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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Sep 1878, p. 3

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mi &boy@;or =4a to a kde. 87.id) iusaassouu. L. FAIRBANKS, Auctioncer. Music Ipstruc t/on, MR. F1RED -MUDGE, TEAOHEIR O? TEE PIANO-FORT OftûdN AND G]'arb nu &=d Jobsnatrt, Whltby. mlodeaus b tant At $1, 41.25 aud 41.50, par month. sept. Bnd, 1878. 07.ly DSsoLdUTION £OIpA3TNEE5IP notice le hsrby g iven Ihallthe coPsrt nershlp heretaors aexiisgotwen thec un. dmrufduder the firm sud style 'oi Tay. &arnard bus been this day dissalvid by mutual consent. - 11 Thé business >wilib. continued lu the. omre pasmisesby Mr. TaLlrwho in author. lzed té disarge asd Bel all dciii. due ta and by the saidco.partunrhi. The hui. nas wlllm heretlre be under th.eimau- 88jsuent ai1lUr. Paranr, and persans lu. dobtta.ta the lei. drm arc deeied ta juaske pajint ta hlm. Witucus:',I)PHILIP I TAYLOR, W. N. GRANGER, 5 JHN.AENARD. A TRIA T FOR WHITB Y. mN0OTIOBJmi! A PIRST G RAND D15'hlBUTIOX C .CX vu 000 BlentOboste, Usai sud oriaumtal es WIiIsa p lacei timansd place ta bie appointaul, of whig dus notice wM lh i alu lie Cwiaaoîcu Ticrr anc alrsd 60 cents ecd. Persoasliving Al s distance wli p les iartard ltpont offfce sauront, statin numrber 0i tickets rcquirodi sud lteo amasx for OMOn.- PerOsnunable ta attend thse distributio cou bave thbir articles lteld bock t111 calis for or ontl thein. U AIr ous holding Tickets wilU be et tltled AnsuArticle for every ticket purci Thera wilU anly lho a limuitiduiuber c ticke 4 OrlY Application soltb a e icetssud every informuation obcc MIR. J. THOMPSON, Centre-St. J. 8.ROBERUTSON, Stsiioner. uT. G, WHITPIELD, cliemlet. 87.2ln WhIthy. DELEWARE FARMERS - LECTURE. D.SOPER will speak au D eleware, ili D nPepleblac sudwhite, SalI, Climnats Prospects for Choap Farina, &0.,, &c., fi ODDF.ULLOWS' IIAL16 on ÉRIDÂY EVENING* at 7.30 ADMISSION PURER P.S.-Au invitation lias beou e:teuded tc mal OR'VIS lia ho prenont.' MORIGAGE SALE.. TN-DEn1 AND DtY VIRTUE 0F TRE i.Power ai Sale contalued lu a certain MaOrtgago whlcl i wli Lepradued aIt te lime ai sble sud upon wluIch defanît liai beau, Made, tiera will be sold by publis auction, AT RAY'S- HOTEL, IN THE TOWN' 0F WHITIy, \Onî IATU1?DAY, thé 21it day nt- Sepiem ber, 1878, At the ouianfai29o'clock, pin., thse follow. Ing rrteriYo via -6:-Otcest Lolng compas. Odb. Sa-8utl,Eust Quarter ai Lot Na. 10 in tc he <' oncesaloï- aci the Township ci 'Uxbridge. There arean thopreoinenw loghouse. a180 a new log barn. Tizere 1"1alao nald. erabla tituber ou 1h. îlimailese. -It la wlthln Id miles aiflthe village a1 Glen Major, sud a Mileai lfte vill40e ai xbrlcl e. For uto5tr ttlulars, apply to veuaor's JNO. G. KELLEY, Vendor's Solicitor. Whitby, Sept. ord, 1878. (2in87 L- T. IBARCLAY, OYicr,-AI lthe Court Ilauso, WhlîLy. AUCTION -SALE VALUABLE PROPERTy -IN THY TOWNSIÇrP 0F RE-ACH., Undor auia ly virtuo 0a. a power ai Saleý cgntatucd in a certain Mortgage, whlch wlll Ie producied at b1îe tirte i sale, sud upou whlch dolsult lu ' *nrnthan beeu acethere wlll lfe salil at the ROYAL TELsu, lu tiro Townai WIIITIIY,0 on 'S'iurdalyo !il ,'oireeilc ,btZI f * sS'elebe neti, A.1)., 1878, At 12 0olack noan the iallawlng valuablo Laudïïsasud promises, vii.: Lot Number lite, luntse Third Conces.. sion. di the Township ai Beach, lu tic Coty ai Ontarlo, cantalinugTwo Hun- ured.Acres more or loe. About 80 acres cîoared.dauthis valuable latmila erettad a 900 Podrame Ilaru, a Frame Stable, sud a afiasI! Fratine 4OU00 flua fair State ai repair. Ton pet cent. ai thc purchaso mono, muait be pald lu cash At tlime ai sale, 02,000 -MAY nasttui.:Fur partioulasppiy ta, L. FAIRBANKS, Auctloncer. Toronto, .Asgust 15, 1878. (14 EN GL 8EPHOUSRA& CITY -(on Tr us uoplAàN uAs). 14. A. THOMAS, Lunohson and DIning Rooma, For Ladiies sud Gentleman, GENTS' READING AND -SMOKING .110M8. No., RING-St. WEST, TORONTO. Farmns for Sale. )p lui 'h At. Dg Lt ed south of Dominion. BROCK STREET,- SOUTH ON' Jm 8. ?e DI MI T8OC1Keeps for sale: -théý-argest and most complete stock of HEigh and, Public School Text B ooks ini Ontario o. Ail books -sold at Puùblishers lowest rates.,, Slatesg, Pens, ýPendès, Inks, Foolscaps, Drawing i-ýaper, Copy Books, Note'Books, &o., &05 -A1 f lagesoc arked very. cheap. Our fourth annual Catalogue is -now ready, 'and wil be mailedfree on application, Doolceallor and Stationer no. RBBITO, Brook-st., Whitby, Ont. FALL, 18 7 83 EM BMR/O)STr Ilias 110oW on Exhibit 30 Different Styles ini Fai1 Mantles in1 varlous Fabrics, ecd one a - masterpiece in artistie design, forming a*, collection ùnique, that will gratify th e critical -and correct taste for whfch Whitby ladiles are no ted. ~ MI~~'* & RY N'S lino ta 7th concession lino. Palllng piaca, la ioHall, Whltevsle. le PARK SAMPLE ROOMS NO-1 -14 nlieirom7th conceso b. 5lino te Northcrn townllne. Palng place, 10îe ios ~~ T., ONTO. Orange ll&&, lot 6, Sîliconcession. - ~~~~~Pollg District No. 1.Altelt rn CHOICE WINES AND CIGA'S . 110-2A1cus1e ioi the concssron Unlie ta Northeu Iaâwnlle. Polllug place, 2m Ia OWL UO ALLEY uN coNNECTOrs. Publia HLlClaremo t. C n eso -~~ 2m85olling District Na. .i lAli e labasirom No. 23 tu 85 inclusive, front 7th Concession d"I OD GElino t, Narthçrn townline, Folling place, %,D_ GENE][AL SERVANT WANT. 81h001 Hanse, Alloua. G RD. ta TOWNSHXIP Op R? Y Agp MEy.tZ. ?Utilug.District No. 1 hh ol eta i MES Z BUNHM. Brokeu-Front conce snsal c sst Ofth s - ~~~2, andI s. l ong se ldn. Dlac li' $hop iot ai lot 20 lu hblrd concession. VA L Lf A B L E FARM cess os 4sh6 a l c 01 a Pola ~Poin pae, Lu s81P roln FOR ALE.Palliai5 Distict No. 8J Oalfconsis 0, cnesecons 4, ,5, 0suad 7,easet af gratel ;0 2 0'&CBS, 91 ýclesed. é Godenrond. Pollinla lce_Towu Hali, Brookilu. " ARES,104 lueed. "olde Poing Distict Çqo. 4, shali con4ist ai l c lcri g - 5 t iles fro in th e co u u t y to n0 ai con e si So p s ib s -WhltLy, sud hall a mile tram past offIce TOshbu E village o! Audley. Good iranco dvllingAS WHT . and barl th S toue foundation. Living PonDstrict NA ,Shah casat a sc- n scb Wood.acros. Sg i ces in lobs 1 ta 9, bath inclusive, lunlte Brokeu *cteda nisitwo.Poesin e uFront concession, sud lots 1, 2, S, 4, 5 sud * o tali e sudpîl.ul, p5 lu I theo iraI sud second concessions sud For ertu au pariculreappl ta lots 1 te 12# bath inclusive, lu thoetlrdaon_ W- H. BILLINGS, Cassion. Polling pl#ce, Sehool Hoea, Hi. or ALEX. MoLABEN, Soir. Whltby. MPolling District No. 2, sahi conitaci lots - anthe remlea. b2'NOS, 10 ta 17, bath inclusive, lu the Broken OU te Prmise. (t-29Front concession, sud lots Nos. 18 te 17 bath inclusive, lu the liret, second and iii concassions. PollinglaeVcntHs, f, FARM TO RENT. ThorntAn's Corners, tu e. VcrnRlou17 C ONTININ 15ACUR- ar ai ots Polling District Na. 8, shah canisl ai Clii sud20, iront o tai eJtlicon. ai losNos. 1 *ta 17, bath Inclusive, uthe Whltby, one mlle irom. Myriep. 0o ad fourti sud fiilbconcessions, ai ltsNo. Station aifIlie W. P. P. & L R d tl 15, bath inclusive, lu tie aiti concession buildings ; living @trou=; priviegeofainsd ai lots Nos. 10 ta 15, bath inclusive, lu plaughiug ou remnotal ai preseut trop. For te ignt concession. Poing place,j particulaxa, apply, ou promiea, lae ownerT ownPallg'Columbus, ahicnslo Major T.RODGSON. P61lingDistrict No. 4, aoicnito Majo THODGON. lots Nos. 1 ta 9, bath inclusive, lu the sot- 82- ti> -Myrtle. oubli cantession, sud ai lobs Nos. 16 ta 17 -____ lutise sixti sud seveti concossieus, sud aif te viole ailte elglith '.and nlnth eau. CRAW FORD' ceslsions. Polling place, Poster's Shap, PRagRaTE TOWN 0F WIIITBY. PU R E T E A Polling District No. 1, shsll cansiet of al Iliat part ai the Town al WbtbyvWestacl £Rl1AWFORD's PACKAGE TEAS Bzock Street, sud Nort ai Dundus Street. cacntalu s combluation ai the finoaest PaC5Coiyela Dna tet ucv oasan's tes, carcinlily londed. sud Le. . ollug Dss~iotil . 2, sîsil consiel ai aU lng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tâ uryIattisdtidlote, part ai the .Tawn ai Whitby east aif log uroy Nturl ad Uadutemeapro. Brock Street, sud sortit ai Dundaa Street.1 duce a.tieverage vholpsome, pie usant sud polI~pae dflas al refreshîug, a resnlt whlcli cannat passibly Pahg Disrct OdflN. 8 sHall.onit iair be sbtaiuod by suy simple character ai tes. lta DittraitToN o! W hloitby cikawn a Tosa eudarmostiau ercantiasa te Centre Ward, eset ai Brook Street. ready belapiue gnt u ilI have PoUing place, Vacant Store, Wi4insou'e- sp les oaithheodeliclous toas coustaty RokDrcSre. au hans!. CK, Poiling District No. -4, chah tcoost o! al W. P. WILLCOC patofthte Town ai Witty, known as ~' Aentewuntd thoniout O thse leCentre Ward, West aitIBrook Street. 95e'Ageta antd thougoutthePolllnq place, Town Hall. Dominion. PolitngDistrct Nù. , shahl couslst ai the Southior. n lià lace, Eoveio Stase *Store, Rcmn tet PROCLAMA TION,ý VLAE OSAA Palling District No0. 1, slisll bo bounded -.on thes narti by Ring Street. an lte esot by? Celtua Street, an the south by Maple and Bayai Sîreats, sud on tie voit loy Centre z -Street. Plln pacBîshop's Anction IL EL.EL-rOBL DIoruISIC TPUBLIC Pollung Disret No2ha. B ebune oU R Iti .L notice Ou theesat b yCentre' Streeb. ondRing 80tk RDINCO0F ONTARIO, Ienrebygte rot aBone, 1ru l Tesu a tho:roloyaliStreet the BaseLno; on the ta Wtt: Electare o! Southi ly tbe Base Line - an the weal loy lie REletarai District aloresald, that làt abedi. vesterly lumit aif te "Iagend on lhe eces te Her Majesby's Wrl, team. dlrected, sorti by King Street ta Centre Street, and su bcaring date tite l7th day ai Augnet, A. by Bayai Street iroa Coentre Sîet.Pl D. 1878, I requiro the. prooce o aadBloc. ln place, Stophouson'saiop, nea the tara, aut te TOWN HALL, lu the b dga n~IeI Poing District No. S, a-hll e bonuded di TOWN 0F WHIITBY, r on l. eaot by Coman Street front Ring la, * t Street ta Maple ýStrect, sud by Simca. be In lice sald Riecteral District aioflIce South Streetifront Miple -Street ta the Base-Iàue.Li Bldlug ai OutalO On -the 101h dayofitheoan the South bly lte Base Lin.'Où e loui e montlbi fscptomf,.rA. D 1&78, ira' o eoonr b Mage. V ariao until twa a! th. cloai inlu te rnoan, for te -'hb Stre tefrnCeia &Sreetl thq purpose ai Nomlnatlug ap a ersontreesud loMCon" ré "uet laeuc tnhé iii ommons Simca. Street. PoUilug pladei Drill Shed. , - tht n dsea Pllb. de. Poing DsritNo. 4, shauL oua a=&&udsilindlutheamanuer byla&w otnt by WliùSree, on be eut Ptflsuepalililbape 8Lea,ndothwestbyMecidS f Tlte 171h day of tie nwlitl of Sep.,Polulace T1 uUsl A. D., 1878, Po Ing District Na. 6, salbali o unded an tb. oultbylechanio Street tram Ring Ptom the hour of Niue in thémorcing tnjStreet tla7Wiant Street# and oy Slmcae E Fit. ai tbe cdock lu the siteruo,,inlueach Streot front William Streeti ta the second Tc * OlthlPolingDltrit,laîîsîosy. cosossllino ; 0sthe nortcby thé second i TOWNSHIP Op PICKERINGan:hevom ly bs e r- Ti G: lvlmit oaitle.'Vilage, sud outhie soeauh y Poing Districtlio. 1,.AU thaloto fron m Street to a MehUsia Sret udlo NO~ta 0 incluive# fro= ii Rae.ta hioan. wmlamStre rn ehnoreet et ta . gesio nu plUh Pac, Ganers ýaSimecea SrmeI. PoRlugplace, wîl aop in lie Sud oncoi'on- o, r Ohp Polilng District No. s-ânth euf m Poi9hsgDistrict Na. 0,sbaflho >boflo Na. Ilita 18inusl-e, Irosulake ta ou. hewet My tret mm m cession lino. PouilugplaceLeston' al;rntt Wil tre aù4hie secndcoues DuflUo' Croek v 0le. fon Mn tett h macn-t Z"oli~Ditict L8.1 Jlhl~sielUne; on -ho narth bytbeaeMoud con- cessIin> lDg&ins tPoin8'-'U the U " si on the oasis by tbe eisterly ite, tram Ialali lito;su o tie anitlo store, LiverpoolMarket, RngStrsetifran the ossterly ilsil it h t Pong Di$rOINa, 4-AB th& loi. train toMarStret, sud by Willa d No. 27 to 85 inclusive, ftont labo te 4t1rcon.Pcihro n~t. Sca.Street. cession lfii.. Pc1>01 place, Sobolzonsc, PCcOp9tBbO shp. -AU e. lotsodro And turhi, tlhloin the 97th day of Sep. Ponu Dello N. .-ut niot fos lmber,.4 I ,,8ute ToýmHl, Towjn NO. lia la Inclusive, = tra lii onsemlnof WlstbY, atiMU, p. m 1 ailo-en the line ta 7thtconcession lno, PoUing place, oxs tmntupile votu 171veuior Tnpea a? Ri n"~?-10 .ltsfothed lia ans ivisa, m ah. nAuti PoInt ioioiigo i-4" 104ir 'àtheOZimd t, f te- .s - TAXE THE WHITBY, P ORT PERRY LINDSAY.-RAILWAY, THE SIIORTEST A ONLY DiRMCT TORONTO AND THE WEST,. To PORT PERET, LINDSAY, FENELON FALLS, BOBCAYGEON, KINMOUNT, MINDENo, HALIBURTON; AND ALL POINTS ON TitE VICTORIA RAILWAY. Pleasure Seekers & Invalids tAXiM TUIS LIXi Ta 8TURGEOX, POINT HOTEL, TUE roru£.su OUsUeiru asoar, Situate ou Sturgean Lake, 85 mIlp front T=nbvia victoria Banlw anasu Stamr "Victoria,"-front Linîstys Thia Line msloes its connections Witb Grand Trnk sud Victoria Railwsys ah Union Stations. »- SHARP CONNRCTIONS.i, No transfor charges. Baggage èhelked titraugi,1 Miller's Saioby Platomanud Coupýers. Firsl.eisss Passenger and Smoking Car!. THROUGH TICKETS at G. T .Ticke Offices, Toranto, JAMES HOWEN, J. J. ROSS, Msnaffing Directer, Whitby. Secretary, Whitby.(0 F STBIAY.--Came inte lthe premises o! À he underslgued, Lot No. D1,B2nd Ç1on. ci Whitby,aon or about Sth inst., s Eedland White Cow giving milk. The, atvn& r t reiuested to prove property, psy chirges, Whitby, Aug. 17,118185. JOHN tZ 1. W ANTED-Bly 71h Sept. nexi, a goid Goneral Sortant, sud alie a Char. Boy. Apply la- MRS. J. E. FAIELEWELL. Whlbby, Aug. 17, 1878. (.35 Mare Strayed U F ROM14STEPHENSON'S patsturo i4eld, an theo vest aide ai thei. bavu sbrovn mare, lood, aged, stands about 15 bànds Mgh 0- off hîud tact sveiied.iah fellbcb no lioes. AUlbers! revard vil!bepsiliorsuci iformmaona vlllead taherrecorev' Osis'era, Aug. 131h, '7. L ý wS. FARM FOR SA I ~OUTE PARTS ai lots 26 sud 26, Broken S Front, Pickering, continlng ane in- Ied &ores, mare or, lese, tli er ofth lte Robert Brentin. Th p 0q"lb. sautiinly altuated an thlie i i h Lake, uer lverpool -Marbet, sud si.,ou =n miles tram lheounty lowu aofWltby. Forlterme&a .1 0 NWY E39'PpAUBIL CONWY )r a St. PaulsTorouto. CUTIMN LILE 0F 0HU 11 Ohur cIMh, sltusted on LNa Ievintli oncesaicnhe ,Md Wà ogitla il for m edsy, Soplember lr& Teins "ad avondayý o! "e Ia. a t tva acloek PAUL WEERQut oE,1 res, u l !1 md bTruitcs For8 W=.ma CArPBEL, ) W.m-FoISL o r- DRY 'GOOD&- We-isan £ onideutly aSawroui:, custorneêrs Iind the publie- gon- erally, th:,b we have neyer, shown a larger stock, Do? býetter value, than' we wiIl do this -season. HAMILION & HARWEe1 FALL BOOTS- AND SHOES! The undersigned begs to calIl the attention of customers and the public to hIà prosent large stock of Boots sud BLocs which ho is selling ah asonlshingly low pricos, for cash. *Ladies'i Gents' snd Misses' in great variety, manufseturcd l the boal scanner, of the boat inaterial, and in the newcst style. Giva a cali sud get fitted for the damp weather. Ail orders prornptly exccuted, and repaire neatly made as usual. Whitby, Sept. 8tli, 1878. JOHN SAUNDERÈ.ý HARVEST TOOL -VERY CHEEP AT- HAT CH..& B ROS. TO0 PAINTERS.' Blimdells raw. and boiled 011, Qenui 'ne Engliali Lead, Glass, (Our own importation), Colora, Brushes &c., oheap at HATOR & ]ROS. IâOVSE BIJILDKRS. A large stock of Naila, lingea, Butta, Serews, Locks good quality, only 08.50 per dozen, complete witb white. knaba, tp top value st Eave-trongha put up on lateat approve'd pattern. Re- pannatly and procuptly doue in Tin Shop. Vachine 011e of a superlor LAIRGEST AND CUEAPEIST ---LOT 0F- PIOTURE FRAMES EVER B.ROUGEIT INTO THE COUNTY, AT BEST' S, SIMCOE-STREET, OSHAWA. PHO0TO0GRAPHElIN G! DONE EQUAL TO CITY WORK, Cail and see specimens. order. 1Aug. 14, 1876. O, yesl1 SIMON TEiJim IHE tiýG-HIN INC PHI -18 NOW USED BY- :8 A~I~E W. JHICKIE cgCo. Men's Youths, and -Boys, New Féit Hats for \the Fil A13o a Splendid lot of Job- Prints, fast Coloredwhlioh will be sold at 5 and 10 ets. per yard. W.' J. JCKIE &Co.. August 28th, 1878. TOM-DAY! Are"offering very decided Bargains in Dry Goods.' DIIESS 000DB. A flno Stock to choose irom-lOc a yard upwards. Some' ohoico Linon Costumes ,offer. ing at fully hall prico. Trjmmed Hala, Bonnets, &0., .&C., at an iminguo reduction. lu faot wo ara solling aur MiUincry atany priceofllered. CAland you will be couvinced, Made to order iu the latest styleo, anda aperfect fit quaraatcid. Our cutter (Mir. Fraser lisgie per ict a ctcion. Wce are sti11 ahcad w th te choicet stock of Tweeds an a Lest~ ~ ~ ý wrmnli . . . oxeinluclothlng, and 'ean b keeP Up thù good reputation w. hav orearned . dl nhad a few mnore of thoso wonderfùlly cheap #12.00 SuiteMade a Wemuat aud wll eliaithe bnaace.o! ar Stock before Euimoval, as our 3fr. Lsing has made large purclase lu Sectad at very low pridëe. LAING & STEWART. CE c1ss1 ONTA R/O LADIES' OFSThe, iet uligsadgoundsin CmaÂ.devANiltthehgherdctino ...am.a5uMjow u lue I& gaZiio, rom ,uebec, pOlcasln, ". aaaifr.cw tosud urther informi Exp. and Tel Wullby, July 2ud, -1878. This Discov.ery la the remilt of serbe of Scientifia Expe-ri- monta bassd upon the hhecry lbat "for tho succeseful cure of Wss t'n Disoases, the nervans ayubem muet homa=u9-rigorons sud -Ioalthy." One of bielfrot'ay mpteme af disosge s!. fscting oliter tho Liter. Lungo, Heart, Btemaïcb, or GenilOrgane, les alogs a1 nervaus paver. - Uls l oed loy mus- culer relaxation, vekens, sud emaclation- of ail lie organe wvici depend for heall ou intoluntary mueculur action, lbe veaker suffering tifret.* Now, as the muscles and serves depond no muci upon ssci ather for efficient etrougth sad action, sud as lbe organe lbey- coutrol dapend an-both, il- becomes an mc- tuai nsceWsty ta, treat lie nerves and -muàer oIes directy, 'in -rdar to speedlly sud pet. manently cure disesses oai lie hvc.nsmad oree invotor acting upon lese idea, siterntouths ci' expenzce, duting wliich tinte h. hadl am l ppottunily for trylug theo effect ofihis etovrybecants convins. ed tuat no other preparation knovn con- taiued go patent andi direct an offeet upon tho servons syste n làhi Çompound 8yrup of Hypo- * pho,oh/tes, sud exccpt lu eues ai actuel orgsni6 1b8s, tht it wanld rostoro patients snftotlng front titase maladies- Asuonget lb. dlseses otrcoano ly lie use ai lis rentedy aroelte iollaving z Clironio Constipation,- Chronle Dyspepsie, Asthma, *Cansumptias, CitrostiaDiuatnte, * Chrasio Laygitis, * elsuyit COLLEGE Compound' Syrup -of Hypo- COLL EGEies Th? paver ofai -eul dlsesee dispiayVed loy lhiepresxatoi onr atblyr-scksov lege e dOmedical faslty là every sec.. tiln ire it han beeia Introdnced; sud the. largo sale le lbe beal guarutee-aihe estima. lioninuwiihit is hld by the> publie. This Syxtip will cure Pulmonary Con- sumption lu th inet sud second stages, wll give -greal relief sud proog Rua lu the Ihird. I l i cure Aelbma, Brýitcliitio, Leryngitis, a& Cauie. Il.vili cure aIl diese argIi ngftom wat a! Muscular Action and- Nervous Farce. Donual edeived by renaie bearIcis eluiliar namo, no ohiar preparation la a sub. eltute for titis under anycointances. Laok ont for lb.i name sund direaJ. I FELLOWS', St. John, N. B. an-lte ylliaw wtspper lu vatermatk wviel le soeu y hlding theaper lobes rthe. lgiil. PrC i.uppr tie, max for 17.60. Manitoba ! Manitoba! VýM'YLOWEST RATS. 2nd.. A try complte sud efficient staffaif instructru. Proision le made for'a thorough -ponndng iu English, a i te true foundation for a £uiaed edualon.. Thé simplest elementery ubjeci. are ut ovrlooked, oo tiaI pupils my enter wth advatage ist au oary âge, and in ny tage of advancemnt. Special facilies ae âforde for aqulrng a thorugh and practical knowleîe i science. The musc dermn, undr the. mnage. mntaiofP. R. Torringtou, Eq., Codnctor of the Philharmonie Society ai Toront, le lu. the highet sate of efiloeny. Frmn su omn are taght by au aemlshed lay, *ho speaks bth languages, and who alea pssesses a god knowledge of Engllh Liter.. ture, Mathemtico, Drawig, ainting, &c., are iught in the mail eilve nmaunc - rd. Well reglsted exrcise iu wpkng, caslthenics, ad ridng; wholmsme sd nutritions dMe; caiortable aua wefl ventilated rooms, A&. it. A luge number a honora ta be compoetd for. Tva m&oae rom HMs-Excelecy, Lod Dufcern; gold modal rom la. Pattrson, Esq., af Tronto; a fcholsarhipirm Abert Teike, Est, ai Appleton, sud more than oiso.oe wortli of rize. ôt l. if bn per cu ni. r ducio ,c t a f s e uw ho pay iiý ad ianc e for oneo puât'. board and cuiios. Ta those wo py by tho 10m -For secon termu o attndanc, lie per cent. al al bMsIlleoir tird term, ton pr cent. off sud fr 1foMurZ lutintiee per cent. Winl ho deducled. Viewa. of residences taken to SIIIÇOB.ST., OSHAWA. O yes!1 GOTrO Oyes! ' FR-ASIEWFS CASH GROOEiRY STORE, Where 13Ugetthe best andi Conut. ÀyiIAfine 78c GbrenTes Saad Pinily Tes, 80oalier lb, - M gràde -ope *oi, Pue, fo,, ooMmoesm cheapest groceriesi-'the in Uo1b.lots si500operai. Â eu o!ýÈba &uaa ioi htfy TUITION FEES. TO TUHt ru paratayD partiucnt P e4t-br ..n.$ 4 W 0 lunP» fpe Academa a . ~ laIAcadb ocuegiat.la coui 800 ditif oSebol ltontsud incident&i expenace -be p tarLlm.ras......................farav aa, Detrti, -f Yrk, 8ue'»' ' ALLPOIM)TS INUM Aleo c, adom, sa=s tiroll%, st. cattalu Thama. For Twlete sud Gzoat Wester Agont c PAX Di ADVANOZ OAS» k n'urinait. Brook-st., V;Mtby, Ont. par si OFFERS TIIE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES., ý Arr I-IAIJ:pl 1 AIRIRIVED AT ILAINC-r - STEWARTI

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