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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jul 1878, p. 1

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ONTAIEIO Njg WHIITBY BBÀ-NO, THOMAS DOW, I'AEBBLL c.aUTEDGE 01100 Aret o tS oftisa noyai JAMES RUTLEDGE, B. A. BA & ATTOMYNET-TLA1, onSUOMIry, onvoyanoea, &o.,OCanning. to, mAN NGLo. , L-W.., BAUISTIIE AT LAW, BOLICITOR I ObancoCouvoauoor&c UM.i. (La-y» t reetnwoth ol'Pot Offnce lVhltby, Ontarlo. MODIIN60N & KENT, (Làs UGAI& or<o. ARBISTRS-AT- AT TO R N. Court StreoToa'outo. * .G. mno, .. asa.E.Kt. Gs YOUNG U II, l L. B., B ARIRffIER &o, C'XneytoLoani Onîcz-Oýver DciWnl BnkWSltby. 020. St. JOIN JIALLÉN, A TTOBNB,%BQUitnbr and Conveyancer. . U ouey te nd, morlgges bought sud sl.Aent fer sveraiLoessCo'e. Office, ovnjWatnsan' Store, Ring Street ~c CAXKONdc APPELDE, DARRITERSAtosneyas-Lav, and aJselieîtOrs lu Vlsaueay, No. 4 Tenante * troît, Toronto, balITesEIAEReN QG - y-48> B. 8- APPELBE. TIJOIIAS HUSTON, ctoWNi CLBKAND TREASUIUIII R J.GUNN, M. D., ~'7GO'OTEB COUNTT GAOL, B3yronu Street, VWhitby. - Dr. W. J. BUIRNS, or Rcsldsuee, et MKr. Lavis Honek'e. BYREON PIELD, 1. iB. * ~ IIT~ 6~1iGllONDccufflus' WmnJIIJtiEt, , M. R.CS. (YUTS HOSPITAL LONDON, leNO., C thse oeB. O. H. L, Oshawa, Ontario. Dit.-DOG ART, t'hymiulsn, Surgeon, Accouchier, S. c Wbltby, sept, goûh, 1874. 40 W. WADAMS, 1110 te 6, P.. s Baiue-Cor. cf IByron C,- N. -YARUS, LD. . * r'EETR lusorteti on aH lIe -'-laleet prin iote aart, sa eie7âasMIle cispeel, ausegood as tise boul., Tebis llieti vitisGold aSti iliver. Toulis estnacted vithi spis, hy protiuclng local suauthasia. ,Dental oom-incvw. su ew ovhcek, cver Acknson'a Drag Store, lthsg Street, Osiosw. 8 tAIt DRESSING AND SHAVING J.Sijon, Brook St., Withy. *A OBENT FOR TREE CLEBRATED1 -'I' Sellais Granite. At Marlile Wonku cf JenetissuWoieuden,Dundss St.,Whîlhy. S E ORGE iCORDIAK, MMERCHANT, CARPENTER adJouner, Green Street, Witby. A large quautlty cf ail llutis cf lumber con- etsutly onuSenti. BLAOKBMITH, - - RIIOUQ7HAM, 1(Sucesmor te Thomas Mitidangs,) Iloresisc oug and aIL kindu cf ganerali vork, 14 C.C. SCALES, ITIGINIA TOBACCO AGilECT V Torouto-sîreat, Toront o. cy.iii 13., O'DLL, A T Hi E R L Y, Clark Division Court, Tp. Cierk, Ooun lanrl B. B., Landl Agent, &o., ise., Athsnly, Cosaty Ontario. Ata'ySe1tAn2d, 1872. ,86 NE W M.USIC HALL, MUSIC PUUNISRÃŽ1ID WHEN DBSIIID. geating Capacity, One Thousand. GUO0. HOPKINS. Wvhltby, Ct. 22, 187'.. ly.di LAND 8ALT ANDPATE POU 8SALE, CIIEAI' AT LIYER1'OOL MARR(ET. J. H. MeCLELLAN. Liverpool Market, April, -78. l0.tf FAUCHER8 RESTAURANT, AlDAMS' BLOCK, KENT STREET, LI N.D SAY, 9ppos.c Hontreul Toegrapla Ofliur. -Lai awayo fzseh. 'Guests waltad upon vilS promptitude sud attention. kDi;:ýB;0 EýNTARIO,, lisuporters, Dealers sud 3Manufacturer. ci aSl LEATHER AND FINDING8, euh a * for Hidem, Bert. aid Leathea', tU'BEL'TG MADE TeO O!DSR ON m~onTOTZI, 'vvirm sonîoi, ,5 DUNtAS4TJJ.tfWHITSY JOSEPH fB4~B BPZ (oppos i0.'T.E.Station,)Whltl EVary accomsmodation for bnss lg comfoa'labla, amy betireeui,àkoals hout. tâ Tise Bar f ufyipplied vit)j brandi cf Lq Wu3ad., c e.Evea'y nece'saydiracteion ai'. Gond6 Stbig-ul.dYard, sud1 JAMES='DA=fl - »môoseru Gond accommoudation' c OMEiwàtHOTEL sud STAB: disu 6 larvusta'eet, Toronsto, JOHN MeJB, ..-PIoP.yZ (.ucczuon ro Joux zsuv,> Tho boit $1» a DuyNons. lu *0lis.ty tac blocus frein h. uoathaa'ulipota 10tis Ibotarket Tise Soue» boa been a Fltteid ont, sud aeytsnFrtoae TEM.PERANCE HOWk DUNDAS-STREET, WITBY. Giond aceniýodtnat trecuanblo te. [Barders 82.50 per veek. THIE QUEËN'S IIOTEL, TAYLOR & ukcCmiT, PROPEIEr Tiseundanigneti esire te Inforin i fiande anSdlise puisle that they bave $ai the ahovevweli kuovuhotel, vwichol' c have uovly StIed up sud nenevated,sand inotb s at of ondis Iornthesa cousu tien of peste. Tisa Bar, visich is tise b osest isoheCoula vs ell supplied'w tis. uest brande M ines liquers, snd IMs ~ le encloe ised M rocs and gg stabuing, lie stall, S». Deteehad ise fer ecusmerclal traveliers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHIImI>MtCA laIe of Toronto. IROYAL MOTEL,ý JAS. PRINGLZ, PROPRIRT< Thse langeaI anti meost commotions ho lu tha e t han large memple moonsu: commuercial travelleru. Tcble vall suppl vils tiseboulin eaon. Bdtbrendhqu sud cîgars. Enclometiyaraned shedroti attntivaeisoslars. Charges te suitt lies. N. B.-Llvery attacheti. ROSSIN HIOUSE.:TORONTO, ONT. The Palace Hotel cf Canada Refibti Reîunisiset, sutd Unniveilati. New Pas.e gen lileveton, runnlnn list sud day.T' ouby~~~ )rIceuH elnCanada vitLsgraà steti pnrie, vis r-8S, 82.W, andS$8 per d Membeart of Clubs and others, desîri nuosus, viicul boarti, M1 12er ai Feb. 2711, 1878. Proprletc JOHNSON IBOUSE, EAsT I5ARMItT SQUARE, TRNO W. G.JOHNSON, - - PIiOPItÏETO: Talume, 81.00 pur Day. Stablisg su co nactîcu. BRITISE AMERICAN IMOTEL, (scare osessaseHctcm.) WHI2'BY, ONTARIO Ilouse nevly renevateel anti furnishc Ihnoughout, eut put in firat-clasi ondar fg ho rosepticu cf guasts. Au omnibus te am rom aU trains. Plnst-class senspla rooma. Q HARESPEABE HO'iZL t>Cor. Y#ing & Tork-eîs., Tornto, Osi J. A.O'GIiADY, - PROPRIIITOI Tzqmge, #51.50 rit Div. tly-471- POST OFFICE SALOON, ToRNeaz M. MCCONNELL, - ROFRIETo.i ~TIE E DET ACCOMMODAT'ION e for Guene. (ly-m T ONSORIAL ARTIST, Pratcai Hsir Citteri&dcc-Frank Emlio,4)too lise Reoin Houdis,)nov cf lIa WINDSOI HEOTEL Torouteo tise est artisl in hlu lisq lu Canada. Haei'rites hioendusud t15 publie ta gir.lm a cabî. Tenante, àmare 7ts, 1878. (lyli LUMBER ILUMBER1 c JOH N SON , LITMBER MERCHANT, W H I T 8 Y , Han ou hauti a large snpply of ah kintisoc Barn Lumber Boards, sud ahU ecaeeu.r Building Lunsian. Peucing, Scvn Tinsber aut iScsutling, e Singe qusntity ou hauti Large ondars for Long Bibi Stuif, le nrom MiU. et short notice. Dooru, Samheesuad Blinde alvaye cn sanS. Wbltby, May 71h. 1877. ly20 w e-J. HINMAN, OSOHA WAe Veterinary' Surgeon,. WiUl bc-3t Armstrong'e hotel, Whltby, every Tuasday, Iront 110o4 o'cloccl, p. mu. April 25,2877.' 18 New Stage LUne BETWEEN WEITy d& OSHAWA.- ILlbaveopt on the routaboean Osh- awa sud soility A tomfortabla covared 3taesud b lihe patronage of trav'eers ausdothers. Everyattention wil hopald to sud te ths 5ur o paieugere, ytasdPrompt dellvery of percele clmltted tesMy charge. There Winil~ tva stages per day sacis way, vi.:. Loa'rî09 Oshawa esch mn=in lu %lut, meito cloue connrections with z e Whltby & Lindsay *'itslwaïyt sud Kt 8 o'clock eauh sud-0'- ealsdy.r e stage ;â U& T u iio{lu ineach tevu, sd ortanrs loft ut aDy of tise hotole vill Se attended tb. Pare sud chargesusoderato. 3 . B.'ADAIR, Proprnetot,. Ma'ch 27t1s 1878. (-Id 1676. OPIfRIN0O F NA&VIGATION1. 1l8 Toronto, Niaara, dc Duffito 1stien- bout Lisle, compr sîn; lihe ftWIIrT, UAUNIFICENT STEABIIl City of Toronto and Rothsay, lu connctton wîitiste New Yorkt Central sud CaniadaSoutiseru lanweys. SPRING ARRANMEpNT. Tis# steanusCIT OF TORIONTO, of tise abci-al Comiencon nhTb ajApil sdllet a . tlo. N.,sa qdet con-M. FsOjJtuD-Io-.'Emboîter,, Eayaa*snnf~p nd U pont- o 'TO», Mil lm P2 fui Loi AU go >01 oi >B tic M ti te, m ri tô lui 0. L nt ro 47: ne he -GEO XULE,Age»t, SUb , &7ô, . 28 MAJOR MLILLS 'T . pWFIITEý Eau rosunued eontrol of tihe Major Miii. un 'a p 'ep sed 'e ,py THE HIGHE STPPRI09 1 I I CMIr horeli' tisa D. asaid h my lie lin, e Whifk Foi GLI 600 Fnl AUle dlvedat theaMllin hteysls,Hewn make « tvr. ont 0ive sella'. stisaotl to thosevho mparoislse1h. mmliitt oi the DDoit Qualty, saud i' Bessonab price, wm llaso i e lk%4 contatly onha and for sal. 'W Ir. lat. ten. -48 ,ES, 'Oo forl ie. ther md' meu du. cre A hIL ut ud, n. 0. ri I ld r hain LLe mIon- ty, ac tboa' aàn& ohon. 'ERS. le cf rock ,Y-la ,R7 '-'47 N est. f-3 NEW .GOAL YAI AT POR T WITBY. WTOMNG OAL li bothe Asut Leie (3 , Draper, ffcfioure Siecne lIe sbove.uamcd Coci. To liet u tlifauilothereseha ve ni, "The Best Coal ove,' 8oId Whitby."1 A.RNOLD & FAREWE] Jan. 22, Wti8> Port Whiti M ONBT TO ÃŽLEND, Tise nudrulguadhsesuy amout n01 b te LeuS upon Paus or Tevisproper m 'sualyLo âRtes of lutereut. LM=oanosube repeld in oum£ to suit Severel Imprevei Pansu sud Wld IL orselechea. Inveetsematie la> Munlclpa De ires, Bank, anti otiar nsurkotathbe Stc For furtiser patiosar apply t0 JAMES HOLDEN, Officiel Asslgssee, Broker, Bpn M1, 1872. MARTIN & WAnAm, IU8E, SION AND ORNAMENTAL OAINTI F.RE-SCOINGASr5ECIAL TY dufie aseortmient cf the vary lateut styl HALL AND ROOM PAPERi Presse Sesigis exeecuted ontliseshor otics. . MARITIN d& WABAI vuw oons nntis cf Ring' Tneny, ls .Street, Wiitby. (13 ?]RASER & CLAR] DOTTLERS Op ýLES AND PORTEI WALT'z LAGER BRRR, at. IIILLICIIAMPS BUILDINGS 9. 31, &c 33 Adetaîdo Street Eul TOIRONTO, ONTARIO. Ncv. l2th, 1877. l IVERPOOL MARKET 1 CASH FOR GRAIN, To ho ddlivencd tia renchman's Bai .ASTER, SALT, AND COI FOR SALE. [ONEY TO LOA: 2iReclalitt, at Loy Rate f Intere J. Il. McCLELLAN. ,mary 111h. 1877. ti "775, 000. ON FIRST-CLASS ARM LANDS- Ou-s cf 0200 asu pvrde, et 7 p cent. Pa yable Hl.llyeanly. Apply t'e- 0110. S. H1ALLEN, Solicitor, d&c., Oeisav il I7ti, 1877. lie will sn a tehi.sfllewssffer,. Y. L EEEVPA. 48 Chatheam S., IN. Y. OVELTY',WORKS,l WiHITBY ONT, RE SIUBSORIBER iaving purciaeed thse Machinery sud entire stock of oued b.mier Iron theaMutige sud rood Menluing Couspany, l nov iredl to furnish Dooru, Sasisos Blinde, me, Mouldinge, Base, Arcitraves, wlng, Shestin ' sd averythlng ne- edby the traist tise lcweet living su. cod furning Nevels sud Balusers te cuber for sale, beet qulity, lovesi long l.1r espeticucesud b Il -:alg1mnt a ehare cfapublic GEO. GTLCHRIST, BLIZA MARIA CAMPB1ELL, of thse Town Of Whltby, Oounly cf Onterlo, Province of Ontario, wile cf ROBERT [PBELI,, ci the saui place, moelant, e cive notice that I intend toafpplyt. imi11nion Parliameut ne2t session fser & ) Divo, a mueavi fhos'a, from my buaband, sisullar to the Billyasscd in hall by tihé Senate in 1877, or doser. cruelty, snd tile ue c usest forts E3LIZA M. CAMPBELL. y, Jnly 8th, 18-,e. O.2 1SALE, AT TEE ,E~N MAjOaR MILLSII ifeet Pine lcunber, wadll seasoned. iBoardu. OFlorng, 2 2 4 scautling, 2-lacis lank," 100,000 lect of Oak, Mapla for faims, lit qualiy, Buuswood, »5,M IL S qua b.Tnie 01 Wh"ci wfl be »Ioab s cas eh. rould ae , i.:s. Spoon5=1. cooe' lu17 soud DO3MINIO SfLOUR & FEED ýTORE, CM PU.GION 1M. selingtise SFLOUR AND IFEED ORSALE C EAP,' A "Modi ors., PiSton as d azuss, (noarly v e). CHAS PNY1EIO. WlstbY' May tti, 1878. mit. F. VON MAY#lE, OP ('FOCREBE lis ]atlÏsove t 1 Vn.WhtbY, sud ii prepareti p une sud Eepals.Plane, 01=gnsd meoons t To Tuningqaepano #150 ry s91reGoldausltht' Hall, Viii45qpronsptiy attondet 1. satisfaction glvenj or ne psy. X. B -Alec agenýt for Pianos ui Organe APPLE TREES, ABOUT 75,ooel, 'HOME NURSERY, Prom tvo te four years cf &goebaigi tise beet Veaie". qrcn l SETH C. WILSONi Lot No. 8, dCn Pickering, on KKingston 2Roast Offic, Wiitby. L IST OF THE DIVSION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARTO, FOR THE TR 1878. Brouggsns Il 2 12 Il PcrPary 5 86 7224c 4121427 71_ 28!W 171 GEO. H. DAI;TLL, G Junior Jutige WhtiyJany. 7ts, 1878. Second aseu.n-Summcr 1878. STUIRGEON iPOINT HOTEL.' Tu7isa Most desirable annomer issiel.etnateil on Sturgeen Lake, vîtisin ten milesoli Lindsay, ont., la nov open for tise receptiomi c otssa. Tise leuse ta Srst-elaea lu oearyparlar belng situated oneus haatifni InlantI:ske .Tise, grounds are finesy vuoileld dlaidId anvo~s sud valisa te pointu of lÏtrest. Tisa Motel commandes a fine-vlav cf tllghtf ui ésentianti vaten ecapes, le fumnimset In suplon style anti vilS every vev te confort. NBllard tables, cnoquet, boats, &c., on tise l'ansses. Goece! Ohtugansuhoottulu thse vltlnlty. Tise STIJIGEON POiNT ROTEL May he reacheti by tise iteansers l'Vanderbit- anti "Masîse Leaf," Irons Lindsay, eonnecting wtth paissanger trains ou Midisanti sud Wlittby, Port .'eny&dcLindsay itaiways. .Tise .steamer "Vlctila cnnetethnee finies encisday vitis Mesg~r trains on Vctoria aliryat Feue- La, Seuni)fer finie-table. aliowing ariral sud tiopanture of boîte anti train a. B. . DU5iRABI Propriatr, 21-I Liundsay, ont. GEORGE BRITTON, PRACTICAL c I A RRMAGE WA Gao/ fv1 MANUJFACTURER cf s uev imtproee Root Seed and Corn Dr/il, Double & Singie Turnip Dri/tq CLATTON'S PATENTED CHURNS 'I'n vd.) W, nsu, Buggies, Sleigiis, censtly e1 REPAIRINO doue ncatiy anti veil ou thi shoretuotice. 0110. BRITTON, tàî"Tvcdoone sontho ftise Qneccn'e'Hotcîe Drock Street,---------hty. Apni l bh, 1878. ly.44 G00"D NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW REVELATION IN THEi SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MARING. * OONWALL'S SELF-k ITTING WAIST '& SHOULDER CHART. Dresses fltted from -measurement alont wlthont change of a stitch. For sale, with ires instruction., at M1ISS M CI N T yRE 18 r>RESS4IAXING BOOMS, WHITBY. Aenswuntedl. Liberal indlucements te the=rde Whltby, Aug. 18,1874.,8 Farm ta Rent. T EPAMla ocpidbyU.N. Ray Lo 2618 co.. hity.Con- taativatmo.--God Hou"e and buildingu, ge Orhr, c ligtbly ultuated, fus- madctey olsie te limite of the corpora- F. B. GLIBS, Sept. W,1877. (tf.40) Oehcwa, Ont. LEVI STONE, Wicnou Blockl, directly Nortli o . ohtnston's F'urniture Store, SOUTH BROOK-81,9 DWBetosunouncG to thc -inhalbltauL01 Whty snd vicinlty, thMt le ha. openede FLOUR & FEED STORE, lu conuoction with hie Butcher o, where ha wl lways hsye on baud ALABGE STOCK op Cholce Floua', CracQe4Wheacî, Comume, Ot,,Peu,. 1 r Snts, fc. ORDEES' DBIVIiiD AZY pA!RT OF TEE ToWX 1 JT LOSSES PROMPTL FAID. 4ddees ODAWSpresfdint. viea-aèlet Port Frry, C. ]NOtYZSE, Ss2mmar. WSltby, April 915,1878..1 E5TSLIEEI ix1782. GILLESPIE, iMOFFÀTT à 00.1 aPc44,qO~ Agent, for cn£ M., '7,sud ula.9O ulceM. 'lisvi Ore',Lind oedoro',sand 10teied poS inta,t80 a. ns.,a0e.2. dM., p.ns, or fe Geogian Bay, Wan- lihene, anti intermedite point, et O, apn. m, ad 111, . u. PrM Linds aPtelror o',sdLkedeie cerde, lo be haS et all Stations. H. G. TAYLOR, A. HUGEL, Suponlutendent. Preeldent. book ever lsssed, ette UIHIVkMU,oete Pt cf prmit.. Nerveas sudPiysDebllýLtY. -sd'ths oudies Concomitant ilssu uto d«sele Iac resait thersfrcm, andeentais mmrthan lOortgluepre. tensive and preisably tse most skilOipracitttoner ln Amd eewowsadwd Id qoew. APz Blet iIstraled wtl tseve cOet Stel aWainsa tr. i~ ment samtea eh. Oead 'H for Itt stne. Addrees IN&TITUTLP, No. 4111Be V UM inch st., Besten,. Mass. Y EL THE PARKER CUN. À 5 [ND STAM P FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRÃ"$-S WEST MERIDENCT. Hiome-Gro wn Seeds! Good, Baliable Garden Seeds!1 rLEAeE CALL ON PETER SMITH, on IION FRASER, Whoe are ever neady te .A-d by helping others lielpthemrelves, Gasngu ail to feel pîcaseti witlî Home- GrwnSede. Indian Liniment Scedmic, - - wlithy Mcrch 14tii, 1878. (tf-13 S. G. I3EATTY. Q -. W. TYEE, - mamer, 9-"4"fe AG NC HTABLIÉIoe1IN erA A 18"~. NOURSied ibt Wldthy, Aprl tM, 1878. BIRIMSIRAMCA A88urance Company INCOIIPORATED z833. ASE T8,S, 8,101,978 91. F. A. ]3ALL, Manager, Inunrences effecteti e the lcwest curreni rates on Buildi ng, Merchandse, ana othez prrocty, Sainet loieor tdmage byfOr. Agent, Whitby. WhitbY, April 111h. 1878. l T HZ HARTFORD HARTFOP.D, CONN. - CIARTERED sOie (MSII CAPITIAL, $,250,000O.00. Cash Assets, àtn. 1, 1878, PI",, c$ 3,292,913.,49. Makuagutil>yskif Undnvutene, sund for SsxtyEightTears oc is,0lest. cf tise Country. Cash Iudenity Disisurset t Patrons. Ovor 21,00 0,000.c0 ! W-5 Ail business Traumactati on Principles of Commercial Houer. C.; ORE Agentl, Whitlcy Wiiithy, April gtii, 1878. 16 ASSURANCE COMPANY. hiCOR1PORATED 1851. CAPITAL, . - - 9800,000. (Wtth pover te increase te 100,0. FIRE, AND MARINE. Head Office- - Toronto. ont, Pnesident. HON. JOHN McMIJRRICH. BIRUNARD HALDAIT, Meîmegieg Directes' J. J. RENNY . . . - Sec'elary. JAMES PiYIGLE, - - Gccceral Agent.j 5"Inances etlacle t atlie lovesl cur- rnt ratas ou Buildingm, Mencissislsand ofisen prapcnty, against boas or diamage by C. NOURSE, dru. Agent, Whithy. Wlhitlsy, April 9tis, 1878. 16 c *.~ - c r- t-' \ \ J1te4\ a i 'c 'Ic~A-'c a I ~S c,,> f \~-) n c, 'A, -c'_ _ -, ce .0. BEATTY & Ca, BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO, ONJARO BSiNESS COLLEGE nd Oflerestrasufnagea for ohtaining a'- COMMERCIAL EDUCA T/ON 9, Equal toa ay Institution lu Canada or ths UnitetiStates. Its seeral tlepatments ana couducted by thoroughly competeut mcm, viso leacis tisaI hich tise7 have leaneti hy o'actuel business expenieuce, andti ierefore npracticaliy untuetaut. le TEE PUBLICATIONS eFrrais COLLE GE Thse "Canadisu Accountant," "joint Stock Coinpsuy Beek' Reapimg, "Beatty', 1' tyssidu te legent Witinq," etc., have oh- ftaineti a national neputation, anti aaethe productions cf tise Pintîp ml, cf tise Col- legcs. vie arechdaly ungzguI, togethur vith -thia taliens, lunlis. Claie sud Lecture Rooms, Collage Blankt, anti Menchant's Dm. poninni, vilsh.eStutients. TEE COURSE IS SHORT, because tise teacing is therongis sud prat- tical, anti ne pains anae panedti 1 give te each sitideul indiscidul!y, as wellesu tclise varions classes, tise personal attention of -the teatllar. M- Tihé Collage Jounal, contsining funl informuation respacting tursus, nature of -course, boanrd, ste., sudecimns etcipan- mauehip. sent free on application. Atitrase 0 .0G. BEAjTTY 4' CO., Debîrile, ov.14,Belleville, bnt. .Bellville Nov.1177. LADIES, ATTENTION. *Tise celebratet Amenican Rair Wonker, MAX JACOB, 230 Quesi St. West Tertute, (Thnau Dcons Irons St. Palic-k's Market) 13 t S iforme tisa Ladies thatliSe in louly GNIE ARWORRER ithe y. HIl aante alkinde of his vonkta 0 ha Sce fa perfection, neat anS Presuad delivreetat the timanequested. Pleasu atuti your ordure ant I vili attend te tisen. Comiingdonsue p teentier inE SWITCHES, CURLS, FRIZES, PUFFS AND FRONT PLAITS. K Curie ont of atraigist Humr mata equal te, natural Curs. ' Rual hairswsitcies eîvays ou baud Irons 51.00 up. a CAUTION. Pisas don't bhonslead hy casvassacrs ne- praseuting y.,name uI employ nons ex- ceptM ayuani en. a MAX JACOB, P. S.-COnUlry etespopl.rtha FARM8 FOR? <ALE!81 »Oo>seliha asfor sala la VERULAK and lARVE'!.' Dposit vith DomiWnic Gorermment$50,. 000. Expeieuced Agente tinougiont lt Domisnion. rire Rielc 'ritten at Aeqmete Bettea Whtsy Apil 9th1, 1878.Ael Wib' IRA VELERS' LIFE AND ACCIDENT InSuranCe Company, OF H&RTFORD, CONN. Ca8h Assets, - -$4,816,000 Cash Surplus,-- 1,214,000- Best of Secnnity. Loy Cash Rates. Libeal ealng.Strict Management. An LîntamisbedRecord. Solis au a Rock. Lift' ia nu inmnt Po;cew, 01 abi sale cuss1l desirthle forme, enlisa Loy. Rate Cash, Plan. Canfract plain sud deSi. nile, aud vehii d aims vromsstlid WiithY, April 111h, 1878. Aet bty JMPERIAL LOAN AND INVEST- MIEN TCOMPAN. CAPITAL, *0,Oi Ileuti Office, imperial Duildinge, Toronto. ROMN. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANUlARN BANK. 5OLierroa r-G. D'Aacy Boulton. MONET TO LOAN on Improved Panse, ut Loy Bates of lutenet.. Apply te-_ C. NOlIRSE, A au,a0 B. II. XERTLAND, Manager, Toronto. GOOD MO1ITGAGES BOUGHT. lipril O11, 1878.1 STJMCTION ON 'THE PIANO. P ORTE AND ORGAN. BINGINO 'AND BINGINO CLASSE8S TAUGHT I uE."EoRýGZ -C. WIGGIË6. B.A.. Ifokaudii8 *ItU tom,~. You'lve tried 10 BCGayona' ovu. Aiter tlie avents I bave juet relatet- visicis I ans jeetifieti, I Ibink, lu oailing "tise autumn romsace of a hars-woa'k- aoù yonng lswyoa"-sbout a. yoar peeseti by, turing wviuel1 vakept constently ongagetid by nsy profaosssii avoostions, aud lied ne epportunity ef revisiting Tise (Estes-saud Owiet. I hid isoard from tise, valley but once t uring thm tins., as I lad no corrcapondtiessin tisaI*direction. But tisis eune lette, it visici vas frons AunulLarynsere, vs. ,r, igisly intereuiing, and cemmnnicated unae ctoti d intelligoene, - as date S itieatter urof Ma;, sd ass Jfollov :' ..Ma' neanNzpaeW,--I 'have kept the promise I mnatie yen, anti brouglit ý oua youug friand of tise mountain te liserGlaties. He' fatiser la test-I menu the oldLmun Iadtly Bayna. Hé vas drovuet in tisa grest freshat rcc,=t- 'y In Iotise isnntoais vIlle buay et hie Sii ,trapoitappears, sud as soon s I iboard, ci i It cent william, tise coacisman, vils a herse asud eladdlc le baing tisa poor girl home, telllng lin tisat le uisinfoa'm ban Iliat- I vas your aunt. WlUiam fusfnu lier, ho gays, croucheti dovu in the cabin in ac ste cf egony, cuti heel great- diultly iu psuadingliser te ratun ilshl m natif ho tittered youn namse, wliensue.cou. sonte to Iot egs. r "*Si. la very aveet. Tise poor thing vas fce'rfaltp dresseil, If tise word "ldreset" eau hoe usect, anti of course I have et once prevideti lier witb neat clotising. Sho certainly la very liauti- sons., sud, visai la strauger, very lady- lik. tee. Sue erne vith smsziug a'apidity, aud I bcgin te teke rosi pIeas- uro in taciig hen. Yen muat come aud ses saccu nas yen en,, sud tlud isow mueh sho lins impreveti. I shahl makSolier my heneekeeper ant in.- panien.1 "lWe, are al veli. Charle gradlistes1 iu tise summer, sud speeke cf goiugi abroaAto, Europe for a year, ml Heav-i an oui ykuev s era tise meney lai te1 combins Ya. 3y tst lime tise-bongsa. mnay b. sol-1 over carheads.1 "TYour sifectionatee Âu-'r Lmmn.i "-P.S.-l forget te mention tistan'su d box wae fonUDi at Dadty ]Jayue's cabin wifS tise nane l'Heury Austin"1 upen il, sud bronglit hera by nsy direc-E tiens. It coutsinajd seime olti bockse sud bmilles cf yellev lettara, a unis-% er cf tiien diractei te "Henry Austin,c Esq., Fernisli, Warwick, Englandl,"c sud IL la plain that if wae tise preperty c of Owlet s fatsea', as she enys lier name is Austin. Olti Daddy ilsyne, nuo donlitE took possessiàn cf it wisen Mr'. Austin, a vise seeme to bave been a etrauger lu tise couutry, dieti. In oeebtter wviitisb i read i fSud Ma'. Autiu's le dangli- m tea' spoken cf as Poaubine, vicsitss-I ceunIe for lier oliser nanse, Pelly. Se, ti you sec Whou yen coone yon will net b meet youa' former fnientl Owlet, buta Miss t'snlisse Austin. n So poor olti Dnbdy Boyn. le dead, I thougsl. What I hati fereseen bad liappenei, onby in a bifféent ussuner, eluce it vas ilot cl age, tisaI incurable disonse, visicis bbdcon-led him off, Sut tise ruiig current o! thse Shieusudois, domîllese vhilit lha vas atlesnpting tb reacue bis dis trapa. Eighty, ant dostis by dncvuing 1t-suds is iz ife Hlaring tbug paiti My dtnto!fnrsansb: neuce andi regret te got citi Dady Bsyne, I begen te IhiuS abeori gly mf Ovlet anti ber nev lite, anti fonùut s heart snbtienly lhrolhiug. 1Ibaid never ceasedti t love iso-my feeling vae cran strouger tIssu aven. Noov ee bai isatienly oecrnreti hicis lronglît e hen a lhoneandtoîd nearen te me. Siso migit ho peuuybeem, nsy anut'a "lcons- rpaniers" ouly; but se vas a lady, tIse1 daugisier of Henry Austin, Esq., o! ForuSull, Engauti. I migisI iala1 I s l lIe daiability o! saying 'II lovec *o yedearly-vill yon nsarryuse?2" le pOviltishe ragget gikl, Sut vIe coubl Sa surprisad onregard it as a valli. auce if I vas le psy niy addreoess te MiesPaulie Austin, lis. Sang)ster of aé gentleman, lowver poor ? Wlietlaa'c pI shonîti have had tise curage te de se0 if Ovlat liel resalueS lu ber oniginal condition, I de net luov. Woaldly usdnc iglil hava restraineti me, orn il aoveti my hosd ho noie me. Ofr this I kuov notiig; vhat I tid ti ov vse tisat for for menthe Sen face antiec voicebldhauntet umo, lIai a endten c vanstis case te usy neaut vIson I liseugis of Ian, anti that, vIsever 11crel coudiio-visctler see as beggar girl e or pinceas-! ii net ose 11evLIceulit lira vilisonl ban. Il diS netthaSe me tan minutas teia maSo up my mind that I vomit go bacS le The. Glaties, te11 Ovlel hov mcli I loveti Ses, anS sk el laste Semy vite. But snddenly-ant I as' ailamedt tesi eay for Use dret tise-cama 1h. ques- tion vlèeisr I uhoulti atvancen p on Il The Glaties oxacily hêtishe air cf "Seo, E lise conqmcniug 1.50 comas t1" My pt leart smddoenly grav chili etthle ides Ihal perisapa. I hatiquit. overraldin Ovbeis fozLnasfor se, bisaI it vas a scroly à sincea', friandship, andtbst th Mise Paumie Austin miglit iell o use so. This reflacticu mai. usay un- t speaktabla misanabla; Iepl. -nt aboutlon scoovlng et pepla1 I 34ea greal 10, desi moe inlulove lIeu ever aseo SE asc I begauhtebcoafraitof My se.naa vert, tise isustros YounglÈ radi. dreseng isustmus arguments on lus- bu tirunaquestions te lustrus juntes ilu- I lient on going boxai te durner, va suf- sa fernug ail the psugs of a vrntable lare in, of romance 1 no ýIn Octobea' case a bessadl reliai-tse e atijourumaul o! tise ceurtsm-and on tle vary nazi ung I set off, by alavy wý lisslia, for The Glaties. As I lhad ýun nelifid Amui Larnde cf My ,vioitl, annuatat borees andI driver, awaied ut me aillae station, sud an leus aiter- oh vert I hastaned intô e 'saobda parl. hu maton 12tishe M".Itm- .Aasat .ssv. 1s.. it 1 1.7 1 1 1- - 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 i - - 1 -- 1 1 I& ý1- lý jý 1 'li 1- P'. seesueti ne biggar thii a ;hiltis. Al 4> vs. lhns ohangea îabout Ovietai3l buttbo liar <e. Tisai, tliank Hcni .vas u tIsef.c of Owiet, net i MesPaulieu Austin ; antI miselooked i ase ii hler 'o,, grestmelting oyes, sudtise. olI feint ino s . o l er lu hL e a? u m l ai , I V e nly v bellove frein pure happineau.. Hewlon 1'vQntbave bold lier te bande isupfisonati, looking i lisern~ eyes sud biuaising, .1' don't kov. -Alai aIL once e Suret of langileýr came <from tise directionof. thse 'sofai sud .riw Cisaaley. Larrmore, etiii n-esumbent,, anti lazily..folleving a imoke, vrestli, vilsbieyae. axelamae,* n "6Wal, cEd fellov, I tsn o'c~ o tisai fair one's baud long enongli fr l onces IlSuppcse you pags il. ever -Ibis I tisougit I saW a hurt exrsso coma te Owlet'e lace, but ebe qnlatlyn at dov, aying simply, ilu lie lt cocing voice, "I ansvcry glati toutdeLO 'To Ibis L respondt in lu luset re% brilliaut santisiconcerted mnsnea, tisaI bet I wee aiso giad te5so i er ; andteI "SI' tse dialogue cf commoupleoceï custo- a nse'you snoboccasions diSonio~rt Wheun I ratiredt tist niglit, j! raied t case feet fully-tsat, I levet iol fait No7 more dearly then I Lad aven leoeS lier No lisfers. Tie liougist thlieesaine Pli roof selbercl us ves iueiprossibly te- tsa lightfni. I shonîd seosiber sd leca'Tor voie heur aftnheurtonaud day cIter bie dey-iu e vend, fnienil, I vas in'tistbo ssta cf mind viics ovaryboly laugis Ien ai, anti evea'y body Wvis egoct sani a The Glaties etood sud stands in tise T mniddt of uold. Engllsh'îoekinig park the tiottedti liug cakes. I vas vaiS, seut ing iudur ilsotrocs vits Qwbei on tisa cor neil moruiug, sirrontietlsaIl tieseunt glonies cf Octobea', sud fendeS usysebf Led. nsakiug' au excurson troug tise fine mam contry of! Drcan-lanti. But 1 forsea. e'sud thst if I go ou nt Ibis rate I ehll malle ed soonshcy laugs1at me: lat me descend thei ho terra firme. Owlat-vona, I nensans-anti ber,- a levu-clorei dras, tiiplaylng tomu admiaiiy lier lUise anil elenden figurae, vis3 anti a litlae colîsir setting off ber have exquisite blîroat. lu han eppearauce. A anti mvensents tisere vas ne longer Ma tise lest trace ef tise girl visons I Led mnia seon svingiug ou thse grape-vine--it tisa vas a Young lady, anti 'a rmîng oue-, tsez vise wslked beslie me, loýoking aht me an _ fraukly und arnestly viflihan rlarge flice soit eyes viien I epoko, aud Meking ne le hl sîlcisipt to coutaliher pleasuro at my abeli visit. Il veuit ho impossible le record our long cenversaîieu-e sussill portion'A suly lseritre peateti. Bsa li bld van lne vitist tare lu lier Cyca whet e siseck a tI tsa dbats cf lier' beau'Daddy Bayne thirti Ladl been te lien, anthon speke cf uy tise]i ssnt'e kinsduos.-silo "e6My cwn motse'couli net haveAn~ en sweater," elle salid, luie hr cit voudrons voie. "i'se Ineale me as if in E vero ber idaugliter anti las iseafily tang(,lît me te rend and write. Diti yen *Th knotw I coulil reati sud write toc 2" se Iti a itibed vith isteful esile. *'fow ig-* s %vol norsnt I was I-at soveutgen I vas i inoro ignorant tlien a chilI of saven. mcli But I cau neal uew, anthe firot use I mariý mada of il vos te reati papa'e'letteo." *"Bru "In tise box, Oviet ? Yonec1rI n js nau't calI yen MUss Panline, yet." Yen. "Please do net ; il veulti sonuti vcay At pr staangoly. Tas, tise lelters un tisa box ; ouîyi and I beliove I kuow s goodd eal nov "bont poor papa. H. vas su English A: gentleman vise came te Virginia anti rosidi sarrieti mansma, vise vas a uly Stoaph blà. But lae hecame vary poor anti 4c 'lien mamas dieti, wanî to«liva in su stabe 3d hoa.sevisere a dy frst Snav hlm. Cieti Ra tio t tsae-eU by bisueaf 1" eda ehe Tie vords vere audati vit a on p- bai ýreset soli. Oviet valkcd o on forons mlue lime witbont spesking, sud thon sema ontisineti *face, "Il ouglîl net te tell yen my distreeS11 hovel a. Pour papa I I. bdo net rememban tien. xinset ail, but I lhink o! hlm soea-Henoi ,mas for heurs sud lioure, tnyiug te taugh ncy 1ev lie leoket.- Oh 1 if I lad lise ni uly kuovu hiu-and mmaanns V' te 5er "Wll, Oviet, auI vwiiisupply 1r Why st1,e," vas aui I Co-Ida sey. "I eau aneth, al tiâsa l.already love. you tearly. anme )o yen reusomber ns lalliug yen.' oeanause îy~~ ~~ ti.tyn oi S Sefriand, reply: na ve w'owouLt "leove nyeosndaealy 2"t- 1y le- vo yen have <cent lier."-'Th "Taes, aud I amn veny hseulL 'is "Tiis ayenshomo. Ton vill re- foutrd asin ait Tise Glaties until yen are mur---f A ni i, anthosn-" ducate Tiare. I etoppoti.-Oviet, slevly. turn hook licr heat. "I siali. net uary ak ay botiy," se. sid wvus efeint blues. varmI 66Wly net?2 Tihe ur Couses visen ,The. a'ey yonug lady fiuds ler fency tucs. Amatiý TonYeuviii ueel semaeuoe -Ooisemile ; %y. Ha viii 1e11 yen bIlaI ha loves Azigt ,i n,-lt is net se viey tranga tisI snob iaft, Si igar. W riIave, syse na hee &peut t' sis Millions D net u tis iinge, but .H-iggins ticeRugglili Champion. T hae Spinthe eTimes lest veait na- ivet s private letter brous e messin DmIen wlio la an eaiolant jutigaof ring, anti vie Sas' seauusueh of 1t 4h lu Engisut sut tlsisocountry. H. se " Teli ýCeurhn ne d ut aulanle akeo n ielakoes aboutnhtie Sîsial iinauIby ne ýmeana baelinshi Lia tise saeasa'a stPlellpsis in 76. Thon ho vas a tibrd-elase man. iw hoi a c hamspion 1amaug ehaus- uas eudthUe faitsts menes seau on aThausos for mauy-yos'e. If eihsr Preuto or Union- Springe eaubhat hlm ay eau vin Ie&visole nov eof brick cees." Tloy avilI gai fais Play boe. tun perseusbly ueao u of et la, no hIter visaI yonusama fons alions. 'isosa vie do net advertisa are biSe boy deitribet aso-felevir:-A man ithis sonutohecily vith e-liag of sa ho moUl,but aet ulght le returnet, à hi-faheraoke hi, watîuck lie 11Ild iim it ar none ofig daru- buinems.", Anti< lley uit asou dr mpty stores, aud play ceisckere, stand aeth1e vindovs, antiBsa crie- nens go le otiser places, and vonder- y people don't ask tieu viai thsuy' a0 gel in tse hag. 1tramp wvs rresiel, taken Sefoeoa paitrahe, and - sentanet for lIres mISs. Tise Justice, lunexpaining Ssentence, sensankeateIht huiu a vas noeavideuce tisaithe prison- Sudi 'Committet any crime, lia 1gît ià prudent-to commit hlm, ase bd a wilI, baggari- look ef a, mani ut tastanl a uewapspen. L tob Iuga'osohsrt cf a Chniatisun ite acanoone taerplîn vly, vise n uden-stcnm visita a Icivu contai~ -y beer saloons end i v. dhurolieg ligislng viii Iravel 11.11&rondtitl6 îns aud and tri nia a ciurcs. ? m Irali lever. remanke ; Il's à groat ploasune te Se'abene, espec- visoen yen sweut-hearl la vit y. 1" ta 10igan ctho word muf,- appiat 1d lao Ms 0it t stilua muiffblo nssn'a hautiwithout squstmzing it. 'evu tried ta quarrai vils bis mer-lu lsv tisa ollier evening. Ho0 loid-thUs eldes of saoen girls. 'vu, saiSaIohe, 1"I eusnot geing to sy reputatimi by quarrelingvts Wait tlho girls are mnriat. >ramant, as a suotle-in- Isv, I am. an emateu.î - LzcsSOt n T B FlàNs.-A baborea' liug on Mnrry struet, nasei ion MeCarrol, 38, *as enestet aIt o'cleck'tllsa crig by Suis Cou- se Patrielck Ilasifer stealing os. Tise pnisonar, on haing arreat- ioved mmacli1ebetimacnsd cons- Fess. Ha suatchadthis e lon- Ltse poliean, anti uati jtta ppsaon itisa- couutaWa01'jce, fah anisd leai. lHo v.,~- aver, seenret anti takon te tlise t&- H e vwa. brougst baiora Hie or tise Recorder, to-day, sud vs. hl s lessen. he.vill net forget fer ssxtox mcnlls--tlc torrs li e -ve in jel. beu e Clinasa i vies te ks<ov hais Dameso a aye:; >"May I-pro.- teau isaI a oycmr noble sur- anti your esinent nase 2" The ris: "The- naine o<usy poor rami- -"an sdmylguobl naaeis-." ie oeloou fa herse vwu reently 1ena Westrn parie vith lIai uan ineldaof it. Tis dit not in- ailiat tise animal lied suddenly I caruivoroue, but tisi lha mn lilaS bis, eravlet -*ngide for fi, sud beau frozen in'< 0Population cf tlhecntinent of Ice averagos lIve 1ta1the square Afic, ix; e au- la about Iventy la Il. square 1 Firè Insurance TRT BILOWe;'S S. C. BROWN ý q ýA 1

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