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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Dec 1877, p. 6

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TBYJ th11e Pronnjaaa. JT of 1871, '0 JOHN. ber 'celthe koi OR gol oi as ndlslte iort.e Oo i c ne, tnr i i rtiîeosulék giiepal ru. io. 1I lise oncly to &adthet, if Itu. ton otdI iii endeavour'te serve yôut on as (Altl4fui1y in the future 0# in tepat. oud ilt îuny beit ettentiui» ývilt Le po glveui ta ihe iest .lfcha%-C CI the I bave thc houer tec Le, Gentlemen, 1Teur oledjent sîrveut, le49 MAJOR HARPER. TDO AGIN OPPER MYSELF FOR J.Dapoty eW, for Town o! Wh<tby, toi ,orIZ =nddeaireý,to retrthas for 1h. IiberdisUcpprt g .vn ue [st year, anmdc hope atter onesyeur's sxperieuce st lte -uui Cotucili, te ho somnowat boter iftted i eletedegalu>. te look atter. tir, itesate, csTowis<n f utuire fiban hereto-: fesm oa re,~- aaesycecco1y, Miu~tiodcpo-49 . JOHN IBLOW. Wiby-on of Dec. Y771 KNOW c heen beei -er lsued mseîîu st, t 1e seil mc- nJ@ Lrcouyil, ctbymaU ucih Assignées, 1 eet, of Pr LU quate, Oilot si huscIDcIýii<%âad the uleie 4t'& l0Cuéicn 01i ty erefr-um, mand cotmbclnsmorthon(b50 turigual pr. concItlealeliac. lwsclth pir . nio er o e o len, lnàibooko simd rrlutmt b>-theunos*ex.- Uf r e 0wusLp n "y juuusrbsbythc esost 1iuulîuettlusesr élitl Twety 1ur. ledes ic he w.-l) cerner aomai. 10 Ao Pa1mphlet, illlnsmrated ii<isou .e.L ?4oth9cilat agaEZ .ns-lMari. a Rnîuodjno1 Bricjk Toasi-as, usmi ti fE iran,, barn and ntne. AMdruss gtsrod sgo d f M sh 8 TO LOAN, $1000, to i#lýU09, 0 kusccvicon Iire day ERIT MLLÉB Asigios 'HRT &kLINDSAY 'AT. )11NSED UNIE -TABLE;. ront on WeclueedayNov. l4th, '77. mt Jerry....IA c illk i l.81 î.u, 1.1 aIt ietr tttions, fses ,Qrieet minoe- 'Bii eut aplllflLlon -t i umof th le Agemtm. g'L uit Lllmcdcav with tics Victoria ý FuttusuomiFalis, licbiaî-îom RAu- idan. Imaliblmrtomm, thel F rou Ï4raut aIclle Or lailway for Woqýlc-lle, Oillia Wua vicsm, -a tiilla um iltaliway, fotîn tvnuurmt UaiutheliaImit- rant lumliioï o tegive "ltke(ii armc I.sut- il -aiAgètm01 erattu pae~ , X or uroittJauj imly <lLrrat fi NcUstratlr charges, - - Iltkc?5,-,JAMES IUOLDEN, '11,know oF0131 r Ot.SALL' -î h Towi « Whitby. Icuclro blusreuelvcid luy li tiiurutiiti Ion 'lia îitrn'lIw ftcs t i mittitlîtul titumlly rasi- i-tu imtcitl lu. hti s c'-mliîbul- lus1 ciutl, foîtci ]ittut<t turlan ui îim M iuluu c îcctoîil a irge White Brick. House, wlth Clit- sCofle Faci'nga, %IL rofI I djmc '10 ci 1viihii miii R . îcct and fihi;~ccciîiiliet hîLlyliiit-Itir. îlot A hic mto blrlcic îcîliiiii, ctilib andi Iailccus, titcî.Lîîf itheItiocit cUlititil. icl 1ccr s iv tIuigii.i y hltitlitîc of i'IliiIicIi c1muclcfruit tises, gia inculLli ruito.c. < resilnue ln theb.ilichsocf Ontari. Thii= sus ai utnbo ic veci ouiLIipll lcation (ii Mrv,.ury, thl tgltrf Offiei, Whitbiy, Turudattuel., Torolito. 49i41n fioornsta fient, 8citable for comiortable d1welli'n 0, sutiî., mtud ovpr the Dru1ç itoro of Mr. T. C. Whit. tolu. Front cd bark exîteranccs ; liard audi:uIt waer, JOOÛ yard. ÂAjulrat the DRTICSTOI]TI. Wbutby, Nv.e1..ti48 STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. On Iprovd F.rm PropertY. 1 o -à.. Addresis BOX c., Meutalfe, 1P. o., Ont.1 PPLICATION TO PAXILIAMfENT.' NOTICE ISIIIE'REBYt GIVEN, ttat ap- miication willie madet te tParliamnofe Omtado, atI tIr cxt eusion, by lte Whitby, Port PerM-y&Lintdsay Italway Coump amy, for amiAct rcstrictiiig ilie power et <bu ,Conpany te creccie Morîgage ilolilsi on any tunthqr ex(uumslomu; b ratify tme present is. sie of lIhgts, ccidifaur sncb otiter amiud. ments Ai ai cy Tiicocsclened advisccble. Tuotic, iSîliNoveuiber, 1877. WILLIAM MULLOCE, Solicitor for Applicatons. 1IE11FI'RS STItAYED - FURB É I G'l' B.&Ocoq .WRons- -, - BYAK- RO BES DUi4J Q P - MlNr A~S S.S DELCP r=DMaeTTS. BALTIO SZAL CAPS, GRECA, Particuz1ar attenti6n giveen t speoially ati Torooto, Deo. S, 1877. J5 à77JQ Yp fi ly.8O -j 50 L Sgeize oxê'e UJL$4BINGe OUT AT A~F~ A fresh lot', of Canaries and Parrots just rËeced. - à r <~r ¾ C-1 ~ 'J F CY E~fI~~ IS now Co-M' Pleté i "B.y nm Very Special 1nduemen to thé'se UIN fl~lTKN'G Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and a the necessaries in this line. - Also, f ME -on te pensacs 0otit,cubscribem- ' C c lo t lm thcolmi f lPickering, 1 d ed tu prou-o propcuty. uay cxîîemseL4anduittake tjitoc iwiLyc tbc-rwic .tley citt bus mii in î eesai n (lue course of lait-. 5110 CfAIiLES GAIBUTT,. A L . A P I 51-aiti ~~~Clarcinint. AW'EL -API H OUSF, AND LOT FOR SAýLE ORWhitby, October 1Otli, 187-7. il. TOLET. A gooit Frauîîcî ttoreY-aitda.bsjtlionse, 22iH 28, andîulctelieîi. togelttir wiui uhal au aec of land, ieelI îlicted %<tli fruittise, BiLuIatc-d ou It8alitreet, ct-tst liait of the J). 7? ! (owmi of wlitby. off Duumiia.citet. l'Zhere FORV iu ilso a pild stable. Tht-n iit a good well 811(1 pnrimp, uamîth le fruit i ts(lii iCholcicit ADa kiimc. losc-sciln finit Novemuîsn. Apjily te MIt. RIîCHAlRDSON, oic1(ithelremiseus. or to T tics Pnipiiior. 4'.TÂTE. i.1 7R ai i Glrecnwood. THE WINDSOR. (Coi. Kinug ant York-cts) NOW OPEN. $2 ce PER DAY. liesoîumibîi tc cciifrir ciitrcii. Ta. bic amuît cîpoijàmînmt first-clcus. SC LLLEY & FINNIGAN 5-iy Proprietors. DIVIDEND NO. 1 Notice Id tcue,,"yglcntluat a dIviclunc of, duive lier cent, . f .lu crreict lcalt-yciar, b. lu ft et ôle rai fsix iur cent, per annun "Il, iltics paellnp (.l)a i ce lthe Bacnk, lias t1.ia ndciaredci, s aItt, sBanio ciii lis payable At tho flank auj ittt]3rînrios (piimlmoWu NS Y tleSECOIND lié- Tranaulr lloi>k, w ýil1 biic ('108Mfrot ie I t 0710î to lu leIt iziiibr lîitliu ciys Jly ciit.ffl iiee otrl Steilrcl2Jmml, irmuo,20(1< Nov., 1877. WANTRID. AO MAIST 1POU THE TAILOi.- iig Depcrtu<ucî, uuiti a goumil NOut Lt>WE$ & ItOWELL.. 4 '0E IS UHEUIT GIVEN TIIAT pïaf( wiU bus made ast <lic Uit "Pt e gllaUve Assembly tf the r of Ontario, for Anu-sut P) conslil. es beveral aC4e rclatiumg te the lueor. ti ol «lue Toromito end <ttawa flaul. ýlaniy, te tixîcuml the tino for ron. g he wert, <o lugalize ail by-laws g Mid by way 01 bolus <o the lsaid y, tidttag lm ow sof salît y st amltbmuuîs a t uiitr. I f-r aller 1~T K 8. '~ BEATTY. G. 'BE4TTY &C -DELLEVXLLE, ONTARIO, 0 d..1 ictages for obtliog a liO14 LEÀ9UOATION ,ue onle lu Cauracladirlte tcà t ey de4partmonim are anuy nde bavee çMcad by 1 .LOÂZ ,a toefr ho -.0à,~ T lIFOF IEES TO B3E TAREN 1CONSTABLES. (UuuIcr Onu-r ini Cucnail, datcd 24t1i day Of Juty, 1874.) 2. Airecit of uncli iuiiividual upouui warrant..................... 50s 2Sirvilig summons or sîîbpoeua....O 25 3'. Mil]e-age o terve u Unins, euh-. 4. îceuuta or warraunt.............. o 10 4. Mteaga wlu F ervice rnut bu o ocmli rocuf f dllue (ijlljiiCe. .', 0 Ji) 8. Mdcattikrrig driaolii, uri igaol, exclusive of digbursuCm.nts i sc.e uîsitrily uXpuucîtled lu tittir con- veyanue...:................. 0 6. Att.mudilig 1 clusturs mie enguumors Iluanfuleu îis.1t00 7Dû. o. whon suetigec More titan four houcrd................... 8. Attondimcg AsiZeîsOr cioî, uai day .................... 5 1). 'Rlcage travclisug ta attendi As. sizus, oaons, or betorc Jumstice., (when public couvuyauee eau le takeîî, oui yreasouable ctsburso. nents te e-)m............ 0 10, Sccunmo 1 J r Corneurs' loquest, iC incurug itteuinq i ut iquest, sudtaliserices in res. peut theea!hl d on HiC ume ay as Jury sunmouId........ ... 2 Oc il. Attening escli scjournmnent ticereof, if not ungaguscl ore 101four h t rs...... -.......10 12, Do. do. if engageo<ire than four liors ................... 1b la. Survfum' fuulnmom or smlcrpuna te V etetnd bafore Coroner (,inbject No. 10)............... »...... 025 14, Milsege servlu sames.......... 010 1.Ethuming body ulader Ceroiuer'sW ,warrant.............. 2 00 P .urylngane...........20 dt7 u'il Uitues*tVrraumt, sudtoie a -t riu1 dmre............i 1.Aa"rrtlsoig untier uiilisss wrr-, 9.rant-.. .............. A....... 1 60 Trawlllng 'te nuke dimtreas, or to sslaich for ooestua msku dia- tro- sWhev'no «oeils are funde. *0 10 20. 4"rpwlemsno,,~ hetber-by one o!. rMore, . Q mdý1'1ým411r BmUlo-c -E th '11] t WEL-.APOITED -HEAIBSE.1 THÉ FAILL 13- GO.T FO0R W E LL.-FI1T TINOG. C H2A . 1<00 42 ~ecc~. -000- BI*U' AMEIIICAN RTJBBER GOODS ON RAND. Gelitus' Ccd! f 'ootii and Shoes, the iest and momt dur1bl made ini the country. Ladies' iuperior goodsis n Prunelle, Kid and Goat, a opecialijy. Wlitn durability and cheapness are required, call on OUD No. 1. Large Arrivais 1 Cheap for Cash 1 1 WM. BURNS. Whlitby, Sept. 4tb, 1877. 23-12m PAIR COMPETITION WITHOUT PROTCETîONc MR. JORN FEIRGTJSON 18 sOW IN TE MABEET WITE BMS I. Whichi for quality ana riee vil be fouud unsurpassed. 0CIL 0-rTrIE3CI MT CI IlIade ml) in tMe Late8t Stylegsandiedn Shortest Yotice. A LARGE STOCK 0F? OVER-COATS AND BUFFALO AT BOTTOM PRIÇES. DUNDM$ STREET, NEW GOODS 1 FIINl. F-LS r ROBES, WHITBY Clothing and Gent's]-rnnishing House Ils now snpptied with ail the neýwéitstiiiéqof nglish, Scotch, and Canadian Clothu of ail kùi", :the Largest and Best Stock they ev-or had. (fo-. Also an excellent stock of Gents' Furnishinge1 , al ieiî. A splendid stock cf Ready-madcoOvercoats, Cheap for Cash. McMILLAN'S BLOCK, I3ROCX STREET, . WHITBY.ý WMI.BYAS 8TOVE DEPOT AND T/NSHOP. IDS itild CIÙ h ec» &oed'rkrd) k4 tht . Ier ho paow enabled te gitmer*g00d v..ntvevnç ew ~replete for Fail and Winte ný to seu offat ti *O Cail and pL tck and rce;. - ep.trifPOâinie wiu please. eand ýsgttIp Wctb ~d177. < j <d<- ORGÂ.NSBOSl Double IRèeds with five stops, Double six stops,, Triple Celeste flBeeds wt à%riad" èr styls, a elgan-ly inised, n slid aku Cass, ih styesailelea boutfnisedIslid ant ae, il and wthout (3ervhgbe a'vr L0 Ne wr hn er before e New Qg~ns rom ian pwAeds. fWghest MajPket Prce, fo! Proruce. i SeGon4urn4Me1odep*n114at $~~Q and $50o aci. Cali 'and examine Our xustnumet a-h Orau Factory, W hiby. and. com pae t cebe-r uyn elsewhere. .11 THE MUD&I Y R O]3 'O- 0 Whitby, Nov. l4th, 1877. GoosoR l KNW TQFM MICHAEL GLEE SON (late witlh E.,w where he wiii e happy to aee ail frieudmi. The,41 fl > view te meet the wanta cf ail. Home trade.is our ,esp isIaut 1 v viii defy couspetition in cvery lineocf the b Milss hep Ã"an good Gooda wiil demand custoînera. Nôthingwanted b old ôr -new eue, tome", ýutîaballbe *arn»Wýeuu ahe~ notice. A speoialtyin-<JOAL OILI ô gàlozis fl -ç : gr'.rodûce;of ail kinde vil be paid for jin ÇASH, goods given for the same at that rate. î GRExieoo, November 19th, 1877. FASHJONABLE TAIL ORINU' -i GO Wheiâe yon oadgýef a Well-fitting Garment :-To thé Tailoring Establishment of: ~EORGEGUR LcY ,-, rAA SUPERIOR CUTTING Si7x)ý>ES THRE' WOIK A Large Stock of Fine Clothos» best Engligh, Scotch and Can adian Twees. - Eicelentovercoatinga ana SPIendid Vest Pattermt. A ring Street.. osha" 51 N EW S. TA TIER B O0O K S T QR E George Yule béStoÃ" a1nnü.ethatte , h asrû-4peýdý hie Statiouery and Book.Storein "Whu'tby, where stationerY OfOail kunde, of the bemt quality, wil be kept onhzl;aa chool B3ooks of ee- description, Copy -Books, Slates, Pencils,' rik~s, c c, aï h oic ?tE EbIÀ HALL, BROCK ST'REETe WHITBYJ TUST reeeived froin> Nçw York, Montreal, and To- DRUOS, CHEMICAL8, TO/U ARTICLES~, -This wülenabeswM ýee ahmihand,to . ,fecet from ithe,.anufacturer, thereby Sa'ling Ou ustomers ti' ,middleman'a &IeVisit toouýr iEttsive1no Lprogres, lconvizreeevery one hat- g'I;,T -U F RC S IT edù PAS iT 'UY'FOR CASH ! "li-' o & C-O., utb pad to'-ti tlé e~ running a~prýesenii, W<-bc~ u ~do -1AMIh-TON Presenât year4 -J j i I~~c ~ SuFresh 8upp lyQf 11 Popu1ar Patent Medi- .Wpecial aettention givan toý,P1Lsicianq Pre8cription8. EU::"'S ole ýAgent inýWhitby for -ij & SNS M~TIC ACID CURE. G Wy~~ ~Pi ale at very Reasonable Prices: Several Open. Buggier, witli ýild'S éeat «Ladyfs Openi Phaitons latest style and~.r ygiCoee Phietons withRolling. Sgaty .also Liglit Ail made--of -,-Mtbà Material Whltbyq Jýuly Sth, 1876. r.' '.'emioy, flarlo-. c, 28 1 FINE RTS7 I. r TheD Jyad Weekl>r Papers-aIways on hnd Sub- acripionsSoliited Musical Instruments, including a fine aSS'ortpjént of Violins. Orders are taken for Periodicels. Magazines aud Music. JGRQJîY-UVE.ý W 1 LI *ÀM TI L. 1 Whitby,, Dec. 18th, 1876. CABINET F'AOTORY AND If Yoiu want it stove, eaUl and see a large stock and great varicty, lîevin.g ail the utoderu i'uprovements of the age. f R IU E W R R O S I "1i H E CROWN JEWEL" Seif-feeder, with or THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, i'HITBY, ithOut Ovon atttlerld, ia the newest anîd best. atove in the mnarket. R~Eaving boiglit My largo stock of sitoves fur Cash, I arn daermin.. Go where you cannot fai1- to ',be ad te sell.vrry chlepauti eam entsfied 1 eau ploaie uuy custoosera both lu quai. ity ;iadý pria.. Cous uuvape ,cî ihpee us. l . pleased iii moking selectiono of good furniture. We pu1t up Galvani'zeci Iron Eavc.trougha of any* 4,e, '*tlh Iren ourý,Da l -7,ia~ - S1 Dnawiug Boo m audBediroz Ses, Gal-nu xeow Iv.u 4w,ùo ethy'o! inspection, at astoniahig , Prime. Pin. IledusW p iEtensionTable-a er superior article. ~evey style. Souie-fie C1sIcomü rsalz wu C3-G PORT ~Whit y, Ontario À SPLENDIDPICTURES, iýf ,e '-LiIe-taken in a n4ment in the best style., Mi'. 8 secur d 1m erces of one t-le best noga- tive retouchera in the United States. réLel confident that I -can'tr u w oî-~ ual (ifizot fip ror,) to nYt ine ver b fore mn ade in this ountr .. ijgý CALLÂ AIND S1E MY WORK. ~ ef ai~ weleornle to, mspect tie allery. Fine Photos of the Leadink, St atèsneibfhe o ni ltight Hon. Sir.John Mlacdongldï,ý{, T. N. Gibbs, , and cf Bey. Bather McCann, .Rev. Mr. Laird, uid l1ading citizeus, for sale at BESTS' GAL-JLE nf CoY il lE: Ei nZP. atiTol. 0£", whllby, Oe MOh, 1877 .USTIMP-O-Ri -1 AND» V E R-VY ýH-E- 4 WhItby, Nov. 5a, lm - - 48 IRETUENS bidduicere e $ s ote. Cilimens of 4 ýnd , tfor the patronage b wdon - dlIcte ast year* and vouiri eta in tt a1'l beastaÇonInto pa , r. -rtDI (a Prairtical Paintortrxo, o on. ' are.nov prlred»-bdo i II9GN a Grainiug, Varuishing, P SlalAcng, au&dapst *4 - SPECIAL ATTENTION 6TO NTRY 0à SHKOP-Two deors north >eof Kmi norZY.Br9ek.f#treî,whitby. Ê96 th 1877; OT'EÂSIY ABýT &r/testmes, butitcnbemada ptedil atlia orp&M"10tthat vofurniah. ISSperwMk lu yoor owfl to-wu. Tenneeri Cbes.wyfiromi home otar nglit. -Tou eau» cannet lus nilisse a1~ other business. Termani u ui$ t Addres atonce ]H. LL ETT &t00r 41-ly Portlaund, ~7 5,00 0.,' ~r& i7 Inqucma of *290,au ardsat 7 Scent. Payaiblwe -yerly. j Apply to- GEO, . S. H4R sohcitor L.ANDS FOiR--SAUÈ Town4hirp' of Somrvle The fofloingjanas in Ythe to'wns Somerville, County ol Victoria, are a for sale.- X Th Ws jo Lt ,inte 1?<h 4crossea the lot, on whÃŽch i a miie thes side of a Zood zoad. Theprpie, Oflýlyjof a mile from araway uda the Victoria Railway, anil 8 milesa*ro. village of Kinuiounc. - fo Lot 7, in the l4th eoncutmfou, dutbno of 200 acres. The land <s well i having on it a lot of valuable uever-failing streazS of water roui thr the lot, wliich ja but one-gnd.a.sheu fromn a railway'station on the Victor.a way. The. conntry armtiis settled Messrs. John Goodan audfl 9 el '.u near Xinmeuunvii al J* iprope For Teo a ae, apply b JAS. WALHER Moray P. O. On'tarftu, or <o Mesars. H&TOH & BaO.,ç Âug 22na, 187. B3ItOUGIUM CÂRBIAGB WOEXS. . W J- nL xaly ifo<s hs Ptro ndn Pu eIU4b0as purohasadt Co s '~fnt Se for f Cùie ~ vU T 4nlIostes , befoweflltosjFe our Bu Brougbm'July 18th, 1876ý eMy INa vy T IS STAMPEjD IN ILT!Mtobaoci im: eOthe!, là"Genaine. *HlXl1Sept. 29, 1877. DR.WMLGRA'8 PEIFIC MEDI Tlue Great ' Remedj7 land'=t ayil, nz- bility and-Weaknes re M T bas hfy -een extensivsî, te e L~ yeara viti great OaC 93' Price. $1 Per package, or ai 10et $5, byV MaiL f MxOf us..- aol iuar n co pa phl l&? te sond ires r lv s etiu chy oe a an i elra i Canad. SADDLE1-,,, .AN_ ASe o w Wl L~M 1 'Q>4 S NLEAV POBT.]HopBlLi B,~-~j diec aty$i~nto ie 4re amdspê!ord~4 1r~pii9 4ery. pointga t 6805.n 0a t rnenw Lille,-los- fie ~ ~ c~uy sd Harosa neaiLinu.,anodler ibe Ge<.rpi, -flandISaratoga 'ru n - ftand int.iine ca shuno e sd &i-u tmat ~ V I L L I Â T H o M p 3. G . T A Tl e WhitbY, Nov. 14th, 1877. andj -AND- ]ET S T Y S 1 y * OUR NEWý OSHAWA. 1 à dw 1 "mi 1 1 1 a 1 - 1 1 ,.- 1 ýl m 1 1 1 li l 1 ài6" --- 1 va. mm 1 1 1 1 STARTING HOUSEKEEPING, AND 00 TO

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