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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jul 1878, p. 1

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j ory 014 T RHIT Office idut door outh cf g*. ROYal - ARIILEGEB.A. F.~ ABEWELL, L. L.B, Couuty Crown Attorney. .48 JAMES KEITil GOklON, Notary Publoeko-OMiO -Ver r. Ad- Stft.W ,Onti chaucery*on. ynacann STB TLAW, SOLICITOR IN AG. JIomILAN, ><(bte Greenwoocl-& Momillan.) 1ARRISTRATTORBNBT, SL itorNoUryPublo, OovoyaCerf. whltby, Ontario. I ROBINSON & RENT, -<LiÂtiDtrueN& RoaixioN,)- * odouri Street, Toronto. ABIT* ît- c-Mnyt Loan Oprvîc-Over Dominion Blank, Whitby. Jeu- 221878.(1. ATTOIINEY Solicitor and Convoyencer. CI.lkronsyto iend. Mortgsgei bougbt and sold. A4,ent for seversi Loan Cou. Office, avec Wli htmm'a Store, Ring Street Omawa, l4 CAMNERON & APPELDE, HECTOR ANEON, .C. IY.48) R. 8. APPELGE, TBOA@ ZIJUtTON, * Rm . J.G1 NNoM.U. S URGEON TO TUB COUNTY GAOL, B 3fyron Street, Whltby. Dr. W. J. BIURNeS. - OCic--eXh d 10 UBOusICLE Ofie. ga- Resid once, at Mu-. Lewls Houck's, BYRION iz4l), 3a. R. PHlYSICIAN, bURGEON, &e., Dullus' Wun. JIoRIEN, 31.0. 3.L .,, i1UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., G- -bte eye R. O. Il. L, Oshama, Otart>. Dit.BOA T Pliyaiclan, surgeon, Acconuchor, , &o. Whltby, sept. soth, 1814. 40 W. ADAMS, flD:, 11T.I sTr-. R 0MB OVER IL.il. 3AMESON'S Grocery Store, Duncdas-Bt., Whttby. Office houri (rom 9 a&m. ta 1 M., and from 1,80 ta 10, P. iM. BRodoixc-Cor. of Dyron eud Glbert tre6ts. CiN VARI. L. D. o. EETH inertod on al 1h. ateit princîples ofilie art, 0a a*es 1h.eho -et, and ai gond nasth. but. 'eth filUed wl GoldadSivr an i new block, over Aiuson', Drag Store, RigStreet, Oshawa. 86 DU, Witis lAfel mil omcL) 1'BOPBZB okoe 7ûd A"#» oam. 46 TR3I'RUNK ÉAZLWAY HOTEL, (oppli. G. T. R. Station,) Whltby. E'v.ry co=Mmatl=o i fflti sit. nolu lng comfortable, alry bedroomi, lMeali astaWl it3'he Rat f lu pimUd wlth bail brandi of LiquonWtesil dia,, Cigar. *o. Evxy zioe'nay Jireoon given to trayallaro. 0-ooa StablLng, encloaed yard, sud ..ten. tive ostieri. 4 ÇOMMERCIÂL TE, CÂRTWRIGUT, ONT. Gond accommodation c OMMC1AL HOTEL ana STÂI3LÉS, 01 aud 561 Jarvla-trèet, Toronto. JOHN MOBÂB, . - - PROP.BIB2'OR. (SUoCOamoit To JOuR xEzr.x.; i The best $1 .00aDay Hfouî..inuthe City; only two blooki from tha North.rn Depot, and close ta th Market, The Houie haibeen sewly Pitted ont, and every.thlng rit-chas, ly.47( MR11. WAILKEY', TE1MPERANCE HO USE, BUNPVAS.STRHET, WHITI3Y. Goti ac4mmodation aI reasonable burina. Boirderi 58150 pot meek. 45 iT HEHQUBER'S HOTEL, .- (LbÂTE ctrîOÂ BR00K-sTittET, irISTBY, TAYLOR & McÙAN1, PROPRIRTORS. The underigueci deai,. 10 Inorin Iheir frientie andthIb public ltaIt tey hava taken the aboyv e ml knmn hotel, mnlet they have nemly citteci p npau reutovatad, and put mIte Ibm best cf cuder for th. accommoda. t'on 01 guulo. The Bat, mhch inathIbanci. someste t ubsConuty, la ml supplloti t te fiuosl lrandi o f ine. Uiquens, andci.i garg. iple .nelosed lieY toon a nd gocti sabile r tals, d&m. Detacheti ranem for commercial tavelieri. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCANN. laIe of Toronto. ROYAL - HOTEL, irEITST, JAS. PiIINGLI?, PROPRIETOR. Thc largest sud mont commotilous bolel ha tubè tonu; liai large sample tanins for commereial traveileni. -Table meil supplieti mith the best iu staîna. Desthbrandesiuquars anci eigars. Encloseci yardsud shedroon; attentive hosîlers. *Charges te suit the timni. X. B.-Llvry attache. 27 R OSSIR HEOUSE.--TORLONTO, ONT. Ttc Palace Hotl of Canada Refitteti, Refurnlshesi, sud Usi-ivaileci. New Pases- get'Eievator, rnung ni ht-sudd ay. The culy flrsf-ciass Hoal -u in 'a&mit h gratis- alei prces, vis t 52, 02.50, anti#8oSpr day. Membes nf Clubs anci- nthers, deoiring rcomi, mithout board1te,$2 peraa.H Fcb. 271tu, 1878. Proprieter. JG1I'NSle»HIUS"" FAS5T HABItETSQUARE, TROaNTO. W. G. JOHNSON, --PlIOPRIETO.R. -Tantis, $1.00 per Day. Slîbiing in Con- nection. s42 BITISE AMfElICAN 1TLty,~J WHITBY, ONTARIO. Hanne nemly rcnnvaleol anti furulsiteo Ibraugicut, anci put in flrit-class oudt fou- is recoptiancf guasîs. An omnibus tansd iram aU l -ao. Pirit-olans.sample irnm. SHAKESPEBARE HOTEL, nor.Kig & York-sta., Torcnto, Ont. J.4. O'GRADY, - PROPRIRTOR. Tantes, 01.50 prasDiv. .g"y-7) Ip)OST OFFICE 'SALOON, WOonToer. M. MeOONNELL, - - - PROPRIti'oi. ta"~ TEE BEST ACCOMMODÂTI N .gi JOHN ItODINSON'8 - 'JLTIB RESSNG ND SAVIG rONSOILIAL A1iTIST, Prachical. Hair. .fJlA onrooSSt.,AND H AVINU T Cuter &ac-Frank Emulîlofatl conBu-cir t., hltb. lte Resin hlouis,) 01of te WINDSOJt JdlllqWOLFENEN, 1CT4L Tcronto, the test artistlnlu is line JOhN WOFENDEN, in çanaa. Heinivtes bie frien ud cilt A &GENT POR TEE CHLEBRATED Publie te give blet a tal.- Settiet Granite. At Mrle Wot-ka Toronto, Mari 7. 1878. (Iyi oftJonethmliauWofden,Dmidao St., Whtby. G ZOG 1E CRXJJU MBER 1 LUMBER BOXNCARPENTER c JC . SON ohatiy o-hanti.___LUMBER MERCHANT WILLIAlI COOPER, W H IT BY, J3LAOKSMITH,-- BROUGHAM, Has on baud s large snppiy cf ail kintis ci (Scccesi-10 houl ltlccing,) Bau-o Lumler Boau-ti, sud sUluoes"su (sucomsr t Thmàs idauàh) Buding Lumnet-. renciag, Sawn Timber, Hor0selaig anti Ailkinti. , cf goneral amit Scantllng, a large quantityounitand. moulu, -IY52 Lau-g e eu-ters 1cr Lonug filltaff, fIled frein Mile nt short notice. C. C e14.LISBa-sDo, Sastes sud Blindes airsysou- V TIRGINIA TOBACCO AGENxoT tend. VTorontoslu-eel, Toronto. ly-1î$ Wliltby,My 7. 1877. ]y-20 T_ ZO'DELL, W J. , INMAN, A T HE RLY, OSHAWA, CrkDiv/a/on Court, Tp. Clark, Veterinary Surgeon, Cammissloner lu B. R., Lanti Agent, ca., Wilb bs aI Arrnstrong's laIdl, Whllby, ,' &au., Atheu-îy, Catinty Otarie. Tuesday, from 1 ba 4 e'cloek, P. M.,va- Atlberiy Set, 2ndl, 1872. %65 April , 1877. 18 iIOPINUNew Stage Line ETWICEN WHIITBY & OSHAWA- NEW MSICHAL,,,,B Ilave pst on thte route liteean OsI. xdQȣ3aED W G i".AB aansd Wtlty scomfou-tacoveroti Sage, sud sollcht lite patronage cf trovoir MUSIC PURNISIiD iWIiiN DESIÏPtID anci aIlers. Every attenuiou mili te paici 10o C te comfort adsouicnveuheuce af Passeugers, -Scaîlug Capacity, One Tbnuaand. and taeit. sonnuihy suti prmpt delivery cf UEO. HCI'KNS . p %ces commiha tnuy charge. Thorue Wjul bctloytagstor day tact may, vu.: Wm octL. 22, 187. - ly-44 Leavlug Osioma eac maroinohliea moake cloe@coneci ilb-,tue itimte P STRLindsay Rahiwav, sud a WSacair tb& LAND SALT AND PATRaftercn; anciçA 'lokec leuig Wit utlbyail An .n riOR SALE, CIIEAP AT -sud et 51PM., of oaci day. Tite stage wili - calo t 8ail h neislaci bo, sud orilets LI-VERPOOL -MARKET. 'oebittiy of tie totcls Wm bheahieuadeci 10. J.H. McCLELLAN - Mardli 27t], 1878. J. R.ADAIR, Pu-opuIcu-. Litrpvoî Mareto, Aitail, '78. --10-I41 ~ -(1 FAUCERS ESTURAN, -1878. opEZqlîNUOF NAVIGATION. 1878; FAUOER6RESAURNT, T,,roe-cNegara, & Dursto s8ti,. ADAMS' BLOCK, KENT STREET, but Lice, casnprieg tho -- LINDSAY, opposite Montrcol Telegrtipli 0111e.', Y) PlOSEMNTSahailiters-ystrî SWIFT, MAGNIFICENT STEÂMEBs Xt aiwào fresia. GtlesIi maltesi upcn CIty of Toronto and Rothsay, wltli prompttude sIatention. lu conneehlos mIthaé mewYork Centrail - sud ORES,"aCanada stnahern illwaye. K~GBRTHESSPEINO ARRAN G£MENT. WHITBY, ONTARIO, ,The %teamer CITYorTOBONTO. 0C the imuportevu, Domions sud Mauacturers ot au Rinadn ai LEATHER AND' FINDINOS, CM&itpam4 fo Rides, Bnrit, sud Leathet. Leather à treboIied. IWPBJj]TINQGî IPE TO ORDIZI ON n. he [Y M-AiJOR -MILLS, T. P. WHITrE Ha, reaunisticcntrol cf thesMabor MiIUà sti s prepared topay THE, HIGHEST, PRICE 1 FoRa Amy QUANTIT delivore t Ilta héml in Whtavala. Hé mIE mû.O every offort to e -s iiresuatiaatt tc thcesio eMay paîroniso th.eMIlmlii their GRISTING;. p - FLOu AN ' PED cf lié Pesi QuallAy, sud ai easouatl -Prises, rili'also bJ e apb contiutly ou hmnt andi for gaie. WhI-tvsle,- Oct. 10, 1877. 42 -Nôllice ta thé PfÛ <icI NEW GOAL YARD > AT -PORT WHITBY. ýW.eiolbng bt WIKESBAZIM mac WYOMNGiCOAL e est the Amerlean LaLîoe. =des *ff r. J. H. Long, or i od t te ooce of (lhe late C. Draper, WMt utb abour. Soeur.tIbmabova-nameac Cci. Yen m thon testlly, as ail ethers Whto have usec iti, - Whftby."t ARNOLD & FARtEWELL, Jan. 22, 1878. Prt Wbitby. m ONRY TO LEND.- The undlerigueiboa an y amoont nf mon- eyto Ledupn ePr rTownProperty, at unu.uahy Loir Ratai ni Inlerest. Loaus con ha repald ina mi t> suit bnr. roees. Severai Improveci Parms masud liLanca for saie cieap. Iuvestbmanîu muainl Municipal Dmbsn.. ture., Bank, sud cter maketata],ie Stocka. For f urther particulars apply t0 JAMES HOLDEN,* Officiai Assignes, Broker, &o. fipril t, 1@72. 1 MARTIN & WÂRAM,- HOUSE, SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. FRBCOING -A- SPEOIALTY, A fins assartinant of thée very lalesi style n1 HALL. AND ROOM PAPER! Froîco dosigus execaubeciounte sortest notice. MARTIN k WAIIÂM, Tira docte nortit cf Rings' Tauinery, Broclu Street, Wlhltby. -(y-15 FiRASER & CLARK, IIOTTLHRS O0- ALES AND -PORTER, WALT'Z LAGER BEÈR, &c., MILLICHAMPS BUILDINGS, 29, 31, &'33 Adelalde Street East, TORlONTO, ONTARIO. Nov. 1t, 1877. -(iy-47 SIVRPOQL MARIUIT 1 CASH F01R GRAIN, Frenchman's Bay. PLABTER, SALT. ANI? COAL - FOR SALE.' MONEY TO LOAN Ou Rel es tte, at Lom Raies ofI leu-est. - J. Hl. MOCLELLAN. Jaiunamy Ot, 1877. tis3 75 0 0'0 Spoona. Oo',ler. -- tGLOVERHAllISON, DOMINIObý FOR& FEED ýTORE.- C~~~~~~~i BÂ.P(IiLUO ouing ie FLOUI,,ý AND FEED remîàrkably.CHRAP F4 CAS H. FOR'SALE GÉlEAP,ý A Good 'orse, Phieton au4d- Harnees, Whltby, MaY 11h, 1878. un1. IF. VON 3A4E . ta O bti p~ ~ 15?x elret5Tune and io, an dm loeo a Mo elate Chgei being a residlent in î4î by e ar h~eh.pricecf t ning, &c. To dg Tig squae-Pianos #1.50 Gad orlco Ai 00 AUl orders lift ai Mr. J. Job nslon's jewel. rY store, Goldarnltha' Hall, wMf be praniptiy- attendea la. Satisfaction gleen or no pay. N. 1.-Aloo agent for P=a, i Organa. c HO01 I CB APPLE, TR ESi A 00U T 7510Mo HOME NURSERY, Prom tira to fonryeari o! age, entbtacing iii ttc test Varitties. SETH C. WILSONJ Lîlino. S, 2nci Con. PiokerIng, on. Ringaîcu Roadtiul fce, Whitby. L IST F THE DIVSION COURTS COUNTY 0 F ONTARIO, FOR TRE YEAR 1878. ~"5~Y. 'iIZ21 1 li81 1 il 81 117 GEO . H. DARTNEýLL, Junior Jutiga Whltby, Jany. 7h, 1878. Second BScssn-.Summcr ÃŽ878. STURGEON POINT H0TEL. 'his utoat tesirablo inumer hithei saitualocl onu Shurgeen Lake, w1titin tes miles 0J4],iday, Ont., Osenir open tomrlte reception cotgest. flueHouge. le fiint-ctsee in evou-y prtcular, belog silualtid on asbaauttfuilolmiti liait..Thes grounds are fiooly moted, anti laid luci-les ssci maika Oc PointesocInltereat. Thee ReCel commandos a linoviair oi iehtllettisansd wator socupes, Ifiortiilsetinhosuipror style sud vOtevsryvi«Wte c0 Oinirt. !Billard t-ables, croquet, hcsto, &o.,.ocstlit érises. 0nofltlcmd siocuucîn lte vlility. The $TU GEON POI'T HOYEV -May lie reacieci by lte teamers "Vandlerb~ilt" and "~Maile LtaXf,'"fretu Lindsay, coouecttng mitit pausstgetrtaalatsosntsillasd sud Whitbyj'Port Perr & Lindisay Rlal .Teasante "Vitoia"connecta ltu-elImes eacit 4sY aitit jfassen or trains su Victorila lailivay tt Feue- rZ- Scci-lor lme-tabl,lo itoaîu auial anti Sirparture of boats sud trains. GEORGE B1IITTjON, TrO L-OA3&z. !ICA/9RIAÛE WAGGONI ON IIST-CLASS FARM LANDS, 1b1 anMe Of $200 sud upmamtis, aI 7 peu- cent. Payable Hlif.yearly. Appl tot8T Apl eGEO. S. HIALLEN, Solicitor, d&c., T E SUBSCRIBER baving purcitaseci Tlte Maoiinery' sud entira, stock ci seasoncti Lumber frein tht Mutige sud Yirvood minufactning Company, is nov repared te furniet Doars, Bstes linda, PaeMonîtilugi, Base, Artitllraves, Ploiig, Shiteetlansd cveuytiing e- quired by te ltaet ltelovoîlIl in g Woooi turnleg Noeei anti Balosters te cu'tier. Luoxter for sale, test quaiity, iowesb Wh o ps ro long experieuct anti b3 sqaetaig la ment a store cf public patronage. - EO. GILCHRIST, THE CANA/J/N A/tR AS!1 Tite Canadlan Gai Machine he an auto. matic gu-as-uling paouhl o cd asaman jihicit fautterles, "lh htbos, chu-cIteo, meilingo, ér blitilugic. anY kinti, situabec inh the country, or be- yand Ibm reach of coal.gas mains cf citios, &uy te suppliecimiit a noie sud eep gai ligitl. Titese machinesu-re simple of custrue- lion ua l able tagîl tonI cf ordet, requit. Do silI 10 manage, are made lu a substen- liansd durable manner. They ocenpy little apace, au-a sel up eaImail expeese, sud aue- oq.uaiy adapteti for l~gil l siaies dcling, su-e na nei r etntrieci lilg %tbbve bc=on uconstantaâ4,ouo. use blllu11ail parts of lte country, btI bu= litpue lirai Iouseti1 oun builil the same rab onTe ett oua Ibousmi oe doutar - The maota, caur mnachine MANUFACTURER cf a nem unfproveci Root Seed and Corn Drill, Double & Single Turnip 4Jrifis. CLAYTON's PATENYRD CH:lRNS, nsge, Buggies, Sheiglia, censlanhiy on IlIPAIRING donc ncatly sut mcii on te shotstnotice. GEO-. 3RITTON, L4-CTwa ciocresentit f tht Qnuecrn'szHctel, fmcck Stretl----------tlî y. April lOtit. 1878. iy-44 A NEW RE VELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0F D1ESS-MA1NG. CCRNWALL'S SELF-uITTINil Drosses i litei fi-unmesanau-ement alone rlthuuh change ef A stth. v Par saIômîit frae instructions, aI DltJ55-MARBOo BOOMs, iRBITB1e. Agents montesi. Litoral jutlncements 10 the. tuode. Whltby, Ang. 18, 1874. 84 Farmn to Rent. RE F0 M latl drupied by 1gr. N. bains 100 as-l lea1 redan nd Large Oreitard, dcc.,Elhgibly situateci m- metilatejy ouside te limita cf the ocuora- F. E. GIBB W5'enosaliet, opposite Royai Motel, Sep. 2,187. (t-40 Qaiam, O b. y, ivl e prernptly atlendcci ta. HostOffice, Imperial Buildings, Tsoronto. j LEVI STON E;" JAMES MAN NI NG, lION. ALE.CAMPBL ROYAL CANAIN BANC. 'Wilkinson Block, dl-ecly North 0 OEALERSN OIIOI :- .DAsy oulon. JoU intH n Furuilure Store, RO FN MATilL8 MONEY TO LOAN on Imprcvcd Farin, PegiOOIN MRA -STRM LH8BY,- ILoir Rates ni hatereit. Afpiy tu- B egs nnouncé te te inhabilsuhi c1 TM BEST A RCAN îeît, Filt, C OUS, A Mso Wtitby sud viginity, Ibat ho bas npenedOa anti T4ti, Whiolosale, aI bi-oit uates. OU TOe - - E. H. IRTLAND, Manager, Torosn. -FLOUR & FEED STORE, OFICE : ,GO OTAE OO T u eou uetiau m( 1th hiii Puteher Stop, Cognai- FronI anti Loî'ne Str-cots, ApriliOti, 1878. 1 hienm hawm almays have an hancli____________ - A ARGESTOC 0FTORONTO. Choie lur, -TOK OF May 8Shît, 1878. it2. O ON TEPIANO- OsmaFRM FR SL PORTE AN» ORBGAN. - - o , as, D s r tl-a t a c s l u8 1 0 0 1 N O 4 N D S N I G C A S E S T A I J H T I ORDER DELIV IN - Z e. Q"OR GE Ce WIGGINS, B.A., TAuN Aipretion chi te, nhtti ar-thaadm 1 imnt. .4 nmi.-i For teriie rau-usher parthciae,,, apply' WM_ .oDOW- Or to hnhi MRS. PETER PALL, KNOW wedzaltatscu el x te' lent tESt to iSU.,=Seod "Ir Il at ce.Adea PEAODY M D C L H S L lineb fît., fleston, Mus.TH S L THE PARKER CUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAS PARKER BRA' WEST MERIDEN,CT. S free No vce k smle er, l uICI Vasiessut a Si Wisoperson tsi ètes A T 1l--n 1-' oesteau make great psy, aIl ltse lime , - AR '-'-" "NN 1 w5uu-I, mite fou- patiliora leA. HÂLLnT - Uo, orladMane iCHARTERIIU t5ia Home-Gro wn Seeds! JCsI 'P"L$,5,OO ALL TIIOSE WISHING i ahAstdn: 1, 1878, lit & nep oebagnmu i'LEÂSE CÂLL ON PETER SMITH, or SIMON FRASER, Who are cicr reatiy la 3. . ~CKHL, JORN wiVLLi ' Whitby, Apffl ýtb, 1878. 4 PIREEIM M Ë INSUR ÂXC R 0. Lombard St. snd Charlng. Oromo, London. pp E5?ABLIS11141) Ni 1782. GILESPEMOFPATT 00n.1 &,gent fodantda. R.W. TYRE, AgenI, Wiitb, Whilby, April Ot, 1878. B TSIAMERICA Asaurance, Company, INCORPORATED 1833. A S SET S, 51,101,876 04. F. A. BALL, Manager. inanrauceso ffoclei ot tho-lomeat rurre#t rates en Buildings, Merl.sndise, sud otbhez prnperty, againsl losa or damage by lire, C. NOURSE, Agent, Whitliy, Whitby, April Oh, 1878. pHE HARTFORD Anti bY lîclpiug clIt-s hlip thernives, icsusiug ue al ole ftl Plea8td mih Home: jGre-e-u Seeda. J TRY DIIOWN'S Indian Liniment Sadi -C. ]BROWN Sectiemaut, 1 - Wittty Mrh141h, 1878. (hf-13 ELIZA MARIlA CAMPBELL cf lte 5 own cf Whithy, Cooniy cf Onlarlo, and Province cofCunti, mife cf lROBERT CAMPBECLL, of thee sanie place, ueclato, tsreby givo notice blini I iut-enutho apply 10 the Dominion 1>rliament next peeeion for a Bui of Divorce',a e mcîa et thjora, fi-cm My said hoitand,sijunhar to lte BIil passet lu MnY bithaîf by te Stuato lu 1877, for deser. tion. omneiiy, andtelite itr canac, set forth io sait Bi-l ELIZA i-.CAMPB3ELL. A Complote Soif-Instructor in ]Plain and Ornamontal $3,2 9 2,91 3,349. Manageti byeskihfui Untlermribsxrs, anci for Sîxly-Elght Years anc of te teaci- Iug Finsucial Inst.itutions cf tIeC ountry. Cash Indemnity Diaburseti to Patrons. Over 21,OOO,OOO.CO 1 W"2 Ail butinest Trausacteti on Principles cf Commeal ois or. C. NOURSE, Ageuil, Whtby Whllby, April Ot, 1878. 16 W E STERN ASSURANCECOMPANY. INCORPORATED 1851. C A P IT A L , - - - S n u o Wthpowerto 0 lurease la 01,000,00.) FIRýE AND MARINE. Heaid Office- Toronto, Ont, 'Y' Pretident. HON. JOH1N McMURRICH. BERINARhD HALDAN, Managitg fi-recter L'uarne cuoclet aIt te loeot cai-- rvt-rt tto,n mBnildinge, Memotantiso, sud other pu-opetty, agaitiat hoss cm damage by C. NOUISE, Agent, Wititby. Wliitbt, April SIlt, 1378. 16 -OUNG PEOPLEwishiing 10 acquit-e a J. l'api, easy suid beantifoi hant mniliung, witloul a Icacter, wml iOnd tbe GUIDE. a Pet-fsct instmuctor. Ifuntieda are becot- ing beanîlful si wicteshrougitout lte Do- Minion nd lte Unitedi States by using lb. Il consiat, cf a soi-s cf Coi- SLIPS cf oonver.ienl ehîs for practising, mixicit cen- tain copies beginniug mii the limaI prin. ciplea anti giaduaily ptcgresaing la lth. Most ciegant plinanti oroanasotal mting; Rn ORNiXitNT&L .SRu-Tv coutaiuiug Gerinas Ycxi, Oit Enfgliait sud' Otrnental Labter- iug, Offitauti louiihing of Bittse. ; A f.O cotÃœiePîttîs mIl fdl analysis ant inl- struolicu, sud a beaulifuily enigravci case te conlain lte mitole. Ptlce, 01.M, Pool Paiti. Atidreca S. G. BEATTY & Co., Ontario fBusiness Celiege, t-4K Agents w int . Belevile, O u. Nov, 14. Yhe celebu-atl Amcriosu Hoiu- Wot-ler, MAX JACOB, 230 Qucen St. West Torttto, (Titres Dcoro item St. Pat-lt-k', Market) B EUS te informe 1h. Latiiest laIteoin te e nly GENUINE HAIR WORIIER ulieCitz. liesguaraule alal kints ci hie work l te 0teoesle periection, neat sudl prUt, sut deliveret aI thetlimerequesteti. SPlea8e senti Ycum ct-ters ant I bmlii Cembingi dloue up te ou-dem i-n SWITCHES, CUELS. FRIZES, PUFFS AND FRONT PLAITS. Curîs ont of strigîl Hait matie equsila una-sol Cut-a. lIea l i- amitolios lways on hmid roun 5101> np. CAUTION. Ple iettbc rIiead by osuvasserk t-e- prtienliug ry nanie, as I cmply101 x Cepl tyseif ant ot-. poynu - MAX JACOB, 230 Qneen St. West, P. S.-Country ardeu-s prnpbly retwireil Deposil tuiti Dominion Gaveronent #50,. 000. ýExporienctd Agents threugitout the Dominion. Fiire Rieleî u'ritten at AdequteacRaea. C. NOURSE, Agent, ldluby. Wltitby, April 011, 1878. 1 IRA VELERS Insurance Company, CF HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Assets, - -$4,816,00 Cash Surplus, --1,-014,000 Besi of Secnriîy. Loir Cash Rates. Libeal ealng.Strict Management. An Untarniaeti Record. - -Sald as a Rock. lIfe and EnDdôwmeut Porciet', Cf 41sa, Ouss4'i l --ri-formma, on te Lsm- lI a"It- lil" Cssi 1 t CtseOt plain sud deli- Whitby, April îl, 1878. àruit, 1Wioby. IMPEIIIAL- LOA$ AND INVEST- MEI-b17COMSPANY. lu 0 vettV&lnwerI wàa t lt tie Clurah 'or'thé iM lYe$K0IJ ij 7u1tapaal n2uMwshe; pictUre_.. Hier head; wi b il. wreth of And1ie~Wtia±wars nkldb~ownurs, hiad dropped like lagelter on bar at, brwtibut round and wellîhaped romwriat bteolulerï owlet.hnng over the atm of the st, and tb. Oweb attars of ler por drea, rose and ' fei iterogreathing. .&xablhr tep * (Cotinue.) - howod eu lierprofile, whichI, strange i'Snppet'a rendy, Dd " oaiba.ay, was -delicate aua beauliful. thua Inoment <romlthe girl, wbo jb.d thiri, zwh bronglit me uearly te lier movedti ad féo-I tbonght w liad, oobr. a v e l e f s c e a n i t o l iti h n Ie r b o a - * B 8 h . tu r n e ti lie r h e n ti le op ily , b u t PibablY PpiÏnted ltthe rude table. hadv no sooner recogizeti me than e r i. veio was nappaiixtàgtu a auddenly bluabed, ýdrew ber <eet fren libu ,gry lw rsqm à, sud, lb. coru ',cake under the seat, sudi wMt a rapid move- Dr as s wvet as n it. :Tho girl ae witb a m ent seiretl an od coverlet whieh abil sliipapptieanti no appearance hfati useideta supsiport for. ber., testd WlxÃŽateveÏ of cercmony, or onsciomus nand v:i t xinvlopet ho' etire 'lowr o. '0 s ttrsn ger'g, prosence. .W ben bhe' portion of lier poronà. I ira s at f uir a .amcIi usa over, slho careflly wiped thé à, los te' underatand ; Iis- proeding, plates, put lhom back on 1he aboli, sud- but lh. explanation was iooal apparent. thon, alcelhinig erweli on one of ltb. The pont girl ws a aaamed 'of lier. bre mattross, drew au old atered over- fot, sd by an instinct of womzanly lat ovor ler, and almot t once feu1 as-'rodeiy sougt tg concetd tliom from leep. I attemptoti thon 1e asecrltain me. 1 confea h. conviction of Itbis More in regard to lier, andi My ot fillei me with plosure. When I hati sliowedno indisposition to converse on firs1 mot lier. swinging teb andi fro on. lbe subjeet ; but the resuiltiras al. the grape-vine upon th. riv'er.bank e Ho bail ovidently bld me nil Ibat lie lîiduspleyed complets indifferance to know about the girl and lier fethel,. the acanty allio.unt cf lier clothing. It ws nt ofen, lie added, iril a Now she eemed to bave reaied i, smilo aguiloluisaas a chultl's, blinI lie and 10 fec! a natural shame atb erpoor coulti put (lings together ou clear Ho bar. <ee. Tii. olui coverlet 1usd in a was weak-boaded; Le lad ùad a fait moment now hiddon every deficiency,, ont liunting once in the. mounnaiu, ad andielle lookocl ab me mth a smile of feu on w a is os. Ho sud Ow lt idti a relief. I smiled in my trru, anud olti alk mueI, sud thon otuly about hn- out my andi. ing. or trapping, or fishtin, wiuel waî "lHow do you do to-day, Owlet ?" I rail lie knew about, for lie neer wasaiti. "You sec I have cone back. But ten miles <main bomne unliis whole lifo. 1 suppose il moulti bc more proper for She weut roaming about and talking me te cali you mies,,wonld it not 2" to luerseif. Ha woulti die soon, anti "Oh no; 1 svould ratier have yon then ah. moult i ve by liorseif ; but th>e all me Owiet, it yoen pleue, ie te. Lord woulti provitie. Having repeateti pliod, lu tle low musical voie peeliar devoutly aud wit n air of ehild.like ltu lier, loaking al me earnestly as sheý 3failli ibis -sublime expression of luis apoko, out of lier greal eyes. trust ini doti, the old mnounîaineer "lVery mouà, I will do Bo, then. - It poiued to the inattreas opposite lut seoais more friendly, antiaï f îe 1ud ou whioli Owlot was asleep, allai lu known ecd othier longer. Thon -You spite of my reonstrnes, compelieti muet remomber yon, are very yo -ung, me jeo occupy it, stretching himsef, snd I amn muli clier Ian youuilil, with Rua ld coverlet ovr him, before Owlo. I arn atualy twenty-tree " I thie fire. lnughed. iu tan minute., worn out witlî my Six. looketilaI me with a puzzled ex- long ride, I was aunti asleop. pression and aïd, .'l wenty-tlrea s 1 On lthe aveniug of (lie-neit day I olti 2" was aIbry dear old anal Larryuore's, "6It is conpareil viti> yout own age, about oiglit miles distant, ounltae op.I reiplieti. 'Il suppose yon ara sixtee poaite aide of tlie Steuaucoi. I baad or seevc.tocn? Do yoo know yu been provideti by my <rient. oft he t.ge ?" mouutain witli a good breakfast ; Thon An eprese ou of great satnes cam Owet liad waderoti awy sanmewliero, bo lier face, andti wth a Plow sakev of bestowiog but one glace upon me as theedP,Bie said, lu a lanaell, "II a i sol80 lier face wth -tho wouter. 1 do'î lcow ; I don't know evxy oua eyea turneti over lier left ahjoolder, thing." witl the tangleti bro mu curie upon il "Y eu loîv your Dam e 2" * se befoe. I lid mounted my horse, ".Yes, my Dane i' olly." whioee foot nom gave him very littho "Wlîal else a uneainesg, ant raching a ford stoe Owlct."1 ti miles towuthe iver, lid croseointo "But your other ame 2", r tle besutiful almoat level land bayonti. "Oit yes, she aii, mitb n quieknf F roma whst mali-nigli reseinlieti bar- liglitiug up of lier face, wiridl madie My r brism I liati paseilt one stop into liart tlrob, go titexpectei mas i, sud ovilizaion. My aunt, M rs. Larry- ao contretei wilh ler form en- sef- "1o b more, or "«Aunt Larry" as sIe as af- yea, my-more is Ausotin."1 faclionately cahot uilthe famiiy livet "Do yen remamber your falier 2"II on a flue estate callot "T he Glaiesq- The sale slow shako cf the blead. a sd as the willow of a gentlemuan of 'II as a baby whlen lie diet." - a so mie prom iinooc lu th e cu ny, min H er lba t a nl on ler breast, an dt w ad livea er 7 hig l, u di died ery the ta gle ti lai t nea ly conce le ti ber 1 1m u e i nl de li. 1 y sant, however, bad face,.o hich 1 co nîti sec a dolorous i manageti np te tua ime to preve ul a expression sowly m nning. emb 'au sala of the proprty ; anti I au sc till was& plainly struggling Ilrough thea te harring, steley, amet OUI lady, misl toward ame foot-bitd. milli ber eroct figure, soatati knitling "--I" b neily, ipeeaclog on nos@, sud tlliug , Site stoppe , an ti1 aw Imo big e ns from morning . 1il1 nigli. h. almnoat lowly galer in hneahl the lits of er invariably ocupiot ier charner ounIte laf-losecl ye. AUl aI once sie uttr- grounti-toor of The Gladea-a large eti a sali, which ment to my heart, it ont very elegant houe, wliicî, luiln iras ta <nill cf passionate feeling. as day, liait pobably enlerbsiuedl ton "Owiat," I saiti impîtlsively baktng thousanti people at o ua im e or anobliet; ler ba ud, 'II did n t m ean te m akea lc anti ore 1 fonut ler anti receiveti lier Yu ry ; I am too muet your frien. n affectionata embrace, for 1 ws the son Novr mind me. Lst us ak f soe-e of ber yungesî u-i favorite sister. thing eise."- A ler n gr at deal f talk up an aller S Ie dre ir aw y lier ba ud ati ipe i a ubjecta I cam e 10 my atventure in the lier ceeks. I I on!t mind t i; I Ellk. s,. 1 nonl aiài, an ti m y sont, Pu ling asu o t a l k f pop-p ." Sh o placedt hIls ns . a lock of gray Lai it mlioua of bier ent, I observet, baby-lilc, upon the ce k itting-needles, thereby scuuig the iraI eyllabe. ':-I sciera leo remem- etraggler benesîli her frilleti cap, aaid, ber snmetimes-I tion't know, ht is like Yi -,Oh ye, I have herti a grat dal treaming-tat I ried mbI o.p-pa WC iuriag my life-it lisbeen a long life, dieti, anti callete hlim." an àviery long hie., my deat-abont fladdy "And you, do ual kuair. <rom wbtu Bayne, as lie la esileti. They ay lie ountry b.e came 2" -h is a ver-y gad, inoffensive man." Agaithb samo slow, ati moverent ":H ave y on avoir acon im, anul2 "1 c f e11e ead wm ii I ob ervmd be o e, Seo hm ?2 "No, indeet, my ea. ler yes exed dream ly ùpon lhe fire. hal ew people have, I fany. H o is sait A . îlce sat thu, eaning baok lu the ao le a lermit, but a very respectable rude sot, lier hand drooping- frward go6 pero. Poor Colonel Larrymore viFi, anti esting upon bier.' bond, ithe girl td hit once men lio mas n candidate mas tle perfection of wmut grâce. But Ili for Co gre s, anti cauvasseci the m o un-m l t a m as m ingleti an ndàafn ble do, s mi - a strange s t of people, lih o iti" om e îing wmicie pzzleti m e «no lille. <I "Anti the gil, Aunt, Larry 2 . Do W illi the ilti grace uentionoil mas àt a nu k o m a n y h in g of lier il, u n ite t a d elicacy an di a uijl len .î, i h ic "'N ohing irlaever. Y en gir. a M ay so gay, whih 1 o nit Dot- Locont OU ey singuar description of lier, anti for. I couid untienanti-tbm on ; 1I 2 oh eerlaialy nugit ot 10 remaiu blere couldti nolu'ersbanthe cîbet'. i if lt e o d minudtes." * "O w e l 1" I Sud tenlY ezlim O t, t du; " S h e i s e n u y b e a u t i f l . " v wh c h a l e s t r i e t i a s -i f i t e m s d e e p t 9 . a I "- ste-2 -oor .hi.g. S. sh- it__ , sud . k. at. e mu bergreq 0Som iat ye ieraý a go0àti bat. 0yesB, < f vage ooîioa, ere irei ill sin tie ti i ,I s isi l ou n li re au lo n g u p o u-tb o fire. - L o o ld ng a i -ler, I f at y o u î rw thal tI ea n ýaff dd t neg ect, u ai.a M y pu is. beat q uiker. 1 reuly iink m o n uan du y. If lb. girl bas no frind a I aboulai have mate a 0complet. fçô'of couf rela tve, as il ae as s b. bas not, il mya ef by telH ng O w let 't it- uving IIber IaWeu i u u it b . 1 0 t h e l a I t ¶ mz e t e a i m i w t n . , . uni o v = , , d A a l v i t o ' w Fa s n o s o i â initeligeuice mas neariy ao fti a erasa upe? miel nxotiing b.d Ibeau -riten. Bu1 cnwoiti duacetu juil as plainly a capselty for the dicepest feeling if sh. wera once atorsoti <roin ber letltnrgy- the vague ymarning, as cf a plant Bhut up, in darki îeîs, towsârd the ight. This miznou 'seul -Lias, been. stsrvmti. AU liaI il manleti mas food . Going brek tu Tha Glates lunltae imusai, 1I founti a thousandti tiegiu passng trougit my mmid, butbahy ail came back le ti tis eue. Suppose Ibis beautiful beggaru,Égi ri marebcb- aonae-my mifo? Tuat bong inter.vier, boa ativanet matters far, but my lîcat mas still cool enouglite aboireue tiat suet a marriaga coula-i irty I"anme tu ýgent." Il la oee thing t10îadmire tibe besuty cf an Italiau organ girl on lhe atreet corâer, but quite another tbing, tu invite lte yÃ"ung lady te presminil your dtswing.roem annt athe hmat of your tabla, andi eren -aI twenly'likase, anti mi OwTlc's eyesinmy mamory, -I raized'tîloft <o. I m nI continu bis rallier b.di. on dissection cf my privai. sene mentiro but come 10 evcnls.- I viaileti Ombet tmo or tea limes ueftarmarde, auad thon &RIi aIonce- Le "autUmU2UremàUCa" ime tu au ndt. I-msaummnonti bock to the eity cf R-. ,A case of great »orane, lin muetIch as' onel, bati unoxpecbedly;limon sel for tle S-t's lsy of the November ern, sud rny presencs mas lidipensable. I fseedîha conviction, tâI m oult te obliget ta ave Owiet mli n a ink- ing iteart. To speak withont ambi- gaity, I hai coma 10 bore lb. girl -milli almoalt panalonate teudernusi. Wlietb. er à mas ber lieauty, lier innoceeuce-: aay, 1cr vety- ignorance, sud conso. quet froabesi-irtat il mas I coolti ont tell; but thorea sshlé. <cî. The greal meiug eyes antl hu coolug voieha baliet.me y day anti nigbt dest. nlad corne taun o iolation, alismet myaeif to drif, as men mi!!, utd ment tu bld lier go-by. 11e ha- erviem mas dangerous, sud very ncarly sîauitcti in an open deelatation .0< nuy Feeings. EHom I restrainei uayslf I 2ever afterwaris couiti mideratauti, butl think I aurpprmsasd the mords that ;et. on rny vety lips,'thinking,* "I wil1 m'me baek ecoon, andti lli-tben-" Yon set> <rient, bia olti lamyer lias bat las romance!-The ent came aI lasI, md, I. tare mycelf away from Omlet: vhase face mas liablict inhateari. I ungeti tô-kissa 11cm smay, butlI tareti iot. -With a close pressure oflier hen, id. "lDan'l feugel Me, Owlet;, WC mill neet agaha some day," I laft lier,,'anti i the next metnlng ateut foi'r---- (To bc continuod,) Naubing Mccci About lina. "IWbal do you charge -for boartid b.da a tlau Green Moîtutain boy, seita uilkti up to tb. bar of aiý second-rate 1.1l lu ITem York. "- oIdo. yoti ok w eek for boardi anti lodging 2" "Pire dollars" 1 "Pive dollars 1 that's tua rumuet s'pose yen slow for>e timesI am ab- unt from tiane-anti supper." "Cei'lainly ;'-lirty.ssren anti a bal unts eseli." Rare the conversation! entiet, anthie ankes teok up isi quartsrs for two ski. Dnring tlii lime b.ho logat ti breakisâal eti b olel, but tit i& taire eiher dinner or suppet', iaying lbusiness debaine i .i-n, aotier )rtion cf the- ton. -Aithe expiration 1Imo mooeeksha, agoin miuiedte theIr Ë, ana Bia . 'S'po, mc settie la con-' ling in a fimir uiuute." PTelantilord bandet i hm bis billi meo meeks'-board at five dollars-tan )Haro.'". - - fHere, etranager," saidth se Yankee# uat's mrong--you've net ded.uqied, ýtime 1mau abhsent froue dinnet andi pper-14 dunys, imo meula per-u4y i uneabsai, 87+ -cent. each-1.O veu"re net gel lie flfty cents tblil ,10tume, l'I bele a drink sud lte lauce ln cigare." >sDorsZD» OTTA-AT j MONTREALÂ.- te, utmaGatie-sa a :-The La- [ne Hh,,&em .i SL hat ..Ln W. h nffeî' lors1 -cf- 8 lcoitt uts o appiy ~t s - I 1 Yi 1 1. 1 1 ý'j IP- r

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