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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1878, p. 1

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inuit b. in wrtizg. Bu181h688 Ditectory ONTARIO BANK, FAIIÇWELL &k BUTLEZDGE, omo. flihsidoor îouth 01 th<, Royal Rotel, *hitby. 1AMES UTLBDGE, 13. A. 3. E. AWLLL.LB, O8iutýy Orwn Attorney, do JAMES KEITU GORDON, BABuBoTzrkATORY.TA Notu yPublie &o. Orcouer 71lIl"r. *do'i6rok. Striee, Whitby, Ont,. CITARLES C#.ýKELLER, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN AChîancery*onveYoucer, &o., Canning- LYIAN 'ENIGLiIJ, L T-.11-, ] AHISTER AT LAW,,WLIChTOR IN one ntry, Oona. or aim un A. G. IILLAN, LliGriîuwood &k MoMillan.) B ABISUBATTORNÉY, SOLIO. itor, Ktary Publie, (lonveyancer. 01. fici-Byron Stret, South of PoisOMaie, Wbltby, Ontario. R1OBINSON & MENT, (LàT'DuanÀx & RoDi.-iXoN.) DARISTEBS.AT-LAW, A TTO RN. B 0y9, sollotoro, Oonveyancers, &o. omc&-,a'rovinci&IAî Àîîrance nidnu Court Strot, Toronto. 3.G. RoDîXsos, uM. A. HEXIEZST E. . XzTx. G. YOIJNU SDEITîi,,L Le B., BARRIMST &o., &.-Money ta Loun B huer of ûlsrage iesc. Oricz-Over Domininlankl, Wlitby. Jan. 22,1878, 11 GEO. $9. JOHN JIALLEN, A TTOIIN-H YColctor sud Conivoyancer. ..Moneyto end. Martgages bought ud sod. A gent for Reveral Lotzu Coio. Office, over Wlghtman'i storo, RKhg Street Oghaws. ly-llï CAMBRON & PI"ÃŽLBJE, BAIIs=Ts, Attorneysuat.Law, ald Solicitors lu Chaucory, No. 4 Toronto fitrect, Torotot. TIIOMAim HUSTON, .J.GUNS, M. D., SURGEON TO THE OOUNTY GÂOL, S Byron Striet, Whltby. Dr. W. J. IJURNs. Ou'i'c-Next doan ta Ciuarercuau Office. car leatdeuce, antRei oyal ItbId, Wbitiy. BJYRON FIELD, cM. B. P 1-YSIIAt s U.RGEON, &c., Duffiîuai' GUYS IPTALLLONDON, 1NG., te oye I. O. I ., Ouhama, Otaipl. DI. BOGART, Physicien, Surgeon, -Accoucher, &c., à. Wbllby, Sopi. hOtu, 1874. '40 W. ADAMS, ID E--TrI STW R 0MB OVEjR B., H., JAMESONIS -RGrocaz y Storc, Dundas-sL,, WRitLRy. t)fRoe banaure ri 0 s.m. te 12 mu., and fnotti 1.80 Sa 6, P. M. lindence--Cor. aofIByron sud Gilbert streetq. C, Ne VARIS, L. D. S. rE TH iLsrtef on al Lie JL "hlaent prinaipîcu of te art, as oies an tRie cheapeat, sudasu good ase the _bout. TeetRi fillcd witb bold sud Slver. iTeatb extnaecd wltluoul pain, Rip produeing local auiseuuia. Montsa Itoom-in Cow. au's uemvbluelo, ovin Atkluîon'u ag Store, Ring Street, Oîbtmva. 85 -. JOTN ROiuIsNpNs ilAIR DRESSING AND IShAVING -Saloun, Brook St., Wbtby. JOHIN WOLFENDBI4,- A GENT FOR TEE -CELEBIIATED Scttisb Granite. At Maibh Works ai Janatbsu Wolende,Duudlsi S.,WRitby. GEORaE (CORMACK, L tMBRMERCHlANT, (lARPIENTEIt sud Joinur, Gri-ii Street, Whitby. A lInge quîatity af aIl kinde of lumber cou. WILa llaCOUPER, BLAOIrSMITHJ, B- ROUGHIAM, 1(Succueoer ta Tliomai Middammgla,) Earue ilbaeing sud al il indu ef genenal wo rk. hy.62 C. e. A ES TIRIGINA TOBAèCO AGENCY V Torauto.strecti, Toronto. (y.ai3 ATH ER LY, Cierk Division C-ourt, Tp. Clark, - onisoîrlu B3. Xli and Agent, &C., ka., Atberip, County oitarto. Atb.nily SOPS. 2md, 1872. 805 IlR0OR' i RN S' *,NE W m USIC HA LL, MITSIC FURNISERi W1IEN DESI1ED. Bcating Capacity, Onu Thousanit. - - -GRIO. HOPRINS. WRillRy, OeS, 22, 187-- iy.44 -LAND SALT AND PLASTEt? - OR SALE, CIIEAl' AT LIVEIIPOOL MABRET. jH. MeCLELIZAN. LiverpQol Manket, Apni!,,78. 15-Sf FAUCHE/lB RESTAURANT, ADAMB' BLOCK, KENT STREET, - Opota-LINDSAY, ~DEFRSIIMNTSut ail beursi-oyuters Litslwys neub.Guests wsailud zpon K ING DROTHERS, - WHRTBY, ONTýARIO, Imponteni, Dealens sund Manlacters ai ii Rbudo 0 LEATHER AND- FINDINOS, Cuh ~ pi>forioElés, Bankr. sud Liaher. Lest4e; rento4ad..1 DtTNDAS-ST., WHITBY. T1ýls bouse as beiaa recently ballt, fi larg snd rooml, nd Qtted up infIrst-el*ais tbLager Btéer. Co s Zligmde- cloised yard; attentive ostlers. du RADTRUNE RAILWAX HOTEL, ( oppoite G. T. R. Station,) Whltby. WM. ONEILL ..PROPBIETOR. Zvery accommodation for guetai luld- luff comfortsble, siry bedroomi, MeAli staU i Tho Brri. u dWthbs brandi 0 aTilquori, Wuui Hrsuldlus, Cîgari. &o. llvery uccsiary fructfongvn tracelleri, Good stabliing, encloied yard, snd sttou. tire oitlitri. .48 4om~mEILCIAL HOTBL, CAzrrwatmn , ONT. JAMES DEWAR,, - ROPIiIETOR. Good accomina Ltion tf12~ nOXMERClAL HOTEL and STABLES, 51. 8 and 06 Jarvio-streçt, Tarante, JOHYN meRAE, - - -PRïOPRIE'O.R. <oicculuioi TTOOMS KH. ELT,) Thei bout81.00a Day useaîiln the (City, anly Ss'o blocki tram thea Narlueru h>Pt aladclo te thie Markt;ot.TRaHousas baRocu nîwiy Peton et, ea4 oerytPies F'rt-elaus. îy-47( MIlS, WALKEY'S TEMPEJL4R.NCeE HO USre DUNDASSTIiEET, WHT. Gond accommodationutil basoabla terme, Boardens e2.50 per wcek, TERE QU EN'S IV'T!!L, (LATF. CoataltcaCauL,) - ntOoK-sTRtEE£T, WIITBY, TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPIIIETORS. The undanusigued debins to Inforua Ihoir fiendusud tRia unblic tRiaS Shey bave teken tRio sbore we U owu .hatl, wmvbhtcbeby Rave nowiy fitted up sud reuavated, sud put int tRio RuaI of order fan tRie accommoda. lion of gueule. Thie Bar, wbicb is the baud. someat itRia Caunt,i well snpplicd wiLb tReie acst brandi ao wiuiu, liquana, sud ci- gars, Ample ouclod shed room sud goofi slablilg, box stalle, &f. Detachefi roomei for commercial travehieru. J. P. TAYLOR, PlIMILl' McCANN. ata af Torauto. [{ OTAL IIOTEL, w il 1 T B Y, JAS. PRiNG(LE, PROPRIE2'OR. TRie largest sud mail commodt ouibaeR lu thie lawu; as largo samphenmoisfor comumercial tnavollens. Table weR suppltcd wilîatuliai)ct iu aison. Boulbrandeiqnons sud cigirs. Enclosefi yard sud ubedroaru; attentive bastiens. Cbargci ta suiS lia times. N. B.-Livsry stticaed. 27 R OSSIN EOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. 'l'iepalace Hotu aif Canada htelitted, Refuii4jebe, sud UuntvaRc«. New Paucen. gem Elevator, muuuning ni Rt sudday.h _Onâ rgeclass Mtel Iluad iaLia etc %ies, vOr u-Q2, $2.00, asudes U:r day. àloti,î o ,um.daUbtieos, ,, ncômu, wilhot board, $1 ho Il e ay mAtixR N. yiRIT Pol). 27tRi, 1878. Praprietar. AVERS HOTEL, I21 Bi. oM LL-ST., ROCIIESTEI, N. Y. h'nacc euu.dildta $1.il0a Day. Thise Hotei Riag nedîîced lb mîicete tRie' Travellig libhlo ta 51.50 Ru-r dJay. it iu Riîudy ta tRie N. Y. Central ITepat (unhy a few dloona South), iand bai rc>(iily Riecu ne- itîed amd aa-funuihedl. Open niglit-sud day. 'fluehluoaià flraLciag.am tu every ne- hect, qîmd canada peoplo mai11 Save mauey by gaiig ta thie AyecoUotaeR. WILSON SPRAGUE, Praprictor. lo-iothîear, N. Y. Juiy 3, 1878, (Om-28 BRITISI{ AMERICA-N HOTEL, R AY'3 (w.TzR BSnamovgca.R IV HIT BY,0ON TA R10. Ilousu uewlY -rcauavîted fsud funisthef tnroughaut, sud put in irkit.elase order for ha necepttouîof giîemtu. An omnibus toa md nom ail trains. Finml.cliui aimpie nooma. S HAKESPE-ARE HTL Cr. ing, & Yonk.ate, Tonanto, Ont. J. A.O'GRADY, . PROPRIBTOR. Ti'.uî, $1.500 pn D.ty. ly-47) P OST OFFICE1 SALOON, Touto2crO. Wbitli THE Hl FOR ANY iLUAMTITY dîlivarofiallihe Millila Whlbovsle.. Re w =ke .verv ailarl la ive ontire saifsiatlc ta base who msypapsronise the, MinIvit thein GRISTIEG.' FLOUE AND FEED ai tRie Best-QnmEity, sudl usonaif Pnicos, M iii lel.k.pt aonstontly e au s Whltevaie, OaS. 19, 1877. -Notice to the Public!1 NEW -COAL YARE AT PORT WHITBY.l We are selilng IRe WILEESBAhIRhI ani WYOMING GOAL, tRie buatheb. moricai markt affarda. LaaveyOur rod ins llMn. J. H. Long or mnllb î.W, Aruold, aI tRis faciofet&1 ata C. Draper, Whltby Harboun, Socure the above-namufi Coal. Yon viE thon tostiy,&as a h Rs who bave use i Il tRial iO»u I Il in h Il -n ) eThe Beat Coal ever 801d in Whitby," AIRNOLD & FARIEWELL, Jan. 22, 1878. Pont Wbitby. M ONEY TO LEND. -The uuduriigued bau any amualmut of Mon. iy ta Leud upon Farm ar Town Pnopurty, ai unuisily Low Ratai af Interast. Loass as b. nîpsid lanmina ta suit ben- rawenS. Sevenai Iiuprovid Parmi sud Wlid Lunds tn sach:1.stmadle lu MunicipluiDîben. tires, Batik, sud ether msrhetatible Stocks. For funthar parliculansaspply ta JAMES HOLDEN, Officiai Assigne., Braker, &a. BpniRl OtR, 1872. là MAR5TIN &WARAM, HOU8E, SION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER8. .FRESOOING .4 SPECILLTY. - A fine assorLurent ai tRie cary latuat style af HALL AND ROOM PAPER 1 rou detAgni execcûed on thea shortcah notice. MARTIN & WARÂM, Tmvo*deans north ii i ings' Taunery, Brack Street, WbitRiy. (ly.18 FRASER & CLARK, BOTTLERS 0OP ALES AND PORTER, WALT'Z LAGER BRRR, &c. MILLICHAMPS BUILDINGS, 29, 319 &. 33 Adcllaida Stncet East, TUORONTO, ONTAILIO. Nov. 121h, 1077. (y4 L IVEItPOOL MARuKET 1 CASH FOR GRAIN, Te Rie delivorefi at Frenchman's Bay. PLASTER, SALT,- AND COAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN Ou fteaR Estato, at Law IRîten of Intercet, -J H. McCLELLAN.- J.înmuar thCi, 1877.L. 'S75, 000. TO L(DMi DJÊ I! ON FIPST-CLASS FARM LAND Si aTmumnof ai0 and ps'irds, at 7-per 9-4'TRE DEST ACCOMMODATION -=-l ton Guet.. iy-47) Veterinary Surgeon, WiRR bc at Atinetrong'sRiolel, Whitby, every Tuesdîa', tram 1 te 4 Oaclocu, P. ru. Apnil 25, 1877. 18 New, Stage Line BETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA.- Ihvu puI ou theeroute Rietwoen Omb- awa andi Wlity a corufantable covered Stage, and sourit lite patronage of Icavolena sud allure. E'enry attention will be pa.td ta lthe corutont and conveuleuco of paenas sud ta tReie îîcuniî d prompt dei-very i pinceRa committtd ta my charge. Te will bu two sages per day cîcb Matî, Vii. c Leaviug Oshawa oaItmrning (n lime te maku cosae connectionsi avilthtRe WRiitRiy & Linidsay ltiilwo,çy, tand uit 8 o'clock esch sfIc-ioau > eiving Whuthy aS Il a.m and uat 8(i .n.,ofcfaeh dmp. TRie stage .. l C'ai il R RIalels lunoait tomansd ondena 1>fl il any aiflthe hotelu mii Rie attendefi la. Pire and chairges moderate. J. IL. ADAIII, Propnietor. March 27th1î 878. <1 "HO! FOI? EUROPELg," CI)APRATESi Spomiftl atttiltio aîi lle il dta tRie ".Royal mts . 00cm lSleanasuup inca, via - AMEIRICAN, ED STARI, und WIIITE STAR, --idc arry ltho UtuibLedStatesamd legio. i11ui. Ste-rage rKt--, W'RitRiyto.laia und retant, via New 1 1Phm 'liî,wth firsI alites rtailwuîy fau.erfmni ' itby Sao t'tila>lclpia i'nNew York sud *notiru, oîuly 075-00. Cîubin eaudaiîloermcaîaI atlw raIes. DoumO ai. Tei. Ca. Agent, Wlitby. LANDS FOR SALE IN TRL Township of Somarvl/le, -COI.NTY 0F VICTORIA. Te follmiotg hindi lu lia townshtp ai SomenyilUe, Caîlunî af Victoria, tire otienîfi tan sal- Thie Westtj oaiLot 5, lu -tRli lia conces- sion, ceusie4tung ç1100area .i Fîfleetiacres Sceanfuocud. A nevçk-faillna stream' orasssicatRialot,oe h vRilcaOsa mli le, near tRie aid.ei1aàgeafi roafi. Thi pnoerty in only o ai lii fom a nslway tilai au tRie Victoria Ralmay, sud 8 Mles frein the village etfIinstount. -Messrs. Jabun<oodman andiDaniel Bliver, near inmoun, ýwi11 show tb. Property.i For Te"mscof ala, sappiy la- JAS.WALPRR. ý- Apphy la- GEO. S. HALLEN,% Solicitar, &e., Os3hawa. Apnil 171Ri, 1877. 17 svey taawn raodwy , id eroir a whtch l tua hvutu îw O ,,î a NOVELTY WORKS, - WHI TB Y ONT. T lutSUBSCRIBER h4iviýg purebased T iiMtîcbiuery sud outire stock ai asssouefi Lumber froi tRie Mudgî sud Ysmvaod Manufscîuring Company, is namv prepuired Sa turnish Boora, Sasitcs Blindu, Frîmes, Mouldinge, Base, AreLiînas Ploorng, Sheeling, anfi ovarything e quinRilthe Inde, utaIohe oaest living p uci.a =od tiaaning Neaveis sud Balustans la order. Lumben for sale, Rioat quality, îowesl pnices. Wc Riho tram long uxpunlenci and by uquinoe Lesling la ment a ubane of pumbie patronae. GEO. GILCIEIT, Propiehon. ELIZA MARIA CAMPÈBELL, oifbRie ,Townu-of Witb County of Ontario, and Provinca of Ontario, wife ai ROBERT CAMSPBELL, of tRio same place, merchanl, bcnehy gave notice Ihat I intînfi te apply to thie Dominion Parimment naxt session for a ill cf Divorce, a mania et thJor.a, front =y suid Riubaud, similan 50 the Bill pousef inu my bobaifRip tRie Sonate lu 1877, f or-deaor- lion. cruelty, sud tRia otber causas, set forth iu said Bill. - ELIZA M. CAMPBELL. Witifby, July 8tRi, 1878, Gm2 F OR SALE, A E G-LEN MAJOR MILLS I ,00,000 ted Plue Lumnbcn, well sotteonanf. hnoh Boards.- 2 x 4 Scaullbmg,- 2-iuab Piauk, Feuolamg Boards, --100,000Nltcf Oak, ÃŽ Mapie ton erRes, lot quahty, Baasvood, - 16 l,000 It.-Square Timba AR ibac iii lbe-àgld ceeafor ceuh.' -G-- --- - -".y »y m.-, imil.ese vas, every kind. Hsotiland Bar Goodi, GLOVtE i HARISON, 26- Imparwi. - D~OMINION r FLOUR & FEED STORE, L RHAS. PENNYLEGION fai eilng the E besît«qnahly of FLOUR AND',FEED runaarkabiy CEEBA? FOR CASH. o -, i . - CoT FOR -SALE CHeAP,. A God Horie,PhonndHre, cnîsrly ew) APPLE T'R EE S, ABO U T /5.,000, -AT TEE- HOM1wE NUSERY,. Prom a t tour yesns of ega, embreelug ail lte hast Variaionu. SETEH C. W >80N, Lot No. 8, 2nd Con. Piceoring, an nugeten Roed, est O0fice, Wbltby. L IST 0F TUB DMISON COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTA-RTO, POR TEE TRAM 1878. Wbtb. 1----lil lg î -PortPenny 1 1 1 114, 11 27 Suxbn(dgo. 6115 12221 i1120 Can' gt'n 714! 28 20 11019 y.. 12, j>11181 8a 17, GEO. H. DABTNELL, Junior Jufiga Whbllby, Jauy. 7th, 1578. Secoud'Season.Summerm878. STURGEON POINqT HOTEIL. Thi sS ntdisirablo sommaer hRital, îltuatod an ilUrgeou Laie, witiln Ion mites of Linudsay, Ont., Iu now opus fan thRe ncopioa tgoe TRe ieus nala finit-cîas hi overy pniclr beinuge aatin alifian iui intai is ka.TRia ground arte liy wOoded, sud laid lusdrives aud avalkaB tePointi 0f intareit..-Titi RataI commndo a fine vuaw oi dutigitafulandi sud wataercampes, Osin nuihef- lun saprortlee taioi,' croquet, bosSu, &o., on the promises. Goad tuRing ud hootins O tRié vclity. TRio STCIEEOB O IN T HOTEL msy Rie neaebud RbRite steamers "Vànderblit' asud ~'Ele Lst" famLindeay, cobnotlng milh paseugertrinsonMiclanfiand WRilIhPn - "VIclonli" can icîs l e a esch day avitRi 1:0-enr{>r trains au Victoria Raliwsy aS Feue. I5eSond fan Iime.Isble, Aowiuig errival sud uiparlane et boitsanmd trains. 3. E. DUNEOAM,Poprietor, GEORGE BRITTON,ý CA RIiIAGE WA GGON MANUFACTURER of s nîw mv pravefi Root Seed and Corn, Dril, Double & Single Tam/ip Drils. CLAYTON'S PATENTED CHURNO, (Improved.) Weagou, Buggies, Sîighi, ccautanthy ou IlEPAIRIN G do nc cally sud weu coi tRie sbarteltioo. GEO. BRITTON, L-kTmvofaonrs southoaitRie Queen's HaleR,, Brook Str'iet, --.Wbitby. Apail 101h, 1878. ly-44 GIOOD NEWS 100H TEM LADIES. A NEW RLEVELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0F t)RESS-MAKING. CORNWALL'S SIELP-S ITTING WAIST & SHOULDER; CHART. Dreses fitted- froru meainremint alane wjfbauî abaage ofa ititcb. Forsle, witb free instructions, a5 -MISS McINTYBE'S DMiii5-MAKMiacG OOMS, WflTBY. Agents mvnlid. LiReral laducemînts ta tRie t rade. WhilRiy, Ang. 18, 1874. 8 LUMBER!_LUMBER C. JOHN SON, LUMBER MERCHANT, W H I T B Y , Has an bad a large snppiy cf iai hOnds of Banu Lumber Boards, sud mSU ecessa.y Building Liuner. Feuelag,*Sswu Timbar, sud iSautling, s bang. qiasîity on baud. Large endors Ion Long Bill StufI, fil.di tram Miii at short notice. Doonu, SashiLsu d Blindu almays ou baud. Wbttby, May 7h, 1877. ly-20 LEVI STONE, Wilinson Bilok, diretliy North a Johnîbon'î Furnilune Store, SOUTH BROCK-ST., -- WHITBY, B3e90 ta m-ounce to tbe isabitansio Whitby sud vicinfty, IbiS be hou opened s FLOUR & FEED STORÉ. Iu conuiction wtI bis Bulber Sbop, mhere h lawiiawys bave an baud A LARGE STOCK 010 Cbaice Flour, --Crscked Wheîî, - uceal, ilats; Peau, - horte, &c., ORDERS, DELXIERD IN ASY PART 0F 'TRE Town J1 A ACaRi 1Sloj~.~ LEVI STONE,, Wilkinuson ]Ricok, . wluithv T&AI 17&mauntiii *iLe; trans w$l LE 0 7, id o±~ rr i4nay,. Peter., polti,10 .00a. . .'m, sua4.00 a anasud10, a. Mn. P Trains arrive ai followi PROM Linasay, Peterboro', and Lakefleld, aS 8,20 a.nm., 8.80 p. m., sud 0.20 p. m., snd tram the Georgin Bay, 'Wsuban- ahane, and futormedisle pointu, aI 8.0M. m), sud 8.20, p. m. Fr1hrparticulari sec PockeS, Time (lards, ta bc had, aS ail gSaSons. R. 6. TAYLOR, A. HIUGEL Superlntundînt. PreMen~t. ~'Agiu, Wii WlbApil'Otb, 1878. BBISH -AMERICA ABuranCo Compaq) INCcRPORATED x833. A sSS TSB, $1,101,876094. o ArA- Iuaweu up in an eagno-noTipower. ab hit7a itom itn1Fo vrI * Tih. lknwat ts t aful tetoi, T1helmrro lgsantuneislgs V. Thon aidy he sortweoft a iulnt sd gsangr Tluang tine avi iao hae bo r e it the fonce~ Whbaad, wdb reolàloss courage, unteld danger Ana ras bis tarin wlSbmodemnimpie. Menti. < -Burliugto 'Iaickeye. ut icý Why jack avent ta E'urope. I.-mcow HZc Wmmm<. Y.- Glana Hall sud Jick -Heuley suaI sida -by side OU tho quarton.dok ofasOnuard steamer oue fine aitennoon la OeLobîn, sud watcicd thie shoreofo Long Island 1grow idiulinal on lta horizon, Il waîlbeir finit trip te tRie 014 Wonld. TRiey bad made aU tbe nogulation pro- mises as ta lattera, remombruncos, sud ernanda ; lie said "lfareweil" with ail theie varions modifications of veiue wioh1 .eaeh occasion demaudeel; &ad bRad du-. tiiully listaned a the partiug wards ai Mn. Hall, dolivcned in Ris MasS lapas ing lannun. "Ilc, I intrust cvery1 loig ta pou : uso your boul judgmeutd sudd tiucretion nuil I ean joi pou.-( Clara, uap doar, bie a good gfrl, sud do notbuaug wild anrtolih; ibove aI," hoa unr addccl, lawurng Ris voîca la lien, Il doL not show pourielf ta fonr= sup ailiyt tanciez for tîmese foneigu connts Or ban. l ou.a; mail ai tiem are liSîle botter than( s. soveturos ; and h conlel ouly reuderv pou sud ns miserablé. There 1 good.; by, good.liy, and Gofi blus ou bh 1" ~ itb tha l eb ild kisseel Cl arma , si aken e bande wilh Jacko, sud disappeaneel aven th tiB ide with a lait Wave oi tha baud. Y Thon the wbistle bicha',sd tRie steam- l r on novee cultaifItha. river, sud Clans ansd Jack gaI aventhe psu'guo opera. faon au qmicklp sSboy couid. 'At tRie l ime wo firut makatheir saquaintanen - e tbaasdsaeidedoiwull On disguiu.t iug liacin feelings IbS an ouwanid bava beeu apl tg imugl' it aIfb irtlgit thîy f wore ta comparatuveiy good sirits,. . TRio officen ai thie wstch Smiled ta RiMieli, sud coUfided ta liii compasui tRaSt ley woe a veny goodit ookingp -couple. Sa tbey weno. Ta o l s urae Clani's face wa noSta naguanly boauti-h fnl onu ; but naoyw t sha great dark oyeusudnde=met rauslpînunt cona-10 plexion au abcRiad will nover bave ta go- M far for admirera. lier ieavy masoiofi i duad-iustre bain, matcbing bon -eyes in p rcolon, mviisather enviable fonfure ; h but ber fi gure was ier graulcit attra- t I.tou: il wasa- liltlc below the madiua c r- sirze, sud pro4bhy neither thea 014 i dWorld non tha New coutd produce ils rq y supentan ion grace sud syrmetry. ix I bave asiapetiauglit, iowever, tRial munRa as tiere mvsii n Clora to fascinateC lte admiration, il wae ben unaauscious. noussud siinplicity wiai oraned al l heurte tlian. Impulqiveansudpassion. rc ste sud romautia aie mvii; but aie ws1 wiolly Iatraurm al he palhry affecta. w ions ai spoiled huisutios I n gînenal. Iltbi muet, Indeed, lia aonfesued liii Ibis r uay bava beanuiiiefy owiug totae ii tact tuaI sic nover had liau n lie way ai being upaiied, aud uQita auy iriber. th cul strengtb ai ahmnacter on Clsns's th part, for wLi t te ercption ai tRiooc ouati wio oit beaide bier, sa lied scon Ih mil itIle of men sud mAnucru optaide ge oi tho wonke ai fiction wbieh she Raidas snaaeeded in pnnloinlug and ialouiouuly sa ponnug. Tho yonthin luquestion. uitting astidoe e of tii camp stool, hRaie abuesiouod bRip hf buis arme, ou the railing, sud a supenba de tiva Cabana la-lis mouth. wass Vary in fiue specimen of poraug Amerlos. He he Dwas tian d stnong, mvi tain curling 'm bain sud frank blue eyoî, whicb it mvs fil a jay tai behold. Thi reader, glftc Sit witb a proiound inaigiat itb bumîn soi nature, would iustaully bave pronone- 1 afi tem omvertlieba atraighhtonmvard, he efficient, sud euinentlp goad.nahured eyozaug tellow-la wbiah -oplaion eveny e body ceoe wonld hive aotuctded, Ho mi mvii sncb s goodfi iliow, aus agenunal foe thtug LbaS we ubouldn't be too bard on him ifho shonîd bappauto loua bis hem- a per befoe5he end f th le utony. y- Aud uow ut as quiSe lima ho allap the as rigiteous inignation 'wichitilwould ln lie aur dutyta tu feR wcro hw pong e opRO sncb au bave licou daucnibefiaI- fie oed ta craoslie otosa bogothior withb&b neoaIRain protection againut tRio assuats1 ai lie divil, titan their amvn innocence an sud bonon. Bil let us lie appeasea i Rqi ou na o ifllmsy pilliersdosthelr 1 weal depeud. The uociosany claout gri mvaî nh baud, liongi fan, lia moment tRi invisible, omvtug te a neoit aiîtsi inter, m cireuni~tsnaeu. Clans csflod Jsak ber Si J "cousin," but (t mvii uaeneiy s nom du J BL.rwJiLIn, '-iJ. usueoth e ld foIIow tue os think e are lu love" at the b iaok il, exclsimod Clara, witb dra. adr1 mate itontloz,"what-an absuird When th 'de! iemuîtlbé anaid goole, thon." tl'eO Ort Jack Made nu reply, but rigarded lais wire si extingulshod cigar for a -few moments Ià with, a very cojeted earpresion, ansu d ~~tlii then thrîw il-ovorboard willa an air uof¶1ut obb deorminallion, ,a aai DFo!,ltae hava thonght of it -be. 6Ye bu taret" mnttered.ho; "but l'il tak e bol. baod eà- ter arehoresfler.- tii7 ai "I ,wiîh you'd give il up aîagetha3, 7or do 14 Jaek," îsidClara. - "Par! ,*What 91" exolaimod bo, lookiug gala he,' round with a ist;. fasinât ":Smoking, of oouree." "that I_ "Oh 1" oaid Jack. ter sa 1 Whataver may have bien the moenu. aainni1 iug of bis ambiguonu rexuark,> Olîra'î ta Clora5 intarpretation waî evidently nolttRie cor. emaischl reet one. Sinuod ; IL.-WItT lm DIa. my-lioui Porpoisa, a n ieberg, bufle-bourd, bers . s etorma steamer on tho horizon, sud laud at liast Every body. knowi othi aither troua exporeoce or- recita, what hi turne s trip seraislthe Atlautic amons ta. àIgn t Disembarking nt- dirty Liverpool, . h-kifl passing tbrongh clandy.Euglaud ta ber ba, dirtiosl London, sud theno. serais he Rest tac Channel Io incomuparable Paris (as il Put auto thon was>, Jack soorted bis charge in'y at safety ta the Grzaud Hotel. Mrs. Hall had. woru always thea saine mild, un. opinion,' .eab.g, ppealing auie whieh abe restraini 1usd brouglit uuiujured froua Amerlos ; tlara Chars wss euthuiiaatie sud charmed neObcrs witk sverythiug ; and Jack, had, par- sasd lisps, beau lois like Jaimself dhan any of eyei suin 1"e îny Ho liad tallen into a habit fa a of ruuainatiug sud îtating silently at tIIe,"1s1 Clara.i Ono oveniug, îoou atter Ibeir arriva i bine u lie wss standing ou the hatol stepsi Hall, ai smoking luis eveniug ugsretîe, prepan-,epas atary ta etîié rthe nighî. 1 a sM ,Quecr how atupiad tellow g teI':ln minute ho masS wsnts ta Olnd ont a d thing R" saliloqulisd lie. 'II used ta-Wlie.d n know Clana lik a nbaok, and Dow, 'haug lsud ud mne, if I eau ne much %s toll whetber sud oul elie likes me or tact." ra 'i"h B3lind, faiul.bcarted Juack. d wî OUI laera, iu lier camubori bnaidiug sud lji newt putting mp lber lisin, tbuî eomieuned- iug ta j with dhs chanuain. nefloation inthe Wayif, Iookiug-glasa: WRuyJci "IWhat can bu the malter with Jack whe au lately ? Ho doeau't semuso nice ta me realt l;ii as l'i Uaed ta lie. I Wonder whst'p be-.foeai, sj monte of that lady wham lhe ->s 0 forisl po0h10 ta last waek at table ? Penhape linaseif t he's in lave with' samebody." lier. s awu, iv lie charmiug nifluotion frowued omin- hoiuayav1. muiiy, sud set ils littieleillit. "' be asysai bettir not 1" exoaimed Clsra, tuconse- wans, sa qunutly, aud Surnod off -the gai with a Vr You silip, ultra-upeculstive littlemuur Citirs 1 ta scoop At breakfast next monlg cama a dura, whi lettram LMn. Hall. AU thimuport. lYou r ruit uewe, ah hah prapîr questions, sud Jack, wit 'O0h, îMy deans, exclaimed Mns. Hall, AIbcoti cit weuakbacked onthusiasua, "hoe sayea tIbias iu'll b tla'i ta join-ts soon, sud wantscolpd ne ta appoint a reudezvous, sud send isasa ina word wlere it io." Un G I_ Jalk waa ou the point of declarng do ntl1 tiai no place èould ho botter Ibm wbere boey woe, wben Clana booo the wandî place for out of lii mouth. ,Oh, let'i utsy bhu. ne. augmi t'î sncb s lovulp ÈIlae an d oune au r7t 'et suh elbovenly hhiugs, sud meut ep ftîati ueli deighttui people I Dau't pou nman. H ay so, Jack ?2" mannors, But Jacko -inonsistant uasn-hsd quitelRos changa lis mind sliesdy., Enob, de. reudéen iù igitin people, eh? I ihouldn'1t won- Aud then oer, uow, it sh od aken a fan ay ta tRaltsa b. ri Ifernal Frouai cautî wit pioaked. 'nptab1: oer haudkcerchiet yustanday." Snch (« wre the unwonthy suspicions liaI Ritted aerose is oolisb mind. "Oh, I'm. They h ired ot Paris," ho asserted loud, but' munît bhoo 3ruouiug biuaelt in bis ahapolatte.onp. iu.haw,.fo, "Whst ou earths thie use ot dur etspy.ug 16 limae i aore suy longer T" togjither_1 TRie expectant light fadlei tram, Clara'a eau- eaail3 byes, sud ber face aud a lump of anger would be 'hich uhewas balauciug la ber spoon, This sut j olltogotelie. Oghter, ai "Why, whure oise'eau we go ?*' ihe ecows, whi iked, discousolstely. Wuase not a' a drink. wa lady, sud, iaving rosched Paris,, eow part aV eure any tlaiug olu, worth- travel. of a mn. u g for ?.*..... A-ld But Pick deiued a is sus iiowns veil. A adyeia ad by lier msnnon. "&e hven t sbidnthe enu ta -Gormauy poet," -suggesil 110e nation t 'Loti of nica thingo lieue, yon knaw- Poet id nice paopleobo," lie sdded, 1wita aprenemp10 [uick glane. aI Clara. costmPo Corlaiuly thraemuei bave -be*ain s ien. ,real dial ai the brealh .of suspicionlalo, ao sir, ot the breakfast room atai"ampi noruiu2g. Il was Clara's turn ta gelbalthe Ithac rhiff itil Iis limes: woian-like, iii. tain a goo ras even mare fancitul in bier absurdity brick la k ban Jaek. 'II kuewil I That woman The bricli î'ain love with-bas gone ta _Gernaany, sus8pended ma aeidresoed a fsëw pleesaut 10Mrs. H8RRl ton mea, vi'nable madame," ý"pesking Englieh with's mont [ng acant sud lunn ofphnase. keap mademoiselle yowrdaugh. long away. Sei 1 1 bringlaur JI eafo. hsok," ha added, luruing awith a gay suaiRe. "And lnad- Il hou been very kiud," ila con- bhe7praouseyou ail come ta Iseeo sitay ulRng as ypou are usn, yom Olnd il more piesesunt hero pou ara ;", and tIb, wiith Ceompneheus1ive how sud atol. ad awap. tho< glonions 1' sghed Clara dwu by .Jaek, and elasplng ide. oirenMay have becu liai Sl of miice lu tbe fervor abc )ber touaouinaayiug Ibis; at ail iutnriated pour Jack. suin oaertinent-puppy, iu my ",exlamd, ba, witli dufficultTv !Dg a yet more opprobniaus Oepa. lookîd paa5itively magnifleent rew ùberself np, with Ouahluk i g lowlag cheis, all kuaw.butter Ihan tea suIt ou 'imot o a gentleman anotlier ei Baia. And nal voncbisafing >ther Word, ah. luned te Mns. ,nd lanuclad lao voînumincua iions. "iMn. Wilmone lLranuc- otier deanr; ho isid hoe kuew him, th.enait agnisable manu coa, sud liaI hi-think oftil 1 IyOug t7o kuow' me. ,Il appearsz anr esort af incogniio, yen eue y a1R0w3 hinisoîf ta be cailef at fnom. wbat I waa abus te it cf Mn. .Wibnore--He evident, "muca more Shan hi ws wtt- toil-ho muet ha iuomauly 'and cf the a.vryhighessl nnl. y'oa aniRi boliave il, te ownsthe *Y ýot MoseoW I Yes, hi doas lYn. Wmlmore tald ma. 11cM, at i gava me lais wordcf fboor And he-tie prîuce-.l,-od Me bhat ha owued the iargesî bouse suad gave nusail the more Pneu- talion ta comea det*,y hora; ue's pt!ticuisnly fond ut Âman. id bas oiSon Rad them îtay awieu lia towu. Reielai ofhum indoeed, dean," ida Mn,. Hall;, "but-ugt we pt- suait an invitation?2 Jack it do pan tik 2" î&y go if poYu ploase." Baid th aIl tRio majeîlp ofai daii. aly shali ual."- rehuif Mus Hall immediately suýàd Clans beaanevn more îlby hanghtp tRan butane. Ami aunaben -of imotious wsnî at icr heantthi aeveulng. Awsy theo ottom Sbire wia n soft Jackt; but I tear Ibis noient- sily due ta lhe isal liaI qbe t henialf monre-than as Utile ) by lie dashiug yonng noble. is bîauiy, addnaii, winnimg su ad lasi, but I imagine ual ~, bis iaigh raul, oemblaed te im-a a paragoi in ber epes. a ackt was soaras-aid sulky, cal framu-from wbat bu uied 7oncludec t w eek.) lave an sut ont la Utaht lat almout as itroug as a zuother- r il le said ta bc able ta dnaw ite awn Weigbt. Four oft lil vuii oly grinbut they puih ""'grano 9oft hem suffiientta um I aPound. in red sud bilack, is a groat ai Isaadta kep diminutive ich il iUI wiaouever il wauli Auybody may baliivi-- lia oflteabory wto iitatkind ywnitting *from n of thb ùe waing.plaees, remanku lw.îecked dnessis "an abomi- ýo wilnit i38heUuuy of the look," whereupon a wicked )rsnp remankethst il nover ertorm (le dutý in, tht ldirc- SENO STAMP FOR CIRGULAR PARKER BRÃ""S i WEST MERIDEN9CT. S. G. BEATTY. s., EV LE '-xNi. T lf'/o. ONTARIO BUSINESS CO[[IEE, Offcru advaulages fan obtîining a COMMERCIAL EDUCA TION Eqîîîi te any Institution in Canada on lb. Unitofi staLes. hts several departmenîs are eauduclad Rip thanuugbly camlielaut men, Who teachu tRial mhicb tbey bave 'srtaed Rip àclual businees cxperience, sud therefane pnieticaily undenstaufi. TUE PUBLICATIONS OF Tai COLLEGE Thti "Canadien Aecontat " "Jaoiat Stock Company Book Keeping," "'Bcatlp'î Guide Sa Elegant Wriinq," etc., bave ob. halucd a national répuation, sud are the roducitia f théPric bRi01te Col- ?e, wbo are diily engage , together wlth Iboir eachers, inthe Claus and Lecture Rooms, Coiicge Batik, sud Mureiants Mm. portum, witb tRie Studonts. THE COURSE hS SHORT, Recause tRie Scaching le thonangb sud prie. tical, sud no pains are gaied ta give to escb utudeul individlual!y, as Wall au ta the varions classes, thie pensanah attention of tRie teacbani. 9ýr TRie Coleoge Journal, containiug fuli informatian reepecting terme, nature ai course, boaird, etc., sud spécimens of peon. mîîîsbip. seat irae on application. Addneeî S. G. BEATTY &CO0., Beleville, Ont. ]Belleville, Nov. 14, 1877. LADIES, ATTENTION. TRie aolebnated Amarican Ha&ir Woniier, MAX JACOB,' 23o Quccu Si. West Tornto, (Thce Dooris tram St. 1'atninio's Manketl B tG a informe thm Ladis tRialRie is B tRihe aniy GENUINE HAIR WORKER (n théRietyI. He guaanuecu ail kindu uf bis wdrhc ta Riecdoue te perfection, naît sud prapransd delivoref ut thie ime nequeihed. tý' less mod pour orders audfI h vlî Couhings cdoue up ta arder in BWITCHES, CURLS, PRIZES, PUFPS AND- FRONT PLAITS. Curie out oai straigbt Heinrumade equal te nialunal Curie. IReal lbain iwitcee aimays ou baud rm m 8.00 up. 1 CAUTION. Please don't be miîlead ip y avamere me- pre entin My naime, as Ih ompioy noueexo- MAX JACOB, 280 Quecu St. West. P. S.-Country orders prmply returuod (V&SII CAPITAL, $1,250,OO,O( -cash Assets, dan. 1, 1678, (IITY-EI8HTII ANNUAL EXiMiRTil $ 32 9 2 913 54 9 Managea b y skilfl Uiluerwriluni, aId fc sixly.ight Ycsrs onu of tRie iead- tg 1'inaucisi Institutions S of 1h. Ceuulrp. Cash Indeuniay Disbunuefi ta Patrons Over 21,000,000.00 1 M- AU business Trasaclufi ou Principit of Commercial Houer. C. NOUlISE, Agent, Whitby Whilby, Apnil Otli, 1878. iý ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPRTD1H CAPITAL, - - - Soo (Witii powar te lucrease te 100,0. FIRE AND MARINE. Head Office - - Toronto. Ont. Presidcnt. HON. JOHN McMURRICH. BERNARD HALDAN, Maiaging Directar J. J. KENNY, - - - Secrctary. JAMES PIIINGLE, " ' Geteral Agent. te' Inennanres effected aI i4e loelcaur. rnut rates ou Buildingm, Merchaudisa, sud aLlier property, against lose or damiage h1 fine. C. NOURSE, AgonI, Wbilby. Wbulby, Apnil OtRi, 1378. 16 Deposit avith Douainian Govinnent #50,. 000. Experieuced Agents tbraugboul the Dominion. F ira Ri8ke written at Adequate Rate8. C. NOURSE - Agent, Whitby. WbitRiy, April 9tRi, 1878. a IRA VELERS' LIFE AND ACCIDENT Insur'anCe Company, OF HARTFOBD, CONN. Cash Assets, - -$4,816,000 Cash Surplus, .-1,214,000 Best ai Security. Low Cash Ratsta. -...-- Strict Manmagemuent. Anutsm",niabed Record. Solifi ai a Rock. Life a uîd n iiuwment POLClO'-, ai My .n e>nse. "ruera iuit at airs. D.* 01f al 1aitud decirtbhe fonut, un tRie Lomv. tageri, cdresamakur, oppoite Royal HQtul, Rate Cash Pllan. Cutrlact plaina, ui dell- WhitRiy, wM b Re prompt p atteudefi ta. nite, and výalifi dlaims powtplypî M USI10 TEAOH-I NG. wRiitiy, Api lii, 1878. Agent, hty .MR. FRED MUDGE NT Cî~ OANY.DINET respectfuliy aunousces that, on sud sitar - Apnil 22nd, 1878, RiewMvi give instruction on CA PI TAL, #600,000. tRie Piano-farte, Ongan sud Meladeon, (at Enui' Ruidunces. Heafi Office, Impenial Buildings, Taranto. TERMS ON APPLICATION. Camner Grecs sud John Streeti, Whitby, PaatsmDNac BAlxEas: Mtelcaeons ta Rent s 1.00, #1.26, or 81.50. HON. AUEX. iCAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. per mauth. 17-t asoîst!rroa:-G. D'Arcy Boulten. MONET TO LOAN on Improvefi Puris,- 1878. OPENINGOP1 NAVIGATION. 1878stLw ae oinrs.Aplt- Toronla Niangani, & Buffila steumu- -0. NOURSE,A aiser, boit Lime> eamprusung thu Uilby,'OntI. -- OnSTO - ffi-E, Hl. KBRTLAND, Manager, Toronto. e z uOOD' MORTGAGES BOUGHT. 8EWIPT, LIAGNZICENT STEAMERS Aüo, WIY of Toronto and Rothsay, ON ' 0u cnnotion wilttie New Tank CintraI I Y8 aTE AMI)ORGAN. and Canada fSontbori Hstiways@.> SPRING AàRANQEMENT. BIIN D8NGN UaE j4Oy Bp cuîdag d vnetieîgP. A. BALL, bokKe lz~inibu.nt led Iunances eufectafiil lb.he aagest0 M D8ELT-PRSERA rates Midinga, Murcheudiso, sud otbg Pricleemi S. Sent___ l propÏrty, againit houa or damage by firo. eratofuIuatdVlslt~'rati uDecalue, C. NOURSE- Fervausanad anaes eiilysd ttiadis AgintWhitbi caoretadcutahimm mtMDucne4wat ,elWlaOby, Aprih Oth, 1878.' à aou cof whhuews othtcprie. et the cIn TLbookwumwrtlen b th'tbesi. r'E PR tcaiva and 0rabsi t tt utskiiyprutlior j 1AU rR elelmesteà HnlM EAL" ' F Insurance Go set y-DYEL HARTFORD,'CONN. INSTITUTE. Ne. 4 i. 1 VCHARTERiED im Mics. Boto, Cau. H SEu, Sali Si, Beitan, Mass. MUle w~mu 1 WESTERN 1

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