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Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1878, p. 2

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-T. G. Whilî.î. tu Niagara-il. iSoutlieôtabe h-0o Ont. i.fle Association. . ana.- 5.W. B. Smith,,& Oô. $0 s PPER ANJNUM. TiOWn Maillera. Bal towu cont4tuporary ccan. rnmananng rafoences to the. rebelse, thei Mayor,an'aleged d tue. course cf the OuRON- isug lis aisaultu araiquito biey nqveairnus oxhubit aib ,t wants but the poweir te nilschevlons. -The,, avil ie. tain enough, but the aibilit>. lhoie M'yor piekeil lth. lira. hoLlci al.dollai bnbbio, whicb It m'as *aeenle the taowu avouiti bain.ta psy fer ltae ai bîtratian, gse Ibt ai adroppaid. And net 'WLLtitiaulg tilueauglter anraidiruli exelte.)'b Ily a* abonrdties, Oc eLn h akien Iit tO'os bad tlait bai &ai. preerzes, as he -says, "tibe VIaWIavofai lange nmniesof - te. iaL0payGsain O bjattiugtla paîrabase Oaltie bat. Sbar." -"Nothiing liai -aveu bae:n Gavewn, ho sydi, "laprovo-e - t i w-l( bc word a s foltablc inveamtalu,î No dolaul lîu eboes giron," anal00se on. Vretpnin:g thait lac0 xproses he m'a ofQu>. cariiaerabhe numrben cf miar teeasmneîî tianr aoemtry le juis ci ut ilouteatn lIa. malla u ie -o vais in lir 3000lJ) asrtiaau. 'T'e tuarce hoîîeaiui ulîhlniiuliluloavdora tu clxty.. 'he "Iasa'gq nuuiulua 'r I nar>," fuir avi1ra 0o iîrillt, avu tre aruifilaat i mut rnaubir hlas uluurzona h ld. MtnV etiii. lian aîîa ii' ination titi>s will bo tairi. 'lh'no it inua goilinetam'ilato a lm, ai- le prono iarathle iîUI-aII&Bui aoflIhe liai-bai r oîxl. anal oiy alikuo ul îua taî ec.urpu at - Lîhr-arecurA ft lCr Ithe iwaiil oh tlIa aeitlrmtn, lise binî aaa luoari, tItan avili bc llisprur a hui ta diicuo lial latrl aofltheî lïsiuaesu. TomaltaouI n * casa or ua>IDravar calatfi notv, tlîab avril l iltcly .11alauîece tiravisliasai bIha îatIroîa srtyl aiunly arlinthelIas apat>. ami ai Wliyi avaaalaj ý1jopeet rui ttir CNCIa.esou,. Va loavthr lailefa tebc * Pllud iY Ouîj couttiploras>.. Us iras aalvsry lirua 'j ilu tarroaitliasr. 01anse cof e aimbor, as ii> naýtaîluans Lua>. oai 0rt)i, aulit uiu mil110ofthe ap- vlsiutuaaaato l a l I)Ualatiu OttQlaa, i. ilas11 vili tow inlicltiller artinus ki >dua 11, ltua¶a'ufi C he I l ii rau ui lu>. -Olur uet AU4al titîsar r elîc a cris1ui "nitga;' dur rrulédbai tfue ui-u taa wtalui lautitll latia ra la'ithrrli iii rraliug utiiaIn panigaaua illa ia:. C1iv atu 15.lt i lclita crnh iîu'îèk upota liraý Msatyon, Mr. liu1ei 1 but a -% in lvwt r aga tilamt tl00Ie uum " uasl arititg aboult Jamnesa1hl o saui' limaset Mayor, rbaru i ub w laaaà ule lai ie iîu a nsi niatîsa. tdi b mako a lit ilo boliaura la. abc craliary itiorhtiatsli aia)d wruts ttalas alaîlisais 1111011 gabiciîlam ]ie 'las doas nom' in ili .avr" '21Clu Ca rururu 11a8lial aal rauatali diffrovWiLlha Mm-Ituldan iii the p1ast, Il bas leaarto',tius bhui ta uilrir s -li laetieus, Wv mualir-. livn tlit ledgueeîcunt, su and imîiaing ,Iaa iliaI sebamue.)i at tuat-i ly hva. ail Iilunina.ail taiebbtr Laa lîlrcial N Ilumndlliacaublaa avil rial)atot ilr Pubiclo epiil. Othi OfelOur tom' mnon avîr 0sdnIsai ait m14thont, ausai aîg witb mi no0;v, aie hie>., io, kuoav i Iluiîaloiî nhb 01,ira ena stianata lie min. Looiiiu1; bacak a le,,' yen, ave eaa'l nre tbsr tisai gieciai> a loîu h lutiu ofWliîliay iclureNa ilohleralafl'u ac tive pat n t n bacc-a -aslair., Iliganla-aria. ai hi ateal> tu, -wilI iatlavayrami11ali eialara ; atvii> lit latian fan meàlrisioul lIaithe cultl>0; iuaoînhlýtto îaî hu fa-I a ma vt>. luPo Plenny, tiroitoninr ruiua ho lraraut ci iiccteiEwitli il, artaI %Vhibby ilLuil>. 1014a ftis iraI>. hioueaiîasl dollaîs, illr'-uîi vvasiocilu ttai) ualrtaiia, ar %ilaraît b iieg alelata aolamae tIno aivaulagna raitl rondub . îolai pasail>. dian riit Ilai uÃŽia ho loolI. tailitreso 11m TI-ritenaiavaiscomlutabel, I durils Pid, 1he Company nlioveal Ina - Iiuiuciaî clsaileor, andthbbc axhauteloi -Liedtsa>.and caranecton, itIa lire V tare a aldLilua. Lîne ecuiral,nai thiteugi lerai, raiiav>.a mnuiiealîo iitia liai Goorgian 1DaY anl Ilie grog nanrthea uu un ->ttibutan>.LtaaVi taisnosmal. T£ai axtauicioaItb Wlritla>. limaita ]lOicsygo-iingit thie rai.). ai ail limit acclion ta, ail ibraugh Whxtby-heiia holateal proje( - hc holea ia as.bVemi instrumna u a e compiîsiing. TIre LacdIsa' Coluege, ti Dominion hanS, an.)thie Mata.)d Tabeirracle, asdd main>.fcihelInoun buaicdile latol>. cracha.) lu the toma W011v ouislseoly hlavo au ix.tle(Weaiav Itllual for thecfft orc Mn, Iloieans -- thaecurage aviiolibis activil>Radca -ample Infusea laIeOcrncilizoure. W y hst uli.te aimitngMir. Ilalden Ic te* ths.ibugs. WC aiare 8aise happyt -coulet oui-slves anieugol tics. w] .alinai el'ilcMieul aiscliarga of Il <ulles as Mayer, Ana l laaii>, ira Int thae CIcîccer Labali neyer fmil ine d-tty tco glre fui crodit - tlauyau> t whoËaa gecy, te iniprgecl conallîja ciflice ticn Ofcri iLtb>. a'as e 0MUc Pui wbl < ail>. aoleg eaonimai te pce w sotue bts futuro prasîleni>. aaaJaun - - IToieur. Fiet 11 heipictia positionrC ri triow >raineaigulbe. futuarei of Whit .m olo. brlghî ens) promlieng. T] OwrsOrsblp anal aontre Of th lir oa h arbon b>. liacitizen@ (provided) il cal be MIaineo ah a îensouaible figure,) We 'mole npop.as à lurtier sop loraa Tihli firi stop would lue tie meass0 iýopompllslmg bavonlal'cf gooca] t L *hOle seceil, te avhlh ae aioja go pke more partMoular referend. méuei h en cif 9heiby an!) "qulée pl l Cn 48pan tnp-u a tbV tlu- ýng b. a mes and personueingSiU. Any ce curse la cul>. oaleulatea to cok 1~ Progreise now going on. Letit he i:eftot f paist opporrtfties and,1 banefel effeCus cf pafs0 diffojroncoiee s as a waiming, auti, insteaid of listent to tb h hilli whil2lng cf aeoured î dlsaippointed stranger, let thon, Tath taike the adriceocf thoie wbo ha 40ornhlg ant utaikaiand aàceimon teifeit wlOhemeeaslvooin baavanoil lb.e progreus and prosporit>. of Whitl Harvest 1878.. Tvwooka seac, repoits frotux cys pýaricof the Proviuce cf Ontarlo aaigew le eatimxaiing the growing ope cofi kinds ais tho e an.sud eaviest @Yi raised' bore, witb ai lairger1 acreaiga n dergrailn Tieinonoheaicf tha wei beforo laiet, togother willi high wleé aad haiavy raies cdurlng the pas% -it "days, bave vary sarlousI> sagfout Mie. prornfsieg aippeairaeco p'r'euted - forteightagc. Owine o thogrt hea *much- cf the grain rlpaine.)toc quikli ind.tlb haryrains and) wlne d oi a largo Portion cf tihe aviesi oropi the grain cf whiab in ceeseqeenos wË in thoea ices bai Jaisly sruek, au turu aout pnorly in yield an.) quaity. F rorn lateit reporte aeif pi'eont ai] pearances -the followieg rosoiho are sa rivid at :-Hay May baisafaly esetdom' as a vcry good crop, ulîusurffly beaivj Acreaige about the ai ae as je 1871. Faiui WIoai.-Tho aircegouneder tMt grain ls amuo I arger thua fur amy prc vious yaiar. A consieuurablo proportioi ïr ai bie crop m'as ceari>. cm folI>.ripe be- t- forie hulneosl>. aaron aatier oselilu lo anal irasuatitiestancais Lie crop bai u. provaed van>. geod bath aista yield oud a. qualil>.. Wliore a 11111e late, tic grain a is ual se plnmup ¶av ais expecluan.,sd lu lie yieid probabl>. 10 buicheluI, per . anse, leas biane m's hcetd fcr. Tuera an arca a iaav aepiaiints of mut. it Spring WIoiOm'ing le lie ligît pnico aithbe limae ofseeirag,'au.) lb. iprosecof i ar belave rnglatuilanal a Itaienia, a ver>. largo acreespe iras pet If under sprieg waet liepas-t seasora. t Siontl>. abten aaeiaig lime, cosuplairats a - aoma en erai ne bosdaimage iy frort. I 'rî.e rer>. favorable waeilwairg pimausdiatly alleravardsecsaaaud, hem'- r aven, tol'lave Imacceal caraluiluia, must tpruuîuisirap acondition. Tto aveakeaga, 1Irjun thI saîuîuaataee oflthisf:llanud 1 tahmablnlauco rof stnaav, syisld, an tha Lairaargeo ai ven h10 buelasis par acre, avais ga>-iveaurii. utticilaled. Pulortu- nau.tel>. thea nsull is uDow ui>. ht a ba van>. fiai- siiofaIIltisatonxpsactaiious. 'l'usepring wat, ecleîanly tie bah.) vnrielias, tnuriug ont ver>. pooni>.. It his riioueteuloeqnici(ly, analbats sufai- cal firen"dly," "mÃŽdkea" "ruaI'*aind "liOlging." 'Viii> sepecalaly applias te "Fic" anal "Cia* it asaiTir bsaiau. cd nai,ýiats, stat-l as "goose," 'nadfsm," &.e , lroaiisa aeu, aura foîlatatl>. thcse kimala aüealargo]>. sarai, aspaciaui>. in t]ua frent te ausipai Bains>.. - Tue atrangounetIis gracifi craiet.utîtîciiiili les s(prebabî>. 4L îun cenul), hinle1877 an 1871. Tavo ara-cIme a-10, il avar e gauraalî> epsats. ilitlliaiy1ial on itcre liais soason, wouli haton Iaigimeils muretisain meit ycun, auri that tliat îuie aveailti i. inigitancsei l lmp. Eow' a ver>. ahI- fira re apartmI ural baumaito. Banc>. liai sufIancalmoiesitau aay <suer iroin Miue great lhaat,fliane wiich anal tIasofb Isaas i lo lgirig, lias grain lias beceaiec anuri îbaukinu 'l'ies r-cant pluptaioa atm tuecamp ailI bc lilht lun avigiL atla ataunla ahcoîomad, and fliac genernalyiald aili bs fill>. v tirsleltîspenraaaaa he Ilînu lu 1877 luacîcai.)ofi10 mule mgoi-c ai8 as nSI)UCetsl. \iLi fouI>. par cent. 10aetrange nus] liv as telas pin acre lacs Ibatu i1817, lia encanàs about hall 'e uuaaesial a>. tafonexporI meonu tLis Parovicut; aislaitb yeam, m'al as moiabiit>. tit [Iantuf tIns trop will Usc tus ;ourfar maitiuig putposeej C)csi nul PsoRaireai n angar atarcîgo tharu lut1677, Laidal luiaur a Insîr> fi lunîsmu lot e uiîuOrabar liarn-gsb sraaattluuaa-couaýiuuù&, -, imat>.lî-anrai fuinîbaîr JaDaiu c1 titte og anig crajus, annela of Liscaboiiag irai ofa a sil).autiug. The MarIuis afiLerue le be GJovarnon. 'ouis, liana atcepLeal the o Gurmue. arnsmnalsiip 01citaadat. Jolua George lialaanIi aut>.Duglas .Sulîûftmiuîilittpitell, tîIdiel sou oh hie Daka of Agyie I>. cerbes>. Marquis rai Louis, wa vaslr il tStafford .broise, Londuoau nri, 4 5; riactealM. P. for Alrgylochiro-, i le u [ihusaal irtresl, lu 1875 ; le DocSaairira-faihis aijne year hutarnuuni Irival, sccIrLtituiy lalie Ishiar ila tlîe Imaia Office. Ili s 'e rrato.) a lilibt Oai hiîc hisîloonautlao occasion ai 'lais anariago te bus 1'iicteaLouise, MIicb 216C, 1871. I'he Marquais, lilte is 1110laioliiir, liais dabublo.)inlu itarrm- It,;eà,proaleing u nileanat -in 1867 au- Litled"A Trip luetheo.rl.pl icg I Morie LIrouglai 'iopi a ine arhiih o lA is pal.) ocuaideails atlen. tien ho thei liheralureansd hsgeads aillas wecstern isios, sud bas alec proalucedal noar ausha-jeaciversion oathle I>sahas. Iýo laicil>. lias secar an blcsed bie nain nga.1 air Our Clvlc Hâliday. ast ir- ù Thaa ans) uaneaofféealfaný tia. lac pasgofg O ur ccaning Cirlo Holiday, à1 Friay .Auguait lath ti, thiauglt udt au.) munbouRranaemost attractive. ual 'ilia Fieieu's Pic-nie ait Canbeîî's ac- Pa0int pnoridean aguecable aVpOahu li0 uiC>. fer hose, ma'iao daire le paca ai de>. hest on the sliea of lIse Laiko. Thmo attira. Cwtion avlicla fa bieggi-mn, b>. the corin- e iiso chaviug tlb. urab n achar-gi, ta rathue poirieg ofauicsemets ion vîsi- ~~tarismci, m'aiféealcertain, maike i1hoe ofter rost sticooeoful i ioe. Lib- er id couetitors le lests oaSI il, treagti ta and ) giity-A nmoewrlhy ailra4ion lac aili ho the Ioat raiing, aampahing lu Ii aviicil, i111e expeaha.), lucre ilI ba beails st* Iront a i dasce. Arragment& pue- ta çidingeir thua nvoyanraaofipanhisu trin la the Townr, tothie Paint, by tuai Whiiby onP. P. & LindseaIailwa>. sedl binelus- aNiurgaua, for- 80 touts8 cacir, andi frem (hola rbra< 20 cent8 a ahi, avo ber amade.laefrnhuets ait hum' rattosmii] cfba pramidialab>. Lheaiirci Compsay, e>. TiseoM, C. ..excurion ,tau Saur- ho bore isigils, affaira an eppontuaaiy fcr an enjaymoent tla lie. aviprafer passielg ni thair lalidays am'ay frai haine. ýa Tua ,i Eir.sai so sexiansi>. Jokei.)ifor ai ou Monds>. m'as invisible thrurgi the les cil>. yani.)vaiparougat biosphIee av.icb aht pi-availsa]ai ay. From otier p4ces *. lu Onteni e i auws lethe ami. j Ir !Y Qrabe sud »alax bthae clipsapp 1, te av basa aulesau!unaler favorable Ira lIe States the 8al4ss ex - - n--a pointa bains- faV4ss t ilil IVIZ drPxton, of %wrn;ay, A' boe. over the liât wllI how ho tr1y Weil Me 01 cthem, haes ne.. anad ht good Oaobfng and fiionsohibilts List, t w0tef1idg te hae bÏm. eàne' -jr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a or Dnald(éebd u ferL as un butg netTe b lespillie~ cliii11h1 .4 pon a commou objeci, eau aéihee. oorndrnw e ta a >y one - i5dMmli Onele 7unain ih . eu! ad 114 pot give lup. HMason thon gafe> b"b ri Shamiaa, FzacesD plere,Milon tiare pon It. Làtue "bllittho çnlQU. ar f the money The lhthuro- f tbatday h thelb Fiksi Qu isirHonor Engîlula, unos'Piait he tâme Ilam arivied, wh.i Whi Tewksbry, Sarah Sowenby, Jas. H. mntoi ttma.l*0geaahrs 1> o c $ni In.tespek f sytingalcioleMo s ga au Jhnsnttegie TayorcJonicednolago u rlofaisia fagc. ia)&t àstpitoris n ofwok, e.ed opai m'as aaandood, nn I o]>. amail Ïlreyaàhale&go. etarted ôr uaiaattaieleues'i lek ipekc etaigcg.f mi a Zn T~a bh~ akt8,h~~At i ug ucs.. off~ fhe msonulo p d astpto lama lno frk. eefed$ ci fylng. W-WU .M~ Danlil WlIle, John aiOP haiebe.21a*great tsource of dis, igsoaved l pa ~ebakc if~ , as Thaise brilliatit aihievoanes it the - heh"botter thie"- eh m'i e flIig, chester bolnaecn, Wm. H. *grmn OLinruf ii ,bi, uiharbnutrd lm t a e llrer Owhoe e ieno"or A bnd ounftry. O01*1 ts*rant recall witb a ao~lub about twa font six luches long,wnbtah ou Unversity, togethar ir w the i.Very re aliowhp ch m ira hni Iuibimcdral Yieldw of êI u ng W mhicllhe ai aiprepaire.) tiieevening b..land-.1H6 th *qd cent splendid enecese cf the M".u paamore favorable, &aieeôt pnb. A Vîsit to Mlîmco. daYs,' sud scrrom'f t obervethat frora fOianold pueip-hsudlo, -and with à fift>.fa aiHgiîtd Nourse, laie pupila cf the.1lic Opinion wcnld b. dispcedtoo the lb -fariuluj la fnot the buone în.itomhc u il swhmctlg Hv hiw dn iWbtby Hlgh Sobool, ai Lorette Âbbey reahizatioii cf tbe ucheame, andl theiloup. »1ZADluroLn or U5SON EEbe. ,lie idea cointmo netertinaid iI«mnrd.red lio father, anf probably ead. When le Toroeto, will anake 1878 an cones. plyleg cf snobý an aduiîteal manî.XT5O C. b them and 'conveyod; tc others,,Ig crdaselat.th. deWd h. a hM don., laewent'es. ,Ptain Sa id mirabitas ileh iitmorcf our schcol. - zayn)t et aichange for the& l'okee hais zcea eOthe bed-room coeeupled by hie lave trie.) Oc puta TUE ExT.IBonren te steaer)1 ver Ithe country lu regarg toc the ,att alitera, (Young avomen, aind ailtaiea maiesail soéi, 89 To'the mai,e>anomlneis; w.have le "Empraiso cf India" Oc Tcronto, and 04thie plaemain temay floote;sn t , cuttlnogte lrafoerlghth pmphafa. ie il as Ia il1 recorat yaiars pasesed riponh, W.I"tby micoeTnrayli ime Tj kaow ine, frmave nees, aie. Theai> raiinnoce n cf the uan, broughO l in h ,hlm OtigfïhtL woifasb a.) ligh Sohool m'aineod mutAt '1preseet tne) nbaigecriuaafou auflvie wlthxllleico. suspicion thait an Uwim'iani1ld of glria On bler' hea.) aid ehnriing ber atel>.Ilithe é td0,e rSi ecionesfenfarmn iais bail anythiegh d vi armebadly, avbich sept 1 be.)samea L nadd a wordi. Thare is uot a taipayer npm'manvilue, OshaiWhitby, Fronchda . apeoe gavpo iet.; ht, tem 8t owt hréfwt.-neto u ptail amn À Iaeosgrapeuetatrat, i atter. No'Wtherai W1hgoca eson braotwl. o the iuk Obai othor tb. crew ho g ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t aneetaubt ns ei rtfe)h~ ni' aa. renme rn aWondair, therai, Ilialvisltors t eiee1ittedleitinuaneor cf mter ai faimbloavi, ana ah. failor thriw' lady paissainga i. asu beauetimai and) sgaie, aind eow paeNutaiLu fO.Wbtyiai ill get aai ttle tight 1 .failIlaéaet cultu re aie0arge!>.beau heraaiuf outhai dobranda.) ramle. nuder ais thai mavais tha, at a sfrai.deonsrat.)waiY, Who camo le ta Wbu&by by'spoolal 0 o» nnInteJnyeoieiau le) ytertapae 0 to~airro tih thbed, exoa' iamenha aka) ilddok.Pa W. avent On board a steamer; euba smi itetc st.,ota ir rbil hnig bha.) d due gel into theli tlt omparativel.v rifing ceai, train thait morning. There avore allao- 1 el m'hat, oh 1 doubit me not, Ibis veluabIaiproduetel Oftheiy' mbaio oftreetareu le 80,eg liai bot eleurned his attentiones Oc a yonnglieture ateniontverYongPearcaerc Ui ai.)c topanman o f h gtie paar9 f i U bndre.) on Th oa1 h aasaisramr1oasaty la~agq antitiee. I brother, vhofde.)tOcthoeichen, aind kaipt ou il whi ehumble widaw, aie Walel asof the iich board. The. boat m'as pratty m'W al p Oe BIiO jot up oeam et six o'cloek, maiy naivair gain beaeme ltai main crep ckgUP a brias keltlai, iarAw iL ait baiy, aieno -t bc.ý,,i.dfrin ter . . . etie etig hepa"At D n gton'a white pier, of thei fartm. ThIajeanet dsl ale fr ainan getins poaseasion cf a pis'. daiybreakbif cunbaicanefren hei A 33 O.taUrn gittug h.passtgers ounbaral. Anal aestard thon, tramhoin ta toavu, aireaianabout hlbialue. .-But-r lilieu luai raieheibay ,li warAt±he beau] n within the veny gaLas of th. Universaity, Tii. aesîher m'as Ver>. pleasant an.) ýiy they dia lher steer. 91Zla deairable liait iuould-takaiits plac ie. lliiaveul.) shoot hlm if bi came 'Ëhore. XÃŽ fi Md that a good failiticg fr the Prse. W>.twlarthegrandWaan.)g seue.t,. lu.ait rotation aai srlcp,,iau.)otatvoryf farmat aueaii' hlm.. James heuJae 1.t1olb.ft hohe seuse, omteed wwth cuior n.)tata w clita eiste iai lire. aaitady l. pma eiifu.M.~ ~ ~.airdasMrni is oerleb.iai mbti nd.)forsoeaitienil mas supposai. baiAftain baihad r utin c kowldg asaiiet anwhraiMo.)> a.) r.John Lam'der, Who got *An.) Whutby, toa, beantiais a few, ta biaibleita rais.1b1 aguilenuba.)fedbut lba as siece bean feue.)n lse'aeif there ,le iash Province arc providaid bae in np and manage.)thb.trip, dia) every. Wlth haiiiems aIl m'el stare. ee eciieili o aidcl>.thierbm iigngbta ekdad r ncev i Witb, sul iailii>.arefrae t ai 4ing in thefr poaver te maka it -on- Abtnd cane on at Livair001Tuahoast crapia cfait I m'h emarai gel Thai olu)man was faunde.)binir.thea r ad a or., ai Whîo cos. 10 aiv&"l tioselvcs Of theisi.joyablai for tue exourslontsts. ieA.n. d funae ulineand ugc a., whee thé oountry m'as compairalivaîy hae d., ith bis akluil smashai.e.yards cut. Hi Letusfrinthseencurgig ealt hae ftd hetrP wstar ws ealy More tha aill e'air bai laid. uew, and only partial!>. cleare.. Good Ris ody baidbbisn drsggad soa dia- aippeareateho Lait n fron thaia enconagie rosuts hav ual. lb. np avetavaid avas realof tu m'aiha.) ud innle yilda cin taie etil ohiinaid d laca tovairdsa striw thtak muromur- uiegig taa talc. freli courage and rally round Our daliglilful. On natuming, hoaver, ltai A faim'hours more sud m'aidia) reaeh neaver saietionit. Thora airai lavaoxplaia. derer probaibiy coutemplstig hiding ment it appea educaitionaý',institultions daterinine.) hoaixcurslonlats venai liaivictima et mauy Taranls's noble fBay; asuons of ibis. Ou. is Ithéucwlaianlathe body, or bnmning it lu thei slaak, but tii lest ou hon male iiei veubatiar f pssblelie oieiaia.Thei steamer attempte.) ta Ana.)some ou board did stay. e, iahinirastores af plaint fo. .Thei aier abandon..) bis intention. Tie girl firI i W the capta tlîay baave erbeau luinthe paiet. Ps hog ihs al dstc n Aà otw ae ntb w hr, latai apartiaull cleaire.)raigon louasa.attaceked)le daingenously hnrt, ber in. m'eut deve.1 The Protestanet Meeting ait Oshaiwai. te.lmnd. Si, thon badlOc pans a roun.) Oh Mimico, s an= od An)am tu l gae l)c ~ ci athe n.)aial.tie osur i tr. Teshainatier, iergevmit m'as ai l hod ia - the. Islaind and ai haavy iog geliing ip Andl seaieaiayed an the strai aindavilci aire fan moeainlg L maie 40 yeaas cf age an.)gainerai]>. rog. fore Peance car Tii. Oshawai Protestant M.ictiug, did net reacb Fencbmau's unhil passa.) Ieusping to the City, w vegelaition thaie colden weathair wian Pectedthirougiont tue ueighiborhoed. m'airaitwa athe eondamuirag tua action ai the. Mautreal mideigil. Haire elle reaiaei.)until An n lt idem1 he air ilafsili. Theaiprcilaes Annqatvisb.)o ebdasspbusa .&ma l i lithlon they damas.) an.) sang m'ich hava rve .)ftl ahecitriaien tiai ioiloaving verdict m'as raturn. This yourag lad Catholics, m'as bel.) ou Tuaisday aiveu.n- aany une.e ite morniug. Haiving A~nd gai [y on as ip~. cf fall wat have béeau ttesa twoa d-mo:a ing. The. caillor afthe isadicator, got lnier m'a>.for Wlritbyaiud tire iog A m'hile ave stoppai.)at thebair, whtdisals trac slaugiiter aud over-qnop. "lTint the dcocaised, Geonge Sinith, Vadraigged avho figurais)nttthe meeting 58011uaiOaicoetiluning, ah.la truok on tha rocks on Afler m'ailoftthe pien. ping. Trees have basa viawaid a* n cametebishiedath b avelnda infiete.)ber imb aicave tepoi entieaikers, /danies that it 8mai Point, about four miles m'est cf But ais lavabars avers on 1h. hast, embraineg es lbi gaI nida. «ai; quiki>.b>.bis Son, James S~mith, ith a 'lnb, lant, an.) cavai tua prominent ~Wai soon trameintaitdia) mIser. as% u~l. Tangrtîviefor thronglamalice afretbonght ; sud th t imaielite aien, wr.egaiup er olitcalpurose.- biîb iîrbo casiegsaie aault -An.) round tih. point m'aitlieudi.) go, shear irncb ,a clmate ais Ibat cf the decease.), James Smith, aommittaisl thinka bai ust Niisî oafic1wcandidates rcspeudaid toe imongat tha lieu.) portion af lhe pais. An.) doavuthe coant di.) sali; Canada hai ebaen co mcliovairlooka.). suicide b> hangieg frein a m6w pilai ln heurs, au.)on the. invitation ta attend. songea. The. Zmpro8s m'asailler semai An.) nom'1 have ta tla eyen Besido ltai swceping melbed ofci dan lias faiihar's'bain ou thei aornie ig fthe Young lady api tiead go iTii. geebl rh ad.)part otien>.tale. iug avhia hbais beau s0 Coizaion, tien. 241h Jul>., 1878, iu Lie towvnship of tien slartad te A virulrent personal attlaak upon the huasda«a)man.dsinebe A tag camne mp, the nain di.) fall, lias beaun aant cf judgint ie lecaîiug Townaiand, counI>. ai Norfolku." considarable dû adilor of th ii noNrCLE.eforme part cf ihinga said about liai sailing master, w. coul.) alote oun way;te lea iarnce. Custoihais diotnLsd -e.--- lchinisupa Ibis weck's "fedge" serve.) mp ira the gaI cff and cvaetualYreache.) Whitby Ta Liverpool at lestive'aigot, livu h ieic aed i sbcsCainping Ont. hg.Alrl Vindical or Ot a hlp thaicauaioffilisbre usli> bri lrsixocak A. miof o led>.itii.faim. Wbin theoferiafaces -about tili bai lu( inte nrnn wt 81onbar af, At lenie s dam.edut again, Sonth Ibis is ai good nule, but avban it 5OMil EXPEtUNES Oii5 oiN TO LIFE IN tarani.)ouluth candidate. lBi nria vlialc or se ut rau npon soaerocks, Tfronts. ais lenmp au.) noue the. avrse for thc advaintures But kuew w.e e neultfar tram laind fot et, or m'est, avi>.oualesave anu von.so',Gl.m MessrsTomsanad N aipor's Carniage af theitrip byo dte atnyance a . Bythe cro ing othle ocks. srpo od ek u f h ean rh T i aa o tt n nte ta cdh 1 dI>.A oa ar iDm' iym'igs brtoi ia e ie aiud?2Al gardeners knoav the value T8s sfbot nie maof yaiar abeu m'as met by a m An.) off the rocks she ali), ' oai aboler. Tie>. buil. close board lt ape-u avrl olhba1 ly ai. Inpmovcmsnita and) cnlangemeult f mainville lhais made the occasion thai An.)tien, aii joy ai onr esap, lances, sund plant roava ai evengreens ion develope ilasîf. A lent, s boat, a fiai- making 'onquir soma mauitude, in lie promnisesan.) subjeci cf liis-riymes, an.) le lies, *a (01terrer ave gotaIi. . Iis purpaso. Whly airai arîuers se eb. lina, a coupla af books, sn army .bleun- baci ta thei s: lirions af the aidvanlas o ia eafYn-a n apsoiaei-Gbo ak businessaf Messsan-e.Tine aud Neavport, gi. Place. Wai ma>.aidd, boavaver, Tiraugi tog ain.) ain ave ateamede.) ay, s a imli ka, airyutg-apa a.) pitai ar lu- tGibenback wt bave ectly beau made. IHavmig thât ifis in conteimplation le give au. An)d i hoatan etaiWhoeltphaîciountry w.oeu ) tal iaifacereipeuai h n'go ie e a rthearint sgodno ewackt t purciasa.) ltaepropent>. onthie corner allier aixcursion about thé 22e.) cf Au.- As tait as w. ceci.)trot. 21fui if tItaeavare greatan divarsit>.in lb. piîcha.) urght usualy>contis ounavili ne- avien, le lais ho of B3yron aund Duudaetreebi, tiai>.gue l sienndair liaimanaigameut cf W. neacha-.)oun homes, hungny sud wet, elearnaga.Tho prevaîet austocu la mankable celeriîy, andd aah percera le cave whens ha iaae rmeri. ils bilingin 'bci m. oot>. aia.)aiavboh mî paîlc- But not a pin maie arsd; ravry like sbsinrie man's face.cloe assignl"De. bis corner. Jakes ana pase.), le bs loue.. hav vei2oeà he uilingin hil Mr MOJYandof hia ful prtiu- Tlahon' multitudes aleug tlias strerîs loavtlathie achie, lcaving on!>. a geatea an.) the usual gead-igbtlei spokan, Mn. Gib'os a iho>. fomncly aainriad on hem onrw ko, laresaili ha dnly amnonced. WOti aouder ait us stars.) 1 uudaeoath. Certaiel>. aimors varia.) sud a goarail desire la fait fer a nie- geuhensaîacbed te la vcantepsn blavein ie c.) ~ ~Breakfast m'ai ha.), an.) lie te bcd, meablîd aoul.) look no averse, and) it fneaing- sieap. The bsrk of ai Wolf or sîraypi ava>., tete aan pcebtwe heod IFSiIowAEcAEMETTIc CAMP CLUB, Wa aers a mmrylot, aveul.) carry aviLi il Itia benfit o oi elst. thaeav a oficat-filb starîs aIl baânda. buh elan ha.) ge elaclifactor>. n.) Vie cld aboie fa'outing consistlng cf Messrs. IRam>. MoAliain, An.) tlîskfîil aU t aI ae di.) iavor, m'ui l e o].ofiaarac e Vctboa.) la naiaod up in auxiane in- again ; vwlîo,j Daîndlas strret, wbicb -duing bhe pasl John Jardine, Wm. Black, cf Toronto, Aatelerbat, c nnar r al. li wleat a)an tiar draps, buael s. camp ,> ta ud anot b ak .Fr yca )adben se b tlà fr sor G,.Roa ndWi. - Hstn farWill wt m d ean rst armm> dsp;ili.vaniablai aieafor fruit. Ancinpy telhu lihait the. ainale aira amaug.oonase, ymain. Tdheeravue.)bilthexufot tr e Geo. izeais modr té es f b letdaingerous nom'n ait ime of yea, 1"Oh, I tm, y rooe.Thy hveusI tc linc il)-Whitby, uneenthie leadershiip af Mn. But lot US fin.)Soeiseate secen, a voi na Iii faege ,aiibut haleritic>. bavai been keom'u le des- spot, au.) fonn irena fieu, spaine, raci, admiaged mc, min u cmig m ,aa Whsu von take ne ont agaani. o oar sr a sd lang er eethneuelac.arr.hminbigl p vod.M.Gbo a ing_ atsnppaos)anw u nieJoseph MoAllan, ai Whitb>., have rai- BOWtlrr andlarge cril I Q one oiferle.), ailbeadairin agleiWo ds.Mavon cal acOY,"iwiall vl, &FI seau ane *iafin- ishaud ce Pigeon Laike, in tIi.neigibor -gnr > reîaee bslessna laid doavu. Ara ocasianal grin rein em lii?. Sie m'as faacloiy, Jidif or ~woffice Wltiftby Chroriclc. alîilor ira tb. sehool of aixpeniaiece. sinuuiilodapai cmîîaino Mn. Gibson boak ieuigtochhaabeu ion poce aol fl3bcyeo.Tho>. spassDsa mOe.rjpiî a eun rcuai liait hie baak noies. Anotlben l bard olockings anir. t tient appoaanuca, and) grtlIy injiiovai iglal>.of fia. pîace aie s camping ne. a iaci nincnieata.Whout l eln ls ain)regsredua awfit io ur ad reliibu Corner, lu a n aYe-eorai, tu Our sort aind rpr ahaive pe mesieg yonr rap ontOf mirlquirsgood strng laund, w avili . iplloava, v5allitera arsnd> asvei ysu rv long nopat ta pase.) a mot la aIoeuil meeting, I sec tliane as srae hisela iua cemnsl iaI roots and stones are m'auu.iug arriving Ihieroa enjyaia annigilnuer anas,0fthe l>.hobi am iclonneeeeragsuaceî.suTe)ocril.of ut 1h clr01 aneit ac. Anetiair gainerai clarI ion Mme. Gibson va; Tha viiohabuilding ie about 1511 fed liaekiudncaa ehoavu hein hy theairail-thequestion af a inarket- ing a a xaustiv~eue, aundsucceeave s lreanaiand in emade and lie gooduigit bran 'aFi inedtspîla b>.8) cia>tat uage ou Daucda,,doute af Dob)asygoon sud the. vicinit>., fariner l iin e i>. cf the bave, I amin ims o aI ialailI soo rndtce a lanci us repeato.). A deatlltlike silenrce on-. ir>.posseblea elr~t. Tia uretreon anarngl lg i Ie>.also epeak ile hifligiest tanna i glat a sac liait malter lbreulu u, n. 1poverl>. le il au>.Woaveranlatsubtilelbeupe)yaoaan- thesho rci)w24 y 6 fat, n wiebil ehaul.) ual baialloava.)te drap ilhi. lainai- abomi. "giro ouI," undar sncb conscienaedl individluel avi bas droppe.) Lard Bannonsf lr us show rof ui 24 1,>. (17 ba t m'l-b p oaae ulsomeiug baiug realize.) u ia eIreatanont ais i it ais susil>. las.il iteai 9"lcP lbm'lae suants i Ever>. head- araa iuamer f aeu iîuelid aal tyl ~ hapai of aimarkeal. W. cala hardI>. go auxieh>. ta neap largo banvesaof el leli 1nipaa. and "Whlo is liait ? lISOMî?» IPOulTAus'i lEu isaplbuggieH an.) pliautong.I3sck ofIflie The Hanian-Rasa Race.. iotatw n is fthe zeau.) h A neal dy vr itîlae.o>. punch bhina,'" Tune hlm aven, uis 0o omi h ow>.) slup, a roain tovudu Caada I Iei eaaai avicalAt a sai>. ay, er> ~~Iiow iconi le hua ai a~~~~mpartanece ai Wiitby, aitiont saaiag aas itioavuabout roaaiies; uebod>.bar c vn. at.Asaivn about 810 leot squacre, aI bbcbaclt of Tie i.lsul.laes O8rainaeaitaR gaîn soin. sarIai anie sîablisha.) 1ace, wavieo ouglul ai groaving turnipi, sud caltle- csp turne lIhe eleaper oeri'flie grand Tic debaîr whaehis bickblnkeuallishp, 0 >.poalpone.) yeolerda>. star au agg ravait. tbe fariner ceau ael hie profu nde. geb bis faediegma anîl.pall mislaka aofbthetnp i Au offert te lurn e soîntion algai :; ave ;wil alici 1 h.«Wooad agl>. flue aarnang,aa.)avwaisfixai.)te cash, sud diatihul, lb among the mer- Tavo evil cousequancearesulle.) fremirn ut andvk o Iii ah ien Eadeomis tcrn poia>, f ru iuu, aicjnuang ake ceto.,laivn hefirst g o uaNetl tan)tradeaimhoen aie P.ooav. oaving us crep ou paon lnn., 'Finet tmieta. i utiesoigsdipartant ln mai eaop n rt ldosa, proves a greait nouc*-ealte go a oî ht ae vcrelc eplu cf il di.) ual malt ufcelrovit e wislîing ior morning. At Ibis Iiruaa ']îsuiugli raniecea. Sel l urto nlia fle the avec.) arbîrhswcsn bali-pasl ailgltat sd he taomu eau go au.) select îlaain meat, acrnlia graun. . atîî en itrelnaahiug shsowcn setsin, anal avion tous nesoluiier - flcîcrearaa.m. or butaeen iîlf-past t bttr h va gelables, or aMy cOtlî i nakea goigrawh e£ce i er s t hoeaimokiers rabum te Itia lent, Ihe>. autees respentiug ia.) U sais slb pisL he, a.)soan Blm.Seriff Harding, 1h. artilcalie>. avyisi ta purcluaso e.'In u, le a greait exlent proteele itsecf. . mdut na eornd.)soprano gui. Tien, la recoi f o )t l U - u t h e v a r c a f l e r o i n t h 2 , 0 b 2 % n a el s r a u o , m ' > e l i d y i g a e ) a l t i ar e a r e a b h o u s s e . ) a d v a n a g a s c n - T h o la r a s o n a j h i c k a u c , a v I i h a a g o a v l l b n n h v a s c î u g tta rOln l o W. fv * hevaulirom20b 2 rfea, a ystrai a dnunsîlai atmated .c-vii a market, erilci av aIl guards lie cnop main altornuts rneeziug nIlIte wnong liane.Tilentse liiday-t>. 1.is alier teefi imil theastioreoocn. Ta aies lie bu g- h neiil>. aof tie Kenebeccasis kuow. .1 den'tt biek ilnocessar>. for saidîîsaviug so fatal tle itailit>ofai gbt. tIre Minisir>. liai gir u cllnsfruadovueltie ja10tisaiLe tlireabaieêa etirttavup bis po ttii. arra 0ge ta n>.grat expause r in Th ulus leias' aicaale ucaparmesl. A avalilu ie41bancln, ia Ila iai auap le. iascrat. ~liin.aretiug :marketb buildings, Tii mnta c aes, moneoranlasp, wlaea lte groavîlis ah ke, ut shnel. AWnhpirtepcairae th theepaet, abi)then e reçbuinaap n t"juf> m -taint le ireimo) a lehave au establisi- ansagre. Dut a close, Iluici campai f ai ad fa-ooksd breakfastb e rea dte exp hottwielged ten.ip nn jff"LATER. cd placealabu>. au.)sal], an.) oui>.sncb green leaves, la a a greaslexLouh avards pars alItanude ionthue day's sport. To Ilunregnat. TÙi -a arntipormn veu te Las I £siu N . uySlt -. buildings as are neccearn>yb tccoOiito- off liai trouble. A seod o rilcausa- etreanebhave bacoana mu.)).d la tohumn ontt Lic wa roelal "iramnt liltof biauzN u> 1sQa-. date bic buteliers a arie. erar. qecefe oaiug lal l hasou penrtn esupour te maurutin aidas tbociicethaieuseîrna wctyr ofn Iid uliugposition w - r ti .* --- smpl m -te fr.te andatie exposune te insaint sepna.dationu. tîmer> enliab. Tlhe day le epant iunlaeavlici Ibaeaur lsr Tus adNspntm began to get rougb an.)mien ncburned toav e l odrtaiku, anal it is bigitini'Wbs icbain hoapeacil rc i trsav, diggiug drains, mimd îbt>anmo Müsr.Tos ul ewot laeuton tebaiir quarlers. Boss rnaila orow, lirai>. oole il luband, anduI iamn gis.)te found tbInai vastfiel.), ai tieAme innu anai nerai Fourth aif Jîti>.The timo nidealcourse tire bsue i iat mple>., sad repart bus;- 1hi la>. taeavatar net amooli eoii. . n aya u.aisrpois continent greabi>. imporerisîre.), au.npd ebîcaepdlee enial.Gonsmuanent une tipse ornemain, bproieg veb. qes'0-iera ,up. this staL, af tiegugaiene bai leandt oere.)b>. tbedesime of thoecanp tolEaffethlia cthea t-es smwA&lipev. vn ii f Referais rosigetibis posibion. Trnsiug, Mn. Editor,.f.unt_-u aililom.ib.. adrula. It fnale- see-oairi.-nepo---li>.-uri-loseo1a.. li bhss (~Of fia Gniorsan, J.patbfraieI F. - Wliilhy' Nigb 1878, (Cirie Holiday). is Spirit la about ta dopant he omana clteeaas, rue beasiain ly lireat. aira musehave i l lia higîîyspproiaedseii astablishime mcko.iomieg. Anud Ait your cierisie.) plans eneadto aia oubleeom. lsot ishi . b thaviols sarnnny . ii4a> avsas i ai. À alyb dn oemalt enrd immedlsîei>.-three olucaition udavoe MCUilonug"' J. - Ulbridge Iligb Beard), hil (e W.)sday)evaeieg, ta oui adrice, gos bey a boîblai af Pnysoavrath.comingflu. Il a alaersuencr, aoblige.Wîi itCpe cholDac'la' Piîî-KaeLIEan sd o n a emallta einphaeize the lai bliatlfbrilee J. S. & iiL 1o,'V Dtuo spirits. U blustirJ, J. W.-Uxbidgai IligIr consi1dar Mr. Daisnios resiguation. rm.> ilbu o auaîl.r isli, mai.).speciail>. icb et tlbe surface, licoIa acar.) inior claeei. ~~Mn.-Darison hua receivad 1h. aippoint. upon. 1Do nal negleol se important me oLtnddi ocesl b os. Tua 3PRS Ereai UGxrerx.4vrs. Lue>.leosue egatf OBiein, H'. S.-Port Ferry Rigi meut ai Head) Master af the Public dul>.. -cura.., sIc soaieg au rlali lamad muet Hoapair se>.. in lb.August Lip>p>>inoiViscur,ýtYosa>.authea P ~Vssh J.Osaavi igbSeoa. SicLeat esib.o r ule. ttthe m essE gaie, 6"the mosttha aituaies so i aljoal.hoo a, Guelph. pracaful of avoman, hais ualis arue.)ai rhe c la J.Wlai, Oiliava 111gb Saol, e- FrauBath 'auges ; lange assonîmeet. Lbral' eueAreTeLv,0 ncpavu !)gaaulyNm asi iof ba aeuli aln.) h801onor WaIig hoab.I EUI H POn IsaRiaIJ AD BEAVVn Sr S. W. B. SMITH, & Ca. ýgc bas maiarntl>. begue lbe publication 1111>., "ailiber m'bitenumghen, ha e l.2lrd instant,è uil Geogirpluy. TlireYoung feiloava froin Oshsawa Who The mn i ho ednet- the a . ngel'ai neserianal star>.('A Daubling miglil ba3vai avetîil> m' err iitripla Thorurîce Hall, ai J.,P. rieson Whtby1Igb chol, entyelingAn botin thoug th Hearl"), b>. Miss Keaimuen, autior ai digelit. I on 'r i.)oahood, îer Mater- gratif>. tisonhy uok honourn eEnglah. sînaets ci tie tbave IsaiSunda>. ailer. sunpai a.)suffernmg. aviiolialaai>. the van>.popelar elery CsteDaye nb, aie.) er misiorbune. Suai lis iroegb hai efora] Il.S. 'BrenPot PrryHig nonwer taen p.precedas mailadiais, eflen hecomes, etc. o* tla ailso peblisig tavo etber cheainlstes), aili h a akuaas un-admissioenaveeldal OH.ol S. Q'D rie u I Penny Hainocdem sue Thame n. hîrongi indolence, the - nicîinaifincur- seriahs, cee b>. MIS. Oiphant ("Withiin erti>. cf the part liait she bs pla>.)aimouet reaiizad lh ciolgotIrnorsl Hstn> îu breugîrt belon. Major Harper, reave, aiblai diseaso..Lassitude,waaiscs, lb. Preeluatsç," aviibpromises ta ba Ounliai aidOag iae o outampanary bis- unal expunnes, LOCALt ÈXADUNc-rATIO25FraWm N, by Ciief Bryse, ou Moudsy, aund m'ara saidmesu, acbing of thb.limbina dicale oceiof haer beal), aie.)Oceib>.William tory, ta cluicli raie!>. aitcr tbe deatine bi lardis.) ira the Ira thealocal exaininatîlen for avo n d.)5feae andcatis. erraue disaranagant, the forcfl.nner Bilae. All tbnaeare publihe.) frnonaiadaursof lbervanished.)charma. A Tynadall ui lDai bc olloaing sxgr- rn, lbesas. Tii. eaml> . empioymnilof »Fei- ber (date.) Jul>. 27) coanas, aisea renface cavereal aitb palulanlpwai, ma'10san in MnnE.FPa. Dus. Guses.-Tem rîeda bavai'r..aiandrainoda st a- gut, o aire ecCen 'ana sîiacessini, IL. gin la .FraWlitv -Ir min. i aiDr ypephosplulîe ileffactnalî>. sian est, asosIno b>.mircn aaee and lie airsangaie. lieu. AI teuppe: aer, E. N. Paxton, M. M, Bass, J. Geu aili he ad ic)l arl i fbis coin. aard off sucalitadies. Catharnai S. Mscqmoid, autior ai ci au antiquateacoquette, sualu la-day m'aie roavaoil, sud killi, M. B. Suier, ploIe recoven>. freinlis mcerai savanc-*e -"P'aît>.," entitla. The Farry cf Car- is sire m'he-m'ai e the liaavald'sm'aeder lefidel.lecture af m' Mise Palmer m'ai. bonore lu Matie- indisposition. Us. Whilfieil's calebrailsalPelmonie moea, a Brehan Begpars Star>," avilci ber bar lorcimesa anal graice. - menner andti bc wv tlles, English,Riaiemy anal Goograipi>., ------S---.,8ymup. la van>. quaini ant initeretiug. Blasides ---.ai edpt, lac sudlen au! French. San'mc, oTcauaàunmr, et avîlpi the fe-~~icition, tifestandard eclectria m'eek- FaR DYseuter>., Diairihas, anad Ailsuni. place.)Il aigailat, la Mise Smnithwm'oore in BuglisIaleni rnear feel wlbibl) A Letter Frein aiClergyman. 1>. continueta give Oc ils readars the mer coMaants, Mosathe groalesîl etail pure ia Il eAUaileipie I nEsalar>. aira.) Gerega-api>., siud Fr uai. erei eis-r iovo'iEt lisor an GngtapyundFrnch ovïr heWhtbyRageTucda ad Vsaa.oeec-ua, Sept. StI. 1670. meet raluable Articles,,h>lIas roableel mtamee.DrIt lpcn,c i cxîni et O de..), ira.) and foi] Mira Paxton, m'on honore ln Engilia rLia IibyRne eadys Massa;zs. Miatacas, Iîaru k l>& reorc. wm'allocf EuroesîsonLLse -aUsu'bc ea trahmm.I e iaarlN lm-friands, wavîuc ai ina FraLnci Wedoaaiday, Angusi 18 air.)14th. -)jeCtg as l ovîm ahat~ oatia. î -- iableî, anud siffobiva. Fer ride by eu Mislts, m'on honare le RuglimI ----i---- ddShavbmy ai uri) i momt.rnli lsl.rau crru is ns alhme fnlysa 'srothrone-seio o h4um3 md Fencl. Tux CvraH~LmY r 05aÂav avul aautmmar anae i oIraen case. Oa icTaim', tagaziuaa and. papena ; rneear- ar oeorbios<of lais aq - .tiealumo Cm'ant I evuieniaDurnYA TO NIAOAIII urader itg chId wsf euoe mentir, net expeail- igI ims ipnle ta A e1ARTREcerescSCxcr.-A tîsmeaipacieH i bcouonWednaadaiy, August 7th. aidta recaven. W. gi medicluai tram oun neadaire. ysix,.) hall hiofMr.eohaiorga UC]IOvNea NIAARAFALLS, Uâtp- lhyali - bllile.evsnythlng ais., For 611>. lave nambers, fcixlty-onn .%ais i dof era a' on cgnremainsba forierdà Fan eulionsr, &a>.a ea utatilm'aitrie . Plsr, pgesc fGr-eeatcfAaiside, m'as berne.)Ocfteua îpatroage ef-hbeYoung lMen ai 8t. Alan's Auli-fa, thie great Tenue an -Dm Fe'rr'aG a ge age aida(or more Lan rqo lai8000a gadiihr' anS n ns acngcorpulenche.aForiavacn Wdees. con&o.,erp.. H, u Ceai traict of Wil.)Strsm'berry, vhlca ion piin lieday ond ter nm Sun- 1i ache.) prioty ur asth a#)ie lo ; r e uple a FÂtnAzOOn.TCeozzesecucMos a>.,Augsi 7, pr scame Nase- y efm Yonfai liaithAxuaricau 4 Monthlies or weeklies cf ber fahher1e bouae. The fauber'san. brigautinai on lie n.[For particulains aieaadnt.] Cous-T Jrmsau.-.The let officiel Bzv. S. Y . ilasosnt laantb TUgbaing-teA'isfp, la; thia eonueoýion m'ai aay notIce Gutte nuakes tIha*i liowiiug mnoumoe. - -bothpootli. îa ittel Y, out nther ite allCuil> e. a e in.) e. uenaloavn. Theai atvii.atemer &orseair carnesma;FlusmiBruhes ontcbbingnom', chesp are t1h. puirliiere. hhIe le chsaans.f ie a ais anofaber creav cf biiti o Péirt Hope' te Rpbb- J h envï'pqmble,of»e t O n ci 8 oreiat eIl Coul.) baisavei.. S,-w. 4, 00, D oiTbAOT,,a 11i-iTEE OOSLGPiE5L -----"F asad rewm on the eih . W aâ MIT, 4<Jo -Gr<eat dfatiefàtioa wituh ci , w 4Qv - -Tirs Dnumbeioupe -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n rauaieli uaiiÃ"smodcaclg t~~o vlie.of--DaÂIyoîuWMgT -f 11. ju Io Se Sc Sc Se au ti s, SÈ mi au lau da. Ps or'1 ; Wilcklai mrA.-aamla- ..5n-,-e, a !m unx1 ns,-e+aNeabala,,awAiéàý ioOaPtalntcae odered "'vos Èet thai boats ont for Oie basIn uns; but Ibis m'aanet donte hem' ÃŽ. aore ai aasng ovor Ohe ho mw meaind five char saien shore ifaboat, bu el 'ia vaaid and) C l saanta tho hýansd"860;0 le -itdrlhtodlnto amilso mi bao i bi.ha.)lstnucl.Ai 'lStaii lauud ilse fdrilling ho. It le ah sud manage) O gel ou e&ge h irei ali' de~raift omaodi enoe ara>.of ltaipaaseng- In viiavoai ie vast popultionu liaI .Aller- a i uti e uile ba -i tuafertile bell m'il oeeday acuntain, au.) sa a alady aibout 511>. nom' liaI thi-xcelleneofithe soil-oaver Ee swam cul ha han. Siai an Imneaie aabeauetabliahid ba iInsensible, bultm'as boyend l al question, Il become a ai b- apar. Fronu ,bain _state- jecI cf-1h. daiepesi inOreat ho consider raid Liai sac was nasly avithen commun ication m'ltb tbe Alan. ars!, halng bacconversation tlc, avilliPari lson au a sarhing aieîj juat hefore he ehip -point, can bie establshoai.,snd whether hoi caphain tbl, ber if au.h a rentiavouab. alnuée sat,, trvire ho tell bis'avif. that spaiady, anti acanesmicai. Supposi that acsaman al bis post. Be- sadaisirable iuomm nicatla u cii)tins mai ta bar raescu liane baiopains!, it laevideut liat il avouai nrs cinging tes lie sai graisl>. expadite the seiblement of' e sam' them, wslied cff. Manitoba, se.)promate a Tapi.) imimi. idym'as Misa Evalyn Car- graion toa àfertl, aiea havent>. Urnes - as large as that Province. Tii. pro- honie aishie sud pllaid duo.cf this great ares avenll Olas lin) c, gavera- i~samai aluan ecounical anîleltO".Europe; Anal ne.) hiem np, seul laid doavu amigrants tram, Eropicoul.) vascl ap, hoing aixiauscl. IH. heirnuem' homes lu Manitoba ilu tile st havei alipt about laes o n, Ibtan the limai raquire.) to> lia.) in aiaakenîrag font.) li e a at New'York, sud. Ibus escapei tha ppareni>.raconerng. bai expeasandes <isconiforte oftan immense D gait blp, au.) aiter soe ovanlanti joune>.. Half s continent iffianît>. aiimbe.)t li of,avoujal -tins bai praetiaaly1hcavn oeeén r) cf oeehundre) fest ta huma in ldusr>. PortNelson la aie gel ou top hb ai vkeal about 870'miles fronu tb. termnnus cf ackihy baunal a truckand Lake Winanipeg naivigation. A rilaa> ihe direiction et Mn. Gib- ai about 400 miles in ianglb avanla aie Station. Ah ban aalk- bhnug liai m'hle waten communicatione oSk about lava miles baie aibath Saaskatchewman, Be.) River, sud main Mr. Gibson'a an- Lakei nnipeg Iita direct cammuulca-' Georgei Ford, wavistar toueaviihIbe ocean, çvithW à a abear uiis of Peare, etlmlaid distance- from, Liverpool tbaù Newa hatioa andi breugit Mn. York, anal o penairao steamers fibte.)tala viti bien, Peancailanug contand aviLi ÃŽles fan fcur aonthe in lie lia lady -to gire ber the yaar. baI ilp m'as at baud; Theimuportanoe ai suci a pnojeatit I errer, ou arrning althibeladifflicelI 1tacrar-eitmala. --If praoc.- Ina.) laIt br, siecm'as nal licahi>. arrie. eut itm'hll have s.m'eu- He?*tarcrai. about till drons aiffaot urpon bath liai population mai, andtihlieuthta- an.) trade ci lie North-Waist. Andl 1; bmuia oevialentl. haid btaI lbhesàeamai is pradlicsule dues nch ,amud bbc>. avre aiiraid appean Ce admit ai a mamaulta aloubt. ph aaiea.) m liaiBsaIl le luthli ande of maenavie havi in- juet asn il mas>W lhu teligeuci, aealli, and) aiterpriBhng ta d, avi aas sancblng carry il; ta a saeasful issuei ; au.)ore, amrui, teard a fiielcm>., long m'a ma>.expeait ta sao he cheaim rap I" H.euntt te a ir>. Isunco.) upau lie counutry.- 11 thea Young lady. Aflair ne mp lie>. ai onco an- Sac Lauowa(gNsarAcomzxT.--A sai) rt iae tithetop of licealrownriug accident is, rai port..) onhe neari>. hare ai claihiug. Gatineau. A part>. a0 yonP main ak at! hais oavuboots ara.)stambe.) fon saiion Lilaaau. oet amibbiain an lier, sud gel; ci ticennane) Flavier' ad in).)tlhle. gg Y,-wiiie liais) saut Lake le prasi lthe yacht fate deep m'aI- rer ta h liaonie station, er,-aud avilaidoiug se feil tbesàa halai. about lava a . a,whera Amotben ai the part>. naine)Adsame, r>. kied>. book chargei ci.avlic mainluhlb-boat, noscie) over la tia, aourtiuued la baka resec un , but m'as draigged itocthe canai afierr. rivr. Paul Leaids, tieadjiaster af * *, seules for liat district, avas ou lbe bael sfleedIasernn Polin>. cf 1h. lakai, ancl-saieing liaci clent anti baiag an asxteileul maimmer tirav off RATus r Is ruleuruse-Pbis ceai aie.) plira!imto thi. aatr. COIMOS.Ou recibig liai cher havesthi>.grasp. - ~ ~ ~ ~ e id in rcura.dlaiha.)>.yand) theithria an Lard barringtou' e mare dreavea. tet Ithe Garanraelt's TRuIDosererurr Taiaiaaia.ai COMNeYiu. r. ragandal as tb.eritalý-as sueceade) in smnceaatûly-nbacai. amy yoars. Thea Tiuras, ging tavo holegrapia cablea lraelia part of Lord Hartieg. Quaibeo ani poiut Lerla;' Theso gables nciaiig ta Biiili guar- ave macle especilaJI> for lhe Compan>. ig Asiatia Trn.>, Gaesys:b>.Messrs. Siemens Ilrohhers, ci Lau. mno tic conentiou thal 'don. Esci cabl iIas a bnaaking aIrain i's Censurei ai liai Ina- of tavaitees. The>. avre laid undan lîbtlaO o ea m uc . If Le directionr ofa - M . H om er, emperl. Nai invoîrs.) thaicountrylaiendent cf Ibo compan>., sud are le 1 iabilibica ai go praire cannael liaiCompsuy's maritime Pro- opposition aegibte b a rince limas, avicaare nom' in course cf usress seane0hiucgmare- Construction, aviti liai Company's m'irai - aaay augil la bai naagl>.ounliais sidei of Lie river. - air opponsuts la taSe YELLOw Feeaai-T Nw ORLn.xas.- a au.) ronnre the polai>.Tc Paielc la euyfHa arepara.) bon such a de.sa>.s yellea faner aexista boerailasncb aa Dy eugiî ta banve th. ?xhantliait mim'ald not bai prqpertle aalenatlta carry mb risue ciesu hills cf baliOtuc*voesh neunt aifahichia Ilbus cainhngliipont. Tiraiboard reparla Iu ceanae ss il la lietoctal cases of yellov leveainah80, ie Gaveraient abouldaila 8 esonsihibiy. Ti,-ral -A CATTLE DIEALELSR onnan.-Mn. P. acr n uthai permanaipl O'Bore, cathue deale, m'as noblia. on -nllish Emapire itaaisticheroa) otaveen Shekepeane anti 1 listiroîl>.tb Russas, Stralberd an Saturda.. JusI baeri baun go but no lanib en,'"loaming Stratlerd lheaaisinnoductaiih says hilias rnasaute s mae avio said bai avainluhe -sanie osillons ai nafominEeg- lm. aifbusiness ; lie salmaingair gaI jut bich Parla -bave beau tie buggy avilh i hm aien b.osante) eireci,andal iat lic for haine.RHobs no recolleohion- of rviaice af Raglan! ailî m'ia tecak placo. aflairaards, ho enideetà ia ragensraliug li--1>. haviug beau druggad, as, liem'ae Qtomaa Empira. TIi, lon. lyieg ramdam bis buggy nacousci- lesacoesfiel'd's specici us, thai herse lied lat a fonce an.)-bis a Sauay.ailci ail- pclet-booe> comtaielng over $1 iu cash, raticu l itat lavelled Cibesiaanotis and choeques, sudaai valu- - dil la expanla.), Ibis ablo gasl.)avatci an.) chara gond. Thei case Lia bitterea of roibair hae net beau, foui.)yat. SA» Enaaii-oac P NUroJueT CHARaie- roDTS HenrSaLr rIN THE ins. PatricS Laino n Turada., si- teneusF AUDIorNE.cuVhai lande) the fnrahofaisYoung man mWho - uni Caprarn, Ill.,says avwas.acaidenlly kilaieliluth. mines avili eccurredti ae Tues.-m'erlieg ion Mn. Lavimu. Tha des.) , lasL Ma>. George W. mas'îmotienaccused Mmn. Lavnir's aisidaut of Ohio,"came husiand, of being ber saeas merdi-en. anibl>. la stanba ton. This priyaid se uýon ins. Lavln's min.) oni. Buuhaiigh aas aiIat abe beasme ill au.) dia.) yastsrda>. acompîlimamîes, fiee -TiEuri i-Mcoo.-Thiri aie2000 sile in ooersatiiou. chances Oi eel>. Melonstock, lssued or- bie avas cotu lede- igirally>.at $100 face value, as fri 1'.t -ed 1-rapn - a 60tn goie-c-p-e.-8.- Nom' aid hahIs Cincinai A blck cf gree Phosphate, maigibg -us sam ine alhndriti nands. talen frein Thei Tisses ha s anmarries! lady ofii> ion lasvlng beau la board s train oeea to Uca, by tmo ç K drels, avio preteeedii sud that Iii.>, b>. rau - - avre laltng harle It Shai mas baiken te a inm Uticai, -chloro, - r edci ber aller cýu ,analit telmpt, consisteunt beain naidelubaihi amonrrt cf moue>.Spý trO vlllaus, ihiut tim's neaiecu mas, omeusaagiven. a Liveras3 rTire Liner la hhie i*bala bumnan syalaim litsf, heailh, an.)- ha When it le disturbad i ail km.). Of affenta- - uIt. The digestion men2te cf the iarl tien cilla. main ana are aUi mmadisaely*c wonkiag cf ire LUv succaimauti>. roves! Il Flica n requslla. sans afflilaI..) ailirD, Cemplaint, andti i~h plamai Ibat resuit fra condition cf tha Lt saimple boulles try 1i>. ysol.) ilirSl Icavi ,euhinaelt. Thrce da -iL la jusI nejat Yeu av EECaiciiOIe.l Wc ITn -WEIQET INi0cr as>Aviwhre Il is usai.. amI mediceiairer 1 O unes commôrsare. i baie cure.) bronobil avonrhiras cure.an-ci Ilpesitivel>. cures cal - coup. Fifi>. cants" Cricke u intai bacS, iatu4 lily lamaidaick ci elgit 'Tic folloaving ara ext cfthe resu>. Iaiterer hi cailve.)tram diffenent ] aviioa, ave hies, siaut sallaf>.the musleer of sparts, ont., avri elozen Dr. Thomas' E sol.) ail1Iha.) fretin yc nom', ias curas ire -t Wm.--McGuira, ai Fr, bave sol.) -al liheaigau a charr-It m'as oie laites spl.udldly nom' ',ons, Mites, 4'Pleaiae Eý!fi iclacici 1, neublus- equals-1h. Il main.)..)b>. hosa avi J_ Bepiarel, Tamesavl -nt once a fulhair -amr 01, 1 bave oceai>.eac e oir aae lylbcug eUaE suai general aiatia 801n, Wooorn., avites, moeaEclaoicînla OitI 1>. cut. Nellaing7tikai &Raid, ietr,> Eeleebric 011l a gclflng lion haine, and i la ily, us s furtier suppl>. m'it Thaas' Ecleclria Qi] signatuee ai . N. Tiai par, sud lia usinas cf: mant-aime huavn -inthei b 'inoallier. Salit by al] airs. Pria, 25 cha.i 1 LYMAN, Toronto, ont, lia Dominion. aictrixad. SakaaCerapatarus oci Tiurine a iaici a csmying o and cildrenb inlle - hon "sou et thaen, LanaiwTmai an tt ura. ÃŽyD, Foavlîy Slraabeny. It has never- lief lu hie most saveecas mithuln lis raai etf sery failtOgivlraLa tria ; Yený ailhiIts aharmnls- ffects dailmrs Milbumyn, iy routa.- -- WaRccx anTIETAI Thei passengergSTEana oe arMgantic, strande.) a -Anhiiclit, havaibaien la] la iearai.dbtai vessel- wifi wareck. EAti-TonaRoN-At a finontial meeting of tue Elail Toronto last iihl Gillai>. vaisueamimous Oh ieMnfst.nial Caindidat ion for the Hanse of-*le PsFOVIrCczAL . EaeImRITc attention ha the faci lihat cOmieg Provincial Ell held inToronto is ft.mt ý.-The Whilte Stat cirialic nauin taa IN lo i irt. ridai latter vouseasnk, - six I oui.e a 'i a Ottsawa 1 ili ar

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