Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1878, p. 3

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ind as amp. teaiung hi ,ssng ld Daronet, albat g uit0ui i a s, taIe Isofoù."They retursid aws.k- - ligroffanti tue unýàztunàte ereaiture dis.~ coveredtbathtse VYoung rc t ssnaffHeuthi.f, for; a stFoRon lber jevellely *0111,saine h àiso n F O T vons [ raiS ber pieousa bitera, fulof profesionOf lalveantiprms tic incasn eprobato h avidenily Wh - Io~d tia8ir Capel Fitzgerald? H O VV - AJ Io hoe8înYtlslig 1teb.ha"QO sGenaliîn family in Irelanil, vIiol caota aone Duke and severl innr nabilities 'tgns besNo; b. la fndeed E ë y y u g ianly sitr"Ml abut lma ~' DR. TIEOBSTQN, Of Torc Amiy hstoy I astrasige oue, and the police court scandai aof4-day Wini cause Dit; FALLIN, Of Toroni nsany a Tlppcrnsy pasant ta cross father, too V" } iul dehlm If and aautter ofa innt poh yand hr cg fmâe Every proàpec Tbilayonng felow's grandfather wa D.. . BuitNs, Of z the drstbaronet, so cneted for themcastsaton leitisi aic dy1aiheo okIa the barrons vhicbltè.Stsatiý.-to'ani fle was known , neolon aIIF'98. Every mothei gerald, lao stalkeed thro: -gooi n-d ~C . fT try0, vlohSn«, bhanglng and - figgng Dn«0 .HALL, o o suenl vomen and ehidron, whom lie road for instructing parefits in tho chose ta suspect of "dlsloyalty." The W[VES, A.SK YO1[ piteh cap, tise triangle andth ie lubi were'part ai his travelling equlpiment. Du. J, .An,e, Turcito,-.' Qneduayan old woman atually laneit copy of this book ta hies wve befor in t0 l catioailier tva sons, whoin - "Ma ltrate" Fitzgerald bad abat deasi PRIOE FoUTY CEPI fit their-awn door, sud lifting her pubishersj' pricas. band i ta Heaven, "aurset i m" ta thse thirci genenation, sud- proplssalada doath ofaisugrace te au is erace. Bookseller sud Statianor Twety.fi-ve yeara liter theset naà'bject _______________ ai thjls maledictiondladid by bis owu thrad, ton y.ans ago hie son Out bis WHITBY MARKETS. bot;. tise Young baronet nov lu jail Ila tIse hastoaihliche. CniioseicLY, OFFICM, Jniy 51151, 1b7 rîlour, par brl.........48008500 Terrible Treatinent ai a Fauhlonable Bail Wlaat-............$1 d Co Lady ai Bouton. sprlng Wheat ............@ 5S0 Banley, .............. 0 0 0 80 0 Th Tme bsà cisaiüa sor f as " ...........050 75 Tie iesLa eustoni tr iPose, blackoyed .... #000o0@80000 a marrieti lady of highs position in B9s. oas,..... .............83 086 ton Living beau laken in charge ou Cern ................ 600 @ 55 beatrd & traln oevmyning bfr ome R aHy....... ....12 M00 ta Utîsa, by tvo velliressed Scoun- Ha ,ew............ $7 50 drela, visa pratended eha a isne C . .......Nna. and tisaI thm, by re,%uest of lier frianlds Eggs ..i............. 1 09e2 were talsing aria t a Utica As'ýlum. Butter............... 12Ii ta 02 $ho vas tassas ta a diarapitable panse Wood ........... .... #8 50 0 4 0 lnuUtica, cilonoforaad, outragedi Waol................0 22 O24 otripvied of han diam a, and a u aiebr Basf, hiud qnarter .....55 50 c4 0 00 clalhsng, iod lait tisera, Evsry at. Be!, foe quarter .....54 50 @ 80 00 temspt, consistent vith pisacy, Luas ........... 100 0 O bean matie by bier buabasad, andLa large Park. par cwt .... . -.85 0a çao sincunt ai monley apeut, 0 discoven the Lazuba,.............. #2 50 800 tva villiîus, wilisout suceos.. Thse vie. Calvea ............... 4 @ #5 tlua reesnvsna~ unliinged Onile... ......5100. Nonins are gi en. ' Tursaipa .............. .0e o a No Manis are ive.n.Chasse ..............121c00a. Carrais. .6 ........... 150e@ 0 Liver la King.,,Chiikenu, par pair.,. ..25 @ 40e -DueLa per pr-....... Soc @ So The Liver is thse imperial organ af thse Geese par lb ............ 7o 00 wbole buman systean. as it conirols tha Turkeys, par lb ....... o 10 ife, healila, and isappluesa on mn. - Whcn it id citurbcd ina its proper action, llJpa'É Cocon. - GuÂATsF ,u. ÀD Cem- ah kinda ai ailuienta are tise natural re- eOwLTNiaa-"By a thorankh knowledgseofthtea suIt, Tise digestion ai od, tisa suve- nattiral lava wiich govera tisa aperatiaca ment. of tiseiseari sud blood, tise ac- fiies and nutrition, and by a carefui lion i the braun sud narsous scn apiîotfuathe liue prupartiesaofli- ail isumeiatel coueetsd i' alst aas n .Eppab as pravidad our are y vitîstisabresîlfasi tables villa a delicately flavaured vorking of tihe Livaor. Il bas beau besenaga which May save u n atay hass aucceas uliy provedt iat Greansa Angusi dectone' ile, It fu by tha judiconsu use ai Ployer ii unequalhad lu cuning ahi par. sncb articles of diat tisat a constitution May sasolhi ,dwibDyppiqo Lsrbagrsdusliy built up until trang enangia Cmllt anti al tise numlarou0 , tareact essry tsudeucy ta diseases. iHu.- ComplUnt, ,rc, an ruham- drede ofaubtlemvaisrer floiting aronnd ptoiue tlsmtnresaItthy ne neady t tta hrve hr le a vesh ebOndition .aiftisa Liver aud Stamacis. p int. Ws May escape many a ftali hafs easuple botiles ta try, 10 cents, PFosi. iy keaping aurslsve eliiontified vihs Ilvely sald lunahi towns on tise Western pure bioed anti a praperlynourisisadfràme."1 '3antinsut. Thras doses viii prove tisat Pacleselabeieti -a"Jsssiips " coC., àIlai jgl51wbat you ivant. Honinopathle C<Jisit, Landan, Rng."t BEisCsRCTy 1 Taeouas&Excaseon I ECLÉCItio Ou. I Woitix Tsis Tîissa - CA I e-ns WICaav aIa GOL.-Paiu cannai r0Oal who aresua lg roua thseerrors' rand indiscraioaf youtis,-eou siay hoee't l0 useti.It le tha Cheap. veakueis, early dacalosu a08 i manhood,&ca., est imediclue oser made. Oua dlose I vili eend a receites t iail P ura yen, cures common sors tisroat. Oua boutla FREEE0F CHARGE. ~'hs great rsmsdy boas. ured hronchltis. ]3'fty ýeets' vas discoveneti by a mlssionary ln SautS vorth bas cund aun old standing cough. Amaeris. Senti a selt.sddreuaed envelap It psitvol curs ctarhnte the liss. JosEan T. INmANsr, Slationor Il poitivly cres alasatismu, aud Bible Houes, New Yorkl City, croup. Fifty ensaW orthsbas curod __________________ eriek lu the baek, sud tisa samne qussu. tity lame dack ai iglit years" tanding. - NEVU ADVERTISEXENTS. Thse fooiug are extrstis froa a faw _______ ai tIse many lattera tisai have beau ne. oeivcd froua difforent p aria of Canada, GRAND F IRE MEI.i' viîci, e tisig, sisoulti be eniieot ta s6atiufy tise rucet secpical : J. Couiard 1 I D -2T i c) of Sparts, Ont., v-iates, -"Seud me 63 dozesa Dr. Thsomas' Eciccînie 011, havaeAT sold al Issad from yau, sud vaut moreCO B T 'S P I . n.Ov, its cures are tnsly wondenful." O B T 'S P I T Wsn. MeGuire, oi Frankln wiies, I hase salal theaàagnt laft, il acte lika Tisa liranien aoflise Town of Wiitlsy, their a char-It vas sloW ai final, but rinentis sud tisa Public suarsl , iutcnd takes splenelidiy nov. . Cola, of holdingsa Grand Pic- oc, at orbett's lou tes 'r osse f rd1doe Point, an tha day proclaiistiby tise caons, 'rd0 4zl Mayor as thisaiaannai Cass Thomas' Bclecti i 1, I ama ioarly cul Holiday, nothing equals it. hie is igily recoi m âd btbm wohveueo' FRIDAVI AUGUST 9th, 1878. J.Bepford, Tiamassille, vriles, 1"Senti COST' J I 'E RAISED OUR ý-AB" mother should read th]Book. oInto, ",,y" "It je full ofpratioai, sound lflforlflatjQn" to, writes: "Every mnother shou1d, reathis book, n every vtive, mother shuld read r'oronto, -writes "Ig have Zread'Ow we raised our Baby' with, oportazit facto with wlsioh ey Yparent shcnld bo acqusinteit ýr of a family should read it-L ironto, writes: £efl S tbOe mot useful and CODnc ise book ever ,0dre"s, feedingand management of babies.", 'R UIUSBANDS -TO BUY THIIS BOOK FOR, Your.l wiitIY ijwuld i n1y reComeud -every yo)ug husband ta presont a 'e the advont, of therrt tb. aTB.-Copoe sent free by post to lyddesuCadonreitf s- la oRv ta trias a yen viii be plaasd Admission te tisa Gkouds-Single Horse, witis hcsanniug affecte lien sale by ail 10 cats:- Teaus, 20 centa. Ielalrd, MiitIiirn, l3autiy i& Peaisen, To. * Na stand aloveti an tisé grountie, excepi renta, tisa ona lu connecîlari vith tise Company,j WaiCaK aOP TUEsTaElt ~~~MrtiGeîe-viera Refrasisinstei3vil S e furuisised at Tisa PRsteugers Ùsut craw or te tiesiai. loy laies ta îsaosa flot gain en Pic.Nie an M9astic aiandd o tie ssor aistyle. Brase anti Qusîdrilleiasiâida Ilbe - he e ae btreu011 tk 0 off, utfi suattendanco dnriugtisa day sud evening. Anticostibv ontk u tTise Steamer viii maka2 turing tira star. le lnth ie veesol viii prove a total isoan, shorttrponaseieLmei vneck. ce t tip. GOD 8,&VE THE QUEElN. Esa~ O5tOTO.-I s arg nsd ini. ten, Tisas. Toms, M. - 'Banovan, Chas. flueutial meeting ci iLs Reformereaif ing, MalorHarper, Jas. Bannes, Gea.C RasI Toronto hat nigisi Mn. Etvard Deve relW aGiso aBO Gale as uniuousiy saiacîed ane ITHOS. TOMS, W. J. G ,SNI I iheliuieîenisî casaidate lu thsAt divis. Cpan.Scer. ion for tise hausse of Commous. t PRîOVINCAL EXHIIiTION<.% dnaw Din. W. J. BURNtS. attention ta tise faci tisai tisedata ai tisao,ýOclloILEOlo aIug Provincial E xhibition la Le Orpiîr-Nexiticrt iaaeci fie elsainl Toronto le frocuatise 2llnd tbtise lesidonie, ai tise Royal Hotel, Withy. il 2815 ar Septemben. The enînicu i&sn tIhe --- - M vanlrius 0classes vilI chose on tisa 2Sil Of & Augusu, sud lota s Ofaiseptesubar FA RM TÃ" RENT 1 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~R Or Loe fDrls MiraelA n OiT Nol 5, 8rd eaou., ai Pick. uiiýd Dcalles cîitdi i "f u u ed tt t - - - aterea; got ant-býùlidings. T'eeseaslou gisais on lIrst Novemhtèr. Lass o apiaugis ici 131RIlT8 . On lst Saptemban. 1W ILUSSELL.-..At 120 Honore St., Chicago, on tise 201h July, tise vue ai John C. Buemil, Eeq.,ý of a saon. P ORT I5RRRY MARKETS. Part Penny, Jsly 8lsi, 1875. Wliial, sprnug ......... .. $0 8 60 Ços 'Wlssat fau ...............o 1 0 ..asi..................ôou 0 Ilre............. .... 05 O 70 Ots..............0118 0o C ....... ............ P. (6( t Claver Soeat................. 3 0 850 l'otataae.... o........ .....0 A, O0O0 Ajjls... .........00 oaa es Pr..................50 -0 0 - r .utter........... .4.... 4 50 5 mxi Bergs...... .............1 il OIr) ESyal......... ..... 0S8 0 10 J 14syov...............100 12 00 e. ....... 10 00 10001 0 550 100 Wood., ,900 a800 - eterssply0,i1 OrtoJAMES MADMLJ G ent WhisLtyP.O0 THTOS. MADILL, utise Promisese. Wlitby, July 801h, 1878. C OAL! COALI COMI.Lm-nlasiug airaady niet-Ii esenlar osea troshmsusd Coal, cao butesh ailrgeg,, ny ha tissrons af pa'rolaaiug their naxt vin- ter'e stock, at tise loveel ramunerative th prics. Tersis strhtly 'Cash. .I JOIIN BLOW. n Wlitby, Jniy 81, 1878.1 (lin-SI) eli FARM TO RENT. lea (PONTAINING 145 OCE5-part et lots au %J 19 anti 20, front; af tisaSti cna1 i Whithy, ana mile fotira Myrtle P. O. un l 'Station cf tise W, P, W.dc-iL.1B' .,adooti a bniltil«e; livinug stkeam; Pnsvl il«of:a Pngbigon reneval di presaaîcrap.. Fan p9ricuaan, apply, ou pýrînhees, ta er0't t MaorT. RODO1SON. OM ý #le t , P Brook.at., Whitby, 1) V i NjýS on THE CELEI3RATED HA Li C IUA~Mp1oN THIRESHEING MACHINE IMPROVED FOR, 1878, n. le DRI VEN B Y HORSE OR 8STEA M PO WER, OVER 83,000 IN USE IN CANADA. Wec mo-aî preparedt t deiver on receipt of satisfmctory ordent aur CE] BRATE D HALL CHAMPION THItE HING MACHINE, îbc drii by Horse or Steain Power., These machines have been without % ri for the past FIFTY YEARS,'noarly all b theter Threshipg Machinesa imitations ai tho Hall Machines, and have failcd -to givo entino, satistnet: The Hall Machine bas beau the ive ri sr( Jon STANDARD-THRESHING MACHINE Iu the United States anti Canada ever ainces itrodnoad by hyelaslais JOSE HEALL lu 1828. Thse Hall Champion Tirseing Machine bas beau ënaduallyi csrefuily improveti sacis ysar as expenience proveti viseansd dasirabia. cjau sebase beau hasti57 uma eand csiled imaprosemenle. Tisa greateat posai cane ¶ias beau exeneiecd in the construction cf aIl tise working part. ai the s china FO se to 5550 tise nceity cf reain snd prevent annoylug telàye visicis emnseati y breakage. Notising but thse very hast matanial Las beau used tlsiou oPt tie machina, andt he vcrkmsnship launsurpss. Our machines are sý plie illa aOur and iible ma- gli lup. HAMLIN IARON' We have just received a BakdW'Ge en Te9a8é, GTROOBRIES, anld Fruit Jýarso., ONTARIIO LAOIE6' COLLEGI b NW a M M 'p 1874. F0 UNDED - :a TE OLOWIGAVNTU:- 1874. PATE T DIMOND POIN ED YLIN ER TETT-I lot. The finest bufldings ana grounds in Canada. dev6ted to the higlier educaiea vertS tisrelimas as mucisasa tisa ardiuary Isatis. We eau snppiy PITTS, PLANET, PEL TON, OR HALL HORSE 1POWEI (aiit or tan hors) eLtlier DOWN or MOUNTED on TRiUCKS as enatomers n desire. Aloo T11UCKS buit speciaUly for SEPABÂTORS, with Broati Tires. We are building a speciel machine for STEAM THBESHING-Lwîîh 86 in, cylindar and 42 inch grain hait. aud we ala supply a Steam Enggine -whlch guarutas to drive our Thresaoer in a first.aiass manuer as rapidly as it canp osaib be fed. Our Engins is msade froi the mopt improvcd imode] nsed trougiont tI United States, aud gives universai, satisfaction. It la simple in constructio sily sud.perfectly goverucd, and flot lhable to accidents or to get ont of orai and ail danger froua sparke entirely rcmnved. SCirculais sent froc up'on appliciation. For furtlser information address joseph Hall Manufaoturing Co, OSHAWA, O>TÂd.IO. say ach ible ,he LOn, NEW ADVERTISIJýMENTS. Farmn for Sale!. GO<OB irm for sais, situste on lot No. +8 7 6, lu the 4th cou. Townesip of Pieken- AUCT ON ALES 1ingeoutainng 100 Acresemare 0or 'l8sud nt AUCIONSALS Igooti StonesHans., goot bane, tunlmg sheds, t&c., veIlivaarat anti Saur) euces, G ta returu my incrarstlanks ta tish rueinat aymauitaeitfp.usnia-. Ipubiefor tisa vey librai patronage or isîr payn st ias spi a ts hasiovet upo1nme lu tisapast, sud ta pranilse ta, SYO h intimais tisati vil nha iad nesdy la 8l.lsn) IICHRDSQUIRE. conduit suy salas tisai I May bc enînusteti vis.Ternse ea. Sstisfaction guar. F'arrn to Rent T My sale -booak vilhacfoanuSai ttisei Ontario Hote] Wiithy. Arrangemntsas 18ACRES.-Pani t 11 u Lk t ay oa f a sale, d&c., niay Sa mate vils go128fSisore I Ofck 10tg!4ballngut Mr.MABntheproritorOf helioel, god frmbuildings. possessionleN. Mn.r iaso ortiseoprop-hatted ote vemabar. itis pivilege ta pîov iran cNOp OdashmaL. anIe RDlsAtNefi taikau off. nco L.Auttioncer '(Visiby. .Apply ta,. N. B3. - Sala Bauke anti jîle knotes îsî.to JOSHUJA ICHARDSON funiised frac. w hitty. LF. FARM FOR SALE. *CIVI C HOLIDAY.. Thesfronti98Acres,-a 5OhcnWst GADEXCURSION TO hy, kuevu as NIAGARA FALLS! THE DR. FOOTE' FARmI Per he afe nd uné'uaiNEAR BROOXLIN. PMr7lias Sa-w anti PunaisaiApply ta Il XLJAMER .1VU1fEJiUMAN -Wednesday, Aug. 7th, 1878. unier -tise auspices afihue Young Menaif ST. GEORGE'S CHRURCHI, OSHAWA. One Dollar to Nisapna anti ratur.- Clhidron, 50 cents. Eaaiway tare ta Falls andi Retoru, 85 esas. Thie 54th Batt. Baud vill ha lu atteudane 1 Tise hoatvill bave respectuve výanvas ai thse follavlug ti.e :-Ceboung, ast S a. nu. P'ont HaE e, 8.45 ; Nevcastle, 5; Bovnu cille, 5.21; Oshava, 6.15; Whiiby, 6.45 a. n.; as-nlving ai Niagara about 1l o'ciaek. Eletornhng. vill isase Niagara tar home about 6 o'cloek. Arrangements are Seing naet isMuseus asuesion Bridge, ta., for netincet pnicas. A CONCERT ou tisa Return Trip at ngat Procestu lu attof a a cho 13i nig Fuud. fSaaySho Tickets msy Se proanret tram E. Ste- ghenson, Dominion Telegrah Ofae, Whit- ver-Thou. Hczzlavaod Oa111aswa;- Thomas 'eholvece, Bavmsusilia s D. Rose, Dam- uo Telegrapa Office, Nevcastlea; R. B. gllonu, Pont Hope; Mr. Saisbnu-y, Book store, Cobourg. G. DELLAR, J. CARSW1ILL, Chais-mon. Tressurer. F. SOUTHCOMBE, Secrebary. FAIRM FOR SALE. J coNTAtNING 50 ACRES 0F LAND, b eing tise S. W. j ai lot umberl14 su se 7th concession or -tisa Township ai oeS, 17 soes cof vhic aran clearet. sut ster culilvation, anL tise balance.can ha siareS. very cheapIy. Thiso nupon lis. weoses aaîsle1J etany rame dvellhug osga, iltS, vils aditins, 2Jz4e nSalzo Sneyer iling strain ai ator. Ihi Sin - loy and particulariy adapteS for hay crap id gnazsng pur«-posas, ant i vll praduco nais mare grass aid pasture tlsan high à lest up.land. Il la lacateai o&u po "A, e aanA tva mmiles tram. the l~I fPort4 ýPety. Tis aperty vil! lus - a bargal. For ionIser particulas applyIC W. E., Rave aon these wsniea to "a O NsuOit vbPPortiMJtila, i8t77J. --- STEPREN.MEDLAND. Broaksiu J'.sy 22, 1878. 81-tf WHITBY, PORT PE RRY LINDSAY RAILWAY, THE SHIORTEST d ONLY DIRECT ROUTE PROmi TORONTO AND THE, WEST, To PORT PERRY, LINDSAY, FENELON FALLS, HAIUTON, AND &IL P15OINSrNuM VICTORIA RAJLWAY. Pleasure *sëekefs & Invàlids STIMIWX< POMN'LtL Sire PO LAZs sMEn 5in.0éT, Bit uate on ergon Lake8 aesro ToroutovaVitra tiay, eud Stemer"Vitora,"tran Ldsab'. lihi Lina makesiftaconnections *th Grad Trunk =misAVctoraa gt- ' SHARP, cONNEl4CTIbNS No transies re.., aggge lec-ks Millss'a Satsty Paiam u1Clii First.class PaseneraSSmokinsgC. Offces, Toronto, . ae obl grc ele es me Wh tur nlu Lai Tei an, off vi;l Tise neir cut, s3hovlng this Collage wits tishement additions, ual Saing remdy, vas 0 2ssd. A vsry comploes sud afficlent staffaif instructors. Provision is mate ton a tisuroags rouding iujEngisj, as the irus londatioa foan s ulishet eticatian. The slmpmat lmentsny subjectuarn ualoveniooked, sonliat pupils msy. enter viltisaitage ai su ily age, ant in any stage ofai stssuemeut. Spaciai facilities are sifurtisti tan acquiing a ioongi anti practiesi linavisiga of sience. Tisa muai, depantusaut, nter lise managa- iet ai F. H. Tonningtau, Esq., Conductor aitie Pisilisarmonie Society af Toron s ina l s isigisesi state ai effleieasîy. Frenchand Germas are langiat by an accoiupliahsd ilady, -hoaeacabath languages, sud wiso aise poeeas goot kuovietge of HuglieS. Litera. ir, Msibematica, Dnawiug, Pairnting, &-c., ara taugi th ie usosi alctive manun. ard. Waii regniatet exerche in vslikng, calisîheuice, ant idting; vbalaaonie anti atitione diet ; canitontahie aud vail ventflatet roame, d&o. 4th. A lurge unaer af honora ta he competeti for. Tva usdals tram Hie Exeellency ord Duffarn; goit nmodal tram Jas. Pattansan, Esq., ai Toronto; a sciselanshiptfrom Albert WÂNTED.-Any qantity of prime ,dairy. Butter, Enst sud EFruits ofai i clds. A c% ll re sp e ot u l o i i e .s JUl ~,~.SIMON FRASER, July 7tho-1878.ýOn"o B oe c-$, Wlsitby. S, AI LI ii f 'Wsiby, Juno 7th, 1878. IIUGÀI FRASER. IBOOT AND SHIOE STORE 7Ras been removed from Brook Street to Pundas Slre&t, 'iu door ivest of Armstnong's Hotel, whero ho Las a splendid stock ai' tha RIGHIT FIT AND MARE, and oaf tie besi styles of Boots andi BLocs, AU1 orders promptly attended to. ilup airs nieatly donc.I LJ' J3undas Street, fi-st store west of Armstrong's Hotel. Bemembcr thc place. 12r FA8HIONABLE TA/LOB/NO. M4R. JOHN FERGUSON lIAS NOW ON HAND A LARGE ASSOMTMENT 0F MATTHEW COLLINS. SPRING GOO DS,ý This Diseo-ýýery lse .resait ofaserles of SceluiffleEpsl moenta Isseetupan the iery -tisi teih aucenawfu cura af Wsslg Dsse"es, tIse servons ~ steUm muet h -mtavgoraus mut fsetlug either 'UtceLfver, Lungu, Heant, Stodm=ci,,or Gcnitai. Orgae, le a lama aof- nenvana paver. 'This l il oi6retby muna- onlar relaxation, *ealsiea, anti esaclatian, ait all thse argans *hIici depeuil for healtis au iuvàiutary musenlar action, the vealcar sufenlung ilrt. Nov, as tisa muscles ant nerves depend semucis uposa ach ailier for affient sircugil anti actidn, antiastise organe tbay tuai uecesuhly la treat the nerses aud mus. claadirectiy, lb entier te sedyanti par. suausuiy cuirs tigsse aithbove.named Th uvsentar, actine upaon tiiesa ideas, suer usiooftaiexpenaence, turing vhichl t ie lhai Smp aoppantuanlty for tryihug tbe eflet oa is 9c- rybecaineceurine- eti tisai no other preparation kuovu cou- Isinet. 0patent antidirect IE e sud upou tise nersauis syatem, asuIea Compound Syrup Of Hypo0- phosphites, sud except lu cames of setual angelsie loe, ihat t i oulti reetore patientasularig froua thoe maladies. Amaajgit thelaseasaosercanis by tise nuei a iuresmty are lise ioaisg - Chronie Cgnrtipation, Chronle Dysspepeaa, Asilina, Chronie Brnchite, Csuiic rn gui -hMelanciei1 -Comnpound Syrup . cf Hypo- - pho9phites,~ by ibsptah, a a apml>sluv latigetihi is eieiaeniy in vs wse- tio vaehhas beau lutrodncesaitts I9esangseis tishe a urtea ofaise estim- tian in vhich hi lahelt by the public. This S,-rup wiil cur Pimoiiary Con- annaplan si ha final anti secau ages, il gie reat relief anti prolengJms la thea tisir. ,laviiicure Astisma, BSncsiitis, arygiia ud Cougisa. ,It yul cura ail rlssan~ating froua vaut ai Museular- Actin ad erousFarce. ý De not b. deceivafi by resias ba'msiug a siaillar uams, no othen preparatiou ls àsub- stituts foan tisa nuer-any eircustaucs Look onttaor.thiam anars"J. 1. FBLLOWS', Sb. John, N. B., on tisa yeilov ,,sZpen lu vatenniarnlieh la aeeu -Dy is g nthec p pcnbeors tise Iigist. Pnice $1.6Oer Battle, six for 57,50. '(HO ! FOR EUROPE,"I CHEIA?_RATESà1 S p cel.attention ie dallei ta tise "Rayai Mail" OsnStuamisip fluas, si-z liDSTAR, anai MIITE. STAR, wbies carry tisa United Siates imt Baiglan mails. Steerage rata, Wisity t Parias ud rcturn, via New Yank -or Pl * w ils, fisst diases rilwsy lare tram rWitby ta Pladelpisior Nsv T:ansd retaru, anly 575.00. - Cahin snd intenniediale ai low ratesf. E. STEPHENSON, a1n.20 Dom. Tel. Ca. Agent, Wlsitby. LANDS FOR SALE! -INSTE COUNTY 0F VICTORIA.. Tisa tolieving lands in tisa tovnshaip of' Saniarville Conty Of Victoriaareaoffenet fer eal-...',r1 Tis esti J'of Lob 6, lu tise lStl caucea- Sien, cansietiug of 100 acres. Riftsen aces cicaret sud tanceS. A uevar-faulnq streain crasses tisa let, ounvisicis a mil sste, usas bisa siaai a goairoa.. Tht proeany la only 1 Oais mila troa srailvay station au tisa Victoria Rsillvy, sua,8 milca frein tisa sillage of. Elumounu. - Mesur. Johna Goodanis andstDaniel Silves- nean Kimnant, vil asow tisaproperty. For Tanins af Suie, spply te- *JAS. WALKER, Moray P.. Ontaro-, ornae Meurs. HATCH d BRO., Whilby. Ang 22ut, 1877. 85 Mani'to.ba I Manitoba! VE1tY LOWEST RATES. THIMOUGR AND RETURN TICKETS, ara, Détroit 5get Milauke., saa Michigan .10 Boréi -.hic",Plilatelphia, Nov Tank, Suspolwaokee, andi ALL'P.OnsIX MaTJNTDSTATES 1 .MAieo an, Sarnia, <issalh, Paris, Po- tals, St Cathastusa, Bruniford, anti St. Thomias. For Tickets anti fusilier information, spply te- E, STEPHENSON, Ocean Steamahiip Ticket 018ie, Great Weate nsd Str.,Nornensas Ticket Agent, Dominion Telograph Ca., 22) HT . VALUABLE FARM' FOR SALE. 200 ACRES,194 cleae.." leno~sJ Puckanlug--5 atlas franithe causnty lavisoa WitSye antiheui a mile tram post a18c iulgCIAutlsy. Gocot train. dwelllng. and,aru 'vils Stone feundatian. LIdv'u siramn oseuhi 100 acres. Six acrea o coer anti sait veoti Possesion gisai n Far terme anti patonlar, apply ta - W. H. ILINGS. w g, Gth. Fificcn per cent. reduction Ca Chose n'ho jay lin advance for one peara board aciioiu, To tisose Wha pay-by tisa terni -For second tarin af attendance, five par csnt. 1ail bille; for thfrd tarin, tan par cent. off ; sud tor taurth ter=i, filteen per cent. il ba daducteid. TUITION FEES. TO THOSE WHtO FAT IN ADVANCE FER TEAR.-BOAIsD d&TUITION. Frepsratory Deasrtmeit, par toi-su.4 ce la PrepartorDearmut 1 ino Aca.eiç InAcadeni arten ......... ew0 A.....l600 In ce Coielaste Depas-nt, ............. 144 ce Colleglate ..... O00 Attitioasi hargas vils tpent n1ion tha Schol womsudincdonal xpeses number ai catiras taksn, suais as mueic, ilrav. Colsal toai sd IcIdetaIexpnsa In, pintine, d&a., tram au etf vhlch 15 per cent par tr....................... «...1 0 wvil 1ie taiesu, if paynient ha mads lu ativauce Use aiof ra7............. for a irisaisyear. CALENDAR. BOABDING EXPENSES. Th C,ei yar le iv.intA f- Bai Fue: Sm.g pi J1 rd, vusl fursiiset rooni, par waek. i 8275 ml' ligitu, ant vashng, par vesek ... 0 agle bet, or room lu lut storay, extra, F'or funthen parbiculars, Sceo Calenelar, funniehei. ou application ta v. J. E. SANMlBSON, M. A., Or, BEy. J. J. HABE, B. A. WVhitby, July 8rd, 1878. US WHITBY CHINA'TEA STORE,1 Gavornos-. - Principal 28-tf. I. A. Large Assortment of Crockery, and Glassware of al ads. Also a Large Consignment of GLASS PIRESEIRVE JAIRS ! CRUi i Ail of which wil ho sold Cheaper ýthan over for (Ja7b. suad examine'fon yourselves, before purcbasiug elsewbcrc. FRESH RIPE FRUITS, LEMONS, i W. 'M 'Han Wblti For Sala, Wholesalc sud lietail. J. GIBBON, WIIITBY CHINA TEA STORE. cao0 VVANTED.w-Any quantity of Good Rp Cherries'anàd mcst Apples, for vhiah bbc higbest marliel pnice wilbe pidd in cash. W. J. GIBBON lsy, 9, 7, '78. 2,000 BUSHELS DÀMAGED 13Y PIR Iu lobts oeding or other p'usposas. GEOBGB Cunil. Part Pfry, luly 17is,. )L M iath I I ( a, English, Scotch and Cauadain Tweeds, Hats & caps in great variety. Clothing made to oî'der in the lâtest stylos on Short Notice.1 An inspection invitedrbefore purolhasizig elsewhere. En- courage Home Tnude. JOHN FERGUSON, Dundas-Street, Whithy. DOMINION WA REROOM8, 4, '78. We beg to advise having reoeived aur Spvrinlg stock. We are well as8arted witk the most seasan- able andi most durable goatis in the mnarket andi at the LO0WEST PRICES. We invite special at- tention Io aur stock of DRESS GOODS, wlbic7t is attractive by ità great extent, Variety andi Chteavness. Our CLOTE -DEPARTMENT excells any former season in Style. andi Variety. Outr Millin- ery Stock is camplete andi attractive. We have a fir8t-cla8s Cuttter, stylisli Milliner, Dress andi Mantde Makers, reatiy to execute ail orders entrustet t tem. TI&ankinq you for pa8t javors, im solicit. a con- tinuance of your patronage. Yours re8pectzly, bity, April th, 1878. O E &' W L . BIG BARG-AINS BIG 'BARGAIS ---0i JIJST IRECEJVED-A JOB LOT Grey Lusâes at 1210'. -Black do.* at 12C.' Fasit Colored Prints at 5c. White Cottons at 5ç 'Kid Gloves at 2'5c. White, Cotton IHIC80at,5e. --2Regatta Shirts for $1.5 - Merino Shirts &t 80c.- - Wbie 4Q~ at.75o.. Worth 25C. le, 20c. 7510. $2.100. - -- - juéluv i a mlaite four 551101, et te- umak.achei; oeetern sud a-alih tare Chrielmas, asdt tvansd a-hall sflsr. FMST 5Tins, e-snber 5-t eNoveniber iRis. VÂîtAMOs,lnroniDecenabes 755&ate n7t. TamoTzas, Fehirua7 7th ta Apnis i&Iîs REOEIVEDI J!AYERS ,HOTEL, 52&~4MIL..p., OCiE8TEB, &.. hem 1 '¶ &uherGreat Move.! 1 1 1- -l r 1 l' Il 1 1 1 q Wh LAING, &-STE WART,,., We Are offeneng ur Immense Stock af Dry Goado, Cothl eug , t'purnlshissg Haie, Cap's, SbsrtO,-Drvcra, Oil ra, Cuff, Tis, Brasa 8irt, O shi rt,-&Da., d Gentlemen do ovslgaiSususuer Sait lu the beat t lo s t the IOWe5't figuires? U 80, LAINGkS1IWMITS iesehnplaceatg t il. We have &nhisamnse'atisontineni of inai, anti guarantee s fit. Specl-rWe oor en ceTedSi o51.,mae -DRESS WhitbY, June 12tb, 1878. c 0 m P R 18 1 N G -AT -THE - 1 TAXE THÉ Also, Recoiving Daily, aU Iinds of &o., ý W. J. GIBSON tby, 9, 7, '78.. I'M We aie glvlng selicuts ta dams ont, froi 10 n p. Linen Costumes froul 81.60 np. Black Lustres frant 0".np. Prints vcry cheap, autail the heu tEngiuL and, Americau -MI LLI N'ERY.- Thi DOpartinent le VMr complote ln everything Necw and Stylish Very large rednc. tians, lu many casslaeu than hait. prica. HOUSEKEEPERS lin want of Sheetlng, Towellings, Table Linen, Napkina, Dozle, Connterpanes, Pllo CotÏons, Lace Cnrtans, Lombrica". &c., at very Speci argains. We ara sbowing a Special Lina of Tapestty Carpetg t tOS. In luct everythlng in our establishment we intend ta offer at prices tj:t will enonra a clearance, beore moving taonr New Store. ALL ABE WELCOME, NONE ABE FOBCED TO BUY. LAING &. STEWART. FASHIONABLE TAIL9RING. HUGH FRASER, - -MERCHANT;TAILOR, (LATELY CUTTER FOit E. & J. CAMPBELL,) Bega to infor ie rie Mndeand the public, that lie has opened a Shop iu the 'Ontario Block," opposite the Hardwara Store of Hatch & Bro., where lac ha. on band Broadoloths, Worsted Coatings, Tweeds, &C., &C., which ho ii prepared to mnlte np, CREAP FORi CASH, and in the LATEST STYLE. Gentlemen furnishing tixeir own Cloth, caua have it eut and made up on short

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