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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1877, p. 4

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smss, otawea ueuue sLby-J, IBar"s. a Sale of-PbÀuno-L. rFairbanks, aoiufsp -ca-Jno. Christie, pCieckIooh, Ion fur gnardfanmltfp'-An<bnr Butgges, Orri.tges-Tuoss h ail New Yeoe's ps-amet-E. t goots eue lanWhitby-E. it bocka, an immense tck-J. lobe,taon. eth stock of Xousud ntNov >ods-J, S.Bob"tOon. Indium Lflhleu-S. C. tin. ': ln ue eo ater conte, Au uoGo Heetu' taxes-Hamitanu rove)r. , ry-Tlse.0. Wltfieit. absulut.. clearing oe-Heam. i & Harevwer. amienti, fanes geod-S, W. B. h. Dry eouis, pocis! burgain-ftamilon 9 arover, Caca-Von Maor. Nev beke-Bieltord lrcthora. Tise "Oonteunnal lsrp" and tIlier nov- eltie-S. W. B, Smithu. fIc lteral olr-hb. C. Brao, Ddllor came-s. W. B. Smuith. Xmaoanêfio-S. W. B3.smth.- Waronted vatciseq and iplexihinaa as. JohiaItn ONLY Si jo PER -ANNUM. Whltby, Thursday, Dee'oi 01877,' Supplement. We fluit a spîleînent thia wook, jr order ta makttoUp i mrneincasure th Hitubiribers for thse o,îcroaaoLîmont o sidvorfso4nicuts4 upon rîa(liug coluiinim. Complote Exonèrittion. Tlit @oiplvte cioncrittion of tii. Whltby High $chool front the recou "exn.tîîajaj fruda facliaîîtiud jl the followjtsg oxtract of a latter froc) tiha Cousinjasiane-. le ieda no coin mont. Wo only wisîiî the deajajon ILa 1on iautpplied carl fer, Wuu uw tii edtors of thosa paliers, whlo hava fi liattly aounwuited -upon fthc ovjd.ne AdIvoracly tate el~le itliy Iigh i coo 'f to givau ic ine rputifcfty ta tlic:axai eratfug paragrjiIt. o?îattf a biler ftes Jou Fllle, Il.JS. I. anîd (ttuîti 'Il- know of no circumatariecoia nected wth the la:t Intermedia Examnination, jJuly 28377,) tu lead r "-Io belfeve thist there was auy irre ularfty or diahoueaty in connectî wfth it ou the part of any pupîl or t - Whltby High School, cither before durfug the examination Yihe Pfckering Harbour By -Law 'thovnottng takoz uli oun aturd Frous tlle icf&nrratioîî wjtlîjn nr rea Wo haeljttla doiîbt tliat thea iy.l willbe aîrriod. Ilow any issan lttîv tise reai p)rlisnt audt future itercots the townshi fp ai 1iJkrfiig lit lusîsi whero thse rja fae au mtuali and thse ha nua, promeut and prospectivea, ansu an cau vote agofiust 5onelloure of the 1 -pasees conaproahansiou. Opposition suait. a case degcnerotvm iota dowur. oiulllna.'sTo isaiiy tu ha roi cd la te ho alan exponded uipon isarli iirovointa-tha townshîipsand peaplô ofPickrering xacoivitng ftlebc,. lt of tlhe addjtjonal ýexpondituir0. Oshawa Municipal Elections, 'theoaappoora te bc a good den 'wire.puilling fins Ohawa on tue pit. ? cvondfdotes for rmunfcfpal efecti fisera tro a naînler ofina-mes taflie. uaîud, ILlà asalU, tfckctg formued to se positiouns, witlu n xls hregar(d to \ wisis aof!etle ratepîayera. Mr. G. 1'edlar la the 9 *nly tuitnwlso N afr lied the courage ta came forward1 ly ond annonîsca hîtlusoîf a cana ~' for etiesafYrges of tise electara of WA Ra rùevo. Mr. 1ler ijauo pendant., honoat anU succoehful busij tison, ond a geutleuxan in oery worthy thse î'otuljdpnuaof hi ft lus course in thse counaj l hlert, bean consisatuaund it-rafghtfcprq and lucisasmewo bafera fiai? giVan faction ta thex groat fîulki of tlic payera of Oqhawa. liadasarves a forward in municipal lioiotnie, ani -our friandsR lu O1 îawa wjlf Asoist I grttfug it. CouaT,-Mi.l)isuoï l lciu, itnaau n Wtitîyhas thlroiughfi ergyoutl pualtin a dv 1ii ,1gl1 fori' hinisoîf In a short. titue a large noms rît Newmarket. Througis a o! jealolusy hia ýrivalein xxthat - have ied hlm brouglit before tItI tNagfmtraoy elsargcd wth obstr te hlghwoy, by placing lus go - fr-ont of lb is Youii8e. lus ;fille 0oata in elhe cases" anionnted ta t g' stesa misa. D"13214 PROTttitui UEOnAt,- sravp tsxsiy ai Mn. Francis MaNally, ing u vis >nu:treel, hi a' utrions q9pe icom -deAtShlsnrouglî aluy oni Thurado>' nigiî. Wiîotî ictir coai tove vusa ilgiti,' closet e air am fac as possible exaitec resuit vas 'aneacapa a! fouI gaos 8o affeeteal Mr. MeNalII,, hia. v auagitet', vhule sleeping, tlitIthis touna insensible ini theisetnnin'à Gunon wuse aliet liluit in ine ta lue; vent fntpi cunneoquences. VAs.uounFan itrmét anOip$t~ '-r Wmn o egesl, cf Myrtlo, liipueu tItis week foc New' Brunswick, ton voinabla Ootmwold ewems, splendid oUnitnola, for -wisihah.obtaèinet abfhié hgure. -A F'i"m BueRa OUT AT NBWOA&STLE on lamt -Tltunday. A block of building. va1li.4 at 820,000 via tostroyerl. ClazeeKa.OIivS AT '0. W. B f$tM s, alarge asortinnt*, dollor oa#i;4uîf ôvaille, ousai ihbmo;(pr Titi abouts wo_ . - _Ll f- - ' - a1 ,f;Ah al- . anaith# h. l Tii oaae Tht ~u-Th* L I ~ ~ tan*hatmliii, a mb h. IeaîeiaW. p*r ~The gowa m g ta li.wro nâ __rei '-a*î , -, qu~ ~ g.~ottsî brsîb titS 4w theBkt- 1-~ i aOfl.bfrti~Ïtiibrounerhrm em hui Wimt p, Asani od atifatt he. dmo io ab, aýàZw1W 9,d ý dzo hJgbaie the 7 " m Om. o " itu gât And docrthaiadsesiot Itihi0pri0.. mehor <afr £N1041PkA12Op51Znadon aaa. Itakem ong luiminyga ultain, o.r el154 ga But mutienthat o ngi Cia turmeiug< whatpixbl M A.lis fvousp$bàtea *tP nuI ""4m -à*~ -w it an on M â è hoT ha rd pnt-tit , it l c lnve rivae aeeraur araayau. colf xu t a î _0 O q Th lrd a -ee ie xaten'eitua"t~.p e . o~ ùi Tite lotg won vu Oeaaw s il t n sc mer &tousuae rebtlàîo o er b cu h ,-oý m pî nna a La e9 ' aley e"fd -, h 011n1 lttia ,ua g ou . 1i.ao nai 'V"i' 'rite l o aid ur'n b ckt ield îo.itataYhairad; ui os . I *,00 an "fg r Pfo éý"t>n m i 'i t ib & belan xigh onihnraf bow lyid ge',a Ï. iai, o'iý eà of-h An Lýf i se a Oxirt; 4t»ý t i.frae 'of fite x'ebemw iaIl Ad ito ils theubxrt orai i l&iybà i:m .& arn, l %.a q et0Ces h t IrLe itade ttitar'. emtoom d $trmitrldiAf moLt, wiw m eeh W Uaaao -cla l kletta.lr W-.-puým-.Fmao l qan bcad à coion 0, at yar o,,lv Ya e uo t t. a tba t h > b a l ut i n F ra n c e n a s . Oan d h i l c e w u 11 v e c p i ni ..te m a o r t b .a xe a g tl" i tm ;ti s a . P T s 8 N O c ar, '&men pugil sat donv.id tri ', l eaor ugef q t aedgBedlix. de- .,"pue a la eb o ma d ae l o!la edr a aa. Vr, hi, ' ir enr7ipun a etye -itslit lngmet. voerwlithseprfere t cea.a;oc InTrtae 'lnO i uR ARS e tmoet,$. l.dxok thoapy~ e lpc fbot b.' hi nwlrhtrdfn o n e e a ttc ietanYd fI uin Tne.ù. i*,ti Mntemhv nobtId nd oma tg xchrbu m a -de--g feaiat0-ed ~PO SR ail ingtOOi caroxaer owg lsi, boo shoh bl ema n d eutta lo ai odeep le'u a n Bondit furia ra "sýfrau kad on rad * àfie-a, lu, o uriele 5aodbySainJmtgaelng rhoi, .t rao aohaiieepl.ofit<i e daneandî .w poitng. bok ad tse.,9:yard . tresu .d s trim aide i i a . 1k ne m i emt u uie~eete a crae. t le publnyaicn de ea i aidptia h. iicent.o a o yathtsdde I on beadîta wo re i ce xt on t ,* ise ae" ld. ovao er, le truaafri dri.C gult c trfceelygt is lf iae x. di r t rin .le vu ihaniber cinudtem On, mi iéeamy rate' Jifo Ita. A on t tho ti. liar d f tise dressée, i ace etis ______ &o d7tgWet erie hauxîivodebae ontisecontct o tis Cai. jurna in "&mpqson' thél.t a' Bolahiais facatte eptheitaanm whoduee hreat'bonnsad b nd'tenise lepwrd bndfenn. or sie e ryara dncisaaao eue o! yu n e t m i n c e M nl g , a d a l i g d f o . @ n n v = 5 1 l c Wih H hampcovd ' eih i y frmot t ha, i at ,r i ned h ht. in iâ t v e rog tcis aeiap, maero the dýreI. G&dvne av é ie n e Nj. Orett e lo tit utinin si eom on ab ame n Tis eot b ut ths*ate f u oo mux h t chi re t o as po T wti br at u The _ _ _ I .ý'jjà ,tyý». '- - ai& e ootionm, sejAtid for moneaturetise Craodinandunmthestriluneninstancesv.oWt aedeepnhavtls foceretahifre ttchuterao! Nervous orblGainai >int E CD -re «t' awar bth . ut ho th te_ bhr o!à acri o n oe m i ea a t e . iîraiea m uie th onth an pu. N mcit. estoahet üsc a'tetie &vti DÎSE C F O v Éj r Che.fll*»ht dernnut a a Cauniumwapifticouapetéeisy lise i n g ofes at min tand lae; tesi 6 vaTph e in v ev. ftiso ae olne. n d ou. abiL'N" u S Iuqury ita tia caru î prctme ! is ec i àctcfgac tom p et . d as pa- îitho i.fv o gsii a i oy w ie sp oordt ie n-c f T r Oennn URingAtIS e TTEbeti , vis ac. io;ette-bua nueitve haine op p. bte 'shoal b ,oe d m lte ylitoarnor L "tri uxiY Isosevisa it tr i epo dei.; Win ,tmuai usera aimiad i. net aeUttisaIusuureiWirednh the, WHwATEVEiti made ofÂthe »Nî O nîrkbo uduîeiî ndeitina C, e t~idagi. is uidissaoniue o rttis ancù. t oti s er higis oànk, bedQ ,an rtQki Aechtai14.harlce castyn aCuaagi utotfaiaviC amàeaainar satêts r1ln etr'o' git dwic Tise ire . ôs éf àt *for afthvancme tnt fs . On. nnut ae an $1rc etHOW-' c*~ logicaser e D ee o a uxi ti e ea otai tu pae l fat to icou on e an . voeàian T ii.o cdin t e yars Ina'. d ltci4 ol d e:"cual I illo« io anra.Àddeo .aT'w ucac' CaaI pi.fa n aco nera Ia a d 0. a d .îp t ê obier oy trnly aismonr i tlu ataiebt onuuthe n :etyopeuple Cab- jvaat vagnit y oea-iin tomise ritma. th ?l'w Th'ed dw et ead eoftve Oc. vtahu raqd dte iesduchesegodr Q(KZ ogfs, ~ i ~ net mfrocegoMarnutant ovaid of >. u onnde, cf ixat7# iereineatd e nime on-th rou nd pt bmne -ron pit a aîscur m. e a ve hI. amdi*f rim04& ndent m o tise t ricset ftls veigteastee.I iloc GalmrlyC ii, sm Aetir U incisese fnsttutwnth aston ritism n onettvitisootietofEverving.tblItomfaThe-'oeaTJ r Th P o î>[ ata. covn, Ciscachie!whe ng, Chatif deuttehcata t is vsoe oatncie.Tbve, i h aechniluf oeniuae esesCodfo h haevr o ca isnîu o Te ACa-taxInttu, a> aiîlCiueexeuc, logdotacb eteai t e. thgapin inecFran cket emth o ls heT a a bmvdoho Sratielsise humislt an Mn f ptes noerri>' liait a nlr ago ils tcrihion, aipld pary teprospecoret ibrofcriolanle troi he vitisraachian tlit,'ot4h Z ---i-le&-w !- ~iM Mol'h ui y riaowre seai:e i re. 0fertse E chib tio .s T he e vd hats!mThdvlvtalrg oduikepofsinbn a lmo it batothmageet o ai t 'mnaton dia. aPOF1 EIC le- icusocthr iuuforu ofeChata mrissmon ro voluhfofx ns sita i t e -ond a n ccs'wpu etm f i s e a r eA SP C M D L plovgdb h Sleo h lctoSLe nbnpcmteayedtitepretment bt nns o Nrv u r t o, sue wslltt hecorl cloauîd: and flis e nb.1Cm et mftimeisauyta osplov e deetie vas -id o eo wt ins , C he s tan>' er. TieX -,-r, atul iuuinentg Iîiu thearr e tionsc,,C it t eli . csim'a ts alirm ts an teat a " on e . A temlfce'ras piittSo aee isn a , mdt'0" îies tat aYnh h aa., h uc tu nttcu agnaut tiedhrne .urI io se inet uàluatrah i se ser t r>'o! tie b ur sdm r i&i ntat a,-er d F OM W Ap g ATUAII iae'devisteaise Thesailiscn a. T etm a bakisccaei mikon thefo vafb'Ch, inutinIl, ane 1 t ave au ln Mcin, 8t ioae <imt ofauu'tst.vstgtin it or n Eoriasumte, t h a eâ ch a .rih Oi ie a e dÉ t i ...,,. 'usW0 i"'- loti>' tua se s rtes, and a. tIi orusot m- oiet>'os cf s, ic tbtise on er objCh t ie ioiî an.iia y baïla te i o - $ P reret nh Dcttic Is oie tue oruu nl tie bat rai Ma csi o n thi e Trcaeo, iwlvl essvs hue i1kmr i cmefe adiseret teChusag,-lterinj t 85 KIN hals a e ha e d, Caa a r ie'eni' anl year cul, "'f0t sa Il is0ccî>'t fen t rieos a on it e, gal l, oaesn d 00a ite an W ie aeea ui Ci selalvl bc ts roueseo i ris cul t e C, b t u sî t a rtof ici tis ei c aop . nul ie n rren a a Tey me ach n seinnte ishi e, i rnl in gbo v éi ns tde lu é;i nu at ue be o e iiofiti n v s re l z t . tisa atocîî 0f aijeandou iotea ocnsaltise neil cein-d'ivreoCana ! ise 6 t loega he adeilTeîrumomlcei ebni vixt r.etbM aie nt, visucddi ielt iine> vlvbd la ld Rv t Rome nd asortof geen ickhe Ln u do un. . C MB4,Drugg.., e-pi It u u tt ti t o ail, t ue nu r o a r.ti a ts e vi l y emi i t ee ero, o t t ea re d m i. V ri e a d r u d p i t u f t n d w t dýi »p naZ 1tttgrcî.it iutoftoîeraa m ertc. ucig ts tntCemmeiz iatonlerc 3 aarosesitt.ubutani tse >eh cguntu1g5"iKing b orisalcfToarceanu, cîttauus,inoui! triec tei t ovr nfr1C OtsChamp teMareIveprouviinunaem. uz -Amogte o! ihsoftrai vn, A a desse& c ii ainwsnaInr tipig x ctei ilct'a l ntect ruti nsfaîtce n ati- iic otihoft a hock et aiivardresa fts>blphrl i dm hcclcan - wr ~ ninrricontresaapwas'obatarut -- os haileteriitiet te dalicuguimi oc.acJr visiteuetinîscîf l ont atnCiscenevrinof the lîruiglve s, o ultat tsaucadmich tian rs S nai ; sec a l bh arf stig n hi xaiabythe vtitmaroouteth iecu ol ec uin lace a prs'Cia le un aetu inimeli bcnv rnt ut0 atlit oful ini u aliaso e îtag ymenr> c aie>' I oe is vlpr t aet "te si en- t uc nt wrpp r t a train n ale asn l a rkita nd ici Ite Bcnk iy n g ov> YardEW YO K as nut -i e inc es logth pnksik ails em ietln og . A recsnc c- to ligi uf î ntCt ah igitîat aîp, e e v iii d r aeitoPaisia tur tsaimt autien twie ic ccniC' l otrceloiteprpoe aisGur ain mai li waem.c ,on. tif iCn bIuw b ifambett crnfaaa l lishe w oe.hk w r f ht h ni noens u r Mah s raiosrule, h ai mhoicteiimrd o lL-ribudinbi niconiuthowol nt utui adeofte mi'0ionactm ental)le t rai n heaume poul.aÀ aCiaiiy astuecaicteaT h m renIsiu av Cî tuh C o rna t . e elie w e out,îas cgeaiedpte etno1871,hle inpecm sa ndlis' r ve asthbaalori the atret, wu feaina Ohu itngihdhisl i'A ar h 'astetO ie ntaulytltclauio frl isaitsat ahi rtinhti loe boatigscipian a l ulk iii s shev o t htieto heon lnau Tise dth d e criptions, a hptheil p rtebemngnotheredse oe sio nt or &va in ge i n .h ie a rlb u -d i . - iManuel. Bythe uke ir po ioi>'tet, ie-tr ath e a! P aria arlet faion. feinp mnierbndsofiet hcad îel t is are galt u i eyti a thiefo ceuseoadg e au ov o stoci Iluve of heinlioptr' nininc te ifs, nuon,, e urpenar, rotontnd hebntoftgiscrsgtead n ta deeelWan dt t>',io ds I tanustît tue ois cluuud tie r aCuftise mi. ite moneral uimea e,. eaesia yon is tosa 'cabor, vithes a pr n cf e c grAin wc ~a Pompq.tnur uqqprou e r xo t eolen in g e u aS so b ak , w e al y Pr c ,, . on olur at> qip tu canum o ditsp a n ze Uo u.,ter&tue ail da ' it r v !de sstrm e laceta ixî ed fc ea. hnrtvhue. MUl> iceverAet EVBJR SO DL bat§imel tis ai ttMoe i aainthosmeîihag fbe r iosanltuaai hatfamhastanliao thenia ana pnenie avrt1e lqalific atioanal Se u 'oooan on t Oh aa il otthe>'ceceatis, anis tpnkat y sin.Buhoeocevbuildityaksngat,'anandu, nt esuixF'l ew ld (iltuenwtt.alkt iisvsI u iicoss Osn>'nr t pumie w ontblakerocae gran d ise Wark inlaTMachines t i t h a w i , a t I t i a t v i s C i e S e t a e i s t e r y o n a e o nh e re n e a t d a y .T h e I l t e r u a c v l t hst s l k f n et i i s l a e n i l i s 5 0 c m:on e i b e mr n m u s a y n n g h n t w s i u i a a h r ( i n t i a , ,*' ~ jucOiultwomnses v.(e utt n oey o heExibtinng heC a !de anlrng e ' te h n eck v ja '-e te his étermnatin, Pini houe l tBrogiethe armevi ntis eisair Marat, Chatnetrt@ o nce ti>' rus e u arblack Ti a de in ina>' lie ver>' muaiutisatd ise& t hr ee'. uter W l sr ave f &are of the abinet, took pa t in t e discu spon.in t bc ipleasea."he A celerbrates ardivine bhuareviitamb tion ce.S haizerman,' TuhS R EETT E NT17$ 8 The rt i ai anitii -ieuîuouucly afnal ro f rdiamnd the g.,lliesbe augisteno!a it re cf p alern ais. Thctair lnens tn yaevryn vs ht 'u ae et Arnawceil. vc'tiot tuf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a d guareoilu t uu u opaissetin ar a l se m e , ..- .. .fo suia i s iîlia s d t e f oc e aur ii, j ofn t h .,s ,' t a O O T N the mats ullo f liea n dt sacal d the xu aur, as m arclealI8 reomte 6 ti a u es a tlUs vuliseuttabeimentugist cp at aa aingial frontscrosse each thur ad SoreofCoinFrenchverahCa ues. i.uscc the l f, enîativcc ol Iik te w na iisnll puo elteo cadmiersto, noranalon al cssls iatu wC l aste net i ta ce i .po utr r ui e intmoeti , . ,Crekiureiixocli-tt-rtis uxc u isîsuuîtar. lu bus Clise co ' lie len usai viton orne.eaidew of'ethea traiwn.tiA bouquet ofun iur. ti iit tîtlern to tonal on gtse a~ti ver t e s te 22 gathtismero ca e ret ioin: " 1 i ll bc a a iante f r an ce -ricapto jecsils, wttc[u uwusy throyat eirds ant is,,, O nCadetos. M sare uwnt l>' er ci lacacs e; t mleethav lc i-oiat'tsttuutofaoi it c hI A sîia 9"'sc aaurixu e soutsmuttltefo ccu a g~ y. R etnr x n g f ain a a r ed dhoir osal e ls . i sa b u i f o'a eaitter, suinte t e t e r m it '> " T-a 111uu ntcoL t .- ploit!iiis u tise m. s hcvouse naiscs ion, atise iAmat Ma ieieivr îlb boae siik bl ckaatdriaxo e t o lmùih u. . y an '.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~d e s Furos luic c oî uu e u n t ma a s mx. p o e r t ta v l o tl o nn g d sse s t llu ne rai . l ps fi u r e ," a ix: a dt h e an >'o f or w r t b ly O O M D L a W c m e lftgid s! m se aau a l w ilr, pse l _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brgledoiae n n caeiea; o al ia 8 cota areis en cnore ;: o econd:z>', hd a rain o ae lt us a miiior plnpc e .Wrt fAocprcelmi ilsîattiW ut s eac- (> t couliittu lii 80 wll t Merory ooutytregardktom avadveoPais. t8grydaamleh-aiSIithfrontofTOukO&k, lisR0GtuRS theFrenh, TURINGandGO.,i iulatuudst c>onctic lit eb u lt ool. nî e ted hec871mam ma. ton ccemsig alraintupin ogaeyum bsIicliofeths aifln, otc-Sand huitanda ra -NO RS S Pk.xSa TwONO waziulitaa v erS Mecar GamR e t ia;bride, ais e munaltseca o, juemellfatedtse' pafn let ns o i nk aLisiagrare neet ie. uluaicto i ulitge, rot ambuiiefta heSainqlnti oi mrnngviTheavreiv r os ic f n w i It hbpide k hroi& vac. aledeo att andaI eovisicis o a.l rFI AR ÂS M îvtîîî ietup iatira wa ferel, rou driat a mie ot uilforis bal, he ut. A othr ide, Ma. ionevotie lisotitte dIstsat, atseltheond sevodte, anerra n ier ec m aen o;ie gare.coîurea rnîbrosquk, aviln pisea. PÂL PTUH irnpîaeiehnîFIG ES r.uu hu f aet , ît s ý o cal pri l hi!mueer er ie resetoits; Ah ut i<oppit npetnea olf., JELO.-i s o una i>' hart o nai t lenCii tiseaisaes aP lO ticallWs, tae ahtnistacuptrj uissa;novr di Sfelidotes6rae!eatqhcuetiag, ieu l l iltat il e isfde iseloct ern v eero c mcalet b>' ulifcatilsamuidn cumabrad n a cuak m ors sitheofi ci', u o e ip l iks ei o e fnsand is les ttissubant iepan e ln i frun pinfVaenirensbce, isoatth nceifcfu. orao i or oiet > iînr'o ui km a. PUL nt intusewoc anuth altuf gan t e Se na p tetiu î r an.îîusm m vonaISanma anlis ie s naid>'esrit oy iofsicis goed ith a sl n oneat fhier.n m ueaY ug bodwligatoebr o o a i n t.PAwMiiiil lais nuissucol dsfraelse tvte>' aul f ersce atccale ot aceti tesai tayaer vofer nroteal ialahe suvere nti a>'sEa .AT lfratcuuvieabubal he Sat sf.e eretsand el.lii raaae. $8 llgITleVEn8 u: Lu-fcîulieralicQuin Vc aga n t heemlius erothe a a nder e n te orei 1e traa. tries vere spasce an t teu s fececa a, l caisesoion oes"StGtciiiCes Argent a,,îo u gg r to l hip gea. eea.nci a.tueci f. Sr>gat .J M tsibfLrsia urpint h ifre na ls bi isn bers Attt is Me.reealmoumn the g e ofsainl s ter a lesS it n lise osTe tei tiagson, v hateve r ikvo nî' i a>' th tel usare pyte st everu y Ra S SITEbyC.m sJ NE L & SO , Cu t l o u i i u s , u a n d a li t r t i i u v o a n d t i e c i ff u , w a r e h tel> '. o ut i f l t r e a fo r o yn g a u g e r s i st n l e h en e vi n e , t a h t vril . 1ub l5u 2 i g s t e t W s . T r n t .W m t d i e e y r s e t t i , W ar l a l isetîs tic B u- ia ie o imp tu l oe r l ian G ambetta aptie Te a te r hdepoC -c oi nttn d t>' vos cf vsite ga aidem ite lcel Txsya nd greoi a tci nth leiention, ne ltavsag cucrecg arsdex, ilbsni on i -ri, tcc ya gtui t l rCh ar y vr. Iii g oth sr ctla n r c ne r t h al nta dp ot 5 ure a tn el a d îi î O c, an . a s icav e l tli m e i itis e b ted n dal t o lam per i le using a oieaximt v e is r LFor 81.00 g a c a e .U eD Till Penat etil r C o e ," c n li on e v ifs g re nat p it Hi > teo u ct isey nan i h ne io nslatt er w u t,, 2r e w o t er dhon ne s othepuif s h v a e"cip l o , h t 1' h ariolcrat poua tiseElaux i. 'Sroyenaltiesrl allSis faquens>'nojoye, handiseeras AN NEW EAVERE.a l u tî liis u s t f C l e c l k e l d u s , o n a l e a n i b t m o t ~ a e , p o t a i e t t j e u r n a l £ ~ i s iudr eta swat o eoro u dipl i n g n z e . v e a l i s l m a i e n v e t, u t i a s t n j o y t ; h r s e a S a lt h v ie n d s l a o r fCcc u n e v s i rningfroma seted heirwholelengh. Te brde'asiity, mantl.etPrical haa ut .iouuî us isiet gae t ii b' -a tnielta, Atheflatter lurnetedanal tsaisit M.eytuilianLDbasqueetSotdoo satinofheit.ndso freal au- hOOltis puaroatte lisUcccluoi uscar.issls ! oîpiset, !. etuofftciaieaoilate. erlisxg t maCeivrupt vsras, o t e lan c b. ie rne feti>' avn~ icesof vei ai>' par Ilv i tlia058ena iltîuntse l ier. iiie, ttueisita lseiarrny, isere ne, g sutamupfur.ntéynucMk nselircnetaneuneeuid b>'raboyr!eriblionc..h Eotaailise presen, vlioreveril un1ylle ts tvîiuis, te tty u re utrs- ie'rna bad'euile, o ferila cbParnkit aituime wthe gratu utrutrdtetuantg,"fbiihsoialrpsu flicw sassci.. n tou clonicleucaon ts e b uto nigprepa>heponr eiugu ea.an et mi suxpesnin lieuhd te, tho aoC eliiut io h&frae; ion ife 8- STECEET, TORONROERSTO. tTURN O. tr mroi C5USsÀ Ni E Y At REss >n5ak ex foioi epresfevol standingr I St e WIra n G pýe i M A C IN E . " Ii-Cfrsn at en ii aettir io4lua-adftur ticonla'ar itilbtte" o tler ouiserr cisoxOne ,,sor Tica ecendpiankblettes jutat lea i ioth atinatil far ci tpoe andrrs uiti , d 'oBo.49. OONO cien.' iii tis îh rîîead i g poa cli am et a, A moSe n ie a e st t o 'ig w i s ont in an urni si lacis inte a o eap n len a vsd ibr u re i e î oî u t t e ; i s l k r -*- I D 'ise ituquxri vas niheairse vuetea d> train domibus aalhtixl,> te te ble h butn tres efr Cisî.M oan e, wYearaisngtTunisyn iirlb'fenn e 51322nir îgesauu t 5tta La, C. its viapoii oniatduth3 e besd vsade A lunea connarerler ma fentnie ; evthe ceaishixo fioerma e tils, h tthe rain y E i sont O t RUn ervvutWenne eurvmtou îIehr ik.N WI furt htaetuuuîtsioîse ttratam' ait v et mo r , ta votaeris n erain ilt aC'a!siStrse-cnit..iecadramelmInlgi isn u entouat innentaviietSigrc NwTc (;ls e t h sinic a sle ia oas obu- -i -x 1usa . .cab i t glc o dtao t a cse u bev ia uI cn ILe.'u -â ogan sparect lace ar iseasical uniaa. kuaoy tne osessings of Ca.day, onHin port ai il uuth le t o a e, a do h evid otte T lhe Equ m aux xno v give le ain a in tie leeves are as f a iionable as e îo v ale ves. tie evils of it bear p tie cl>' and i ue elî ', D O M1I O N S T N D A D S 'm RA lu Etu A R K lit anie103 datald ye.n.tiaulî lîautdduvar b lte loy olhlcens, Co proue. kating rink ; tis rotiscc relia ver>' buiness. Alao that viule tise neveat dreases are made fur thim (ia>' is cura. W r eattY, Des. S ( I.).L\.. 114IDIR 5oneaatuorrl:tNbjM.nC. AN] uuett - numrgtsusy.- aven>' fnae- lik, vitislSecrlb>' strappet on hec liacli vitis prinaesse bock, vilS fan train, un else leno>',antinet18ethu. e.murow ttirwtittecpin h iltdte Prieat, te satying caquette, 4dAlil fa fin. tise straigisî floigg emprss a bck, Cisat the Air...agnt.urNe or.S..., MO ai, lLAMB K la , nd 80 doer ctim il a ppress ins and' i me , m adam e -I Pr pare t a, m ent your fronts are n ul u l n n c fr ut iod lu foot B Musiness Item s. ]Luers ~ 0 f5 andatui frthe future. Jxgo. Nnpoe, clJustne, btaandepoatevlle il oco beualis. cri t,'tiea Ss. T- But lîow isa al Cis lu eaU. Tise Miniast iJ tytI>' trimeal 1 IF you is , hic., rat OC Cee'5Âist duriCNAE, HciOna ang r aioitn ero ssticen destitué ttoegniae, anxcirefuse to ss brxofhallmoe>ailsfrnliatsulse sith ie aPeroacising festive eason, procure HAIerN ciraI a.c.Oxu.! .-,. mntt caurlly-tl Carmisafuners. PAuSs, PFrance, Nev. 17 dagal o, i1878. - paselaTic, s. TaCupers,ýec4ntale Maoa iste iiof ýéetu.iëcruv rinslt anelst. eamag einm tem rperfection nu. ven> crepect asti grelt durahit- 405-IvI 11TWnt-Ceo, A îgeraToarOt muchrinledn drped FocomaefrntsGaiil young Tomne ahdofi i IY ta rccuuguîiz Iluef.' conetholiounb ytiset andtlivide? boit aret5erennsun-cerge tuCab Uuiinet,ad ont Ch ciecline te gi ve vo,', Wz final tississt mot vite boitIare uses!, un-Fre L iimseîî cal la hie beut, One huntireut uffarant sty'lesan izm es te citem NTE LA D , tocie ttytnhecn ationbil1 l»liseue nurferd, wet'tebasque roisali>' tonning hie Agauititm Wsofrnt.oLE ortemuusltinrst ihtheOrenaski ng tee muais, vonît yen kunti>'intac ot la quite shoert, tIlcevent it fret Mate OC Treble'a 5liingpere fitst.r fAmnI, i fnornacldltli>eti liton application.rSp. rATHuRIuE saa ioiatft ke>' ofi tte mon mi vstrlîfnM.A ml n.Baa riixiting viien tise vearec ta itling. Tise Tfot Ch,'ruuîlauu he abnetise Ma Ihal e Mn Bm isilre atner. A e îor. aBnte fanai bsqueslave duhîWitzx>ou visit Toronto, cal un Wiie, S' JTHIIESA W- R1 hEUMAT n i MDS PIl ide h odtekyo h iun ont third marnadea analof scbnue ae nae e iidl565RigStreet, Weat.Hl iesaows e GIêEI&WAElu aro sig cdnai o> atealbosetithe iliagean ce- Mrnochiberven ¶lr Bithe rmern'& co satin. Av angsli um. onik nailfeatCins f& q acemnnie auA oW ndL>orit h'l aaihat-2 ltr.ses hichangedthe uSeresCsiteuttonsaflbacoril ;tfcte 461 a it aron rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tate uh;iith>'vsigassa e- adisisre i ny udon. ahti'osos, tisiohîikgxiitse aarfs, ties, urnrellas, 40 aiioOtAWARi)D UE Bri-air titr tothe and; i t e whtpw mi- ncitrn et tieenîlaa isrlaarig.neck isiasquare, il i. placet an tisa lefI-hant hic., in lise Cil>'.0N 1 ) 1L-G uccr, nUtu ecaioi i or nt-rpuif rdeluiae amplo. In cerner ;if tise freonuis igis, il fa vora is e "Pitosssca, vibIyouhveai¶oeR.TbORER uali usaI au uuf arabed-o o "bio else hg on lise leit site. Worthi a man in the office cf a Boston±r-eul.fm ithtflongxml.IteFrSastPhidpi; onapasno a r tinstance, Mc. A mrboIt. a ise , o-'- havaENIS alu!aaîiuîtf tsr sabti:tsymptum, iii ~ n al a ieaes n oasmakes quaint beys cf six amoil leops cf sa. nineten mon stot txp anal epliet: Tbxank ALan Aie - is, aggintnth b udgtviin C i.marnies, %d-"onotiser ismâl>'; a iet in fltei leusain o auishin vidth, mut you ; den't cane if I do." b tfIlta et Trie vot a, nusatantforTseondge aeuacs fS eut vite le atho aruhiede.pot. one suais 1ev nea tise bock o!flise Tus Winler'clalgu of the Nev York - INZ'gRN4 2"J<) S' RA hi! -L ,c"ofattbt Ciod vidiih isem iîa ion civlvn. Aisec nloslu- hci ai>' as c miiquaro neak andal notiser in iront. Prom <I Domestia"I papor fassions cf avec a Chou. Parmi Lots For Sae FLYMaAihua ie Yliitw NCt eni~ unu o acui tam outt ~ ~ ~ wr diclto...h usi ieAeut> s rmt rthrl.a M.Baalnce efour le six plin ýround satin buttons, ao n ch sont styles fa ne real>', andi vili le sent ve m s oiiAnuhe t'ture ail un!~tyo go euLYI aaniLKA Prs, ?rio alD OTHERsuppressionALof>theushtyraillovaatdtsheachilqurit ofetheçseiconduindttËairtirarrdete, tohntenle hh the c>'tntry., ml-vould incan lections Soit onalac marti. Bacslcrawnauiesis'aelseitan te liugilgaontin Ihe centre, r'peste an>' useheatiuig lisenof therone aofbeticincaIN thR fe ~lb lit acanr, ai. 1"'ae..tpn.. nl* aeit tiec atd f ont eaeth Tw Lt lfaevllg nne1 tb iPaaniehon puuuioAd op orpoli) lsdu8teedfoicsac a teskrt-ard. TluigrXaanier o Ihea Torin terunwa cf Ihante vînfIaitst iepaueih n ttruauatru et ..slu expulsaion cf tise isole 0cm>'oftIl, unr ovu Dot #esumnatg ti@ setmil> ' o! B buat s laiserelt liouhe ront andlise dut e oahinEL W. utn & vi ., le rea'i a.evJ.aY. * titrelzeIpaLucu. ,SaITl&CeaOruui correspoandente u...ave peciapa Chose cf TKs great gaine 00v-Por. gsmlel1> i 5e stad a'.R . otn&C. watOn TEINT E P.R.. ox21. m ScmirsTH C., urphoHNTEE cgrstot.iau anapran, ant hus tisefine importera, 2N0 Ynge Streit, TrntTenante.tSt naqrm du t.CUdrf. mAGi ist the Mcdjaai nall, _'M StliPget b oer>' rt-acer o! tii Cltluuîi,lc- iliaC i' ypiy ai'-laitthCifs wrek ta thje estaijojujsIxsetof j. S. oBaerteanè, ]it'akëoilar, Wlifity. lis lissa& isagniffoont Ulepla>' o! Xiniit 90ods. Reot his advorîiaamaîsî. ARONAWA&YT Tiam nt. Lindsay an Wtdeiay aftanloao, tise ICt itta., Upset e carriaga Ici viicix were tva yonng ladfes. Ou\5theise6 se ý. 7qt. t oer Briuitl,,i -'tt 4nîI ciBairdl, Richasrd Hoigi, Jeas.iis-l j#., Wcu .Witllter. M vL..-Ctbtu. IlVati, icuocau Mclluîs, Peter Mttiiuiat, .\A-c. Lu tii. Gasu .Gu.(5ti 1, V. ltIramnt oit. (Iot,~tug i'îulMil' u)leti, jais. Pxcunna -lma>Lintcus, 4) M. Docker, Wun. 'Poeu, ueo.iBurtoo,J4s. McQuid, Cee. Geruir, Chas. Williamss, lias. Mitis. PotuVàuuip.-Arthur Shaw, A. J. Haer- fing&ge,-.a Relut. MoZziglst. ï"ui.8-Gea sleel Annaw St I..John, Somuel Dangias, W. à. HAr, jouI Show, STIICSTM At"icia. Mn. Ferguson lrougltit hie fifili PoCouen .............. 5 40 caport o!tise cotmmitCeo on Streela ont Eggs.................17ca 0 Isnpnoveioente. Btter .... 8 2 Tie standing comtiteo on Streeta W .... . . H a 22 .ood$8 @ @0 4 001 ant Iniprovemente beg Ca repart ltaI Wooi.................28. @ 80a tue, have abot lcaxapiettd huir labora Boef, ind quarter,...* 6 50 @ 37 10 foc te present year, anal love liere- »eeî taore quarter.... s e 0 @$5 50 face great Ipieaeure in snhmihling to you Siseeps............... 0 76 01 (JtiO o slateanent cf h. expendtînc01 thlie Rites ................... ce 00 s8eau appropriations plâceil0-- thisairerdit for P rk, Ijuerct ........ . # 450 @ Sa50 thue maintainapebi tiésetreete dnuriaq; ~ ............... 0 08 ýoXreseUt Yeu. .,Tesooîur ......mete V i.eCvetlron, Co - - ne fa~rna gm7 ' ,,1 O ts es. va î Lfo tutereit th et iua GE.GILCHRIST. Mnrel Wiitby, Dec. 1 th, 187. DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSIIP.1 The Ontario ban and SavIngs Co. p UBLIC NOTICE 15 HEBEBY GIVEN JhtteFr fT Lwe o a IUVIDEN D NO. 9. be,, tilseolveu b,' afflux et ime, AU l d ta t.d o t se l e d m ae t e ie pai ti O T IC E I 8 H E R E B Y G IV N T HA T l th e u n der ufgn ed, h o y ull is e pay al a D ividen ti ai our an si one- ali fpar te m a n t s a g a i t i l t e s a i e . I t u t . (d i ) > f a n t i e u r n t s i r m o n t St, , e i n g - TEPQ. , AWLEB. et the cote oft Nia. por cent. ppr aannu W hit yt D c. I tb, q77o' ÉL S b en ec are t p n uthe pOx opCapital Wisity5 Da. hCitI~77 - - of this Company; ndthCssI lie sinte vii Parties balebtedt teitlate Sen ar rai- e anueanalpayable on andal ter tisa lxii pctnli,' requestailto ecl ant setthe Ieir jannlar', 1878, at lse office ai te Coinpan', miccnnû aî once as buMl tatters .inuac-Cerne.' cf Ring anal Si ucue Bîceete, ebua. Z ihtisa oId6î*iuesa muet le praptiw a. By oderithe BuaSec ven ~ T~B.LÂLE 06. B.. XP.sLL 3*Seonr An Execahr eofsa wsi. Toronto, Dec. 12th, 1877. M2. in FA RMS FOR SALE IN TUE TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGÂR, CaOUOIY09ai iomton. Several excellant tas-ms, abtualed ii bise above tavnuhîp are for sale dsring lte pis.- anC violer, aliap, sa aon reasonabie terni a! t p y i. T isai. farts ares mitîsatauiDsa Lik.ye Onbano1 anto Markeîa, Sehooli Ralilcas anc Cisnrcis, are gencral,' m&il in, goot ocde.'anal cultiVatien, ve)lvoodoti sat votera!, analdihave goca i siings, arch- arts anal tences. For Terinsanal pacnarsa apl,'AI FISH.-Half.brrlm of zf,& White £eis; hait and -vbcle bsa Herringe, Hadales, Oatea, &o. Ail Kinda FamiIy (OrouipIn.A il. . JAMESON, 3 ! - il

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