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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1878, p. 2

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4123 snlm ia'cNua-rown P atte ain eyaba. Rou@ to L.t.-r... belPlk -Gouaic Veure-Det's, Osiava. r tIuy anal Soboul Bcoka.-G Thrugl Tliket..-Geo. B. Taie. P>y Bri,-. W. B. Sili & Coi SpacailNolabaa.-8. W. Buitih o QNLY Si 5Q *51K ANNUX Wliltby, ThuMay, Alge 15, 181 The Goneral, Eloction, Il la noo ml.oflfiY annouat liatthé.éectilons yul taesplace "or about thé iliho!f 8@pistbor."' The 11 villiffet upoa ts ýTbnnsdey o! the vi preodlng lte Provincial Exhibition. lappnu obc tle, dais of lhe oponinj the rfail asea for lte conuty o! Onta ut WhItly,ansuîao0the second day cf t Exhibition of the Maith Ontario Agnie lral Society. Ait lgtier 'tis dmy1 vil! Intenfere somoinhut awkwanrdly w arrngommais pnsviaualy senea In Deaesftatng thi.e tîsudeocf lau, nluýr& o!f te loctons. In, no att ognsllluutncyarn. lIte'eleebore Iltely be 00c disadvaulageously circuntatanca Tho into'fs-admitleil ta ho moat eappr priaI., anud, no doubi, generaîîy speal ilng, vii! Le se, lunalter Ioceîitios, Ti Govrum-eni could net he expedlea i tee inforanueaiof lteéspécial engagemoni mzade o fnlb.people, o! lils ceuuty0 the penlîcular vesi ou vhieb the l9t o!f8 eplonher faite,oantule heguidod i Ibo iasne of tlue vnilc fan the via: D-ointuincu Ity euy snob -chance cirno ¶Ve Agi-evwitlî mccl of our eonten - loarica W1.10f ia-e spoken on ltae sub ,iel lItaI ltha sauner the agouy la nom aven lihe etlon.' ýAmple ime for pro perelion lies -laliou place. Never hoý fore, t bt e o ememben, *s'te the.coo. tiietîoics In aboter claIe af prepar. canons 'fo en pronuuucng inIelltgeul tipoc tIi.- Issues pluceai Lefone Ibain 7 ii.jeounutryla fairîy floodeaivili cean pniga documents fronthlIa prty pnoe it bath sidos. Tlîe speeches aitbh I)liîtlcel pionie, anal thoco of a more sbtl l'chareclter, made lunlte Hanse cf Co mmenta vilu aviev ta doicg duly ut elacîlin ltie, are aown broaleelt ail üor h.ela'ud. Withi theàie, and thie taCaitiel disihes, lieuieda nd ro-hasheai, andl senvoal np morneug, noon, andl ulglitIby theadaiîy prosse, lte edans nova uo,tiithenrî'olitical pabulutupon wlich ltainialca, ptoir mindc. Thte eauffliateâ Witt of course nev furtiien hestLir thoenilveo, andilte agitation îvili hi, eontinned untI!!thie poliig, bail in man'corialituoncies-..Soult Ontario w'eoheiuil suly 2aînaQgetlte numbe- th. ilelie INi alreaîly virtnelîy decideal. 2?artY Disînriance atOttaveà. 'lh. YoingUnritons cf Ottava cela. Irt'i thetua "Cloklng cf te gâtes cf Derry"l on Mouday. A contingent frai» the.Yoîung Bitona of Motroel attiffluied undl joinea lu tIi. procession. Thn. wore lorne breachea 'of tîîe'pace durlng thue dayau appéhensions of a io net leu tvening on te deluýrLurecof thi, Meouh-val Young lituinp. 1Forbu. 1nfatvîy liii, la tter, ineteaul cf goiîîg ta 0Ii(1 depot, vere inceai to gel ouboard it lIhe Cliaudiene Juntiou-tbrae miles euit oftlwtn, anal thus trouble anal pra. bablty bloodshbeal van îrevented. After their retunaifront theoClsudione, lta, Orange Young Bnitous amîl 'Prenlice Ilcyd passoal aven I1t lte Laower own "tu hava roveng-" AI&lte Revers lioune, lept luy:lIMr.,Quinn, pistai ciels ivero finol na eand oes tbrovuanal soeoral Pensonasnerînusl; voundeai by tn Orengernen. The Bllop'c palace TItisoe u) 5Ï,0(1. Tic'bonus front Liudnay, Itla8expeceal, vil! ou.- arcanûettalIof municipal honnies t l 670,000-. Wltth le GoveruntiGi-amI of $8L),(»00tel, 85,000 tons vii b.e a od sali!ý fuailal 'baste for lb. bu ilding ofl - or 17 miles of roai blinotgli slevel pice of. cuntry, .twhereltonsis na C expansive bnlaiàhug on emgeeing di!. douilltes of any kînai. Lindsay shenlai Dow "teop foareraisadido ber sItars promplly, andIno0 ppod lie Completion b! lte prJeet, 'Ain 1h. cage cf lie Wiby mui l'ont Penny extensbon, lie People cf Litàsay vili ho surs b fli t: thein pîy i l Mlug Iis funthon liai to se tse ahalu of'naalway Contmunication, o! -os vhiiI owis lafeel beconting an'si important centre, eudlvilbhehin nae u iow nOv as 1sovenseen tillaeu inte dl. l Ian, ltey viltnevor fosilie amatiadai. lieu-to lie taxes. fi, STaOCK FR 7119 UNnniu, DSTAICrs.. - Un, Willca Brava, o! f Rpioy, Oie, hall been maklug puncaans front SOMe n of our leedlng ctuak.bneedsrelunttis a$. CUaty. Antoiigsi otisra, front Mnr.hb Johtn MlIler, o! Thiielle Ha',lsaid fron thI hie 'son, William XMiMller, cf Bobio Banok. A lot of saon Colev4dandma oir Berkshire pige, bougIti aý hen ltter, va mach aclntréa.m Witagmx.-Tio Parties inbo amuàpq tLmoolven by pannait.6 anal gsasralîy ýAalnq &'noisealetueCorner o! Miiy g 'Lodl ']3mok.et., uer-lte resdona.01o!na ~ aenly very avenfng, balli ouI fobey vltbteCiam on"lbl ~e~t ll4S i357 vleho ait ola B. ta * neua bita6 cloud. Tb#si. e or 1wOr . fG5t~W&bobu, un1w b@Lei £*41pa 1 à -hé MW Iu I ilb. zu4y 4ec.tednearyve7 on, ealy b r ocomnputlaeiby the Maidle o f lb. lng gone off oeurt her ii.FiroMs0n'. ' ina6xnth.Is lha blcaktbore vi nuk. Plant. at Corbet'. Pointroron ithe Y, be fo=rstores, fro double and two M. . .,on gm&abcrO single, 72 f..t deep. irconTh Tii.f rinL thoblock, cOsMoeilng TBE111M51'5P!. L from the. Domlnion Bank, lfia s ingle At Àlarge crovd "of P155W!04*km51r sOe ltendod 10 b. cmnpled by Mr. B. ateddtcP'mo' io one Thou. L&wIe;grocore, &md l120 fast . .gciaig by lb. sus, Whùolothàr# ent in W ' iwlal. A l a sloleraooum inen thbases, la privais cerniagoes, la rcvo wiiI ep cVé i uldnt boit., on horceack, ufoot, and by Wobg<oawl elknbadf Maerly svory concelvablo pIopeUta* .bya hoil, hsr a alro ad nnnln to ezstenc. Mcc thorugh0y wiip~lenueof the room, the. goode 1,dithhomst lvs Prs nt an.d a8uly rioved froinplace 10 te no rme",fmda hyPae requfrod. Lt w aeb i ght, hsaltby, f uvigoratiagThe'àkq.o .aoininà adouble clore,. *lake brose, vhile rocliag anider tlj»@ ltendod tobi0 b.vopelb Meus. cool shadeoOf tho irees la Ibis, beautifnl 'BOa. Bras, dry goode, and la 28 lest grov. M l! le anasemnt. ilar del. On th. second fiat a roon front. subher by the naturel situation, Of ing Dro9l siroset, 2h 1 tainhe show 78'. grove, or provtded by th. comnittoo rooni, vile back of it la the tailoring = haVaag tb. mattsrs ini baud, vas te hb.and cutting roonis. A ha of four lest bud is spécial votinles. Atonu@ lofa chos ruae between ths stores of wed place irlng b. ceeu gathered a kootcOf 'Meure. Lavier and Ross Brou. ii r mntfirngdiii. for dearJlfe, ai a ter. Neit te Meurs. Ross Broc., la a Ptr e; further on ae quait match, -arouma lcigle store, intonde a bocpidb Bib bla to w atbrsd nuberf mn. Mr. T.-G. Whilfiold, Druge. Itlul 17 eek Be, ae et 5tegels . etvd. The second floor la divided g ivsntion of ths scientifl o ved,' th. Pl>o. nl ito large roomu. cfio gr, ,wibcnLemd sko The next store is a double one, 28 th, muke any noie" t c an be produced fesi wlde, and is at préent unlot. On e1h. by lte huntan voige. Te oIl nutubers of ùli second floor abovo il arc roomc,t est. the curions, and penhape soientfo gr wbhi ll answer for offies.i 11h inventive, turu cf miad, psy a short The block, when fnlly comploted, vil m viail. Aton ide, onasplatform erecled add greatly te 1he appasnace of ibisf" 110 for tht purpose, lovera o! the light fan. part Of the tovn. Thie windows are t10f Stnalic, te the delighlful mugeo furnished b. aIl of plate gae. Size for tfie cingle b er by Calverly'c String Band, 'trnP it iglit clore 8x10 faset viit 4x1 aides ; for thes a merrily, despits tbe.hboat; numbera double'stores OxhO fest wlh 4%10 toot rd snjoy themielves rowing arond 1 he aides. The muconry la th. work cf Mr. k* laies; Young couples, lovera of couru, Thon.' DevenUll; carpontry Mr. Wm. t!I S stroll off by theoulvos, neithor aeeiug Barnea ; painting Mr. Thou. 81.g.- 9 10 nov cering for others; sitting on 1he Architecte,; Meurs. Langloy, Langley & c ta banke are numbors valohing 1h. yacht BurkceThe. ceantof ereeting Ibis fine onrace; vile paddling clougatet1he cdge blook le estixneted ait 811,000. ti ch f the water, eboeleu and stockinglu B zc LI.M.LwsAi ln a crowd cf children, who are heving le biaviüg erected a fine three-ctory t le ri u;l.ra fl.codl f brick store, adjoining. Mn. IWalaon'e oc wataqhing th. foot races, or bunting up block, 72 feot deep, 10 foot vide. The <G cOnoacf the nany lovely, quiet, cool, rcsetebe hofondaamong the caetas. a neslidence. Il vii coal about 02000. s As tcme vent on, however, iand lt eodedIifasae ftadu o sunt neared lb. haerizon, lte appetites cf The Barrie Regsttc. bM W the Pic.uickers ver. ewekened ; thon -bc il wac, indqed, ltaI ltte lalliese ltone as TiLt<vN AAN benefactore, prodncing wouderful The Barrie Regetta et Kempenfeldt M Itampels cîowed with good llingc. Bey, on Monday and Tuecday lest, vas e', Femily partis ad fiendly groupe, 1h. Most succeceful cf enytiing cf thb.rn voe doited il loYethé inet, ceated kind ever held ini Canada. On Moni-big enound a cnowy cloth, epread on e day lb. crovd in attendanèe vaho. Mi amooth spot on lbe beautiful green tween 15,000 and 20,000 people. The ai 8eswrd, and emidat ohatting and laugh. holels of lte place did noî ettemp b]p ing, cal lîearfily in trucs pic-nie style of accommodete ce large a crowd, meny POI 3 i gnuingh aynete d dfo inow, cf wionu having brougt lthe "necesa.ic Du& ngth day, the iOncleils'arios " campedout on 1he shono of theo w Baudellentie . pc nlunswtibey, vItile altonrs sought siellenin ihe sa excllnt ueo.neighbburing villages. Thé eseahr âm In lhe garnes lhe following vers througlicut the firet day vas moct fa. 0r cuccsafl c prza innna orable for 1h. sport; lte second day wi Men's Bao.-H. Snov, lct ; Gac, il opened eliowery, but improvedl later abc Brown, 2nd. 'On. ai: Quoil Matc.-IR. Sucin and E. The follcwing ileae snmmery cf Mou. p3k Armstrong divided lct and 2nd. daîeac.lt Gi eBell Tounnantent. - Thos. day E FOraceD C. pmi Lawler, lot; Thos Rice, 2nd. Two tmiles straight Avway from ecit Stflcientieulries net being made for te wesî; prize, four ilver cupa for firet the -Yacht race or eiîher cf 1h. Skiff crein, and lte came tb the second; ae races, lhey did net corne off. threo enînries. e The Comany gave c prize cf #10I LEANDEESa milton ...... ...... 1 ha' entrence froc, for a race Itleen Walt. (Colors-Derk blue with lighti bars). Gi: son'c Fiona and Whitela yacht. Thc J. A. Mackenzie, bow .. ..weight 185 Ibo. n Fiotta vas 1h. vinen.« A. E. Stinson 2 .......... 1 150 " h E. T. Kerr ............. Il 1ori ma Xhle sterling for home, a bànd Harold Lambe, stroke ... do155' Dou veggon, heaviug laalf à dozen people lu Almilinc Jannio, epare man. 6 autl il wee upsot. Two wowen wenoe ligitI. Average weigbl per men ... 10î adi ly hurt. TORONTO ROWING CLUB,............. 2 ViIl TIuF Y. M. -C. A. -EXCUnsioN. (Clours-Blue andl white). cau The etteatdauce et the Y. M. c. A. Jamaee Phillipe, bow ....veigtI 152 lbs. Ag excrsin fU sortc1 ~tml>r D; W. Shew 2.............. 165 Fa,~ peced.Thoe ttedin i'f oweer J. W. O'Hara 8 ......." 1 .4 ori pete. ho. îîudngLt IovveE. Roech, stroie ...........1M50 t enjoyed thecucelvegi.hugely %t 1he Park,: 1IL Crew, cpare man. .rnc and spcak-glowingly cf lte beauties cf Average weight per man... 1571 u THE EVENINO. A diance lu I-lepiua' Musie H-all, lu tl vîuing, voualup ltae day's enter- Cricket. WItITnY. VS. CARLEtON.-TItO cricket match pisysd al eusdmy haI, VU Ibo Canleton Cricket Crounda, Toronto, Wbiby againat Carleton, resulleal lu (&var cf Wlîitby by 10 viciets sud one run. Canleton fiit lîal te bat anal scoreal 59. Tite Wbitby boy@ lieu look ther lui-n sadplacoal 90 i-use ho in ci-sait, of vlaich S. Rey gaI 285; j. Laing. 18; Gaso. Reynolds 15; '1. ma- Ihison 11. Thte Carleton playersaegalu vontb lte tebat, anal an Iheir Ist vieket falling bad only adeal 49 nuits t' theur score; nzaktng e label for beath inluinge 108. Wbitby being cmly 18 ho. binal coul Jackson anal Trouedale le lteù bat, via quioily raul up thoneccas., ary 19 ruas, la vin lte mi&tch. Thte bawling of Malbison vas as usuil ex- celont, lue Itaviug laken 18 viciets. Iu lie firet inuinga lue gel 9 vickete fer 26 rue ;analdu intsesecond 9 viakets for 82 ruae.- Complainte againil flue G. T. B. are matis bylte boys that oving ta a c&ar being moi-ose lte treci, nean lie Daim, tie7 'inee obligea b' vslk neanly tva' imites, le neacb Toronto in lite for lte miatchu.- Tuai CENTRAL Ilcus'ue, laIs" Lockît lous, Oebaa, bving roeenlly under- îauc a tbonangbi filtiug up, baes Leen opensai unde the proprbslsrehlp of Mn. 0. Gifford. As e landlona Mn. Cifford is Weil said lavoiaily kuavu- andalnbuis îsv houevill, ve (col confdent,ada e bis repulation by bis attention ta lie confoni tof iigusals anal pal-oua. BURGLARt.-'IiO rnilliuery Sîîap cf es Misses Frecielle and Coffey, vas ulencai sonte tinte isl Sainday, anal sm mniliueny sud $5 in cash ebclnaol. il thonefnom. TiiE EXCURSION re STUBGOONPOINT ltl Bsunaay atlnaea a lange crovai. ligiuasr leadao! exanrsicnisîs came rcnt Toronto maia a large naimber gaI na aI Willh7. CeLAinORca'i Puez Tuca.-Tiens ,tens, usais np bu packages sud solS hy lIje bgontsl appalabeaihy lte limporter, are âigitly reeammeoaiea, Mn. Willcock ice me agent et Whithy. Fouxciar Pic-Nioc I Corhstb'a Peint1 la Batunday. Gamos snd amus,-a aents vil Leprovideul, anal svony effort r cadoe tt ais Il menusuLceosifl,- àtadnill. banS ln alteudance. Tacs FOauzSnTQI;qÀ4AIIUNCB, vil! ivo an entonlalntont lu 114p4, ýmis'gu: Mtonalay sveaing noxl, lie 1t no ~-' t ai subsanibor la givt.g up the 1, usbeo depanuminto!fluis Lucsimh. ? gerslthebalancaifbus stocku & "its c ceai nteou pics. Tien. avu Qcp a loa--h cotPiïé 1v ii1, I b8W W fmm01-Ui'q . iu, ' 9 (Colous-LîgIt suai dan lu n.) R, McKey, hein.v... eighl 188 Ieo. J. >W. Hogg, 2---------.... 146 ibm. C. J. Jeffenios, 8 -...... 148 Cee. T. Galt, trake-... 4157 Perey Gal, spare man. Average vetgit per man-.1471 TRE DOUBLE SCULL RACE. Douiblo seuil race, eighteen feel skiffs 'sud unaler, fanrlthe chempiauahip cf Lâ,ue Simca.; purs $85; lino miles wilth bru. Gaudeun B-an, final, Neil Bras. secouai, Beau Brou. tItirél. AMATEUR SINGLE SCULL RACE, Biaiglo scuill race for amateura; tino miles vih tlui-n; pnlzea-luva clIver cupe. J. Pîtilipe, Toronîto Rowing Club, jet. loger Lambe, Angocue, 2nad. H. Bnndford, Barris, ira!. E. Bash, Toronto, 4th. PROFESSIONAL SINGLE SCULL RACE. Titis raceinsu lte event aoflthe meason ln aquatto aports, alliseecotillons cf note on Iluis continent takiug part in il. Thte racea vavan hy Edinerd Henlan cf Toronto ; Wallace Rocse of Sb. John, N. B., second; Cee. Hosmer, Boston, Ibird; Pal Luther, Pillsbung, fouti; Wm. MoKeai, Toi-outo, fifti ; Alex. Blloct, Torouto, sixhu; F. A. Plainloal, Han-y Cauton, andl Evan Morris net placed. Tuesclay lte crowd altending lie le- galle vas sontovhet lhinneil dovai, lie 'greal inlenest-lthe pnofensional race- beiugovor. TIte follaving la a sunmenry of ltei races of ltse day. DOUBL& SCULL RACE. Fan skiffs eighton l(sl long sud unoer-tva miles vilth a lui-n. Piie E #40-,820, maid $10. 1 Han-y Humphroys, G. Reumarulson .... 1 1 T. Sa uller, W. Ci-eaux-----------2..... 2i A. Blut irsys, W. Birney-....... a Wallace Rose, Cea.Hosmen ........ s SECOND DOUBLE SCULL RACE, For ekiffs' tveuly-six (eelonag and under-Ivo miles viti n tomn. Prizea $50, $35, euS $20. Jack Hanlen anal Adain----------......î Gaideur Bras ........................ 2 Biley and Parluer--------------8....... Herry Huntphroyc ahd Renandion a verecu o! f ho race Reneaican iaving c lb. iil-lmck ta break an ca. - CONSOLATION RACE. t Opon. la aIl contestants via ver. net pnize inunere. Piies 150 anal $50. 1 Plaisee, 1 ; Luthen 2; McKeai, 8; Bal. Rou, 4; BlUeot, 5; Caullen, 0. Wiithy sud Linsay Rsilvay, 4 TU1E RECORD OF A YEAE. i Tic Lindsay lest I bte OtIt,testifies 9 Oc the followiug dean and al aisfaaory record of lte Whihby and Lindsay Rail. way for ltse finel tineive moutia :- 06A yeer mgo lest veok, (Aug. 1j)lte lViithy eud Lindasay lalvay vas OP- G uneS for business, madi i e vnhy aI V icteIâ liaing liaI lime n ualulc. dent bas eoccunreai &», lie line-nat a8 wisel-af lise Iracu, non bas sny bumns et.ig -beaunkieaion injoured. Tus ne- crd la extlnmly orediîebfe Lboli 10 lie C aoemtlanal lis soaplo.reesas val! 41 asthé Latldurc cf thi.eçd. Moas.'Si iicon à Dixcu, t 1eo o.,.tre, dli B baoin work tiorongibly aa 'dmà, ' tori. )A lyphhe tfinac!ee, aud ihOMneu T li.panagement bas, râmbU #i~ bas M catid aa. d "0u0...i'A .... JOrth oy-bioms pplavty, 5ns. .iili -etc h o! - l po1 e, pion ~ t i Infieucmýob.tbc P=1n=aLens. use*$ g as te hoauaMd glire xplana. *llxert., The Pri 4inc s 1. ired, liens Wibhrefureao o. thelb claieof the and beloved vhe»r.v ellci lakncvn, B.psatate' Sciol difflgnty. A good andiln tb. slately aphe one 10vila ahdeai e oaalmuy bad beuauajwèpd upon' la nov about to be c ntcv.d, esic ill, i - « $IIZZforDOene iai stmahte., As boyoad sil questfon, via lb.he oanls cf bis #mqonskn.i, thedlshonor'cf tic, the people over vientshe' storule in wat vas i ihonor cf lb.e lldren, hon 'motlbes naoms. No' Prince or san asibtgMy Important thaI lie Prlncesaof iii. Royal Farn ull hsver a ,4 ý con:l hopreccvod.- (Re"r, fou o0qike i sa f loyally le. .l iarin iuappropÉ-e., vichis neyer absent among< envCol. tIen ..the ceici m0oy, cf micappi. onial fIlow.aitiznosua d evw ltheallbzý o! grant., sud o! bcag obsacles Hoen tle members cf:tii.Rouce uof 40 the aseao! Oaticlla edacahlm o e omumene #ave bLou fôod t10 cao, va rincs charges afactng the.bon- more or lou relctaatly, thatthe D uiee s te Abbiâop mad prisisaud cf COcnangit amade iinself exhnentely the ud b. consideradt o"lty by popular during Ida rocent eaie.in the 0'tidlio people., Ti.y contmenced Ircland. . Wu hava iherofor neofIar in Bt.to harbondes ime, and i. lhah lie experimoni vlcie ZhMinisl vsa~n~tesy hiat thons vas a 11111. bave omcgconly alismpisdWvilMf Of tho11 Adaist .ntepol.a eI. o! suces. Se0vin d ommenceby syfaq iaât the The DaiV Tde4graph says :-The,&. a amont tliaI. tie Eplscopq1 corpors- ponntont 0oa!une e ely alied to lu e ion e ev man* aou nmsprpl Ikuya Fsnily aVlaecy cfCana a taed cy Sobcoul fundvasfais.. -On lie vo It, a nable avOl as, a plat. contr *, tie Epiccopal corporation icd urosque épisode lu lb. deoalopment ofavon'ed 'money for sabool pooes, Ibis colonia poli.y o! consolidation. had baitobhools, puroiesed Soboul It luone vhliiais minently fbhd, e1; ult~,nd~ adfr fuelm gratlfy the. popular Aspirations cf 1h. day ét~ ecssa m cw i tnhIeIseparcbe andi to makemanifotithleti.Mccl gracc. -,flb o00cufnet mottheirexpansés, fnl fachion lie grcving in itorosi inhici -tu ~ielnt c! 88,000,w 'ch aun badl Ibéoople ofBngland av@lte l W ou- nev vben changa totehlesohools. meii luogee stârk o aiouit 10as Lité? iciaver, tbc Cebbolies o! the. Thlagsolt9brlelrt trke f tae ugh t oitv! grovu more veallby aud lbe be_-csngl suacîclnal entindsia . soo. ver.eale t uttorepen. I muaI aàssuro hn latieCo acs; is saduinge lialintte londesi heu no vish tb undenrat. tbe impor. çu'bbng had laiton -lace lirougi lte lance or dignily o!flis pniclsu poue. newcpàira. Allen gelvlng a huctory, Of sions in lb. Nov Worrd. hi ougil te1thiec4loolo front lie passage of lie convince thont tiel the growing dous-.Separa , o Bobool, Actinla1858, and lie 1 sce o! loe ieniin ommunitiei la redmn cf a easmeul cheving lis ne. 111y approciateai vbon lie ioadsbip of ceipta cÏud sxpenditure for each 70cr, thei tiovernuiont la tins ield tebcLea Bis G"cescaid liati il vuquile feuee dignity vorliy o! ecceplane eveu hy te se t t hey nover gave any ac- thods neereal 10 oun neignlug fcntily. count o! receipi an d dabunsentl Tii. Edinbungi soobamait meulions As t6 the cirge of «ttanagenent,iho soma ns ew laie enein Governor. clatltaI li 0 e parateScBooola vere General bas on Canadiens. conduciUcI n 80 moderte expence that The DnudëeAo .dverf bser Iluinka hthi le Qoàt pay beud fr edncaling thoe appoinlmenl o! tbe Marquis cf Urone te obil4r'n as only 88 vile bilb.h a noceoed Lord Duffenin se Govennen. Com)moù Boboola lie rate par beud1 Général cf Canada ilau an t cl il if ae frapi 10 e810, and in lie Unliefid bc leaising te many people AIto, Staîqa !à. igi as 885. 80 liaI lhe mavr lesing te lie Canadiens. charge of mismanagentont vas a coin- 'ioy are ebout ta loue peniapa lie pletm !elkoiood, as elso vu s echarge t Most eccontplicbsed, l h ielelent, and o! aptIiý,ng conteo!flte moriey ta Most popular Governor Gnnlthoy churô o . Il vas impoil t pl )ver bild, andi ho me Le somoviiet sny'b! the monneeyla chuuad ni îoonciled to bis lous by recoiving in sboad o!f oiug liaI, lie facto-of lie case is place lie huabanai cf lie Qen'a vous Ilaiclon erwy. nesl papular daugilen. Lord lonne Ths foiloving résolution vas peused. a îay or ntay net provo e ite be an Moved hy John O'Donoiu.,eond- 1~ ble aduuinislrator. H.Le egan bic ed Ly E. O'Koeffe, "Tiet Ibis meeting, 'Olîica caneer hy giving indications cf ieviug lÉeard lie explenalion of Ris ilitical capaoity ; b ut since uistan. Grace the Arcbbiaicp, and of Bisd iage Le bas boon cul off by bis poal. Lordai Bishcp Jamot, and lie refen. ,n at Court front bus share of politoal suces mid e a esevenal yearly finan- nrk. Iu Canada be vil! nel ho bedg. cilreparle cf lie Bepecrale Boboolp a about hy bbe linos o! political paenlies, Board, 'xtending fron thIL. ocablisis.'I id b.e may again show bimàelf tlbetment cf thi. Roman* Catholiff Sepanabo 01 mebbing more lien e courtier and &Iuoolc, lui 1858, te Januany liM, 1874ý, ci sig cul versifier. The bigh neuk o! bis vhen, aithe 8lst December, 1874, ký fie vil! acroce flic Atlantic 1111ft mBisiop Jiantolilupurnance cf s reso3- e] bove tse difficultisfliaI cnrround lution cfi te Board, mae oa fineciaî e ber mou. Sire vil! ho unquestiona. slateaneat covering bte cher bsn yenra -,c0 [y lte Iteadof Canadien cociely. SIte il vas bhin andi thon. 'movea b y B.r amiable andi accompllsied, and, ho.- Elntely, Esq., and seccnded hy Mn. n 19 a Princees, il vill bce eosy for ber 10 John, Manvyn, anai unanimonaiy adopi- ree. ed tiat lie finaudal eportas rnd îl front1868 10 1874 inclusive, ho ad1opt. ni LII-TELL's LIVING AGz.-Tie nuntb. ed ;' Ibis meeting, Ibenefone, (eulsas- e ia -of LiULelln Living Age for lte enned and smtisfied liaI lie rumeurs n 'elu suing ugnt frd ad ltIt a eporîa of misappropnietian Sepan. reu oeksendig Agnotgrdand 0thale Bebcpl funde, put lu circulation by iv the fcllcving valuable contente: certain imewspers sud nxisiufonmead bu inrdano Bruno and Gelilsi, Qmarterlg pensons, 'are vholly groundlesa, anul ne edate; Among lte Burmese, Fra8er; have no fondalion vbiatever lu (ol.- M ual the Sun ia Made cf, by J. Non. Carnied vitb tva dieeenling volOOs." en nu Lockyer, Ninel eai Jc Centurij ; AÀ ad ouhting Hoani, a senia! stcry hy lie EkIuE4uî o T, AND NIAGÂAAstu hon cf "lCastle Daly," publisheai front FALL .-A epécial excursion traiu for ta peucc ahtese ; Cheap Litonature forfu Rage Chilainon, Macmillan; Amen. Tarante l!!i cal! et Whilby ou Friday. mi~ i Missions lu Tnrkey, Fralier, The Anguît 28rd, et 7.28 p. t. Excursion- tir] ory cf a Lollen, Ly Julia Kavanagi, lots visbiug ta proaeed te the FaIm0, Bt: gogy Tlîe Constitution of Nonway, vil! go hy .steamers Bolbesay Casîle or fou tar; Blnay Ttiongits on Scelley, City cf Toronto te Niagara, sud lieueau micill ; The Bicbopc et Lambtti, hy th6 Canada Southen R. B. Retunu WB urday Review ; Our Kentiel Panici, tickets good tiIlthe 801h Auel. ,Fon cal îclwood ; How TItnee Princesses Toontuo, 75 ce.;' for Niagara Falls, liai -cbased a Palace, Pall Mall Gazette; 81.76. For funthen iuformition andi agi nirel Sir George Beck, Nature ; tickets tpl e Gao. B. Yule, Grandad ýWill of Peler ltse Great, Aoademy; Tnunk Tuikl Aeny lb.h usuel chice pery, etc. 1 . 1 - ...-p Fan fifty.lvo sncb numbens, cf cixty' . 1 lý1 TO. O hV re o ir large pages esci (or more tien ousoN"-on hv lie ga )0 pages e yean), lthe aubscniption overything for ut maid found neoItelp. for se »8)is loy ; on for 010.50 auy oue Wesrs eno doctors, but enau ffer e pre- Eu te Amenican7#4 monîblies or vealu. scription tbt bas cureai very many, Z~ lai sent viti Thec Living Age for e sud il migil cure yon as weli ; il vill r, bah poat pmid. Litteil & ai cosb but w quarter dollar, sud eau Lecof t ton,~ ~ arYepblses lieai àl auy Drggists-Ask for "I>iry liai s o , a e k u l e l r .D a v is " P A tN .K IL L E E . In a EzFiTiaL BYa.TeJl file an mctea urles ft-hsexJnly Thé ubacriben bas a langena veillnma thon Ameicencenls, e Ibi ex el.clectisai stock o! slalioneny on baud. càli peniodical hge lie faicowing emoug ]Ho keepa aise a fnll stock cf echeol riy, contents :-"Lancashtire," lby the supplies ibclnding lie books used lu anc or ; "mIiii Catholiclant and British lie gigh and Common echôcîs. Geo. ni ralisun." by Malîhoin Arncili; B. Ynie, Break sîrset. cf s milio Casleler," hy M. E. Grant --- ---co vreîy or subjecta ; liteiy anti. Qulebic, Portlandi and the Lover Pro. than of greeai and inunediete inleresitat vinoes' mppiy 10 Gea. B. Yu1e, Grand The ëadons, ana lie five amuinahly eus. Trunk Ticket Agoncy. A reduciion tveii ai oâitorial departmeuls-is an cx- madeffon rstn tiokets. T ingly nii, beautiful, said entertain. ag aumben. Tuimenle Pavdon, very fiue, Jamaica lie t Ginger, vie.and grcuud, et S. W. B. are il înmyV Ontarie Rifle Association. Btt e5 efe e grnd atc asanuaucei cou. DaI. Pownsa's EXTReaCT o7Wnn Bna&w da ie gand atchu anouned, oen- zEmrfl ite moat succesaful meiaine la b. Bettaian range, et Wbutby kuevul for ail summen conuplaiuts, dlarr. ailimi 1edy Nbnnisvromd o oe, dyseulery, ciolera morbus, etc. Ils tint, uesdy. o etris wre adeforeeaIt sre incnielous. Ilta lkenecIterait;dreac 'alunleer match, being lie firal on relief la slmoit fnstanlaueous. lit eea-sick. obvia ot andi vas caucelisd. nesa andi veuitiug itla a opeacifie vorti len limon t coul. B qually goil for t-be young, Mn :CUTicN MArcB.Opeu b aUlb. the.h o14, andilthe uaiddlàaged. Fer sale by lage, membens cf lie essociation; 500 aU deanes. %Mbluru, Benlly &i Pearson, cf Tii sud 200 yards, 5 abois oaci oot. agea It Capt. White, 89 pointe; 2nd Foc eu ~ ~ i - st et ey 8; BaiT.Wiie,88 jr *iuh'Sr lngWex for seeeng fruait blIn' ta. Laa, ;8i .ie 8 ;;jarsJames But. iaga-fer glass fruit jars, Etf rn. awer 8 ;5t Jme aSl-etB.W. B. Smithi& C's. tDJtl t85; fitI T. W. Gibbs, 85; 7h 4 deati Fotiorgill, 88; 8h J. Steen, 82; UITERSONi MUS5KE, June loti, 1878. cf Iau àjor O'Douavan, 82; lOti Rahi. mzosas. MMaUu»i, BEirty & PExBNor. lte L e, 82; 111h H. GibLs, 81; 2h GESTLEmE,-We aecutiraly out of vour alItera 1.Jobusîcu, 80. ; 2hVictoria Hypobhourc a dorsi e afai ors muai bave i t. t is. higitiy approciateai Blaed &psVÂEEp-Open; 200 yards, 5 by lb. viols cantlnu:itlb. y viR have bols oaci. noe a citel. 8enim ntmedioy lires Tii IJ. Tweedie, 21 PIS; 2ud IH. daisu more, &aSOb i1.ria s21; BncI S. Bey,i20; 4th J. Sull. leurs Yveru , inrLe 20 ; 51h J. P. Taylor 19. .8 LT e. Asts1 tbe nu IIATOH-Open 10 nU eantsrs,-200, All'aizes Bunga and Conlus-for pick. put, 500 andi 60 yds., 5 siot.e ebc. ling, peaeervimg andi bachipg, et B.W. B.:enisem Ce1>b. Pohbergl, 57 pis ; 2nd Bmith & Co'87 Miss1 White, 56 ; Brai, Cio. Bic, 58 ;-u .---te cpi r.Bullivan, 52 ; 5h1, Boit. White,. Prince Blinerci signeai the lnealy cf fume h, Tics. Witis, 50 ; 7th, Banti Berlin viti bu sagle's qull, ornamntul Lad 50ý; SiLt, T. W. Gibbs, 49 , 9t]4 sa iit a baver figurs a an Anjl ci hnidel r 'Donevan, 48 ; lOti, J.P. Pêes, .-Wvhivaa prebanteitg biS for ding )r, 43; lIb, J. Ste, 42 ; 121h, thepupo. saitars, 41. ~Tink 0 JfiuMatcheàd severaî Ciller A PW 4Pini ls-anteanind fa ec i, Tur b«,Ûe yt tq ppe qft i .10 It evavii& te rats . 0--Wff lapse*anal have beeu ueoed,nov nes. main gods amenating in the aggrsgais te tlare.qusnlrs cf A ,-million. anal sieulci lie raispayers o! Perti ud"0pî lic proposdaiuloady reférr e1, Ibi oblainfng o! lie remainiu munic I clU il bcopraeedad vlhi,bmardler liaIle by.lis mcy ho cicisai Lofore the masmblao f theLeglsaturo." PoiseucG u x aou 1PAOI. E EENLB.... A fatal ciauocf poisoningi pah.tcc vici Lbas juist occureai taPari-stnty serve as a varaing t10 hou efamilles lun wbich chilairen are aliovweai 10loik miter tietslvos for houris togohher. It taiy ho saudttalv.rylfew cidron un donrlbhe age, »Y o! tatior ivelve bave auy ides liaI posaliatones or sscih blassome are dangec-onc. Tiey ~ave Leen aboya tie deaaily nigil. ssal. saidprabably ithevila entlock, And have s cauuy dreca of tient; LuI nureenitis are net Dueny 0 fanai of pointlng cnt th. peoh troeas un Ob. Jecl o! horror ndaiaversion. Tii. vie. hlm, o! lie necent accident et Paris heai aerlainîy nu acnsucaulioneai againat the attractions a!flthe psaci. 1Ho hall dovelopsi aI lie tender agé. cf five maid bel!, li facnlly o! neaeoning on indue. tive prlnciples andl ho sev reacon bc douLl liai As cherry said apricol stons contain emtabie kennolg bthe nablen fruit beai atIssua$, equaiîy dessinaus treesunon in ils lamaat seccesses. Aaeondiugîy ho oscreled lie atones af a nunther o! Peacios blt aIldLeen îseil te bis action fret lbhecountry, aud possose. *g hîmîslf ofa!aLaumer, vhou Ieft ilone broke lient open 'induslnicnaîy ad tien set upon a selid feat ta whiai ho allid Lasy hul t cletsjus. tice. The tache cf lte kernela vas ual wnhlapn cn a par vilth lie expeotallone inleraiueul, hut il voulai ho nidiculoma ao ga tbrongi liesevore labour cfi cracking auci tead ielslaiichut en.c teing inta the fraition oa!th.labourt Wien once finisheal. So the boy1 rus (aunai by is panent en ber relun nnithiug lu lie grevions agonies pro. aucea hy prusalo or hydracyauic sciai. The arrvai maid effenta' cf lis doctan wree vain, auctien item ibai leh. e dai- bisth long list cf Ildeai by imptu- donce." It in insl, nov liaI lie 'sosn 3 in of Wall fruit has arrivoal ta ex Imin wbal oxbsut of poisnin; eroperto; s posaecceai Ly lte peaci saloue. ,Tihe c 'nrihere onu bxicoiagy nIaI. lItaI au ounces cf kennels conlein bail cne graini )f pure bydroeyanii acial, anI it is C çnova, blaI ans grain cf lthe poison vili ai Irnoi ta a enlainly kil! mn admît per-. b )on. Tino Ibirda cf a grain ban' very riseu been fatal, andi, indeed, may he egandea a fatal dose fan a cItil. h AN BXu'ÂNSM EPzSTMON.-Il la voll ýa funensi to hoeconcise sud correctinu 0O tanraling the incidents of thue life and maaeocf ithe deceesel, is family, tI elalloun, &a. The folloving shows auna ausmal caution: la Mn. Phippa died, heiug lie limai hais- 2 and cf Mra. P. At heb. merai, theinsu ogulan minialer being out of tavu, th. fetiiodint minlilon vas requesloal taho ficiale. Heviug neceutly besu asagn. 1ta lte tovu, maid being, almont aeo ,ranger ho ibail ta h. hetily pointai e Ih ltse decaeeed, île fenti!y, &o. AItlthe u menaI aIl vent inelI, and ai stangan B igit have Ibougit ut au clan d lu. cats frianai of lb. laIe Mn. Pbipp.- il b. was e 11111e foggy on lievîdoin, Ce -r lu lis pneyer h. lestis reckoning "t 3d brangît lie vidoin nabout Ibia lbi ay: "Anal nain e cantmenal le Tby pi e thicvilain, TIty heudmuald, vIte lic e been Lenoaveai agein aud again, and an rn," then hssitallng au insantu, ho f Ied, "analperltap8 again." i Wiethen iheu aincornscîly cipbereal cii lite nemher cf hauads vhc hbail te me hefore, an vas nmaking allovence cel ou. bo conte, ve are nua uvicea.- af Yroa's DEAwpzt, in Harpe' ag-N G. P. BANDERsaN, tie cificen bai charge the Buglisît eeopientealahing ectaL- binent lu Mysore,amys ltaI elepianta vol lu Iterde, and in strich Indiau a. Vhou e cal! is hotu, bte berS n.- %ic vihthe malien lino days ; bhc If li teu abila me mrci anS cen forai ,s said clitb ills vithlie assinî- ce o! ite dem. Tie>' are flue avint- i-c. Mn. SanderosasynaI s ba erd sevemly.nine vbici Ihs seultai-ose aIr>, htai lthe Geuges aud severel ha large t(lebLiancheien borsa. Iu lang"s int lIe>' vers six Iheure fianit houhing bollat. Afler a resî a cand bIanu, ltey nomplelcai lie n la tires more. Nol on. vslest. ce anaundAn cmeieptaul's foot la cai -e bis boigit, anai genenal>' bia asunemeul la correct. , Titein size le ansI!>' exsggeraled. Th& lengest Sandonaou even sain vas ine feel incites bigh et lthe sîmomiaere. cLhiug in ltocgeod for lie Bani oi linflelal juil nn, .Wien lus vent esberu lie cîher day ta vicit lhe on, ho bravelleal lu ans cf lie royal mn carrnages, the supernuteniient cf lino dravo the train, a he doce Bn lie Qutasu tnavel, anal lie plat- ne lu Victoria Station vere' covened h crimntselott. Neoinonder, Mn. ,dntons la dîsturbeal. teo commission (on dehermiaiing liher lie mousIen captive balcon lu is is nafe for theelige cf liiepublie, cempleledil aul. expenimnth. Il bas s ta lie conclusion that lie ceblo 'hIih lthballoon is attacheal ongit Oe Le cubjeeteaite10 erain of more elghttIhousaud kilogrammes. st-sm aI vici lthe cehiebreaks ta hty-f vo Ibounanai kilogrammes, eo Buglisi Adminnîl>', afeflLabeur- esnneally'(onrlte devclopmenî o! Most dledîy qualihlen lu torpedoas. now about ta enter upon a long bs f expenizuenîs vitI the vicin o! a rmntLulg hcv fan Lt le possible ta i e aciannel gnaniled b>' tiesinfen-L icitinab>' pracensea cf.-canuler- t. Ibg s Il eevea i laIthe maul edà affects of torpeiloee nay ha ated in tîmis tanner.a ra Bilehardsou, of St. Mary's Cal- ,botter kuevu b>' ber meuden analeIl ibie Shicîs, dical recent>'nallie n cf ninety-six yemrs. Ia ion youti Ii îvmn a ser-vant lu lhe bouse cf lie Il ic Sbspbsraepaennta. Allen her b nage in 1821, sIte liveal uhtil ionr àa inthe collage siýn&ted nca abrtip Sd LelveenSbt. Mery'e Loch Mnir ýoci of lb, Laines ; vicIt becaîne t, arile nesonleocf Wilson, Hegg, ndS 3 oe o! bthe oaly conî-ihutairs la n s gloury vbici *ented, h ave tic- )d (orever front AstIy'e Theatre, nalen, bas boonm part nostbrcal. T le desai, Duerain Le ne mare, suai pusculan Monken ila adreezifth!li but lie oquesînian drame bac aPLoeuix-liko fron t is asies, ana [in Weber Las doeneaie burlesque usear lu the aili more eaut>'coi- cf Masappa. Y Catrnbnglon, oo alle ieet; a o! tb. day, sleriaonheotvWai. toar lu-e simble pnint gova. ' o! il young ladies. rkey ans natives of Amanica, anal aminQunt nanthw., L'... . .'r ue oa enochn t Iietr exercice cf Its peiner cf prohibLition ýto rovley lie Act, sua itIleemeai rigit la reverse lient o! svcry tribunal net a branai o! the Sig Court af Justice. Luth pro. test e galucî 'h.danteging, bloin iah lie décision e! lie tino oher Jualges sIis etaItlisautiority o! Privy CaUncil lu gravyeend iSlnng language. Il muet, tuded, bc- regards«la every serions nosponsihilty liel has Leaunit- currdn he rsjociou Ly lte Qusen s Beocidivisionoaihe, AutlLant7 o! the puigo th le Judiil Contmilise a! lie Prv Conuilil. The competencaof th. CP oa!Arcebes aa ,.sentence snob as liaI o! wiaici the Queou's Beuci basnov praiiid he cufonce. mentheas sbeudisbluauly affimusaiy lie PriiV Cannait eppeiste, ae tribunal a! lis higioci rcnk andl auhaniy. -Ame vo ta undersana lia e ingle division, o! e hi g icourt o! justice cean v illset side lie lia s soîleai hy a trihunal o! fudepenululnt i ctich hitierto on- joying universel respect for ltse impor- lance said veIne aofilsdecisieusL? To Ibis exîsul lie Lord Chie! Justice at lessl is prepareai 10 go, for ho stop short cf il voulai ho, h. affirmes, destructian t0 judicial duty, CADETS AT KINSTsON.-AU Order-in- Cauneil' beerng daetle 81s1 July, sanctione lis follainug adithion ta lte regulallons nov in force governing 1h. Royal MillIer7 College at Kiugntoz: "CadeIs inho, nndsrspsciai cirnuntaen. ces, nmay Le permibled al o emain et liaI College more tisa 24 bouts eften lie commencement, or befaoe elemina- lion cf lie summor vacation, saal psy the enum cf 81,25 a day for board sud Iaailng ; Cadets via may Le pormilteai ta viîbdnaw fron thlIeoyal Militer y Collego vitomt aonmpletiug lie-(mull lenta cf lhsir engagements, vill hefons neceiving thein final disobange, Le ne-- quinod ta pay lie saut o! si in addition te suy amenut oviug hy lien ta the Military Deparîmeul on Coliege Fumais." CLR.zeCàiLAPPOINnuExNS.-Cýleriaal appolulmints have beoun nide as fol- lao vithin lie dioceese cf Toronto :- Tie Bev. Mn. Fiailer tô WhIty, Bey.i C. Pallensan ta Alure, 1ev. Mn. Bak- ' e' ta SI. Marks's (Port Hope,) 1ev. Mn. tiencen ta Scarborougi, 1ev. C.B. Bell oa Lekefielal, Bev. Josepha Fletcher ta .ooksbovu. Bev. Mn. Wadleighis do. ing dnty et BItanly Bey. ELEASE '01r A FENIXN PùisoNER.- Claney, lthe Fenian seutenceai ta impri. soument for life, will ho releeseil on e lekoet-of-leavo next manth. OYAL. MUNIFIENCE ve QUEBEC.- Mis Bxeellency tic Governon Generci, t ian receveai front Buglanai Hon Majes. ty gift cf £10,000 for lthe constrnction f Caplelu Bunaby is fevoneal b>'f ue. H.ebas von fente, veeltb,a beauhifut vif., anal nov Birmingi a going ta cndS umtetaParliameo [e la a Concervetive, sud, e! course Eveybaaywvieian boom t Brussels anvisiteal ils henauiil bolenical garai. mc. y T i -c . p rin cip a lly l b. ne ant o f te laItons cf IM du Mosher, via disal est moullu. H. vas n Mmuiaten cf ;tale, as vol! as lthe fi-sI hols inl aelgium. A million sd a quarter e! Roman utholias bunlthe Neltenla'nda fon an )l Pape" Society, anal devaIs la ie Pape lthe procceain cf *lie vas uper llîey sel! oaci year. Lest year e Ont oblaineal vms over five thons- ail dollars. Thte Higi Court of Indle luas juot de- ted lu th.affirmative tie important uention vietber lie Crownulban pover code territary iu Indus vihumh e unsat of Parliamont. The va!idity fa treaty nmade lu 1860 vilI te îwab cf Rempare in lins aouflrmod. In 1876, volvAs in lthe Rainsian pi-v tae of Bernera devaurod 5,880 ici-sec ad orned caIle, 56,000 emal caile, -000 dontestie (avis, anal more tien 000 dogu. Iu 1877 Ibeir ravages nre even greater, anSdlthe lass u inthe fo- uat.1 AnstIla, il is ésb, al, by no means in difféentcole agitation o!flte If ai Irredna pany. Bits says otIing but le quiel>' ntkiig pi-eparalian Co he rouier ihich il! ensue a veaj vent rceptiaaiofaBo to-eadei In and 22, The lasn cf te Gorman francIsai Craosser Kunfurel inn bail a disanînoun effeal upon lte finieries nt Foîkestone, Msny cf liehebodis picked up bave beau (anua ta Le nailly Mtilatd by lte Suo, anal so lie inhabilauta gocîoralty have ilcalineai "eating the Gerwians,' t- 'y ai .It basbeen asenlainu ltaI lte Itlîan politiciens bitel clrang hopes liaI lthe Berlin Cong-ens a ull give Albanie tc, IbaIy. TItein objeot van afienvarl ta effer Albanie 10 Annînia lu exahauuge for the Trenlino. An lb. Congress toalu no notice cf Altania ltie disappoinîmeain luIlely ta easily ex. Slriks anethe fasiion lu Fi-anc. juet nov. Thoe latent disconleuts are mail au Onal ente. aiters in bthe Duval restaurants Lu Parie. Thono attendants receive no salaries, but, on lthe conlreny, paya coi-hein aunt ilil>'ta thein eue- playere fer bic pnivilega of maig vIt tley ccaa cuof lte ufarlunate Againat the smplayment cf feelluers an nteisle for fane, Mr. Sets proteste, for tie neasau liaI lItey snggenl heml, nal coofacas. Iu Bugland th. bicycle hneinepec 5 îacgmng lange dlimensions. Tiers ane 180 makere. s million pommai are iuvOaled in lie business, anal cixly iconsanal bicycles are ti existence lu London and the provincs. A BALLcON RA&C.-A suntevbat ne- nankable race bas Leen. arrangea ah uincinnati& Pr-ofs.GCubent and l ayalen, beli ecroneut s o et oe, have just made a match for a balloan race bai- vesu lIme balloon A. Enkeub-cher, holding 50,000 leed a! gag, sud lie bablocnLeo Stle,Itcling 48,000 fel. Prof. Hayalen bois 8500 ageinat $000 bal hle, viti lte emallen balloan, vil! rire bighen anal romain lu lie air lenosr hau Gilbert vili lie larger one, eacli m semai a tanu hit ig rivet aetlying istrrents le dolermine Lte heigbl Ittaineil. The taathfi-onuils navelty es ethnmctiug connidereble attention. The date of lthe ascension bas ual yet seen fixeai. A BraANseA'CManez-iu. A HcxSz rzàOU ura Ts ouzi.-A strauge anal aoubtiesa unpneceaiented accident hep. àeneai la a iors. ln Jackson township, Indiana. Wltife çrazing, the animal àt»apted tb cIc hieba, as iw suppas. b, sud sisppeul Opon bis langue. 'dier- il>' Iearlag liaI mentiout Ly lie ole,. The tougue lus. beeu procerveti balcohol as a curiesity. Tue hanse la 4Mi anv, id apparontl>' latonais la ive oIbsreguier perleS o! Yeats. 1 A-Mul#trIibaunal aI Pcnl.auP,!Ihnce u n e c a S s A ss t , ..s n a n n à s 7« ha T ti i Hi ana is vas c$0 entîtie ia, tia ho mliov ta ît le, il vantai have braisa lIato frsg- mente. lIb tis vaj luekeptitilfan one or seeraI ysmn, su& lien rostarsa it ta ile by spilling'il viti sllntulaling fluli, lecoinposition af vhf«c i lIais secret. For fifteon years lie cuake Las bean uadengolng an oxi sisoas compaseai of successive deatis ana resurrecuidos .8pparently viltanI susteiuinghr- Tbe~rafees r eparteaile h ave sent neqeet~g iaIa criminel vl*o bas Lo.oýCS0 ao itne adeali nMay Le given Mim, t lesct la lie anme tanner as thi. esk-pronting tlerentons im la life bin o yearns. Il la undenabooal lia the tan wvia.nndergoec Ibis sxpianl. mnist l he pardoned. Whethen Le thovennnouî eiasa ope sil .isdo QuEN MERCEDE'n rentame are-ent. pcnenily laid inu-,lb. Grand Citepel o! lie Ecanral, wvii. n îaguifleent 10mb la heing huilt for thein permanent -re- op'honc. Whan lter, liashen naisie fron tIheir manrage, he Qussus cf Spain arn nt Lunea inutIL greet Mati- soleunt. Thoeo aro alibi.e Kinga front Charles the V. His coffin vus receul- ly1opened, ad bis feauren fonuasa eansalus ien embalmeai 800 yeane Taz ulirecter o! sthestre faaintàoal lova in Weslphalie ban adopteain-. geion e thad cf snomsiag public et. tention. Allihe hcltom cf thé play-bll hoe anuaunceathat lue combines alentis. try vili licaînleal 'management, muS liaI aillpuncbaeiere o! ealls vil!L e eu- tilled le receivo front im a frsdental conualtationt ou the foliowiug morning. Il is naia liaI an lie evening ef Ibis annauncemeul bteetalla wve.filleaihy porsans vioso aspect cf ntelancholy ex- pealation van moal depneuig.- WIte PsItti singa iu Be rlin ahlb.fel, it vil l hoble la Ryai Opera Bouse, Tie Emparer declinea le permit bier ta appean lier., nelely ou cdonul cf tis ermena priee-$2.500 per nigil- demanaled by hon for lie services o! berself sud Nicolini. That inoula imake Lt nccencery le fix the aah o! a sat fathe paraqaiet ah $5 or more-a bhing ltheEmporer veulai ual hear cf in Ibese biard times. Nevenîbelos, Berlin muet have Palti, andal s t a1 sing on anolier otage al lier ovu prie. A DECEBE han heen publiabe inluthej Journal Officiel, in Paris, aaitiorising sa publie ambeeniphion cf noverai millions of Francs farthe purpuse cf supplying Ithe alcnerviug poor vili (nos passes las Ithe Exhibition. The lobai ant is cnlyt fixeal for lthe final nubsaniption, andal.a mouta 10 0200,000, saI,25 cennspari icket. A thiai of il ie le Le devolcd le te muain purpese, anld-lie rentabniuga two-thi-de ta buying articles exItihiteai 1 nu lie Champ de Mars, ta Le disînihut- Dd by a lottery anong lie naibsaribera. Tic Island cf Cyprus ah one tinte ,oulainoal nine diffèrent kinglonts, and b ici-o lien & million inhabitane., 0v. ag te lie elleged peenîter temper- Lticl of ropopre il a psladyIt litas Itecu amneseea t Auteul on a chai-geocf hcing an accomplice in - lie robbery cf 82,000.000. Si. bac been surnendeles lolte Spanisi police au- IL t' ei cc la LADY LisCiAR's INTENDE» MARRIAGE Lady Lingar, vidow of Lord Dnffsrn'n preclecenson et Ottaa, isn, hey say, ho mnar-y SirFrauda Tai-ville b K.C.-M.C., ef Boswvorth Hall Rugby. HoRevac iter lahe hunband's cci-eln iubthe Ionien Inlands, Neov uth Xales, said Cana- da. Lard Litagar disai in 1876, anal bis vialow msl b.lurneai cf ni'iy, for ch. van ntarnial ta bim lu 1885.Sir Fi-an- ais, her itasbanal lIt is bo be, was junt four yenrs aId aItthat hlm. U. S. STANDAuID SILVEIt DOLLAR.- The Unitcai States sub-lrcasai-rrcf Boston receiveai 500,000 aunlthe nev stpndard cilver dollars. Ho han palal A COSTLY SIIoT.-Al man via calla hiliseif e hanter, ello1 up in te Adir- ondackn lte ether day vital Ite ltoagi van a Seer. WIteu he peai f fty dallai-s fan lte ?arntei's hors. h. bail killeS, ite kmew Lt vas aàntier kunSof animal. Bain THE FainutîA i DisciiAROEs PiîN. TERS IN DÀvîer.-TItere in a peculiar wauy o! di8charging piinters lu Dayton, Ohio, officos. BEcIt composilar Itas a mal la bang lue coamîon, anS vhen lte foreman ticides te dispense viti thle services cf eeof lte itanls hoiai aes a FoOLs FATAL PLAY.-Mlikc fu-k anti Mike O'Conuel!, viti lire. otbers, ver, ant in a boat c0 Hungerford Laie, Michigan, vhea Charles Clay spnang out cf bte boat adlcommeaiceai rkigl.Tic occupants beggod of ro itnfl t p te boat ever, mn Iiey coulai ualevint, bu teopeai ne atten- tian la theirentreaties anal tippoil aven lie boat. Bunk sud O'Caunell were dronoa. Buuik lent-es a wife anS ahilal.i POPULATION 0F IRE WORLD.-Iiebul and Wagner's tables' have just heen puhtisheal, anal shoin a total ineane in lte population cf lie earli of 15,000. 000, partI>' arisiug (roui enata gravt, parîl>' fron thle shovingn cf nouv sud .exacmouse, The total papulation of lte esiti is seh -ilovn at 1,489,145- 800, divitiet as fallovu : Europe, 812,- 898,480 ; Amaîrla, 831,00,000 ; Afnica, 205,219,800 ; Amnenas, 86,116,500;i Ans- Inialis anal Palynesia, 4,411,800. TLLOi'xn WIrs IRER CoAai«aAuc-Mias Hlar-bel Hatlawia>' cf Detroit, ial meny alvaubages. Sho wus 19 sud pretl>', a greduste of Vesser, lte nioe cf a inatl-bo-ilo lavyer, anad borc lie noms af Wîlliaul Bbaiespeane's-wif.- But on Frida> sIt eclapealvih a coach- man witoso e nte vas Bilarmu, anai wItoso complexion beneatb lte side- vhsennRIBi oat ac ie ev-u nss day evening, Jmly 25tt, a fearful boat accidenl ccunred ou Loogi Bllen, lu the CaantY Caye. A seolmasei- nantea MaCabe, vbiu bhis vif., e fernate teacier namad Miss Nul>', an assistant t-scherna uS iton sahoal gi-lu, vent cul on a ploasure trip on lie lake. Tiey hbail nel heen long out vien lthe boat easizeal. A tan nameai, MoDer. m at paisic ont in ' -a b <,t fro n t hli sItar. le thein asaee. -'H a inMa. CaLe holding lte bhat vith ono banal sud is vif. vitî thle olbcn, anal lio litlîl ginls on hie baci, vile he endeav- ci-ed ta punI the boat fern, Lut- Lo- foe MoDermoît could . came te Itint, lue Foyer anal dysentory"iave crealea muaIt iavae an lie vent Coûtl cf Afica, = en>'aquaiter o! le Burope e p pm alia 'fLagon lusving been snce dowu. iA Reniai us comupnle an1sfd : . KaIe, if-vo are over geing ho gel married ve mlgiîas voll ho marriai nov." 9 Miss Hale,Wvi iBooese valie sic- 91er 10 Mn. Gcdrey'e fircî vile, consent- 9ed. TLsyiwere lion jtîabreof !tle- B ey. -Mn. Jaqnet'se ba, and vitout- aiinfor the arrIvai af fzlonds,' hsy enle lic tout of Mr.otiet. Mr.t he haesaiZla Hale, 'anad rsquesteaihe intntdlatc performance cf lis core- tony o! marniage. Mrs. Jaquci andi dangiter vershe vitosems, muai lie couple vere quiakly jainea ina eailoci. The. bride, ana grot vernaling coalume, andmai aler the veaiing lie1 veut home. Lad tevening. lie sudaien tonnage vas tuai taliel about, sotesBayiag: 0&1 u e lad ladies von't gsi mach ofbitp Vropnly., Il seema liaI lie final Mro. Goffre 'heu! ratisaihe" estale 10 lb. Olai abes' Home. Thie mnorning aI 8 e'cloc'k, as Mi. Godfrey vwas in lb.eGadon neAr lis houe i. vus suddenly seizoal viti pain. BO hulened intbhic hanuse saaheu! Dr. Alday, ivie livei ucar, summonea.- Medical aid, haveven, vas ussîsu, anal Mn. Cedfney alleaiina foinminutes front. dineane cf 1he heant. Latest Nains. The slate a! sie g-Cuis lues beau -Thé Spanini insurgents inahe'- Pro. vince cf Entremadurs have Lsen-ads. steal. Il is reportea thliaI lie Buropeaýn Povers have agraû la a Freuai pratec- boaae o! Tanis.' The Premier erniveil lu Moatbal yeu- tenday said ofIthbe afternoon for lie Meratito Provinces., Dr. Sharp Las been nominae inu ie Refonta interest ta oppose Mn. Dem.- ville bu Xing'e, N. B. Thc Paris Manif aur &gain aboies lthe neportei Letrolisi cf thc Prince Imper- la suahle PrlassTiyý The Oldiham veevene have yIedeai to lie enuployers' demanl lorla fie pan .cent reductionc! lthe wages peai.-, L The naval reviev $a have besu beli" Il la again -reporeal fiat B.creleny, D>eVonsill vidrein front the United' nlaîtea ,Cabinel, la ob replaccal Ly Mo- Cxery. The Hlifax Coninty Reformons yee. terdsy nc.aominalerl TMessrs. Joues anad Pcwer as hen candidates for tie Bouse of Commons. Tihe Normmanby Ly-lav grnting an- taiîlunal $80,000 le th, Straforl & Huaron Bailvay Wu ascrfied yesberaiay by s.! majorlty o! 100. Mir. Jette, Who is nai n anbis inay tcnWe frant Eurape, vili, anis arriva , be gazetteaibo ltse jndgechip nacateci by luet.t odah f Juaige Danion. Thte lait cf tic le ading spiriseo! the hostile Snake IndiansaIbas sunr.naiered, and tI isaregarieul nevirlually lermni. ialbug lb. Indien var n u regon. Tue Ruasian Coveruteut bas onulen. ai lie dissolution o! the Schavonic Charitable CoMttîee cf Mcov on fo isseminsting novoîuhioay doctrines. Mn. P.-J. Smith,' Hante]Bale tent- ber for Westmeatb, lues anuieal luis' Intention o! retiring front public 11f. aferle a doluh btio clt rseiuthan Bel . il adNrh atns al Thge asvenof terbibrTam-la li olgtihe uS NnisMt yB atinBlney ane vasogtenbasecedy. Tietain taif Iteaveslanvol yet adeinras o iempondtieshecnesatealpucertan sirnitschanges uvlviug nriacae cf imptratides oumslIrce. caa spinibala inIl xtat"' ertniea y ths hnahernof comerce.d i pry i Alen eRicmngd anviSherbo oendy lietr Coerren -Leiilosryvi.e sein iaitonuShanalookerinrae, air ystrdyvrsanve a onîvle The, laniau Cavarnntt-having ns- fuseS le psy(ci- suppliefuruilieai b> conti-aclors la lie army unlil sovera! charges cf fi-suailave been lavealigat- cd, 'ceveral o! lie ceubreclona have be- aomae banlanapl. Barly yesitortay* morning- eleven, iesvîly laden frelgil caru vers precipi. haleS alovu au embenkmnl on bte Loop Liue of lIme Great Weslern Rail. vs>' about s mileveat cf Simace. Tue eg c di in ciars vore mîlerly tereckl ol (i-lu- ofateFkl ne ansRvasnbujureal. Bismarlu in aesu-uon lIthpe enlic tof ecanidatesLy omlvng an Cahhali Binsiolp vi ar oealtle reenta.s liont cfcadidoateat ivins as au ais pain. rlmur elenetbib The prolongation cf lh. Bosisu.op. op1enita 0 the Austriin oceupation fa no eadil an impossible, andl conne- quently "lt. Parle han appointeS Me- bemet AIL as lis Comuianer la lie acupedprovinces, ciergeS vithlie' Sut>' cf Inenquilizing popuier feeling. Thte Ruan i vl evacualte Adrieno. pIcx veu h ence, anai Erzerontsaid Bayazid mpan lte vithdainial of lte Brillihcletfron the See cf Mentors. The Czar anal lt.eCermuanoveramnt are bath nrgiug lie Parleteec«uale Batoum, Lut the buhahilanle o! Ibat place aestoill as hostile ne ever- le ho tda cf lie Busalan Occupation, eud ex-. pres heir delermination le rosSiatil nud.i- caver cf te Brilli hflmg. A horriblc outage upkn a youug gin! vas commitbeay -a trantp neteéd Cardinal, -at Litle River Rosai, near Quebea, on Sunday oveuljug. Be dut ber face ta pieces vbIb a inife and, ia- dlicteS aijui-eb vie vil L befatal. Il 'vas (aunailiard la iccp hlm front Leing - lyuaiea. AI tie Campbella cf ti's Dominion are onganizing a grand Clan Campbell. ltbe>' vil meel aI Quebia and pay' bientage la Ibein clanzathe Mer- quis of Larne, on bis arrivaI. Thte culebralion, of tlie1"Closing-a! the, A tan lueias e anneseol in Québec for lu-ying le Lning about enotier stnike a toghe laboirers eallie Parliaenu buidingo. CalcutLta despalcies sayt-le nains la Indie lalely have beanu uasully ieevy. ,In Casintene lie population are suffsr. bug leribly for vint cf foad. Tiee pihosphabe minere, er Wakue- fieldl, blein lhentsslvos np by disobeyfng ullslrnctidns as to.blastig. Luchily no oue vwan bfsai oulighl. l'ie' prosente o! Prince Arthur o! Englcmn te iobtratiadPrussien Becmedy t iais aasuates, coetsa bei, ,ld hy dealers. A Lmt terPromia C' MEssa. Mmniu, BENTLY Gerz.zius.-Dn. FevI Wild Strainberry lias etureai oi.-Urmer Cetpint I e 1tl cbaivsfr anc me - sale recovor. W. gel zmi fam flp ylc ,bul, like iL bl2ieul=vo biil iDr, Cure-Extracb cf Wild, SI ace elei 11ea C*aannd inin ules a in lrePd - Yours failù Livernis Kin Tielvor-is b lape viole luana syeîem, as lif., isalti, sud - ePpi --wheaiisld' iubednîl al kindi aI .ilnts rer suIt. The digestion qff monte cfth'e iant ani lion o! lie bein saind are ail imtediateiy cana vork.ng of -lie -Livur, successfnly proveS lhabl Ployer ma unequalled la nons amicIed vili Dypa Compleint, and ai11lie1 plama llt oresul frcin condition o! lie -Liven Bemple Llo le l ry, 10 lively sala it. tli tovnn -c Continent. Tira doses il la juet inhat you vaut. Fon Dysenlery, Diaric, mer complaints, use te gi-e s-le e nmiee-Dî. -Ilewi' rWâShravberry. Il la ph lhable sand effectve. For s -Ms. fihbum, Bentily &Pi By tie use cf Folot Byrnp cf Hypo-ospies speadflY vital*meai andl pnî Tau StcouncuBrsir - o th'lele Whitehall Retuien, Lisimepe', vientIL. Bishc la dntertaflran i pl WRE PEMIERi ND -MR. h4ie left OttaiaI? aa~ delive olailicel eddreusea lime 1]Eovines. -' TUai, lufh la carrylng cff r an cItlrn by lte thisai Stnevber7. Il bas itver f lief in tb. muet sovere caseRL iiil te reacizofet vezy iim fan tle gins ilsatriai ; yoa "s k' withitsharnung effeats, -1 " dealens. Milbunrü, Bentjy é ~" rente. rýk"N<>ics cf )3rilie "' andl Deail-e alargcal 50c -WZITBY MAlta CIMOsuneLE OFFICZ, Augui Spiing Wlisial----------..I Bsrley------------... 8 pesoý,................ m leau, blaîk-eyad-....80 (ts .............. . Corn ............. .... RaHy ................ s Apples--------------..... Polaloces , ......---45( -Eggs ..... ...... i....ou 'Bailler ................ 2C - Wood....... ..8 wool-------------8 N Beef, bina quarter..... .6 Deef, fore quarter.... 4 1' Sieeps .............. -Rids.............. 8 SLaube ...........,i. 2 Calvil ............... .hes .........12: CartoIs ................i Cikkens, porpair ..z POR T FERRY MAI -Pont Ferry, Angite Wheat, spnug ....e....... WIetea, faiX............. Faler,,,,,, ..il........ ...... O.............. Cou eSeeS ..,,........., Po................. usey, a S. .......... B e y , n ' . . . . . . . . . raUU-a-"]3y a thonougimknc nalunal lava inItia ovn tI e! dugoallon anS nutrition, and applcaton oe t e n.prepea s seeclea coa, Mn, Eppa bas' -bralafasl tables-vili a Seficalg beversge vilch msy savseiMe doctord' bit!., ItI i by lte juS sncb articles of daiet tItet a con! be gmnaliy zulit up unlt-oh clrednof cnbIYerMaladie-& ".fgo ne redyle ,abhack wberevelh gt.iW c msy OSF&P-Mlâys, purns blo6<i andSac proparynoUzý -Civil Service Gazefte,-SeB Pack.la tabelteai- - "s 1 Homnopalblo Chenabst, ]LndaIr A C AIlD. 'T0 eludibo ia suffnernil i veaktesu, early deae>, loua ei n T vwii senS saneceits liaI vi: FREE 0F CHARGE. - nd, vas discavered 'by earuissiener Anenia. Sena n setf-addîrcse le te lxzv. JosauaT. Iwàtà, Bible Housa Newc yerL. OUy. NIEW ADVERTISEJ To Renat A PLEASANTLY aituated Hange, viti vooaiciedai n le ihard and noft viber, P ana a Usrgeofruit gardea. Ca.rme suda Waieut-st's - Âppîy en lte promises la r anal office.«eilmj 1 1 1 1 " el 1 1 1 -- 1 - 1 1 '

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