Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1878, p. 3

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0 qmoa se b"Ioognones t tiey'are bdgod au assaaxiaeIN, 'asuev au. -Y., DaYs.; Mfy vifs vas ltensoly aomao d ill ipooi fr alo'itin". Weacon. op* phyolclsus0 tlsee diffaent ocahole, anad recelved no benefl. -8h. hua takos tirai bottias of th. Great Shouliouaea Bemedy sanaià nov hearty sud Weil. Bi3. ,JORNSCBOT, gays u Mr. MoKan. siesI3otting auffered maaattack ai eiaamatlw, sud wu i bl to more * vthout hoIp ; bga ! itar -.skang a fev* botties of théeShoihoneas, vas ahI. te wlk mu vel i aen. Prle of the Bsoeédy lu plut bottles, 61; Pils, 25 cents a *box Sela by ail soa4icina A Latter Pror# s Clergyman. VsaseisvuA, geSip . h,1870. Mmodu. ai. iuxas, urai d&i iugnes -03sasxLMU.-Dr. Fovlar's axtniet cf 'Wild Stmnavery as curaS the. vont casa- et Sumuinr Coîrpwalt. I1 aven 1mev. Our Uittle Cou van, on ee meuh, not expeot- asi te raeïr. Ws gel inediclus frenincen faosjtyiyiaul, but, 1k. avirythhtg elsa, IltalleS. nehil va trieSi Dr, Fovler's Great Cera-1iztruc t Wlcl Strawbeury,wvilci actaS 11ik. sa ciansd pofctly ctond hie infant lunlaus tiasu brée r718. Yours Utfael, a Bs. S. j.Kàms -Lîver lu King. Tha Livir ie the impanial organof9lias. Wiaola inusystero, as Ilcontrais tise 1f., heslth, and hsppiuess on manu. Wheà It la disturbed lu îts proper action, al kindi ai aliments are the natenal ne- îult. -The digestion oi food, the mova* menti cf tb. beant and blood, theac.s tiou of lie brain and narvons systaso, *ae mAlilmmedlalaly cpnnestea iitiste veorklngjof tha, Livor. It bau beau seccaosuy proveS that Giqan's Auguit Flovwer lau nuqualled ilu-cenin ail pean- sens amfiotas illhaypepasaor' livar CsoMpiint, and aIIl l inerons syso- plon st ai uit £cm un unlsealthy condition ofthie Liver anS Stonsad. *Samupla batllas te try, 10 cents. -Poil. tlvely sold lu ail tovus on tb. Western -Continenit. Tsredouaisvllprove tisaI Il 10iJust-whst yen vint. Fou Dysintery, Diarnlceas, sud al sum, mer tosoplahuts,,use tise geastast o!1i&U purs saimple einediei--Dr. iFovlar'i xtruot cf Wlld stravberniy. la i. plaisant, ial)id ne. lieanS affeetive. Fer sale by aildai- Oro. sillbnnn, flîntly S Peanssu, Proprie. tors. 3y tisa use of Fellows' Compound Syr:mn of Hyophciplsiîes liae bleod i;h "de ly it oil ndpurifieci, sud gse masS capable of producing a sound1 body.-1 TEE BSOKING B Bsso.-Aotording te lthe Whiiehall Revtiew tie Am aua biopi, viseo IL. Btieop ai Landau'o lu antertsinia>g at bis palace, ail snack. toas rhua. TEs PUiassANi ÂD lt. CàRvWuiouT hava loft Ottawa for Halifax sund St. John, hsving accepteil invitations ho * dellver polihîcal adarusss lunlia. Mari- * ; in. Provinces.4 SUMeNERaCexrLAsrsUS, os Cssexsîsll Napas TUs, Wilcearrylng00othelise Ifants I sud chlldren Isy l thOusaud t tuis ses- son cf tisayeaur, eue lwyys uraly bc checks- ansd cureS by Dr. Fovierso Extract of vilS Siiavhary. It bias neyer talleS te give re. lelu Is hémont severe casas, Itleh a been vitlilu lhs roacis et very mether. Do net faIlito gve Itatrial ; yen vilho pIeuseS viti Ils ciarnatng effeels Fer sule hy ail Setiers. Milun, Bently r Peasoen, To. route. CEr Notiocesof 1i-fhMarriages. and Deathe schargacl 50 conta each, WHITDY MARK1JTs. CNCislLX Oss'CP, Auguat l4th, 1878, Fleur, par -brl .......... 1o0 i05o MailWheaut .............êu 0s8r91 Co 5pitng NIeat..........1 w si 03 hlarley ............... 00 w oa l'eaus................. @a Peau, blaok.eyod..... 0*)u -"0Coc Outs ... ............ 15 0-n5 cern.. .4..4.0... à...0.. 0c0 @ 1 Mlay ................88C01 Pofatees, uew,.......... 450 50 60 ................ 100 te 12& BU ér. à ......... i.12c5 <@ 14e Wood........ ......080,98400 'Weel................. JO 22 <524 *Bief, hinci quarter.... os5o 8o<50 04 135.!, foe quartai .....*4 50 <5$0 ()0 Sheepkis ............ 80 Do @ 80 45 niSes ...........5c eo Park prw....000 5 ou0 Lits i........... ..... 82 0 $9co Calvn.................4 @<5 6 Onioni ....... .. ... ...1 ()0 Turnipo.;...... ........i10 choassa............... 11o OOC. CJarroti ...... 4.......10e 0 Ciekaîse, prpair... 25 <@-40o Ducka par p i . .80 a@600e Gense par lb ......7:% e 00* Turkays, par lb-. e. c 10 PORT PERRY MARKE TB. Port Ferry, Asgust 14th, 1878. Wheat, sprilg.,............ 8085 0 OU Whis ai...........0 Oc O0O Dsîey..........000 000 Pea............c o r o0oo Corn.... ................. 0 OCÀ) CloerSd ................. 80 85 Ilotatees............ ...... 0 0 OU À y~Ia................... 040 060 Ilr.5. .........)000 000 ........... ..........50 0 0O1 lig..................00 00 Blaye o. . .. . .. . . . . 0 O 0 Oc Wood ................... 2OU0 800 Wool.................... 18 0 20 lIppo'. Cocoan.OArsyuI, AeNCes. Peivras-0&DY a thorongi lcuowledge oethie >'aturel havi vhici govaru the eperatlons cfdt geautien and nutrition, as by a careful applieation0cfthie flne propertion cf veil. SalaetdCco&e, Mr. Epps han provided Oui breakfast tables vitix-a dlltaely flevourad homarae vhiab May cava us many haavy Sechor'Is, Io t la by the Jodiclool use et suci oacile% of diet that a constitution May ha gndually buitit u p uatil ftrong enougls teralt evany tanaîency te diseuseIlien. dreds et ubtîs miladies ara fiosting uround ns§ reRAdyte ttaek wher li tera h a& veak roint. We Mauy sceape n ILyfatal shaf t lîy keeplng orselves vweefortfied wit), pur.bloo Oa b apropeîlym unisbo<fiuma." -Coivil Se'cf aeft.-Bolxl only lu 1aots lbleS-" Ess pu.s &ce., Ho apthile Chemist, London, Eng."' AV A ILI, T 0 mlU visa anasuftrnq frein themaroi I an iudscrtiO 01youth, nervouas weakuaas, carly decay, lbu et1 manlsood,&e., 1 vil! sanS a roeettaIat vill Purs yen, FRIE 0F CHARGE. Thislgreatiremedv vas dlscoYarac by a mllouaryI1l Seti Ameorlos. Saud s slf.addîessid envalep te ths Rau,'Jeimu nT. hui, Bstto , Di blo Hesla, NSe york Ciy. NEW ÂDVERTISEME NTS. A PLAAXTIàYx ltoated Dweing ýtched ard and soft vatoe,-geod ciller, sudnarge fruit gardon. Cerner of Byron sud Wslsut.ts *Apply ou theipromis"sto MES. LAW, #4.tf)whtby. miii ANIMAL PIC-NIC OF TEBU. ploesoftheBrm OsPatt7ogn Pputtialwo, a'Ostdl aall bumasd t "HOW ' WE RAL$.ED R BABY."y Every young mother should read tbis Boo0k. DB. THOlINON, of Toronto, Ms.s "It i.s fuUl-of practica1, soirnd information,.", Dn .FiiLLn, of Toronto,Lw1îtes: "EverY mother should read tlisà book, al every- father, too 1V' Every prospective motier should read it. - Dit.OH. BuBiNs, ofToronto, writes: "I have read 'Hôw weraîsed aur Éaby' wvith souci satiafaction.ý It centaine important facta wlth whlh every parent should bç aeoquainted., Ever y mother of a family, shouid, read it. - Dit. C. B. ALL, of Toronto, writes: * It is the Most U'seful -and concise bookI ever read for iustructisg parents lu the areis, feeding, ana rmanagement of babies," WIVES, 'ASK YOUR -ZUSBANDSý TO BUY THIS BOOK FOR YOU. DE. i Ana)s, of Toronto, writes: !I won ld strongly, racomuesid avery young .huabsana ta presezt a copy of tlfii ools to hie wife before-the R&M'.tf thofr f.rat baby."ý PlUCE - ÈORTY OESNTS. -Copies sont free by. poat ho nuy addrcss lu uanada, ou. receîpt of publisisera' pricos. - Blookîdlor sud Stationer cr s~ M -- - -- ---------- I NEW ADVEILTISEMENTS. Notice to C redit ors. ALsÉ hvjng any Cam Oghnhlpleepreen hetisamsnaforh- for adjuntinent auduil artiss , Sio th, oai astate vii plasse mke immadistea y. meut. -Auy prtesolding papaendors ad byhe smd George Ogeton vOlfl nohlfy tIha undéraigned. 1Wlitby, Aug. 18,:1 -W. H. DILLINGSior 18o8.. 81or. VOTERS' LIST, 1878. MUIcJIPALITY 0FP THE TOWNSHIP 0F PICKIIING, COUKTY 0P ONTARIO. hae r0 omtt-r~delv to the sections of the VotersListe Act, the copias reqnired by aad eetil obtehgosetranmltt- ad or deliveed ci the it mads pursuant to, saiS Actcf ail parions aparng by tha lait rôevad Asosssniat J llof the sald Mnnieipailty, te, b. antitied te, vote in the. said Municirallty et 2Eleetierns for memnbers f i Lgîative Asambly, and at Munici. pal Elestiens anSl that saldtList was Ont Spostazup at My office on the 23rd Day of July, 1878, aud romains thare for lispection. Bestors are clSupou te exa ~ine tha saiS List, and if any omission or ty othar errez. ara lonld tharem, te talce imàmediate pio'ed. lugi te, havethe said ýrrors correcteSs-. cordlng te Law. HECTOIi MATON', D~t ~ g &LIf Pickedg., THE CENTRAL HO USE,- (Lista Lackist t Hese.) C. GIFFORD - - Propriet.or. TLis bouse is th e ot bin e Conty. Cahl sud soc it. Mare Strayod F RO STEIILNON'Spasure flsld, on-theWes aie c th tona breun mare, bleod aged, stands about 15 hande bigi; off bÏfid foot svelleS ut fetloek; no shoas. A libanal reverS vihI hpaid tonsuch infarinution as vill lead taelierrietovary. F. W. GLEN, Oshawa, Aug. lUth, '78. Ousw GOOD GEI4ItRAL SERVANT WANT. LPD. Apply ho CRAWFORD'S PURE TEASJ c RAWFORIYS PACKAGE TEAI contain s colubnstion of the fineat nsv scasons tams, caraftÛIy bleuded. and bha ipg puraly Naturel an!Undueated, pré. Suce a haverage violepoine, pleesani sud refieehleg, a reenit vilci esunot poss1bly haast01igdhysny simple ciaracter o! hem. Th.suÈden ocnine meithsut haà il- redybenappoiuted ajent, anS yl bv au hanS. stul W. P. WILLCOCK, 4Cu-54 Confectioner. Agcuh s ansoed thneegheu thle Notice ta Contractors. QEALED TENDERS- endormeS "Flcker- kj ing Harhoiii Woîke," addrassed te thie undeaignad, vil ha racalved et thil Office util Frilday thie 28rd day et Augusi, ah noce, ferthie crihvork fer thie xtbnsien et tia West Plan et Pickering Maihour, sud for Dredghug. 1 Flans aud Spetlllsetheùe canha soeauah Ibis offce ; ah the Custein Roanse, WlsItby; anS thieFost Offlea, Lhverpoel Market, ou and ufian Wadneday th 10blitatstant. TeeSers mont ba in ststmccordanca viti thie printad tarins, ethanvxsa tiey vili not ha taken into accaunt.! The aluai signatures ýt tve raipensible pansons, resldeuls oet hiDeuinien, vllling te betamejiureties for t due tullllmeut o! thie Cetra-et ata are neqtieS. This Deartmeut dse net bled itsait te uttepî hle vst or ony Tandon. Dy eider, r.BAN Dnî'ARTEîNseOFUsIt 1oRSs, <Secretary. OmnAWt, Augui7141878._ FARM F04~ SALE!1 SOUTR PARTS of Iot& 25 anal 26, Broken Front, Pick.ering,% ning one hun. Suedsoaces, more on lots,rtie pcprt y oethie lata Robert Brena. porys batflyotaS don hi sargin cf tlie Luhei near Ltverpooel iMaket, anSdshoot ten miles 1 tranhiecolle w evuotf itby. For tarins o. a ?ly leb Fro AT: tICK CONWVAF, W.r . BtLe GO St. Faul's, Toronto. -Solititr,, Whith7. 'AUCTIEN SLEbOF -CHuREO The undanloiodTnué4eeutet hi.Melbo. dbisL5?l5802aiChurch, ttuatedn Lot No. TewuI lOf Pickering, ýil for tlso build. lu n adbaloiig ta It for sale ont Tueuolde.y, Septe.olser l1a. Trme maS, kuavu on day cf silo. Siloah ivo'ciock P;i.~ AU CE ROB 1Â~TLEà TOTO & .NIPIESING RAILWAy The Annuel Ghuera Meeting ýcf tha Sisrsholds Of tbls omevYv1 tak. ings, Torauent as5 ,thie 101 Bui0- Bapaa>9r4.Dls7 Monu.~ " Brook-st., Whity ut. N EV~ L)v E rI s iBm E N il s. HWAR VE ST TOO 0LS -VERY CHEEP AT- HATCH & B RO0 TO PAINTERS. Blimdells raw and boiled Oil, Genuine English Lèad, Glass, (our own importation), Colors, Brushes &c., cheap ait HATCHf & BIROS. FLOUSE BIJýILDERS. A large stock- of Nails, inges, Butts, Serews, Lobbk good quality, only $8.50 par dozan, conmplote wlth whit* kuobi, ip top valua at Eave-trougLs put iip 0on latest approved pýattern. Se- pairing neatly aud prompfly don. in Tin Shop. Vfachina Oila of a superior qumity aI L TO LAND AND PLEASURE SEË.KERS' 1 EXCURSION 1 ý-TO0 D EL-AWARE -,U.S.A, TE- ù~a,'en >~ateof- tIre -Union,. Arrangaments hava beau soude for an Ex. cursion frein PORT HOPE TO DOVEit thie-Capital cf-thie Shah. cf Delavane,, TUE SDA Y, AU6t. 20, '78.). 1~TO'VICE! Cali aâ.dseo ordler. Aug. 14, 1878. Views of resîdenees taken t0 *UT'U. STANDAI SIMOE.T.,OSHWÂ.ltiste United States - - HÂLL iu 1828. -Ti - csreffuly improvedE - ohaîuea have been I CR- EAT O LEARAl.;N G SALE STJLL GOJNG ON HAMILTON &HABBOWEBISI We have just recoled 'a LAIRGE STOCK 0-F BlackU7 reen Teais, GENEIIAL GTROCERIES, and Fruit Jars. te WaIT. f .L thut tin COURT 0F ASSIZE, N"iniuOa n TermIner, aziS G ar. ai Guo Dile v ldhaalSusdthe Cont O taro uhe COURT HOJSE nuthie TOWN of WHITBY, -ON- ah nttte foilovsg vouderful1ev rts.: Thurscday, September lOth, ý>'8, Port Hope, Ont., to Dover sud - - n 1550Atthie hour ofilS 'claek, neen, o!fvlulch ai Reain, - 1 Coroners, Justices cfthea Pence, anS) -ail Port Hope, Ont., ta, Dover, c ohers conteneS, viii hke notice sud gev. one vay, 10 - 00SiO O rn tiemeselves acortse y 1,t'The Round Tri p Ticket vilI ha GooS NELSON G ENLS a te Rehuru on Any Regelai Train vitEýes Shasifl's effits, Wiit. Sieril!, Co. Onhanie, B Tiîy daye. ..: hy, Anguat Otht, '78.-S 0 REDucEn MOTEL Fan. - Areangeints __________ _____ h bave be maSe viti the pnopriéoenof the Capital Hatal locted ou tlie Publie Squarea, 8 7 8 t hiehast Ilote1 i thie City, for tht le-wnsate 1 8 7 -ji #lM1a day. Basse TlrrLAnxs.-Don't fail te bring U T O A E dia Ladiee. Eveiy attention eiii a pt UC IO A E t tei ii are unS teintren rotesf, asud tom- fertalsle roomeansd catiages tommnizeS for -F aui hie excuriîia i J a Dar T 1EGXte isturn my sentera hiaulceteithe nm et ofltdioi havera y5 iarrange obeseed upan meiluthie pas and tu CEsNTEsNNLEXUMITmION. - The Excun intimutethiat I vil ha ou baud ieady ta Biaulià;svIll aIea isavean uoprtunityoci cendut any salas tiat I us:y be ntrsted Beesin thse International i tO tpn ih Tem ira.Siscio«gur edlli n tbirvway ack. Admisi nted euly 25 cents. Tveniy-six Acres c Ex My sale ek a1 stoSut*hi -iihita, besiesthie Zologitul Gardons. - ntraHtel Whstby. Arrangeinui as MaomcIrîcma StswNBY.-Tlie trip, ever te days o! Sale, &c., may ho muSe ithi thie Notheru Central Railvay, le in ltsait Mr. >Mason, the proprieci o! lia Hetel. at am',ilyvortihie ontine cash. TlaBu Ordae by mai ortae ai tnddld - azfYyeu tirough acountry va1led andiAcine,~hty Lake, M<uDîain andi River Sceen el the N. B. - Sale Boukesud bbank noiesi y Country. Tie fer-faineS "WatldiâGlen,"funniebed fret. "Minepua pningi"(the Saratgo!OfPan- L. F. nsylvania), thie Meîntyre Coal ÎMne iti _________________ 5inclinaS Raulvmy rinnlng te top o! tin y MQuntain visible frein cars ah Ralahan, Fa tise Susqualsnua River vith i ilsThauaand F RM FO]RVSALE. 'iiteijve Islands, sudthie beautlful Val- loyn cf Lancaster sud Ciesterilla h o-e.n'ONTAINING 50 ACRES CF LAND, i sentieS te tbe vlav cf the Faseegers sud %-)baug thie S. W. o f lot, nuinher 14 in by leaviug tisa renta ut Harrisburg, fIa. a the7th concessien oifthie Tovnship et culethouri rida vil hnbngyon o te h.Reacis, 17 acres cfib snae cloased tuS GRAND1112T1 O rL Ce T RR AD uder cultivaihln, andthie balante eaW ha I3ATTLE.PIELD .01 GETTYSDURG, ta clearad very ciieaply. Tisere a op ou %ho sllgbst additlonab oest. p remisas a new 1ij ato-y trame dviillng Cape May, Long Brandi, sud Ocoan hanie, 24x80, viti addition, 12x48, sud se Suminer Resorta. CAPE MlAY, OCEAN a neyer faille5 Streaum oet vter. The land GROVE, ATL &NTIO CITF or LONG ls 1ev and partioniarly adaptaS for iay cnaop BRANCH eau ha emii.y reacied tram phu,, sud grszinig purpouee, sud vill proaoce daiphisa. Naew York city hi about 90 mile.somucis moe grass sud paitur& this higb distant via Fenusylvanla, R. B., and tise silceS up.land. 1h isA-leed ena and -round trip fe frein Philadelphie, la theaenomS, sudsaot tva mï[4oetroin 1he il rointusud rature is frein 12ht 85. Waai. etfPort Ferry. Tiispiaperty viii ha se i S n toean he reathed at a llgit additienai ai a bargin. For further partionlare appiy expeneI-rein Wimsngton, Delaware. ha W. E. Ras on the remises on te Pamphliet descriptive cf Cap. May and * .GoRbON, OceansGrava tan ha procureS ot theunudar- P ort Ferry, Ont. algueS Agent. Font Ferry, Olat Joly, 1S78. 824in MàrSAND Pe PausuT-Wiil ha sent fée., on applcation ho thi nudersîguad. This painpaiI trtre onau ver 80 diffeent euhasds TAXE THE, suai as seon, limate, people, iodocts, mur- kets desriptions andpnices etMarras. Izahort ltIB il ansvers aveiy question thtatlasdbosSeeak- HI , PORT PERRY ai tould tink etfssklng.-AD Quicx Tîssi-It hakes but 26 boutsitrain sinit woar resd o tm euhave LINDSAY RAILWAYi, neary 8day in elaareandPhiladaiphia anS returu tis azame veek. Tiss.vIs bava hume eau rature tise saine ticket suy timi vithin 80 Sa ys. DsEzcT,îaas.-1'ak thie Steanmer NORSE. XAN, wvich is vii ve Port Hope outhie meonsoge TUESDAF, AUGUST 90, about 10 A. . ,aler thesa arivaI efthtIe Grand TH SHOBTEOT Sm ONLY DIRECT Trnuksud MidisuS BailroaS soornlng trains. BUBFO Tb@ci Bs Rilvsyy vil issue noud BUE O anstidfer tis eoxeursidls. Don't TO>9ONtO AND THE WEBT7 taltd ho es.'"Tic more the mennien." j Firsl clansears vil) hoprotideS s&na xpeni. To PORT PERRY, auced niilead men vil!go vithiha Excur. * LINDSAY, Sien té sec te the ceinfoil, ssaey sud pleai. FENELON FALLS, uire of tie party. Cars vIl ranthirougi frein Charlotte, N, F. hi. lnnding point ef BOBCAFGZON, thie Steamer, te, Doyen avoiding tranufer, KINMOU.NT, Tickets sud pamphlets cas ho obtainad ah MMNEN, an y lima, up te Angeit 201h, cf B. STEPH. E NSON, Dosinloni Telagrapla Offie, Whit ALBRTN by.AN L P I NM 8AM'L L. BRYMOICORIARAILWÂYà, Wethern CounaerIeu0. ITO I * Nehisru Ce n ~ 4: Pleaure Seeker~&Ivld M are StraLyed T TaXZ TMs& L*4'Tn STUEGEUN Poe È OTL KY Crooli, on Bud y STtsa nigit S x' u OPO au 5 IGiE lisT, beyIhorse villa white star on lfeahoad, la Silueeon $turaeon Lias 5sohu r Stliesu baudseonaeliIs bigl.ansd about Tennte, viVctria.isii nins or teu yans id.&-Olasier "lts rs Tii.ovuer laraquanteS on provng pro-. .~ . pesy te tike <5avy anPa us»pjne TisLine =akes u eIIOns1g wth Gruad 9""rl&8tEBET. Truu& ' naratlva.'at Duffna' Crack, Ang. 5th,'78, Union Statons. »g SHARP CONNfECTIONS. f Fana For Sae 1 Notranier achargs.2 ois.aIf c tMrough ORH-E T urtr ot1 i te t mlls a ty WKfrsand êT pjxý FL. & ONTAIRIO LADIES' CO0LULGE, -o N M p 1874- 1874- F0 UNDED OFFERS THE FOLLOWING ADVýANTAGES - lot. The finest buildings sud grounds in Canada. devoetthe higier oduestion cf yung ladies. The nev tut, îiowing thie Collage viti tie recout additions, net heing ready, vo ara -bidSfer tha present ho use the ld ona. 2nd. A very complota and efficient staff of instînchere. Provision is masSe fer a thhrougi greundlug inlhnglisisasthie true feundation for a finished educahion. The simplesh îlamenlary subjacs are net overloolcad, s0 tit pupile may cietr vîth sdvsutagea t su esnly ae ansd in ny stage cf advausemaut. Spatial facilitiez ýre aCenSeSa for acquiring a tierongii sud pructicul kuovýedge cf science. The muais depanrtient, under tise manage. - ment of F. H. Tonington, Eeq., Couductaroet he Pilharmonlie Society e! Teronto, is in tIsa iighest itute et efficiency. Freuch and Germas are huugit by as accompushealady, via speaka bothilanguagai, sud vie aise passasses a good bno*ledgaetfEngli. Liteas hure, Muthainatica, Draving, Painting, &c., are haugit lu the Most efleotive masser. SîS. Woni regulated exorcise in walking, calisthenica, and iding; visolesome anS nutritions iet ; coinforhublea suS.ell ventilatad roins, &c. 4ti. A large numban o! henora te ha compehad for. Two isedali frein Ris Rxcellency Lord edans gelSmadal,.mu Jas. Pattanson, Eaq., of Toronlto; s seholanshlp freio lbn Taskey, Rsq., of Appieton, âsud moea n 150.00 vorth etf rikas. 111h. Fiffeen pler tarif. eeducfion te fise, she pay ,ia dence for ene peau' board and atfloua. To thsse vIse pay by tIse tarin :-Fen second tarin et uttendance, fva pan cent. eff ill bilae; fer third tarin, tan par cent. off; and for feurti tarin,fIfleen par cent. vin be dedeoteci. TUITION FES. Proaratory Depurtinant, par tarn.... $4 0 Acadeinie .... 0 Cellogiste ,... ..8 0 scel Iboom sud incidentai exPenos , User !Llrm..................................( BOABDING EXPENSES. Board, vith tomieS roin. par veek ...62 V -mol, lilata, aud wasilg, par n eau . Single bed, or roimn u Sd steray, extra, per week.... - - - - ................... TO TSIOSE WH(ý PAY IN ABVA&NCE FR21 YUAl.-OAitD d&TUITION. a~ lu Paeî,uiry D8128 n .a seoo inAedel Depas-tinant .......?....lm O0 00 Io Colcetta Daîstrtinent-------------ce.. fl 0 00 Additionsi charges vil Saepeu upyon the numbar et extras titkeu, suci as sonsf, drav- tee pEaitine, a&essio aau ofr vilai15 percenet 00 vil a haken, if pstymeuh he aoda le advune foaooe CAýLENDAR. Tho Giseglato year la diviSeS inte tour terms, o! tan veoks oaci; One. tarieand a-hait ha- 5 fore Obrlinan ànIo and a-hoaaier. ; FMEsr Tzase.Scteber5thitoNevesoberlIhi. 50 stes» TsizeeHashan Sîh eh ary 7115. V &CATMIos rein e emr IastistaJa. nd. 01T wn n a a e*~7tix ho Apn i i. O FUUy TIC, i 5 111 o Ju. 2715. For furtl4cr particulars, see Cslenditr, furnished om application te Bsiv. J. E. SÂNDEBSON, . A., or,BE. J. J. H4RE, B. A. Wlaitby, July Brd, 1878. Govennors Farm ta Rent! 128 ACREE.-IPaft a1 lot 4 sudS, Lakte Shr Plokei Dveiling and' g- u buildings. sdnlot Ne- 'voeber. vitisprivlige teplov visencrop lukan off. - AppytUAllol DBO (814P)- Wst 28rici.t - 28-hf. FARM TO RENT 1 1DART 0F LOT No. S, SrS con., e! PIck- .Lanng outslnlng 100 acre, au ciaar- .5 sud lugood ete o! cultivahion. Woul vaka;geod'éut-bnldlg. Possesion gia suOi oember. Li . vete piesigi on lot Septesobeu, For tains sppl.-y t AE S AIL Or thTRO 4Ionu-lie puEs 0e eausdby breîagi., Nothlng but th. veny b ,out tise machinea, and lie vorkmauship is uni pliaS vwilsen: PATENT DIAM'OND- POIN~TE] Wiorth tisrelimes s sucis ai tisa e PITTS, PLANET, PELTON, OR HALL HORSE POWERS, <ight or tonhorae) aither DOWN or MOUNTED on TRU OK.8 as customers mnay deire. AIso-T.UOS builtspesially for 8EPÂBATOflS,w1iiBroaa Tirese. We are building aspecial machins for STEAM THBESHING-wiIi 86 loch cylinder ana 42 inch grainhait, and we also supply a Steam, Engin a which we guarutee to drive our Tlireher lu a flrot-clama manner as riidly as it eau possible si ed. Our Engins iu made from the mort improved mode] used thronghout the_ United States, and gives universal satisfaction. It laesimple lu construction, easily and perfaotly governed, and flot liable to accidents or to get ont-of order, and ail danger from sparks entirely remnvod.' là» Cironlars sent fresupon application. Fior further information addresa dose;phHall Manufaoturing 'Go, OBHAWA, ONTÂBLO. O, ye's!1 Oyes! OP yes! a-o roc SIMON FR'ASER,'S CASH GROQERY -STORE, Where U get the best and cheapest groceries in the County. Try it 1 A fine 75e Green Tea iu 10 lb. lots ut 50o per lb. A. good Family Tes, 80q per lb. Ail grades of Sugar, at prîces that defy competition. Pure, frosh, poil Coffees, very cheip. Cocoas, Ohocolates, Oanncd Meats, Spicos, Flavoring Extracts, &e. A new stock of Crockery a*ivng which 'will be sold at a littie moro than haif the usual prioe, to suit the warm times. A fuil stock of Glasswarei G-cm Jars,zJellîy Cauo, very oheep. ' Pails, Bruehes, Brooms, Fine Floni, Cornmoal, Oatmneat, Bacon and Hams, constantly on haud, ut low prices. -:000:- WANTEID.-Any qualltity of prime dairy Butter, Eggs, aud Fruits of ail kinds. A call respectfdlly solicited. SIMON FRASE-R, "Another Great Mo've LAJN G & STEWART. We ane offening oui immense Stock of Dry Goeda, Cloting, Ganýts' FarinishSg, Hla, Caps, Shirts, Drawers, Collais, Cnffs, Ties, Diss Shirts, Oxford Shirts, &0., &c. -CLOTHING.- Gentlemen, doyo waut s goad Sommner Soit, in the hast style, et tlîo Iowest figurès ? if se, LAING & STE, WAJ&T'S atîp lace te get it. We have an immense assertinent ef materlal, sud guaratea a fit. Specia-Weo uer n choice Tweed Soit foi #L2.00, mnade te erder,' -DRESS GOODS.- We are giving special en.te te cîcai out, frein 1Ot up. Linon Costumes frein $1.60 Up. Black Lnstres frein lUc up. Puinis veiry clîeap, of a il the hait English sud Amoarican July l7th, 1878. -MI LtL N ER Y._ This Departint la veiy complota in vrbngNwadSyi.Vè lreeuc tiens, in many tases le3sthan hait prise. aeyhu ea u tla.Vi a~erdc HOUSEKBEERS in vent cf Sheetingq, ToeeDings, Table Linbu, Nspkins, Dorles,' Conerpanes, Fillew Cottous, Lace Curtains, Lambricane, &c., et very Spatial i3argains. W. are ihewiug s Special Lino cf Tapestry Caîpets ah 05c. Iu tact eveiything in or establishment vo inhend teo oSer et prices that yUl ensure s clearance, belere meving te eue New Shere. ALL ARlE WELCOME.' NONE ARE FORORD TO BUY. LAING & STEWART. DOMINION WAIiEIIOOMS, 4 We beg to advise having received our- Spring stock. We are well assorted witk the most seaBon- able and most durable goods in thse market andi at the LO0WEST PRIJES. We invite 8pecial at- iention to our stock of DRESÇ GOODS, wlîicls i8 attractive' by ita great ext ent, Variety andi Olîeapness. Our GLOTE DER4RTMENT excella any -former 8ea8on in Style and Variety. Our Millin-. ery Stock is complete and attractive. We have a first-class Cutter, stylisk M.lilliner, Dre88 and Ma.nile Maker8, ready ta execuie al order8 entru8ted ýta them. Thanking yois for past ,/avors, ive solicit a con- -tinuance of your patronage. i- Your8 re8apectfully,. LOWES ~POWVELL. Whitby, Apnil Sti,188 JUS T R-EC0ElVElDI WHIT-BY CH-INA.TEA STORE,] A Large Assor(nent of OrèCkery, and Glassware' kinds. Alo a Large Coneignment of of 111 Control depe-nd tuaI necesslty t cos dlnectby, in mauautly cura organi. The. Invente: afta inontisoo timele aaau tIse alectte!is aS tint ne OI hained se poteni the nervons Sys Compound and axcapt ineucass of ac alor a10lo0, tbat it would restoeapatlêtusRnýfng frein -those maladies. Amongst thei.suases ovarcome by thea use of Ibis ramedy sa the foleowiuig Chronie Constipation, Chrenie Dyspepsie, Asfhma,. Chronlo Bronclh1tis, Chonla ikieaf Chronlo Laryngitin,- IXarvous Dobllity FELLOWS Compound 8y-rup of Hypo-: phosphites, Tho. power of arrest in iseass isplad by this prepiation i. nCuorably i ow- ledged bythamedicalfaoulty in avery sec. tien wvIseail ha@ bean introduced ; sud the large sule la the boit goareteaeofthei estima- tienn ewbih itnh I eela by the publio. thirdk h It wMcure Anthi, l3ronchitis, Lugitis, sud Coughis, It wil) curalaI diseaies oniginating frein wsnt of Musefflari Actien sud ervons Porce.- Do net ha deceivad by remedias, baarng ~a similar naine, ne othar preaurtion is a snb. shituta for thi ner auy csrumstaces. Look out fer the. ne anaS adOrass.J. L FELLOWS', St. John, N. B., en-Ise yailew wreppar in watanamark whish la seau by holding tha ppr bafoeatba light. Prite $1.110par Bottie, six for #7.50. Scld by ail Drnggists. BA 0 W XN'S INDIAN LINIMENT 1- Por sale by dealers- gancraly. What we tak. the lIad 'in 1 leroshed parto, Burn, S-prains &C. FOR HORSES ARND CATTLE.-Frem à te one bohtla in-warin watter, will eue meut inhernal Seraligemanhs caue by ovar hat- ing, &c. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY, ASK H M? Wa the undereignad lîaveisccd lrews±'g Indilan Liniment for aone ti»se, sud cail checr.tully recemmond 1h for public use. B h Iz ma 'itio Orchsurd, Ont. CaE&o1Hempt1Lrn, Whitby, 9 Hiramn Brown,6 Androw Orvis, J. Dawn, Brooklin, J.K. Mathavwson, Sath Hubble, Asfibore, A. IL. Heudarsez% Uxhridge, " S. C. B3ROWN, Propricor, US.) Wiitby, Ont, Manitoba-! Manitoba!I VEXLY L0WÊ8T RATES. ~ T vaUGreat WestrnBy Sarna Stenm. are, Datroit sud Milwaukee, sud Mlchigsu- Central Bsilways. Aise, throgb sund ratnxn ticket# fer Buff- alo;' Datreit, Chhicage, Philadelpbia, Now Yerk, Suspensien Bridge, Milvaeukee,snSd ALL POINTS INUNITED STATESI 1 Aise,: London, Sarnia, Gnneyh. ParisP- troUs, St. Catharines, enSi nliSt. Thomas. Fer Ticketd sud ferthor intormationi, a p t - E . 1STE PH EN 8O N , Oceau Steamship Ticket Oilice, *Great Western sud -S<L Nersemnan Ticket_ Agent, Dominion Telegruh c.,7 22) WHITBY. TIRGREAT MISEEF. Envoi CAUSE OF HUMAN pubiiahed. in a soseS wihosut = surgicalc rings, or> cure ah où =&my b., zm 17 iaSrad nyaumu, luI*at1 postage stanipa. A.SKeia, TME CULVERWELL N 41 Ai;e-Sm ACompleto Soif-in GLASS PRESERVE JARS! làr Ail of whieli wiil be s old Cheaýper than ever for Cash. Cali sud examine for yourselyes, befôre purélaasing claovlaere. Also, Rceiyiug-Daily, mliikindi of FRESI- RIPE FRUIT For 'Sale, Wholesal LEMONSl : 1 L We eau supply ,.l 1 -41 '78.

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