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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jul 1878, p. 3

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ce f, i Thse pluioa 02~e4 lm,* oI#lueo f Va Abck»dso f * 4. aul métls clü . "undfti ong useI 8180 'n the' .aobanioal portion. Po 1 at er M42nýtW 4nU1I4and dura nù o'1 o ua mnt aa t141nec e uyy »pem4et'it rom a ilroxtrnauri ftupvncr'e B 'eh.mIght,àff~tIihlmater 'gt8of"ih t Is 6meesoA. lêrmus Ni Iua*idlèd ftoux the osuï, kopi ont of1 .dimught> sMd, abovo afl, guadad againai siuddew changes of tédmpcrature. Thfi lIriortumolt frcquent caue of fi ippianc. ettlug out cf lme, sud ho in. 1, trméâant itd b k t ina tompura lture mot towar thau, i6tior dugreou, et iriisr 11385.~ty.uixdegruei F Pahenheit. -Whin toc, colS thé Wood, woDksu ba 1 ; whon Ico warm thoat eue.erioaoia alirlu , uSproduces llcking, flakeing, suwd, othmrdiseagroeabi i.%U4I.siioatu0 bth'ise satun. Ouly of théopiano,anadlt oenotbu -toc arflTguardoti agauet. -in a Tory qhpt$ mijwpilt detroy every geedPeintaboïuhlhe4iowmenr. Thoe toue besemesdOu amuid fiattisae wiro rmmty u4.aelybrckbu, Ibo Jointseto tise meobaulesi etiff sud thée hammurs do not trike with -jpréciuion, and if thosu Iy¶ptomeuare Dot attonded b St 0nc0 tha pianoi la notlïevab1l' upilied. Thorefor., do net pui your piano in a dans, grudlice room, or bunoatis I WO idos or bolveu thé deor and thse wludow whoe theve Ils a tliarou'gh draft. Nover lemo use piano open wlmcnDoct lu use, «DuS aboya *&H, wheu tise room letaboingdloaeed. Do Dot put *il noir 'a mIcr, chiinuoy, or hot-ait pipes.. .&lways wfiotise kqyu aller playlo«.Never pile booki,' muuto or otlerleesvy tiblugu on tisé top. B3e catrom 'w'ionuielg thse SAf-potiai 'ne t - 1 tbmimb the notes. Do no% allow Oive uoeor othsr ezoreise of a onait cern. pas's oa anc you baveasny regard 4t,&A laliser caver ahlud bu kept ou àô thorment when Det AnUruie, aud 'rumoved every ay for tise purpese cf dntlng.i' À ensiion cf waddiug or à. àtrlp Cf donnai laid ontise keya. wiit iseiptûopeoplim whiite sud préserve thse pollah. Nover Icave tishesu open after a musical 'ivenfiag or dne If yen ara obligea to have il in a damp ron do Dot place il- agatuat tise Wil sud raioe il from tise fleer by nens of insulators, sud slwayÏs cover il aftus playing. EMploy tise beat tuner yon eau ger, andi, fs new instrument, lot il bo tumed every two meuthes turing tise lirulyes', snd nt lnsat tisree timeu a year Jltcrward. AI wasuhave luncd aller a toirec if tliscroorn liase been very -hot.,* Prorogation of lise Legilaturecof Que- bec. *Tise prorogation of tha Legielsture of Quobe teok place on Sdturdsy. Tise rMclm'al Elvenireg Pot esys: The se u CE noQuebea lias closed Inl iu a beeemlng manner, byvtise Leglela. * tive Coupei refuaiug te extingnisi- itzelf. ITea Reformeora go home re- talutig offtloe-tmo onservatives go home. at sounting tisir leade wilh au bddreuusud asseuriog iim tisaI lio wtl i y el 1thobiin ta vitory.ll Onea se mppy in lsaving power, lise1 etba s luhappy iluftisahopo of cbtaining * i. And Io onde onuof tise Most re. ensrkabla sessions oves' huit ou this con. Mtnenl, or inde, aniyniere aie. lu -in y oçf the aIS ecoiulrte,a minerity hoding ou te office hy arn ajnrity of one 'or worec tili, holding on hy thie cating velucf thée Spoaker, lis e neer beenn huard of. We supposýe, Isenever, tisat thea 'Cotservatives would do tise sme, aud ie lhu publie opinion treste the malter b liglstly. rior tis e redut cf tise' Pro-b vinace, howevtr, we eshouiti li ke t e c a -15 leeiletli mxajorilyou couse Bide, Éandti' tiise rutie ane from thaeIhumesurs of te ltme gentleman in thea chair. 'Au il ie tisedi P'rovince of Quebeo is more lilie s Pro. u1 vince under a ditator tissu unîler s ý * A Vetinont Romance. P Tisefiret rowance oi tiese easo i u -a- Wloy Vermout Villagelisu urleti up aI tisaetigesud - Isen bru te obelat lîke u ad circus-bili ou a country feues. A few weoks age a yonng rian, w well educted, beaulifii, rici-at boust I lime sailise won-and tli ou of an En. 811sh baron, arrlved lu thoes'iiiago in oeerch-of s quiet rusarl wlicre hiespar AI ente asud lieir numnerous allaudauta *B migisI upeid these uirmer. Tisé Isotel rldaseShLm snd ho ungagcd a large number of coutne for bis fatliorsa fami. ly. New tiserae1 iieneed le board aud *lodge'aIt islat lisoel a Nvidow with s siîarimiug caugisteof'lnineleen enin- mers, ie heutîful, graceful, aecom- Pleçes belongud »lu hie respeative wntei-ulaw sud tIse trm-d aelet, TC whom hoaliaSkiesed it wli parlianlar farvcr nisen ho isad atactod on hieisride. Ha d18 net raturu. Tise baron dit net - arriva.- Whi nl puy tise litho bille- .1N biuils? omoter mn.-.. theb Se Wlat tisa Clergy Say: 501 - cor ]Isv. R. IL. CnAiPrineeten, N. J., BaL Fays; Laul nommores' nis I wae i canada, 1 cîtigit aa ti cldla in y ual Ilireat. Il hocaMc e aobadt tis oflun afc the -musld.ocf rmy sermon my tisroat m tinS longue wouid haceme se dry Igr couit hariyuopal.- My tangua wae cvered witth a wite paraisod cruit, '2qo aud muy Ibroat wae muahi lflumoti. An oIt iady.of My congrogalion sdvised asu mue ta ueolse Bsoienees Remedy, fi whielî se wasethlI sseung. Tisa lirutt1he doua clieved me, sud in a tew dasu my hai tbroat wae neurly wuli. I dmeouhnued Lw tise use cf il, but Lny Iliroat net belng autlroiy wail, becamo worgea.aaaiu. 1D prcured anotiser, eupiily, ana I ams 'happy teesgay liat my Ihreat lus ntirely Wcl, sud bisa whiteeruiisas anliraty ieuappesret. I nieli tisaIsvsry minis. tes' w Io entiers frene soro listent would tsy tise Oroet hoshonoaa lRetnedy, Iisv- . aW. OouT, Si*iing Ont-, " soys ; Ivrs, c*orgcr rFranaja was 0e. verely afflicted nith idi dideaee, snd liad beau under tise cacs cf throe Ph llans whbcut ami>'boueficlai ru- eh iuBleï Iakeriurhcotlos 1 cf, the shauhoneas Buruedi>, sud maw eîîjpys thse iest ofhboaltIs. BRey. T. 0. DsowN, lircekliluOnt. PFom $"Y" M niff.was very taw witb Luug duI8e4eýIwd-gtvon up by ber phyuician. 1' I bolighit afolelo f tis e'bsua Ileedyan uttheend of tw d I - thetlnin Dn. 0. B.R Lt of Torontcà read for inatruoting parents ini the, dres, WIVES, ÂSK YOUR E Dr.. J, mAÂs, of Toronto, writes ccpy of thia book to iiis ydie before the 9À -PEICE F'ORTY CENTS.-I publisisera'prioes Booasir, and, Statiosex- 'J.- s- "I.-- ----J. -Copies sent -froe by pout ho any adrea Y THIS BOOUK FOR YOJJ.. mmend every young hnsband to prosont, in On and afler,THIJISDA-y, July 4th, 1878,. ad uti fiu'ther notie, Allows -a Ileluction' of Ten- Cents off each Dollar woQrth o--f Goods bouglit at,- TEE XiD-D FLO 'HALL. -This is ýa st'aight.forward ,Plan, where the customer gets ~ bona fide reductiori. COnIoecLX 0yxcz, JUlY 24tb, 17 Sprlng Wheat ...........85 @ 0.go Peau, blaek.uyed ....0 V00O0V ou Oats 1.......... 5 08 Corn ............ 0 @ 55 .8 .......... 12 @800 p les..... ..Nono. .l .........1210 to 12J Weood..... . 8 0 0 Woel............ 60200O 21 Dul, hind quarter.... 5 5O0 a 0 V Butf,fore quarter... 4500#00VO Sbeepuldns ........*000 0a o ldo ...... ss"5 00 J 5 Ã" Porc, per owt ....88 0~8600 Lanbe .......... tg 500 800 Calvus............4 a8 Onions .... ....... i V0 Turnipu ..........0.eo Chee ........... 12w@ OVc. Oarretu ..... .......lac@VO Chickenu, perpîeir .....25 @ 400 Docks pur p r...... 800 @Oc Goue uper lb .........7o V0 Turkeye, -purlb .8 10 PORT PERRY MABERETS. Port Ferry, JLIIY 24*, 1878. Wheat, eprlng........'80 80 $0 o85 Whuat, fali ........ 090 V0VO Flour..............5 Voo 0V Barley .........O0 55 0 57 Peau...........::0 1; r., o 0 QaRtà........... 84 -0 87 Corn .... ...... o Go Ciever SoeS..... 5 V 35 petateu... ..0 45 '0o0 Applues....:......... 000 0 00 aie........600 600 Pork............... 4 Go 5 00 Butter .....O.... 18 0 10 ugg... .. 8 010 ..y od . ...2 VO 13 VO IIay, new,.*,,****,,*.......1 0 Voil 001 ft ... .0850 000 Weod.. ..2 0V Fro0 woi.... ........0 180 201 L'ppe'e Cocorm.-eGnsrîmm. . ANDCent- !oUTss-"n'y n thoreugs-iinewleSge etftisa m aturai lawe whicis gave u1lise operations if asIn sd nutritionl and isy a careful -Ppîa ionutthieflua pertluuor et nl- elce ooMr. Eppu bau provided eus' breakbfast tables nih a deliotely flavouraS beveragenisicis rus>'save us niany iseavy leetors'biille, 1h luebytisejucloe useaa0e ucis articles et diet tisut niconatihutien mn y oe gradual>' buiit upunt t uruîrsgeneegi te relot every tonelee t p Sic. aee. Hun- dreds oetsaule maladies aîf1101ouLing arousii us rond>' to uhtack nlmarevr theme is a woak point. We mis> nyZRpein y a fatal ebait y keeplng ou-seacvue %WV 1 fortifieS nitis ure biood sud a properly *ourlisbedframe."1 -Civil Servica Gazettle. SolS oulyi>'nm Pneketu balselluS - "JANE Eri'e & ce., Eommepaîhie Cliemiat, L Son, Eng." A CARI), F al ailhoseare uuffurlnsdf anS indiscratlons ofý yi esisouse, earty deay, losesci 1wil senS a recuite th;i -us discovered b>' a mise n Lnerica. SunS a self-ad -J lisuh Rzv. Jou .. T. 1I' t3ifs House, NtscYor-k Ci m. ,rm Viseecers Fonth, nervonu rili Pure Yen, great rumudy ri in South eeeveloe KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Farm for aie! ~GOOD tlarm for sale, aituate on leot No. 6, in the 4th con. Townuhip et Pibckur. g, eeniteiniug 100 Acres mure oy lees and pil Stilnô Hee, geetibarn, drlving hede Ce, well w terdaud good foce, aid in a' tiret-cla, tt fcliain rerrue of Pl'mont -te uit purehaser. For further, partic-ularu! apply on'; the remiies te, 3l.4izî) BICHAFIp SQ1UIRE!I Whitby, 24th July, 1878. ENDERS will bu reeiv d hy the undur- - igneS op to Menday 1 lit, the 29th et for eolorwaahlng, p utng ana vaer- lZng the Court rôom ut e,ý Court Honue hithy. Particularu eau bu had trom, John hier Euq., Connity Clork, et hie office. JOHàN BLOW, 4fM. C. T.. C. C. 0. iOTERS'LIST, 1878. MUNICIPALITY O7 THE )WNSHII? 0F P, OERING. COUNTY OF ON$rAnio. rOTICE 19 HEREDY rIVEEN, ta SI haei tranamitted er duliverud te 1ersu eementîmneS iu tie aucood uce. no ethie Voter, a List Ai t of 1877, thu )ieu by thu uaid uetien to bu tranumittcd dulivered ef thu lut sma la purenanit te a etf ci llesn appearing by the eUeia ys Ieesent 1lion et the saiS uttutytebountitied! te vote in ths 't eutlat t Eleetien for Memberes e Pslat euembly, anîd et the lunic lectonse nd thse saiS List vae ra dtdup et n ofice,, ut brougham, 1rd, Day of . July, 1878, Sd romaine tisera fear Iulonis letr re otified te examinl liae aulSList, anS any omissionsar er erraoc on iruin, te take imm errre a re fnee avo tise uala errorae sereectea aceording te 'w. HECTOR BIATON, Cierk ei tîhe $ai Munieipeaîit7. ateS Picketlng, July 24th, 878. 1-in -29000 BUSHELS flAMAGED MY R11E la lots for feuding. or othur purpeees. t Pertiy, July 17th, 1878..1 NGRe g iinesSaithorAnj THE CELE}3RATIED HALL THRESHING MACHINE IMPROVED FOR 1878, DRI VEN B Y HORSE' OR 8STEA M PO WE/?, OVEFR 8,000 1WUSE IN CANADA. We ara nawparead la deliver on receipt of satisfactory-orders Our CELE- BEATED HAL CHAMPION THBESHING MACHINE, ta ha driyeu by Hors or Steas Power. These machines have been without a rival for tisa past FIFTY YEARS, uearly ail tho othar Threeiig Machinas are imitations of lise Hall Machines, sud have faiýd ta givo entire satisfaction. The Hall Miacisne has bacu the STANDARD THRESHING MACHINE luhis Uuited Statusansd Canada avec .icea introtineed by thse ite J0SEijli HALL iu 1828. Tise Hall Champion Theing Machine iss baun graduali>' sud careunty improveul ueis yaar as experiencea provet wise sud deirabla. lio changea hava been iseily mate sutdsaituti improvemantu. Tisa greatest posss$la caus'a u unexerciseaithelmacanstrucionmcf ailthlie workiug actaef ltme s4a- china Po au ta' save tise cesuit>' cf repais' anti preoeit auneying delyus ial are causeShy breukages. Nothiug but lise vury haut malerial isiasenn ueS throngis jt tise machine, aud tisa workmauesi"iem unsurpasaud. Our niinashne ara ueîp. -plieS wiîis Our i SAL E STILL goJIN G ON --- HAMI[TON&HARW'S ~LAGESTOCK BlacktcUJreen Toas, GENERAL. GTROOERIES, and Fruit J "s H.&H. ONTA1RIO LADIES-' COL LEGE,' o p 1874- F0 UNDED 1874. PATENT DIAMOND POINTED CYLINDER TE ETH > y Tiedct uligsmm..r.d ( aaa.Svte oiegiie wa)rtis lhcaatiLeuseRsu mucis as tise erdinar>' teelli. Veeau euppiy -- P-ITTw, PLANET, PEL TON, OR? HALL HORISE (cigisl or Cen herse) fttIser DOWVN or MOUNTED on TRUCIIS as ent Mnusay desire. Alse TRIUCKS ilil speeilit> foc SE PARÂTORS, witis Brosu Tiras.- WVa ara building a spucisi machine fer STEAM THRESHING...wiîh 86 iuti cylinder suit 42 incis grain heit,sun e aieso ppi>' s SteasinEngines ieli sç' gnurnlao ta drive OOS Tirseher lu a firl-ciss manner as rapidi>' ou il eau posuible bu fad. Our Engiu, nae aronstisa mopt improveti iodul uuud tiscougisaut lise UnitedStSate, and -«ives universal satsfaction. Il is simple ln construcation, casiiy sud perfacti>' gavrerut, sud nualisable ta accidents ortIogel e of rr sud aIt danger from esparkseantirely romnvad. -- r* e Circular settfroc upeu application. rFor furtiser informaàtion açtsrce Joseph fI-l/ Manu/'aturin7g Co, OSHAWA, ONTARIO.f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.1 AYERS H OTE L, Farm to Rent!Y 1 8ACES-partof lt 4 anLake goti fan buimdingsg. Possession ]ut Ne. vembier, qniths privilege ta lion nisen crop taken off, 'O SrU£A"ICHARD SON, (31-t) Wiitby. FARM FOR SALE. Tise front 98 Acres, lot 25, liii con., Wilî b>', lnown au THJE DR?. FOOTE FARM, NEAR ]3ItOOiSIN. Appi>' ta STEPHIEN:*MEDLAND. Brlcklin Jul>' 22, 1878. 81-t T IORIOUGII-BRED ]Berkseism Son, .1 une montheu olS for aitle. Appi>' te MRS. MARSHIALL, Ihrock.eh, I-~Opposite Royal Hotel. TAXKE TIE WHITBY, PORT PERRY LINDSAY RAILWAY, TIEE sHORTEST diONLT DIRECT ROUTEPRmom TORONTO AND'THE WEST, To PORLT PERUT, LINDSAY, PENELON FALLS, BOIICAYGEON KINMoUNT, MINDEN, - HMIIBUBTON,. VICTORIA RAIL WAY. Pleasure Seekers & In-velia r.tsa Tues8 LImesTo S,1¶tRGEON lPOINlT 1HTEL, TISE PPULhil SuxMIan ISeRT, Situate on Sturguon Lakea 86miles heom Tarante, viasVictoria h;ln"î,anS Steaer "ictoia,"trm Linaty>. ThisLino maltes ils connecion vihGand Trmuk and VIstc s'jn"lwya aIt -Union Stéins.,. -@ SHARP CONNECTIONS, No transer charges.,Bgaesmc $2 &i 84 YefIL-ST., ROCHESTER, N. 3 Prise reSuced te 61.50 aiDay.- Thsis fatal hue reduceuS'ils prise te 'tis Travelling publie te 81.50 pur day. Il le hanSy o tise N. iCautrai Dapot (ouly; à ton leul rs South)sud issu rosent!>' beun raI fitted anSce-f-aiseS. open niglit sud Sa>'. Tise house b iceirt-clasoa in uè> u upuct, sud Canada people Wn s ave tnne> b>' gains tote seAyers Motl. 'WILSON SPRAGUE, Proprietor Rochster, N. T. Jnly 3, 1878. (li2 Tise new eut, slio-sing ltma Colloge wit;i Iths'roec'tit dditions, nutl ig road>, ne ara obliged fer tise prunient tausec the olS one. > 2uS. A ver>' cemplete and efficienit osaf of inetruc tore. Provisioni te rade for a tiserengi grouuding ia Engliei, 8a9 the tinl oudaiom for a flms3hisle lueatioss. Tise sinspiest uiumentney eubjecte are ni aovuriooked, Fon tiat pupils ma>' entasrtritis advantageutahau eus!>' ugo, and in u y stage et advaisceiuent. Special faeilitie are affurded for acquis-ing a thorougîs anS practical iesowledgr tof science'. Tuehe nasis dparîmeut, undur tisamanage- ment af F. IL. Torriagton, lterq , Casiuîctor of thse Phiilharmuonic Sosiety' et Toronsto, ia in thsa higist etate ut effiienr>'. Frenchsand (Jerman are taugist hi> an accomplisued lay, whis eaku bots lamguaget, andi sm-bn ao pe peues a good knowiedge et Engilis. Litera' turc, Mathematie, Drawimig, laiiitiug, &c., are taiight lu tise musC etiechive mannes. 8ril. Welt regulatcil exercise inii alkiîig, caliîthenis, aied riding; -aboleaome anS, nutriticues iet ; rofrtable ainsIi-cl venitiater mm,, &. -'ts. A largaeiiîmbs'r et honlore to bc coinpeteid for. Ts's maîlalu tramftieExcuilney Lord Diîsterinl; gelS maedal froim Jan. Pattersois, Eeq., of Toronto; a scisolsruisip trem Albsert Teske>', Eeq., et Appleton, ansd more tissu 5150.0 'ortis et Prizie. 11h. FI"fteem Pis-rCemit. rmclitssîla isos- stucpay in ailvaîrceJor anc e eisoardl ansilsioii. To thosae who psy by tise terini-Fer secoud ternai e attendance, fiva pasrcent. off ali billsa; for tisird terni, ten per cent. etf sud for foutisteIa, fitteen pur cent. TUITON FEES. TO TIIOSE WHO PAY I.N ADVANCE PEIl TVEA5.-imaAID d& TUITI0N. Proparatory' Dopartisseit, lrierin........84 85JinP .artoyDpartmait ......... 812e ae Acadinie ' s l isscne Departnient ..........ie36 e Coucasiata "8,- (X) Additional chargésinis dopund npion tisa Cciscem liesesîanmisSissitlotiîiî exesies number et extrus taken, aucls as mueie, d5mw- 1 ie.g,'ainting,Sse tram ano wisclî iSprent pur ternis......-.......-.-............... --00 ill csetaken, Iflsymune be mode ilu udIvancu Use ef Llbrusry ... . 0.-e f~ or a wisi year. 15OAFDINGEXPESES.CALENDAR. B O A Fi I N G X P E N E S T il'soC 'sllegi aie y ea r la < iv id e d O sto to u r taren t, et tan veeka aaeisj une terni and s-huIt bic- Board, nihs urised ceeus, Ver we-'... 8-1Ts-)7fore Christmssand twoad s-huit atier. FIRS15'Tisusi, Setbe hSUsta Nevambar Stis. Fuc, igsh atiwmiiii, ms m'sk.- 5>50 Ssss~T' isan-t. . N veWsr dtite abn.ry7ti - - ' . per wack ......".... '......._ .... T uimnu TmsUXFebreair>'7tis 10 Api-Il iSIi. P'IRST.CLASS BRICK STORE TO Fo IeraliuFomT UUTisi u, Apeli i9th tCe une smtmh. A LET, On risasenable terme -i Fr tise. rtcuars, se Calendar, fuirnîihcd onJ application ta Vilae tAsihuru, Fer ternie a in tuthse,.A Partisnirs, apto WILSON eRz. J. E. SANDERSON, M. A,, osPrinciJpJ.aAl, . or ta on tisa preèuseî.Juy Gvri' ALUX. WILSON, Aubbnrn. (26 Whitby, Jul 8r, 1878. 28.tf. FAR MS TO RENT.', Coporation Limit, eositigo 120 acre JL JS T R E O E I1V ED oasis, te saut for s terni et mit les tissu tun yeurse Priviluge of plougiig an ramoval - TTI oftpreeut cropand pouseuszDn on let acte-ATTE- ber'. Nn pgoo ýéda.ieN 1 Y W*TB1T4 A.If ss-Ais, Ont. B CHINA T ,STORE, T 0 LET 1 A Large Assoî'tment of Crockery, and O-iassware of al Pasture for Oows. kinds, Aiso a"Large Consignmeut of Appi>' attise CI1ONICLIOFIICE. GLASS PRE SERVE JARS! VA L U A BL EFARM FOR SALE. , Z--Ail of which will be sold C heaper than ever for Casht. Cati and examine far yaurselves, befai o pus ehsismg a1seiwhere. OCCl) ACýRES, .191- ciesced.'I GoldnieA. 5-- sSitJ 'Jà- Fmsl"-lot 5, lu tise AIs con. et Peeng-smes i he ieceuntlWisof. WhilbY, unS haIt a mile tram post office vllst AtieLl.Goa rame dnullieg, astbre ilis Ston oueation. Living steani 'na is V100acres. 8ir acres ot tise anu. soi od.Posesuons givon in - W.-. IL LINGS, or ALEX. McLAEEN, Soir. Wbitby. on tisapromisas, t.29 Two -Hundred and gh- two .ThOoand Lgi udred àwlv NEW YoFt -,WANTED.-Auy quantity of prime~ di Eggs, and Fruits of alkIdnds. A, cfllr~Iye~otd . SIMON FRJ JoIy 17±b, 1878. Ontario ]Block, Bi LAING& STE WAIRT- We ara offering aur immense BteSk ýf Dry Goode OIathiug,-Gante' Parntuhlegw, lIale,.Capu;, Sirti, Drawors, Collars, Cuffu; Ties, Drue SiricI, Oxford Shirts, &o., &a. -OLOTHING.-- GentlemenSoyonwaaîtagolod Sommer Sib, lu the beest ahÏle, ut-tJiê4owest, Sguree ? if W. LANG1 &15 Os hfac oet hit. .Wehave an inmmene eMortraent oe- matol) u0 id gtarite'a fi. Sptcla -Wo oor, ar scioca Tweed Suit fae,$12.QV, madeo te Order, -RE-SSGOO'DIs.--- ---MILLINERY---- ' - TeD# b'û a eycmlt i rtigNew andStBylisfi.' Yory lge redus. HbUiBCEPzuSli want et Sb'eetiage, Toweliugu, Table Linun, Napkiua, Darios, eutrpauau, Pillow CotIons, Lace Curtains, Lembricas, &c., at yery Speciai flargaine. We are shesylng'a Speelal Lino of-Tapautry Carpets at 650. Inu fuel éverthiuig l u oastalliimueul we mItenS te OSfer aI price.thsaI will essuenc a clearance, beloru mevlug te aur New Store. LAING,&-STF.WART.- FASHIONABLE, TAJLOIJNG.l, -ns cutar ramexatmon, weaJmes ,ef Dit tise orgàms Çîhich a ou lnvoluntuvmucua auftwoing firut. Now, au-lime muslsu s 50 'enuis upan oasis01 etranglis anS ectiomi, anS clou jUrectlyi lu ordur tea mnanenti>' cura diuuaaue e1 organe. Tche inventor, eiq aser montis af axperiesc lime ho biai ample apper tise effecf QI dis avey MUUM IMAZ3FPtç - ERCHAýr TAIOA, 1CompondliSrupýo Hp (LsATELY CUTTER FOR R. & J. CAMPBELL,) Bage ta inferne his frienîleand tise pubile, tisha h as optuia 8110lulise7 "OutnlaiaBlock," opposite the Hardware Stora of Hateis & lro., niserelié bas en' hand Broadelots, Worsted Coatinge, Tweeds, &c., &o., whiaishoteei preparedti o make np, CHEAP FOR CASH, aud in tise LATEST STYLE. Gentlemen fusrnising thises owmm ClatI, enu have il cal andi made up ou short Whsithy, Juna 7t1h, 1878. ~E1s~TTIIEw C0LLI3~Y s, Nurvanu Debility re ~~u"'aru, . ~ --- - FELJLOWS' nuvi' ~ ~SHOE STORE JCompound Byrup of-Jlypo- RLGHFRSER exoh~phosphites. an xeti agesos eactulal or-ganl108s, tisat il nld restera patientas tiforing fhan Chose maladies. Amongultishe ineasPs overcomne by thme niée ofai - surumedy are the following Chiromnc e-ostipation, Clironie Dyspepse, Assuma,. - -chrezic Brenishis, - COÙIeumpteon, Chron s s»iarris y FE rneL arynl-5 o lias been reinoved froîuî Broclk Street to Jmi)das Street, firt aor wet aI Armsrongu silotel, wisas'o h han a splndidl stock f tise RIGHT FIT AND MAKE, aîsd of tho hast skyles of Boot8 sud- Shoes. AIt orders pramputly attendeS ta. Ik'pairs iuaatly doua. r undas Street, first store wst of Armstrog's WHitel. liemeubrtise pla8 . FASHIONABLE TAILOR/NO., lIAS NOW ON HIAND A IjAiiGE ASSOITuFINT IIeF, SPRJ NG English, Scotch and Caniadain Tweeds, ilats & Caps in great variety. Clothin g madé to or'der in the latest styles on Short Notice. An inspection iuvited beforo purchasing elsewbere. -En- courage Homie Trade. JOIIN FERGUSON, Duudas-Street, )Whitby. DOMINION WA REROOMS, We beg to advi8e having reeeived aur S'ring stock. We are wvell assorted with the most sea8on-- able and miost durable goods in tihe market and at-- the LO0WEIST -P1?CES. We invite special ai- fen'tion--ta aur stock of DRILSS G-OO.DSýe 'whicl is attractive by its greai exIetetVain'ely and Cheapnes. Our CLOTH DEPARTMEÉNT exceII8 any former season in Style and Varie :ty. Our MilIlin- eryStok i coplote and attractie TTe have a firat-clasa Cutter, stylish .Milliner,' Dres and Mdatte Makers, ready ta execute air, orders entrusted tathiens. Thanking you for past javors, we 8olicit a con'- tinuance of your patronage. Yours respectfully, LOWES ~POWE1L VYustby, 4prfl 8Sui, 1878. Luenu, fleuusvisg eI)auy, ais iicis off FRESH RIPE FRUITS, LEMONS, &C.,BIG B For Sale, Whalesate sud Eeôtailli ýW. J. G-IBSON, - WJiITBY CHINA TEA STORE. WANTED.-Any quanltity of Good Ripne .Cherries and Har-veet Apples, for wvhiis tisa higist markat price wi'à be paid in cash.1 .J.GIBBON Whitby, 0, 7, '78. WM. BUR NS,ý BROOIK STBEET, - - W BIT Y, - BARGAINS! JLJST RECEIVED-A JOB -AT Grey Lustres at 12ve, worth 2C I1kdo. at 12e. 20e. s- Fast Coored Prints at 5. ' loc0. White Cottons aàt 50. ci- '-1'00. T Ria Gloves at 250.se 7 . phosphitee. Tise power of arreutiug diseues àieplIavaii 1#Y' Chie prupParaion eisoorably acmcmow- ictiged by tise medieal acustylinevury secu- Ciei wser i isu bumintrodaad; ai th~é largu sale iu lime beot gnaruteeofthlie ea'tisnn tien lu whliei it l i bby heispblie. Tis Su rp it scure Pniimonary -Con- sîsmioin itret asiseendutfageu, %«1 giegatrelief and pîora lau 1ii Elih t'isS.I cveWicuré Autima, - r" Ciuie ari. tiu , nSCesgis. ITti'ih ura il duauorsLnsatsng tram anh tfMedelar Action und Nurvonu 'orco. De net bu Seceived b y ruinaties ýIiDcru~' ehuilaruname, ne allier pruýarâtion in aais-b aiitts rthiuu-mner an>' un-eleehajcee, ,- Look eut for tise puma anS a3dreus '3. 1. FL4LLOWS',, Sb. Johns; N. ý13.,, on tiesa ypipw 'upptr lun atermurk hih -ins useen o>' boldiug lisepaper butfore tise liglal. , pice 11.5er liettJe, aix fer 87.50. OHEAP RAIES Speciai att ention leaasieSte tise Roynl M.s, Ocean Steamsisip Ues, vis m AMERICAKN lIED STAR; sud- SWRITE STAR, niicacrry-tiseCUiteS Slatoe anS Baigian mails. Steerage rate, Wbitby 0 Parie and retese, v'W-1ew 1York-or Ph-Isi1Sehiawiithb grst riss railway lare tfram hih>t.l Phîlvadelpisiaor Now Yoisudanti rn, oil>' #75.00. Cablan-and utametiiate'ah low E. STEPEIENSON, sin-2t1 -Dam. Tel. Ca. Agenjt, 'Whilby. LAN DB5FOR SALE INES Township of SomerviIle, (JOUNTY 0F VICTORIA. Tise followlng lunts in tise township et Somurvihle,'CeunI>' et Victoria, are affured fer sule- Tisa Wet j etLot5, i tse 151h -coircea sion,'ceusting et 1910 acres, PFifteen aso dcleS a nS fonceS. A never-aiine utream crosesutise lot, ou which lu a suRilsie, near tise sidaetia, good coud. Tise property s oui>' 4 et a mila troa m 'Ra>'station on -tise Victoria Esi>, and 8mlesa tram thea village ai Kinmaunt. Lot7, lu tise l4tis concession, coaesting of 200 acres. Tisa lanS luin eli timbcrod isavibg on itlot iof etyauabiu cudar. . nevor-fallingijeansof 'water rune brangi tise lut, niiainabüt cneuande-â_isslime.us tram- a iway mation on tise iteris Rail- ns>'. Tiso aou tm a i n ir eetd.- Masurs. Jhn I ~land DàfanielBilves', near RinmonatMl mi thare ne.. . JAS. Mou Aug 22e -r Ca RO., Whitby. -For -iscee mand appi>' b- E; Greact Western sand1 Agent, Dona 22) ttA LECTURE Ti AýRG A 1 N'S.'-- We Éavo just recoivPld a-, ýc MATTREW COLLIXSý - (wino-25 1 OFFERS THE POLLOWING ADVANTAGES: n 1 «r«rei POWER$, ýý 1 FERGUSO-Ni b 0 M P R I S I N G 1 41 ALL 1 In', rN f%.rin MR, JOHN 1

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