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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1877, p. 2

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m& New 8. C. le-Geo. W. B. stior nov. bosudîd Xmas ti's If u- U<I4UM. pplepent.t lié oucros Don reading ~IÛ veol calient g colulfîî -7 ,entries ; %W. G. - - _ 1 - - --v.nu.n I M.î.M M - amàlbcmL 4 r&»U OZ ,, IMA UbMrgsunIl& àcrow Nicol, 2üd. board, oconpied the chakr 'r Live hog-ô e6otrils; B. poliard, Ilo; Mr. Bobiuoen, bahm uter of the John Wilson, 2ad. schocil, aLter opeiking of thséuvretest Dresèod hag-8 entris ; Cas. West. o1 the e5K*iniii~ons, and tleb. ppar Slake, 3otl Sami. Dawes. 2n'I. tion ç14the ipila, uid thsero w.re iii ssc- Die glbu, undersix Mouth-4 cesfal nlutormodst. o&n4ldatea vital atice; Jo2!Tanner, lut; RB. lkiuner, cauidering thes aver. eteof Ihese«. 20a. ',aminatlons, ho waaoure auproeeztwo6ld Fmi ahsop, llve-O. - Weotlake, 1fluagswa Tory gratiiyizig. The. eachsn *J. Sitons, 2ucl. Q!I tbevarions forma vould, seosdthe 'Parkey,_ drasad-6 enînlea ; s. B. cleesliais. He rogretted 1the'absence * Rardou, lot ; Boit Bran., 2ad. a!<0 Mr. Panoy, Who vWe ai lie ime thb. Goose, dreaad-4 entries; Mia. Jmo. prizes were swardod thefOnal (crin Miobsél. lot; Mr. Ga. Valentine, master, hi s aea, hoaver, wonlilb. 211d. -a upplWedby Mr. Huston, st préent thei Bélaet pair dcks-5 entiez; Levi, mutler àf'ib4 form. Stione, lat; J3obb Bras., 2urd. The follOwfng pupila reco.ved prizs.: Bou.l pir ickn- ia; Bobi Foen V.-Wlulism Huston, W. O. Bro., ai nd nd.Ormiaton,, Thos. B., Buing, DavjId Boul ton paundu rail buttor-9 en. Byrea, Tboa. Doldge, Eme, lggLms, trisa; Chas. Westlaike, lot; Rbbi Aunîs Ndureae idnot compote for Brou,, 2ad. meszo. Beout 11ki butr-Saml. Daves, Maggls %diornaud,, Bell.AÂndrsn lai; liobb Brou,, 2nd. vire awrded prizes in général pro. Bout colloction drossod poultry.-Mro. floij<oy. Jno. Michael, lut. Pl V u iem*a - Frnce C"s.-lbert Con» DoI'rpn, Pe rerson,ra kPatier, èa*. The criais in France han hapoly Grosi, Mbnnie licoti. paaod ven su li dffiuites eivonSlier, Liizie Walson, Thon.a. iliü Président MoMahan sud the. Bepubli- . a.Coffsé Maud Loavenu, PaÀnk cana appear ta havé beeà salisilanoily Powell, Anntie Ballard, M. Gawbetta's journal îîeartiîy ap. Fred Anois, Edgar Orvie, Amy Palmer, proves ai Présidlent NMaMaahainomes. Milton Plmer.1 age. Thé Chamber af deputies, at the CAses purzuE.-Mary Happer' Anee request a1 the Finauco Minoter, M. Lawrie, Agne; Miler, LucroatWoodm, Léon ya Sa iiayvéda irc Emma Woodruflo, Alfred Brown, Allce la% andi a sxii af thé'- Budgeté Thé -Alîmanl, Florence Coe, MaggioHaiggiue, letaders o!thé Bouapaniets sud Legiti. Fred.Uabba. miels bath aSsied liai they W'auld sup- oxI.Gccss.Poano por M.Says ropsIton bu noasJames White, Alfroed Thompoun John expreossng conidenoo lu thé l lstr.Whlto, Wm. Green. M. Say replied. that thé Goverumnent LSPaz.-îié mthElz bail no intention of iakiug a voté ai con- CàsPài.Lzi>Sih lz fidouce au thé Budget. Théei oit aucd Jahusian, Dosi. Mann, A.nnie Maokey, thé Republican Unian have rcsolved ta Josepli Browue, Pousie Anderson, sui-t1he Gavernmeit for an met Aunié Anderson, Bradford Val, Charles for press offoncea aînés -May î1eth, ndHuldcuby, Aniolia Hobon. for the nolustatomont oi dîsmisséti FORLM -OsoiEzaâ.1tPaomrxny.- Mayors., Tho Minisienai thie Interior Emima Batoman, Mary Cailla, Jane ha. removod the restrictions o»n a-s Miller, MaryAudersan. piper hawking. Gsas PmnzES.-Wm. Akinsan, John - - - ~ Morris, Oea. Woathonse, Gazella FATAL ACIDENT.-A inunnmed Cochrane, Evelyn Weslccll, Wm. Fiios. B-Cléuch, ai Cobourg, staritila oIlutebinson, Jas. Willis, Lily Warrn, walk home froin Port Hope on the rail. Clara Cochrane, Mary Anderson.- wsy lrack lut Wednesday t)eérrng. PIIESEtiTATION Ta COL. WALLACE. 1 WVhite crassiug thé viiduet, flear thé Mdaster. Willie Ormiston and Wlli. Port Hope station, héouiissed hie ioot. Nourso came on thé platiorni, ond the ng sud fell ta thé giounti, a distancé ai chlairman called upon Colonel Wallace oryfeot, récoiviug injuries ironi which ta came iorwaxd. On the Colonel taek. be died. Héwase about fifly.six years ing hi. place an lin platiorin, Master of agé aud uumarriéd, Deceaséd was Oriniston steppod iArward aud réad lu iighly eseéed utPart Hope aud Co- a ean suad distinct volée au atidresas bourg. froin thé pupils cf thé achool, express- ing thé high appreciatian and esteeoin Heavy Taec. which thé scoalare held thé Colonel,t and ai their thankialues fon hiskld. ii Thé taxes are indecd1 very high and nés. lu instrncting lhem lu drili. Il If those laid an by ithé Govouernt l poke ai thé gréai houefite lier hati ro. t voete iéonly once we bldta ay, wc ccived irom isi.kindly Icachings which mlghi mare éasiiy diséliargé thein; but lhe hai donc vithout expoctation of f.. ré avéms'ohes, udînuh or amanri. Master Nouroprésentaitd niéhveus a s-otnsa nds.Pch ps théthé Colonel with thé uvard, whioh thé ffievfréquentsom fu n. tu liapootheraddresu vent on ta tate, théy hopod aas tsxlispringsudfroin chMent erés- would nover be drawu éxceptinluth. Lèus te n ping ot h siple miess o aus ofthé country, sud prayoi tiat los i ne aplingth smpl rle ofth gay, when thé aln ooe ,omrnercé t riayepe tr.Iwould ueéd its usé mgllant olone l 'r instance, gonds are bonght for tradé off ln thé distant future. a nrposés, how kéenly thé quality la Colonel Wallace ann ecévigthée crutiuized sud lested.-Why tlhon nlot s u d duddness was gnestly laitonc Me the same procaution with ail pur. by br* rise. -Hé sait iehé had given thé n' hases ?-Let auyoné Who wishee ta scfiooars a luw lesuons, aud behieveti91 est tubs matr, comlmencé, by making they hiad proied l toeytohi 6purchase fro na s"tnroeaFh," sud W retme eby-wsown tth ir lu ýre sure tuai they wlllagree that Weo gréai mesre inWeoing la em tf oopened Upa aywerb théy dril I gave hlm as much pleoure la h enai least avoid addiiîg to their drill' thein as they te icéelve thé lu- hu hýneaVY taxés." structions, aud lhe desiréti thémif ithey el HIAMILTON t HA1iROWE IL. over again required his instructions te~ Caît upon hic», thaug itilmuai ual bo Pl TîînuoiiuîTRE INEFFICIE'NT tale of uccampauied with a préscutation. Thé OL ho Dundas road beiwcéu Oshawa sud Colonel ilien spoke ofthie advuntages ai '0 lowmuuville, two youug men uamed drilliug thé achalars, siating t nseis W' Tm. ouessud m. itchll, i ~ opinion ihatohool was lhs beut place Vm. one andWm.Mitcell of OW.ta learu thé firsi lessous of dril.Ho t auville, whill driving along, wo.ré up. tIlanketi theé ucholars for iheir atidresa 0< t sud soriously injnred. A dlaim for & mages i lie ruéade againsi thé sud présent, sud régreticd liat lait~ wushp aiDaringln, ummer whilé thé soldions wene linai )wnsip o Dalingon.camp, hé hati na opportunity la brng ce HOLLnÂT îrr.-Chicé eletiashein down sud show them ta Colonel as c lergyman of the lowia., 1fr. (jioadanaar and lhe e.uiaOàes k, in t af cent 1 in roum hat it thé 0 80 uDco on. on.! sic me c 'g- f dan Pt e or UF Ay. eh, ung t' lu da] 'hi tm li- 1 t?,of Complet. Exoneratan.ý Thé e ouoptetexogeration oai Wlitlby Higi Sciool fromu thé e "examiuation fraude". lu contaiucd lis fbllovlag eulraci of a icîten f, the Coumisîlnoner, lt néeis no co ment. W.o uly visi thé ileciiou been séppllet i aliler. We ucsw îsk1 udtors of' liaso papérs8, Who have h4ailily commenleti upon tise ovidél --advonoly la thé Whlhhy Higili sci bo give lhe same publicity la lie el( enatlng paragrapi. 'Erfract o a leier front sJan - '-HgliaV. .1. ansd Compi, 111 çiow cifusacircumuatance co I çtdwîth the laut Intermedia * Ejaminatlon,JUIiy 1877,) ta leaidr "ta believo liait tare wis any ir "1-ularlîy or diuioneaty lui cannecti wIth fi an thc part af any pi-pil ai z <Whitby }ilgh Scioal,clîther belote dssrlng the casmlnatîon" Ylhe Pickering Hîrbaur By-Law rl'ho votirig laites piste an saturda t'rom tisa information vilhin aur reac y #e hasVo 11111e 'doubt that tié by.la vwiil be earriod. Htow any man havir th le rosi prfieént sud ifumre silreis lte townshilp aiPickering Ai béant- * wiere lie ni la go umail and'the ben, Il ta, Proeeantiudprospective, so msuy. eau vote agaÇosias measfuré Oithé kiu pnaes camprehensbon. Oppositioni suoi a case doeonerates 14to downnigt ohuraissa. Thé monéy ta hé nésii et i tata b. aise exPendeti upon harbon lmnpnoveueits-the tovnslîip sud ih pPople ai Pickcering reccmving hé boni lto! tie atitional expendiutre. Oshawa Municipal Electiana. 'rhere'appears té bé a gooti deai *lns.plllng lu Oshava onthie parto candidates for Municipal clochions 'Éliers are a nauber ai namea taiketioc aai Io1#%rid, hîdktstuformeti la seauc pasittOas, vîtiot muraichregarid ta Il: viehes o! the ràtcpsyeru Mn, Ua. Il Pédlar lu thé only min Wovi ara, i lîsdthle cannage caôme forwind boit. ly tandnna111=0 iMlmua scandidati <~for tie suffrages -ai tie eilonu ai Onusha WA au reive. Mér. Petiar leasu iude. Pendenty, honeul ad ntisccesi auinoes Masu, anti a gentleman lu overy way wothiy thé confideniceOa ielusfellai Hie course lu lie canéillitiertolias becnulsSenltOu-' sud sraigifforward, anti ahus vo iciievé lias givea salis. fac0Otio loui nat huit ai lic rate. -payens ai Oshawa. Hé doervés a sitqi lorwar Inla Municipal houari, sud trust *on finds lu Oshaîwa viii 5iaiut himin getlîng il. A' OLI» WîUxTI'V BOY SDom iU TUE il OaUnTS.-Mir. Danferd 110010, Weil * hmuow Inl Wiiitby, ham througihi9encu -ergy anti pulikinluatvertisiug bhit si fot Ilim"iail, à 5hol itme a largs blai. aose at Nevuuanket. ,Tirangi s spirit of jealauey bis rIVAIS lé $iai village hiaro lid hJm brougit -befare theqlocal amglsirmey - ciargeti vihi abshructhlng' lhe ilgivayo by placleg his goods lu froofita l spromises, IHiisflnes --aud cars ialulhée seos amnolunlti ed 20.70, baving been ciotito. appear an tire diffèenotcaiser. Tuis lu not the spirit in witéi Whltby vonlltrait l@abhuai. Diuuua t PROU TUE C OAL-tiTtV,-Tlle faaily af M. Francis MONAIsly, résiti. ing un_ Pinle eot, iits aro ès :ý%ê*rOM desti' liraugi syaie ,ou Tuuraday aigit. Wiou reIirlug thé ooal ave-vs tightly clausti. and thé air au farnasu possible Oxoiludeti. The ripaiS vms an, escapeofo!foui gag, whièh 'o.»seoted Mn. MoNaily, bis vile anti 4uglalet,, viii le oping, liai liey voe le iiday gifle, ah lié Médical Hall. e. - TIIS. G. WVITFIELD. DROWrNNa AcciDYNTS, ironU partiel vénhuriug on uniafe lc, hava bc.gagtI ai appear in aur éxèlianges. af A FiE AT Ouocco on Suinday éVet. s.- iug, tli OPli met., desîmayeti thé réai Ay dense Andi net iactory ai Mr. John Me. !é Comi,, jr. Partly insnred. ýàe --L-oIwOîAN'îc.î.E viii haVé lively limée Yés ea ver ils Municipal Eleations. i. Tti u oicac SUIiOLs Chisîai ex- Lé Auinalians il e hleltinexi Friday a- aficrnocu. Visitore arc luvitdti lant- 0. tend. ~*SEM ADVEISiLîseucy- aiVictoria ýy Skating Riait. Queeiku LrGuîsc.ÂvUu.-Tîa ,Quobeo ýs Legisiatumé apéucd yessenlsy (Weid. , nesday.) ___ CiIIuA HALL, Toiouo.-:ir..Claver 'Harimon, thie well known importer, sud ptopriétat ar tué Cajina hou l(igu ai thé big jug) makes an impoasnt annotiucement'in Oatle cotmmue. At lié rogulut metinsg of L. O. L. No. 82)3 holt ut Viby, Déc. 1th 1877, thé iailowing oafiicersweroe lectéd *for the énauéiug yesr, viz : W. MI., Wm. Iliason, D. M. Edwaî-d Carier, Chiaplaîn, Win.. Wicks, Secte- tary, John Hall jr, Treasurér, Hceury Fegan, l)ireotor ai Cénemaauiea, John B. Bryant. Committe, lot John WVlkey, 2ud Thos. Watson, Brd Andtew Forgyti, 4th F'raucie Bain, diii liraiord I3teauli.' Ieuule Tyley, Wuo. C. Mlarlon, Oui. idé Tyler, John Bell. wE E vu a, AI ilTaylor & Bar. nanti baye the béat 'lins in Xinaa pré. seuls. Notlhiugeau tauch lhein lu quîaliiy or style ai gootis. Tlî.ir Silver. ware.- Jnwlty anti watches, have ai. ready aaquîred a fini clasa réputation. Try thein. TiiIPc. PLATED KsuIVsc, FoÙiît AN»D SnOONS, ahl are Taylor & Baruarti's spécialities. Tiéy havé an immense stock. 'Notiing nicèr for presenîs. Psîvpussis.l.....rom thé Most Cle. bratea-maitera in- Furope aud America, At tise Metibial Hall, 0 lOS . WHITFIELD. ,Iv.-e suggeîta e veny t oaendofathé Oiraicle ihat lhéy psy a visit lhii veoi tgta 09i. cablihuahueni ai J. S. Bobrlor,'BokéllrWlîitby. ne bas a ms«uloeui. displuy o!fiYniîs gOUde.Rad fls dtisee 4Â uirAvA? Titis at Liad.sy on ded aftornoon. th@ 12th -ins.. 'l D11. HODOIN5S't§ADDIISS. Dr; Haiginu lien camméncét isiea. tirés. on "Eduesian as seen sallie Con. teléssan, viae thle different phases ai national 111e 'andi geogipiy migit hé soeeuanti atudioti. He spolis a! lie i- gathering hogetherof aisa nany nations, i. lié anis, produations anti manufactares ai lie ousi sud vesi. ai lie civilixîti -.anti bah oivilizod usiaulâ, anti lu lié viéviag ai vîlci laugit one, tliaIoallie wrld anti i>sinîabiatts, vilci alier.. visé vonîti have laiton years o! Iravel la havé kuowu. Tho higi place Gréai Britein occupiéti, surroundeti by hen .coles vau fl af significance, anti Y spolie veIl for tie mother country, The b.léclumrrcuologizedth le Unitedi States, and qeolce aoi fthé grel forciguexi. bitions sud thé l:sos iey ha tangit, a. anti of lie moral sud intsllectual lus. provumoul la as~ir hhéy lés!. H e. gizéti vithouitlastipg, Canads'O ced: 0 _iabla display, sud tivelt elaqueutly up. on tie loeon vilci tiazadianu migltt loarn from tie Ameican Geubeunial. Dr. Hotigins ativocateti thé more libensi encouragementoaithie mecianival sciences sud anis, aud couclutictia -ý v e éLvqueut aduiresa viii tie 1wisibthaive ould ai ways aie $bhs ta siug I"Gati Blésa aur Dominion" aud "G0otiSave lié Quéen."e A voté af ihanits vas lion voteti Dr. i Hotigina' for hie iuhrestiug itoture. Dr. Hotigins netturnedti hanka inuaa fév appropriai. yards for lhe voteofa! tixanke. >i Mn. Bobineau his.nked titi audience t for théir atténdntisucorégrctiug liaI s a money ahargoe" unecesssny la 177~ lie expunsés. School wiil commence tus 77h ai Jan. o cary. Quarter Sessions abs! Connty tônel. Tic .busiuéss/ luioitf lie.Cop1, p. cludeul on Stnrday. Tuhe folovlng are thie rJomua pn t thé proceedingu j mafil Tiers vas olv«ry fa e B ofaiMar. istrates présent au Tateeday,lincladiug iii, honor Jatige Burnnain, Chairma, t T. P. WVhite, James MéCreight, Mai. coim Gillespe, James Taylor, baishu a Wrighit, -l6.Curp-qi John Baic bc, John Pâ 9,l~ JamÏes Aliman, S. J. Holtien, ThIfo. Annia,I, Ssasuel Beal, go John Bradley, 4sron Camupbell, John Haigit, i.F. GaupWdi. Also Mn. Fane. veli, dent o! thé Petce sud MrBost Jolhustan lus 'al. - Thé folfdinig. ceu5sables veto ap- t poinleul . - --y£ ]3uoe x-Goi Bagshâw, Goue&..101 Rober-t Richuardson, T. H. Walphé, Weslé au Brandonu, l3umnse Bai nI, Richard JHotgins, Jas. Wadll1, jit, Wm. Walker. MÂUCis. lwctf, Duncan Mcii.., Peler Mtu-tinoaus, Aloi. Lc'fth. r O5aÂw.-G~G'~yW. Halman, Bobt.. Dzcmxuu.-Jasn I unIon, t#M. Docker, th Wn. 'Parer, Ge. Burton, 3e. cQuId, fol 0o aerow, Chs. WillI: hs ati. eva.~,, <-- ~ - fi T,429.8 APrIation foi 1877, #MO;, reoelv.' ad*2.5 . Wiso,82.50. ,Total, Over-e!psnded fôr 1876, 841.M8 Ex- r de or-labour, 088N.22; lainer, 812.12. Tota, #71t.17. Ovezb<snded fr1877, #61.67. SOUTIE W£»I., 'Unexpended far 18% # 41.88e;apro- puiatlon for 18B77, $850; reoelvedro 1 hWIlson, 82.50. Total, 889.44. 9 Expeaded for labour, #209.60 ; lum. ber, 658.28;.gnavol, $141; balam., $12-44.> Talai, 896.44. Your comnuitte. havs bsfons thei lis fOllovlag accounÏ8 ud >mmad Paymnl of thesi Macon& n. nanoitan, naila andi laiier, #89.61; M. Um&Unil, hamâmer baniea, 0 entà; W. Waterhoas,#18-12; Jua., Bell, &sawing lambin, #M450. Tour commllloe havé takou mb eau, idienable lie of Adam Dui, aaklng dausges for tli nr"srecelveti by is héos, sud wv o«l it recommend liatsny grat be made, ns they are of opinion, aieenqr, -liaI lie accident oaewd irag l.negligence of lie JPaty wvih tbc lehomseu lucharge. 1Aller lOIn mmbers of lie council hat congtatulaled "scioSier one She in. ner in w4 "îb lie sireol appr&prietians 1hsd boea.,node, lie report vau adopi. *ed. Mn. Hannata brougil ln the repart of tLe comu"tte ou fine sud valor re #4 ; EdZJarstrong, 94 ; L. Houck, 87.50 ; Hîlcih kBre.,. 087.9a. Repart adopted. A CENTiLS WAED ACCOUNT. Mr Devenul brougit lu a report ai tie Centre Ward Cominittee recoin'. moadiag payment of 85.419ta Mogan. Murray anti Anderson fan vare dans lu lis Ceniré Ward. Repart aidop*ed. DMITiiCN COURI<LEEKX's oFyicL_ Au irregular discussion af saine length tacit place as la lihe liability of lie tovu for the rnt of lie affice et lis Clenit of Division Court. No on- f olasion via arniveti a, or motion mades lu th.einitier. Conil adjaurnoti. Canidian Books for tie Holiday $cs- Il 'i y a a I ie n ssu dunuçthei.limme uared. ECe skeil lhe mub.mopector llîerefoeÏ; examaine lbthe ls tssud maintes eS is Place 0f bustuss, WbltevMlesud aiea vraie lie Departmeuîcoinplmula mu li glvacel vieai ho ould be sabjeoteti by cotince v, iiiMr. PorOMan'u requwiLreeuS. M.Baun$ chie ipet, Vraie baciutatlii Il wu= iedaly O! tih.eab.xuapector la attend ai Mn. Wihe PU plcesud liSt Il vas mot aantemplaod b~listheSc liaI pries lu'-MW. Whîle. Position - ul ?ecoplled la coTy their scales AntiWoveigito a distance at lie biddiug-of lie saiu apoo. en lime M.White hati been saironoti ieibre Mm. Naît, for uelling viti un. shampeti veigitu, ant i 1ud #40). The informatian iod been laid iy Mn. Jev. Mn. Farevell coutendeti that the cou. violion vas boit lu lav upon seVenal graunds, lhe final, liai the Weighta and Meatures Act Ameudmeul reqaireti "ti4tevez' suci suit (anden lie Ac) .Vaxà be otituted in tie naine, of tie inspectai or depuiy Inspector, acting lu pansuance ai lhe Act <wiici vasnol tie cas e n) 1h, court holàti lab. lu itses fatal. Thé conviction vas, iov. ever, qnasied viii cmots, lumaci se Lier, vas na appearauce fonrliii reg. Thégrand jury madtie efolloving presenhinenî : W. lie Grand Jurons of!ar over. 'Igu Lady lie Queeu bcg la proesai la auHonar, liii having comuplotai! the Luties prepaneti anti laid beforo us aI bhe Court ai general sesaions, do cou. gratulate your Houai an theyvery ligit alentiar presonleti, lie cases not blng numenan,, sud noue ai lieus of a veny grave an serions ciaracler. We have mauch pleasure lu big able ts maieto Iis simiemeat, sud wv oos âuti liain utalon. o!hem dnkennesu bas auything la do viii lié commis. [ou aflie crmes laid dtiothle cal. unden, anti ieuîeve tia usgreal mes- lre it la ovlng la lie restrictions placeti by aur Legialature ou-l i sie t iutoxicaliug liquord, ihat, lhe criminal iffences are ual 50 nnmMna as tbey 'oulti he vere il u olt ltcted. Wo deore tla iaityour Hor for ,ho itint anti courteaus atidreus deliven. i ta as belore ealeriug on oar dalles, bd la vili hyau spéoofai acharge aif slaluning moneyuder Fals. Preten. t8, vici va auntinely Ignoratanti sel ,f dé thé tudiolmnent. W. voulti funlier otte liai vo have aiet aud inspecledtheiiigoal anti finti rerying ia penfeci order. Tii gaod 'tien, geeal oleaulinies ai lie pio id lie comiorlable' appearsueali risonenu i.igily uàliaactor. Tiie sol also ai lie présent limeappeau lato )r penfecly seoune andi veil adapleti rhli parpose for vici ilwvasIl. Signeti on be oisif thle jur THIOS. Hl. GLENDENNkING, a, lu s and Town Cauncîl Coaneti Chamions, Town Hall, Wiitby Dec. 17th. 1877. Begalan meeting ai lié cncil tuis evouing. Proeont HMs Worip bMayor Smnith (lu the chair), Ren Gibsan, Do uty.Reove Blow, Councillors Dev. eaflegusou, Hmnnain, Hapitina, Long, MoMillîn, Onuseln sud Wicks. MinutesaO a!tIr Io luatmeetings reail anti approveti. COMMXUNICATION. Pio'namM.(aluinsasud.F. Baies, asi. ing liii Jas. Pringle be neqaincati l thé~ utglelane rmuung la bacit of thî poIses noa a septaele far stable Luanure. nIloerreati lé smmitte on atreets sud. improvémeuts. 805h STATEMENTS PR0E THE CLEBSr. Mn. Huston, toms cîsk nd tbressan. or, iniormet tiCOnncil liaI Mn. Car- miack, 'rms iauhe wvi e ra o gel a propen bon pti. nthé falhlhweut oi is cantraci, aieolntely raea ti l iga auy lbond vatevrer, Mn. Cormack vould ual, hovever, asiefoan sceulo! lié mouey an lie laubenar tIil v as uni delivered. Thé accout af Mesura. Harrison, Oulen anti mass vus ounacletiby antier of thé conucil of!1870, lirongui lhe laie Jas. H. blennie, lieu Mayar. Il bati non bienuPolai. Mr. Ormialan broueith le repart of lie negleel comnuilso, astatlng liaI Lie y airecievetiaccouaIs incas J. G. me gal, 89, C. * Peunyleglan #1.75, Fao. Bell 812..50, Dr. Bogarl 818.55. Thie commliie recommence payusenl s!lie accoani o!J. G. MaDisugail, ia full o! 0. Pennylegian, léeu 25 seuls, o! Fao. Bell,jeau 50 sent.. On tiea.- ount ai Dr. Bogart tbey reqalreti fur. uher infaormation. Tic repartvas atiopiedti ithle buseadment liaI Dr. Boat'a accouai bs referres! udt unil lhe ousmiliee aboulitiaialufarthen pmrticulans re. ganding il. W XXTENDING TIiE OF TAi SAAU. Mn. Gibson iniroducéti a by-law ex. andiug lis lime for lie collsction of! taos on aourlesitiint landis ta liree Thé by-lav vas rea th le proper umber ai limes sud pasaed. STREETS AN MI>JIfOVEMXENT8. Mn. Ferguson inoagit in lie tifti 1 rpart o! thi.comnilies an Streels sud 1 usjsrovemenie. ,. J Thse standing caususittee on Streets1 %ti lmprovemenîs beg la repant liaI ffey bave about campleti thelr libans mnr lis preomnt YeAr, mandbave tSien. mie graS Pleasure in iutmi ~fgoyoa k staemen Of te ai '7 ' vh o'i an PÉ tel rit mum.1 la rpl mi ofin5d thal ve arc nat téaie bouses fer boks suble fgrtf>e hoift sessèn. Messrs. Bolferti Brothers, Toronto, s-base onterprise ve have hati pleasare Ire- î uently la commenti, have pronued a séries ton javeuils vicla s ell vertiy lie il- tention cf parents anthe tritie, enerally. 'My Primer," "My PetBeoit" 'My Ows Book " "The Prattlén," ce nte a series s-i co ta alexcellad by auy lu lie market. Tie illastraions rena arnd sud.sir. aily executed, vii.li te cavons sione s-fi coualllute ne smnall attration for. lie -ong t ' The Pearl Fauntiai im&ac a îhrng Ciristmss bock, a ceau f wlici vii iligil pers nl ieryer bhau lias. e r wiastle juvealeseries ia spcl&fy deihed.Mous. Bollard Broli. eru have &acobroughé oui apprisho nov i.tfans'of "Norman macif eoduMoai" ad cf thosvoral yens oallie aime aulior wvic liey have beau liemusas oainluro. iuelug loa ie asianpublie. snob an. terpnlse on the part cf a home publtiluig. iran la dosenving iveny eucouragemen. Fer sale lîy J. S. Babertaon, Wbitby. Tie Christmas Numbar of Belfordu Mouiiiy..l- 1 .n ubuaurs have outoIti5edOQ mmm fermer .offertelu inte _production cf lie Chistmas numaier of Uelforirs MoWMZ. Il in lu overy reapect a umont prslsevorthiy anti cemmeaable numier, evîid.ently pro. duceti at greal coul sudvith every liention ual, la b. enlalnlppeti by suy cher umag. aria. la lhe marial. Messrs. Bollard Jura. tiens matie s stnlbe vian liey secareti Mn. B. L. Parjoon's Chniatmn@tory, 1"Salamua Iasss," wvilainsbemulffUanl d numeroas. ly illuatet. lti a s&tory lain . Paje's buat velu, vbii ta saylug a gréai Geai, anti vinlterest -nsy s Caduan haine circle duin le present sesson. Tiesomo 0 chapte x c $ton,$au'. "Boxy," CIalj tive af rovivilmetins in lie veal, w arc vnlthéa vtha master hand. (lIber stérfes saitable tathe saison are 'HBevfve little Mitgelu upeul Chistms Eve," Gea. Stewart, r., "CoL MeMrtt's CapI'sa "A Giaslly WarningI" every ansefvic la flao ufn.' Besides thepoetic contri bu. taons anthe music (an orgal place on- tiII On Cnada>lien. f ia adouble page Santa Clans illustration vbiauchincae hod to pnavoke liughter Là lie meut hypocion. tiso. W. necelve suai an ovfdence aI Canidian ente p ris. viti lhe atmost plais. une, snd labo delightin lucemmeudlng itét aur resinds. Pen saiseaiy J. S. Robertson, Whily. COMPLETION 011 TEE NonTs Sitoux Bàxavj.-The Norli Shoeafilva sutiréhy couspheti belveen Trce Rivera sud Qutbeco éty. MARBIAGE OF TE£KnraOForSPAIN.- The Pope me grinheti a apealal dispea. nationîautcnizing lie mariage af lie Ring if SpauinihlieéPrnuceaa Mer- KrNotices of Birlss, Mairiagea. andi Deallus charge.! 50 cees!. cack. BIBTHS - SMITR. -At Witby, on Tbursday tie 131h list., lhee vue a! Mn. Peler WHITBY MARKETB. CuxNcLE OrIez, Dec. lOti, 1877. Flour, per ail.........#0@6 50 Fsin Wesal.......... l5,4 # 0 Spring Whesl.,........ Il 0 'D 41 E Barley ..............$05a#00 poeu.......... .......s65 o Pou, blàck.eyed .... iîoa o Dits ................. 85,900 Corn ...............5 @o oa Rsay............. 10 o i> Ipples.... ..........0 600 Patice.............. 5 4 Egs .................17c0la (00 Butler ............... 1%0 220 Woodi... t.......... . . #8584 00 wecl ............... . 8we is lhlud.quarter.... #6 5007 00' Beetférequirter .... t85 50 ....5.............. 8,g ie .8DU86008 roys,I T'ables, XMAS Gi XMAS âG XMAS -G4 ALBUMSp ALýBUMS, ALBUMS, ]3edstùads, 'c 00DB 1 LÂRi BIBLES, -BIBLES, BIBLES, AUTOGRP. APý&LBUMS. AUTOGRÂPH ALBUMS., AUTOGEAPH ALBUMS:ý COflui GIFT 'BOORKS, -GIFT 'BOOKS, GIET BOORS, rr inté Ton thf B. BAMRTT. STOCK 1 To Ys Toys m IRoeking Horses, Hlobby Horses, Boys' Sleig hs. Oheap, Cheap, Cheap. il S. RROBERTSON AT Mm, OLD isTAND BOKSTREET, WHIITBY, ONT. GeLu-ine and Absoluteý ---CLEARING SALE.---, HA-M1LT.ON & A kre StUli continuing their clearing Sale Of DRYY~ C-OO):DS Customers calling 110w, will secure *> VIERY SPECIAL BARGAINS ,C* Seasonable Goods, NErW ADZETIEENS. P-HOSFOZ E FOR SAM.he ewNervine Tonjo 1 IHEBOUSE AN» LOT, COBMNEB Junuonb sud. mental .LfBIl andantiaotrie Stemiothe excéenulare nov lie realisunce o!lie laies H. J. miedéneil. d 'un e Apply l', dtheir deseis Dý.x AcDOIOILLorda To snpply lia Divisln aion O 51c. tiemn PbéimXo5 W i t a i 7 D a c . 1 4 h , 1 8 7 7i dS u bro u b d , r e l e p u l c I l a B r s Polerve Taulc âainluont, and acta T0TE LECTOBS 0F TùZE liyon'te noves sud Ibr3ugi lime TOWN 0FWH ITBY. i a ey sat, e vidif t e hl I n ' o b ed ie ti c e t é r e p a e d o l at t l c as 1 li a ii 8 b n t , a1 l e nt I mp o r ta n c e m s u y o ff e n m y s e l f s ià a n d d a t e f o r c u lnut 5 l 5 5 i h i e i c u , 5 Y é b a a t i fr thio tre W sd.,sd. led smgo 5(f ate hA dla l ie m e uo t doliat eleoed)t)lne ty sd. hautifal 7Y51111l 155ls, ud lea sd evr d ulw i li suje sie àeL ? t Pae' i ile lt b n c 8 pr i e r GEO. GILCHBIST. Mahel W ihiy, Dc 1 h 8 7 DISSOLITTION 'f PARTNERSIIP. The OotaIo ban and Savînga CO', P U B L I C N O 1 8CX I o El m B Y G IV E N I D E N . - . thtteFm tT. La ver hCo. bu IV D N N . 9 b ee n d i m I M b eff a ra I lim ea . AUl de udue iii lasejlin »po0151514 18 ERRENT GIVEN,=T le lie- uuderafgned, *vie vili UlyAU iic àt.5DivItient af leur sud ozkahai deande agalsal ltme ime, - 1'>iîor the c=aret six mentis, Titpe, W LLE. t ba rate of-ine per ce t. e a n r .D î cithuis Omun ; h pg"Pý&t a ndu Y; a -tae usae. vu z P it . n tiblo . t e it e a s i m a ne roi- ,jm ub ieoa ndma f he nl e a. e -elflx and tu lé dseitle thein iJ!iiU5 ?40. n.slle fhe C*..--- Cau. bainPikenlng, ai;ea; -a0d hefrc~white. Thu Ovuer iae. quae..toYI;ff -b a & aitake bhon awey 0 o lude course o Imv Ilibhoal laItier notice. - ýl- JOHN L;JONES., fiB8l~ , PlaimP. ô. OH-1 NA H A LL', ]'sruS IG sUc (îROIOTED) 71 KfN04T. EAST TORONTO. Faucy JiUbsaI sud Tes liais. Bauven laled Halve aénissdSpoona. 811r latre ti aulsnd. Baler (loles. Bfvnlte'd.'COabBaaietqs G-9wRfLiV2B and orki0i T0é TEE À, eLBCTem 1 ite tondsfle oM -ligaei s ar ci office.dan o 'nf m In have tà i tenr a, 8fr..n rü h of a obofftice.ul Yoroedci . servant LIVER POOL, LONDONDE/?Ry, NEW wuINT OUTE, lacan d Gren, gSo&-50od AIIan Lino. lpahoias, - 80u Q niedin ming1asd-) Evcry Sunday frm Haix ou arrivai af lie train leaving Toronto At 7.02 A. iM. evory Prldoy.0: KrCila ares reducet o M 9. ) -a a - - Baturun cel, in. 125, V 08170, iccomding tion oalite zoom. C2 M Soandinavian frem Halifax Dec. 28riL Jvaat Mc. Sarmatian "i ' 94 801h. l>u» ayre oee Circiasu fi " Jan. 6ti. WiIlon'a Turie7 Cou. 1,iRb. tim. - Sieernge ssengers are fenvanddeaLau- dionderry, îehfs, Glasgow, Queenrstowu, Bristol, Cardiff, suQdLaniau aI sanie rate-:-- - Paartie wi. ltaenifer thein rian" cau chIala tick et ai1evrates. For tickets ant mathor lnfrmaiioun appîy LQOS GEO. YULE. Finoal Olti 870e (U5 up.)41'J01u,& Exp. anti Tel. Ofice I poria m u mm, Whllby, Oct.801, 1877. i.ssOlt Rys &hWati(Imp..mme)g #I, NO0 T 10iE 1swto whu ]Brandies, Ram, Gin on dwaugM. £ la iéréby gpveu liaI lie Coancilof lie In Boule smuq, fala,. Corporation alieh Township cf Beach nt Its meeting la b. heli on Moiuday lb ita iger Win@ e nyipi. day of Januay, 1878 propose lapssaiBy. Cenat, BoistiMdBau&i8t Gvs liv la stop up and cLse smsa biraid or hlghviav il t portion o te riin.al. I ea ipm lovanas for rad lti nt ra y closed A$ SXloÏ ni âeA u? belveen lots numblers usuad sevea in in o osn' al aeA taie Ibintionacessionaoallie saidTownship anti Parler; ais.Agentfer Caulla of Bisch,lo sell anti dispose af lie aie AsAie sud ]Porter, (vaasted am pare m snc h Cucn il ay dosin ig t s d. p oper 9 U andito vesîîihassme lusaonsaor MeA.) pansons a as y b. lierefu meon ed. Jmsuuliai Wh""ke, diealba JOHN CRITI -Tov bp'lenk. p"riton 84.00 pir gsi. vise meanom Beach, l7ti Dec., 1877. Mi4n Par.eoteh Whiskq; OMm Gam£ NOTIC E! Prom e Mvtdsnef0 agL Take Notice lihâls the naiad Artur expira 1tioetvety tisys aleita its Eail hcu.vil msuM'w malte application unla Zacheus EDumuhs.u, 4M"m7 fo. Esquire, Jndge cf 1h. Coanly (Coat cf i ti count f Otario te a iP/ould < ofllei aJh Jn p erdOfckGeorge illvLepper, Ja esHandietLepper ICIS Lsepen ud iémasLepper, Ii1t'ailde of .Vohu Lepper of the .as nom hlof bbrfistiSoda, newe 4é4 Pickering, fMorcast, deceasetviWho i P U, 11sliv~ W. H. BILLING'e, 181.,ïïla Solicito. B.luMinag Bsubs i SICTOB:IA SKATING I ~ BhNJ~ bAn assornmet of oi Thisarnukvlllb.openase sion a s agooda sheel o aic for skating ta lormad. Nev md.; " dilion, ant i mprovemenls bave bien niste to ie rlnk àzid rfuk.ioas. Eveyom.O.-- font sudcenvenieuce provded for abaiss. Perfeci acier mualnfed. ~T Â~Y.7~ TICKETS-Yamiiy 88Gents f,1&, ÉRT TAY-TW ] binuon, Thés. G. WbliflIéd,ý J. ScI Rob" c. , stasi as on ud Gnou &;Grtuger. 1w .;bt àml a . .BOBINSON, W. B OISN WmýatmFrnm Prapnieon. BBiook ,ou enatie.Pusamm %tilai, Deo. I8ti, 1877. 2i a Ci0115i ie. ELOTIOhi Io HEBBT GIeN JHITNSCSE 7.0 Napplication viii aie matie té an- imenti aiCoLnan lite uext eso fer 4AU Pur. Lipuan md a"e s Act vealfug lie neal and.jursnapi lty ovueti ay "Thé Port pr kunnyutym itènaw 0lîiu,&raie bo2-e.016 Wlét2 A uiae, int err uicâers su es5lug2uma2 &«ChmpGia.. ' .4a testment of Cheuter Dnse Ofsea o T o f i h b y l u h r a v = .'1i nN D W O nale tiecoast ud on olietr c o ONIED60DB DAVIDI 8 B , p sc ýiu P us App @1klisC lformi u » AU Execaa inidI. oroula, Dec lm 1 77 , S .ana Aiei.luabun 1'OTICEIS HBBEBY GIVN TT BBTImGO »s. pmd b. "q-appictibu yul b. madé le Lte mg Pm Black Curnats,7eiCre. fue a1 Ontioeat ils nexi Session, foi sum 1e. an stiJat, Gelsilu & Ieimgl&mg. ýt esinçth rei "ri e'ôSy-SAUCE.-..-1 ,o!isburgi Av' eDY i trasiecu, antiL ouabling li1 ta teehovy, chutney, 'aushreiaà Ke#0b.p, Iladconve thesid pr to à uS o. em eLsud. petlta suei sale aud thid~le luvl i testament of, ci r %'rÂper, lieo! POTTED GOOD8.-Tagtb, ER tarie, tad u hen! ceci Ham sud Chiéesi, llrsbSag 1., dec d u ohe puposs.Devil'd Ham, Bloses, CapteL . DVl 7 ISEBB_ 3n xe uler a1suo.W ill.e itel, Doc. 121h, 1877.8 5i2-(" -~ut!ba~ 'ARMS FOR SALE Whbt*~fs~ a!à Il IN TUE «rip, 1atitien, QMà 0 DWNSIHP QOFTRA1LGAR, 3everai exoelmlsum, 'ated intie ove ý"Moib & 1nI J.iyer Burnei's Emu eof Lemn. erona Bi Blanohed anti Bitte AJma. Ileiug Sngar&ocolon& tio«stiuggw PMnI Venino! TirOir. Pinesl New Pigs, L.momb, Omages, and 8S. Grapeg, _NEW NUTS. WluAImSo4, F¶lbers àBauiL jars,. soiti in bulk saIdE emM par lb. oine goods. àe menueù luté a 1 caricusj by thé f. amomeas ýsting of -I N- 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A- 1 ol lei tc B. si. es M. x- ty 't- la 1 M t-- 1 -My laye Will nu - 1

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