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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Apr 1878, p. 2

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EIOCKING ACCIDENT.-AU accident, ful to think of, happenea to's, iittie named James Burke in Duchess Dt, Toronto, last Montlay afternoon. little fellow was playing in the A when a heavy dray belonging to ies' brewery passed by, and he ran * t for, the'purpose of haîring ailde' le anging on àt thé back bis feel ýht in the spokea of the whoel and ras dragged in botween the wheel the springs. The flesh waa tora one of bis thighs and both of bis caps crusbed. Thero was aleo a prous swelling on the neck and the was bruised. There is no hope of acovery. ;OTIMIL NEW YOILIC SàviNGs BAtiic' ED.-The last Savinge Bank failure' lew York-that of the Sixpenny aga Bank-was a bail une. There 80,000 depooltors, 'mostly very people, who bad to thAir credit ý7,10S. There is a defici.L in the a of the bauk exceeding 080,000., management of the bankfor,,,yeare led by the Superintendoift of Sav. Banks to have been negligent, im- 3ut, and di8advantageous. It is nown to what extent the deposi- vill losé. This i4 , tlie eighth )ank that has auccumbed during rear in New York. DZES To Dz,&Ta.-Last Tburaday ng au Indi ' an,,belongiug to Sougog a, known ad «lone-eyecl Pate,11 was ý dead, with bis heaa unaer'a logi, r. John Adams' farm, at the font ý 18land. He was at once conveý-, -,, Ime, wlien a Coroner was àong it hohl . quest.- TÈý supposi. that lie froze to death, WbUe ' un., ie-influenceýof liquor f havjuý g'-ge âr on bis way 110.1ne.-Siandai--di MANITOBA-INDIAN ,AP -, PRERENSIONS. -A deputation of the .ýI sseau Biver intervie*ed Lieut.-Gov- ernor Cauchonat,,Wiànipeg, last Sat. urday; to expïéise'àpprëbens-1,0n7à tbat they wouI4 not bejuetly trested regard- ing their roserve. Theý,'we're appar- ently satiseea * h--ý' the '« ' wit mtervieit for ýhe'y,,àf.terwards paraded the town,' carrying. the Union Jack, beating L 'drums, and singing. > L Ai; OLD LAvy monmaim W DEATit. p-4n old lady.named Jackson, wu auf- focaied to death in Hamilton' on the 29th ult. Itap eare that abe wasin the habit of Sinoting-ip 1 boa; and- it la surmisedtbat a spçrkfroiia- borpipe net firêto Iiir-bed blothinki with the resuls above stated. Taz.Tàx oN ucoxzs oyDoumioN PFFXÇXALBý-The case. of 'Leprohon'y. Ottawa which involvesîhe question- of the po or of municipalities to ta% - the incomes of Dominion officials, will be carriedeither to the Supreme Court or to the Priv& CôuneiL _Sbould the ral. ing ofthe ourt-of Appeal in the case on Sattirà 'bé upheldjý_thê -City of Ottawa, wil baya some - hiindrea and ,,twenty thousan'd dollars to ref î nd. to'DCiD;G TIOUSI'gSi ýFO]a TEM POOR---'ý' Lady Burdett Coiitte parposes, erecting, in London lodgingscapable of accom- modating tegthopiand goor, persona at a iiàsiximura rênt- of a irifie ëvéýe A, dol- lar a week par domicile. GIRL oF FouaTF.Pýiï ROASTED' Té DEATH.-On Batgrdav whilot, , Oli'Fei "dauqhteý of rra Grcxtýn, agçd fourteen ye" 'loue in the wood8 near w&'I - ,a Wjèb idg'é, making sugar, hèr'al0thOs èaught ûre."' Her scréàme brought as- siatance, but not u:'ntilýheÃŽ:01o'tbe8'w6ý0 ýtIrnt off, and ber body literally rosît- ed. She, lived about £va hours, ane was oouàoioùa'up, to Ihé time 'of lier T . Duz or Myxico.-The questionj o Il oognizing President Diaz, ýPf Mexico. la ixpected to be " before the United States coiigmà this week. ý Q_- - 42- ýODY OF MISS JULII RGWSIRELL JND.-GUelph, April 1.-The body lie lâte Miss Julia Rowswell, of Dur. ii, who so mysteriously dioappCared n Guelph ton days ago, and after )m a constaut scarch lias bopn képt was found in the river Speed this rnoon by two yeung men while out ting. Au inquest was held this aing, when a verdict waE, given that ?ased came to ber deatli by drown- by lier own act while in au nusound o of mind, and that no blame is to .ttached to tbose parties in whose, -go she was. 41UTISE-lizy 0001000'-Tl)b year énàinfr mi *un wvuubjr. QI-. -1ý ý bue AU111ID017-19. Frost "0114 JW lo*uardc'&e- osmir qualhy, _41111I. 419 je ta be Car I.Pf.aucne t oum.d ava- 1 £JWWP abc[, Odd Villowi ajalbi B., pr6e, "Fdw 0' tho CýomààÏlôïiii of Ong= iuu à1M,ý il. _ý we liegan to disagree ab ËlldaljF ana .",40nt $0, th fght iWAS Marded by à Catholie prieigit, and è2r out rel4doli; I fflda 0 âfrai Toronto, br a tcýiÉÏ' an bc P ýhw*i#Od at City bons" tas '"à 01 HIU PropàrtYècý_A., Agindrygoodoso thgrocariescloth- 0 r exporte ffroiù ihé* D ffldp. u4p 3d last wi 1 and 'not b a krotoitant afwrwarde I 'Venty th r From 7.", tboul there ivoire o4fier reasans for lug, bOOÙ and $boss, and a" et"' r t . mon a' eb Usple &uD&r-àuà x4plé SyrQp.ý_1t -RW>111ýhe Tmpartage wimtor, mad ý-0Xdob1r, on». ad 01 na 1876, whie ehowed thM during. lie nocuurieu. Complaint la m= Il It ?'Y.ý Y ý 'mýny ai " ësrà suault upon'a "Iàýty wo gè:ý ýUdf1W5-76, lq&nla ÀPIý0ihted 1 ý' 0 e 0 *12 Mr. Britton-I do net withotu the Honorable John Simpson and trmnuà Iwhéù à1àd flour ta -tien, sa ta ïl uqk.kw-nkl- &Ibo-u. Frost. WÃŽW -Rm*a*o ta our house. anyc y huaband -f-ntient. side welSime au a guest, Gýardemr Wantià.- chues inthâ ayins thé, roady I!th ber-,'l always express. Baker, plead 6ty, P Dra 1, 0160 110 -44 net, atrix ofthe 'els more wh«t thap the Ineo b,62- ý Departmont Ù0 ý ý Il . pU&y before'the court, 4ýt ho wrotè s 'Honorable John Bimpson hu renounc- ý1 od myèéIf ii , utionea With thè tmàtàMt cash for thoir requirementill, thns with., -liklé the other blackgaard reu thé said a thègîëfWoýèÜë, whioh ivéré yeare of tu 121ilers- anty Oiàtario- tige childrin rcoeiv0d et Mr.. Dtnm-' dràwing thëir support from the mor- avéÏàga, qbïopo, ýof abont 2^ million b The audit ubblld't, but Iîtier nôt pledied ' ta, bve <ëbmwtnà>týïdesm»n aie home.' letter in'wlÙok ho acknowledg«:w» of.; "qrlanýfflte 1 > ' -, ' ' ' 1. -_1 th , eln there ; nt fir8t I Wagi', allô*ed - to fonce. 'WM ha ble lubed'? Dose lie ta the sala David Fisher and Jane pprU' of sec them four t. je ý unfair-, if they 'con ho egi our, , ex Imea a yoar;-ý2y bus. Dot doservethe 1,ýuuMmOnt m much &Z Malvins Dra r - and whereu thi *lie&- tand, oÃŽLr'dàdnï the Yeâ, enaing thl bààd'@'Ie*lereoffered me tour hi;'ndrâd well oervedit théir own locality ? Such 'S tem aboue'ý2J ir kité doUsàrsiyotr, and pýëtniseion to tu a. couru je rainons ta home trade and Baker? :Ofthet*ô à&bderi, la not Port Whif àï" ur ggituâte in thé neh les8 ýilfflu our - im2orts. £DY chuclren -Oight times 4 'Tour, if 1, a positive, disecuragement to the aizog- the 1 re tab a hotu ontado, togotliiý ;With' the piers, and ne the groAter P Ho ý*buied the con tÃ"wca]ÙP 'afW.447, U; thé COUUtY i0f, debw ta *0 bourtogY p4ort, . of tlie ONLY Oz 39 PER ANNUÏÏ- would withdraw e ffle béfère the gý6 g. marchent and trâdesman.-we, Adoncé of I lehol Customs'for âteî rom, OpArt 1 ampw !the - ô1yàîI,ý 1 decIiie ha . wu hoapitibly en br«kwatbra. apprfflhes and other - - ------- allother. Upon mutuel Whera tertainedi »rksWhioh won Vostègà in Her Mejesi. a 6 re W" I have ý compù- acco to tell- yoriz'*Iïori îhq dhlldiëii an ni o* BhOuld h@IP bue ed the YI il . ýIu ýl-.f Qs et 1 Whitby, Thù* Ï878. 'ho" 1 tock »ili lut tIme.ý, hew'in«' 4' or w assistance of this kind the Pr'ouPeiity of lu addition to hie nastinefs. True, ho -ty were, by Ordor in Coûneil, diteclýthe an Job Pli ýJtâten»nt 8 the Po 4ýWg 1 otite cLtbiùis, hié Lordý- 'the , com'muôity vory much depends. did not procâéd'.to direct opeli Violence one thýns- tity of *base and gour, 'impor.tod., and'aight, buadred inclýýdxty-four, mode to', and a 70ýw D mm .. ion *1 ;,Mr. Wicki uýipohiefjuotios tiànhon &&YB:-If The, circulation Qf the MoneY nt home toueo'ÙP"ehhWPU iga' -Theýb%* la pumuanoi,-ofthé iâthority in that 'the columitti Trial of Williani-GooàwLa for -IA6dýë. th "-ria«qOý wuaotinè 'unager ber la. bonsfies the whole oommunay in *9 wu too àld ma cantio" i et à' ýof Oklioýds,' &" g the quartiers Mg cm a n Or tô 1114 beffl ýgiven by the twenty-eighth end, tionl'of the Nelth Children. is no, a ony., ThW actual violence. Cloaked byý 76 àd M7ý 'alàt;DDeq'u*p 18 that aid ta tl nous hü; zeligi- chaPtér, of the--Donoolidiiýed Statutes Ï878 brio. fleur b n-ths hundred ramification$ of busi porto intc, us.' Wheit for 8ý mo g*iotiài'iewlât Wk" Place one and tempe.-ance Prêtences, the banàda,'gràÙÏà,âna sold ta the ' ý#y' 1m i, 'l'ho trial of Mr. Wilhàm Goridwin' The la'w 'Ini'the case te quoted, se, fol- tbrougli which à passes. M &Y -a bc Iowa by Mr. M. 0. Canîroî, .'Ciïuii"l gay:_«Il am rich; I oie no man any- "YPOCIt'el by inainuating wiles en- Whitby Harbour M au dy oDý natter »ýadi for the abduction of the Keith children, 00 a lot the deNnof deavared ta aocomplish the, imiù >ofa à t1ý_£13bJéèt to th 0. làà 81 Mie' MI 1«789 couneil, the took place arcobourg, on Tueo4AY lot. paî- 1 - . 1 1 ; ý 1 - thing; I bavepaid %Il My honest débits; vmzùa the xportafrom - os nad 88, Osé. 57) 1, 1 have never chestodý&ny man ; never young girl of tender yýeaýn. ne wus salit , on for quuter end. ing- Mrs.ý Loti Ord«,InýýOcunen,- and whoreu ait -1t b Tho offince la à felony, the puciabment $iWhéovotuglawfuUy, either by'fo'rc'e on bis parti ý reobàlned by na moral, tliç, Ume :Ã"t the dû» ý a 1 ti _ý.ààiff as wiong, toq I duoyo talion au unfair or undue advaitage of Chi 7 ing 102,liroq InmP«ý, - iLttached ta which lis taven yeartin the or fraud, ieïàî or takou sway os iter Drapirithe'*âoletàf'tl gîroî Excens Ofimports over Provincial Pouitentiary. A simple or enticoo sway or detains âny, child ânY one ; thorefore, what I have je MY prinoiple. The girl was only sàved bY, in --.thé, pan was owÏ4,4ý,1,v exporù .......... ;.ý 46,980 279,179 the rate of ýi under the op of foutgeon yom.ýwit4 qwn, and with je I have a right ta do lier own otïenëth-cf virtue. Morally, if him"î and go èorporàttëù îf BrIs. gour @ 4j Bila. pensions" sr would, opà 1 narrative of the facts wili serve ta, eh w of pur. par bri. squsl....... ow intent, tu deprive any ý parent, 4urdi" what I may. This ta -a very selfiah Dot logally, Bine ana Baker an on a the towwpf Whitby, la 49oîrous dont. wlim vi mouataiti of religions tentation 0-ýmidý'hirbétLî iàd ürt-én. Aggregate axe orotherpersonheving the lawfulure view. Lot the selauli, self-righteoua lave ' 1, The tra p attempted the crime Ob a eus of bas been made ont of whàt, in ltsolt, or charge of snob child, or'with intent, force,; theâane"oni=o TimpeÏ- Mrî ]ýîùt -whon exatnimed, muet Appear a va ta oteai any article upon or about the man eaking je &&k himmelf-gow da 1 by tri t 1 purcliase fleur aver experts... 478,859 ry ance pulpit pounder ato use one of snob child, ta whommever boeome rich ? How much of my pros- , ý pped j shouldbe authorized ; and whereu in 1877 Cepbell, mg amall inatter indpe(l. Favaily -differan. Persan step short of that, and resorted ta the ovêntýàf obeh ýpur0 Exportairo=Domini- ces botweau D. B. Kefth and bis wi snob articles may belong, and who,80- perity do I owe ta my neighbors and bue net being etructed ta, pt fa ever, with any juolà intentp reoeives or cowaralypaution ta overcome bis in. oomplï"lttïexpedientý'thit the Pow.. on for quartier- end- new minute 1 culminsted soma time ago in a mut < ual he'kbours suy, Buck childi knowing the the favoring circumàtanoes of -the Io- teuded victimi. "If the tramp je lasbed er to BOU the said harbour ..a - 1 ing 81àt Dac. 1877 238,418 4,026,659 new amend& arrangement, which ived the sanc. seme te, have beexiby;force or fxsud led, cality lu which I hail, a made My Money P appur mportointo Dominî. Municipal mi r ibur4moer,',Obýul4 on for quartier end. ralle sois tion of file conte cf chaucory'-ýle tàkený decoyed, enticed.away, or do- What do I owo ta the lab or and à Ànd gagalod, whet should -lie doue witb be âwed dh ý41è- - . ncfiicja* liïreina'iter ing Slat Dac. 1877 103,55.0 2,252,815 Couticil adj tained, as in thie section before mon- ance of my fellow citizons.? Let the Bine ? Wore sortie unfortumate, in set forth, ; Therefore Her Majosty, by - - whieli court Mrs. Kisith ind tokenpro* tionodI je guilty of joloriy and shaU be rich man-the man who bu made bis liquor, led ta the commission of snob and with thsaavice, ana consent of the iris- ffour @ 4J b 181'868 1,774,844 The: ocodings againit ber humband for ah. liablo ta ha imprinoued -in the Pèniten. na Senate î&ng1 , ROÙ80 - of dommons of par brl. ,,ai.. no' 584,406 MOnY, Charging Ilitu idso with immoral tiary, for avy time not oxcoeding savon wealth in trade; by auccesoful spécula. au outragé, liow people, liko our frie Canida,4iiacte ne toiloirs :,_ .... 0 - - CONC conduct. Both, (Who bila livea ta. Years and Dot )ose than twé yearo, or tion-refleot upon how much lie bas of the Vindicator, Wibula swou, with 1. The vaid exeontor ana exeoutrix Exceus of experts gother happily for ninageon years proi ta be Imprieoned in any other gaol or profited by the assistance or out of the vîrtuous indignation against the ýtavem for and on bohalf of themiselves and for over importe for The Papal, vionoly) were thon living &part-som place of confinement foi any term less necessities of othero. and ses if lie owes keepers ? Will they charge Bine's and'on bibilf of-the Pott ;WIutby Roir.' "me a menthe 1817 2,858,750 con6istory ai a than two 'yesra with or without bard Additional eircess of aid ta have of the witbtbo'father labour - provided thaé 'no persan Who nothing further ta the cammunity thon offouce ta the temperAnce cause p yet bôur Company are héieby authorized importe over exporta a aud othore with thoir môther. James bas claimed any right ta the possession living for himsolf, There je a story reason.ably, and logica;lly, miglit they and empowered ta sell, grant, and con- for saine 8 menthe the Italians, i vey ta the corporation of the town of - 1878 .............. 478,859 ta the Church and John, elle t' of snob child, or as the mother or bu told uf a wealtby family whose income do the one as the ailier. Will the adj, Whitby and their successiors, and the - very mild lai] wo yonngest, and the TotalBhews exce8a of C'buse of elle Prodont trouble, Were in claimed ta ho the father of au illegiti- was largely drawn from rente and ter of elle Vindicalor take this fürther said corporation and , their successors farmera' deliveries Dose expresse( mate child, shsft be liable ta ho prose- lesson ta heart, and leam from, je in are horebyl nothérized and èmpowered recover bis toi the clistody of the mother. ou K6ith'O etiteil by virtue hereof on a6connt of the- -MOrtgâgeB- -They bouglit thoir dry in Dominion for 8 roceries and future en moderato bis zeal, and ut te Purchase and hala the right, title month enainiq 81st made by the written und ortakisig,-aooepte(l by the getting possogision or taking snob child gouda in the cîty ; their g with charity toivarde hie neighboffl, and interest of -the said executor, and Dac 1877,oversame duty of the C wife, and aieented ta by the court,-to put of the possession of any persan hav- crockery wore also purchased away exacutrix and of the Port Whitby Har- 8 mýnths in 1876.. 2p887j6O8 and supporter ,,sa ta when ho again rises ta donc become reconc, bis wils sina ing the lawful charge thereot. lrom haine, and amongst their intimate nles the bour Company in and ta the said Port This exhibits a most favoeable result leaning away children and provido thom with a sui: Mrs. Xcitli'o appearance was a most friands they never ceased ta boue of respectable butai koepers ofthis county «V!hitby Harbour, togother with the Irom whteat crop of 1877, ai; compared libility. This able hovan, and that all ehonhl live unexpected surprise ta the prosecution. the bargains they got for their money. in hie temperauce harangues 2 piors and breakwaters, qproaches and witbtha of 1874' 1875 and 1876. Our sélection of Di otheri.oi ',propitty,"iights"fý*gcl ap. exports for threé menthe alone are regarded asa togother agnie, elle procéeilluge agaîn - se Her avidence demolisbed thoir cas,,* In Whou gently remonstrated with that The Pugiliatie Encouater in the Com- purtenailodeýconnected therewith, upon equalto, the whole years exportefor of a concilatoi bini were dropped. The mother ex- face there was no case against Goodwin, snob a iiirse muet injure, and bqcom- mono. the following terme, namoly :- iiimanyyearspàot. Norcantherebe Holicess' weI Pecteil a complote re-union of the and4the court intimated as much. The ing goueral, muet impoverieli mer- (1.) The soma ta lie freed and (lie. any doubt, but that the returne for vioua ta bis family and to bc able ta enfer a happy prosecutors bail lest thoir hold upon clients and tradespeople and kill off the On ri riday night a remarkable'scono ?harged front &U exisenq charges and quartors ending 81st instant, Will, alfio Seo. home once more. the Innocent victim, Whoin they fully trade of the -town altogether, thoirreply took place in one of . the lumbrances, including among others shew a most gratifying comparison t-notead ci provid. rooms of thé House of commo- (if ny)- the balance due or owing ta the with furmer years. For the B lng them %vith a comfurLable reni(louce, expected ta ha able ta sond ta the Feui- wu ready, altnost rude and unfooling, us- GoavelIrnment of Canada for purchase This result muet tend greatly ta re- as formerly, Mr. Koith placeil the wifi., tent'ary-' Finding Goodwin'a active nngler the oircamatances. They did While Mr. Bunster was àpeaking on , money and interest under the eaid Ord. duce the general indebteduess, ta a re. The followiii and little onob in j% Inéan room in a ParUcipation in the removal of elle chil. net care they said ; they bad enough the Homestead Bül, ha was interrapted er in Couuoil of the twenty-firet day of vival of confidence, and ta greater au. Act of the Onti loilging 1101198-11ilirgg litwoolf apart, dren disproveil ; that there was neithor for theinselizes, and ta deal ait home by a member blowing on a toy whistle. 1ýarch, one thousand eight hundred and tivity in business, especially in thoeie finality ta voti force noir fraud used-; that they Were Tho interrupteil gentleman dared the sixty-four, &]Po inclina , the deboutur- eections whore lut wheat crop showed rounds" for the miglit ha Wall enongh for those depen. es issued by the 8aid al)(1 two hugirs aiterwards, on t)l,,satne Itil!, Port Whitby muet improvement over former years. "Any persan w day art. which lie -protended ta comply taken avay by thoir mother Who cla'm' dent upon the merahants and traders offending member ta meet him either Hârbour-Company. Yours truly, witil Lis undertaking ta flic -court, ad their rightfül posaession, elle counsel in the lobby or in Routa, 18, whore the perly asserts ai for a living; they would go where they (2) The purchase money therefore ROBERT H. LAWDER. insertion of auj thi) childrou wergs cirried off and hid. fur the Crown, Mr. Britten, of Kingston., British Columbia members congregate. ta ha paid by the said the corporation roll, or assesseE don c,%vtiy from the ractlier. Ta 11 would have discharged bis iluty ta the onuld get the base bargains. It seemed Re challonged him ta send hie card of the town of Whitby ta bc fixed by -Ta the Editor of ilie Whilby Chroni- the assessment almost like a retributive justice when aërose the floor of the House, and al. arbritration, as follows :-Within two bigh Sn amoun Ivr entreaties ho' roftioed ta tell where full by letting the eue drap there and bard times depriveil these people of most inqtantly a page ran up and laid menthe after the passing of thie Act the DEAa SIR or any snob Cas 110 had talcon thom ta, or give ber any thon.- But bigotry could net rare sati-3- thoir tenants, and property bocame Bo one on the desk at which Mr. Banster said executor and executrix shall ap- net eutitled the i3atimfactiÃ".,n whatever. The Côtirt again nad with snob 4,courso ; the stooa. He seîzea it, and, giancing at je, point one arbitrator and give immediate My attention was directed te your ta vote at any intorferod; the chilti clament muet be importeil intc, the case w it was blank on both aides, and case notie issue dated March 28th., ins l'ou wore prodnced, religions depreciateil that their morigages were 'Ba a of snob appointaient ta the car- which mider an item fies tant, in inserts or procu aud it wâs'ordèred, that elle mothr and the prejuglices of thoiliry appealed ta. worthless. Perhaps they then learced je a8ide. He subsequently wrote a note poration of the town of Whitby, which ded "Connty tien of any ficti ohould hava acceggs ta them. She thon Aud sa in addresBiùg themlie telle them. the lesson wo would Book ta inculcate, ta Mr. Cheval charging hina with the shall within one month after the re- Judge's Criminel Court" I am accuseld essaimant roll, 0 flint ive are &U dependünt one upon the insult. The result of the challenge was ceipt of such notice, appoint another by Chief Constable Bryau as being in a properly amies, di-icuvaroil that they wore nt Newcastle, -Il 1 am dispoged Io believe very much otLer ; no man indépendant of hie ta fiud bath gentl'emen face ta face in arbritrator ; the arbitrators or either of state (to.-ether with the other constable) el,, omission ( in charge of the Reyd. Mr Drtitumond, - more than I over bolieved before of the room mentioned. The lio passed them sa appointed shall immediately of Ilooluplote intoxication" While con. assessment roll, 0 noighbor. Let us hope that ther and they fell ta pumunelling each other. thereafter notify the Minister of Public voying the prisoner Corrigan ta gaol, or causes the aE a Vreiibytorlarà Minikiter. It May bc the machinations of the 8upporters ho a general deternaination ta tr-aodewialtl' Several beavy blows thon pasoed, Mr. Warka of Canada of their appointmaint ; and that IIis Honor the County Court nt too low au a liorf) montiotied thdt Mrti. jicitl, is a of tho Church of ]?allie ilb Rimilar bouge, and sa add ta flic wealth and Cheval being struck on the left check the said Minister shall appoint a third Judge bail suspended me from my oflice either cas, ta di Hootell Gâtholic and Mr. KJith IL scotch ca8e8 ta iltel)rcaent. When they ait. and Mr. Bunster in the face and on the arbitrator, and the said arbitrators shall until the next general sessions. Yeu right ta vote, 1 prosperity of Lle Whole commnuity. - can hardly imagine my surprise on see- thereof before Pred),Ytoriotï,--,Tltby weru warrieil by iceiipteil Io act as in 1hig ca8c, whai s0e of the head. Neither of thom wore dieu enqu.ire juta and fix the arnount of mg such a report publishetl against rue jurisdiefion, be i a Catliolic Priaist, alid elle children, six lnaynoi bc clone -noi onlyayainst marked but Mr. Cheval fastenod hie laft eu"" Purchase monny, and they, or elle Ducx SIIOOTING.-But few ducks band in Mr. Bun6ter's beard and made Lý of ebef I shall make and pub. and eau cul y aucune for je in the face ceeding tiv,) lui boyi and a girl,, wout indiocrituinately, li-h . that this same 'Ichief constable Bryan" life and property but ioliatever -ive ýI va come in the Bay this ye , and a savage je majori Word i impri8onment so-eti-es with the rather and some. hold, dear P' Wliat warran la ar rit, bringing away enough writin- thereon with- je attempting ta shew bis zeal in the in- or ta imprisoum t had Mr- fliey have been huated out and ilied liair ta fill one of bis vest pookets. The in two menthe frova the date of the ap. sts of justice, irrespective a of the ounty or titueig witli elle mothOrs ta thoir respec. Blitton for making use of such lan- parties were separated and the Sergeant pointaient of the last arbitrator, or tere f the c by the numerous shootera, always on barru lie may do ta 11under constables,'r ti vu places of worihip. The two clause guage P Was there one tittle in the the watc fort am 0 se Arme sent for. He lied just loft the within snob further time sa the Gaver- exceeding six M h h , alm et befère they Chamber and was in the swoking-roow, nor in Coui2cil may fix in that hebalf, as I presume ha styles ne. Now, I fine and impriso boyi; auci tÙe daugliter are eown up ûvidence ta justify bim in, making such bail finis ta take in the situation. This sa that the mossenger did not find him and snob award shall bc final. positivoly denv that I was the worse of of the court." &nIl doing l'or thomselvee, and take remarks 2 The jurymen werc all prot. alauelifering of duck in the spring, until the row was over. Had ho been 2. In the event of the death, resig- liquor. On tÈe contrary, I was very Vieir wother's bide. Naturally, Mrs 1 estants, the learned juage and counsel a early nough ta make au arrest lie nation, or refusal ta act of abstemious on my road ta Whitby with when they are at base but indiffe a any arbitra- Imports and Roitu doeired ta have the roue would have beenentitled ta five pounds, fur, or if fer any other cause the office the prisoner Corri.gan, for remous which W1týoth Blaser Were Protestant ; all th' food, spoils t a il hootiug. port - but lie was tac late if ha bail any désirs, of any arbitrator becomes vacant, hi, two youngl at li fa a A a 8 1 do net wisli ta mention, as je miglit By the returu children living with bersolf lubtead of iq le the prosecution were man Who knows saysthe face je becom- ta benofit by the Illittle unploasantuess. Il successor shall ho appointed in the implicate other parties whom I have no pears the numbd boing in the charge et Mr. Drunitnond protestant ; in aiL the crowdoa court ing well establisbed in the mina of The auseenly brawl causeil consider. soma waY in which snob arbitrator wa, wisfi ta barrît. Should je bc disputed, . into Canada beti excitement. appointed. or eliould any persan, frnm the remarks ary 1877, and th or anybody else. $lie believed elle lied thora wore not perhaps ton 0 itholice avery true sporteman that shooting able 3. The said arbitrators shall have of the chief constable, have roman ta was 1,048, of t the best right ta lier own offapring. preaent; the priaoner stand Blanc. And ducks in the spring muet bc stopped, if A Great I-iisýtmoýrical Work. all the poivers conferred by the Statut. believe thst I was under the influence while the exporti Sfie determined upon removing them. yet a learnèd Queen'a Counsel, chargea good Bhooting in the fail iB ta bc se. es of the Legislature of the Province of of liquor at the time, I would bug ta the value of $80( For this purposo she spolie io M,. With elle conduct of the public business oured. The National Publishing Company of Ontario in relation ta arbitratore. refer theui ta N. G_.Bieglow, Esq., Bar- - tie the importa ii £*uO(Iwiu, talling him the children wore fer the CrOwn, whose duty one would Philadelphie, have ignt ud advance 4. The arbitration shall bc hala at rister, of Toronto, or ta Mr. Lepard, of were in number the town of Whitby and the re uner- Mara. Who were both on the train while $500,421 ; and -t at achoot at'Newoutie and tbat she suppose ta bc ta boa that justice was SPFCIAL TO rý.&RUERS.-UBO ordy the sheete of The Pictorial Hietonj of the In the other constable and myself were the vaine $1,059, Leicestershire Tick, and Vermin De. ation of the arbitrators shall ha borne %visil0d tu Ongage a trustivorthy man impartially administered towardg all World, embracing full and authentic antiall- 1-6- _ &L- --.,l -2 c-nnvpvinrr thA nriannnr in Whithv- Aq D.iiil IL tan- ë.- Il 'U-- - . t-» 1 ------ -- àdl- -1 township Of Pickering, a6ut tour mils the United Couuties of Northumberland The firat marriage in the Toronto Po. great work. It centaine 1260 large Of thetnsclves and for and on behalf of town. The day bais b'en- broùglît in-1 frotn the town of Whitby-a rooponsible and Durham aball bc put to the expolise double-column pages, andis embellish. the Port Whitby Harbour Company, Your flourishing i presseaon the jui lice Court took Place on Friday last. and empowered gens by *lien the formera were net a woula not ils lega Mau of cleanéqi fb bian whooo character of' another prosecution for tilt ed with over 65o fine engravinge illus. are hereby authorized readiù- community. Every fermer iS above Ouspiolou, and salie Of David Davis, 22 ; and Aunie Florence 4rative of the avants recorded in the te oeil, grant and cOnvey te suy coin- q Marvin weltou a Min for whom the cOuL'801 face ; or on the unworthy Kerry, 18 ; both Englisli, and recent narrative, embracing battleg and ciller pany in Ontario iàcor-porated for the bore, liLi son or daughter, now gladly the follewinc be scores of tho fore historical Bagues ; p*ortraits of the grest purpose of coustruefing or holding such hail a good live paper-one that gives dollars persoi sa nal se Most men in the Olltury of a gensational elleet. arrival3 were the imain United as one work or works of like nature, and such ýhe general news 01 the day-a fair and tics of two t ou county of Ontario would become atirety flash. David hâd soduced Aunis un men of &npient and modern finie&; and impartial synopsis of the politics of the The -Toronto dt Ottawa Railwgy. der views of bile principal citios of the OOMp&ny as may become the purchas. ILI aDY roasonableamotint. Ile was ar. 'promise of marriage and -thon sou appear ait the next ght world. Those engravings are genuine ers 1 "d theii- successors are hereby conntry ;-inifiates sud advocates all Cope Mallory wi restea, aud OOMMitted for trial on the Another, and it te cast her off. She lodged a coin. works of art, and were made et a cost au measures tending te the prospority of when called on. charge Of f0lOnYý--bA11 beiug refusca- 13U00068f 10 tg be hoped more thoïiZeil and empowered to pligobwe the country, and whose leading articles ni effort, Io now boing made by Plaint Rgainst him for criminalà assault, Of Over 025,000. The great number and hold the right, bible and interest of and dollars pers= and taken tu Cobourg gaol in, and hi&h character of these engravi the said executor and executrix of the are oft times quotecl by the most infla- enreties of Que the bond. the promo.tera of the Toronto & Ottawa on whicli lie was placed in the cella. ings n and ential papers of the Province. Snell a ct'ffs- And t'le &OnsatiOual Press, in Railway te z»kO thiS the most valuable art ubli. Port Whitb Harbour Company 1 bold type, and with-ié soeurs fé bonus £rem the Renl'z'ug big Position, lie proposed te cation of the century, We connoi too te the said là, Whitby Harbour, to paper we always find the CHRONICLF. FiLopxxENT EXT , quarter of a co14 city of Toronto. Petitions are in settle th' matter bY having the knot highly praise the numerons and beauti. gether with thepieft end 'breakwaterv, Long may it prosper edited and publi- the greatest seubal Uwu Of Seulational --hoadingop blazon cour" Of signature te the city couticil. tied, anà" Aunis cOnsenting, ail ended fui Portraits of llistorioal personages aP rosches and otber works, î shed by ite present energatic proprietor. biatory transpired, fortli the intoiligence ait domothine 04. ý1l pr"ee"'Y' Theweather hors, as I suppose you B. Rate, formerly i Weil. A withwhidhitabounds. A markedfëa. rig tâ, and SPPurtenanou connectea, tOtInding, and leava'the lying Inleronco War Threatened. nd let us hope, "0 the fairY ture of the work is a complets HISTORT therevý!tV#pOn -auch týrms. as =yý4 -U fina it'in the fronti bas been unpreced. in stoves and tinwa tales oonclnile, that they may be happy OF TIEZ LATE WAn BETWEEN RUSSIA AND 11gV101)(1 ýt » ont il .,. a -have beon labouring wife of Mr. Jam ihât it is a cago Ofki(luaPPing ; of child The quediqO et TURNEY, which il; the oniy complets ac. and tbieriii thore# glo'fi t à -.nnder the deli ion thst we liait spring, Rato's family consi atenlilig, nt tite instance of the Catholie issue botween Utng. count of the war -in print. ;à , s1ýrveG, un now yoiiorday opened two chi1dreý, and 1 land and Rtiosia This in au of by the Goveznor in ConcoM , ý -, "Igoti the fall of Church, and in which Catholicil, et the wa i has 486umed a Most Wliitýflêld'L; Toothach gum in used appropriate time te rend the Higbory of 8. ' Upon the delivery of the ý,vsy. 1,'eureyes. ha Oldest inhâbitants here a boy of two yearg. bidding of the autiloritieu ôttll@ 011 rlik@ attitude. ýtreparaLions at, hoth With unparalleled succose. Try it. the.World, and we predict for this book. ances to the corporation of the Town say tbey never saw snob a Canadien respectfülly nonuee have Ontered into a conspira Urch, aides for the worâ gô on apace. it à an immense sale. of Whitby, or te a purchaser under the Winter. The northern Lake8 are now TuE Pànis ExHi prive the virtnous cy te 'de- reiyortea that the LAxz CouculcHsa is clear of ice. It ie sold by subscription only, and the lest preceding section, the said cor. all free from ice. Want of sle'gh'ng dian section et Mr- )Keith Of l'IO 'advancing upon GýRU8sians arc rapidly This IN a month earlier tlian usual. the publiellers want agents, as will be poration or purchaser aball as te the bon preventeil many of our formera tien IN making re boyel The prOtOstant publiamind Io allepoli-so as tri be seeu by thoir advertisem sisid harbour, piers, break bringmg out their produce, and, I fear, French authorities in a position to seije, if ceceEâaryý the ont in finother waters, op. Te CoBý many of our gaw-mille will stand !dis prejudiced - and oloited by the colurnu. proaches and othAr workst property, untruth. Most strMel;lcal pointe in vicinity of RESPONDENTS.-'IW. S." muet of Woods 'Vill be ci fui etories @et aflost, and ié in Under aigri big noms to th 1 ---------- «e riglits find appuitenances occupy the this coming o0ason, in, consequence of markable féatures c Turkiah capital. a latter, in orJer te Littc1l'is Living Age. sameposition as the Fort Whitby Har. the proprietors net being able to get thole adverse influences -that poor Insure publication. botir Company occupied . under the said their loge from, the buah. Altégether COUXTERFEIT FU-ý The numbers of Litielllis Living A.qo Order in Couccil dated the twrouty-firat combine to malie, It dull, and we do not numerous in some 1 (loodwin. Who lias the, misfortune, aball Tho.Bazar etore Fitting Patterns of VENNOR's LATENT.-Mr. Vonnor coný anticipate macli excitement until the ern country. Look we oeil 1t, to be à Catliolle, IN plsoed up. NOW York have proven the mes for the weeks ending 28rd and 80tb, day of Marah, one thousand eigbb t par. cludes a latter te the Montroal Star as huzidred and sixty-four' General Election. The farmers in this )n.ble trial before a protestitut jury. tact, mont praotioal and the most 000. follows : "The 'Probabilities,' that r respectively, have the following valit. sens AU the rights and shall, pos. part of the country appeur to talk more BUYING HORSES Ille court la throngea tô 009 the ter. nomical iver point te in this communication 0 able contents : Precions il bc subject te 811 THE ENGLISH CIVAI prodnoed in thiS COUJ2ty. , chiefly Stones, Brie. the liabilities'in reasploct thereto which about it and take a livélier interest in egram published a 1 rible kiànàpp@r.,ý Soins dozen witnou. 'l Thode patterns aro'cut 00 perfeùt, and are : Heavy raine and frequent, &now i8h Quarterly; The Telephone, 'PPO#i. the said Harbour Company possessed this thau former elections. flurrie,% ; a rapid rise of streatus and 1 that British* o;jïénts.,ý 3a are examined, witil greet solomnity the directions written go plain, that the rivera towards the month of Moy m4nigter Review; How the Turks and wàa sublect te ; and the Govern. Yours &a. 000 hnraes in the St . and ment of Canada abail as te the corpor- X. ta tg tilt. fact of their having, a Most inexporienoed cou make 4he Car. bigh waters throughout the suminer Rule Armenia, by Dr. Humphroy Bond. ation of the town Of Whitby or ôther via Canada to Engl eau ,the with, of Kars, Nineteenth Century - vice is net credited IrilOutr" 19 Newcastle, and idio as te 1 Ment with little or Do trouble. j. S. MILITIA UrifFolibl.-In the Mll' purobaser as aforesaid ocon y the saine SERIOUS 410CID)INT.-Mr. Johu Ian. lov'ng néon the chilàr-n enter the Robirtions bookeeller, Io agent for General Orders in the Gazette itia Within the Procincte, by Mrs. Oliphant, position and be poese8sed of the same son, of Groeubank, met witil a severe at Ottawa. Whitb ; end bas now on handý this from advance, îbeets ; Quevedo, Gen. m8gy, in whioli lady DEpoiicy. OP BRIT 'y week, it is ittated that the Officers rettrin, Xiglâté te such 'Governmont, Occupied acoldent on Thuraday, March 0,lst. op. a full t1eman's Magazine ; Bonodiet de Spi- and British Colonial offil >90404 te b# walting for thora. Tjke lille 01 patterns. Catalogues with as. , POrmitted to wcar the uniform Of noza. Ninoteentle Contury ; À B' . f wie p-os-oeçoeli of with respect te while in bis hay loft, in Greenbauk, the corps t'O wiliol, they the sald -Harbour Company. Re fell several feet down the hay-rack, bail under considerm Oured 'father and the rgsp@otsblo 019as ires On Application. were attachod. Woods$ Cornhill ; &ics, trànalaýUé"19 0 viding a uniform The Living Age from, ýé Notwiýthotanding suythiüg te the on a cross beam, sustaiiiig sev'ore 'cg pro largyman both givé thoir avidence with JCATH THE CRISIS IN VICTORiâ.-The politi. the ýGeiW»u Of contrary in.the &et or Charter of incor. -tusiono.-Siandord. of defence fer the pi D or W. B. O'DoNA«uE AT - cal criais in Victoria, Australie, bas Frau von Ingeraleben; Lay Figures,, *ý - of atioli iÏUP»Rdv$DO%&, and the crowaed W. B. 0,Do abus Sr. coule te a close. The Logisi Examiner ; Macleod of Dari poration, the,,Bma the Port Whitby The admirais at na û'Qîý and abaorbed jury look on là to ative colin- by Wm. HùîrbourCginplîînyý,& general meeting SERIOUS ACCMENT TO l'la AABON the aùthorities of 1 Wbont the Dominion Governmont lots. p e Bill for the haviiiic a' Ossa th pay- Blaclifrom advance ebeets the 'Mo. of the- abarebolder' in - of lpo;b Perry, Canada &Te- abc S& [lent ment of momben 0 , ility -of Astatibo, spectator with such 'Company 110138---4ffr. Aaron Bots, ý*mAZeMcpt ýnd 41grân Atý the li f the Asembly, the 1e hild et âne #Me withîn twolve met with a dangeroul, accident ýn communication buigi.d'.>$'MAlOr, -Who, poç)r man, grAntea au amnesty, dsa in Sb. latter body passad the Appropriation PO t &a' menthe fromîhe paiwng of thisý&ct, et Moiaday,-25th Manh. While dr.iving te oOnce4l bis Part 14 the joseph's Hospital, st, Paul, uiuneîot% Act whhout the item. A new lèb un;e icgins QOLD INNOVA SC the firt which'-Meefing a board'of dhëMrs hOme, hi$ýhýme twkfright between of gold -bu -beau d ni Tuooday the 26&h M.reh last. number of April. For fty-two nùM.', shareboldjrê .8ýtiiâ And thon Mr». N'ofth, le DEATnOYA 0,&nDrXAL.-tiardinal di bore, of sitty-foâr pages esch- "or more comPan3ri r mey be,, PoePen7Andhis reaidence, "d be., Kilo River, in ealitel 040 Mip 0, B t to- the i4id âit or, coming înmanageâble, ran from th blledi nua'htýe 10 the alet of islOP Of Ostie ta doad than 8000 U&Tb a twenty men with fi r D.-At tlle Il$ WAS y date agp! a yearî) the oub$Mp.> Chartei Punncorpor Of amoint Ofi ation and te the hy. - rosi! sorouthe ditoh, and againsk'the there on the Juksoi encï>ý!#j' 0 Motber , i ý the tion, price 8 le low 'or for #16. 50 se Di London aosizop. J.13cagr doin of the sacied col dg(" jp ýaye, the ter., U one of the e ricau, 04ý monthlies ër lawo, if any', of the Company, lence with ouch Wroe as te Javel it'with tou cruher is to, b 0 promet t'wltb'thlp FrýâO tcrer-of the girl $parka,. wig et.ut b, #ôn','datigig froin 188 POM -0 A- the ground and étuailh the buggy. The le&d i;hQ Il et 1Yheý Uý;1 fil wore RF weeklier, ÃŽs aent with The wi > Mkec, 6,84e., ThOOS'w n" ot,-BeMevilloîrà 14je' Mr. je tèreu ysers in thepoumuny. ""QI 1 1706, and onýy'tbree r4elübeWçf AD for a Icart boithj Boa$ wu thrown q4ý, pç4 go seveze,, jýjnch'és thick. a, îtj - in:lîiie-lwnm. IV enrt 4:haf. ikh- - -ý- Z_ -ý uumu-muri.,Ue (love; ±ie thougm horse t ; thafinihis Èin thé Gove, meieir M the fl»teem dom* 'týIL4- beat-,tO.ý,ýPOO, la the countrý. of g&.y,,, _in', tI ýi fit the Ile t ought that listera 'Unes would &id. abc Mr. Maeson osid -that when in op- buthe coinpi. position itlie prooont.ý,Government op. brýýét el posed on' a -ýeùîîwsY aùdnow were û7ing to ÛU the country -with y? -zailw&Ys- -He bgýli,,eyei tbe,ý t6ok'exIception to'the Bill --as' be!àgýtob the ýWfiite atri genéirat.ahd was Coiferring too much, mor«,ýpFQuoulî, powâr on ilie Admimstiation, ýone bis 'nostrila a most- objectionel: clause-, w&sý the one another whise which authorbed Unes to run pinUel, previonsly Sm to the' pacifle ait not long than forty animal ; thepe miles. Rehopedltbo:.Govëinuïentdid detriùfeàtàl -fi no't wieh ïo encourage othek Unes t& ýWOuld ý,ý.ùot -bri render the Pacific Railway useless. a"11209 that 1 ,ành,â &U.ýwoaîa give ton much power ýbow ùotA.pý Rail ' way, biît'liad some that the Northwest could not Support one lino, and they said so in ýOppO Bi7 , bis hàVil2g' Ses tion, it showed that they yere, ' eithér he"»,"'W'-aoe Imp'o insincere or ignorant. ' 'Pope- Marke as were (Compton) thought that, -.,Dô'nïi-diiing th'enÏýýNoivritl the circumatances of the Pacifie Rail- horiè ' haà éfiai way, the country lied, no right. toun- tJïéý plaWiff 'n, dertake to -encouragel the constrqotion be,,Mronld'ptuýot of -other railways until' the, principal on the one was asserted and the road builf. feautidDà2n"t mugt là He thought tliat the, construction of ed the Ilor'oe,>-(i parallel ronde wa >s'a' fatal ërror. The was go pâinted Ilouse should be sati8fied that the gréât, Mr., ý Beeeor.ý, lino was to ho built befère the Pfflellt whén -ha bougi Bill WaB passeil. lu support Of a tsn- Top: n', ûea'r' Ci gible scheme lie would give the Gov- of thpei same coli erniment all the assistance inliis powOr.' to the plaintiff Messrs. Mackenzie and Runtington foi- painted or- dyid lowed, the- latter defénaing the Bill;, and was certift which in the end was rend a secOud, not bc,- done VÉ Lime en a division. The Ilousewent and that npý où in*to Committee to consider the fràud to bis kh ment of an Auditor-General of aêaploaiallat-. was.fully corrc Salary not to exceed $8,200 par annum. Richard Grabi Ur. Mackenzie explained thst the iîaW- bain, «,ýàO.waâ )tion of the Cro*n bail been obtained the horee. wa-8 'rom the establishment, ot the office. ONýÈýed the,ý hi rhe resolution was passed by the Coin- months ; and t] nittee.'and the Honse resumed. Mr. one se and imith M' Committee moved,:-That it care ason a expedient to provide thst so mù-chý testimony. - d the Act of the Parliamelit of the Gan. ida, passed in the thirty-sixth ysar of ait on both aide e8ty's xaign and entitled «'An besied the j' 'er Ma' ecting Uli £et reýp _k loada' as would bad explainea aake ]t unlawful for any ma8ter of a the evidenceýc1e Ilip at a certain seaison to carry.live The jury WC] tock on or above any part of the UPPO , r BlackIlorse Ho ýeck of snob ahip, be repealed, and thât After - ýiéetàriiii ho words Ilany cargo of any descrip- for defendant, 1 [on to any height exceeding three feet from any implici bove cleck," in the éecond section of àe said Act, shall not inelude or a ply Tm Aér 1 p WE il, live stock. Mr. Mitchell t6ok etrong days the Enélial iception to deck loads; of cattle, as made and daiilÏèi ein- cruel to them and dangerous to acx:oss the Ocea uman life. The House went into priging firm of li owmittee, and . the resolution boneless bain in ,as reported and read a second foreign markets. tne. Mr. Laflamme moved the sec. montho it bas A rondin- cýf the Bill respectiug the quantities of pou . laritime Court af Ontario, and repeat- in the saine style 1 bis former explabation of the Bill, fowls being bon veu on the firet reading. The Bill Lately it has,ýý w as rend a second time passeil in Com- accomplisheil the ittee, and was rend a third time. keys entire, with r. Mackenzie said that the contin- From boned-tuz mce of the coneideration of the esti- veal-pies is-Only 1 ates would depend on the discussions wili coins thi 1 t the Bille first considered. Christmas pudd, Os THE lgATE FisH'Eizy A-,vABi).-The and cannea by do zil Mail Gazette makes.,some pithy about the 4th Jul mments on the recent unseemly a.-i- -Aý T R-IMUTE'TO 1 Lion in the United Statet; in regard to- -Sir Garnet Wol a Halifax award. It says :-"It military- authoril would not be consistant with.the England and the àabits and traditions of the Ainerican the Conteeporar. people if the deèision of the arbitra- ay of Canada: Ars were quietl accepted, as the de- our Colonies ha ,ision of the Geneva tribunal was ace heialthy, or sincer 'opted in this colintry-without re. Canada weu, anc nonstrance or resistance. The Justice ,bm .1 sa ýankee Spirit fecis painfully the pang war it would fürzi )f arting with the money, and if à ont of cert»ainly 1î ýechnical objection eau bc raised to, its im'litia,>: ý- wh-ô -ç ho paymentýit is sure to flad enthus- beet régiments." atitie supporters." Speaking of Mr. o doubt, seeing iine's motion for the correspondance 12ommanding ofRe inected with M. Delfosse's appoint- ferre -the servici nt as tbird Commissioner, Mie Gaz- 'corps in case of w i ays :-The Americans may find ed by -Sir Garnel anIt with the justice of the vol-dict doubled. Mainst them, as is the habit of every I eý 1 eféated litigant, but they page the A LBNGTEY TAL mita of deceucy wheu they attck Kern Cal., talked ho impartiality, of one of the arbi- ty.fo'ur hours, omet cators." .1. - --1- 1 y UL ziiiLWE.Vbm, %JULU- en eVý -e ' - - , , to 0 borie tFeïe bleoro - 0ilà, ind that the samè ý on him now weïe OU him hoýan&ng ho knew, the ' ýM a penýiaùcé, Ing his 2-t desor- lhot' de. The àReý record eer'é t'h'a't* the,'de- hfve e4her dy»d çr pamt- or have' kii;wm -that ho or -dyëdý lu iý0tq- * statea "e. ,ht ý tbè.horoe from ý Mr., larligie, Enëlàud";he was- lour se he was'-Wlien sola F; tbat- hé-,neygr' elther az,ý - - animal, ïbatpart of the il ëùébý à thing coula dthont his-knowing it ;, ne liad Attempted'such a lowledge. Ilis evidiïàoe 7obora ' ted by that of àfr. ama -, fàriber - In -Mark. le Xr.: Beenor when a bought. ý - hir. loiài' for 'Aoini ,hi groozwwho, ledhizù t wo M'eu'who had taken èoboratea the dë-fezidanfo,, 98, ana af4r, coinisi ad, Y,-Ana the-leai-üëd-jùdge ý the Aaw and- reviý*id Bariyana ai iengthî Se taken down to the Dtel Lo ses the horse. WÉ they fduüclý a-ierdict thus exonerating him, 3ation of, ùaud. h pium-pudaing wS be ana sent inw ý Alreadyý,-au pgter-, Yaiikeeo is putÈijý»Iý cans for domestie ahd - During thi -pui., jéw beW prÏàeriiig iiiïe Iltry, which is canned "s pressed'beef, the aed and chopped up. vith completé , àuccess, e féat of canning tur- i every bons removea. rkey. to éhicken and a short step, and thon Býiïish ýbirthrigiit--ti». ling-made, semonea own-eut Yimkees, say, IY. TUÉ CAN'ADI'ANý MiËITIA. )IBelýY, the well-known ity, in his papeic on B Easteýa question, in 'Y Revtew, has this to ,--"The loyal ýspirù of > as' 'ýever been -more ré'than'now. I know d I am only doing it %Y that in the event of ùsh us with a conting. 0,000 men drawn from would soon, equal - our Of -thâthere can.W the majprity of the - cors have aIresay,ýpro. wa of ïliiir respectivi rar ; the number nam.- ýt wolseley, coula, be LE.-Mr. Marphy, of 1 inceaâantly for ffld-à ,!ýý F Ève ie éne stojý ý*7 Of t4e;", Of JUS t&ërs- Of mav Blacksione SL, Sornerville, Mi Messrs. Seth W. Fe èentI4ý èn.-ta'a' danghterlaged âzeý, emaciated with los, grest prostration o'l no that we were obli (OffflhmL This cou 'Silbffier And camw, Mýer ÙYÃŽIÏg Varidim 'iýiyîpg Iý anybenefi sIclan recommendei vus STEUP. After ki ' W s imar, ed il: a Ta . yj gainft 8 e di#on, âm , ber appeli C At this date she,18-11 round, plump Cheeks and is eýgamatàniliir I consider ber restor tirely due to the PF, 4eel, that I cannot mend it -ag a tonic;- Very grat CE Sold by dea1ýs Sei The Earlor Leitri cc)RcbMan, Lave beer is believed to be ýof ý E acter. TILDEN »R GOVEM -The Te&ýýrain'I'8p 1119ton gays :-Tilden tion Of Occqpyingý -t] bergore 1880.-5 This Aï apparent in a few Mo ful effért té make Tui Gov. Robinson. UMNEVAL GR"T Pl POPÉ.-The Pope reci on Saturday. The ( sented by Cardiùal Mi Ont. wnws.-,tl am YOU-of the benefit whi ed from yeur AL-LFN,, Raving been troubled al cough, ut times ver years past, I Lave foui tO relieve'MY cough n: auYthing I --ever trîe( also used it w Ith the 1 results.l P£w KILLE.,R.-the t tO the effieaçy -Of this v -are sufficient to- warre tiOn iuto evezýr.JLuse. ion la that;lîà là y el it fora àngle bour. I aches, pains, coresï*e. effeétual remedy we kr tle-wül lest-f0rýaý"rY- ita lOýY pTîýe placejâ itý'% Of st.'-,rmj or whose Ileaith is giNi as rainisters-or those will fifid in Fellw'îw' -the material té buîld tl Kie Noiicea Of Bi-ri and, Deat7u chargeZ rm VAN der voonT-B resi of iheý bride, David liQeil; April,2nd,- Mr. D. Ad Voort,' . Of Belleville, Brook, of Whitby. D'E A T Et -APrÃœ 2nd, 1878, Thomaj Michael Richard, 0 ly Michael Murray. n WMTE.-At Whi - tb 29th, Joseph Watson 'M of Majà josepà -white, 7 IbOlithi and -17 daýs.'? WHITB Y 'V41 CIMONICLE OiYÃŽCICJ nOux, per bri ....... Ul whear ............... Spring wheat ........... Barley, .................. peu Peas, black-eyed ......... Oatis ....... ........ p ................. Eg-P .................... ttèr ................. '14 Wood ................... seconds in çach for ý à -drù* of whiskey. Hia topies were the Chinese question, mining BWeks Wnd- Stâtepoli. tic.q','*ith minor matters rùixed,ýin. -At the conclusion of the task'hè feil Irora his chair, but -whether fra-m exhaustion or from intoxiýâtiôn was undecidéd. A-N'OiL ýRr»G.-By a.ý genéralpartniar. ship form6d RMODRst the leading oil re- finers, of LOndoný Easts under the titis of the Matual Oil Refining Comýany-- -of London, it is probable that a num. ber of the mihor *êrke will %eýcIosed dowÙ ' ' 1 ý and the business concentrstea in on, or two large refineried. EASK CÀRBIED IN r.-Several Poréons have died ind. of disme contracted wiffle un. ig a cargo of ragefroin ý Egypt ai or tuill at New Havén. Sgia horsea are dyiugjà alarming ers ýWith blind staggers, Some rs,*, are leit almost destitute pf < ýna Withoui menus of properly ling to their crops. RusuLT op ýrH'E PAST MILD WIN- 1t il Àitf.imaiýntl I..14P .'. W *ëf- or the ras ex. fir ý rillr-

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