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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1878, p. 1

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ý , îý ý , ', ý , ý', ý '_ -IZ: - - . - - - 1 1 'Cae7t9elial Vot. XXII. SI, ent.. Ranko! 1151 Ill Il pactes, ràgmnu companlée, sud Matters of, liki 4«crJptiOnýwhèn a among NM Mat_ WM T.Ë CIV tu tu conta 1»r le'. ONT4RTO, Vice, S]POCkacontz&oto Mode With adreruftn IVVMTB7 110PS.B. un Y 'AI by the year; or oth@Moe. MURCMn= , ýe Orders to discontinue adverasemmr, DUeDAia-ST;,, WUITBY. WB 18, muet bé tu writing, "A-ýL L A'N 0 E 'ýEBT OF posT onneg.) FIRE IM IRANÇE_009PANY1 (SEOISTEUD) JO XI sEPH -DÀ. ZOP.RiE.-os. = and Moderato, Prompt 71 NO ST, EA87- To VDEZ, P.1 RONTO.11 NTARIO FAÉMERE Whig holleï ho à b"Il reconfly built JO GEO. TULE, Agent, F&UCYBMkWt AndlTei-1 16M $Md e a fItted up in fritýWà Whüby june 2,875. eote uâ/ Ve Fan" Dinnft suféince m 28 And Dîsgeý sot;. ylhr, -Bo Idquors and Mau BOU. OýR. BANK, Ir . -1 âZà tbilff C ,; oloW7ý . On- Z0 WH ITB Y, 46 âS comp 0 ýM ILLS. OW ANT insures; FArm THOMAS DOW e(inÀu oniw»ubd ý IOrks "a Sp0on».ý luge, Ornées id Butter ýTI Country churches UMWA'Z.EOTBL, suv*mibd Ozu »Mkots (ip t'O Gý Tl a. P- WHI-rE 1 their Contenu fit ra pot, Ru r0iumedo A' neer ose 01 -Y well-estab9hol e 1 ; Licensed a tio Ruth fin, OntrOl Of the Major Mille and Plo*iï, auTLý PIRC)pM To]a PrOPAred te pay - % lu CAn sa wu. 0 le es Umm ATT04ngyst ,sojl. S PrOMP Notation pubu Md conray. B Vary im« dation for" gues M _a nded, and cond..t. JUST Loss'Es PRompny TIIE RIGREST PRICE 1 ad on LiUri .rerm», or qmaoýrý4 lac'. ing toi fnclud. DÀW]3s,ý JOMq WU Ofâce tiret dobr South 01 th" via Il j.Ïby bOdÈoOMýF Moils et au FOR ÀNY QVANTITT VER HARRISON, 2& Port Vico-Pri L L O Uoutorloo'W tbýY, - i i ý tir The or lu -o ad ýLth boit 1- . ., - $À= 8 BUTLEDGE, 13. A. brande 01 non, 0 ý 1: M rr WhItbý,AprlI 9th: 1&78 Lý WL alga". > ýzD0] Bvery noces L. L. B,, travallers, zotion giyiû -te déliveredstthexillinvýhiwalo., R'o'- county axe VLU ISSOrt ta te the 'n ktwutimi FLOUR p Ing, encla"d yai4 ta atten.: 0 Il Zasy Pa tive cigare, - .eý STORE lus 1 their Geli;W e' ' balia ana ChAiin JAOISO KBITif GORDON, PBIqM ]IGIOX Le 401u . t 1 ho, 8 Cross, 1, PLoluit Alqi) pja» haut -11, 1782. ABRISTER HOTEL, B SOM, ýJr 1,1 cbufuy, couv of'làiè Boit Qualit ]dÃ".FFATT Ary and àt-ne"Sl*lle FLOUR, 'lioons utore, iii,;ç Street, whi pli#", Will &Oô ho kèM constgntly on hànaý ýýNb,(,FEED: tby, Agenfi for canaaa.. Md for sais. watchefs, - I& -, pR RIBTOB. 0"Ualqo'NG 0* MONDAT, MAY 27tb JAMES Dll"fABT 'WMWÀIO Oci-10pýUn7.- Sul ý_ 0 r notion; tréjàw 'B. W-TYRE, CIFABLES C. RELLM là OP LEAVE PORT, ROPE îqr Lidl Manager. me, Gocld 4ccomrýOdAtiOlà 'Peter. A. TTOBNUT-AT-LAW, SOLICITo4 IN bOTO'ïï liakofield, aha jný1.iue& GENCY ESTàBLISEED IN C PUbl FOR S1 CÉ pointo,'-;,at 6.00,S. m., 10 a. 'DAn 18M- UnUmitedýliabü ýM chance on ýALE A EA-Py d fer the Georgianm'> "na 4-00 AU thé Stokholdors, and large ton, Brook, O7Wý 0 andsTABLES, Good ROrge, P toi, Bayi Wau- Funds.' Moderate rates of promlum. c .ý'&rv4-atreet, Toronto. (nefir1y And 11arneos, el a M, anaulcloiantmermtdiste points# nt Nouusp, N EW 0lAý,L D WhItbyl Xs'y IPBIqNYLB GION. Trains arrive as JOIIOWo YAR Oth, 1878. WlIitbyýApriI gth, 1878. AT PORT WMTBY. FROM L' do ý Peterboro', and (OUCCUSSOZ Tolomw xzrjy,) Lakefield, nABRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN 1 ý ý > 8.80 P. M., and 6.20 p. m., ALJ Chanpory, Oonvoyancer, &o., &o. Sizo. The fro sousé in the ci wé ore oelung the vorf X&É ut 8-ý the Georfflan Bay, Waubau. UMSII- AMBRICA 4 .000-street, Oshawa. a An Ouly WILKESBARIR ;En E. two blocks tbe Northorn D atyd' B =a te the Market. The Routé ha», en WYO B MING COAL, the boat the Amaricun Y ROCIM intermOdiate Points, -ut STERO bu i lately Movea te and 6.20, P. M. G. ý"«XLLAX, Pitt-ed out, and very-thing pre ý se. il j =rketaeoras. 0 Wlùtby;-Md in M")", 48surance Coinp,,, PréPAýO4 te Tune and For further particulars sec Pocket Time Gooda in Lesv Our Ordon With Mr. Planoi Orq"s sud Melod (LA4 Greenwood & Igomuan.) or with arc eons At Carda, te bc had ut ail Stationg. li. *]3, L"9 m Orat'a OhS;ýèS tagidènt in 3sks, Irik. IRIL4- W,%LliEY9.0 ý - W- Arnold, et the cilice 01. ta by ho bas rédnceýPeng à '?lut- IL G. TAYLOR, latO 0- Draper, Whitby the prie A. RUGEL itor, NotaARRISTBB, ATTORNEY, SOLIO- T.EMP.EààNOE HO Te Tunin a 01 timing, &m. Superintendent. Prosiâent. Public, Couveïencer. of. USBe t Semm the &bOve-named, CORI. yon WM Lqnuara plincs INCORPORATED 1833- 11110«-BYM-a reet, South of est Office, r, WRITBY. hOn te&Wy, as AU oth dé . go thc, low Whitby, Outurio. DUNDASýSTREB that it tg M Who ha,. usait it, or Tricord 200 A S 8 B T 9, éllol,978 94. U ET AWorders loft Mt Mr. J. johnotonS jewel. By roadlng=d prac"cg Good Accomu - diThe sest coal e 01 'EAU, will be- promptjy tbe Inestiniable traths con. ut ouonable terme. Ver Sold In attende' Kifow - talued in the boit medical A. BALL, Satisfaction given or no pay, ROBINSON & RB Boarders 82.50 per wetk. 45 S. B. book ever isoued, Stitled Manti -AI (LÀT» Duaoix Wh "0 agent fer PiRZIOS and Orà-,.,. SM?-PRUERVATION ins nées effectea at the Ipwout cu Ith 62-ly Lrteemý41. Sentbymil Ãœes uonr"Bùildings, Morchanalsoi cor, Brock-st. ARRISTERS-AT-LAW, ATTOZIN EL, 6, Solicitoît, convoyancors &0. TIR Qlm'81;'s On race Cpt of prici. le and ("'in coxXERC Auà Ir,',-It@dVitan moto» Decline, ProPelty.- against Ions or damage by gr, ARNOLD FAREWEL ît'. and the endlest rOvinciAl Assurance ]3uüÏingol Le B eervousandPhydul-De 1 ty, Court Street, Toronto, concomitaut illa and untold miséries that result BROCK-PTUICET, Tay, Jan. 22,1878. the fet nolm t & Li C) ý-G- llàlx$ON, X. à. JIURI)SUT Port 'et"'" lodgliulpre- Agint, WhI Whitby. o su 0 Of v eh Io orth the price ci TAYLOR & MôCANN p 0 Whitby, April 9th, 1878. P[7 0 p PBIETORS. MNBY TO LEND. 8391TIf, L L. B., The undersi ad deaire inform their tentiveandpro ab t ostàk Practitioner lînAzneýÉlcetowh w AVA ed ldsjýdJcvr. rIM' HARTFORD &o-, &0,-Money te Lutin frie doandt o bUcthattheyh,,v,,taken elled med by ation the o nad has -lm PaM;hloý, - Wlth il, y. est B liguet et Marriage Licenses, hav a ove The unaersig P- 0'. rg#P nown- hotel, W19kh they amount of mon. A P P L E T R E ES an and - au etc à ifiligravingo-aOW. rION 1 Oyylc;i-Over Dominion o nowly ittea up ana renovatedi a OY te Land upon yj1rul or ýOWn propertyi At Fire , Insupance 00 13811k, Whitby. into the ha ad Put unusually Low Ratego Interest. beau t 1 a for the' accommoda- Loano eau bc rOpaiaý sent ?niez Io ftll Re Rd Jan. 22,2878. A Il 0 V T 7à,oo' (2_5 h r, which la the hand. Owers. 'Il gulng te suit bor. 0, for It et once. Address HAIRTFOILD, CONN. fument the 00 ty, in WOU sapplied With TýAT THB- PEABODY mEDIC,&L wco. Nt. the linest brandPolf *Jnog, liquots, and et- 56vOul Improved Ferme and Wila La,&. No. 4 Bul. joax 11ALLEly, gare. leclieloiedshed recul anagood for sale chesp., THYSELF CHARTERËI) 18,o TTORNEy Solioltor and Couvey 8tab1îngý,% Inventmonte made lu HOM E NURSERY to encor. Oz stalle, &0- Detached rooms I«unicil)al Debon. A MOney te fond. Mortgages bouýht and for commercial traveller,. ures, Bank, and éther marketatàblo Stocke. From two te 'Our yeurB 01 agel embracing SOI& ont for overal Loan Col Oiecea. J. P. TAYLOR, For further particulars the boat Varletieg. au (/'ASII CAPITAL over MghtmLlllo Store, Icing"l- Street late of Toronto. PEMIP McCANN. apply te - SETR 0. WILSON, S1,250,000,( Oshawa, ly.ïï JAMES HOLDEN, Lot No. 8,2nd THE PARKER cume Cash'Assets, ' icture - HOTýL, Ofdefai Assignee, Broker, &o. Con. Pickering, On Kingston Jan. 1, 187j CAMBRON dr APPELBE, R > 14#1 9th, 1872. 15 Roud, ust-OMce, Whitby. (SIXTY-ElONTH. ANNUAL EXHIBITI) ][3ARBI8TBRSt Atto-rnoYi-st-Law, and MA ' - 1 .$ 3 Solicitors in Chaucer WnZT»y, ETIN & W.&BAM, IST OF THE DIVISJOI; COURTS 3 2 9 2 ý 9 13.,4 C, Street, Toron o. IL eAS- PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. Manard skilful Underwriters learn liE NOUS£, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. and ay4s) R. S. APPELS£. The largest and Most commodlous op T= 3, newost in hotel 'M . - Yea" one of the'leadw the tow1l'o halo luge temple rooms for 4-RESCOIVG À SpE ing iËItarLeial Institutions TEJOMAti UIULqToly, commercial travellers. Table WOU supplied CIALTY. COUNTY PF ONTAR10J SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAB of the Country. CLERK AND TREA with the bestin nounou. Bestbrandoliquors À fine assortment OiiýevOy latoot style 01 FOR TUB YEAn Cash Indemnity Disbursed to Patrol TOWNý SURER Enclosedj WhItbYo Office-Town la ard and shedroom PARKER B S r from'o te 1 ololock. au; ffnursi "Itlit",Uetlfl".rabostlers. barges te suit the HALL AND ROOM PAPERI «Mes. OVèr 21J000,000.00 1 N. J3.-Livery attiched, Frosce cleoigna executed on the ahortest 1-1-4 Jep WEST MERIDENsOT. 8- J- GtIlqIVe M. D., 27 notice. W AU business Transactea on princip, - - of Ccralnercial Rouor. MARTIN & WARAM, Whitb 2 1 l ï 1 1.1 Broug 2 1 91 2 1 o. NOURSE, ýSURGEON TO Tim COUNTY GAOL, OSSIS llovsr"-TORONTO, ONT. Two dOors north of %gîf Tannery, Brook p Agent, Whitb Byron Street, Whitby. R ort Ferry The Palace 1-1otýI Of Canada Refitted, Uxbridge. S 1721 el 48 12 1,21127 Iloine-Opown Seeds f It Y, AÉril 9th, 1878. Dr. W. J. nuitiqs. Befurnished, and Ç CanxiiIgtn 221211 5 i , 12riValled. New 8 Bonvertin 11l2 gerEI1ývator, ranningnight and day. Th* , 128 20 6 TROSE wISHL,%TG Oyylc£-Next cloor toCimomcbz OMce unIâ firsi-class H. 2 Canada with gmau. AR K, ô111184ý 19 - 1 0 ALL W E S T F, B N Rte erices, viz: P&Ogeu FRASER CL Atherly... 181 1 ý0REy te* Rosi-l'duce, ut Mr; Lewis -:02, #2.50, And $8 gar da 7112 8 7 Mom lors Of Clubs and othoo, Y. ZOOMS$ without bogrd, 81 te u osiriig GEO.-E. DAR G00d, 801jable Gardon SeedS 1 ASSURANCE COMPAM or a ALES AND PORTER, LL, BYRON FIELD, M. ». MARX le. IRH-, - Junior Judge N Feb. 27th, 187à. Proprietor. WALVZ LAGP-P. j3EER, WMtby, Jany. 7th, 1878. PLFAýJE CALL ON INCORPORATED 1851. YS'CIA bUBOBON, &c.p Duffino' RITIS IIOTEL, PETEIZ SMITII, r CAP17'AL .5800,00c iýý MMLICHAMPS BUJLDJN(jqý Second Scason--Summcr 1-878, SIMON FIZAsrý,ii, (with Po -lér te inercuse te 81,060,0W') win. XCURIL 8 ý - Who arc over reay to UY'S IIOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., 299 319 & 33 Adegalde Street East, STURGEoii POINT ]ROTEL. FIRE AND MARINE: the ces il. 0, Il. L., Oshawa, Ontario. (IÀTZ noisoy ROUSI:.) TOILONTOO ONTARIO. ASSIST HOMÉ INDUSTRY 1 WHITR Y, , ONTA RIO. Nov. 12th, 1877. (ly-47 TIlà inost dcoirablO Summer bital, situatt(i And by 11elping others help thernselvef;, Head Offle DL. 1TOuBe nowly reÙovatea unj inruighe -------- on Sturgeon Lake, w1thin ton miles Of Lindsay, causing ne all to feûl PIC.ai;i,.d with Home- Toponto, ont a U VERPOOL M,&MlmT Ont, lo now Opn for the reception 0 thronghont, ancl Putiin firot-claqs order for Tho Rouge la 11rotclass in evejý of queste. Grown Seeds. Dit- il GART, reception 01 guesto, AI, Oinnibus te and bOing situateil on a beautffl inland r1lot. The -rOM &Il trains, FaMple recula. 9MUndg QrO ftOlY WOOded, and laid In drivez TRY BROWNIS HON. JOHN Mcmui;ti;ticI.I. SUI-90011, »., ». - . i--- - CASH rAOR GItAlN, of Interest. Tbo Rotel lu epot in -WIJIÉbY, SePt. 80th, 187-1. 40 DE RNARD RALDAN, ir,,,agi.,q Direcial RARES Te bc dolivered ut commande a "fie vief Of dolighttul land and I n d i ia n Lini KENNY old Stand PEÀRB ROTEL, wator ocapes, 10 furûlshed in superfor style m e n t. JAMES PEIN, cor. Xing & York.6to.0 Toronto, Ont. and Wth overy Vie* tO COMfOrt lifllfÃŽrd t very low Fre n C]Ïina n 's 13ay. tables, croïluet, boato, ïo., on the* prem BROWN GellOral Agent, W . ADAMS J. A. 0"GRADY, ;_ lacs. L-ýe, Insu ein the vie raudeS ellected a£ the lowet cur. PBOPBIETOl?. Good ilobin and ehontin ihit.. Seedeman, - WhiLby rent rates on tuiIdý11g9, Marchandise, and IV rr i r The STVIGLON PO T HOTEL may ha r Tzaus, ele PEU DAY. r,,ý,,jh,,dLby the rten-ers "Vanderbilt,' and March lith, la . 78, and de- (Iyý47) PLASTER, SALT, AND U Uo other property, against legs or damage by COAL auf," from Lindsay, connecting with fire. Passo'nger trains on Midland and Whit Port âllûd for 110095 Ovr'-il il. il. JAME. SONIS POST OFF 1(1111 SALOON, ToSONTO. FOII SALrý,. 1211 - 0. NOURSE, Mottocii, Grocerjr Store, Dun(las-et., WhIlby. S- G. BEATTY. Mes eachday with gent, Whitby. ce heure from, 9 a.m. te 12 M., and lr.^ rÉ;00,ufie.r trains on tVIlirectocris- Railway as zone. - MONEy TO LOAN n F WhitbY, APril 9th, 1378, tâw'&nd for tizni>t*1)10, itllowing anlviLl and 1-80 te 6, P- M- Redidenco-Cor. of B yron M. MèGONx-2ý-L«Lf On Et stateo ut Low Ilates 01 Interest. departure of béats and trains. ler TRE DEST ACCOMuODATION td peep J. E. DUNEAN, Pro for Gues J- Il. McCLELLAN, 24-) C, N, VARS, L. D. S. Lin ay, ()nt. (ly,47) JanuarY Oth, 1877. ti-8 TEETII inoorted on all the rrONSORIAL T 1 latest principleil of the art JL Cutter &ë Binfilo. auto 01 cap r GEORGE.BRITTON, o -p as eh the soin lieu' no 7 5 5 0 0 0 . ýLL Lest. 114 ZJIO obeapoot, and as good as thý Bo 0 the WINDSOR PRACTICAL -lr Qà Tooth 111W wit4 Gold and IIOTEL. Toront ouf. A the, ý 4ý M. Il- t'ci la 71 M_ wle t on à eort.yjgit 60, eh wé 4borbood who M ý 1 , bAd r'o anât is i tO ber we have orn"ed the ÊËèUliï hai ý fozd it -dýoah on lwmbàïk, in the 0 e drawn rein, ýM_ let, ý li,;, lest, an exprusion -ëfâ,ý6j to 0 hebvot the- ýdeswéà Jij Aunt '#hé" -])SddÏ,Bayne and ho woum w*ifi'lfv,04 invitation if 4p'thi ùvofjýý ýja,_OjVIeg -a' pý coming." -. , , ing te the baukibove un. Ssid, tablier "There is th eTorY grépe-ville mu, unt-Vory impôt- )w long ip it, My Opiurn-Farraing in AfticiL- 9 My Fall* VIPTY TILOUsiND ACRUS thoug t oy. poppm2i.- aile. ËaS [le, M dear auùti V, iýýÏ of hithorto in. Sce in this cultiv sorry coD_ 4, but it Wk to 91voe me Iléon gmnteà to a joini étaelc yoti and WlPý" Capital ja said tobe, SoulqM for auût of the ad. t4fýpùrAe ofgrowing tb6-po 'PR OPiuul out of it and I had wÉtWul up with the te. Pot;-Ïh'la - purpose ?rOdUOO the box à the -bout kinisbave 44,1û, 0. ýV6 nOVor Beau an tiùý Whore; the boit _Êas, kla"eMent. My is made. 'A India o Il that is regnired je- tting-neediei; for soil sud «te 1 fW Weeding. a riob ,her thin whit The'-eotn- 1' panychieilyconhetingof Ëngh and à ber '&Pl as lhe Anglo-ludiancapit"ta, bas alio ob- 3twice their pr- "the exclusive right for twelve nt of qtidatiotie' years to export opium free of duly na exclamations throughall the oustom-housés of the Whick, pDintingý Province of Mozambique." ConBWer. ,il Ine that bbsý- -ine the Ovilo whiel, the use and abuse b ab> onci to the oï and opýnIP of opium have cansed- in Aaia, partien- 9 larly in China into which the Anglo- utents upon the -Indiau traderÏomnggled large qnanti- ired lny, 'Aunt ties; the deoleration from. Ïîozambique, Bat down, and 1 .,.b - ;î Je OaWeetory i a Jouta that th"op-_ ad P, spots to à pý plauto are thriving, and the fruits le former were lare ropýd-to lie larger thau those r, de-, prodcoed in the beet opium districts of i the nains and Bààndo rather roughle on the - Austini of Parti- eùr Ç'f hummitY. le crowning dis- 'ý The Anglo-Iidiau Gavernment otight in which was bc, bebld respousible for the nets catis. Séptember 15 ' ediby the production of opium for cou. Rinry Austin èumption in China, the Burman El in- of Albeinarlë pire and the idands in the B"its of bout one Malacca. -On the banki of the Gail-es '& - uumarj dô&tý ofghter il; one diitrkt, 12,00d >square miles"in ber extent, whoire the pop y is exolusively erqy of proof oultivited. Ito:ewtuý isaloo encour- lie, latters toit aRed in the more morthern parts of bêtwéýn Henry Hitidostan. Tbeplant is sold te the ihall, i and old officers of the Indiatt Government at a )WIet WRO bis fxd price, le manufactured undèr their lineil now was sùperintendence et the QueeWs faetori- record of bis , es at P4na and Ghazipcïrè, and thence sent to Dalcutta, where it is sold to'the e nts, who smuggle it, wholesale, PiUW against morcha aonstiances of into ý China. About 70,000 chests of whO dèclded Allis illeterious, bocanse intoxicaÙtàg, ald lie distreoff' drugarp annually produced in-India. ), cen me, -I Of these Chins consumes 00,000, and h out for the the tax thereon briugs about $50,OW-, on horseback ' 000 pet, annain inLo the Troasury of )f my persort British India. In 1889, the Chinose ý or two * con- autlioritioïdemandod the garrender of of arrue and all the opium tiien in the factories at thing romain- Cantoui and oeized 20,288 chesta, then 'oý procoed te worth about 05,M,000. The result meure a certi. w,ýB a desultory war, which ended in Mr- Austin'a the capture of Cautôu'àud , other ports, .dOýbb existed the trander of the island of Ilong Kong, ý COUlItY- 111 the payment of 080,000,000 aa Indem- taken. Under nity.to the Eàjzlish, and the siléni cou- D, was foutla nivance through the future, as im- the ,e -of Henry past, at the opium trade. It is a rnaf- Lun Francisi terof severe reproach ta the Indiau ýlîined au at- Goyerument th&&, oven to Add $50,000,-_ I thenpro- ()00 par annum, to itg revenue, the lie'signature manufacture and sale of^ Opium obould floially corti. bc carrier bý ils officers. ýil ; and fif- on in London. i the daught- Tim Eiippuoa'a WOÃœLD-13E-j&agi$tilti. of Fernhall, --The Emparor of Gormany is desirRps iend the at- of letting Ide would-be assassin, Ilodel, . subjecting off witli jinprisoument; but Diginaeck Dpic ý exarai- and the Growa Prince are'saià to bold the closest t'at' 1" j6"tice to. bÏmoelf and tO the )f the eue'other soveraigne of Europe, ho shoilld , b. no r... alloii the culprit tà lie executed. f the proof le Austin to Iole to ber GUINIRD ' ipitliE.-The Gainartl ;. and hav- 82,000 prize bas been awarded by, the al proceed. Belgiau Academy to Dr. Molsens,.who ,ad to the bas discovered tbat icidide of petamam, administerod in doués, at -firs ' t amail add many and thon eadaally- ýincreased, trans- - In-ô"tcb. forni the insoluble coinpounds of Mar- onth seem. curyor leail in thé7human systom intu action with soluble compourida, Wbich are dieu ex- MY life-I ' pelled from the body in the tiond way. àe Gladeo. It in essential illat thé ode administer- Id marier- ed lie puro.- This antidote WHI provo a baou èf incalculable value to- those on- kno w 9890d in brades iwhich PrOducil 'Poison. uneli calm. ing ýy Joad or merourv. Tho,,VrAnnh o zoacharff. , contailli Manufacturing Cont r cash Su ' 0f37610001 0 lier irom the MOUBaSWOOkAcOdi WAC190TRN&WALL1ý'80 SELF-kITTCIJNIGR . icou,-oeTbhoeareciorueeegoextionugimal ng full Yarwood Mps ana ý,pecimcns 01 en- U'I'yn 11880CS, Il , 0811AWA.- Lum, um ation F- O'DIILL, New ptade ..... neh(je maabl'a-ry --à inanglilp. salit £ras au appucatioub Ad 13 [z . terms, nature of uy, la now rPlu$j 1'214,'000 T-I . ine p!epared ta furnish Doors, Sashes In Y, 1 haveKt en the route between 0oh- B"n"o, Drosses fitteil Irom, measùrement ialone -6. G. BEATTY & 0., enti COt Of SCCuritys Moulding Base, ArofiÃŽtraves, SILO T t. Low ý.Cash Rates, ii and everything te. withOut change Of a stitch- Belleville, on , Strict Management. ti Olork Dlytalion Oourt, Tu. Ç lerký awa and V itby a CÃ"MIOzUbl Picotin Stage, and solicit the cfronage of travelers At the Io-West living For sale, with free Instructions, et Belleville, Nov. 14,1877. Liberal Dealing'. and Otheio. Every et n!4ïon ww lie pald ta Cotnmlnloiier R Lana Agout, &a., the comiort and cônjSniénce 01 passengers tw a the et, il." An Untarnisbed Record. &a,, AtherIyý County &tpario. and ta the sucurit n-0011à.0abyturning Nowels and Bahlotero ta MISS MoINTYREIS Solid au a Rock. pi and prompt dolivery ci LADIES ATTENTION. ordier. y te AthorlyRti)t.2nd,1872. - 88 parcels committeý ta my charge. There Lumber for sale, bout quality, IoWest DRESS-19.&MWG UOOXS, WMTBàr. The colobrated Amaricau Rair Worker, Liff', 8üd !.Iltlijwment Pol-'cleýç, Will lie two stages par day each wa . « Agents wanted. Liberal lnducomeuts te M in Leaving Oshawa eaeh M,,,bg in tïvzt.,' P rW'c os 1 0 p o Irom long exporiencé ana b PC il 0 ide K i N M make close connections with t o Whitby & square dealing ta morit a share 0' public WILitby, Aug. 18,'1874. _A X cTA C 0 B .ý Rate Cash Plan. iCulàtruc',t plain and dell. su "Y the trAde. 84 01 all safe Riul forri14, on the Law. usic -H e afternoon - and leaving Whitby at Il a. M. GEO. GILCRRIST, ou NE W e ALL L Lindsay Railway, and at 8 o'clock esch patronage. nite, and. valid claims promptjy *d WITIZ 0.&G. jindatgý.m.,ofeachday. Theotggewili Proprietor. C. Nours 23o Queen St. West Tortnto, jï, foi Cali at ai Farm - to Rent . , eV batela in each town, and orders B ta informe the Ladies that lie is (Three Doors from, St, Fatrick's Market) Agent, Whitby. Music VUX141SIIED WHEN DUSITkED loft y by 3&L B ha ly GENUINE HAM WojtRR -et au of the hotels wIll. bc attenaëz ta. tGS Whitby, April 9LI14 laria. tif Pare and charges moderato. ELIZA MARIA CAMPBELL, ýf the rpME FARM lately occupied 1 ! J. U. ADAIR, Propriator. ie Town -L Bay, Lot 20, 8rd COU,@ wi Seating éapaçity, One Thousand. of whitby, County of ï0n'tario, Whitby. Con- in the Cit'y'n lie guarantees ail kinds of hie XPERIAL LÙAN AND INVEST. GEO. IIOPKINS. March 27th 1878, (.14 and Province of -OntaTiO, WH8 Of ROBERT tains Wo acres--Ibo cleared, and uùder work ta be done ta perfection, noat and col fflütlly, Cet .22, 1877, ly CAMPBELL, of the saine place, morchaut, cultivation.-Gooil Monod) and buildings p And delivered at the tima roquestea. -44 tg Lar and 1878. OPENING OP NAVIGATIÃ"N, 1878 hersbY Olve nobles blist 1 'Ulend ta Apply je Orchard, &o. Eligibly tend CAPITAL, 8600,000. oituated, im-J rag, PI.... sand your orders and I will wa LAND 64LT ýND PLA8TER Toronto, Ifiniariî,-& autraio sceam. Bill of Divorce, a mendda et thora, fromimy -tien. Apply ta- bol the Doridnion Parliament next session for a me iately outaide the limfbo of thé corpors- at ta thend. bolitlIilleýCo'mprisingilid said huaband, similar ta the B passait ln FI 13CIBBS Ombings dans ta order in IMP0#011 Buildings, Toronto. tri, P von SA'LE, CIIE, AP AT y the sonste ln IV7, lot doser. Sepk U, 1877. shawal 4011t. SWITCORES, CUBL Moad Cilice, Ovi U ' ty, and the other causes, set forth PnEBIDENT . sid LIVE RPOOL MAnIZETi in gala Bili. FRIZES, PUr 1 - - lov ýO ÃŽFS AND 13AImils 1 PRONT PLAITS. NON. ALEX. CAMPSELLý' ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. OU H. McCLELLAN. SWLI,'T, 31AGNIFICENI, STLe Caris out of straight Mair ma F'LIZA M. CAMPBÉLL, STO N E; dao SDLICITOU:--4. D)Aroy BoUlton. AMERS %vUfby, Jule Sth, 1878. (6m729 Wilkinson Block, directly North 0 natural Curlo. Boit haïr switches alwayo fini 01tIký Of Toronto a d Rothsay, Livorpoul Màkct,ýAri4l,'78, Johnoton'o V Mniturq Store, MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Faims, Oin on SALE, at Law 4atès of -FA UOHE e,- RESTAUIANT, alla Canada southern Ilsilways. AT THE lm in t er Apply ta- but In c Ilucction w1th the New York Central SOUTH ËROCK-8T., WHITBYs CAUTION. SE, A toiser, god N le ; please donlb ho mielesd by canvassers te. i . tbyi Ont. ton, SPRING ARRANQEMENT. 3le4& 3 hu opouëd si ai To -- onn ADAMS'BLOCK, KENT ATREICT, GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 W]h Ytgonds=vlooluunitcye ta the inha'bitsftz'o progentin y naine, au I einploy noue ex- vie tteainer thât h4 cept mysevand card. IMItTLAËb, Manager, Toronto.- pea 01;poette bioÃŽts'eul Teleg'irtiliti Oifiçi?. 180x, Icaving Yonge-stroct Wharf, abtive lino wili comilleince on Thur Y 280 Queen Si. West. L N D 8 AY, CITY OP TOUONTO. ci the STORe MAX JACOB, GOOD MOBTèAGBS BOUGHT. par (lac a, M.,reaebing Nis, Lara et DM a. in., ()tante, WOOW leet Plu Lumber, weu seanonýil. In connection, with hizz Butcher Shéà P. B.-Country orders promptly ret=ed April 9th, 1878. and $ton a 10 M.'m, ma g dimet cou- Inch Boards. whore ho will on bond always fresh. . Guesto dictiono for the Vails Bufralo Flooring, À MARGE STOCK OF -0* i et my own expense. Orders leit ab Mrs. D. bel ss ENTBatallliour8 Yfàt43r$ i a, dreo or, opooolte Royal Motel, wgitcd UPOU NèwYurk Boiton, Irôleho end S'URP"ollnl"totoü Win ho promptly attendid to. TNSTRUCTI ON TRE PIANO. wez Promptitqde and attention. thoNewýÏork Central a C 01, - -il»------.ý;-- Railways and connectintues, -fnýh plan]4,. Crackeà Wheat, a ana" southerri iL PORTE ORGAN. ta, 2 Returning, leaves Law tard et 1030 a. M., Ni- BROTHERS, 1 lip; ÃŽ AW agaruatna.zn., and azTiving et 21croutoat Fencing Boards, Oatmeal _stroet L 'K'Ne 1.80 P. ML 100,M lui Of Oak, CO m-'tneàl* FARMS FOR QÀLE SINQINà AND SIN Fortickets and ail Information WHITBY, ONTARI GING CLA88ES TAUGHT'f Importern,.Doidero and ]W=uf"tmrs of aU Maple Mr SxIoo, lot, quanty, Front eaerl Toronto. apply nt 8 D'oirable Farms for sale in il wM la c pi. 81 , : WIGGINS, B.A., Mnds of imbu, ORDERS DELIVERED M "Y PART not VERULA19 and RARV". GEORGE ci Squm T -hé ----------------- - 0,*,WMc lis sa ýhe. touâ.- OP TEE TO'MN 1 An inspection of them fa învfW, for thë are LEA THiR AND, FIND FMST.CLASS BRICK - STORE TO Whleh-p ose a PREB PASSAGE will ion- rouo"ble Village of Xohbum." Pot tormormala flutha Of OU o plan CQIýh pala fdir Rid«, in' the Ho would abc 4g. bc, «y tw the Griot tg- A C&H is SOfiý'ited. -ociýge," ln *érý A -LET Èiyen, ônE, diteamS, "Beaub U weon,. and Lesther str chodI partionkro, apply for mu tg r=nfngand 'o hé= 11 lwork Fait Perryi Apply for parti 4*1 CIà1ý Chop&in dons 6 d*Yo ln ov, ery X-iE YI STONE 0. 83» DBLTINe 2ÂD11 WO ioUD:gB on 1 ý %# 1 11, 1 iû.") Liýmlw, mom4atti, ta -JOUNSON, L ý 3.1ý QB,ý 1 lm the premi».fi 10, 1 j "UA-wu. xile Io. porto ro1ý in the Yeàr 1876 were 2,707 cattle, 2,W7 obeep and 882 horses . , 1877-7,412 cattle, 6,825 ;Ihcnoop Zý78 of the ere was uquisite bon" of Mr. Wood 1ý wealthion Church st. Wu entered on Sunday night. In the morning Le fqund bis ,Ied,,wieh 010thes strO'çm about the floor and his pocket book and other articles taken f a child ut of Ide kets. do me. hnad -LuckilY Bfr- Wood PI&Urllý moqey in a mâle place'. friend 2 it wu evidently réady cash the thief hep m was after as nothing cise was taken. r beart, sud ten 2g, bit OBRAwA OCHOOL STATIMCO.-Mr. tsignifi. Baileorôportethe number of children b thins in Oshawa dotween the or ô and ýon -ex. 16 yeiri M. boys 519, ýx j1552, total 3 true, 107L Numbèr not attending nuy 80 Suffi. schaol, 2M, âttending Public Schevis ntand. 077. f3oparata Sèool. 99 . >private, almost ýooho01q 40. Of those not Somg to sebool baU ar belovi seven yean, and àt, her or are ct work.-Rej»orm- & largO'Mumbe thom; 0ently, 110m'41 : Biclun AgrE Toýpj9Do Boàn.-Two « With 'térpedo Wate built for the British, ealty by Yanow & Co. have 'attained t . ispeed of 24 miles an hour. Théy s'vS are e-so au for h- 85 féet long and 11 fm beam, 0 -and- thay draw threc leet of water. The ýg ber huUs are of steel, and the compound 10008- surfa«-coudctminý engines.lars capable hOr ; of indicating 420-borge power. The ýr her, higli'pressure steam cylinder ig 12.5 sr, iz inches in diameter ; the low pressure, 50 21.4, and cacli, bu a- 12-inch stroke. ,. bave One of the, bositg is litteil ýwith à, thm- ùd i bladed écrew, 5 jWet 6 iaobeà- in diamet-, ine to or and 5 feet pitoh, and thë>" 'With'&: ,5 mj two-bladed ocro*,:of thé»muàùe-ândý- t 0 Me ne ose. nos - f TÉÉ ý'G B&pm GÃ".«ý-1rvÀvý ACTIONif; and Mr., E

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