t i e&fraem ore tIWost NqpI try the. Great shembaneos Re medY. gays: Paro. Gearger Francia wam i, -verely afflcted with lAusey ~t and bail bearundor thecgeo tr a 21t.ý Shébà s nfur bottlt af the. Shaonsea .medy, and no Be,, T. 0. BbaowN,- Brcoklin, On gays My lfwasw,-ovry 1ow with Lu, Atbm remedy-e viwapereatly restored Fprice cf the. Bezndy in plnt I0ties,$ Pi111# 2ô cents a box. SaId-by ail mcd aineodealers~ft~ An Atanlmhlng Face. A laW s rotef aithe.Amerlot peop , 0 aaydYligfrom thoefeci a 3(iiYp -a oi uç lrdered livor.'The eýU tofaitheme dieuos open thi emo" c 1ýiUiglI; nand vat1f7lna-i1j ta be. Theo..ne gaod roaman fartubu if yen vill auly throw aulde prejudia, and keptieimm,,take the advio¶ ef ý;Ãœeoir'nn'ougutrloyer. Your epeedy>relief la crtain. ilions ai battlem cf thue wodioine ha,. 'been given avay ta try, îts, virtues, wih atifa 'tory rosulte j n every. oaec8j YOU cain buy a amplo bottie fer 10 conts to /try. TIreo .oaemiiDroliovo the vermt )j Pam.I1âIlve1ý mld b>' ail, pruggimte tj h W U.pContinont, For ae ~y S. W. :9. Smith & o. Fram Chas. H. Colgato, Emq. Of teà 1. 0 pa1gat à &Co., 41neitto. toeroao Flavaning Extraots,'21 ]lacktane St., Daosto.,, Sainorville, Mia., Dec. 6, 1870. Moes-aiSeth W. Fevlo & Sans: ~ontI4eu.LaeISptïag m>' littiai daughter,Ãaged dy*ËbecamO very, much, emmoaiatodl with lame cf appotite, and groat prootratian of strougtii, m0 mucli ne tht w. ver. obligod te tako her out lof-uobGl. Thîis ttntipued thraugh the. 1811hà bejr sud oaûod nemcinâmuext>'. -A1tor trying varionm remodie8 vithaut ~.niving îny benollt, Our family phy. mîime recomamndea the nse af Pîutl. VIAN SYaUP. After ning It ane woek veoeawa& mankéd lmprMoment in-thé qbiliel'econdition, sgoï u aineà Mnth e ~es ralpîdi>'gainlng In helth and otropgti, lier eppetite being excellent. At titis'dato-mii. la perfocti>'Wveli, vitli round, Plump checks, and liealthy cler, aad laenain attonding oheal regnlarly. 1 cacler lber reetoratien ta leiatl en- tirel>' duo te the PZUVIAN SYRUx', and 1e01 tht I cannat tac higlil>' recoin- moud It as -6 toule. Ver>' gratofuly yanrm, CHAS. H. COLUATE. solO Ly déraera igoneral>'. T118 Ear! cf Lotrim, his lerk and coachinan, have been shot. Who crime la believed ta b. of au agrîrian cour- acter.t TîLusxuvit onOyEns~onir NEW YOiRK. -The Taegram'a sà peclal freiWash. lngtan msaye -Tildn bhum-no expecta- tien cf aecupylog the 'white Ilonso befarc 1880. )Tgism-tact vil! b. madie apparent In a fow montha by a -power. fui ettrt tetona eTilén tlie muecesor Gev. lBobngou, GENEiÃŽAL GRANT PItEBEiTED TO THE~ - otq.-The P6pe received Gen. Grant an Saturday. The General vam pre- seuted b>' Cardibîil MoOlooke>'. CAPT. D. loggia, cf Port Burvoîl,- Ont, wttg :"Iam Pleîed ta naelfy tu you, of fie benefit vhich I have recel,. pi ad fiam yeur ALLFN'a LusG BAL9,Am. Having beeu troubied vith an occasion. t al caugli, if timea very sovere, during yearm pat, I have feuud yenr BALS»I te relieverny ceugli mare rendil' tItan anything I ever trled.- iMy vife has aûlmonsecl if vitlî tie ineet atisfactery resultm.'" PArIN IILLR.-tlte testimanials 1taU.p oa ta the, offca>' cf tItiovaluable modicinc are-mufficient ta varrant itm infroduc. tien ietpevejtyh40Te- Our ovu opin. i ion is tuat riefai>'yeliuld- b,- vitheut pr( if for a ingle haur. Iu flash vounds, Cel aches, Paine, lares, &c., it le the Mont eflectual rentedy vo know ef. A biot. tlevîill lait fer a ver>'long- 11., and al Ifs Wrispjac ait Within theazeacl iR ofat.'4 Of.l8 J, 'm "Prmnmmuf~iki &*m mur bea orvieehelh sgvigavy gte c4rdramlà alanaà ry in South Amarica. f.da taddr.msed-,uvolo pta tii.Bxv. 2 oemm T. IxxAj, 8Ctà o D, BibleHom., go. Nvv ota Y * Cty. 1y47 MORTOAGE SALE.: iit N0-IE l hereby given thst, under an& Nb vrteof apaver aofmae là a cer. tetirin 019ue f Mrt-geWhovIihé b producmd stth-ti Ur amaieth.r.. iiibe o>bi jpqbAlê'Auc' 64, À4AT ~ Y OTÈeL 1; IN Tasi STOW. -ýOF WHtJY tÃœiTSiiOUNTY OONTAZo,! On SgatUrday, the 4th day of ' ay; & .W 80 e0 At the honrai aiofthe alool c 4. 9a I,..~ .~wgm nld y FARM, MILL PROPERTy AIDPBÈgËiIsE$ , viz ith=ai lylImit a ru. c Fmft-,,Thoouth hatll f tnUMbr TERMS 0F AE e wety 'Oe i testh Cn asionofthe' Township af Whltb>', lu the Ocunftycii lte or cente of -theticpur.- . jOisR2M,~u Pr9muw.ol Oatri, ntaftng veYê adfti lec by mbmem at. i îdom h tis là -btaleu oe menti. n, : u>oksller Statone t r 1l, ad,@ mavithe meitchose luey ta ba n ýf0 K&lot am bas- ea l d o foPesol tmc r ither ai ,. r cu-ufrs 1an. Fredorlek A. HéareF,1u&d0 ,he or Porttcn Appiy ta, tiheun- Wlittby & Prt PrryBiwy Campa h LOd&AriL A CTÃŽON SA Aise thatypait ai lot nunibertvsnt>'.>'Preo 1 fIte litia (lancesmion ot the said Township DtSMrhVonders Selicîtorp, Tarante. 01e Whltby, h aim' admeasurementae ' lOtchit, 1878. 1845d thrse ares af land, te arnémare or - VALUABLE PRÃ"PEÈRÈ Iessu,and kuovu auste Francis MinI Pro. C A N ~ Y. - Party,theofull dscrition ai viticb cinhbe H NCE * SA LEl Beaunanthoe is ade. Theseare*efl.howu -OF~-'u~ and splendidi praperties. The farm cansists T OW N O F W ~ m of eocelet land veli l ltted, viti gai A , .E u i.Cun>.c buildings, and ;ain ugood repair. V L AB E FAR n Dh cut fOnt aria. The Millp aprtv,,au adumirable invest. ment,-mouad ,1: st andi mont faverubîr-AND-, There viiib. oiS on liovn mlle n the Cat>'.Par termesm Vi LL UI Â 1UTUj ! VJDAYTHE THIIËTEENT particulars appî>' ta VILLA E DPROPETYn~ A T n~ A. G. MeMILLAN DA ip Ai 1878, Vendor's Solicitor, Wititby, tbut. USATt er fth-or-1A n 'lcki h ienoe Dated 2u& April, 1878., - (15 pUB B tiDce itoCa Y i A u 'Lack lu ithe aiorneofn, tl a.Chanoer>', lu tie uit ai LEPPER v o Y OEl iTi iWi LEPPER, bearin, date the ixti asicib>' virfue al Pawer o aile centmlned in 01i Otlnatage, whlch vill bc pradn SERVAKT-bMAN'WANTED Pubich, .TtiviiibewsalL b> MAN-Mut h ~Ga. LDaCrfuil Es iq'erester ofnthe -arggefenJ GO0D STEADY MN-utb saiS Court ait Whltb , b the saiS Moster if Tawn Iýots tram Na. 68 te Na.' 74, bol ca ad gad.cows. anBaknoa ho ta tluetheTow aofWhitï,' Ã2 inclusive, an the vemt aide af Brook miret ca ~ ~ WRgGtOeSp M-,11 heinaSci ~ ~ NB B>aMt! ul tieTain af Whitby, iu the saiS Coanl et Ontarlo, according ta a Plan l111.inlui CueONIeCLE Office. TUESDA Y the I6th& DA Y of Reqistry office ai the Caunt>'oai Ontarz PiCon Sray d M APRrL, A. D. 1878-. e1 Pigeo s Stayedobe illaving lands and premises lunftree Townshi ofi Wltb>.'.Aiba Lots 174 ta 17! arIls.unive, and Lots -2(02 ta 207, bot I TEAYED frein the suberiber, an Sat. - XS5TLY.-Part ai lot number Filteen lu inclusive, an théeet aido ai Break siree ki urda>', OM Murch, tva pair ai Black the second concession ai the Township oainlutiie 'saiS tam eof Whlfby, accardingt Nun pigeons. Thte api90onm have aiwhte Pickering, conan n areofian acre saiS plan. oip ithéac vi nd . au looblac moe olueos inthe ai Duffins' The iollavinq impravements ire saiS an th tpoth ig.Crsek, se eacben, ,. ele feraoinArthunr ha an the premimee....Âlarge andS tsidsom Any'persan retnrning fben,, or glving iu- Leppsr ta John Lepper, mhicit vil! ho pra. tva-sf are>' modelm brick residence, vifh s] loratin inct viileaoiSfathéir redaver>' Suced iftftho sale. There lu a fraeestore necemear>' antbuildutgs anS ather intpra', mii b rvaded aS nyperson retainig amd dSvlinug hanse anS stable, on saiS lti. monts., tei miertiisntie iiDe prosecuted. '8icaieny.-Tlirt>' tve anS a quarter TERMS ,-One-tenthi of the purcias JAMES LON&. acres oi lot eighfeen, luin efsf ouncession mcney ta be paiS dowi an the day et malE Whitby, Apil 8r5, 1878. 16-Sim of Pickeriug, lyiu sentit oiftte Grand Far balance, fermis vil! hca mdeknovna Tmnýnk Ihailwa>', as gescrl bed iu a deed frein the aie. James MLllnte John Lepper, wtict vili Fer turther particuaaapyt JONEI FOR THE NORTH WEST 1 beproduced aitte sale, BROTHERtS & MACKEZIE,Solicitors - IULY-Thaf portion ai the north hait Maionic Halt, Toronto ; or ta A MEETING oftthe Oshiawa Cotony will oft alla lot aikhtaon, Iymng South ci, and Trna E ÂEEL s. b Baturdaï, (lt April, if ivo o'cok, Th m l iee area-i a leared, ~ --______ part y mît1 bs ormsel tu louve Ostawe, an exccpt about 20 acres on parcel number or about the. 12th instant. Persans desir-fliroe. There ig a trm, hbaro wvith Stone MAN1100D RESTORED. ing te go mii ptieuattenud andS oucn l fnndstion an parcet number three. D RESCRIPTION free for the speed3 titeir naines et o nce. Ver>' cteap rates Tlieearcets are distant anù hall mile P cure of seminal veelcn*o, lest min. prccurad. - osufin' reek, and about lie milsa hood, anS ail disorders braughttan by imdis G. S. HALLAN, frein Dunbarton, bath good markets' crottons or cuceas. Any 'druggist has-f1t erer>. Tite Vendors shah flot be bounuSfa pro- ingredienti. ASdress DAVIDSON & C0. - ~ ~ uce any'other titis deeds titan tiose in 86 Nissan St., N. Y. cn0 -their pessession or inrnish any abstract, LADIES, ATTENTION. w_ abc1rduesathsrale. a vîc Q5TRAYED.-Came loto ft.e promises cl Thore viii ho a reserved bld on sacit the subacribér, ltoN. 7, in the 7fh The cetebrated American Hmir Workcs., parcet, fixed b>'ft.e Master. con. Pickering, thuce Sheep. The amner is Tite purchaser sb all pa>' down on ft.eSa>' recjemfcdîo oo properi>', piy .expeoses Jcl o sale a dsposit aifan yer cent. upon his an d tîce ftea v, or tha>' viii, ha ccld M4 A.X JA..CO'Bpu:chase m mîtian vthi oue mentit:a accordtng te 1w. * -JOHN JONES. 230 Quees St. West Tortnte, msoin safiient vitt the Sspcslt te make na Mirct, 15, 1878. (8in-18) ikrn (Threc Dean rainr St. Patriclî's _Mîrkef) inca ta bc secured b>' a morigage upan tite VlEG to inoiriet te LadicK titatite is promnises, tat.esieerceofaitite Court, paj C A U T 10O N. JJ te oly E NUNE IAIL W)RY.pitabl infour years iroin the day of sle flu Cite. lia guarantees l kinds af is ithinlterest, annual>', if savon per cent. -P C LGOTH wrrte'* s dou, tu pertection, neaf and Onu piymeut ci one hall the pnrcitase Tj C LG0 roereiddlcrdett ereumd moue>', anS oxecution aiftte martgae, the 'i ZrPlaa sndyororer ad wl purchaser viii be entitied. ta a couvsyince, Mv I N vv c a co ttend fa thein. anS te be let itoopossession. " y te ay Tobac Theo mortffege wil bc prepared b>' ft.e '" ConblgsSae p t ode ~* endor'sa Solicitor aitie expeoe efthte pur. 18 STAMPED WICHElns, cURLtS de i taser. FRIZCES, UES, ANDThecter conditions are tita standing ~- FRZE, UFS ND conditions ai sale aoft.e Court of Citincer>', l FRONT PLAITS. excepi sa above.- vried.- - For lurtiterpoarticulersanaod]conditions aif Casis ont af streigit Heir made eqoal ta sale, apî>'ta W. H. Billinge, Tendor's Soli- IN GILT LETTEIIS.-' iatural Carlm. Rasil hair switches etvaye citer, .Orinston, Fiarewell anSdIlntledge, u tend frein #LWU up. Whiiby, aoc] John Homkid, Q. C., Toronto, O:::- None other is Genuine. -41l CAUTONanS tite'underaîgnçd Master otite Court. CATO.W. H. BILLINGS, Hamnilton, Marcit 11, 1878. (3m.13 GE 0. H. DABTNELL, Vendor's Solicitor. _______ Peese Sont ha cisleîd b>' canvemmers r.- Master. eseoting my naine, as 1Ornptey -noua ex- Daied, Marot 23rc], 1878. (lt-sm il 0ilPRhUISi t i yacii axiS carS. --N--S- MA230 QCOIISt West. SURPRISE MUSK MEÉW EW M U >LALL P. S.-Country orderg pramptly refurned Our nomMelcn o imitamosiDeli- L G~H II . Msy awn expeisse. Orders loftiet Mra. D. iiicnmevsmlntroduired. Perpkt.25c. egCerâ, ,dresgxnaker,,opposite. Ucyal IMotel, TOM THUMB 8WEET CORN, MUSIC FURNISIIED WHEN DESIRED. 'lîitby> ii bu praniptu>' attendeS ta. Erliest tinovu. P5,-pkt.20c. ibot Scating Capacie>', One Titeusand. bmail. 3t1c. Bond fercanr catila. GEO. HOPKINS. $20.0 REW RDIfree.. PRIfE S KNICK(ERBOCKER, XTHE RE AS, on tho morning cf Sunda>', t iti-1l) 80 Saie St., Albany, N. Y.- .v usat 0 isu sîioe up amd tfiya y he lute Ui trsoins person or per- 1alef 0keptlootor. u O CA. urknewn, Sic] wiltntly and maelueusl>' t040 tIrkGP h mgloe.Dit 0.CLA. Iletiretemy Be illU, irierebtùicRaid ____Milli euS contente have beeu fata l>'don- týÎr Viiccs f B1s-t8, Marriagea, troyod. The aboya rewerS îitt te paiS b>'r 1moto an>'eule mitamilI give such inorun- and Doatig a /oed 50 apnisaeclc. itouieni aiSdta lte conviction cf the part>'Or Parlicé mita comnnitted fihe offence. ALEX. BARCLAY , MAB Et ED. -' -Lot 12, 8ît con. Pickering.U VAN der VOOItT-BROCK..At the Clareinont, April lai, 1878. residonce cf the bride'saster, Mme, - ____________ David Rogers, ,hlliy 0on Ttcsclay, April 2nd, Mr. D. Addisen Van dem Vaort, cf Belleville, tQ Mise Ma Draclo f Whitby. DEATHS. bfUBIRAy...At Wltitbly, ou Tuesday, Aprl 2n1d, 1878, Thoas Williamu, andiPU hs be!liArd $Dul>oeen 1cfMira Michael Murray,'. IVITE.-Àî XVitb *on Mrh TCEis horclsy given of a utsie 2 . MmciNmeu511g oaithc Ilatepae Fabciste 9tJ WhlI Wtoua teai n!>'son Town of Wl1it1èY# Will ake Place sft teL 7 m onîbe asd17 di>'..' eac TOWN HALL, WEIPBy, -on - WHITI3y MR. ~~FRIDA Y, ,'sRnI th, 1878, ~ OnîcmAptt Sr] 178. Ut7,80 ,p.m ru.tmthé purpome ot receîv. i~Csî,ltie bri.........61 i13(1 06 the10 gî rt'et the Deputation appointeS lurWeat...........1#5 50 @ #i00 te oreOttwaon the éuhjpc f eli Hum l'autigWhat. ........ 8 10 c wsi IrJAMES HOLDEN, l3arloy, -... ......$0 s00oa,00cAril ici, '78. Mayor.,a 'eus ...................5 c 00TÇ< teceorae l'eue lilik-eyd. - 6 1 (0 O S (12Trnss ancSuprerMn Oesu .mcyt ......0.0.@" o Springesm potr aj .8s-......... 8 00 cao ho consulteS as fellous Ha>' t ....... - - Wtith>', Royal Mata!, April 256t18 Ap... #'~ " ~ 1 80 Dbar,Commercial Hotel, A r-h &27, -p....cO61#1 0_ Bamanvilto, Itueboffain floe, April E8a .. ....... c. 10ta 17 DR. Ho-rcaius-treatment la preola - WcoS...........40 0 i80 fioneltideconamical. Ils bjeeflinimedlte Wo8l 806(1 &o morlet anS eventuel cure lh ts bagaS upon toin..........L..... 25a 8 scieotieprlnciptes, ad Cad eontaced L 1360, fe qurte ....... #,ao eo00 son, thata TiTmnss uthout smo Steel 8p igs or 65 50 ~ f8 ard substance having boa eS ingunal and SOpko.............00 73 @0 1 urnsllaallcas avartcoceîoetaithe advanced ~fdu............. 6000(1~66100a esri ctivoly tram t5Stuyears,znesandeSPIE Pork ........0 00(à # Do vs ibeadthettagallîigtal Sarlg Tremses. LM0er ....... Treîis Chitdren as veou aq adn Ccltsis calVUo ...............* ~Office aLdireau la Albion, orieanm Ca, N. y. (4 Tumolpi ........ ....... .. 10e AGEKT8 WANTEO FOR THE As Chooso ......... r......2e0 @18e. Goek par P-HSTORYoftheWORLD co em Pr l 0 Emnbrac,fià IUtand AnteoUeca~Sunts of Tuk~,Per lb.S e8 1( tvery unaion oftanciaisiandS mademulne Claver Bo.......... mc luidliu t storyaofuhe risean fit a 'ers Z 1 nSRalinEm neosandgrait c Tl athy.- . ....... 6% 106 00 teUeîinmarEulr<,. isl g PBBR M.RKB'S. the s.the, tondalytem>bCli. remia. PORT 91R- ÂlBB toýh dseeyanS metitlentcf tho Nomw Par Ppry,.&pii r5,878 IttaLine (072 dne lulmorcl oeavlngs andSeSm Wheit, sping.. 0 e" r Whut,îai..........le , 1 at oighu, Bond ftCmon dean WIcur, f l.....100 O(0 efateretita ,ate hlitsn Flers,........... .... 0 tsert>uanâgr ok.Adr SO~ç 0 u 60 N ()NAL PUBLffl âCo., T 115..........1 087 00 7pIPa. A.............. 8 0if r e D. OBIU>J rsaitdid. =C p rp EBRITISH AMEIIICAN HOTEL, n occupied b>' C. anS S. Ra>'. Splendid location lu thc Tain ot Wttit>'. OSfera wil te receivad for abo y t>'hit undersignec], up te ft tthe t fMa>' nat. Possession aiven on 26th Auguaf, naxt. JAMES ALMOND}îeutr New Stage Line BETWEEN 'WHITBY & OSHAWA.- I have put on the s-ente btleen Osht- awa and hitty a confortable caveraS Stage, anS solicit tae patronage ot trîvelers sudaltera. Ever>' tten+ion villte paiS fa te comifert and canvenienceof as isengérs, and ta tise suonrit AnS prempt Soliver>' ef parccts commuite ft0 My chargé. Th ara *111îl ho aotages par day eact va>', vlz.: Leavlng Oshava caci mes-nia g iu fimo ta nako close connections uith the Whiit>' & LindsiayRailvey, anSds.t 8 'ctoIea eoi aitemnoon ; and teavIng Whîîby at il a.m. anS nt p. m., oi et( h Sa'. -Thoestage vil1 eail mi muthotels in eaci t tan, and orders eof mi an>' aift.ehtls mi Il te attendeS fe. !are muS chargea modes-aie. J. R. ADAIII, Proprletcr. March 27ih 18Y78. (-Id B LACKE E E FAS FOR AL A splendid smee Pr daagood. Lot 18, ôtt Concession, 12 Wtitby. Home-Gro wn Seeds! ALL THOSE WISHTNG ;ood, ReIiabIe, Gardon- Seads!I PLEASE CALL ON ýETER ,SMITH, cm .. 1SIMON FRASER, Who aro evur read>' ta 188' HOME INDU8TRY l AnS b>' lping atiama hep thlemeeivos, %uslug us %ai: te feel, ptgieamfçijî amé- omow Soadg-. TilT BIOWI;'5 ndia n' Liniment, 6. C. BROWN, m-a-a- Withy lmarci 1tt, 1878. (ti.iS HE 4&BAl4'y SE 5OE Estabed 1881. >Rt~&KOE10KEI SuicfflM doetv. 6. Dolw kco.,i IRflRMEN. AN. . L V .S FA UCHERS RE8TAURANT, ADAMS' BLOCE, KENT STREET, L IN D SA Y, Opposite Molntreal Telegîseple Office,, R EFRESHMENTS et all honrs -eyslera Xtaivays freuh. Gut:sts waitaS upon SHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE. A FINE TWO-YEA1I OLD T11OR. ougit-bred Dus-tam Bull. Pedigree- Weigits about 1M0 Ibo. Apptt 7-il JOHN SITH, MI Raglan P. O. NOVELTY WORKS, T Ile 5 SRIER ain g prcaed sessonedl Lumber trout the Mndge anS Yarmood Manniictnring Compan>', iu nam prepaed ta fumniait Doarm, Sautes Blinda, Flramng, Monidiogai, Base, As-cisitrves, quis-eS b>'thete riSe, at the Iwst iving Weod iusning Nevels nd Balusters ta order. Luniber for sale, test qualit>', tovesi Wrf, iops frein long experiauce and b>' aqure eling tauterlf sacitare ot public patronage. GEO. GILCHRIST, 'Pneprietor. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASOOW, -NEW WINfTR ,ROUTE Ail-an LUne 0P ROYAL MAIL -STEAMsAIs. Every -Snnd"(ay' frein 'Hefax an arrivaI c1 fhe train lesilng Tarante At 7.,02 a. m. ever>' FriSa>'. 1rCà bInýiar 1 Wreduc$eo, a s; 881,11, Beýnnm ticketsF, 6127, $145, #170 îccardlng tcpositiù au tito meom. Nova Sccflan, fs-m HlUIax, Mu. 80914 1876. ,, AVril8ti,#, Sfeeagepasen mr. orward.tT. don dif, aQI"dnaIaher BrstJ, -vequmcI,J Sm t 1 p ri1 wicht8g te mnS am thei trlli I I E e I a s' -WAL L. ,,, #RS1AP4iOWAte- 1W RSl fisreceived hlis W ù.'go'k of -e l . spr< ' BORDER/NOS, ~'P4Pfl4 1WIDýOWYINbS&I The: assortment is2 larger thantbat ýoý-any previous -season The designs are 'the la'et4hieti h akt Thé' pdrftg -from 0 et t-5 cents per roli and 4k nte S. - O X B R T ~ WWity E ~IST0FAJJCTIONEE.1fS pyý Licensed for the South Riding of Ontario, North Riding of D. Bishp ;ý -. Osh6îA8, 2 'Plis. Pencher, Bollard, Uxbridge, June lot, o S. S. èe h, Sunderland, Brook, z ly pth, D. Bimhep, Oshawa, S. Ridiug, 28th, T~H A. J. H arrngta, P rt Perr3, Ê eh, 1 u Oh -Tiou. Tuaker, Loaekdajo, - . ScatSpt s f.;,o, the, W . M Ê iffoi a j P(kt P0*y, v . Bidixfg,8rd a p' b>', J. M. Puttersen, Blaomingfen, 4tli, i Frank Dean, Orihia, - ' Mara, " 2tb, "a ,Ta. Digby, jr., Clareinont, N. & S. ]Ridinr. " 2eh, d liae os. Plke>', Wexford, Uxbridgc, 2Ofh, g ifli Albert Spring, Mukka; Beach, 218, g ýet, L., Fairbank, Whitby,,.fg 22nd,. if>' H . L . - a n z n t, S to u ff i e , Û T x r d-, 0 6f l i the Sein!. Baird, Brack, l.Sith, i 4a1 rnGrdn Sunderland, Dec. > rd, te J. C. Widdifield, -Uxbridge, Uxbridge," ti L79 Cloutent Dives, Part Perry, N. Biding," 21sml, oti Donald Cîmpbell, Whifb>', Brack, Jan. 5fi,ý 1879. et, E. H. Cameron, Beavertan, Thoruh, "I 21sf, d tOt Geo. MoWilliain, Toronto, Brook, Feb. 28fli, neLIST 0F PEDLERS FOR THE Co. ONTAIO.- ve. Hector MeKinnon, Non-Résident, 1 horse, Aprfl 25fth, 1878. Thes. Chîttersou, Town Whifby, di Jn 26tfi'6 50e John Fluait, Thoauldi . Jan. BOth, 1879. 'l' Josepht Jackson, Uxbridge, "Mr lh bxFR E SH SE E D S Vick's Flower and Vegetable Seeds; dyLawn Grass Seed, Tuberose Bulbs, Oxalis, Glâdio*lus,_&C., &c. - NEW CANNED FRUITS. ïs California Plumbs, 'Lima Beaus, ,Id Aprieots, String Beans, 9. Peaches, T0Matoes, Pears, Corn, Pears, Maple Sugar, Maple -Syrup. R O IlJAESN Beg to return their sincere thanks to the [public«, for the kind patronage eéntended to them for, t he past five years, and hoping by strict atten- tion'to business to'menit a share i the future. W. J. Hi. & Co. have great pleasure in announcîng the first arrivai of SPR I NG xGOOJiS CONSISTING 0F [.New Brown and White Cotton, from S5e. to ,13c. per yard. Prints-S'plendid - vlue-5Sc. toiSeé. per yatrd. Black and Grey Lustres, from 10c. to 25c. per yard. Cotton Hlogiery, a great-job'-at iOe-pDer pair, "Gloves, Corsets and Collars, in great variety. New iReady-made Clothing to hand. Ties, Scarâf, Haiidkerchiefs,; Collars, and Feit Zats,c - for Gentlemen, (the largest stock in Town. g.»- Farmer's Produce taken in Exchange. W. J. HIOKIE &Co. March 4th, 1878. IMlln Bl9o1k, Brook St. DOMiIONWARBR 0OM. Hfave received some choice Prints, a portion of their Spring» Tweed. and Worsted Coating,.__hyep is-class Cutter. CLOTIJING -T O ORDEIR, On short notice.- They will have 'fui, stocks -of. prig Goods in >pff w dayo, cheaper 'haùeyr-J -î Wiit>',Mur.'78 FPLES FRUInDEPT! Apples, Potatoes, Butter, and Eggs, taken ini ex( for Goods.Ca, st the NewCash &é000Be." SIMON FRASEI 9,b iOb 878. Ontario Blok, Brook-St., SPECIÂL NOTICE. rured'ýfiom the Engliali Makets; shall OP6 in a few days, in our new prèmises; > RIOE43RDSoNs ]BLOCIK' The- Largest and Fineist Assortment f We havée ev6 shown in Wlnitby. ALSO ýA FULL STOCK 0F- 8:1 New Famil1 Groceies. HAMILTON-& H-ARROWER. C AlIJ Gai CA]RIAGE AP.FACTOY ROKSET IIBY --THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0F riages,- lihs 'and Cutterý' M. O'DONOVAN'S VE Y E P ALL &S E THE . - WITBY - Have received this week from. Eng landl, 'a splendid assortment of Tooth and flair Brushes, of th&i-ýest quality and Iatest designs; eaeh brunsh wll have-& oi: naine stamped on it.- ýWè have also receiTed 100 dozen i Dressing and Fine- Comibo, in Rubber, Horia aod hem>', whicli wc offer VEIRY CHEAP. SMIHRMC. Eidge's Patent Food, Ray ' nfant s' Food, ;RigqIt's Muetard Leaves, E n l e i oi eb. ,ý à 8 LAING &STE WAR3T" Gilea' Liniment, 25c, 50e & $1 bottice.- Langfomd!s Radical Cure for Catarrlt, donstitutional Catarrh Remedy, Bath Senges Havig flishd ,9ocktakig, nd id able, will, or a_ ew w ïeekaý, givôIkercs tomersdeoided braia and, w9çzny ak Of their aid FRIENDS and eustomrathe favaur of t7eîr pre8'ence ai their earlie8t don- venience, wlten L. de S. will do ail theyi can ta point oui the Bpeczal bargainq.' Yaurs, very reajieciful4,, LAI'NO &'STEWART. GO-L D S M T--E[HL jaur k CP, AND,ýFANOYGO9DS, PIREVIOUS TO STQCK 'TAKING iii thé 1.t cbutaffim iug there 89hie pi =Iencd an unarpa - -ýcuijer ic-u, wiu-lueresm hearoan payable inu tie muantine bali.'>early if 8 per cent. pér annum, 0.96 of int-ersf is nov past due, wit i lterest tiereman i 12 per cent. per annuin, anS ta the lite interemf et Jamües Caeran ilu aus4iLtt cifian acre thereof, nov fonceS luat the Svelling hanse of~ 'the saiS James, Caneran, on the -vomi boooSeat fthis 1arcel. Tte Tenders viii ouI>'bcbouhndud fur-m mit tao thé purohisers a copy laf tie ]iegm.. trar's Abstract to the saiS' respective. par. cls, and viii net pnaduce or tumnimi d eeda' o r dccumiqnîa nor capies af deedsanmd Soon. mhenta'ÃŽittir possesio; anS fieypur. classera ai pircel No. 8S Mlii ouiy h. enfieS tc receive copies: fci mot es doacu- mentis wmmci are lu ths Vendor's possession relatlnq thereto,- Theo puretasers efthte respective parcela ta b. ai mi etior expense li tetegsstry Office anS lu proving sucit Abstrat.. 1 - Tho Pnmchimrs viiib. reqnlrad if thé tineof eto aPay Sown ta the VoisSors, ar thoir Solicitor, ton per cent. elft. purobas ninnem' and mtin eue moufli tioreatter te pay et balance af the purchasa mea>, miitaont interout, inoa the Court et Ctan- cary ta the joint credif ai the Tenders'anS aio thse Eeferee. There viii h a reservod bld cn cacit par. cal fixed b ythe Master.: The otter candi- tiens ai sala are'the standing conditions ai lte Court ci Citancer>'. Furtiter pirtciuiarusud conditions ci sale cen ha obtained ai the Liaw offices af J. Reit Goran.,Tendona' Solicior *A. G. Me- Millun, anS W. Hl. Billingu, oftÉe Tcwn of Wtitby ;--John HoakiiftheCutay>'if>aiTam- asita ; anSdute undersigned Master ufthtie maiS Couanimitty. - DateS iStit Marct, 1878. (SignêS,) - - OH. H. DARTNELL J. K. GORDON, Master. Tenders' Solicitor, Wtltby. (Sin-la -HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. FRESCOING A SPECIALTY. A duine sortmcnt of uta ver>' lîtesi stylaeDi - MARTIN WAIM -Tia danos-t-aifRings' Tanner>', Brook Street, 'Whifby. (ly.13 Di.solution af PaI-tnerahip, T E PATNESmFHERETOFORE eRxiatingTbaf'a-eaen os,under tiho titis of EDWARDS & .CAMERON, a Boufdera anS Contractera, hasiieto dusoived ibis day b>' mutuel consent. AUi debia due the fis-ti muai bapalidte A. P. CAMERON, bymboni ail Sotto Sue t>' itwmiibe naiS GGEOGEEWADS, AARON P.CAMERON. -Ini canneclian iui tae tovo, mii 80- ceunis due taefis-utaiofEDWABDS-4; iJAMERON, muet ta satied imnediatol>' ta B ave caste. - A. P. CAMERON. Oshawai, Marci 7t, 1878. 1 PIANO FOR SALE. AppltthttcManagera ai, ALL SAINTS' SUNDAY SCHOOL, 12.) -Whufhy. FRASER &CLARK', BOTThERs 0F- ALES AND PORTER WALT'Z LAGER BRRR, &c. MILLICHAMpS BUM~DINGS, 29, 31, & 33, Adelalde Street East, TORONTO, 'ONTAIO,. - o.T 2 h 7. o cu - y - 'e (l.Jam e Byzlé Centré'-- Street r aDoinioni ga1to H. B. Taylor partDiaam -or Dr. Maaan, irmntiord. ae Hme Foit. 2i, 1878. 10, HOW LO8T. 1aow RESTflRsmn s thie redicei inedcino) 01 Physlcal lue mgo, etc., most lâr Pricei o ents, oasý-tv Tii. celeb2 ouaten~ cr,tie a =ao ovdes ouf Offie INTXNTIWiq PtRCHASER, l'Ir INV TI< TC) -r DD!flYn. T4z80 «F ive Cent R~eaare a'>Spec4ai Line, six, dfe~ patterns, 'Vr7ý tvt*yy J«:I'(,Yfbt, -,,Lef4! Offl e, FÇr JCott. - AND' iEs- BUGG CAF 1 1 b. Whitby, April Srd, 1878. HOTELFOR SALE OR TO RENTI THE GROCERY STOCK WELL ASSORTED on whitby, Mar.'78'. ýl JAMESÃ" SON. NEW- - GOOýDýS-: 1 1, LOWE$-ý j 4. POWELL. A