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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1878, p. 4

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(Ci ti LHE TRfi (W. sherwood, 3Master.) WX Lmalie lei rogular tripeonIi w ýroute, I vit tJebonnrgevery Mcm. nat 7, antI ortliHfest 9 oeloek, on aMiv tvs G. T%, JI. B, tus rom Easet and Wool conoctng t RclI5er wth 11w 1DM 1Ralway's.\aed Lake Onarto ftors- BtUTURNING-Willei bave Charlotte OCi PBOceIOter) daiuly atil P. mn exept ula ysdn) wliecu she wll1 leave at'8 p. nm. for Port Hopo direct. Dealesxsla stock &C., will Aind this the abeapet and Most expedit4eus routc te ~Baoteei Alblii * New York, Lme. For Ïortliar rntermatiou .Aeply to W, SHERWOOD, C. P. GILDIIUSLEVE, porît Hope. ngt. LIVERSPOOL, LQNDONDERIY, GLASOOW. A1Ian'Lin-e GI! Ii0YA-Tj MAIL STEAMSAFS. Everr Sutritfy froin Quiebac, on narrivaLi ut the train leaviîig Wlitby t,10 a., ri,*ry lFrlday. q f alî îromrn rclucesl to 0191, l ltîînllkelu, 5i 16,O $II6C, aieeraiug lu ofslii fuîlti ruohîî. Iîiterrneillate, p4il; reluru, $02. lltcùrtgti lem low ai;the 1lo-Vet.. l'ulyuuiiii, fteili uvlîui, July 27tli, 11178 F;iiiratili, 4. g, l (Jlrcasâin, t" lth Il MorIrîvln, 17tli (1loniery, Igiflîit4 llgow, Qîiaensîown, am u a iliVOrpotnl. * llsia i Wliliing tlu eeilfor thilir frienil, cati uliîl Ltickets t tlow îî,tion. '1110pAlisages nile during tlisaStininer <f 1177, roi lildlu landl, i w a baout îîtgdt Icii, twu df whilihauîîo lpontlit the * siiiotL)à Waterr f li, e.Littwreiisî. t fol li1ý,1asli au t îurior Lfmnatliîîaiply tui, îîl L!. OMlcO rîT îq V 0F iIUS TOIlle TAKI L. lXCONiITAIILUSI. Lby. EN1 (liturderlTer fl u Cîissl, datai] 2411, day. JîîlY, 1074.) wArrt . a.or6 ne ilu e laanLa îsusuoiss, sub. * Iliîi r Wttliriît...... _......010 5 sib"Iw iii arulisu esinns uol limul pronof di, tlîlgmor... (j10 tsilusivsf{Irj:renIit aea. 0ei'iariiy eîs Iiîllusi tuir con. veyui m:. ......... 10 i, ttaîsîuillmg .istiii issi ninary tioirciioiuilstiiof pri. sss aî,i lsiug tiil liloi ti Iuli i t e ovefwüss ' riy n netoi eluissgîsiuiss Muniîifoir usurti.. -0.0 7. li.il, hs ig itsret diaus fouir Iiouit.........l....... 50 >,ALLuîisii ,.Atiîizii or W îii, 11. llcge trseling taiîtlîi AN- s'iain, iS010118, ur'lîcforiî .Iîîtioces (wvlsen jublo li îuvî uee uru cle trikoi, ouiýny rssoiîsîedîurse. nîcuýits Leho l auIowi.)-----------..10' J111, SînouiîiJîyfor Conoîerm' - lusueats, iiliIluîç ;atttuitIiiîig ail lnsîo, uîlii cvlco Ili rsa. lad tbilsef, If 110(l onsains iîaiy os T ry esîiiniîîd............0 ..sr iuui ................. 1 12. ~ ~ ~ 1x l,,di uiosu iora Llîaîî fouir iins......... .....0 Si, lirvtle nisîsînoms tir au teiu ,a c atetniisble Cioronear (suitbjeist Nu. 10)>................... 28 il.Mîlsîus 5svus sîsu......... 10 iii, Eruiuiiig ibosdy issuîsir('i rs Wirriiit ............ ......... 00 11.Uuuliariylli asiit.......... 200 17.flrviiîu e tî îi'ViuitanIr t aruMIuu ssîu ~ 1 mT-i. Aîvirlo iusîlir dilîtreisi ar. ritîtl.......I1.... ........... li Travei ug tskoi ightreas, or ta sP arIlh fori îiisai t su uuschssu ia. Lroi, lnelsnîu Oaîfflire fondI(.*ilJ 20. A.îursioîummu.sl liîtluer 1lîy 'soc or libre, 2 coaith te cdollar, îaîdioývamîv cfiuiiiisib, OrisL. lii 22, 1tii . 0 tlero 'ice ,O v '£Ruwp' 22 13 , POR1T IRUT d&LINDSAY ltALLWAY. T~ETABLE. rýtt cis Mondfay, JssYlo lt, 1878. 8.aes011 acrs S11.156 Il j rasor5 o o 5Tit. I F ry.... SiI *:< tlsy. 7.ê5 I tsr tiii')SIscePeecet Tiie. bâd 01 i<oi faiou to l iy of tua, MNBCTIONS. h.-Vii s irta itse for L lson, llai kWoad, Ltte rtaiTW. N-EW PREMISES, NEW Ravina corne out of the ire safely I lavý been enabled to re-in- vest the iotale amount of My insurance and a large amount of othor Capital in the 131 lbs. of Brow n Sugar for $1.00, 2 h Of Va1enti~ Raisins for $1.00' 20 lbs. of. Currants for - $1000. Aies. Best -uliy 80 c-ntsper galion Wbitby, April. lfiêb. 1878. I .3 F for Cashi on m st advantageous terms-, Iarn en abled to offer- at fuliy 25 Rep Cent Be/low Ordinary Prives STo cash anàI prompt Paying Biiyers at 'Wholesaie and Retail. cx Ideem it unnecessary to en- umerate the itemis in detail of my large and extensive stock any attempt to do so c would fil a dozen Chroniclea, ouf- fiee to Say thât it is complete in all Duyers at 'Wholeule and Retail. cxi deem it unInecessary to en- Imerate the iteùis in detail of my large and extensive stock any attempt to do so CI would fill a dozen Chronicla, oui- flee to Say- thât it is complete in all Unes and that customers will fwd on the urATniqpçz avaru !on the preniees every article tliat may be> - enquired for. Hoads of Families -making purchases of, -FRESH Will ( ( n n -I ) ) EVERYTHING IN Teas, Coffeeàl, Cocoas, Choco- lates, &c., &o., My Liquorsl as heretofore, are of the best brands and will be found unsurpassed in jurity and cheapness. Agent for Cosgrove& Labatt's Aies. GB OCERIES, E-1. by the Reg. 1OU F-4 oeCanned V~ruits, Pickle s, Biscuts, of best Squality. Oystersm,.Haddies, Bloaters and fieli of all ldnds Herrings, Salmon Trout, &a., iÎ-Barrels and haif- Barrels. I arn makiing Suigars a'speci*lalty, and canaffotd to oeill TLAWLER. Pracfl MWatohnzker, BOOk4st WIL IÂM 12'TI ' CABINET FAOTORY AND FURNITURýE WAIR EROOM S THE OLD STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBYI Go -where you -cafinot.i ýfail to be pleasfed in maing sBeleetions1 of goïbd fùrniture. Splendid Parleur, Drawing Room sud Bedroom Sets, groNew De * s ew l eyOf, Inspection, ait1 astonisiaing iow prices. Dm-. 51~xteuion ae-a very auperior article. GUI (Jornices, Picture Franiing iu cvery style'. orne fine Chromos and Engravings fer sale. flÎEI miz>T4xr 1CINa-,c In a&U its branches ; funcrals fuIy supplied, 1, A stock of elegant caskets. Goffis always on hand, trixnmed to suit (Justoniers., and a well appoin ted Rearsec castantly in reaainess. WM. TILL. CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES! TUIE LAIGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK 0F Garriage8, 8Ieighs and Cutters, M. O'DONOVAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHIT13. VEIRY QIIEAP. CALL &SE~E TIIEM. NE-W CGOODS Clothing and Gent's Furnishin gflouse Is now supplied witb ail the- newes t styles of English, Scotch, and Canadian Clohh.s of ail kinds, the Largest and Best Stock they ever lîad. ni Q~n.Also an excellent stock of Gents' Furnishiuigs, aZi teo à. splendid titocli of Bcady-rmadc Ovcreoidt,-Cliaji for Caslu. EcMILLAN~S BLOCK, BRIOOK STRIEET, WIIITBY. FRESH FRU-IT: DEPOT I Everythi the lime Fruits, alWays kept in stock, of time fresheest and haest lu thc Market, andI SOLD U14DERI TORONTO PRICES.- Private aud public parties supplicd ah Wlîolcsale rates. Orders by Telegraph or Letter, supplied at the LOWE ST RATES, with puneutuality. Ail goods delivered to Whitby and Bowxnanville pur- ehasers. ISI eb. 27111, 1878. (8m.11) 4SH1 ONABLE W. J. REDMAN, Ring-St., Oshawa. TAIL ORING ÂNAD FREýSH ro where you can get a Well-fitting Garment :-To the Tailoringr Establishmert of GEORGE GURLEY, A Large Stock of Fine CObtls; hst Englisia, Scotch agnd Canâdian Twceds'.0- Excellant Overcoatimîgsai nd Sýuendid VesPatrA gQoodfit Guaraiuhca. -Patr.A 51 GEORGE GUÎÈLEY, S OAESTHEAW. My Stock of YR2wIT TY.E Is 110W Comple te in E very-Iâne. E. J. JOBýNSON. ery Special Induceme'nts t STARTING HOIUSEKÊEPING.! those1 UND ERTA KIN G. Fuil Stock of Caskets, Coffns, 4rnd al the neces.saries in this line. Also, A WELL-APPOINTEID llEýRSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 WM., iB'UÉINS, BROOK STREET, ï WHITlI Hlas just received, direeb f4,mu the h4uatr îssortment. of, Ladies and Gentla4nen's Ma~ Empress, ind Amerioim rs, a g ood Isard$ Our macaiinery bas boon soles. and1 t e icmanlufactttieof Our own mahnèa-M partkiaurPÙrpee, and not adapted fer oth, caMed Up te hi wanto andi reqnirementsofcf eugh knowadge of 1the aconstruction o ceir tainý a higher degreof OU cI and prollocency We are therefore enabled te inàtroduce a parimenta o!fmanufature, adlng anet only t 00 to the ra$lty cf fis aeectiôln.-and a Ce= -Thio pranaxple la' regarc¶ed neesiary in n ivc enabled ho hum i o âmachInas -wth-a p Tc E c H low'EF-A I.N asaREnel e ey Epeii fi a ter- I to eb. 1 the de. but ai- ut, gud ana t .ma50 upi, VflA± FR Gentlemen fnrniahing t netice. Cntting doue Pr( Wh.{tby, mue 7111, 1878. eau have - OO 'NU~ BOOT% A J zý N. KLJ X-L qJ -M Hasi been removed from Brook Street to Duiu fiaci r or*est of'ArmstogsHôtel;, wlere LicLias a Bp) the BIII I T N M ,and of the best stylos of Bloa Al orders prompty attended to., Reaire neatly don.. SDundas Street, . rst store west of .A WHotel. oembe h, e plc. MoMATTHEW 91. K in g S tree t , - - - T o n o ARE NOW SHIOWING THE LAIIGEST STOCK.0FOFlU ES E VEL SIIOWN4 IN VANXiSAUA tee---- be 8tSý Din. rets. ti fc bi 9 hi qi >e Y. L D. TI D. A. TL w J. Fr Ja )f Th 10 All T S a: Wi J. ý Do E. ae He Thi JOI JOB rence r this odu. thor- 0 ob. uring m de.' it AI. , alid rould l his ý [Cep- )f us ngth ýsa of ands only and ,ers The dur- ;y of xm- ung ma. rge, the The side ave bat ýur lu, ,ers Au, in- the WC 0. of 78, g( P( D ro. at w '8. - E &EWl l3egs to announce to bis custoniers -and the -publiceii - general tiatIha bas opned a Statioury, Shool Buok ana News depot ini Commoetion witli bis Confectionery & ]3akiug business, in his old stand The Daiiy and Weekly Papers, always'on band, and de- livrd te, subsci-ibers lu nil p4rts of the town. Orders promptiy filled for Peniodicals, Magazines and Music. Alsio, a well-assortcd-leî cf Mottoas, The public wiil fid it ho their advantage to take a peep at ou stock before purciaasiug elsciwhiere.' Wm. mEcERIEN, M.1 GUYOSOIAL L W. BA.]- ID rge1114Tccp J. G. McDOUGALL, Whitby, March 4111, 1878. Sauth Brock Street, 31 G. BIG'BARGAINS JUSI RLECEIVED-A JOB--LOT Grcy -Lustres at 12jc. Black do.- at 12e. Fasti Coiored Prints at bc. Wihite Cottons at be. ICid Gloves at 2.5c. Wthite Cotton Rose at 5c. 2 IRegatha Shirts for $1.50 Menino Shirts-at 30c. fiats, Caps, Ties, Collars, at Cost. MOMLLlNSEC , ANDTARRIGE. TO M S ýSDUD TIET FI WILLI AM Begi ho direct attcinhien to hie lai (bing ilu lb. Saddl Leather valises a ý.NLD FURt TRJMMINGS CUT TO O1ADER. 13EA-R ROBES. .ASTBACHAN1 SACQUES WOLF iROBES, BUSSiAN -LAMB SACQ14ES, IIACOON R(iIIes, S. S. HEAL SACQUES, YAK fOliEs, SA ABSACQUES, BIUFFALO ROlBES, PEESIK LMESC&us MlNK CA1,3, MINK BETTS, S. S. SL CAPS S. S. SEAL 'SETTS, OTTIIIt AND SEA SETTS, EBRMIN SETTS, PEJISIAN 'LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN~ LAMB SETTS, I3ALTIO SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETTS, CONEY CArS,* BLACK SABLE SETTS, GREY LAMB ,CAPSl, CONEY 8ETTS, Os Dow se well liown as ai Single Beaiper, that a Word cf cemmendation Would almost eecm uprflueus, but as thhre are many clainiing te manufactura liais D;aohine Who lhave adliermesl te i d original Jolinaton machine, withant keep- ing up te Ithe itnprovements ; tbait justice te ourucîves andI patrons require cf us te statc thait we h ave -modifled il Oin almoet cvery essential part, and for streugth anad duuability, qnalitv of cul, in eveuy hind aud cenUdIon cf grain ; lightness cf drft aind aise of zmanagement-the "Johoton," ais maufeotured by us-stands puc-erninently ailicd cf aIl other reapors. In proof cf lliis position we hava only te peint te the many First Prizes awarded us-at lthe last Provincial trial cf On. tarie,*antI many connty trials which have taiken place al ov6r Canada, within O URe lasIM P few years.HiN E with late imprcvcments, is ail thal can 11e desircd in a Combincd Machine, and car nni fau ed eetail t ho eqnire nd ur Yonsendars.er araboh 6stclas achne- ~neiluedalmslwlill cfIrn audSteel. The Caynga Jr. hais a roar cul, andI the Young Canada a front Cul ; 'bath strong, dur- able machines, and net excelled by any machines in the market for quality cf ont, dnrability, lightness of draft, aclaptnbilîty, andI ease of management.1 As the ceury hais becoma botter adapted La macbinery, and many of ou farm- ers have become skilled in the use cf machines, a grcwing demand lias ppruiig up for ai Liglit, Durabule, First-Class Heaper. Alive te the requircnients cf 1the day, we hlave succaeded in invenling a ma- chine witli a Wrougtst Iron Frazne, wilh the least possible gearing-with large, broael.faced drive whoe,-and so, censtructcd thal 1the franie and table tilt nt the sane lime, tliereby keeping the pitman always in liue with the kuife. The railes are <riveu directly frein the main ehaft-there beimag ne perceptible side draft, aind ne weight upon the herses necks. We are confident thiat we have rucceededin l inventing t11e mcml perfect Itesr, taking il in aIl its parttat liais aveu been prodnced. WVe have applied fou Jetters patent, andI shallhohld our inventien, fer ou wn exclusive manufacture, andI we respectfully suggast te in- temding purcliasers, Iliat lhoy shauld ses Ibis machina bafore gvinIg their- erders for the coing lîrvest. The "Whitby Harvestar" wcighis, mliii ld, 600 Potias, but boing matIe principally cf 1the beait qnalily cf iron and steel, andl fromi is in- genieus u.nd compact construction, il combines the streugtb anaI durability cf the heavier machines. Mll of aur machines ara fully warranlad. Xitlî Ihis list cf machines, we feel confident that we can mccl evcry re- quinaniemîl, andI we respectfnlly aclicil a trial cf aur machines, bâ-ieving thal wa eau furni]i a baller machina for tlic money Ilian eau ha obtainctl claewhere. Respectfplly Yusg, BRIOWN & PAITERSON iMFG. Co. Wahitby, Ontario, Februairy, 1877. Licensed for the South Itidiug of Ontario, Northx Riding of Onaiand separate Muîîicipalities in the latter. NAME. IRESIDENCE. IIUNICIPALITY. EXIAON D. Biliop, Oshawa, BRoeh, Arl6h 88 Ths.Pechr, Bolferd, Uxturidge, u lt S. S Lech, Sunderland], Broak, jl LI D.Bibo, Oshawa, S. Iiding,fi2t i A. J HariugonPart Perry, Beach, u. 0h Thos. uckgr, Leaskdale, Scott, en,, st -W.M. illox, Port Perry, N. Itiding, . sà J. M.Pattreon D131omington, 46f t, Frij ea, Orilia, Mara, 2h Jas Diby dj., Clairement, N. & S. Blidiug. 2h Vie. ilk , WFcXfard, UxbnidIge,201 Aler Srig, Muskoka, Beachi, 1t L. Fairbanko V itiîy, 2d H. L Vanant, Stouffvihhe, Uxbisîge, Oc.Iti Sarnl. Baird,]3rock, . 8h Wo. Gordon, Sunderland, ilDc r J. . Wddiiell, Uxbridge, tUxbriàge, I 8l: f ClmntDwe, Part Perry. N. Ridinp, Donad Cmpbll, Whilby, Broak,Ja.5h 17. E. L t a ro, ev-tl T o ,I 25L NAME.wilaù Trno Bok b 8h PEDLERS FOR THE Co. Nau.esidnî, 1 lhorce, Town Whitby, TIscraih,ai UxtinitIge, Mar. 11:11, COMBINATION Ontario, NAME. D. Bisliop, Leecli, D. Bisbop, A. J. 11arriugton, Thos. Tuckgr, -W. M. Willcox, J. M. pattereon, Frank Deau, Jas. Digby, jr., Thos. 11ilkey, -- Albert Spring, L. Fairbaiikf;, H. L. Vanzant, Sanal. Baird, Wo. Gordon, J. C. Widdifieltl, Clement Dawes, Donald Cainpbnll, E. IL' Cameron, cTeo. >10williaiù, LIST OF Heoctor McKinaeu, Tîmes. Cluatterson, John Fincl, joseph asckson, NO fias mucli Pleasure in announcing that he lias now in Stock a (Jomplete Assortment of al kinds of Family Groceries suitabie for the Holidays or aniy time, including the following, viz.: New Valentia Raisins, A Chaice lot af Matae Cups oui] Saiu:ecrs .6Layer di for NMas. IBasket 66 Fancy Teys fer Xmas. London " Fauey Candies far Xmas. Crovu ' Jellies, Marmalade, Clirraute a Pickles, Salmon, Lobesters, Lemon P.eel, Sardines, White Fieli, Orange Peel, Salmon Tront, Citron Peel, Fi.nnan Haiddies and Gystors rceiîvcd Ail KintIs of Silices. dauly. Nuls, al Kincs. Pipes, Tebaccos, Combe, Extracts of ail Kinda. Brushes, Kuives, &0* EXPIRATION. APril 6th, 1878, ýune lot, dé July 9LII, Id il 28th, fi Au-. 20th, fi Sept.,,,'Igt, .6 Lsrà, fi F 4th, 21st, 22nd, Oct. Iltli, .6 18th, Dec. 8rd zon. 5th, 1879. Id di 6b di qNTARIO. Apri 2ith, 1878. June 21111, a Jai,. 13011, 187. Have you seen the New Illuiuiator.: N- CIiiley re-, quired. 1 Light equal ho 8 bf the alid ciud, once hied ahv'ays ùsed. solo agent for Whitby. Crockery and Glaeswarc in gucat, variehy, chcap. Cash raid for Apples, Potatoos, Buitter, Eggs and Poultry. WhiLby, Dec. 111h, 1877. Viek's Floweri and Vegetable Seeds, Lawn Gxrass Seed, ruberose Bulbs, PETERt SMITHI, Oddfalbaws' Buildings. Oxalis ldils &,-o Apricëots, each, cc Pears, Turkish Prune 35 Lima Beans, S" St4ng ý-Beans, Corn, Pears, Frencli Peas, &c. Maple F -Oc-A NEW STATIONERY &BOOK STORE-e DEPO0T s. Save M VJoney and secure a good atticle by calling. BAR GýAINrS Worth 25e. lOc. os$2.00 50SC. W. J. HICRIE d~ CO., BROOK STREET. BUGGIES, A Large Assortmenit of-Cutters and Buggies FOR SLE,- HEAP -AT-- O T'S Carilage Facory, OUR NEW "WHITBY J. G. MCDOUGALL' P E T E R S 1 T Ry- FR ES ýl SEED-S ý California PIU*mbs, Partielar attention given io ail orders.. specially attended to. .Alterations Tarante, Dec. 5, 1877. Whitby, Nevember 241h, 1875. 1 V( d 1 - - 1 1 - - 1 , 1 tirelynew and SF'RESH STOCK>~ G £ROCERI S, LIQUORS, d.ot WThich hav ing been secure "d vi Co MATTREW HARVESTERJý -Oo . purýhasej!of an en- 1 iý-> FI N E SPECIALTY. Toronto, 'Dac. 8, 1877. LIST OF AUCTIONEERS lzv>:E ID M -A, il,%T -1 s KING STREET,- OàHAWA. J. G'.- MCDOUGALL, South Brook Street. Whitby, March 4th, 1878. td ýOSHAWA. UPERIOR CUTTINC-r IlcllILLIAN'S BLOCK, BROOK < STREËT. DU'--;DAS,.STBFET,

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