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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1877, p. 3

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RI Van- z- ,also wu mam nL OUUS VU4345DA Thé. Mubs'aky Io gloing.- ThoIsSes. brsiiciibuesy; Tbedyiiiqbines.whusp.r, 'l A y.sr b. Passntd awây" pouvai t a PbuIM spienur Uf lumnwr-t Wsd kie.. - And ueentud winde' le.- wbtipurâ. And b.ndlng dowsWepis ' ~ The. hbppy .oeusg.bigl- MAd i9049h tà@i wvenho b. hrlesî, And thodbe <bokios be gis>, l'.r meto iisr if golden Assany ulmznr'sdcie. Boatli the bronstog 6'unchu. Ourli t g el wuvaund With golden sunlight itlancn Througlî bave. of golden 1ru1. Àr.und us su lie vonders 01 Niturîî'a slow ducs>'; 3 ut loud rs ershing thunders Our veloienfua. Luday. AlthOogli thé Yèà e sdying. TomU lié dethi Ilile, An 00401 wurry ulghngr And peace to wualy tde; Ahieuvèyrfuilelthrlling, Anid h u uriic t o th uway Vdentis J'ensud Anidesky lashue dahkenam ("Or looks tori.ieh j yesrn. *,My loro slid i vho uuve ler enllau u husmsda," The Spazeea!alnISatl i Brutailty- E'erolons Sai 131d Ss"l.t'rora.nCai-A Dritnkm IZtr. der-Nes'ly Tossed <o Deatb-Tbu ou, Charges Upani a Dag, ail, 'The &auunqe.riiont Cht a bull gbb vonu b. holil At 8S'tuPranciscouPark >eterday si ei.nou «drev a number ofi-persans tCa Ch roofruoant.Tii. bull rider, ar/Ina:., As lieà lec lednuSpaniai, caping single-han<ue,!vit * lvage bÙull,, osh. oe00. le nOcosàriI.r s mai ai courage. Tioi jifsi loaee net kil lie bli -HO entera <hoeîaaggravate leanima viCli a scarlet baer sud wvbe <outeas aufllcieuly ifrit 7nio suOra rides li <ho arena, Ilases- e hsud at trons hié * ou Cie grain,!. T4o,ef < heu jUmps u h Il!, ~ ou o t hoareuusal Ce IW,WWs,âuvus.t hepeu. ThI. exibtition vetsm layhou ride. Theii 1i54, Ra.ap ,(uhevâi-rtaý, la . i àsarth>' Moxisisu, 42 years ahid, vhé lesàbul rideMr b>'prafesian, baving lalovo,! Cb4Vi' cation ior tvenCy-three yoars. , ioshort lb. ins, raCher hosvy set, vi<h- a stolld fac, sud bi* uovomunte do uat ladw'at. mach *agilit>'. Yet he 1u *séactivoeas actinu Ci oana, Tho bail vas of Texa tSk'utocIe, vb -ie noted las' feracit>'. Thu Tsîxas animal, l a cousin te theoSpuishblut la large. sud maie caage.o, bohrne somo<ilpae moasurîun, te test irosu tip te iii. The bull lu question vun a iuewy animal, po)iîderoae but nqt un. viol,!>, sud vas cioseerifur extreme vYîiooe ne. A circulai. Aron& about tveaty-Snve foot in g, dlaiueter,eurrouuded b>' s iglît hoard fonce about ight lest usgivas built fur luee. ccater, sud a sceail corral for the bl vas constructeil, asjiaing tliti are"a.Thé bull vas vIth difflcoît>' enclosoe,! la <bisecoi- ril in Cie, moaiag, and coon pave, Che grouad- inCa ahbug. At' <ho approsch oi soin. carrons pensais <bu aisimal vanta became eurageul au,! charge upon hii wîtb furocit>', being_ kept in check, iawever, by Che fonîco. -For seVersi boums hobove,!abouut useicoral, elîaking his .-inemive beasu!asd throwiug îîsad about Che vioint>', and viion <ho hour sut eibbitioî arrivoa varke,! up te froua>'sud thirst. ang te gare a victim. rd At 3 o'chaok iRamon Clievarria a c dreesed iu a Ssamiag sait, conssting af brigbt ned chîrt sud cap, greeni tmanks, sud gaudj stripe,! homo,,anud carnyîng a scarlot haunr about <ro. foot square. calculated te Car. meutthu béat ta freoz>'. Ho vas accomu pani., b>' a vaquero, named Lapez sud a cobule, or blauket an, te ditrâct tho atten. Clan ai <h. 'bout fro, tie rider vbeî 'necusar>', Chovarris çpmaiig li itI>'inte the &réna, made hi-b o t ho audiene, ama6ng vain veresevrah vaulon, sud cail ed ion hîls brute adversa.>'. Tbe gâte bel tvoou h asaphltbesti-e sud Che peua wau Chrowu open sud Cie bull, viti a Sierce hollav, rushed into h. ares, viore Ramon, flamiog la acarlot, calmly avaitoal un. The bal tostad île head lunaiazoment at Ramon'e siducit>', saw bis reil regalis, sud, vitb sather belaw ol rage, laored hie iosd sud chargeil inrioal>'upon Clihe carhet * mn. Tii. latter teppedaside, sud the bail encouteresi Che fonce vith s inigbty shockL Turning, h. espie,! Ramnon dclseb>', and drawbug back for a short ru, huudored upau him. Ag ai Ranmon calmi>' etoppeel -Amide, but Chheallremoiored <lie proviens ruse sud iolowed hlm iq. Aitor tva ai ai tire.dartis about the areus <ho turionc boaut got Baition up against ti. Wall, sud baor- ing hie bend, dealtsàniigh<y bhov. Ramon * '- seomud caruered sud s pro>'thCe beast's borna, ïuh51ascry nf aisara rse tram <ths audience, but the jince e ad heen inuthesains poition ins>'alinoesliefare sud kuev bow ta sot, Au h. 4ÃŽ11 lovered bis hua, ,befare *'teecang Rainan q>I hie horns,Che Meiosu doitI, e 1 i~rthn.w th rorietbanner ovor hie eyes., Cubine h.brute, sud Chovarnie, slip- \ -pin g undor hie nock, saraug into h. middle ofeai b.an, vii. thul, sbakinË Cho ag. gravatiug lisnue rminbis bead,-t.res t Ramon lu chagrin, amszemeut, sud rage. Thii, performane vas repea<ed several times, tae<lie intense deligit ai Ch. audience, Thé bull caald neyer empale <.jîneto, and aumsqnuently bocame vonked up te a inenzy. uay Lapes sud a feilov vaquera rade in- t ho arona sud tbrov <b.elasso&round 'borne sud suoChor aroundhnd loi. l The nl vas tien Clhrown toe e runa and t irseu prang ao hbaLIE At - n et s draken bautebor, halngbel- e'-aui d by vbiskey sud <lie sectacle JunSod do ita<he arsua'despit. the ap- 0à 'fCe dine- The bul sruggled Io 1{ wi -ig effort, thravlug spa~taekuape talaCe; h brute Mlhnnon s0liin ta bis uokfon dear ilii1 iwered las toeal the fellav Seversifeet inCa<t ir As <ho butoier 1.1, h. bnull.cug nlua bitbonus sud tb e l i Aier v draged n Cl.amen. - WRU ýree of .Po8tage.- ilnlngte bs cf teÃ"unur e aniuCà ai - tru TheatChb sun rma <b owr aunr th. dibulo tii seq. o teôl>'aoutethe 40M., eln<frant c against <he gate, min0nlraz&ç ug' th0 audience *vihbis exprade ees,~ with the. implacable bull ini hot pursuit.,' nalI>', Che dog bc-me bewildered sud*,pâ lyzed, And crouched up th the w411.y Th buli drew baok ,lawered lig il cbargiug upon thie suffsriuaimai rt biln against t ho wall îftb terrible4.'forc Tiie respectable portion ai the autiâece bc came vÃŽild with indignation- sud cre Jnsta Martiues in nnmeaere' Oi-jn' The Opu.tan&. The. MMoe " UWs~oTine4 orthe An [te Amaug ti atans<,ns k!,d a oi tvuw and bujie b>'the la, t-adby'hu consent ai Chu i'izes; and Chi U vaeCoir stelisifherbe sud roots irom th( gardons and pnb ic bath.;- but il the 'we caught in- thýý g>, Che>' vèeopumZlued fb vaut aLder, ,Ift< !h-dgu ai Chu Spar. Id- &aigssaUoalwiug Cispractice, vu ai- te inopiro Mpa.tayoutbs, vlia vece de. la< ige!fr ar, ,with a view te *self-deieaceî il- sugd oxtoënt e! fdominion ; wit, boldîîeis, suie th elty.,Asu, addross; te mure <hotu hotimus an ýo't lis of a soîdier ; te teach th-!m tC I. livo ûp<,4a litlu, sud te ho ahi, ta shift fta lai touev& in Cao0p91ouc> incurre,! pubtia contampt, and t'O: et»sa~smn Magnîubcent sepul- M Wr fârbidden, uni vsthe plaine.t 'o mit àdéît pti tien permitte,!, ex- p- olt fel"suh sa vwers seiîun ibatte, or for ta- *amcn wha bcd devoto,! themselves te a re- tO IiouliéoTsars, si ugJadoutcrievwerenot 4îraittedin Publelobee the<by disbonored ai tpartmpvbaaight to ersal'tkings viti Iequanuimity. .Graves voeeallovoil in the 5' oiy,~ud bhried close te Chu temples, t Chilpe p igbtlbe fmiliar vitb deatb, et su nt onove ita â,hing dreadfnl in if- h4 soit, or ht dead baies -detil Cie living. 11' Culibso>' vas regarde,! lu mon as iniamous, h sud puuishbd- vith ývarious toeofaicon- is tempt. If a Insu did'nat marry vhen at full re Age, lie vas hiable te au action ; sq <boss in vho marrie, above or belov hemielves. n Sncb as hadl three chilren bail certain im- 1- munities, sud Chose vho ha,! four vere freo i- ra. ail taxes. Virgn e ve marrie,! witb- aut portions, sud husbands vers allaod Cc nboat hir viveî.,>TheoncaoaiSpart. vers edietingloeu, for hoir virtuel but.Ch. Spar. tan wvainufor tCi laduese. Lycurgue Il ould nualslow AUl sorte ai persoast rs. Id vel, lest Che>' shoulil brin g baif or.lgn assoanera, aud retuin infecte with the-ien. la ions custoins af othor conntriqs. , ýh A soldier vas Chu only roputable proies' cisio in Sparta ; à mechaulo or1 husaudman îwas looke,! upasa viti contcanpt. A solduor vas nover te Il> or turu bis back uponI@ u nemies, havevor superior iî(-nnmhor; or te In quit hie pot ; or te delivor ubis ra-i Oa word, ither te conquer or die. A Spartan n mother, hearing hat lier son vas killed in b attie (flgtiag fur hie country), answered 1, 1brauglit hlm inta thc varld for no 4other purpos.." Y After i art>' yedra' service, a man vas b>' rlav no langer reqnirsd ta go inCa the field; -and consequeutl>', if the militar>' age vas -thirty years (for Chie vas the period, it lu isnpposed, st vbich <boy en<cred ino the -service ai <bel. coutry), <ho Spartaus ver. inat held invalide <111 <bey wore seveut>'. A 0 rtyperiod ai lii, for a soldier Ca retire froin he arduans career ai a varrior, sud ta receivo bis half.pa>'1 Drunkenes vue considere,! infamone -8 amoug <hem, sud puni.hed ; snd <baC young e men miglit conceive tbe greater ahhorreuce a4 < is epeolos ai duhaucher>', Che slaves 1vero compeiled te drink te excese, hat tb. tbeastîbuessof <bu viee migbt appear. Wbeu Ch.>' retirud fria.th. public icals, Chu>' vore net alovud su>' terches or liihte, ho- c ause it vss expected Chat mon vlio vere I perfectly sohor sbould hoe able ta fiud Chir r va>' in <ho dik; bcsldes, <bis practics gave <léi.as acility ai marchua<g vit ont liglit, a iqualit>' ver>' useful te <hem in ime ai var. IAs te droma, <bore vas n distinction be. <veuCthe ricb sud poor. Their garment. r ers mado far use sud not for show ; and t<bey vere taughtbt mes Ca distingnisb -themeelves b>' hir virtueratlier <han hy Chir robes. Boys vers alvays naed te go w ithant sbces, nor vore <bey pormitted ta 3ont or Crm, Chir hair. Baukera vere not Dallowe,!, and luteret wu aiso iorbidden in Cite Spartan comionvealth. * À write. bas observed with respect te Ly. curgue, IlThat Chie legisîster or,!sinud <bat <ho magistratee should net ho appointe,!b>' lot, but be eleoted by siaffrsgee. Ho de- prived riches of <ho influence sud respect aunexoil te <hein, sud divoste,! even love ai jealous>." 1< lbas likovise been observed Thatph.4. mi _d#fr:iycrgsbu<. Ch. hbotte. s'aare no-ver seen mare. Te Cheevo add a remarkabloe priug near En- tjremos, which petrilies vood, or rather ou-i cruste it vbth a case ai stone ; but <hoeniosti remarkshle ircumastance b, ht lu summeri 1< hrowe np vater enough te Curu severali mille, aud in vinter is periectl>' dry. A rsaonî asked au advsuced echool-girlt vii>'beer in Fronch vas feminine. Ibu re- plied hat 1< vas prababl>' owiog te the facti ht h.ebeys likid it s, veil."' InuCorn- sud s ho iye-meal, tva- 1melasi uatof eîther s'eet o'enor ilk, ti fai 'sodn a ,-Mdissl a <nho Mil ti ddng bilerforn ve hom tbnta..,u m orAgi set la Cie ov, dboston. white suid-Jolks separatel>'; C beaping Ceplula ai Indian mesi sud one flou. - suft inCa Ci. Saour ouneteaspooni etZ salasd tva OficMma. arwterhou 0 tahlcspaauui lard, moIte,!, tbrecuplnla MiQ qu~,an easpoonful mat; beut *veU a thorougly; bako in rings or emali p&IW 'as pans; bal,. quickl>' sud serve hot. e, Rua on WRiTE CABBAGE Pca.8 stho cabbage vevflu, put it in a jar vi<h o ittle saIt eprinjdedbetiav.e acilayer;i 'e th. mioroing drain it veil.TaIe. good vii or. gar sud hoiu- vth mace, vholo peppep r- claves, sud ciannmon if you lîko t, pou U aver Cie cabiage boiling bat. Thenem '- maraing boil Ciho vieganr again ansu , over it. tic it down igit vion cold. bý JELLY CAKE Rouja.- Four eggs, hoa BE whsite sud yolke separatel>'.; une eacupfu ýO sifted four, one teaspoonful crea. f aitat )r anc-bah <teapconfni soda dissolve,!bu a ver little bot vater ; flavore,! viti the o uc one lemon; lient ail wvol tegethor; àpre& ;quarter ai an inch thick inaà square Cin blequiokl>'; tien <arn bottomaside ni spread wîth jelly, sud rail uywvile bot <btis reeipt moali re. noUls. t Maamni CàKs.-Liglit p1-Icup whit dsag., cap butter, J Z et miii a vheeai of3 eggs, Iljteaspoons haklag par eder, 2 cape firur. Dark par-j cup broui agar,à Cap butter, J cap molasss, j cI miik, h fall ai s nutmog, I teaspoan Clna -mon, J tesspaon allspioe Il teasp>nbiz- pavder, yolks ai 3 egge, 2 captIorbutii roar cake disi sud put in a spoonful ai Cli ight sud dark mixture; pub it in spot.s &n trpeunCamake bC as mottlod as possable, Bouleath ite& especial>' for Ch. lbgut pant The Perla aI War OorresPondenta. ik'rom the Londouî Tinmeo1 %Gzuitasvo, Nov. 3.-Wben 1 deacende.,1 1 oaîid i vas not Cie only Engliaimsu lu Cie train. Cfol. Wellesley, aur militai.> repne. sentativo at tho Emperor's boadqnaârtore, had alsu came dovu tramn Buebareat-alter,Ï couVe ,dea ea'sma>' Chars. H.wuvasiou for uradi, whitiei- I vualtîo goiug, sud, lîku me, bu ha,! te Sud s carrnageforai. u self an,!iuggiago. tWe pianoet Cie luggage outaide in front cf Ce etation undor Che prtico, sud <he Cal. onel loft bis servant, Jagor, wvliaa Rs- sist, lu charge, vithinlstructions te get bina self snmethiag t eaet in t hoenieantime satChe 'Wo had hardI>' quitd Cie station live mintes vicu vo hard Che eannd ai a chail Ce7au ite va>' tirough Ch. air ahave Our hed.Tic poople about Ch. atreut, wbicl was Cie iain.one, rau rigbt sud let, and vo henni <ho dalliçxplosionoaithCi ran mis- elle sumovbore near <ho railva>' station. WVo did aoC knov at Chat moment vbat terrible havac <bat pioGe af irotijis douo, anad viat a terrible fate vo baPoniy jnu eacaped. We vent on, hluking but lightljr ai <bis single abot, until ve outersd a ohein let's sbop. A minute aftervard a person viao nteroi Che. uap teld us Chat t<byesol- diers adilbeen killea et Ch. station. Altbough ve vore quit. usai., voiroth jumped intesanopen fSacre estadng inthe streot, sud vere drivon up te Cho station. IVo thongit <bat the. Colonel'a servant a. gar, bid possibl>' beau bit. 1As ve drave <y ho firut <ing vbicb met ou. viev ont- aide <lie station andor the portica, on Cie very spot vliero w. had laei t oui- luggage, vas a large mussof sometbiug partI>' caver- edwviCia gray' great.oat. Could <blis b. Ja- gar ? We gat ont of Cie carriago and came near, XC vas not Jagor; 1< vas a soldior au ah <bhatvas boit ai Chepaor.flov. Ã"ne aide had b h o m araeazplot.ly saa'sud tbere elay in a pablof bis ovubleo<.T ho groand wvastara np ail &raund hi., sudilie val ai h. building vas spluboed vith bood. Windows vers sumhe,,thporteso badl boeenbraken hrough, sud Cie atone pavement wu tlibckly stravu viti buman CoL Wellesley looked roun,! far Jagor. Bearing tic carriago driva up <ho faithini servant immedistol>' camo ont ai Chu station, and, muai ta aur relief, vas quit. uuhurt. But lie had hiai,! <le vory narravast escape loa abae,! ne aur luggage vhicbbeo bail dragged inta Cie icket.affiedireotl>' site. tic fatal shut. 1< vas covered vith hlood. Anothexr solder, also, la>' laside, amasbod te desti. Boti Che po. feilova vere standing b>' oui.lagageouoteido Chestation, hsviag hoon askedby Jagor takee1j su oye upon <ho things wiilo ho vent inte Ch. bufet te get a littie reiresiment. Jagon b.d scarcol>' st dovu in <ho rooin, Chrougli <b. vindov af viji hhe&cauld binifsl5e tho tigs, viien tho uheli srack Cie portico, sud iurst viti a repart vibhaamoat stunue,! il.. One saldier feil acrusa an iran steve ai tho Col- onel'a, sud campletel>' wasied it witi blood. A 'lait ta a Fanions Orgam. tira axidunilestudn welbug succeseoi. vas&Oiselismong et hie outagos for N mnp.ll'. irds à henigreen 'sud go Id bird, glumcbos Ogooocdu emer bsown vif., and nota5.,! iods anudaccessible tote hé oOibl a ofhe tel, fhi. Chat if b. entestd tho capital viti bIs fal but somoviat scornfui 1W forelguers.- .And reaps Cie>' voul, shoot lber. This Chreat Vei' aHaet <luhe minaeiu camefer us <oset ont for hWtino efect OÙthé iollgi aid '!ellew, At ftr Ticket lu baud-for ticket. badl bué dis- Budenburizgat.e at Che bead Ii bs ddieà t ributed vith Cie cherries aAice-vo aMd 'dovun 0raideuLinden tot h.e mu ao s es, eded ouirva y te Che Oathedrl-a build- troubis. Rit vork:vas doue vbtbout hesita. vso iug la the Got iestle, plain, plainerin- tien, aud eveniwueh enthunsiesi, and no one k; ded, han moeCt bo echurches ve asw in das.dto romWin oien ieisimpériiled spouse. n',Our tour, wlC littIe ornanmtation or 'calari. Saue das aterna.,!th.Inove-caume tidtho non about et, but large sud'imposing. Wc vers hreat bcdnet ieeau executed, sud <thtb.h te gfo te Ch.enie fhe seato, vo vers taîd,' tender-bostage bW been Ïrese.Then a As faras"poible iron. the argan ; and vo ataff OàÎll ico il.Wrangei if leh. bd net eol did, se. Presotl>' littîs groupe ai people been &axions for bis wifçý as li. rode throumIi voe dropedilu uti ive moisted nometuhirty t hoeJrandoubur gt4, 4'N ;oh, a' l Cf i hers w e et,. la ush ,! sud e- hoGenerat, 4 nver bàd? su>' ca7 Suced d vren tillness, wi gfor-wviat vaste, la <boa.Stettin People 1" îu caeof a about gColock, sud stll This la oneinstance ai Wrangel'a S ee'4kn ~ a but vo notice,!Chat jus< Chre. lampa. fortitude. Anothor le mare te-d ; nd sud ay hos. inet Vér>' larie, ha,! beau lighteo<libcd a son, a yong of foldiset' ty' in'diffèest parts ai Che.aares aif &S, churci. lifO and got loto deit, Thle fi a grave ai- ceW y sefev sud se sattered wvodimcovre& fonce s8inst militayd _Ue sd-m,- vas the sndden r ioging ofaà littIe bell, and carnie, Jiuseavy bu. sloug as h. o nfI,1 in immedistel>' aftervards Ch. ýtoues ai Cie or- sud thon Chrev bîmseltupou bis siathr ne- gan vers becard-" The'HaIoujab Chorus," more>;, confesse,! im at; an,! boought1 ra, sud rather careleesy'pIàyodUd C T iR en tepsy thedebts and mave>bis bonaor.( irman je ant af tomperbeaâse Chèesare no fev Tie. stera votera cked Idhe son cali>la n )1< beniaes,,sud ill net put ont bis stirengt"<h. 0teee..Il Sir, yon cannot Save your avu ir Se vo Chouht ; ,se udnvfit feeling, w. houa.;; sud yon osa aave tho houi. aif Ch. must cone, vasnon.aidisapoin<ment. Wrangel snoni>' b>' biovlugyonr braina Dot A short mause ensu-e,!, sud Chou fallove,! à ont witb yeur, revolver." that vasaIL Tho ni piece vhichmad ie sd> The. rgan bas yonug man retire,! te bis room, put a pilt br, eue oai <ho- béat Pm humes. stops l i ta b is bea, ,and ehat biffseli on Ch. spot.S r>' èworld", aet his -pie vas obviausi>' com-. He bcd literail>' obeyed bis faCho. sud bis oe pÏosdpand pei-ies for Ch.epp7oeai dis. superiai.; aud fo yenurs sirvard it vas ra- ad playig Ch. paver sud beaut> of the stop. latedl as cbarscteristic o! Wrsugel'aSsteruns-a ; st ' ht s em e ,! a hum an voi ce tuCr s Ca C ie no er seh.,!a ea i. for i s son, 'P efemed 1" ns>', yen vould bave sai vatJ neyer mentionedlbis nis.., sud noyer suffer- t 'ugi bave beeni a human voie, sweet sud ni it ta ho mentianied. in hie preence. S 11lo11,ryet Cao fa.af foMr thu orde te be For a lona iotePapa Wrangel ise been a t li heard-roke gent>' sud treinulouel>'ripou characteristia persanago in Ch. cet>'. Wbothen g Ch.ecar ; thon.saCher vaice jained in tho lie vas wboUy illiterate ar effectilliterscyn rstrain ; sud preden<ly <ho harmniiies ai an I do nat quit. kuov : but hie ba graminar W.orchestrai accompaniment pealed fart inlamade hi. nnuenally popular witb Street ni.- m il flac,!. 1 vas simpl>' oxqisit., sud ve Chiaasd hOusemnaida. XC vas hie habit te p Ail et ai if outrance,!. Aiter Chie a fugue; actter coles among the former, sud ted Choun<the vell.knavn air fra.t Judas blacs- cbuckie Che' latter coquettashi>' under theh ng hme, "Seo the conquering horo cames,"oh.Btclsesem,-ebequi> 5lae inhich Che. iflof Chu virgios vero beau. gratiflo,! by these attentions ; sud more f-a.- id tifull>' rcndersd b>' ieaus ai Che stop;- sud tidiaue peoplo driving sud valkiog in Ch. t] et luntth<boranitgt dhuisoîf up for Thiergarten Cook no littis delîght in <ho ai bis grand ma fin~al for.veteran'e eccentricities of s man lu bis dot. B>' <bis ime the abades ai evenlug vere age. He somed te cultivate <hem for a cg garn ansd tho cathedral vas Ouied purpose, s if lie ardently desired te inake t vitbagrdnahy deopeniag gcon,te which triend ofaiatlunastChat part of <ho Borlin J Ch. *tatligits ai <he tires lampe lentsa pic- population mint eusceptible te bis sdvances, r :0resquo ect. Overhed-in <heoargan- sud lesit luflueuced b>' récollections af hie lo thi-Ce tan moel pipes ai Che instrument pet career. toered gliostly sud gri., hir spatiotic Witbal hoe vas <rue te bis fionde, simple y a tfnucontrastlug strsugely viti <lie va- lu bis teentes, sud, iu epite ofihis bitter polîti- i lu...las ound <bey pouredirth ; sudsared cal prejudacos, incapableoaf serons rosent- i 'a Iight began te glow beani h.., vhere ment.. During <be long periodi ai militai.>'Se A th. player Smate aàidit bis cuarCains, 1ke an reoraition h di,! eome good vork bu <ho t enchanter in bis cave. We e gaing ta impravemeut ai the cavaîr>'. But vith ai have "The Str.." Mark i avillage chor <tho présent géneraetion ai scientiflo sol- Ii sioglug vespers lu s CbUrch in Cie min.u diers lie, ai course, bad littIe sylnpathy. Ho gi )f tains. Boy hoantifuli>' Chat @top cames in 1 vas a sort ai Blncher-a Marhal V owa; hi e W. ba. Che choristers ; one, tva-Chou sud if lie liadheen youug euougb for Cie late ei othCer voicea jaliug, as tho full anhe. rises gréât vara voul,! have dietiuguislied liieli em e- sud evells,- sud tho-service go.. au. Pro- as a despera<o Sighter, butnt as a strate- fi eý senti>' Cie regulai. beat ai a hall. Wba< in gist df laf' Iaitaàbelcalig te the services? ar a - . --s-- i Obell anuouncing tho approah of a storinI Ti.MioaiWaihhiTrky If tbu latter-bers camme Sitrm, mutter. TeM10a __alho ure. b x 11 l th ditanegstheriog etrength and The Grand Vizier is doiniz bis boit te cre- . b ro ing on;sud atlest, atera sudde crash, ste nov reources, but h.e la nearîy at hie C% j hlch makesy ou fane>' Au anlinct eteo wi'end. As a lait expedicat ho proposes thCe zi agllh<nbugplungiug ite ebarp lance o losse <ho vorking ai hCiuol mines at Ho- pointitnto <ho e9 0,vehar a terrahicPeal racles, on tho Black Ses, lu seourit>' for adi ai tinuider borsti.g&Crougli <ho siees ai ho ev b an lbe in tryiag te negotiate. This wi cathedriaal dsaiogtCe' ver>' valls, sud Sh me upraducus a good coal, and, as it lies tui tmsking hat lay vi site noi fo. ra. nm s nos. <he ses, there le bat littIe diflonît>' in k., clutchhor hushand'a a. l incoi unaffected the transport af Cie coal. The Turks have fer - Iron1 la an absolutel>' Perfect imitation. neyer been successial in miuiug operatiaus. Sol baorganlet uaas< have studied starnas The>' have but fev umen of practical science, Fi -Evon I, who daiblea littie in argau-playig n' to to aamclrsci>'a ug i niyself, sud kuov boy <ho vhoîoe<ing le Choir officors Chat <bore is but liCle net re Th manage,,and boy <ho pedale are con plad venue froinsncb undertakinize. The>' are in' 0 sud svsyed--glance hastfl>' cte oindove toc, isalone ai foralguera te Concédéo Choir -9 teolook for Cie str.n cloude. Bah aâshame,!mines ticthom. The ompire abonuds lu mi- the ai tho involuntar>' movement, I Cura bsck noral veslth aifail kinde, particularl>' Thés. Sel s sud gaze up at Chu CalI veird argan-pipes, ealy, Bosuis, and Asia, Minai. On Uice lopes -W - sud at Cule glov honeatli, sud liten Te ai Olympus, in Che vole of Tempe, su Eng. nef estri rages as sterma 'do, sud sametimea vue lish compauy basein frmany yeara heon en- he lsirtbrough its hurate tho village choir, gaed Mi unaniog aperatiaus, chieflv amaug >.vitli Chose wouderinl voices, einging Choir <thoe silver sud gold deposits bmbedddlu tho e hymns. The Str. rails sud dieava>' in lianes ai Chie rendezvone ai <ho gode ai Gra- < ho distance, as atarme do, sud <ho antho. cisu fable. Thes is<lie oul>' oiaagu Compan>' r grovs cloarur sud more trioumphant. But it ai an>' note <bat bas beon able te obtain a Cer 1toa, diasava>' at last, sud basves notblug but valuable concession in <ho minorai. districts. à a s tilluesa la yen. oar. A moment'e Pause; Boanla abounda lu copper, lea, z inc, silver. bu, < ho littIe bell suddcnly rings agabu, sud &Dailsd ran ai <ho lirst qualit>'. Sbonld it faU j« le an ven, inCa th. bande ai Âustria, as it is likel>' ta 1 As vo go oo t hocathédral wv. Sud 1< le do in <lie settlemeut oaiheCi auCern question, ) not'b>' an>' menins dark outaide, not so dark 1< vill prove a source ai great voal<h teCthat P' ua on shnuld have expcted frointhe inter.-'Governînunt. En i or gbcain ai the building. Nevertholese su It in <b. opiniion ai a celebratie, Ruesisu toc official ai aur hotal vas waitiog fa.rne with scientiflo vriter, vho explared Asils Mina. in am a couple ai caudles iu an olil-fashioned détail soin. tan years age, sud uho published ai square lanteru.Ho goee hofora us, punc<bhi- the resulte of bis surve>', ChatthCeesude of lie onal>' shovlu un e . a>' home, sud as the Pactalus, if properly worked, wouid ai. esd punctiliousl>' blewiug ont <the caudles when fard frain <le sccumnlated d et it bas mn vo arrive at-the doûr ai <be hotel. This in pled up an t@Sshares a ricb yieId in gald, if hil obvionsl>' part ai <ho programi; sud 1< le not so get as it dad te Cress, yet lu quart- Oc *clear, irom caur fiend'e ma ~bt if <ho trties 1 t t onld astanisi <ho vorl,!. A< afi son vere hlazing full in <ho e o old various epoche <he Pactelus ban rovbvod its tee stilI go hoforu us viCli bis caudies, is court. fame as a gld-boaring Stream. The grains ten tenauco iminovablo as Chat oi anc vhis ri - ai <ho precione oie foun,!ilaits baid sud on gîdly performiug bis dut>', sud show us Chu its shores ara, no doubt, fri<urstod froin the c v>.quartz rocks in MC. Tinolue, vhere hoe it. a 1< vonld ha ungracions te $eo f iPri- foundations. Iu tho ime Bai Ch. lydian vol bourg vithout .ontionlag the prideofaithe kioga <he o gl,!roasares ai <ho Pacteolus "a bmodemn tevu-ite tva suapension bridges, maJio Sardis <ho riches< cit>' ai tho Easternth FChrovu aver diffèrent parte ai Cie ravine vorl,!. Shaf teSounk bunlie bovele cf t<lie whbch vu bave mentions,! heforo. We niauntain, sud crnshing mille after the Cali- t' craose,! hem hoti, ai courue. One ai <hem bfruie pattera migit rauder <bu Pacteolus sud ! IT leaprentt prn hata great bute ocurar h,yisr ne<h o um tohundoCh. <o man>' chidron g estn h.voCckh o-"@ex< maralu inasa. ecann-- case<.aic emisplscsd.Son. Ildoan't kuow vhers Ckev beloia m bt yýë 09, 1 la ýaII thecoin- &L8R~ eset Lfeý t 'lie *~ork i fini&Éed.- --'uttbu co bdies, a n4 C JCt. >WHAT musical instrument doe a chsp abl ia ts ýy, ftr A, d ia nt-fora public.lwuze rexnind one of!? Why, a vile. MOàtta'bý Ph' ed t hsead d inu, oficourse. onft W4hsometzpcégagne brmzin~ginto or >TuxuNx before you speak, and tbink before r, x*ýyy0anig, oékee uknown etbik1 tyo p.k liwh yoea %Peaky. onsea, n Ie o.ut moe oàxîn bo wa Posues.êwith s TIIÉ wave 0on which many a poor Ieliow Ki ssçýt t bethe6&Ut w&Y'to dovove bus been çarried awg i, on tue. edge of a in te a1h.d t . i low suc % lac e.edg e a k ih e& f ol m r~r. ~ bb a U' 'g TUEi following ad,',ertisemenit a 7 I pity tih manwoss Wfo ~newopaperO' Wantedt a second. anutof and i awsyobua om man ente. Old.asbio)ned oncespaint. W bhrtj Jidng prowyorv or bakingaà pud- bdoawod will do" ding-whic js wlth' u quesion te et ffl% Il ~"rem .arked a gentleman lent 'érer in{t. ed, *nUjoehers home .tac night, pausing to, resttayainst a convenicut 7b te thir-, bet lm.P-st ' pose I man animatad ga$ 1 efort ; bt e tà llîoffi 1o drivo -4 ~~ne-nover waasosebic-high be-before in a thiý ouseoldnuwider th ýrgii tL m y I-ife." Ol d r Z % r t >e b o m e D A I K E T g a v e th fo lo w in g r e u O n w b y théMon naI)W M , bi jot. . , the oolorcd race i superior et h wite . aident moreis ntwthau on e in"ailmou are Inde -of day, and 11ke the theY flîad 'ôânit friction eWenjbîg meeracham Pipe; they are more valuable fwiiela andi littfrwhoels.io when bighly colorcd." But cufoy# ând politenens are nothing' iii goma singera at à concert werce omnewlat.. their oyes i-iipared with thoir "way -" trld by findinq'th. selootion, "IWhen andt ,,ià rs1r~er'they flit they ring las wcaried wretche, sîuk to slecp," haod beeu praune, nl-at luat tiy peris in their printcd on teporme,"bnmr ried wrotches," etc. Létl, terearethoe im'làr pirt ,Soui thougbtlese persan sa It le un- Who stay, ana stan su tayuutil all the. kind to ridicule Chose items in thé. newspa- tea-bel ntb, eiabor!h=odlave rung :ndPeMsabout tis no easy tbing héngry littie Oale0 a ee bd.b irbeo eueagss disuter steemam a 1 l. l. y S s e eo ea centenarin; severa 11b6v ".Papal1" eoly et tCh. parlor doàr, if 1e. IlWILArbrought you to prison, my celor ail . efriend' aîd a jud 0 te a n iTO Snbuc alers, or visitouw a her, are th e" couatabi, sah. ,, Il ç"T wo te whm the, hostehibite au the PhotO&Maphe,~ but lmean-bad in- ahbmssteeceopi vives .dPrhatîe erncanything ta do with it?" Y,» anoient and!modeîm, Chat thehous &gade sbi m rn. and vainly wishea for more. They exhanat VICTORIA ADELAmEI MARY Louis., the Che fountains ofcciiverstioui and patience, Clown Prinacees of Prussia, basajust coin. and the reboun,! after tueur departire some- plctcd lber. tliirty-sevcnth year.- $he is a Cimes Iîoldos a int af "Cotal depravity."1 I good littls voman, like her nmother, aud atten Cbink of what àa sivery.haired mou may bc Empresa ai Germany tome day. once, sai, upon Che subjeot. 'NO"n but Chose who kcep up appearances Suàd ho : IlUmy lafcIhasve bea tryîn against heavy odda can understand wbat te row wiser ad btter, ad somtimes I servitude preteuce imposes upon Che sensi- !fei ie ngo; but wasbing-days, long tive soul. The Jetiug of confessed poverty ls journey# andbore, always Coach me that not ncarly so burnine as is the, rcalîty of -b.. there.cosderabi, wild beaut ln my dispo- ing poor while sccmiug tu bo rich. sition ater ail." "hbere 1 ami, between Cwo Cailors/'l cried a beau ait n public table, where a cou- oleaiyauug tailors were uated, wbo had A 1Monkoygs Death Soeue. JusIt begun bîlsineis for thcmsolvcs. "lTruc,' "I1 neyer saenIl a Cbiug in my lufe," ony afforcfto kcep anc gonse bctween us." said James Dono)hue,.Ch. night watchman of tbe Central Park Museum, New York, A GzaLIAx, who was askcd if lager beer IlOn Tucsday Zip, one ai -Mr. Baruum's was intehicating, rsphed : I"Veil, IFdinks monkeys, feU snddenly an,! dangerously mi ram sevcnty taecighty glassos a day, und 1 He was a great favorite with bis companions feel straight iu my upper star>' for suy-kind -their leader ln mishief. Superintendeut ai beesîneso, but cau't tel vat it conld do 0onklia cxamincd hlm, sudsid lic would mit mca vat makes s swil.tub af himacli." dic. W. got a bcd ai straw sud Cotton for Tus Pope has contributed grestly te the hlm, sud leit warm milk b>' Ida aide. mare humane treatinent ai the insane in "Aty tIl mauokeys a tatChdcde.Usu- Ital>', sud bas bestowed largo sums from bis all th mokey a niht it uddedtoge- privt purse wih this abject. Rame cau tuer, souind asleep; but Chus time thcy vere bos1t thefirst lunati a sylum, in Europe. It &Ui widc-aake, sittiogmilent sud motionless stood ia thc Piazza Colonna as carly as 15U8. watching Zpsdigois Zi p Ijn a On the death ai its foandera, a coniratcrnity corner nobbîng sud moaning. Jack su Poe, for its saperiatendence va. formied, which tbc twa trick monkcys, vere at bis side. was placed under the protection ai a (lardi- Yacks badZîi bd retting on bis besoin, nal sblPe.cvezy now Ijnd thn dipped bs TEE Gerian <laverumeut la expected te paw in the .11k sud wet Zip's lips. kte rm Plienfoprisont "lBut thcre's a stranger thiag about it akteGruuPrimu o emsint pet," Mr. Donohue continned; at mid. coutract 6 lban ai abaut $37,500,000. -The. îight~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Inu Ziidn. hncmawa y t ~prably desigued ta psy the fioating nigh ZÃŽdie. Ton amewha mypar- d su ad ta caver the lois likel>' te bu iu. ae ew ikc dai. AsZ:'o -s bra ytioil I - c rred in canverting ancient silver coin int o s ho rm i Jk o .h Ze nvc a dtt e llfsimp in the new gald coinage. W beu th e gald stand- and Pote spraug te bis aide. Pote loaked ,,t ard va first introduced, these couvcrting Zip, lifted np one ai hie pame, Capped bim operatious actual>' yielded. a surplus ; but uîîy~~~~~~~~ otÇ btpubica bitesteady depreciation ai silver silice thea îoat, raihe bis hu bscarsu thoaves has 'turnd the tables upan the German Fi- squcal. Jack in anower droppeil Zip just asnacdprtut natnrally as a human 'being vould at the. SUYELDER, the inventer ai lithagraphy, Lrst intimatiug Chat the iorm hlieheld was bora 1771, died.1834, bas beeu haaorcd vith d.ad. Pete vue the firstte rccovcr hinriself. a monument, wbich was unveile,! last week Slowly hoe approachcd him closoly, raised ,at Munichi, vhere for the luat twcnty-five himin hisaor=, drouppd him bard ou th, Iyoars ai bis lufe hievau Inîpectar ai thu boor ai Che cage, and as Zip 41id nlot mave, Royal Lithographie Office. Hcrwegeu, the srang te the uttermost porcé. Wasn'ti pointer, delivered the principal speecb, and Lat strange f" r related boy Senefelder, tua poor te procure Tereporter asseuted. 'i the mens ai printing hi, avu works, sought Thon, ir," coniud Mr. Danohue, some cheapeïr mode ai multiplyiug copies, 4came thc mot extraordinary thing cvor and, b>' a happy accident, iuveuted litho- witneesed in the park. The monkoys set up graphy. ,l mont piorciug sereama. The baby mou- 1152E Kiurr used ta bu cansiderod tbe ceya pressed cloea their mothers, sud the vesîthie8t man iu Prussia. For soma yoas maiues close te Che males. Ail cbattered past fie assesed himseif at 84,000 marks mid chatterod, sud pointcd te poor Zip. (£4,230) income Cax, vhich vas tfîc higbest FinalIy Potesuad Jack, followe,! by ail Che rate paid nChe kingdam. This year lie bas )thora, spraug te the bottom, ai the cage. roported a ver>' mach amailer incomc, Iiablc rhey werc ail sileut nov, moviug slow, sud ouI>" ta 63,009 marks income tax. Baron nthe florin ai a cidce they gradually came von Rotbschild, ai Frankfort, has rated him. iarer sud noarer. T heu, hugging close, self st s higlier figure, though not sa high as bey stopped. AUl night long Chey remain. Herr Krupp usod ta stand,. usmul>, at 68,.- d vstching the body, sud I ýaver 55w s 400 marks, that is £3,420. Baron Roths- vole Chat could beat Chat one 'for carnêst- child uow pays thc higlicat incoino tax in ess sud sympatby." Germauy. MONSIEUR WORT, the great dreas-ma- ker, appears ta bo a poot lu bis way. Not ]PERSONAL long ugo lheannonnced bie détermination ta Pâ- o poie a igdrngteI.muke for a young American lady, s real Pan- ba prmîsdtesiu duiugtholu-goldeu blonde, a gown of yollow silk. She ruational Pair at Milan in 1879. remonstrated-ývlîo ever heard ai a blonde ADELIDE NiLsos inannonco,!te play wesi-ing yollow-it vas ont ai Che question. a(lermany sud Italy in April, May, sud I"Yen might as vell sa>'," retorted Worth u ; and in Paris in September. sharp>', " that a blonde couldn't ait in the buîine" And tbe yeilow gown was AT the wcdding ai the Duke of Norfolk, made, sud proved ta ho heanty-giving. ýrmier Duke sud Hereditary Marshal afin nglsud, vitli Lady Flora Hastings, whicb M. GAILTIAUX bas published nome curions ook place Novembor 21, thc bridegroam, statistice on tbe dangers af traveling b>' land nong other presouts te bis bride, made anc in Franco. He says Chat in the diiqence anuld neer overpower hu vearor. lt fiir is no'longer a ncesity ith thumn. bould merly be au appropriste frame for a Time vas veu churoyards vero frightfl barming picture, briging ot the beautis places, especially ab igt,-on accant ai fthe. pctur, but nver distractiug atteu.- the spuki hich vero suppoed ta mako 6n rom it. Sa ev omen nnc[rtand ther abiding p laces ther. But if il vouls Wis W hy, vheu I find. I cenmake a costume eau hogenersl>' itroduced, the urrona,. lessm moe>' hanbaa been sgrod upon, 1Iinge ai ho sanctuar>' iii ho lighted plwith. uali>'an y clients y tellig tCbom no. a ri ghter lustro than the phosphoric &.les= ,ey ' Ci uk t h t it eau ot ho as ha adso mne th at bhave o t on hocu scoi. B ut it val n t it ought tqbe '~and Cby ould rather do for nu> one cbrch iu a tovu te, have avo m re m ateîd t added, owvvr mucb a monpol>' i tho flo ing il. P cv rote as designu may ho larrd, than pay les. 1i vl go daw, and collection boxeu ueglected murs yoi tins le a Mrot, Cnseuetly vien te scb an extent hat al the other churces uet l4es vlo naw dreoninl au art, 1 ill lose their merbers. Iusteadof starving ce vry gret satisiction la aving hem the ministers, sd charging igb p cv rote patrons. 1< isn'C eery voman vo kove te orahippers, heoleaginunechurch au Dw te voar a dre . WM on I have d oe kop its pastr in princel>' styl, and declaro r bout, 1 try te make my client de hon best, s diided very veek or tva toeoach origi. se ig er walk and iC do vn. To vlk al p ovolder. It can spars mono>' nough < t style la rare çaagh, but whn t cmes te suppi>' al the Madagascar-people ich > bég able te sb*don in a dreas properlin trosers sd flanel shirts, sn u nrih eUl, thre are nt may equal te t/st,I evrybody in Timbucetoo, with a hymn book, a tell y cu< '> 1 0te. Note, auit. Ppsrj.. , ~,Cheandauo Te. LAWLER Eî<nws af ail Brl3shes andveol on, ~~~ ~~~~ HIEaVe you seen the Ne' Illuminato.Ncinyr-SM N F ecau Corne Cornmeal, Oatmeal. FaI and Spring agn o htby. Crochery amd Glasimare in great gieyce -Csh paisi for ÂPPlcs, Pot,tButter, I &Vni o1~y W ~ r, 'a1wtây8-om h&ud? gt 1 West iv4~p~os ~ ,~ I -~ -' WHITBY, ONT. ylWAW, No.---- bylwt aid andi assiui the Picker- ingu Harbour Caenpaeqy (liiied) bi lendhw-tîjfathe- Companp lthe sam of Tweîîfy Ihausanti dol- lars, andto faaufaoize fte i4s ofdebou res for tibis purpise, andt fa ey a spocial raie for the. paysaeeaf of Ite Cebi, andi infereu¶ therebynj ecurred. eaase aa i.prveineusta ai Choir va-k5 FPas DivmisiasNo. 1, At Âne yeg ithi elu<oTownship ni Piclcereing rAnuitxy h o 1s a i n a i a b ou t s ix ty loa c s a n ,!d o l- F a -are onDiviseox No. 2, at the wliersas <ho ual,! Company' propose «, H__l, KlneeleBeniammn i ixenurntier couaiderable Burns iu on. -3asDmveeeaNa. 8, At t<b. ntir suda <r, exteudlng the -oighth concieao-Zbenon, -:SgtnÊder -c O oterimpravomo'nte. FOR Divisios N a. 4, eat<ho i ýwioreastheho a!,! iomnpauyunude, a Duffia Creek--Jas. Liton tatute ci Canada, 4dOi Victoria, chap. FaR Divlscos No. -5,Att<he 7, is sutliorized 4o issue boude or do- lentures nt oxceodiug lan<lie aggrogata - Broug -Wilzaàm Hnb %veutY-fSvo thons=n,!dollars, vhich Pas DivascoxNaNo-6, At ebenturs hal libe a irat charge on <ho , Claremont-7Tbou vaopertiee toileansd revonnea o ai sd PsDvsn a ,a b laMpan>'.Fo Ilixo7,Ath wheroas <ho rooponing ai the 1Harbaur DubraDsi nd Worke ai 1h. cald Cmp FORsd asDiviezes -No. 8, s him provemonte theroon have 1roved Wbtevi'-iohLWý onc] una 'inust continue to- prove af great FOR flivaeîoNo. 9, 0C(1thesýcbuN nd permanent ailvantage ta <ho Tovu- Conka-Adain Bîesai..' r, fPickenug, sud vici sdvautg rIlbe miChe. cubante,! b>'<he Iadi- inuaI oxpenditure prapesefi. NOTICE- wlieres, by tbe art reu.pcctiug anDicipal Institutions lu Che Province Tako Notice* Chat tho abovu la tOtario, sud ib7'-the Act toam ofapnpsed By-lwvibv Be saine, passie, li <la. lilrtvy-seveni-i-muta cousidenatiau hytie Cou ciraif Roi.Majosty's roigu, ca5e±0i16. Mulcipalit>' of <ho Township sni 6e caucil oftan>' Tavushepa spae site. one moaCt ram <tho TiraC y-lave for Icnding moue>' ta u . hereat in tho "WmrTCssoieu crporad Company,j inrespect ausnypapor, <lie date ai vbich tiret alit>'. vember, A. D. 1877, sud <bat ti vberoas, <ho security for s a ai of lectars aif<lie Raid Tawnship ai vIl bu talion thero n uhe Twe -venqt>'<ousin,! dollars ina>'ampi>' ho da>oiDecember,A.. 187, 8 - roviad, for b>' <ho issue- otdehontures Polig places, sud b>' snd bco 1 <lie cal,!Compan, sud pi.allected b>'Caring Officers<bei.in mentian me value ai <he Company'la pi.opei.ty, anci poiling places 'vill oapei ineoxpedient <bat <ho Corponoailis le Tawnship ai Pickering sald bar ai aine o ccki n thoforons id assistthebosrid-Campany b>' vs>'Date,! <li,28tb dlay.ai Novel [Ioan te <lie oxteut ai <venty thon- - * ECTORBEfl Mid doilars. -Tnu a'heress, 1< yul require <heouann iof Ton=_____ fvonteen hundre, sud Io.ty-iOur dol- - - ni te lie mise, anuaI>y yepecial I.MPÃ"RTA IT - NO TI -te, ou tic virole rateablo prprty af oe Maaicipfat o hepayont cithe Id sai a of t>' thoinu!deiolars bey Io tcalli fle ai id interest tiereon. tîon of thete jabditanti thorons, the amaunt ai the wholeràt.- W/tb>', Os/tit-a, Lins db property nI tho sai,! Tovnship ai .ckering accoading te the laut rovase,! andi vicitaity, fa or id equafize, asseseem olRal for tho CARPET DRP4R2'MI %ai.1877 le <brou millians sevea baul- uvtîic/t ihis Season oe e a -id an,! iauty onu Chausa,! one bu- n wid udliiy-aevcn dollars. (8,741.157î import-tnf faiures of ",bernas tho amaunt aiof<ho exieting lugae. Ouîr prebc'flfS doit ai Cie Township -oi Pick~ering is aiotinfta Ioorpr$40,000, t <bausan,! dollars, andi Chore te na opie rtes-lé toi1 tho principafoai- <res< <herean - cmrssBusl p arnre. and Kidderht8iniiter Cari rioreas, fan paylng tho debeuturea >I1aftieg8, Mais, Englis/t, apose,! o o beiïaned under <hie b>'- oilcloihs, if c.' Personsrtrq w, an,! <ho lutereet Chorean an eq<ial anual lapecisi rata ai ior<y-sneon hua- iiag -carpeis canfîcaig edCi parts ai one mmlin thedoiaryi Twenîy-,/lre dollars andi qnima ta ho levie,!l a ci hyesnduring îuàds avili smB ar e i e continuanme faid,!By'lsv w Ineirareant-hae f ie tc dion tea ail aCer rates. ttraeadhv h à <herefore enacte,! b>' <ho Municipal 8 ifnoc-aCanada ta -c/tý muai aif tbe Corporation of <ho'Town- frai Noe /t ad ip ai Pickering, sud it is bie n - frontL oeY cfD1'eEN' ted. 1*-ereye- P TL IE Y flbat it shaH sud ina' ho lail for Gvlden Gs'ij o s,! Corporation af <ha Tavuehi 128 fa 132 Kzng-ui. E Picklieriu ai nd u slathCe aai (pai Ws ak ckerlug oui-fâonpay (mite!), opge a 3fre -& oa> ai an tt ho.extent af <vont>' Square,) Taroi ansan& dollars. Nov. lOtie, 1877. i L'hat ion the pnrpoe soressa!thoe- ieveOf ai oMnniciPahltY af <ho Town- - lP ëfi]Pickiering shaU cause- dehon.ý neofaithoCorporation ai Chie Tawn- lp of Pickering ta he maaâ-ta li T E PA K RC ,ouat ai <vent>' <housan,! dollar, TH PA K RC ch debonture ta b. for no bus a aui sancnebundro,!ddllars, whIcigaad boutures ahail e sealed i vite .saia tho Corporation, nsudague,! b>'Ci.e aeveof athoe Baid Mulcipalit>', cri>' ch persoas ia>' hoautho . ze,! b>' e sai,! Council ta aIgu-<lie aime, suda allibe couutarsbguod b>' <h Trofaaurer ti ul! Baal = l tansudalsl ex- bit-an <ho face <hersai Che auChomit>' SEND STAMP FOR CeIRCULeAI d em v i c ile h >' e r e laeu e d . . _R&R MI.e sidohobntumes silu&bear date PARKR Rfl -ChO daV bereluaiten appointe,! for _ ecainintotforce of <is By-law, WEST MERIDENSICi payable au the dateasboe. 14tc. next moutione,, hatije tos>:- _ on anthu siat day a Docember, 1878S. 1, on Chu 31s< day ai Doembe,, 1879. 1, an Cie iat day ai Decenilbr 1880. EXECUTO 11 Si G, ou the Blat day ai December, 1:881 011 tnhe 31.t day ai Doco mber, 1Q82. 0OF VALUABLE 011 <ho Blet day of Decomber, 8 _1 3 i E J E S A r CiOnte 818et day ofDecembor, 1I %M L F A 4, on <hoeBlet day ai Decembor, 188M.t O, th Ce Blet day ai Dember, 188W&iLAR CT t, an the 8lsCday ci Docenhor, 1887. TO NSIM F F CA.RBO It on lime 81st day oi Decoinhor, 1888, 01 on Clie, Blet day ofDeceero,188, On Mfonday, 24th or Dec. 1, ou th. Bls< day ai Dccemne, 1M9. 2,on Cie Blet day ai December, 1891 HER WMIL BE SOLD 8,on h tl 4tday oi Deceaiher, 1892: T Prise5, b>'publiea on<ho Blat day cf Docember, 189. baving lands, ieeng caompaeý oth 1tday of Decemben, 189.p art io lot. No's. 4 su'E B a , a n <lie B let8 9 5 C n c e s s io n D . S c a rb o rc , 1i o on the Blet dya-esihr x115 ere - me or lees, on vw r ri, au theoBlet day ofiDocemnber, l896. dvoling bouse, lauge on setie Blat-aay ai Decemben, 1897. inildýinge,. Lot No. E - '- mari re nlem, vith ch debeutureaab i oas!.e sal f cet tie Branch i arAgna>' otfieDo- AibS" aea ~ e ion Bank inuth.efow of Whitby Ih"-ioa cOnf, he said -Dobeuturse shail hear inter. iiith l- tandatrtlierae0oiax PCenot.nOt annin tram <lie date Chueei sud I the- ftI0 Iiinternet shah beyayaM1eyýýon "u"tly J! ove.>'is . y. f Cogtaber in "~~Clo'nei <BD' Brai 15 ont, dé i (bij Ipn Gai I 1> LIS uaht. 14lhs,*s ~Gisu Pals AI. Cerh~ Pur. M lrotiw ~5MUN. s Graa Pff-,, eorifw Àmon. -UT uvluààgp , cm

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