Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jul 1878, p. 3

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............ .......... . . . . . .A ....... Bomepatloeise;i,,, oudon,us.,, r-rO&.11 wo an usulugfrom the mrors .-L &Bd lulseelo f OLoutb, nervous WîùnI&$,einly dscsy, lIol;fmsboo0dkec. 1 %in sehd a resit0 that wfil .uns you, PREB r oYOILAGE. :hie great semod was dilo*eored by a pmsoâé7yinu-Souh Aoarelc. Sea a glf-addresîd euvoe1,s to the Ry. Jouzras T. laiNAx, Statim D, Bibe Houe#, suYorke Oüy. Standard Bank of Canada. RsvosT op'tur DicTRos SUBNITTED TO THE S13lIUOLEUS AT ,2JUE T.JBD ANUA NOi'Ax.MEI:TNsONLÎa.AT TUSE HAD OFFIEs 0F TUE BAUXi, IN TIonTo, ON Wsrn<zs»Âv, 1lOIn JULY,- - The. Directoru boe ba it tho lowlng statements -of tlb. business the Dauk for th. yoâr endlug 2( JUDO, 1878., 1Il wfll lehooaered th aIth -rofite t'bc jear, aller paylug al l nl.resl ezpieuseo aiuount te 8 à per eent. ont 1 Wca108880 on now 'current buasi bave beeu. small, but many oid acoeur -(ormerly conoldereal doubful-hai under the pressure of the bard lis tlîroug hib the country- ls ai>i turmed bad. The Directors, unbrthe 1frcuantnee, tbiuk it lest te mai use cithoesurplus profits, sud write( At once, wbal hey consider 1ô6 pro hart sud they _have therefore appil 622,0OO to tiraI purpose, as wR1 nolleed in tb. ilatsmenls. The *boio business of th. Bank hi beau tlhoroughiy Inapeetea as usuai, a£ found te lb. soundan sd iugocal order. The Dikeclors. bave pýeàîure lnu Portlugthie cobtlnued attention ai e60cieucy of lhe offters 0f lb. -Bauk. Ail wical reapeclfuiiy suiamilted. -THOS. N. GIBBS3, PIIOFIT AND LOB@ ACCOUNT. ligssiace of Ploflt aad lons acCOUst 1ro0ite for yea6r etiaing wtr Jue, 1578, sUter tleductag Osaspenec, li. terceàt, *0toquaI te oi par cani, un Capital) ............. 1 lalvldvct olî50, paid 2uujls'Yo 157bl.,11>181j IJlvldendN ,layabgllaundJuly,îS78 15,2021 Aaaounu t n off for loou n li dobtfol qAooaC.......... 22,000 QENEBilsx ATIE Noies ut thae Bank i clu rslaton.. sb m2i0 »ap,.Is)ds buariue ltereit ...... :*. boîjIll efot bearlug lteret.... 190,70200 plalanoo.gdue tlMer IBanks ln (landa ..... ...Of Ilaierys for jutoeat duet sGait. orefolk>1......... .7 7,08 Tl'cil ablilties te t1oua llll..$1,2111,N39 (lali ald UP,...... W,750o * I'omsdIvn nde uu,,a d iiiuy7, liai lals4oca cf progt andi louegacoonut carried forward.,.... ..., sic4 Nîscele................... .,.,,,* ,,, $ 46,272 7 D)ianijllon inotaI ega tender,,.,,, si 0014 ( * Notai cf sund 0li 4sOUotlr banko 10:018b Jlaluce due fro a tlicr banke ltu (Isuedeý. ....»....... 0,07 I 1181leocai duo froua foreigu agentU15,74! Lous n 1OUXIcur01ycaPital stock Of Othor baasks and teaclîuttiqu~.. 83.790( LOaSns<alIas theajsrlqty if bonduansd ciebeatures, etca........ * Met. mnsedlacly valalal.,$570,883 ou Mctgàgeî ou seuil asIate, bcaring l . . . . . 10,400 8 Loanal,dlonto dacsa b oain d.eon0 s< c eu. ..1ana1101015 Notes aMI bflis ovardUne tocurcd,, 18,0w2 & Notesud biaoverdue <oct lupc. Oltici sales anad irntera.9,00000 Othèr 1a80eotiutneludelsdete *forsgolng 1.e' . ..57?170 nXOR:aT OF T O.DNJO U Th rresldenl lsaving, on mot!i.on hakein lie chair, rend the report, sud citer somas remaries on tiie position sud prOspects of the. Banks moved, second. cd by W. F. Cowasa, Eoq., Vice-Prest. doent, "lThal lhe report and etgaente Dow rend becsciopteal, sud printeal for distribution aanong tie siiareholdra."1 Moveilby Wa. ,.msay, Eîq., sec. *oudeal by A. J, Somervillc, Eisq., "Tbal tb. hthankS of tih. meeting b. tendered te lie Prealdoul, ViceePresldenl sud Dlreetora for lbsiî valuabie services durlug lih, paît pea." Moved by John Kerr, Eiq., seonded ýby B. R. furgeis, Esoq., "fTial the - hlîsko f tb. meeting h. given to th. ciasirer, inspecter, agentesud ocher officie 0f tleBanke, for thoir efficient diaclarge-of thiir respective duies." Moyed by B. H. Temple, Esq., sc. céded by J. P. -Gimaon, Esq.., *"Tbah thie poili benow opeued, sud romain open. tlii wo O'clocia. Ibis day, for the eletion of Directons, tlIa poil tb close siaculid fivo Mniuutcs have eîsped witb. out a veoebeig endered, sud liaI Messr". E B -Otien sud W. J. Bâia1e do sol uls somutineers. Thei. acrtineers presented alie foi- lowing report "STANnAUs, liAUxiros'CANADA, SToronto, juli tt, 1878. "J. L. BseROME Bsq., Casir: "Sza,-We, lie usidersigneal Scruti. nsera, sppointed i t he general meeting ofthe'ia. harehlcdero of tho Standard B lanke of Canada, bolal Ibis day, do haro. by delaro lise fellowing gentlemen * duly leoccd Dircotors for tire ensuissg year : > "Dou. G. WD.nMoioîVz'P -4- 12 15 >0 Ml o c la- a. OýR ENTIRE STOCK 4 the finest in Onitario Ce., (1.) (8.). Our entir e Stook of WALL PAPERS and FÂNCtY GOODS at 25 per cent. bèlow real pries. - We have always Raered to thepracte of markinglail goode in. plain figures; adi is from teso prices we nakothe very liboral IE sco»ne an Brook-sit., Whitby. On and after THURSDAY, July 4tJi,1Sý78, and untî Allows a' leduetion'of Ten Cents off each Dollar worth of Goods bouglit at THE -ODD FELLOWS' HÈALL. This is a stiraightforward pla',w eete utm rgt abnafice reduction. TARE THE WHITBY, PORT PERRYoys -AN- e LINDSAY RAILWAY, TRU E SOITEOT k ONLY DIRECOT ROUTE PROMV TORONTO AND THE W/EST, To PORT PEI1RY, LINDSAY, PENELON FALLS, RINMOUNT, MINDEN, HALIBUlITON, AND ALL POINTid ON THcS VICTORIA RAIL WAY. Ploasure Seekers & Invalids SIMON rie EItS E M E N'11, O, yes! G>O TrO Oyes I CASH GROCERy. STORE, Where U get the best and cheapest groceries' in the County. Try il 1 A-fine 75o Green Te& in 101hb. lots nt 50o per IL.À good Family Tes, 80ocper lb. AUl grades of Sugar, at prices that defy competition. Pure, fresli, good (Joffees, very chea.p. Cocons, chocolates, (3anned Meats, Spices, Flavoring Extracte, &o. A new stock- of Orockery arriving, which wi be soldant a ýlittle more than hall lhe ususi prico, tg suit tie warm limes. A full stock of Glasswaro, Gem Jars, Joiliy Cano, very ehloep. Pails, Bruisies, Brooms, Fine Flour, Cornincaa, Ofolment, Bacon and Hams, constantly on hand, nt low prices. WANTE».-AUy- quant] TAXX THISLINZ TO LI ggs, ansuri îts of al Iide STURGEON -POINT HOTEL, A ceuh respeotfully soljii Sistenstur con Lake a89 miles boni Torainto, vis VtorIa 1111yan Steamer "Victoria,','tram Lindsay. Juy1ti, 1878. Thais Lin akiaiis connections wiîlî Grand Union Stations t AY ERS HOTEL, W SHARP CONNECTIONS. 62 & M4 MILL.ST,, ROCHESTER, N. Y. No transier charges. Iiaggage cheeked, 1Price raducacito 01.50 a Day. lhrotagh. Tis Hotl liras neduced. its price te tise Milicres Safaty plaiorans sud Coopiers. Travelling Public to 81.60 par day. It is First-*class Pasienger sud BSmokng Cars haud te the N. Y. Central Dapot teuly a TIMOUGII TICKET$ ah G. T. B1. Ticket few aonî South>, sud bas racetliy beeaue Offices, Toronto, fi h ansd ra.furulsired. open nigirt anid d.. Tire bouse la llnit-elasa iu very me- JAMES HOLDEN. _ t~, snd Canada people wiIl save monaey J. J. Ross, Managfing Direclar, Whilby. hy going hoelise Ayars Hatl. Sýcretâry, Whitby.(0 WILSON SPEAGUE, Propnietor. . ~ Rochester. N. Y. Jnly 8, 1878, tOni.Os nOOD GENERLAL SERVANT WANT- '.. LI)O. Apply a once.A FIRST.CLASS BRICK STORE TO-î dS . W. E. IILLIN Gs. LET, on reasonabîs ternois*tn tire Whitiay, July 1ýuh, 1678. (30 Village of Asirburu. For ternis suA furtiser - PsilclsreaMlTo WILSON, T HE G REBAT or le outirse pranilses. ALEX. WILSON, Ashbusru. (26 E X C U R S IO E . usesa, Yuo eau engage in. 551020 44IsodYnmade by asyworker ci abOlies O'TIMi -,LOÀ$ON. Ylexlistinutselr own localitles. Par. Ieol anud smples woslla $5 Ife. r HEundesignil bs enageatishefOU Isulrova Yeur e are tia a i nl&&I litedan apojtel Seaer dreus STmos oaiC., Portland, Maine. <(o EMPRESS 0F INDIA, FARMS TO RENT; Por s Grand Excursion trous Dowmann. 'TOSE t'wo choice fan,,a on tire.Bacs vilne, Oihawa, WiltisanaudPrnuoman'sT Lina, hall nie weet o! ýtisa Oehawa Bay, le tisaI delilgirul sumnier resont, Coraoration Limit, consl.sting cf 120 acres eas,lte rent for a terni o! net less tissu tan M~~.as Irvlg MofCO G V E O n uough:g ou reusoval Stopplug ah Toronto on the way Op, 1e take ber. None but good nien need ap1y place ou A. 'NNIS Thursday, du/y -25th, 1878. 291> - - Osaant Tire Steamier wilIleove Bownville ah 0 c'cdocka.smniOeirawa, at 7, a. m., Whit. b1at 8, a. r.Freîcns Bu' ay, at 9.15, a. VIIl arrive aI Teroutoaet 11,80 . ., roenunotil 2 o'oîoc A Iinilco, lire boat wlll stop oves fer tissue boums, sd as- ragesnunîs hve been tirr. ovdeal fer 1 P Ncig âad amusements eo au kindau theabeautlfulgoudas. Returnlng wllleau etToronto aro '80p p. ni., gobngtireuce direct te. Whitby, nu as te have axcursiouists ftroshie North bu tume 1e retumu bfire W. P. P. & L. Railway. lise sanie eveulug; tirance te Osawa aud Ilcwmnille, retus. ing _wtth axouret-oubsts teacirniaus DBay. Para tram Dowussuville, 78 cents;a Oshawa, 00> cota; Witby sud Prenh. man'a Bay, 60 cents, for bis round trip. 1 Childrei nudai 12y eau eof'aga, frna= a pointa cul -25cenuts. A Specro 1 train a will leave Port Penny eallung AtI al stations on tira niruua tire excursion, tire train wlll leave r Peoy4at 0.45, a. m. ; l'rnAlbert, at 8.OO; iManchlestes ah 7. Sanimit at 7,017-Mte, At 7.15; IFrooidlu, at- 7; ari 1n Whty, at 7.45., Train wiii Isav OPon Wiitby for tire North, ounlire arrivai cf tise bostOin tirs eveut-ug Quandrillq asud DrassDBands and PianoWi suppiMusic on board. wI S)o pains wili ibe sparufi in niaklng thii.lira Excursion oftire, season, aud ai. ferdig tire on board one good day's roisx- atieon utIse beauliful waters et Lako Ou- tarse. Tickets to e Le bd rom T. G. Wilield, Pont Ofice orMr. -Gao. T. Hall. THOMAS MOODY, Writhy, Jnly, l2tia, '78. Manager. AUCTION SALE - -0OPVALUAI3LE FAR PliOPEIflTYl TQWNsUrP 0F REACHe COUNTY OF OIJTARIo). Tiers Winibe sola, au Tuenday, 23rd July, 1878, L - at oe, 'ciook lu tirs atterèocu, AT THIE "WALM- R iHouSE,, VILLAGE 0F PORT FERRY, Dy virtue af powerp cf sale ceutalie intira last WiIl sud Testament af, WILLIAM MUNRO, laIe of Osa Vi;ogafaIiKtrkfial, lu J tire Oounty of 1Victoria decdetire fol- lewlung propérty, viz :- Tise entretprt of lot 22, lu tise,115h Concession cf lie-ToWnsbp lpe eci, con. undz cltvaiio - heramander hardwood t bush. Gocil dwulng anal oatbsildlugi. . -'TER1Me -S2000oepurcirase mcney 10 bu palal on daycIsasie. The baiance ho ho soualby mortgaga aI S8 per cent. pur au- uuus for a tan of Yeas. ,'P Pan furtirn pantbculazs, apply-t- s R. ARMSTRONG - Klrkaflid P. O., Ont., C. DAWES, au Kirkfield, 201h Jans, 187, (40u-27) T O LEUT> Pasture for Cows. Apply et tise CIMON ICLE OFFICE. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. ACE,14 cleareal. " Golden 20 arus-lel 5. lu tire dOscou, ut Pickerlug-5 miles tram tira eounty tonai Wbiiby, sud hall s mile froni pont office villa g01e Aadley. Goad trame dweilg, sud bamu witir Stoeue fendation. Living sîreani on escis 110acres. Six acres of cedua sd sei wood. 1'oiseseion given t-n th. tall. For terms anal particuiers, apply ta W. Il. DILLINGS, or ALEX. MILABEN, Soir. Witby, on tisa pranilses. ' (h-29 I - STILL' GOING,-,ON, We have just received a J~kRGESTOCIK .<j. BlacktjGreen Teas, GENEIIAL GTROCERIES, aiid Frumit ýJars. He&H. ONTARiIO LADIES' COL LEGi ity of primo dafy Btter, cd. SIMON FRASER, Ontario Blocke, Brocie St, WbîLby. 1 ......... This Discovery le lhe recuit cf a sari es o! Scientiic*Ezpesl. mente baseal opon the tireory tisat "for tire sueceseful, cure of Wasting Diseases, lise nervous systani must chailsa vîgorous sud healtlay."1 One of the finit oyni1>20-ms cf distte ;a. feoling eltisar tise oLfver, Lautga, Heart Steniacir, or Genital Organs, le a las iso nervous powen. Tis is foilowed by mus. culafrelxatou, weakness, sud emaclatlon cf aIl tise organe wici depsuil for healtir on iuvoluntary muscular action, tire weaker suffarngg dut. Now, as tisa Muscles and uer-es- dapenil se mach upon cacirathem for effcient st-sangla anacaieu, anal as lire organs they control depoual ou hotir 1 baconiessuac n- tuai necessiiy-to treat tle narvai anal mus- clas dareotiy, lu orales te s;peedily sud par. mauentiy cure diseasseo fthlie ahove-usmeal Tr laen'invanton, acting upsu tisea ideas, aIrer menths cf experience, during whicir tieh a ml opportuuity for hryiug theIffct f he ýcovary, becanie couvinc- ed tiraI neetiser prea aation kue-wn con- taiued 00 patent analdirect an effeot upon tire nervous systeni as iris phosphites. anal exceptinl cacas cf actual orgsut-c loss, tiraI il wcuid reelare patients safforing trra tirose maladies. Aniongst theu tisasses evercoeoîy tiae use o1ttiis remedy arir to ilowing Chronie Coustipation, -.irronie Dyspepsie, Cirromie Brauciritie, Cirreule Diarraa Cirroule Lasyngisîl,- Melsnehoiy, Nervota'Debiity 1 rm ELLOWs'.f -- - ______________ yrup 0or nypo-. Two Eundred and Eighty-, phosphites, two Thousand Eight Tire power of arretiu dis"ases dhpiayea lkun4red & Twelvo icalgat by tile nedical faculty Ou every ec- tion wirare h irai beau idtroducad ; analtirs (282,812)large sale O irha st guarntee of tire estima- tion t-n wiei t inhal by lira public, Tis Syrup wMi cura Pulmiouery Con- NE W 5T Y OBK suniptien lu tire first snd secondl stages, will' gav. greal ralilefand proioug hife imtire <trmasaîh ld. 1h wil cure Asthrma,Droncihis, sud Congirs. 1h will cars al SINGEH EB IYfîGh IMCHINES eca k%"9ion l a .ng 1f= auswnl af Muicular Action sud urvous Force. SOLDI.D 17 1877. De nat bs dscelva by remedies beaaing a siznilar naniel neotirer prapaaiseu Os ssuis- - shOttute for lraunder any circasancas. Whah a Record 1 i 1 1 - Look culrtr e nae sud adalsess J. I. beetmachne n ti word ~ FELLOWS', St. Joiru,; N. B. on tic yellow The wsamchn n h gd 1 7 per lu watermark wilecirileseau iry Oeil sud sco oua bafore orpu r ol asperbofaru liratheligirt. pcasmg. Frics 01. p er Bothie, six fer $7.60. L. FAIRBANKS, Solal hy ail Drgghts.0 * Agent tor Ce. OrFICE, Dudas.Shre, Wmrr HITBYV B, PORI' PYRRY LN A LIVERPOOL. fLONflflAflRRD A. &LlDA GLASGOW, Allan Lino 0F? ROYAL MAIL STEMAMPB. Lvery Saturdlay IronsQebe onArrivai et tire train laving Wtiëbee '%t 8-10a- m- evrY Fnldsy. MTes TES s. . 9W»~ Cahin fanè esidnced 108#M,091. S ýeaeas luw as tise lwuh. toravîsu, fromiQuhe, .lul iXh 187. Pervisa, I 3ardinisu, -Il,,, iti Sleansbefieneerare fonwardlto Lus. CONDENSED, TIME TABLE. Taklg affect au Mondlay, Jaiy 1st, 1878. TRAMIN 0110 SR. Lcavc *ll 18.45 a 6m , 045 pi. Port Ferry.. i 9m 7.55 Arriva Llodssy.. " 0. i15 915 TRA3S5 GOINO SOUTHI. Leavu Lmdosy.-..7.00 a. ni., 5.80o.i .......j.. 7.88 014 Port Peray'..20 " 7.00 Arrive Wblby ..25 5.0 For lime at-Otisenstations, 5e Pooket urne. Table, ho be had onappilohbUnte any 0f tisa OomaairsAgents. - C (ONNECTIONS. Wamy rJUNTOMM.-Wlt1h Grand T=nk Eaw. !My ton ail Pointe Mand West. PO 2 panv -With shage for Epsomi,Uhiies sxaiav.Woe ilIe asd Wlck, * non Ur =lul adacsuntneu. Kur'os.-Poe r - 4LIEt rtah a lantiéa uüPot EooverL ~~q~u~a 'x .-Itth 114. 1874- OFFERS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES: lot. The faucst busildinsagîal gronude lu CasiaiJa. devoteal lai the highcr cducatitiw -'-J / E» c p Tire uew cnt, ehowing the Coillege wilh itie receul additions, ual being raady, wo are obligelfotestie present ta uneotire olal eue. 2nd. A %*ery complote anal efficient staff ut luotructors. Provision la niade for a thorougir gronnadiug iu Engliela, as the traie foundation for a finisireal edcahlan. Tire siniplest cenimentary subjects are net overlookoal, so that pupfIls niy enter wltir advsutsge at an eanly age, sud in any stage of advanoesnn. Specil i acilitiea are affordeil ton acqninlng a thorengir sud pracîlcal kuowlcdge of arfeuce. Thae insile departmnut, under tire manage. nient of P. H. Torringlen, Esq., (otaductor sf tirs Philharmniei Society of Toronto, la lu tire irigiresi stabe cf efficieucy. Fronda and Gaanman are tauglit by an acconipisirea lady, who speake botir language,, anal wio ais> possessea a goial knowladge of Engieh. Litera. hure, Matiremais, Drawing, Painting, &c., are taugial lu tire most effective mannes. 8rd. Waii regulastesi exorcise lu waikiug, calistirenice, anal ridiasg; wboeonia andl c leraucý, b*ira HUGH FRASER,- MEROH'ANT TAILOR, Bots tb £uform bis friendsansd thb. pubJio, 'thbt 1hàtba0 Pend a îhop in th. "f"aro Blook," pos lie the Hardware 81011 #Hoh i C. whéue hé ha. on band Broadolothe, orsted (Joatinga, T*oedO, '&0'.,. , vhleh h. il prepared tbi mû.e up, OHEAI> FOR (JASH, -and lu th. LMTES STYLE. Gentlemen furnidling tbelr own Cl1db; eau bave il oui aua made up on short 1, ntçu4 eooser fst uricolh LAN &SE notce. ulliugdouepr1878. y BOOT' AND 510E $STORE Has-been renioved froin ýj3rock Street to Dundai Street, first door west of A.rmstrong's Hotel, whoeo has a splendid stock of the BIGi~T riIT AND MARE, and of the best styles of Boots apid Shoes. Ail orders promptly attended to. Reopairs neatly done. L fl undas Street, firIst store west, of Armstrong Ys wHtl. ]n12mbthe plce. ' FASHIONABLE TAILOIN1, MR. JOHN FERGTUSON' lSP IASNO N DÂRGEAOITTO Englishi, Scotch and Canadain Tweedis, Hats & Caps in great variety. Clothillg made to order in the latest styles on Short Notice.- An inspection invited beforeprhaigeehe.En courage Home. Trade. ucaigeswr.En JOHN FE1tGUStONt, ht DOMINION WAIi'EIOOMS, 4 4, ' 78. 4t.A large numbar of honore to bc cornpotcd for. T wo anedals frIo i His Erceilency Lord Dofferin; gold nicial froni Jas. Patterson, Esq., of Toronto; a echolarshlp fromAn lbert Teekey, Esq',of Appleton, and mioro than #150.00 wortlb or Prises. - tia. Fif4een per cent. reductioaa to those w/as pay in advance for one year'a board anditoo. To thosc who pay by the terni -For second terni of attendaaace, five per cent. off ail billa ; for third terni, ten per cent, off; andl for fourth terni, fiftaan per cent. TUITION FEES. TO THOSE WHO PAY IN * ADVANCE pER YiiARh-BOARD k TUITION. Freîaaralcry Departineiit, sper trss.. 4 0 lu Pso;,srator< eat at 8 2 0 Aedeal ...< 0lu Acadamlc l)opartmnt............10 0 Acadowle...... 00 In lu legtate Departmsut...............44 0 Colelaîse "8 00 tou Additional charges wMIldpe U a autirs Ochol l-eo ana Inidetai expnses smbas otra taken, ucirMas usus, drw. las19,palutlug,&0, from aul cf whiister per cent per teren...... . ......1 o00v-tII e tase, il pa,'rnent b. mada te adi-suce U e o f l L b r a r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f, o r sa w io îay e a . CALENDAR. BOA1IDING EXPENSES. The Ccleglate yaar ho diSideal bute leur tanse, Boad, .Vih frnihedroo , pr w ok ti f ton w esescr; 0ue te= nsd -hall bc- Boar. wth tarne5ad aonu pcv~ock S 73 fore Christas, and two suda -bail atias. Fuel,~~~~~~~ 510 nl~î pa uia. FasrTaanx, Scstene, 0h10 Novemben lti. FU I l 9 1s, a alng, p r eeC... .ND l)T spx , N ove nber lth to eb r ry 7tr. Single bed, Or room ns i2Sd storey, extra , -VÂOÂI'ox, tram December iStis ta j a sSd, For furtber particulars, sou Caloudar, fumnished ou application te REv. J. E. SANDEBSON, M. A., Or, BEV. J. J. HABE, B. A. Wbitby, July Srd, 1878. 28.tf. UST Gotor-nor. Wl CA Principal R E0-E1V.E D WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE, A Large Assortment of Crockery, and Glassware of al kidnds. Also a Large Consignment of ta' Ail of whicli wiil be sold Cheaper than ever for (Ja-yh. Also, Recoiving Daily, Al kindis of_ FRESH RIPE* FRUITS, LEMONS, -WiIITBY CHINA TEA STORE. 1W. J. GIBSON, WIANTED.-n quantity of G-ood Ripe Cherries and HretApplos, for whicbihe higet market price wil be paid in cash. WM. BURNS, BOOK STREE, Hsjus reoeived, dro -assortment of Ladie - - WHITBYY Wc beq Io advisc kaving received Our Spring' dtockc. We are well a8ârortcd, with thte mo8t sBa8on- able and mâ8t durable goods in thte markcet and ai t/te L 0OWEST PRICES. We invite 8pecial at- tention to our stock of DRESS G OODS, wvhichb i8 attractive by its great ext ent, Variety and Oheapness. Our CLOTH DEPARTMENT excells anyj former sea8ois in Style and Variety. Our Millin- ery, Stock 18 conmplete and attractive. We have a flr8t-cla8a Gutter, 8tylisîî Mill/mer, Dre8o and Madntie -Makers, ready to execute ai orders entrusted to tltem. Tlîanking you for ,past javo-r8, ive solicit a con- 1tinuance of your patronage. Yozira respectfully, LOWES d- POWELL, Vhitby, Apiil Stia, 187â. 31.G BARGAINS 'UST RECEIVED-A JOB1 LOTI FURNITURE 'WAREýR'OOMSl Grey Lustres at l'2ie. Black, do. ý at 12c. Fast Colored Prints at Se. White Cottonas at 5e. kMa GloNVes at 25c. White Cotton Hose at,ôe. 2 Regatta Shirts for $1.50 Merino Shirts at 9-0c. ilats, Caps, Ties, Collars, at Cost W. J. HICKIE &CGO., Worth 25e. il 200. le10e. cf 75c. 100. ~ $2.00 1- 500. IIILLIÂN'S BLOCK, BROOK STI WBILL AM TILLMD G'o whýere you cannot ai to please4 in making seleetions of good furniture.. Pl edia Parotr, Drawing Room and Bedroomk New o ll Vwýort1l of ,iuspection, at aatonishiixg low prices. irfl tienon,.Tb es--&vMsupenior antfe1e. R. G. TAYLOR, A. HUGEL, FARM FOR SALE! P&= ufor seie-Wcst bal Lot 8Bilu the 12h Concession ofe TOWNIP 0F UXDRIDGE,- iwAcimis MORE oitLEsSI A OT70 acres-elesred,unuder jjoo.1 cultivation; " o t uouan-sd stones:- 9 acressummerfsiow; ,arWood bush ; nus.buse icud mane berna; goed stables forhorses sud, cattlo; two cùten, tue oitthe house anithé ouerat the mr. AIo a besSng orchardwlth rail sud black ossants sud gooseberra. On. sud a half miles trous the Tcwnliue cf Pickcrng, sud' '17 males fron> Whitby. PBIOE.-40 per acre. For partlculars opply teo BENJiMIN DALTONi, Clan, Major P. 0. Ublda Siadloa.d, June 94th, '78. (98Adm AT TE GLEN XMAJOR MILLS 1 M0,000 feet Pin. LLmber, well seasonail. Inh Eoards. Floorlng, 2 x 4 Scnntling, 2-ici Plank, Fenucig Boardso,- 100,000 fach o!Oak. - - aple for axles, lot quailly, Baaawood, : '5,000 fti. Square Tîiber, Ail ofwilci will has solal clsap for cash.- Hae woulsl e u bg tb say tiratirhe Grist MillU finulgul dolng fiat-elsas work. Cho~ing doue 8,g' daye in the week, for over Pýroprictor. Dec. lOth, 1878'loti LAN DS FOR. SALE1 Towshi TofSâ e ile Tire followlng lanals iu-the townsbip o! Somervilie, County of Victoria, sreL effercal for sala- Tisa Wast i1cof Lot 5, inuhlaltir cnee- sien, consoist-ing cf 100 acres. Fiftiasarsri cleasred aud teucol. A never-laiilg stresun crossas tira lot, ou -aib in a nail site, usas the sida cf a good road. -Tira property as only j of a Mlle front a railway station ou tire Victoria Ilailway, sud a Miles trous tise village ofKiniont. Lot 7, lu tira 141h con cession, conusiugi o01200 acres. The landi is wali timberaîl haviug on it a lot o! valuaisie cadan. A: never-faillug sîresan cf water nonstiarougir tira lot, whir lan but ene-assd-a-isalf moles front a railway station on tise Victoria Rail- way. Tiso costiy ýarouud is ,-ttled. -Mosars. John Goodmnan and Daniel Oliver, neanr Riumount -will show tire properhy. For Terme o/Sale, apply te- JAS. WALKER, - Moray P. 0OOtaxlo, en te Mess.-HATCI & DUO., Whiatby. Aug 22nd, 1877. 4 15 VERY LOWEST RATES. ND BETUION TICKETS, ers, Dutroit sud Milwaukee, sud Michigan Centarl Railways. -Aise, tirrougir sud rhtum tickets for Boff- aIe, Detroit, -Ciuage, PlaladeipldlsNaw York, Suspension Bridge, Milwauktee, anal ALL POINTS 1-N UNîTýeED STATESI1 Ais,, Londlon; Sarnia, Guelphs, paris Pcre troUia, St. Cathrines, ra -oraniSt. Tiromas. Fer Tickets sud. furtirer infdnnatioo, af>ply te- ., E 15STE PIEN80NI Ocean Stamsblp Ticket Office, Grat NWestern andl Str. Norseman Ticket Agent, Dominin Telegrapir Co., 22) WHITBY. THE WHITBY HIGH SOHOOL. T UBnoxt Eaminan for admisnion GEE..OBINSON, X A., Rend Master. Higir Scirool, Wiiby, Maygvtir, 78. (- 6.iu Ueau niake muuay fastes at work for us tissu at auybble.Capital ne me- qdired;wve wlusiyoo. 012 pndaýy:ab bremade by thea ndueijooS. meu, women, boys sud gin mtued everywisane lu work for us. Slow é ùtise lime, Costly outât sud tenms Ires. Adiasou Tavx Co., Auguvla, Maie.<20 'A LECTURE TO YOUlNG MEN"l t. i àB owlai snrgi siou TE tho" OR. be Ai uotioneet-. PIANO FOR AEOEA. J - - A ~gaed iscd.hsaà Collage ]Piasu orta dted, sud onclsct. -,lurI sosrd , tor>esls onapjrovs oa I ~V.rmm.At brasmoulo. Appiy bta C. DAWES - OÂm OBU I Petpesa. mais - . . ..- _ &O-'l 1. 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 , 7dý!'l 1 1 Will offer r-ýoent off ùiai. FRASER>S itc Pi LSHI N G FOUNDED 1874. Whitby, July ard, 1878. , 1 1 AT TIIE -- MILLIÀ]ý!.S BLOCK, 1 BROCK STI 4hitby, 0, 7,'78. HUGR -'IFRASIM. MATTREW eoj,]Ljfflg. (Mno-1201 1 L'e. BIG BARGAINS GLASS PRESERVE, JARS ! J., GIBSON ý

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