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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jul 1878, p. 4

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&bout APRIL. BUTUllINO.-WiU bave- Charlotte rl*t o uEooteVlafllsab e p. aM., croupI for Port Hope direct. D>eleru s tocwr., wIl l ind Ibis the ebsoapout adsoueslexpodtlaus route lu W. PNMRWOOD C, F. GILDEROLEVII, Port ýiopc. Kingston. MUSIC TEAOHIN-G, MR. FRED MUDGE rsspectiuI1y. suncunces UsaI, 4u aud altos Il r» Oo, 187H, ho will givs Instruction on kr ve.orte, Organ sand Kelodeon, (et TJ4RMS'ON 41PLICA TION. Corner res» itAu~ 'hu8Straet%, Whitby, Mlodeons ta Iteuft 04,0e 2, or 81.50. per manth. 17.11 'mOàANÎTO]9A 1 LOW E&TES! rip UBtCUili TICKElT$, b y ire dffrent .L. routes, vis :-The Colllugwcad sud Sarnïas teamq3hoate -Detroit and-Milwauke H. Il., aud îwo Il. I. Hues lrom Chicago. TbrouRh Tickets mimg for BuffawLonu toil , Sarnas, Port MhliconDestroit, CLieago,i âluith h.Western andt South-western States, aima for Itoehamter, bysteaner ",Norsemnanol Phibadeîphia, fBaltimore, ud Wasbi'Igton, by tho tohîgis Valley B; 9., oar tickets, and urther lsfrrati4n, Ap. ply t010E. dB. YULË, Graiid Trunk Ticket Agency, ,May U, 1875. (lxpre,, ofifce,) Whittq. rT Altl if Oel'ideS TU D1E TAJUIN DY.- ITCONSTAJ3L1ii. (iUnder Orfler lu Coutnail, glatud 241h day July, 1674.) Arrest geluais liividual upan s Slurvit", 1suussioîsor mîubpsna,..,*0O25 . i, seta ce rne nsasimosim, ub- )Isasa or wa4rrant.. ..........0 10 4. eMilgé Whou service Colinot be uoonl pronf el gliss iblg ce..0 10 8. Mu1leage tailsg dclsonoe , aob, erclsielr I dliaîremente nec- -eusarilby xponsctd lu tisir con. nsyscu............... 0 trasron eSsuiiitlsistlnsEp. canea lirgatd witla crime, for * astsôy necs.cssriby nIs)IOysd . liast isse sîr nore crues, whlen t un suaîtinouseran isor iboum. 0< 7. dod'.wS'en ieJl diore titsa. lotir hoauri,................. 5 5).Âtondlng Amaliu.s or s&iOw;?uss @&Cayc.....y................. 50 PMiione atravelilsg tu aus iii)As- sisese, $Scusisî, or boforeJustices (Whou pulic couve ysucoeau clu !(skAis, ouîy reaaouaiae diaburse. iVcliedteba l liowesl.) ......... lu 1,Sisnioniug JUryfisorasiroers, Ilisqusut, i1lluisllag atteuding lit - sqses s e urniil535JI' rita. iscuit tbereuts, If Ihél a ùsasisuaClay as Jsssy msunstund ........... 00 1l, Attunisllng esisis ,ssjaurument- Ihuruof, ilf nul ssgageil saure lotir Iaeurs.ý...........10 lu.,1)o. 11o. if e,,gaged lise than Jouir ]tours;................. 60 13, Ssrnilî.g suruseoronsbpuiia te - ansi lstr. Corioueimihsljecl Ne. 1).............. ela2 1.Mibeasie srein gRoute .........50itu là 10xhaiucuing igsosfly cuer Cornero warrant.....1- 2 00 1,llo-burybn Raime .......... 0c * 17. Servnng distrees warrant, sud re. 18, r Rame s ..a..............1 80 18 nerlg'uisder- istreas war. rit... .....*.,....... 00 l9. Travelinsg temoa distrogas, or te Mnarni for gonds te akci dia. Ireas 1wiîeuDo gonds are f isî. . O 101 20i. Appralceiasntm, whctlaer by nac or mîo, 2 ceuta lasthe.dollc, onulise vaaIsaoi gouds 2f. Cataltoguesalma cummîilasi W-, 8erviluag notioss.on oisabies, -wlseas1personstiy served . O .. 60 1'ablsilby order, - )evrkef, lescesO.O, IIINSED TIME TABLE, foet )n Moa$d*y, JclY lot, 187b5, 1ie .1.15 01 It er,,..28 thy .... 9,.'0 .6 "' soýktuLloasu, nses Pookt Tn h. .1iaupp!ication ta a c b ftitsOL'-With Grand Trsikpi. poit castand lüst . arapIn oruaw5, k3T.W STOC NEW PRE-MIS E S, AE ND FRESHý- - ' aving corne out of the Fire safely I have lbeen enabled to re-in- vest the total amount of my insurance a nd a largé amouzit of other Capital in the, purchase cf an on- - 17 tirely new and -éFRESH STOCK>~ -OF- - SGIWCEIE8, LIQuoR8, de. Which hiaving been secured for Cash on inostadvantageous ternns, aIi arenablod te offer ats- fully - 25 Rer Cent Be/o w Ordinary Prioes fr~ To cash. and prompt Paying zBuyers at W-holesale and Retail. 1 deem it unnecessary to en- ~Iumorato tho iteins in detail of miy large and P'iextensive stock; any tttternpt te do se c O woluld f111 ît d6ztiO tu cr ica, stif- liCe £o Say that it is complote in al linos and that custemers will find e on tho prounises every article that may ho onu ired for. Hoads of Faiies making purchases of, E4'. o 0 FBES'H GflOCERIES, ire o- r lates, &c., &o., My Liquors, as heretofore, are cf the best brands and wiil be found unsurpassed in purity and cheapness. Agent for Cosgrove & Labatt's Aies. - Alos E-i bheIýý Canned Squalit3 fish Ti a, Best qualitye,803 cents per gallon Eeg. . ' Fruits, Pickles, Biscuts, of best ;y. Qysters, Haddies, Bleaters and of ail kinds, Herrings, Salmnon rout, &o., in Barrel8 and haîf. Barrels. I amn making Stgars a sp ecialty, and, cau jafford te soul 13 lbs. of Brown 'Sugar for $1.00, 90 Ibo. of Valentia ]Raisin .s for $1,00, 2ls1Of mw1j.s~.t o - $1.0 - .LAWLER. Aml1erioazm QorueindSpîn In ail its branches ; uerais fMiy suppli Coffinsalwayo -onIuMbau, trimmel& te suit Herecoustantly ini readines. Whllbye, Novamber 24th, 1875. CARRL4GES -ANI lied, A stock of eleganl caskets. z Oustomere, and a weil a .oited es WM. TILL. $tou .4 ét eta eau uem u tsrauguq saio essoere iiavimg our wcrkg, te provo the eomplee o fesz> part, and there lu no dlffcullyini putling Our niachinery bau been uelâcted snd conslructed wihla peeial refurmnce te ml' 1h, mauatree u wum 9iq-muajy tobl haviÀ bien made fàr Ii pat Molr uee, and noS adaptëd'dÎorotheiiwork,"sud aur workmen aeodu. cated up t9 lhe wantusud requirennse u aualr-bann br enga kowldgoef hecons1ruction cet our machines, sud are Ilium enabled te ob-* tain a higher dogegrof etsill"-piô4i assit.wee gnrl muacuig 15 carrisit en.prfope.h.whrgnulafcîig W. are thereforo enablito i nixeduée a more perfect systern inmbal the do- partmezitg OfinanUà*»n, adding pot onlyl>-o thep"rfeton of th. iork, but ai., eo h.ý rsaidily otité'e exetionsnàd à eensîeqnent-Iraaueîion of coul. 1Thiupriuciple lu regardeit neesary ini a well regaiated establishmjent, and> wo enablsd tle turn out our machinýu w"h a higlier degreset perfection; sud aI prie. se lew a4 abolteîy lu defy tumpetitiOn. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER DIBGIE, THIE LABàBST AND MIOST COMPL.ETE STOCK OF Garags Sloighs -and cutters, M. 0 DO0NOQVAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY ,BROCK- ST., VERy cEA?. WHITBY. CALL& SEE TREM. NEW GOODS Clothing and Gent's Furnishing House la now supplied with ail thenewest styles of English, Scotch, and Canadian Cloths of ,ail kinds, the Largest .and Beat Stock they over had. Q Also an excellent stock of Glenità Furniahings, al new. A splendid stock of Ready-xnade Overcoats, Clicap for Cash. McMILLAN'S BLOCK, BROOK STREET, WFIITBY. -RI?JDM)A N F P.E 9 IlF RU IT DE POT KING STREET, OSHAWA. Evorything in the lino Fruits, alw'ays kept in stock, of thefreshiest and best in the Markiet, an;dAOLD,,UNDER TORONTO PRICE S. Private and public parties suppliea at Wholesale rates. Orders by Telegraph or LoUter, supplied. at the LOWE ST RATES, witli punetuality. Ail goods delivere-l to Whitby and Bowînanvillo par- clhasors. Feis. 27tis, 1878. (3w.11) FASHJ1ONABLE W. J. REDMAN, Ring-St., Oshawa. AL 4IL OBING Go whero you can get à Well.fitting Garmieuit'-iTo the -Tailoiing Establishmerit of1 GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPEIIIOR CUTTING SHAPES.THE A Large Stock of Fine Cloths ; best Englisli, Scotchi and Canadia,, Tweeds. 8>. Excellent Overcoatiugs and Splendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Guarantced. GEORGE GUIILEY, 51 King 5Se, Oshawa. N EW 1 S T A T I O N E iR Y 00K SOR E AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTRIEAL TEL. OEVICE, BROOK-ST. George Yulo begs te ai2nnouince thàt ho lias re-opened hie Statieuery sud Bock Store in Whitby, whereo staîiaory e! ail kinde, of tise boit qcality,- will b. kept on isand ; aluso Scisoal Boaks of evcry description, Capy Bookos, States, Poncils, Inks, &o., &c.-, at tise lawest prices. The Daily and Week]y Ptper's aiways' on hand. Sub- ucriptiens Solicitad. Musical Instruments, iuelcldng a fine assortment of Vioens. orders ara takeii for Periodlicais, Magazines sud Music. 1Whitby, Dec. 131h, 1876. 1;b I ,R, -5 GEO YULE.1 Ip p 75 &77 -YONGE-ST., .tTORO 1NTO. o000 50 Large Size BoxSo-e CLEARING OUT AT IIALF-PRICE. A fresh lot of Cainaries and Parrots just received. My Stock of B'~~~ EJ NIJU- Is now Complete in E very Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special Inducemeùtis to those STARTING HOUSE KEfINa. ÙNDERT AKI NG. Full Stock éff Caskets, Cof)hisj, and al thée"nec 88arlies th iîn uq A A W]ELL-4iPPOINTED ÙE AESE. is now me weflknown as a ffingi. Besper, Mta a word et comm2endation- woutd almosl seem uuperfineus, but as there, are nsany dlalrning lu manfacture Ibis machine Who have adhered te themd original Johuaten machine, without keep. ing up lu lthe imprevemenlu ; thal justice te ourselves snd patron. require ofu ta sitate thal we ha8ve modifileit i n!ainout every esuentia part, and-fer utrengthi snd durabiity, quaIÎt. cf 'eut, lu overy linS ýand condition ef grain ;'.lightns cof draft and oas etmanagemeut-..the *Johnoton," sa manufactured by us-stands pre.eminently aheait of al other respire. In proot of Ibis position we have oniy te peint lu lh. many Firut Prizes awardsit us-at 1he lait Provincial trial ef On- tarie, sd nsu>' county trial. which have taken place aIl over Canada, withiÙ the lest few yesrs. OUR TRIUMPH COMBJINED MACHINES,« with late improvements, àu aIl that can h. desired in a Cosnbined Machine,. snd cannet fail ta meet ail the requirements cf pureseru. z Our Improved Cayuga Chief dr., and our Young Canada Mower8 are bolli fi rst-clase machines- congtitutefi 4' cet whoily of Iran sud SteeL The Cayuga Jr. has s rear ont, aud the Young Catada a front Ont ; both strong, dur- able machines, and net excelled by, any machines in 1h. market for quality cf cut, durability, liglituesa cf draft, adaptability, anit esse cf management. Au the conntry bau beceme 'btter adapted tot machiusry, sud many of our farm- ors have become killed in the nIe et machines, a growiug demanit ha s prung up for a Light, Durable;Firat.ClaaHouper. AlUne te the requiromeutseofthIe day, we have, succeede inl inventiug a ma- chine with a Wrought Iron Frame, with thlbbeaut pessible gearing-with large, bread.faced drive wheel,-and me ceustructcd thal theo frame sud table tilt at lb. arne lime, thereby keeping'the pilman alwaym il e With th. Imite. The rakes are driven dirsctly frein tis main shat-there beiug ne perceptible aide draft, sud ne weigbt upou the bor6s nece. We are confident tisaI we have aucoeeded su iuventxng the mail perfect Reaper, taking il lu ail il. parts, that ha4 ever been produoed. Wo have applied for letters patent, sud shal beld our invention, for aur own exoluaive manufacture, aud we respectfully suggeat te in- tending purchaseru, tisat they shoulit se Ibis machine befere gavixsg their erders for the ooming isarvest. The "Wbilby Harvester" weigiu, al laiod, 600 poundi, but bsing made principaily ef the best quality et iren and steel, and tram ita in. geniena &nd compact construction, il combines tise strength suit durability efthtie hsavior machines. Ali of our imachines are tniiy warranted. WiLk this liaI t inmahines, we feel confident that wve can meet every r.. quiremnent, sud w. rempeetfuily solicit a trial of aur machines, balisviug tisat we can fnirnish a better machine fer the maney tbsu eau ha obtsined olsowhsre. Respeetfuily touas, BROW> & PATTERSON MF'G. CO. Wbiîtay, Ontario, Febrssary, 1877. LIST 0F AUCTIONEEPIS Licensed for t] Onitas-o,a NAME. D. ]islsop, Tuas. 1'ouciscr, S. S. ienci, D. Bisisop, A. J. Hsrriugtau, Tisas. Tuoker, W. M. Wiilcex, J. M. Pattnrsen, Frank Dean, Jas. Digby, j r., Thos. Pilkey, Albert Spriug, L. Fairbanks, H. L. Vanzant, Saisit. Baird, WVsu. Gordon, J. C. Widslifseid, Closient Dawes, Donald Campblcl, E. H. Cameron, Oea. McWiiliam, LIST 0F1 Hector McKinnan, Tisas. Chattereon, John Fiuch, Joseph Jackson, Uxbridgs, Mar. 111h, NO particular attention, ' gtivé speoialy- Toronto, Dee. 8, 1877. - GOLDSMI' NEWGOODS, l Ilw- etock [ New (m inggr cf. G------------ New Stock of Silver Watohes, nA (1.rwl1 TflO YI New B.ahy Carrnages : vory cheap. Olooka; Spectacles, Outlery, BElotro-pla±ed Goode in great variety, Nidkelito Forks and Spoons; ]Iesks, Ink- stands, &o., &c.- Owing to the prevaiig bi4siness depression, the fow prices of New Goods will be found a getnuemn asprhsers. Whitby, April. 16th, 1878. Pratical Watolimakur, Broek.st. PH07iOCRA PHS', PHOTOGRA PHS I New, Bright GoldJellq Mr. B irt ssling out lhis entire Stock and is now taking pictures at haif-price, jieiu-'to going to the Paris> Exhibition. Now is the time t'O get a good eitur chlealp- [See Supplement.] Clever Young men who, want to ,larn the business instructed in a few. lessons, in thenewe' méthoids. A fine mare, Harness and buggy for sale-. A- BARRETTi' Photographer. W~ Opposite Ontario Bank, Whitby. NEW.STATIONERY & -BOOK STO-RE, AT THE WIIITBy SOHOOL BOOK0K AND) -000--- tie South lliding cf Ontario, NortbhIliding of JWNE W and separate Municipalitica in the latter. RESIDENCE, Oshawa,- Ilelford, Sundierland, Oshawa, Port Perry, Leasîdale, Port Porry,. Bloominigasal, Orillia, Ciaremuln, Wexfcrd, Muskaka, WVhitby, Stauffrilleý, Sunderlanad, Ulibridge, Part Perry, Whitby, Beaverton, PEDLtIRS F011 THE Co. Nen-.Resident, 1hbrse, Town WVbitby, id Tiserais,d MUNICllPALITY. Bleach, Uxbcidge, Break, S. Rtidiug, Beach, Scott, N.Iidîg Mura, N. & S. Riding. Uxbridgc, -Beachs, U ibridgc, diet Uxbridge, N. Bziding, Bdrooke, Thorais, EXPIRATION. April 0111, 1878. June let, Julytti, ý & 2 8 t is , Aug. 2Otls, " 2tis, 1218t, Oct. 1ilth, Dec. lird, i l S t h , 6421,, Jasa. Oti, 1879. SI 1t, I Pela. 28th, ONTARITO.. April 201h, 1578. lune 26tis, I JaLi. 101h, 1879. COMBINATION Has much Pleasure in announcinig that lie hag now in Stock -a Complote Assortment ýof ail kinds of Faýmily Groceries suitable for the Holid-ays or any time, incluçling the following, viz. New Valentia Raisins, A Choies lot of Mette Cups and Saucers Lay er for Xmas. Basket Fancy Toys for Xmag. Crndn Fancy 'Csndies for Xnsas. crown 3elhes, Marmalade, Curranto . Pickles, Salmon, Lobestors, Oraneeol. Sardines, White Fieh, O r a n e P e l .S ail m o n T r o u t , Citron Peel, Finnan Haddies aud Oystcrs reeived llKiuds of Spices. daily. Nuts, al Kinds. Pipes. Tobacces, Comnbe, Extrada ts fail Kinds. Brushes, Ruives, &o. A FULL ASSOMTMENT IN EVE RY LINE. Have yoti seen tho New Illuminator. No Clîimnaey re- quired. 1 Ligit quai to 8 of the old kind, once tricd always used.« Sole agent for Whitby. Croekery and Glasswaro in great variety, eheap. Cashi paid for Apples, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs and IPoultry. PETER SMITH, WVhiiby, Doc. litit, 1877. Oddfeilowu3' Buildings. Vick's Flower and Vegetab1e Seeds, Lawn Grass -Se ed, Tuberose.I3ulbs, Oxalis, Gladiolus, &c., &û. NEW CNNED' FRUITS. CaliforniaP1umbý, Apricots Peachesl Peary Turkish Prmiies, Maple Sugar, Map] LiaBeans, String Beans, Tomni-atoe, Corn, Pears, Frenol P.eas, &c. Lè Svrnnp. - D EP OT J. G. McD OUGALL Bcgs to announce te bis customers and. the public- in general that ho hue opened a Stationery, sSchool BuolI snd News dcpot lu counection with hie Coufoctioner> & Bakissg business, in bis old stand sauts Brock Street, where cverything in thse lime -eau be hat ut veiy-iow rates. The Daily and Weekly Papers always on band, and d- iivercd ta subecribiere iu ail partesetfttha towu. Orders promnptly filled for Periocal 1 Magazince ans& Music. Aie, à wdil.asorteit lot et Mottes, Berlin WaI16 sud riazicy Goodae, on lsand, st low prices. The public will find lt te their advantage te. take a peep ut aur stock before purchaaing cliewhera.î ~Vhitby, March 4th, 1878. Sonth Breel Street. IG with- ail orders of Photos, at JG.MoD.OUGALL,, For One-. Montlî, A BEAUTIFUL CABINET PORTRAIT! C-heiceocf Ihe foilowingpersons : SIR JOIIN A. MACDONALD, -REV. MR. LAIRD, Decernier 24th, 1877. HON. T. N. GIBBS, er EDWAIID CARSWELL. AND_ CARRZIAGES. A Large Assortment of Cutters -and Buggies FOR SALE, CHEAPI, &-AT-WP - [TOM S DUNDÂIý ST.RE Carriage Factory, 'T, - . WHITBýY, ONTARLO. SADDLERBY, ,AND H. W1LLIJA M THO M P Bege lue direct attention te Is large sud superior SIc Iluing lu lte Saddl.ry and Harne. Linm Leather- Valises and Saratoç A kLOT OF - LT LA.W, g a. ÂTTOEINE t, South cf ION & M a-Nc&Rs BA 7R, -&C.I, I Omnosca-Over Dciîuiou Ban Jan. 220;1878. GBO. St. JOHRN IA! A TTOENEY, Sdlicitor and C .EManey to leuS. Moijag '901,4. Agent for se-vers! LaxsC over Wightmnan'a Stars, Ri Oshawa.. CAXERON &*ÂPPE. B ARRISTERS, Atleueys.ai SlctrinChancery, Ns Street, Taronto. !EOTR CANEROJI, Q'C' tIr-es) THO IAS IJSTO ' frem 9 to1 c'dlock. R. J. UIN al. j 51T1GEON TOTE COUW S ]BronStretwhtby. Dr. W. J. BURNtS OmFrcz-Nert deor te Cnao,.; ~Reg14ence, at Mfr. -Lewis Hou BYRON FIELD, M4. pHYICIÂN, SURGEON, &c -W-- MORIEN, M.D., . CÂRD.- DR. -BOGART., I'hYuiciau, Surgeon, Accoucher, Whitby, Sept. Sth, 187-1. WV. ADAM5. POOMS OVERWAR]i &L-ragcer Store,'Dnus. Office heurse!rom 9 ar..te 1il-M., 1.80 le S, p.-aM. Poaldece--Cor. sud Oliert streets. * C, N. VARS, L. D. TTUEETu inerteit or L1 .'latest priniciples Of Tseethextractsa witbout amsl, bp local "usthesia. Denti Booms- an's new block, oer Âtliusonr,,&i Wsug Street, Ogsaa. JOHN- ROflINSOr<'S HLAflt DESSING XID SE -'J Bloaa, Brack St., Whtby. GEORGE~COUIY1ACIZ, TLM3153MERCHANT,CAP an sd, Joiner, Grecn Street, W large qnsutla ityaU Scl indu ai1 usd u6tafutly on hanit. WILJLIAIU COOPER, BLACKSMITH, - - jROUG (Surcousor te Thomas iddaauà, Rors. uhoeing snd ail kinda aof wark. C. C.' SCALES, V IB IUTO BACCO ÂGE "oronto-Street, Toronto. E. MBLL, Clerk DiYIBion court, Tp. c Oemsnlasloner lin5.B., L 1anit Agen ko., Âtbsriy,cOeuty Outarde. Atberly Stot. 2ud, 187 IlO0P K IN s rNE W-2MUSIC HA 1 MUSIC 0FTII5NISIIED WHEN DES!] Seating Capaciîy, One Thausaj GEO. HOPE -Whitby, Oct. 22, 287?. LAND SALT AND .PA8-7 - FOR SALE, CHEÂF AT 'LIVERPOOL MAR-KI Lvrol J. H. McCLÈLLAI LvrolMarket, April, '78. FALICHERS RESTA UBANj ADPAMS' BLOCK, KENT SURE) Wiii Save Mouey and secu, a good article by cal]ing. EVERYTIIING IN Teas,. Coffees, Cocoas, Choci - 1 HARVESTER.;j WORK i WWtby, March 4th, 1878. >24 0 OUR NEW l(WHITBY EXIHIBITION 1 1-GOING 1 A . ýW - . IBEST'S GALLERY, P E T E SMITHý 1 EST9Sý OUT'TERS, RESH' SE E DS'

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