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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1877, p. 5

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's SToaIc NEW PRflI83S ANUD~S~1 I 1- .4. ~n. Hlaving-corne out of the Fine eafely I have been 'enabled to re-in- vest . he total tamount of My mnsurance and alarge amount of othor Capital ini the purchase of an en- Gf]ook s Pràyer Booké, AuographAMbàýi i»xbles, Photograph " Wo <- b'Y xes , A eeiCases, er ar.esy Rockin reHobHoes To ys, DIls, Dolils'carnaàges, Tabi~ Bdsteads, By-~&r i tirelynew andtI .~ RE-SH -STOCK -0F- -Which having been secured; for Cash on most advantageoue terme, L am enabled to offer a fnuy -25 Per Cent Below Ordinary Priées To cash and 'prompt .iPaying Buyers at Wholesale and Retail. ideem it unnecessary to en- umerate the items ini detail of niy large and extensive -stock; any attenmpt to, do 80 would fil a dozen Ch"tronicles, suf- flc to saY that it ie coipletekin al - linos and that cuetomers WM ifnd on the preunises every article that may be enquired for.. Hol ,ade of Families making purchases of, fr ci C Holiday Orooeries Wil1- save MoneY and secureF- , good article by calling. EVERYTHINQ IN Teas, Coffees,'Cocoas, Choco- lates, &c., &c., My Liquors, as herèeofore, are of the beet brande and will be fou.ud unsurpassed ini, purity and cheapness. Agent for Cosgroye & Labatt's Ales. 1,Alets. BRa nol-. nr, 'q) , Ofl - - - -1 - - - - - - f YIaetieoI Walsbmmke,, BnekM i! YFAR8~1eri R Yà ,Ã" S sea -LA".... s ~ £VI agnîrïcenv N 't XMAS XMAS XMAS WLBUMS, ALBUM8, ALBUMS) GOODS GOODS GOODS GIFT GIFT GIFT LABGE LARGE BOO0KS$ BIBLES, BOORSPI, BIBLES,ý BOOKS, BIBLES' STOCK STOCK AUý,TOGeÀpn ALBUm TIoy's Toys Toys Rocking 4] *1 'j lB 'I. A t: s c» Q "VOL$uuuu&y ucets bbper gaiion Eu-i by the -Reg. I CO anued Fruits, Pickles, Biscute, of best quality. Oyeters, Haddies, Bioatere anda tieh of ail kinde, Herrings, Salmon Trout, &o., ini Barrels and haif- flarrels. Iamn making Suigars a specialty, and- 081afford to seil of Brown- Sugar for $.O ]eaisin sfor$0, for - $ 10 TLÀWLEjR. AÂmerloan Corn) Cornmeal-,,-Oatzneal. Feul and Spring V6.atý Ploux, ulways on hai dat low.t livins, prioe. HEobby florsesi Boyst--Sleigh-f Oheap, Oheap, Oheapl. -S. ROBERTSON AT ;ROCK STREET, TRI OL» STAND, - WHITBY, ONTI 3-enuine and AbsolutÉ --.CLEARING ZSALE~ AIAMI LTON& H AR'RO-WE R Lre stili continuing thl ein Sale of *PICKLES& 0=96' m l a o it=y. Zoote claats-'.im; val« ï, 1q,6 l ýpe b Fineet PirasCurante. Burnatt's Essence cof Leinen. Grond Rie. EenSgrcoloredfotn,, -pue (6w, ôélutmr. and S. Grapes. TLO NEW NUTS. W'aIut, Almd,PjbereBrl Ramsay Dundee' Marmade, 15 uârs, od in hlk. ai 5 .mIwo per IL.Genu~'o~s - :0-- lack and GNnq od,-5 e ipn hoice, 80 ' uts Choice momning Cong(b ueed in England.), ,I JO R Fil ld Gi p Eni Obb Pm Cm 2 bol 2 Clearing C3-ODB.D Customers calling now, will Iseeiure :7 -VERY SPECIALBAGNS* e as on.able Go o OTTERSY' ANDCAlRIAGÈS A Large-Assortmnt'of Cutesand, FOR,-SALE,' ýCHREAF, DtlI rom -AT'- lEET . WJY, NT**IO. - OFFEE. , - 1 ,Pure -3ev sud Moeha. WlIaou's~u4 coffe.~.hs mm 10 IL as01LIQUORS. Bns dýye, 2 up) 1Oper cGai. la B3,0 4-W&ti(Inp. usaauro), 5.5 rhite Whéat, Créumant, Béas md' lÀ"s, Gnu SI Champagns. I Porter; saoAfent for, Oçrlng, aglia Ale.) mson'a Iriah Whisksy, dirotiz. rtalion, $4.00 par pL, Wiunssaus. Pore Sootéh Whisksy; Glon Grant. 0n Gisulevit distrt'44.00 per pi., la ansme.»wé bôt7Io -:0-- -0:0---g.ý liatios, soda, Arrowoot, Wlue, Tom,1 mMey, Mxed, savoyt-Oary l SgiahGnouo ldlma EulIubush Bsutk. é Baco, Tongues, &. I I IILI1 tmO weekl ý5MQztra,) $1 0OO gent for Lan g t-rcEngliosh, -Arerican and Canadlian'T azines and Newsipapers:- Supplied at Publiehers' prices. Do]!vredto'Towna uSiledf to d0ou.ntry Subsoribers free of postage. ~Pop~ ~dÃ"?n_"lt. rned. aalgesand Price Lists Fxee. ÂT HEOLD SAD TIREWA' lity whoa aýagdodsouu&»r i10O pre. of Good1 '100ps pre. DPBE8S GOODS.-Blaekj ?sfein o es, l S d iff ere t s ba < D si M t r a ,200. um al Pl (Ilothiugsud Millinel weo obligig okto w, g~ REMEMBER TII - s ) Li i I IETPASTIRY FLOUE, FluBuokwhsat fou, &Ca~m nmi lslins. Farnash'm omi JHE-ISTMÂS CASE,.$40 Aul Pure Ligum anass ooti. tg@u Old Vhiaky, 2 botdu.Bm.4t Ohampsk"a, 2 " Rusa Gyrp, i " i. ri»h ,PueAppleo, CaforulaPesa, BRITISH GOD5.~ go*, B"ao J ~t, R 4~ jsflom l! ams,Goai kIlga ~~ Ksmtep -POTTD ~ Boy. Lat fMmd whole buI Ait enad$ F"1146çw. Are shewui he, 4.argeqt and,BestStock of Dress Goodain laiby.Thé Lardest antI Béat -Stock af Mantles. Thé LArgest And Cheapeet -Stock of Millinery.- The Largest and CheaetSok--of Z'ur Caps. The Largesl and Bet Stock of z' m»rfTie,, Hosiery, Tnderlothin, Glveï, l&o. 'MLIERY' AN D '1NTLES. We have the choiQesýtý4a by for thLe Best Assorfi- - -- - WHEITBY, ONT. ,TEI AND SMORE ! IVR4ToI7 JVc bq i ocoU i/tle aUeti- lion of théi uhaitants of SA LE 0OF Wit bY, Oshtawa, Lindsa*y and uid,eit, b o ltr D~ D R G-~OCARPET D19P.1£TMEYVT e'- Ihichithis t lt. son one of t iltflaIltt fetires r, our honse. Our Jtrestcuî Sîocl sIIEN~1~ Ev1 ~ omrn-ises, ivitescli pst A -b£ i aud Kidde>'rniiiqi-r(Jres are n6w offering their enflure Stock of -iIai Mals, Egilfro Gcoo, a.-a tremendous sacrifice, asmil be seen oic tb e.Pesnii .- STu«e;ty-irc dollar-s ant il,). Blankets $2 00, usual1 price, $3 00. terrds ifflU3i7ve more tan 3 0,;: (4 15. titeirfare-aitd Itae lte lari qest stock lu Caiadt Pt ocitoose 'set job 4 25, " 6 00. fronb. Yote ie address "~ w ~ it , 5 00, " ~ 00. 1P ETLL Y fr. liÏe .N Lustres from 10e fi yard, upwitas; ail Wool Fireneli <iolde, ni/lt des, a 25c. ; Dres iateriaI, 15e.'usuaL price, 25c. 128 to 132 Kin 'st. East, rice 85c. Grey Flannela at 82e. worth 50. Cotten (Olsîtosite Wlest .Market suI~vie,87t-- Pwors orh-Si50, for $1 -00;quar.e,) Torontio: Iand, #i1 0 per oard. Nv. 1Oth, 1877. m-47 â' 9pa # -innt o ',wded. , W e h ave engaged - - ait on Our customers duig this sale, wbieh je now TFIEPARKERGCUN, E STAND, HOPKINS' MUSIC HALL. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAS PARKER BRÃ"'S WEIST MERIDEN-9OT. TAILORING ORDER -DEPARTMENT. W a k e p a i r e t e s u t t e , a n " a G o o d F i t "9 guamateed. Th Largest Stock of Tweeds and Cloth ini Town. ]Fp-dùobiaWe Drese aJd Méaemaking à Large Stock of rooeries ad Crockery. L OWE& -POWELL. q --~ -~ -~RIS~iA -SAL FORTHENEXT TWO WEEKRS. W; Je HIOK.IE &0 Willoffr great bargains in Ladies Silk T ift , llss L d k v L de ,fe O f s n d C o ilare, H osiery - au d-" t~oe.In ,Dress Goods, we, will markF down at sucli prices as wÎîà effeot it épebêày ïilearance. '1 For Gentlemenl,-,we- haye the Best Assorted Stock ini Town Suiable for their wants. AFullSÃ"lcf edyadiJot 0 N~wa~*i,,Çurrants i-Lemon, Or-, ange~ ~~ 8 8~4Ct~P~s S~r n ee Faârmers' pro dttoe T a i i ts c ng e. W. J, HIOKIE & Co. MoMilans BlckBrook-sit,* Whitby. vER HE A p Treble Platedl Silvereéd 'Cruets, Butter eAlers, Cake Baskets,-- Card Beceiývers, s-poone, Forke a ood DiscoiiftmW. 118xiu to dispose of thé gJ--1LO~( Thortumnty fortos Wishng é nke'resetforXms.Inpection Ivtd Bogrs table, Pookt ulr n '0', r cke titeryu. ! ~~~-r EACH PLUG OF THIE "Mlyrtie Navy Tobacco" IS STAMPED T2-& 8,.7 IN GILT LETTERS. 1& None otiier Li tGnuine. , Hantilton, Sept. 29, 1877. - m4 House 'to Let. A COMPORTA»L, TW-STOEY Dwelliug,frame,contas'eisghtrooms -god. kitchen ; quarter acre of lani& Hanse wel inished. Corner-of Mary misS Ashe streets. Apply ta- DAFID 46-tf - On thé premises. S. G. BEATTY & 00O,- B3ELLE VILLE, ONTARIO. ONTARIOOSINESSRLEGE OSero advantagés for aobtabaig a COMMERCIAL EDUCA T/ON T'ulS tates Its se veral d epairtments aie conducteil by tisoraughly competont mien, Who teach that whicb they have ImarneS by aual business expersonce, and therefoe practlcally undeistand. TRE PUBLICATIONS aITILE COLLEGE. -Tho "Canadien Aceountant," "Joint Stock Comnpany Bock Keeping," "Beatty's Guida ta Elegant Writin," etc., have oh- 61usd. a national réputation, anS are ltse productions oi thé Princeipaissaoflise Col- legs, who are dsily engaged, togetlser wfth their tencisérs, 1w thé Claie ndLecture Booms, Collège Bank, and Merohant'ia En- poriuni, witli the Stisdents. TEE COURSE 15 SHORT, becansé thé teaching is thoraugs anS p oc- tical, and no pains are spassîto give ta ésc satudenit individu alp, ias véillas ta tise vasions classes, the persoisal attention ai thé teachara. te, TisaCollège Jaurnal, cantaining full informiation respectiug terms, nature of course, board, etc., saudyépchuÃŽeus ai peu manship. sent-fiee on application. Addtass S. G. BEATTY & CO, Roone toéfient, Suitabha for confortable Swellingasitu- aleS aven thé Drug store'cf 1Mr. T. G. Whit- fiolS, Front aud baok éntarances; baid anS soit watér, good yard. Aplat'tîe DRUG STORE. STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. DIVIDEND NO. 4. thangh nt of lent omltues t itis. a pleasant Medicinte, agrseab lte luea ud a-e Iblo ta thé e du4 storàleh. Soit!y suDm ll theLaboratoij o M [em Moutre3). lh a Lo u ao ad Savioga Ces DIYIIJEND NO. 9. cent. (4j) for the cuiront six montho, bemng st tbb* ratb 0i Mine per cent. perarmuni, hbit ee déclareSi upou tbe paid up Capital of this Uompany; sad& that the saige wIU be duie and gayable on and siter lthe d. January, 187 , aIt the office of thse Com8&DY, Corner of Ring and. Bincae Streets, théa- a. B r order ai thée]Board. eÉEMcmILLAK, Sac.-Tregurrer. )slsawa, December 187. 518, oTM,-. ELBOTORS 0F THE At the requely. cf a umi- berof the influeutial.ratepayers of the. town, 1 have been iÏduced to offér rmy- ..ielf asa -candidate foi-thé, offiée of Rýeeve aIthé fartheoming municipal Eléctions. Lhbave only to add tiai, if 1electet, I will endeavour to sarv-e jan PaS faithfulyiin the future as in the pst, aud _thatImy boit attention will be given ta thé hnnent discharge of thé dntlas. 1 I have tho houai to.be, Gentlemean, Yonr obedient servant, 49 MAJOR HARPEIR. TDO AGAMN OFFER MYSELF pOIl, .Ieputy eeve, for Town of Wbitby, for ler 1878 ; anSdédsire ta returu thanis fo ii.berai s-pprt *ive anie hst yesr, and hope atter oé e's eprence aiàtUs ConyCuci", talié smwhat btter fltted f <i hOt Ed egin). ta hok stes the T 0 TEE ELECTORS 0FP TEE TOWN 0F WHITBY. In obédince ta repeated solcioitfjI oSfer mnysali"a a nudidaté for canclns, for the Centre Ward, and pledge' mytelf (Cf eleotad) ta honestly and fitbfuhly perfrir 'vr Suvwth na teye slugly ta thé boit istu osa tétwu. T0 TE LECTORS 0F TE TOWNHJP F WHITEY. 1 take Llhis eas cf unonm- irg yan that I-interil withdrawlng froni the Il tinîcipal Cauncil, anS tharefore wiil Dot b. a candidate for th. comnigrosia, ai cir. cuxnstances: necessîtate gsncb a -coune. Thaukiugyon for those onfi&euce you--havs already pliced in me during my short terni of office. I haV6 thé honor to'be, Slis. Your obediont sgerva*4 FARIvt FOR SALE*. T EUNDERSIGfflD OFFEES FOR- sale- tsenasth hal c otf lumber ge,; in thée811h Concession ai Tiorsis, ans bus. dredacrestwnyowieseeao-l. ation goo2j aÃ"u1ilO±Iveàos ron svostaIu asu fos milhes fromtiso Woodvilha Junctlon ai the MidianS suS Niplauing a. R. Tiléuuiutible-Terms »essy< Fet articulmrsàpp 1y to' Chia. Rblun, or CL - T.Bruée, Beavorton, or ta ARCHIDALD GILLIBB, 50.4iuon tise Premusù,.- Ty1TUlT, PORT PERET LIDSAY CONDENSED -IIME TABLE.. TakiiîgeotIte-t on WednesdLy, Nov. 14tlh,'7V.. Leate Whitby....0..0M a . 5pe Port Penny. .11,21 YZ *4 Renula ..._ 1-2P :u. 8M _ Arrive Liudaay.1.00 uS _. __ TRAINS coING a Boo. Millej...7-"' .0 am-. Part Porry,...4&0 ' 4m m Arrive whfby ..... Q.2 6,5 For Iir Table, ta Companv, Connea 011W. P. P. &tL. B lteggage cheeked litt whltby, Nov. O, 187. LANDS- F( il; -ownship ol COFT -0 Theffllowius-lands SomervMeié.Couuty o1 NEW 'ai z z M o z -4 o o 13 lbs, .20 Ibs. of Valenltia 20 14s. of Currants L r., 21 1 1 1 Il 1 1 o Ã" ll- 1-1 Of -Uogtage. op LýJLWMM t «cqm-w4-u bu i -0:0 ilv - WAREBOOMS. lq - DO- -01.0 ---o:o -

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