sddresei. D.tVÎBNot & CO., 86 Naseau Street, N. Y. (6m-47 M ONEY TO LEND. The undersigned has auy amount of Mon- ey to Leudl upon Farn or Town Property, ai unusually Low Rates of Interest. Loans eau ho repaid lu sumos ho suit bor- rowers. Several Impjroved Panue sud Wild Lands for sale cheap. Investmeuts made iu Munlolpai Deben. turcs, Bank, sud other niarkstatable Stocks. For funiher particulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Officiai Aseignee, Broker, &ac. Bprilûth, 1872. 15 LUMBER!1 LUMBER 1 c. JOHN SON, LUMBE.R MERCHANT, W HI T BY, Has on baud a large supply of &Ul kinde of B3arn LumberIBoards, 'sud ail necessa.ry Building Lumber. Fencing, Sawn Timber, sud iSesntling, a large quantityon haud. Large orders"tor 1Long Bf, SlnD,8Ud froru Milleah short notice. Doors, Sashes and Blinde always' on hand. Whitby, Mat. 1877. 14 Farm to Rent. TRflE FARM lately oecupied by Mr. N. RLlay, Lot 20, Srd con., Whitby. Cou. talus 190 acres-iSO0 cleared, and under cultivaion.-Good Rouse sud buildings, lrgOhardi,dcc. Eligibly stuated, in- m=edheyoutsîde the limita cf the corpora- tion. Apply tu- F .GBS Sept. 26, 1877. (tf-40) Oshawa# Ont.. MAJOR MILLS. -o-- T. P. WHITE 24.t Couualaionr ciCuetni MaUnsresumued controltoffths Major Milse sud _______ - 1.prepared ta psy LJIVER>OOL MARRET 1 Lamn r ae S tn py Cu rent P uices for al lidk f rI e vered &t my Steain Rie- vator, Frenchna'eBay. SALT,,1'LA.STERa,, POR SALE i J. H.M OCLBI.rLN. TH[E'ý HIGHEST PRICE 1 -FOR AN'! QUANTITY, deliveréedeaithe Milllu Wilteveo. Ru viii mnake svecv effort te pi'. suture satisfaction te liose vho may patronis, h. Mivi of lie Best QÙallly, asudaetBeaacnbh#- Prices, vllbobhek.epistarhlv ou han, Dapouit with Dominion Goverument #W,. 000. EXIperiezioed Agent# thronghout tho Pire Ruka wrilitoat Adequap Ratea. Lombard St. ana Chsring Cross, London. I&iTABLuimD n; 1782. GILLESPEMOFFÂT &(Go., Agents for Canada. R. W. MF"BE ManagerMonral. A GENCY ETBLSrii=CA.A .M . DA in 1801.iTnlimited liabillty of a&l 'th» Stookholaers, and large Reserve Fundt. Moderate rates of prexnium. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whihby. Whitby, April l7th, 1877. 171I I PERILL-LOIS AND INVEST- 3ENT COMPANY. - -P I TAL, 0000,000. Head Office, Imperiul Buildings, Toronto. PREsIDENT : BAIcEERS : HON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. %Oto:-G. D'Arcy Boiltop. IWONET TO L OANon Improvod Farms, ai Low Rates of inherest. Apply to- C.NOURSE, A raiser, OU TO X.'H. KERTLAED, Managp, Toronto. 0003> M9QUTGAGEBS BOtJGHT. April 18th, 1877. 17 OrROFÀRMERS' Mutual ln8urmoJe coy T nRIS COMPANY imeures Terni Build- JLuige, Country Churches, Sehool Houts, and thel.r Contents, at rates as Low as those of auy wefleshablisheil Company, 3JsT LOSESg'RoMFTIWY PAID. J. B. BICELL, JOHN WILLlS, Presddent. ViePresident. C.NOUBSE, 8zc2aRy. AlLte <f Isuune o low that 25 Cents ,Offl énsure $lOOfor Luelve mont lu 1 Whty c.lut, 1877..4 INSURANCE COMPANY (VZAND LIPr) 0F LIVERPOOL & LON DON. -PA PI ,AL, - $000000. Head Office for Canad: 191 &c 1M St. J s ra~et, Montaeal. FORBES &CMUDGE, Chief Agents. B. H. LAWDEB, agent, Whitby. August Olli, 875. ly.88 N ORTH ]BRITISH & MERCANTILE FIRE INSURA N E COUPA N Y! Sale, sud reliabie, charges moderato, prompt settlement of caue. GEO. TIlLE, Agent. Whutby, June 2, 875. 28 NEW lvi TSIG MA LL, MUSIC FURNISHED WREN DESIRED. Seating Capacity, One Thousand. GEO. HOPKINS. Whtby, Oct. 22, 1877. )y-id WALZ'S LAGER T I have given the agency for my Lagr lu W-hutby to J. A. BANDELL, andI shahl elideavour to supply an article whlch will give satisfaction tu those 'who patrouize hlm. TOHN WALZ, - Toronto. TUE Best and Freshest-I VWIl-l &LWAYS BE FOUND -AT- THE WHITBY HOUSE, J. A. BAli DELL is also sols Agent for Walz's Lager Bec for tbe County of Ontario.- A FINEj ARTICLE 0F PURE CIDER. DOMNION FLOUR d& FRED STORE. CHARLES PENNYLEOtON Begs ho uollfy hie frsuds sud customers that be le Ïow prepared tb supply Flou.rand .'eed o!the -Best Quaity, ah the lowest living prices. . Flour, Cocu, Chop-eeda, Bran, Shorts, Osi. mei, Craoked Weat, Peao, Oshe, Po- hstoes, &c., ah WholesalesandRetalb Cheaper i/un i te Cleape8i for Cash. At the Dominion Flour and Teed store, rosby's Block, Eset door, Dundas Street, Whihtby. CHAS. PEIqNYLEGION. Whihby, Apnil 241h, 1878. 18 L IVERPOOL MARKET 1 CASH FOR GRAIN, To be delivered ai ]Frenchmnan's ]Bay. PLASTER, SALT. AND COA , * Yt NEW -,.,0 YARD AT PORT WHITBY., dais." The boul tusuer:ýican rket aford vslei lse- ,erfor-<;ash, ehli LOW ,LP.lNUPRICES. Tie0,IR opporlr t fi stinftelissCosl bi leaving yocu biey rlti c J ILOG Wity r.M.ARNOLD, Por t by' aite=lso itbe "Clieier Drper; aj Onhva odesW aybolefi ai bestoro lefI wlth tirs choye aied parties vit e- celve -prompi a,iion. oW. ho~e by strict attention te business te lul argetrade. Weighl, 2,000 lb.. te he ton. N.B. The schooner "Msgdls is kept ooneMtliyclxartoréd by he-underelgued frledlvery of frorh aud constant sup. ARNOLD & FAREWELL. Port Whilby, Nov. 6, 1877. tf-46 GEORGE BRITTON, PEACTCAL CûARIIAG71E càWAGON M IINUFACTURER of lhs Double ana £Lsingle TU rui lI.Improverinu PATENTED CHURfNS. ",elno, Buggies, Sleigbs, oonstantly on R EP A 1IRIN G Ira.s Doue on the shortest notice. :e: GEO. JIRITTON, Brook Street,....... ......tby. Ociober 22, 1577. ly.44 FARM FOR SALE. L OT 14, 7TII CON. UXBRIDGE; 125 acres moatly learedl, welI fenced, and lu a gond -U±01ofCultivaton. Sou dCay ban ood honso, Intrus, stables, straw 'sMd rmothouse ; 2 wells, 2 - isterus ; appîs orchard. Four mi]les froon Manchester sta- tion W. 1. P. dc L. Rl'y, sud one froni pro- posed Toronto &c Ottawa 11.1. Prie, 05,000. Easy ternis; chcap fcu.A1 J. W . ORCiIARD, 47 .tf)Ut tica P. O. FARM FOR SALE, B M Lot Nu. 3, lstbi Cou. West Wil- s;%100Acres,moeolts;hla th e fefourishiug Town of Parkhil;, about W0 Acres cleared sud in a goid Biais of oultivation ; balance well timbered witli bardwood. Brick bouse. Large new frame barni sud stable, with plenty oi bard sud soit water. About four acres ni au orchard with choie fruit trees. Soil, ay oain. Possession cau be arranged ho soit pur- cheser. For particulars sddres- J. W. POWELL, Parkil; or F. W. POWELL, Broolihin. Octobor 18,1'77..4 OR1 SALE CREAP 1 A Brick Cottage usar Businuss Centre lu the Towu of Whitby. For price andi ternis ap c- Mli. WM. THOMPSON, Saddler. Whitby, Feby. 2Ohh, 18-,è. e s TAGE BETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY ! Leaves Oshawa at 8.80 a, mi., sud 1, p. in. Leaves Wbitby at 10.80, a. ni., sud 4.80, pr. Tare 25 cents cadi way. WiB ecaU at ail the hotels, sud ai private re!eoces (when orders are lefi ai auy of th'.otels.) Connecte wlth 'Oshawa sud Bo*mauvile stage; alsn wltb the Wbitby aud Port Perry Railway, and with Brough- am mail ai Whiby. THOS. HOPPER. Wbltby, March 191h, 187 0 1-i THOS. PEATE, BOWMANV1LEI. CLOTHES CLEANED LED IT TADED Cbrougbt to ibeir naturel colour.- Feathers, Kid Glovos, dcc., cleaned sud dyedany colour. Alorders leit witb W.P. Willcock Confectiouer, Wbitby, or sent by a.il, w-i b e promptly attendait ho. E21-ly TRY THE DOMINION WASHINGMACHINE -lsf t ýb« *a1 ires of charge, sud is the beet sud ,a cb egasblu achine lu the mar- ket. R tiprico, $5.0. Fixai Prze ah the late Counhy sud Pickering Taîl Shows. . P. M. HARVEY, Agsut. ASO AGENT FOR CHESHER'O5 CLOTHES WRINOER, Elghly commended et the laie Couniy Fair. Clothes-horses, Clnthes.rsoks, Foldinq Tub. beucbee, and ail kinds of lauudry impie- meuts, kept on baud sudut picste sut the tumes. FRLE M HRVT 45-Sms) * Centre Street, Whitby. CENTENNIAL AWARD FOIR CANADIAN Ales & Porter. APRIZE HÂS BEEN AWARDED TO Aus by thie International Jndges for FIRST-CLASS ALES AND PORTER N.B.-The samps forwarded tu Phila. delphia were takeni fromt our ordluar7 stock. Customeresudna te public generally may therefore rely upon gsttlug firsi.clasa Aies sud Porter froru Thomas Davies c& Bro, DREWERS AND BOTTLERS, - TORONTO. ur Order by mail promphtly fined. W Nov, 2h 87 "s e êt, <1 n0" b6el saiS,6"lie. IsEisazbbbi'ua" , ërý Talle lt back1 ber;, oies wgaifor Il now ' Hoa agony. ."Tel " i ai, "Î& wae s uishes.-aflt estwonianly met-c but teli ei'» ;Loyou'bec ?-tbi bostie'of iral:MèX-y rdo thboat car.. lIltry tW vipe Il Uoni, forIb ewel cake, aaSdthlieu Pi okrne bac anud e ui thotin. *s4y; vyul , u lt Il-rase 2ior shal l-o 1h? eveë toyou bsib -'~ieof you or Dobs< *1 walk 'up tlte eeet'tihoes 10Elizi bols. lI11 riek earery4Iaiug ratier tbae îsheal l -ose faiti ln Me.» May i di pend cntyou,?" ""Yye," elammered Oliadiai "you May reokon ou my ùim' wbat "Swear tisat yen vil; sweac by- O gracions Heaven I1vIsai la lise sws ced tie thé soul o! Ibis old mnu - evear by Elizabeth hérsesf,* as yen ibol te boiS hec love or faveur, yeu'U dei fsinly by me lu tis one vay." AnS tira olS inuwore. Hia fa( quivored ie asheaken piece o! parc] meuh, anSis veice vas buct ans vipe but ho swore. Theu Mattiew stIe sway, audi lu h Ie weany years lbi foliowed, e vator-wiesi vas a speoti o! dread te kàr, anS liaitiemony brak tint bsnk of tendereet -gresn, fdockE ivlth butteroupe and Saisies, a spot1 ehudiler over sud forget. - Obadiai est thers a moment, bcoke anS trenibling iviti a littie argumei liai vent on wthhiu hlm,anuSholie i bis colaSweeat that etacted thois broi Tien ho put nway lia bills, anSvei np te Dolison en the liank abovo. Elizabeth looked up wien ber fathi enteredtheti store, looked over sud b yeud ber father sxpeotautly, anS vii an air of lhopeful ccrtanty s lilîle fru ted by delay. Hec fluger resteS upu a place lu tise ledger, nuS ou thé dei lay a cumpled masso! bille belti- do% by a rnety ola veigit. But ber fati shuIlleS on, anS there was ne stop sf1 bis. The long boucs of tie aftoruos veut slowby iy; Piadows hsgan1 lengthen, sud lie blie nud dust*of tl diay voe tempered by lie appreaci evening. * 8111- Elistabeih iiugersd ai tiseSes. u6ucioùsfihbolS lier. by a veigit s1uspense, cf vague sud harrowlug for Il vas alrendy hwilight vien s grot of idiers galboea nuder the aide viuilc aud thc confuseS marmur e!fIthr voices reacied heu troubleS senei Ibrougis lie brean ane9 cf glass. J laet, vitba fatal preersion, ihee r foil upon ber sac : ' "lTiretionsauti dollars!1 It wua prelty-goed iauh fer Mat Gorse to.ma] çff aili. The young scalawag som, bowv onaitwhted them ail. Thsy do ea tire money belouaged lu Miss Trn, penny." Tien Mise Tnueonuy gei dowu froi lie etoel, sud, tnking ber bat fréni i scuasiomed peg, vaikeil out lie Sei bomevard. B y lie lime hec fathi came, boltidfinstecod, with ovén more shufihing stop tien usual, as tooi lie -seat at tie table, Eliahel vas asali n sd cool as ever. Hi fiugers bêla ho hlm ths brlmmng uc of tes, anS net a dropthreoin qnivsc hier keon gray eyes lookeil oui heoe ber fatiior tth le Susky lInurnui the gardon gato, thon they ceturui again sud setileS tiemeelvos upon Il face. 115o Matthow Gorse teesit sy mou( te-day and rinau way iti il? SI saiS. "tyes, yes," replieS thie Id min, h shakiug baud spilliing the tes upon t] suovy iothi; "so they eay, Bese. Yc sieuldn't 'a truied hlm. But it dld'i malter; ho vas a hhief and a scoundr before." Il did natter," said Elirabef ,*]He teeli tlose tires tioneaud Sela aud vent avay, diS ho, fatlier 2" lier volce grew shilil viii a suad everpo .rngtouée of yearng, aud as leoked ahead'd'ily at lie n*u "Iycs, yes," stammered Obadiai, h veicé also gttiug shili, aud bis ch Phaiing pulufnlly. "Buit don'h min Bese; l'Ib maie it up ho yen, oa penny o! ht, sud more." "No," ahe sail, lu a bard, bit voice, lyen can'ti veIlte me-nobo( can. Yeu cau'l maie It Up to Me uobody can." AnS Obadiai found t10is disi tiaI notiug could luduce Elzabesth taie frein bim ths brse tieusand S( lacs. Hec ovu tire tiesand hlSd1 awsy became a cursetu lumn. S made hlmifehlle a lus! himself.1 bail, afterahi, lakeu ber mouoy, monay l-_a - Atnleu ren iercouea droopiug, vhlte-buired olS man ai passeS revsreuthy by. . Bul thèse yers liai boul anS sh, teredth le body and seul o! Obadfi Tciepenuy sesmed toliacilsu sud petri sud preservo hdie danightor. She * etraigirlersund stiffor aua elerner sa colder, MUi she nigis l amoat as v yet it diS not appear Possehlaithe ire diareputable sud diispiilsted tramp ait. tie proaobing coulad ever have been kuowu re ho hlm. The msn's, basa was bousad es up inra s ced haudkeroalef, unS despite& le the- freezing air, a woolsu shirt and1 rUl overalis ememei ho comprise lais wsrd- y ; robe. la "Xoyu.dou'1 iuons me, do> yoo, duao- pu ou2bassaiS,coomhxg close tho*the olil er ju "and I'm blesi If ut firet I could kii ake you ont. Il ilou't Soiuras if on livin' ou. tis fat 'o the landi and eleepiù' Mr ou lieds o' down lbas donc much for yen, * ausuy more'n starvatien sud cémpin! u'ot là abasdueforlas.'. 1The game'o pretty au weil plaied fer bhou of us, I -rockon:; le. but, I wau't te, tell yen, cisacon, tint theres somebody ou tise war-path. ; Unbekuowu to myssîf, I SU J yen a baS, t'a turc. ont yonder."l l"Ont whsre, Dolison ?" saiS Obadiai. -Pechapti hiers was oniy Oui othor face i-nlutli werld to stampeil upou bis -memn6ry that ho could have knowu il Po after ail tbege years o! hardeh.p sud, ai frustration. But lu liat ecene dowu liy thie mill-dam, thiemnu Dobson was a ffle mute sud uuconscious prrtaker, anS b- Mr. Truspenuy's memory wss keon te c, agouy iore. 'de "Iu tic minesi," saiS Dobson. 111 51t fell upon your ncpiew Mat eut there. ceO e, I did, deacon, tiat*8 a fact ;'sud ie, siser üil mclianSdisery followed me :ed froni uhal minute.lin bloat if ho te wasn't s regular Joîsai; lie hbdalthe cussedleet iii forerine very -ltig ho en uuderhook, sud tbings. weut frein baS ut te worse righi strsigbl along. One sd don'htslk cf home muai lent that wsy, ýW. descon, : tiuloi t, yenu udcr.tatl, nit mors or less al he time, but don't talk of 1h. Buh tint day I tirew up suy ter hanS ; conldu't stand 1h caveS right le, )- seveuhesu miles ironi camp, dead l cean- it od ont, no u-hiskey even. M'a got et- down lu a frozsu lsdge, Mat and I thse OU, sky beavy as- baS over us, sud soe sic big biakwings fSapplu' .lowu. I"We'll run bave aur houes bers, Mat" ssys 1 "and ler thsm varcuintit up them 'Il pick 'cm ter dlean. AnS says Mat-he slWsys toek ou thinges quiet, Yen se-ays Mat, "As te well7here as any wlaere." Andsys I, ho "Mat, no ; imbieh if 1 wouldu't rnth: cf er isecevered up cbean lu Plimpton chrurcl-yard, sud eo woubd you if ycîî sk, badu't made cff witi tiat mouey ýof of 'Elizabeth Trustsenny's ;" aud, Lord 11if ar. there wra a mail usiner, stark, ravin' îp mal- But bolS ons, deacon ! bore, >w leari on me. Don'h tais au aboutit ; ir ten chances bteueis houes are bheach- ses lu' out tiers uow. 1h ain't hlfso easy At1 te get haci as ho go. Ha ewors ic'd de coe nsd what Mat undertoci lu tint lino, lhe genecelly put tlirougi ; but lire a was 6etty weli caved, big right leg .e dragged a lithoe, sud a rallies old ceugh ie- stuclk ho hlm nigit sud day. Ho start- îy eS on thé rai sud loft me cican belsinil ie- but, Seacon, I tbissk ho',; elippeil out, I do indeed." >i Something les inte face o! the deaccu ts touched aud w'cut facrlin tercify the obl )or inuer. It was seetýiedlIîaggard sud ter gray. a The people lu Plirripton Centre id Ihouglit it s fine ting ho ses tic deacore flb go np lie main Street lsaning upon the ser arn of ihal miseralloDobson. îp "Tbat's tcue pisty," ilîsy SaiS, sud a ; doffed tiseir bats revereutly ho tic poor id olS gentleman. That niglilthe deacon ai ws no bouger abus tojtake théeon p cf ad tes froni the baud cf bis daugiter. ris Sie weut up ho bis s-oom w itli it, sud hli tehobis lips, und lookod dowu ay uponhum ivthlier colS issu eyee. ie "Wýhist nigit le il, Beeis?" hoe saiS. ".I isard lie the chiurci bell a bit ago."i lis Il is Christmnas nîgit, fatier." j Ire "Go dowu, Boss, go dowund usSbldi ano Betty build lhe Christmas fire upesz ut lie beacth. Bld bier gel eut the blaokl rel berry wiue. Sensé One may ucet tihe wacmti sud cheer to-nigisi." th. ,Yeu are lihe et lu bei,,fatier." cra iAy, but go dowo as I bid yen; Besa; maie it bright andl cioery sud war sun belew tiers." . - ihe Whou Elizabeth returuciltholhec fahber, leho id eut'te hecr bis eiakiug, sis bauds. lun "How eld are yen to-day ?" lho saiS; rda, how old, Bess, GoS ielp me, low oid ?" e "6Tbirty-seveu years, fatber,"' sho saiSý cd sudeileS bittsrly. er "LAuS can't yen gel a bit vanm wilh Sy lhe Christmnas fine, Becs, and, ]letty's -wiue ? It's the day our Savior vas bores ta save miserable enuere. Yon ane'eo sy cold anSwite, Bes; poor sister Nan .1t csu'l hé mncb coller andilwbitec, ol- thiongise's bieau a giast ibis mauy a onu year, since ever Matthew Gorse vas hoi baru." Ie At h le Soundof thut naine Elizu- sa beti's ceweE feul. A. ehudder crspt Ai- just thing foc Doscon Truépeuuy te "jah. lesTs hai afortune ho ithat acape- ffy grace o! a nephew, Mathlew Gorse.' sW Tins colleS on, bowover, -anti Mat. nil tbew 5diaun« coma ho chaiýh Aia luer.ý reli itauce. Every niglit tIse ruddy glow from MissTraepenny's sitting40oo2 *piurror, tue arasa grasses ou the mantel --amSuhwindow ; beathsg thé aisti I*thia home cont of .pins, a reinous1 osier of the old woodo, Ibat weut j àlcaight ho the sou! o! the poor vagraut' upon thé olS chintz coveroil ettes. Once upon a Urne ho was lu keeping 4 of tihe 'siaug, * gaty appolultments of tiai pleâaant olil zoomn. -Hàwae. as smart suddisper ~huwith bis jetty looks tanS 'whuteln andS unexooptional gar-x montWsase mics, -sud emart, ..a thoy..J But now, ho wag broken and bacul aud worn, aliabby, nkompt, aud mlaeralile.- Hiae ýbootR ,wece cent, san g'was hisi he *t,-ils os ul of placo hors lbth,. b<iort of a~ connun out yonder would suit bicu beffér.i *And a shadow there by h6is ide,-eme, drapery upon lthe fleor,- a cuffle of lace falhug upon ra white baud&car by-all' theo took bais bî-sath away, broughit weak muiserable tsars b bais se, ho the faiuiug soul vWhbin hlm. H es -0i1, the old proud, esweét facel-a turneil a little away, aud lier bsic-.-oh, thi oe iSruddy, ehadow.tinted hair 1i.:.. bail balf falisu upon hec shoulder ; thei bigli nose, the cleanuout. of ths noatril,1 the ficm sweep of lhe ohm sund Ilroat, -why, sihe was the saine oldsaweet, saS, imperions Boss, tise vecysmp, wbie hn-oh misery l--wrrs but a giost1 te trouble joy. Ail tirenid four o! bec aud ths olS worahip ecame ewoopiug bock upon hlm.1 Ho maSo su effort'la fall ah liec feet,1 but saulk haok poweîléie.- i "63Bss1 Bes "lire crie, in a voice, cracleed aud hollow a broken drun.i. "Did thre old mn tell you' before-he disd?2 Did ho rigit rme aitiche last ?1 Oh, I swssr ho yen, Bess, V've been truc ho my word ever since. I'vs doue my beat, Base,' poor miserable wretoi tiat I sm-I have doue my list. Se bère"-aud ho took fromIù as brest a ragged, fadeS bit of ribbon-"'I've kept 1h ail these ycare; it's al I weui sasy witb, andj it's ail I've coma bsck witb. I couldtluhmaie up the nioney, es; Iuak wae agffiual me somnehow. WVhoce othea-mnugalued, I ulwaye lest; and even now I'r n uhe wsy. I enuet go;, Baie:;but telli me. hefore I leave you, diS the aidmnurigit me utthliet 2'e Tien she slippod frein ber chair ho" tire floar, sud for the first urne inl twenty long y6aarand more lie foît the armés cf a we'uan about bis ueck, cf all th3 earma in tIre worlii, thoeoof ià colS prend connun,,anS teILsmworo raiuiug ont cf lher Esyes upon bis watd cieei.. Th e pour tremblirag lips cf tLn wau- derer, loucheSl by those e! Elizabeth, grsu' faint witb capture. As for Boss, this was tLo firat, tise very firet lover's kis that liaS avec been bers, andi abs wrss forty yeare eld liat day. "IHs niglsteil yoli, Msthew. Ho is eorTy, ln bas left. Yen eixty tiouoaud dollars Iu hie will. Yen are as rich as I, dear. I pray of yen he foa-give hlm"1 "Foî-givo bins-yee, with ail myi heart. uIt fks Ilis moey-no; yeux money, ]Jose-siYhy thousaudiollars 1" sud 0 iho oolbafllod golil-seeker repsal- eS il oncoe igaiu-",Sizt-y thousàrnd dol- lars 1' "Wýith bis Iscayer te be forgivon, dear. AnS theo sud store ila here.0 -Yn shial b6 ils nmastor, and mine, Matlh-ow. Oh, say-tell me--a-re ouehappy at last-sbappy as 1" "Wiy, Bous, if V've ursiiy inongîlihot bear it. It'S tosigîrer tîraso nitsery, somehow. hoss, li a eak, >miser- able wcatch, yon kuow. Let ine have it out, dear ;" and basun bis bead down on bsec ise, sud soirbed ailthie1 obil wretchsedncesandsuricatlr aud cor- row uay A CUnî-OUri WILL.- A curions vil bas juii e hcusettlien uBerlin, aouuin- lug a moral wech a vider circulation than n mser'e tasî testament oflen eh- lainé. Thé poor mnu ieS, vienthe general surprise il vas found boas d birxy-four- tienssud marks. The lbirIy thousand in a package, siguefl sud sosieS. vas to he given oebis' nsticu hovu in Bavanla; oee ionsau'd, aei te tires brotiers, sud oee hesand to a fioinS viii vism oniis anSquarroiled. It vas aipuisbeS tint nons cfÎhie- four sirould foihov liche ody tho-tha grave, vici suggestion liset lices broliere gladhy acaspted. but tise quarroier wahieti andl *forfeied - iss' honsand maris, for lie sake of ps.,rcg àasmt miti-gating bonor.- Whisictise package vas opsued for the tovu it disolosed anether viil, givm*g" lie îuicîy lion- saud ho uuy o! tirs-four viso should dis- regard lise stipuation. ReaS viat lie Peoploe ay in Regard te thc Great Siashoucca Rcmcdy sud Pilla. Levi Joues, Maciham, says : I ha il n,severe attci o! Brouchibis. I vas se had liai I coulil hardly gel my- brerti. I sougil for a quici csmedy, sud eeeiug tire Sioshoes e emedy so6 Iàigily 'recommoed, I procureti- a bIllie, sud arn happy ho sny liaI, liy tire tiome it vas taien, I vas entmcely veli sud'have remainsil so, slicougis I vas muai ciposed thrnngi lie vinler lu travelling. 11ev. Fi. B. Slcnitton, Dmcsvle viies: :I havé fonil youc cemedies particularty baesl'cisl for Liver Coin- plaint, Dyellepsiusud Bronciin Affec- tions, surd veuS d iss Rai tinlarly affecteS l t give ticra a trai. bics. A. D. Pierce, WuverhyN .Y,, says : Il affords me mmci pleasunre te express my ireartfeli gratitude for lise bonefil I receivare from unsing lis Great Shosisones emsdy. I vas sorely atlliisbed viti dyspepsia anS Diseae cof the Lunge. Afler isavlssg useS six bot ts, I have hecome bearly sud veli. 'I nover kmew a msdiciue te have suai vouderful effecte. I cassiot speaik top higiby o! ils incrits. John Finînysen, Aliol, saye; '-Wheù traveineg eue o! my'feel gel -ocresudý broie oui. I could net cure it araSbil htor ceiluc bse. Il becani. belter, su aftenvacde muci verse.'.I linally.:pur- chssa a boltle o! lhe Remedy anad a boit o! Pli,anSd'béfora loey veré isal goine I commoncei to im-pcove, and b'é;' fore-tliy *ore fiuioeeS nryfoot vag * Tesd.. n -Osaiie 'hîriuo's expired,' e tc., is -oalderedi' frasil by lise Isw aiïcl'treatedsecordlng- hy. If aman wantso top hà»ns. Pape,tis proper wvillok up lois recsiphs, enrloin-as u anenvol pe vtl arceacagesthiesma, bat. whzr -fiv. cents or five doUsla, and aê the . pub. lisher btediscontinue froin taat-day. Tise iuv also etales distincily:'tbst s in is reep onj/ahê fer paynt if he laies the paper froni lie pool offico, no malter whieihec ha over subsoribed for it or net, or viselier ba gave erders for it te be dlscoutinuesi monlis be.. Frein L.jà Racine, Esq.,. cf La Min- crve, Montroal. "HsIiviug expérienceS hi meelgrati. fying réenuis froni tIhe use o! Dit.Wrs- TAS BALSAU 0F WILD CEEFUBY, I a inducedho exprest; he great confidence visici I have lu ils effioaoy. For ulus mantis I1va" mosi semueiîy sifflictoil vils a sovere sud eb)stinate congi, as com2pnniod viti acutO pain le thse sida, vihisdnot 15av5\mca, Sa-mmer or Winbsr. Tisa syniptomseniarease ai- .a'niugly, suS su reiluced was I thaï 1 couli vali but a fsw shepe vwiliont resîmngt10recover froni'the pain sud faâtigua vhabso ehigiat an execliouce- canjusind. At Ibis junctîste-I commenc- eS taig lie BAtLsAu, from wiich 1 fousud immediatc relief: aud after hsav- in,, ussd four lattIcesI vas 'coinpheteiy, restorod te hissitt. I have aise nsed lie BALs.tx lu my faiy, anS adminis- lai-oS iltetamy childran, vili hoh-hsp- ples el-csulte. -I annusure liaI ýsucm Carradiaus a. s e ll4unP.sssceubut epçakinuits frevor. Il la s reparalicu vier bas ouis ta be tlied holie ac- iowledgsd sth(, ermedy ptirr cci- âo c-ents sud S# i)r .,:ttle. SolS by Seaosgene-ally.- Uatsb. IH. O. OUORTuN dl COI- PANY, o! Boston, publitiers of tie A l- basiltic Meontly, bave jiuat issueS c. flue, lifo-mize porlcait of Tobný Greiieaf Whittier, tie istovnrl esd honoraS Quaker pe,, vioe nis Lea house- bolS Word l ins nwo! Ihinso f hoenns, aud wvisever lie Eugih lan- gongs la spoken. The tact liaI -M. Wiihiotir> compltes Lis 7t3i yosr lu -Desembt-r maies tise publicat4iof hie Portrait at th s 'lme pacnlisnrly appcoj-.- caoto, anuS vo are sure lthtI ters ai' mauy of our i'ouders viso -viii hoglaS. ho availtbenselves e! iii ppocunrly I.procureit. -Tire pricolDtuf lieoriet ho aill sbscrlbecs eir purchaaers -cf Ibas Allacint e llo la sbut -Ouée*DolIez snd the piclure, vhici is o! unc.sual exr-- cues sue ad finish, la bthe von of-Mr. .T. E. Baker, oeet the *-be8t crayon ar- lista lu thé country. The Atlanteac it- self -presents s mnost attrative prô- gramme foerisComjn9g year,-seial- atonies i .D. owelle, Henry James, .Jr., sud W. U.', liebap ; s/ort etonies by T. B. AlSiii, Rose îecc3 Coolie, Constance F. Woolson, Ji'W. Do Forest, . auS Iors; frequent -sketches sud essaye by Mark Twain antiCharles DnSlsy Wscner, 'tis-Io 'hest Americani humoriste ; desiarlji tôüs o! forsigu life nS travel bhythe sculpts- Stery, T. B. Aldrich aud *CI. E. N'Zorlon-, peetry hy Whilltiec, Longfellow. anai Hlommes; aýnd mauy ether goos i lg,ý -al toc 64.00. -a.yar; snd lis pnb-' hisiers vii ruýorsover senS tie Novéru- ber -anS Decemzber numbers for thle preeutyear frehoisali neveubcr-bers. Beantifful.tifs-sire portraits of Lougfel.' 1ev and Bryant, similar le thât of. Wiittier, eau le aIse obtained by suli- ecribere uQr-pnrbaasers, if desire, foc ,Ono Dollar, saab, additional. *Lin Eaa .ixzuvarînT.-The Mar- quis o!fbuis bas contributod 5110,000 foc tis endlovrent o! s insmorial haa4q ai Glsgow University. - A Nsmv VIduc-,Gsmnxirn.-Tba Veryr 1ev. T. Hsmel, M.A., Rector o! Leval University, bas Issu appointeS by -hbis -Grace Arcibisiop Lyýnci Vicar- Geuoc.,1 o! the Arcisdiocose o! Toronto; NiFw RAILWAT TO MoNTRMIL,-Vàn.. Seebiltit lsaiS le contemplai. buildiing a nsw cuilotrhm Montres! b Nor- vood, -N. Y., mnlling conuoctien ai thie baller place vith the Rome, Water. tovu, anS Odeusburg rslway - At their hast meeting théCoànlty- Concil o! Hastings voiesi the reporter o! the local prees $25 as anme eligimi rsco&nillon cf their services Surug tlb.' year. SroNSs OF' DIîrssEL'5nAch-An exchsaioge seys:. White specis upon 1h. - part cf lth t'oat anes surobsig ' i. clpient dljhtiassis, anS wheaathe edhlla, complains of sors llironailook for tIae. Ifyou find them the SoctorehoInU,. b e' p .ti

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